" ,'W "'-.P '.. A' ftfejfc J -f & . M4.J !H"'- "A" M -.Lii )h V? w M ." ,"r? ?' .. L rv& VM Ti&fT riYii' fef. v?fi if. WlSti i yVfQtJA itj.4. . it. II jw- '" jS-U m. JX a. .V. . . - i.Ht e i 'i 4 f & .5 - 7 J -J-1 0? .4 .3" j INTELttGENGER 1 J h' EverV Evenin (in the Year. i L - $ rBTEnrcuiN henheu fuQENCEfc UILDINQ, W. Coram Ckstm BquAtts, LABCASTIIt, Pa. r--lVn Cent a Week. t'Ue Dtllare a f or WV Cenlt a Menth, Pottage tree. ITISEXEXTS from Ten te Fifty Centi ru. M-? EEKLV INTELLIGENCER. 1IW$ Bight raget.) LMHtD Every Weenegday Morning. . ,. , mamttMaPOSDENCElMeittil from everunart ''fjfMttmt and country. Oorreipendenti are re fi Mmetllit ta urritt lealbtu and en one tide nt thm .?"pUBir unlti and te ttgn their names, net for K ;pHemHen, but in proof of geed faith. All V , J A4drtti eUl Lelterx and r((rram fe . ; " I & W . . m- m. M ;v inc micuuiutnutn, ?ffe LA3ICABTBR, 1A. MI. f ipfc jCnntastct atetclltgcwcr. :7,i- LANCASTER, JULY :, I8SJ. Rias. srv;i r. r:' Tammany Hall. .V25liTwiNew ierk fttmhlnte that the Leuis- -Vj-Vffle' Coitrntr-Jeurnal may be somewhat iflfcWtee previous " in writing the obituary of pVJTiwaBUiuy nail, which it has found ecca- iW5 i"?" 5 ii'Oiacc mat mat jjcmecrauc -$iweocIaUeri does net seem te lutve the favor "Vi e'Presldcnt Cleveland and his advisers r iJ5 M demonstrated in the dlsti ibutien of the i '.'New'Yerk patronage. That the udminis v$tratlm sun does uotshiue very warmly e'ii? upon Tammany Hall may be conceded; liut then it must be remembered that ' . v tuere are a great many very -Jfe' Beet! Democrats in the country who de net, se uir, appear te le highly favored terlth till warmth : nntl llinv nrn tu mnnv n- n :zz:.:zi : ", ::v. .: ..: : v ;i 5,cf Ml nuuiuer aim iuu vaiuuuiu ill numuy ui S"r7' T'JJN r main It nf. nil nrRiiinnliln Unit, tlint; nw. 4i frozen into au obituary condition. neither Tammauy Hall nor any ether 'Democrat or association of Democrats will ever meet political death from a less of ad ministration favor, when tlieyhavcsterling merit and sound Democracy te stand upon. The editor of the Courier-Journal has a tendency te Jump te conclusions upon brlef occasion, which puts his judgment of men and things at a discount. Hejs mere bril liant than sound. If Tammany Hall peuld reasonably be believed te be sustained upon luohepoof public plunder, it yfeuld lw reasenable te believe thai thoJe33 of the federal patronage, if it is lost,te it, will de stroy it. Hut there is nothing in its history upon which te base siujlr a judgment. It is the eldest Demmi56 association in the ceuntry1,fid has always been the most vigorous. It lleuiishetl for a quarter if a century without federal patronage and 1t seems silly te say that such a les3 new ensures its dissolution. It is true that it seems ajse te have lest its grip upon the official patrenage of New Yerk city ; but it has been in this situation often befere ; and when It is rcmembcred that its candidate for mayor was beaten last fall by the refu sal of its leader te permit the Democratic presidential ticket te be traded off for the Tammany mayoralty ticket, it it will be conceded that the strength of 'virtiie wnicii caused mis sacriuce is net one likely te be exhibited by demoralized, moribund and undeserving men. It cer tainly docs net lie with Democrats who profited se greatly by the honest support which Tammany Hall gave te a president whose nomination it had se earnestly op posed, when that support lest it its control of the patrenage of New Yerk city, te new t make that less the foundation of a prediction that the organization isfilain. Our own firm opinion is that Tafcmany Hall deserves and receives the appreciative thanks of the Democracy of thej country for its virtuous refusal te betray it te elect its local elllccrs ; and that theassociatien and its leader, Jehn Kelly, stand higher te-day in the Democratic estteni than they have ever steed. Ne less of federal patronage, and no failure of presidentialrecognitien of itsmagnaminity. can hurt an association which has testified by its deeds that it holds its Democracy as above price, pure, honest and undented. Blaine's Decadence. Four years age yesterday, just as his ,admmistrntien was beginning te develop BomVef the characteristics of the man and his thesen advisers, James A. GarfielJ, pretrdentef the United States, was shot by an ilsane and disappointed fellow-partisan, Chajlcs J. Guiteau. The circumstances whihhad produced tills result are new well-known te the world. The war of factions, the premises made only te be breKcn which drove Bosceo Conkling from thet United States Senate, the shuflling and evasion, intrigue and equivocation which preceded this sad event are new known and recognized aud discussed as they were net and could net have been at the time. Tite feeling of horror and Berrow and the resulting period of falsa sentimcntalism ever the tragedy obscured certain political Issues involved which are new seen in a clearer and true light. Individually the murdered president was happy in having a glamour thrown around his lile and character which would net .have attached te them save for the striking drcumstances of his assassination and of lit linrrArlnrv ?nnOi VH1ia..i i m t. It,P ijf y -the f Ime of " and nt tll eut!t of new $ SY" y career epenimr befere lilm. them ui until. . K. ",-! - - - vw,. VUV V. ll ?. ..r- . .. f.' . T .... . . .' . -" iv .- inc m ms iK)iuicai antecedents and there Is nothing te be seen at this distance hi a review of his administration which will impress upon history that a full term of jr, Garfield iu the presidency would have m et invproachable private character and unsrnirched political iecord,ef greater jferce of character and mero original power, efhigher ceurage and mero heroic mould. viJ??W v , -u"lUHl tne C0lyer Jiave sjivel his 'Syyilik party from the political defeat wtticti has H nv ft V. lWu visited upon it. Had he even been ft it.ill')te jlldirinent Of theuchtful and earnest. 'FS'J-vi fiVte would have beenappreliensive of an s" ySl ,llnistraUen directed and controlled by ; .. 'Kt - "?. 