t1 " fi?A im i ljd&ijWf tiAnif iet ... X 'atwiriarattr' z, s?$FW ' wmmm r V HOV TO HE. Ill the morning WHh la low In the cant, AntflHpKettnlnA our parting) Docs net mind It In tbe least. Fer In tbe school-room I tell htm Is the pin co for a hey te be, Be we Bay geed-by w 1th many a smlle Anil he throws buck a kiss te mc. llut, eh I nt last In the evening, When the sun Is low In the west 1 see htm coming home te mc, My denrest ana my host 1 1 forget what I say In the morning, And 1 think we both agrce Thut In mothers lap by the f realties Is the place for n boy te be. VenMic Ifew Orleani Chronicle. urxmruitKKD AnjucTirxs. All Kinds Kyes nnd llnir, or Face, Ferm and Figure. Frem the "Monthly Gossip" in the July uutnber of l.ippinceW, we take the follow ing en the Interesting huIiJecI of "The Abtise of Adjectives" : In a late nevel by Uliexla Uroiitrliten, called iSccend Tlmurjhlan bright, vlvaoleitH, al most witty llttle book, marred only bv Its In In In oredlcablo derects of style, the horel'no, Gil lian Latimer,! described overniulovorngnlii, with as much empliasla en overy fonture as If she wero ene of Madalne Tussnud'a pet creation nnd had nothing but her outward appearance te HUggest (he real woman she aspires te be. On lier oyes alene mere iuIJih tlves are brought te bear than would liavohuMced Scott for all the orbs In Wavorley. Tliey are " grey eyes," " great grey oye," " angry grey oyeM," " Btoel-groj' oyes," and " displeaned grey oyes ;" nlse "grave oyes," "sparkling oyeV' "clenr oyes," " blazing oyes." " proud eyes," " great oyes," " nrching oye," "large bright eyes," " droied eyes," " eager young oyes," "argry eyes," " stool steel colored oyes, " sad loave - taking eyes," "dashing oyes," and "proud, dewy oyes." Upen ene occasion slid "lifts the fair stars of her grey oyes" Inte her levor's face, en another, she scerches him badly with "grey oyes llke furious llres." The here himself, a mast quiet, commonplace doctor, Is net abeve a llttle ove-work en his own an. count, lle has altornately "serious oyes" "cress eyes," "quiet, shrewd oyes," "coldly just, brlghtoyes,""stcadyoyos,,,"calin oyes," "ricry eyes," "town-tlred eyes," which is qultea novelty in tlie list and "oyes or burning cheler," te say nothing of eyes that " burn likollre," while he "grows pale as ashes," which must have given him the ollect of a conflagration, especially as he stands ence "all bollnmed with sunset." As te iii:u iii:ad. Next te the supnJhie (UcstIeu of eyes we hear most about Gillian's "blende head," and hor"lla.en head," her "lla. head," Iter "bowed il.ix head," her' "tossed head," her "wilful head," her "fair head," and her "woll-pelwd head," whlle te match these maidenly attributes she lias a "fair Hphlnx face," u "Iragle pale face," n "serieus face," a "humiliated wlilte lace," a "Haul ing f.ice," a "liotlv-tliished fa'(." u "swoeuy iiNiingitiu lace," and a "Ilower-tex-tureill.u'o." Moreover, beluga very reinark reinark ablegiil, she is endowed Willi a "sovere young figure," nnd a " gracious llgure," whatever that may mean, while her "Illy lalr"und " dollcate cold" hands have "sat iny backs," and are "small and capable" as well. She is never merely pretty llke ether women, but she has " rlpe June beauty," and a " robust yet delicate beauty." lr she losses her temper, which happens rather of of ten In the ceurse of tlie story, she manifests the sumo by tlie " red scorn of her leek," or by her " beautiful vexed eyes," which ro re ro semble a " sudden angry grey arrow," Im Im aghie an angry grey arrow, or by " nam ing out into crimson anger," or " with wreathed neck nnd llamingehecK," or "with enkindled oye and vermeil cheek," both of which expressions we would recommend te levers et simplicity. wensi: ani Mem: of ir. If she m sjid, howevcr, she " lilts the drowned sLirs of her impatient, sintering eyes," or lowers thorn with a " moist leek " ; orsiie strays in "confuted red misery," or in n " jussioiiate scarlet hurry," w hich Is as extraordinary in its way as an angry grey arrow. When her father illes, she stands " long and craped," witla"black elbow" resting en thorhimney-plaeo; while her vari ous methods or blushing take up half the volume Neer, indeed, was thore a horeluo who blushed se much about se llttle. .Somo .Semo .Some tlmcs It is morely a matter el "Ilaming checks," or el' the "young roses of her cheeks," or of the "mortllied carmine of her cheeks," or of her "het bloom," orerher "beautiiul het red reses." .Sometimes it is the "deep color of mingled shame and joy ;" while en mero especial occasions we nre as sured that her face is "made all of pepples," that it "changes from peppy color te milk and back from milk te peppy color," that it "kceps shilling from frightened whlte te mortllied red, and back again," and, better than all, that "cheek and chin and pearl-lair threat grew all ene rose-red llatne," Willi which triumph of compound adjectives we will clese our quotations, only remarking