r&ti T ft -vk i ,V KC l ' ik;- 1 F.-CZ7 I. .7 'W - -.V- IWV 7,y 'li-i ;? -ji .iv.jj :-r. .V t' W r kFTEIt THE FSAST. I trails II rOhfl nt ntlvei'.tri-nir InkliV M t 111 Ituxikt. And suMack tlihis, out-sailed by llie il.ty. Slip tmoethly dun n tlie est. Llke .r.ffcin old, I wateli tlielr enble flight. What de they bear from uiet Seven fleet-footed hours rone-crowncd, and dlRht Intmnmcr'i witchery. Seven hlgh-brlmmlng flasks e life's clear wine, With sparkling laughter beaded j Seven fnll-threntcd song of Jey divine, With soil sighs Intcnncded. Aim 1 what Theseus sails with that dark fleet, Ills heart with valor binning t What Ariadne, waits In yen dim Crete, Whence can bone returning? Come, let us go when Night's black course Is run, Acress the wak'nlng main, With whlte sails glancing In the rising sun, The ships shall eome again. And ether hours as fair shall fleet' In song, And ether w Ine-cup gleam, And life seem very geed and pleasure long; Come let us go and dream. Felix Uray, In AViu Orleam Timcl-ftemecral, Emersen's Hopes of Itamtherun, A Letter Itccently Made Public. Concehd, 11 July 1804, Pkau Mrs. IIawthehne : Guests and visters prevent me lrein writing you, last evening, te tlinnk you for your note, nntl te sny hew much ploasure it gives me, that you find Buccer and refreshment In sources se purennd lefty. The very selection eflils imnges proves lleliinen poet as well as saint, yet a Rnlnt llrst, mul poet through sanctity. It is the trim though sovero test te put the teacher te te try if his solitary lessens meet ourcase. And for tlicse thoughts unil ex pressions of which you sneak, tlieir very confines and approaches lift us out of the world. I have twlce lately proposed te soe you, nnd ence was en my way, nnd unex pectedly provented. I have had my own lain In the less or your husband. IIe whs always a mlne of liope te me, and I premised myself a rich future In achieving at seme day, when we should both be less ongaged te tyrannical studies aim iiauituucs, an un reserved Intercourse with him. I thought I could well wait Ills time nnd mlne for what was se well worth waiting. And as he always appeared te me superior te Ills own performances, I counted tills yet untold ibrce an insurance of luleng life. Though stonily tlisnppeintetl in the manner and working, 1 de net held the guaranty less real. Hut I must use an early hour te ceme and see you te say mero. It. W. Kmkiwen. Mits. Sephia Hawtiiehni:. A Strange Itelatleimuip, Frem the I.tttlc Falls Journal, Died In the town el Columbia, May 17, 1S85, infaut son of Ulysses and Ada dage. The grandparents en the mother's slde were cousins ; the great-grandmethers en the niother's slde wero sisters ; en the father' slde the grandparents were cousins, and both wero cousins te both of the groat-great-grand-mothers en the niother's side ; the grcat-great-graudmother en the niother's slde was a sisters te the great-grandtnother en the lather's side ; the groat-great-grandtnotlier en the niother's side was a hrother te both great-great-grandfathers en the father's side ; the great-groat-grandfatlier en the niother's side nnd deuble uncle te thn grandfather en the father's side; the great-grandparents en the father's slde wero deuble undo and aunt te the great-gruuduiother en the niother's side. IfeNebcr Seed 'Km Ilefoe'. Fiein the Coatesvllle Time-. Simen, the colored driver at It. 1'. Smith's, was sent te the'' weeds during the week te cut bean poles, but when the locusts gath ered about him thick and fast, Simen thought he had disturbed a hornets' nest and left for home en double-quick, exclalming as hoenterod the store: "dolly, I nober seed slcli a nest of ho'ueW bofeo". De peles am in de weeds, beHM." Listen te Vfiur Wife. The Manchester Guardian, June 8, iteS, sajs At one of the "Windows" Leeking en the woodland ways I With clumps of rhodedendroma and great masses of Jluy blossoms I 1 I "There was an Interesting group. It included ene who had been a cotton spin ner," but was new se Paralyzed ! 1 I That he could only bear te He In n reclining position. Tills refers te my case. I was Attacked twelve ycnis age with " Loco Leco Loce moter Ataxy " (A pamlytlu dlicase of nerve flbre l.rcly ever cured ) and was for several yeais barely able te get about. And for the last Flve years net able te attend te my business although Many thing have been done for me. The last experiment being Nerve stretching Twe years age I was voted Inte the Heme for Incurables I Near Manchester, in May, 18XA 1 am no "Advocate;" "Fer anything in the shape of patent " Medicines t And made many objections te my dear wife's constant urging te try Hep Hitters, but finally te pacify her Consented 1 1 1 had notqulte finished the first boltle when I felt a change ceme ever me. This was Saturday, November 3d. On Sunday morning 1 felt se strong 1 said te my loom companions," I was sure 1 could Wulk I Se started across the fleer and back. I baldly knew hew te contain myself. 