6-"w-j "i euuiuiuiieti areunu M,f -S ' immediate lesult of lliese aud of the ., Iy "cw he gave te them was that hte rtywa8rentbyfucllon,thedemestic peace , . fU the country wis iraiwrilled by the adep- ' ; Ww of an unwise policy, and its relations twwi ptner countries were put, Inte peril by , aandventurer whose purpose yvajitfa own fM'teHlandpwseaaUnd fiwmcialadwnee- wUe ww never se happy m ythm' ualng his official power as secretary of state and his influenee with the president, te put down an enemy, te silence an opponent or te reward a henchman. At this anniversary season, when te re call the evenU of four years age Is te sug gest a comparison of the Garfield adminis tration with that of Arthur, or mere forcibly a contrast with the Cleveland administration, which is new just as far along as Garfield's was when an assassin's bullet ended it it cannot and it ought net be forgotten that had the Blalne element in our politics been potential for full four years, the country as well as a party would have lccn subjected te a strain which might have been equally fatal. What 'was escaped in the succession of Arthur was again averted in the election of Cleveland. The point upon which the country is te be ,even inore congratulated is that this is se universally recognized. Mr. Blalne has been found out. There nre signs that even in his own party and en the part of tils late allies, his responsibility for the disrepute into which his party has fallen and for the disaster which has fallen upon it is clearly recognized. It is noted that at the compli mentary dinner te Senater Legan in Bos Bes Bos eon the ether day Hidie was n studious emission of all the speakers te allude te Mr. Blaine. His decadence will come te be mera and moie notable during the next tliree years. His day l3 past. The United States patent ofllce seems te be only a half-way heuse te tCe courts. mm m Manv people have perhaps womlerod why oxtrenio contempt Is conveyed by the ges ture of placing the thumb te the nese and vigorously agitating the lingers. 11 seems te be nearly as old as civilization. Kugone Mouton oil'erH an Ingenious explanation when he says that It Is because the principal oiled et this gosture is te render the nese tempo rarily snubbed which is uone by the pres sure of the thumb, wblle the ether fingers are polnted at the persen ridiculed, "snub nose I snubnose" that Is, the Intorptota Interptota Intorpteta tion of this llnger telegram Is equivalent te saying " you are a feel 1" Tula, however, does net seem te be a geed foundation for n cus tom that flourished with the ancients who did net place se much store by physical beauty as physical strength. Ueaides we have known snub-ncses that cutne near being beautiful. SeMi:TillNn te tene down the uoiseof the the 11 re cracker is the crying need of the hour. A rnuTTV HieitT Is prosented in the iur iur llauientary canvass that is new going en for the representation of the borough of Wood stock, for which Lord Itandnlph Churchill and Cerrle Grant are the Conservative aud Liberal candidates rosjiectlvely. It has lo le lo cemo a fomlnine contest for political place. Lady Churchill, the datlghler of Leenard Jereme, of New Yerk, is leading her hus band's forces i wblle two lovely young girl graduates of Oxford are heading the opposi tion. The latter have been making such Inroads en the Conservative strength by their bewitching smiles en the voters with whom they ceme Inte contact that Lady Joreiuo has felt It necessary te press Inte service two charming lieutenants, Lady Evelyn aud Lady Kdlth Curzon, the young daughters of Karl J Iowa With such siren Invitations te the ikiIIs, It will be little wender if the electors forget their jarty fealty and remember solely the fact that they are iiicii. Hah. way building In the United Ktatcs for the iirst six months of 1835 Is less than it has been for the same period for the past llve years; which means that hard times ure bringing returning reason. A uoeo Illustration et hew a feel aud his money may be seen parted Is furnished by the career of a young Kngllshman named .Moen, whose father tolled early and late te furnish means for making the beii'h Innate foolishness mero conspicuous. The young man had unlimited means and might have gained distinction. Hut he spent royally and married an actress who was able te assist him in his spendthrift career. Ker her he maintained a most expensive establishment. A stud of fifteen horses and ponies was attended by a staff of fiftoeu men In the most luxurious stable ever built. Knell liorse had thrce oxpensivo sets of haruess, and there were fourteen carriages of various descrl pt Ions te which they could be attached. Within the mansion overythlng was of the most magnificent description that meney could procure furniture, plate, pictures all of the most luxurious kind. But it is a long lane that hasneturningund se young Moen found. A few days age his wife had te return te the stage and his property went under the hammer. Perhaps this jiartlcular Moen will net be se full of spirits in the future TilKltK are eight mutes among the exhib itors at the Paris Salen tbla year. They could net have been using much red paint Tjik Rki'uiilican organs which wero just ready te ralse the cry that the civil servicer rules wero being violated in the treasury de partment because of a hitch in the appoint ment te a clerlcshlp of a Ohie person by the name of Kellar, will have te wait awhile. When the matter was brought te Secretary Manning's attention, he promptly or dered that the appolntment be made and as sured the civil sorvice commissioner that the law would be rospected and executed te the letter. The attacks upon the administration which were put into type will therefore have te lie en the galleys for a time. PERSONAL. IliciiAni) T. Mkiuuck is said te have lctt an ostate of ?12-",000. Mns. Jehn Jaceii Ahter, of New Yerk, donated a box of books te each of the forty llfe-savlng stations en the Jersey coast. Bisiier WiaeKit, of the Catholle dloceseof Newark, will sail forKurepo en September I. ile will pay his decennial visit te the I'ope. Kev. Gi:onei: Tomkins, who has lately ministered in the First Bapstist church of