V V IfSW !TSt AVln. ..- V. 1 '... 'V 7 ' iZ " . ,i' w - - ,.-, t f W f , j S ',- v- ' S -tf i -; n J"J -M. . -V ' V" i w h ,"V . TR.T v A' W- 7 sa : V-. r ULKCABTICR PAtLY flTTEIQENCEK, SATPRPAT, JUNE 13, 1885. , i tfa- Ij!.' f? rx ,J . S. -. mi. M h'WZt --'?'. J.?,i m? yi m S- children's day in celwUbia. M Interesting Fregrammet la BevM-al of the Borough Cliurchet Other IMMgteus Intelli gence Tlie Latest Hapenlnfs. ltegulai' Correspondence el Ifcfat.ua encbr. Columbia, June 13. CWldren's Day will be;observea in UiorelKmlng churches te I morrow : Fourth Btrei a. in.; Methodist linWceiai, nt 10:15 a. m, and Dethol, at lOiSm. in. and 0 p. in. Great preparations are hnng made by the congroga cengroga congrega tlona of ihe nboyTcliurcher, for the proper observance emhla day, which te chlldreu is Intorestlnglio churclies will le hand hand hand oeiuoly fMKrated, nnd pregrammes consist ing eKglng, recitations, nddrosse.s elc, rendHr, The services are froe te all. thn renal rs nnd Imnrovemonts new made te the Trinity llofermod church. mcloted. that heuse of wershln will be Lib handsomest In Columbia. 4 After te-morrow, the 13. E. Lutheran Sun day school win coinmenco uieir sessiens ni u J m.. Innteail nr lsie n. m. nn new. hi .liev. Ham. el the United llrelliren church, m as line a tilaver en the cornet as is te be Fi.'t .Jbund In Lancaster county. WK.,V A "Clinan .Tehn." lest ovenlnir. icfused te F,f,r$A ay borough llconse for soiling en thoHlreot, .""5 I BUUbUUl JHiruu'm.JHVVWU. IKIinuu wihiih ( Ik. .ml m a n am injured, n fall en CeHiinbi.i zreunds. The KovHtenos. of Mnnlielin. ulav the Ce lumbia base ball club this afternoon. The cencert by the Celiiinbi.i bund Ihls ovenlng at 730 o'clock, at their nxm pn North Third stroet, will, no doubt attract a large audience. On Monday evening at 7:'J0 e'chx-k, hi Bbreiner's hall hi Hank alley, an attempt will be made te organlze a ledge el tne Knights of the Gelden Eagle. Te-morrow will be missionary day in the rirst Baptist church en l-'irth sticet. The .pastor will be aided hi the mei tiing by Bre. Fester, whewill present a paper" History of Missions." In the artorneon Kev. Moere, of the A. M. E. chureh, will preach. Rev. Isaiah Sneath, atene time a resident of Columbia, has been elocted piofesser of Greeks In the Lebanon Valley eollege, at Annvilie. On July 2nd, the Fourth street Pirsbyto Pirsbyte rlan Sunday school, will picnic at I,UItz Springs. Town Nelen. Tay day yesterday was uiiuku illy tpilet in penco circle?. This afternoon and evening u jmblfc danc ing plcnie will be held in Sherk's greve. Olllcer Dyssinger arrcsted Ucorgelllppoy last night, for being drunk and disorderly. "Upen paying costs he was discharged. Klchard Hess brought suit against nftoeu members of the Vigilant lire company ler calling him names, but the ovideuce was he weak that 'Squlre Yeung dismissed the case.' Thoremain&of Mrs. Cellins will be in terred te-morrow at 3 p. m., from her late residence at 4th and llll street Deceased was 48 years, and doparted