JL I :rj - CrT 'rmdsnm '.t - - - " t ''J-S.if AtV I'. ?" ..i5' -' i 5 W"1 'iM- . mJ THE IiAKOASTEK I '! -.' HXtiF wswrm , SB TSt 3 te '"' T TJr ij" r k h IA' TIRED, Would I were lying in a field of clever Of clever cool ana soft and ecenk'd sweet, With dusky clouds In deep skies und hanging ever And scented sllonee at my head and fret Jnst foreno hour te slip the leash of worry In eager haste from Thought' lmpatlent null, And watch It rushing In Ha heedless hurry, Disdaining wisdom's call or duty's liu'h. Ah I It wero sweet, where clever el u in pi are meeting) And daisies hiding, se te bide and rest Ne sound except my own heart's sturdy beat ing, Hecking Itself te sleep within iny breast Just te llethete, filled with the deeper breath tng That comes of listening ten wild bird's song; Onrsetils require at times this free unsheathing All swords will rust If scabbard-kept tee long And I am tired se tlred e( rigid duly, Be tired of nil my tired hands And te de 1 yearn, I faint for some of lire's free beauty, Its looser beads, with no straight string tun through, Ay, laugh, If laugh you will, at my crude speech t Hut women sometimes die of such n greed Dle for the small Jeys held beyond their reach, And the insurance they1 have all they need. Atari Athleu Teicntend, A Callow ninlllng. MIsaMnnile Lark In Hatchet, the editor of 2Vie Southern Weman, published at Hon Hen Hon ilerson, N. C, anys in her salutatery: "A callow blrdllng neatles ntneng you, Its iin fledged wings cnger for lllglit, eager te penetraie the mysteries of the bright fnr-ell' canopy of blue and revel nrnld ttie dreamed of beauties of the wlde, wlde world." And The Macen (Ge.) Telegraph, which is edited by n mero man, unfeelingly says: "The Telefjraph extends Its strong right hand te the callow blrdllng. Come, Mamie, and nostle right en top of our exchanae pile, where the stained window may shed Its soft roseate glow upon your unfledged wings. If you don't want anything you soe don't ask for It Mlngle your carol, dear girl, with anything In reach ; but drop tlie silicon. They will areuse suspicion. Ne need te sock a refuge in tne nllen weed. Keep your sent 1 There is no lire in the liousel Wnrble right where you nre; but ir you're going te stick te Journalism, better drop the Hatchet ami get an oauer." . What It Costs t Ilety In Tlmtir. The burial of a rolatlve In Timur is n very serieus and exponslve business. It involves u gill te the deceased from nil the bleed rela tives, and, in return, a burial feast If the deceased is a man of rank, this feast Is n mat ter very often of ruin te Ids family. The festivity must be given, and at the satne time the hospitality is expected te be extraordina rily lavish. Consequently it often happens that the day of the I'niieral is Indefinitely postponed ler 'months, and even for years, until the family has had tltne te accumulate sufficient wealth of cattle nud substance. In the meantime the cerpse is enclesed In mat ting, and heused either in n tree or hut nud left te itself. Tiien for days thore is a savage ban nueting and revelling, and the interment nt last is carried out Among the mere savage races of the Timur Laut Islands nnd Timur the skull of an ancestor is severed after burial and kept us a rolie in a place of honor within the house. Should llrgln at Heme. In his address te the students of the Wor cester Free institute recently, Gov. IlobinKen said that the teaching of handicraft should begin at home. Heys should learn girls' " work." " I thank my mother," said he, " that she taught me both te sew and te knit Although iny domestic life has always been felicitous, 1 have nt tlines found tlds knowl edge very convenient A man who knows hew te de these things, at all Union lionerablo ana sometimes absolute) necessary te pro pre serve one's integrity, is ten times mero Eatient when calamity befall than ene who as net these accomplishments." A Father's MUtak. Frem the New Yerk Sun. Yeung Mr. Featherly, a guest, declined cake, and Hebby's eyes grew big with aston ishment "Don't you want nny cake?" lie asked. "Ne, Bebby," replied I'eatherly, "I sol sel sel dem eat It" " Hew's that, pa ?" inquired Hebby, turn ing te the old gentleman; "you said that nt the dinner table Mr. Keatherly always tikes the cake." Au Unpardonable Felly In a Wife. Frem the Indlnnnpell Sentinel. While te be crotchety upon the subject of drink in man Is abominable, in woman it is as a gentle dew from heaven. Ne talents, culture, or accomplishments ran ntoue for the wife's felly who compounds her hus band's cup. Hen. LEOKAne Ulauirc, M. C, from Flerida, writes: Having found great relief from the ue of "Dr. Vet-sela's German Hitters," I cheerfully recommend It te any ene suuVring from DUcu es of the Stomach und Ueneral Debility. Take All In All, , Take nil the Kldncygand Liver ifedieinet. Take all the Bleed purine, Take all the Vytpepita and Indigestion cure; Take all