this city, andhiswlfe, salt by the Canard steamship "Ktruria," at 0:30 a. nu te-morrow ter England. MiNisTiin Keim:y will go te Vienna and should the Austrlan'government refuse te recclve him It Is intimated that the United States government will remain unroprescntod at the Vienna court. Kine Alfonse escaped the vlgllancoef his cablnet, en Thursday, and slipped uway Incognito te the Aranjiez hospital and chcer chcer ed the cholera patients. He rccclved a tre mendous ovation en his return te Madrid, Fjii:sidunt Cm:vei,and has made the fnl. lowing ap(xIntmenU: Darius H. Ingrahain, of Maiue, te be consul of United States at Cadiz; James Tenner Lee, of Maryland, te be secretary of legation of the United States te Austre-IIungary. James Kuhhkli. Kewiii.t. has Just pre sented te the library of Harvard cel I ego a collection of books numbering C8S volumes, picked up by him iu the nast elght years abroad. In the collection are seme Kugllsh and Italian works, but meat of the books ure Spanish. Thore are seme of the groat great pst rarity and value aud nene of them ere commonplace. The Teuno I'uineess Louise or Wales, who made her debut recently, is described as painfully shy net pretty, but with a goutle and pleasing expres sion. She was dressed very plainly In pule blue satin and tulle, looped with clusters of cberry blossoms, and wero no Jewcls save u couple of diamond aigrettes iu her hair. Her elder brother, the piospeotive klnget Kngland, is very awkward and shy, I'itEsiUKNT Clkvkland, It la related, after appointing nu applicant te a certain position, demanded that lie should strictly attend te Ills business and net become entangled In party politics. He intimated that, as a ser vant of the general public, the unpolntee had no right te use the Jntjuonee of his position for any political purpese whale rer. "And if liedetMBO use ft," said the president with eiue vehewenee of spreMlen, "I'll flip Mm wit u quiKiy a weuia ,a iiepuwi- ,' '- ':, S MYFRIEND EDITH, OltAl'Tl-.lt IV. ' Frem that day Kdlth and I were en a different footing. The Interest I felt In her was changed rtther than lessened ( that which sli'e felt in me had been incroased by etir mutual coufldenco. When we met, cloverly parrying my efforts te aslertaln the nauie of lier lever and I confess I was curious she turned the conversation te the Hiihject of the estrangement with my nonhew. The mysterious persen referred te as he" or "him," had evidently deparled from our tiolKhberhood. and X think Kdlth tnlssed him a geed deal. Mrs. Lyatl asked me mere than ence If I did nr,t think a cliange would de her geed, which gave me an opportunity ei teasing lsuuu en me siy. ltcinied, howevor, In her going en a Mslt te seme friends. Hlie departed with se much cheerfulness that I lelt convinced nhe had contrived seme means of seelntr the namoless ene " as I called him, and I ac cused her of it ; but she only laughed and said " NonRenM) I" and that Is easily said; and we had qulte a touching llttle parting In the Harden, and I railed her 'mv dear child." I found the place very dull with out her, anil went abroad until the following autumn. I was plcased te ilnd Kdlth did net forget me. and received soveral letters from her In which she " hoped the waters wero doing me geed," fur my reason for expatriation was te drink or a very nasty spring recom mended for the gout, whleli u 111 lets me Intermittently. I found she was still harping en my ostrangement with my ncpliew, ler biie trusteu 1 had become recon ciled with bin). "I am sure," she wrote, "If you have you will be happier, for you have a kind heart although It Is rather an ob eb ob stlnate ene." When I catne home In Sep tember 1 heard the Lyalls wero at the sea sea stde ; and having, as usual nothing te de, I thought I would go down and uscertaln hew Edith's leve affair was progressing. TIibjt wero staying at a llttle place which has been familiar te me from a child, and which Is mixed up witlt all my early memories ; Its attractions therefore wcre two fold. 1 ar rived there late In the ovenlug and found ' I had forgotten their address, se I went te the hotel, deciding te ascer tain It In the morning. When It came I was aweke by a numerous and noisy family en my fleer who wero eager te catch the llrsi tram, fsature had unpelled them with poeuliurly tHjnetratlnir voices, and they reuld have hardly made mero of their feet if they had been contlpeds. Sleep being out of the question, I dressed and went out- The bright sea and Uy put me Iu geed spirits, aud tli e salt brccze made me consider witn seme interest what would be the nicesl break fast I could order when I roturned from my early walk. I left the little town, and made my way te the grassy summit of the cl Ill's which, sloping down from the brink, shut out thesluht of the sea from the foetiuth marked at Intervals with patches of whlte chalk, landmarks at night, for the coast guardsmen iu their lonely rounds. Hew well I remember the place. HtMuilllnjr the past Willi that strauge feeling, half pleasure, half iialn, Avheu woRcarce knew whether te Biiille or sigh, I advanced te the odge of the cliff very cautiously, Just as I used te de when a boy, aud looked down at the yellow beach and sparkling sea. I w:is never se astonished in my llfe! There, below the boetllng wall of dazzling white, steed Kdlth Lyall aiul my nephew Charlie. Tlielr hands wero clasped In tiich ether's and they were cazlnt: as levors, I suppose, de, Inte each ether's face, heedless of the sharp eyes watchlngthcin from nbove. My Intrusion startled ujnekdaw from a chalky cranny, and he Hew off, the suiibhlne gleaming en ills glossy wlns, cawing clamorously ; but they were tee Intent en their occupation te leek up. By this time their fieurcs nere iM-uiunlnt; te reel aud dance iu the hae. soemingly te melt away Inte the pehblus like shadowy wraiths rather than headstrong young people, and I was forced by a feeling of giddiness te uvert my astonished gaze. Xu wonder Kdlth toel: such interest in met Itdld net arise at all Irein the reasons I had fondly Imagined. Then wondering what might be the most satisfactory Uhoef my discovery, I retraced my steps aim sal en a uencn en tue parade, where a flight of steps was the only means of ascent from the beach below. I had no need te wait leuir. Kdlth ap peared uloue. Charlie, for seme diplo mats reason, I Htipiiese, had been lelt be hind. Khe was even mei e astonished than ubcu I met her at the fctlle. "Have you dropped from the clouds, Mr. Morten T'slie exclaimed. "Yeu don't leek tee pleased loheenie," said I, as no shook hands. 