& M ,v ,.J ,'-: S - ' ' r . j ,1 ? ' i , ,.r "e- . -. (''5 ', t. .. ,ji JLiT - '., a THE. IjAyOASl!ERlAIIiYiyTEiICTKOER, BITiAY. JOLY 10, 1865. i . y 4 ' ? Jw i V v rl . ' se its. Shet-cud tbon1cd!cterv twus deep anil nna' Ijtic. And scored n splendid victory o'er every curp. Ingcrltlei llutimicli 1 four her logic cleir and ull her moods nnd tenses Were lest upon my listening car nnd my en rapt in nl Hcne. Fer when she talked of botany, nnd lenvej nnd Bin's nnd rushes, 1 only saw the resea th it mingled In her bin she?. And when she epeke or history nnd tiifued lis lump-stained pages, Te me Us only mystery nm Jiat hit the dear Ittrl's u n Is. 8he sundered oft" nni ptus t, en eubes nnd miunres glow fleneiy, It set ine thinking what might bu the tlguru of her dew ry. Se pondering down In the parquet I'd set my heart te wee her, When she picked up n huge bemiuct some ether fellow threw her) Toek out u note, blushed rosy lul, smoothed nil Its pinky crenscfl, While ecr my devoted lieml my cidlle went te plcc-m, -Mem the Providence Mar as AtttxesA iirsTEitr. llsinrtil Murder efn Yeung Itnltlmere Cattle lluyer In Hie Southwest. Krein the It.illlineiii Sun. llitolligenco Iins been rocelvoil In llnltlmore of the liiyHterknts inunlcr In Arizona of Anren Kiilr, youngest son of Mr. Hirwcli Kauli w hlch has recently ceme te light nfler sovernl months or UKO.xplnlneil nbsence or Mr. ICutz from his relnthcs, In Tucson, Arzenla. Tlie Hint Intlinntlen Mr. Knlz hail of tlie true wliorailxnile of Ills mm, whom lie hail net given up, was from the iimrdeieil man's ulster, Mrs. Kttu Jacob, wire of Mr. 11. M. Jacob, ene of tlioellk-crsof" the bank ofTiicpen. Uniler dnte of June IB) Bhe writes : "1 have such (ltcadful tifiuHite tell you that I actually de net knew hew te begin. Yeu rqmembhr hew worrled we were iilxiut our Aaren. Well, we liave at last found iilm, but found him murdered by the man who went with him te buy cattle. He lias been killed three inentliH, but we enlv found it out yesterday. It is se horridle that I cannot s.ry much about it. It has tnade me sick." On March !2 Mr. Katz started Ireni Tucson en horseback for Sorieru te purchate cattle. He was nwenip.iult'd by an elderly Mexican named l'uble Sote, who lias a fainllv in Tuc son. Mr. Katz took with hitn 5150 in cash and two certificates of deposit en the bank of Tucson fe: f 1,000 each, lle wuh armed with a Winchester rille, nnd it Is mid Sole was un armed. Tlme woie en mill nothing was heard irem the travelers, although a repert was current ever a month nge that they had lieen boeh in Senera, their destination. On June !! a plle of charred human boneu, cov ered by partly-burned brush and legs, wero ieund en n tmll east of the stage read te Swabe, GO mlles seuthnest or Tucson. The remains wcre placed in u sack and buried, and ene of the dlscoveicrs was hent te Tucen with the lulormatlen. Mr. Marcus Katz, n brother of the clccea-iuil , wunt out te where the remains worn buried and had them exhumed. A piece or a pair of treusers, a bunch of keys and a pocket knife were identiiled as the property of his missing brother. A sock and remains or beets were Identiiled by Mra Sote as belong ing te her husband, w he accompanied young Katz. It was learned that the travelers stepped tlie llrst night at the l'cnii Hlaue.i ranch, kept by a Mexican whose reputation Is net geed. Uihjii his arrival Mr. Kalz handed a let of sllver te Sote te place in a b.v, iiikI then gave the bag te the laud lord ferHjfu keeping. It was returned in the morning. It is said that Sote was a shiftless sort of u fellow, which gave rise te charging him with the murder. Several elllclalslert Tucson te hunt up Sote's remains or bis whereabouts. As it is, the murder is sur rounded in inystery. Aaren Katz left Baltimore in 1S77, provleus te which he wits in tbe notion business with his lather, en Seuth Broadway, lle llrst farmed in Graham county, Arizona, but about two years age ronievou te Tucson, and was bookkeeper in the bank or his brotlier-in-law, II M. Jacobs, lle was in his thirtieth year. A I'ailnlan Svumliil, Paris Is excited evor a horrible lloulevatd tragedy just lcperted by the police. The ar chitect Caudrey, although married und hav ing children, maintained a Unison with Mmev Hcvder, the wife of a shopkeepor en the lloulevard ,VelfaIre, n woman with an ainl ainl able husband and dutiful daughters. The levers (luarroled and during the shop keeper's abseuce from his place of business, t'audrey called upon Mine. lies lies nler, and with a pistol shot her uead. lle then ended ids own lira by putting a bullet Ihieugli Ids heart. M. HoHsler seen after ward returned tohlsnhep nnd stumbled eer