ViLrvrw n ,.- v V .1 itr , ymtfaltef . n ' i s.aBaiifla VOLUME XXI-NO. 244. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 1.7, 1885. PRICE TWO CE1 - 1 eh ' m MMaHaiMvs ' -IjtfWM m V? COLLKGK COMBIBNCKMKNT. Mil, SANTEh'S IMITATION OP $tO,1HM hy inn ne.tnn. The Honorary Degrees Conferred by tint tlannl nfTriinlrCK lleiinler In the Society llnll. TIip AIiiiiiiiI Meeting, iinil I'repnnt- lien 1'nr the Centennial. At Uie afternoon session of (he Imard of trustees of rmnklin antt Mnrshnll cellege en Tuesday, Mr. Clint. A. Snntee's generous do de do untlen te Iho Institution wnsie-eiled In tlie beard In the following repert : 7' the Heard n Truitce of t A M. Cellrpe: iiiocemmitteo of permanent endowment hep lenve te repert a conUlbutlen te tlie onnl ennl Inl of tlie tollego : Frem tlie cliiilrmnii of tlie eonimlltEe, tlie principal stun of $10,000; Pennsylvania Car Trust, certificates or? 1,000, series IJ, Interest .1 or cent per nnuuiii, pay able quarterly In Mnreh, June, Sopteinbor anil December, principal due September 1st, 18.MI. Pre Ifllng' tliebmrd will net-opt tlie conlillmtlen tlie principal te be continually ln osted j mill tlie Interest accruing te be usett only ler etirrtmt evnenses of tlie enlloge. Respectfully submitted, CiiAw.r.s Hantki, chairman, JIV. "WHIT. June It", lbs.5. 'l'lie report anil tlie donation wero for mally roceltcd; nnd n oninmltlee wns ap ap pelntcd te fitly oppress te Mr. Santee tlie thanks nf thn bnaid. Vnrleus reports were read and acted upon. Tliere wns nn opresslen of disapprobation thai a report had become, current that tlie Wllhelm bequest of lands would yield the cellege millions or dnllnrs ; there Is nowar newar nint for mich n rttiitenient nl nil, and it Is cal culated te retard tlie work of cnttuA menU Tlic-se lands have n iilue ler farming pur poses of probably $.10,000 in excess el what was paid In settlement of tlie disputed will j their nilnerafwealth W.unditermined. cvJ, hasnelyit,l-Am ipcii h tf TiL'inwtd com cem tnilnlcatlwii, se that H inav lw a long tlme beforeAfie college will rcallre en them. StfadpgroOjt,efvA. H. hi course Was con ferred en the lweiitO-rii'ifr"triuliintft nCtliW year s and that of A. M. In course en Rei'At" M. Viven, '81 ; Rev. H. (I. Appenxjllcr, '2 ; I). X. SeuderH, '82 ; Kev. V. .1. Jolinwen, 'S2, Cal In M. Smith, '82 ; W. II. Itaucli, '82. Tlie honorary degree of I'll. I), was con ferred upon Prof. I). M. WellV, erittin Hull, county superintendent of Ccntroceunty, Pa.; ITi. I), upon Hen. Jehn Cessna, of Iledferd ; and of D. D. upon Hots. A. .1. O. Dubbs, nl Allenlnun, and Hev. It. Duenger, of Ash land, Pa. At the meeting of the beard in tlie cel lege buildings this morning, tlie commlllee en the Saiuee donation rtirted tlie following minute, which the secretary was directed te record ; "This beard has heard with much gratifi cation of the liberal donation often thousand dollars by ene or Its members, Mr. Charles Santee, e"f Philadelphia, te the permanent endowment of the college. The contribution Is characteristic of n nnbln heart. Ter the beard itself, for all the friends of the college, ter the church which is its guardian, nnd ler thoeause of libeial oducntlen everywhere, the heard desires te niake erpetual reeeitl of its grateful appreciation. The IOrd lov lev lov eMj neheerfiil gher." The beard ehs-ted Samuel A. Ilutz, esq., of Allcutewii, te till the vacancy occasioned by the death el Judge Laiibaeh, 'nnd llnbert 11. Sayre te succeed Hen. Thes I'.. I'rnnUlIn, late nflj.itn-a.stpr, deceased. The commlttee en the Wilhelni ht'(iiesl wasaiitheri7ed tesell the real estate, or any part of It nt dlscrntlen. The condition of the aradeiny was refuned In tlie ceuiiuitteniin academy, witli power te net, preldlng, hnweter, that (he academy lie net closed. The ceiniultlet! en obserx.itery was In structed te contract ler the erection of a dome, tn cost about $2,000 ; toward w hich .Mr. Hantee has Mibsci llird I(M uml Jacob man i200. rut: SOCIETY ItKirNlOVS. The lluKtietlilaii liilllale Sincn -Sen .MeiiiIkti'. Crntlfjlni: Me"tlii;r lm (iu.llirniix. Tiie reunions of tlie llteiiny Hoeioties were held in their respectlte halls en the college campus te-dny. Preliminary te the general reunion or tlie Diagiiethiaus, a c i.d meet Ing of the nellxe meinbers was held nt which were initiated Inte niember siiip the lolloping .eung genllemcn who hae ptssed tlielr OMiininatieus mid will enter tlie fieshnian class at the opening or the next term : Melvln P. Miller, Hohrursteun ; Jehn Ij. Sitmmy, Marietta ; Hnrrv II. Apple, Ij-incaster ; Cha. A. Harnlsh, AlPMindiin ; Jehn Hellinger, Ijiii caster ; Jehn T. Atikenuy, ClearHpring, Mil.; ('Union Aukeney, Clear' Spring, Md.t C. P. Hagcr, Ijanraster. The secietvlheii went into n gcueial ro re ro imlen meeting, V. P. Hotisel hi the chair, nild the regular olllcers at the ether desks. The committee en semi-centennial banquet reported thearrangenients forthe celebration at the Stevens heuse this eening, nil the participants te meet In the pirleis of the hotel nt 0 p. m. Mr. M. T. lllser, Miihlluteun, Md., then dolhen-d the alcdictnry for the retiring seniors and Mr. Stanley Ij. Krebs, of I.lttles I.lttles tewn, responded for the society. Short addresses wero maile by J. Tayler Hetter, HtiiltttilHirir, Md., A. Prank Seltzer, Ilevs. Dcchant nnii J. V. Santce, O. I)., and Kranlt Shreder. The meeting was closed with prayer by lte. X. Z. Snyder, of P.ethle hem, Pa. (KKTIIKVN ltlU NKlS The alumni or tlie Oii'theati society or er ganlred tlielr ineetlng by calling Het. J. Spangler Kieller, 1). P., or Hagcrstewn, te ihe chair. The organization wns completed bv electing Nev. J. P. Stein, of Mlllersvlllc, vlce nresident ; Itev. T. P. Hellmeier, et Mlddleteu n, Md., secretary, nnd Hev. J. A. Heillielii", of Martlnsburg, W. Vn, censer. The fellow ingiilinnnlet the society were present: Itets. 1). H. Schoedler, A. P. Dries bach, J. 11. Kerschner, 1). M. Ditinnr, IT. M. Heilman, 1). 