1 was nil ever the house. I mn gaining strength each day, and can walk quite safe without any " Stick 1" Or Support. 1 am new at my own house, and hope seen te be able te earn my own living ugalu. 1 have been a member of the Manchester " lteyal Exchange " Fer nearly thirty years, and was most heartily congratulated en going Inte the room en Thurs day last. Very gratefully yours, Jehn Hlackuurm, Makciikstkii, (Kng.) Dec. 24, 1883. Twe years lntcriini perfectly well. 49-None genuine, without a bunch of green Heps en the white label. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuff with " Hep " or " Heps " In their name. un-lyM,W,Fftw Eating Is a Torture. And sleep olten a mere travesty of repose, te the dyspeptic. Appetite Is correspondingly Im paired by this most prevalent of maladies, and headaches, biliousness, constipation, poverty of the bleed, less of flesh nnd vitality, and a thou sand annoying and Indescribable sensations are Its concomitants. It Is, moreover, the proge nitor of numerous and formidably bodily dis orders. Obstinate as it Is, however, Its complete eradication may beeircctedby tboperslstentuse of Hestettcr's Stomach Hitters, a medlclne which communicates both vigor and regularity te the organs of digestion and secretion, relaxes the bowels gently but thoroughly, enriches and purines the bleed, promotes appetite, nnd gives tranquility te the nervous system. Persons of weakly constitution uud physique, who use this superb tonle Infallibly derive from It the stamina of which they stand se much In need, and it Is invariably successful In remedylnguiid prevent ing malarial diseases. J 17 toil Sl'EVIAL NOTICES. - It Fairly Werries Me te Tlilnk of the multl tude of things advertised te euro disease," you say. Ne wonder. Hut In the mountains of chair there are grains of golden wheat. We may And it difficult te induce you te test the merits of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite ltemedy, but when you have dnne be, our work Is ended. After watds you uud this medicine will be fast friends. Favorite Kemedy would have died out long nge but ter It real usefulness. Jlut It U geed and docs geed. A Hud llrcath Is Insufferable. We don't like It. A nersen w Itli a strong breath miiat net make himself very familiar with us. An Impure breath Is esuted by an unhealthy stomach. Jlurdeek flood jfittets will correct this evil. They are the best sleniuch medicine known. Fer mUe by II II. Cochran, druggist, 137 uud 130 Neith tjueen street, Lancaster. Mothers! Mothers I! Mothers III Are you disturbed at night uud broken of your rest by a tick child suffering and crylntf with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, gout once and get ubottleorM US. Wl.NSLOW'S SOOTHING SYHUP. It will jvllove the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It; there U no mistake about It, Tlicie U net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at ouce that It will regulate the bowels, and glve rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, aud U the prescription or one of the eldest and best female pnyslclimsaiid nurses In the United States. Sold everywhere. 83 cents a bottle, JuntlHydftw BARTHOLDI'S BIQ QIBL. The Prejudices Met by a Canvasser for the red rstal Fund. The Itailheldl pedestal fund is nearly com plete. The statue boa nrrlved and seen New erk harbor will be traced bv the most magnifi cent colossal statue the world has ever seen. "Liberty Enlightening thn World I" What a prlcoless blessing personal liberty Is. It Is the shrine at whlchpceplc, ground under the heel of tyranny In the elder worlds, worship with a ler. veney that Americans can scarcely realise i it Is ft principle for which Nihilists willingly die the death of dogs ; and lit and proper It Is that at the very entrance of the bay or New Yerk this emblematic statue should flash a welceme te the world. The press Is entitled te the credit of this achievement Mr, Beers, who has been making a circuit of the country en behalf of the Pedes- tnl fund, says that the fund will certainly be raised, as the ll'ertci does net knew the word fall. Mr. Beers sayg that he has found the most ironeunccd goneroMty among thsse of foreign trth. They teem mero appreciative of llberty than de our natlve born. Morcevor, among somea strange proJudlceBoems te exlst. "Prejudice! Inwhatpartlculert" " I have ever found that however meritorious a thing may be, thousands of people will Inevlt-, ably be prejudiced against lu I have spent mostefmyllro en the read nnd I knew the American peeple llkonbeok.' In 187!) a per. senal misfortune Illustrated this prevailing pre judice. I was very 111, had suffered for several years wiui ncaaacne, neKle appetite, dreadful backache, cramps, het head, cold hands and root and a general breakdown of the system. 1 dragged myself buck te New Yerk, seeking the best professional treatment. It se happens slclan who upbraided me renndly for preaching vi.'