the dead bodies. IIe had never Ixilleved the stories he had heard or his wire's infidelity, and the rovilatien caine upon him se Kiiil deuly that his mind breke down, and he fled from the sconeu raving maniac, y oiling his shame up and down the lloulevard Voltaire. When the eliccmcu overpowered him he made them understand, nnd the cerpes were taken away from the shop. Ne jcrsen knows why Caudrev killed his mistress. It is thought that M. ItesMer will never roce or his sanity. Hie Ability te Hear l'nlii Is the test of furtitmle among the Indian tribes, but we defj uny Chuiokce.Meux or Co Ce uuinchii te endiiic the tuingrNefiheuiiiutlHin nitbeut luring. Tliese, indet'it, ale slight nt Hist, hut glow In Intensity until they become, unbearable. -Ne timlmly 1st nioie obstinate in Its luiUiitlly than that which gives ilse tethcin. The ineiu need, then, of attacking It nt the out set. KeieiniMt aiming lcmedles for It Is lleslct. tci's Stomach lllttrrs, safe und Infinitely mine clfccttve than celchiciim, erntriuu und mix vemica, all remedies which might pieve de structive in llle In ii slightly oxecsdve do-te. -Mliu'nil dcpuientH, also, when net peslt'vely mlkchleveus, uie far iufciler In lemeillal power te this salutary botanic medicine. It entirely expels from the bleed the acrid iuipuilties which originate the disease, unit enriches us well us LlCNiises It. Constipation, Uver com. plaint, dynpcpsla and ether ailments ulse gtve way te It, jjblelS flI'iX'J XOT1VE8. Dip one viid of u Spenge In Water and the whole will seen be saturated, be u dUenn In one part et the body ctli-cts ether parts. Yeu have noticed this yourself. Kidney and liver troubles, unless checked, will Induce constipa tion, piles, lEIieiimatlsui und gravel. A timely use of Dr. Keiinedy'st'uvorlle Kemedy will pie- cutthesu lcsults. It is pleasant te the taste and may be taken freely bycblldrcnuud delicate females. It gives elasticity, life und checks with lojes en them. Je-lOltm! Neneiu Debilitated Men Yeu me allowed a free trial e thirty days at the ue nt Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltule licit with hleclite Suspensery Appliances, ler the speedy iillcfnud peimaneutcuiu of Nervous Debility, Uiits or Vitality and Manhood, nnd all kindled Doubles. AIe, for many ether diseases. Com plete lcstomtleii te licultli, vigor mid manhood guaranteed. Ne risk is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with full Information, terms, etc, mulled frce by uddiesshig Voltule licit Ce., Mar shall, Mich. "ltOUUll ON ITCH." Heugh en Itch " cures humors, eruptions, ilngneiin, tetter, salt iheum, frosted feet, chil blains. (H) l'lrtt Itate Evidence. "Often unable te attend business, being sub Ject te serious disorder of the klilueys. After a long slrge of sickness tried Jltirdeek llloed Hit lers uud wiis relieved by u half a bottle." Mr. 11. Turner, of ltocbester, X, Y., tukes the pains te w rite, for suit) by II. 1). Coehruu, druggist, M7 nnd tS) North ijueun stieut, Lancaster. C'elhen's I.iiiuld lleef TenlO will cult) Indiges tion, dyspepsia or less of appetite, Aik for Vol Vel den's, or diugglits. JjO-lwdcmlAw hKIN DISK ASKS.-" SWAYNE'S OINTMENT.' "Sa-ayne't Ointment" cures Tetter, Salt Kueuin. ltlngwerin, bores, I'luiples, Kczemn.all lteby biuptleu.i, up natter hew obstinate or long Handing. Janig-MWlMw Called te l'rcaib. We feci called upon te preach a few gospel facts tacts that ur worth knowing. We want everybody te enjoy all that Is possible In this world. We want alt these who nre sulleilng from rheumatism, neuralgia, und all ni'lies, sprains and pains te knew that Themas' Eclee trie IHI Is an unfailing and splendid eme. Fer sale by II. II. Cechruii, druggist, 137 uud 1SJ North Quceu stivet, Luucaster. LlKKfllKSKUVKt. If yoiiaiehtolng youiKilpen llle, try " Wells' Ileal Hi llenewer, ilees dhect te weak spuls. (3) Hew Muib Will De ItT Hew much of 37iomej' JEclecirlc Oil Is required tecuiuj Only a veiy little. A tew drops will euro any kind of any uche: and but a trifle mere Is needed for nivalin and laineues. ltbeumu Usui is net se readily utfuctt'dt uu ounce and soiuettmes two ounces nru required. Ne medi cine, however. Is se inrote euro with tbe same number of uppllcatinus. Fer sals by 1L U, Cochran, druggist, 137 uud IX) North Qucca Ucel, Laucaalcr. fahkii fa: The All In All. Take all the Kidneys and Liver Medicines. Tnke all the llloed purifiers, Take all the Dyspepsia and Indigestion curt j, Take utl the Ague, Fever nnd bilious specifics. Take ull the .Wrnfnuiid Nerve force reiiies, Take nil the Ureal health restorers. In shertf take nil the best qualities of nil thesq nnd thu-6ti QiuMifrjefnll the best medicines In the