that Gillian's blushing chin rivals the achieve ment of Ursula In Jehn Hallax, who we are graved told, colored evor her threat, neck and arms. All honor te the lady Olivia, who has taught us hew te inake a rational inventory of a woman's charms 1 " Item, two lips indif ferent red ; item, two gray eyes witli lips te thorn ; ltom,eno neck, ene chin, and se forth." Te these let us add, item, ene blush inditler ent rosy, and then have dene with the sub ject forevor. - ! mm m Feil all diseases or tlie kidneys, and liter. Physicians prcscrlbe Hum's llemeily. The mcdlclne that can search und root out every 111 of kidneys or liver, Is Hunt's Remedy. Hunt's Hvmedy cures bilious headache, ces- theness, und dyspepsia, and puilttus the bleed. JIG-lwdeedSw Du. J. I. Gness, Baltimore, Md Bays: 1 have given "Dr. I'utzeld's Gennun Hitters "a ther eugh trial and examination and consider It tbe purest distillation of herbs I have ever met, and de net hesitate te add my testimonials as te Its vuluu. Kutlng is n Torture. And sleep often u weie travesty of iopei,o, te the dyspeptic Appetite Is coriespenilingly lm paired by this mejt prevalent of maladies, und headuches, biliousness, coustljiutleu, poverty of the bleed, less of llesh und vitullty, und a thou sand annoying and Indesciibable sensations uie Us concemltaiits. It is, moreover, the proge nitor of numerous und formidably bodily dls dls eiders. Obstinate us It Is, however, ltacomplcte eradication may be cllccted by the persistent use of Hostetter's btemnch Hitters, uracdlelne which communicates both vigor und icgularity te the organs of digestion and secretion, leluxcs the bowels gently but thoietighly, enriches and purities the bleed, promotes uppetite, und gives tranquility te the nervous system. Persons of weakly constitution und physique, who use this superb tenie liirulllblyderlvefiemitthestamliia of which thuy stand se much In need, and It Is In variably successful In icmcdylng and prevent ing malarial dlscases. JlTteJl SfUVIAL NOTICES. "It Fairly Werries Me te Think of the inultt tude of things ndvertlsed te cult) disease," you say. Ne wonder, llut in tbe mountains of ehutf thcre ure grains of golden wheat. We may tlnd It dlttlcultte Induce you te test the merits of Dr. Kennedy's Favorite Hemcdy, but -when you have dene se, our work Is ended. After winds you and this medicine will be fast frlends. Favorite liemedy would have died out long age but ler It real usefulness. Hut It Is geed und does geed. A Had llreatli In tiiaufferah'e. We don't like It. A person with i) himself very u. strain' luvath must net muku fumlllur with us. An Impure bmith Is csused by uu unhealthy steuiueh. J3urileck Z'loed Jlillert w 111 oericet this evil. They ure the bent steuiueh medicine known. Fer sale by II II. Cochran, druggist, 137 und IK) Nuitb Queen street, Lancaster. Mothers 1 Mothers It Mothers II I Aie you dlstuibed at night und biekeu of your lest by a sick child sulferlng und crying with tliu excruciating p.itn of cutting teeth T If se, go ut ence und get u bottleof MHS. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING SYHUP. It will relieve the peer little gulfercr Immediately depend upon It ; there Is no mistake about It. There Is uet a mother en caith who litis ever used It, who will net tell seu at ence that It will regulate the bowels, und give rest te the mother, und lellef und health te the child, operating like magic. It is peifectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, und is Uie prescription of ene el the eldest and best female physicians and nurses In the United States. Bolit overywheio. a cents a bottle. JuuelG-lyd&w My daughter and myself, (rent sullerers from caturrh, wumcim-d by Ely's Cream Halm. My keuseet suicl) U restored. C. M.Btunley, Shee Dealer, lthuca,N,Y. I mu troubled with cutunh for fltteen year. Ely's Cream Halm lias opened my nostrils and reduced the Inttammatfeu my eyes can new stand strong light N. Fegley, Wllkesbarre, Pa. Kly's Cream lUlm cured me of catarrh and re stored my sense of smell. Fer cold lu bend It works like msglc E. 11. Sherwood, banker, UlUabcth.H.J. JlMwdeedAw BPXOIAL VOT1CKS. JUST AS GOOD, rien't allow anyone te make yen believe any ether remedy Is Just as geed for sick headache ns lr. Leslie1 Special Prescription, for It Is net true. This Is the only remedy In tbe world that strikes nt the root, ut the dhieate and drives It out. Give It a trial. BUCKLEH'S AKNIOA SALVE. The best Selve In the world for Cuts, Bruises, Beres, Ulcers, Salt llhnutn, rever Beres, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required. It U guaranteed te glve perfect satis faction, or mencr mfn mind. Prtrfi. SB rents tier pox. Fer sole by II. Jl. Cochran, druggist. Ne OS. wi ana 139 North Queen street Lancaster, Fi Served Him ltlght. " I have used Jluriletk Jlloed Hitter nnd am happy te say they have dene inemere geed than anything yet. Bend n further quantity at once." This man was a sulTeier from