r ". ' itr.' A A." ' .,, I j y 3?VW i'i ""' 'JVtt - V frWfrQABT ffRIDAX JULY 10, 1885. 'n,;Vr t w v,- VA , . '. A ': ' T;'jri u S& ) . T-ft. K. " m '$r tit Kt. .- -j,'r uv sre bsc UK . " S is m & RA. Bf ' .SV. SIP.. siC Vi r ,ij i i ( r-. . . ' s J Sri.w-' DAM INTELLIGENCER. PlMUtHED EvtnV EVENINQ IN THE YEAR. (Sundayi Excepted) BY BTEimfAM HKN8EU INTELLIGENCER BUILDING, " 8. W. CenHKR Centrb Squark, LlBOABTKR, PA, 't(lir 2Vm Cfen-a IFrffc. Kie itellari a .ADVERTISEMENT! from Ten te Fifty Cent! j nLint. WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, (Eight Pagtt.) Published Every Wednesdav Merninq, Twe Dollart a Year In Advance. CORRESPONDENCE iellcUcd from evertpart of Iheitate and country, Corretpendentt art re quitted te write legibly and en one tide of the paper only; and te tign their namei, net for publication, but in proof of geed faith. All mnonymeut tetlert will bt consigned te the ivatle tatket. Addrett all Letter) and Telegt ami te THE INTELLIGENCER, LAKCABTER, l'A. l)c antaetcv3ntcllic;cutcr. LANCASTEH. JULY 10, 188ft. The McPhcrsen-Scwcll Scandal. Senater McPherson, of NewJerwy, re plies te the charge that he entered into a combination with Senater Sewell, in 1878, te elect the latter, a Itepublican, te the TJrllted States Senate from Xew Jereey. The statement was that this bargain was made in room, Ne. 20, in the Continental hotel, Philadelphia, en Dec. n, 1878. The Trenten True American made the publica tion, which consisted entirely of a state ment alleged te have been made by Peter H. "Watsen, of Ashtabula, Ohie, formerly president of the New Yeik & Erie rail road, and assistant secretary of war under Stanten, along with Tem Scott. Mr. Watsen is said te have occupied the room adjoining Ne. 26, and te have overheard the conversation between McPherson and Sewell ; te have reduced it te writing at the time and te have handed it te Abram S. Hewitt, of New Yerk. The statement was very particular in its detail, but manifestly rests en the relia bility of Wntsen, if he has stated wliat is alleged. He in new said te be en a sick bed and unable te be allied te testify further. Senater McPherson says,if heisnet crazy and has said what is attributed te him, he cither lies or was deceived as te the parties,or ene of them, whebc conver sation he overheard. Fer he says, and ad duces witnesses te prove, that although he was at the Continental hotel, en Decem ber 5, 1878, and wis assigned room Ne. 20, yet he in fact never went into it, as he ar rived late in thedayaml went te New Yerk the same night, after transac ting some business with parties in whose com cem panjthe was durlnjr Hie wholeof hisstay in Philadelphia. Senataftl'herseu f in ther says Jlr.'t ' rejpvsu was se separauwi irein uw adjeln- rttg room by closets, tnal U"would iiaVe been iimpjnble Uthear. ene wliat was Baid.ijfl.etlljaP-riila nmmintn n !i e that Watsen lie3 deliberately, and 13 a surrender of the suggestion that he may have been mistaken as te the paitie3 whom he heard conversing. Ne motive te He is shown upon AVatsen's part; and the insinuation that he is insane is net sup ported. The testimony adduced by Senater McPherson shows that he was net la room 20, as charged ; and as the Jniltter stands -there is an irreconcilabVce'nflict in the ev idence, withtbeJurl'ien upon the Trenten I'ruejlvterican te prove its case. The Suffrage Question. In the Itepublican state convention at Harrisburg the ether day, there was a coeddealof talk about the rrinciple3 of the party of Abraham Lincoln, from theso who professed te be the exponents or cus cus tedians of them. Frem the same lips there was a shameless avowal of the doc trine that the federal government should by ferce regulate the suffrage in the states; and that Kepubllcan power in Pennsylva nia should be se nnnipulated as te influ influ ence apportionment in Louisiana. If these who indulged in such declama tion had taken the trouble te read the plat form upon which the party of Abraham Lincoln succeeded in I860, they would have found that it contained this unmistakable declaration of the relations of thestatesand the general government. " Fourth : That the maintenance inviolate of the rights of the states, and especially the right of each state te order and control its own domestic Institutions, according te its ownjudgiuentoxclusively.laessontlal te that balance of power en which the perfection and eudurauce of our wlitical fabric dopend." Subject te the restrictions of the con stitutional amendments, the suffrage is new just as much ene of the "domestic insti tutions" of the state as any ether of them. The supreme court lias desided repeatedly thattheroisne "national"or "fedenil"suf frage. It is a franchise of the stale, granted, directed, protected and controlled by the state, ltliode Island exercises that right by excluding all foreigners, except they own real eslate of a prescribed value ; Pennsylvanialmiwsesapell tax, which it is in the power of any beard of county com missioners te make ten dollars per capita, and at least ene-third of the voters of the state new have political committees pay It for them. Ne Southern state has adopted or exercises mere prescriptivo franchise methods than these; and in truth the ballet is te-day as fair and free in the Seuth as in the North. Hut the theory that the franchise Is te be regulated from Washington is false and unconstitutional ; it is a "domestic in stitution," and the right of each state te regulate it for itself was by no authority mero emphatically declared than by "the party of Lincoln." An Expensive Humbug. I We are right glad te see that Gov. Pat- r tlsen has vetoed a bill "providing for the establishment tuid operation of a scientific ' , agricultural experiment station " in con- fll- noctlen with the Pennsylvania sfcite cel. ;J.