thislife last Wed nesday. Tiiiwiry nte3t urs ltuuav. A New Helland Man ltcndered UlllunjUeus by a Urttlng Accident. AVhat nearly proved a sad accident oc curred yestordayarternoonabout4:30 o'clock. Jacob Keller, or New Helland, canto driving in a buggy from Mechaiiicsburg, and when within a quarter of a mile west of M. IS. Weldler's hotel, the bit breke and the herse get beyend Mr. Koller's control. He ran with all his pewer oer the hitching pest of Jie Midway hotel, throwing Mr. Ileller out ever the railing en the pavement, lle was stunned and gave no signs of llfe, but was can led lu the hotel by Mr. Clrp Dendor, Mr. ISel.'.-r and Mr. Buck waiter, who wero pass ing by at the tlme. Mr.AVoldler did all hi Uteri (UKTsoen brebxlit hluvareund. He could net 'roallze'.what IiapilSncd. Ijiickily he was net hurt mero than thathls head fcltsore and his left elbow was somewhat sprained. The herse was hurt en the right rhoulder, but will be all right hi a few days. The buggy, h tran go te say, was net damaged, and the harness was all right. Mr. Keller get ati ati ati other bit for his herse and went home in company with Mr. Bender. The Heading A Chesapeake. A special meeting of the d hectors of Head ing and Chosapeake coal and railway com pany, was held ut the olllce of J. W. F. Swift, esq., te-day, for thopurposoofeloctingntrea thepurposoofeloctingntrea thopurpesoofeloctingntrea suror and secretary. The following iiauied directors wero proseut : II. llaiimgarduer, prosldent ; J. W. F. Swift, secretary ; Hen. Isaac McIIose, Heading; Dr. S. T. Davis, Chas. J. Hhodes, Safe Ilarber, Hen. E. 1111 1111 Ungsfelt, Adamstown. Thes. II. Musgreve, souler member of the -vjlrm of Musgreve A Ca, bankers, N. Y., was elected trcasurer, mid J. AV. F. Swift, esq., of this city was ro-eloctcd secretary. Ne ether business was transacted but liem a "talk" had among the directers it apponred that the affairs of the company are in a ery satisfactory condition. The Gun Cluh. The Maple Urove Gun club of this city held a meeting last evening at the bilii.iid room of Jehn II. Clitie, and thore was n geed nttondance. The following officers weroclected. President H. 13. Andersen. Secretary. Jehn II. ('line. J Treasurer. Charles Frauciscus. Executive Committee. Hlrain Kanllin.m and 8. Clay Miller, Lancaster ; and Heward Uush, Bird-in-Haud. The club is composed el well-known gun ners and sporting men, and their object is te prometo this sport The club is in geed condition and it doservos success Matrimonial Music. Kev. D.W. Gerhard, of New Helland, re cently officiated at the 11 ve hundredth wed ding selcmized by him. Goe. IC. Leenard, of this city, was married In the U. B. church, Alteena, oil Thursday evening, te Miss Tillle Zern, of Carrollteu, Pa. At West Grove meeting heuse, Chester county, en Fifth day, Wiluier L. MeFadgen, was married te Lizzie M. daughter of Jehn A. Pyle, of Drumere, Lancaster county. After the ceremony a roception was given at the heuse of the brlde's undo, Darlington Fyle, Toughkonamen. A