the Ague, Fever and bilious tpeelflct. Take all the Brain und Nerve force ni'wi. Take all the Ureal health restorers. In thert, take all the best qualities of all these and the best Quultttetet all the bes. medicines In the world and you will find that Hep Bitter have the best curative qualities and powers of all concentrated In them, And that they will euro when any or all of these, singly et combined. Fall Mil A thorough trial wilt give positive proof of this. Hardened IJver. Flvs years age I broke down with kidney and liver complaint and rheumatism. Since then I have been nnable te be about nt all. My liver became hard like weed; my limbs were puffed up and filled with water. All the best physicians ugreed that nothing could cure me. I resolved te try Hep Hitters : 1 have used seven bottles ; the hardness lias all gene from my liver, the swelling lrem my limbs and It has worked a m trade In iny case ; ether wise I would have been new In my grave J, W. MOItEY. Bcffaie, Oct. 1,1(81. I'everty and SuQ'erlng. " I was dragged down with debt, poverty and suffering for years, caused by n sick family und large bills for doctoring. I was completely discouraged, until one year age, by the advlce of iny pastor, 1 commenced using Hep Hitters, nud in one mouth we were all well, nud nene of us have been sick a day since, andl want te say te all peer men, you can keep your families well it year with Hep Hitters for less than one doctor's visit will ceit I knew it' A WOIUUVUMAN. WNoue gsnulne without a bunch of green Bops en the whlte label. Sliuu all thovlle, poisonous stun with " Hep " or "Heps" in thelr name. July-lyM.W.FAw When en the High Heas On the rail, en a steamboat, aboard a fishing smack, or yachting en the coast, Hosteller's Stomach Hitter will be found a reliable- ineans of averting and relieving allments te which travelers, luarlnersandemlgmutsare peculiarly subject Sea captains, ship doctors, voyugers or sojourners In the tropics, and all ubeut te en en ceunterunaccllmatcd, an unaccustomed pr dan gerous climate, should net neglect teavall thorn selves of this safeguard of well nscertntucdnud long tried merit Constipation, biliousness, ma larial fevers, iudlgesUen, rheumatism and affec tions of the bladder and kidneys are among the liilments which It eradicates, and It may be re torted te net only with confidence In Its reme dial efficacy, but also In its perfect freedom from ei'cry objectionable Ingredient, slnce it Is de rived from the purest and most salutary sources. It counteracts the effects of unwholesome feed ane.wi.ter. Julyl-8 ai'jcaxjx, NOTICES. A lawyer's Opinion of luterest te Alt . A. Tawney.es v., a leading attorney et Win k. Miss., write: ' After uslnu it toruiera than ena. firee years, I take great pleasure in sftitlng that I regard Dr. King's New Discovery rer con. sumptleu, as the best remedy in the world for Coughs und Colds. It has never fulled te euro the most severe colds 1 have had, and luvarlably relieves the pain In the chest." Trial ilettles of this sure euro for all Threat aud Lung Diseases inuy be had Free, ut Coch ran's Drug Stere, 157 and 134 North Queen street, Lancaster, Va. large sUe.ll.tU, (1) bKIN DISEASES. "BWAYNK'B OINTMENT.' "Swatne't Ointment" cures Tetter, Salt Rheum. Ringworm, Beres. Vlmplea, Kesema, all BPKCIAX, XOTtCBB. Dip one and of a Spenge la Water and the whele will seen be saturated. Se a disease in one part et the body effect ether parts. Ten have noticed this yourself. Kidney and liver troubles, unless cheoked, will Induce censtlpa. tleu, piles, Kheumatlsm and gravel. A timely use of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Itcmedy will pre vent theso results. It is pleasant te the taste and may be taken freely by children and delicate rcmalcs. It gives clsstlclty, life and cheeks with roses en them. .Je-101md "HOUGH ONCATAItnit" corrects offensive odors ntonce. Complete euro efercn worst chronic cases, also unequalled as gargle for Dlphtherla, Mere Threat, Feul llreath. Nervous Debilitated Men Yeu are allowed a free trial of thirty dnyt of the ue or Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Helt with Electric Suspensery Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanent cure or Nervous Debility, less of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse, for many ether diseases. Com plete restoration te health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. Ne risk is incurred. Illustrated' pamphlet, with full information, terms, etc., mailed rree by addressing Voltaic Melt Ce., Mar. shall, Mich. Mothers I Mothers it Mothers lit Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se,, go nt once und get n bottle of Mils. WIN8LO W'S, SOOTHING! BYRUV. It will relieve the peer llttle sufferer Immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it There is net a' mother en earth who has ever tiscd It, who will net tell yen at ence that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief ana Health te the child, operating like magic. It is perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, nnd Is the prescription or one of the eldest nnd best fcmale physicians nnd nurses in the U nltcd States. Sold everywhere. 