.i. (iiiiuiib my initiivus is u umiinguisneu pny se much about my own case. Finally, with sumo W I111IU1 pint, i remarked te him: "'Sir. VOU knew that nilteb nr vnnr itrnfae. slennl wisdom Is pretense. Yeu arc controlled by prejudice. Yeu cannot reach a case like mlne nnd you knew It, can you f " " I had htm; and he finally conceded the point, ter It was brlght's dlsease of the kidneys which had prostrated me, nnd the schoolmen admit they cannot cure It- Having cured luysclr, how ever, In 1879, and net having seen a sick day since, my relative Anally admitted that Warn er's safe cure, which accomplished this result, was really n wonderful preparation. Had Presi dent Untler, of the Central Hudsen, used If, I am certain he would be nllve te-day, for he could net have been In a werse condition than 1 was." " 1 have found similar prejudices among all classes concerning even se laudable n scheme ns this pedestal fund " Mr. lleer's experience and the reennt death of i-rcsiuuni miner, 01 me central iiuusnn, rail road, of en extreme kidney dlsorder, proves that the physicians have no real power evor such diseases, and Indicates the only conrse ene should ptirsueir, as the late Ilr. Wlllard Parker says, headache, sickness el the stomach, dropsi drepsi cal swellings, backnehe, dark and offensive fluids, prcmnturely Impaired eyesight, less of strength nnd energy occur, ler they unmistaka bly Indlcate n fatal result If net piemptlyar- AlltUl. " Yes. slr-ee. evcrv cent needful for thn nednu. tal will be raised. Of ceurse It will be a great tiluniph for the li or Id, but would It net have been an eternal disgrace had our people railed te provide for this pedestal 7" lldftw SfUCIAL NOTICES. JUST AS (100D. Don't allow nnnne te make you belleve any ether remedy Is Just as geed ter sick headache as Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription, rbr It Is net true. This Is the only remedy in the world that strikes nt the root of the disease and drives It out. Give It a trial. CiiMiMiNn features may be rendered actually ropulslveby blotches or pimples. Glenn's Sul phur Henp remedies nil coinplexlenal blemishes. J!-lwdced.tw IllCKLKN'3 AUNICA SALVE. The best Salve In the world rer Cuts, Urul.ses, Seres, Ulcers, Hnltllheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Cerns, nnd all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Plica, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te glve perfect satis fiel Ien, or money refunded. Price, 25 cents per box. FersaIebyH.il. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 nnd 139 North Uueuu street Lancaster, Pa. Served lllm Itlght. " 1 have used Jlurdeek Jltoed Ulttert and am happy te say they have done ine mera geed than anything yet. bend a further quantity at ence." This man was a BUtferer from dyspepsia for iweniy jcars. ins name is Aicxanuur i.nugn. live- Cochran, druggist, 137 and street, Lancaster. 139 North Queen Celiixs's Liquid lSecf Tonic will cure Indi gestion, and perpctuate bodily vigor. Take no ether. Or druggists. JlMwdeedAw Tun fare of humanity displays fewer pimples than formerly. lCensen (ilenn's SulphurSeup. Hill's llalrund Whisker Dye," 50 cb). J15-lwdaed&w Seme Doubt the Ilible And the motives or Its authors, but none who hioe used them doubt the ejllcary or Jlurdeek Jlloed JIUIert. This splendid bleed teiilc Is w ab out n peer. Fer Bain by II. II. Cochran, drug gist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. IIUOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACEA. Is the most effective Pain Destroyer In the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied externally, and thereby mero certainly KELIKVE PAIN, whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it Is warranted deuble the strength of any similar preparation. It cures lmln In the Side. II Threat, lthciimutlsm, loethacho and ALL i. N,n ii iMinris, nitiu illMHll, 4Wii:ilJlUt-,lll, JVnfLUUUIlH U1IU .,11. u ACIIKS. nnd Is The Orent Itellcver of Pain. " IIUOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACKA " should be In every family. A tenspoenful of the Panacea In a tumbler of hi t water sweetened, If pro pre rerred.J taken (it ocdtlme, will 11KEAK UP A COLD. S3 cents a bettle. m31-lydM,W,8Aw linen- Aniiy W3.10. "Tieubled with asthma rer eight years. Net aultii two bottles or Themat' J.'cleetrw Oil cured me completely, after spending ever liO without the slightest benefit.'' This Is what August Trubner, orryreno, Pa , says. I-or sale by II, II. Ciiehiiin, druggist, 137 ana 13J North Queen si reel, Lancaster. Nenora Debilitated Men Yeu arenllewed a free trial of thirty day of the use of Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic licit with Electric Suspensery Appliances, for the speedy relief und permanent cure or Nervous Debility, less of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred Doubles, Alse, rer many ether diseases. Com plete restoration te health, vigor aud manhood guaranteed. Ne risk is incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with full Information, terms, etc., mulled free by nddresilng Yoltale licit Ce., Mar shall, Mich. 