WW i ,Y- , i-. . ' fVf "fc..x-ce- -.'Vftfl fltfW "V". 'ri?" J ' ; lfenaj rr fv iK r, K VOLUME XXI NO. 253. LANCASTER, TA., MONDAr, JUNE 29, 1885 PRICE TWfr'cfi flP?wPEW " ' ''. '. , ...' . ' jv-"- '- rrsv?' 't -rr "-r-"" wT7WT,aww!raiFP .'."''"t'MMiHI ...-.. i.-icon ' .-. . .. . n ?. r.w. . i'.. .v. a n . v,. ...... ,. - , .. 5 v , &,.., uva.v "wwpa " , ,.:-..,;.- tvv-v 'Zi.-?rj "v ? ' ,,,-. J.S? r,:. ." 'WV'.'- vwy'fl'ii:J-.''fi?Fv. -,, .niti " TmMMBmJHr, X j 'li'Li'-'4 -: ' . " 's ij'JfjB 9k J , . VNVSMnHHHKVW. I "V VM A M M a -' I ' 4? .A . . 1 ""w TfTM. ir sWm a .A- - v Y ' '?' A .T VMBV J?ij- LcuBj jaKVKlK lBli. H B WWr v H Hf jAV ,LWX SV Bw B Amm aL. al. a m i. .? ifll x. . miimi ji 11 ii r in I'w "w yww ATrnr l. . i :,. . at 1 1 r fWHMLli' . M. t- " ' WrSrjkg&KMIfe tt r-r- 1, T-- - . " -SgftA BACK TO FIFTH FLACK. TIIK LAS0A8TKlt lXAUt.Y II.AYRTt TUB NEWAmi O.V HATVStnAY. r The Lecal Team ITnalile te Scorn Until the Set enth Inning-Large Crewil In Attendance. Chrl.llana DefeaU the Alcrt, of Ceatcs- tllle Itcsult of tlieOninca Jllnewherc. On Katuriliiy nflcrnoen tlie Newark ngnln passed Iaticaster ler tlie fourth pluoe by ilo ile luatlng them easily al MrOrann'M irk, Ikv foren very large nudlotice. Hiiillu wits In the box for the home club, mid tlie visitors foil upon him at the Mart, and hit him very hard throughout. Kverv man had a hit but Blrchall. llallleld led with threo Hlnglei and a triple DlncklBten had three. Coogan get In a nice home run In the seveuth Inning. The Iianca-ster club was only able te de sorne batting In the Heventh and ninth Innings when, aided by the opponents' errors, they suecoeded In soerlng rnii". riniltli was very wild In the box and Uoll'erd found It very hard work te catch him. The Helding of noltlier teams was w hat it should liave been, and the errers or Itlrelmll Illicit. Held for the Newarks were very disastrous. The scere Is given : LAKCASTBIl. II II V A K I NKWAI'.K. II D P A K l'uVkur.l.... n 1 1 0 0, Illt-ulmll, h. 2 U 0 0 2 OUlllclcl.r... 0 110 1 Coettiin.r 1 2 0 0 0 HoileHl, c . 1 1 4 e 0 Walker, I. 1 ll 0 0 ltllunU.i .. 114 4 2 Stnllli, s .. 1 1,3 n u M'Tam'r, in 1113 1 .lenc,2.... 1 2 3 A I Donald, .1... 11112 I' Miiniliy.e 1 24 10 Smith, i .10 0 3 0, lllaktl'n,ni 2 3 1 0 0 Teniney.-s.. 2 2 2 (1 0 llittlli-1d,3.. 3 II 11 Alack, 1 . .. 0 1 lu 0 1 USIurpliy.p 1 2 0 3 0 Total. ... 7 "e 21 1?' 7' Total 13 17,87 wii INS1X0H. .. . .0 I) (I 2 3 1 Iiiitunxter Newaik . 0 0 4 It II 2 7 1 x-13 Hl'MMAUV. Karncil runs nrk, 7. Te bine hlt lllal.lf.ten, MeTniiiiniy, Tiunney. Thrcn tune lilts Walker. Jenci, llatlleltl. Heme run t'oeuan. Left en luxes NVwnrk, 8; Lancas ter, s. Denlihi plays Smllli, Walker. Htrnrlc out Nruaik-, I : Ln'nraHtcr, 2. Ilaxcs en balls N'ewaik, :i: Lancaster, 2. lilt by tull-IIlland. Passed MllH-llerrnrd, 2; Murphy. 2. W1IU I'ltchCH Smith, I. Time et game Twe hour. Iinulie llellana. Chrlsllana'rt Cenltnnetl SucfeAA. The Christiana club again defeated the Alerts, of Coatcsvllle, Sattirday.at Christiana, by a scere of 11 te 1. The only features of the game were the daring base running el the home team and a line runulne catch by lirltiten in contre Held. About itOO persons witnessed the game. CHHISTIANA. nuelirer.c. ill!. 2 -I 17 4 0 1 ALKUT. Hi VI A 0 1 I llllS('ll,3 . Wiirner, r.. Ilatl., 1 . StU'll.C... Ill'OWII, h. , Kcimtfir. 2... .lenct, h. Mclcher, p llanway.l . Ihivls, r llarrar, 1 Ten nail, 2. KnlKht, 3 (trillion, m II l! I! 0 3 II, 0j 0 II 0 01 (I 0 0 U 2 0, 0 (I 2 II i 0 1 0 0 10 0 e, e1 e ; i e! e in e 1 II, ll 21 0 0 Dlcken'n.m 1 Smckinan,l e jllcattleii, li 2p Tehil. 10 Total 'lit i;.7 it 1JMM11. 0 0 2 0 0 ..... ...0 0 1 0 0 ( hriitl.iua Alerts .... 1 3 e 0 1 11 0 I KUMMAItY. Karncil runs ClirUtlana, .1. Total hlts-Chrls tletm, II : AlcilH, 1 hi ruck out by .Mclcher, in : by lteaitlen, H. Left en liases Clirlitlnnii, 0 : Ali'iM, 0. liases en balls by Jlclcltcr.5; by lti'anleu,3. Time or Biuue 2 hours, 1.1 minutes. I'liipliu Ikiyre, On Saturday afternoon the Athletic club, of this city, went te Moiintville and were de feated by the Monitors, of that place, by the following scere : Monitors .1 2 1 0 1 1 .' 1 1-17 Athletic 114 0 0 0 0 II 30 Saturday's Games At Philadelphia : Athletic 5, Baltimore 1 ; at Cincinnati : St. Leuis 10, Cincinnati II; at Pittsburg: Pitts linrgl, J.oulsvllle 3 jatSU Leuis :SL Leuis (I, Philadelphia 4 ; at Chicage: Chicago 12, ltestnn8;nt Hullale: lluHale f, Providence 4. ; nt lUchmend : Virginia 1, Norfolk 0. field Notes. The Nationals liave released Moere. Jake Geedman will be eligible for contract te-morrow. McKlrey, late el Newark, lias signed In Springfield, Mass. The Say brothers, Leuis and Jimmy, aie In Baltimore disengaged. The Northern clubs of tlie Kivstem Lo.igue arenll in the Seuth. " Dickey" Johnsten, of tlie Virginia, lias made ten home runs this season. " Dee" Iuidis and young Meeney join the Wlkesbarre club as pitchers'. Iiurch, fermerly loll Helder of the Peoria club, has been secured by the National. Mike Munsell is again in trouble, having signed in llechesterand lumped toOsuege. A sneclal mcctinc of the lUstern Leugue Is lielng held at the Girard heuse, Plilladelphla, te-day. Fuliner, Hilsev, 'Weldel and Munce, late of the Quaker City club, are In Portland, Maine. , At Mt. Jey en Saturday In a well played game the Dauntless defeated the Keystone, of Manhelm, by 0 te 3. -Thus far this season the Athletics have drawn te their grounds 102,7(12 people, in cluding tlie exhibition games in April. The Housten and United clubs, of Choster, played a geed game en Saturday. The lermer wen in eleven Innings by U te 7. The Eastern League poeplo are laughing at the despergte ellerlH et Ilarnie'ii foam te win a game. He should liave taken the Menumcntal's place. On Satutday the May l'lower and High school nines played a game en the old Iron sides greunds.and the latter wero crushed by the scere of -10 te (1. Tlie Lancaster club loll at 4:1 yosterday for Norfolk by way or Philadelphia. They play te-day. Eleven players wero taken en the trip. Floed Is at Ills home In Phila delphia and may be icleased. Jer the championship of Philadelphia soir.e interesting games are b lug played. On Saturday the Somersot defeated the Selar Tips by the scere et 4 te a The latter club had the slngle error el the game. The Eastern League finds It hard te socure geed umpires. Nobody seems te be able te please the audiences and clubs, and therefere geed men decllne te serve. Sporting J Jfc And there Is net an umpire in the association that does net complain bitterly of Lancaster. The tin ce straight victories ever tlie lead ers, the Atlantas, have set the town of Augusta, Ga., wild. Hellerd and Slxsmlth ure the liens of the