'I'm tee surprised tee leek glad," said alie ; "but 1 am, all the same." "Was It a troubled conscience that called you forth se early?" I Inquired. "1 don't knew If I have a conscience," she said smiling ; "I get up te bathe." "Yeu don't lock as though you had been bathlmr." "I haven't tills morning." "What made you break se vhltieus a rule? Anything te de witlt the nameless ene?" "What a tease you are !'' "A tcase indeed I Are we net follew-con-splrators? Come I en what sly erraud have you been this morning?" , Hut Kdlth looked at me with grave gray eyes, and said it have nothing else te de, perhaps you will take us en tiie pier this morning." "Yeu will be sorry te hear," said I en our way te the house, "that l've heard nothing of that scamp of a nephew of mine, ungrate ful young ruffian 1" "I'm sure he is net ungrateful," she an swered warmly. "Why! hew en earth can you knew, Kdlth ?" "Because I'm sure he's net I" "One would fancy you speke from per sonal knowledge" "I romember what you said of him last June. What has changed you ?" "I have beceme convinced there Is no geed In the yeuug fellow, and I'll de noth ing for him.'1 "Hadn't you better wait till he asks you ?" The wrath that she streve te conceal amused me. It was my revenge. "Yeu de take a strange interest iu the young fellow t Kneugh te make the name name less onejoalous!" "I amsuiprised at the change In one I used te think se kind," said she. "t'he change is net an Improvement." Her pretty face was se troubled that I half relented. "Well, It can't matter te you," I said airily. "He's nothing te elther of us. I'll call alter breakfast, and shall expect te be amused. Ami I went off iu my jauntiest mauuer, leaving Kdlth en the steps of tiie house gazing at uie with wistful eyes. L'HAl'TKII v. Ou calling after breakfast I found that for seme Inscrutable reason, Mrs. Lyall had de cided that she would suvynt home, and that I was te take Kdlth alone. "De you particularly wish te go en the pier?" I asked. "I'll go whorevor you like," she bald blandly, although I could sce she would have glven anything te get rid of me. "Don't you think you are wasting valua valua ble tluie with me?" I asked mischiev ously. "I knew whero you want te go te see the nameless ene. Yeu can't deceive mei" Kdlth hesitated, and while she was Inward ly debating, I went en : "x uavoiiemvcu mi uus iime in tiie world without IU1IUVIMVU MUJ klltvll II1U iVUUU i gaining seme knewledge or human Come, Edith, you knew whero he nature is." "Oli, Mr. Merten," she said, "whatwon "whatwen "whatwon derful penetration you have." I could sce that she was laughing at me in her Bloevo, but I was determined te be mag nanimous. " And new," I said, " I suppose you iu tend tedesett me ler the nameless one. I knew he Is dodging about somewhere watching us, mid sutlering pangs of jealousy. (e, my child, go 1 Flap your downy wings in the sunshine." Kdlth beamed nt me with eyes full of pleasure. "I haventgetany wing te flap yetl but will you let me go really T"' " Let you, ludeed l" "I thought, you knew," said she. "you might have seme absunl notion that I was unfler your charge, but you are far tee clevor and souslble for any such foolish ideas. I never knew a less narrow-uiiiuled man than you. never I 1 wish all pcople wero like you J" "Flatterer I flatterer S Iseotllreugh it all. Although I consider myself responsible for your behavior, go ! Don't keep the nameless ene wattiug iu his lair." " Yeu ure the kindest man in the world I" said aha " And the most easily beguiled," said I, ' but deu't imagine I'm blind." " Ne, no, yvu are perfect lynx." Tiie type wiarte u v ' oenctudtd1? liuteufl of " oenilnuua " In tile tmUUaMea ertis sweew! uiHuiwat.ui uua wxy Mutt aiBff. M, And off she went, with joy In her eyes thinking no doubt my perceptions were mere akin te theso et a mele than of the brlgbt-eyed. prick-eared feline. 1 went en the pier whom the band was playing and he who played the drum, a vigorous execu tant, was doing his utmost te conceal the de ficiencies of his colleagues. Net finding this amusing l went en me deacii, nnu te me, meditating, there came n boatman, who com menced posterhift me te biro a beat. Sud denly nti idea occurred te me. I'll take a canoe It you have a nlce ene," naldL seeing several en the sea. Ofcourse he had ; and In a few mlnuteS I was afloat iu It, my embarkation causing some mirth among the k'lers en the shore j but pcople at the seasiue win laugn at anytuuig. I paddled Bway toward the dills, fancy ing I might soe the levers at thelr former trysting place and gain another advantage evor thorn. The sea was very culm except where the tlde swept evor a reef of rocks, whero the water seemed te snarl nud show Blcams of whlte teeth, lloyend was a lonely eat apparently drifting with the tlde. Almest before 1 wan awaroef It I had reached the troubled waters. The llttle choppy waves began te splash evor thegunwale, and, while IJwas arranging the waterproer evor my legs, suddenly, te my dismay, my padille foil Inte the sea. Using my hands as ears I began te prepel myself lalKirlensly toward the paddle rising and falling In the most tan talizing manner a few feet from 'tue. Just wncn I had reached it, aim was leaning noi nei noi veusly forward te clutch it, a larger wave than usual struck me, and I toppled ever with a stifled hollow, ami the water was hiss ing around my frightened ears. Coming te the surface again, wildly shouting "Help !" l sirucK out ler my iroaciiurews crau lirai floated upside down a few yards from me. "Helpl HelpI Help!" I clamored whou wheu whou evcr the waves, which lilt me viciously in I he mouth, would let me. The canoe seomed drifting further