. .-- r " 5 "l. V5 J f u - WUS LANCASTER DAILY INTBIIGENdER, THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1885. -'-' - v " .1i i ii ii ' . O, - V -, i ;1 kP. A 2 :6' K $$ v i (M "? . $V &i A. a n -? .?" A l " V 1-- P, It I Evening in the year, nay i Excepted) JMAN & llKNSKL. llGENCER BUILDING, W. CennEH Cestr Squauk, Lakeabtkk, I'A, penally te blows uvwn wives. We fall te appreciate the accuracy of the distinction, which seemingly should be the ether way ; and, if for no ether reason, because the wife who would dcslre te have her husband publicly whipped, because of his ubusoef her, Is the sort of woman that deserves te bu Kicked. It i going tee iar when Helen must bu called Hlicelen. IN THE DARK. IILY Ten Centt a Week, Pile Dollart a Year or Fifty Centt a Menth. Pottage Free. ADVERTISEMENTS from Ten te Fifty Centi T . a Line, WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, Eight Paget.) Published Every Wednesday Morning, Tu-e Dollart a Year in Advance. CORRESPONDENCE tellclted from ei try part f thtitate and country. Corretpendentt are re quitted te write legibly and oil one tide of the paper only; and te tlgn their mimn, net for publication, but In proof of geed faith. All antnymeut lellcrt will be centlgncd tethe watte batket. Addretl all Lettcrt and Telegramtte THE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster, 1'a. Ukniiy 11. Lew, wheas a inoiiiljer of tlie Senate of New Yerk, K)lntsWlli prlde te Ills assaults en tlie manufacturers of olooinar elooinar oleoinar garlno, feels much hurt at the recent decision of the New Yerk court of nppcalu ngninst Ills ict mcasure. He declared that the Mnrx ease in which the decision wasroached was net a fair tent of the law, that It w as pHslied te the court of appeals utxm a proteiulcd statement of facts, and that, moreover, it was tried in the absence of tiie dairy cotiiinissleiior. He lolleos tliat the decision docs immense injury te the dairy interest of the state, ami that it will he roersed by the supreme court of tlie United Htatcs. If the dairy Intorest must be pretect- td by unconstitutional and demagogic legis lation, it is ludced In a Herry waj". Hut we de net bclle e It. We fear Senater Lew 'h ho he ho licltude is due te injured pride, or a dcslre te protect dalrymeu at the oxpenso of eltbeim entitleu te equal consideration with tlietu. Frem the Arjjesy. 'It Is the strangest, most unacceuntable thing I e or knew! I don't think 1 am su su su porntitleiiH, hut I can't help fancying that Etliel left the soiitcnee uullninhed, wrink ling lier brews in a thoughtful frown as hIie gazed into the depths of lier duply tcn-cn jv. "What lias hapieued T" I Inquired, glan cing up from the inoiiey artlcle et The Timet at my daughter's pretty purrlcd face. "Noth ing uncanny, I liopel Yeu luncm't dis ced ercd that a 'ghost Is included among the fixtures of our new heuse?" This new heuse, The Cedars, w as u pretty olclfashlencd ihoislcle lllit between Rich mond and ICew, whlcli 1 had taken fur fur ulshed, as a suuuner rosldcnce, and te w hlch w e had only J usl rcme cd. Let me Mtilc, In iiaronthesis, by way of Introducing iiijself te the roader, th.it I. Jiilm Djsart, am a widower with mie child ; the liluo-ej eel, fnlr-lmlrcd jenug lady who H.it oppesilo te mu at the breakfast tatilu that bright. Iime morning j and that 1 lnive lx en for m uiy J ears tlie manager of an old estali- Hsiicmi me liistiraiice company m me my. "What Is the niHlciyT" I repeated, as she looked as little llke an Invalid as could well be ImnglneU. "My ilear Ethel," 1 Interposed, "when pcople take te dreaming startling d renins, ami hearing supernatural sounds, it Is a sign of something wrong with clther mind or lxKly as 1 mu Hiiro Dr. Cameron will tell : . .. .... ....... ..... .- Tlie iiecwir waieu jrvepiiuiy. "All is that Miss Dysart'scaseT" he Inquired, turn ing te her with n sudden leek et Interest. Who colored ami hosllated. "I have had n strange e.xj)orience, which inpu conslden a i uare Kay you w m oe ei me same EI)C i'niuaetct Intelligencer. LANGASTKU, JUNJJ 25, 1681. Tm.sli are graduate. clever dajs for tlie college Licensed te Mnrrj. After the first of October next it will cost fifty cents mero te get married in Pennsylvania ; and te mineis the cvtra ex ex pense will be one dollar. A journey te the office of tlie orphans' court clerli of the county will also be requisite, for that official must grant it license te marry. Yeu must sw ear before him that there are no legal impediments te the marriage, and he must certify that he believes there are none. "Whether the ap plication for the license must be made by one of the"candidates for matiimeny in person, or whether it may be dene and the oath be taken b proxy, is net plainly expressed in the law, and probably will depend upon the complaisance of the clerk. As lie has te certify te his belief that there is no impedi ment te the marriage, it would seem that he may institute an extended inquiry te satisfy himself where lie does net knew the parties. A particularly conscientious cleik will have his hands full ; and probably there will net be many of this kind, as the fee is only fifty cents ; and that een gees te the county I ere. Doubtless the clerks will be easily satisfied and w ill take the can didate's word as easily as tlie 'wnilre and preacher de new. If you de net get a license jeu can still get married, if ou can find anyone te marry you; which may however, be diffi cult as a penalty of one hundred dollars is imposed upon the officiating party, aihi also it would seem upon tlie witnesses; thon;bU)jjre again it is net clear whether it - is