j v ; 'p , ,J. THE LANCASTER PAI&Y IDOTPELLiaEyCEB, FRIDAY, JUtfE 26, 1885. ft' h -:? " M A ' ) h iw. 14. ). f,l f. iV eV aUne- m Sv , v i Uftf, u- S IV w DAILY INTELLIGENCER. ' PWUeHED Every Evening in the Year, Sundayt Excepted) 8TEINMAN & 1IENSEL. 4. mtV INTELLIGENCER. BUILDING, 8. XT, CORKKn ClNTBB SutfAnn, LANCiSTKIt, l'A. .(!- . .... .. . .. , . i-BAILY Ten Ccnti a Week. Flie Hellar i a jADVXRTI8EMENTHrem Ten te Filtu Ccnti Weekly intelligencer, Eight 1'aget.) Published Every Wcdnesday Mernine, Twe Deltart a Year In Alliance. VdRRESPOKnEXCEtellcUetl from n cry part of thtitate ami country. Correspondent! arc re quested te urlte legibly and en one tide of the paper only; and te $tgn their names, net or publication, but In proof of geed faith. All anonymous tellers wm ec censignea ionic untie batktt. Address all Lcttertand Telegramste THE INTELLIGENCER, I.ANCARTF.rt, l'A. tBljc jCancastct intelligencer. LANCASTER. JUNK 'J"!, 1885. Consumed by the Consumers. The Consunier3' gas company, which is the Heading nsinie of tlie Lancaster gas company, went te our neighboring town te give it the benefit of gas competition ; and Heading welcomed it and called it blessed. It had a warm side tow aid anj thing label ed competition ; and as it was just gett ing anew railroad it had open aims ler a new gas company. Jt does net seem te have Inquired very critically into the character and antece dent of the promoters of the concern, nor te liave it stipulated in any way te seciue the continued competition they piemised. If the Heading councilmen had come ever te Lancaster we would have given a geed character te the gentlemen of the Consumers' gas company, and have declared tlipm te be especially exempt fiem that disposition te benevolent,philanthiepic and unprofitable competition with which they weie accused of brimming ever. AVe would have told hew they had stalled a gas company for Lancaster's benefit, and boughteuttho rival company for their own, and hew, ever since, they have been making us peer gas at a high price. The Beading councilman, peiliaps, knew all these things, but concluded that what was geed enough for Lancaster was geed enough for them. Our neighbors have a high appreciation of our dignity anJ wis dom, and are ready te humbly fellow w here we lead. The old gas company in Head ing, infected by this spirit, has dropped te the gun of the Consumers', even mere speedily than did the old Lancaster gas company. That corporation, composed of seme of thewcalthicstmeu in the place, was the laughing sleck of the town w hen it came down te the liaumgardners lille as sub missively as the coon did te Captain Smith's; but the lich men in the Heading - concern are away ahead In the s-peed of their surrender. Our people waited until the new works were started and operated ; the Heading folks fainted at the sight of the first spadeful of earth thrown out fei the new gasemeter pit. Our people, scared as the were, sold out for cash; the Heading men in their terror aie said te have been content with the Consumers' giuiantee of a dividend te the old censumed: sne of the hard-headed stockheld ers of the latter, and seemingly the only hard hcaded-one in the let, has sued out an injunction against the dicker, because- he is net satisfied with the responsi bility of the guarantee offered him for his dividends during the coming century. Sir. Mcllvaine may well Ikj dissatisfied ; while tlieie is no doubt that the Con sumers will de a- prefitable business for a while in furnishing for a big piice a small candle power illumination te the geed folks of Heading, tlicie is no telling hew long it will last. Mr. Mcllvaine is wise te want cash for his stock. Anil when lie gets it, and the Consumers' company has swal lowed the old company te its tail, the geed peeple of Heading w ill be able te calculate upon their fingers w hat they ha e made by the competition in gas supply they sought for, and hew mucl better off they are new and are likely (e be in the future in the hands of the foreign corporation into which they have fallen. A Licensed Oath. The Xew Yerk Sun is veiy amusing sometimes, and generally when it does net intend te be. Its foice is net in its fun. Its relation te the present administration is in a condition of great mixedne&s. It was fernlnst Cleveland's election, but since he has taken the trick the Sim is net be much se ; and of MLss Cle eland it is bucli a champion as te be almost named as her organ. The Sim emits no opieitunity te sink at this lady's feet, while it represses with manifest difllculty a disposition te criticise her biether. Miss Cleve land has written a book giving her "views of things generally, which the Sim thinks are very wise. Mr. Cleve land's latest offense is in exclaiming te a visitor "by the great Jehovah ;" which the Sun thinks was a bhecking oath and pretends te believe that Miss Cleveland's brother never said it. AVe de net knew whether he did, and would net consider it very bad if he had. Since fJeneral Jack Jack eon swore " by the eternal," that form of oath has become, of presidential quality, and the people are never better pleased than when they have an executive of the " by the eternal" sort ; and Mr. Cleve land's variation is en the words, net the idea, and the Sun makes nothing by ciiti cising him for exclaiming as Jacksen did. There are very many