away, or olse my frantic ef forts produced retrogression. My clothes were celling around me like clammy snakes; my cries sounded like the shouts et seme ene olse; I was horribly, horribly frightened, and my struggles wero growing feeblcr. Like in seme nightmare, I could sce the beat rowing toward me. Hew slowly It appeared te move t My body seomed turning te lead. I don't bcllove any ene evor had such a body, for suddenly it dragged my head u ruler hi spltn or its olferts te keep above, and I felt as ene might feel shut up In a gigantle botlle of soda water at the moment seme Titan le hand drew the cork, the water hissed, fizzled, and swirled se hideously. As It closed ever my crown, suddenly a strong hand clutched me aud dniL'ged me te the surface again, and I heard above the awful, lubilant splashing of the sea n familiar volce utterlug I knew net what of cncouriigemont. Then somehow 1 clutched the side of a !eat ; thore was a long struggle witlriuy Inert body that could de se llttle for Itself! and finally I found myself, like e newly caught fish, gasping at the bottom of the beat, and looking up iu mingled terror, Jey, and uuiazemeut, at my uniibew Charlie and the frightened lace et Kdlth Lyall. Yeu're all rlglit new, uncle, eh t" cried Charlle cheerfully. Yes all righ' all right new!" I gasped. Then, feeling like a mummy Iu wet swaddling clothes, I sat an animated sponge en the scat It was all se f-trange that I could only blink mv eves in wonder. 'Thank you, my dear boy ! thought It was all upl watery grave! ugh I" At length grad ual ly my breath I n u mcasu re returned. " Se this is the nameless one, thou ?" said I. " Teuud nil out 'fere breakfast. Kaw you from the cliffs." Hut hew could I enjuy the triumph whlle my teeth wero chattering with cold, and I realized the ferce of the expression " te loelt like a drowned rat?" They wcre both full or sollcitude ; Kdlth looked at me compassionately as I shUored aud shook. All the dignity had been wash ed out of me as eirectiially as the starch from my linen. Hew thankfully I felt I Hew Inclined te hang up my dripping garments te the powerful sea god ! At IMith' sugges tion I took nu ear te row te shore, whence my accident had ovidently Ikmjii observed; for a number of beats came and joined us, and we formed a sort of triumphal proces preces sion luwurds the lieacli. I felt like seme prize rescued from the dcep I On laud was u creud te wolcemous. A few enthusiastic spirits ralsed a feoble cheer; ethers wcre guilty or ruue remarun. " Old chaps didn't ought te be allowed out iu thein cranky canoes," said ene. I in wardly agreed with the speaker and regret regret ted that seme by-law te this effect did net ex 1st As I walked up the beach the bystanders laughed lu vulgar glce at the sorry sight I iillorded. "Ain't he wet! Deu't he leek blue ! 'Dial's the chap what pulled lilm out!" iVc Charlie, howevor, rejecled all eilers of assistance, for I was tee quonched aud iiel less, tee Inclined te crawl away into seme place where I could net be seen, te assert myself. I had had ene leg in a watery grave, and terrer nnd damp had made me very meek and very grateful. I told Kdlth as we parted en the parade that I would make it "all right" with her mother, if possible, when I was dry. A number of dirty boys followed us te the hotel. They seemed a llttle disappointed I bad only been jartly drowned, for the young are fend or oxcltemont Here 1 separated with Charlle ; imbibed a strong totnbler of brandy and water, and commenced te change ray dripping clothes. The spirits mounted te my bead in tiie most foolish way; and whhe I was still fumbling with feoble fingers at the buttons of a dry shirt, seeming te sce myself qulte a long way elf In the mirror, Charlle in another suit appeared. After I had assured him for about the twen tieth time that I was rather better than w orse for my ducking, for the brandy had produced a deceptive complacency, he Informed me that he had only learned that very day that I was a friend et Edith's. " Strange I" said I, " she has been begging me te forgive you evor since last June,'' " Why, that's exactly what she has been doing with me," said he. "She made me premiso te ask you te forglve me this morn ing," continued he. " 1 have been very un grateful ; ploase forglve me, tiucle." Forgive him, indeed I Where should I have been if he had net pulled me out or the trackless sea 7 "My dear boy I 'My dear boy !" Then we both understand the llttle gaine Edith had been playing. And my eyes grew moist; something perhaps the brandy aud water had touched the fountain of my emo tions. " I only staid away ;" said he, " because I wanted te show you 1 wasn't such u mull as you thought I was." " Yeu have been qulte right te beceme an artist," said I, shaking his iiand au unneces sary whlle, "aud I am sure you will he a successful ene." It socmed te me he must be capable of any thing alter pulling me out et the water. Then we went down te lunch, pbjecta of curiosity te the ethor guests, and drank a bettle of dry champagne, a wlne I only take when my nerves have rocelvcd a shock. Thatday it Boomed te have a strange effect en the root of my tengue and te increase the warmth of my affection for the world at large. Charlle told me hew his pictures wero beginning te soil, and everything appeared te me In a very rosy light Lunch evor, I had au interview wltii Mrs. Lyall. "Your genereus offer." she said, "places the matter en an euUrely different foot feet lug." The "gouerous offer," referred te an al lowance I wished te sottle ou Charlle. if he would allow it "aonerous," forsooth I Why if he hadn't pulled me out of the water he would be in possession of all my belongings, and it seems bard pcople should suller for doing their duty. Se Edith and Charlle ere happy ; their story has ended : the curtain has dropped. If you go te the acadeiny you will soe seme of his pictures hanging ou the line. Already I am begin ning te get a reflected glory from his talent I haye a picture of myself by him, whicli in my opinion aud I tun no bad Judge Is equal te almost any portrait I knew, excep; ene et Andrea del Sarte by hlmselt, which yen can soe any day you like at the national gallery. Ilesides tills I pessess another, a very droll ene tee. A stout gentlemau Is struggling In the water ; the expression of his face Is very comical, whlle h young lady with dlshoveled hair, standing lu a beat, is wringing her hands. ItcneatU is written, in Edith's hand, "Reconciliation with my unqle." 