Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, July 14, 1885, Image 1

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Samplers Find the '81 llatana of u High
Htandard The Condition of the Grewing
Creps Departs from Distant Dealers
nml Growers of tlie Weed.
1'Vetn the present outlook the tobacco trade
senilis te be inore faverable than It has been
for n conslderablo w hile, for two reasens : the
stock In packers' hands Is llghter than It has
been for years and in manufacturers hands It
is the same. The crop el last year is vTry
much smaller than was anticipated. Thore
Is scarcely a packer In this county who has as
much ns he expected te have, nml noneof
thorn have as much by odds ns they had ene
year age. Of old leaf thore Is scarcely any
uuv si," most ei wuicli is or tlie besl of that
crop ; nearly nil low grades have bcen sold
Kevcral or our largest packers have sold a
large proportion or thelr'81; iufactsome
have sold all, whlle for ethers geed odors
have been refuscd. Frem whet has been
sampled nnd examined of the Havana, by
packers, It Is found te be fully up to'thelr
most Bangui no expectations. What seed lear
thore is has turned out very geed. Taken
upon tlie whole, as we said bofero, packers
are happier than tliey have been for years,
nnd feel as though thelr luck Is upon the
turning point, for It Is a well known fact that
there has been llttlomenoy in tlie business
te tliem for the last fouryears.
Several hundred coses of tobacco wero sold
during the last woek, about ene hair of which
was "81" Iavnna,nnd mere could have been
sold but for the asking prlce. Heme new
seed leaf has also bceu taken.
The growing crop needs n geed soaking
rain badly, although August is the month te
mnke a crop If It can held Its own until then:
It Is scarcely doing se new. Havana secd will
net stand dry weather ns well as will the
seed leaf.
Krem nn oxteiulcd trip through Iho lower
end of this county nnd ever in Chester, we
lind thoncreago will net be ever twe-thiids
as large as last year's, and of the whole plant
ing thrco-leurlhs Is Havana soed. We notice
that Reveinl farmers who liave horetofbro
been large growers have given It up entirely,
and some have very much reduced tlieir
quantities ever in Chester.
ae lar as can be seen rrem tliecar windows,
along the l'ennsylvanla railroad from Lan
caster te Middlntewn, the planting appears
tobeaboutoqual te that of laht year. The
plants that wero set early leek well, and are
growing llnely, especially along the rler
branch el the read. Tlie late set plants are
very small and need rain badly.
New Yerk Market.
Frem the U. S. Tobacco Jeurnnl.
Seed leaf tobacco Is moving. Old stock
soils, If ellbred very low. New stock of the
favorlte crops attract buyers If it Is 'geed and
runs In ilgures from 10 te 21 cents ; excep
tionally flne goods In Wisconsin are quoted
still hlgher by sellers. New Housatenlo to
baccos are much bragged about, holders
deeming allusions te prices below cents an
unpardenable ploce of Impertinence.
Most quotations in the markets are hum
bugs. Te get at ready facts oue will have
te de dotectlvo duty and get possession of
people's ledgers and cash books nete books
net excluded. Sellers relying upon market
quotations nre relying en lles. The only way
sellers can pest themsolves Is by taking the
tenor of the inarket into consideration. Ha
man has bought geed tobaccos at as low or as
high n figure as ethers, he noed net sell them
new at a less; if he can get n profit, let him
soil them new at a less ; if be can get n pro pre
tit, let him sell ; don't wait for any rise. It
Is tlme enough te think of selling at a less if
tlie tobacco deterlorntes. If the Wisconsin,
Pennsylvania and Connecticut tobaccos re
tain their present geed qualities, conserva
tive packers will make seme prellt. If the
goods deteriorate the losses will be heavy.
Had tobacco can new be bought for a song.
Sumatra sold extensively this week. Sales
near 300 bales. Receipts are again very
heavy. Thore is no change in prices ; quo
tations $1.20 te $1.G5; most goods ceme In at 35
Havana remain nctlve. Sales (KX) bales j
quotations, N) cents te f 1.1B.
The sales of Sumatra at New Yerk for the
week wero 1550 bales at from f l.'-'O te ?1.G0.
Operations have been retarded te a large
extent by the uncertainty that has existed
relative te the possage at Coe duty of the
large Inveices that have recently arrived at
uiai peru nie new customs nre
scrutinizing overy Invoice very closely, and
a rumor te the cllecl that a few lets had been
.nnralsed at 75c dutv made Importers ex-
trVmolycautleusabont guaranteeing the low or
duty en goons uiai were ouereu ter s.ue imi
which had net passed through the custom
house. The new geed are taking very well,
and In many cases are given the preference
ever old tobacco, for which a higher price is
asked. The color of the 1SS1 tobacco that has
reached this market is llghter in the main,
and tlie tobacco is crcdited with belng geed
burning. Exporters have been careful net te
send ever real dark tobacco, for fear that It
would net burn well. The sale which occurs
In Amsterdam en tlie 2Hd Inst., premises te
yield some tlne tobacco.
Cans' Weekly Itepert.
Sales of soed leaf tobacco reported for the
Intulliqkn'ceh by J. S. (Jans' Sen A Ce.,
tobacco brekers, Ne. 131 Water street. New
Yerk, ler the woek ending July 13, 1885 :
400 cases 18S1 Wisconsin, Havana p. U; 100
cases 1SS1 Connecticut lllGc., j 300 coses
1881 Pennsylvania, Gflc., ; lMcases 1882 de.
&J401OC., ; 150 cases 18S3 de S12c-; 100 cafees
lbSl Pennsylvania p. U Total, 1,250 cases.
fiein tliu Kdgciten Tobacco Jtopeitcr,
Anether tlmely rain en Friday g.ive the
farmers a flne opportunity te llnish planting
thelr tobacco crop. Generally apeaklng, the
'85 crop is new transplanted, and nover bo be bo
feio in tliolitatery of tobacco growing ln""Vls ln""Vls
ceusin has tlie Holds had a better start The
stand Is almost faultless, scarcely a missing
plant in the fields, and all are thrllty and
growing llnely.
Thodamage lrem cut-worms and ether in
sects is much less this season than usual.
The prospects for the new crop thus lar
could net be mero premising. The planting
season has been se faverable that the
acreage set is lully as large as the highest
estimates en the lucrease evor last year.
The only movement in old leaf Is the sale
eris cases te L. Lloyd, el SL Leuis, by the
dlll'erent leaf ilrms of Hdgerten. About 800
cases of the '81 crop have been simpled, and
the report of the Inspectors fully Justifies
what the Jiepertcr has all along claimed, viz:
That the '81 ceutalus the tlnest goods the
state evor produced. Net a slugle case of
damage was found in the let that was sam sam
pled and only two cases but had coelod oil'
ireui the sweat
Haldwinsvllle, (N. Y.) The nurket Is ex-
ceedlngly quiet A few sales of very small
lets have lieeii made this week ut about
prices heretofore paid.