New 1'estnuuter fur "Fuirlleld." AV. F. McSparran has been appointed post master at Grcone, Drumere tow nship, vice S. J. Boyd, remeved. As at Ephrata, Washington and Quarry Wile, the Democrats et Grcone Uunished reasens forthecuangoofpostmastorsandagroedupon ene candidate or the succession. The de partment seems te be mero ready and prompt in disposing of such cases than w hore the Domecraoy cannot ngroe upon thelr ap pointee. lllg Tells. Frem thu Lancaster luqutrcr. "At a slngle tell gate," says Dr. J. 0. Hbaub, the well-known veterinary surgeon, 11 which bars entrance te and exit from this city en ene of our main thnreughtares,my tell In ene year amounted te $235.13." Ordained In Harrltburg. Kev Francis Breckel, of this city, was or dained te the priosthoed at the pre-cathedral in Harrisburg by KU Kev. Bishop Shanahan en Friday morning. Kev. Father Fein. of Ellzabetbtewn, assisted at the ceremonies. Kev. Breckol will colebrate his Hrst mass In St Jeseph's church this city te-morrow morning. An Important Arrival. Tobe Wright esq., the colored and some what notorious beet-black, arrived In town last night . He says he came from New Yerk by freight nfter getting in a fuss there. He thinks the air of Lancaster will suit him much better ufter a two years absouce. Sent te the Heuse of Itcfuge. K. Ellett Maxwell, aged Id years, son of HlcbardP. Maxwell, of Salisbury township, was bofero the court this altorueon. His father testltled that the young fellow Is incor rigible and beyend his control, and the court ordered him te be taken te the Heuse el Refuge. Meney Ntelen. Oil Thursday during the temporary absouce of the bartender, iiMieek tlilef slipped Inte the barroom of the Sprocher heuse and stelo ten tle dollars bills which wero lying en the shelf behind the bar. The Hene ut It Again, This morning a herse ran away en East Chestnut street The wagon te w hlch he was hltohed struck ggalnst au iron hitching pest imd was uiashed te piece. ' f. TV ' W. H. Hey had his lefl arm ludly &W1&-' vmifinlnv. wlille lilnvimrbnll. I' A ''of, . the tracks of the Keadinir niul fl . railroad IxmIiIe the Kliawnce lull i OeUeg CefluacBCmaeMt nor. iir, a. vi. Ayi'ie i jhj;u uju uuu calaureate sermon In the college chapel to morrow morning. On Monday evening the frce concert of the sophemoro class will no given In the chapel A jieh liennpuug Aiiuueuce. Frem the Columbia Spy. The Spy agrees with the Ifew lira that the Crawford county system Is " founded en cor rect theory," but In practlee it is ene of the most corrupting In II nences In modem poli tics. Merchants' Cheap lUcursleii Te New Yerk and Ceney Inland, Thursday,.) line lSlli. Iteiuiit trip tickets Reed fur three lnc Train leaves Ijincnntcr (King nticet) ntr:l5a. m. Fare, HAT. T.cave Manliehu at d:S7l Milt at Mi and Kpkrata at 7.nr. Fare, fl-M. Juiar.,K,13,ir,17AHw A Stmnherry Fentlvul. A stniwberry festlval for the boys' lnlielnimry Imndef the Frcauyterlmi church, w 111 be held In Ilebcrls' lmll Monday and Tuesday cvcnlnga. A ticket