people who are shocked by nn oath who are yet shocking, ly bad people. Frem our observation we are net sme that theie are mere wicked peeple among the sweaters than among the rest of mankind. This does net make swearing sensible and prejter, but shows that virtue does net neccss.it ily abide with politeness of tongue. AVii call the attention of the mayor and the chief of iKiliee te the nuisance ecca. stoned by the driving of cattle thieugh the !reet8 of the city, en their way te the drove yards, in the late hours or the night. The practice, we ptesutne, is followed be cause Itis a coelertimo tediivethanduring the day. Hut it is attended with be much jiolse as te be an unsuflerable nuisance during the hours that are devoted te slum.. ber. The drivers of caltle, no mera than any ether persons, have the right te disturb the peeple and tuake night hideous with their yells ; and we call upon the mayor te Instruct the pelice accordingly. Wit it timber nnd ties ruling In prlce at doubletho rates prevailing ill) or ID yenis nge, the question of weed preservation be comes a dig thing. Tin; convention of American civil engi neer!), new In session in Deer Park, Mil,, Is a brainy body of tnen, nnd they nre or. gsigcd in the discussion of llve topics. A imper read en Wednesday propared by Kd- ward Ilntcs Hersey, consulting engineer In Louden, rovlewod In nn interesting ninuner the dllleronce bctwecu the I'.ngUsli and American railroad systems. Mr. Dersoy says the first thing Hint Htrlkei the American onglncer in Kuglnnd Is the Inconvenience of the passcnger cars. Hut they nre suitable te the exclusive tnstes or tlie peeple. Very lengtilps nre net possllile bccntise of tlie snmllness or that Island, and travelers ure thoreforo net tired out in the mil row coaches. Vew grado-ciesslngs In streets nre allow ed, nnd theso nre carefully guarded. Iren sleepers or ties are being used, but their success remains te be established. The nvoruge cost of the coal used en l'ngllsh railroads Is less than?:) it ten. te.ul In Kiigland makes any money en Its first-class fares, and thore Is always plenty or empty room 011 the first-class coaches. Ninety per cent, of the travel Is third-class, nnd from this the reads have their prlncial revenues. It is H01110ul1.it remarkable that baggage checks are as yet unknown In lmgland. Octave Chnmite, one of the delegates, 11 resi dent of Kansas City, gave it as Ins opinion that In the last ten years 0110 hundred mil lions of dollars have been squandered in useless enterprises. Octave would restrain theso poeplo by legislation, lorgettlng that the law-making power, potent though It be, cannot make wlse men out of feels. If Ilnruliiird will net go, set the ' lteinuiiisiii and Rebellion deg en 1 1 1 1 11. Hum, Tin: question or funeral reform is getting stronger day by day, and perhaps the iniddle ertluinet century will witness a quiet, or er or derly interment or cremation of the dead that will be far removed from many of the absurd practices that characterize tlie modem ttiueral. The Moravian ceveis a great deal el tlie ground against luncr.d foolishness when it says : " It is beginning te be receg nized as vulgar te have a iler.il show con nected with a funeral. It is vulgar, mid worse than vulgar In many cases It Is sin ful for peeple se peer that they scarcely have enough te buy their bread for tlie morrow te siiend from ten te twenty dollars for still- looking lleral designs with which te encum ber the ceniii or their dead child. UislaMiig their daily bread out el" tlie mouth of the living net In ordertopjy a tribute el fove anil honor te tlie dead, but simply te grainy a low, eirnal vanity, which turn net brook te have lower Hew ers than seme neighbors had en a similar occasion, mid who is gratified at the thought of making a finer display than seme 0110 else." As the same journal also remarks, there should be an cllert, wliore it is possible, te avoid a Sunday funeral, for the icasen that thoellenso In lavish display at theso funerals Is usually the greatest. A quiet evening journey te the crematorium is tlie host kind ofasweid with vvlmh te pierce I1111cr.il lool leol loel ishnoss. h the I'avul cadets at Annapolis li id tiuevvn stones instead el kisses at the girls el the Sunday school excursion, thore might have been seme icheii for their disciplining. A 1 worn n: Tin env of many liberal; em ployers tli.it well paid clerks are us 11 rule made honest thereby has been getting seme severe blows The bank toiler, Derrance, of Providence, It. I., who embezzled ever $10,000 had .1 big salary and n share in the profits of tlie bank w hen they reached a cer tain percentage, but theso did net restrain li j 111 Irem rascality. As tlie liosten Adver tiser remarks : "It is wealthy, or fairly well oil, cashiers, directors and presidents who rob the banks; trust funds are stolen by men whose position in society has put them far above suspicion of such weakness, and rail roads and ether great corieratioiis nre de spoiled by millionaires. A joer man has very little temptation te steal ten millions, or one million. Ills needs and desires are se limited that such a sum lias few attractions for film, lfe knows the possession el it would boa burden, and would pielubly lead te his detection and punishment. Ills repu tation fur honesty and trnstvveithiness is his capital, and