23 cents a bottle. JunelS-iyd&w Mrs. Langtry, And ether famous women lrnve wen a reputa tion Ter facial beauty. A fine complexion makes one handsome, even though the raoeisnotor perfect mould, llurdeek Bleed Btttert act di rectly upon the circulation, and se give the skin a clearness nnd smoothness otherwise unattnln able. Forsale by II. II. Cechmn, druggist, 137 und 12a North Queen street, .Lancaster. THE HOPK OF THE NATION. Children, slew In development, puny.scrawny nnd delicate, use "Wells' Health ilenower." New Yerk, Jnn. 27, lfcU. Messrs. Kly Urethcrs, (ieiitlemen: My boy (a years old) was recently taken with cold In the head which scorned final ly te settle In his nose. His nose wns stepped up ter days and nights se that It wns dlMctiltfer him te breathe and sleep. 1 called a physician who prescribed, but did him no goea. Finally I went te the drug stere und get nbottleor your Cream Halm. It seemed te work like magic The boy's nese was clear In two dnys, and he has been e. k. ever slnce. E. J. Heward. Jyl-Swdced&w De It With I'leasnre. Wnngler Hros., druggists, or Waterloo, Iowe, write : " VI e can with pleasnre sny that Themat' Eclcclrlc Oil gives the best satisfaction or any Hutment e sell. Everybody who buys will hnve no ether. This remedy Is a certain cure rer all aches, sprains, and pains. Fer sale by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, It API 1) TUAN81T. The latest and best form of rapid transit is for a person troubled with a sick headache te take a dese or Dr. Leslie's Special l'rescrlptlen and what a rapid transit train the afillctlen takes for Its departure. See advertisement in another column. dec20-lyd(l) CATAUllH OF THE ULADDEIt Sllnalng, Irritation, Inflammation, all Kidney nud urinary Complaints, cured by "Hncliu lMlba." II. ' (t) A Clergyman's Testimony. W. K. aifferd, pastor M. E. Church, ltothwell, Out., was for two years a sufferer with Dyspep sia In its worst form, until us he states "fife be came nn actual burden." Three bottles or Bw. deck Bleed Bitten cured him, and he tells us In a Ti-ccnt letter that he eouslders It the best family medicine new before the country for dyspepsia and liver complaint Fer sale by II. H. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 131 North Queen street, Lancaster. imOWN'8 HOUSEHOLD VANAOKA. Is the most effective Vain Destroyer In the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed wbother taken internally or applied externally, and thereby mero certainly HELIKVK VAIN, whether chronle or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it Is warranted deuble the strength of any similar preparation. It cures pain in the Side. Hack or Uewels, Sere Threat, 'rheumatism, Toothache and ALL ACHF.fl. and is The Great Hellever of Vain. HUOWN'S HOUSEHOLD VANACEA " should be in every family. A teaspoonful of the Panacea in a tumbler of b t water sweetened. If pre ferred,) taken at. uedtlme, will llKEAE UV A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. mSl-lydM.W.BAw Depend Upen It. Mether Shlpten's prophesies and Louisiana elections are very uncertain thlngs.bnt Themat' .'electric Oil can be depended upon always. It cures aches and pains or every description, i'er sale by II. H. Cochran, dnigglst, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. An Answer Wanted. Can nnyonebrlngusncasoor Kidney or Llrer Complaint that Electric Hitters will net speedily cure t Wu sny they cannot, as thousands of cases nlrcndy permanently cured and who are dally recommending Klcctrle Hitters, will prove. Hrlght's Disease, Diabetes, Weak Hack, or any urinary complaint quickly cured. They purify the bleed, regulate the bowels, and act directly en the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. Fer sale ut We. u bottle by II. II. Cochran, Dragglnt, 137 and 139 North Queen street Lan caster, Va. (1) ttucklen's Arnica Salve. The Iiest Salve in the world for Cut, Hrulses, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Khoum, Fcver Beres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chllbalns, Hums and all Skin Eruptions, positively cures riles, or no pay re quired. It Is guaranteed te give perfect satisfac tion, or money refunded. Viice 83 cents per box. Fer sale by Cochran, the Druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Va. (1) Threw Away Ills Crutches. "Suffered from rheumatism se badly had te use crutches, but threw them away after apply ing Thomae' Eclectrlc Oil te my limbs. I new feel hotter than I have for years.'' F. L. tilbbs, 3J9 Elk street, Huffaln, N. Y. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. WATER HUGS, ROACHES." " Rough en Rats" clears them out, also Hectic, Ants, Insects, Hut and Mice, lie. und 23c. boxes. (4) MOTHERS I MOTHERS II MOTHERS It I Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t ir se, go nt ence and get a bottle or Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING BYRUV. It will relieve the peer little sutferer Immediately depend upon it; there is no mistake about it There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used it who will net tell you at once that it will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic It Is perfectly sate te use in all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of ene of the eldest and best female physicians in the United 8tatcs. Sold everywhere. 23 cents a bottle. may31-lydM,W,8Aw De Net Move Blindly. de carefully In purchasing medicine. Many dvertised remedies can work crcat Injury are worse than nene. Burdock Bleed Bitten are purely a vegetable, preparation : the smallest child can tnkethem. They kill disease and cure the patient In u wife and kindly way. Forsele by H. H. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. ITCHING VILES." SYMPTOMS I MOISTURE! Like perspiration, intense Itching, werse by scratching, most at night, seems If pin-worms wero crawling. " Hwayne't Ointment "it a pleat. ant, lure cure. jauJ-MWFAw COJLZ. -V' w w B, B. MARTIN, WKOLXSAM AD BJ.TAIL Dealer in All Kfcdj of Umber and Ceal 4-Yard: Ne, 420 North Water and Vrtnce streets above Lemen. Lancaster, nJ-lvd B AUMOARDNERSA JEFFERIE8, COAL DEALERS. Orrit'KS I Ne. 129 North Queen street, and Ne, 961 North Vrtnce street. Yabus: North Vrlnce street, near Reading Depot LANCASTER, PA. augin-ua "lOAL. M. V. B. COHO, 330 NORTH WATER STREET, Lancaster, Vs., WBOLXSALl AUD BSTAII. t'XALS LUMBER AND GOAL. COKKSOT10K WITH TBS TxLiraOSIO EXOHAKOX. Yabd aud Omea 1 Ne. 230 NORTH WATER STREET. feb28-lvd TjlAST END YARD. C.J.SWARR&CO. GOAL. KINDLING WOOD. Onm t Ne. se Centie Bqnare. Beth yard and oflleo connected with telephone exchange. aprlS lydMAF.R rrUB REST De IIA.VANA OIQAH IN HAMTMAK YELLOW FRONT CIA I ' BTOKK. MMDICAH. S.-W4 V-AA-ltJJY "CIAVOUITE REMEDY. HAPPY CHILDREN. Mew te Make Them Se Keep Them In Health and They Will Take.Care of the Rest The Jey et every well regulated bouieheld comes chiefly from the children, Thousands of affectionate parents de net take care of their children. Through Ignorance mero than culpa bio neglect they suffer them te fall sick and dle, when knewledge might have saved them tolevo and home. Dr. David Kennedy offers his " Fa Fa Fa vorlte Remedy "as emphatically a medicine for the children gentle In Its action, containing no harmful tngredtentt whatever, going straight te the bleed, which when impure, is the seat anil source of disease. " favorite Jtrmedu " Is the friend of childhood and should be found in every nursery In the land. Keep It In your hnnse for your children's sake, as well ns for your own. Try it and yen will be glad you saw.thls article, Make no mistake. The mcdlclne is "hrerffe Kemedu" nnd the proprietor's name nnd ad dress t Dr. David Kennedy, Rondout, N. Y, One dollar a bottle. " Geed Werdstar a Ooed Thing Dr. David Kennedy's " raverlte Remedy " is exactly what it claims te be, and deserves the pralse that are showered upon it by all who have used It, Mr. 'teill-BnJa'Te(BiiUKcrUcn,li.T.,Hnyn : "My little daughter was covered with feaitHheuiii from head te feet. Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Remedy enred her, This was two years age." We Are Net In the Habit or Vailing any sort or patent mellclnrs In our columns, but we hap pen te knew Dr. David Kennedy, or Rondout N. Y.and can personally testify te the excel excel excel lonce or the inedlrlne which the doctor calls " Favorite Remedy." And Hn word oreursVlll persuade anybody te use It aud thus flndreller from suffering no professional etluuette shall hinder us from saying that word. Fer diseases of the bleed, kidneys and bowels It lias no equal. We would net be without It ter five limes the dollar that It cests.-Dnl'tf Timet, lYey, A. 1', InlyllincedAw ' . YEU'S 8AnSAPAnil.T,A. A HOME DRUGGIST TESTIFIES. Vepnlarlty nl home is net always the best test of merit, but we point preudlv te the rct that no ether medlclne hus wen for ltnelr such uni versal approbation In Its own city, stnte and country, and among all people, us Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The following letter rrem ene or our best known Massachusetts Druggists should be et Interest te every suffercr : RHEDMATISM "I-'sht years nge I had an lUlDUBAlW attack or Rheumatism, se so se ere that I could net move rrem the lied, or dress, without help. 1 tried several remedies without help. I tried snveral remedies without much It any relief, until I took Avsn's SAnsArAKitt.A, by the use of two bottles of which t was completely cured. Have sold large quantities of yourSAn yeurSAn satarilla, and it still retains Its wendcrrnl