11. Sliuey, J. II. Punnebeeker, C. S. (Jerhard, Ij KryderPtans, O. W. Cor Cer Jiard, S. jM. Itoeder, J. M. Titel, I). D., James Craw Tord, S. P. Melliiiau ami u. w. E. Slegel, and Messrs. Hen. J. G, Peters, 13. JL Hottenstoin, C. 11. Veaer;M. W.Mauch, Hen. Milten J, Hffc, Milten S. Wagner, n. . Musselinan, V. O. Mavhurry, W. P. Oerhard, M. 1)., Jf. H. Mill, and T. M. lialllet- Afler prajerby Hev. Cyrus Ceil, thoinin theinin thoinin utesefla'tanniulineoting wero read. ju interesting and oneeuraging ieiert of tlie year's work and the piestnt condition of the Meelety was lead by C. 11, Schneder, How Hew inanBllle, P.i,, 'SX Alter repnrts of several coniiultteea had been read, brief addre-s3H were made by ItevH. Scluvdler, Ditmar, Pert, Stein nnd Hctlincier. The meeting then adjourned well pleased w 1th the nourishing condition et the iveeiflty, as w ell ns with ha lug once again met with old friends In their society hall. THE ALUMNI Mt.ETlU. I'lrparntleni ler the Centennial Ci-ltilii-utlen of the Celleee Next Year. Vlce President Cyrus Cert, or flreeneastle, Pa, occupied thoelmiref Iho Aluinnlassi cla cla lien at the meeting In the chapel nt 10 n. ill. Hev. (loe. P. Johnsten D. Deri'hlladeIphln, opened the proceedings with prayer. The minutes or the last ineetlng were icad and approved. Fer president for the next three years Hev. J. M. Titzel D. D., or this city, and J. 11. Hellhelns, Martlnsburg, W. Va., were nominated nnd a ballet resulted In the choice of ltev. Dr Tit7el by n oteer30to 10. Other etlleers wero elected ns lollewst Vlce presidents, Hev. J. H. Heniitinsand J. Tayler Mettor, esq.; secretary, Hev. D. . Gerhard, of New Helland. Thoi-eininltteo en the publication of it Con Cen teunlal Memerial oluui(inade the following rnnert. which was considered nt length n- tl adopted j Your couimitleo te whom was referred the subject of preparing; and publishing a memorial el time ler the centennial celebra tion respectlully recommend i "That such a olume be prepared. Timt u dellnite Kcbeme for the same be appreVed and ordered nt the present meeting of the association. "Tat these te whom Is entriistwl the preparation of its ceutenU be required, te linve the same eompletod te date and ready te lay bofero the soeloty nt Itfl annual tnceUnjr in 1880, at which time, tiHu conference with the trus tee,, nrrangomenls shall be inade for the manner nfid exiKmses or publishing tlie same. "That n committee of flve be appointed te snporlse thr editorial work of said publica tion, with pewer te appoint oditer-ln-chlot, assistants and te make speclal assign inente or labor. "Thnt Iho contents or the voluine Include Iho following feattires : Hlstorles of Franklin cellege t Marshall collcge ; Franklin nnd Marshall, the preparateries and academies ; relation of the theological semlnaty te the cellege ; Dlagnethlan llternrv soclety ; Otplh Otplh ean literary soclely ; thogiaduateti and under graduates by clnsses ; catalegue for the cur lent year ; Illustrations ; lndex. "That the hlstorles or thes' jlotles shall he prepared by the respectlve organisatiens, (sublocttetliorovisionortho editorial com cem com inltttce), eacli of tlie satne te occupy an equal amount orspase, nnd the order in which they shall appear in the work te be doterinlncd by let. " That a eonimlttee ir ene for each class shnll lie solc.ted by llevs. Drs. Oerhnrt, Dubbs and Ht-ihr te contple the history or his rcspoctlve class, necrology, Ac, te le com pleted by Jan. 1, IsSu." , The nsHoclatlen olected Hes. Drs. Dubbs, Stahr, Titzel nnd Holsler, nnd W. H. Hensel (he editorial commlttee contemplated by Iho nbe e roperl. Till! Ci:.NTi:NNtAt. OF 1KS7. The centcnnlsl eelohrntlen of the cellege in general wns then considered, nnd it wns re solved thnt the literary exercises of the cele bration consist of an oration nnd poem ; nnd n new committee, consisting of Hev. Dr. T. O. jpp!e and Itev. Cyrus Cert wns appointed with full power te arrahge Ter the centcnninl celebration. llevs. J. W. Santee, D. D. and X. .. Sny der nnd .1. Tayler Mettor, esq., wero ap pointed a committeo en nlumnl orator. Adleurned te meet lu the chapel thlsoven thlseven Iiii: nlter the nlumnl address. .v 4ie'.Tr.;5 .bwjejs' . , , The Aiiialcumate! Brale signed nnt Kfcry tiling Appearing Ijnvely. Tl.ft iron strike in the PHUburg district is at an end. The scale has been rJgned and a gneral rosumptieu et work will fojlew lirt mediately. OuUlflo-erv PJtUuurghowevcr; the strike will continue, and the "mills of Chicago, Cincinnati, Whoellng, the Mahoning and Shenangn Valleys, will remain Idle for an Indoflnlte jxirled. This is the result or Tuesday's conferonco. The manufacturers hore agreed te sign the scale, leading the dis puted question or wages te be paid the sheet-Iren men nnd w erklng old rails te a commlttee composed of seven manufac turers and an equal niunber of workmen. Thongreement was net satisfactory te the mustprs operating mills west of Pittsburg, nnd they withdraw from the conference, avowing that under no circumstances would they grant the demand" of the Amalgamated association. The conference wasln session continuously finm 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon until 10 o'clock at night. Abntit nil hour before the adjournment the Western manufacturers withdrew, nnd afler their doparture the Pittsburg mill-owners signed tlieRcale. Pending n sottlement of the sheet-mill nnd old rail clauses, the mnnufactuiers operating tliexp departments will pay old scale wages. The result of the conferenco was rocelved by tlie workmen here with expressions of lutcnse satisfaction. I'rier te the sottlement, Wilsen, WnlkerA Ce., or Pittsburg, signed tlie scale. The coal mines or Watsen A Ce. nnd O'NellACn., at West Kliabelh. Pa., have shut down iudelliiitely, owing tn the de pressed condition or the trnde and the over stocked markets. Other mines will suspend operations this week. jVbeut 1,000 miners are Idle. Te day, afler n slrlke of six weeks, work will be resumed at the PennsIania col liery, Mt. Caruiei, Pa., Congressman Scott, the oper.itnr, nnd thoeiiiplnyeHliavlngngreed te submit the questions in dispute tn a le.ird of arbitration. Anether strike occurred en the Waliash en Tucsdny, among the shepmen nil along the line. All the shops wero closed Tuesday nrtorneoii at about hair-past 4 o'clock, the erder coming from the general olllcers te hae them closed indellnludy. Thocauseor the trouble nt this tlme appears te be that an order was issued tocleo the shops en Satur day for a month, or until such timoassiifll timeassiifll clent work could 1)0 obtained te keep them going en full time. Te this the men object ed, and demanded that, instead of cutting down time, the men who remained at work during the last strike .should lJ discharged. Tanner !'lere-l hy ShnrMTK. Samuel Ilrewn, nged 8. years, it rich far mer living near llustlcten, X. J., was lleeced out or $1,000 en Monday by tw e sharers, w lie nie supposed te hail from Philadelphia. The old gentleman was lslted at his home by sharper Xe. 1, who desired te hlre a piece or laud en w hlch tn erect a advertising signs Wlilloen tlie way te exnmlue the place the farmer and his companion were