he would risk everything by 0110 lalse step. S.iv Ids principles are no belter nor his conscience 111010 nctive than theso el ether men who nre tempted and de fall, yet the consideration herein named will held him back from criuie into which I hey madly rush." Thore is much truth In this, yet a general rule that will fit nil cases cannot be made. Thore are as many Uillermg disposi tions as there are men, and a rule of action that would lit oue is often inapplicable te another. The only way te check stealing Is te remove tlie temptation te it by giving tlie business poisenal attention. Tin: mills of ofllce-ousthig are grinding slew, but decoding line. PERSONAL. Sei'iuviaiiy IIayaiiij's wife is seriously 111 in Wilmington, Delaware Jack Leoan says: ' I hoiie every ttopub ttepub llean who asks te be retained by tins admin istration will be turned out." Kf.v. Chaiilks Yv. Hanki.n, for 32 years rector of St. I.uke's I'rotest.int Kpiscepal church, ISaltlmore, has resigned because of declining health. He vvasthe lirst te intro duce "high church ceremonies" in that city. Cei- Dopei.AH, chief englnoerof the Haiti Haiti Haiti more.t Ohie railioad,declures that tlie cost el construction and right of vvny of their read through 1'hlladelplila will cost the company about $7,000,000. The passonger depet is te be located nt Twenty - fourth and t'liehtnul streets. lti:v. ""tVn.MAM I). Ilvni:, of l'atcrsen, New .lersey, has been elected president of liowdelii college and professor of philosophy. Sir. Hyde is a graduate or Harvard and An dev or theological seminary. Ter two years lie has been pastor or the Congregational church In l'atorsen. IticiiAiiiiT. Mniinii'ic'x timeral services took pkice In Washington, en Thursday, from St. Matthevv's lleiu.m Catholic church 111 Washington. The pall-benrers were Postmaster Ueiicral Vilas, Judges Cox, Iliigner and James, ex-Solicitor uoueral Phillips, Knpa llunten, Vaull. Mauniugnnd James G. llerret. Itr.v. Dn. J. Ij. Iviniii'AinicK, professor of moral philosophy and belles lettresat Washington and Lee university, died in Loxmgten, Virginia, en Wednesday. He was prominent in the Seuthern I'resby teriiin church nud w aspresident of Dav Idson celli ge, North Carolina, for aoverul years He was moderator of the general assembly in IStii J. C. I'emiEH, n celebrated Canadian urtlst, was attacked with hemorrhage of the nose en Tuesday, and is bleeding te death. Ile bad been sullering lrem catarrh and injected seme lutent medicine, which lias sn e.iirm away the covering el the ai tories of the nose that they burst, nud all ellerts of his physi cians te check the Hew of bleed has tailed Mn. Themas Mi:khan has been selected by thi king or the Belgians as 0110 or the judges In tlie grand International Exhibition te be held in Anvers, in Helgiuin, which has lust opened, and will continue till October. The horticultural jury meets the first week In August, but Mr. Median will net loave fi'ermautewn this hummer, and lias declined the honor and the emoluments. OsOAti Wn.ui:, recently wrote legarding funerals : "I have always been of tlie opin ion that thocelUn should Ut privately cor cer cor veyod at uighttiijie te tlie churcL-yard chasH and that the mourners should next day meet. Ily tliese means the public! prix osslen through the sticets will Ih avoided -and tlie publicilyet funerals Is surely the ni.il vmim oflheiroxpenso." Tne .Stray l)et. The Denver flslilng club, of llcadliiB, ntukcan trip te Denver, this county, te-luy. The remains or Henry A. Miller, vvbose trngie death lias been neted, toelc pluce la Scrauteu en Woduesday. IN TI1E DARK. 11. I Concluded. One evening 1 was sitting nn the lawn, smoking an nlter-dlnner cigar, nnd re-rcadlng ICtliel's last loiter, which qulte icassiired me as te her health nnd spirits when our sedate old housekeeper presented lioraelf with the Information that 11 "parly" had called te soe the lieusa "A gentleman or 11 lady?" I Inquired. "A gculleiniin, sir, but he didn't give his nniue." I found the visitor standing near the open window of the drawing-room ; a tall, gaunt man ortldrty-uve or thereabeuts, with hand hand hand seme but haggard features, and restless dark oyes Ills lips woie coverod by n thick mustache, which he was nervously twisting ns he steed looking out ut the law n. "Tills house Is te Ikj let, I bollevo; will you allow me te leek ever It?" he asked, turning toward 1110 us I cutered. IIIs voUeseemod familiar; I looked nt him mere closely, nnd tlien, in splte or the change in 111s nppe.irnnce, 1 lecegnieii I'.ipiitm Vnndeleur. What could have brought him here I won dered. Surely he would net caie te return te the house, even If he were In 11 position te de se which, Judging from the shabbiucss or his nppe.1r.1111 e, seemed very doubtful. Half n dozen vague conjectures llashed through my mind, us I glanced at his face, and noticed tlie lostless, "hunted" leek which told of semu wearing dread or anx iety. Alter a moment's hesitation 1 assented te his request, and resolved te conduct hint mysell en his tour of Inspection. "I think I have met you before," I said, reeling curious te knew w hoi her he rctol rctel lected nie. Ile glanced nt me absently. " Possibly but net el lale years ; for 1 have been living abroad," was his reply. Having shown him the apartments en the groiind-Ileor, I led the wny ui-stiilrs. Ile