town. A purse et ?2u0 has been raised and presented te the plaj ers and each has received a new suit of clothes. Jack Leary, whose heavy bitting was a I'eature or tliose gamen, has been presented with a watch and chain. Te-morrow afternoon a Tat and lain ulne or colored men will contest at Mcaniun's;p.irk. The players are : Fata J nineti Fells, Alex. Morgan. Ed. Clark, Wesley Smothers, Lewis Haller, Authur Itobeits, Dave Wilsen, Simen llucli and Ilontley McCubblu. LeansFrank Doen, Jehn Jenes, Lewis Parks, Jehn Miller, Win. Uuch, Jehn Waters Win. llene. Qeorge Hunter and W. Jacksen. Snuiie Wilsen will umpire. Ministerial Tragedlm. Ilav. ( li Tiuclilln. pastor of the Presby- terlan church or Lenex, Iowa, and his slater Itegina, wero drowned en Sunday In the Platte rlver.a few miles from Lenex, 'while en their way te the Platte chinch. Kev. Sydney II. Kussell, ivasler or the Presbyteiian cluircli nt WwHllmven, Leng Island, committed suiclde m Saturday morning by cutting his threat. Insanity is suspected. Mr. Kussell was only M) years of nge, ami had but rccently gradualed Irem the ijiiien theological beinlnury. Night llloemliig Cerciis. The resldonce of Mrs. Ann M. Dougherty, Ne. 328 East Orange btreet, was vlsiteil by a great many jieople last evening te Inspect the liaiidhoiiie night blooming ceruus (cmtiu liritHdiiterua) which that lady hasonexhl hasenexhl hasonexhl billen. It wasa Ann specimen or this beau tiful, sweet-scenled llower, the whlte iietals set lu a calyx of golden yellow, making a picture en the memory net seen te Ihj lor ler lor getten. rjio.eoofbr Lenwburg rjnltenlly. Mr. William Ilucknell, president or the beard of trustees or the university at Lewis burg. Pa., has presented the sum of $10,000 te that Institution ler the erection or a chapel building. Werk is te l begun en it at ence. It Is te have a seating capacity of about six hundred. cuu.nnEN'H jut HBnrivKs. Tlie Metheillit Church at Gap Have an Inter esting Celebration, Gat, June 29. Tast ovenlng wasthotline when Children's Day sorvlces were held In the M. :. church at Dap, and they proved dellghtfuL The church, a large odlflee, was literally packed with an appreciative audi audi ence. Tlie sorvlces consisted of scriptural reading, recitation and music, which was contlttcted by Mr. O. W. Oronderf, who had the children under perfect control," and whose kind attention and efforts te make the services a success were highly appreciated by all levers of music Tlie proicratnme was followed out te the letter. Tlie oxerclscs were opened with the long meter doxology, followed by an anthem, ontltled 1,111 Up Your Head, Ye Oatcs." Prayer- by Kev. V. Oray was given, after which a scriptural ro re ro hearsal,enlitlod Christian oducatien,followod. ID boys and girls taking part, oacheno having a vorse and a card with the lotterof the vorse When the verses had all been Raid, the chil dren landing in line, displayed each a lotter, which read, Christian Kducatien." At this instant the scholars all joined In singing that beautiful selection entitled, "Our Kostlve Day Be Jlrlght," which was llnely roudered. Anether part of the oxercisos, worthy or much praise, was the singing of a ploce of inuslu by Klsle Vickcl, a little girl six years of age, under the care and attention of Mr. Oronderf. Other pleees of music were ren dered by the scholars, accominnled with the cornet Ly Tliea. O. Vlse and WHUe Oron Oren Oron eorf, all of which were exquisitely rendered. The whole service occupied about an hour and a half. .1 J CCA J, A HHKA TK A V.UMOS. Itev. O. Kit In Ileiiit Ulvr Seme Practical Ail lce te theAIIIIentllle (inlillialeii. On Sunday menilug at 1010 e'chxik, llev. C. Klvln lleupt, pastor of the drace Lutheran cluircli, this city, delivered the baccalaureate sornien te the graduating class of the Mlllors Mlllers Mlllors vllle Nermal school, In the chapel of that In In 'stltutleu. The dlscourse wasa very able one, based en 1 Cor. II. 5 : "That your faith should net stand In the wisdom of men but in the puworef Cled." The speaker discussed In a very oarnest and original manner the philo sophy of Christianity, as compared with the "philosophy of doubt," as taught by Ilegll, Uointe, and ethor modern thlnkerH. The true evolution, he said, Is from abeve down wards; from Ged te men, from men te the world. This is tlie roverso or the se-called evolution of materialistic philosophers, which is Ireui belew upwards. He closed with a strong practical appeal te the class, applying the remark that Mr. Htovens, the "great Commener," is said te liave inude te a young minister who had preached en the evidences of Christianity: "My friend," said he, "my advlce Is that you jirtaeh Christianity, net jirerr It." MKKTIMl Of TIIK LIXXMASN. What IViih Dena llclere They Ailjnurncil Oter the Hummer Seanen. C'hailesA. Hdinttsh occupied the chair at the meeting or the Liutuean society en Satur day. Among the donations te the uiuseum wero n specimen of the nest of the Tarantula, containing the insect, from California, by A I nam Sumiiiy ; and the habitaculmns of the cicada, from the Moravian burning ground, donated by S. M. Hener. Among the donations te the historical section were slxty-eiglitnlmaiiacsfrem theycar ISM down te 1K77, donated by A. Iliestand Glatz, of Yerk county. It was suggested that a specialty might Ik) i nad e of the collection or almanacs. Dr. 11. It. Bailsman was otectod an associate moni meni bcr. The 21 new plants collected in Lanats Lanats ter county last year by W. P. King are In the hands or Dr. T. 0. Perter, who declares thorn te be correctly named. Miss Baker exhi bited specimens or " Lychee," a fruit sold by tlie Chinese, which the members sampled. Tlie society adjourned for the summer, te meet again en Saturday, Soptember 2iith, at 2:30 p. 111. VKltll.OVS I'USITIUX. Mis. Atltlle Helier Faints en li Cherry True ami l9.ltcl by a I'rlemlly Itrauch. Smitiivim.i:, JiiiieKi. Mrs. Addlolltiber, daughter erMr. Jacob Stokes,Svhilo picking clien les en the topmost branch or a trce about IK) feet from the ground, was overcomo by n fainting lit and fell. Luckily In falling back she was caught en a forked limb and held thcre until her fatlier (who was fortunately near by) and her eldest biether climlied up and roscued her Treiii he.r perilous imsltleu without any Injury. It wasa lorlimnte rescue lieiu death, which would most likely liave resulted had she fallen. A week age shu was unfortunate enough te fall down stairs and Injure herself considerably. Mr. Simen Geed, Peter Kccse and Miss Lydla Daley each lest very valuable cows within the last few days by bursting. A Very Sliccemlul Mum Sociable." On Saturday evenlng last a "mum so se so clable" was held