Ellas lliich A Seu bought soma 200 cases In
thetownefClav. last week. tin ouch
agent, Edwin Orewell. We understand that
the puces paid range from 8 te 10c
Seuth Granby Farmers have been anx
iously looking for rain the past week, and
new they huve get It. It canie Tuesday, and
such a soaking rain we bare net had in u long
time. It was overythlng for late set tobacco.
It our dry weather had continued much
longer tolucce that bad been watered In tlie
past week and thore was considerable
would liave been almost a failure, thogreuud
being se diy. New farmers will reset their
Holds, probably for tlie last tlme, na it Is got get
ting late. Quite n number havu about fin
ished hoeing their tobacco for tlie first time,
whlle otheis have lust cemmenced.
Benteu's Corners Tlie miirket for tobacco
Is very quiet nt this point A low crops ctill
remain in growers' hands. "who ure holding
for it higher piloe. llreat activity prevails
in regard te tlie new crop Just het, each
gnmer trying te de his best te grew a very
line leaf. ve have set our lilants this year
thicker than cvorbeforo, and with geed soil,
geed care, carelul handling and years of ex
porlence we intend te raise n crop that wlil
please the most fastidious buyer.
Slauachuietti. Ohie anil Connecticut,
fiein tlie NewiJlIferd, Conn., Uazette.
Tlie receut ralus catue opiertunely for
theso who were resetting their lokwce plants
nl Iho tlme. Tobacco growers have met with
unusual dlscouragemonlH lids year, the ti ti
bacee grubs having appeared 'In great iitini iitini
bers mid eaten the plants veraciously. Many
farmers liave had te roset their tobaeo plants
three or four tlmes, and we learn that In
Merrynll some have had te reset thelr plants
six times. Frem around ene tobacco plant
lit that locality ene man dug thn ether day
net less than twonty-llve grubs. The cost of
resetting the tobacco plants nnd wnterlng
tb em has been enough te dlscotirnge the
farmers, but the prospect new Is that the
plants which have been last set will thrive,
ns the grubs have coased thelr serious
ravifges and have begun te disappear.
r mm me Mlainleliuiff, Ohie, Jlullelln.
uieBpirii ei ine ma
market Is encouraging te
holders of '81 leaf.
Prices nre slewlv tuevlnc
upward ami growing stronger tinner com
petitive bidding. Tlie top notch ler Liltle
Hutch Is about De. but transactions are ellect ellect
ed at 8c te 8,'c. The flnest crops are held at
10a, and growers nre very firm j nearly nil of
tliem having weighed their leafbeforeit went
into a sweat will Insist uen soiling at
marked welght Soed lear Is soiling nt about
the cost or the fertilizer required te grew It
.limner's Spanish will net meve until ready
te work, which will be In three or fourweeks.
This stock nnd the Dutch have special inerlt
that will talk loud te manufacturers. Iluyers
ure busy throughout the valley llghtrWg
figures and buying us rapidly as possible.
Low-prlced lilttle Dulch In general has
dirty llllers, beuscburti or unripe cuttings.
There Is neither ret nor runkin.'SI, and net
the slightest danger in sweating this crop.
The '85 crop is new growing under very
favoring conditions and presents a line up.
.-. . .. "
Connecticut Valley I,ear Market.
Doalers In tobacco occasionally put In an
appoarance and would buy If the tobacco
could be elmlned for the low Ilgures they
offer. The last visiting dealer we heard or
was offering from 4 te 0c per lb., claiming
that he could only de this because of a slight
stiffening in prices In the New Yerk market
Wre did net hear of his securing a pound of
tobacco, or or any ene shewlnu their goods
te lilni. Theso who wero late in setting their
tobacco have been fortunale In having splon splen
did weather for setting and stocking their
Held. The seasen for cut worms Is about
Massed and the season for thelr groen neigh
bors Is near at hand. The crop is new all
werked once and the bulk of it twice. In
some localities the atand Is rather uneven,
but the geed wo.ither will seen lulng the late
plants uleng. In Heme localities growers
have set the old fashioned soed, probably the
"Belknap varlety," setting It lrem 7,000 te
U,O00 plants te the aero and, as a rule, the
same close setting U followed for Havana
riUitiurg and Vicinity the Seat of
llreak In tlie Weather.
Shortly bofero dark Monday owning tlie
Allegheny Valley, near Pittsburg, was
visited by ene of the most disastrous storms
ever known In that section. Rain fell In tor
rents for mi hour, tlie wind blew a hurricane
and thunder and lightning were incessant
Koperts of great damage ba e been received
from arleus points along the Allegheny
river, between Pittsburg and Titusville. At
Hannarsville the lightning struck the tele
graph office, killing Instantly James Mo Me
Feeders, u student, nged 12 years, and ren
dering unconscious Urn operator, Miss Mary
Hazlett The building was partly wrecked.
Miss llazlctt was removed te n neighboring
house and scen revived. She was net se
riously injured.
At F'reciiert four inches and a half of rain
loll in mi hour, Heeding cellars, yards and
streets, ami coveringtho WostPenn and Dul
ler ISriiucb railroads with water te a depth of
se oral feet The tracks in seme places have
been washed away, nnd hi ethers debris Is
piled II ve feet high. Trains liave been stepped
in ail directions.
At llite's station, a freight train" ran into a
hiudhlide and was badly wrocked, but ue
one was injured, se far as known. Peters
creek, near Lcechburg, is swollen beyond its
batiks, and numerous oil nnd gus-derrlcks
wero washed down stream. Klrknatrlck A
Ce.'s steel plant at Leechburg Is under water
ami the less will reach many thousand dol
lars. The less in hay and grain alone, in this
and the surrounding districts, is something
fearful te contemplate.
The New Hospital nt b.i)re.
The Rebert A. Packer hospital atSayre,
I'.l, has been opened for the rccoptleu of
Mticuts. It was tlie home of the late Colenol
Itobert A. Packer, tlie millionaire president
of the Lehigh Valley railroad, who desired
upon his death that it should novermoro be
occupied as a private residence The
building nnd ereunds are estimated te
be worth 200,000. Tlie state dining room
alene was decerated at a cost or $55,000, and
is the most magnificent apartment within a
hundred miles. It is finished In elaborate
cir ed mahogany, with panels or embessed
leather, and It is said te Ik) the most elegant
hospital ward in the world. The Institution
is te be frce te all who are sick and wounded
and coine tiiere dostitute, but thore are wa'ds
for theso who are able te pay. It Is en the
plan of St Luke's hespitil, of Seuth ISothlo ISethlo ISothle
lioin. It will at present accommodate about
twenty Inmates. The president is William
Stevenson, of the Lehlgh Valley railroad. It
will be supported by the united charitable
ell'ert efall the neighboring cities and towns.