- lege, and appropriating s,000 yeaily for "- four years for niauitainiug'Uie oame. Such a veto needs no apology. Tite state college 13 a humbug. With the $.500,000 A.l.Il.ltf. .1.111 fr i...l nf In... ! .ll 1 ! i t.. (1l..nli II vW Y iivwi. uJ it UUHi lil.lllirJ 11,111.11 it ! 4'. liosaefbeH, its woiklsefno commcnhiiinte ."r. value. Therais scarcely another vcduca- , : tlenal institution In the commonwealth ,ji tlmt is net uchleving far better results with a much less expenditure. " Its Income of 830,000 a year from state beads is amnie for nil its legitimate pur poses, including "aacienUile agricultural experiment station", If nny such tiling Is needed te cemplete Its cuurse of instruc tion. We have long been convinced that the best thing for the slute te de would be te entirely abandon and close up this collcge, and cover back into the treasury the $500, 000 upon which the commonwealth yearly pays $30,000 interest te keep up a concern that docs notile as much for tlie tiioino tiieino tiioine tion of agrlculture in Pennsylvania, as one geed, Belf-sustaiuing Lancaster county farm. Ir la gratifying te lcam Unit a uinii cannot be an ngnostie and n Masen at ene and llie same time. A wiilTEH In the Memphis, Tonu., Appeal ploadsthe cause of the cuged birds ihicb heat out their mlHornble llven iignltrnt the pi loon walls In the bone of securing that free dom which nature iutendml the birds of the air should enjoy. The bright blne heavens nre their natural elcments. They sear abeve the clouds ; their home Is lu the mountains and the boundless oxpnnse of the wilderness. Their sufferings whlle Imprisoned nre Inll- nllely greater than that et the caged lcoves whlle en the way te the slaughter heuse, or the overloaded mule ; yet we shed tears ever the cruelty te animals and liave no sympathy for the hungry and neglectcd birds tortured for years by n confinement which Is as cruel as It Is wicked. It scums llke a waste of time te devete nil this tender consideration te the feathered tribe, but It Is in the line of pure philanthropy te soe that the wants or the im prisoned beauties tire properly attended lu. Geerge II. lleldcu, of New Yerk, has written a work op " Canaries, and Other Ulrds," the nvowed'piirpeso of which is te inculcate a better knowledgo of thcte denizens of the air that will lend te the amelioration of thelr condition. The feed and enre of feathcred pets in health and sickness is dwelt upon at length, and If birds could oxpress themselves te human cars they would pour many a wave of melody ever Mr. Ileldeu's geed lmme and deeds. Londen will seen take from Purls the dis tinction of being the "wickedest city in the world." Contiiei,li;ii Dix'liuiir, of Philadelphia, cannot find any warrant in law ler the pay ment of the $1,3'J7.ft! bill incurred by the en tertainment of the mayor or New Orleans and otliers of the municipal government of that city when they brought back the Llbeity bell. He lias found mi act of as sembly that hays : "It shall net be lawful for any department or committee te draw any money out or the city treasury or te use any moneys or the proceed of the sales of any work or materials for or In nny ofilce, etc, or any reveuues whatsoever thereof, for any entertainment, eating, drinking or smoking." It Is but common prudence for Cel. llochert te halt in view of this prohibition until he receives the ad vice of the city solicitor. Hut It is neer an exhibition of wisdom te lock the stable deer after the liorse has been stolen. Ifthu above quoted legislation Is in lorce with re gard te Philadelphia, llie ordinance of the city councils appropriating f 1,600 tothocntor tethocntor tothecntor tainmont of the visitors was a gross violation of the law. Ilut what commonly occurs in sprees of this kind has been true of the vUll of the municipal ofllcersof the Crescent City. The sum of?l,500 was appropriated-'and $1,724.17 spent Ills ever thus--"3'uiikolers find It easy te drlve a ceacji slid four through a council ordinance. IIi!Ni:ATiitbirsurruce waters of the ap parently -tiannouleus llepublican party there ,iS-uecp undercurrent of disgust at tjuay's nomination. At the mceting of the commercial innelcrs of the country in llull'ale, N. Y., recently, Mr. M. J. Nulieyspokeof tholiiiineuso work looming up befere the drummer of the future In the many distributing centres of the United States as compared with Kurepe. Frauce, with a population of 33,000,000 and an area et 205,000 square miles, ha but ene great ceutre of trade. Paris, KL Petersburg and Moscow are the only great commercial marts of Hussla with its population of 77,000,- 000 and 2,13'J,000 square miles of territory, four times the area of llie United States. Germany, with a population of l.r,0oe,0oo and 211,000 square miles of territory, has only the city of Herlin for its great volume of trade te centre fiem. England, with its three tribu taries of Ireland, Scotland and Wales, a population et 31,000,000 and 121,000 square miles, supplies Its vast trade from its great depot, the city of Louden. These lour great countries of Kurope prese.it a population of 104,000,000 with only five grani distributing points, whlle the United .States, with only 112,000,000 inhabitants, has net less than four teen cities, great