dyspepsia for twenty years. Ills nnma Is Alexander Leugh, nnd he Ifves nt Alpena, Mleh. Fer sale by II. Ik Coehran, druggist, 137 nnd IV) North Queen street, Lancaster. Colossi's Mquld Hoef Tonle will euro indi gestien, nnd pcrpctuntn bodily vigor. Jike no oilier. Of druggists. Jli-lwcleed&w Timfacoef humanity displays fewer plinplcs l!lil.n,Ml.lc.,,y' ''ftsen-Olenn's Sulphur Soup. Hill's llalrund WhiskorUye,"Hlcts. JlS-lwdaed.tw Howe Doubt the Ilihle And the mollves of Its authors, but none who nve used thorn doubt the cftlcacy of lluritnck Jlloetl Hitter: This splendid bleed tonle Is with. "!,,:Il.Bf0. r"r 8a, y " ' Cochran, drug, gist, 137 and 13a North Queen street, Lancaster. IlKOWN'S IIOUSKIIOLU l'ANACKA. Is thomestolTcctlvo Pain Dcstroyerlntho world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally or npplled externally, and thereby mero certainly KELIKVE TAIN, whether chronle or ncute, than any ether pain alleviator, and tt Is warranted deuble Uie strength of any similar preparation. It cures ; pain in the Hide, Hack or Uewelg, Bere Threat, Hlieumatlsui, Toethacho nnd ALL ACHK8. nnd Is The Orcnt lteliever of Pain. " HltOW'N'S HOUSKHOLU PANACEA "should bolnevcryfttuilly. A teaspoon ful of the Panacea In n tnmbler e! b t water sweetened, IT pro pre pro fejTOd.l taken at oedllme, will HKKAK UP A COLD. i!5 cents a bettle. m31-lydM,W,Bw Threw Away H3SO. "Troubled with asthma for eight years. Net lllllte tWO bottles Of Thnmai' Kelrrtrit, nil pnn.,1 me completely, after spending evor WTO without tlie sIlRlitest benefit.'' This Is whut August 'i rubuer, on'yreno, Pa., says. Fersuln by II. H. Cochran, druxglst, 137 nna 13U North Queen street, Lancaster. Nerteus Debilitated Men Yeu nre allowed a free trial e thirty daus of the ueer Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltaic licit with l.lcctrte Suspensery Appllunces, for the speedy lellefiindpi-rmunent euro or Nervous Debility, less of Vitality and Manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse, for many ether dUeases. Com plete restoration teheufth. vlirnrnnri mnnhneil guaranteed. Ne risk Is Incurred. Illustrated pamphlet, with full Information, terms, etc., limited free by uddrcsslng Voltaic licit Ce., Mur shall, Mich. AN EIHTOIt'S TltlHUTE. Thcien P. lteater, editor Ft. Wayne, Ind., Uaictte, w rites t " Fer the pist live jears luvu always used Dr. King's New Discovery, for coughs of most severe character, ax ellnsfer these or u milder type. It never falls te eircct a speedy euro. My frlendn te whom I have recom mended It speak of It lu soiiie hlnh terms. Huv lug been cured by it of every ceiurh 1 have hud rir live years, I consider It only n-lliilileandHiin) euro for CeiikIis, Colds, etc." Call at Cochran's pruifHtnru,Nes. 137 und 1.S) North Queen stivet, Lancaster. Pa., und get a i-Yee Trial Uettle. Large Mze f l.mi. (j) What One Dete Did. S. S. Graves, of Akren, N. Y., had Asthma or the worst kind. Toek one dose or 77iema' Ke lectrtc Oil and whs relieved lu live minutes, lle udds! "Would walk ten miles for this medicine and pay $3 a bettle ler it. It cured my wire or iheuinutlsiu like inuglc." Fer sale by II. II. Coch ran, dniKglst, 137 und IS) North Queen street, Lancaster. MOTHKUSt MOTHEltHtl MOTHEIlSIlt Are you disturbed at night and broken or your rest by a sick child suncilnK and crying with the excruciating pain or cutting teeth T lr se, go at once and get a bettle or Mrs. WINBLOW'B BOOTIII.vu BY HUP. It will relieve tbe peer llttle sufferer Immediately depend upon It; thore Is no mistake about It. Thore is net n mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you at ence that tt will regulate the bowels, und gtve rest te the mother, und relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use lu all cases, und pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription or ene of the eldest nnd best female physicians In the United suites. bold everywhere. S3 rents a bottle. muy31-lydM,W,S&w VF.UY KEMAUKAHLK KKCOVLllY. Mr. Gee. V. Willing, of Manchester, Mich., writes: "My wlfe has been almost helpless for live yenrs, se helpless that she could net turn ever In bed alone. She used two Hetties sf Electric Hitters, and Is se much Improved, that she Is uble new te de her own work." Electrle Hitters will de all that Is claimed for them. Hundicds or testimonials attest their great eunittve powers. Onlyllfty cents u bottle at Cochran's Diug Stere, Nes. 137 und 1JU North Quten street, Lancaster Pa. (i) Satisfaction Universal. "In the past three months I have sold ene linn et red und six bottles or Themat' Keltctrle Oil. Never 6nw a mcdlclne In my lire that gave such universal sntlsluctleu. Cured un ulcerated threat for me In twenty-tour hours ; never tailed te icllueuiy child or eieup." C. 11. Hall, drug, gist, Gmyvllle, 111. Fer safe by II. H. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139Neith Queen stieet, Lancas ter. VAllllIAOrs. CJTANDAHD CARRIAGE WORK. Edward Edgerley, FINE CAKRIAGE BUILDER, MAHKET STHEET, UKAU OF POSTOFFICE, LANCASTEH, PA. A LA11UK STOCK OF BUGGIES & CAREIAGES Comprising the Latest Styles and most Ele gantly Finished, ut UKEATLY KEDUCED I'KICES. iryeu wish te purchase a geed arti cle, my work Is decidedly the cheapest In the state. MOTTO-" FAIK DEALING AND HONEST WOUK." 3-Don't tall te encouraite geed work. All Werk FULLY WAHKANTED Lewest Prices for HEPA1U1NU AND HEPAINTING. One set of workmen especially employed for that pur pose. PLEASL' CALL AND EXAMINE. nevaitfdiw -JORUEOK & MILEY. LANCASTER CARRIAGE WORKS. Norbeck & Miley, Prep's. COHNEU DUKE AMI VINE STltEETS, LAN CASTElt, PA. THE LAUGEST AND CHEAPEST RETAIL WORKS IN THE CITY OH COUNTY, WE CAN AND DO SELL A8 FINE A VEHICLE AS ANY OTHKIl HUILDKK TIIEIlt PH1CES, FAK HELOW Hew we de It Is a mystery, but u visit te our factory, und seeing the system we have adopted you will 1 net wenu mer. Patronize theso that deserve it. Our stock at present Is very large, and will be sold ut a still further reduction. We beast of our WHEELS, as they cannot be excelled. WE HAVE A LAUGE STOCK OF PINE SECOND-HAND WORK, CONSISTING OF UUGGIES. PIU1TON8, Ac, &u., which will be sold chuup. 49-Glvnugn call and be convinced. Itepali Ing neatly dene. -Xt.Ti AT KEIQAUT'H OLD WINK J BTOIIE -FOIt- Listen's Extract of Beef. riauT n vn world. KsUbllahtd, Wi. H. E. BLAYMAKKH, Agt.. fsbl7-Ud Me, 29 MV King St. MKMCAZ. H UNTB KEMKDV. HUNT'S KIDNEY AND XlVElt REMEDY! NEVEIt KNOWN TO FAIL. It cures when all ether medicines fall, as It acts uireciiy unit in ence en ine iviiineys, i.iver null iHinu fli i, I noweis restoring them te n healthy action. It Is a safe, sum und speedy cure, nun nuntircus nave ueen cured by It when physicians unu iricnus nun given viieiu up te i idle. Ii is Beth a "Safe Cure" and a It CUKES all Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver Bladder nnd Urinary Organs i Dropsy, Gravel, Diabetes, llrlght's Disease, Nervous Diseases, Excesses, Femnle Weaknesses, Jaundice, Heur Btemach, Dyspepsia, Constipation. Piles, Pains In the Hack, Leins and Bide, Helen- t Ien or Non-uetentlou of Urine. 11.25 at DncaeisTS. tsr TAKE NO or II Kit. Send ter Illustrated Pamphlet el Solid menlals or Absolute Cutcs. Testi s'' HUNT'S REMEDY CO., (3) Tievldcnce, Jl, L TTAIR IlENEWEll T' HALL'S CT VEGETABLE SICILIAN Hair ReneNrVer. Seldom docs a popular remedy win such n strong held upon the public confidence as has Hall's Hair Uenkwie. Iho cases lu which It hus accomplished a complete restoration of color te tbe hair, and vigorous health te the scalp, ure Innumerable. Old people llke It ter Its wonderful powerte restore te their whitening locks their original color and beauty. Mlddle-uged people like It because It pievents them from getting bald keeps daudiuir away, nnd makes the lml r grew thick and strong. Yeung Indies like llasu dn-ss-lug because It gives the hair u beautiful glossy lustre, and enables them tediess It lu whatever form they wish. Thus It Is the fnveilte or all, and It has become se simply because Itdlsup Itdlsup peints no one. BUCKINGHAM'S DIE FOR THE WHISK EIW lias become one of the most lmportent popular toilet articles for gentlemen's usu. When the beard Is gray or naturally of an undesirable shade, Hcckikeuau's Dtk Is the remedy. riicrAnEn nr II. P. Hall & Ce., Xesliuu, N. H. Sold by all Druggists. JI8te)2t AFTER ALL OTHKItS FAIL, COKSULT DR. LOBB, NO. Si) North Fifteenth street, below Cnllewhlll street, Philadelphia. Cures all Secret Dlseases ofbethsexes. Twenty Years Exporlcnce. Con sultation by mull. NEItVOUS AND SPECIAL DISEASES. New book Just out. Send rer It. Hours II iu m. till !2 p. m , and 7 p. m.telOp.m Heeks free te the mulcted. Icb'dMyd&w C0N8UMITION 1 HAVE A POSITIVE remedy for the abeve dlscuse : by Its use be usnnds or cases or the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, se strong Is my faith In Its efficacy that I will send TWO U0TTLE8 FltEE, together with a valuable trea tise en this disease te any sufferer. Ulve ex press and P. O. address. DK.T. A.SLOCUM. n2CmdeedftUmw 181 Pearl St., N. Y. JiXCUJtHIO.VS. pENUYN i'AUK. Penryn Park, -ON THE- Cornwall & Mount Hepe R, R, Excursion Committee of Churches, Sunday Schools and ether select organizations. In mak ing their summer arrangements, should net neg lect te reserve nday for Penryn Park. This delightful resort Is situated In the midst or the SOUTH MOUNTAINS And Its grounds covering hundieds or ucies ate easy eruccess from ull parts of central I'nnn sylvunla. Ferthe fiee usoef excursionists there are extensive CHOQUET AND LAWN TENNIS UUOUNDS, LAHG H DANCING PAVILION, HAND STAND, KITCHEN, UA8KET AND CLOAK 1100MS, and OUSEIIVATOHY On the Summit of the Mountain. Thore Is also a refreshment loom in charge of a competent cutercr, where meals can be iirecmed ut moderate rules, a photograph gallery and numerous ether attractive features. Ne liquors ullewcd en the grounds. Excursions from ull points en the Philadelphia A