Joined by sharper Ne. 2, w he engaged them in conversa tion and made himself very ngreeahle, The conversation finally drllted tn meney niat niat ter, and sharpers Ne. 2 ettered te bet ?250 that there was net n man thereabouts who could show $1,000 In cash. Sharper Xe. 1 and the farmer held a consultation and decided te ac cept the bet. The latter hastened te llur llur liugten nnd drew $750 from the bank there and borrow cd $2."0 from n friend te make up the desired amount He then rctured te HiiHtleten nnd rejoined his newly-found friend. Whlle Drewn was counting the meney te preve that he had $1,000 sharper Ne. 2 grnbbed the whele iiile, and together w ith sharper Ne, 1, jumped into a buggy and dree oil at full speetl. Parmer Hrewn was daed at this unexpected action of his agreea ble acquaintances, but finally collected hlm Bclt and went te his son, whom he Informed of his less. Tlie latter made every efibrt te catch the thle os, but did net succeed. ltrief Item Frem Lluieln. Miss Meckley Is visiting frlends in Sha Sha mekln, Dauphin county. Mr. Frank Kessler lelt for a trip West en Tuesday e en lug. Hev. .elgeufuss w ill preich In the Hi an an gellcal church nn Sunday evenlng. Ocerge Wechtcr has orected a new fence In Irent et his residence, also n new brick pac inenU C. W. Myers, of HarrWburg, p.tld us a Hy lug iit en Saturday, Hev. C. S. Drewn and wlTe and his son l.vnn and wlfe were the guests of S. S. Drewn, several days last w eek. Hev. Drewn preached In the Hvatigellcal church en Wed nesday evening an Interesting and Impres sive sermon. Veciim it Drubaker are having a burglar alarm put In their stere residence. Hay-making will seen be in order. Far mers are complaining that the crop will be light. O lllcer i-.lcrted, l.ast cnenlng a meeting orthe directors of the Lancaster Cremation and Funeral Reform association leek place and the following olllcers for the year w ere elected ; President 1). (1. Kshlemaii. Vlce 1'resIdenU Hev. J. Mnx Hark and Dr. Henry Carienter. Hec Secretary J. D. Pynlt, Cnr. Secretary II. C. DiuUiker. Treasurer (leorge K. Ileetl. 1.x. Coinnilttee Dr. M. U Dl, II. C. Drubaker, and J. D, Pyott. In icgardte the admission of people te wltuass cremations the oxecutlve commlttee wero instructed te he governed by the wishes of the Irleudi of deceased. Vl.ltliiu 111 rrleniU. Walter J. Daiistnan, nn accomplished inuslelun, rormeilyerthlsdty, but for some years past it lesldent of Duflale, X. Y., where he has charge or the ergnii of the Episcopal churcli, arrived in this city this merulngnnd will spend his ten days vacation among his friend, Thranhed III Hetter Hair. Geerge Fergusen was arrested en complaint el his w ife w lie charges him tt 1th assault and liatteryand drunken nnd disorderly eeuduct He was held for n hearing before Alderman Spurrier te-morrow evening. 0LK0MARGAUIN15 WINS. TitKNxir renic mit aeainht it dk- VLAltr.n TO UK VNVONHTlTVTIONAl. Declnlen Frem the- Court of Appeal, HlRhMt .tuillrlal Antherlly of the SUI- Condemn the tMvrA Finger-ltnnni for l'eiiimjlianla Mnniifjirturcrn. ." The court of appeals en Tuesdny recrsed thodecisen ofthegenornl term nfthoHiiprems court In the tostenseof the peeple against Merris Marx, who wns convlcted In the court or goueral sessions last Doccmberefn misdomcaners In "soiling nil nrtlcle ina'iu-I'-.cturcd out of an oleaginous substance ether than that produced from milk or cream," and fined $100. Marx's counsel raised the question or the constitutionality of the section of the laws of 1881 under which his client was cenlcted. Recorder Smythe said he was convinced or the unconstitutionality of the law, but ns the general term of the supreme court of the Second district had do de do clded that It was constitutional in the case of the peeple against McOnnn, In llrenklyn, lie thought it host te send the case up te the higher courts In order tn ebtiin a decision from the court of npiieals. Tlie section nt Isstte Is ns follews: Suction tt. Xe persen shall niauiiracture out of any oleaginous subsUincoersubHtnnce, or nuy compound of the same, ether than that produced front unadulterated milk, or of cream from the Mine, any nrtlcle designed te take the place of milter or cheose pro duced from pure, unadulterated milk or cream of the Mine, or shall sell or eiler for silo the same as an nrtlcle of feed. This pro pre vision shall net apply In pure skim milk or cheese made from pure skim milk. Who Whe Who evor violates the previsions of this section shall be guilty of a misdemeanor nnd be punished by n line of net Ions than $100 nor mere than f500,er net less than six months' or inerSViW one year's imprisonment, or by beth-'mich ftnn'K.'Ltonrlj'enmont for the first cllense; and by iinprisonnteii'i. 5)5 .one year for each subsequent of Tenne. TIIK OFVB.HKK. SlHrx'soflensewivs the scllluir lu lastOcte ber of two tnbe of olcemargarino te Jehn Mnkin, who had a. portion el it analyzed by a en cm ist, wne swore npnn tue truil that n-jr was composed or an oleaginous subsUinre ethor than the product or milk or cream. The case was taken en appeal tn the general term or the supreme court, lefbre Judge' Davis, Drady and Daniels. All thrce judges considered the law unconstitutional, but they afllrmed the sentence of the loner court In erder that the case might be decided finally by the court of nppeals. jctlng District Atterney Parrls said thai the decision of the court of appeals made oloe margarine a merchantable nrtlcle, the uncon stitutionality of the Inw laying in the fact that whlle the sale of oleomargarine was for bidden it was net claimed that It was deleter- ions te the health. " According tn that law," said Mr. Parris, "a man might sell oleomar garine for wheel-grease te avoid the 'as nn nrtiele of feed' cinuse with Impunity, but If the purchaser in n mement orrergctfulnoss should eat It, the seller would be liable te punishment. There hate sat oral similar te the jMarx case leen brought lmfcre Hccerdcr Smythe slnce Marx's ceiiNletinn, but they have all licen put back te await the decision lu this cae. Of conrse under this decUIen, the ether c.tses will net be pro secuted. Judge Hapalln wrote the opinion In the Marx case, In which thn wholecnuttconcur. In this opinion the Judge says: "This pro pre tents competien, and placcnn bar tien pro gress and Intention. It Intndes rights, both of person nnd nrejierly, guaranteed by tlie constitution. The Kile nfitsiibstltule ler tiny nrtlcle of iiiaiiiifaclure Is n legltlmatn busi ness, and Ifellectedwlthoiittlecnntion cannot be arbitrarily suppressed. Tb7 act Is net a'med