followed me liem room te room in an absent. listless fashion, till we e.ime te tlie chamber which Klhel hail occupied. Then his Interest seemed te revive all nt one. He glanced quickly round thn walls, his eyes resting en the deer of the box-closet. "That is a bath or dressing-room, I sui sui pese," be said, nodding levvaid it. "Ne, enlv 11 place for lumber. Perhaps I ought te tell you that it Is said te Ik haunted," I ndilcd, nllcctfug te speak carelessly, w hlle 1 kept my oyes en his face. He started and turned toward me. "Iliiuuted Itv what?" he inquired with a faint sneer. "Nothing werse linn r.its or mho, I expect." "lhore Is a tragical ulerv connected v Itn that place," I answered deliberately. "It Is said that nn unlortun.ite child wits shut up there todle el lear, in the dark." The color rushed te hlsfaic, then retreated, leaving It deadly white. "Indeidl" he faltered : "and de jeu menu 10 say mui ue 1110 ciiiui lias ucen seen 1 ""Nn, but he bits been he.ud, kmx-klng within, nud erIug te be let out Tlie lad Is continued by every tenant who has occupied 1110 noiise since- I slopped short, startled by the ellcct el my rev elation. M companion was g.i7iug ut 1110 with a blank shire el honor which haulbhed all ether expression from his face. " fioed heavens !" I hetnl him mutter j " Can it be true? Can this be the reason why 1 was drawn luik te the place In spite of my my eoll ?" ltecelleeting lilmsell', however, be turned te me, and forced nil his white lips into .1 smile. " A mysterious story !" he commented drylv. " I don't lel lev oil word of It myself, but i should hardly care totakea house with such an uncanny reputation. I think 1 nted net trouble von an v further." As he turned toward tlie deer, 1 saw his figure sway us if he were falling. Ile put bis hand te his side, w itli a gasp of pain, a bluish shade gathering ever his face. "Aie you ill '!" I exclaimed in alarm. "I itis nothing. 1 have it weakness l the heart, and I am subject te tlne attacks. May I ask you for a glass of water?" 1 left thu room te procure 1U Win 11 I re turned I leimit that lie had lalleu iijkiii the bed in a dead swoon. I hastily dispatched ,1 servant ler lir. Cam Cam eeon, who happened te be at home, and came Immediately. He lecegnied my visitor at once, and glanced at me slgnihi-antly. I rapidly ex pi. lined what had hupieiicd, while lie bent ever tlie unconscious man, and hired his client te listen te the heart-beats. When he raised himself Ills f.ice was omin ously grave. " Is he In danger?" I asked, quickly. Net In immediate danger, but the next at tack will probably lie his lest. His heart is mortally diseased." It was nearly nn hour before Vamleleur awokeand then only te artlal consciousness He lay In a sort or stiqier, Ids limbs nerveless his hands dampnud cold. "Itis Impossible te remove him in this condition," the doctor remarked ; " T lear he must stay here for the night. 1 w ill send you seme one te watch him." "Don't trouble I intend te sit up with him iiiysulr," I replied, scakiug en an im pulse 1 could hardly explain. He looked nt me keenly ever his sjiocta sjiecta cles. "Should you like me te share veur vvat h ?" he inquired alter a moment. " I should be only tee glad el your company, if you can ceme without inconven ience." Ile nodded. " 1 must leave new but I will return in an hour," he responded. Thrcoheurshad passed avv ay ; It wasnearly midnight. The night was oppressively close and iiroleundly still. The bedroom window steed wide open, but net a breath el air stirred the curtain. Outside, all was vague and dark, for neither moon nor stars vvcie visible. Vandeleur still lay, half-dressed, en the bed, but new asleep. His deep regular breathing sounded distinctly in tlie silence. Dr. Cameren sat near the dressing table, reading by the light efa shaded lamp. I. tee, had a book, but luuud it iinpessile te keep my attention fixed uikiii it. My mind was iiessessed by an uneasy feeling, hair dread, halt expectation. I found myself listening nervously te landed sounds, and shirting when the doctor turned a leaf. At length, overcomo by the heat nud still ness 1 closed my eyes, nud unconsciously sank into a doze. Hew long it lasted I can not tell, but I weke abruptly, nud looked around with n sense of vague alarm. I glanced nt the doctor. He hud laid dew 11 his book, nnd was leaning forward with ene arm 011 .the diesslng table, looking intently to ward the deer el the box room, instinctively 1 held my breath nud listened. Nev or shall I lorget the thrill that ran thieugli iny norves wlien I heard lrem within a mullled knocking sound, and a child's voice, distinct, though faint, and hieUeu by sobs, crying piteeusly : " Let me out, let me out I" " De you hear ?" I wliisjiered, bending for ward te my companion. He inclined his head in assent and mo tioned 1110 te be silent, pointing toward the bed. Its occupant moved uneasily, us it' dls dls turbed, muttering some incoherent phrases. Suddenly lie pushed back his covering and set upright, gazing leuud with n wild, be- wjuieitti state. Tlie pitiful entreaty was lejwuted niote vio lently, mero iMssleniitely than bofeio. " I,et me out, let me out!" With ncry that rang thieugh the room, Vnndoleur sprang from the bed, reached the closet deer in two strides and tore it epen. It was empty. Kmpty at least te our oyes, but it was