'ITCHING PILES," SYMPTOMS I MOISTUKEI Llke perspiration, Intense Itching, worge by scratching, most, at night, seems If pin-worms were crawling. awamwi uiiumctu ti a meat ipii FA ant, ture cure, janB.MWFAw CeLtiKK's Liquid lleef Tonic Is admirably adapted rer females lu delicate health. Velden't; no ether, or druggist. J'.S-lwdeed&w AN EDITOlt'S TK11IUTE. Theren P. Itenter, editor Ft. Wayne, Ind., Gazette, writes: " Fer the past Ave years have always used Dr. King's New Discovery, rer coughs or most severe character, as well as rer these or a milder type. It never falls te effect a speedy cure. My rrlcnde te whom 1 have recom mended It speak or It in seme high terms. Hav ing been cured by It or every cough 1 have had rer five years, I consider It only reliable and sure euro rer Coughs, Colds, etc." Call at Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Ijineaster, 4'a., and get u ttee Trial llettleu Large SUe tl.OU. ' (2) What One Dese Did. S. S. Graves, of Akren, N. Y., had Asthma or the worst kind. Toek ene dose or IVienuu' He lectric Oil and was relleved In flve minutes. He adds : " Would wulk ten miles rer this medicine and pay 3 a bottle rer It. It cured my wire or rheumatism like magic." Fer side by 11. II. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. MOTHKU31 MOT1IEUS1I UOTHEUSIII Are you disturbed nt night and broken or your rest by a sick child suffering and crying with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth T ir se, go at ence und get a bettle or Mrs. WINSLOW'S OOTH1NU SYUUP. It will tellove the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It; there is no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you ut ence that It will regulate the bowels, and give rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating llke magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of one of the eldest and best female physicians In the United States. Sold everywhere. 21 cents a bottle. inaySl-lydM,W,84w VEUY UEMAltKAKLE UECOVEKY. Mr. Gen. V. Willing, of Manchester, Mich., writes: "My wire- bin been almost helpless for Ave years, se helpless that she could net turn ever In bed alone. She used two Dettles sf Eleetrie Hitters, and Is se much Improved, that she ts able new te de her own work." Electric Hitters will de all that Is claimed for them. Hundreds of testimonials attest their great euratlve powers. Only Arty cents a bottle at Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster Pa. (J) My daughter and myself, great sufferers from catarrh, were cured by Ely's Cream Halm. My sense or smell ts restored. C. M.Stanley, Shoe Dealer, Ithaca, X. Y. I was troubled with catarrh for Aftcen yenrs. Ely's Creum Halm 1ms opened my nostrils aud reduced the Inflammation my eyes can new stand strong light. N. Fegley, Wllkesbarre, Pa, Ely's cream luim cured me e( catarrn and re. stored my sense of smell. Fei cold lu head It works like mngls. K. 11. Sherwood, bunker, ElUubetu, N. J. J17-3wdced&w ' Satisfaction Uiilvemal. "In the past three months I have sold onohun enohun onehun dred und six bottles or TTiemai' JCeleetrte Oil. Never saw a medlclne In my life that gave such universal batUfactlen. Cured uu ulcerated threat ter me In twenty-four hears i never failed te relieve my child r croup." C. It. Hull, drug- 81st, Grayvllle, III. Fer safe by II. U. Cochran, rugitUt, 137 aud 139 North Queen struct, Lancas ter. KIN DISEASES.-" 8 WAYNE'S OINTMENT. "Oifaune'i Ointment" cures Tetter, Bait llheum, lllngwerm. Seres, Pimples, Eczema, all Itchy Eruptions, no matter hew ebittnatt or long 9MnRW fv THE LANCASTER DAILY INTElJriCOEB, MEDICAL. AMiAVMsrv F VVORITK KEMKDY. Amputation of tbe Leg. Meney Is the universal necessity, and none but a cynle or a feel will affect te despise It. Mr. Abram Ellswerth, of 1'ert Kwnn, Ulster county, N. Y had realized this truth. His dlsease In velved the whole of bis thigh-bone, nnd the suffering man looked forward, net without ap parent reason, te death as bis only deliverer. The family physicians refused te amputate the limb, asserting that the operation would kill the patient en the spot. Dr. TJaHdKENNEDY.ef uonueui, a, x who was consulted, held adlffcr cnt opinion nnd amputated the limb. The Doc Dec Doc eor then administered freely his great Weed SpeclAe KAVOIIITE KEMEDY te afford tene unusircngin loinesystomnnd prevent the re turn of the disease, and Mr. IKIlswerth remains te this day In the bloom of health. This gentle man's dlsease was the off prlng of foul bleed, and Kennedy's FAVOHITE ItKMKDY purlAcd the bleed and restored te him the power ence mero toenjey his life. Are you sutlering from any dlsease traccabte te the same cause t Try Favorite ltemedy. Your druggist has it. ONE DOLLAItn bettle. Hear In mind the proprietor's name and addrssB ; Dr.J7at(ii KENNEDY, Hon Hen Hon deut, N. Y. Te Keen the Illoeit Fare Is the principal end of Inventions and discoveries In medicine. Te nis eiijcct preiianiy no ene has contributed mera slgnnlly than IT. , David Kennedy, of Hen. dnut, N. Y., In the production of a medlclne Which has be ceme famous under the title or the -iiivoriuinemcuy." 