In the chapel of the Nermal school, under the auspices of the Millornvllle branch el the W. O. T. IT., or which Mrs. T. K. Baker Is president The rules enjoined that the first person who speke should pay a line of 2e cents, and every subsequent speaker should pay 10 cents, and wenld receive a badge. In a short time nearly every person in the room wero a badge, and the conse quent contribution te the funds or the union was a considerable amount- Kefroshments wero sorved lu the dining room by Mr. Spaeth, the well-known Lancaster confec tioner. After the "mum" part was ever, thore was a general scclable, enlivened by music, charades, magie music, etc. All soemed te enjoy a pleasant ovenlng. Trial of a Contemporary. Kiem the Alphnretta (On.) Democrat. We crave the ludulgonce of our readers for the shortcomings as well as the tardiness or the Democrat this week. On Monday our best help (Ida) was taken qnlle 111, and has remained se until this time. Tlie next nay our next best help (llillie) also took sick and remained sick for two days, leavhuj ns alone te wrestle with the paper. On Wednesday tlie geed wire also took sick, leaving us the care or the two little children, the care of the sick, the work of the heuse, the work of the paper and our own cooking te de. LIU of Unrluhneil Letters. List of unclaimed loiters, advertised at Lancaster, Lancaster county, Pa., Monday, J line 29th, IKs'i. Ladies' Lint. -Miss Katie Balr, M:ss Mollle L. Charles, Mrs. Kachel Anne Hall, Miss Murv Kaufman, Miss Mlnnie Kelvor, Mrs. W. F. King, Miss Maria McQuate, Mrs. E. Moenoy, Miss M, G. Merris, Mrs. Jehn Slay maker, Mrs. Anna Study baker. Gentlemen's List. (Icei go Arneld, Buch .t Brether. Benlamui Dahliiianu, Sanderson Deatrlch, C. F. Dcniila, Danferd M. Foskit, Paglingiil Olnsonpe, Jehn Latta, J. O. Loin Lein Loin beoh ACa, David Leulze, Jr., Jeseph Levor Lovor Lovor goed, A. E. Sayler. Oraiul Army I'linerul. The funeral of the late Jeseph Llke took place en Sunday atlomeon Irem his resl resl resl doneo en Seuth Water street and was largely attended. The Grand Army pests of the city turued out about 75 members. Kev. Soll Sell Soll liameroonducted the sorvlces at the heuse and the Grand Army ritual was read at Uie Tlio'renialns el Bernard Ganue, n floldler who dled at the county hesptai, wero burled at the Lancaster cemetery yesterday aner aner aner noen. The Grand Army pests attended the funeral. Kev. Thompson conducted the services at the grave. Church llepalr. Proposals for the repairs of St Mary's fatholle church, In accordance with the plans nnd Biiecllleatlens, whleh Jiave been noticed In the iNTKM.ldKNi'Kli, have been roeelved by Dr. McCullugh. The bids will be openod A J'orce or riggers from Phllade phla, under charge or a Mr. Ervvln, are at 'work this woek in placing the roer en St. Jeseph Catholic church. Hale of llulldlng Let. On Saturday Churlea and Jehn Kengler, or this city, purchased from Merris Zeek, eight building Jets en Fremont street, near Straw berry, ler $ 1,000. THE DEATU RECORD. HAXtiKJlS M'CVLTAIVUH AXJl MllH. itExnEitaetr iviss away. A. K. The Decease, of a Man Who Wai Leng Prom inent In the Lener End of the County An Influential anil Liberal I'rebylerlan Mr. A.R.Henderen' Death In Ilarrlnburg. Dled en Friday, In Oxford, Choster county, or bodily enfecblcmcnt, the result of pro longed ailment, Sanders McCulleugli lu the 77th year or his age. Mr. McCulleugli was during threo scere and ten years of his UTe a resident or lower Lancaster county, his family being one of the eldest and host known, and his relationship ene of the most oxtenslve In that Hoctleu. He was a son or the late Hugh McCulleugli, a prominent citizen In his day, who lived en the old homestead In Drflmore township near Pusoyvllle, whero the Btibject or this sketch was born and whero he spoilt most et the yours or his lire. Frem early youth he was trained te the labors or the farm, and until late lu life he adhercd te agricultural put suits. He was a man ofmero than ordinary Intelligence and his many excellent qualllles of head and heart, his thrift, conservatism and high Integrity gave him a degrce of success early lu his career, which strengthened and Increased with .vears. Hern te the Presbyterian faith, he was most of his life n prominent momberol the church at Chestnut Level. He. was con spicuous lu coiiusel and liberal In his gills. Some years age he wlped out the heavy debts en the academy preperty, adjoining the church, and gave It te the congregation clear of Incumbrance In his business afTalrs he was thrifty, exact, prudent In investment and as honest mid honerablo as men are born or made. He net only Improved his real oshite by attontieti and care, but he Invested his piellls and sur plus In safe ventures, and he had acquired an estate which no estimate puts lielew 5100,000. Part of this consists of two farms In Drumoreand Coleraln,somo real estate In Oxford and n large amount of moneynt in terest Mr. McCulleugli was for many years president of the Soiitheru Mutual Insurance company, and during his long and useful HfoheUf many olllces or private trust, all or which hodiscliargedwitliHcrtipiiIotisfldolity. In politics he was a consistent Demecrat, firm In the convictions of hlsfaith and ardent and unflinching In tlie advocacy of its princi ples. Being In a minority he or course never reached public olllce of Importance, but was several times placed en the county ticket and named for the legislature. Sevcu years age ad eslre ler greater com fort of living and easier coniuu'nlcatleii w lib the centres el business and population In duced him te remove te Oxford, (.'hestrr county, where he has lived slnee that tlme, theugli his business Interests, old associations and family relations inade him a frequent and always welcome visitor te this county. Mr. McCulleugli was twlce married. His first wife was a Miss Reland, of Maryland; she died and in later IITn he contracted a second marrlage with Miss Jeanctte, daugh ter or Jehn Klng.deceased, and sister or Airs. II. F. Sides, of Drumere. Thore are no children el cither marriage. Mr. McCul leugh Is connected by bleed and marriage with the Cellins, McSparrau, Jing nud ether leading families of the low or end. Fer seme years, nnd niore noticeably dur ing tlie past few months, Mr.McCiilleugh has been In falling heallh, and his deccase was net unexpected. His funeral took place this morning at 0 o'clock from his lale resl resl resl doneo In Oxford, thoremalnsbclngconvoyed from thore te Chestnut Level, whero the sorvlces were held and where the Interment took place. A very large conceurso or friends attended. Deceased lived a long and busy life, and maintained throughout its entire