- -- t- V v, ,- ' '- J. C I' . - . " THE LANCASTER1 :DAILY, iNOLlLXGEKCER, THTDBSdIy; JtJNli 25, 1885. 'K 3 tf v .L a. -,TJ. TKMPTED. Tea, t knew what you gay ; Since It cannot be soul te soul, lie It flesh te flesh, i9 It may ; lut It Knrth tlie whele? yiiall n mnn bclmy tlie Past Fer all Knrth Rlvcst "But the Past Is dead:" At last, It Is all that lives. Which y, cre tlie nobler goal Te snatch at tlie moment's Mis, Or te swear 1 will keep my soul Clean for herklMt -rlri((rcu Jlcdbroek In the Atlantic, VAIlMEltS AMI J-'.lItMINO. The Agriculturalist te Ilnnnra et Lightning lleil Bnlltillers. Frem tlie Gcrinnntewn Tolegrnph. This class of individuals take apedal paliiH te go out itnieng tlie lionest fanner nntl innke tliem tlie objects of thelr Hwlmllliig operations. Thelr Held of operations la tlie wliole country, mul tliey nre oxtremoly cnu. tleus about ceiiflnlng their operations te nny ene section for a great length of tlme. We notlce by tlie Prairie Farmer that they nre new operating In tlie Rlate of Illinois. They are Htiioeth-tonguod, glib In Hpcech and pre ent nil the outward appeurance of belng fair nnd honest men, but they should be avoided as ene would nveld n great dnnper. In the llrst place, lariners, don't be pur- nmuiuu mie ine uenci mat your iiuiuiings nre In unusual danger without n lightning red. Yeu may about as well take the risk ofbeing struck by lightning as or bolnglimreod upon by swindlers. Thelr little plan of oporatien istoiunke any kind of a verbal ngroemont regarding thelr work that may be nocessary te gain content te cotntueuce operations, nnd then as n matter or form the farmer is naked te sign u little agreement which clonches the nail by n paragraph that says that the party "waives all claims of verbal agreements of any nature net embodied In that ngroemont." And se the honest farmer seen finds that Instead of being called upon for $15 te KM), ns he oxpected te be, he is called upon te pay from J75 te $150 or mera Mnke it n rule te "nover sign anythin; ler Htrangers:" The Wheat Crep. Our wheat crops In the United States this year nre estimated te fall off very heavily en account of the ravages or various dostructive insects, nnd yet se vast Is our production that we have enough for ourselvos and a hand hand hand soine surplus te spare for expert te fereign countries. Fortunately for us our system retains en hand Irem year te year a surplus or rcMorve oritttetit 00,000,000 busliels te guard against emergencies, nnd this surplus is partly in the grain elevators and partly in the hands of farmers in their own barns. This is net tliarcault or speculation, but or u provident forecast. lien te Protect the Conn. If tlie farmer will wend his way te the stere and procurethroo yards of factory cot ton for each of his cows, and have it cut te lit tlie back se ns te form a welMlttlng sheet which can be fastened around tlie neck and drawn clese undortlie belly, but leavlng the udder tree, he will enjoy blessed peitrn when he milks tlie cows. And tlie cow will have equal peace in their safety from the insis tent Hies which se annoy tlmin at milking tiine. There will be no violent throwing back orthe head, no switching or the tall and no kicking te nrouse the wrath or the milker and tempt him te use bad words nnd the milking-btoel te rcliove his feelings. - n An Instance of Weman's I'luck. Frem the Chicago Tribune. In n dentist's ofllce In Albany. Ge., a lady came te have soine teeth extracted. She determined upon the use of chloroform te deaden the aln. An AI. D. was called in by the dentist. The amcstlietle was glven and ene teeth taken out ; but when the second teeth wasattacked the patient re sisted, and Miiddenly ceased breathing. She Implied te be ene in a thousand who cannot luuoauicsthetics administered with impun ity. I ler heart's action was parallzed by Its use. In tlie waiting-room was another lady who saw tlie cerpse cirried out She was hi hi Inlerincd el the circumstances. The lady waiting her turn said : " Cenie en with your chloieform. Yeu said it dosen't kill niore than ene in a thousand. It has Just killed one, se 1 guess I won't be the ne.it." Klin took six limes ns much us tlie (lead woman did, and under the iulliicuce six teeth wero extracted. He Knew Hew te Get Seme of It. Frem the Chicago News. "My dear, hew toen can you ready te inove?" "Move! Why, hubby, are we go ing away ? "Yes, dear. I soe the papers say there is $00,000,000 lying Idle in tlie