nt doceptlon, but gees further, nnd, In ellcet, creates n inone)oly destructlte of rights prelected by the constitutions both of the state mid Iho Pulled States." i COSttEMNINU AN AHSVillt MEJSI'llI'. Nen Yerk Court or jpieaU lrhpi th-.iill- Oleeiiinrjfitrliie rtw tJntutifttltiitlnnal Kriiin Hit- I'hllailt lihl i Tinier. The Xew Yerk court or appeals, Iho high high estjudlcial tribunal or thnt state, has pre neunced unconstitutional thoanti-elenmargn-rlno law, iijieii which tlie statute recently enacted nt llnrrlsburg was modeled. The ditlicullyer enforcing tlie latter is thus ma terially Increased. There are two goneml grounds or opposi tion te such legislation, both or which nre mero likely torecelve serious consideration new thnn they were when the agricultural constituencies of members who wauled le lie ro-elccted were clamoring for the measure In question. First, it is questionable whether the authorities et the state hate a right te prohibit the manufacture of an article which (snot neccsx.irlly Injurious te public health, nnd for which thore is a market full eCbuyers who are willing tn take the risk, if thore be any risk; second, It will occur te seme ieo iee ieo ple te ask what reason there was te exJkx.1, that a law absolutely prohibiting the manu facture of oleomargarine could be enforced, when the ery occasion or its Introduction was the fallure of the law prohibiting the sale of oleomargarine as butter. This difficulty of enforcement might have been expected te preve greater, net only en account of the mero radical nature of the newer law, but because the elder ene fell short or expecta tions notwithstanding the general approba tion which greeted its enactment. Deth In this state and in Xew Ym k, how hew how etcr, leglslatite bodies owasiennlly acquire an exaggerated sense or llielr own Importance and powers. anC whether thev think ortlie abstract Justice or a measure or net they rarely trouble themsoltes nbeut the possl pessl blllty efits enforcement. Tlie nntj-oleeinar-garlno law has already proved te lie one of these statutes which de net increase public rtsiect for law and law-makers In general. a nesE ev cewiiint: Gltcntn n NciTpiier Mull Who Wiete nf an Allegeit l.lupruient. Frem tlie Verk Age. Shortly after 2 o'clock Tuesday altorneon Colonel Harrison Welsh met and cowhlded Professer H. P. F. Kaufl' North Now New Now lierry street, near Market- This K lull'inan Is the agent for a Harrlsbnrg morning paper, and is the man who sent out mes-iagei tn it and ether papers of it malicious character, stating that Cel. Welsh's daughter had eloped with Charles F. Welsh, when he knew that such was net the case, hut that the young couple were married with the full knewledge and consent nl the parents of both parties. Colonel Welsh said that he learned that this snide protcsser was in town, and lie at once looked him up. Secreting a cowhide under his coat he started out and finally found Kaullinan en Newberry street. He walked up te lilui and said, " Professer, I am looking for you." KatilTman re plied, " I am net the man." Cel. Welsh immediately diew forth his cowhlde and showered blows thick and fast upon Kaullinau's head mid should ers. The fellow fled, followed by the new thoroughly enraged colonel ; but he proved mere fleet of feet and of better w ind than Colonel Welsh, nnd his coal falls steed straight nutas he dusted. At last accounts he was still running, and oiirroportcrhas,thero eiirroportcrhas,thero oiirreportcrhas,thero fore, as yet been unable te ascertain the dam ages he has sustained. The action of Colonel Welsh has been gonerally cominendod. A Seu'eimlile Hint for the Warm Weather, In cases uf prostration from heat or sun stroke remove the person te a cool, shady place. Leonen Ms clothing. Let the by by stauders rub the arms and legs with pieces of Ice wrapped In towels until the exccsslve heat of surtaee Is allayed. Give twenty drops of aromatic, spirits of hartshern in a llttle water every twenty minutes or half-hour. Xe ollert te rise or walk, should be allowed till 1 the person is qulte restored. Hartshorn is taut te ue liener man urauuy in cases in sun stroke, A Tenesmi Truthful Pen J-bture, If rem the llm rl.burg Patriot. McDevltt is a young man of geed habits anil charming qualltten, .- JtKFEATMNO THE JEltSEY V1TV. A leterjr for IjritinMter,ittitt jSetrarlc Defeated In Trillion. Yoslerdny the Lancaslcr open ed In Jcrsey City, nnd wen the first game in a clese light. The home team put Mnttlmore In the box and he struck out no less than ten of the Tjan Tjan caster plnyerr The visitors hit harder thnn their opponents, howevor, nnd plnyed ene of the flue Helding games for which lliey nre noted. The scere, in full, fellows : LAJICARTEIt K ABlUKIlSEY UlTV A. K Parker. I ... llelliirri.c... IIItuml, 2... .McTiitn' Donald, J.., Teinncy,s., Floed, r..... Wetcl.p... Mack, 1 ..,. MM.KlilIn,3. Krlel, r. l-iiir. u n! 3 l 2' 0 (I (I 2,11 7 1 1 I II 0 0 3, 0 0 0 (I 2 0 1 2 1 1 10 0 0 MeCmiii-k.I Callahan, 3.. n e l 2 1 i iei(in, in e H.aiu'. m.. e Vl limns. 1. Hi 1 Miitllin're,p Total. (1 I)i7ll t Total .. .17 27 Ml 5 IKXIXO. Lnncneter. 1 u 1 Icix-yClly I) e 2 (i r, c .1 SUMMARY, Knrned runs bancanlel. !l Jerney City, 3. Hades en b.illn Liuipiister, 2t .Icrxpy City, 2. Htruck out lly Mnttlinnra, lej by Wct7i1, 2. Left nn b 18CB Ijtncaaler, 2; .terser City, 7. I'aaecu Irnllx I'uir, I. Wild jiliclH-it MnttliiKirc, 2. llnmlre Jotin Helland. llinuerKaum Tnn linurs and thirty iiiIiuiIuh. lllmiinuil l)el. Mailtes plnyed yclcrday :jU Philadelphia ; Athletic 11, Pittsburg 1 ; nt Daltlmore: Haiti- jMioreO, l.otilsvllle2;nt Xew Yerk: Cincin- ratio idiots i, nt iiroeKiyn : nt, i.eius n, Droeklyn 1 ; at Prothlcnce; l'rovldenco I Xew Yerk .'I ; at Chicago : Chicago 8, De trelt C; nt St. Leuis : Hullale 5, St. Ijetils 0 ; nt Newnrk : Trenten 1, Newark 2 ; at Hich Hich tiiend ; Nnlleuals II Virginia i); m NnrlelK : Wllmliigteu 18, Xorrelk 7. The Ijancnster try tlielr luck ngain in Jersey City te-dny. Hocanuen, Inte of the Mel", has been en gaged tn pilch forthe Xewnrk. Valentine, the umpire, was bounced by the Americaii Association yosterday. Trey has Is-en released l the JleLs, mid Cushmnu plays with them te-morrow. It was rather 8ugh for l.arkln te treat his old fricud Merris In the manner that he did yesterday. r -y.tetr was lilt hard yesterday U. the Nationals "Te had uocntcen singles, wIUi a total of lblrty--' The VhlUdelnhhw were tefc'L Jth Dallv In thn liex at r.AvvrnticA. 