intend eJl te moke each w itucss, and the preacher or squire, pay a bundled dollars, or whether the one sum will de for the whole let. If you cannot find a squire or u preacher you can marry jeursclf, as jeu can new, . and if jeu de net tell an) body nobed) will be the wiset ; but if it isleund out you will have te pay a bundled dollars pen alty te the county for net getting )our li cense. As these penalties, lieweer, go te the county, it is probable that few of them will be collected. Xe one would be se mein as te inform en a couple that mar ried without license, w lien tlie only benefi ciary would be the county , and tlie count) solicitor, net getting an) thing out of the , w ill net be eager in the searcli fei them. "Shicn our county solicitor Try was refused a renominatien by his party, be cause he acted as a watch deg te the trea sury, it w ill be accepted doctrine, by at least Republican solicitors, that the people de net exjtect them te bother about tlie trea sury. We de net see in tlie new law an) thing of very brilliant premise. Tlie distinct authorization itgivestemairiages without the intervention of justices or picachcrs, may possibly cause the people te adept Un economical plan of manying themselves. The fees that they will save will enable them te pay for their license and ha e some thing left ; the present average cost of the marriage service being.in this vicinage, we understand, something like two dollars. The fifty-cent certificate which the clerk records when you marry )eurself is just as geed as the ceitificate receuled when a preacher or a squire ties the knot, and is cheaper. And w hen you go te tlie clerk te get your j ermit and swear te ) our eligibil ity for matrimony, you may just as well take the girl along and make out the papers and leave the copy for record all at the one time. It will save tw e journeys te the office and leta of bother. Se that it is'quite pessible that the new law will facilitate marriage among tlie many who don't care hew it is done, se that it be dene cheaply and witli dispatch ; and its requirements will net trouble the extrava gantly inclined, who will lejoice te pay an additional hundred dollars fei tlie pi ice less bliss they go fei. Vkiiv often theso In llfe's brlghest station must envy the calm equanimity of the tramp who knows net where he will get his next meal. Ilere wereMIss Coleridge, daughter of Ungland's chlef Justice, and Charles War ren Adams, a famous Londen barrister, de sirous of tying the nuptial knot. Had they been friendless mid unknown, a marriage liccnse and a minister would hae promptly solved the problem. Hut having lu them sumo of I?ngl.uid's bluest bleed, and the bride. being ios ies scsseil, tnoreovoi, of n most lnconsiderato fatlier, nu International scandal must be started up anil u libel suit compromised by the bride's father bofero the very easy coro cero core mouyof marriage cm be performed. 'I he cable reports them married at last, which proves that while the ceurse of true loe noverdid run nuioeth, It in the end usually bro.ulens Inte a pla id stream. The low ly in life may thank a kind l'rotidence for screen ing their Indiscretions Ireni the gare of an ovor-curieus weiid. Ir Kelley had it te de ovei, he would deit. net - ciary s selic Nu-Ll-S would be excellent soil In whlih te plant a society ler the prevention of cruel ty te animals. Seuie or the Inhumanities practiced against dumb rruatuirs are thus referred te by "Ouldi " : "Old horses, jeung kids and lambs, all detrs, cats and rats are all skinned allve, because the skin when re moved from the living creature is considered mero Hupple and soils for u somew hat higher prica Dogs are seled by legaliml mtiiiiU pal deg-stealors twice a day ; are thrust pell pell mell Inte a court ; kept two days without feed, and then half-stunned withu stick, and while living Payed from head te tail. Horses lu the knackers' jards there are allowed te drop from hunger as being less trouble than killing them, and when utterly exhausted are nailed en planks and llaycd." Henry Itergh Hheuld hasten thither. Olitr.i roll op nu Mint III m haiik de clines te resign. lllrds that can slug and won't should be made slug. 1 1 is Inexpressibly sad te see JohnMcCul JehnMcCul JohnMcCul leugh, the actor, whose impersonations of Vlrglnitis, the Gladiator, lirutus and ether important parts en thutragie fctage, was went te startle and captivate audiences here and abroad, sinking lower and lower in his niou nieu inlirmily. He is new reported werse than at any time since his mind became Impaired. Why he lias net long age been put undur asylum restraint delics expla nation. These from whom this duty porfermod might have been expected haveagreat responsibility te answer for In net long age putting McCullough away from the turmoil of the world toiglve his mental poueraa clijiioe te re.issert themselves. It was a mistaken kindness te penult him te re mi irem city te city, an object el conimis--cratien, with reason impaired and a prey te adventurers. It may net be tee late new te repalr this v ery w reng. Help for the I.eapcr. Jsome one who has tried it sa)s that Pio Pie Pio fesser Odium would have made his leap from the Brooklyn biidge safely, if he had attached sand bags te his feet te keep him straight in his descent; and we are net dis posed te dispute the statement of a party who says he has often dene the trick at the scene of ids youthful gambols at the mill and dam of his ancestors. "We de net see that tlie process, if effective, is a tifeful one. We are net aw are of any necessity that exists for men te leap from great heights. If any such