11 removes all imnurltlei or me mood, rcg U1HK la tfta t lirt I lanfrilnifkil lluannnil Kidneys, curef Constipation. Dvsncnsla iv.um!8, curoiuensupauon, jjyfmcpRia una all .sT" --" -n""Y" """-'-' diseases and weaknesses peculiar te females. JunuMindeeti&w pfAIU RKNKWKH. PJALUS VEGETAHLE SICILIAN Hair Renewer. Seldom docs a popular remedy win such a strong held upon the public confidence as has Hall's Uaib IJkkewku. The cases In which It has accomplished a complete restoration of color 10 me nair, ana vigorous health te the scalp, are Innumerable. Old peeple like It for Its wonderful power fe restore te their whitening locks their original color and beauty. Ulddle-aged people llke It because It prevents them from getting bald keeps dandruff away, and makes the hair grew thick and strong. Yeung ladles llke It as a dress ing because It gives the hair a beautiful glossy lustre, and enables them te dress It In whatever renn they wish. Thus It Is the favorite or all, and It has beceme se simply because It disap points no one. BUCKINGHAM'S DIE FOIl THE WIIISKEKS Has beceme ene of the most Important popular toilet articles rer gentlemen's use. When the beard Is gray or naturally or an undesirable shade, Hcckikeiiam's Dm Is the remedy, rnxrAtiKn or R. P. Hall & Ce., Naslmu, N. II. Sold by all Druggists. J18tcJ24 G KAY'S SPECIFIC MKDICINE. The Great English Homedy. An unfailing cure for Impetency and all Diseases that fntlew Less of Memery', Universal Lass I tu de. Pain In the Hack, Dimness or Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Prematura Grave. Full particulars In our pamphlet, which we de de slre te send free by mall te every ene. This Sih Sih clfle medicine Is sold by all druggists ut II per package, or six packages rer $3, or will be sent free by mall en rocelpt or the ra ney, by ad dressing the agent, II. 11. COCIIItAN, Druggl'l, Sele Agent, Nes. 1S7 and 139 North Que:, street, Lancaster, Pa. On account of counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; the only gonutne. THE OllAY MKD1C1NK CO., Buffalo. N. Y. w KAK AND NKHVOUS MEN Who suffer rrem Neiveus nnd'Physlcal Debil ity, Impotence, Exhausted Vitality mid Prema ture Decline, and seek Perfect Hcstoratlen te Health, Full Manhood nnd Sexual Viger with out Stomach Drugging, can ceutaiklv obtain It In the "MAIISTON HOLUS." Diseases or the Pres trate Gland, Kidneys nnd Hluddcr, effectu nlly cured without Instruments. Endorsed by thousands who have beerr cirred. adopted lrr hespltals and by physicians lu Eurepe and America. - VAUIOCKLK cured without surgery. Scaled Treatise and Testimonials tree. Address MABSTON REMEDY CO., or DR. H.TRE3KOW, Ne.sVl West Hth Street, New Yerk. mnyl9-lyoed&w F.XCVJISJOSS. RNHYN l'AKK. Penryn Park, -ON THE- Cornwall & Mount Hepe R. R, Excursion Committee of Churches, Sunday Schools and ether select organizations. In mak ing their summer arrangements, should net neg lect te reserve nday rer Penryn Park, This dellghtrul resort Is situated In the midst or the SOUTH MOUNTAINS And Its grounds cevci Ing hundreds or acres aie easy of access rrem nil parts or central Penn sylvania. Fer the rree useer excursionists there are extenslve CKOQUET AND LAWN TENNIS (1KOUND3. LAItOK DANCING PAVILION. HAND STAND. KITCHEN, IIASKET AND CLOAK HOOMH, and OHSEHVATOKY On tbe Summit of the Mountain. There Is also a refreshment room In chnrge of a competent caterer, where meals can be procured nt moderate rates, a photograph gallery and numerous ether uttractlve features. Ne liquors allowed en the grounds. Excursions from all points en the Philadelphia i. Heading nnd Heading 4 Columbia ltallreads will be carried direct te the Park without change or cars. " Complete Information can be obtained and en gagements effected with purtlca rrem all points en the Philadelphia 4 Heading and Heading Columbia Itallroude, upon application te c:u. !?!,.c9cV''Pencrnl Passenger and Ticket Agent, Philadelphia Heading Hallread, 1K7 Seuth Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa., and with parties from Lebanon by applying te the undersigned, Supt. Cornwall X Mt. Hepe Hallread VJIU1, , WiS OtyliaiAI.C.nOibi'., inavS-3uid Lcbunen Pa. S1 UMMEB OF 1885. ICS! Cornwall & Lebanon -AND- Oolebreok Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PARK, In the heart or the Seuth Mountain, en the line or the abeve read, Is offered te Individuals and associations Free of Charge. These grounds, covering hundreds or acres, are easy or access fmm nil unrt. ,r i.-....,.,.... Pennsylvania. -WThcreareMOUNTAINSTKKA by rustle bridges t MOUNTAIN walled mi with nntivn umi.in. WALKS and PKOMENAHES. ' """" A LAltfiK DANCIVO PAV1LLION. LAltUEDININUHALL, KITCHEN, DINING KOOM, aildTAHLKS, I1ENC1IES und HU8TI0 SEATS scattered through the grove for the free use el excursionists. LAWN TENNIS, CKOQUET.HALLGHOUNDS. BOWLING ALLEY, SHOOTING GAL LEItY, QUOITS AMD FOOT HALL Are among the amusements offered. Ne Intozieatinsr Drinks Allewed en tbe Premises. 