pJSfJr SSEkSsS .-I'i? I .MP " ,,! 5. THE LANCASTER PAJX.Y mTELLIGEffGEB, FRIDAY, JUNE! 20, 1885. i n; -r en the locust's Inn f " "Why Is the 1 Don't you knew, my dear? Ne, 'lis net te help him Ring Vou'ie1itii90 1 four. W nsks " When will me wed t" Standi Ter one wlie'll love you till Feople tell you lip la dead aland!, ler Will. mitt'. MeSptirri'ii A.V At) El) liv.nntiT Arrested ler tlie Itrutiil Murder of 11 Visitor te 111 Hlmnly. A HechKlcd stiet near tlie Half-way Heuse, Erie, was tlie M'one, Woilneitlny nlglit) of n shocking Imtcliery, of Which Onirics Diinii, it voter.m of dm lale war, win tlie victim, tlie nllegeil murderer belng Hugh llrewn, a mnn of nlmeHt fourscore. Dunn, who ciime from l'ltlMburg te Erie en n steamer, was spending n few iliiytf wllli llrewn, who lias been living Uie lifiiel a hermit In tliuwoedsol' into yearn. On Thursday morning Diiiui'h mutilated body was found out-slile of llrewn's shanty, whlle u trull of bleed from his jiallet en the lloer inside, and the bospatterod furulture lndli'.ited n torrlble Htruggle. The body had been gashrd till the heart was cut III twain, tlie Imjm uls slushed, the Hkiill split, nnd the brad nliuest soverod from the trunk. A bloody UM lay near by. llrewn pretests his Innocence, and nays that the dced was coinmitted during the night mid bolbie he cuttie home, and that he first lu.imed or It when he nwoke Hint morning, saw the peel or bleed and the body lying eiilsMa llrewn lays thu crlme te a tnunp, whom be says Dunn ilrove nttny en account of his liiiporllneuco. llrewn adds that the tramp threatened te return and kill tliem both. Dunn was a finely formed specimen or liiauhoed. llrewn is n demon when under the slightest excltenient I le served a term In the Westem penitentiary for burning sov sev tintl barns lu Meiver county half u century age. A few years since he served another term for sheeting a neighbor, Albert Thorn Thorn eon, who had Interceded in belialt of llrewn's Huh wile, whom be was trying te kill, llrewn was put under arrest te await devel opments. Tlie murder was oiie of tlie most brutal in the annals or crime in the legion, and shows a cold-blooded, deliberate butchery, which was simply demonical, llrewn, who was disowned by his family years age, is highly connected, lias two sons, who aie merchants in Ureeiiville, IVu. and a brother, who served in a recent Congress lieni a rennsylvanla district. A ('.mine Pint i;liiif;ulfllii'i-. I linn the C IiIcjke Tilbune n unusual incident was witnessed en an Illinois Central suburban train. A well dressed man entcre J the smoking car with n iiaudsome bull terrier at his heels. Neither m.iii nor deg attracted attention, and the man took a seat, the deu crouching at his feet. A passenger at the etiier end el tlie air drew u cigar Irem his pocket, put It in his mouth, lit a match and held it carelessly in his hand waiting ler it te burn into a bright blare, .lust as the man was raising it te his cigar the deg saw tlie match, ran like a streak down tlie ear, sprang at tlie match, and catching it in his mouth extinguished it in an insUut. Aroaref luiigli luiigli ter greeted tlie exploit, and the surprise of the smeker may lie Imagined. The deg con tentedly trotted back te his master's feet and sat down as though he had done a very mer itorious net. Then tlie passengers began ex perimenting. Heme one lit a parlor match and threw it Inte tlie air ; tlie deg sprang into the air and caught It before it tell. Matches lighted and thrown en tlie lloer were extin guished in an Instant by tlie deg with Ids mouth and fere paws. Then semeUxly, whose instincts were a trille brutal, threw a cigar stub w itb a brilliant coal of tire en tlie end en the lloer. The deg sprang en it, and although liuding it a tougher job than u match, wen led It with mouth and paws till it was extinguished. "Liuht a piece el paper and sce what he does!" lemarked the dogs owner, getting a secure gri en tlie anlmarscellar. A Tnhvne repot ter took a piece or "copy" mper, crumbled it into a ball and lit it. When it w as ablae he threw it en tlie lloer or the cir. The deg bad been retraincd with dilllculty during tlie operation, and, being released, made a spring and came down en tlie paper with all lour paws ami nose in a hunch, ex tinguishing it instantly. "What kind of a dog'have you V" asked the reporter el the ewner. "Well, he's a bull-terrier, about two years old. I think all bull-terriers hae a natural antipathy te liie and w ill try te put It out. 1 use this deg as a watch deg and have net trained him at all Itoyeml encouraging his lmlm-.il 1iimHih-14 tt slitlirk tiiiitliut thn treilt If J was a geed 0110; se I patted him en tlie head. no ee.us me paiem nre exuuginsiicr an hollow. Ne ; I haven't taken out a patent en him yet." I.liteu te Venr Wire. The MmiLlieslvr Uuartltan, Jinn , I".