popularity. The many notatile cures it has effected in this vicinity convince me that It Is e. . . . K. F. lUniiis.'' River St., Uuckland, Mass., May 13, ltd. SALT RHEITM . H""- Akpmws, overseer OiUU unrium, mtheLewell Carpet Corpora tion, wras rer ever twenty venrs before his ro re ro mevni te Lewell afflicted with Snltlthenm in lis worst form. Its ulcerations actually covered mere than haltthosurraceof his bedyand limbs. He was entirely cured by Aria's Habsafaxilla. Soe certificate In Ayer'a Almanac for 1883. rsiPAKKO nr Dr. J.C. AYER& CO., Lewell, Mass. Sold by nil Druggist. $1, six bottles ferS. lillejl TfTEAK AND NI3HVOU8 MEN Who suffer from Nervous and Physical Deblb lty. Impotence, Exhausted Vitality and Vrema Vrema tere Decline, and seek Perfect Restoration te Health, Full Manhood and Sexual Viger with out Stomach Drugging, can ckbtaiklt obtain It In the "MARSTON HOLU8." Diseases or the Vrostnte Gland, Kidneys and Hladder. effectu ally cured without Instruments. Endorsed by thousands who have been cured. Adopted In hospitals and by physicians in Kuroiie nnd America. r VARIOCELK cured without surgery. Scaled Treatise and Testimonials rree. Address MARSTON REMEDY CO., or DR. H.TRESKOW, Ne. Hi West Htb Street, New Yerk, may 19 lyced.tw GRAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure for Impotency and all Diseases that fellow Less or Memery, Universal Lassitude, Vain in the Rack, Dimness or Vision, Vrematnre Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Vremature Grave. Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we do de sire te send tree by mall te every one. This Siie Siie clfle medicine is sold by all druggists et 11 per package, or six packages for S3, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the m ney, by ad dressing the agent, II. it. COCHRAN, Drnggl'Sele Agent Nes. 137 and 139 North Que:, street, Lancaster, Va. On account et counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper i the only genuine TflK GRAY MEDICINE CO., Hnffale. N. Y. AFTER ALl OTHERS FAIL, OOMSCLT - DR. LOBB, NO. SS North Fifteenth street beletr Callewhlll street. Philadelphia. Cures all Secret Diseases of both sexes. Twenty Years Experience Con sultation by mall. NERVOUS AND SPECIAL DISEASES. New book Just out. Send for It. Hours 11 a. m. till 2 p. in., and 7 p. m.te 10 p. m" Heeks tree te the afflicted... febiJ-lydAw s AKE, SURE AND SPEEDY CURB. uumntx, v aricecblb ana special disxaszs. Why be humbugged by quacks, when you can find in Dr. Wrfiht the nnlv ltMntr- lab Vbtbiciam In Philadelphia who makes a specialty of the above diseases and cunxs them t Curiseuarabtxed. Advici nuK, day ana even. ing. Strangers can be treated and return home the same day. Offices ptlvntc. DR. W. II. WRIGHT, Ne. 241 North Ninth street above Race, V. O. Bex 673. Vhlladelphla. an29-lydAw CAHKIAUKH. I3TANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. Edward Edgerley, FINE CARRIAGE BUILDER, MARKET STREET, REAR OF VOSTOFFICE, LANCASTER, VA. A LARGE STOCK OF BUGGIES & CAEBIAGES Comprising the Latest Styles and most Ele gantly Finished, at GREATLY' REDUCED PRICES. If you wish te purchase a geed arti cle, my work Is decidedly the cheapest In the state. MOTTO-" FAIR DEALING AND HONEST .WORK." 49-Dnn't fail te enceurage geed work. All Werk FULLY WARRANTED Lewest Prices ferREVAlRlNGAND REVAINTINO. One set of workmen especially employed for that pur pose. VI.KASE CALL AND EXAMINE. nevSStfilAw N ORDECK & MILEY. LANCASTER CARRIAGE WORKS. Norbeck & Miley, Prep's, CORNER DUKE AND VINE STREETS, LAN CASTER, VA. THE LARUEST AND CHEAPEST RETAIL WORKS IN THE CITY OR COUNTY, WK CAN AND DO SELL AS FINE A VEHICLE AS ANY OTHER RUILDER FAR UKLOW THEIR VR1CES. Hew we de It is a mystery, but a visit te our factory, and seeing the system we have adopted you will net wonder. Patronize these that deserve it. Our stock at present Is very large, and will be sold at a stUl further reduction. We boost or our WHEELS, as they cannot be excelled. WE HAVE A LAIifJE STOCK OF pine Second-hand work, CONSISTING OF BUGGIES. VH.OT0NS, Ac., Ac, which wUl be sold Cheap, JVQlvsuaa eall tud bf oeariaeed. Kapajr- Uf MMlre, - -'-. miCAu SsfeW 'iSTHE TMK TO CURB Skin Humors. It id at this season when Ihn Peres are clogged and the Rloed nnd Versplratlen are laden with Impurities that Dlsflgsrlng Humors, Humili ating Eruptions. Itching Torture, Salt Khoum or Eczema, Vserlasls, Tetter, Ringworm, liaby Humors, Scrofula, Scrofnleus Beres, Abscesses and Discharging wounds, and every species or Itching. Bcsly and l'lmply Diseases or the Skin and Scalp, are most speedily nnd economically cured by the Clticcsa RurtsDiEs. IT IS A PACT. ' Ilundrcdsoflettcrstneur possession (copies or which may, be had by return mall) are our authority rer the assertion that Skin, Scalp and Hloed Humors, whether Scrofulous, Inherited or Contagions, may NOW bepermanontlyenred by Cm-icitRA Hkselvbst the new Hloed