41aHlaa rl Ac I t n I nan ,.... i - the PAKE ItEBTAUHANT, which will be under the charge or UK. E, II, caterer of the UOLTZ, the noted LEBANON VALLEY HOUSE, who will be en the grounds throughout the sea sea senglvlng It his personal supervision. ,Ti,.?our?.len'ro,,"l"Pol,, en Pennsylva nla It. K. will be carried direct te the Park with out change of cars. . -Excursion rules aud full Information can be obtained and engagements effected with parties from all points en the Pennsylvania ... ... uiuu Joiieauen le UU, ml GEO. W. HO As- slstant uenerit Passenger Agent. P. H. It. Ne 233 Seuth Fourth street, I'lulJfelphli or te' J. C. JENNINGS, jJPt. C, 4 L. 4 0. V. . B,, Lflbauen, Pa. OLermira. JUKQEIl & HUTTON. A WORD TO PARENTS. uiJ.Un 5e"lr nre nenr nt hand, the parent will wonder what Is the best te get thelrbeys In iamWilL0.r,0!h,r?', Something strong, af the same tune neat and dressy. IF YOU WILT. CALL Al BURGER & SUTTON'S .JLm?E m,na w"1 ,)0 1"11 nl TtKt n we can sup VIZ Jlb0 V0I7., "ult y went Bt Prices te suit because' they are Our Own Make. " """"""'"P WE HAVE THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT -OF- Thin Coats and Vests IN TIIK CITY, AT PKICES AWAY DOVtN -OIVE US A CALL.-T, Burger & Sutten, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCA8TEK, PA. JliNE TAII.01UNO. 1885. SPRING 1885.; H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. The Largest and Choicest Assortment of FINE WOOLENS IN TIIK CITV OK LANCA8TKU. All the Latest Novelties In FANCY SUITING. ACHOICKLINKOK SPRING OVERCOATING. TIIK VKItY HK3T WOltKMANSHIP. Prices te suit all and all Koeds warranted as retireiiented nthlji new i,.r.. B""u" ""al M We. 43 lerth Queen St. (OPPOSITE THE P03TOFKICE.J H.GERHART. jyT VEILS t KATJIVON. THE GREATEST VALUE -AT TIIK- LEAST COST. MONEY IS SCARCE. YKS, VK KNOW IT IS, AND VK HAV -MADE A STOCK" TO SUIT TIIK TIMES. AT THIS TIMK EVKItV PUHCHASKIl WANTS TO m,Y AT THE VKItY LOWEST POSSIHLK K10UHK. l.V CONSIIJKItATION WE THINK OK 'IIIKSE PACTS, CENTRE HALL Is Just the Place te Deal. CONSIOKlt THE STYLE OK WOUK YOU KIND WITH US; CONSIDEK TIIK QUAUTY OP THE GOODS s CONSIDKlt THAT WK AUE THEMANUFACTUKEHS, AND HEMKMHEIt THAT YOU SAVE A PHOKIT II Y HUY1NO OP US. THE AMOUNT OK OUH PHOOK OK OUH GOODS. HUS1NKSS 13 LEADING CLOTHIEUS, NO. 12 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTEU, PA. D ,ON'T LET "YOUR EYE SKIP THIS. It Is worth money te you te gee the UAHGA1NS In Men's, Heys and Children's CI ethi ng -AT- L. GANSMAN k BRO.'S. Hcllalile Goods only. Lewest Prices always. FOR $5.00. De net let the wonderful low ncss of the prlc make you think lightly of the Suits, Men's suits and ezcellent, tee, that we offer at this ntrure, K01l7.SO. ThoreiiRhly geed All-wool Casstmere Suits, K01t8.S0. Klne All-Weel Worsted Corkscrew Suits KOll 10.00. Klneit of All-Weel Itasket Worsted or English Corkscrew Suits. Heys' Suits at I1.7S, 2.25, 3.n0. fi.00, up te 19.00. Children's Suits an low as 11.25. Thin Summer Clothing ! IN GKE AT QUANTITIES. Indigo UIue Flannel Hutu as fl.7V ScerauckorCent and Vent at 1.23. UuslncHs Pants at 73c. AGAIN I AGAIN 1 We extend enr cordial Invitation te call and ex- amine our Elegnnt stock of Spring ami Summer Clothing at prices te suit all pockeu. L. GANSMAN & BR0 THE KAS1U0NAHLK MKUCHANT TA1L0H8 AND UI.OTHIKltS,j Neb. 60-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Ulght en the Southwest Cor, of Orange Street,) LANCASTEU, PA. Open until 9 o'clock In the evening, Saturday evening until 10 o'clock. W Net connected with any ether clothing store lu the cltr. TOOTE IS MAK1NO CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT 93JW X DOZM, AT NO. 108 NOUTH QUXKN STKEKT, MYERS (S RATHFON MONDAY, JUNE 22, SUMMER DRESS GOODS. HAGER & 25 West SUMMER DRESS GOODS! Summer Silks, Surahs, Tricetine, Peulards, Pongee, Grenadines, Nun's Veiling and Albatross. Linen Lawns, French Satines, American Sntincs, British Cleths, Cliambray Ginghams, Zephyr Ginghams. Embroideries and Laces, Embroidered Swiss Robes. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Lisle and Silk Gloves, Hosiery and Gauze Underwear. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. jOHEAP BTORE; Carpets and Mattings, METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S, TROM LATE AUCTION SALES AT VK11Y XVOW PHICKS. Mattinc. Oarpeta, Mattlnaa, Cariseto, - Mattlnsa, Oarpetn. Mattlnga, Carpeta, Mat tin gB, ; Oarpets. Alse, liAltGSLOTOr Xi WHITE COUNTER PITIES, Frem the late Great Auction Sale in New Yerk, at CSc., 75c.t LO0 and un 'te $5.0ti GOOD BAUQA1N3 at . r Metzger & laugliman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST.,' LANCASTER, PA. r Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel. XTEXT POOH TO THE COUKT HOUSE. " FAHNESTOCK'S. Fer Het Weather - - WHITE GOODS for Lafe, OF EVEUY DESCH1PT10N AT Ci, 8, 10, 12, 15, 18, 20, 25 CTS. UP. SUMMER UNDERWEAR for Ladies, Gents and Children. SUMMER HOSIERT-Great Quantities at Lew Prices. Jerseys I Jerseys 1 1 Jerseys I ! ! I.AIU1K STOCK, ALL SIZES, KOK LADIES AND CHILDKKN lit .'A! , 75e.,tl.m, 11.25, 1.50. 