hearts of the body-cemmer cial, which supply their Immcdiate sections with all ofthe commodities or trade. Ilosten, supplying the New England states; New- Yerk, the great import entry and distributor or this ceuntry: Philadelphia, the storehouse of Pennsylvania ; Chicago, the great previ sien depot of the country and Kureiw, San Francisce, Cincinnati, HU Leuis, Baltimore, Norfolk, Kichmend, Wilmington, Charles, ten, Savannah and New Orleans. Tub state teachers in Harrisburg adepted a resolution that tobacco was very bad for theso who teach the young Idea hew te sheet. Is net the toacher's let hard enough without imposing en it tills added burden? Huw They Wfttch the lllceg. "It is very interesting te watch the ex pressieu Upen the .'aces of owners of horses during important races," says Vanity Fair. " Lord Kpseuery selects a choice cigar and proceeds te eat it. The I)uke of Westminis ter tries te leek as it he wero interested in anything or anylwdy except the horses. Lord Cadegan retires te an isolated spot from whence he can watch the pro pre ceedlngs unindebted, and apparently studies the mechanism of his race glasses. Mr. Craven walks about us if he had arrived by aecidcut, and wondered what It all meant. Mr. Leepold de Itethscbild seiects the critical moment in a ruce ter appropriat ing and summarily doveuriug the choicest nrticle of feed at hand. Lord Allngleii turns the color of a sheet, and forcibly suggests a rough passage across the channel. Sir Jehn Astiey is always pleased and greets fertune with a grin, whatever happens, although occasionally even he is forced te dissimulate. The Duchess of .Montrese Invariably seeks Bolltude, and if successful, emerges llke n Jack-in-the-bex Iren) some totally unexpected quarter. Lord Ilartlugten is never pleased and vlews the proceedings with uu expres sion of countenance worthy of Terqueinada himself. The Prince of Wales, although un successful, Is always imiierturbable, ami, no matter what happens, has always a kind stnile and a genial remark for all his friends." lie Wu AusUuk for Compliments. Frem tbe Texas Sittings. A prominent Texas politician was bragging te a crowd of friends a few days age, en the streets of Dallas. "Gentlemen," he said, "doyeu knew that I was born en the very day that Themas Jefl'orsen died ?" "This Is a wendciful country," remarked one of his friends. 'There Is no limit te its recuperative powera. Just think or it sur viving two such disasters, and hew true it is misfortunes never conie singly." A Weedy My.tery. Tnemas Pugli, aged C'J years, started in n buggy from Ilubbaid, Ohie, en Wednesday, for Greenville, Pa., te get f 0,000 in Imnk. Ills hort-e returned at night with the empty buggy covered with bleed. Theio isueclun te the murderers. A bUMMKll WALK. Through the woeilliiu'l where dense tbadew l)roeicil o'er lied of lull, nuv fern, And tliuhieezed, Mllli wlldnne sci'iilcd, KUsud eurclicelisut iieiy in in ; Overlli'lils perluuied viltli clever, Down along the Uvcr'a bank, Up the hills Knew-white, with dalale. And through fleUU et bioeiu-itruir rank, Arm In arm we ui el te wauder Till tbe Btnr flatbed forth In heav.'n j Scarce sUteen was l that turainerj She a widow tblrty-teven. "Walter it, Raymond, TIIE COLONEL. A STOItY Ol' AN UI.II SOLDIIilt. t Concluded.) cit.u'Tim it, The two men, left alene, steed nt the win dow and looked lu the direction of the r.ued village, te detect soine sign of llfe ; but they saw only a stray deg who wamlered discon solately amid the ruins, snlfllng the hen)s of (,'arbune with n (lMdnlntul air. The light waned and the eorrled ranks of mint tlmt jind been lying lu wait amid the wotteru hills mid across the str.ilts, I'lewd In upon the city. The murehuutgrew Impatient under the long delny. "I can't understand, Martin, why you didn't get rid of the mail along with the rest. Did he venture te question your authority or my right te control my property ?' "Why, you soe, sir, I didn't llke te speak rough te the old chap. I'd vonlure te say he hasn't always been what he is new. Vnct !, 1 didn't speak tehlm direct. I thought Iie'il take the hint ami loae.' "MyMjult" Theinan shrank from the in dignatien mid disgust expressed in Ills cm- rs tone, men nnsieiieu te smooth away his imliuunleii with a hnpiiaflcr-theuuht. ' " Come te think of It, I haven't scen a sign or him since yesterday. Llke as net he has geno of his own accord, unless" The watchman's lace boenme suddenly grne. "Well, unless what?" " lle's lying down tliere all this time. He was a thin, wcnklsli-loeklng fellow ; the kind that go elf quick, sometimes." "What a ghoul you nre, Martini" llrows llrews ter laughed a short nervous laugh. Pleas ant suggestion this, that en Ills own land, net forty reds away, a dead man was lying, who had perhaps ierlshed from lack or proper feed and caie! Then a better sentiment stirred Ins lieinL lte was a nanow-setllod man, but net hard-hearted. "Take your lantern and come ahead, Mar tin ; no mergue en my premises, u i can help It." They Mopped out into the chill and dark ness, canfutly locking the deer behind them as a precaution against lawless Intruder. As they loll behind thorn the tall lumber-piles with their sweet scent of the weeds, and iq iq preached the lierder et Mission Creek, ma larial poiceiis filled the air, and a host of un savory odors assailed them. Kecking vapors Beemeil lonrlse rrem the putrid heaps una clutch at their threats witli phantom lingers. Their lent slipiHid mid sank Inte the inas-es of festering decay. It was