An address was delivered by Hen. W. M.
Smith, ofOwege, and the prayer of consecra
tion was pronounced by the warden, Kev. W.
II. Merrow, el Sayre.
A llrauTerd family Polnencd liy l'entler-
A Bradford, I'a., family or soven persons,
consisting of Mrs. N. O. Lewis und three
young daughters, a little uophew, n boarder
named Mrs. Aylsworth, aud Maggie Berry,
the servant girl, wero all takeu with vielent
letchlug, bovero cramp and ether symptoms
of irribmt poisoning en Monday after eating
heartily or cabbage. Thrce doctors wero
called In and labored with thorn Air lour
hours, when their sufferings wero relieved te
seme extent All are still seriously ill und
net yet considered out ordanger. The sick
uess is supposed te have been caused by
insect pewder used en the cabbage while
Sated Half Ida Family.
Daniel Andersen, of Spotswood, N. .1.,
whlle out rowing with his wife aud four chil
dren, en Sunday nftorneon, capsized the beat
en a snag, and the whele party were thrown
Inte fifteen loot or water, ity great ell'ert he
rescued his wire and two daughters, but the
two young sons satik befere aid could be
Heading Campera ueturn Heme.
Frem the Heading Ntnvn
The members of the Four J's camp, which
held lerth at Denver, Lancaster county, huve
rcturned home. Oil Saturday Francis
Winters, who was sent for weed by Captain
Keller, and net returnlng for seme time,
se.irch was made for hi m. He was found In
the middle or a field, half unconscious from
the heat and sondeiiHOd milk which the party
kept In stock. Anether member of the camp
brought in n strange-looking creature, and
the cook and nil the rest of thn party pre.
neunced It a yery large bullfrog, it was
nlieut lielng prepared ler supper, w hen a nn nn
tlve of Deuver infonned them that it was a
I.Ut of Unclaimed Letter.
List or unclaimed letters, advertised at
Lancaster, Iancaster county, l'a., Monday,
July 13th, 1885.
I,ttil(e Zt'jr. Mrs. L. P. liner, Mrs. M.
A. Edwards,, Miss llertlia Kshlemau, Mrs.
Fellor. (for.)," Miss Marks, Mrs. Anna It
ltiely, Miss Mary Shenk, Miss A. Wolf, Mrs.
Sephia Weed.
(IciUs List. Jehn N. lUssler, Anduus
Huigler, (for.), Williaiu Frey, Jehn flumel, Harvey, Franr. Cirusulle, II. McCor McCer
inlck,. Oi)., Michael H. Shelly, M. O. Luary,
Chru. volimer, (1!).
Mutfc at the Almtheiue,
Petor J. Wlnewer and Jeseph White on en on
tertalued the Inmates of the almshouse, last
evening with several flne selections of music
Tlie treat was highly appreciated by the Inmates.
Tlie National Defeated by a Hcere of O te 9,
Alter lUtllng Harder Than Their Op.
penents Laneaater Make Lena I-
reraand Ilmiche thn Few lilts.
Yesterduy afternoon the Natlenalsaud Lan
caster clubs played again at McfJrann's park
ami the latter was stitvessriil In a very pretty
gaum. The visitors put Oagus In mid he
pitched n beautiful kbiiie. strlklmr out no
( less than ten or the home club, nnd nllewlng
ou i tour nits te ue made. Doagle's pitching
for the Lancaster was also geed, and he ro re ro
celvcd line support Ilurch was the only
man that hit him bad. Although out
batted by their opponents, Lancaster wen
the gnme by bunching hits in the third
Inning and aldetl by n ceuple or errors or the
Nntlenals they scored thrce runs In the third
Inning. The home loam played the" better
fielding game and the errers which they hnd
scorned te de thorn little Injtirv. With their
opponents mntters wero dillorent, as thelr
errers occurred at tlmes when geed playing
Was ii"ce!ary. The score, in lull, fellows :
I'.irker, 1 0 0 0 0 2, Hoever, in.. 0 "I "e0 "ii
Oldlluia.c. 1 I l 1 1 Powell, r... 0 1 10 0
lllliintl.a.. . 2 l s 3 e, Ilurch. I. ... e 2 n' e 0
SlTuni'y, in 0 2 0 0 0 Knunlcn, 2 U 0 I I 1
(;ckk1iiiiiii,i. e nie n e .Merrliijey, 1 I 1 e n e
Iinimld. 3... loll e While, B 01140
Mnilth, r oei e l UihiIc, a ... I I II J 3
reinney, s 1 tii 2 6 0. (Iludinun, 3. Ii 1 I 2 I
Duiigle, i 0 0 0 8 0 OinjtH.p.. 0 1 014 1
Total 4;27liJ"7TetJil... . 2 B 21 5 "7i
baiitnutcr e u' :t 1 e e
National ., 0 1 II I 0 0
x 5
0 2
Karned rutiH l.iuicnstcr, 2. Tliree bae hltn
Ilurch (tl. Loften liiiics I imcftntcr, I National,
St. Deuble play Wlilte ami Merrlsney. Htruck
nut I.unciiBlur, II) ; National, C Jtuse en Imlls
Lancaster, 3. Uhhes en cnem Lancaster, us
National. 3. lilt liy bidl-Smlth. 1'iwcd balls
OldOuld, 2 ; Cenk, I. Wild pitches Ileasle, 1.
Tlme of giniie One heurand lorty-llve minutes.
Uniplre l'urkrt.
Other games plnyed ychterdaj-: At Phlla Phlla
delphin : Philadelphia 7, Uosten lj at New
Yerk: I'rovldenco -1, New Yerk 2; at I)o I)e I)o
trelt: Detroit 0, St. Leuis 5 j at Hufiale: Chi
cago 0, Uull'ale 1 j at Newark : Newark 1,
Norfolk Oj at Jersey City: Trenten 8, Vir
ginia?; at Philadelphia : Somerset 5, Whar Whar
eon 2.
Diamond Dots.
Nelan will likely pitch for the Philadelphia
against Itosten te-dav.
Dan Casey, Detroit's pitcher, is but 18 years
old. He Is well known here.
Although the Trenten had hut six hits off
Pyle, he became wild aud lest the game.
The Pittsburg people are bound te have n
geed club, ami they want big Dennis
llrouthers, of Uuffule.
Smith, the left-handed AUentewu pitcher,
was In the box for tlie Newark yesterday.
Ue struck out eleven or the Newark men,
and but two hits were made oil him.