evident th.it our companion beheld what we could net. Kera low breathless soceuds he steed as if frozen, tiis oyes fixed with the fascination el terrer en some tiling jiibt within the thres hold; then as if luticntlng before it, he re coiled step by stopnciess the room till he was stepped by the opposite wall, where he crouched in an attitude of ablect fear. The sight was se horrible that I could bear it no longer. "Are you dreaming? wnke up 1" I ex. claimed, and shook Jus shoulder. lie raised his eyes, nnd looked nt me va cantly. His lips moved, but no sound caine from them. Suddenly a cenviilsiv 0 shudder ran through Iiiui, nud he loll heavily for ward nt iny feet. "He has swooned again," 1 said, turning te my companion, who stoepod unit Hfted the drooping head en te his knee. After oue glance, lie laid it gently down again. "lie Wdead," was his grave reply. Vnd with Vamleleiir's death iuv Mery ends ler idler that night the sounds vveie neani no uuiie. Tliofeiluru llttle ghost was at rest, Wnlt Vutll Afier October 1, Fiem the lixmnlner. Tlie governor has blgneil tlie inarrlage Jlconse bill, but the pllect Is net yet aeen in the warrlage auuouncetuenU. IIUW nEF.lt IH XADE. Seme or the KecreU at tlia llrewer Tlie A1I11I A1I11I termtleni (IrtiMljr lUnggcrntnl. Krnm the Ilaltlmore Sun. Thoerotlcally, it's very easy te brew bcer. Yeu get your malt, grind it up, stir it with het wnler, strain it elf nnd boil this extract with he, cool it oil', let it ferment nnd drink It. Practically, it Isn't qulte se easy, ltro ltre ltro qulres a knowledge, or a wisdom mther, that tlme and oxperlouco only can bring, te knew hew long te stir, hew much exlrnct te use, nnd hew much hops, hew long te bell, nnd hew long te cool nnd fust te ferment, and hew long te kceii. Theso nre secrets which every brew or keeps te himself, very dis tinctly. Hut we will very chcerfully show you tlie browery. The iniilt-lioiise Is net In use this yenr. hecause he am buy the limit iw cheaply as the barley. Hut lie shows you the large vnls wliore the bnrley Is steeped, the long floors en which the soaked, hwoIIeii grain Is spread out until It nttnins iicertnlu growth. Thore me the kilns In which It Is slowly dried when it has sufllclently sprout ed, niui thou 11 is malt, ready ter mewing. This he only explains, because, as stated, most broweis found It cheaper te buy the man tunii te man tlie barley. Away up In the topmost story or the brow brew ery, whose tall tower nnd stately front are the pride or the neighborhood, the malt is thoroughly cleaned or every impurity, nnd the Utile sprout It get hi the maltlioiise is bioketi oil' by intricate, benutlfiil machinery. Then It drops ene lloer te the mill, and Is ground te n sweet, white flour. And new the brewing proper begins Inte n lingo elicular tub of sheet-Iren, with n capacity or 000 gal lons the mash-tul itslldcs,nnd n thick eej -per plpe supplies het water. H010 Ingenious iiijciilnery stirs It round nnd round hew long, Is the brewer's secret. The color of the beer depends uiticli en this, nnd no two brow brew erles brew beer of exnelly the samoshade. It varies lrem ii pale umber te a rich, dnrk urewn. The extract that drips from the mash-tub nltersoveriil hours of stirring Is the piue ex tractor malt. It has n sweetish t.istc, natur ally, for the duty or the mash-tub is te con vert all. or nearly nil, of the starch in tlie barloyinteHiignr. The residue or grain hulls, Ac, Is run out or the tub nud sold te tlie cittle dealers The extract drips Inte 11 lingo kettle en the next lloer below. Hore the Iieim, first cut up '"te smaller pieces, ure thrown In and tlie two are boiled. The brewer knows hew uiiiih hops nnd hew long It IkiiIh. Who he slops boiling It is beer, but, or course, net the lager licer that cheers the weary at llve cents 11 glnss. It hits net yet fermented. Krein the kettle, whose capacity is loe barrels, it Is run Inte u large, shallow reservoir en a cool lloer, wliore a constant ciiriente! fresh nlrioels it oil. The famous Muenchen lieer Is said te ewo much or its reputation te the cool nlr that comes Irish, strong and fragrant from the neighboring Hartz mountains. Hut the cool nlriiloue is net enough, es pecially in summer lime, and se the hour flews ever 11 long coil el bright tubes, which nre kept cold by 11 constant stream el water. 111 some Drew cries strong nriue riiusiiireugii the tubes. Completely cooled tlie beer new ninsintotliecnermoiisvatstli.it rest in the threu vaulted cellars, ene beneath the ether, the third being forty leet below the surfa e. Thick coils or plpe through the cellars, through which brine carries the cold pro duced by a line ammonia Ice-niaclilue en the ground "fleer of the brewery. Tlie cells are everywhere covered with a coating of Ice an inch thick. The tomiieratiiro of the deccst ellnr, w hore lies the beer that lias been fer menting lietween two and three mouths, and is consequently readyfer market, is several degrees below the freezing lielnt. Here it is drawn oft Inte small kegs ami nn endless 1 bain heists the keg up tlie forty ftet te day light In an instant. hitch Is l)"or, n pure fermented 1 embiua tlen el malt extract and hops, ltrevvers find it desirable te add a little soda te it, liecniise their customers se prefer It Seme brewers bad, wicked men-una it uesirame 10 use