llrewster's first visn ie ims ciiotce portion ei ins recently ac quired mwsossIeiis, and the thought came te Ids mind that it was n ioer stick of a man who would deny a lollew-creaturo the hes pitality of such nu accursed spot, en any grounds than that or its unfitness ler human occupancy. Suddenly Martin brought up with a sliert step, swinging ills lantern around te llln miiiate the stiet for Ills em ployer's Inspection. "Here we are, sir." ISruwMer leaned forward and desci led a low, Irregular structure, net four feet ubove the ground nt lis highest point. Ills pre conceived notions or the style or building operations pursued in tlicse primitive dwell ings wcre completely overturned. ItiMffiid et ne.uniui Miming rows ei im ejus, rutins tier upon tier into a pretentious and fanciful structure, he beheld a nulo-framewerk of re fuse beards, iuiiierlectrvr covered with rusty strips of tin, nu humble dcfotifre against w hid mill we-ithci ; the merest apology for a covering. He had time te take but a cursory glance at tliee details, when a weak voice from Uie interior hailed the vislteis. "Wiio's tliere?" . Ilrewstcr hesitated an instant before re plying. He could net announce himself as a friend, for his mission was far from friendly. He resolved te present himself en strictly neutral grounds. "Your landlord." "Serry net te glve you a mero lilting re ception, miue heM, but its I'm hardly In shape te reecho company if you'll be kind enough te slip your bill under the deer" Hrouster's'tllguity was ellcnded. It was all very well for him, the man of prejujrly and iKwltlen, te c-eudcHceud te address a jeke te the vagabond who trcstKissed en ills domain ; for the rascal te presume te as sume a jocular toue toward him, in turn, was Intolerable! He thought ofthe imderwritcrsr aud the increased premium, and interrupted the fellow angrily. " Come new, this won't de ! Get out of here, and away Willi you !" "Serry te iHiiinable toeemply with your pelitu request, sir, but 1 don't think I could walk very far le-nlght." "Humbug! I want 3-011 te understand that you are en my ground, sir. Ilvery moment you stay endangers my projierty. Out of this place in two minutes, or 1'il have you under arrest !" Ilrewstcr had been working hiin.sclt info a line rage, and full that he was acquitting himself with credit. Ills self-congratulatory meditations were interrupted Ijy a move ment within the tramp's domicile. The hichest section of the reef was pushed away by a thin band, and a tall elect figure rose through the aporture llke a Jack-in-the-box. Something mere than the unexpected nature ofthe apparition caused iirowMer te fallback with a Mail, as if he had seen a ghost. He was net a fanciful man, but the uncanny locality, the noisome smells, the curling wreaths of uer, llie moon struggling te pierce the thick veil of mist overhead, coupled, perhaps, with the afternoon's rem. inisconces, carried him back twenty years, and he was in the hmis of Audorseiivlllo, waking from a troubled sleep te sce the thin form of l.oneir stealing te his side at mid night, te thrust Inte the lad's ecketacriist or bread saved from ills own scanty rations. He put the recollection of that wretched ex perience resolutely from Ids mind, but it left its impression. Along with visionary plans of riotous feasts and gluttonous Indulgonce commonly planned by hungry men In sucli extremities, te be cariied out ill case of re lease, he had taken ene solemn oath. He had vowed that if ever he escaped from that wretched hele, se long as he lived mid had it In his power he would never fall te feed n hungry human being. Thieugh all the fluc tuations of ids business career and the mani fold duties of his business Ufa he had kept tills pledge Inviolate, as many a drunken loafer and disreputable bummer in Steunrt street, could attest. Koselvo had grown Inte n princinle of action, and principle into habit. He recalled this custom new. "Horeslr: this will cet.veu a round meal down yonder," nodding In the direction of tiie cheap eatliig-heuscs in Fourth street, as he extended a qitaiter he had extracted lretu his trousers' pocUel, carefully weighing It In his hand te make sure that he was in no dan ger of giving away a geld-piece by mistake. "Doyeu think that if I wanted charity I would lie occupying this palatial mansion and fasting until teluse garbage seems a mess for a king?" llrewster lee.illcd wliat Martin had said, and drew back his well-meant offering with a house of personal injury. "Oh, ceme new ! Uu oil", llke a geed fellow and make no 111010 trouble." The lumberman wasimpatieiit te brii'g the intorview te a clese. He still lingercd the sllver-pioce witli nu uneasy sonse that it would be better in the iosse.sslon of 11 vaga bond. The man raised his tattered hat, with a mocking bow, and essayed te step ever the walls or Ills abode; but his legs proved tee unsteady ler tee successful accomplishment of his purpose. He stumbled, reeled and sat down en his own rooftop, which resiwd and clashed in a dismal chorus, llrewster knew the meaning of the a:tien. Hew many times had he seeu some peer fellow, reduced te the last limits of Inanition, falter and fall by the way en a forced march. His rellcctlens exploded in two words, each possessed of three syllables, mid fellow ed by an exclamation point. The first was "starva tion ;" the second (lillcred only in llie first syllable, and represented u very essential aiticle of faith in tiie oithedox creed. He supplemented the renmrKM witli uu impera tive order te the