The Pittsburg club will lie materially
strengthened by the addition of Jimmy Clal
vln. the great lengtte pitcher, who has been
with rtutlale ler years. Oalvin was released
yesterday ami the llilffnln received ?C00 for
liliiu One of the directors of the cliui said
yosterday : "The public demanded a change,
lleth the press and the aiidletice wero grow
ing irritable. We cetild'nt lese any mero
games, Ifa pitcher wero taken rrem the grand
stand." The manager or the llullule club
Is new In Canada looking ler another
The .lic of Dr. Geerge K. Sletzj-er Talking
of a Crematorium for .Scninten,
The ashes or Dr. Oeorge S. Met7er, of
rittsburg, whose body was cremated at the
Lancaster crematorium yesterday, were
taken rrem the retert this morning, They
weighed thrce pounds and a hair.
Auth. llaumann, or Scrauteii, an attorney
at law, practising at the bar or Lackawanna
county, came te town yosterday te witness
the cremation of Dr. Motzger, but arrived tee
late. He visited the crematorium, howevor,
and had an Interview with Dr. Davis,
with a view of obtaining information
In regard te the construction of cre
matoriums ami ethor matters pertiining
te the Inclnoratlen of the dead. Mr. llau
mann informs us that there Is new en feet In
Scranton a movement for the organization
or a cremation society, similar te that In Lin Lin
caster. He stites that there nre already
thirty-niue subscribers te the enterprise, em
bracing the names nt lawyers, doctors and
ethor preminent citizens.
Dr. M. L. Davis, or the crematory manage
ment, says thore is no truth In the statement
printed in the Inti:i.i.iiknci:h or Monday
te the effect that he had announced " that he
would hereafter glve no information in re
gard te cremations te the Inthlmeenccii
and A'etw Km ropertors." He nays he made
no statement that would warrant any such
construction. The authority upon which It
was se stated In the Iniki,lkii:.nci:h WasH.
M. Soner, or the New 7, and Clare Car-
Iionter, or the Examiner. We nre glad te
lollevo that Dr. Davis was misunderstood.
nAi'.irifrneir suit.
l'resldent Hubert Garrett Mutt ltemete One at
a Lonii of 10,000.
Mr. llelwrt Garrett, president or tlie lialtl lialtl lialtl
more it Ohie railroad, was Improving his
haiidsome residence en Mqunt Vernen place
in Dallimere, and started te build a
bay window, which projected farther
exer the side walk than is allowed by
law. Mr. Henry Janes, a wealthy lum
ber dealer, whose resiilence adjoins that of
Mr. Garrett, complained that the projected
Improvement would cut oil' light from his
house, und brought suit te compel Mr. Gar
rett te refrain from exceeding the legal limit
Mr. Garrett kept his men at work and the
building was llmshed, but Jutlge Dully, sit
ing in the circuit court, decided that Mr,
Jiuies was entitled te the rights given him by
law, and slgned a decree ordering the
removal of the objectienablo bay-window.
The suit has been the subject of considerable
bilk, and Mr. Garrettis the leser by probably
Keund SeiiMe for Jiiventinent-Scekera.
fieiu the Philadelphia Itucerd.
Partles who run Inte the strcet te Invest
thelr spare cesh in stocks en the strength or
the rumor that the Pennsylvania railroad
company and the New Yerk Central rail
road company are going te patch up
their dlllerences, buy out rival companies
and make overythlng sorene 'n the
transportation business, show mera gul
libility than gumption. Tlie trouble with
the trunk railroads Is that nene or them
have enough te da Ne latching or peace
making avails when thore are II ve dogs and
only oue lione for thorn tocentond for. Thore
can be no legltlmatoadvance in the prices of
stocks until thore Is a legitimate basis e( busi
ness for it te rest uiien. If the Pennsylvania
and New Yerk Central companles, in the
otl'ert te get rid of troublesome com cem com
petltors, lead thomselvos down with
new responsibilities, It will net add te
the value or the stock or theso corporations.
Instead of keeping en linn ami conservative
ground their maungers are dancing en the
odgeofn swamp, irthey get in, thelr reli
ance Is that there will be feels eneugh In the
country te pull thorn out This calculation
may fait It will be strange indoed, niter the
lesses under which the investlnc publle new
staggers, It will confidently run its hands
again Inte the same trap
Banders McCulleugh'a l'Jtate.
The appraisement of the estate or Sauders
McCulleiigh, late et Oxford borough, for
merly of Drumere, shows Unit the personal
effects feet about 5123,000. Thore nre bo be bo
sldes this two farms In this county nggregat
lug nearly 500 ocres, nml a heuse and let in
Oxfertl, making the estate feet about $150,
000. Surety uf I'eace.
Eliner ilewman has be'en held by Alder
man Deen te answer at court the charge of
surety of the peace, preferred by .WilPain
Oil gore, Ames Deebler, who is charged with
a similar oftenso by Gilgere, was committed
fa default of, ball for court
Heme remount lleinlnUceiiceii or thn family
Who Were Drowned.
A lady from Minneapolis, Minn., who Is
visiting friends In Lancaster, says the Hand
family, which was almost ontlrely extin
guished by a yacht accident en Sunday alter alter
neon, were among the most prominent peeple
In that city. It will he remembered that
nearly six years age, a young lady of this
city, visiting 'Minneapolis, was accidentally
killed by the discharge of a rovelvor which
was lying en her bureau. When her body
was brought hlther it wiis accompanied by a
number or Irlends, among whom was Mr.
ltufus Kami, who made many friends
during his short stiy here, by his
own demeanor and by reason or
his kind attentions te the deccased lady
during her visit West It was the lamily or
this gentleman father, mother, two brothers
married sister, hrother-ln-law and nicce
all the Immediate members el It except hlin hlin
self, another brother and ttnmatrled sister,
whoperlshcd In the frightm! disaster of Sun
day afternoon.
Lake Mluuelenka, en which the accident
occurred, Is a beautiful sheet of water about
10 miles rrem Minneapolis. It has a wind
ing shore or 300 miles extent, and en Its banks
are many summering places. The Hands
nnd their lamily usually spend the seasen
nt ene or theso. On Sunday afternoon
they leek n pleasure rlde en tlie
steam yacht "Mlnule Cook." The first news
which theso ou shore had of thelr Tate was
furnished by pieces of trimming rrem the
"Mlnnle Cook," which Henied in ou tlie
waves at the cast sliore or Wny-Watti bav.
Large, sturdy beats, went In search or the Ill
fated little craft but no further trace of her
could be hnd. It was nt last determined that
she had sunk, nml that her leu passengers,
ox-Mayer Hand nnd parly, who embarked en
thelr perilous journey in such happy spirit,
had perished. Later a boatman named James
Carrell, who had miraculously succeeded In
weathering the tornado In a yawl, apjiearcd
en the Way-Wntta beach, dragging his
miniature craft niter him. When he had
recovered sufficiently frpm his fright nnd
exhaustion te siK-nk coherently he told of
having passed the "Mlnnle CoekVJust befere
the squall struck the bay. He heard a cry or
distress Just nrterward, ud was sure the
yneui uati capsized.