wetld nnd you will And that Hep )liltcrs have theticst curative qualities and powers of all-cencniiructl In thctn, And that they will euro when nny or nil of these, singly or combined. Fall I I I I A thorough trial will gtve positive proof of this. Hardened Liter. Five yeirs nge I breke down with kidney and liver complaint and rheumatism. Slnce then I hnvebuen unnble te be about nt nil. My ltverbocnmalinidllke weed; niylllubs wcrn puffed up nnd filled wllh water. All the best physicians agreed that nothing could cure me. I resolved te try Hep Hitters 1 have used seven bottles the hardness has nil gene from my liver, the swelling fiem my limbs nnd It has uerkeda miracle tu my cesu; other wise 1 would have been new In my grave. J, V. MUUL'Y. HUKrALO, Oct. 1, 181. I'nverly nnd Muttering. " I wns dragged down with debt, poverty nnd suffering for ycurs, cnused by ixslck family nnd 1 irga bills for docteilng. 1 was completely discouraged, until ene year nge, by thoudvlceof my pastor, I commenced using Hep Hitters, and In ene month we were all w ell, uud none of us have been sick n day since, and 1 want te say te all peer men, you can keep j our families well a year with Hep Hitters for less than ene doctor's visit will cost. I knew It.' A Woiikinemam. 9-None gcnulne without a bunch of green Heps en the vrhlte label. Shun ull the vile, poisonous stuu wlth"Hop"er"Hops"ln thelr nnmn. uly-lvM,W,FAw at'EciAh ketici:h. Mothers t Mothers 1 1 Mothers 1 1 1 Are you disturbed at night nnd broken of your rest byu sick child suffering nnd crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? IT se, go at once nnd get a bottle et M HS, WINSLOW'S fcOOTHINU SYIiUr. It will relluve the ier little suircrer Immediately depend upon It i thcie Is no uiMuke about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell j en at ence thai It will regulate the bowels, und give rest te the mother, and leltef und health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, nnd Is the prescription of ene of the eldest und best fcnmle physicians nnd nurses In the United Stales. Sold everywhere. 15 cents a bottle. JunelO-lydftw Gallant lleseues. TheiHcnnbe seinelhlng heroic In a medicine as well in In individuals Jlurdeck Jlloed Jilt ters lanectlectcd many u gallant icsctie among the suffering sick, Thousands have escuped the numerics of dysnepsl.i nnd nervous debility through the use or this wonderful medicine. It Is emphatically the best stomach nnd bleed druggist, 137 and 129 North Queen stieet, Lnn caster. l'HHTTY WOMEN. Ladles who would retain frcuhncss and vlvac lty. Don't fall te try " Wells' licultli Heuuwer." (3) New Yerk, Jan. 27, lsRt. Messrs. Ely llrothers, (Jeullemeu: My boy (.Ijears old) was recently taken with cold In the bend which seemed final ly te settle In his nose. Ills nose was stepped up fur days nnd nights se that It was difficult for hlm te bieathe and sleep. 1 called a physician who presctlbcd, but did hlm no goea. finally I went le the drug store and get a bottle of your Cream Halm. It seemed te work like magic The boy's nese wns clear In two days, und he has been e. k. ever since. E. .1. Heward. Jyl 2vvdeedA.w Dvsi'Enic, nervous people, Celdcu's Liquid Hcef will cine, Ofdrngglstc. "out of sorts, Take no ether. Jjll-lwdced.lw A Ncwupaper Illtur. O M.llolcenib. or Hloemvtlle, Ohie, rises leex plain "Had that terrible disease catarrh, rer twenty J ears ; couldn't tusle or smell, and bear ing was falling. Themas' J.'cleclrlc Oil cuied me. ThCMi nrr facts eluntarlly given iigalnst a former prcjudlce or patent medicine." horsale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 uud 133 North (jut-en street, Lancaster. '1TCHINU 1'ILES." SYMPTOMS I MOlSTUHEl Like perspiration, lntense Itching, worse by scratching, most nt night, seems if pin-worms weie crawling. " bmnine's Ointment r is a pleas attf, sure cure. janSs-MWr&w All Editor's Tribute. Theren P. Kcater, editor of Ft. Wayne, Ind., Gazette, writes: "for the pest fl voyeurs have ulwiiys UHCU Dr. Kings .ew uwraiu v, for coughs of most seveie ehanicter, us well as for Inoseei a muuer iviie. u ubti-i i9 wrmuiu smedy cuie. My friends te whom 1 liuve lurain- mended It speak of It In same high lenns. Huv- Ingbecneuiedbyltef every cough Ihavehad for live years, I consider It the only loliuble and sine cure for Coutth,Celds,ntc. Cull utCechnin's sine cure for Cough,(;elds,ntc. Cull at Cochran s linn Stere, li: and 133 -North (Juccn st-eet, Lan- citster, I'll., and get a 1 Vre Tri.il liettle. Large Size, ll.ei). W UOUUII ON PILES" Cures Plles or Hemouhelds, Itching t'letrudlng, Hleedlng, Internal or ether. Internal and Ex ternal lCemcdy In each package. Suie