gets n plate of cream, anil the small hey and his little sister are certainly offend great Inducements. Kxeiintlnns tti the Yellowsteiio Nittlniml I'aik. Me-91M. Kaymeiid .V Whltceiiih's two grand flxciiivleiis te the Ytillonstniie National l'nik JulySland Aiinusl 27) are likely te be 'well patiunlKud that ls,as lingo an the lnaniigenieul provides for, the bIoe! eueh pally being limited te the accommodation of tne Putlmun liiik, uvety person being entltlLd tondeiihto sleeping berth. The Journey te the Turk will be made In cany stnires with steps at many picturesque pelntH, nnd also at one or the great wheat farms In Dakota, whero It will be seen hew the gieut bonanza w heal fanners carry en operations In harvest tlme. Thu lour of the I'm k will he made In a comfortable manner and mere tlrm tnke the customary length of tlme w 111 be devoted te thowendcrsof that region the gieat Geysers, springs, falls, Qrand Canen, etc. At the Upper Geyser llasln, for lnslunee, wiiure visitors us ually stopover night und partefa day only, the llnjuiend excursionists will pass sixty heuia. Full descriptive circular ( also "Three Snnimci Trips ") may be had by nddiesslng II. F. Hblcldg, tigent for the Raymond excursions, 111 Seuth Ninth sticct, (under Continental Hetel,) I'ffila delphta. MAllKKTH. Philadelphia 1'rudure Market, riiiLAiiKLi'MU. June 13. Market slew; prices In liujers' faer; 1'eun'a family, nt $1 0) fll 83! Westell! de lit l MS W i Mlnnesela bakers' ut Jlfl.'i, nnd patents nt tiWlfiM. ltye flour linn nt $1 per barrel, lorchelcn. Feed was dull and utuk. hales or West ern winter bran, JU 7'H per ten. At the I p. in. call Wheat wus dull, w Ith (,)" bid for June t tfljfc for July t II oejf for Aug. Cern as easier ; Me,.)une s MJc ler July; MJ4e for Aug. Uatsweie dull i lOKc. bid for June : 10kc, for July, 37c., Aug. New Yerk l'reduce Market. NuwYenK, June 11 Fleer market dull but without decided changed; Hue, ti TQi Vi ; MitH-rtlne, UWtfljni; l.'niiimiiu te Fancy Kx tru Ohie, t.TUKjfllK); Mlnuesnta. t-l WJ1 Ol. Wheat Ne. ailed, Winter, July, l uJ ; Aug., lWJi;bept.,tieiK. Cern Ne. 2 Mixed. June. Sic; .luly. .WJe. OaU Ne. 2 Mixed, June, K(e ; July, SlXv- ltye nominal. Ilarley nominal. Ferk eulct ; Mess, 111 2WJ11 M. I.ard 10 W. July ; ffl (O, August. Molasses llruier; boiling stock, 'J0c for So Se test. Kesln dull but firm ; strained te geed, $1 IS iji '.II. Turpcntlne eulct at 3IJe. i cueiuuiu tiun ; refined lu cases. t&ftlOc, (. lll ii'iuiiirii ixiiTiiiij.il ' Western Imitation Cieaiuery, 1315c. Cheese tlrm nrlmn. (ia. Western llat, :eKc . Ohie de, KggHqulet;Weslcrn,llfJllKe:State, li;J!5c. augar nnn , neuueu cuueai, ie unui ulated, f 11-lCc. Klco Unn and unchnngeil ; Carolina und Louisiana common te fair, 4iCWie. Tallew easier : I'lline City, S 7 lUjWc. Freights luster ; Grain te Londen, JiB. Ceirec (palet ; fair cargoes, f"tc. Hay nymlnal i Ne. 1 'limetliv, l 10. Chicago l'roduce Market. Ciilt'Aiie, Juue 13, 9 30 a. m.Maiket opened this morning us fellows Wheat July, S-)'c ; August, 'JlVc ; Sept ,'JIi. Cern July, 4&Xe ; August, IGJic. Oats luly, 3.P40 ; Aug.,'e: bepL.UTKe. Ferk Jufy.fioie; Aug., 10SOs Sept.,luu. Lard-July, fl C3Q0 U ; Aug., S 75 ; ScpL, $0 75. Klba-JuiV, ); Aug., 15 bVi ; ."