1.75, tioe,ri5j, w.oeup. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te tbe Court B OWEKS A- HURST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. WHITE DHE.iS UOODS In Victeria Lawns, Lluinde Indc, Plaid nnd Check Nainsoeks. Cord Plane. KlKiired Swiss and Tarlrtuni. We have an linincuse stock of these Koeila In all iiuulUlfj, and are etTerlng them extremely low. We also have a lew pieces or very heavy WHITE COHD PIOUKS, which Is extremely nice nnd which we call Special Attention te. There are very few of them In the market. Nun's Veilings and Albatross Cleth In all shades. Lace Huntings In all shades, from very low prices up te the best ijualttlCH of goods. In Black Otteman Grenadines no have something specially nice. CASHMEHE SHAWLS In Choice Light Shades. Mesquite Canopies we air efferlm? extreme lv low ; call nnd see thorn and get prices. Yeu wilt find Our Price Lew In Every Department. He member also, we deduct 10 per cent, from almost every cash sale. BOWERS & HURST, NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - Lancaster, Pa. HLLVEHWJtTlE. H. Z. RUOADS. ATTENTION ! We would call attention of purchasers te the very fine and com plete line of moderate priced Ladles' Geld Watches, very much in demand Just at present, and we are well prepared te meet that de mand. We also have Geld and Silver Watches in a great variety of styles and at the low priees brought about by the long depression of the times. Our Nickel Watohes at $5.00 are geed watches for the meney, and are going off very fast. We received the ether day a large lnvoleo of all the latest novel ties in Silver Jewelry, Oxydlzed, etc., very pretty and worth see ing ; would be pleased te have you call and see them. H . Z . LANCASTEU, PA. BOO B OOKS AND STATIONERY. 0W BAER'S SONS, OKFKll AT LOWEST PHICKS, Blank Heeks, Writing Papers, Envelopes, Writing Fluids anil Inks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, Steel Pens, Lead Pencils, Pocket Heeks, Hill Heeks, Letter Beeks, and an Assortment of Flne and Staple Stationery, JW AT THE S1QN OF THE DOOK.-fce. NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JJOUSEEVJtMISUlNU UOODS. S1 HIRK'S OARPKT HALL. CARPETS! HEOPKN1NG Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. uiku dlj ii.aj3. i iiilii, Hir i.e. n ut n isiii xaiiu IjIilliim GUA1N CAHPETS. DAMASK and VENETIAN own manufacture a speciality. Special Attention paid te the Manufacture of CUSTOM CAHPETS, Alsearull Line or OILCLOTHS, BUGS, WINDOW SHADKb, CO VEHLKTS, Ac, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. Wwt Kieg and . 1885 vxr boobs. BROTHER. King Street. Indian Linen, Persian Lawn, French Nnlnzoek, English Nainzoek, Indian Mull, Tique Welts, 1'eu will get Heuso, Lancaster, Pa. v RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street. KB. CARPETS! I nr CAHPETS. HAG and CHAIN OAltpKTS of our uiibiu mj. m. ax, u u a u. si.v i WaUr vSt., lnctr, Pa, 1 , v 1 ?' -Sia, XBATKtKffB aVtDM. iVyAVi 0i T ANGASTER AND MILLKRSVIL1 li, ll. 11JIIK ITA1II.B, LafU lIHtVn UltMllln. Tnm UI1Ia-wI11 A 9:??a 11M .'.m.' Hna 1iM- iMi 9M and em m. - Cars leave Mlllorsvllle for Lancaster art """"" '" . m., ana i w .i)e, ew ana two . "DEADINO nnT.iiMnTA '"V M.1 u-"' AHItANGKMENT OF PASSENGKIt TKAIN.'. SUN DAY, MAY 5L 1885. NOItTHWAHD. Iteadlng , 15' ARRIVE. Columbia. 7;je Marietta Junction 75 Chlckles 7:30 Lancaster 7:40 Lancaster (King Streot).. 7-M Quarryvllle..... 6:2S r.w. 2.60 r, m. A.IC KM 8:40 .... 4.-00 .... 8:38 ...v.i 8J0 9M M t-fiS J 7:18 r. x. a. xt r. w. t. f. 6:10 .... 12:50 12:40 ''AVI. a. v. 80UTHWAUI). Heading. 7;15 ARiuva. Marietta Junction 0.00 Chlckles , :'2d Columbia fl;M Lancaster 9:12 Lancaster(KlngStrcet).. 920 ItuarryvUle 10.-20 w. 12.00 r.n. 8:20 8:25 8:12 8:20 9:20 205 2.0s 4:39 ..fSTrnl,;.1?!,n,n?cr.nt "en'ilnn with trains' te '"$1 and from Philadelphia, Pottsvllle, llarrlsburg, UU Allentown. and New Yerk, vin limmd iimeV ?& Heute. ' At Celumlila with trains te nnd from Yerk, Hanover, Ocltystiuiif, Frederick nnd lUlllmore. .A.t,1.,nr'ettA Junction m Ith trains te and from ChlCKles. At Manhelm with trains te nnd from Lebanon. At iJincnstcr Junction with tmlns te and from Lancaster and Quarry vllle. SUNDAY. ..If ft.TJJuarry.v.I!le7:10a' "M lncaer, Kin street, 8:03 a. in., 3.45 p.m. Arrive Heading, 10:10 a. m B:H p. m. Leave Heading, 7.-20 a. tn., 1:00 p. m. Arrive Lancaster, King Street, 9:20 a. ,n.,BJ4 ... ..... wt,i, .. . uiu, u:iu if, iu. apr '... ..