1:ii. vpTfrT lViv'rO' the score of 7 te fl. i 1 he Indlanapellsclubhad wen twenty-four out ei iweniy-nine cnauipiensuip games plaved hi the WeaUirn Ijeagun. The Trenten club did net score until the ninth Inning yesterday. Hickman's arm then gave out and the t isiters scored three runs, winning the game. The Dotrelt club dare net sign Iho Indian apolis players until the ten days nre up, and the plnyers have been sent en n trip through Canada te pret out ether clubs from getting them. ,?j The colerod peeple of this city hate i'lie foterbad. They can be found plating Ibe1 gamoen every dump and let in the SetetlUi ward. They wero out In ferce j esterday at n practice game and they nre only waiting for n challenge from the whlte nines. The game plaved at Jersey City veslerdny. wns net reported by the jVsseclnted Press.niul een 8.11110 of the New erk uKtrs failed le get it. There seems tn be nn "rule alieut tele graphing games from that town. I u the game between Pittsburg nnd jUlilcticsiii Philadelphia yesterday, Merris bitched Ter the former club, mid he was hit ler twenty with n tntnl of thirty-six basis. I.-i-'klu of Iho home team had one home run, nue three base hll, two doubles mid two singles. ihe Crickets, of Dinghamteii, played the Wllkcsbarre nt the hitler place yestarilay mid ten Innings worn placed without either side scoring, when the umpire called the game. The fatting of the tlsiters was hotter than that of the home club, but the Helding of both nines was line, With tlie tictoryet or Jersey City yester day, Lancaster has wen li! unit lest 11 games. Newark's iccerd aller Iho defeat In Trenten yesterday, is 17 games wen and II Ie-t. Thus Lancaster in ptircentage of games wen is ahead of New urk, the record .standing Ijiii-ci-ster.n.11, Xew.trk ..rK The High Scheel club easily defeated the ulnoef Franklin and Marshall college poster pester day by thlsscore : IIIkIi school Mill 2 .1 1-11 College . 1 1 0 II 1 (I 1 4 Kaineil Ituiii IIIkIi school ! lilt- IlluliSrhoel 10, CnllegeS. l.rrerH, lllgliSiliiMilO, LiilH-gf 3 Unipln.- KiiiiIj'. A gentleman of this city who has kept n record or the games wen mid lest lu the Pasteri! League, sajs that the games or the Lancaster stand sixteen wen mid thirteen lest ; whlle Newark Is sixteen wen nnd four teen lest. He says the Philadelphia JVei is wrong lu its published staudluget thn dubs. This would gite the Lancaster u geed lead ler inurtii place. There will boa keg or beer en third luse during the game lielw een the Fat mid Lean nines to-iueirow. This will be an Induce ment Air lets of "managers," "friends of players," Ac., te take scats under the cherry tree, and players who cut across from first bae will be lined. The prospects nre that it big crowd will lie en hand tn witness thn ellerts of the plnyers te get the first "bug." The lean men nre faterites hi the peel. Death of Mrs. Margaret A. KliiR. lu tlie obituary columns of the Is'Ti:r.t.l niiNci.u today is recorded Iho death of one of Lancaster's eldast residents, Mrs. Mar garet A. King, widow et the late Captnln Heliert King, aged 0,1 years. Deceased was born April 15,17(clnnd was married te Captain Holiert King en .May 20, 181'. She was Iho sister of Cnl. Samuel nnd fleorge Morrison or Drumore township, both of whom served In the legislature of Pennsylvania. Of her family or nlne children thore nre suivlv- Ing two sons, It. J. King mid S. M. King, nnd two daughter, I'.lljibelh P. King mid Han nah I. K tug. The deceased made her home with her (laughter. The funeral will take place en Saturday afternoon nt 2 o'clock mid the Interment, will be made at Lancaster cemetery. I'reildeiit White' Iletlpi'itlim. S itAC'Usn, X. Y., June 17. The ropeited resignation of jVndrew D. Whlte, president or Cernoll university, is confirmed. A meet ing orthe beard or trustees wns held this morning, and n long secret conreronco was had with President White, at which the hit ter's resignation was tendered nnd accepted. It Is said that e6ry elVert was made te in duce Mr. Whlte te remain ut thn head or the hixtltutlen, but te nn purpose. The news nf his reslg inn caused n grent enmmntien about the college, nnd expressions or regret are heard en eteiy side. J.nltuep Sills for llnrepe. Xi:v Yum;, June 17. Mr. (I. V. X. Ijethrnp, United States minister tn Hussln, nccninpiiuled by his wife nnd two daughters, sailed ler Kuropntliisiuerniiigonthosteamor, el IhoXerth Herman Lloyd line. A number of his friends came te see hlni off, and aller bidding them adieu, he nud his family returned te the saloon, lu I'urmilt of Ills Hear. IlATTLiireni), June 17. Scouts arrived hist night from Cel. Ottei's camp at Turtle lake with dispatches from (Ien. Mlddloteu, They say en Sunday, Otter came upon Dig Hears camp only two days nge and found n hair brush with McLean's uaiiie en It nnd belle ve tlie enetny Is going towards Oieen lake, nnd hate hopes of lrvlngtf cutting them oil. I. i ASiiltlilelii UariMiurK. llAiutisimitd, June 17. Jiimes (loedman, nn Kngllshinan, aged Ci years, coiuniltted suicide at neon te-day ny sending a uuiiei through his biain. Deceased lentes a wife ajd thrcediildren. Despondency en account el lack or work Is said te be Iho cause or the rash act. Itltnl It-celierH llelh Lefi. Hai.tisieiu:, Md., June 17. Hotero Judge Phelps In the circuit court, the appoint ments of Francis P. Stovens nnd T. Wallis Hlaeklslen, the rival receivers of the Postal Telesrui'i- company, was roteked, and Samuel D. Sprlgg, Samuel Snowden and Judge Debbins were appointed te adminis ter lbs alfalrs of tle oetnpany. THE ISERE ARRIVES. ItEAHINO OX ITS DECK TltE XAMOVH IIAllTllOtnt STATUE. Why the French Meniimlilp Did Net Mnke Hot Het ter Time In Hi Vejitce te Thli Country. Ilcceptlnu tTntll Friday. Xi:w Yeiik, June 17. The long-looked-for Prencli slcamsblp, Iscre, came le anchor In the horseshoo In the harbor this morning, having consumed 27 days in her toyage Treiii Iteiicn, France. The acsseI is anchored nbreast orthe United States stonmer, Omaha, which has been walling her arrival for n week. The voyego was prolonged by the fact thnt the Iscre had been used as n trans port nnd h id net accommodations for cenl le last six days for steaming purposes. She took a southerly course and touched ntthe Azere Islands, w here she recealed. The most of Iho toyage was made under sail, her en gine speed net exceeding ever six knots per hour. The United Slates steamer, Omaha, received tlie slters with full honors. When the Isere came te anchor, Captain De Satine sent n telegram te de Stene, the acting secretary of the Darthe' stitue committee, nelirjlng him el the te-sel'sarrltal nud asking for instructions. Tn