New Yerk banks." "Well?" "Weli,I am going te get soine or it." "Why, hew? Yeu are net going te rob tlie banks, I liope." "Ne ; I'm going te open n hotel in Canada." - A Feul mouthed Weman 1 even nnrsu than a foul-mouthed man, Ne one need lie foul-mouthed It thuy will u.e SOO DUNT unit rub it In Mull. Don't spare the brush and poll tlie mouth. Hit .euie parent de with thelr chlldrwti when thuy withheld the red. J'iJ-lwrtued&w A Sccretlnn that Contaminates the lllueil. When the bile la diverted from Its preper chan nel. Inte the bleed, which U always the cae la liver ceinplulnts, It ceases te be u healthy ecre ecre tlen, and becomes u poison. Ite abnormal pres ence In the circulation and stomach It Indicated by thesuffiiilen of the skin Willi u hideous saf fron tinge, by hcudJcliiH, vertigo, nnusen, pain In the right side and under the right shoulder blade, by Indigestion, obstruction of the bun els and ether miner symptoms. Oidm may lie sub stituted for this chaos, and further bodily evil averted by using the beneficent alterative and tonic, Hestettei's Stomach Hitters, which, by relaxing the bowels, promotes the escape from the circulation of bilious Impurities, besides enduring the action of the liver regular, and 10 10 tuevlng every truce of dyspepsia. This pleasant nnd purely vegsitahle autl-bllleus medicine Is net only infinitely inoreeffecllvo than any form of mercury, but It Is en account of Its freedom liem hurtful properties, inllnltely te be prefer red te that poisonous diug. Je'il-Jyl SPECIAL NOTICES. " It Fairly Werries M te Tlilnk or the multi tude of things advertised te euro dUease," you say. Ne wonder, lint In the mountains of chaff there lire grains of golden wheat. We may And ttdlftlcullte imlucu you te test thu merits et Dr. Kennedy's Fuvoiite ltcmedy, but when you have dene se, our work Is ended. After Minds you and this mcdlclnewlll be fast Irleuds. Favorite Heincdy would have died out long age but for It reul usefulness. Hut It Is geed and does geed. Hew About the Deses. Many people before purchasing a medicine, naturally Intuitu the sUe of thu doseandthe strength of It. In using Jlunteck Jlloed Jltttcrt a tcaspoeiiful for thu little ones and two tea spoon tills ter grown folks are nil that Is neces sary lit enu time. This magnificent liiedlclne Is net only economical but veiy pleasant te thu taste. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1W North Queen street, Lancaster, mothers 1 Mothers 1 1 Mothers 1 1 1 At u you disturbed at night and broken of your lest by a tick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth? If se, go at once and get a bettle of MUS. WI.NSLO W'S SOOTHING. 8YUUP. It will relieve the peer little nufl'eier Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mtstake about U. There Is net u mother en eaith who has ever used It, who will net tell you at ence that It Mill tegulute the bends, and give rest te thu mother, and rellef and health te the child, operating like uiugle. It Is perfectly salu te use In nil cases, and pleasant te the taste, and is the picscrlptlen of one el the eldest and best femaluphyslclausand nurses in the Untied States. Sold Tery where, 25 cents u bettle. JunelO-lydAw Nerteus Debilitated Jllvn Y'eu are allowed a free trial of thirty day eX the us of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic Helt with hlectrle Mispcnsery appliances, iur ine speeuy lellet and permanent cure of Nervous Defilllty, less of Vitality nnd Manhood, and all kindled troubles. Alse, for many ether diseases. Com plete icstorutlen te health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. Ne lisk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with lull Information, terms, etc., mailed free by addressing Voltaic belt Ce., Mar shall, Mich. My daughter nnd myself, great sulfeiers fiem catarrh, were cured by Ely's Cream Halm. My ensoet smell Is resteied. C. M. Stanley, Shee Dealer, Ithaca, N, Y. 1 was troubled with catarrh for fifteen years. Elv's Cream lUlm has opened my nostrils and l educed the lntlumiuutfnu my eyes can new stand strong light. N. Fcgley, Wlfkesbane, Pa. i:ly' Cream Halm cured ine of catarrh and re stated my sense of smell. Fer cold in head It works like magic E. 11. Khsrwoed, bunker, Elizabeth, N.J. J17-'iwdeedJtw VEUY HUMAUKAI1LE KECOVEHY. Mr. Gee. V. Willing, or Manchester, Mich., writes; "My wlfe has been utmost helpless ler five years, e helpless that she could net turn ever in bed alone. She