1 stele it from Charlie's sketch book, and. although I brag a geed deal about "the great work of myselr in oils," which bangs in the host light in my dining room, no ene ever sees the ether. Whenever I am, owing te gout or ether causes, dlsposed te leek en the world with eyes of dlscontent, it re minds me hew grateful I ought te be, and Is of mere value as a mental tonle tliau any sermon I have ever heard. Frem the 7'emjile liar. TIIE'END. In Kant or West or North or Beutb, Tliy te themselves aii outrage de, who i-flnmic lietit a rmkh aveeL mouth. With teeth like jMBFltlbMwmuied with dcr, -W'heu aOKODONT all tkl oupplles, - - Don't Trlfla With Serima MftMart. I Danctntferw a seething e&ldren en a fllmel glass Is rank madness. Crowding en fall head of mental (team and carrying ceaseless cares, wlille Uie physical frame Is overworked and nerves disordered, I itlll worse and must re sult In total rain unless a proper equivalent et strength Is furnished. Hern's Pirns Malt WuiSRRrls the only available resources that can completely flit the breach and supply the iimirlftbing sllainlns neccrsary te scoure per fect health without hurtful reactions or dnm nga te the constitution. The great chemists certify te Its perfect purity and the best doctors recommend Its thorough use. ii m em Why Ie Derter Prescribe Liquors ? Tlccauae they knew net what else te de; or be- caiue semriimps a lima jiciner serves in miuihj the exhausted Arcs of Indignation. Hut this llqner prcicrlptten is bad business for tiie pa tients, for It makes drunkards out or a large majority of thetn. brawn's Iren Hitters dees net klndle a temporary Are. It nourishes, cn riches, strengthens, purifies. It drives out de bility and dyapepda , and sets Uie Invigorated syntera at work en a basis of health. A turfllng fact. Heart Dsscase Is only In In In fotlerlu fatality te consumption. IlonetsufTor from It, but ue Dlt. UK AVKS' HKAILT ItKUU I.ATOIl. It has cured thousands, why net you. Frce pamphlet of t K. Iugatls, Cambridge, Mass. Jyilwd bl'ECIAL NOTICES. Jt Fairly Werrlrs Ms te Think of the multl tude of things advertised te euro disease," you say. Ne wonder. Hut in the mountains of chaff there am grains of getden wheat. We may llnd It dlfllcultle Induce you te test the merits of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Ilcmcdy, but when you have done se, our work Is ended. After wards you and this medicine will be fast friends. Favorite ltcmudy would liave died out long age but ler It red usefulness. lint it I geed and docs geed. Where's the sense In spendlng meney ler a doubtful affair, when a sure aud reliable thing Is offered T flop l'oreui J'latlcri for all aches, pains and soreness. The gt cutest strcngthener known, l"c. (2) JUE1HVAI VOW LS THE TIME TO CUItK Skin Humors. It l at this season when the Peres are clogged nud the Hloed and Perspiration are laden with Impurities that Disfiguring Humors, Humili ating Eruptions, Itching Tortures, Bait ltheum or Eczema, l'serlala, Tetter, Itingwerm, Huby Humors, Scrofula, Scroruleus Beres, Abscesses and Discharging Wounds, and every species of Itching, Bcaly nnd I'lniply Diseases of the Bklu and Scalp, nre most speedily nnd economically cured by the CtrriccnA Ueusdiks. IT IS A PACT. Itundrcdsef letters In our possession (copies of which may tic had by return mall) are nut nuthertly for the assertion that Skin, hcalp and lt!end Humors, whether Hcrofuleus, Inherited or Contagious, may NOW be permanently cured by Cuticcua Kehelvkxt the new Hloed I'urllliir, In tcrnallv. andt'tmccnA and Cuticuba Seav, the great filtln Curesund Hcautlflers, externally, lu one-half the tluie and expenbe or any ether sea' son, GREATEST ON EARTH. Cuticiha Hkmedies are the greatest medicines en earth. Had the worst case of bult ltheum lu this country. Sty mother had It twenty years, nml tn fact dleU from It- I belli-ve Ccticura would have saved her llfe. My nrmsbrcestand head were covered for threo years, which noth ing relieved or cured until I used the ClTOTRA IIkselvest, Internally, nud Ccticeua nnd Cirri- CVIU 8eav, externally. J. w. ADAMS, Newark, O. Greatest Bleed Medicines. The half has net been told as te the great curu curu llve powers of the CUTicuRA Uxmedies. I have paid hundreds of dollars for medicines te cure UUcexes of the bleed and skin, and never found anything yet te equal Mm CUTicvnA Hkhf-diks. CHAS. A. WIM.1AJIS, 1'EOVlDESCe, It. I. Sold by all Druggists. Trice: CcncunA.Mir.j Heselvest. 1.U0 j OAr, 25c. Prepared by the l'lrrtn Kmii Ann Chemical. Ce., IxmIeii, Mass. Send for Hew te Cure hktn Dlteanes." Beauty r'er Tan, Sunburn nnd Oily bkln, Cuticuba beAi CHOLKItA AND YELLOW PEVEK. Malarial, Mlasmntla and contagious or Epi demic DUcaees, nnd many ailments attending change of climate, feed nml water, may be en tirely prevented by wearing n Cuticciia Plas Plas TKBeverthe pit of the stomach, with frequent changes, whenever exposed te these utTcciien A curu by absorption IsafTected by It when alt ether plasters fall. It Is the best plaster known te physicians and druggists. At druggists, SSc; llve for (1.00. Mailed free. Petteb Uulu am Chemical Ce., Hosten. CATARRH. Complcte Treatment, with Inhaler, for every form of Catarrh. $1. -ASK POP.