this (Icueral Stonesentn reply welcoming ("apt. DeSaune nnd his etlleers and Inform ing hlm that he would nt ence go down te the Isere. At fl0, necempaiilcd by soveral members or the (Inance commlttee, Ooneral St jiie proceeded down the bay In ene or the tugs bclens'ng te the French line. When Hearing the Isere the jmerican colors en the tug wero dipped and was respended te by the luweilnger the French trl wler en the steamer, ('apt. De Satine met General Stone nt the gnngwny mid Ihey heartily grcet3d each Other, Tee ollier gentlemen of the parly were th'ii Intrc luecd. Tlie parti' was then hit Ited lxlnw when (Jen. Stone1 laid, borero the Fi en ch com m nnd or the pregramme orthe reception. The iwrty then returned te the eMy." - XClinofjarjtenostifiiLin the Unltetl rress &piTiA?tkkU conld'lreV y plely ,htt,erprn'ot"tirVjerui.) recefi10" of the Iwreaud the glrtshs'rienri would t'ke plme te-morrow He thetight tiiat Hie SurVl'"' would 1) postponed nitil Friday There. eeptlen, he said, would certainly net take place until the arrival of the French flagship La Flere, from Xewpert. p, A $330,000 rillLADEt.PITlA EIRE. - The fork and Ijinl Packing Ifeune of llutchen' Hen Entlrelj- Deatrejed. Pilil.Air.l.rniA, June 17 The large perk nnd lard packing house of Washington nutchers' Sens, at thn northeast cerner of S'sth and Mnore streets, was cntireiy de stroyed by flre this morning. The flames weie first discovered en the third fleer of the building at about :::I5 o'clock. The fire en gines were quickly en the ground, but in consequence of the hillamtnahle material in the building there was nn chance or saving H nud the firemen directed their energies te prewntiiig the destruction of the adjoining property. Twe firemen were injured. Xoth Xeth ing Is left but the lure walls. The less by the lire v, 111 oxceed ?r0,000, Including the machinery, stock and building. Insunince asyct unkrewn. 1 pwardsef twnhuiulred persons will be thrown out of employment, many or whom are women nnd young girls. The entire building Is four stories In height, running Iiack from Moero te Piorce streeLs, nnd from Sixth street nlmut .100 feet west ward. OtcrWSOO.OOO Cues I'p hi iimke. Londen, June 17. jV tire breke out this morning in Whltoley's large furnishing es tablishment en Wostbniirne ("rote, Hays watcr, mid the llames spread se rapidly that before tlie firemen could obtain control, oter h df a nilylnu dollars worth or property was destroyed. flreat lire In AtiiMcritnin. jisTi:ni)Atr, June 17. The lauding stage, warehouses nnd office or Dutch American steamship company, in this city, wero burned last evcnlng. A considerablo quantity of freight was consumed, among w hl h were five hundred barrels of Heur and IHe carloads or lelia -te. The buildings cost S227,00U Grant (Irrittly Knreiirngeil. Sauvtoea, N. Y., June 17. A dispatch from Mount Mctireger says Oeneral Omut passed a better night than lern month jntst and feels greatly encouraged. Te-dny he Is able te use his tolce better than for seme time hick, but he atelds talking, saj'iug that he will let ethers de that. The heavy rain of the nlgiit lined early this morning, nnd the ntmospliere en the mountain Is bracing and invigorating. The general seems te have mero strength te-day, nnd Dr. Douglas reels much encouraged. Visllnrs nre tint allowed tn intrude nn the suffering Invalid. An IiiihezzlerArreteil, Di'ilieiT, Michigan, June 17. Jehn Mul len, new or this city, rermerly or Pittsburg, was nrresled here yesterday nfternoen charged w ith einbezi-llng ?.H.r.41, as oxecuter of thoestnteef Win. Melnng, nf Pittsburg. When the officer ennie for him with the nec essary .tpers te-day he clalmed te be tee sick te be taken tn Pittsburg. j physician was called in and certified that It would be ilangoreus te move him that dlstance new. jVccerdlngly he was taken te Harper hospi tal and an otllcer placed te watch hlm. Habeas corpus proceedings will be begun in his behalf. The Srterett dale Ter Twenty j cars., Mass., June 17. The schoo scheo schoe Alert arrived this morning rrem Grand Hanks and reports June nth a grent gnle swept ever the Hanks from W.-S.-W., last ing twenty-four hours and doing consider censidor consider ablo damage te American and French fishing vessels. It is feared n niunber or vessels foiindercd, ns large quantities of wreckage wero seen, The Alert had her decks stvept, losing six dories and received ether damage. The gale wns the most sovere telt for 20 years. Chaunrey St. Uepew a Hsllreail I'renldent. Nkw Yerk, June 17, It Is stated en Wall street this morning that Chauncey M. Depew will be olected te the presidency of the Xew Yerk Central. At a special meeting of the directors et the Xew Yerk Central railroad te-day Chauncey M. Depew was elected president. His elec tion was unanimous. Hrastus Corning was olected n director. Killed by u Full. IlALTiMeitii, June 17. Parly this mom Ing, 12. 8. Prlme roll overtho baluster en Iho second lloer or his resldonce, Xe. 870 St, Paul street, nud was Instantly killed. Ills neck was dislocated. He was en his way te clese the windows In the rear of the house, when the neddent occurred. Mr. Prlme wasn well-known gauger, and the inventer of Prime's red, which Is used by the govern ment Ter gauging nil ever the country. A Murderer Arretted. Williamstown, X. V., June 17. Sam Andersen, who murdered Wash Osbern, near Dry Hid go, nnd who has been at large for twenty years, was arrested here last night. i ii The Uuecn at WluiUer, Londen, June 17. The queen arrived at Windser te-day. Her niajeity appeared te be in geed health and spirits, MAllHtKli ON A llT.r.AK HVOT. H A WcdilhiB l'nriy Ijntul en it Wild Part r Ijike Michigan. CiiiCAde, Jnne 17. jV tug-beat or jioeplo wcnt2j; miles out In the lake last oveiilng te the Crib, a solid stene strticture through which llowslhe wnlcr that sorves the needs of Chicago's Inhabitants. Itlsoxpnsed nl all seasons of the year te Iho nngry elements. The winds whlstle and howl around it, nnd the waves constantly beat ujen nnd some seme some tlmes dash evor It. In winter II Is surround ed by linmonse flelds or Ice. Xotwithsfand Xetwithsfand Ing lis Isolated location nnd Its npparcnt undcscrlbablcnessasn place or residence, It has nlwnys been customary te have n man at the Crib te koep lis pert heles clean or Ice and debris, In order that the water might flew fioely. Fer nearly flve years past, Cap tain Charles McKce, nn old mid well known frcshfaced mariuer, has dwelt thore with his family. Last evcnlng it was the sceno or the marrlage or his yeungest daugliter, Miss Lucy