watchman, who forthwith sel.cd ene of the vagrant's arms. Half lead ing, hair supporting him, igneiing his faint pretests, they took him up the path te the ofilce, nnd placed him en a chair before the tire. As they progressed en thelr slimy path, llrewster Incensenuentlv recalled the battle of Slilleh, when Leneir, badly wounded and thrown lrem the saddle of a dying horse, had been lead te the rear, nretestiiur and Hulitlm- overy step of the way. As he canto into the light of the olllce window, lie accounted for the sensation by the discovery that the man wero a cheap oveico.it or miliary cloth and etitef thestumpubiiallyallVctiHj by the "hav" btmkers." They placed him in a chair liefore the fire and he sat tliere a mutinous captive, his felt hat with Its battered brim drawn down ever his eyes and partially shading his fuce, Tlie llrst glance ut the stranger in the henest light of the olllce lamp had in a measure reas sured llrewster and put te flight his absurd fancies. There was nothing striking or un common in the spare figure, or the old lace witli Its lines of euro ami pain. It was a very ordinary face. uu emlnentl v uresaic face ha assured himseir ofthe same type e ten thousand ethers lu tUeclly, but he could net ' resist a crazy desire te sce the forehead bared, te leek at the left toniple nnd Hah I Hack te theso old memories of the war again t Se much for the pernicious effect of the afternoon's Associations. Well, what was it, after all 7 Only a young fellow, his blue suit In tatters, orar.ed with fever, crawl lug past the dead line, n strong hand stretched A..nn..i'.i.ih. . .h.11 MM.i i...ii, i..... uiifr.um.tu uiiu, 11 uuu lupin, u uiiiiu.lt;...- ing n bloody track across the temple and along the scalp ei the rescuer. And why had he lest sight or the gallant old soul all theso yearsT Confound III Leneir was just the ene te sneak oil from ids friends if the world used him 111, te llve in n dugout and dlue en scrims rather than ask charity. Yes, and te jest and flash out n datmtless spirit In a moment of limnlliatlnn nndshame that held werse terror te n pieud soul that the bravest soldier ever faced en the battlo battle flcld. Could poverty, ami despair, nnd HI health reduce the hlgh-souled gcutleinan nnd soldler te the likeness of that old scarecrow 7 Ilrewstcr HtcpK)d Impulsively forward, reach 1 111: ever for a chunk et llroweod, nvvk- wardly brushlnir the stranger's head with his arm and knocking off llie slouch hat. He hesitated Just long enough loebscrvoti whlle track across the tomple nnd through tliostMrse gray hair, then, with his brain In n whirl, secured llie slick of weed, laid it ciiefully iikiii the blaze, took out pencil and noto-beok and scribbled a few lines te his vvife. A clese carringe, n lire In the best room, a warm dinner; his wjiicII checked eir the Hems at lightning spced. He called the watchman and dispatched him witli the note, meeting llie man's wondering leek with ene or stern decision, as 1110 uoer cioseii uemmi the messenger, mid his departing footsteps echoed fainter and fainter In the distance, he turned te find Ills compulsory guest nriscn from his chair and confronting him witli a whlle face. "Thoalmshetiso? I'll dle llrstl" " Sever while I live. Colonel Leneir." Having tillered thlsbluntassurance, llrew llrew seor sat staring nt his old friend, through a mist of fears. The old man answered w lilt u startled leek. He drew the slouch hat lovver ever his eyes. Ills chin worked conclusively. Old and lliln and gray, overtaken by re verses, ciushed by iiilslertune, the colonel wxs found out. fian Frnttt-isce hnjlesule. PEI180NAL. I'ltKMtifcNT OeNZAi.r.z, ofMexico. left the revenues of the federnl district mortgaged for the next forty-four years. SrArnSKNATen HznA Mii.LKit,ofl!ergeii county, N. J., Inventor or the well-known car huller and coupler, died nt his home Thursday morning. I.eui) Kei'HM'ini.! took his seat in the Heuso of Lords en Thursday. He was for mally introduced te the Jicers by the Karl of Keseberyand Baren Carriugten. Htiviu.Nti llevi.i:, the patron s.dnl of old I'ashleued whist players, was Ixiril ever two hundred years age, and lived te the advanced age el iimoiy-sevcn, iiymg m .ivcuuisii Hipiare, Iondeu, hi 17(?A Miss Iitr.Mi: l'Kiuiv, the wiiibretle actress of Jelm A. Mackuy's "Tep" cemiany, was man led en Wednesday, at t5ji (,'onlinental hotel, I'liiladelphln, te Albert Weber, the New Yerk piano manufacturer. Wii.i.iAM CoNnetf, of Chicago, Is ene of the mere old-Ushleiied Democrats who is alleged te have journeyed te Washington in pursuit of the United Stales mission te Italy, and falling te get Iho same he quietly re turned te the place whence he came and took cliarge or a lugbe.il al ITi&u a uay. Maiik Ukvixe, of Philadelphia, bequeath ed his entire es'ate, valued at ?100,eni), te his wife. Tlie estate left by the deceased, ac cording te the petition filed by the executers, amounts te $100,000, including 10,000 In jiersenal and t!X),OU0 in real estate ; but it is thought that the value will reach a much Higher llgure. Sin J'ktkk Li'MHiiUK, who is iccelvlug high honors from llie qtiecn ami the new ministry, when ordered home from Afghan istan, had te ride all the way from Herat te Astrulud en the "vilest horses," along tracts almost impassable, and without change of clothing for days, hi ene day the general, who is ever 5S, rede ever 83 miles. Ilisuei O'Connor, of Nebraska says, in en interview en the ether Hide, that llishep Ireland's colony around SU I'.ml was a fail ure because tlie