should develop, hu man ingenuity is quite equal te compassing the invention of a machine that will ena ble thorn te de it successfully; and sheet them up from .springs, lelcased by impact, se as te land them gently. The only persons intciested in such an invention would seem te be the authorities who are dieadfully afraid lest peoplesheuld leap into eternity. If they de net want them te, they may consider the sand liag suggestion and afford the facilities te the loapers, which are needed for their safety. A jian was whipped In Baltimore and is te be impiisened for a year, for beating his wife. The old doctrlne of tlie common law which autherised the husband te chastise the wife moderately, appear te be unrecog nized in thee da)s of progress, when it seems te be deemed a greater offence te beat a wife than a strange woman. We de net understand that the Mainland law pun'a'jes nssault and battery, genei nlly, with Btrlpcs; but limits the PERSONAL. William L. Alhen, the new consul gou geu gou eral te Heme, qualitled yesterday at the state department. Jehn McCitj.i.ei en, the Insane actor, is stepping new at the Continental hotel in Philadelphia. Gkx. W. S. Hancock received thodejree of L.L. 1). from reidham college, New Yerk, en Wednesday. 1'nev. II. 1 Siiauii, of Mlllorsville Nor Ner mal school, received the degree el I'h. I), at Lafaj ette cel lege yesterday. HuNAreu Kenncdv will notify the mem bers of the Continental club later in the week as te whether he will consent te be a candidate ter renominatien. SifiNen DuniETis announced in tlie Italian Chambjr of Deputies Wednesday that he had been charged by King Humbert te form a cabinet. IIostatedth.it Count Cadorna would be foreign minister. T. J. Cluveiui'h, condemned te death In Richmond, but asking for a new trial, re ceived a preposition irem a New Orleans law yer, te clear him for a stipulated sum, paya paya bie when an acquittal Is ebtained. The law law yer condoms the jury for the verdkt ren dered. llenciiT HeN.vnn, intends sendlng Maud S. te Clev eland, Ohie, te be the guest of Col onel Hdwards, president el the Clovehind Driv ing Park association. The track there is one of the fastest In the country, and Mr. Ilonner expects his handsome beast te de soine geed work In that city. FiiANit Knv Pendleton, n young Cin cinnati lavvyer and son of Geerge II. Pendle Pendlo ten, the new mlulster te Germany, was mar ried Wednesday afternoon in Zlen Kpiscep.il church, New Yerk, te Miss Sallle Marie, the nloce and adopted daughter et Peter Marie, the vvealthiest tnomber of the Marie family, a famous breker and investor hi Wcstern railroads. M. Hewaeut, oxgevornor or Ilrabant, Ilelgium, challenged the Itadical lcader, M. Jansen, te tight u duel because el a speech made by the latter ou .Sunday in which he called M. Hoyvaert n political spy. Tlie seconds dcclded that there was no ground ler a duel, as M. Jansen's remarks were within tlie domain of politics, lint M. Hoyvaert persists. M. Jausen accepts the challenge and they will fight. I'euileu .ceut General DaWa. i'rein the t'hlludi lphla Ledger, Mr. Clev eland continues te de well in the oppelutmonts made for Pennsylvania. In fact no better work of that kind can be dene than that which makes Goneral W. W. il. Davis, of Doylestown, United States pension agent for the Philadelphia district. It is a soldier's olllce, and General Davis Is u thor ough soldier, having dene his duty faith fully In two wars In that with Mexico and In the war against the rebellion. His father, General Jehn Davis, was in the second war with Great lirltaln, and his grandfather In the first the war of the revolution. There has been a Davis of this lamlly en the right side in ei ery ene el our wars. Ami this pre sent ene w ields the lien as w ell us the sw erd. He Is editor and ownerol en oef the host el our Penns) lvanla county papery the Doylestew n ZJemecruf, and author e! a nuinbei et books besides. Among these are the Spanish Con quest of New Mexico (et which territory he was lormeily secretary and United (States district attorney ; a history et Ducks county, of w bicli he is a natlv e ; u history or the laith Penusylvauia regiment, u logiment he ralsed and commanded in battle, und Kl Gringo, or New Mexico and her people. Hut ever and above the soldier and the author, Gen. Davis is distinguished as a geed eitteii, always prompt in the discharge or the citi zen's duty, a man or the cleanest roputatlen, standing high In the estimation or his neigh bors and fellow" Penusyl vaulans of w hatev er raity. If the president keeps his apiielnttuents for Philadelphia up te this grade be will be en titled te most honorable mention. l'llinl did neL nmlv Hhe came out of her Inewu study, mid looked ul me linnresslvelv. "It really Is a mystery, pipa, and the mero I think of It the mere pujvled I am." "I am In the dark at present as te w hat 'it' mav be," Ircininded her. 'Something that happened last night. Yeu knew that adjoining my Ixulroem there Is a large, dark closet, which can be used a" a Imx or storeroom 7" "I had forgotten ther.ut, but IwilltaKe your word ler it. Well, KthelV" "Well, last ingot I was restless, and it was hoiiie hours befere I could sleep. When at last I did se, I had a strange dream about that closet. It seemed that as I lav In bed 1 heard ii neise within, as If seme ene wero knocking id the deer, and a child's voice, broken by se In. crying pitceusly, 'Let me out, let me out !' I thought that 1 get out of bed and opened the deer, mid there crouch ing nil in a heap against tlie wall, was a little boy ; a pietly, pde llttle lo.Iew el six or seven, looking half wild with fright. Atthe same moment I woke." "Audie, It was a dream I" I finished, "If that Is all. Kthel " " Hut it is net." she Interposed. " '1 he strangest part of tlie story has te ceme. The dream wasse vivid mat wnen i vveku i sai mi In bed. and looked tow aril the closet deer almost expecting te hear tlie sounds again. Papa, j en nny beliove me or net, but It Is a fact that I did hear theiu, the mullled knock ing and the pitiful cry. As 1 listened, It grew laluter.ind fainter and at length ceased altogether. Then 1 sunimoned foiirage te get out of bed and opened the deer. 