glucose, caramel, KipiHr, quassia, liquerice, molasses, heney, sulphuric acid, and alum as cheaper substitutes, but it is only fair te this great Industry te state that the adultera tions have been grossly exaggerated. Mm Slid. Ne! Niner! I Net ruin te save lnr-elf frein 1111 IiimiIiiii tur I lip te the old univc mil. Mould -tie trans Kicss her life leni; principles or total ul-tlneni c lrem evLrthhiKUlioliellc 'lids as the hemle IHitltlen m 11 prominent Mu'iiel.idy In hir 1111 irnxniHlile ilovetlon le 110I1I11 ptupesci., nlillii 1iovciIiii;eii the veit'Porthei tlierial mirlil with coiiHiimptleii. Her rrfeniti mut pli)stUan eiu ceiiBCiiuentfj compelled toceiiecal tliepic-ulp Hen used with Him'H PiiikMait VViiikkkv, ulitcbsavid her llle, In various liiinnles wajs, until I liBW.isteer tissues and respliutery erftmis could he arrested unit thu patient started anew In the line of lire. Willi resj health and cbcer fill smile she new confesses tliat the "end (sonic times) Juallllcs the ineuiiH," ami has Joined thu (rent nriiiy of bucccsrul doctors fit advocating 11 ready supfilyef this article lu every heumj held. All rellahle diugirtsts mid grecvis n III siiiiply It lei 1 per bottle. Vcrj. Very IJttle HiIiiks. Kill very Important veur hloed cerpiii,cles 'I hey niu lirlent led, 'Jlu-y me neiimall that it taked eer 3,i) of tlirm lit a line te make an Inch. 'I he bright red color comes from tlie iron In tliuin. When there Is net ciieiikIi lien the til or M Is thin and water) mid Impure Purli) and vlKoriie together. Ilrewn's Iren Hitlers Is tlie only sare Iren tonic ever made. It inrlelies the hloed, builds up the sv stum, lves health, ntiunytti unit onjeyincnt or Ille Hew many peeple say ""leiir Iustei beats ever)thlnn I ever tried" The leji I'tutUr 1 cully cuies Itackache, htllch, hilntlui, Inline bide or IIlp, or pains tu any pint. 'Ihobcstpei ens plaster known. 25e. I'll) kIi lain leteirunelut lis n 11110 ler He irt Disease, neiveitsuess uml blieplessnesri. lilt l.ltAVHS' IIKAUT KEIjUI.ATOII and aie net disappointed Thirty jcara It has steed the test, tl ill. Free pamphlet el 1". 1'. Ingnlls, Ctinhilde, Muds. H FECIAL NOTICES. Dip 11110 end el it Spenge In Water und the whole Hill seen be eat 11 rated. Seu dUeuse In ene part el the body cirects ether parts. Yeu have noticed this )eursclf. Kidney unit liver troubles, unless checked, 11 111 ludiice censllpa tleu, piles, itheumutlsin nnd gravel. A timely use of Dr. Kennedy's t'avorlle Kcmcdy fll pre vent thesu results. It Is phuisant te thu taste mid may be lukun trecly bychlldrciiuuil dullcute lenmles. It gives elasticity, llle und cheeks with lo-ies en them. JclOlmd JUSCELLANEO U.S. rplin liAKGEST, lIi:ST AND MOST -L complete ussertment or Playing Caul? In the clly rreui S icnts per pack up at HAUTMAN'3 VKl.l.OVV F1IO.STCIOAH STOUK. QTI JTUUXGTHKN YOUK I.UNtlS Ily expmiilhig the chest with KNIOKERBOOKER BRACE. Fer Ladles ns well ns (ienllemen. l'ureideat COCHRAN'S DflUG STORE, 137nndlJa North Queen stieet, Lancaster, l'e. decS-6md S TO It AG 1!, " " AHO COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DA.VIEL MAYKlt, a.iesHvd 111 VVestCtindtnututruut. T EVAN'S 1'I.OUlt. " LEVAN'S FANCY ROLLER FLOUR. Miikes Klegaut llrcart. Fer salu by Grecem generally, Levau & Sens, MorcltantMillera, OlUcu: 17N0UT1I I'ltlNUKHT, niisJ7-6liiil IlIAMI'AaNl!. BOUCHE -SEC.- THK F1NKST CHAMPAGNE WINK NOW IMl'OIU'iiD. VTUEIQAUT'S OLD WINE faTOUE, Ne. 23 East Kime Btihskt. II. JS. Bl,.lJIAli.Klt, Ag lehn-ff Ealablhdied, 178. GAlNT-UAI'llAEli WINK INFORMATION. TlieSuInt Itaplui"! Wlnohasiiilellcleiisthiviiui unit Is iliinik In the principal cities or Kussla' einiaiiy. North and booth Ameilea, Uivat lliltiitn, India, mid mi en. The i mint Ityexpei led annually In uulllelnnt jinxif et Its slublllly and staying powers, while for Uieieal eoniieisaeur thore is no wine Unit can be cousldered Us superior. -TheSalnt-Itaphael Wlne Company, Valence, Department or the Dreme (France.) H. E. SLAYMAKER, US. Mil Ma a bast Kraa stkei.x. MF.DICAU THON UITTl'HH. MALARIA F Enter the nyntem frnni unknown cannon, nt nil Keusens shatter the .Vervm, Impairs PIkcs- tlen mill Kiilceblcs tlie Muscles. Brown's IRON BITTERS THE BESTTONIC. Trnilii Murk tiUALlTV-I'tJIIlTV-.NertjUANTITV. On livery bottle. Uuleklr mill pniniilctely euro MAbAltl.V ami Ollll.l.saml KKVKKH. Fer INTKItMlTIKNT KKVKItS, I,A8HI1I1)K, LACK OK KN KltOY, It has iieeiml. It enriches nnd purifies I he bleed, sllimilnles the appetite nnd stiengtlicns the HUM Ira unit nerves, ltilecs net I11I inn llin truth, raiiae hnulnclie or pteduce constipation (id ether Iran mcdteinei de. Katiikii T. J. ItiiiLLr, tlie patriotic nml schol schel nrly Catholic divine, of Aikuii.ii., nays : "I luive lined brown's fren IlltlciH with the groaiflftisniinnclleii for Malaria, nml as 11 pre vrntnllve ert'lillls unit like dlM-aiuM, nml will always keep It en liand us n leadv fileml." (iciiiilne lias iihove trade mink and cioeboiI red lines en wrntiiier. Tnke no ether. Shule only by nitOWN'SUIKMICAl.CO., IIAf.TIMOItK, Ml). I.aiiirs IIami Heek iihpIiiI nml nttnictlve, coin lining list erpil7i'H ler rcd'ljitM, Informa tion 11 bout celli", etc , Klveu uwny by nil dealers In mriliilnc, or mailed In any address en 1 ocelot of '-' Mump. (5) TTOPl'liASTl'ltS. A FAMOUS STRENOTHENEn. Meuse wives, shop girls nnd ftnlcg-weiiicu all siiircr morn or lei's liem Weak Hack and