cure, W)c. Druggists. (3) Very Itenmrliable Ilecevery. Mr. Gee. V. Willing, of Manchester, Mich., writes "My wife has been almost helpless ter five years, se helpless that she could netturn ever In bed alone. She ucd two bottles of Electilc Hitters, and is se much linpievcd, that Kile Is able new te de her own work." Elcctile Hitters will de all that Is claimed for them. Hundreds of testimonials attest their great cunitlvopewers. Only fifty cents a bottle at Cechiiin'H Drug Stere, 137 and IS) North Queen stieet, Iiucestcr, I'tt. V) Don't Hurry, Gentlemen," Said a man en his way te be bunged, "there'll bone funtill Igettheie." We say lethe dys peptic, nervous, und debilitated, don't hurry thoughtlessly ler soine leuiedy of doubtful mcrli, uuceilaln et iellr, when you enngetut the druggists for ene dollar Jlurdeck Jlloed ifff (rr.i iilcnesl sure te euro and certain te benefit. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 und 13U North Queen ttrcct, Luncustcr. NEVEK GIVE UP. If you ure troubled -villi nervous or sick head ache, de net gl ve up your case us Incurable until you have ti ltd Dr. Leslie's Special Preset lotion. Be the testimonials in another column, dil-lwd lluckleu's Arnica. Suite. The Eestbalve in the world for Cut', Hrulses, Poles, Ulcere, Salt llheuin, Fever Seres, letter, Chapped Hands, Clillbalus, Hums aud ull Skin Eruptions, positively eures l'lles.er nepay i-e-ciulit'd. It Is guaranteed toglve perfect satisfac tion, or money .refunded. I'llte a tents per Fer sale by Cochran, the Druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, I'e. (1) COAI BR MARTIN, WUOLKSALB ADD BUT AIL Dealer in All Kinds or Lumber and Ceal 4-Yabd: Ne. 13fi North Water and 1'ilnce streets above Lemou, Lancaster, u3-lvd OAUMQAUDNEUS A JKKKKKIKH, COAL DEALERS. OrriUKS: Ne. 12) North Queen stieet, una Ne. lt North 1'rluca street. Yards: North I'rlnce strisil, iiai tteuding lpeL LANCABTEK, PA. uugis-tta e OAI M. V. B. COHO,, 330 NOKTH WATER BTUEET, Ijincaster, Pa., WHOLKSALH AND BmAlL DBALKB IM LUMBER AND GOAL. CONKKUTIOH WITH TUB TELKfUOKIO EXCUANOI. Yabdakd Oftiei: Ne. 330 NOUTH WATEU STltEET. feblS-lvd pUAMPAONE. BOUCHE "SEC." THE FINEST CHAMPAGNE WINE NOW lUl'OUXED. ATUEIOAUT'S OLD WINE STOHE, Ne. '1 East Kme Btbkict. H. E. 8LAYMAKEH, Agt. Established. ITisV fchl7-Md rnlUH l'Al'EK 18 IMUNTEO WITH J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK. F&irmeQDl Ink Werts, 2Glh and l'enn'a. Aytnat JiaHjrl JCHILADlLrHU. VA. MEDICAL piAVOIlITE REMEDY. HAPPY CHILDREN. Hew te Mk Tliem Se Keep Them In Health and They Will Take Care of tha Its it. The Jey of every well i-egulntcfl household comes cb lelly from the children. Thousands of affectlonnte parents de net take earn of their children. Through tgnnmnce mera than culpa bio neglect they suffer them tu fall sick and die, when knewledge might have saved thetn te leve and home. Dr. David Kennedy offers his " Fa Fa Fa vorlte Kemedy " as emphatically a medlclne for the children gentla In lis nctlnn, containing no harmfulinaredlents whatever, going straight te the bleed, which when Impure. Is the sent nnd source of disease. tirerite Jlcmctlv" Is the friend of childhood nnd should be found In every nursery In the lnnd. Keep It In your house for your children' sake, ns welt as for your own. Try It and you will be glad you saw this article. Mnke no mistake. The medlclne is "hrerffe Jtemcdu" nnd the proprietor's name nnd ad dress i l)r. David Kennedy, llondeut, N. Y, One dollar a bottle. Geed Words far a Geed Thing. Dr. David Kennedy's Favorite Kemedy " Is exactly what It claims te be, and deserves the pmtsn that nre showered upon It by all who have used It. Mr. Israel II. Snyder, efSuilgcrtles.N. Y..says : "My little daughter was covered with Salt Ithciim from head te feet. Dr. Kennedy's ' Favorite Keniedy ' cured her. This wns two years age." vve jirn net in ine liaiiit or I'limngnny son ei patent mcllclncs In our columns, but we hap pen te knew Dr. David Kennedy, of Itondeiit, N. 1.,niid can personally testify te the excel excel lence of the medicine which tlie doctor calls ravonie iiemcuy." And iru word of ours win persuade nnybedy te use It nnd thus llndreller from Biitrerlng no piofesslennt etlquette shall hinder us from saying that word. Fer diseases of the bleed, kidneys and bowels It has no equal. We would net be without It for live times the dollar that It costs. Jlally Times, Tray, A'. 