'I here was no livinir creature in the ulae. Was it net mysterious ," she concluded. " What cm It ine.iii '" 1 glanced at her with a smile, as I refolded tlie piiisir and rose from my clnlr. " It means, my dear, that jeu had night mare last nlghu Let me recommend j'eu ter the hiture net te eat cucumber ut din ner I" "Ne, pipa," she Interrupted. "I was bread awake, and 1 heard the child's voice as plainly as l ever nearu a seumi in my life." " Why didn't jeu till me !" " t was afraid te stir till the sound hail ic.iMHl , but it I overhear It again, 1 is III let jeu knew at once." "He sure jeu de. .Meantime, suppese you i oine Inte the girden," I continued, throw threw Intr eiK.'ii tlic I'n in h windews: "the morn ing air will blew all tliCM) cobwebs Irem jour brain." Kthel complied, and for the prevjut I heard no mere el the subject. Roineclaj's issed away, and we lwg.ui te reel quite at home In our new quarters. A mero iiciigiiuui summer rcireai wrui The Cedars could h.irillj' Ihj imagined, with Its cool, dusky rooms, Irem which the sun light was excluded bj' the screen r lollige outside ; Its trellt-ed v eranda, ev ergrew n w ith creeper-, and Its smooth lawn, shaded bj- the rare old cedar trees which g.ive tlie place Its name. Our friends WKin discovered its attractions and took caie that we should net stagnate ler wantet society. Wol,eptoieii heuse j lawn- teiinls, garden pnrtlcsniiil DoalliiguxcnrMeiis were the order of the d ij'. It was glorious slimmer weather, thedavswarm and golden, the nights starlit and still. Oiiunlght,havIngImpertant letters te finish, I sat up writing after all the household worn In bed. The window was eu,aiid at inter vals I glanced up from my jrjpcr across the moonlit law n, where the shadow s of the ce dars lay dark and motionless. New and then a great denrij' moth would Hetter In and hover round the shaded lamp; new and then the swallows under the eaves uttered a Clint, sleepv chirp i'er all ether signs and sounds et life 1 might have been tlie only watihcr hi all the sleeping world. I had finished mj- task and was lustileslng nij' writlng-ease when I heard u hurried movement In the room aliove Kthul's. Footsteps descended the stairs, and the next moment the dining-room deer oeiied, and Kthcl appeared In tv long while dressing gown, with a small night lamp in her hand. Thore was a leek en her fate which made me start up and exclaim : " What is the mat ter? What has happened ?" She set down the lamp and came toward me. " I have heard it again," bhe breathed, laj' Ing her hand en mj' wrist. " Yeu have heard what?" "'1 he noise in the box-room." I stared at her a moment In bow ildermcnt and then hair smiled. "Oh. Is that It?" I exclaimed in a tene of relict. "Yeu have been dreaming again It hCOIllS." "I have net bccnasleepatall," she repl leek "The sounds have kept me awake. Thej' are louder than the first time; the child seems te he sobbing and crjing as if his heart would break. It is miserable te hear it." "Have j-eu loekod Inside?" I asked, Im pressed In spltoermj-snirbj' her manner. "Ne, I dated n otte night. I was afraid of seeing something," she retimed with a biilver. "Come, we must get te tlie bottom et this mj'Stery." I said cheerfully and taking up tlie lamp I led the way up-stairs te her room. As the deer or the mjsterieus cioset was iovei wiin iiiecuamiicr, unci pa)creu iikeu, i did net percolve It till Kthel pointed it out. 1 listened with my earcloseto It, but heaid net the faintest sound, and utter waiting a moment threw it open and looked in, held ing the lamp se that overj' cerner was lighted. It was a cramped, clese, airless place, the ceiling (wmcli was nnmouiatelj' below the upper staircase) sloping at an acutoangle te the fleer. A glance showed me that itontalned nothing but a broken chair and acoupleofomptylioxos. Slight!) shrugging my shoulders, I elosed tue deer. delusion ntiliilnn." "Suppese you tell me what It was?" he Ntiirc'i'stecl. Hiie was silent, trilling with ene or her sllver bangles. " Please oxcuse me," she said hurriedly at length. "I don't care te siieak or It, but pipa will tell you." And bofero 1 could detain her, she hail htirrledly left the room. When we wero alene he turned te me Inquiringly, and lu a row words 1 related te him what the nadnr already knows. He listened without Interruption, and when I had finished sat forsenio moments without sim-iklug, thoughtfully stroking hw beard. He was evidently Iinpressed by what he had heard, and I walled anxiously for his opinion. At length be looked up. "Mr. Djsart," he said grnvcPy, "you will be surprised te learn that your daughter is net the first who has had this strange 'ox 'ex 'ox jsjrlenco.' Prev Ions tenants of The Cedars have heard exactly the sounds which she descrltK's." I pushed my c hair back half a yard lu my astonishment. " l!llKHshlet" MKDICAX. jUOWN'S 1HON UITTKUS. DYSPEPSIA. iMipancereusas will iw clltrrsstng complaint, if neglected, It lenili, by Impairing iiiitiltleii, and uuprtMlng tlie tetm of tlie tene of Hie ) tcin, te prepaid Hie way