side in lie. Nellilng alTeiiU such Inxlunt lullcf nsn Hep I'LAHTERtimilli'il ever nnVcteil unit. 1'iilin nml iicIiph or nil ktmW 11111 ililvcn out ami tlie nails inadu ever uml Mtrcnglliened. Auk feru Hep 1'lahtkii, iiinde fnmi lliiigundy lMtcli" Camilla llntsiim unit the Irlnes of ficnli llen. SeldevciywlH'ie. iV.,ft fur (Mm Send t llel ri.ASTKH COM 1'A.N V, Uosten, for circular, p.) HtHM'TyASTKUS ' " DO UK SK.VSIIIbi:. The Hep 1'r.AHrKii ilis's moreireod In oneqiini tertlie timet luiu any halm 01 lotion, nnd Is mere cleanly louse. A ric-.li unit sHcet poieus pluMer wlilcli acts Imineillatcly nliiui appllpd te seat or tlollble Uheiimallsiii, .Ncunilgln, hlileai'lie, l.aine ll'ick, C ill k, hclntlci, Sere Muscles, Kid iicy nirecl Ions, Weak I.ungs or local pains can can net exist long when ene or tlii'se filasiers Is up pllisl. Ili'inuiiihpr, virtues of livsli liens, tlur Kinidy l'llchumt limns combined. hehlevrry- ncie H-., a iiir 1.1.1 1 iiiniiei.iis (7) HOI l'l.ASTKlt COMPANY, lio-den, Mien. TTOI PliAHTKIlS. Hep I'listtrs Cure Quickest. Why ? llci.iiiM-coiiipe-cd or mistlcliinl (iiii1ltles that are kneun te pesM'ss ureit rsiuprlu rellevliu: pain, curing disease mill wenderrul strentfthen iii weak mid uern out ai1s. I'lcsli HepH, Uur Kumly Pitch unit (.unis ceiiililucd In it fni.li, tli'uii ami h let porous plusti r, Alns ready te apply tehiiildeu pain, ucfies, Hindus, cramps, stltilK h, crick, sHellen Joints or miificleii, or sere liens III liny purl !Ke . " for $l.i every wlieie (S) IIOI'l'I.ASTKHCOMrAS'V.llosteii.Mam intv noens. D m:ss GOODS. A.NOTHKIt CAUI.OAI) OF SUMMER GOODS UECElVEl) ATTHK IEW YORK STOKE. I neLii-es liuilllill PRINTED SATIRES, Flllcen Cents ii)iud , m.ele te sell ut C lit An Imnieuse steik et VV .IIMf IHtKss (.OOfis, ( IIAMIIUAVs, si;m:sftKhits, i.iNijti wis, ii.M'i.sihs' VICIllltIV I.AVVN.s, INDIA I.lNKNs, .SAI.SSOOhS AMI I'flJUKs, At Lewest City 1'rhts. A CIIOU i: hLI.LCTION OF ORIENTAL AND EGYPTIAN LACES, SVV I1?1? NAINSOOK und CAMDUKJ EMBROIDERIES, All lll lis uml Qualities al the Lewest Prices hvtl hiiunn 111 theTlude In WATT, SHAND & CO., Nes. 8 & 10 East King Street. ll'ALL FA FEE. w- INDOW SCKKKKS. Wire Window Screens ! The 1'Iles and Hulls uie heie ; ) oil run avoid belnit estered with lliein by sen culm; veur Disunion! Windows The) will add gicutly te )oiirceintort at little expense. We make thorn rervvludOKs rrem 50c, 53e, Ode, lie. Toe, 75c, N, S.V;, up te .' U uplecc, ucLerdlui; le size und kind These prlca ure much lewci than the) have ever been. Our patent fniinii enables us te de this, and get tbein iipatshei test notice ir jeu brlni; the glzi jeu inn have Ilium iiuulc M Idle you unit. Deers with C'enilies,t.prliiB nnd Hlii;ei com. complete inude te III, all width of who In plain fiem il in. te .! In. wide , Landscape from 'l-i In up. WALL l'APKIt nt halKuIn prices, conic odd lets te close out below value, Window shades, etc. Phares W. Fry, . Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANUA8TEU. l'A. irji.sfr. CLAY MILIjKK. -TI1E- PLAOE TO TRADE s. In whole jeu can get the Hcst fur Your Meney and where you cun get FOUST WHISKY, Four Vcars Old, nt t2M per gallen: C5e. per ijiimt. Tints) Yeats Old, at f J.'JA fier gallon ; cue. jieriiuart. OVEUIIOUI.T, lourjearselil.at fi.M per gallon ; C5c. periiuait. Othel llrauiU ler less money. Empty Whisky llaireU ut $l.iJ; buy them new. S. CLAY MILLEII, Beuthncst Ancle Centiii tiipuirn, I.nn raster, l'K. Je.lHttdctltw, f.vfiMjriKHra. TTNDEUTAKINO. c:l.-mr!etej UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Streets, Lancaster, Pa. Personal uttcntten 1,'tveii teull ordeig. Every tbtiiK in tlie Umturtaktnirltiie furnished. Ihivlufr seeuied thu sol vices efa tlrst-class lse clianlc, 1 mil prapaied todeall kinds of Uphel Bterlnit ut very luodcrate prices. AllltlndDOf Kurullure Upholstered. Give me a call. L. R. ROTE. liinlO-ltil c AUi AT ltlSlQAKT'S OhD WINK STOUE -KOll- Listen'a Extract of Beef. ink8t in Tim weian. KsUiblUhed, 17SJ. 11. K.HLAVMAKKU, Aft.. teblMtd Ne.SU Kant KInubU OlIHA 1'KU Til AN COAL YOU HUMMKlt UbE. UbOthe Gas Cooking Steve. NO HEAT. NO DUST. All patterns for ealu at Manufacturers' price. Orricx or Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce, iniyUSind HTurizs. LINN HHENKMAN, 150,000 Adams & Westlake's Geal Oil Steves ! New In lite III tlie rnlti d .Stales, livery ene giving nml most i-elltdile Steve Nen-Explosive and 9f IIUV NO OTHHU-SO Flinn & Breneman, Agenta for Lancaster County. Trade Supplied. VIAJTII1X1I. M nUUIIANT TA 11.011. I. IcCAULET, MERCHANT TAILOR I NO. I3l NOKTII QUEEN ST. (lliicliuilllci'slliilhlhih'.) (INK OF 1 II K KI.NKST bI.NI OF FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS, rOllTIIKSI'lllNU ANIISUMMKllTKMIl'., I'.VKUSIIOW .V IN UIIIHtlTV. Bg-( all and take a leek ut the Koedn, ami oil will he sure te have eui muuMUle tiikcu for a suit. J 1 1 1 n '. 1 I tuiu;i:h :v; si'"iten. A WORD TO PARENTS. An the helltl ih me ileal at hand, ttie pirents will minder hat Is the best In (ret tliel lrl)es In the way rt lettiliu; Heiiicthlni; strent;. al the fsime time neat and dress) ft- 1UU WILL ( ALL Al BURGER & SUTTON'S loin mind will be put at rent, as we can sup ply tlie very suit jeu want at prices te suit -cry one. We cun (liiuruiit.e VV erkmiiushlp btiausu they ale Our Own Make vvt; ham: 1IIK LARGEST ASSORTMENT -uK-Thin Coats and Vests IN 'HIE (IT, AT PKH LS AVV VV IMIVVN e-i.iv 1.1s v c vi.i M Burger & Sutten, MCRCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHICRS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, bAMJAVrhlt. PA F INK TAILORING. 