length the rospectnf the community lu which he was born and whero his father befere him had I icon an hnnored citizen. He transmits tlie heritage of a geed name, ami the oxainpleof a llfe of integrity, and usefulness crowned with the honor of tliose who knew him. Anne l'llilen Hendersen. Anne Emlcu Hendersnn, widow or tlie late A. S. Hendersen, dled In Harrlsburg en Sun day morning at half-past llve o'clock, of pneumonia, idler an Illness or alieut two woeks. Doceased was about sixty years or age. She was a woman of mere than ordi nary Intellect and great strength of charac ter. She was a devoted Christian and took n leading part In the work of the cluircli and the Sunday school. Shealxiuudcd In works or charily and Iwiioveloucc, and it was for yearn her custom te visit the county hospital and asylum and minister te tlie wants tKitli temporal and spiritual, of the unfortunate inmates. She led a quiet domestic llfe and was dearly beloved by all who knew her. Her remains will Im brought te Lancaster Tuesday afternoon and taken te St James church, where the funeral service will be read. The Interment will take place In Lan caster cemetery. DE3IOCIIATJV CUITXTY COMMITTEE Deride en July 83 ns the Date for the Helding of the County Convention. The Democratic county committee met at 10 o'clock this morning, In the rooms or the committee en the third fleer or the postelllco building. There was a full attendance, nearly every district being represented. The chairman stated that the committce was called together te fix a time for- the holding or the county convention tonemlnatoacounty ticket and elect delegates te the state con vention. July 22 and August 12 w ere named as the dates for the convention, and July 22 was selected by a large majority. The following wero appointed members of the county committee in election districts recently created : Charles C. Beam, First ward, and Gee, S. Gender, Secend ward, Strasburg borough ; Jeiemlah Oarinan, Terre II III, J-.asi fairi. ilioe memeers were directed te selict the places In their rospective districts for the holding of primary elections. The chairman was directed te liave conies of the law governing primary elections printed and sent te the members of the county committee. j'us.siiu.r XIIT SllCr. LEV'S UEAIiT. A Quettlnn jtrUing Out et Dim or ttie Meat l'mumis Cieiealbu. The Londen -dfieim-uii laisus a doubt us te whether the poet Shelley's heart lejllymir lejllymir vlved the cremation which the body was sub jected. It suggests in support of Its position that Byren, Lelgh Hunt, and Trolawney, who Identified the charred substances as tlie heart, wero mistaken, and argues that In cro cre cro miitlen the heart being hollow, Is easily de stroyed, while the liver, which is tlie most solid mass of the Internal organ, resists most Intense, heat The iiper quotes a corre spondent who says that he has witnessed many cremations or the human body. H declares that he has seen cremations com pletely ell'octed In 70 minutes In the Milan crematory, by means or the roverborallng furnace, and liiall these cases the liver en dured ler a considerable tlme that concen trated whirlwind or Ilre, reinalnlng Intact after the heart had totally disappeaied. Pre ceeding from such data, the writer in the Athenwwn points out that Shollev's liver was saturated with sea water, and was en that ac count mere than nominally lucoinbustlble, and maintains that Byren and Hunt, net be ing anatomists, easily mistook the shrunken remains of Shelley's Kver for tliose of his heart, and that the former, and net the latter, It was which Hunt returned te Mrs. Shelley, and which new lies Incased In silver "lu Bes. combo hall, the family seat The .lricwniiHi concludes by suggesting that an expert anatomist be permitted te ex amine the suppesed heart for the purpe.su or determining scientifically whother the cher ished remains be really the poet's heart or Ida liver, both or which woreoqnally useriil te him while iie lived, and both of which Bhetild be regarded as equally valuable still. UAIN. 1111011119 uiriiuce ei tnfioeu, jiujar"rt..fcK.-,. Tim lnlivlitv llrilildtnltli -rt.il A .v. WiUct.tM And fraui the Hauio'.jicercWJ Vtewl Uni tar - '-,, , &2$ llreu te thu earth la Ihriil afaHvvf at5S-l JTWfK WMHiN airixu out ritEftrusift. . t The ItrwanU for Excellence Distributed nt St. Antheny' Parochial Scheel. After tlie regular vospers sorvlce at St An An teony's Catholic church en Sunday at 3:30 p. in., Kev A. F. Katil distributed te the pupils of the parochial school the following rewards of merit in tlie presonce of a large iiudicnce : Geld medal for diligence, attondance and dopertmont awarded te Charles McClarren. Geld cress awarded te Maggle Henry. runts in eKnMAN ceunsi: ev HTitnv. A Class First premium, awarded te Mary Bube : second premium, Maggle Henry. B Class First premium, Antheny Derlciy; secend premium, Jehn lteulr. ; third pre; liiiuni, Charles Knapp. C Class First premium. Jehn Soktuger ; secend prenilum, Mary Mesh ; third pro pre mlum, Mary Knapp. li uiass virsi premium, jhiise no singer: Rceend premium. Alice Bent. R Class Edward Kemplle : second liiiuni, Jehn Matt and Peter Slnich. pre- vtii'ii.s in i:nii.ihii ceunsi: or tcrunr. A Class First prenilum, Jehn Meyors; secend prenilum, Harry Qabel. B Class First premium, Matllde Klch ; second premium, Mary Kemplle. C Class First premium, Mary Kaiifmann ; secend premium, Mary Kafising and Ll77ie Gardner. D Class First premium, Carnline Zlllex j secend premium, Sallle Gardner. E Class First premium, Walter Keogh ; secend premium, Clara Henry and Emilia Kaufmauu. Preifiliims wero also awarded te n large number of pupils who wero present every Sunday at Sunday school. HT. MAIIV'.H ASSItiTAXT V 111 EST, Itev. Terence I. IlarTerly Appointed an Aid te 1let. Dr. MiCtillngh. The high mass lu St Mary's Catholic church en Sunday morning was eelelirated by Kev. Terence P. Kallcrty,, a ymiiij; nnd uewly-erdatncd priest At'the end of the sorvlces Kev. Dr. McCullagh Intredu;c4 the young priest te the tiarlshleneis as Iilftutiife assistant, bespeaking for htm a hearty roeVp" lien at tlie hands of tliose among whom he wastolalier. Following the presentation te the congregation, Father Karterty exercised one of the function of the new priest, e or whose ordination a month lias net elapsed, by Individually blessing the memlicrs of the congregation, these receiving this spiritual favor properly being given a plenary Indul gence. The assistant priest is a native of Ireland and was educated partly at the college or Armagh, Ireland, Fordham and Trey col leges, New Yerk, and the Catholic seminary at Harrlsburg. He was ordained at tlie pro pre cathedral lu