used two Hollies sf Electric miters, and Is se much improved, that the Is able new te de her own work." Electric Hitters will de all that Is claimed for them. Hundreds of testimonials attest their great eurullvc powers. Ouly fitly cents a bottle at Cochran's Drug btere, Nes, 127 and 1W North quu itinst, Lsusutsr Pa. W SPECIAL NOTICES. JUST AS GOOD. Don't allow anvone te make you believe any ether remedy Is Just as geed for sick headache ns Dr. LeslleVt Special Prescription, for It Is net true. This Is the only remedy In the world thnt strikes at the root of the dlscaee and drives It out. (Jive It a trial. My Mether Hai been using your .Btirciecfc Jlloed Bltlert as u liver remedy nnd finds thein very eftlca eftlca cleus." Chas. 1,. Alnswerth, 41 Vnncn block, In In dlnnnpells, Ind, Fer sain by II It Cochran, diugglst, 137 undlSU North ljucen stroet, Lan caster. CltMiKiNe reatiires may be rendered actually tfpulslveby blotches or pimples. Ulenn's Hill phur Seap remedies all reinpluxlnnal blemlshes. JJMwdoedAw BUCKLKN'S AltNICA SALVE. The best Salve In the world far Cuts, Bruises, Beres, Ulcers, SnltKbeum, Fever Seros, Tetter, imnppea iianu, uunuiains, t;erns, anu an eain Eruptions, nnd positively cures l'iles, or no pay It Is guaranteed te glve perfect satis ruction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per rlce, 25 cents j uu a. s "i nuiu iy ii. vuviiiiui, uiUKHipii u 137 and l:fl North Queen stroet Lancaster, Fa. box. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, Nes. A 1'iillceman Itraeed Up. D, F. Cellins, member of police seventh ward, Heading, Pa., talks this way: "Suffered sovercly trem rheumatism ; nothing did me any geed till I tried Theinat' Kcleetrte Oil. It Is h pleasure loiecoininendlt." Fer sale by II. II. Coehran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Qneen stroet, l.aueas l.aueas ter. AN EDITUH'S TK1UUTK. Theien P. ltcater. editor Ft.. WnTiin. Ind.. Oaictte, writes: " Fer the past II vu years have always used Dr. King's New Discovery, for coughs of most sevcre chanicter.ns well us for thOMief a milder type. It nover fulls te effect a speedy cure. Jly nietide te whom I have rcrem- mended It speak of It In soine high tenns. Hav ing been cured liv It of nvnrv eeinrh 1 lmvn hnd for tlve years, I consider Itonlyrellahleandflure euro for Coughs, Colds, etc." Call at Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and 131) North Unpen street, Lancaster, l'n nnd get a Yce Trial llettle. Large Size $l.eu. (2) Why Ite Downcast? True, you nre In n miserable condition you are weak, pale and nervous, Yeu cannot sleep at night, nor enjoy your waking heurs: yet, why Inte heart? (Jet at the druggist's a bettle of Burileek L'lneU IlUtert. They will restore you te health and pence of mind. Fer salu by If. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster. Speaks night Up. "Have tiled Tliemat' Eclcctric Oil for croup nnd colds, and find It the best remedy I have ever used in my family." Win. iiy,S10 Ply mouth Ave.., buffalo, N. Y. Fer sale by II. II. Ceclirun, druggist, 137 and W North Queen street, Lancaster. Celdbn's Lbititd Hecf Tonle will euro lndb gostlen, and perpetuate bodily vigor. Take no vther. Or druggists. JlS-lwdeed&w Celiibn's Liquid Hcef Tonle Is admirably adapted for females In delicate health. (ltlcn'i; no ether. Of druggist. J22-lwdced,tw Pimeil n Dig llrnellt. Has magical pain killing nnd healing prop prep ies. Half of n llftv-ecnt bettle euied me el rheumatism and a cold that had settled In my I....I. l....i .... ..i, .. t . .,!., j.. it. '..... back. 1-eel as well as I overdid in rav life. Otte .1. Dneslmry, prep'r Helland City A'eu'j, Hol Hel land, Mich., speaking for Themat' Kcleetric Oil FerHalnbyII.lt. Cochran, diugglst, 137 and 139 Ninth Queen stifet, Lancaster. wall i-A rr.it. w IN DOW Kt'KKUNS. Wire Window Screens ! The Flies and Hugs ate here ; you can avoid being pesteii'd with them by hciecinltig your Doer and Windows. Theyulll add greatly te your comfort at little expense. We make them for windows from 50c, S5c, CUc, C5c, 7(ic, ".V, dc, K5e, up te$l.M) upliicu, according te size and kind. These pilces ale much lower than they have ever been. Our patent frame enables us te de this, and get them up at shortest notice. If you bring the sizes you can have them made while you wait. Deers with Cornices, Spring and Hinges com complete made te lit, nil width of who In plain fiem 'II In. te 3C In. wide; LuudscHpe from 'if