-;', tujs At ene of thn " W lnilews" Leeking en the woodland ways ! With clumps of lhodeUcndioins and gicut masses of Muy blesMium f !! " There was an Interesting gieup. It Included one who had been a cotton spin ner," hut was new se Paralyzed I ' ! That he could only hour te lie In a lccllnlng position This relers te my ca-e. I was Attacked twelve years age with " Loco Leco Loce motor Ataxy " (A paralytic dUcunief neive filne rarely ever cm eil ) and was for tsneral yeais uaiely able te get about And fei the last Flve ycai's net uble te ulteiid te my business, although Many things have been done for me. The last experiment bulug N'crve stietchlug Twe years age 1 was voted Inte the Heme fei lncuiablcs! Near Manchester, In .May, lbsr.'. I urn no " Advocate ;" " rer anytlilug in me shape el patent " Medicines .' And made many objections te my dear wife's cenetant mglng letry Hep Hltteis, hut lluully le pacify her Consented ' I I had uetijulte llnt-hcd thetlist bottle when I lelt a change ceme e cruie. This was Saturday, November 3d. On Sunday morning 1 felt se Deng I said le my loom companions," 1 was sine I could " Walk t Se stuited iii-ie thn 1I001 and buck. lhaidly knew hew toceutulii myself. I was all ever thu liouse. 1 am gaining stieugth cuili day, and can walk quite safe without any "Stick!" Or huppeit. I am new lit my ew 11 house, and hope seen te he able te 1'iuii my uwn living iigaln. I time been a member el the Manchester " lteyal Cxchuhgu " Fer neaily thiity years, and was most heaitlly congratulated en going Inte the loom 011 Thins da) last. cry gratefully yours, Jehn llLitunuiiN, Makuiistuu, (Kng.) Dec. 21, lteS. Twe yeais Intel am peifectly well. OS-None geniilne without a bunch olgieeu Heps en the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous Htuir w 1th " Hep " or "Heps" In their nume lun-lyM.W.FAw A Setielluii Unit Cenluiiiinnles the llloed. When the bile Is diverted froinltspiepor chan nels, Inte the bleed, which Is ulways thu cake In ller complaints, It cense te he u healthy bocro becro bocre Hon, and becomes a poison Its uhneiinal pies pies pies ence In the ciiculutlun and hteumch Is Indicated by thosutluslunef thiibklu with a hideous saf saf Den lingo, by headaches, vertigo, nausea, pain In the light side ami uuilei the right sheuldei blade, by Indigestion, ebst Mictien of the bowels and ether miner symptoms. Oidennay bosub besub Htlluted for this chaos, nnd faultier bodily evil averted by using llin beiiellcent alterative and tonic, Hestutter's Stomach Hitters, which, by iclaxlng the bowels, promotes the cscupe from the clrculMlen of bilious luiputltles, besides Hindering theiiotlen efthe liver regulai, and io ie io meving every trace erilyspepsia. This pleagaut mid pinely vegetable autl-hllleus mcdlelne is net only Intlnllnly inoieellectlve than any form DfiiiHicnry but It U en account of Its fieeileni lieni hurttul piepeitles. Infinitely te be prefer red te that poisonous drug. Je'JIJyl Sl'EVIAL XOTIO:S. It I'nlrly Werries .Me te Think of the multl tilde or things udveltlscil te cui-e disease," you say Ne wonder, lint In thu mountains el khuft llieie aie grains ofgelden wheat. We may lliul ltdllllculttolniluce)ou te test the merits nf Dr Kennedy's Faveilte Ueiucdy, but when you have ilenn se, our work Is ended. After waiits you anil Hds liieillclnu will bufasl Irleuds r.nerlti' lli'iuedy would buMi died out letigugii l,ul l.i It teal UMtulness, Hut It Is geed and ilisis geed Hew About the Deses. Many people before puicha.lng a, medicine lintunill) lnuiilie tlie sire of the dose nuit the stieugth nf It lit using Jlurdeck Jlloeil Hitters 11 tcn'pnnnful for the little ones and two tea tea tea poeululs ler glow 11 folks aie all thut la uocrs uecrs mry at ene time This iiiugntflceut medlclnuU net eitlv economical but very plegsaul te the tHStu. Fer bale by II 11, Ceiutaii, druggUt, IJ7 anrtl3J.SeUUQueeuitii.et, Lnntuster. HVltUtAZ ffOTlCEIt. Mether i Mether t! Mothers 1 1 1 Are yett disturbed nt nlRht nnd broken of your rest byn sick child suffertni? and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting tcxth t If se, BO nt once una Ret a bottle of M US. WIN8L0WS SOOTHING SYItUF. It will lcllove the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It) UiO.re li Hit mistake about It. There Is net a mother en cnrlh who hits eyer lived It, who will net tell you at ence that It will fcgulnte the bowels, mid glve rest le the mother, nnd icllef nnd health te thn child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te nse In nil cases, and pleasant te the taste, and I the prescription of ene of Ihenldcatnml best female physicians and nurses In the United Males. Sela every where. 