Purifier, In ternally. andCeTictrru and Ccticitra 8er, the great Skin Cures and Hcatitlliers, externally, In one-hairthetlmo and expense of any ether sea son, GREATEST ON EARTH. Cr-rictraA Rkmrdie are the greatest medicines pn .earth. Had the worstenso of Salt Rheum lit this country. My mother had it twenty years, and in fact died from it 1 believe CtrrictmA would have saved her life. My arms, brenst and lisad were covered for three years, which noth ing rcllevcd or cured until I used the Cuticvra Rkselvkst, internally, and Citticcra and Curl cuiiA Setr, externally. J. W. ADAMS, Nkwakk, O. Greatest Bleed Medicines. The hal f has net been told as te the great cu ra ti ve powers nr the Cuticvra Rehcdies. I have Said hundreds of dollars for medicines te euro Iscases of the bleed and skin, nnd never found anything yet te equal the Ctrrict'aA Hemkmi'S. CHA8. A. WILLIAMS, 1'EOVIDISCB, R. I. Beld by all Druggists. Vrlcet Cc-rirrni.BOe.i ItEseLVKRT, $1.00 j 8eAP, 23c. Vreparcd by the VOTTKR DBDO AHtl ClIKMtOAt. Ce., lklstOll, IlIBSS. Rend for Hew te Cure Skin Diseases." RA9llf ".or ftn Sunburn and Oily cdliiy Skin, Cltictjba SeAr. CHOLERA AND YELLOW FEVER. Malarial, Mlnimntle nnd contagious or Kpl Kpl demle Diseases, and many aliments attending change of climate, feed and water, may be en tirely prevented by wearing a Ccticura Vlas Vlas TKneverthnpIt or the stomach, with frcuuent Phnn.M uliannnl.n,M(u. ,n ,.-.. M...t A euro by absorption isiiffected by it when all pthcrplasters tall. It Is the best plasteY known te physicians and dnigglsts. At druggists, 23c.j flve for (LOO. Malleif free Vettku Dnie ami! Chemical Ce., Renten. CATARRH. CompleU) Treatment, vrllh Inhaler, for every form or Catarrh. $1. ASK FOR- Sanferd's Radical Cure. Head Colds, Watery Discharges from the Nese and Eyes, Ringing Noises In the Head, Nervous Headache and Fever Instantly relieved. Choking mucus dislodged, incmbranecleanscd and healed, breath sweetened, smell, taste and hearing restored, nnd ravages checked. Cough, llrenchltls, Droppings Inte the Threat, Valns in the Chest, Dyspepsia, Wasting of Strength and Flesh, Less of Bleep, etc., cured. One bettle Radical Cure, one box Catarrhal Solvent and one l)r. Sanferd's Inhaler, in ene package, of nil druggists, for (1, Ask ferSAn. roan's Radical Criut, a pure distillation ei Witch Hazel, Am. Vine. Cu. Fir, Marigold, Clever Hlossems, etc. 1'etter Drug and Chemical Ce., Ilosten. Cellins' Voltaic Electric Plasters. New Llfe for Shattered Nerves, Valnmi Mus cles and Weakened organs. Cellins' Voltaic Electric Vlaster instantly affects the nervous system nnd banishes pain, nervousness and de bility. A perfect Eleclro-Ualvanle Hattery com cem blned with n highly medicinal Vlaster for Sc. All druggists JulyUinWAS rTEADQUARTERS FOR THE INDIAN MEDICINE8,; Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Leclier's Drug Stere NO. v EAST KING ST- Lancaster. Va. MAVUIKKBT. PNUINE AND IJ01I.KR W&RK8. BEST Steam Engine -AND- BOLtEE WORKS. A.RWB HANDLE OTJR OWN GOODS, HAVE NO AGENTS, CAN INSURE OUR PATRONS LOW VR1UES AND UOOD WORK. BOILERS. Vertical and Horizental.Tnhular, Flue, Cylinder. Marine, Double-Deck and Portable. FURNACE-WORK, ULAST-riVES, STACKS, Ac., Ac TANKS for Water, Acids and Oil. HOISTING ENGINES. ENGINES. Vertical and Horizontal. Stationary, from two te sixty horse-power. Portable Engines, en Wheels and Sills ; Six Sizes 1, 0, 8, 10, 15 and 20 horse power. SAW MILLS. Peny Mills and Large Mills. Hark Mills Cob Mills. Leather Hellers, Tan Packers, Trlpple Gearing for horse power. PUMPS. Helt and Gear Pump's t Mining Vumps ; Cem blned l'u mps and Heaters. Cerltrirugal Pump, steam Vump. Gearing, Pulleys. Fly Wheels, Clamp Bexes, Hangers, Couplings, Cellars, Steel Steps and Tees, Pulley Plates, Vacklng tloxes, Mill Spindles, Mill Bushings, fte., Ac, Ac. PIPES. Wrought Iren, fer'Gas, Btcatn and Water. Cast Iren Pipes. Reller Tubes, Well Casting. FITTINGS. Fer Water and Steam, Valves, Cocks, Steam Gauges, Gauge Cocks, Glass Water Gauges. Safety Valves, Whistles. Glebe Valves, Governors, Vatent Self-Feeding Lu bricators, Gless Oil Cups, Glass Aim.', imucinns or Heller Feeders. PACKING llemp, Asbestos, Gum and Viam Viam Viam boge. HELT1NG Gum, Cotten and Leather. CASTINGS Heavy and Light Iren and llrass. Heller Iren, Sheet Iren, lUr Iren, andSteel. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools and Vublle Buildings. STEAM HEATING. Estimates, Drawings and Vattern Werk fur nished at IleasenableRates. - Repairing promptly and carefully at tended te. Address, Jehn Best & Sen, NO. 333 EAST FULTON STREET, LANCASTER, VA. JanlS-lydAw nvxcTAVLea. CUPERIOR SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, Field Glasses, Barometers, Tele scopes, Magic Lanterns, Thermometers, Draw, ing Instruments, Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus. List and Descriptions of our Tea Catalogues sent FREE en application. queen"&co N0.9UCHNUIMV .J-HILAPKLPKIA . .'' -'--'--. . , ' .... - - , t t - Q0MMER OLOTlflNa. HAGER & ,-.! LIGHT - SUMMER CLOTHING! READY-MADE. Ofueimere Sulte, Corkscrew Suite, Linen Sulta, Serse Oeata and Vees, Penjree Oeata and Vests, Seersucker Oeata and Vests, S;-0?.001 White Vesta, Fancy Vesta, Plain Linen Pants, Linen Dusters, Meualr Dusters, &e., &c, Sec. Furnishing Goods. Summer Neckwear, Gauze Underwear, FaneyPlannel Shirts, Sec., HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. JTKXT DOOR TO THE COURT 110U8B. " FAHNESTOCK'S. Fer Het Weather - - WfllTE GOODS"for Ladies, OK EVKKT DKACjKIVTION AT 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 23 CTS. V V. SUMMER UNDERWEAR for Ladies, Gents andOMldrer SUMMEE HOSEBEY&ikt Quantities at Lew Prices. Jerseys I Jerseys 1 1 'kerseys 1 1 1 ...ii &?TOCK' Al 8IZ--S. 'OB I'inm AND GIIILIHIEN atKk5.,:JS!,,1.00, I1.2S. $1.50. 11.73, R. E. FAHNESTOCKv v Next Doer te the Oeurt Heube, Ldnoaater.Pa. ? - . ; w '1iT ft OHEAP STORE. Carpets and Mattings, -AT- METZGER & HAUGHHAN'S, KUOU LATK AUCTION BALES AT VKItT LOW VKICES. Mattings, Carpets, Mattings, Carpets, Mattings, Carpets, Mattings, Carpets, Mattings, Carpets. Alse, LAUUK LOT OF WrIITE COUNTERPANES, Frem the late Ureal Auction Sale in New Yerk, at Ke., lie., $1.00 ana np '.te $5.(10. Vnu will get UOOU IIAUUAINS ut Metzger & lauglimaifs Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. - lietween the Coer-or Heme ana Serrel Hene HeUl. DOWKRS &. HURST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. AFTER TO-DAY. An Kleerant l.lnnnf IIATISTH in nhnlrn l-flllrna and I'nlnrlnirj I'linlpa A4nrtment Of NEW VOlNTH.Satlne FlnUIi. Our LINEN ll'INDES. NAINSOOKS are pronounced very tine ; we gell Large Quantities or them which proves them te be Cheap. Ladles OAUZI! VESTS a Ba renin at 2Se. A llargaln in Children's 1ILACIC 11031KKV at Vike, all sizes. Uest VACIFIC LAWNS cleslurr out Very Lew. A llltf Harguln In HATH TOWELS, Ute for 25c. SEKKSUCKEU3 atUe. Tlest Quality Of ZEVHYH Ol.NOIlAMS, Very Lew liargalns olTered In erery department, with 10 per cent, deducted from almost every salu. BOWERS NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. SrLVXKWjLBE. H. RHOADS. ATTENTION ! We would call attention of purchasers te the very fine and com plete line of moderate prieed Ladies' Geld Watches, vary mueh In demand just at present, and we are well prepared te meet that do de mand. We also have Geld and Silver Watches in a great variety of styles and at the low priees brought about by the long depression of the times. Our Nickel Watches at t5.00 are geed watches for the money, and are going off very fast. We received the ether day a large invoiee of all the latest novel ties In Silver Jewelry, Oxydized, etc., very pretty and worth see ing ; would be pleased te have you call and see them. H. Z. RHOADS, lancabteu, va. Ne. 4 West King Street. B OOKS AND STATIONERY. JOHN BAER'S SONS, OFFER AT LOWEST VHICES, Blank Beeks, Writing Papers, Enrelepes, Writing Fluids and Inks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS,- r Bteel Vans, Lead Venclls, Voekot Uoeki, Hill Beeks, Letter Heeks, ana an Assortment of Fine ana Diapie T AT THE 81QN NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. HOVBKTVKNiaaaa goods. yvjWv.''- S1 HIRE'S CARPET UALL. CARPETS! liKevKNiNQ or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te ahew the trade the Largest and Best Belcetea Line or Carpets ever ex, Mbttedtn this cfty. WILTONS. VELVETS, all the Trading Makes of UOOY ANDTAVKBTKY BKUHHELS.THKEEVLY, All-Woeland Cotten Chain EXTEASUVEBS, ana all qualities of IN GE AIN CAR VETS, DAMASK and VENETIAN CAKVET3. KAQ and CHAIN CAKVET8 of Jeur own reanunicture a speciality. Special AttenUen paid te the Mannfaetnre of CUSTOM CAEVETS, AlsearuU Lloeef OIL CLOTH8, fiUUB, WIMPOWSUAIES,COVKKLKTS, At, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HLL, Oer. Wiwt King and . .... MT BOOM. -u j j ii lfcJ'- 'r "i" m'i ' rrViii'"if,i-i'-vlnii t-A. BROTHER, WEIGHT Balbrlffffan Underwear, Half-Hese, White Shirts, Feather-Weight Drawers, &e., Sza. . VICTOKIA LAWNS, VIQUE3 anil l'LAll) & HURST, Lancaster, Pa. BOOKS. WV vvi"V Duiviuuery, OF THE BOOK.-T CARPETS! Water Bt.t Iiapcwiter, P Hif u VAa,A,is.sMd , y X.AWOASTBR AHJ JUS . B, . TIME ', Al can nave Lana v.i fcfle and H:Sea.m.. I AatU flsralAavA Mllln .4ii 1 8:00 ami lege a. m.,i .iil T KnANON AID n-j tM -AJ LlNEKAlLllJAD." i' Awxnatmtv py rA bunda; , hat NOHTHWAltO, , , A. M Lehansn 8:0t Arrive. Cornwall.,...,, 7:d Manhclm 7:11 Lanca.ter, 0:17 KlnK SU Lane. R.4C' Leave. A. w . SOUTIIWAIt) fc 44 44 ;V- 'J Iebanen 7: Cornwall 7:33 Manhclm km Lancaster...... IJii Arrive. King 8t,, Lane. 8:IC J.. m jll'" Vte, .US, r-r- t.nii C. Vex Scn-iui, siujlasal A. SI. WILSOJf, sn ' U. ft i C. K. K.