-ept., 5fi7K- CLOHIHO, 1 r. m. Theehange In the lliitlsh cabinet bus been fully discounted. Heavy realizing by the longs and piespects of an Increase In thesupply en Tiif'MlHy, caused the markets te close easier about Jie lower for Wheat, Jie for Cern and Oats and ten cents ou Previsions, Wheat June, H7Ke: July, W'icj August, dOVe : Cent.. W2e. Ceni June, r,iif, ; July, ICJ-ie; Aug, 15'He; fcept.,lc. Oats lune, :m;c; July, Wr; Aug, 2c J Sent., 27c. rerK juue, fiu uii;.iuiy.iru m .ug flu A,'H f-eet..l()47K. Lard.! une, S7M ; J illy, $i ui ; Sept., tS 75. lllbs Mine, f-1 )); July, $5M; Seiit.,5efi. Aiig.fat,? Aiig.MtJH: StecK Starkcts. (piotatleus by Keed, McGrann A Ce , Hankers, Lancaster, Pa. 11 a.m. 1:m. 3p.m. Mlsseuil Puclflc .... Michigan Central New 'ierk Ccntnd M m mif New Jersey Central Ji!'M 37 37!. Ohie Central Del., Lack. Western Ki. nnyk itej- DenvcrA KloGrunde .' .V? .', F.rle ? 'HZ 'v Kansas A Texas 17'2 17?2 17J2 LakoShero M'2 MW hs! Chicago & N. W., common upy irji? wu N. N.Ont. A Western. ..tt.., ... 3 St. Paul A Omaha . . 'ink l'acllle Mall hi M'i 5.1?! Kechester A l'lttsburg ... $ St. Paul ni'; (,7 i.;i? Texas l'nclflu 11 Ji nj nk Union Pacltlc iS b.iQ 5.1J Wabash Common y,2 Wabash l'releri-ed h Western Union Tclegruph.. fil' i.iji tH LeuUv llle A Nashville 33 33 3JW N. Y.. fid. A St. L 18 Lehigh Valley 5sJ Lehigh Navigation iiy. Fennsylvaula iV,i Vi 47 Keadlng (. 1V10 1. T. A liuffale p' Northern l'aclllc Common 1( Ki?ij le;J Northern Faclnc I'ref JS &s !&i Hestonvllle is'? Fblladclphla A Erie 17J? Northern Central . Underground Canada Southern '.'7 8uvv;: 7s 7J 7iK People's l'assenger Jersev Central Lecal stecKi ana UeuiU. Itoperted by J. 11. Leng. Far Last value, sale. Lancaster Clly, C per cent., 1SS5 $100 1W " " 1WX) 100 110 " " isas lui lai " 5 per ct. in 1 or 3U years.. 100 10U.5 " 4 Schoelloaii lue lei " 4 lu ler SO years loe 100 ' 4 ' In 5 or 'JO years. 1(0 100 ' 4 " lulOerlNyears. 1U) 10323 Manhelm Koreugh lean 100 0i DANU STOCKS. First National Hank ICO 101.50 Fanners' National Jlank M 110 Fulton National took 100 173 Lancaster County National Hank DO 110 Columbia National Hank ,0u 11 Christiana National Hank 100 115 Kphrata National Hank 100 ill First National Hank, Columbia 100 155 First National Hank, Strasburg 100 ). First National Hank, Marietta 100 200 First National Hank, Mt, Jey 100 150 Lltltz National Hunk leu 159.10 Manhelm National Hank 100 lui.'je Union National Hank, Mount Jey.... 60 (a New Helland National Hank 100 130 Gup National Hank 100 110.50 MAIUITAUES. Ahmei.d Millkk. Aurll 12, W. T. Gerhard, at his residence. Ne. 31 Kast Orange street, Mr, William C. Arneld, teMlsa Lltzle Miller, both of Lancaster city, ltd DEATHS. DlETltlcu. June 13, 1883, lu .Maner township, Charles C, Dietrich, aged 31 years, The relatives and friends of the family are respectlully Invited te attend the funeral, from his late icsldence, Columbia pike, Maner town ship, Tuesday morning at 3 o'cleok. Services at thu Mcnnentte incettug house, Mlllersville, at tea o'clock. Iuteruientut Mlllersville. 