15cents tttJettlB. JunelC-lyclAw A Ijinjer's Opinion (if Interest te All. I. A Tnwnev, esv.,n lending iitfornej-nt Win ona, MIbs., writes " A Iter using tt for mera tluilt threu jcars, I take nicat pleasure In stilling Hint I lcgiinl Dr. King's New llNcntcry for Con sumption, ns tliu best lemedy In Iho world for Coughs and Colds. It hns uever fulled te cine the most hoveio colds I hve hud, nudtnvnrlulily ietlevn the iinln In the chest." Trlnl Hollies of this sine cum fernll Thront nnu i.unjr Diseases may hn hail rrcoatcecli. fan's Drug Mine, 137 and 139 .North O.ucen street, litiuniNlet, l'a. Large slxctl.tl). (1) CeliikVa I,liitld Href Tefile Is ndintrntily ndapted for females In delicate health. reltlen't; no ether. Of lt itmjiat. JfMwfluudftvr UAP1D TltAN81'i Thn latest nnd best form of rapid I nmslt Is for a peiHen Doubled with n slek headache te take a dee or Dr. Leslie's Special I'lescilptleu and what a rapid tnne.lt (nihi the nllllctlen takes for Its ilcimiluic, Sue iulortlseinont In ntiether column. dec20-lyd(l) Ncrwuis Debilitated Men Yeu mentioned a free trial nf thirty ( of the moor Dr. Dye's Celebrated oltale Helt with Klectrlc Suspensery Appliances, ler the speedy letter anil permanent euro of Net veus Debility, less of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindled tumbles, Ali-e, for iiiniiv ether discuses. Com plete lestoiiillen te health, vigor mid manhood guaranteed. Ne rlk Is Inclined. Illustrated pamphlet, with full Information, tonus, etc., limited fiee by nddicsslug Voltaic licit Ce., Mar shall, Mich. My Mether lias been using your llurdack lllned lllttm as a Hi or tonicity ami Mads them very elllen cleus.'' Cha 1.. Atuswerth, II Vance Illeclc, In dianapolis, Ind. Fer sain by II II Cochran, druggist, 137 mid 1X1 Nuilh ijucen filled, lam caster. An Ansner Wanted. Can anyone bilng us a eiisnnf Kidney or I.lver Ceniplalnt that Klectrlc Hitters will net speedily cuiet We sny they cannot, as thousands of caexaliead pel manniitly cured and who aie dully lecemiiimiillng Klectrlc Hllters.wlllpieve. itugnis inseasc, iiiaenies, )eui i.iick, or any urinary complaint quickly cuicd. 'I hey purify the libsid, legulate Ihutiencls, ami act dlicctly en the diseased parts. Every bottle guaranteed. Fer side at Me. a bottle tiv II. II. Cochran. Druggist, 137 and VSJ North tjucen sticet, Ijui castei, l'a. (1) My daughter unit myself, grenl suffeii'rs fiem cnlarih, weri'cuieil by l.ly's tieiim Halm. My sensnnt smell Is lostelcil. C. I. btanley, Sheu Dealer, Ithaca, N. I". I mis tumbled with ciitarihlei lllteen years. Klv's Cieam Hilui his opened niy nestltls and icduccd thu tiitlMinitiatleu my iiis can new stand stieug light. N. Fcgley, Wllkcsbarre, l'a. 1:1 V Cieam Halm ruled me of catanh anil ro re ro hteied my sense el smell Fer cold In laud It works Itldi umgle. K. II. Slierwisid, hanker, Kllzubetli, N. .1. J17'JdeeUtw A I'elli email Drilled tip. D. V. Cellins, member of liellee. seventh nurd. Keiidtng, l'a.. talks this way : "Mtlloreilseveioly irem llieiimallsin; iiethliigdld 1110 any geed till 1 tiled 'V'ieimij' L'clietrtc Oil. It Is a plcasute toieceiiiniend It." Fer sab) by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 1'iUNeith Queen street, Lancas ter. Why lie Diiitiiiiist? True, yen am In a ml.iiiabln reiulltlnn you me weak, pale and ueiMiiis, Yeu cannot sleep at night, nor enjoy yourwuklngheiirs; yet, why lese liemt? ),et at the diuggtst's a bottle of llitrtltirk J'lend llittrr: They will restore yen te health and pence of intuit. Fer sale by If. H. Cochran, druggist, 1.17 and l.-i Ninth Queen stieel, l.aneasler. Speaks Hlght I'p. ' II.imi rled yViniifu' l.'clcrtric D1M01 cienp and cold- ami llud tt tbe best remedy I hae isir used 111 my lamlly." Win. hay, MO I'lv mouth Ave.., Iliillale. N V let sain by II. It. I echiaii, diugglst, 117 null l.il Neith thieeu stieet, Lancasl)1!. I'lewd a Dig Denelll. "Has magical puln killing and healing piep erties. Halt of a llttv-eent Imiile cuieil me of ilieuiiiattsin and a cold that Irul settled lu my bad. Feel as well as I ever did 111 mv lite. Olie .1. Doesbiity, piep"i Itelttinil Cttj Xews, llel land, Mich , spe iking ter 77iemm IXlcctric (HI hoi sale by II. II. Ceehiau, druggist, U7 and l.'VJ .Ninth Queen street, Lancaster. Itiirkleu's ArtiliH SaDe. The Hi-st Salve In the world for Ciitf, Iliulses, Sews, t'leers, salt lilienin, Feer holes, Teller, Chapped llunil-, Chllb.ilns, Hums and ull Skill Krupllens, positively cures Piles, fir nepay re iulred. II Is guaranteed teglve perlect satisfac tion, or money refunded, l'rlce 2.1 cents per box. Fer sale by lechrun. thu Druggist, 137 nnd l'SU North Qucpii stleet, Lancaster, l'a. (I) Ciiaiimimi features inuy be rendeied actually iepullc liy blotches or pimples, lilemi'b Sul phur soup lemcdlesall cninplexleuiil blemlahcs. JW-lwdewhtw OAKRtAtiK.1. s JTANDAHD OAHHIAOK WOU1C Edward Edgerley, FIXE CAMMAGE IJUILDEIt, MAHKKT STUEKT, ItKAIt OK I'OSTOKriCK, LANtlAbTKIt, I'A. A LAUUK STOCK OK BITG&IES.