Harrlsburg, en Friday, June 12, by Kt Kev. Bishop Shaualian, or that city, who sent him te this city te lighten the heavy burdens which worthy Dr. McCul lagh, or St Mary's, has long been carrying. Honored by the Canadian llultrndty. As has been previously noticed In tliose columns, Itev. Dr. C. F. Knight, or St. James parish, this city, attended the com memoration or the University or Canada, at Bishop's college, Leunoxville, Can., en last Thursday. Bofero the nodlcnce then assem bled he delivered an address en "The True Ideal in tlie Scholar's Llfe" ; and en the same occasion this faireus university conferred upon III i ii the rare and distinguished degree of D. C. 1.. Docter of Canen Law an honor seldom conferred in America. IXTEllESTIXa 1XSVJCAXCE SUIT. Philip Lehzcltcr llilug an Action Ter the I'.n I'.n retery of l,000 Insurance Meney. Philip Leblter, .through his attorneys, J, Hay Brown and B. F. Montgomery, have en en en tored suit In the court of common pleas against II. K. Breneman, te recover $1,000. This Is the amount of a policy of Insurance held by Mr. Lobellereu nframesaw mill, near the outer Heading dejMit, destreyed by ilre last October. The cemiiany lu which the risk was placed, plalntlll' claims, was net hi oxlstence when the policy was issued, and he new socks te recover tlie vulue of the policy from Mr. Brcnemau. A representative or the I.sTi:i.i.iiii:xri:n called en Mr. Brcncuiau te-day, and his statement Is that ene or the companion repre sented by him carried a policy or Insurauce en Mr. Lob.eltor's building mr a number or years. That company finally decided that the risk was tee hazardous and refused to'ro te'ro to're ucw the policy. Mr. Breneuian endeavored te place the risk lu several ethor ceuqianlcs, but was net successful. Finally through an insurance broker, of New Yerk City, and Insurance or $1,000 was placed en the building in "The Nen-Tariff In In suraueo company or Ixmden, England." He did net ha e anything further te de with the matter until after the fire, when he wrote te the broker who cllWted the Insurance. Net hearing anything from him the main ofllce or the company was communicated with and It was learned that the "Nen Tariff" was defunct It was started en a mutual basis, had but a short life and was In ex istence when the jiellcy was written, but was net In business when the building was destroyed. The case will be an Inteiesllng ene and will attract a great deal of attention. CONDKNSKD TELKCIt.lMS. The British gunboat. Garnet, sailed last night from Halifax, N. S., ler Bermuda, thence te Gibraltar. Stafferd's furnUure factory and Denkigny it Horten's woolen mills, ntAuiprler, Out, wero binned Sunday morning. Less, $50,000. The trial of Lucille Yseult Dudley, the weuld-be assassin of O'Doneviin Kessa, was begun in the court or special sessions tins morning. The court room was crowded. S. W. Blair, aged Kt, a salesman In the em ploy of I. G. Merris ,t Ce., Baltimore, loll out el a third-story window or the bearding house, Ne. 70 Seuth Sharp street, early this morning, and breke his neck en the pavn pavn ment, causing Instant death. Sir Arthur Sullivan, the well known composer of "PInafore" and ether operatic successes, arrived In New Yerk this morning en the "Etrurla." Sir Arthur after making a short stay In New Yerk will start en an extended jeurney te San Francisce. The joint executive committce of the trunk lines met nt thelr olllce In New Yerk te-day. nud roeelved a delegation from the Pennsyl vania railroad eeminny. An ellnrt is nemg inade te rtstore harmony nnd perfect the peeling .iiraiigemeuts between the rival reads, General Malinger llickseu, of the Grand Trunk railway, says the preliminary work was lielng done nt Saruia mid Pint Huren In connection with the propesod timnel under the St Clair river and engineers had pro nounced the schoine jairfis'lly teaslble. Up te 2 o'clock this afternoon twenty-nine or the parllcipmts In vesterdav'a riot in the Polish hcttlnmcnt hi Teledo, Ohie, had been arrested. The Inquest upon the bodiesertho two men killed will be held te-morrow. The injured are better and no mero fatalities are looked for. Twe Men Drowned In a SViunll. BniiNKWiPK, Me., June 20. A stidden squall near West Bath yesterday upset a beat containing six young men, N.W. Gavin, assistant postmaster here, and B. A. Lincoln wero drowned. IhnpererWilllaui Undoubtedly Itrcaklng Den n. Dmii.iN, June 29. Olllclal advices rrem Ems state that the omperor's health Is gen erally geed, but prlvate letters Indicate qulte the rovcrse. In thorn he is ropresoutod te be very weak, scarcely able te walk nnd un doubtedly fast breaking down. KiirceMfut llarn Itutalii;, The new barn en the farm of Ileglster of Wills Stener, of Poqnea township, was suc cessfully ralsed en Saturday afternoon by one hundred and llve of his nolghliers and friends. That Is the uiimlier that partook of stipper ami the supposition Is that allnsslsted in the work. Tnu Coining Weddlugg III 1 jlen Tewiulilp. JCaww-sre, Ui,ue4 . r-. -'.. .t:. i.whui,i jmii iimn ikkeMnr. of KetUmuhi ..-, r. , ,-- -, -,.;-- -- i ; iri. iioeoa, or yaiiwrge, "u wt. JW(' A REMARKABLE DUEL. BIX ItriOTS EXCIIAXOEli OX EACH BUIB JXA yUAHIlEt. JtETWEMX TEXAXH. The Came Which Led fb the Dloedy Kit counter or Senater K. O. nail and Cap lain Joaeph Shrely In a Theatre, The Knd Net Yet Ileached. La in: no, Tex., June 20. During the ses. slen of the last loglslature Senater li G. Hall bitterly attacked the clllclency and In tegrity of the alale ranger rorce, which for years has guarded the rronller. Tlie Benater was particularly sovero In denunciation or these troops located in his district, which were under the Iinmodiate command or Capt Jbseph Shoely. These attacks resulted In the final aliandoiiment or Capt Slicely's command. Sheely had been known as ene of the bravest men en the frontler and his departure was the cause of great regret Fer ten months pest overy male Inhabitant along the border has taken sides for or against the rangers. The feeling between Hall and Shcily became Intensely bitter. About It o'clock Saturday night Shcely sauntered into the gallery or Helland's thoatre. Seeing Sonater Hall sitting In the front row near an aisle, Shoely approached and struck Hall square In the face with his open hand. He repeated this blew, when Hall succeeded In gettlng te his feet Instantly both drevv to te to 'velvors and began tiring, Sheely rotreatlng backward. A perfect panic ensued In the theatre, and poeplo rushed wildly out en the street te oscape the flying bullets. By standers momentarily oxpeclod Hall te drop with a bullet In the heart, Sheely being ro re ro uieits as n dead shot The senator faced bis dangerous antagonist