The fellow lug is a complete list or the pas
sengers en t lie yacht: Ex-Mnyerlland, aged
50 j Mrs. Hand, aged 50; Mny Hand, aged 10,
daughter or the above; Harvey Hand, ageU
13, son ; Frank Hand, aged 13, a uophew ; J,
Ceykeiidall, daughter of Mr. Jtand, aged 27
Katle Ceykeiidall, aged.M, daughter or the
abeve ; Engineer Geerge Mac Donald ; Kotiert
Hussy, aged 10, employed en the yacht The
bodies of Mrs. Ibind Mid Kbglneer Mao Mae
Donald were rocevored and' brought te Min
neapolis by special train. The bodied of Mrs.
Mary Hand, Frank Hand and Katie Crtykcrj
dall were recoverod from about lQOJoetef
water. Kx-Mayer Hand's body was recover
ed with grappling hooks in fifty feet of water.
The body had no test en when recovered.
The dl vers report the mud very deep and the
work exceedingly difficult
Although the storm was or brier duration,
it Is Impessible yet te tell whether the actual
extent or tlie less of life anil property has
been fully ascertained.
""JIMIMII, IIU"" , "in who, iiink
Onerrl' Murder of lll Mepdaughtcr, and Hew
the Court Vlcnit It.
Achilles Onerrl, who was convicted ou May
29 or murder in the llrst degrce In Philadel
phia, has been gnntcd a new trial. Judge
Mitchell, In Ihtts disposing of the motion of
the prisoner's counsel, said :
" The circumstances of this murder led lliu
mind strongly toward alian-h jiidgmeut net
only of tlie prisoner's act but el his Intent 11
is, therefore, ene er.i class or cases in w hich,
abeve all ethers, it is tlieduty oTtlie Judgote
see that the administration of justice shall lie
calm mid dispassionate, and that theciimlital
shall receive net vengeance from natural hor
ror and Indignation but the punishment duly
appointed by law for his erliiie. After the
latwe el sufficient tlme for all merely transient
impressions formed at the trial te pass away,
I have given the entire evidence n careful re
view, and am brought again te my original
Judgment that this conviction coiinet stand.
The circumstances or the killing were
undisputed. The child rel'used te perform
her dally lessen in rope-walklng, and the
prisoner, bclievlngher refusal te be porvcrse,
first whipped her with a leather strap, then
with a knotted repe, and she still ienising te
yield, he lest his temper, seized a shovel
und Indicted the blows which caused
her death. The conviction of murder
ratber than manslaughter rests upon
the use of the shovel, nml is net ejwu te ob
jection. The use or an instrument likely te
cause death is sufficient ovldence of the
malicious Intent te kill which constitutes
murder. Hut the law or Pennsylvania limits
murder of the first degroe te cases et (eeii
bcrale and premeditated lillxng), and the
supreme court has decided that the
presumption from tlie use of a deadly
weapon rises no hlgher than inurder in
the second degree, and that te supert
n finding of murder in the llrst degree
thore must be distinct proof or facts sufficient
te ralse the presumption. Thore Is no sucli
proer in this case. On the contrary, all the
circumstances tend te show the absence or
deliberation nnd premeditation. White,
therefore, the punishment of death Is net
groaler than the atrocious cruelty or the pris
oner's act doserves, and net. greater than the
legislature would probably Imjtose if such
cases were unhappily treqiient enough te
call for a apocifle remedy, yet the law Is net
se written, and te permlt it te be se adminis
tered would be te substitute vengeance for
justlce under the law. The verdlct is set
aslde and a new trial granted."
A Wciit l'elnt Cadet Drowned.
Warwick McCrny, the cadet nt West Point
representing the Twenty-first Pennsylvania
Congressional district, wasdrewned en Mon
day' white bathing in the Hudsen river.
McCray was 18 years old, and, although he
nover had any preparation save w hat he re
ceived in the Unlontewn publle schools, he
was the successful applicant in a large list of
competitors, and was appointed upon his
grade by Congressman Itoyle in 1B8I. At the
of the llrst year at West Point he steed near
the head of his class, of about eighty mom mem mem
be rs.
The morning Indications are that (ion.
Grant holds yesterday's improvement
Valentine Wantz, a wealthy young fariner
nged 28, or Carrell county, near Molreso,
Mil., committed sulcide this morning by
hanging himseir In his carrlage house,
Mrs. Hayard's condition was se much
better this morning that the secretary lelt It
was sate ler lilm te go te Washington nnd
attend the meeting of the cibluet He will
return te Wilmington this afternoon.
It Is bolleved that the abductor of LIUIe
Shaffer, of Chicago, the olghteon-monlh-old
baby, has been found. Tlie "mysterious
woman or the red skirt" Is nlleged te be Mrs.
Oroce Fester, nllaS Grace Adams, a woman
with a passion for stealing children.
The body of Frank J. White, the compan
ion or Prof. Bruten en the wrocked yacht
Phantom, was found in tlie Niagara river
below the Whirlpool rapids this morning.
Petroleum opened very weak in New Yerk
this morning, and in ashert tlme tlie bears
had sold certificates down te 03, which was 10
cents lewer than at what they closed last
night The bulls subsequently sent n large
siinnertln a orders and prevented furtber de
cline, The market was foverlsh up te 12
o'clock, but the fluctuations were slight
During a quarrel last night between
Michael Dwyer, a laborer, nnd Jehn Sheevey
the proprioter of a saloon In New Yerk, the
former was struck In tlie head with a bottle,
sustaining a compound fracture of the skull.
He will die.
A Deposit of Maugunese Discovered,
Denisen, Texas, July It At a point
about ten miles cast of Donlsen City, in
Graysen county, an enormous dopeslt of
manganose has Just been discovered. Twe
velns liave been uncevered, One vein Is
olghteon inches thick, the ether four feet
In the latter vpiu nre also found large quanti
ties of the most beautiful crystiUUodero of
manganese. This crystallized ero is mero
valuable than the black oxtde, and is called
manganlte, The mineral was discovered by
Wm. Hecking, a California miner or thirty
years' experience, who lias beeu prospecting
throughout this region. A company has
been formed, and the mines will be developed
Rt encv.
14, 1885.
VttOSt 1,'iOO TO i7 VlllLtlllEN CAK
Henr the System of llahy Iiuuruiice Operates
ami Why it I Popular The Origin of
the Plan The Pre and Cen of
the Question Dltcunaed,
A brisk looking young man was semi this
morning stepping out el'n ono-stery heuse in
a peer and crowded quarter or the Seventh
"What's up?" asked an Intklmiiencuii
reporter, en the hunt of news.
"Only seme baby Insurance builness" was
the reply.
H may be a Htlle surprising te seme resi
dents or Laneaater te knew the oxtent te
which baby lnsiirance is carried en In this
city. An ngent ern prominent New Yerk
company, the ploneor or the business In this
country, Infonned the reporter that two com
panies having offices In this city tlmt insure
In this ninnner carry from 1.200 te 1.D00 dill.
dren, ranging in age from 1 te 12 years en
thelr books.