-1 ;.tf. i!.' safll lis ' , mB'ss ,m ' . & MtOKOM KLTK, Hill V. AU. ., pENNSYIiVAl IT ULE. Trains leave Lan at Vhllaaelpbla as r WE8TWABD. News Ezpress f.... Way Vaasengeri... Mail train TlaMtJi Ne.2Mall tralnt. .. Niagara Krprcss... Hanover Accem... -vRAILIrOA tt an lear i lOtTil -j"iV ....T-.- & UUUUOJJIBUI. 4-soe.ia, . , -JiZ."-.jiti via Columbia; f?l raii.ineiaiiyf. rrcdcrlck Accem. t(Ce1bW.- fV IAntaatnr Antrim i. x tr-T-lT ? L HflniMiiuinii Mini ii-Min -n- ..-. M Lancaster Accem. MaMtJeT. Columbia Accem.. :WZ'' Harrlsbnrg Exprct i 8:e Chi. A Cln. Expresi ui ,n , Western Express t llhOC t" Vacine Express t.. 11: " Vhll'a KinrMRk. Mrr. .. - ithi !" J 1BL . ?jf t?M VastLine 6 0O "' ' CI Harrlsbnrg Expret B;'ie fad mncr. Accem., ar 8i6 via.'! bWUIUUM 41VUU11I,. Till . 11 DVMUVlQJVJUIIUOfli. lJOn,0L S Johnstown Expres l.ea . ;J wuiy uxiip& eunun Sunaay Mail.. sm Day Express!. 4.MA H :! . .larnsuartr Accem ; r- SjK H tl inoMarieiiaAce amoaatien leaves OsBJft bit ?J U:. ?l-,.1?!lct S Marietta at l.l;Itrej Marietta at 8:15 p. i ana urrires at CeiiMi f atJi?0i.ttll?,.'TC8 't":SSanaarriveaalftW TbelorkAccemnoOation leave. MaVBRi X 7:10ana arrives at I aTjcatcr at 89,,e0nJK,li wii!? ,l'lnJ"!iu.E lnsatlt:in..V' rA UH uv tiBuwju-j! r, n fTi"H4nw, irevty ?- e The Frederick 1 -ramolAtlen. Met;! rnlnmhl.OlMH.i .,a.a. Z . w.uu.MM.nvAA.A.n, uiuKQca 14HCUHr.J p. in. The Lancaster J. rmmnrvit(- Harrisburgatsaeii. u. ana arrive la J atShS3n. m. Hanover Accommccatlen, west, csmw Lancaster with Nlaviiiv trmmiiMii run through te Hau ercr, UUy, except . ITast Line, west, en eunflay.when t(km ML Jev. EllzalM!tlil3iminl Miiimniiv t The enlv trains which ran rtaiiir rta. i the Mall train west runs bv wav of Celaak 1 i iti i i ''nift ifflp pEADINO & COLUMBIA. AKKANUEHEXT OV I'ASSKKUF.lt IK SUNDAY, MAT SL1SS5. NOIlTHWAItD. UcfiillnK... a, if. r. in M. ZM . telnmbuv. ,.,,, TM 7M 7:30 7:40 7J0 lfcTS JiMlettA Junction CWt'klM ;,, ,.,. Lancnsteri ,., ....... Lancitr(Uiug S i 1,1 3:36 W..'. A-ri liSO It: W ,S:4 :fhfA Huaiiyvuiuv.. eras IMff.TJl .-w. LS1VTL 'm . jmujnK wl i Tri IfcOS ssuii i. Mn&. iHK'O MsBiv.' ZTmm iMMHtUT, V.J K -ji-i aw. Sf . Trl m. im i i$ Sfit Titt,'. '4 5:60 A... S, 1 , s S'l Msrletta JnucUeu:. Chlck1ss..,,....,;,iJ, . T. X. .A . iuAH" 4.ISll . - - . IB ..rt buiumuH,,! ...... v t. 0!"--ia5 - &&- Lancaster (Klneijl (Juarryvllle .. urn easier. Ml 1M . en sas tmw&m ..1030 ....' J.U-? US; i-r-Tralns connect at Hearting with wKi-.MV ana from Vhtladcljilita: VetiHvule, Iferriaiurisi AllfTltl,rfl nml U.u-Vn.V. wl. llMiMd.amvJ,f I"...a ' -.v.- -., ,M WMB-., AUUiV. At-Celumbla with trains te a..... . 1......0, ... A-. A.U.( .. . . At Marietta June tleu with, trains te Clilcklcs. " "j? At Manhclm with trains te and frog. A. .f.fi at. uincasier .1 ur.ctien with trains Lancaster ana Quarryvllle. SftJillAY. -is wva iresn: &' "Sl-l Leave Quarryvllle, 7U0a. m.r Latwasssr, street, hk a. m., 3-M in. S v. k Arrive LancasK r. King Strict, 9SM tr&, IMttt p.ni.iOnarryvUle, 640p-.m. ." ' -fAA lORNWAIili AND IjKBANONANDJli y CULJSUUUUK VALLEY 11AILHOAK. ' rgjfc Trains leave Iebinen aaily except Sunrtuy ) --ya av wjxi u. in., 1 .:ju una p. ill. ' ;--i ArrlvoatCernwallat6:Ma.m.,I?:40iCn. ana 'J ,;w 11. ui.; aii kuueTiitu Bbisuik w., x-m SHU e p.m., connecting with the VennsylTftBla, nil- Jx' reaa ler points east ana west. '. " "-. jK Trains leave Conewsee, at 740 a,'ai4',S;Ji) iafl' ' Arrive 'at Cemwn'l at 8:M a. m :M ana '9:06 tt. -S m.i at Lebanon att-Ma. m 4:30 ana 9:'p. nij, i Heading railroad f.ir points cast ana treat, ,ana jSJ uw Munuuu nuu iivwuu,jjutwt.,iA,vu.ve: tV)irt, town, Vlnegrove and Tremont' . Ij"C"-' wfrsl The6:30a.m.tra!QnIlUtep enlr at- CitawaU 'Jit coiebreok ana ucuaii-e. rzz'Mik QLAaSWAKX. - f jF .";4iJ H IQIl & MARTIN. !' i' Queenswarjei; 'ILIaTI f -AT CHINA HiflLl im AtOTIIEK t0f' Or -4-i DAMAGEDWAl?i i4- T&Xi 1I1 1 -1 AT VK I.WW riuveh f.i Jelly Cups, Jars and Tuwttw, A Let of Cheap Table $& GLASSWAREf ? WSKS TBKSI (; JOBS IlBrOBK.l'BHtSIJtisB, '5 inUlm " Sk' . ir.'a li "M sss a m. m 'tints' "y, Uivk V. IWI teOi i-k.-M iigiiec 'yiaiiu.. NO. 15 EAST KING i S ' 'fe ? ' LAN0A8TEH. fAi?y&h.l , Cfffl BJ TS AtTJOaAI$. jMS W'''f'W''VVfc-J S"-fS5 '"5 f t X ATEST STiliKS IN 1IAT 1 - SSt'i?1 nj in "a 1-WfeM i t .FJi'iJ siamier . LEADING PASfflONAKJiflATTERS, . . t v t tit . :. : ism ' " '. -Ij.-'tHB- J .itl the i.AndkST Aaatwaameci! .0 - x-m STRAWpM "jsTuMixr.-fti r f STll AW HATS V. )H BOYS, 6tt.;m4i.. .i ff h. sTiiAW iii.-i-a rea autxuiAi 00:: ---j ikg.j s; SOFT AND STWf.HAO: ' ! jiiv( - -'i A B"' : . ' r..l' 1', nm Trn-pmrnATiff Trtf?i i ; i :'l'fl II 'NH.KKi.fl 11 I lU (8ha) t &;iffiief ,1 1 I ? gjj 31 ana 33 NTjpwiBW nqpvan TTAPPY TROnC Tobaccos r. tt r UAETMAH'S U PSSffi iHEAPER TliAXi'C ll 1IHK. Han the"' ..v Z-i -k ' YVt X- uas UOQKjl n; 1 1 NO HEAT. NOIIUST. ite-Srlil Manuiai Ulrica uw p .jr.- -' v. Lifletiwr-. WM iJ V r-nH xii "y" ,- .Tf. .ImcBiK ! ki si tfiTJJ j, a t tTam'li.r,a f .1Z-'J e:- 1 fi mi .f A.1 ',." . .!.- A ., v Vi.V-i;bJ riat&aa, 't r ' ..' "ft- IW- 7f,l t ;'S.i