- Sanferd's Radical Cure. Head Colds, Watery Discharges fiein the Nose aud Eyes, Hinging NeUcs In the Head, Nervous Headache ar.d Fever Instantly relieved. Choking mucus dlaledgcd, membrane cleansed and healed, breath sweetened, smell, taste and hearing rcsteicd, and ravages checked. Cough, Bronchitis, Droppings Inte the Threat, Pains In the Chest, Dyspepsia, Wasting of Strength and Flesh, Less of Sleep, etc., cured. One bettle Kadlcal Cure, ene box Catarrhal Solvent and ene Dr. Sanferd's Inhaler, In ene package, of all druggists, for fl. Ask forSAS ferSAS forSAS rer.n'a Hadical Cuius, a pure distillation of Witch Hazel, Am. Pine, Ca. Fir, Marigold, Clever Jilosseuie, etc. Petter Drug and Chemical Ce., llosteu. Cellins' Voltaic Electric Plasters. New Life for Shattered Nerves. Painful Mus cles und Weakened Orgaus. Cellins' Voltaic Electrle Plaster instantly nffcets the nervous system and b.mUlitw pain, nervousness aud de bility. A perfect Electro-iSatvanle Battery com cem blned with a highly medicinal Plaster for 2Je. All druggists.. JulvMinW4S anucEitiEs. AT BUKSK'S, 17 EAST KING ST. National Jubilee July 4, 1885. FIREWORKS ! FLAGS AND CHINESE LANTERNS ! De net wait until tbe the last day te et your Firework Display. Our works are the unex celled Colored Fireworks and are sold nt the price et plain works. One of the Finest Pieces U the FLOHAL FOUNTAIN, it Is beautiful and easily put en. WOUK6 OF EVEltY DESUHIP TION. Dealers supplied at the lowest Jobbing l-.i i. BURSK, NO. 17 iiAST RING STREET, LANCASTEU. PA. STOCKS. -pOOR, WHITE & OREENOUGH. ,BAtfKERS.W Orders executed for cash or en margin for all securities curium lu Mie New Yerk market. Cri. , elitlrt... Invited. MKMHEIIROK THK KIV YOHK STOCK EX UIIANMKAND I'ltOPUIKTOUB OF l'OOIPS MANUAL Hi UAlUVAib. 4G Wall Street, New Yerk. outl-lydeod P ENNA. OIOAI18 VKOM fLOO PEH llunarca up, at HAItTMAN'S YELLOW FUONT CIOAIt UTOKK. CIIEAPERTnAN COAL FOR RUMMER USE. UEOthJ Gas Cooking Steve. NO HEAT. NO DUST. All patterns for sole at Manufacturers' prices. Orrica or Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ge. mayll-2md T HISl'Al'ER 18 PRINTED WITH J. K. WrUQHT & CO.'t INK. . ..JfiULABltLPllIrA, 'V- LrP"- n ' " -' MEDICAL. A QUK8TI0N AROUT Brown's Iren Bitters AN8WF.KED. Tlienuestlen Itns nrnttnltlv linnu nal...l ibmi. amis of Mine. "Hew ran llrewn's Iren Hitlers euro overythlng 1" Well, It doesn't. Hut It does euro any dlnense Inrwhlrhnrrnutatila physician would prcnerilie IltON. l'liyntclnm recegnise Iren us ihe best rcnturattve agent kewn te the SrofcuBlen, nnd tmiulrjr of nny leading chemical nn will Hubstanlfatn the anscrtlen Mint tliere are mera preparations of iron than of nny ether substance ucd In mrdlolne. This shows con clusively Mint Iren is acknowledged te be the most Important fscter In successful medical prncuce. inn, nenevrr, a remnrKnmnraci, mill prier te the discovery of lIltOW.VH IltOM 1S1T TEltS nopcrfcctlysatlsfactery Iren combination Ilrfln'8 Iren Bit!m.A"M"I?icLfe.I.,",1:... ennse hendnohe or produce constipation nil ether Iren llll ters de. Hrewn's Iren Hlltcrs cures Indigcalleii, Hllleusness, Weultncss, Dyspepsia, Malaria, Chills and Fevers, Tired reeling, uen end Debility, l'nln In the Hide, Hack or I.lmlw, llendache nud Neuralgia for all these ailments M Brown's Iren Billen.iSAsrcSlTn a minute. I.lke nil ether thorough medicines, it nets slowly. When taken by men the first sym sym sym tomerhoiiefltlsrenettcilcnergy. The muscles then become flnncr, the digestion Improves, the bowels are active. In ifemen the effect ts goner ally mere nvptd nnd marked. The ayes liegln at ence te brighten t the skin clears up; healthy color conies te I no check j nervousness disap pears functional derangements become regular nd If a nursing mother, abundant sustenance issupplled for the child. Kumcmber, Ilrewn's Iren Hitters Is the ONLY Iren medlcine that Is net injurious, fniiiciam ana Jirugqiitt ree ree emmendit. The Ui'iiulne has Trnde Stark and crmaeil red lines en wrapper. TAKH Nil OTIIKIt. cp9-lyd&w(J) K OP PLASTKUS. Bep Plislers Cart Quickest. Why 7 HccauKO composed of lncdlcinal qualities that are known te possess great pencr In relieving puln, curing disease and wonderful strengthen ing weak and worn out parts. Fresh Heps, bur gundy Pitch and Uuins combined in a fresh, clean and sweet porous plaster, Always ready te apply te sudden pain, uches, strains, cramps, stitches, crick, swollen Joints ermuscles, or sore ness In nny part. Via. S for $1.10 every where. (8) IIOL'l'LAHTUK COMPANY, ISoslen, Mass. HOI' TLA STRUM. MANV HACKS ACIIKS I Hosts of iieonleef nil discs suffer with lmtn lu tbe small of the back, commonly called " Hack ache." (let of your druggist a Hep 1'tASTKiinud apply It directly ever scat of trouble. The sooth seeth ing and pnln-kllling properties of Heps com bined with Hurgundy Pitch and Kxtracts make this plaster vastly better than ethers for driv ing out pain and strengthening tbe parts. A trial will demonstrate this. Always reudy for n m- Never mils. 2Sc.,fi for $1.00. HOP I'LAS TEH COMPANY, Proprietors, Hosten, Mass. (3) TTOP ITiASTEK. NOT MICE OTlllilt KINDS. Hee Plasters act Instantly when applied. Try them for Hacknche, Pain In the bide, btllchcs. Ithcumatlmii, bciatlra, bore nnu Weak Chest aril all local aches nnd pains. Se seething nnd strengthening te wcuk and tired parts. Com Cem Com pfHedef nature's lct known remedies, virtues of Krcsh llepi, Hurgundy Pitch and Canada Hat riiiii. ReliI uvervwhere 23e.. 8 for 11.01'. HOP PI.ASTLHl COMPANY, Proprietors, Uoslen, Macs. (IU) W KItVOUSNESS, SLEEPLESSNESS -AND- All Ferms of Heart Disease, yield by the uce of DR. GRAVES' HEART REG ULATOR, thousand uu tt, why net you T One ToHeut bedtlme will give perfect refreshing sleep te any nervous or wakeful person. It stimulates tue Stomach, regulates the bowels, gives tene te the system, repairs wasted energy and mental faculties. $1 per Bettle, G for $5, nt Druggists. Send te l E. INGAM.. Cambridge, Ma., or free pamphlet en Heart Dixease, Nervous Nerveus t ft, etc. o30-lyeed&w(3) EXCUJtMOyi. -pENllYN l'AUIC. Penryn Park, ON THE- Cornwall & Mount Hepe R. R, Excursion Committee of Churches, Sunday Pchoels and ether select orgnnizatiensr-ln mak ing their summer arrangements, should net ucg lect te reerve a day for Penryn Park. This delightful resort Is situated in the midst ei luu SOUTH MOUNTAINS And Its grounds covering hundreds of acres aie easy of access from all parts et central Penn sylvania. Fer the free usoef oxcuislenlsts there are extensive CllOQUET AND LAWN TENNIS OUOUND3, I.AUGE DANCING PAVILION, BAND STAND, KITCHEN, BASKET AND CLOAK IIOOMS, and OUSEliVATOUY On the Summit of the Mountain. There is ale a refreshment room in charge of a competent caterer, w here meals can be procured at moderate rates, a photograph gallery nud numerous ether attractive features. Ne liquors allowed en the grounds. Excursions from all points en the Philadelphia <cadlngund Heading X Columbia Itallreada w 111 be carried direct te the Park without change of cars. Cemnlctu Information can ba obtained nnd en gagements effected with parties from all points ou the Philadelphia Jt Heading and Heading A Columbia Railroads, unen aimlleatien te C. U iiancecK, licnerai rapxeugcrauu jickci .vgem, Philadelphia A Heading Hallread, 'in Seuth Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa., and with parties from Lebanon by applying te the undersigned, uakii iiw suiiJUAi.r..Mbr;, Supt, Cornwall & Mt, Hepo Hallread. 