In. uii. WALL PAl'KIl ut bargain prices, some odd bits te close out below value, Window Shade, etc. Phares W. Pry, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTKIt. PA. ttnevr.nir.s. T IiUltSK'H, 17 EAST KINO ST. FIHEWORKS HEADQUARTERS ! SOW 1SKAJIV FOlt DEALEltSI Our Ibackers are purchased trem Importers, and uaaru piepai-vd te Jeb ut the Lewest Prices. OUU FIKKWOUK3 Are the Unequalled Colored Works, purchased fiein the nuuiulactuiers, and wuuiepiepared te sell tliem at Lewest Pilces. Mei ('keepers are Invited te glvu us a cull. Komcmbertho HAMMOND'S SLUG SHOT for Petate Hugs, Cut Worms, Hese Hugs and Slugs, Ac. We nre the agents for it. Storekeepers sup plied at Jobbing rates. Alse sold at rutull. BURSK, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANCAbTEIl, PA. WATCH US, SC.: -vyATCHEH, 0L0UK8 ANDJEWELKY. GREAT REDUCTION IN PUICES OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND OF WATCHES, JHWELllY.at LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 i-2 North Queen Street, Opposlte City Hetol, near Pa. 11. II. Depet. Ilutalllng at Wholesale Prices. Itepulrlngut xtrn Lew Prices. lyaMyd MISCKLIjANEOVS. SSSSS T EVAN'B FLOUR. LEVAISPS FANCY ROLLER FLOUR. Makes Elegant llread. Fer sale by Grocers generally. Levari Ss Sens, Merehant Millers, Office : 17 N'OllTll PK1NCE ST. uprt7-6md c UAMPAUNE. BOUCHE "SEC." THE FINEST CHAMPAGNE WINE NOW IMFOIU'KD. AT KKIQAIIT'S OLD WINE STOKE, Ne. S3 East Kma Strict1. II. E.SLAYMAKEU, AgL Established, 1785. febl7-Ud CIIEAVERTIIAN UUAbruilBUWMisn USE. Use the Gas Cooking Steve. NO HEAT. NO DUST. All patterns for sale at Manufacturers' prices. Office of Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce. mayH-'.'ind O LYIjIj AT HEIQAIIT'H OLD WINE STORE -FOU Llsten's Extract of Beef. FINEST IN TUB WORLD. Established, 1753. II.K.SLAYMAKEH, Agt,. febl7-tld Ne. 20 East King SL s AINT-KAPIIAKIi WINK. INFORMATION. The BalnHtaphael Wlnobusudellcleus flaveur and Is drunk In the principal cities of Hussla Uermuny, North and Seuth America, Ureat llllllllll, AllUl", . ,. uii. ,uuiUHiuig ,... annuully Is sulllclent proer of Its btablllly i staying powers, while for the real connefss lliitaln, India, ana se en. Mnoquaniiiyuxperiuu ILV UIIU g powers, wnue ter me real connoisseur there Is no wlnu mul can ue ceniiaerca us auperler. Uij'rhnSalnt.nanhaelWlneCemnany.Valeuce. Department of the Urome (France.) H. E. SLAYMAKER, Ne. as XAST UINQ BTBKET. ns-tja MEDICAL. -i -i- - -iiAir-i 'ii,jr- i"iT,iii"' H UNTS REMEDY. HUNT'S KIDNEY AND L1VKU REMEDY! NEVKK KNOWN TO FAIL. It cures when all ether medicines fall, as It acts directly and at ence en the Kidneys, Liver nnd llewels, restoring them te a healthy action. It is a safe, sure and speedy euro, and hundreds have been cured by It when physicians and friends had given them up te die. It is Beth a "Safe Cure" and a ltCUKKS nil Diseases or the Kidneys, I.Iver bladder and Urinary Oigans t Dropsy, Uruvcl, Dlahetvs, Hrlglit's Disease, Nervous Diseases, Excesses, Female Weaknesses, Jnundlce, Sour Stomach, Dyspejisla, Constipation, Piles, Pains In tlie Hack, Leins and hide, Keten- tlen or Nou-Ketanllon of Urine. tl.23 ATbnt'eaisTS. isttakh ive or men. Send for Illustrated Pamphlat or Solid Testi monials of Absolute Cities. HUNT'S REMEDY CO., (3) Piovldence, It, I. ALI'ITATION OP THE HEART CAN BE CURED by thoiiReof DK.GKAVK.VIIKAKT HEGULA TOIL It has long been a recognized remedy ter Heart Disease, ill all Its forms, Nervousness, Sleeplessness, Impaired Energy and Mental Faculties, Dyspepsia, Indigestion, dlseiisesef the Stomach and lien els. A clergyman of Clay City, Ind., says the Heart Krgulatnr Is Ged's blessing tesull'cilng humanity. VI per llettle, 0 for 3, at Drngcit. Send te F. E. INOALL'', Cambridge, Mass.. for free pamphlet en Heart Disease, etc. (-') GKAY'H HI'KUIKIU MEDICINE. The Great English ltcmedy. An unfailing cure for Impelency and all Diseases tlmt fellow Ixiss of Meinerj-, Universal Lassitude, Pain in the Hack, Dimness of Vision, Prematura Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we de sire te send free by mull te every ene. This Spe cific medicine is sold by all druggists at II or package, or six packages for t3, or will be sent free by mall en receipt of the mi ney, by ad. dressing the agent, II. It. COCHRAN, DruRglt,Sole Agent, Nes. 137 and 13a North (Jueej street, Lancaster, Pa. On account et counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; tlm only genuine. THE