Irish colonists would net work,' or even help the men the bishop scut te direct them. " I heard," he says, "of one fellow relusing te hand up the shingles te roel a cabin which the bishop was building or Mm." Ait intending colonist, he thinks, should llve with a l.irmer for a year or se and then go out West. He should net think of going te Nebraska with a family with less than two thousand dollars. lluv. Mr RON W. Recti, in n sermon en physical culture in the First Congregational church of Deliver, Cel., lately said : "Selwyn, Inte bishop of Xew Zealand, was an oarsman at Cambridge. He was the founder of a swimming association. Only theso who wcre in tlie river five days in each week wero ad mitted te full membership, and the ceremony of admission must be performed lu tiie water. All this early training at the university came well Inte play lu .New calami, and enabled lii in te cnduie the hardships of a missionary lile. He swam the rivers, pushing befere him his clothing in a rublx-r sack. During the llve months' veyage he learned the new langiinge, and was nble te preach te the natives the llrst Sunday after landing." i:nVctnal Ctire fur Iiifteiiinla. hat can Iki inoie distressing than le te round in lied w hen the eyelids euht te be closed In refreshing sleep T Yet thU Is w lint theLnuimb of people de every lilhl. Ilorelsalini!u euro. Iluy from your driiirglst or gnxur u bottle el Hi-Fry's I'rius .Malt Wiiiskby, and take a little befere ictlrln. It Is nhselutcly pule, and a iholeoino tonic, leaves no baneful after elfecls, us It does net contain any huillulpoUeiu found lu tndluary Illinois. i -- m - Iln Yuu !Ue.in JSiifttneftS? Well, If you lmvu strciiKth te push your busl iiess, It Is well, lint many a man's liulneis has hrekeii down because the man wus broken low n, and hud he push In hlui. If youwiinlte muku a MiicccH.liulhl un veiirNVSteinhv the iibu of llrewn's Iren Hitters. Mr, w. M. Wfnfrce, of retershur, V a., says " lliete U no lueulelni) rquul te jlrewu s lien Hitters for genunil de bility." ll cures dysjiepsiii, euiiches the bleed and struugthensthu muscles. A hidy writes : " Your Hep J'oreut 1'lattert docs the w eik every lime; I de nel have thai Hwful pnln lu the side new." Your eipcilence will be the same. Held everywhere SJt (,) SfVOIAL ttOTJUES. "Itl'alrly Werries .lie le Tnlnk of the multl tude of things advcillscd te euro disease," you say. Ne wonder. Ilut in the mountains of chair there me grains of golden wheat. We may rind Itdltllcultte Induce you te test the merits of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Itemed', but when you have done no, our work Is ended. After wards you and this inedlclnewlll be fust friends. Favorite Ueincdy would liave died out long uge but for it real usefulness. Ilut it Is geed and dH:s geed. l'lve j cars age my lire was a dicad all the time from Heart Disease, Blnce using UU. UllAVKS' HDAKT UKUU1.ATOU the UuglUh language would fall mu hi telling the geed 1 icceived." Kute Mu grec, Column, lml, Jl u) per bettle at druggists. STOCKS. W1IITK AORKUNOUail. 5JBANKEKS.I0 TJOOIl, Orders executed for cash or en inai'ulii ler all securities current lu the New Yerk inmkel. Corrcspeudeuco Invited. MEMIIEHSOF TDK NKW YOItK STOCK UX. CltANUKANll PilOl'ltlKTOUa OK l'OOU'S MANUAL OF KA ILWAYB. 45 Wall Streot, New Yerk. octMydeiNl PUNKA. CIGARS FROM Hundred un. ut L00 VKR UAUTMAN'S YKLI.OW FUONT STOUU. C1QAU TTIISHKUMKN'S HUIM'LIKS. JJ Jnpnn and Calcutta llmnboe, Jointed Ueds, llrass mid Nlcklc Heels, silk, I.lneii, Cotten and Untss Lines, Artillelul Flics, S worded Heeks, Ferrules, Trowels, Tips, Floats, unit a general line of tuckel adapted ier bait or fly llshliig, ut ItUULKY'b HUUO HTOltB, Ne. 21 Wust King bticct. HATS AND SUMMER CLOTHINO. Clivsliii Out without riL-ard te I'.nat. liar- ..ii.iiniiuauiiiii.iuuia vi.it uu euiiiv. ,11 DUIIIO. rants, Overul Is uud Notions, at prices that will amply pay j en te cull and exumlue bolero yuu buy. HOSIKUV A 8PECIALTY, Fer Ladles, Gents nnd Misses, cheaper than ever. AT IHSOIITOI.H'S, Ne, M Neilli Ijuccn HtlLct, ".SIhii e Iho lllg tilechtug. tl.vntie CITY. The Chester County Heuse 18 NOW OPEN. Comfortable, homelike, situated very near the seu, with extended plazras upon three ocean fronts. ThU Heuso hits lone been known M a .'..uf llUIIll .....I ...1..... ...... 1... Bill...., ... UI. ...... JASsn nleasunt iuu7mT SS& jSiJi-SSS UUjm,p TBtr,5 KKIH A SONS, MEDICAID TpC-It TIIK IlLOrm " Rrnwn'fi Trnn Ritterci 11 V II UU ilVU WlUVlUj Trnde Mink. QUALITY, I'UIHTY, NOT QUANTITY. Uu Every lSotlle, Combining IltO.V with l'UUK VKOKTAlll.R TONICS, qulrkly nnd eeintitntcly (JI.KAN8KS Hint i;Nl(l!:ilKrt TIIK lll.OUtl. Oulckn- the nclfen or the I.tver nnd Kidneys. Clem-Mho Ceiiilttnslnti. Mfikes thn Rktn Hlnoetli. ltle'H net In I it 111 the Tcelli, C'nne Ilradsclinnf Pro duce Cen-tlpntlnn-ALii UTIIKIt IltO.V II Kill. ClNi:8 DO. liiyslclnim uiul Urugntst.i ovciy evciy where recommend It. says 1 " I recmiiinenii iirewim awn's Iren Hitters as a valuable Inn the Weed, nnd removing nil Ionic for rnilrld ilysppptle Kytiipteius, 11 (iecs net nun me leem." lleyneldn, Iiul.,says i " hnve tirctcrllit'il llrewn's lien Hitter In ewes et 1IIU II. l.l. 1111 7.Y.I.I. Ill-VllUlU.. 