& CAREIA&ES Comprising thn latest Styles nnd most Klo Kle gantly Finished, lit GllKATLY IlKDUCKD I'ltlCKS. It you wish te puiehuse a geed artl artl cle, my work U ilecldedly the cheapest In the state. MOTTO "FAIUDKALINO AND HONEST WOUK." B-Don't fall te encouniKe geed work. All Werk FULLY WAUItANTKD Lewest l'lices ferltlH'AIKlNIJ AND UKl'AINTINl). One set of workmen especially employed for that pur pose. l'LKASli CALL AND LAAMINE. nevSiittdAw N OUIUX'IC & MIIiKV. LANCASTER CARRIAGE WORKS. Norbeck & Miley, Prep's. COUNEII DUKE AND VINE STUEETS, LAN CASTElt, PA. THE LAIlUEhT AND CHEAPEST RETAIL WORKS IN THE CITY OH COUNTY, WE CAN AND DO BELL AS FINE A VEHICLE AS ANY OT1IEII HUILDEU PAll 1JEL0W THEIU PKICES. Hew we de It is 11 mystery, but a visit te our factory, nnd seeing thu system we have adopted you will net wonder. Patronize theso that ileserve It. Our stock nt piesent is very large, unit will be sold at 11 still luither reduction. We beast of our WHEELS, as they cannot ha. excelled. WE HAVE A LAlUiE STOCK OP PINE SECOND-HAND WORK, CONSISTING OP HUG01K3. PH.ETONS, ie., .10., which will be sold cheap. i-lilveusa call and be cenvlucud. Ilujiulr Ing neatly done. HAl'l'Y THOUtTuT AND RKIUCCOA Tohncesonly he per plug, at iiautmAn's yluAiv' piI6nt ciuau -pOTKISMAKINQ CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT S3.00 A, SOZBH, AT NO. 108 NCUtTll QUKKN BTItEKT, aal9U4 LtuicMter, l'a. JIIEIilCAr. AVOH1TK HHM13DY. Amputation of the Leg. Meney Is Iho universal heicsslty, nnd nene but a cynle or 11 feel will affect te rfcaplee It. Mr. Abmtu Ellswerth, of Pert Kwen, Ulster cetinty, II. Y hud realized this truth. Ilia dlsease In velvcd Iho trhnle of his thigh-bone, and the sulTcrlng man looked ferwntd, net without ap parent reason, te death as Ids only deliverer. The family physicians refused te nhipntate the limb, asserting Hint the operation would kill Iho patient en the spot. Dr. JfirlilKENNKDV.ef Itondeut, N. Y who was consulted, holdndtdor heldndtdor holdndtder cnt opinion nnd amputated the limb. The Doc Dec Doc eor then administered freely his great llloed Spe.cllle PAVOKITK HKMKDY te ntferil tone and strength te the system mid prevent the re turn of the disease, nnd Mr. JEllswerlh remains te Ibis day lu the bloom of health. This gentle mnn's disease was thn erf pilng of foul bleed, and Kennedy's PA VOIUTK UEMKDY purilled the bleed and restored le him the power ence mere toenjey his life. Am you sullerHig from any illsense tmcoable te the same cause T Try Favorite Itemed)'. Your druggist has It. ON I J DOLLAHubeltfc. Hear In niitid the proprietor's iiaineanilnddiuss: Itr, Davltl KENNEDY, lion lien lion deut, N. Y. Te Keen Ilia llloed I'nre Is the nrlnclpnl end of luventlnus and discoveries In modicum. Te this object probably no ene has contributed Hiere signally than Dr. David Kennedy, of Hon Hen Hon deilt, N. Y lu the piXKluctleu of n medicine which has heceine ruinous under thn title of the " Kavoillelteiuedy." It roineies nil m;itrl(le or the HIiMMt, regnlntes Ihedlserdensl Liver anil Kidneys, ciinifConstlpatlen, Dyspepsia mid all discuses mid weaknesses peculiar te females, lunel lmdeiKlAw A YKlt'S SAHSAI'AUIMjA. A HOME DRUGGIST TE3TIFIE9, I'eiinlailty at home Is net always the best test of merit, but we point pieudly te the fact that no ether medicine has wen for Itself such uni versal approbation lu Its own city, statu and country, and among all people, as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Thu following Idler from ene of our bost best bost knewii Massachusetts Druggists should he el Intciesl te every autleier RHEUMATISM "Eight cars age I lindan DUtiUalrt 1101)1, uttack of Itlieumiillsm, se se vere that I could net move fi 0111 the bed, or di ess, without help, I tried several remedies without help. I tried several lcmedlcs without much II liny relief, unlit I took Aykk's Haiinai'aiuli.a, by thu ue of two bottles of which I was completely cured. Have sold large quantities of yourSAii yeurSAii KAVAiiu.t.A, mid It still tclnlns Its weudeiful popularity. 'Iho iniiny iiotnhle cures It has ulleeted In this Iclnlty convince me thut Ills the best bleed medicine ocretrered te the pub He. E. K. IIahiiib.'' Ulvcr St , Ilucklaiid, Mass., 3tay H. Itti. SALT PiIhTRt Dkeiuik Ahurkwr, evers) er OI1D1 minum, ii1(, ,mt.u carpet Corpora tion, was for ever twenty veal's before his re 111OM1I te Lewell alllleled with Snltltheniu In Its worst form. Its ulcerations net mil ly coveiod mere than half thesiirruceef his bedvaml limbs. He was entirely cuied liy A kii s .Saksai-aiulla. Sei'ceitlllcate ill Ajer's Aliuaniie for Itwl l'UKI'AIll:!) liY Dr. J.C AVER A- CO., Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. $1, six bottles lr3. JMteJl -vt-i:ak and nkhveus MEN Whesulfer from Nervous anil I'hyslcal Debil ity, Impotence, Exhausted V Utility and Prema ture Decline, nnd seek Perfect ltcHtoratleu te Health, Full Manhood ami Sexual Viger with out Stomach Drugging, can (KliTAlKLY obtain It In the "MA Its! 1 IN HOLl'S " Discuses of the Prostate ulunil, Kidneys ami bladder, elt'ectll ally cured without Inslniinents. hudersed by thetisiuds who haw- been cuied. Adnpted In hospitals uud by jihyslilans lu Eurupu unit Alnerlcu. i- VAItltK'F.I K cured w II limit surgery. Sealed Tieatlse and Testimonials Hen Addles MARSTON REMEDY CO., or DR. H.TRESKOW, Ne If, West llth Mn et, New link. iniiyl!)