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. The Largest nnd Choicest Assoituient el FINE WOOLENS IN THh CITY OP LA.VCASILK. All the Latest N'eveltlcn fn FANCY SUITING. A (JII01CK LINK OF SPRING OVERCOATING. THK VKK IJEsr WOItKM.V.SrilllP. PrlteH te suit all and nil goods w ai runted ag represented at hit new bteie, So.43IerHi Queen St. (OPPOSITE THE POSTOPrlC'L.) H.GERHART. VTYKHS it HATH VON. " THE GREATEST VALUE at thi: LEAST COST. MONEY IS SCARCE. IKS. IVE KNOW IT IS. AND WH HAV MADE A STOCK TO SUIT THE TIMES. AT THIS TIME EVERY PUKCHASEIl WANTS TO HUT AT THE VEItY LOVVEbT POSSIBLE FIUUItE. IN CONSIDKUATION WE THINK OK THESE FACTS. CENTRE HALL Is Just tlie Pluce te Deal. CONSIDER THE hTYLE OK WOIIK YOU KIND WITH Ub; CONhlDEIt THE QUALITY OK THE tiOODS i CONSIDER THAT WE AUE TllEMANUKACrtJKEItS, AND ItEMEMHEIt THAT YOU SAVE A PltOKlT JIY 11UYINO OK US. THE AMOUNT OK PUOOK OK OUll GOODS. OUIl IIUSINESS IS LEAIUN'O CLOriUKKB, NO. 13 BAST KIKQ STREET, LANCASTER, l'A, HUISI,UYS MQl'IU HKNNKTiMAKKS 11 Hlioleseuid and dollcleiis dCHsert ter wuim vientliiir, vilth little Deuble, ta ceuU a bottle, at HURLEY'S DRUG STORE, Ne, Weil KiiiB Street. GU O H a U II K XNET T I'HACTl CAL. l'LUMUER, STEAM AND OA8 FITTER. All orders promptly attended te. KUlafuetleu Uuurunteed, Werk done ut leakoimbleiirtcei. NO. US NORTH QUEEN STREET. Juutn-Jma LaneMtr, r. MlltS i 11ATIH1 lliey nre Hid ili.anust Perfectly Safe. e-Si:ND KOlt OIKfUI.AIl.-G A070A.S. jjiuiKtUAHTmis 1011 SUMMER Horlne Shirts nnd Drnweru, Qnit7e Underuhlrta nnd Drnwers, Cliolce Nocktlea, K. is W. Cellura nnd CutrH, C. & C. Cellars nnd CutTtt, Crown Cellnrs nnd Cufla The Best Fitting Dress Shirts. SHIMS AMI S0i;M:tV PAIlAPtlKltNAI.IA ma nt; te eitin:u. At Erisman's, NO. 17 Vi:ST KINUMUKKT e ltir.NTAl, LACKS. ORIENTAL LACES! Al- ASTRICH'8 Palace of Eashien, 13 EAST KING STREET, LM AST Lit, PA. THE BIGGEST BARGAINS OK THK SKASON. ORIENTAL LW lut l(i ., lie. nud I'm NEV VV IIIK.OlilE.S l'A I. LAI l. it -h SEW V IDE SPANISH LAI Ks ut JV 1 nentv wi' n Dull VV Ide II WlliLRi. L'm 11 v mil. MNKHAMIil Ri. M'.T nt JCc Biei;,. a mil 11 aril a yiiid LT.it a ai d I u-eim i . 11 I ii 1 1 OUIKM VI. MI, line liulltj, tl una .u-vl NEW SWI'.-j EVtliliOIDERlO il iV , Vie ,40 and M) . a nrd UNECIIKOVIO PANSnliV. LINEN PAINTED IAN", iV npi. m FINE PAINTED PANS, .Vic EI.l.UANTs.VTIN FAN-, paint I veil v Handler, f.W. ISI.VCK I m tote, with Willi l.lhleil lluiidlctaun r eat licr Tepi, 1 mi PAINTED UAPE I'ANs New Lines in Our Jewelry Department. New PI111 ill Kn , Heillii'M tin. Pius it I5e wurtli.ie. Itlilne-lone Plm and ErrTtni Kluneifone Cellai llutteni,. Ladles' .leiey Cuir llutleiu. .fi iwv C'npe Cellai", all linen, Fc. Jeruy Cutti, l(k apili SASH RIBBON, PLAIN OR I1I.OCKED, ISLA( Iv COLORS. VND VII, GLOVES AND MITTS. Hun liliitk, nil nllk, MlttM.JV. toleied 1 :c. F'ne lll.tck and Coleied bilk Jcisey Mltt, loop edcd, ..i a pall. A LARLElOCK (IP Leather Bags and Satchels, Vf LOWEST PRICES BUTTONS. I 'uml nations, fiem c. h dezin 11 Jl 1 Inosiiieoth Pcail IIutten doen. 1'iwil Hill r.iillniw, liem I'.e 1 1 mil pit te IV a :i dei 11 up tl av'.i: tsi)iuivi:.sT Ladlen'aud (ientu' (.uu?e I'lulcivrife, al 1a h ple e. Child's liatire Vci-Im, fiein m. up Pinext Quality, Willi siu Hlndlug, I10111 I.i.c n piciu up IIOMEltV. Child's RlliliLd Cotten Ile,e,l.uge 1U1 , UI.uk and colem, Ui a pad. 1SEI1S Lcnthei RrltH, tin colei, iwe tiiipn, 1Ul.ii pluiti. Twe Miup CuiiMiF. Hi Hi., Mliltu in liliuk, nt luc a pkic. LACE CAP.S. Child Lain Cup, 1 Fine Einbieliliii d CufH, 'ific. EiiiUiolileied CMpe Cups, .Vic rUATIIERS. Noiclliet 111 Fancy White Featliur, dill unit Silvni MUud. FINE FI.OVVERs SIN HATS, 2.'a INDIA Mt LI. Whiieaud ciciui, iVe. iijiml OEUCEltlES. 11UIW1CS, 17 i:AST KINd ST AT FIKEWOltKS 1IKA1)CUAHTK11S ! NOW READY FOR DEALERS' Oiirl'iackeirt iu puicli.mcil liem InipeitciH, and we 111 u piepuruil tojeliut the Lewest Pi Ices OUR FIREWORKS Aie the I' iicn, nailed Colored VV eikB, piiithased freui the luniiufucluicivi, uml we ale piepaied te sell them nt Lewest Pilcc. steiekeeiiclH lira Invited te five 114 a call. Rcineiiibui the HAMMOND'S Sl.l'u SIIO r for Petate IIiiki, Cut Win hid, liose Hii."and SIiik", Ac We aretliu agents tin It. MeiLkicpeu mm piled ut Jebblnt; laluu. Alan seldut lutull. BURSK, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. tiFECTAVLES. aui'KHien SPECTACLES -AN D- EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, field (Singles, liitieineteis, Telo Tele Telo ucepes, Miitfle Lanlenm, Thclineiiietciv, D11111. Ini; IiiHtruiiiiiiilH, Pldlosephknl nud liieiiilcnl Apparatus. 1. 1st and DeseilntleiiH of our Ten Catalogued tent t RLE en application. QUEEN & CO., NO.WI CHESTNUT 8'f. PHILADELPHIA uiurj-iiii.vw WATCHES, JtC ATOHi:s,OLOUKSANi)JKVi:i,HV. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OK WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, at LOUIS WEBKiTS, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street, Opposite City Hetel, near Pa. It. U, Depot. Retailing' at Wnekiala Pilc3. Keimliineat itntLew.l'ilcei. JyM-Jya pern ct tnlNiiiitlen In the uiarkut. - f