Heading aud Heading A Columbia ltallieuds will be cunled direct te the Park without change of cars. Complete Information can be obtained aud en gagements effected with parties from nil points en me rnuuueipntu a Heading and Heading A Celumblu ltallreads, upon application te C. U. Hancock, General Passenger und Ticket Agent, Philadelphia & Heading Hallread, e7 Seuth Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa., and with parties from Lebanon by applying te the undersigned, CAUL VON SCHMALEN8KE, Supt. Cornwall A ML Hepe Hullread, nmvS-3md Lebanon Pa. lUMMlSIt OF 1SS5. Cornwall & Lebanon -AND- Colebrook Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PARK, In thehcurtef the Seuth Mountain, en the line or the above read, Is offered te Individuals and associations Free of Charge. These gieunds, covering hundreds of acres, are easy of uccess from ull parts of Eastern 1'ennsylvuiila. -ThoreareMOUNTAIN8TIlEAM8,spunned by rustic bridges t MOUNTAIN SPItlNOS. S?!'?,J,c,uPwUu native sandstoue: SHADY WALKS and PHOMENADE3. A LAHOE DANCING PAVILLION. LAUUEDININUHALL, K1TC1IKN, DINING KOOM, andTAIlLKS.HKNCHESand HUSTIC SKATS, teuttei-ed thieugu the grove for the free use of excursionists. LAWN TENNIS, CHOQUET, HALL GUOUNDS, HUIU.1AU Ai,i,ci, BiIUOTINQ GAI LEltY, QUOITS AUD FOOT HALL Are among the amusements offered. Ne Intoxicating Drinks Allowed en tbe Premises. WPartles desiring It, can precure meals ut the PAUK HESTAUKANT, which will be under the charge or MU. . M. HOLT., the noted caterer of the LEBANON VALLEY HOUSE, who will be en the grounds throughout the sea son, clvlnit It blnaiersenul supervision. i supervis nelnts e: -r.icursiens irem an points en renngyiva nla 11. H. will be curried direct te the Park with- out chimin of earn. 3-I.xcurslen rates and full Information can be obtained nnd engagements effected with parties from nil points en the Pennsylvania ii. u. upon application te UKO. W. HOYD. As upon application te GEO. W. BOYD, As- sistant UenerAl Passenger AKent, P. it. U.. Ne. 21 "Jeuth fourth street, PhUadelphla, or te J. C. JENNINGS, , Supt. C. 4 L. C. V. It. It., Hbanen, Pa. mylMiua JSKD1CAL. M,WrlAIWW'VWlrWSSiri D ISFIGURINO UUMOUS. CUTICURA. DIFIQURINa HUMORS, ITCHING TORTURES, AND LOATHSOME 80RES. ) rilAVETKIEDforelevon years te havemy wlfe cured of a torrlble skin disease. The Ccticuua (EVrOIES (CUTICTRA ltKSOLVENT, the UOW JIIOOll l'urlllrr, liiternnlly, aud Cdticura, the great Bkln Cure, nnd cimcvnA 8nAr,nnoxqnlslteSkln Heautlller, externally) havq dene In six weeks what I have tried rer cloven yeivtu te have done. deno. dono. Yeu sluill have the iwirtleulars as seen as I can glve them te you, unit as we nre no well knew In this parlor the country. It will benefit you, nnd the remedies will euro all who nse them. Mabviu.e(Kv. C1IAS. II. WHITE. , 1ILOTCIIF.S CUItED. I Used your CtrrictmA ItRMRDiusrorllletchOs, find nm completely cured, te my Inexpresslble jy. iirricunA beai- is me eesv i in lave ever used, and te the profession It Is lnvaltiable rer cleans Ing the skin, theiebv toinevlnir all "cork." theieby toinevtng all KieiiBe, paint, and nil the stuff used by them, leaving the skin pure and whlte and soft, My grentest pleasure is In recommending sih hau urtlcle. II. MACK, Cftamnien Cemlqve Heller Skater. Y OBW0BT0WN, OlllO. IIEST FOI t AN YTI1INO. Having used your CirrictmA Hhmkiiiks for eighteen months for Tetter, audllnally cured It. I um anxious te get It te sell en commission. I can recemmciid it beyond any remedies I have overused rer Teller, Hums, Cuts, cte. In Inct, It Is the best mcdlclne 1 have ever tried ter any thing. U.S. HOHTON. Mviitlh, Miss. NKVEK A COMPLAINT. Slnce I havnlieiin snlllnir renr L'uticcra Hemk- dies I have never heard a single complaint, but j r,t mu i-iFiiimry tjvcryuiiu wiiu jiiuniseiiiiiuiiiiuiH Ibeen well pleased with them, and they outsell ill ethers, E. II. CUHIIEHLY, Druggist. F'AnnHxwe, Ind. ; " BCUOFULOl'S S0H1. ??t had a doren bad sores en my body, nnd tiled all remedies 1. could hear or, and at lust tried your CtrnciriU. lUtuturxs, and they have cured me. - i JNO, UASK1LL. linney, TitATxn Cedutt, Vzvtt. Ctrricviu IlEUCDnM are sold everywhere. PrlCO CUTICURA, SOc. rltSSOLVSJIT. ILdOpSOAP, lie. 1'reriHred bj'the Petixr. I)fe ahd Ciiiki- CAL CO., HOStOn, MOM. Send for - Hew te Cum Skin DlHiMt." TAN Sunburn. 