A. McKce te Cleorge 11. Drewn. It was te witness the coreniony that tlie gay ttig ttig lieat lead went out te the bleak spot. THE OOYEIIXOH Oh' TEXAS FINElf. Arrested nnilMiiktcil In the Sum et WlOfernn Alleged (Inllnnnre Violation. Austin, Texas, June 17. Gov. Ireland had occasion te visit the railway station yester day nnd ordered the driver efhls cniria'jote step en the crossing, where the governor was calmly awaiting the nrrlvnl efn train, when nleng came a big policeman and ordered hlm te move along oil the crossing. The street is what Is termed n " blind " street and hence tlie governor argued that he wns net en a crossing nnd finally told the policeman that he would koe hlm in sheet befere he would mete. The policeman then arrested the gotcrner, made him drlve te the station, mid charged hlm with violating n city ordinance. Tlie case came up befere the recorder, and his excellency was lined $10 and eesK The line wns paid. V-tcii Injured In a stKn Cimi h. Sa jVmu-i.e, Tex., June 17. It Is learned that a serious accident occurred Monday te Iho sla&e conch running from hilcue te Han Angela W'hcn near Heck liluil, just be yond the Colerado I'.iver, the herses became frightened and rauetr, upsetting the stage. J. J. Corkey, or HL Leuis, J. F. Walters, of Savannah, Ma, and four ether passengers were badly lnjunnlnnd have been can led te Hunnels City for treatment. One lady had an arm and leg broken. Mr. Cerkey cannot Jjurvlve, W. A. Wright, nf San Aiigeln.was thL9.nly passenger out or 8 who csca-ied lin injureu. The stagn was drawn by reur horses, xfoe became unconirellablo and ran several mridVT'10 accident rcnrred nn a rocky read en nfti,wn grade, Derrejueil CallfenaVheat Yield, Han FnANdsce, Jnnol'-The Cull to day publishes crop reports frerilV1" principal wheat growing counties of the kV5I- The figures show the yield te be oveir-tiiler previous estimates nnd that it will net execri 21,000,000 bushels, or about threo-setenth of last year's crop. In six counties only will there be gyer half a crop. Six counties will give n quarter of a crop cud the remainder w 111 net give mero than nnc-elghth of a crop. The probabilities ate that next year's acreage will show a large decrease, whlle the Trull area will be largely Increased. The fruit crop of nil kludsthrougheut the statu, except ing n fen sections', will be largp end of gned condition., .2', Mllllary Neeileil te HiippreMn Itlet. Vii.nva, June 17. Serious rioting !sro !sre !sro jiertcd rrem Drtitin. The hands employed in set oral or the factories tliere have been en a strike Ter the past few days. This morning they gathered around the entrances te the buildings nnd attacked a number of hands whn had been engaged te rcphtce them. A. fight ensued, which seen assumed such large proportions that the military had te be called out. A fight lietween the rioters and the troops followed, duiingwhlch eight soldlers and fully n dozen civilians were seriously Injured, drent excitement prevails nnd fears are entertained .that the rioting, will be re newed. milieu Death or u German lLireu., June 17. Field Marshall H.iren Ven Manteiiflel, gnverner of the provinces of AKice nnd Lerraine, died qulte suddenly nt Carlsbad, nt which place he was sojourning for his health, at 0 o'clock this morning. The news of his death following se closely en that of Priuce Frederick Charles, has greatly shocked the emperor. He ismtich prostrated nnd says that all his friends are dying oil. The baron was born in lSOIi. Tears iirun Kxtenslte Fleml. Alten. 111., June 17. A series of terrible thunder storms has prevailed in this city slnce last Friday. The river has risen two feet within the past 21 hour-, and is still ris ing an Inch an hour. The Heed is equal te that or 1SS!, and the Missouri is nlse rising. Mnny nbscnorsfear ns oxtenslye nn oer eer oer llewas thnt of 1811. The horrors nnd de struction or such it Heed along the new thickly sottled banks of the riter would be indoscrlbable. MUsIng With smiie Chili l'uiids. Ciiioaeo, Jnne 17. The Cook enmity Democratic, dub is nn tiioerge of bank ruptcy because Prank Harris, the cbib cellec ter, has disappeared, as is supposed with thn books und funds of the club. He had lately been industriously collecting dues, but has made no repert, and has net been seen fnr seme days. It Is lielietcd that he has a large amount or money with him. Deadly Mexican Election Illets. Lwti'DO, Mexice, June 17. Further par ticulars from Lampases, state of Xou e Leen, Mexico, regarding the election riot en Sun day nre te the efiect thnt three men wero killed outright, mid the first alcalde et the city seriously wounded. It Is said that he is in n dying condition. A riot also occurred at Monteroy Sunday night nfter the closing of the polls, Three men were killed and ns many mero seriously wounded. Tlie Cholera In Spain, MAnnin, June 17. Ten deaths from cholera occurred hi this city yesterday. Nlnety r.itnl cases nre reported from the city of Mun-Ia. l'illtnr TnttelliiRln Stle. Kl 1'ase, Texas June 17. A special Pull man car passed down tlie Mexicau Central last night te bring up the editorial party from the City of Mexice. WiM Tit EH ntOllA IllI.ITIEM. The Condition of the llaremeter and Ther mometer and Indications for the Mernm. Washington, D. C, June 17. Fer the Mlddle Atlantic stales, clearing cooler weather, northwestoily winds, becoming variable, rising barometer. Lecal rains have fallen In the districts, followed In Iho Upper Mississippi nnd Mis souri vnlleys nuil Lnke regions by clearing weather. The winds nre generally variable lu nit districts, except in the Seuth .Vtlantle states, where they Ihey are southwesterly. The temperature has remained nearly sUitlenary In Xew Kngland, the Hull States, the Upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys, and Upper Lnke region, and has ftllen from 10 te 20 de grees in the Mlddle Atlantic states and Lewor Lake riglen, nnd slightly in Ten. nossee and the Ohie valley nud Seuth Atlantic, states. Fen Tmmsi'AV Fair weather, with slowly rising tempernture,ls Ind lea ted for the Middle Atlantle states, Teiinessoe and Ohie valley and Lewer Lake region, witli fulr cooler weather in the Xevf England states. iniMVn MItCT l)4V0" -j-vtiuiu iiiuei I t.X-r . i ' Aini, j uit Mii-iiUi-JiiiM.lwj:xniTUEESOl . jus eirx recKET. -t" l'rolenser lllley Mnjr Net In thn future Tun hitlntle t'xninlnntlen el the - tomef thn Ilelphln-Uther Heetj Notes from the Nntlennl Capital. ..