" Why, he said," " r have had occasion te
Irsure the whele household of threo genera
tions, from the grandparents down te the
It is net surprising that this should be ns
It Is, when ene rcllects en the very small
premium, payable weckly, that Is required
In order te secure a goodly umeunt or Insur Insur
surance. Fer II e cents a week you can in
sure a child, nged rrem 1 te 0 years, ami ir it
dies the llrst year J 11 Is paid, nnd nnd seen
up te the olevouth year when the amount
payable Is 5123. After the child Is six years
old you pay ten cents a week, In which ense
the bouellls will Ik) double theso given abeic.
This system Is nn outgrowth of the Indus
trial schome of lnsiirance that originated In
Louden about forty years age, and hi which
the chlef success has been attained by the
Prudential company or that city. This com cem
rany paid out lust year eyer f.r,000,000 hi
benefits, and has ever 0,000,000 jieopleon its
books, mere than one-third of whom nm
children. It gives employment te 12,000
The local agencies for tlie companies with
the baby Insurance feature have been In ope
ration for about threo years. Ijaucaster, with
Its many comfortable homes and thrifty peo
ple, offers net the lame Held of operation as
Industrial clllea like Kcnuitan. Itearilnir mul
Harrlsburg. Yet aa seen by the figures given
aliove, It manage te keep up with the pro pre
The advocates of baby insurance dilate
upon the berieiflial results of tlie ystem in
providing a fund let the burial or n child or
parental who find it nearly impossible te lay
up money for such a purxc, A death in a
family will frequently sorleusly embarras
an Industrious' workman, nnd the baby In
surance, people claim that their system Is the
only one that satisfactorily meets the diffi
culty. Ou the ether hand it Is asserted that this
mede or lnsiirance "tends te develop the
mercenary Instinct In parente te the detri
ment et ullectien for their effsprings That
parent must, hew ever, be most Inhuman
who can leek with satisfaction ou n dying
child because of the Insurance money that
Its death will bring In. It is eeu darkly
hinted that fiendish parents may hasten the
death of little ones for this cause. Itut
for the credit of humanity few Instances of
the latter enormities hae been discovered
among the vast number of insurers.
The four-year-old child of Jehn Serg, of
Slaekwider, notlce or whose drowning is
given olsewhoro, was Insured In a New Yerk
coiupeny-haviug the baby lusuraiice feature.
The hen of Jehn Sorcl'eund Deud In thehlack
nater Canal.
Monday afternoon, Jehn, a four-yoar-eld
son or Jehn Serg, residing at Slackwater,
was drowned In the old canal nt that place,
The father went fishing a short tllstance from
home after dinner and took his little son
with him. After being out for some tlme the
boy wauled te go home and he started te
walk te the heuse. After finishing fishing
the father went home, supposing his son te
be thore. He at ence found that he had
net been seen by the mother, and search was
made, The child's hat was llrst found lying
In the water or the canal. Hakes were pro
cured and the dead body was seen dis
covered. It is supposed tlmt the little fol fel
low stoped te pick semething up near the
water's edge and lest his balance. The water
was about three feet deep where the drown
ing occurred.
Last oveuing Cerenor Henaman was noti
fied and he proceeded te Slackwater te held
an Inquest The jury was compesod of
Jehn Ktoll,-Antheny llunnen, Uriah I less,
Daniel Singer, Wm. Stell and Henry Haitz.
The verdlct was oue of accidental drowning.
The Kxcltement Hourly Increaalue In the
Indian Territory.
Wichita, Kan., July It Telegram's from
Indian territory say the excitement Is hourly
increasing. The Choyennes for 3 or 1 days
have beeu going oil' In bauds or rrem 20 te
50. Some or these bands return In day or
two, then go again ; se it Is impessible te tell
hew many are away. The brldge across the
rlver between the fort and the agency is
being pushed rapidly. A band of Choy Chey Choy
ennos night bofero last stepped at the ranch
or the C. & A. Cattle company, having in
their possession a herd of stelen mules and
horses. They forced the ranchman te get
them semething te eat Anethor band
was seen with a let of stock within 20 mlles
of tamp supply. Stock stelen from the Pan
handle, of Texas, Is already making its ap ap ap
poaraneo among the home Indians. Ne
doubt seme of theso roving bands get as far
north as the Kansas line, and tlieir prosenco
gave rise te the late scare. Cel. Chapman,
commander of Fert Supply, accempanied by
his Interpreter, has nrnved at Darlington, te
act with Commissioner Armstrong. The
Indians are very anxious te discover the In
tentions of the governmont toward tliem and
express mere than a usual desire for "big
talk." Feurteen coach leads or soldiers,
principally of tlie 1 1th Infantry, passed through
Wichita, going te the front at 2 o'clock p. m.
,'Eil Iteute for Fert Itene.
Wichita, Kan., July li. Gen. Sheridan,
Gen. Miles, Cel. Sheridan and Majer Cerbin,
et Mlles' stall', passed through hore at 0 nan.
en leute for Fert Uene. They will reach the
front te-morrow at neon. Kverythlng is
quiet here. Anether detachment' of troops
went through for Crosslleld this morning.
Fatal Quarrel Oter Meney.
St. Joski'H.Me., July 1L Olies, W.DavIs,
of this city, was fatally shot about 11 o'clock
last night by his brother-in-law, Jehn Hyan,
ei Leavenworth, Kansas. The quarrel ar
in a saloon ever seme money Hyan had ad
vanced Davis. Hyan drew a large pistol
after Davis had kicked him und llred, the
pistol being se near Davis that his clothing
was scorched. The ball entering the abdo
men, producing a mortal wound. Hyan had
just ceme from Loavenworth last evenlng.
The wounded man's wlfe sided with her
brother nnd visited him last night In jail.
All the partles are well connected.
ratal ly Ilcaten by Iter Ilubund.
Leuisvii.tB, Ky., July H. Laid night
Kate Carter was assaulted tind fatally klcked
by Sam Durrett lleth are ncgroes nnd have
been living tegether. Twe years age he was
sent te the penitentiary and Ids term expired
last woek. When he roturned, the woman
rofused te llve with him. They met last
night In Green strcet, and without a word he
knocked her down and stamped her In the
foce with both feet Her mouth, jaw, nose
und skull were crushed. She is dying. Dur
eott escaped.
Watching Wcatrru union Men-The American
itapld llutlnexn Improving.
AtfTANY, N. Y., July II Slnce Iho West
em Union for the second tlme mi
Sunday morning secured possession or
the American Hipld and It inkers it Mer
chants' wires, there has lieen n guard en duty
night mid day. Last night about llfleen line
men wero watching, two each en the olllce
lsile and reef", tlie remainder en the ground.