OKAY MEDICINE CO., Iluffule. N. Y. KTER ALL OTHERS EAII OONHULT DR. LOBB, NO. 329 North Fifteenth street. below Callewhlll street, Philadelphia. Cures all Secret Diseases of both sexes. Twenty Years Experience. Con sultation by mall. NEIIVOUS AND SPECIAL DISEASES. New book lust out. Send for It. Hours 11 a. m. till 2 p.m., and 7 p. m.telOp.m Heeks flee te the mulcted. febanyd ,uaw CJAKE. SURE AND Kl'EEDY CUKE. O KUl-TURK, VAnlOCS-KLEIUld Sl'SOUL DlSKASIH. Why be humbugged bv uuacks. when veu can find In Dr. Wright tlie only lUou lUeu 'iiVHictAN In l'hllaibJiihla who makes a LAR siHiclutty of the above discuses and uunxa tbem 7 Curbs nuAKAKTKKD. Advick bkk, day and even ing. Strangers can be treuted una return home the same day. O dices private. Illl. W. II. WKIOHT, Ne. 241 North Ninth street, above Itace. P. O. box 673. Philadelphia. lanEMydAw ZIATARHU. ELY'S CREAM BALM -CUKES COLD IN HEAD, CATAUUH.HOSECOLD.IIAY FEVEK, DEAFNESS, HEADACHE. Easy te use. N. Y., U. 8. A. Price, SOc Ely Ilre.'s., Oswego Hay Fever. ELY'S CUE AM HALM Cleanses the Head, Allays Inflammation, Heals the Seres, Hesteres the Senses of Taste and Smell, A quick and positive cure. SO cents at Druggists. Ul cunts by mull, registered. Send for circular. Sample by mull, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. martl-tfdAw COAJ BB. MARTIN, WnOLXSALB AMD BCTAIL Dealer ie All Kinds of Lumber and Ceal 4TYard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prlnc streets above Lemen. Lancaster, nS-lvd T AUMGARDNERH A JEKKEKIEH, COAL DEALERS. Omens : Ne. 123 North Queen street, and Ne. Kt North Prince street. Yards: North Prince street, near Beading Depot. LANCASTKIt, PA. ' augis-tfd lOAL. M. V. B. COHO, 330 NOIITU WATElt STKEKT, Lancaster, Pa,, WHOLESALE AKD RETAIL DXALXB IN LUMBER AND COAL. COKHKOTIOII WITH TUB TBLBmOHIO EXOBAKQI. Yabd akd Officb : Ne. 330 NOUTII WATKK STUEET. feb28-lvd TIAST END YARD. C. J. SWARR&CO. GOAL. KINDLING WOOD. Offieb : Ne. 20 Contre Square, lleth yard and ofllce connected with telephone exchange eprlS-lydMAF.U IIOVHKFUHNIHUIlia OUUDH. T HE CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Ceal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, -id A- JOHN P. SCHAUM & SON'S, Nc 24 Seuth Queen Street, febJMva LANCASTKIt PA. TirlTHOUT EXOEPTION. THE BEST W Cliiars In the town, two for Be, at UAUTMAN'S YELLOW JfHONT CIOAH 8T0UK. T HIH PArEK IS PHINTED J. K. WRIGHT &. CO.'S INK. FairaeQDt Ink Works, E6th and Penn'a. Avtnae tins-ua PHILADKLPUIA, PA. XXeVXMOXB. pENItYN l'ARK. Penryn Park, -ONTIIF.- Cornwall & Mount Hepe R. R, Kxcurslen Commlttee of Churches, Hundajr Schoelg and ether Holi'ctnrKaulzatlenn, In iimk. Iur thelr aiimnierarranKnmenU, Rheiild net lies loot te roxirve uclfty for Penryn Park. Thin deHghtful rcJertMnUmited In the midst of the SOUTH MOUNTAINS And lln RieundH covering hundredii of acren at eay of accciifi from all parts of cenlral Pnun sylvanla. Fer the frca use of excursionists there are oztenslvo CUOqUET AND LAWN TF.NNI8 OUOUNDS, LAUC1K HANCINO PAVILION, HAND STAND, KITCHEN, I1ASKET AND CLOAK ItOOMS, and OUSK11VATOUY On the Summit of the Mountain, There la also a refreshment room In churns of a competent caterer, wheremealBcan be procured at moileruto rates, a photograph nailery and numerous ether uttractlve features. Ne Ibjuera allowed en the ground. Excursions from nil points en the Philadelphia Keudltig and Heeding A Columbia ltullreads will be curried direct te the Park without change of caw. Complete Information can be obtained and en giiKCmcntH effected with parties from all pelnta en tbe Philadelphia A Ueudlngand heading A I '..I .1... I. I.. It. .Km .1 .... .- ,, .. . ..D.. x..,.U(ll,Jl(k JkUlllllUUH, UK,I1 UJ,lllUHllOn U U. U, Ilunceck, Clcneral Passenger und Ticket Agent, Philadelphia A Heading ilnllread, 27 Seuth Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa and with part 1m from Lebanon by applying te the nnderslKned, Supt. Cornwall A ML Hepe I tall read. ll.JJ T ll fll.HlAJibllOI, mav8-3md j,euanen Pa. s UMMEK OV 18S5. ICS! Cornwall & Lebanon -AND-' Oolebreok Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PARK, In the heart of tlie Seuth Mountain, ou the line of the above read, ! offered U ludlvlduali and associations Free of Charge. These grounds, covering hundreds or acre, ,, t u .f.n IV of uccesa fiem all nurtu of Kmiam PcnnHjlvaula. -Tlieroare MOUNTAIN STUKAMS.spnnned by rustic bridges j MOUNTAIN SPICI.NOH, united up with nntlve Nundstene: SHADY WALKSaiidPKOMKNADLS. ' '"1"1 A LAIU1K DANCINd PAVILLION, LAHUHDININd HALL, K1TCHK.N, DIKING HOOM, nndTAIILKS, IIK.VCIIKS and ItUSTIC SEATS, i-cattcred through the glove for the fiee us et oxcurslenlsU. LAWN TENNIS, CIIOQUET.IIALL GUOUNDS, HOWLINO ALLEY, SHOOTING GAL LEIIY, QUOITS AKD FOOT HALL Are among the amusements offered. Ne Intoxicating Drinks Allowed en the Promlsea. parties ansirlng it, can procure meals at the 1' iiun iir.ii :iuiM. i, wnicn win he und the charge of MIL E. M. IIOLTZ, the noted catsreref tau LEBANON VALLEY HOUSE, who (s 111 be en the grounds throughout the tea son, giving It his puraenal supervision. 