1'iinntes Eles. Hluckbeads aud e OOTICl'BAfiOAr, juny Bkln, use t CATARRH ! .That pure, sweet, Mfe and offectlve American dlstlllallonefWItch-IIitznl, American Pine, Can ailallr, Marigold and Clever lllossem, tailed BAHruim'H IUdical cenit ren CATAKiur, with ene box C'ATAimnAi. Selvxxt and one 8a roan's I m. rnevEii Imialhh, nil In oue iKicksije, may new be lmd of ull drugglits for II.W. Ask ler Bakd- rOHD'n UADICAL CUKE. Ceiiiptetn Lecal und Cnnstltntlnnal Treatment Ter every rerm of Catarrh, from n simple Celd or inuiieiiraie less ei meii, insie. aim Hearing, Cough, llienehllis, mid Caliirrhuf Consumption, lu eveiy package. Clergjmeii, VernlUts, And l'uhlln Speaker without number eun their liiesent n-efnlneis und success te SAnKimu's HadicalCuiik for Cataiu.ii. lluv. Dr. Wlgglu says : "Mini of the best reme dies for Catarrh nay, I he best lemedy e liavn liiuuil in a Midline or NtihVilui; Ii HAsremi's Haeicai. C'riiK. llelears the head mid I burnt be thoroughly that, taken eueh mernlnk' en rising, there ure no uupleaxant secretions und no dlsu dlsu greeitble hawking during thecnlliediiy, buliiii unprecedented clearness of voice and lesplra lesplra tery organs." bold by nil druggists. Price, 11.00. Petter Drug and Chemical Ce., Ilo.ten. Cellins' Voltaic Electric Plasters. Weary suffeier from HhcumalUiu, .Neuralgia, Weak und Seiu Lungs, Coughs und Colds, Weak Hack, Weak Bteinuih and Dowels, Dyspepilu, Fcmatii Ucaknesi, Sheitlng Pains through the. Leins and Hack, try tbem Plasters. Placed ever the pit or the Stomach, they prevent und cure Ague Pains, Hllleus Celic, Liver Complaints, und protect the system Irem a theusundllls. 25c Juiiel-lmWAS atACUlNEUT. F OH Peerless Traction POKTAllLli OK STAT10NAUY ENGINES, IIOILEIIS AXD SEl'AIUTOHS, REPAIRING, and all kinds of Muchlncry, Contracts taken Hud ull work such ns kept und dene In any Machine Shep. Cull en eraddrcss, Ezra F. Landis, Wekks-NO. HO te M7 NOUTH CIIEllHY Lancaster, Pa. mlMmced.tw ST. E NGINK AND IIOItiKH SVOUKH. BEST Steam Engine -AND- BOILER WORKS. AS WE HANDLE OUll OWN GOODS, HAVE NO AGENTS, CAN IN8UHE OUll PATKONB LOW PU1CES AND GOOD WOKE. BOILERS. Vertical and Horizentnl.Tubulur, Klue, Cylinder, murine, uouuie-uecK una i-eruiuie. KUHNACE-WOltK, HLAST-PIPES, STACKS, Ac., 4c. TANKS for Wuter, Acids and Oil. HOISTING ENGINES. ENGINES. Vertical and Horizontal. Stationary, from two te sixty horse-power. Portable Engines, en Wheels and Sills ; Six Sizes I, U, 8, 10, is aud 20 horse power. SAW MILLS. Peny M11U und Large Mills. Hark Mills Cob Mills. Leather Kellers, Tan Packers, Tripple Uearlug for horse power. PUMPS. Helt and Gear Pumps; Mining Pumps; Cem blned Pumps and Heaters. Cerltrifucal Pump. Steam Pump. Genitng, Pulleys, Fly wheels, Clump Hexcs, Hangers, Couplings, Cellars, Steel Steps and Tees, Pulley Plates, Packing limes. Mill Spindles, Mill Uushlugs, Ac, &c Ac. PIPES. Wrought Iren, for Gas, Steam and Water. Cast Iren Pines. Heller Tubes, Well Costing. FITTINGS. Fer Water and Steam, Valves, Cocks, Steam Gauges, Gauge Cocks, Glass Wuter Gauges, Safety Valves, Whistles, Glebe Valves, Governors, Patent Selr-Feedlng Lu- bilcnters, Glass OH Cups, Gless Tubes, Injectors or Heller Feeders. PACKING Hemp, Asbestos, Gum und Plum bage. HE LTING G um, Cotten and Leather. CASTINGS Heavy and Light Iren and Urass. Heller lien, Sheet lien, liar Iren, und Steel. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools and l'ublle Hulldlngs. STEAM HEATING. Estimates, Drawings and Pattern Werk fur. nlshed at Iteasonable Hates. -ltcpalrlng promptly and carefully at tended te. Address, Jehn Best & Sen, NO. 333 EAST FOLTON STREET, LANCASTEH, PA. JanlS-lydAw ROTE 18 MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT S3.00 A POZSU, AT NO. 108 MOUTH QUEEN STHEET. JUUVVIU Lancaster, Pa, O I HAGER &, 25West SUMMER DRESS GOODS f Surnnier Silks, Surahs, Tricetine, Foulards, Pongeo, Grenadines, Nun's Veiling and Albatross. Linen Lawns, French Satlnes, American SatincH, JJrilisJi 1eUih, Chnmbrny Oinglianis, Zephyr Oinghnms. Embroideries and Laces, Embroidered Swiss Robes. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Lisle and Silk Gloves Hosiery and Gauze Underwear. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. -MKAP,8'JX)KK. Carpels and Mattings, V' ,' AT METZGErf'HAUGHMAN'S, rilOM LATB AUCTION 8ALE& Mattlnt-e, OarpetB, MattlngH, Oarpeta, Mattings, Oarpete, Alse, LAUGE WHITE COUNTEHPSES, Frem tl.e lle (ln-nl Auction Sule In K0,0XuljiAlifa'uC X'" " "P ,l i0- Veu wl" Kl letzger & laughinan's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., Jtf Helweuu thoCeonerllousoandttorrcl Ilnree N KXT DOOH TO TIIK COUHT IIOUSK. FAHNESTOCK'S Fer it Weafher - - OK KVKIlV DESUIUPTIO.V AT C'i, 8, 10, 12, 15, 1?, 00, 23 CTS. UP. SUMMER UNDERWEAR for Ladies, Gents and Children. SUMMER HOSIERT-frreat Quantities at Lew Prices. Jerseys I Jerseys 1 1 Jerseys ! ! ! LAIUSK STOCK, ALL SIZES, FOIt LADIKS AXD ),tJ.SOlt3.Wlup. fJ-UO, R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Lancaster, Fa. B OWEKS & HURST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH WHITKDHKSS HOOPS In Victeria Lawns, Linen Phi uet, Floured Swiss and Tarletans. We huu an and are elTerlni! them extremel v low. ii mu uuviiiiK ilium UAiiuuiviy , We also have a lew pieces of v ifvcrvhcaw W1IITK neavyiviuiK which eill Sneclal Attention te. There are very Albatross Cleths lu all shades. Lace Huntings lu ull shades, from very low prices up te thu best qualities of Reeds. In Hluck Otteman Grenadines no have seincthliiK specially nice. CAS1IMKKK SHAWLS In Cbolce Light Shades. Mesquite Canopies we