11IU..1. anemia and bleed dlcnje, nlne when iitonle I'S 110 was nccucii, and it has proven inoreugiiiy suns suns raclery." Dn. VVv. llviiss.aifit. Xlnry's St., New Orlenlis, l.ii.,Hnys 1 "llniwii'n Iren llltteni relieved me In acusiier IiIihhI poisoning, and I heartily coin, ineud II le theso needing n puilllcr. ThCKCiiuluehns Trnde Sliukniid enwed led lluea en w mppur. Take no ether. Slude only by IJUOWN CililMICAIi CO., UAIriMOIlK, Mil, I.AMKs' IIa.se IIinik Usalul and atlrnctlve, cenlididni? list of prtr.es for receipts, liiforinn liiferinn liiforinn lien iilieut coins, ete ,Klvcn nwav by nil tdcalers In medicine, or mailed te nny addles en receipt ef2c. Htuinp. (li) TTOI' ImTSTiTT.S. IL Kill nnln.iioetho and Hllintihitn tlie tired iiium.I.ii. mid wonderfully xiienailien wean parts. All the valuable ineillelunl virtues of iresn Heps, ceiiiijincil wlin iiiiikiiiiiI v l'llcli nnd l.'u inula flntsain. Applied te llnckachc. hcliittcn atn. AiieltiMl tn ituckat'lic. hcltiltcn. Hhi'iiiiiHllsiii, Crick, btltchen, hldutihc, Kidney Aireetlens, Hote Chest or nny of the vui Ions pains and we4il(iicsscH se common, liiBlanl tellef Is Klvcn. Cured liyspepala and l.lvcr troubles nltheiit Intenml denliui. Held everywhere, 25a, 5 forth Jlnlli'd for price. ()) HOI 1'I.AbTKIt CO., Ilouleii, Minn. H OI PLASTKIIS. &c. Each, 6 for (1.00; Any Drug Stere. And the best ever' time, ller I'lasteks aie pri'i.ircd from the complete virtues of Heps combined with lliirgiindy Pitch and Canada IlitUain. buperler te nil ethers hecause they net InHluiitlyund cine speedily. If en are troubled Kith any kind of ercn:'s, apply one of these plasters uud uxpcilcnre theiriKtritui(,Btliiiuliit Iiik and streiitlieiilni; ellcct. A wonderful euro for pnlu In themiiHll of thelmck, S5e.,S for II en every where. IIKI' 1'I.AHTKIt COMPANY, llos lles llos leu. fcimtby mull H denlred. (') TTOI' PLASTICHS. A FAMOUS STRENGTH ENER. Ileiie Icn, shop girls and rales-wemen nil suiter mero or less from Weak Hack and hlde hlde nche. Nethlnir ulTerds such Inntnnt lcllcfasa ller l'LAHTKii applied ever uHected part. I'alus nnd aches of all kinds nre driven out and tlm parts tiinilQ ever mid strpiiglliciiciL Ask tern ller 1'tJiBTEii, nmde from lliirgundy l'lteh" Ciiiinda llal.-am and the virtues of ficsh llep, sold ev cry where. IV., for ll.wj .nd te HOI" I'l.ASTKlt COMPANY, Ilosten. for ilreulur. t) nitr UUODH. TUKS3 OOODS. ANOTllKIt C.VltLOAD OF SUMMER GOODS KUCKIVKD ATTI1K KBW YOEK STOEB. Twe Cares lieautllul PRIMTED SATIRES, lilleeu Cenlsaynid ; m.ide te sell ut '.3 Cents. An Innuendo Sleck of WASIIINO DUKS (JOIHIS, CIlAMIIItAYH, BKKItSUCKKlts. lilNUHAMS, IIATIHTbS VlUTUItIA LAWNS, INDIA I.INKNb, NAINhOOKS AND 1'IQUKH, At Lewest City l'llecs. A CHOICE bELLCTlON OF ORIENTAL AND EGYPTIAN LACES, 8WIS3 NAINSOOK and CAMIIItIC EMBROIDERIES, In All Widths nnd Qualities nt the hottest Prices Kvcr Known lu the Trade. WATT, SHAND & CO., Nes. 8 & 10 East King Street. J.a MARTIN & CO. HEADQUARTERS -FOU FRUIT JARS -AND- Jelly Tumblers ! The Best FRUIT JARS in the Market. ONE CAKLOAD .JUST ItKCElVKD. We (itiuiitntee Kvery Jar, unit will llefund Iho Meney II It does net Keep the Contents. (JUAUTS, - -llALtMULLOX, 75c. $1.00 Jelly Tumblers, Tin Tep, - - 25c. Conimem Tumblers, Jelly Cups, &c. TEN CRATES WHITE GRANITE, SECOND QUA ITY, TEA.D1NNEU AND CIIAMIlElt SETTS LESS THAN HALF. NEW COLORED GLASSWARE -IN UEItltY SETTS, ICE AND FltUlT BOWLS, ICE CltEAM SETTS, 4c Ac. J. I Martin 16 Ce. (."or. West King and Frlnce Sts. LANCASl'EK. l'A. HVr.OTAVLEa. OOrKRIOR SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Hlcnweei.es, Field lllasses, llareiueters, 'i'elc 'i'elc sceis, Muu'lu Uutterns, ThermometurH, Diuw liif: InslriuiiunU, l'hlloseiildcnl and Cheiiilcal Appamtus. List and Descriptions of our Ten Catalogues sent FJIEE en application. QUEEN &CO,, NO. WA CHESTNUT BT, inartMyd&ir flULADKLl'UIA HTOt'MS. T71L1NN A UKENISMANi 150,000 Adams & Westlake's Geal Oil Steves I New In into In the United States. Kvery enn Klvhig nna most tellable Steve Nen-Explosive and -llUY NO OTIIKi:.-C Flinn & Breneman, Agents for Lancaster County. VLUTIIIXU. b(iUAHTin:s reu SUMMER HK Morlne Shirts and Drawers, fJauze Undershirts and Drawers, Cholce Neckties, IS. it W. Cellars and Cuffs, C. Si C. Cellara and Cuffe, Crown Cellars and Cuffs The Best Fitting Dress Shirts. 61I1UT8 AND HOOIKTV l'AIIAfllKIINA MA MAIIK TO OltDKIt. At Erisman's, NO. 17 Wi:STKINaSsTKKhT. B UUUKK & HU'lTON. Mid-Summer Bargains BURGER&SUTTON'S We nie selling Light-weight Suits ATGKDATI.Y ItEDl'CDD I'KICKS. He knew money Is scarce nod wewiuil tehelp our customer mllvi;lvliiir them a Uend Suit for little ineucy, either llcady-uiade or Madelu Order. UNDERWEAR IN GUKAT VAUIKTY AT I'lticr.s. LfJUALLY LOW llaveyeu i-ceii our ALL SILK, SATlN-LtNKD TILS, ONLY Mu? The All-in-One Overalls Aie guaranteed net te rip. They arc telllnj; very fast ut fSUe. VG1VE US A CALI..-U.S tfi-Our store will close at lip. in. lruui July 0 le "sejit. 7, Satuntays eicepted. Burger & Sutten MCnCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTKK. PA. liWVlllilOS.S. pKN IIVN l'AUK. Peniyn Park, ON THE Cornwall & Mount Hepe R. R Kxcunlen Conimltlee of Churches, Sunday Schools and ether select organizations, lu uiak Iiik their sumiiier arniuceinents, should net net; lcet te rvM-rvp nday for Penryn 1'nrk. This dellghtlul lesuit Is situated in the midst ofthe SOUTH MOUNTAINS And ltsfrreunds ceveilug huudieds of ueieidie easy of W( ess from ull MrtH of lenlml IM-n-sylvanln. Fer the free usoef exeui-sleulsls thcie are exlensive CUOQUKTAND LAWN TENNIS li HOUNDS, LAItUK DANCING PAVILION, HAND STAND. Iv ITCH EN, 1IASKKT AND CLOAK UOOJIS, tnd OISSKKVATOKY On the Summit of the Mountain. Then: is also a refreshment loom Include of n competent cateier, vt heie uiealscan be inecured at lnoderute rates, a photograph