3ind Lebanon Pa. mavS-aind s UMMEU OF 18S5. OernwaU & Lebanon AND Oolebreok Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PARK, In the heart of thu Seuth Mountain, ou the line et the above read, Is offered te Individuals and associations Free of Charge. These grounds, covering hundreds of acres, are easy of access from all parts of Eastern Pennsylvania. M-ThcroareMOUNTAIN8TKEAMS,spaniiod by rustle bridges; MOUNTAIN SPltlNliS, walled up with uatlve sandstone ; SHADY WALKS and PHOMKNADES. A LA1UJK DANCING PAVILL10N, LAUGE DINING HALL. KITCHEN, DINING HOOM, and TABLES, BENCHES and KUSTIO SEATS, scattered through the grove for the free use of excursionists. LAWN TENNIS, CUOtJUET, BALL G HOUNDS, BOWLING ALLEY, SHOOTING GAL LEltY, QUOITS AMD FOOT BALL Are among the amusements offered. Ne Intexicating: Drinks Allewed en tbe Premises. AjrPnrtlc dcalrlnz it. can nrocure meala nt tlu. PAHK HESTAUHANT, which will be under me cuarge ei juit. r. caterer of the M. BOLTZ, the noted LEBANON VALLEY HOUSE, who will been the grounds throughout the sea son, giving it his personal Bupervltden. Excurglens Irem all points en Pennsylva nia It. H. will be carried direct te tbe Park with out change of cars. 49-Exoundeu rates and full information can be ebtalued and engagements etlecteit with Iiartles freui all points en the Pennsylvania I. It. upon application te GEO. W. BOYD. As Blatant Guuer.il Passenger Agent, P. It. it., Ne. U Seutll Fourth street, Philadelphia, or te J. C. JENNINGS, Supt. C. A L. & 0. V. K. U., Lebanon, Pa. inylJ-Jmd s AINT-KAPUAEIi WINE. INFORMATION. The Salnt-Hantmel Wlne hits a delicious flaveur ana Is nrunk lu the al cities of ltussla' Uermunv. North und Seuth America, Great Britain. India, and se en. annually is suillclcnt proer or its stability and staying powers, while for tbe real connoisseur III, AI1I4I!., IIU BU Ull. AlJUlJlinilV.. VAIIUI lUU there Is no wlne that can de cenuiaerca its inperter. ii-The Saint-Raphael Wine Company, Valence. Department of tbe Dreme (France.) H. E. SLAYMAKEK, OStM K0i CAST XWQ BTKXKX, -it CM-KflllNtl. TCTEADatAWi:ns Peu " " SUMMER Morine Bhlrta and Drawers, Qnuze Undorshlrte and Drawem, Cholce Kecktlcs, U. & V. Cellara and Cuffs, C.ee O. Cellara and Cuffs, Crown Cellars and Cufm The Best Fitting Drcs3 iShirls. SlllltTB .N'I1 ."OfMKTV I'Alt.MMIKUNAMA MAI1K TO OlttlKU. At Erisman's, NO. 17 WKSTKINUSTItEKT. Kltt'lIANT TAILOR. I. IcCAULEY, MERCHANT TAILOR I NO. 134 NORTH QUEEN ST. (Iluchmtllcr's Uulldlng.) ONE OF T1IK FINEST LINES OF FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS, KOIt THK 8P1UNO AND SUM M Kit Tit AUK, EVKIl SHOWN IN TII18CITY. Call and take a leek nt the goods, and you will be sure te have your measure taken fere suit. Junclyd VLOTttryu. ATYEItS A KATI1VUN7 " "" "BRraSWICK!" ' HIHJN'MVICK " IS THE NAME OP THE Best White Shirt SOLD IN LANCASTER TO-DAY. Made of Best Brand H'ainsutta Muslin, Four Ply Bosem, and peMtlvcly the llest llcadv-Made Hhlrtlnuse. Finn l.lnciiund Four-Ply lkmeui. The "Brunswick "sells for $1.25 Laundricd and Sl.00 Uelaaiidricd. THE "RUBY" Is our Sccnnd-Orude While Shirt. Made of New Yerk Mills Mu'lln.und is Superior te innUtl.oe Whlte Shirts put ou the mat ket. Can be had for $1.00 Litunilried or 75c. Unlaundricd. BOiOM-FOUIt-PLY AND FINE LINEN. bEEOUK STOCK OF THIN GOODS ! Twe Shades of Brown, two Shades of Blue, t e Shades of Yellow and White, two Shades of Black nnd Whlla SEERSUCKER, in Checks, At $1S0 for Ceat and Vest. SUMMEJl VESTS lu Whlte Duck or Black and White Mixed Duck. LEADING CLOTHIEKS, NO. 13 BAST KINO STREE3T, LANCASTKIt. PA. F INE TAILORING. 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. The Largest and Choicest Assortment of FINE WOOLENS IN THE CITY OF LANCASTEU. All Iho Latest Novelllc in FANCY SUITING. A CHOICE LINE OF SPRING OVERCOATING. THE VEKY BEST WORKMANSHIP. Prices te suit all and all goods warranted as represented at his new store, Io.43Ierth Queen St. (OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE.) H. GERHART. QUR PRICES FOR S1T11EE GOODS LEAD THE MAUKET. Reduction Pric list -of Men's, Beys' and Children's CLOTHING. THINCOATSttt 10e. SEEHSUCKEU COATS and YESTS from II.SS up. BotterSKEItSUCKEKSntlUS. MEN'S BUSINESS SUITS at H.50, $3.0i), JC.U0, and $7.00. ' ' MEN'S DHE8S SUITS at f3.00, tlOOO, 112.00 and f 11 AI, MEN'S 11U81NESS PANTS at 75c. MEN'S ALL-WOOL CASS1ME11E PANTS at 12.00, $5&0and3.00. BOY'S SUITS at tlW, ri50,$3 00,fUO,5.00up CHILDREN'S SUITS from H.2J upwards. Custom Department. Our specialties lu this derailment aioWeol Sergo Suiting lu all Celers, tee same we maku te order in llit-class lv!e ter $11.10. ALL.WOOL PAN'IS te elder ut 3.U), MOO, 5 (X), ia oe, t7.oe, s.iie. 'J be place te Unde is where you can get the most for your money, und whero you can have thu l.uucst variety te select from, L. GANSMAN & BR0 THE FASHIONABLE MEltCHANT TAILORS AND CLOi'HIEltS, Nen. 66-08 NOIITH QUBE1T ST., (Right en the Southwest Cor. of Orange Street,) LANCASTER, PA. .Opeii Eve until 0 o'clock, Saturday until 10 o'clock. Net oemiuctod with any ether clothing heuse lu the city. QTRENGTUEN YOUR MJNG3 By expanding the client with KNICKERBOCKER BRAOE. Fer Ladles as well a Gentlemen. Forialeaf COCHRAN'S DRUQ STORE, 137 and 1J0 North Queen (treet, Lancaster, Fa. deeS-Iuid ' MTEBS (I MTBFON, Jt -! '- x O J H .! 'M. f -i.