uie circling extieinclv low ; call and see thorn and get prices. Veu will 11 lid Our Prices Lew In Every Department. Ue member also, me deduct 10 per cent, from almost every cash sale. BOWERS NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN tilWEltWAJlE. H. Z. RHOAD3. ATTENTION ! We would call attention of purchasers te the very fine and com plete line of moderate priced Ladles' Geld Watches, very mueh In demand Juat at present, and wa are well prepared te meet that de mand. We also have Geld and Silver Watches in a great variety of styles and at the low prices brought about by the long depression of the times. Our Niokel Watches at 85.00 are geed watches for the meney, and are going off very fast. We received the ether day a large inveice of all the latest nevel -tles in Silver Jewelry, Oxydized, ete., very pretty and worth see ing ; would be pleased te have you call and soe thorn. H. Z. LANCASTEH, PA. hooks. B 001C8 AND STATIONERY. JOrIN BAEH'S SONS, OrFKU AT LOWEST PHICES, llliink Beeks, Writing Pniwrs, Envelopes, Writing Fluids and Inks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, Steel Pens, Lead Pencils, Pocket.Uooks, Hill Heeks, Letter Heeks, and an Assortment of Pine and Staple Stationery. Of AT THE SIGN OK THE HOOK.-M NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. IIOUBEFUllXISUIXU QUODS. s UIKK'S OAKPET HALU CARPETS! HEOPEN1NG Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the trade the Largest and Best Selected Line of Carnets e vor or, Mbltcd in Tthlsclty. WILTONS, VELVETS, all tU Trading Makes of BODY ANdVaPESTHY BllU8SELS,THltfcE-PLY.Al.v'oeland Cotten Chain EXTBA 8UPEHS, and all qualities of IN. GKAlNtLvilPETS. DAMASK and VENETIAN CAUPETS. HAG and CHAIN cAllPETS of our own manufacture u speciality. Sneclal Attention paid te the Manufacture or CUSTOM CAKPETS. AlseaVuU Tlneer OIL ULOTIIB, ftUGS, WINDO W'silADES, COVEULETS, Aa, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. BROTHER. King Street. Indian Linen, Persian Lawn, French Nainzoek, L'nglisJi Nainsoek, Indian Mull, Piqne Welts, AT" vkhy low Piticr.s. Carpets, . Mattings, Mattinss, OarpetB. LOT OP LANCASTER, PA. Hetel. AAsifvwimmjv ,-, CHILDHK.N ut 50c , 75c., Il.mi, I.-. ii.ne 11 rj ' QUEEN STREET. delude. Plaid aud Check Nainsoeks, Cord lmmcnse stock of these uoeds In nil iiualltlcs. uuuu nuuKS, COIID PIOUKS. thlcblsnxtleme vnlrnniiil few or them in the market. Nun's Velllnirsanil & HURST, STREET, Lancaster, Pa. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street. CARPETS! relrtJ-andAw lEMBJI AND MILLKMTU. me2AH!3 L5.U0!H!StJE. M'"Tiii H?S5ffBsaw ... ...., ,ju 1:UU( ivut 0:CTJ Bna READING A COLUMBIA. AKHANOEMENT OF PASSKNGEIl THAIIML, SUNDAY, MAY W, 1885. NOHTHWAHD. - j Heading..... ,, AtmiVK. Columbia.. Marietta Junction Ohlckle.s Lancaster Lancaster IKIni, RltwiM a,m. r.tt. 9: 7:30 7:M 70 7:10 7OT Qunrryvllle..... 6:S3 JJAVI. a, K. BOUTHWAHD. tKAVB. x. K. Heading TM AniilVK. ?.,s,rt,ai,aJuucllen" '" WW Chlckles ;.., nai 7-W 8:3' 8.2, 8:1 8: Ml V" """'" .!3 20S Lancaster 9:u i-m nJS!!SJ"L!r.(K,l,88t,00t)" 2.-08 Quarryvllle '... HMO .... . . A.H. P.M. j r. n. A.-w.A.iflEll lZ-3i 8 40 w.v'ji .... 4-00 ..y J 9ff 11 1 r.-i, T. IK irnins connect at Itnndinir with ir,i... nna from Phllnilelnhla, PotUvTlle, UanMtilV.iZS'i ilout'e ' n"d ew Yerk' vU "eune Pwg nA.tCell,Jnbl w,,u ra,r"' te nn(1 fretitdrtr.W1 v?3 Ilanover, Oettysbuig, Krederlek and IlaltlnwUlEi M Chlcki" u notion with trains te and, SmM1 jM At Manhelm with tralnslennd from IliwwJlwfciei At Lancaster J unction with trains te and mm, Lancaster and Quarryvllle. T?4ivj. , SfJNDAY. -.,SSL, ,.ft.v29.uaIry.v",-ytt- m-5 nca t.T.itlnWMi ... . vi, u.ue it, hi,, e.uj j, uu Arrive Lancaster, King Street, 'thiO a. m, p.m.i QuarryvUIe, 0.40 p.m. Tr aprll Illyd4w A. M. WILSHfcSep Stf WILSHSnpL LEiANffi1NoVAVCATuelNT T-rr. '5. .- luuaa 7 riMIIUM TBAISI, 8UND: MUC tl-nr Man ' ! NOHTHW Ivolmnen Arrive. Cornwall Mnnhclm...... Lancaster. King St. Lane. i.eave. . bOUTHW i.eave. Lehannn Cern wall .1 Manhelui Su3 Lancaster AIT1VO. KlnySU, Lanc-:0 A.M. WiuJI.Su! . C. Ven bc4ALsj i(. ii. Ueokes Mz, Sun ..WESTWAUD, news Kxprc Way Passen siantrnln e.2iial nieuara Ilannrftr PustLltin f i-ederlek Acceui.. la Coin niMa. umcasier Accem ., Harrlsbnrg Accem i Columbia Accem .. Harrlsliurg Kxpresj Chi. A Ctn. Express. Wostern Express t, l'sclflc Express t... EASTWAltD, PhU'a Express! ... rastLlne ,, Hnrrlsuun? Express Ijine'r. Accem., ar.. Columbia Accem..,, Scnshore Express.. . Johnstown Express' dally except Sunday Sunday Nail ; Day Express! via ML Jey. -' is p. uu 4.e 5 te ' , M -UK " wsa - a lister. V:i7 1- " 1' !;op. I? tti " 81 4:45 llarnsburir Acceui V The Marietta Aece-nm iu'lfrn e.Vm Cel tun bhi ,.l?KJa'e t HtcnlntnmTafr at 11-43 a. m., reaching it letta 8 Marietta at S.1S n.m .TiivrH I. , .,r. ,. I". V W A'1 MTU, 10GU. ' Vk Mi tJtam L r.tt. p.v. A.w. r.v. sj1 SB 2:15 CM 9:40 6.0ft ?$&!& W 11 837 91 :7 Hh j VM bSi 8:18 .-Ut 'L -. ..-. .-. ,.