Soveral orthe wires are being werked by the
Wosteni Union. The management or the
H. A M. hore remains quiet, wntchlng for de
velopments In New Yerk city.
A spechd from Itosten states that the bend,
heldera' cnnmillfnn nf tlm At,inr(.it ir..i.i
Telegraph eempntiy hns declined n cash offer
of 25 cents en the dollar for the (3,250,000
bends they ropresont Prosldent Hates, el
the llaltlinore cfc Ohie, says that the ro re ro
celpts of his company have been greatly aug aug aug
monted by the unpleasantness between the
Hankers it Merchants' and the Western
fearing or the Dlrileulty Iletneen thn Tele
graph Companies t'mlpened a Week.
NewYeiik, July 11. Twosceroor mero
Inwyers entered the supreme court chambers
this morning te cngage In and listen te the
legal discussion or the difficulties belween
the Western Union and the Hnnkers ,fc
MerchanU' telegraph companies. Mere than
an hour was consumed lu ethor
legal hearings liy Judge Donehuo
iKifore the chief matter or the day was called.
Then Mr. Aurbach, en behalf or Mr. Powers
and ethers, who ropresont a quarter
el a million or tlie bends or the
Hankers .t Merchants' moved that
the Farmers' Lean and Trust company
be removed rrem the trusteeship or the $lo $le
000,000 of first construction mortgnge bends
ofthe Hankers' .tMerchanb.' company,en ac
count or collision with the bondholders who fa
vered reorganization. Cel. Ingersell, en lo le
hair or the holders or receivers certificates
then nrose nnd said. "H the court please,
en behalf of the holders of most
of the receivers certificates, I meve
the adjournment en this motion. An
erder by Judge Shlpman allowed the re
ceiver of the American Hnpid company
te make a contract Willi a corpora corpora
lien te take the business or the
company. On the liasls et this
the court directed the receiver or
the Hankers fc Merchants te deliver te the
agonteftho recoheref tlie American Hapld
company Its wires and Instruments, 'ihe
Western Union company and the agent of
took possession net only or the American
Itapld Company's wires but or the Hankers
J: Merchants." After consultation among
the numerous attorneys the hearing was ad
journed one week.
t'lTTBiiuna la ii en seteh.
DUtalliitat-Uen, among Seme or the Striking
Klieet Irwii Worker.
PtTTsnune, Pa, July li. It Is feared that
serious treuble may artse before a final set
tlement of thb sheet Iren workers' wages is
had. Thore is dissatisfaction ai a numlwr of
Jrillls, which has resulted In nstrlke at A. h
llyers ct, Oe's worles, and ether strlxes may
fellow. The workmen have selected a com cem com
inittee te confer with the owners, but the
manufacturerc have net yet appointed their
committee te mctt the mcit
The Kitt-innlng, Pa, rolling ititll. which
lias liecn idle for sK months, will nwume
work te-morrow hi the puddling doport deport dopert
tnctriJt In a few days-thu whele plantwllt
be hi operation. .Sheenberger's new mill in
tlie city, has started In all departments.
Large orders have been booked and pros
pects are geed.
The latest reports from McKeespert are
that the general strike threatened at the N.i
tienal tube works Is oil' for thopresont, the
company having premised tlie men the ad
vance asked for ou the arrival of Manager
Flagler. The butt mill moil nre still out and
will remain out until the manager arrives.
Maaeiik' and IlrHkl.ijcrs' strike Increasing.
Hiintis, July It. The strike of the
masons and bricklayers is increasing dally,
and thore tire new mere than 8,000 of the
craft Idle in Herlln alene and 5,500 In the
provinces. Dally meetings are held and
much enthusiasm prevails.
Working Under Police Protection.
Cleveland, Ohie, July II. Some of the
strikers are much livelier te-day. The streets
of ward 18 were crowded all night by
strikers, and n dense throng gathered at the
plate mills at 0 a. in. te-day, te witness Its
starting. About 40 men went te work under
pelice protection in the puddling depart
ment Only llve went te work hi the plate
department This iorce was totally In
adequate and was seen scut home. Gorsuch,
the Nihilistic speaker, arrested last night
was bound evor in pelice court te tlie com
mon picas court In f3,000 bail, this morning,
for Inciting a riot
Only Twe Mill Itunnlng.
Hay City, Mich., July H. There are only
two mills at this end of the river running.
McLean Sens A: Ce. shut down this morning,
being unwilling te sign the 10-hour agree
ment An Orator Arrested.
L"ast Sacunaw, July II. The strlkers
are very quiet this morning, but few nre en
the btrects and they nre exhibiting sullen
determination. A posseof soventeen Pinker Pinker
ten men arrived this morning in addition te
theso nlready here. The water works Is still
guarded by a squad of rllles.
Representative Garry was te have addrossed
a meeting hi the Knights of Laber hall this
morning,, but was arrested by Sheriff Mc
Intyre en a charge of conspiracy and taken
te Jail.
The l'acllie Mall Mourners te Withdraw.
San FiiANCihce, July 11. The Pacific
malls steamship company Intend te with
draw their stoamers from the line between
this city nnd Australia Novembor 1st, ac
cording te a Btatoment publlshed in the Calt
te-day. The steamship company's contract
with the Australian colenics expires en that
date. The colenics declare they will net re
new the contract, by which they pay the
steamship company a subsidy unless the
United State ngroe te pay n portion of It
The recent docislen or Postmaster Goneral
Vilas net te use any part or the f-100,000 ap-
fireprlated by the lest Congress te assist In
he transportation et mall, it Is said, deter
mined the ceurse ei action orthe Pacific mall
The Condition of the Ilareineter and Ther
mometer and Indication! for the Merrow.
Washington, D. C, July It Fer the
Middle Atlantic states, generally clearing and
falrweather; slightly coelor, northwesterly
whids, and becoming variable
A depression extends from lake Ontario
south te the Carellnas. Anethor dopressleu
Is central in Minnesota Pains have fallen
til all districts east of the Misslppl river, and
In the Northwest The winds are seutherly
in New England, noithwestorly from Lake
Suporlerto theGulf; clsowhere light and
variable The tomperaturo has fallen In the
Lake region, the Ohie and Upper Mississippi
valleys nnd rlsen In the Northwest
Feit WiiiiNUSiiAY Fair woalher, with
nearly stationary temperature, are indicated
for New L'ngland ami the Mlddle Atlantla
Itelenaed en Unheal Cerpiw.
Charles Henry Groeu, commuted by Jus
tice II. F, Weaver, el Columbia, for threat
ening te kill Geerge Boek, was taken bofero
Judge Livingston ou a writ of habeas cor
pus and released from prison upon entering
They Wille tellers le Iho ICdller of Iho "rail
.Mall tlnzctte" Ktpreiwlui; Their Nym-
puthy nllh the Met eiiient Other
Foreign Intelligence.