-,j 1. ydw A. M. WILSON, aapr. LEBANON AND LANCASTEU LINEHA1LUOAD. yiNT AtiRAnoxmirrey FAssinecn traik SUNDAY, MAY 2ITH, 1S85. NOHTHWAHD. Hi A.M. P. M. P. M. A. M Lebanon 8.00 2:15 6:55 BMO Arrive Cornwall 7:M 1-Mi Cj37 -Thi Manhelm 7.15 "" -1-21 0-O7 8-15 Lnncantcr. c-17 12-10 6-38 8:111 Klnfj St. Lane. 0.W 12:10 60 8KW Leave. a. k. p. k. P. M. A. x, SOUTHWAHD. Leave. a.m. p.m. r. w. a.m. Iibnnen 7:20 12) 7.30 7:13 Cornwall 7:35 12:15 7:S 8.01 Manhelm 8.03 1:18 8:19 8:40 Lancaster 8:33 IM 8:48 9:12 Arrive. King St., Lane, 8:40 2.05 8.55 9.20 5.M. ' CCOr era 510 ( fl p w. '3-45 , 4 00 Mi 8:U S- A. m. p. m. p. m. a. k A. M. Wtiaeif. Sunt. It. C. It. K C. Vex Sciimalbrskk, SupLC. andC. A Okore Kltx, Supt. P. & It. II. It. all-lj tw PENNSYLVANIA KAILKOAD St wED ULK. Trains leave Lancaster and leave and alva. at Philadelphia as fellows : Leave WESTWAKD. Philadelphia. laa.in. 130 " I.JOV 7:00 t via Columbia. 'cs 7:46 a.m. m vlaCelumblx vl 1l:.Vl fi. in. rredertck Accem... via Columbia. Lancaster Accem... via ML Jey. Harrtsbnrg Accem., 2:13 p.m. Columbia Accem.... IM ' Harrlfburg Express. MQ " Chi. A Cln. Express.! 8:50 " Western .Express f.. 10-Ot PacincKxprcsst.... iirje Leave EASTWAHD.-. Lancaster. Phil 'a Kxiirese),. 2.-27 " rust Line ... 8.0S " UarrlBburif Expresa 8:10 " Lanc'r. Accem.. ar...t 8J8 ' Columbia Accem 9-00 - SeasherqExpress.... I2,Mp. m. tfummwira .xprrssr x:i U5 ' dally exeept Sunday v Buneay nail 8.-00 " DayErpresst . " Ilarrlsbure Accem. &. .T3"1 Marietta Accommodation leaves Columbia. ?. S:9 m- reachluB Marietta at 12.0L 1ave Mttijttta at 3:13 p. m. and arrives at CelnmWa4t at 3;30 : ale leaves at and arrives nt 8 Jd . 3,he Yerk Accommodation leaves MariiUaat 7:10 and arrives at Lancaster at. iMi, cenn'jBnj( tvlth IlnrrfMlinnr (.vnn.aa a. B.tA Lre "ial Lnn later. t4l 0:. a. in. gw c,j. f -.r ; 53 9 a su 1 tJ I " " 7'U ' j 7'C ' i i 10:i 13:1' a. m. v1 lax &i Arrlrftt . news ,xprc9T. Way Pa8cnUFri Mall train vJH Ne.3Mallb MiagaraiZxiW! Hanover ArBe rast Line HSU Phtiad. ipnW, r :i " & 6:M " '(S 9-.4I The Frederick Accommodation, west, connect, $f Ins at Lancaster with Fast I.lne, west at !.'!, t&OT m., will run threuRb te Frederick. ,kTiK&lA rmrrrencrrerTrccRminfHii i:m i.iai .umiii: t - ji.'HW Columbia at 12:25 and reaches Lancaster at lvf-8 TFatA p. m. jrvAjH The Lancaster Accommodation, East.'.ravee ,. J?iH llarrisburB at b:10 p. in. and arrives In Laneaj ter sSs Hanover Accommodation, west, connects? at Miuuteiv, niiu .iiuuiu ciiprcflsiaii.wn, m. will run inreujtn te itanevcr, dally, except Sunday-. -a. imlU, twi,uu auuuuy, wneii uagccfi, will step at Downlngtewn, Centesvllle, Parkcsburtr. ML Jey, EllzabcthtownandMlddletown. t The only trains which run dally. On Sunday the Mall train west runs bv way of Celuml It. GORNWAIiIi AND LEBANON AT"D COLEUKOOH. VALLEY HAILPJSaDJ. boetowabd. " Trnln9 leave Ixibar en ually ( uxcept Sunday ) at 0 se a. in., 1230 and 7:30 p. m. A rr! ve at Cornwall at C:te a. m 12.10 p. in and 7:40 p. m.i nt Conewnco at 7:20 a. in., 1:25 an 1 H:9? p. m., connecting with the Pennsylvania utl utl read ter points cast and west. MOItTIIWABD. Trains leave Conowage at 7:30 a. m., 8.3 and 8.25 p. m. Arrive at Cornwall at S.CC a. m., 4:18 and J5 p. m.; at Lebanon al 8.20 a. m., 4::w and U:15 (). m., cennectlnir at Lebanon with Phlladelphli aud Heading railroad fur points east and west, and, the Lebanon and Tiement Uranch for Jeueti town, Plnegrove and Trcment. The C:30 a. m. train will step only at Cen roll Colcbreolc and Hellalre. arACiuifEJtr. E NQINE AND BOILER WORKS. BEST Steam Engine -AND- BOILER WORKS. AS WB HANDLE OUR OWN GC IDS, HAVE NO AGENTS, CAN 1NSUHE OUH PATRON'S LOW PHICKS AND GOOD WOUK. BOILERS. Vertical nnd HorizentalTubular, Flue, Cylinder, tVS Murine, Double-DeckTtnd Portable. ' ,3 FUKNACE-WOllK, BLAST-PIPES, STACKA, PTfe Ac, Ac. TANKS for Water, Adds and Oil, HOISTING. ENGINES. ENGINES. Vertical and Horizontal. Stationary, front two. te sixty horee-powor. Pertable Engines, en Wheels and Sills; Six Sizes i, ti, 8, 10, IS and SO herse power. SAW MILLS. Peny Mills and Large Mills. Bark Mills Cob Mills. Leather Hellers, Tan Packers, Trlpple Gearing for horse power, PUMPS. Belt and Gear Pumps i Mining Pumps) Cem lilned Pumps and Heaters. Centrifugal Pump. Steam Pump. Gearing, Pulleys, Fly Wheels, Clamp Bexes, Hangers, Couplings, Cellars. Steel Steps aud Tees, Pulley Plates, Packing Bexes, Mill Spindles, Mill Bushings, Ac., Ac, Ac. PIPES. Wrought Iren, for Gas, steam and Water. Cast Iren Pipes. Heller Tubes, Well Casting. FITTINGS. Ker Water and Bteam, Vnlves, Cocks, Atenm Gauges, Guuge Cocks, Glass Wuter Gauges, Safety Valves. Whistles, Globe Valves, Governors, Patent Solf-Fcedlng Lu bricators, Glass Oil Cups, Glass Tubes, Injectors or Heller feeders. PACKING Hemp, Asbestos, Gum and Plum bago. BELTING Gum, Cotten and Leather, CASTINGS Heavy and Light Iren and Brass, Beiler Iren, Sheet lien, Bar Iren, and Steel. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools and Public Buildings. STEAM HEATING. Estimates, Drawings and Pattern Werk fur ntshed at Hcaseuable Hates. te- Itepalring promptly tended te. Address, and carefully at- Jelni Best & Sen, HO. 333 EAST FULTON STREET, LANCASTEU, PA. . ,; - 2995 u -ejjfi;, i 4J. 'J fcts-aa - .i .S .i &V 'if; j tw 1 kp:i & n J&s 4 rfy BifiB iWSX 1 -Ifi s S M rft fprj m e.--v;l 5 .. si! SI. -.- 1 - . .r - . " -r - . -" ,- "-- -. , j-aawjjrimw f