fur ltaplcl Decline. town's IRON BITTERS NOTIONS. QUALITY P- THU IIEST TONIC. Trade Mark. -PURITY ..NOT On K cry llettlc. QUANTITY, TTKADQUAHTKIIS KOK SUMMER Merine Shirts and Draxvers, Gauze Undershirts and Drawers, Cholce Hocktles, E. ti W. Cellars and Cuffs, G. it O. Cellars and Cuffs, Crown Cellars and Cuffs The Best Fitting Dress Shirts. HIUItTS AND 8O0IKTY PAIt AV1IKUN At.l A MADK TO OUDKU. At Erisman's, NO. 17 WEST KINO STItKKT. I le nodded cinnhattcallv. " It Is a fact, though I don't pretend te o.x e.x nlalii IU These strauue manifestations have been noticed at Intervals for the last three or four years; ever slnce the heuse was occu pied by u Captain Vandeleur, whose orphan uepliew " "Vandeleur?" I Interrupted; "why, he wasacllonteroiirs. He Insured his nophew's llfe In our olllce for a large amount, and" "And a few mouths afterward the child suddenly and mvalorleiislv dled?" my com panien put lu. "A singular coincidence, te saj the least eril." "Se singular," 1 acquiesced, "that we thought It u case for Inquiry, particularly as the ex-captain did net bear the best of char acters, and was known te be ever head nnd cais in debt. Hut I am IjeuiuI te say that after the closest Investigation nothing was discovered te suggest n suspicion of letil phj" " Nev erthclcss thore had been foul play," was the doctor's replj1. v ou uetl'l mean mat no niiirciercu mu Ixiv! that pretty, frimllo-leoklng llttle Tel- low -" "Ne, he did net murder him, but he let him die," Dr. Cameron rejoined. "Perhaps you aronetttwaro," he continued, "that tlie llttle lad was somewhat recble in mind us IkxIj'? I attended him mere than once, at Vandeleur's request, and found that among ether strange fears mid antlliithles he had a meriiiu ureaci or (larniiess. uone icii. mumi in a dark room for only a few minutes was enough te threw him Inte aparexvsin el nervous oxelteinent. His uncle who, by the way, professed iiiorenllflttlou for him than I could quite Im'IIove in, when I noticed hew the child shrank from him consulted me as te the best means of overcoming this weak i ess. I strongly advised him te humor it for the present, warning him that any mental shock mli.'htcnilanL'cr the liev's reason, or even his llfe. I little theutiht these words el mlne would provehls death-warrant," "What de jeu mean?" "Only a few daj'B afterwards, Vandeleur lucked lilin uji all night In a dark closet, where he was found the next morning, creuehlns apilnst the wall, his hands clenched, hlsejest seel and staring dead." "(,oed hcaxens, hew horrible! but no word of this was mentioned at the Inquest?" "Ne; and I did net hear et it mjseir till long anerwanl, Irem a woman who tiad U'cn Vaiideleur'slieusckeeier, but was tee much nfmiil nf him in betr.iv him at the tililO. I'lein her, tee, 1 leanied by what refined cruelty the oer llttle lad's nerves had been shaken and his health undermined. It the 'intention makes the dced,' James v ancio ancie leur was a miirdorer." 1 was silent a moment, thinking, with an uncomfortable thrill, or KthcPn dream. "I wish I had never entered this ill-eincnecl house!" I exclaimed at length. " I diead the eflect of this revelation en my daughter's mind. " Why need jeu tell her?" he questioned. " My uclvice Is te say nothing mere alxmt it. The sooner she lergets the subje c t the better. Send her aw. iv-tethe seaslde : changoef air and scene will seen eflace It from her nioiii nieiii nioiii en." Ile rose as he slieke. and took up his hat. " What has beceme of Vandeleur T" I in ciuircd. " 1 have heard nothing of him slnce we paid the policy." "Ile ha been living abroad, 1 bolieve going te the dogs, no doubt. Hut he Is in Knglancl new," the doctor added : "or else it was his feteh' which I saw at J'eur gate the ether night." " At our gate I" I echoed In astonishment. " What the doiice was he doing there ?" Hu seemed te be watching the house. It was last Simdaj evening. I had been dining with IriPtids at Richmond, and ou my waj back, between 11 and 12 o'clock, I noticed a nnu leaning evor the gate of The Cedars. On hearing footsteps he turned and walked away, butnet lielore I had caught a gliniliM) or his face In the moonlight " "And you are sure It was him ?" " Almest certain though he was greatly altered ftir the worse. I h iv e a presentiment dojeii knew, that you will see or hear of him j'eurselt before long," he added theught-fullj-, us he shook hands and went his way. 1 lest no time In following his advice w ith regard te Ethel, v horn I dispatched te Scarborough, in cliarge of my married sister, a fewdajs later. 1 had taken a hearty dlsllke te The Cedars, and resolved te get It oil my hands, as seen as might Ixi. Until anether tenant could be found, how ever, I continued te occupy It, going te and from tow n as before. Concluded tomorrow J PHYSICIANS AND DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND IT. OiileklyniidcoiiipletclvUtiiTR f)ypcpMaln nil Its leniiB, lletiilliiirn, Drlchliig, TiwlliiK, tlie 1 oeu, etc. It cnrlchc and piuKles tliolilecid, MliiiulatCH the apiictltc, and aids tlie assimila tion of feed. ltk.v. .1. T. ItessiTKit, the lieiinrcd pastor of me nerermcci c inircn, imiiiiuerc. .mi , snjn. "Having ueil llrewn's Iren Hitters fnrDjs fnrDjs pepsla and liiillgistlen, I take great pleasure) III iiiommeiidliig II IilQlily. Alse censlilcr It u Milfiiditl tonle and lnvlsoniter, and very MrenKtliDiilng." Cniiutiin Inis nbe e trnde mark and crossed red lines en rapper. 