4irKxcurateiis from all points en Pennsylva nia It. It. will be carried direct te the Park with out change of curs. Aj-b'icurslen rales and full information can be obtained and engagements ntfected with parties from all points en the Pennsylvania it. it. upon application te GEO. W. IJOYD, As- Hisinni uuucr.li russeuger Ageiil, r. 11, it., Nc 23.1 Seuth Feuith stieet, Phlladelpblii, or te J. C. JENNINGS, Supt. C. A L. A C. V. It. It., Lebanon, Pa. lnylJ-aina aiAvuiNr.iiY. F en Peerless Traction POUTAULK OH STATIONAItY ENGINES. BOILERS AM) SEI'AILlTOllS, REPAIRING, and all klnils or Machlnerr, Contracts taken and all work such as kept and iloneln anjr Machine Shep. Call en eraddrats, Ezra F. Landis, U'enas-NO. K te M7 NOUTII CIIF.ltltY ST., Latirastur, 1'a. nillMlmoedAw TfiNGINE AND neiLEK WOHKa BEST Steam Engine -AND- BOILEE, WORKS. AS WE HANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, HAVE NO AGENTS, CAN INSUHE OUK PATHONB LOW PUICES AM) UOOU WOUK. BOILERS. Vertical and HorizentalTubular, Flue, Cylinder, Marine, l)ouble-l)eck and Portable. FUIINACE-WOUK, ULAST-P1PE3, STACKS, Ac, Ac. TANKS for Water, Acids and Oil. HOISTING ENGINES. ENGINES. Vertical and Horizontal. Btatlenary, from two te sixty norse-pewer. Portable Engines, en Wheels and Sills ; Hli Sizes i, l), 8, 10, 15 and 2U horse power. SAW MILLS. Peny Mills and Large Mills. Hark Mills Cob Mills. Leather Hellers, Tan Packers, Trlpple Gearing for horse pewer. PUMPS. Unit and Gear Pumps s Mining Pumps ; Cem blncd Pumps and Heaters. Certtrirugul Pump. Steam Pump. Gearing, Pulleys, Fly Wheels, Clump Heles, HauKcrs, Couplings, Cellurs, btcel bteps and Tees, Pulley Plates, Packing Bexes, Mill Spindles, Mill Uushlngs, Ac, Ac, Ac. PIPES. WreuRht Iren, for Gas, Steam and WaUr. Cast Iren Pipes. Beiler Tubes, well Casting. FITTINGS. Fer Water and Steam, Valves. Cocks, Steam Gauges, Gauge Cocks, Glass Water Gauges, Safety Valves, Whistles, Globe Valves, Governors, Patent Self-Feedlng Lu bricators, Glass Oil Cups, Glass Tubes, Injectors or Beiler i eoders. PACKING Hemp, Asbestos, Gum and Piam. bage. BELTING Gum, Cotten and Leather. CASTINGS Heavy and Light Iren and Brass. Beiler Iren, Sheet Iren, Bar Iren, auueteui. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools and Public. Buildings, STEAM HEATING. Estimates, Drawings and Pattern Werk fur nished at lteusenable Kates. Repairing promptly and carefully at tended te. Addrass, Jehn Best & Sen, NO. 333 EAST FULTON STREET, LANCASTEB, PA. Janl5-lyaTT S' UMMKU DRESS GOODS. HAGER & 25 West SUMMER DRESS GOODS! Summer Silks, Surahs, Tricetine, Foulards, Pongee, Grenadines, Nun's Veiling and Albatross. Linen Lawns, French Sutines, Anieriuin Stitines, BritiHh Cleths, Clinmbrny (linghnniH, Zepliyr Gingliunis. Embroideries and Laces, Embroidered Swiss Robes. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Lisle and Silk Gloves, Hosiery and Gauze Underwear. HAGER & BROTHER, Q5 WEST KING STREET. C I1EA1' 8TOHE. Carpets and Mattings, -AT- METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S, FKOM Li-yK AUCTION HALES AT VEUY LOW PltlOES. MBUlrtHH, Olfrpets, Mattings, Oarpets, Mattlnga Oarpeta, MMtlnffB, Oarpeta, Mattings, Oarpets. ' Alse, LAKOE LOT OP WHITE COUNT'EHPipiEiS, Frem the late (limit Auction Sala In New Yerk-, at ftSc., 7ta H.Oi and UOOI HAHOAI.NB at letzger & laughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. ; Mf lletween the Cooper Heuse and Serrel llorse Hetel. N EXT DOOU TO THE COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S. 1 Het Weather - - WHITE GOODS for Ladies, OF EVKHY DESLIJIPTION ATC!$,8, 10, 12, 15, IS, 20, 25 CTS. UP. SUMMER UNDERWEAR for Ladies, Gents and Children SUMMER HOSIERT-Oreat Quantities at Le v Prices. Jerseys I Jerseys ! ! Jerseys ! ! I LAIUJE HTOCK, ALL SIZES, FOU LADIES AND CIIILDULN at 5c , 7Jc., tl.tt), il J5, 11.50 H.75, tiw.iz.tn, w.oeup. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court B OWKKS .V HURST. NOS. 20 & 28 NORTH WHITE DltESS GOODS In Victeria Lawna, Linen ile Inde, Plaid and Check Nalnsoeki, Celd Pleucs, Figured Swiss and Turletans. We have an Immense stock of these goods In all qualities, aim arv offering them extremely low. We also have a lew pieces etvery heavy WHITE COUD PIQUES, whlchlsoxtremely nlceand which we call Special Attention te. There are very few of them in the market. .Nun's Veilings and Albatross Cleths In all shade. Lace Buntings In all shades, from Tcry low prltiM up te thu best qualities of goods. In Black Otteman Grenadines we have something specially nice. CASIIMEIIE SHAWLS In Choice Light Shades. Moaqulte Canopies weme eiruitng cxtrcmelv low; call and see them and get prices. Yeu will find Our Prices Lew In Every Department. Ho He member also, wededuct luperemt. from almost every cash sale. BOWERS & HURST, NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - Lancaster, Pa. SILXERWAllE. H.1 K. IUIOADS. ATTENTION ! We would call attention of purchasers te the very flue and com cem com plete line of moderate priced Ladles' Geld Watches, very much in demand just at present, and we are well prepared te meet that de mand. We also have Geld and Sllver Watches In a great variety of styles and at the low prloes brought about by the long dopreBalon of the times. Our Nlolcel Watches at 85.00 are geed watches for the money, and are going off very fast. We received the ether day a large involce of all the latest novel ties In Silver Jewelry, Oxydized, etc, very pretty and worth soo seo soe ing ; would be pleased te have you call and soe them. H. Z. LAWCASTEK, PA. HOOKS. B 00K8 AND STATIONE11Y. JOHN BAER'S SONS, OFFKK AT LOWEST PUICES, Blank Beeks, Writing Papers, Envelopes, Writing Fluids and Inks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, Steal Pens, Lead Pencils, Poclcet Beeks, Bill Beeks, Letter Beeks, and an Assortment of FIne and Staple Stationery. y at the SIGN OF THE BOOK.-Wl NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. llOUSEFUKNISULNO UOOVS. s HIRK'B CARPET HAM CARPETS! BKOPKNINQ Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, We i Mhlted BltUSSELS. sre new nrenared te show the trade the Largest and Best Sclected Line of Carpets ever ex, tnthircFty. WILTONS, VELVETS, all the Trading Makes of BODY ANDTAPESTKV .THllEK-PLY. All-Weel and Cotten enain uiuAniruu, ana an quaiuius ei in ii niulsK .in VKmiTUN nAKPETa. 11AQ and CHAIN CA It PETS of our own manufacture a speciality. Special Attention paid te the Manufacturer CUSTOM CAllPETS. AlseaFull Line of OIL CLOTHS, UUUS, WINDOW oiiawh.s.uevjiki.ii.-A'b.sc., AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and BUT BtiODt. BROTHER. King Street. Indian Linen, Persinn Lawn, French Nainzoek, English Nainzoek, Indian Mull, Flqne Wella, lrpjte 5.u. Y'eu will get Heuso. Lnncaster, Pa. QUEEN STREET. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street. CARPETS! Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. jeb2J-2mdw TMArMLKWB 0VXBIU TjA 9,ASJ.Kn ANT MILLKRSVIM.K,, "V.i1;" TIMK1TA11LK. L 9cSVr?il n0,Lanca,V; for. MlUcrtVllte at M-?-il7 "M n-.,n- llml 2-Ols, 4.-WL BKW and 8:30 tCwL 8 (Sand mM,"er"v.".10 for tancaVterat'lltV 8.wand 10.wa. in., and 1KO.3KI0, a.w and 7. a. tm.y TJKADINO Ar I'er.itMiiiA ' AKIU.NGEME.VT OF PAS3EN0KU TUAlNS. -f f SUNDAY, MAY 2L1S83. NOltTHWAItD. Heading .Jt r. t. 2.50 . f . A. M. Columbia Mnrlettn Junction. T:S0 7:.Vt X1M 3:0 4-00 y""-""" T.-in .... 3! i.ancaMer w;ia Lancaster (King sire'iiti' 7-t guarryvllle ......:...':: &$ 12Ji0 12:10 s:m, mm .... I TUB P. M. T. K.A.K. t.iv. 80UTHWAUD. Heading y.X- Marietta Junpilnn n. M. r. v. r. v. H:l .... 12:00 P.JC l.lnl.l.n ".... IM,I iTf 1-M lj!W ti iM ItJBBin Columbia ,, Lancaster Lancaster (King SI Quarryvllle........ arTmlns cennn and from Phlladcl Allcntewn, ami N Heute. At Columbia wl Hanover, Onttysbt At Marietta Junt Chlckles. At Manlielm will AtLaiica.iter.Ini Lancaster and Qua Leave Quarryvl street, 8:09 a. m.,3.i Arrive Heading, Leave Heading, Arrive Lanrasu p.m.t Quarryvlilc, aprllll-lydAw 9-98 -as D-ll - 10-.90 A. U. et) .... .V.10.0W p.jc. r.n. K. at llwnin with tralM te la, Potuvtlle, Harrb&t,M4 tiie. trains in anA rmm Twk! 