1". InlyMmcedAw r T LEADS AM Ne ether bleed purifying medlclne Is made, or has ever been picpurrd, which se completely meets thu wauU of physicians nnd the general public ns Ayer's Sarsaparilla. H lends the list as a truly scientific tvrcimra- Hen for all bleed diseases. If theielsa 1 lug SPIIflPIII I lalntef Scrofula about von. AYKK UUUUTUIj.1 BAItHAI'Altll.r.A ulll ill.lrulfrn If and expel It Heni jour system. Fer Constitutional or Scrofulous Catarrh, AYEK'SHAHSAPAItlLLA Is the true remedy. II IT t IlIHI It has cuird nunibcilehs cases. It wlWlllllll win Ptep tli" nuUM-eus catairhul dis charges, nnd removes the sickening odor of the breath, which are Indications of sciofuleus origin. . IIctte, Tex., Sept. iW.Ish-2. "At the ngeet two years enn of my children ITI rFIKHTS VfTirI "' terrubly nllllclcd with liil;r.llUUi3 aUUM uiceieus Itunnlng Seres en Its face and neck. At the same time Its eyes were swollen, much luilamed, nnd very sere. Sflllr' FVrN 1'hyslclans told us that a pewerful OVIirj DIM alterative medlclne must be em. pleyed. They united In recommending A YEll'S eAItSAI'AKI LLA, A few doses produced n per ccptlbla Imprevetnclit, which by nil udhcience toyeur directions, was continued te a complete and perniuiieut euro. Ne evidence lias slnte up IHMieil el the exlstcuce of scrofulous tendeu tle; and no Ireiitmcutef uny disorder wns ever attended by mere prompt or ellertuiil lcsults. Yours truly, II. F. JOHNSON." rmsrARKDiiv Dr. J.C. XXEXiSi CO., Lewell, Mass. bold by all Druggists, tl, six bottles for Vi. July915 GUAYll7uiKl(J MElilCrNrl The Oreat English Kemedy. An unfailing rure for Impetcncy und ull Diseases that fellow Less or Memery, universal Lassitude, Pain In the Hack, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, und many ether diseases that lend te In sanity or Consumption und a Premature Grave, Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we de sire txi send free by null te every ene. This Spe cific tnedlrlne Is sold by all druggists ut t ur package, or six packages for K, or will be sent tree by mull en receipt of thu im uey, by ad dressing the agent, 11. II. COCIIItAN, Diuggl't,Sole Agent, Nes. 137 aud 139 North 0,uee. stnsit, Lancaster, l'e. On account et counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrupper the only genulue. THE UllAY MEDICINE CO., Uuffale. N. Y. AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIL COH8ULT DR. LOBB, NO. 32) North Fifteenth street, below Cullewhlll Btreet, Philadelphia. Cures ull Diseases or both sens Twenty Years Experience Consultations by mull. NEUVOUH AND SPECIAL DISEASES. New book Just out. bend for It. Hours lle. m. till 'I p. m., uud 7 p. m.telOp. in' Heeks frce te the uflllcted. febW-lydJbw SAKE, HUHK AND SPEEDY CUUE. Uuitcrk, Varicecele and firscUL Dibkahm. Why be bumbugged by quacks, when you can ftnd In Dr. Wright the only Ukou Ukeu lab 1'HYBiciAN In Philadelphia who makes n sjieclalty of the above diseases und ccbks them T Cubes auABANTKKD. Advicb riiKK, day ana even ing. Strangers run be treated nnd return home the game day. Offices private. Ull. W. 11. WltiailT, Ne. 211 North Ninth street, above Itaco, P. O. Hex 673. Philadelphia. lnnSMydAw CONSUMPTION I HAVE A 1'OSITIVE lemedy for the ubove disease; by Its use thousands of cases of the worst kind of long standing have been cuied. Indeed, se strong Is my lultli In Its etllcacy that I will sendTUO HOTTLES FUEE, legelber witha vnlunbla trea tise en this disease te any suffeier. 01 e express aud 1'. O. address. Hit. T A.SLOCUM, JiinlG-OmduedABmw 1SI Pearl St., N. Y. -1ATARHH. ELY'S CREAM BALM CUKES COLDINHEAD, CATAHKH.ItOSECOLD.HAY FEVEIt, DEAFNESS, HEADACHE. Easy te use. N. Y., U. 8. A. Price, 50c. Ely Kie.'s., Oswego Hay Fever. ELY'S CKEAM HALM Cleanses the Head, Allays Inflammation, Heals the Seres, Kestores the Senses of Taste and bmell. A quick and posltlve euro. SOeents nt Druggists, w cents by mull, registered. Send for circular. Sample by mull, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Oswego, N, Y. mar31-tfd&w H EADQUAKTEU8 FOll THE INDIAN MEDICINES,'. Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere .NO. U EAST KINO cT.. Lancaster. Pa MANHOOD UESTOUEl). KEMEDY FKUE. A victim of youthful Imprudence causing Pio Pie matiire Decay, Nervous Debility, Lest Manhood, ,tc, having tiled In vutn every known lemedy, husdlscovei-cdaslinple self emu, which he will send Fit E E te his fellow sufferers. Address, .1. 