'I ake no ether. Made only by HltOWN'S CIIKMICAI, CO., It t,TIMOIU MI). I, A mm' Hasp Heek Useful and atlrnctlve, lentaliilnit llnlelprlen ferieclpes, Infoimatleii about coins, etc, given nvuiy by alt dialers In medic lne, ei malted te any address en receipt of !ie. Ktamp. (M e UIKNTAL KACi;s. ORIENTAL LACES! -AT " Veur chest is vex et pnetorea nihil,' it booms," 1 remarked ilryly. " Don't you .1.1..1. i..i.ni ............ i. .... i.nn.. t. Kthel helil up her hand, motioning me te silonce. "Hatkl" she whlspored, "thore it is again I Hut it is el j Ing uway new. I, Is ten" I complied, half infected by lier excite ment, but w ithlu nnd without the heuse all was profoundly still. " There It has ceased," she said at length, drawing a deep breath. " Yeu heard it, did veu net?" 1 shook my head. " My dear Kthel, thore was neiiung te near." !She opeued her blue eyes tc thelr w Idest. " Papa am I net te beliove the evidence of my own souses v "Net when Ihoynre aflecled by nervous o.xcitemeiiu n j'eu give way teinis uiicj-, j'eu will certaluly tnake yourself 111. See new j'eu tromble 1 Come, He down again, unci trj- te sleep." " Net hore," she loturued, glancing round withu shudder. "1 shall go te the spare chamber. Nothing would induce me te spend another night In thi) loom." I paid no iiiei e, but I felt porplejcod ami uneasj-. It was se unlike Kthel le indulge in superstitious fancles that I began te rear she must be serieusly out or health, nnd I re re selv oil ler mj' ew u satisfaction te have n doc tors opinion regarding her. It happened that our uearest uolghber was n physician, whom I knew by repute, though net porsenallj' acquainted with him. Alter breakfast, w itheut mentioning my Intention te my daughter, I scut a nole te Dr. Came ron, requesting hliutecall at his earliest con v enieuce. He came wltheul delay; a tall, giay giay bended man el mlddle age, with a grave, intelligent lace, obsen ant eyes and sympa sympa sympa thotle inanuer. His patient recelved hlni with undisguised nstonlshment, and ou learning that he had called at my request bhe gave me a leek of mute repreach. "1 am sorry that papa troubled you, Dr. Cameren. Thore Is really nothing w hatever the matter w 1th me," she said. And Indeed at that moment, with flushed cheeks and eyes even brighter than usutd, TXOP PKASTKUS. DON'T BE SWINDLED llv buying xeinetlilnif j en knew nothing about. W'e ifuarantee the) Her 1'tASTKre tlie best ever kiienu. Ilia vlrtuns of fiLsli Heps, Ilurniinily Pitch and Canada llalsnm combined, make tins plaster highly liiedlcliml unci actlve for tlie euro of pains, iiclies, Bereiiecs, crumps, stratus, stitches, crick and local wi-ukncss. Drives out pain seethes the purls ami stronuthens. Sold ny eirnijKiHis unci cieiin-n, -m: , emrvi w ii... I'IjASTT-.U COMPANY, ltosten, Mass. Mailed for price. (3) TTO'7vHTKHS. , , XL Kill piiln.noellio ami stimulate iue ureu i rrT mu'celes, and wonderfully streiiKtlien weuk :l THK t.nfta All l,irt Vttlnilliln IIIPll If-llllO lttllCS Of 1 ' ' J Ireih Heps, combined with lluiKiniily Pitch and ( anada flnltnini A pplle d te lluckuclie, bctatlca, itlieutimtlsiii, Crfck, htltclies, fildewhe, KMney Atri'ctleiis, Kore CIic storanyertho vurleus pains and weaknesses se common, Instant relief Is irlvnn. Cures Dy.ipcpsla unci I.Uer tumbles without Internal dosing. Holdover) where, !Dc, S for $1. Malle d for prim (I) HOP I'l.ASThH CO , llosten, Mas tttep pkTstkhs Ek. Eich, 6 for $1.00, Any Drag Stere. And the best every time. Herl'tASTitits are prepared from I he complete virtues or liens combined with llnrgiitidv Pitch and Canada Ilalsiiiii. Superior te all ethers becitie they net Instantly und cure speedily If eti are tumbled wiin any Kine ei neirum ., upiny unu im""j plasters and experli'iiee llieirscHitfilnit.Htlmufnt inir mill atieiiL'lhenliiif e irect. A wonderful cum for pain In the small of the Imck, 'i'lC , ler 1 00 everywhere. HOf 1'I.AhTKU COJIfANY, lles ten Sentby mull if dcslieel. (')) A YKIl'S SAUSAPAIHKKA. A HOME DRUGGIST testifies. I'ntuiliirltvat home 14 net almtvs thu be'dt test of uicrlt, but we point proudly te the fact that no elhur medicine; his wen ler Itnelr such iinl en)iil upprebutlem lii Its own city, state) nnd count!" , unit among all people, as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. Jim fellow InK letter Irem ene of out best known MusxachusHtts Druggists should he of Interest te uv cry suite icr RHFIIMATIKM "KiKht jears au I hndnn niltjUlUilllOlIJ. nttinjic 0f itheuiiiHtlnm, se se vere that I e euld net me e from the led, or el rests, wltheuthtlp I trltel Hevcrul remedies wliheut help. I trfpd set end remedies without much If any lellef, until 1 tried. Avxi.'m Habsai aiulla, by the use of two bollle-sef whlclil wai eemple te I) cnrnl llivve mill l.iii.-n iniantllks of our b All BAi'AfULLA, and It still lctaliis us wunuuriui lieptilmtt) 'lliei man notable cures It lias elicited In this v Irlnlty coin line me that It Is the bcit bleed niwdliliieeM rellcied te the pub He. K t IlAiutis." Ulcr ht , liurklund. Muss , 31nv U. li-12 QMTRUPIUI C.KOitOB Asimitws, evereeer OliLll finijUiJl. i the Lewell Lurput Cel pera lien, wus for ever twenty vuirs befeni hit re men ul te Lewell ullllcle-d with hull Itheuni In lt wetxl form Its ulcerations ucluully cmcred mere than hilt the surfaeoef his body and llmln He was entirely cured by AVBR's Sarsaparilla. cc eeltlilcatu in Acr' Almanac for !8J rnErAmnrBT- Dr. J.C. AYER& CO., Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Drugctsts l, six bottles ferK JteJl ASTRICH'S Palace of EasMen, 13 EAST KING STREET, CLOTH 1NU, TflKS "" lti IOT HEIVS. TIIK1IK 18 NO OCCASION Kernny MAN or IIOV te f.