'V J . Frederick and nnlllnmsi .... .. .. . . '-'i... a wim trains vj ana rrefl Lrfyi ten with trains te and fro V NDAT. 7:10a. m.; Lancaster, Klnf m. le a. m., 5:M p. m. e a. m, 4-00 p. in. King stroet, fc-JOa. m.,bM Wp.m. 7 A, M. WILSON, Supt. LEBANON A LINK KAILH ARRAKaiUIKl LANCASTER JOINT rxasiHOH TRms. BUNDAl MAT IlTJT, 1895. NOUTIIWAU Lebanon s'.uu Arrive Cornwall 7.11 Manhclm 7: Lancaster. 6 47 King St. Lane. 0.40 Luave. A. M. SOUTHWAItl Lcave. A. M. Lebanon 7:9) Cornwall 7:3.1 Manhelm 8.(0 Lancaster SM Arrive King St., Lane. S:I0 A. U A. M. Wilsen, Shj C. Veif bCIIMALUn U. IL OKenaa Kltz, Sup Sunday .v. r.H, a. jr. p. if, pt LIS 0J :W tM t? l-M 0:37 MO 817 41 PM B-07 8:45 8J .V 1M 8.33 8.16 4.-04 M I0 &M 8rt 38 g3 '.U. P.M. A.M. p. sr. tOn V.V. P.V. A.K. P. . iJO TM 7:41 S:4S , t? ZtS 7:M 8.-01 4:00 ( rJ 1:18 8.19 8.40 5:1C JS iM 8.18 .1J :U fa JOS &M 920 B:M $$ - it. P.M. a.m. p. u, fsi t, 4 e. it. n. M . Supt. V. and C. A ML II. ,T; A1LB.1L aU-lydAw ' . V RAILROAD 8CHED- er and leave and arriTO I' ws : PENNSYL,VA ULK. Trains leave Lane at Phlladel)hla as I WKSTWAUD. News Kxprcss t Way Passcngerf.... Mall train vlaMLJe Ne. 1 Mall tralnf.... Niagara Express.... I lane ver A cenm .... Fast Line Dailyf.... Frederick Accem,. Lancaster Accem.. Ilarrlsbnrg Accem Columbia Accem .. Ilarrlsburg Kxprest Chi. A CIn. Express. Western Kxpress t. Paclfle ExpiBMa f ... K&JJTWAUD. Phll'a Xxpressl... , Fait Line ., Ilarrisberg Express. Lane'r. Accem., ar. , Columbia Acorn..., tkwshore Express .. Johnstown Expresst dally exrvpt Sunday Sunday Mall ., Day ExpresM Leave Philadelphia. 4:14 a. m. 4J0 7.W " via Columbia, 7:40 a. in. Ia Columbia. 11 M a. m. la Columbia. la ML Jey. LeaTO Lancaster, 0.-2S a. m. eaa 9; 92S - :M " 9-.M " 2-00 p. in. . 3:10 ' 2.60 " 8-30 " TM - 7:40 " 2:13 p. m. 6.40 " SM Mai " USO " Leave JAflmster. Z3l " bS - -S)u ' ! S.i) i S.US " no " 10:41 12:10 a. m. las " Arrive at PhUadelphla. 4-2S ' 8SB " le-au via. ML Jey. ll:i.ia. in. Slip. m. 800 S: " Ilarrlsbnrg Accem. C.li 9:44-. The Marietta AciemmnriAtlnn lAn.v.T!n1tiTnTTM at 11:45 a. m., reachl ,g Martnat 101. Leaves Marietta at 3:15 p. id and arrived at Columbia at at 3.10; also leaves a "-il nnd arrives at 80. The Yerk Accemu datlen leaves Marietta at 7:10 and arrives at Li eusterat 8-00, connecting with Ilarrlsbnrg Ev satS'lO. The Frudeilck Ace ntnodatlen, west, connect ing utLancastcrw II raitLlne. west, at2.-00p. m will run through Frederick. The Frederick At mmodatlen, east, leaves Columbia at 12:23 and caches Lancaster at 12.33 p.m. The Lancaster Ar "mmortatlen, Eart, leaves HarrlsburgatVlOp. and arrives In Lancaster at :35 p. m. Hanover Accommei stlen.wcst, connecting at .ancaster with Nlag sExprcssat')-J0a.m. will run through le Ham -r, dally, except Sunday. Fast Line, west, or unday, when flagged, will step at Downlngtew Coatesvllle, Parkesburg, Mt. Jey, Ellzabcthtt n and Mtddletewn. t The only trains i titchrnn dally. On Sunday thu Mail train west i job bv wa? of Columbia, CORNWALL AVD IEBANON AND COLEBllOOKl vLLKVHAILKOADS. B I IWAHD. Trains leave Lcbai at G-.w a. in., I2::w and Arrlve at Cernwal 7:40 p, in.; at Cenewsk n. m.. connecting m n dally ( except Sunda iO n. in. - , t 8.40 a. m.. 12:10 r.ta. and at7-a.m., 1:23 and 80 the Pennsylvania rail. id wesL read ter pelnu east KOTKWAED. Trains leave Cene age at 7J0 a. in., 8 JO and 8.25 p. m. Arrive at Cernwal t 8 r? a. in., 4:11) and 9KB p. in.; at Lebanon at 8 a. in.. 4 JO and U:15 p. m., connecting at Lobai en with Philadelphia and Beading railroad fei elnls east and west, and the Lebanon and T inent Branch for Jones town, Plnegrove am Tretneut. The 6:3u a. m. train lllttep only at Cornwall Colebrook und llellu. e ej.iwirjEP, H IOIlitMARTN. Queensware GHINA HALL. AKO "SR LOT OF DAMAGED WARE AT Vll tOlf TEtCU. ' Jelly Cups, ars and Tumblers. , A Let 01 Cheap T e i glassware: S-Sek Thesis Ou Bareiui Peucjnaia. High & Martin, NO. 16 EAIT 330NQ STREET, LAN0ASTEH. PA. HATS AND CAl'S. - . - - T ATKST STYLUS IN HATS. Stauffer & Ge., LEADING FASHIONABLE HATTERS, 31 and 33 North Queen St. THE LAUOEST ASSORTMENT OF STRAW HATS IN THE CITY. STlt AW HATS FOU BOYS, 5c., 10., 150., 25c. ,. STUAW 11 ATS FOR MEN, 25c, 50., 75e'., l. all. the spring styles AND STIFF HATS. STAUEEEE & C0 (Shnlli & Bres.' Old Stand,) 31 and 33 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LA.NCASTEU. PA. TTEADQUARTERS KOR THE INDIAN MEDICINES,; Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere NO, 0 EAST KINO ST.. Lancaster, Pa. k 'J' i. - '4lJ rr f ., . 'v rQA ...'Ml r ?,; eJi J jt'fl m um m -fj m Si. tM ?? a .' s m aa m