11. KKKVKS, 4 1 Chatham St., New Yerk City. JanlC-lyced.tlyw tlLASSWAllK. H IOH & MARTIN. Queensware GHINA HALL ANOTUKB LOT OV DAMAGED WARE AT VBBV LOW rillCES. Jelly Cups, Jars and Tumblers, A Letof Chenp Tnble GLASSWARE. O'SEB TllESK (JOUDS HKKOIIIC PCIHUABINO. High &: Martin, NO. 15 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTEIt. 1'A. THE LARGEST, 1JEST AND MOST complete osseitmout or Playing Cord In tuU city liuma twiiia inruwJK Ull Hi 11AUTM AN '8 YELLd W FUONT CIO A.U OIUUE, MACHINKKV. F en Peerless Traction rOUTAllLE OH BTATIONAKY ENGINES, BOILERS AND SEI'ARATORS, REPAIRING, and all kinds or Machinery, Contracts taken nnd nil work such as kept nnd done in any Machine Shep. Call en or Address, Ezra F. Landis, Webkb-NO. 530 te M7 NOKTH CHEItKY ST., Lancaster, Pa. nilD-Omcedftw WNaiNK AND IlOIIiEH WOIIKH. BEST Steam Engine -AND- BOLLER WOEKS. A8 WE HANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, HAVE NO AOENT8, CAN 1NSUIIK (JUK PATUON8 LOW 1'KICES AND UOOD WOUK. BOILERS. Vertical and Horizon tal.Tubular, Fine, Cylinder, Murine, Deuble-Deck nnd Portable. FUUNACE-WOltK, IILAST-I'IPES, BTACKS, Ac, Ac. TANKS for Water, Acldi uud Oil. HOISTING KNUINES. ENGINES. Vertical und Horizontal. Stationary, from two te sixty borse-power. Portable Engines, en Wheels and Sills ! Six Mien i, e, e, iv, 13 ana m nerse power. SAW MILLS. & PrtnytllU.Mid Large Mills. l!ark Mills ' " 'ag&lCel Mills. Lttther U(.lleJsVTi.n lekem, Trlpple Gearing w for her power, v PUMPS. , UeitnndOcur Pump! -Mining Pumps ilCeai bleed rumps nrt Hrater. fs''." I Cerltrlfu,tl I'umn, ntmu .Pumtv? )r U earing. i'ullevH. Fly Wheels, Clamp 'llexes; Hnngent, Couplings, Celi Toea, I'lilley Plates, Pi "Spindles, Mill Itasidi vuiiup, eieui niAffi bhu l,.l.l... ", . i,l. . M.-KIIIU 1KIIB1. 111 jiuiwug)ftvl v. rWY3j "-'ii jririss. Wrought Iren, ferOss, Steam wilt Wter, ' ttr Iren Pipes. r. Heller Tubes, Well Castings (V -;FnTLNaS. Cast '- Fer Wuler und HtMun, Vlves. Cocks, Steam UHll l'ch, (iuuKO cee.ss, tiias Water (iauires. Safety Valves, WhlsUej. Globe Valves, ' Uoveniers, Patent Self-Feeding Lu bricators, Glass Oil Caps, HIms Heller Feeders. PACKING Hemp, Aslxisles, Gum uud Ii am. uage. IlELTING-Gum, Cotten and Leather. CASTINGS Heavy und Llfiht Iren and brass. Heller Iren, Sheet Iren, liar Iren, und Steel. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools and 1'ublle UutldlnKS. STEAM HEATING. Estimates, Drawings and Pattern Werk fur- nlshed at Iteasoiiuble Kutes. - ItepalrliiK tended te. Addi it n promptly and carefully ut- Address, Jehn Best & Sen, NO. 333 EAST FULTON STREET, LANCASTEIt, I'A. JanlS-lyd&w OAJlltZAOEB. STANDARD CAIUUAGE WOUK. Edward Edgerley, FINE CARRIAGE BUILDER, MAUKET bTKKKT. KEAU OF POSTOFF1CE, LANCASTEIt, PA. A LAUGH STOCK Or BTOG-IES & OAEEIA&ES Comprising the Latest Styles and most Ele tranUy Finished, nt GKEATLY UEDUCED KICKS. If you wish te purchase a geed arti cle, iny work siaie. MOTTO-" FAIK DEALING AND HONEST WOUK." flSDen't fall te onceuraso geed work. All Werk FULLY WAltUANTED Lewest Prices for UEI'AIUING AND UEPA1NTING. One set of workmen especially employed for that pur pose. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. nevaitfdiw N OUBECIC & MILKY. LANCASTER CARRIAGE WORKS. Norbeck & Miley, Prep's. COIINEU DUKE AND VINE STUEET8, LAN CASTEU, PA. THE LAUGEST AND CHEAPEST RETAIL WORKS IN THE CITY- Oil COUNTY. WE CAN AND DO SELL AS FINE A VEHICLE A8 ANY OTHEll IlUILDElt FAU BELOW THElll 1'ltlCES. Hew we de It Is a mystery, but a visit te our factor', und seelni; the fj'stcm we have adopted you will net wonder. Patronize theso that deserve It. Our stock at present Is very large, and will be sold at a still further reduction. We beast el our WHEELS, as they cannot be excelled. WE HAVE A LA110.E STOCK OF FINE SECOND-HAND WORK, CONSISTING OF 11UOOIES, PHJETONS, Ac Se., which will be sold cheap. 43-GIveusa call and be convinced. Inc ueaOy dene. llepalr- VXDKIITAFIKQ. TTNDEHTAKINa. UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seeth Qaeea and Vine Streets, LAH0A8TS8, PA. Personal attention given te all orders. Every thing In the Undertaking Hue furnished. llavlng secured the service of a nrst-elass ie chanlc, 1 am prepared te de all kluds of Uphol Uphel Uphol stering at very moderate prlces. All kinds et Furniture UpheUtcred. OivemeacalL L. R OTE. iMdOlM $ UMMEK CLOTHING. HAGER & BROTHER. LIGHT-WEIGHT SUMMER CLOTHING READY-MADE. Oosalmero Suits, Llnen Suits, PoDgeo Oeats and Vests, Alpaea Oeats, Plain Llnen Pants, &e., Furnishing Goods. Summer Noekwear, Qauze Underwear, Faney Flannel Shirts, &e. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. N EXT DOOK TO THECOUHT IIOUBK. FAHNESTOCK'S. Fer Het Weather - -. WHITE GOODS for Ladies, OF EVEIIV DESCUII'TION ATCJ.i.8,10, 12, 13, 18, 20,25 CIS. UP. SUMMER UNDERWEAR for Ladies, Qents andOhUdrer SUMMER HOSIERT-Great Quantities at Lew Prices. SwRJfej Jerseys I Jerseys 1 1 Jerseys 1 1 1 " LARUK STOCK, ALL SIZES, FOll LADIES AND CHILDIIEN at 50c , 750., 11.00, J1.25, H.S0. fl.75. R. E. FliMEST OC K. . ' Next Doer te the Court UKAV 8TOHE. Carpets and Mattings, 'T Kt. -AT- METZSER & HAUGHM'AKS, FUOSI LiTK .AUCTION SALES AT VEUV LOIV THICKS. , MattingB, Carpets, .Mattinge, Carpets, Mattings, Carpets, Mattings, Carpets, AIhe, I.AU0K LOT OF WHITE COUNTEKPNES, Frem tlie lata Ureat Auction Sale la New Yerk, nt 65c., 75c., I.