-l)efslAw G1 "i ItAY'H Hl'KCIKIC MKD1CINK. The Ureal Lnillsh Kemedv. All unfailing euro for Inipetency nnd all DIm'uscs that fellow Lessef Memery, t nl vers. U laissitude, I'aln In tne iniCK, Dimness 01 isieu, i-remaiure 11111 Age, ami iniiuy ether llsiases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and 11 Premature (Jnive. Full purtlenhirs In our pamphlet, which we de sire te send flee by mull te every nil". This Spe. cltle medicine Is sold by all diugglslsat II per Fiackage, or six packages for t-1, or will he sent ree by mull 011 leeelpl of Iho mi ney, by ad dressing the agent, II. 11. COCHHAN, Diuggl'UnoIe Agent, Nes. VS7 and lai North Quoe., street, Iincnster, l'a. On account et counlerfelts, we hiive adopted the Yellow Wriiiiwiri thu only genuine. TIIK OKAY MKDlCl.VK CO., ItutTuIe. N. Y. AlTKlt Ahli OTli"KKH FAMi, OOKSCLT DR. LOBB, NO. SSI North Fifteenth street, below Callow hill street, Philadelphia. Cures all Senna Diseases or both sexes. Twenty Years Experience. Con sultation by mail. NEHVOUS AND SPECIAL DISEASES. New book Just out. .Send for It. Hours 11 iu in. tills p. m.. and 7 p. m.teWp m Heeks lree te the alllleti'd. rehJS-lydAw XVi:, suhk and spkhdy cnim, HriTUHK, Varicecklk nnd SructAL Dibeasks. Why be humbugged by quacks, when you can find In Dr. Wright the only Kkou Kkeu lak PuvHiciAM lu l'hllaeelihla who makes a specialty of the above discuses and cukks thum f Cures uuailantuiid. Auvicu ritKK, day unci even. Ing. btningura can bu treated and ruturn home IhoBiimedny. Oltlces private Oil. W. II. WltlflHT, Ne. 211 North Ninth street, above llace. I. O. Hex B71. Philadelphia. lan'iMydAw Hatahhil" ELY'S CREAM BALM -guiiEs COLD IN HEAD, CATAltHD.UOECOLD.IIAY PEVEK, DEAFNESS, HEADACHE. Easytouse. Price, flee. Ely Hre.'s , Oswego N. Y., U. S. A. Hay Fever. ELY'S CllEAM HALM Cleanses the Head, Allays Inflammation, Heals the boles, Ilcsleres thu Senses or Tnste ami Siuell. A fillick and positive cum. An cunts at Druggists. W cents by mull, registered. Send for cliculur. Sample by mull, lu cents. ELY BROTHERS, uinUl-tldAw Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. B, a MARTIN, WUOLBSALU ADD nXTAlL Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber and CeaL WYAnn: Ne. 430 North Water and l'riiice streets above Lemen, Lancaster. nS-lvd B AUMGAUDNKKS & JKFFKUIKH, COAL DEALERS. OrncKs: Ne. 1'JU North Queen street, and Ne. W4 North Pilnce street. Yareb: Neith Prluce street, near Heading Depot. LANCASTKll, PA. auglMld c OAU M. V. B. COHO, 330 NOltTH WATEH STUEST, Lancaster, Pa., WllOLESALB ADD tUCTAlL DBALXR ID LUMBER AND GOAL. Connection with thu Tklui'Iionie Kichanei. Yaud add Oryiea : Ne. SS0 KOKT1I WATEU btkeet. fehss-iva UOVSEIfVllNJHlllKU UUOVH. T uu CHEAPEST PLACE TO KUY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Ceal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, -id AT- I P. sc T J Ne. 24 Seuth Qucen Street, febSMvd LANOASTEK PA. WITHOUT KX0131T10N, THE BEST Cigars In the town, two for 8c, at UAUTMAN'S YELLOW FUONX CIQAU. 6I011E. EXGVXHIOSB. PK KNltYN l'AIUC Penryn Park, -ON THE Cornwall & Mount Hepe R. R, Excursion Committee of Churches, Snndnjr Schools nnd ether select orgnnlrallens, In mnk Ing their NtitiimcriirrniigeiuentH, should net neg icci 111 rcscrve nuny rer l-enryn I'arK, This dcllghtrulreseil Is situated In the initial of the SOUTH MOUNTAINS And lui grounds covering hundreds of acres un easy of access from nil parts of central Penn sylvania. Ker the Dee usuef excursionists there nre extensive CUOQUET AND 1,AWN TENNIS UKOUNDS, LAIU1E DANCING PAVILION, HAND STAND, KITCHEN, 1IAHKKT AND CLOAK ItOOMU, ami OHSEllVATOUY On the Summit of the Mountain Thore Is also a refreshment room In charge of n competent cali'rer, where meals enn he procured at modcrute rales, a photograph gallery nnd numerous ether attractive features. Ne Illinois allowed en the ground. Excursions from nil points en the Philadelphia A Heading nnd Heading A Columbia ltallreads will be cut rlcd direct te thu Park without change of cars. Complete Information can he obtained nnd en gagements effected with parties from all points 011 the Philadelphia X