2td NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. H"VsiClTuPKU'WAWKii A geed and reliable Gtil wanted te de general housework lu u small family,. Apply at ui euu ijucen siieci. JIU" PUnLIO SAIiH OK OHIO HOHH1CS. Ou MONDAY. .1 UNE 13, 1W5, will be sold nt D.Legan's balls blables. Market street, I ear or McGrunn Heuse, Lancaster, l'u twenty head of OHIO IIOKbES ; among them are some very line drivers and geed heavy boned feeders. Seme Ne, 1 drivers. Hale te commence nt 1 o'clock p.m. A credit of te days w ill be glv en. lld DANIEL LOGAN. UUMMEH CLOTHING AND HATS. O Clealng Out Without Kegurd te Cost, ut HECIIIOLU'S. A whole suit for tl up 1 Working Pants f'Oin 40e up t All Linen Pants, ,3c up 1 Coats anil Vest lor&ueup. A fresh supply or Hosiery, Under, w ear and. Notions Juu received ut prices te suit the times, ut IlECHTOLD'S, ,.t ... c Ne. M North QueeaSUwt. Sign of th lllg Stocking, KKLMIOVB. TJELiaiOUS SEIIVI0K3 WILD UK w M.i held In thn fnllawlnff i churches te-morrow, In ttwi mnrnlnir at 10.3). In thn ovenlnir nt 7:1.1. Bilnday school at 1.15 p.m. When the hour Is different It Is specially noted! MRoKiAi.(l'Ki8nTTniAK)-8euth Queen street, Bervlccs morning nnd evening at the usual hours. Sabbath school at lJi p. 1'iayer meeting Thursday evening. Welcouie te all, Themas 'inompseiitpasiur. Christ l.CTHrRAK Ciitnieu West King street E. L. ltccil, lwister. Hunday school at e a, in, GnAeic I.UTiiRnAi. Cerner of North Queen niul .Inmnn KlTveL Kuv. O. Etvln llennt. iiitstnr. Services nt 1030a. m. and atoeo p.m. buiulay school nt 'J n. in. Tub Old Mennnnltes will held service In lliclr chinch, corner of Kast Chestnut mid Phciman streets, nu Hiiudny, JiineUth, ut le'cliK'k, p. in. I'renehlug lu both hiiigungcs. BKieMiiKVAmiELidAM Kiigllsh), en Mulberry stieel, iibevu Urange !,. N. Wermiiii, pastor, l'riuiclilng at 111 30 a. in. and 7:l5p, in. by tin) pas tor. Bnbbath school al H.15 a. m. l'nijer und Class en Tuesday mid Thuisday evenings at 7:1.1 sharp. Omvkt lUrriBT Ciiuiich. Y. M. C. A, lloemn. Kev. M. Finyne, pastor. 1'icachlng nt 10.30 u.m. und 7M') p. m Hundiy school nt K.IS n. m. T. OTKriiKW (iur,j ;iiviicii uunii uiiait.u Services ut hue a. in, Itaccnliiureatn sonneii by Dr. T. G.Apple, presldrnt of the college. Umen llKTiiitl llev.G. W.SellhiDiier, pastef. Children's day. Thn morning service 111 com cem com mencent lilo'cleekn. in., nnd will consist Inlet I tat Ions, songs, Ac. In thu evening a sermon by thopister. tvr. I.ukk.'b IlKCenMBU Marietta Avenue, Kev Win. F, l.lrhlltur, pastor. DIvliioscrvlceat 10W) a. m., and 7: l'i p. m. riiimlay school nt it p.m. Tub Weuiaii's Christian Teinpentnce Union will meet en te niermw (Humlay) nflernoeii.atii iiuartcriiast :ie'el(H'k, In the Second KMingcIlcnl