(W ana tipite $5.00. UOOD liAUUAINS at letzger & Haiigliman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. n- llotweon the Cooper Heuso ana Serrel Herse Hetel. B OWEKS & UUUST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. AFTER TO-DAY. An KIrKKnt Line of I1ATI8TE In Choice 1'atlernB nnd Colering1. (.liolce AHortmeiiter NEW POINTS, bitlne Finish. Our LINEN D'INDES. VICTOItIA LAWNb, PIQUES and I'LAID NAINSOOKS art) proneunred very due ; we neil Large Qnantltlcoef thi-m which proves them te be Cheap. Ladlia (1 AU.E VESTS a Ilunraln at 25c. A lUrgaln In Children's 1ILAUK IIOSIEltY nt VMc, ull Blzes. Ilent PACIFIC LAWNS closing out Very Lew. A Ills Hargaln In MATH TOU!ELS.to!er25c. hEEllSUCKEKS at6J,(c. TJcst Quality or ZEP1IYK GINOIIAM8, Vciy Lew llargalns etTerud In every department, with 10 per cent, deducted from almost every sale. BOWERS NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. HlIXEKWAlW. H.J Z. RUOADS. ATTENTION ! We would call attention of purchasers te the very fine and com plete line of moderate priced Ladies' Geld Watches, very much in demand just at present, and we are well prepared te meet that de mand. We also have Geld and Sllver Watehes in a great variety of styles and at the low prices brought about by the long depression of the times. Our Nickel Watches at $6.00 are geed watches for the money, and are going off very fast. We received the ether day a large involce of all the latest novel ties in Silver Jewelry, Oxydlzed, etc., very pretty and worth see ing ; would be pleased te have you call and soe thorn. H. Z. RHOADS, LAN CASTEU, I'A. B OOKS AND STATIONEHY. JOHN BAER'S S0JNTS, OFFEU AT Blaiik Beeks, Writiiig Paiei-s, Envelopes, Writiug Fluids and Inks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS," Steel Pens. Lead Pencils. Pocket Beeks, Kill Beeks, Letter Beeks, aud nil Assortment el Fine and ' tituple bUitlouery. AT THE SIGN OF TI1E BOOK.-K NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. nevBJSPVHKiauma oeovs. $ niRK'S OARPET HALL. CARPETS! I1EOPEN1NQ Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. h.b.WtW.yL uitAiN CAttPEia, damabu mu 'nA1'n"..,""",?r. ...;;....... ...;. rmr.,;, ;ruiTii n .......iif.ir.tiir a sneclalltv. Bneciai Alicnuenpuiu ui iue ." 'mvueiu v" AT80ruiiLTne6retLULOTll8,BUUS,WlNDOWSIlADKS,COVEItLttTB,c,, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West Kieff aud Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. DKT UOUDS. Oorkserow Suits, Sergo Oeats and Vests, Soerauckor Oeats and Vests, Wnite Vests, Faney Vests, Llnen Dusters, Mohair Dusters, &e., &e. Balbrlssan Undorwear, Half-Hese, White Shirts, Feathor-Welght Drawers, &e., &c. Heuso,'' Lan caster, Pa. '4k ... mJS r irSti Mattings, Carpets. Yeu will net. & HURST, Lancaster, Fa. Ne. 4 West King Street. BOOKS. LOWEST rilICE8, CARPETS! . Ii1 LIANUA,ffiDT.jANASTER J0IM 1AILKOAD. AHiuwomirrer t-AgggmnK nun. SUNDAY, MAY JItii, LW5. NOltTUWAltl), Hundast' Ibanen u'ue' Arrive. Cornwall m Manhelm , 7:1.1 Lancaster. 6 47 Mlnff 8L Lane. 6.40 Leave, x H , SOUTIIWAItD. Leave. a. k. Lebanon 7:20 Cornwall 7:Sj uanhclm 8.03 Lancaster...... 8.33 Ari1ve. King St., Lan&8:40 P. V, 2:15 UV 1:23 12.90 12.40 r.u. v. Jf. 12J0 12.4S 1:18 lOS 209 r.u. tM 8 37 007 68 P.M. P. tf. 7J0 7.48 8.19 8.1S 8.55 TMArjKtMtPM UOtMtL bj ". a. m. .": 'it 9:40 (Ml .v 9M 8: 8:16 8.-OS r.M. A.M. 7:4 8.01 f-40 9:11 :20 A.M. A. M Wiuek, Suiit. 1L ' C. It. IL. A.M. r. v. r.u. r.M, H. It. BC"A"". Supt, C. end C. ML H. OteimK Eltz. SupU r. Alt. E. B, alMydAw JEADINQ & COLUMBIA. akuangement or pabseneeu trains. SUNDAyTmAY M, 1885. NOKT1IWARD, UeadlnK Ai-M ARR1VB. Columbia jm P.M. P. M. A. M. 6:50 .... 8:40 .... 4:00 .... s.ai .... 3J0 IhOS 3 40 818 2J5 7:1 P. M. A. M. P. M. P. M. CM .... 1255 "W1""" Junction Tja Chlcklcs 7:30 Lancaster 7-40 Lnncaster (King Street).. 7:30 Quarryvllle 6:29 LKAVB. A. M. SOUTUWAKD. Ueallntr 7,15 ARBIVSL Xarlntta Junction 9.(10 Chlcklcs ,, 9 3j Columbia g2s Lancaster g-,2 Lancaster(KlnStrcet).. S.'w QuarryvUle ;.. Jose . A. M. 12 80 12.40 M. 12.00 P.M. 79 8:M 8:12 8:30 B-20 2.06 1:A8 2.06 4:50 SM KM P.M. P. M. P. K, irninscpnnectat Heading with trulns te a!?lr.'n 1,ull"U""a. 1'ettsvTlte. Harrfsbilr Allentown, and New Yerk, via lleund IlroeTc itoute. uAS?iu.m,i'.a wlth 'r"1"" te ana rromTferk, 11 a"J Mer5 "U,"P' Frederick and Ualtlmnre! ., i1, . riclUt Junction with trains te and Ireui LlilCKIes. AtManhelm with trains te and from Lebanon. r AnV,?,ncilstcw'Junctlen wlth IIm tx and from Lancaster and (Juarryvllle , SUNDAY. sinsrti16'71108-m-' Lancaster, Kin street, 8.0s a. m. . 