-e 1 uncoinfertntilo in this Het Weather when there Is sueh a Lurue Variety of LKllir Sl'MVIhlt-W KAIt of Every DcMrlpllen te be hut ut the I.OWKST I'OSSIIII.i: PUICES HIRSH & BROTHER'S Ono-Prlce Oiethlng Heuso. We cell Seersucker Ceat nnd Vests riem II M, lipWHIllK W e nell (iatize t'nderslilrls from Kc, upwind Wesell.Ienn Draw pis Irem aSc, upwnrd. i, .5 pen eiiminericcKiiui", e ler x.ie Wdm-11 I.enirlles, 12en ilnre-n W e nc It a Ite-ifiihir f (K) Silk '1 le for He W'c nell ft pairs (iecs! Half Hese for 25c VVenell 12 pilrs Common llnir-llesn rm iU: We ki II tint 1- ItieCiiidi'ef IfllSI Kit V, I'MlhR Slllinsniid UhM'h Kt'ltMSIIIMI HOODS of Kvery Drserlptlen,) percent, l.ewei than any ether house. Ol It TWO DOl.LAU HEEHHUCKKK COATS AND VESTO In All the Ijitest Patterns Defy Cenipetltlnn. (lleat Ueduclleii In Our MKIltll VNTTAILOltlNO DLl'AltTMlINT. Owliu;tn the kouheh brlui7 sn fur inKniirmV ..a ha e delermliird te mnkn rcsini for the Imuieiise KALI, AND WIMI.lt STOCK OP CLOTIIIMi, which wonrenow mallllrsetllrllll;,, HIRSH& BRO.. ONE PRICE CLOTHING HOUSE, COUNEIl OK NOIITII OOEKV BIUKUT AND l'KNN SIJUAUK. 3" Hands minted en Coats, l'auts and V'ests. LANCASlhlt, I'A. IN'K TAll.OUINO. BIGGEST BARGAINS OF THE SEASON. OKIKNT II. LACESat luc , lie, ami 15c. a atel. NEW W IDEOItlENTAL I.ACEIat IVcajurd NEW W IDE SPANISH LACES at 2V a yaid. Tw cnty seven-Inch Wlde HAM IIUKCi S LT ut 25c. n jnid KIE HAMlIt llf. NET nt Mc and Tie a yanl. Twenty neve n Inch OKIE.MAL NL1, fine quality, 1 imajurd NEW SWISS EMIlltOIDK.niES at UK, i , 3IX., 40 und NIC a jurd KINECIIUOMOKANSnt25 LIVLN PAINTED KASs.iJc nple ce I-1NE PAINTED KANS,50c ELEG VNTSA'IIN KAN'', painted white', with Uerv Ilunillcs, II M IlLACh, with elided Handle Blind Feather Tops, $1 Ul PAINTED GAUZE KAN1- New Lines in Our Jewelry Department. New Pins at 10c. , worth 25c Flne PlnsatlSc w erth SOc. Hlilneslene Pins ami Linings Ithlucsteiia Cellar llutteiis. Ijtdles' .IcrM'y Cuir 'Jiittens .Ii li.cy Cape Collais, all linen, 8e Jersey Cults, 10. a pull SASH RIBBON, ACIC WD ML PLAIN OH III.OCKKD, III.. COI.OUS. M VLUTIllSli. KHCHANT TAILOR. I. IcCAULEY .Mutt I he ICelIer Skntlne Itlue Ce ? Ilie roller-link craze Is likely te be checked by tlie number of eases of pneumonia which can bu traced te this cause, unless a safe reinedy Mpievidtd. Heller links, as well as all plates of uuiiiscinent where ene bocemos overheated, are injurious at this season. The only Bafo way te havu the fun and avoid the danger is te use Durrt's 1'ciib Malt Wiiiskev, which prepares the system te resist all sudden changes and ux ux peitne. It Is a lelluule icmedy; Is warranted absolutely lrec from hurtful eleiiHiits. ltccem mended by lendhiK phyelclans for pueuiiienla, consumption and all pulmenury tieuhles. Fer mile by leading drugKUts and grocers at $la bottle. Acelebiated physician declares thut "Huntx Kvuicdy will cuie any eute et kidney elUuise that can bueuied." A celebruted doctor savs th it " ethor picpani tleus as substitutes tui lluiil's Kldnej ftciuedy, aiu w erthlcss In comparison te It." JS-lwdeed.tw Hcullhrul 1 Iger for the tilrls. Mis Llioriueie says, in oue of hoi lectuicsen Girts, "I would Bhe te girls eiiual Intellectual and Industrial trutnlni; with bens. V cs, and i!le thorn equally uoeil health, tee." When our girls are sintering from paleness and de. hllltv. It Is a stun that their bleed is noer nnd thin, und thntthey need brown's Iren Hitters. 1 he only inepuutleu of Iren thut can be taken safely. Miss ll.il ten, Chestnut street, Louis ville, Ky says, "Ilrewn's lien Hitters cured me of iheuuiatlsm when every thing else had falleel." Hew many pcople siy " Yem plaster beats everything 1 evet tiled" 'the Hep Platter really cures Backache, Stitch, Sciatica, Lame Side or Hip, or pains In any part, Ibobcstpei. eus plastei known. 25e. I'Ii)iiIci.iiis receuiincnd as a cum ler lletut Disease, neiveunness and sleeplessness. Dlt. GltAVhS IIKAKT HEUULATOIt and are net disappointed Uhlrty years ft has'etoed the test. II 00. Krco pamphlet of K, L". Ingalls, Cambiidge, Mass. HVEClAh NOTICES. Dip ene uiul of u Spenge In AVuter and the whole will seen be saturated. Sen disease in ene part et tlie body cfficts ether purls. Yeu huv e noticed this yourself. Kidney and liver troubles, unless checked, will Induce ceustlpu. tleu, piles, Itlieumatlsui and gravel. A timely use of Dr. Kennedy's Favorile Uemcdy will pie vent these results. Ills pleasant te the taste and may he taken freely by chlldreiiuuddullcate females. It gives elasticity, llfu and cheek with loses en them. je lOlmd HUULUY'H LIQUID RKNNr.T MAKL'S a wholesnme and delicious dessert ler warm weather, with llttle treuble, li cunts a bottle, ul IIUHLKY'S DKUG STOIIE, Ne. 21 West King Street. GEOKGEI1KNNET T PR ACTICAL I'LUMUEH.STKAM AND GAS KtTTliU. All orders promptly attended te. Satisfaction guaranteed. W erk done nt reasonable price. NO. 3 HOItril QUKKN STUEhT. Jun17-Jina Lancuater, l'a. J MERCHANT TAILOR! NO. V&l NOKTII QUEEX ST. (Huchmlller's UulMIng ) ONE OK Tilt KINhbT LINLS OK FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS, FOIt THE SPUING AND SUMMEll TUADE, EVEll SHOWN IN THIS CI1 T. as-Call und take a leek at the goods, and ou will besury telme jour measure taken for a suit. Juney-lyd s. WHISKY. CL A YM ILLKlT" -i he PLAOE TO TRADE Is vvhcie you can get the Best for Your Mone) and whem you can get FOUST WHISKY, Keur Teals Old, at 12 50 per gallen: fl5c. pel quart. UhiiMj'lcarsOld, atliJSper gallon j Wc. pereiuart OVEUIIOULT, four jearseld.at 1150 jer gallon ; Mc pereiuart. Othei Hrauds for less money. Empty Whisky Ilairels at JluUj buy them new. S. CLAY MILLEK, Seulhwcut Angle Contre ficiuare, I.ancastei, 1'a. JcM-lwdAltw, UNDEJtTAKINa. TTNUKRTAKLNa. L.aR.R0TEJ UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Streets, LAKOASTKlt, 1'A. Personal nttontlen given te utl orders. Kvery thing In the Undertaking line furnished. Having aeeured the services of a U rat-class me chuulc, I am prepared te de nil kinds of Uphel. storing at very moderate pi Ices. All kinds ei Furniture UnheMie-eel. Give me a call. jaulO-Ud GLOVES AND MITTS. 