iliureh, Neitli Mtilbi'iry slieel. '1 hiiDnleii 111 meet en Tuesday nltcinoeu nl.1 o'eleek, at Ne. IK Ninth Prince icel. Tiik ri'iiular meeting of the I.itdlcs Auxlllaly will be held In Y. M. C. A. building, Monday evening at 7..VI. A fullaltcndnncelsdeslied. St. 1'aul's Dlvlnu survlce nt Kiao a, in. nnd 7:11 p. m. biindny school ut 11 a. in. UniTkli JlnKTiniKSlH (;iiriht(Cevksat1 West Oiiingestuet, butnecn Mulberry and Charlette stieets, (fenuerly known us balcm) Ilev. M. J Miiinma, piwlei. l'reaehlng at 10.l n. m. and 7.11 p. in by Kev Jeseph leung, of Anuvllle. bunilay school nt a a, in. Fiust ItEFetiMED Services ineriilng nnd even ing by the pastel, Kev. Dr. Jehn M. Xllzel Hun- day school at '.in. in. bT. Jehn's I-irriiKnAW llcv. Pjlvnniis Stall, pastor. Pleaching at 1ft W a in., and lit 7 Win the evening, hiiudny school at 9 a. in. Allnie Invited. Getvvald mission sihoel al'ip in. Wfht Mission M. 11. Cliajii'l, cornel Chailelte and Lemen stieets. Kev, w. II. Asprll, pastor. Ne service In the morning. (1 10 p. m., lilldrcirs lucctltig. J.xcrcises win consist ei siugniK, recitations, an mldress by Kev. (!. Gaul. Dur ing tlm summer months Sabbath evening scr scr vlce will coniiiicnee nt 0.15 o'clock htravvheiry Festlvaluext Friday anil Satunlay evenings. st Paul's M, K. Church. All day "Clilldicn's Day." lOlen. in. a service of song by Sunday school niul church choir, together w Ithntldressc liv Mr. Kursk nnd pastor, Kev. Geerge Gaul, A. M. 7.p. in. full piogramme by children of the school. The Sunday school will please liuctat id it. in. Moravia n. J. Max Hark, pastor. 10U n. in. Tilnlty I.tlany nnd sermon; n. in. eunday school i 7JJ evening servlce. All welcome. First Kaptist. -Preaching by Kev. O. Gardner, of Crezerhemlnary belh iiierntuguud evcnlug. 1 hesuvtkriai. uniuiix'ii b ubj, lulllIl, varied pregramme und Infant baptism. Kven Ing, srniicm te chtlilreu uud survlce of song. llev.Jai. Y Mitchell, II. D. First M. K. Chcrch Kev. J.T.Satchell.iusler, Children Day. lnji a. in., service by thn Sun day schools : 0 00 p. ni., short sermon te children 1'rajur meeting en Wcdnesduy evening ut 7.15 o'clock. NEW ADVEllTIHEMENTS. B AKINCJ POWDKIt. ROYAL BAKING POWDER. Absolutely Pure. THIS pe der never varies, a marvel or purity, strength and vv hulesemenets. M010 ecu mimical than the ordinary klmls, and cannot lie sold lu competition with the multlluduef low test, short weight, alum or phosphate powders. .Sold enlu In 01 mi. KeVAL DaKINO Pem ekii Ce., lWi Wall htreet. New Yerk. inayST-lydAw -,rAnvKi,ouslrrrsr()Pi:uATieN," 111. Sweet and healthy lluen the result of MILLEK'S IIOKAX SOAP. R OASTED GltOUNU HOG AND .MOCK Turtle Soup for Lunch this evening, at UAIU'Ell'a CENTKK StJUAKE SALOON. AIISOLUTU PUIIITY IN EVERY PAK tleulnrls guaranteed by using MILLKK'S HOKAX SOAP. mar7Jimd LrNCH-aNAl'l'EIt tsOUP THIS EVENING, At Chailey Hosier's Cerner Saleen, in leai or Central Market. H I7IOH PUHITY, EXCELLENCE, FL'IJi 3 weight and stteiigth MILLEK'S HOKAX bOAP has ueeijual. CAUUOUO