Heading and ltoeillng.t Columbia ltallreads, upon application te C. li. Hancock, Uciicrul Passenger and Ticket Agent, Philadelphia A Heading llntlrenil, 2CT Seuth KenrUi street, Philadelphia, Pa., and with parties from Lebanon by applying te the undersigned, CAUL VON SCHMALENSBE, Hupt. Cornwall X Mt. Hepo Uallreuil, innvu-stnd Lebanon l'a. CUMMKltOK 188.1. RYmiRSFHW!; Cornwall & Lebanon AND Oolebreok Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PARK, In the heart of the Seuth Mountain, en the linn of the above lead, Is eircied 10 Individuals and associations Free of Charge. Thcne grounds, covering hundreds of acres, nre easy or access fiem all parts of Eastern Peniislvaiila. fli-Thereuin MOD NTA I VSTHEAMS, spanned by iiistle blldgesi MOUNTAIN hPUIN,S, walled up with native siuiilstiine ; SHADY W A LKS and PltOM EN ADES. A LA1KJE DANC1NO PAVILLION, LAHUE DINING HALL. KITCHEN, DININO ItOOM, iindTAIILES, HENCIIES and HUNTIC SEATS, scntlereit through Iho grove for the free use et excursionists. LAWN TENNIS, CHOyUET, 1IA LL GHOl'NDS, 1IOWLIM1 ALLEY, hllOOTINU GAL LERY, O.U01T.S ADD FOOT HALL Are among the amusements offered. Ne Intoxicating Drinks Allewed en the Promlses. a-l'uille' desiring It, can procure meals at thePAKK HEVf ACUA.ST, wliieh wlllbuiindrr Iho ilmrge of Jilt. E. .M. liOL'IZ, the nettd caterer of the LEBANON VALLEY HOUSE, who will be en the giennds throughout the sea sea ten, giving It his personal supervision. rf-Excnrslens mnn all points en Pennsylva nia It It. will be carried direct te the l'uik with out change of cars. e-Exiurleii rates and lull Information can be ebtulned and engagements crteeted Willi pal tie- from all p'Knls en the Pennsylvania ll.lt. upon appllentlen le GEO. W. HIlVl), As-pt-ljint G101cr.1l Passenger Agent, P. II. It,, Ne. 1U Seuth Fourth stu t, Phlhulelphla, or te J. C. JENNINGS, hupt. C A L. A C. V. K. It., Uilmnen, Pa. inyli-3nnl piNOINK AND HOIliKIt WOHKS. BEST Steam Engine BOILER WORKS. ASWE HANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, HAVE NO AGENTS, CAN IN3UHE OUK PATitONS LOW PKICES AND GOOD WOUK. BOILERS. Vertlcalandllorlzentnl.Tubular, Klue, Cylinder, Murine, Deuble-Deck and Portable. rUHNACE-WOHK, HLAST-PIPES, STACKS, Ac, Ac. TANKS ler Water, Acids nnd OIL HOISTING ENGINES. ENGINES. Vertical and Horizontal, Stationary, from two te sixty horse-power. Portable Engines, en Wheels and flllls ; Six Slzej I, a, , 10, 13 and 20 horse power. SAW MILLS. Peny Slllls and Large Mills. Hark Mills Cob Mills. Leather Hellers, Tan Packers, Trlpple Gearing for horse power. PUMPS. Hell uud Gear Pumps; Mining Pumps; Cem blued Pumps and Heaters. Centrifugal Pump. Steam Pump. Gearing, Pulle)s, Fly Wheels, Clump Hexes, Hangers, Couplings, Cellars, Steel Steps nnd Tees, Pulley Plates, Packing boxes, Mill bplmlles, Mill flushings, Ac, 4a, Ac. PIPES. WioiiKhllien, ferGas, Steam and Water, Cast Iren Pipes. Heller Tubes, Well Casting. FITTINGS. Fer Water and Steam, Valves, Cocks, bleain Gauges, Gauge Cocks, Glass Water Gauges, Safety Valves, Whistles, Glebe Valvea, GOMirners, Patent Self-Feeding Lu bricators, Glass Oil Cups, Glasb Tubes, Injectors or Heller Feeders. PACKING Hemp, Asbestos, Gum uud Pium Pium bage. IIELTING Gum, Cotten and Leather. CASTINGS Heavy and Light Iren and lirass. Heller Iren, Sheet Iren, Jtar Iren, and Steel. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools und Public llulldlngg. STEAM HEATING. Estimates, Drawings and Pattern Werk fur nished nt Reasonable Kates. - liepatrlng promptly una carefully at tended le. Address, Jelin Best & Sen, BO. 333 BAST FULTON STREET, I.ANCASTEK, l'A. janis-iyuaw H TUCKS. DOOR, WHITE & GREENOUGII. a BANKERS. OuleiH executed fev cah or en lnmiclii for all securities eurient In the New Yerk limikxt. Correspeudeucu luvlted. ME.MHEUSOF THE NEW YORK STOCK EX. CHANUEAND IlOl'ltIET01tS OF FOOU'S MANUAL OK UAILWAYB. 45 Wall Street, New Yerk, octl-'ydeod rriliia I'Al'ER 1H PRINTED ' WITH J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK Fairmoent Ink Works, 2Cth and Penn'i Avenae iiaOlsd raiLAUBLl'UlA.rA. s UMMKlt DIIKHH GOODS. HAGER & 25 West SUMMER DRESS GOODS! Summer Silks, Surahs, Tricotine, Foulards, Pengee, Grenadines, Nun's Veiling and Albatross. Linen LitwiiH, French Satines, American Salines, Uritish Cleths, Clininbriiy Giiiglianis, Zcnhyr Uinghains Embroideries and Laces, Embroidered Swiss Robes. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Lisle and Silk Gloves, Hosiery and Gauze Underwear. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. piIIKAl' HTOKK. Carpets and Mattings, METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S, EltOSI I.ATE AUCTION SALEH AT VEUY LOW PKICES. MattlnuH, OarpeUi, Mattliiffa, Crirpets, Mattltifra Ourpeta, MattintfB, Carpets. Mattings, Carpete. ' Alse, EAKOE WHITE C0UNTERPINES, Krein the late (JieatAuetlen Sale In New Yerk, nt 05c., 7.1e.