1 inu Hl.ick, nil silk, Milts, ?"c. Colored 1 .c K'ne Illieckuiid Colored Silk Icrsey Mitt", loop edged, Xk a pair LVItc.EslcjUK el Leather Bags and Satchels, VT LOWEST rillCE1. BUTTONS. l'eail IlutteiiN, fieinfc u dozen up UneSniCMJth Pearl lliittnns, from lue te IV a dozen. PeMrl Hall liutteim, treiu IV: u dozen up GAL'Zi: VSUEIlVnSTb. Ludlit'aud Gcnls Cuuze Underct, ut i"c u pic ce. Child f.atize V ct, from 8c. up FfnextQuallt), with Silk Hindi!!.', Hern I.''ck plsce up uesiEitr. Child s llibheel Cotten Hese, luige size, black and colon, ltyac a pair. UEI.TS Leather Holts, tun colei, two strain, lue a piece Twe Strap Caurua Heelts, white ei black, at luc a piece LACE CAPS Child' Lair Can, 13n Klne Einbieldired Cup, '3A, cmijiuiucieei caiu cupi, e"c IE ATI I Efts. N'ercltlrs In Kmicy White Kealhurs, (.lit and HilYl Mixed I IKE Y LOWEHS bU.V HATS, Ak IMIIA MULL Whlteuiul Cream, iV. a y ml CAJIIllAdES. OTANDAKDJAHKlAGE WOUK. Edward Edgerley, FINE CARUUOE BUILDEK, MAHKET 6THEET, HEAH OK POS10KKICK, LANCASTEU, PA. A LAUGE STOCK OK OTGG-IES & OAEEIA&ES Comprising the Latest Styles and most Ele gantly Klnlshed, at GHEA1LY HEDUCED PUIC'ES. If jeu wish te purchase a geed arti cle, my weik Is decidedly the cheapest lu the state. MOTTO "KAIIt DEALING AND HONEST WOUK." 3"Don't fall te encouruge geed work. All Werk HJLLY WAllltATED Lewest Prices ferllEPAlKING AND UEPAIN1INO. One set of workmen especially employed for that pur pose. PLEASE CALL AM) EXAMINE. nev2fitfd&w F 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. Hie Laigest and Choicest Assortment of FINE WOOLENS IN IDE in V Or LANCASTLU. All the Latest Ne cities In FANCY SUITING. A CHOICE LINE OK SPRING OVERCOATING. HIE V KUV HLaT WOUKMANSIII1' I'llces te sail all and all goods warranted as reptcneutc d at his ncu stele, He. 43 1 erth Queen St. (OPPOSITE 'Illfc POSrOrUCE) H. GERHART. .tyi:hs.i hath en. fill! GREATEST VALUE -vi 1111 R. ROTE. ifhtlACLES. OUPEHIOU SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, Kleld Glasses, Harometors, Tele scopes, Mugle Lanterns, Ihcmioinetors, Draw. lug lnstruiuents, l'htlosepblcal und Chemical Apparatus. List nnd Descriptions of our Ten Catalogues sent KUEE ou application. QUEEN & CO., NO. VX CHESTNUT ST. uiura-iyuaw PHILADELPHIA TTAPPY THOUGHT AND Xi. Tobaccos IIAUl'MAN'tt Tnlinnens enlv fa nor nluir. at lJ-.LI.OVV 1UU.M' UTOUE. ItEnECOA CIUAU "DOTE IS MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS XV B3.00 A. DOCTV, AT NO. 100 SOUTH QUEEN 8TUEKT. Jml'Jtfd L&nwuitcr, 1'a, XTOKUEOK A Ml LEY. LANCASTER CARRIAGE WORKS. Norbeck & Miley, Prep's. COH.NEU DUKK AND VINE STHEETS, LAN CA'.rEH, I'A. THE I.AHGEhT AND CIIKAPL8T RETAIL-WORKS IN THE CITY OU COUNTV. WE CAN AND DO fcELL Ah 1 IN'K A VEHICLE As AN OTIIEU HUILDEIl KAU IIELOW TilRIlt 1'HICES. Hew we de It lsain)8tery, but a visit te out tuctery. and seeliiK tbu cjclem wu have adopted ou will net wonder, Putnmlie these that flesen e It. Our stock at present Is ery large, and will be sold ut a still further icductleii. We beast of our WHEELS, as they cannot be excejlled. WE HAVE A LAUGE bTOCll OK PINE SECOND-HAND WORK, CONSISTING OK UUGGIES, I'HAZTONS, Ac, .te., which will be sold cheap. S-Glveusa call and be convlnced, Itepalr ing neatly done. LDAST COST. MONEY IS SCARCE. n;s we knew n i-., and we hav MADE A STOCK '10 SUIT THE TIMES. AT THIS TIME E EH Pt'ltcHASEU Wvr-'10 III Y AT THE IAI LOWEST POSslHI.E HGUHE IV ( ONSIDhU VTIOV Or 1 111 sh fAlTS, WE THINK CENTRE HALL Is .Tut Iho Witco te Donl. CONSIDEU THP. STYLE OK WOUK IOU KINDWUIIIS, CONslDLU '11IEQI AL11V OK 'IHEl.OODS; COSMDEitTHAT W EAHE THE MVM'FAtTlTHKItx, AND UEMEMHEU THAT YOU SAE V PHOKIT 1 lll'llNU OK US. THE AMOUNT Ot Ol'lt l'UOOK OK OUH GOODS Ul'SINESS IS MYERS it RATHFON LEADING CLOI'HIEUS, NO. 12 EAST KING STREET, LANCAS1EH, PA. ON'T LET A Ol-K EYE bk 11' THIS. CTORAQK O AWD COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DANIEL MATEU, deca-lyd 10 Ve Cbeitaul itret. D It Is win Ill uiime) toji"itei-eethollAUl.AlNS in Men's, Hejsaud Childieu s Clothing L. GANSMANiY BRO.'S. Uellublu Goods only Lewest l'lleesalwuys. FOR $5.00. De net let the) wnndei fill low liens et the pile make jeu think ll.-litly et the Mills, lien's Suits und excellent, tee, that we ellel at this tlc'tue, tUimUA Tlieiimulily geed All-wool Ciisslmuie Suits. tciltiSS.CO. ' I Ine All-Weel W emted Coikucrew Suits KOK 810 00. Klnestef All-Weel llakket Worsted or LuglUli Corkseiew Suits. Heys' bulls til Jl.75.rii1,:!'1".! 00, up teplUO. Cblldreu's Suits us low us f l.'Ji. Thin Summer Ming! IN GUEATQUANTl'lIES. Indlfe Illue Klannel Sulu us f I TI hoersueleei Ceat and Vet ut $1 'ii. Huslness Pants utTic. AGAIN ! AGAIN t We extend our cei dial Imitation te cull and ex. umimieur Eleiraiit stuclc of spilmt unit Siimmei Clethlnirat pi ices te bull all pockets, L. ANSMAN & BRO., THEKAblllONAHLE MEIHIIVNT TAII.OUS AND CI.01HILUS,! Nea. 00-03 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Klghten the Southweat Cor. of Orange Street,) LANCA8TEU, 1'A. Open until a u'cleek in the erculiicr, Hatuiduy uvenliih' until 10 o'clock. -Net cemiiected with uny ether clothing steiu In thecltv. M AUEIHA AND HHEUUY WINES -AT- Reigart's Old Wiiie Stere. II. E, SLAYMAKKH, Aekut, EltttbllKbed 1769. Ne. 2) EAST KlKO Stkset. Iebl7 ltd