In the most desjWale fashion, stepping forward and firing every 'tlme Hhccly flred. An Shcely reached the feet of tlie (dalrs Halt ran te the top and iired the last ball lu his plutnl. Slteely gave iie signs of lielng lilt, but viHed oil' his coat ana ins shin was red with bleed. Thin ex plains why the bonaler escaped with his life. In the duel .Sheely had bwsn wounded by the first bullet from Hall's rlstel, thus ren dering his aim uncertain. The ballentered the right shoulder, coming eutjusl beneath the shoulder joint Sena Sena eor Hall believes he wounded Sheely en the last Ilre Instead of the first tire, but Shoely denies this. It was n remarkable duet Six shots en each slde wero exchauged. Hall's clothing was erforated,whlloa bullet grazed Slicely's lomple. The feud will undoubtedly be ronewod as seen as Sheely recovers sufil sufil lienlly. Ne arrests have been made Other encounters as thoeutgtowth el'tliis dllllculty are likely te occur at' any moment lietweeii the friends of the combatants. Nothing en the frontier In a long tlme has created such IKirtisau feeling. Ilrutnl right Ilctneeu Mugger. Mii.vVAttKin:, WK, June 20. A brutal fight eccurred last night a few miles from the city In the town or I.akc. The sluggers were Jehn Deyle, weighing 185 pounds, and llve feet nlne and one-half Inches high, of San Francisce, and Dave Jenes, 1 1 V pounds, llve feet eight Inches high, or Seuth Chi cago. The fight was according te Queons Queens licrry rules te a finish. It was witnessed by but a small crowd. The padding had been taken out or the gloves, se that It was vir tually a bare knuckle fight Five rounds were fought At the beginning or the Cth round Jenes failed te com e te tlme and the fight was gl von te Deyle. He get the first knock-down and Jenes drew first bleed. Beth were badly punished ; the winner most seriously. Jenes Is a hard-hitting left hander, but Deylo was tee heavy for him. Jenes showed himself very clevor and cun ning, frequently dodging te oscape punish ment, but he was tee short-winded. A Society Yeung Man Disappear. Dktheit, Mich., June 20. A sensation is caused here by the ropertod disappearance of a soclety young man who had bceti em ployed In Vincent J. Scott's banking house. The name of the young man IsIIenry Engol Engel Engol liert, Jr. Twe weeks age he was marled te a daughter of P. Fltzslmniens, or the whole whelo whole sido grecery heuse or Beatty, Fitzslmmeus. tCa Engolbert had been lu Scott's bank for soveral years. He disappeared about ten days age. His wife Is prostrated with grief. Train I'anneuger Well Shaken Up. I'arkdai.k, Colerado, June 20. Yester day aftomeon when the Denver &. KIe Grande passenger train for Salt Lake reached a point midway between hore and Canen City, the middle coach left the track derail ing another coach and a sleeper. The latter struck a rock and Is a total wreck. The pas sengers wero all mero or less bruised, but noneBorlously injured. llendrlckV Odd Itathlni; Suit. Bosten, June 20. A Philadelphia special te the Herald says that Vice-President Hen dricks' caused tlie sensation or the day at Atlantic City yesterday by appearing among the bathers In black pantaloons reaching te his feet and a dark blue coat all buttoned. He waded around a few minutes te the depth of his knees and returned te the shore. He took no notlce of the ether bathers and only a few persons rocegnlred him. . ICallread Clerk Asked te IteilRii. VicKSiiune, Miss., June 20. It Is under stood that all the clerks in tlie employ of the VIcksburg, Meridian A Vicksburg Shreve Shrevo pert it Pacific railroads have been asked te resign, the resignations te take etlect July 1st, the date that Jehn C. Gault the new general manager, gees Inte olllce. It Is also said that the olllce of the Queen & Crescent read In New Orleaus will be removed te Cincinnati. Serleiu llallrend Wreck Iteperted. Dallas, Tex., June20. News has reached here that the east bound through San F'ran F'ran clsce and St Leuis oxpress train en the Texas it Pacific railroad was wrecked last ovenlng, 0 miles from the Colerado river and 300 miles from Dallas. It is known that the entire train was ditched but full particulars cantiet be ascertained. Twe passeugers ure reported fatally Injured, ami there ere ethor serieus casual I ties. A Tluiuder Storm Startle n Congregation, Gananequi:. Out, June 20. During a thunder storm hore last night lightning struck the Prosbyterlan church splre and shattered ene of the Trout doers, throwing broken glass and splinters In all directions. Jehn McNaughton, who was In the vestibule, was ronderod unconscious, ladles tainted, and the congregation was panlc-strlcken, but all cscaped without Injury. A Well-Kneivn Soldier Dead. St. Paul, Minn., June 0. Lleut Cel. W. T. Gentry, of tlie 25th Infantry, commanding officer nt Fert Snelllng for a year past, dled at 10:30 last evening from Brlght's disease. He was 53 years old, a natlve or Centrevllle, Ind., a graduate or the West Point class of 60, and was ald-de-camp te Gen. Meado during the war. He leaves no family. ISO. Men ltcady te Quit Werk. CiucAne, J UI1029. The 150 men employed bv the Wabash company at the works en Stewart nvonne and Fortieth street will quit work te-day If the company doe net respond te thelr petition for thelr pay for May and 3 une, two months due, en Tuesday. . .. Three Children Uarned te Death, Mii.vvAUKKE.WIsr June 9. Al Beaver .Dwai'-'Wls., this, morning the brevveryand, if JSrstlle ware desHvyea ny tire. . ,..,.! S1L I U'.-A fl..l.ul 143, ?lUjIHt ,70, WW, ji rtvstXEss vx a nra scale. Hut When the Knd Cante lie Left III Creditor In the Lurch. Omaha, Neb., June 2ft, Tlie departure or L. L. Smith, a promlnent dry goods mer chant, yosterday, led te n repert a few hours afterward that he had railed and absconded with a large sum or meney. Smith catne here last tail from Chicago and openod a re tail dry goods stere en a modest scale, but seen doubled the capacity of the stere and advortlsed oxtensl vely. 1 1 Is remarkably low prices, which were said by ethor merchants te lw at cost anil frequently belew, attracted immense crowds. It was ruinous toether doalera. Every week for two or thrce months Smith had free railroad oxcurslens te his stere from various points within a radius or 100 miles, and overy Saturday ovenlng Ter a month or mero he has had a brass baud concert His store, In which he employed evor filly clerks, will be taken iKw.sos.slen or te-day by a men named Cele, a stranger here who has an assignment for the bonellt of creditors. It Is claimed that Smith's fallure Is for $150,000 and that he has carried away $100,000 In cash with him te Canada. Creditors began arriving hore Saturday nnd they Intended te clese en him te-day, but he anticipated them by a carefully arranged plan, which he had been preparing for several days. He did a strictly cash business and sold an Iinmonse 161 of goods, cenverting his stock as fast as It was received Inte meney. It Is said he canie hore from Chicago with $70,000 which he inade en the beard or trade. During the last few weeks he has been speculating and It Is said lest considerable meney. 