( Jl.W and anlte Vim will p,,t (UOl) IIAIlbAINS (it JuumiiBii letzger & Hauglmiaii's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., f llrtweeii the C'oener Heuse und Herrel llorhe NK i:xt doeh te 'i m: cerirr uersK. FAHNESTOCK'S. Fer Det h - - OK hVEin DE'iUUl'TION ATfc',f, l, li, 1.1, 1-, Ju, 2SCT-. L T. SUMMER UNDERWEAR for Ladies, Gents and Children STJMHll HOSIERY-Great Quantities at Lev Prices. Jerseys ! Jerseys ! ! Jerseys ! ! ! I. A lit; I. STOCK, A 1. 1. hl.E1, 1 Oil I.AllIl.S AM UMI.IJUEN nt r.c , 71 ,$l'i,ll I"., II rr i 75, 12 , tLM, W.iUl R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuso. Lancaster, Pa. tevi:ks a huhht. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. WHITE DUES- GOODS In Vlcteriu I.awns, I.lnen le lmle, I'luld and Cheek Nalnienks, C011I rinuen, KlKiiredhwIsmiiiil 'liirletiniH. e lune an lmnien-.e stecU of thecu Kiied.s In nil iiualltles, and iirentTurHiKtlieiii extreimsly low. eulne have a lew pieces nfvery heavy WHITE COltU 1'ICJl E-, which Is extremely nice nnd which we call Special Atteiitlin te. There are very few et them in the market. Nnn'i VellliiKund AltiulriMi Cletbi In all nhuden. I.are IliintltiKH In all Bhadcw, from very low price lip te the uet (lualttleH of l'em1i. In lllack Otteman drenadlnes we have semcthlni; xpectally nice CAhll.MEItESHAWEI InClielee Lluht bhades. MoiuUe Cunnpte-. weare ntreiinii ettrcmelv low; call and see them and Ket prices, ten will find Our l'rlce Lew In hveiy Dep.ininent. Itu mem her alxu, w e deduct lu p ur cent from almost every cash sale. BOWERS & HURST, NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - Lancaster, Pa. NZ1. H. Z. HHOADH. ATTENTION ! We would call attention of purohaaera te the very flne and com cem com pleto line of modorate priced Ladiea' Geld Watches, very much In demand JUBt at prosent, and we are well prepared te meet that do de mand. We also have Geld and SHver Watches In a great variety of Btylea and at the low prices brought about by the long depression of the times. Our NIokel Watches at 85.00 are geed watches for the meney, and are going off very fast. We roeolvod the ethor day a large lnvolce of all the latest novol nevol novel tlea in SHver Jowelry, Oxydized, etc., very pretty and worth see ing ; would be ploased te have you call and bee thorn. H. Z. RHOADS, LANUABTEll, l'A. B OOKS AND STATIONERY. JOPiN BAER'S SONS, OKFElt AT LOWEST FHICES, Manic Uoeks, Writing Papers, Kuvoleies, Writing Fluids and Inks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, Steel Fens, Lead Feiiclls, Fecket Heeks, 11111 Heeks, Letter Uoeks, and an Assortment of I tne and Staple. Stationery. J- AT THE SIGN OF THE 1100K.-M NOS. 16 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. uevHEtruiiNisnwa heeds. S' UIUK'H OARl'ET IIALU CARPETS ! UEOFENINO OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, We nre new mepared te show Iho trarte the Largest and Ilest Selected Line of CarpelH ever ex, hlblted In this city. WILTONS, VELVETS, all the Trading Makes of IIODY AND TAFEhTUY llKUhSELS. THKEK-l'LY, AU-tVoel and Cotten Chain E.VI'KA SUFEKS, and nil mialltle it IN. OKAIN CAitFETS. DAMASK and VENETIAN CAKFETS. 1IAU and CHAIN OAIIFETS of our own lnanufRCturonspeelallty. biieclal Attention paid totheMnntUactimiof CUSTOM CAKFETS. AIseaFull Lluoef OILCLOTHS, RUUS, WINDOWHHADKS.COVEKLETS, Ac., SHIRK'S CARPET HALL Oer. West King and vnr nouns. BROTHER. King Street. Indian Linen, 1'ersian Lawn, French Nainzoek, English Nainzoek, Inilian Mull, rique Wells, AT- let of LANCASTER, PA. Hetel. WHITE 1 1', Lmli EHWAUE. Ne. 4 West King Street. IIOUKS. CARPETS ! -AT- Water Sta., Lancaster, Pa. leiisj-swa&w THAVKLXIVli OUIDK. LAw ?,AK,TM AN MIliLKIWVILIK ,, . " "."TIME ITA1ILB. emin, mSI.H"101"1'1' r,,r IHlorgvllle nt 7:0(1, Lffl iOTBll JOINT AWitwniVENTer rARsnucnn teaim. SUNDAY, MAY !lTn, ISS.. XOKTIi WA III), Sunday ,? T.Y- " ' 15 it.'A B.I0 68 , , A.M. p Lehtnnn g.ej 2 Arrive. Cornwall 7:41 IAS 1117 Maiihelm 7.1.1 Isa 0-117 LancHKler. n. 17 ilJH) tm KliiK St. Lane, me ime jjai Leave. a. m. r. v. p. m. SOUTHWAltl). n.3t) 8:17 : IS 8:10 R:1H 4.-04 8.IH S.8S a. . r, k. i.eae. a. m, p. m, Lelianen , 7:'J) V2.3I Ciiriiwnll 7-'H l'i i Manlielin Fiti lis LaneiiHtcr...... 8:01 1:M A nlvi. I'M. A.M. 7:30 Ml 7 irt H'l'l 8:14 KOI 4l 8:lfi :M III till King St., Lane. 8:10 2 .ns 8..s ti yi If. Y W AW ei A. M. P. A. ill. W1LHOS, Hupt. II uS'i VeN SclIIALK8Kl, n u ir supu u, nmi u. a a u n UaennBEt.Tr, Stipt. F, Alt. It. Jt. ali-lyrt Jir PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD SCI ULE. SU. .'1ln,!P',.1,.nV0. '-nneaster ana leave, ana a at FhllatlclphUas fellow : Leave lct WESTWAIU). Fhlladelphla. Lanci New Expn-ett 4:.Tnn. m. 6:25 Jay Fanneiiiferf 4:: ' BJKI MiiiltrnlitvliiMLJey 7:oe " :il Ne. 2 Mali tmlnt via Columbia. or. ai riinuai-a ixpreni 7:40a.m. B-V) llaninrr Aecein via Columbia. 