Londen, July II Her majesty, the
queen, und Mr. Gladstone have both sent
letters te llieediter orthe Vail Mall (
expressing their sympathy with the inovo inevo inove
incnt Inaugurated by that paper exposing the
disgusting tiallle In young girls for Immoral
puriioses. They assure tlie editor or their
moral support In his undertaking, and are
pronto In thelr thanks for what has already
been dene te oxpeso the evil.
An American llrlde.
Londen, July 11. St Geergo's Fplscepal
church, Hanever Square, was filled this
morning wltli af.ishlonableand arlstocratle
audience te witness the coremony uniting in
tfie bends or wedlock Lord Vernen and Miss
Fannle Lawronce, daughter or Mr. Francte
C. Liwrence, or New Yerk. Among the
netables present wero T'ulted Slates Minister
Phelps and wife, the Duke and Duchess of
Hiicclcnch, Paris Hardwicke, Granville,
Wemyse, Statihopennd Hosehury and wives,
the Furls or Cerk, Litchfield and Kingsten
and ladles, Sir Wm. Vernen Harcourt, und
Lord Hurtlngten.
Itilviigcn el Cholera.
Madiud, July II The ravages or the
chelera show but slight diminution. Yester
day thore wero 470 deaths rrem thodlscase in
the Infected districts, and 1,0113 new cases
wero reported.
Seeral deaths from a disease, supposed te
be cholera, have occurred in the city of
Segovia, which place heretofore was believed
te be entirely free from the epidemic
Mermen .'Making CenterU In Iterlln.
HmtLiN July 11. The Mormons have
Invaded Berlin and nre actively engaged In
mnk ing con crts. A large meeting was held
ou Saturday and weekly meetings hereafter
are announced.
In I'm or or Ill-Metallic Currency.
IlciiLiN, July U The agitation in
fiiver or a bi-inetalllc currency lu Germany
Is Increasing. A member of the leading
advocates or bl-mctallsm have recently been
lu conrcrenco with Prlnce Bismarck.
1'ilze for the Heat Portable Hospital.
Hkiilin, July II. The Fmprcss Augusta
has oll'ercd a prire or f 1,000 for the best
portable hospital for use in tlme or war.
The Creps Totally Itulued.
St. riiTEnsiiuiie, July U. The
drought which has prevailed through!
heiiuieni itussia for several weeks i
totally ruined the crops lu that section.
Murder Itunnlng Willi u Ixioge
I'Aitis, July II. Three murders and llve
murderous assaulLs occurred In the streets of
Paris en Sunday night
Frightened hyan Earthquake Sheck.
Calcutta, July It An earthquake
shock of several .seconds' duration occurred
here this morning, badly shaking the build
Ingsand doing moreorvlais damage. The
shock caused consternation among
the people, but fortunately no ene w.w
it is all lieau.
order. SS
Vrekldent Ha Ieued Ne New
About OVXni!le FarthutiKlilp." '
Washington. D. c July J4. The IW,1?
referring te the publication te tbseTHttUhai.
the president had called a lial! in the dlsn?
sals xf , governmont ompleyes
"otlenslve partisanship," says:
absolutely no foundation for the
that "the messace which Iho nri-nldnnt la .,
said te have sent within the past
few days te all bends of departments
reasserting Ids v iuwi en civil sorvice reform
us enunciated In his Christmas letter te Mr.
Curtis, and hi his inaugural address, and
disapproving of the oifensUe mriisanshln
rule as recently applied, liasne existence. and
no or had." In conclusion the article makes
ine lonewmg statement: "Tlie causes ter
w hich changes are made In the various lio lie
partments and bureaus are the same new as
they have been all along and no Instructions
en the subject huve been issued by the presi
dent" A ltepl) te the Garland Depert en the Delphin,
Washington, D. C, July II When Mr.
Ilnach was intrusted with the building or the
dispatch beat Delphin, his contract called for
ten payments, the last oue te be made when
the governmont finally aocepted the ship.
In this way he received within a few dollars
of ?300,000, being $15,000 less than the con
tract price of the vessel. Admiral Simpsen,
president of the advisory beard, in reply te
Intorregatorlos en the subject of the recent
opinion of Atterney GcncralGarland respect
ing the Delphin, bald that the opinion was
based ontlrely en the report of the commis
sion appointed te test the vesscl without con
sulting tlie advisory beard, and that the
beard had completed and sent te the socre
tary of the navy a reply te that report
Collectors of Customs Appointed.
Washington, D. C, July 14 The presi
dent te-day appointed the following collec
tors of customs.
A. Delard Guernon, for the district of Min
nesota. Henry W. Hichardsen, for the district of.
Beaufort, K. C. '
It Huger-Ward, ler the district el Geerge
town, S. C.
Kxteilblie l'reparatlem for 1'reperly Celebrat
ing the Opening.
Niaeaha Falls, N. Y., July 14 The
final meeting of the citizens' committee en
tlie celebration or the opening of the perk was
held last evenlng, and all preparations com
pleted for the reception orthe guests and the
carrying out or the pregramme. Arrange
ments are belng made te provide for an enor
mous crowd of visitors. The New Yerk
Central liave arranged te run special trains
from Buffalo In addition te their regular
trains, as fust ns train leads of passongers are
inatje up. The Lake Shere and Nickel-plate
reads expect te deliver te the Central trains
aggregating about 40 cars from the West and
the Lackawanna aud ethor reads terminat
ing at Buffalo will add about SO mero te this
number. Other trains will be run specially
for the accommodation et the visiting mili
tary. The rate ler the round trip from Uull'ale
te the Falls and return, Is fixed at 70 cents.
A committee was appointed last ovenlng,
consisting of Hen. T. V, Welch, Messrs. Do De
lano. Cutter and Geyer, te receive the govor gevor gover
nor anil stall en thelr arrival te-morrow
morning. Souveuirs have been struck efl'
for sale te-morrow. Many visitors are ar
riving te-day. Quite a large number are
expected en the afternoon trains.
Will Get Ten Yean.
New Yemc, July It Bernard Carney,
who has served ene term for killing his own
brether, and who last'inenth stabbed bis wife
13 times, ploaded guilty te assault in tlie first
dogree tesJay In the court of goneral sessions.
Wlien scut te prison the last tlme he swere
he would kill his wlfe and te-day lu court he
said : "I'll finish her when I get out this
tlme." He will be sentenced te 10 years in
stale prison en Thursday.
Tue Hrolhers Killed by Lightning.
OncaeN, Ills., July 14. The bodies of
Albert Heutzabu, of Oregon, aud Win.
Reutznhn, of Mount Merris, brothers, were
yesterday found en the railroad Hand at
this city. They were struck by lightning
during a heavy storm. They had been
lUhiug uud wero sitting under u tree.
for allosedfS
! "Therc la ijm
report" and -sStei'sM