1 te expected asslstanee Irem his mother and ethors, but they all rontsed as they had learned that his bulsuess methods wero simply ruinous. Bofero leav ing he paid oil' all his ompleyes hi full. His cashier and manager have also Hed. Among Smith's Eastern creditors Is the heuse of Jehn V. Farwell .V Ce., el Chicago, which Is Involved ler $2T,000. FAIEMOVXT VAlTli EXCAMI'MEXT. rinecu Hundred Men Already In Ciuip Muih Adlrlly Kterjnhere. Piiii.vpki.piiia, Pa., June 20. Although thn humid atmosphere was oxtremoly op ep nremiivp In the built up portions or the cltyle-day, gontle breezes stirred the air at the National encampment in Fulrmeunt park. The soldiers were up early, com pleting tlie details of the camp arrangements and as the day advanced the scene presented a picturesque appearance. The snow white tents In clusters formed pleasing contrasts with the little knots of green '.men, and the bright colors of the soldiers' uniforms gave the picture a lively, aspect The troops in camp at midnight last night numbered seme l.Geu men. About five hun dred additional men had arrived at 0 o'clock this morning. Ceinniar.Ji niim niim leriiig In the aggregate se vcrnlllieiiMiru! will arrive during te-day. Everything Js full of lire In camp, ami thcre is the usual bustle ever at the parade grounds. An army or carpenters aie sawing and hammering away at the grand stand ami fences in a man ner highly credltible in this kind el weather. It Is expected that the finishing touches will be given te everything by this evening. To day will be devoted te getting evcrythlng in shape, and the competitive drills will begin te-morrow. XIAOAEA'S a ALA DAY. Clrcat Preparation Making Ter the Formal Opening of the State Ilcnerviitleu. Bi'Fi'At.e, N. Y., June 20. Great prepara tions are being inade nt Niagara Falls Ter the opening or the state reserva tion en Wednesday, July 15. The fes tivities will begin en Tuesday ovenlng the lltli. by a grand ball In the International hotel. The president, soveral goveniors, the govenior general of Canada, and nontenant nentenant nontenant gevernor of Ontario, besides many ethor distinguished liersens will be present The exercises en Wednesday will begin with an address by ox-Lieutonant-Govornor Dor Der Dor shelmor. He w 111 be followed by Mr. Carter, a prominent attorney of New Yerk. The national hymn will le sung by n grand male chorus, composed of German singing soeio seeio soeie tlos. A grand military parade will also be hail. United Suites troops from forts Perter and Niagara, militia from Hullale, the Al bany Burgess corps, Trey Citizen corps and nntimlierer Canadian battalions participat ing. In the evenlng a grand illumination or Niagara Falls by ilre works will be seen. Beth bridges ever the river will be free that day te all travolers. The expenses attend ing the opening is placed at $3,500 of which $2,400 has been raised thus far. UllAXTH FAMILY UllATiriEl). Hfrauie the (ienerul l'a'd u lletter Mght Than They Had Impeded. Mt. McGnKOen, N. Y June 29. Gen. Grant awakened this morning refreshed by qulte as much sleep as he gets during his nlehtsorceodrest All at the cottage are much pleased ever his ravorable condition, for while thore wero pronounced Indications of an unlavenible night when the goneral re tired, the family wero net without a dread that the confinement te his room yesterday and the coutinuauce of bad weather Inte the night might make him wakerul. It was semewhat after midnight bofero he was lully compesod te rest, but from the tlme he dropped te sleep until about 5 o'clock this morning he needed no attention. Tlie usual treatment nnd nourishment prepared him for further sleep, and until 0 o'clock nothing' distiiTbed him and he rested well. He has recovered from his leeling of oppressive weakness. The morning opened bright and beautiful, and the weather gives Indications erbelnir exceptionally delightful after the storm. Docter Douglas thinks it likely that the general will take a second ride In the bath chair in the warm tart of the day. KAVIiriT bllUHT IS OIL. The Slippery I'redurt Caiic Seino Pallnres hi New Yerk. Nkw Yeiik, June 20. Tlie big hull peel In oil carrled up the prlce te-day te 02J, opening it up 2(( cents from Saturday's closing price. The deal caused great oxclto exclto oxclte mont at thu Consolidated OH Exchange, and soveral brekers who wero short of oil wero uuable te respond te the demands upon thorn. S. II. Os Os Os berne announced his failure, and (1. Mulbereau and J. W. Oddie wero unable te make dollverlos, and considerable amounts of oil wero bought In under the rnles. The rise from the lowest prlce en Sat urday has been G$ cents. Some of the larg est stock houses in the street have been caught short or oil and have lest large sums Inthodeal. The bull peel Is compesod or seme or the wealthiest men In the stroet.and has unlimited capital for thelr deal. A ma jerity or the oil brekers me said te have bcen caught en the short side. Trouble Urewnii: Among ritherineu. Ottaw'a, Can., June 29. Since the an nouncement of tlie temporary arrangement betwoen this government nnd that of the United States in regard te the flshorles ques tiens, members or Parliament from the nuiri nuiri tlme districts have been receiving many pro pre tests from Canadian fishermen. The llshor llsher llshor men assei t that they will notallew Amerleans te fish In the Inshore water, and that they will resist any attempts or Ainei leans te se fish. Tliose meuibers stale that bloodshed Is almost unavoidable, should tle llshornien et the two countries meet. The government haa sent a steamer te cruise along the coast te prevent trouble ir poasible. Hecelved Their CoinmUnleii. Jehn D. Harrar, Christiana, nnd W. F. Mo Me Sporran, Greene, have roeelved their coin cein t mtoslens ax postmasters, Ts'. CAPTURE OP KANJ (ANAlVli 1BA.KHAX, A 'MJSXn QV ATtfaiti OX its ir.i-iujr.5Vflr'rl TrMmM Taking the Af, m,li,tan CltJ llant in PH.. I -- . " t". yjrj Ilelenclii te thnAtfitefwl I I ager In, the' Met '$1 Le?nor, Juue20.-A despatch ran states tha the rebel leaderV ene of the syu iiathtera of the deu AyoebKhan, lOmhead of a law.: of followers, c sod the border AiTir tan Inte Afgl u istan and. inri9ilfet,' city of Kt tnti, whfeh lVniti after a desiei putting Its de' thou looted tl ethor plunOei te the ameer. 