9M Fast Line Dallyf .... 11:.V) a. 111. 200 rreacrlek Accem.. via Columbia. 2:10 MnciMter Aecein .. via Mt, Jey. 2.B0 llarrlilmrK Aecein.. 2:15 p. ni. B-.le Columbia Aecein ... 4:10 " 7M HarrlKbur); Express. 6.10 " 7:40 Clil.A Cln. ExpreBa.t H-''l) " 10:41 Western Eziuchii f.. 10-OJ " 12:10 FuclflcEzprenst.... 11:20 " 1:35 KASTtyAltl). Lancnster. Flilladei' Flill'a Expieesf 2:27 " 4:25 rant Line c.( " 8:25 HarrlBburi: Express. 8:10 " 10-20 Lane'r. Aicnin., nr... HM " via. Mt. Columbia Accem 9 00 " 11:45 SeasheieExpreHi.... 12 M p.m. 3:15 Johnitewn EzprevHt 2.03 " 6.00 dally except Sunday Hunday Mall 3 00 " 5 45 Day Expresst 4 15 " CM llarrliburi; Accem (i:45 " 9.45 The Marietta AcrommeaallonleavesColu at 11:45 u. in., reaching Marlcttn at 12 01. Lc Marietta at 3 15 p. in. and arrive at Celuinl at .T30 ; also Iea cm at 8 15 and arrives nt 8J0. Tlie Yerk Accommodation leaves Matiet 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at 8.00, connet with HurrlsbiiK,' Eipre-at8'10. The Ficderlik Accommodation, went, con IriK t Lancaster with Fast Line, west, at 2 111., will run through te Frederick. The Frederick Accommodation, east, le Columbia at U.zs and reaches Lancaster at p. tn. ,,1he Lancaster Accommodation, East, lc Ilarrliburi; at 8.10 p. in. and arrives In Lanci at i XI p. in. Hanover Accommodation, west, cenncctli Ijiii caster with Nl.i(;ara Express at 9 JO a. in. run llireiif;h te Hanover, dally, except 8ur Fast Line, west, en Sunday, when fliiKRed, step at Dim nlnKtewn, Ceatesvllle, l'arkesl Jit Jey, EllzabethtOH-nandMlddlotewn. t The only trains which run dally. On 8ui the Mall train west runs by wavef Celumbl .131, in. at bio. ny. Ill in ba V' it r til (Vet tier -at TT. ay TJKADINO tc COLUJII1IA. AltUANGEMENT OF FASSENGEIl THA ). SUNDAY, MAY 21, 188.'.. NOItTHWAHD. A, M. P. M. P. M. K Itcadlns u5 2J0 5.W Arjtir. Celumbtft..1. 730 1235 3 10 Marietta Junotlen 7 VI 4 ii ChlckJHk. , 7.-10 .... 3't'i IncaM'r 710 li :i:i i Ijilirinter (King btrett).. 7) 12 10 3 10 -IA QuarryvllJe... r, 25 .... 2.n 15 Lravb. a. m. p. m. p. m. m. . - SOUTinVAlll). ixtkrx. a. x. m. p a. v v Iteiulinx...' 7;15 l.i.) c 10 ... KRlVK. p, jr. Manutta Junction 9110 .... 7.50 ... Chickl. p-21) .... ri) ... Celtimbl.i sea 2-05 bS5 .. Lancaster 'HI 1-.M yls -lf Laiica-ter(MiiBStretjt).. 9.20 2,06 8.i Si Quarryvllle 1020 .... 9a) . a. -jr. v. m r. a. v. Tniln rennect m Itciulliip with tnln it niiilfieiu l'blladeljilil.i. 1 ttivTlle, llarrlbei, Ailentewn, and New leii., via Hound IlMOk Iteule. At Celumbl 1 with trains te .nd from YetW", Hanover, ( ttVhbuii;, Fredeilck uivl Balllm'-re At Marietta .Junction with t nil in 10 and frfin Cblcklcs. At Manhelm with tmlnsteanrt from Lebaiea. At Lancaster .function with tntlusteand from Lancaster and Quari'N llle. SUNDAY. Leave IJuarryvflle, 7 10a. in.; Lancaster, Llnsr stix'et, 8 W a. tn., 3:55 p. m. Arilve Heading, lo-iea. m., 5 55 p. m. Lente ItcadliiK, 7 ie a in , 4.00 p. in. Arrive Lancaster, Klntrhtrcet, 9.20 a. ui.SVl p. 111.: IJuarryville, 0:10 p. 111. aprll ll-lyd&w A. M. WILSON, Sut. CORNWALL AND LKRANON A VI COLEUUOOK VALLEY UAILUOADS BOOTH WARD. Tralin leave Lebanon dally ( except Sunday j all'. 3e a. in., li viand7:J0 p.m. Arrive at Cornwall atfi-Uln. m 12:10 p. m. -nd 7:40 p. in : at tonewai?e at 7-2H a. m 1:25 and m p. in , fiiinectlii); with thu Pennsylvania .tl- read ler points east and west. jiearnwARD. Trains leave Conewago at 730 a. m., 8.30 & '1 1.25 p. m. Arilvent Cornwall at 8:Cia. m., 4 18 and 9 p, tn.; at Lebanon at t- Je a. in., 4..S0 and 0:15 i 1., ceimeclliiK at Lebanon with Fhlladelphla . u lteadlmr niliread for points east and west, .id the Lebanon and Tieineut llranch for Jcuus Jcuus tewn, l'lnegieve and Tiement. The 6:.i a. in. train will step only at Corm -oil Colebieok and liellalre. UZASSfTAliE. H 1UU. k MARTIN. Queensware CHINA HALL. AKOTHKR LOT OIT DAMAGEDWARE AT VERV LOW VRlrKB. Jelly Cups, Jars and Tumblers. A Lel of Cheap Table GLASSWARE. i!-bEE TllE-iK UeOIW UKrellE Ft'lllUASIMJ. High& Martin, NO. 15 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTElt. FA. 11 ATS AM) CAl'S. TT ATEST STYLES IN HATS. Stauffer & (k, JADING FASHIONABLE HATTERS, 31 itnd 33 North Queen St. THE LAUGEST ASbOUTMENT OF STRAW HATS IN THE CITY. STUAW HATh FOU 1101 S, 5e 10., 15c., 250. bTltAW HATS FOIt MEN, tie., &0., 75c, (1. ALL. THE SPRING STYLES SOFT AND STIFF HATS. STAUPEEE & CO,, (ShuHi & Bres.' Old Stand,) 31 und 33 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTElt, FA. TTEADQUARTEEH KOR THE INDIAN MEDICINES,', Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere NO, U EAST KING ST., Lancaster, Fa. ) yli 3 4 ja i'.j 9 m u&m ,s ' $$ J 4 '.? n vl I 1 "M l -VI M 'i X H