-3 Wasiiinoten, I). C June 17,: Comptroller Dcnham te-dny disallowed 1 accounts or ox-CemmissIonorof Asrrlcul Loring, nggregating f20,0W), for expenses 1 curred In the purchase of seed, eta it T.nrltifr ntift 1i(m tinii.tuitinit ,.itl Im'-. UnmiQlltln ftl llm ntnnniit .. ,.......w .. ...u .....,...MU j ( xiie nrst cempiruuer also tleclued tlut Vt Hlley cannot lcgnlly recolte nay for his i vices as entomologist or the depatimente agrlculture, nnd nt the same tlme ns"ura( or Insects nt the national museum. If i Chaiifics In the JMcillcal Iltainlu rs. fV W AsiiiNdTe.v, D. C. June 17. A numbMrS nf changes have licen inade by CominKs'ettjJtff- jnntK in me lorce of medical examine At Des Molnes, Iowa, Doctors HpeuceVI .u. iuce aim u. , wmouse liave been ajf ajf peinted, and Dr. Oca P. Hanawnlt, retlred. nt Dubuque, Iowa ; Drs. Mlcliael K. CeivJ nelly mid .Marshal M. Waplcsappeintedhrf nr. jeim Jj. low Is retired ; nt Cedar HapidS. . Iowa, Drs. A. D. Poeronnd I.HJah W. ItV ' npiHiiuicu, nnd Dr. Jehn W. Legrange tt tired ; nt Detroit, Midi., Drs. William Drady j and Augustus Kelscn appointed, nnd ttr Liigcne Smith retired. Dr. L. Drewn, wl Is appointed ene of the new beard at Me-"'' ttreger, town, wns the surgeon who dressed' Commissioner Hlnck's wounds nfter thn Iwa." He nf l'rnlrln firnrn. Ai-knnn. '4.' ' 'iVMl A Number of Important Appointment! ftji tvAsiiiNOTON, ii. u., .iiine 17. The prew-I iieni made the loiiewing appointments thi : morneon : ,, Jehn H. Stnlln. of Ohie. nibiUlnr In Ilelt-'S Hayllss W. Hnnna, of Indiana, minister tdfpl jrgentlue Jtepubllc &eA Charles A. Daiigherly, of Pennsylvanhva secretary el legalleu In Heme. i Win. Alden, of New Yerk, censutJf general te Heme. ffi Piorce M. II. Yeung, of Georgia, Cens MMinntl In St. l-e!eflnir iiM (Vtiuiitu l"!nni-nAtt- e. ,- r v- t -23 w.,j..,,. .......j ,,. n,i,n ui 4, J.ftafc uciiasi. Kdward Cainpliaiisen, or Pa., ntXaples, Francis II. C.allmy, of .V. Y., at Kingsten Jehn M. llircll. nl W. a . nt Xnt-nsnk!. 53 Oscar Hlschntr, of Knnsas, at Sonneborg. Hichard 11. Stoddard, of X. Y., at Athens. J j iiL-ouero t . Downs, ni t ennecticut, at,'.'! Quebec. M. J. Xew mark, of el at Lyens. Wm. 11. MofTett, of,N. J., at Hcirut. J. C. Monagheu, of B. L, at M'annlieiin. Wallace Jenes, of Fla., at' Messina, National Cap I till 2iet?tfi- s. tt .SKiy.-HiiTii, i. u,junu K.rtef-M Kndicett'wpnt tn DosteiCuthLs nrift fVretary 1'Jiiliiey win leva. here fajyejj Yen.""' ' I-uveiitlnn if ii!t.ttiM nles if statue. has Knsign Is-en ordered tcUf . ; nt by court-man j..d.v lorKierscariUity I'n... - , - -" -B eus conduct i j. .K" " sme lllw In -.. ... - - ' meney entrusted v -.... -!.,- The arguments icuiirt-t- WW&-..J the court for llnal ucttcn. Fifteen large IexW--fs)iila()InKJs presented te the gaveriuuMiTlryriC have been received nt tiie wictfemrt It has net yet been decided wheretlitTj will b finally placed. -5WB1! What Jehn itertch Snrt. Xew Yekk, June 17. A.TJnite&Pr reporter called en Jehu Keach, ' thtH Mitp uttiiuer, te tiay, 10 asK mm wiiaiiie.juM xei say in relation te the repert that tary Whitney's examiiilng beard hadlcajj demned the Delphin. Mr Itatehsjiii lie'j had no efilclal Information te Jin's effect Untt-J tlie Delphin has been condemned by .Nfc wimneys nearu, ana it weuui w nnrease able te expect me te reply te n comment e3 repen, uie oinciaiexisience ettvuicii 1 1 net of. "When I sce the efllcinl repertAi continued Mr. Hoach, "it will be time then, j perhaps, te nsk me w hat I have te say," JM JCJH A Illg IjuhI l'atcut .SHinille. Ottawa, Canada, June 17. In connection Willi tne jNertliwct tronble it has ceme out' that mi efilclal of the department of tkejj inioner named ltouert ljaug, wue wns sent seme tlme age te theify Northwest by the goverinuent te ndjustva certain land claims, has been issuing bogus land iwtcnts te settlers in the Xerth- w est and pocketing the meney. An investl-! iaiiuu i new iiiu uu, ma ic5 yet it J- iut posslble te knew the extcnt te which the J unfertunate settlers have been victimized byi ,, ... ... , i.... , i i vt Lang, who. finding out that he had been deSj let-led lu his fraudulent operations, left for;' the United States. It Is bclloted that Lang-a was net mono in uie ntiiu patents swinuie,! mid that several prominent Individuals cviU39 shertlj be shown te have been associated? with hlm. Iho Liberty Hell N'e.iiinjr Its Heme, Hm.timeiim, June 17. The old Llbertra bell loll isaiiiiiiore nt 1:10 p. m. ter rniiauei-. phla with nn escort of leading cltlrens freu" the twociues ewuneans nnu '.-uiiaueipnM; The Philadelphia party arrived at 11 o'elookS and Indudes Mnyer Smith, Chief of Police' Stewart and a number of ceuucilmen. There; wero no nrraugements mnde here for the for tnnl reception of the visitors. The "1 claiiner of Liberty" wns visited from earlra ,tifilir. until tlm l1in rF dnn.rlnra hxr " crowds of peeple, the ladles vielng ryltlji the gcntlemen In paying their respects. wl Duncan Cltixs Lewer tholle-erd. San Fiiam'i-ce, Cal., June 17. At Cen- tral nark, yesterday, Duncan D. Ress at tempted te lower the records el Davidsen, eCg Ldinburgli, Scotland, mm succoeueu. ins scere was : Slxtoen-iwind hnmmer, DavicL'ij son, 10J feet ; Ress, 109 feet, 2 lneheira Twcito-peuuii umnmer, d.iviuseu, uaiuttuji 0 inches ; Ress, I'll feet, 0 inches. Twentyi euu-puuiut iiauuiiur, iuviimuu, te iuui., jii.uw,ii 82 feet, 2jf Inelies. Putting 10-pound welgbt'S Owen Dully, Hdlnburgh, 13 feet, 4i Inchef-'i Ress, 12 Teet, 7J Inches. Throwing Ou-peuB welght, Davidsen, 2(1 feet, I inch ; Ress, ! feet, (I Inches. Itllicil ill it i rviijiii, iiivi-H, j?a Hi. Pase, t'ex., June 17. .v ireigiK iraiu going West en the (lalvesten, llarrlsbur A San Anlenia read tvns uainy wreeKe yesterday 20 miles from Sanderson, by,i washnuL A brnkemeu uaiued l'oter Mltr; ray was instantly kllled. The englne nntti eighteen cars wero totally wrecked. Tim llnllihlll Acrnlll. t3 WAHitiNineN, June 17. Secretary wuit ........ . nev this nfternoen ordercd that the dLspati steamer Delphin be deckod ut Xew YerV3 for the purpose of having her ixittouiexaii Iiied. The Iliiuil or the Sew Collector. The bend or Jehn T. MacQonlgle iu suiuoftlOO.OOOaslnternal rovenue celle oftlieXIntli district wns signed thisi Ing and forwarded te Washington for-1 nretul. The bendsmen nre D. J. McClr tieergu IV. -liuuu, r. n. njicuuvj, j3jui Haberbiihh and Jehn MeOevern, el Overfc ',. . 11...1 u kj ij..A..nH xrinl. Hradrerd ceuniy. They were jusiiuea fore Prothenotniy Sklles this morning, A riHArv Alinut ltv. Aleretlltli. u The police authorities of Reading iiav i-tV rocelvetl a communication from rutsbur,;. asking whether "Rev." Mr. Meredith WM wanted there. j ts - v -