-. M. r.x. r. V. a.m. v.ir. j W3) iJM Ti31 ? s.ut t 2-n TM 8 01 l'00 &&! IU 8-19 8:40 810 A' 3J 1.M 6:48 0:12 B:4J J ins bm g.ae b.-se f v. P. il, A. v. r. x. Jf; it. ft c, it. it. r Sn , suw.caimc.AMLn. .n I $r 'Z. Sun ' All. K. II. sll-1vrt y55. . ' " '. A""' pKSYLiVAK. IIAILBOAD SCHED- V n.rdll''iaitf1?0 or anl ''V0 and arrive at l'hl!jMPK!rns fe) s: J . illiidelnhla. Lancaster. V tr Hsm, 4. '10 a.m. 0-aSa.m, ''ii 7.U) " Ik. Ml "y rMaCnlmnbla. V9. '' JK. Vt.enlnn.tiln ..KK ti ?A fnL 11. VI n n nnM mm .,' a.ie S)J 7J0 - ?. 7:40 - S'i? 10.41 &. IM0 a. in, W Oa 32 A -fivd at it PhliaUelnhla. 2 i 'UI3 w. wKra "t 3 39 ; also leaves al s.-4 aai78 7:10andarrIvesatLslx4Hrat (kOj, eb-BCOtlcr with llarrlnbunr E" itMO. The Frederick Ace ,5 rlj1n1lA., iScl- .Jv...fc 1 n f, fl , 1 .ti linn u,..w .wl. ... .1 . ?...-. d a. m., will run threiiKh (errederlrk 1 Jse rcderlck Accoiumedatioii, cast, teaev Columbia at 12,i3 and reaches Ijiiicastcr ct Vt p. m. The Lancaster Acet.mmodatlen, EasLlcavtw H.a.F?.8bu" at b:1 !' a HUI ""Ives In Lancaster ut lA5 p. in. nanovcrAccemmolatlon.west, connecting at iJincestcr w 1th Nlagira Express at 0:50 a. la. wUl run through te Hand ', daUy, except Sunday. East Line, west, en jiuhty, when nagged. WUl step at Downlnfrtewn, Ceatcsville, ParEesbartr. ML Jey, EllzabcthtOM-n and Middle town. ' t The only trains which run dally. On SnnOar the Mail train west ruutfiy wav of Columbia. COHNWALIi AAD .LEBANOX AKD COLEUHOOK V ALLEx" It AILUOADS. BOITBWARJ). Trains lcave Lehan n dally ( except Sunday ) at K JO i a. in., l; w and um p. in. ' Arrive at Cornwall 60 a. uu, 12:40 p.m. and tu p. in.; ni uonewai st 730 a. in.. 13J and ei st 730 a. in., 1:23 and p. in., connecting wl - jiie Peniuvlrasii rail. read ler points cust ai J west. SOnHWARD. Trains lcave Conenigo at 7 JO a. in., 8 JO and S 25 p. in. Arrive at Cornwall a 3-00 a. m., 4:18 and 9:05 p. m.; nt Lebanon nt 8.'.i a. m 4J0 and 0:18 p. no., connecting nt Lebaujn with Philadelphia ana Heading railroad for joints east and west, and the Lebanon nnd Tr-ment Branch for Jenes, town, Plneifrove and I'letnenL The 6:30 a. in. train v til step only at Cornwall Colebrook and Hellali' HIS CI. I LAXXO VS. 17- KVAN'S FLOU LEVAN'S FANCY ROLLER FLOUR. Slakes Elegant Hi'-nJ. Fer tale by Grocers generally. Levari & Sens Merchant Millers, onice : 17 NOUTH 1 1UNCE8T. apr27-6md UAMPAQNE. BOUCHE "SEC." THE FINEST CIL 1M AT UElGAUT'i: Ne. 23 Ea Established, 1788. CIIKAPERTHA USE. Use the MPAGNK WINE NOW OHTKD. )LI) WINK STOHE, r KlIlO 8TBEXT. E.8LAYUAKEK,Agt. febl7Ud COALFORSUMilER Gas Coe King Steve NO HEAT. NODUS Manufai Ml natterns for sole at rers' prices. Orrica or ai3 .BJ Man liMin mt -..-.. A A-.r. .3 j "fcj Lancaster Gf Light and Fuel Ce. $ 4-2md mi5sl raaylt' "JO-ATURE'S RE! IEDY, FARUVILLE jITHIA WATER. Hceoininended hv ailing physicians as the. BEST Mineral Walei ir Dvsnensla and all Dls- ceses of the Kldneys iiinniaqaer, --.---.- --.... .. - . for sela by thu (J lass or Gallen, COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 139 North Qi en street, Lancaster, Pa, dectWmd s AINT-RAI'HAI Ii"'INlC INFORMATION. The Salnt-Haphoel InehasadellcleustlaTdar and Is drunk In tb) prluelnal cities of itussla 1 Seuth America, Great ilimn.nv North and Biltuln, India, and se en. Tbe quantity exported uiinually Is Buulcieiil pioei ei iw suiwiiJiy i stiiyliig powers, whlle ler tlie real cuimeTiw thei-e Is no wlne that eau be censUlqf B"i-TheSalnt.ltaph tel WlnoCemp&ny, Department of the Dreine (France.) f H. E. SLAYMAKER, flS-Ud Na29KASTKlNQ8TEPLT. Tr-kTfnpnyAfJs FOR FURNISIIINC STvU- XT TIONEHY, Fuel and ethor supplrt In compliance wnn ine i;onsuniiieii anu the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, I Invite scaled proposals, at prices bele wel reby mail. mum rales nxea in scneuuies, 10 turn, nuv tlenarj'. Fuel and ether supplies forthe lll& ture, and the several departments efStlelgOTt SUV- ernmcui, unu iur jhuiuuihk, km-uui, r .'i. e...it.,l(tl,ifr fnr Ami rnnulrtt. fiirnfahl 1 QallB nnil cemmittee rooms of the annate ant Ifeimt t menu, reports nnd ether printed matte WIWLai Lcglslutuie and tbe Department of PuWle l fl structleu. ler the year ending the flrst Peuday ;s or June, A. lMSHi. ... . jfi fcoparutepioposalswlll be received aid P4;vS byaboiul'wUhuiiiHevud curtty, cendmfr.d X ler me laiiutui hiiiuiiui "" "' ": ;"' i. addresseil and tlcllyi-iijl te me Mere clove; p n'i-nnr A 111. Ilf THUHSDAY. tllO VSlUta i'( or .1 UNE, A. I. HM, M which tlme the prep'iiil1 't will he opened nnd contracts aHiurtel, lnflK:A Executive Chamber, ut llarrlsburg, Peeusjflvi-; ' Ula. bcneujics euuuiiuini; luruis ui i i'Wr,", , can be obtained en application atlhoeltlet-' t-' the Secretary of the Commonwealth. - , f iMiiAKnlnOI RpnfAtnrVftflrifl (Tntlltrtnil rlUftL. t'Jr JUUVittg M Kvvmm. v w wm -. .- - tt'Tifc ", j v ; l' . i. ",.'u ":?:i?ifi '''ifi'l r'li?!aS f c nm ;a J m 'Ei .Ki?fl m tc$ & 4i M i IS" '.. ! &t rit 'M M Jll'i fg Wi m 4 iiv f- ,