3JI5 p. in. Arrive Iteadlnfr, li):iu a. m., 55 p. m. I eave IteadlnK, 7:20 a. m , 4:00 p. m. Arrive Lanciister, King Street, 0.20a. m.,8:50 p. m.l Onarrjvtlle, 6.40 p. m. aprll IHydJtw A. M.WILSON, 8npL PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD HUHED- .T,nl!P8.,c.llTe Lancaster and Icave and arrtv at Philadelphia as fellows : W EST W AUD. rhlludeTJhla. News Express t 4-30B. m. Hay Passenger! 40 ' Mall tmln via Mi.Jey 7.00 " Ne. 2 Hull tralnt via Columbia. NlaKara Express 7:40a. in. Hanover Arrom vl.i Columbia. Iamvb Lancaster. 6.-25 a, in. 0M ..!! " !- " M -!).VS " 200 p.m. 2 10 rnHi.ine uaiiyt .... ii:.vi a. in. c ixiiuricK iiccem.. Iiucaslvr Avceiu.. llurrlslniri; Accem., via Columbia, via ML Jey. 2-15 p. m. 2.50 HM VM " 7.10 " 1(1.11 " li.10 a. in, 15 Arrive at Philadelphia. 425 8.-JS " W-JO via. Mt. Jey. ll:na.m. .3.15 p.m. ueiuinnia Arcem.... llHrrlabiirK Express. C'lil.ftCln. KxprcsB.t Wtwlern Express f.. Pttcllle Express .... 4:iu " 6 40 " 850 ler. nrju " lAinvn KASTWAUD. Phll'ii Express! Fast Line llanisburK Express. IjiiicY. Accem., ur,:. Columbia Accem Seashore Express.... Johnstown Express) dally exf ept Sunday SunOay Mall Day JtxpreiMt Uerrlsburgr Aocem.. Lancaster. B-27 6i " 8.10 8A5 " 1MB " UMip. in. 2.-05 ' 3:00 ' 4-45 " , 6.45 - 8'45 6-50 9.49 The Marietta Accommodation leaves Columbia at 11:45 a.OT., reachlnjr Marietta at 12 el. Leaves MaiietU at 8:15 p. in. nnd arrives at Cel umbla at at 3 JO 1 also leaves at 8-5 and arrives at -M. The erk Accommodation leaves Atarletta at 7.U and arrives at Ixineaster at 8.-00, ceiincetine with llnrrlsburg Express at 8.10, ( ue iissieneK Aocemmoaaiion, west, connect. asS at Lanauter with Fwit Line, west, at MKj C.wUl ran Ihrenrtrtu FrederlcV. The Frederlntt' ArvTlmodatlen. past. Imvm . Columbia at net and reathes LsuicsaVr at 12:95 V' p. tu. x ' x. 1 - ' ine jn easier AccommeoxjiQn, Xmt iiftrfuuuqDawnt bl. ana exTives iu J at JhSi am. Hanover AcoemmodaUon, wwu cennectlHir aV; AuiveusiQi- wta nuiffaniaxriresgafKSua.HiiW!ii run through te Hanover, dally, except jnWiAr. Fe&t Line, west, en Sunday, whoa AgieC rflt step at Dewnlngtawn, Coatesvllle, Parkesbtnir, ML Jey, Ellzabethtewn and Mlddletewn. t The only trains which run dally. On SnaOny the Mall train west runs br way offelamlii. r CORNWALL. AND LEBANON iAKll COLKIIUOOK VALLEY UAILEOAD3, eotrrnwABe. Trains leave Lebanon dally ( exent Sonde? ! Arrive at Cornwall at 6.40 a. m., 12.10 n. m nnd 7:10 p. tn.; at Conowage at 7ae a. m., 1:25 and fc. p. in., connecting with the Pennsylvania rail road ler points east and west. nOBTBWARD. , Trains leave Conowage at 7:30 a. m., 8 J. end t:25 p. ui. Arrive at Cornwall at 8.06 a. m., 4:18 and 1 .-06 p. in.; at Lebanon at 8.20 a. in., 4:30 and 9.15 p, m.j connecting at Lebanon with Philadelphia una Heading rullread ter points east and west, and the Lebanon and Tremont Branch ler Jones town, Plnegrove and Trcment. The 6:30 a. in. train will step only at Cen wall Colebrook and Uellalre. WALL 1'AFEJt. w INDOW SUKEENS. Wire Window Screens ! The Flies and ltugs aie here; you can avoid being pestered with them by screening your Deers und Windows. They will add greatly te your comfort at little expense. We make them for windows from 50c, 55c, fcec, 65e, 70c, 75e, 80c, 85c, up te V.SU uptece, according te size and kind. These prices are much lower than they have ever btun. Our patent fi-une enables us te de this, and get thorn up at sh ; test notice. K you bring the sizes you can lurjn them made whlle you wait. Deers w Ith Cornices, Spring and Hinges int coinplcte made te jit, all width or wire In Ullu tram 22 In. te 30 In. wide j Landscape fr.'ui 'M UWALL PAPEIt at bargain prices, some odd lets te close out below value, Window Shades, etc. Phares . Ery, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STRbHJT. LANCASTEB. PA. HOVHEFUllXlBUIXa UOOD A. T HE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Geal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, -iS AT P. Ne. 24 Seuth Queen Street, leb-lvd IiANCASTKU PA. " TiOTE 18 MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHO AT 93J0O A POIKK, ilrlb AT NO. 100 NOltTll QUEEN BTKKl'.T; .r tuuiuua .Lancaster. (Kgi OilEAVKUTIIAN COAL l'ORBUMMMtj USE. Use the r fi Gas Cooking Steve.;f VfIIAT. VO DUST. All pattern for !. 1 juanuiaciurers pi.vs. Offici OF ' V Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel IV ife: mByH-2ni4 'ivJrV f i K ' " , ESVa ?3 vi-i :y. Si'l , ea "" t t ?.'' at JV1' -:m m U! 1 t -.? "ta ;v w ., i4C , f f a A .VI '! 4 -Y Si m w . m !, 'M2 13,2 --? 't -T ..l- 1.. f Ji i . i . .i". ""f 'u' v-