3 and sannuiiuirv struletier 'l lern te filsht ; . t . sw '. in w- K place and iirocaredCameoi 1,600 060 sterling! .'Iielensfljj It win jaju iiiw-nauHcii ibnviib nviiiTAiitnnt t - 1. ..l ft I f.La.2 " i-fc. C vAumiiiuiv u uiigiiuui jirgitaiiurutn. i,) Afghans epei aecusothe KusslAtuJef-'l lug conspired ,. and churned lha.fitliftE prlsals are tin iened, and Itls ltrilf complications a much mero sortearantfipr' than have as j arlsen -will grew eutWtjtf iuiu. iiiuuu' nas. caiisea great exepjcui throughout L denjTttO feiteign OiDiC tolegraphod L d Duflurln tot tlie fntkt formation wi regard te Uie .aflat , should It be pi ved that the RaslaU'p are in any wa strance will at British repres m plicated; frrigoieuftl mce be ti'iMn thncifc't) Istlveat Sleterelmii1! ', I'jcEsntf ttatj Ai-i'OETirHxmi.k New Uerelteni ii I'nlilloMenojin, iimi Hi trlit .1 Mrney Capital Kte?. m Wahhiniiti dent te-day mmitfi DMAI...H. . I. iA Ahv;vi um Keano, ,at Van AiVevMilnciwfrntle.i! el J. Caey, Bodie CalHOmtL Ji KJ m, Hum jeldt, CalUernla. , ' &; Michael Dollisen United Sta Attorneys ArtB' Delanoy, E.istc n district Wisconsin," u. I'erry, uistr i et Kansas. Capital Ketes. f V. r."' 'IJ ?.J, ri i Yerk, walled i xm the presldeui telay-'aiidiiifi?; asked that Irvi llall be recocrnired In tbt& nppolntment r cltber marshal or illfitrkt;l iin.nA.,ni xr -v..i. V atiuiui uii itu Yerk. mp:i4. j v " Wxt f ar-l It Is scml-efll ially slated that Gendral Derf J,.i Carles Buell w d Imj appointed reunion agent rvS Carl at Louisville, 1 y. .. MA Messrs. Het ten, Beatlle and Burt, the rA newly appeliibsl customs officers at the pert of New Yerk, rilled en President Cleveland this morning. ' Aboard is new ougaged, en a flcheniQ for the reorganization or the bureau, or engraving and printing- The peJlinastc't twwcral auneuncea that the two. weeks -JellevrjpJiily 4th will be -. . " ."'""- 'VXi"""' ".""".". rfti ie pirsiumiuai iKjRiuces, nuu uuniig mai";j time be cannot iiear.app?Katiens for appoint meiiis. this arwigeLneiii uoeiuiuirMnciuue & flin fiiif aflttu4nM4f AfllA tin 7 the ...- nmiDmisnT t.Mlf. .w inade Fnui&Itayinmc, United Slates postal nete l agent at New " erk, and Algernon A. Mab-4 seu, rucunur ei puuue inenuys nv -neiii-f gemcry, Ala., oave resigned. Itopresonfill os or Amerlcaa atcanisHlttS. li,i companies had an intcrvlevv with Pestnlasterj g General Vilas lids morning In regard te- the, ,"3 rates te be chaiccd alter Julv first for carry- Std the foreign ma 13. 4 m Seekln) for an Kleplne; Wife. JIL'l IAI.U, i.iVV Urj, UllllU )t UUINJU ijPi .. ... -i- 1. T...... nt r. u.V rT imct, a wersi. gman, applied te the petlcwM llilu mnmtiifr frtf iifeelalonne l.i .1 1 u.s'fi4nf. s2 the whoreabeuiicr his rnlsslng wife. vhe he claims has olcped with an ompleyo Of Uie M United States .etet lra. Kder, it seems, is liens. She biK-amn ncnunlntcd with .lenii M, Beclncr, a poi cr In the nijeQ hote!, and. grew te regard lm as a devoted friend. Sev eral days age she told her husband she must go te Germany te secure a small inherllance left her there. Sliodrew$350 from the bank and left estci'Mhly for New Yerk, but 111 rnalllvwith Het mer for MIKvnnkee- tiilclnrr her six-ycar-eli. Iiey with her. Kder says hu don't care se Much about his wife ImtisnjA anxious te rccrcr the boy. ' A dailies 1. f lti U New "Se. lfl.051." ' , AUllullN, . x., juiiu-.i, jniiin v. w"t j-a or the Marine Kink, was te-tlay put threngh-J uie regular cl iibe hi iuv iuin n".' "J , JlVi iniulnnbi lintlntil him. eronneil what hair he a. had, shaved el his lieard and put hint InlOi'-Jjd tlie regulation stripes, iiewa-s uiuupui.wui ! n .nmil.. a1I tlinrn he Is hvdre.! In all rlftV. Jt.-I the prison for vhem there Is nothing te de,, Au nnlnrAil m lllO 'llrlsell lYHnMter ltO. Is "number 19,0d,,r James P. yisli, oft'eim," misappropriating limits et n nauenai eaiiK-i, occupation, prcstuent ei me Aianne iibueuma. bank : age Ce, yehjli l(Ki height a leet tig Inches; rocelvnt jiune ssttt, . ne uas, net yet passeci w puyaicuua Bv'""a"Wi,,fv. Criulied III l.lte'i KhnU Wltii AAJ,' BnoeKLV.v, . Y.i' Jnn 2l ThMUM O'Shea, aged I. ty-nve year, rixnumgat ei S59 Court strce . doullBreoklyniTnurderaa hU wife, Mary, this mernlug by crushlni)1 hjsr,3 xL-iiii with nn, id. He then deilvriredihuir-,' self up and cei fesaed his crimp. O'Shi h8il:,flj been drlnklnj heavily of late, una iwsfca said he was J -aleus of hlswifc, nrfsl ftait unver.il times -used her of MilnKVUwlWllll, me ceuple llv awIththelr.tltrchjltii;jHli J the heuse inioUenod. .WheuVli-t3&!jy visited the heuse they found the chlldren.' asleep in bed and thelr mother's cerpse In an. ndinintniF room with the head herriblyv; r.,ci,i.i (VsibnA has been Indeed lu iail. ' "'-.' llurke and Mitchell te Meet Te-ntglit. OiiioAfie. June 20. The slx-ieund soft clevn contest botwecn Jack llurke and jt Charley Mitchell, nt 1 tit lery Daxmoryte. night, is attracting-'much attention and will be witnessed by an immonse crowd. Beth men are In splendid condition, but the bet ting is slightly In favor or llurke. This will be their third meeting, the first ene being at the Ascot race ceurse in England, whero the light was declared a draw at the end of ene hour and forty-seven ininutes, en ae-j , count of the darkness. One meeting In New ?' Yerk was also a draw. WEATUEIl J'JIOIIAHILITIE.I. The Condition of the llaremeter and Tiler- "JvJ ir.emetcraud liullcaUens for theMorrew. Wasiiinoten, l). c, j une vx rer uie y Mlddle Atlantle stales, a cool wave, local.,.!. rains, follevvod by fair woather, northwesterly ;w winds, rising barometor. Sft, 1 A cool wave approaching Jsevv lingianu k.i eml lltn ATbblln A llnntli stntns eniiMliiQ.n fall''i In tnmnoratiire of from fifteen te tvvenlv" -v' ' degrees during the night end en Tuesday. t f Lecal rains have fallen In the dlstrlvta' i-jj borderlngcn the Atlantle nnd In the Wtf, Guir states, Tenn., nnd the unto vaney mnf the Lewer Lake region j olsewhoro fnleS weather has provalled. Tlie winds are gonerally westerly In the districts bordering en the Atlantle and the East Gulf tates,1r northwesterly In the Ohie valley and Teqn,,',; the Lake region ami upper juisswhibm. vallev. The temperature has remained.' nearly stationary In the Mlddle and HeuMv,. . ,..il.. .....I i 1 ul rc.tt.lna ami l.i llm AfflULrtnrl' lilUUUU illlk HUM nwHt" .... ...-..- . valley; It has fallen slightly In the Upper, K- iiUqquim.i vHiinviitui rrem mm "li (lecrrasa hi the Ohie 'valley and the Lake region. f Fen Tuesday Fall', cool weather with a cool waye Is Indlcateil for New ICngland ami J i Uie Mlddle AUantle sUten, iucludlug th' District of Columbia, , , I VJ $ 'St 'j ,Xi la a ?1 i .Jr, vr. c &V-V .