gulluy and numerous othemtlructive features. Noll'iueiHulIowcdon the Kieiiuds. Excursions treiuall points oiithel'hlladelphla A Iteadlni! mid Iteudliii; X I'eluuibl.i liidlie.tds will hocanleddliecltuthePark wltlieultli.ingu of cars. Coiuplcte lnfornuitlen can he ehtutned and eu KiiKcments etTecled vilth ti.ulles from all pel ills en the I'hlhidelphU & Iteadlui; and Heading A Columbia Itullreads, upon nppllcntleii te C. G. Hancock, General Pnsseugcrund Ticket Agent, I'hlludclphla & Heading llulliead, .'7 Seuth Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa., nnd v. 1th i.trtlrs fieui Lebanon by npidylng te the underslgiied, UAiu. v ia nuiui.vi.r..ir., Supt. Cornwall & lit. Hepe llulliixtd. Iimv8-3md 1.01M1IOU Pa. CUJ1.M KR OK 18S5. js Awn pi r!M 1C1 i Cornwall & Lebanon -AND Colobreok Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PARK, In the heart of the Seuth Mountain, en the linn of the ahuv u read. Is eireicd te Individuals nnd associations Free of Charge. Theso grounds, covering huudieds of ueies, nre easy of access fieui ull p-uts of Eastern Pennsylvania. -TheroareMOUNTAINSTKi:AliS,spnnuo.l by ruslle brklces .MOUNTAIN BPUINGS, nulled up with uatlve sundstene SHADY WALKS and PUOMENADES A LAltGE DANCING PAV1LLION, LAllOE DINING HALL. KITCHEN, DINING. UOOM, andTAHLKS.IlENCHESnnd KUSTIO SEATS, i-cattcred through the greve for the tree use of excursionists. LAWN TENN18, CKOQUET.HALL GIIOUNDS. HOWLING ALLEY, SHOOTING GAL- LKHY, QUOIT8 AKU FOOT HALL Are among the amusements offered. Ne Intoxicating Drinks Allowed en tbe Premises. WPartles destrlng ft, ean procure meals m the l'AUK UESTAUHANT, which will hu under me cuurge ui juu, caterer of the E. 31. HOLTZ, thu noted LEBANON VALLEY HOUSE, who will been llie grounds throughout the sea son, giving It his personal supervision. n, giving u nis personal supervision. Ojj-ExcurHlens from nil points en Pennsylva nia K. It. w HI be carried direct te the Park with out change of cat's. 3Excurslen rules nnd full Information can be obtained uud engagement eilected with parties from all points en the Pennsylvania lt.lt. upon application te GEO. W. HOYD, As sistant GoiieimI Passenger Agent, P, It. H., Ne. ZUbeutli Feuithglieet, Philadelphia, or te J. C. JENNINGS, Supt. C, & L. X 0. V. H. H., Lebanon, Pa. uiyl3-3ind CTORAQJS kj AMD- COMMISSION WAnEHOUSE, DANIEL 11AYEH deeJ-lyd IS West Chestnut bUxjeL jyff-ADKIlvA AND HIIKRUY WlNliS -AT- Keigart's Old Wine Stere. U. E, SLAYit AKElt, Aqkht, Ife. 23 EXT KlMO Stbkkt. lubiHld. Eatabllihcdl?t5. They nre the cleanest r Perfectly Safe. -SKND l-Oll CtllCUIjAH.-n Trade Supplied. SIVMCAU M,! H11C1IANT TAILOR. I. IcCATILET, MERCHANT TAILOR I NO. 131 N0HTH (UKEN ST. (liuclimlllei's IlulldliiK.) OM;eFTHL' FINLST I INKS OF FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS, reu thi: si'ittNii an d summer tk ade, KVKItSllOWN IN TlllSCITY. -Cull and luke a leek nl the Koeds, and you will busuiu lehuve our ineasuie taken for a suit. JunctMyd M yi:rh a rath von. "BBMSWICK!" 'IIHUNSW 1CK IS THE NAME OF Dill Best White Shirt SOLD IN LANCASTER TO DAY. Jlitde of Hest ltrand U'mnsuttn Muslin, Four Ply llesuiii.and positively the llest lli-ndv-Mudu Shirt In use. Finn Linen and Four-Ply lloseiii. The "lliuusvvlck " sells ler $1.25 Lauudried aii-J $1.00 Uehuudriei THE "RUBY" Is our Second Grade V hlleSldit Msdeef New Yerk 31111s Mu'lln, and Is Supeiler te most ll.ne White Shirts put en the market, tan be had for $1.00 Liuiiidricd or 7ec. Uiilauiiilrieil. IJOSOJl-l'OUHPLY AND F1NELINLN. SEE OUH STOCK OF THIN GOODS ! Twe Sh.ides of Hrimn. two Shinies of Itlue, two Shades of V ellew and hlte, tnosliiulcset llhick and Whlle SEERSUCKER, in Checks, Al fiW Ter Ceatiind t est SO.M JIEIt VKSTS lu hlte Duck or iJlji.lt and Whlle 31Ued Duck. MYERS cf LEADING CLOTHlKUS, 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTEH. PA NO. F INK TAII.OHINO. 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. The Laigestnud Choicest Assei linen ter FINE WOOLENS IN THE CITY Or LANCASTEH. All the Latest Novelties in FANCY SUITING. A CHOICE LINE OF SPRING OVERCOATING. THE VERY HEST WOKK3IANSHIP. Prices te suit all nnd ull goods wai milled as lopresciilcd ulhls new stele, Ne. 43 forth Queen St. (OPPOSITE TIIK POsTOFr ICE ) H. GERHART. O un iMtiCEs reu SUIIEE &00DS LEADTIIK.MAItKET. Reduction Trice List of Men's, Bejs' and Children's CLOTHING. THIN COATS at IDe. SEEHSUCKEU COATS and VESTS fiem 1.25 uji. ISetterSEF.HSUCKEHS nt $1.75. MEN'S HUSINEhS bUfi's ut it.iO. 3.00, t.1.00, HEN'S DllKSS SU1 rs ut JS.OJ, IUi, DiOO and $I4.(ie. M EN'S I1US1N ESS PANTS nt 75e. MEN'S ALIWOOL CASS1MEHK l'A NTS at filie, $5Wiind10i). HOY'S SUITS lit fiW), t'J.M, 3 (), f i 10, 15.00 up teflUI .... 1 CIIILDKKN'S SUITS fieni fl.25 upwards. Custom Department. Our specialties In this department nre Weel Scrge Suiting lu all Celeis, thu sainu vwiuuiLu le order lu llrst-clux styles for ill.ui. ALL-WOOL PANTS te elder at WOO, (loe, 5 110, $0.(10, 1 7.0J, KUU. 'ihe plueu te trade Is viheie you can get the most for your inouey, uud vvheru jeu cun liave thu largest vuiluty teselecl lieiu. L. GANSMAN & BRO., THE FASIIIONAIILi: M KI.'CHANT ITAILOKS AMI OLOTH1EHS, Nes, 60-68 NORTH QUEEN BT (Itlghteu the Southwest Cor. of Or&nga Street,) LANOASTEU, PA. irOpeu Eve until six o'clock, Suturduy until 10 o'clock. Net connected with any ethsr clothing heuse lu thu city, iwrfect satMnctlen, In the market. RATHFON h$ X- i -teuu H'. M fijiiJi'JlCa!- -.L - VUuiSb t-C, -ij 'fcftgr.-.a-LfftiBiAiftftu1tf-- $fe i- fr. rf y- - . - .