ACID, CIII.OIUDE MME, Pratt's Chlorides, and ether seasonable dis infectants In large stock, at IIUHLEY'b DIU'G STOKE, Ne, 21 West King Stiect e ONCEUT TO-NIGHT M.ENNEKCHOK GAKDEN. HENRY DOEKK, Frep'r. ltd' THE CITY TAX IS PAYAHLE ON OU before JULY 1, with an abatement of 3 per cent. Office hours lrem S a.m., te 3 p in. C. F.71IYEKS, Jel313td City Treasuier THE GKEATEST KNOWN SOAP answer all purposels Miller's Borax. TO OCK TUHTLE SOlA' TO-N1GHT M AT HISMAKCK'H SALOON. Ne. V, East King Stiect. (Hetruielcr's Hulldlng.) ltd HE MEMHEHS OF METAMOUA Tribe, Ne, 2, I. O. II. M., aix) earnestly re- iiuestcd te be present nt their Wigwam next WEDNESDAY EVENING, as Important uctleu w 111 be taken en the by-law s. It JOHN M.MCCULLY, Celli. f-OST, ON FRIDAY MOHNING, A MAIj- jlj tcse Tnemiis uai, i un wnue star ou urcasi. A v ery liberal lewanl kue.v whom hels. Jel3 3td,MAW by returning or letting WM. J.COOFKH, 4iS vvesi ivingstrcui. 800 QUARTS OK FRESH STRAW berries niter 0 o'clock this evening. Lancaster county Fens and all kinds et fresh egctables. Neck Clams, Devllcd Crabs, Cape May halt Oysters vv 010 nuver hotter, nt CHAS. W. ECKEKT'S DAILY' MAItKET, td 129 East King street. AA. BB. Heller Fleur. Use jiiuihuiiii The Original. uiuy2-lySI,HAW It The Heat. BY ONCE USING MILLER'S BORAX SOAP you will use no ether. Fer sals every vv here. ROSCOE MURPHY, D. D. H., ORAUUATU OV Thu Pennsylvania College of Dental Surgery, WITH 1)11, II. D. KNIGHT, 331 North Queen stieet, Lancaster, l'u. Dentlslry lu all Its branches. marll-VAS3md mHE CHEAPEST ARTICLE IN THE X market tn-Uay, considering quality, la MIL LEU'S HOKAX SOAP. OTRAIGHT UYE WHISKY. (Dlstlllea at Lltltz ) Alse, Hrandlus, Gins, Wines, Ac. J.F. SHEAFFKK, Ne. 3 Neith Duke SI., opposite Court Heuse. JeI3-2l MACHINISTS, FOUNDRYMEN AND Hlaeksmlths use MILLEK'S IIOKAX bOA Fund claim 11 unequalled. PENN SQUARE RESTAURANT. Chicken Cern Soup Lunch this evening from a te 10 p. m. Spring Chickens, Turtle, Oys ter and Clam heups. Spiced Oysters, etc., al way h en hand, lteclieslcr beer en tap. Open all nhilit, during the week. Telephene connec tions. II. COPLAND, It Proprietor. NOTICE TO HRIDGE BUILDERS. Proposals for the erection of u Weeden Inter-county Bridge ever Octoraro creek, at Kess Fording, will be received ut the County Commissioners' Offices, Lancaster und West Chester, until 13 o'clock neon, THUKHDAY, JULY0, libi. Proposals will be opened In Lan caster the following Monday. Uy order of COMMISSIONERS OF LANCA8TEK AND CHEbTEU COUNTIES. jtO-WA6UU-jyl9 KBWAn rSRTiaKMKHTB. ALL PAI'EK DEPAltTMENT. HAGER 5c WALL PAPER Full Lines or CHOICE PATTERNS in All Unulcs or PAPER HAMIMS km CEILING- DECORATIONS. NKW lllimVN nnd WH1TB HbANKH. FbATH, HATINS, WASHAKI.E OAKS, HKONZKS.SlbK. FINISH Kl) GOODS, &c. In addition toCempleto Axsoitmentsof Hlaple Goods we are elTuillig a Sieilal 1.1 nu of FINE PAPERS IN FRESCO AND STENCIL EFFECTS. InGKOlINllKOPAPKKSiind IIKONZF.8. Alse, HAND FKINTS, 1IOSTON Flf.TS, niul n Vn ilulyofNereltlcslu Heavy Pressed Papers, MnrriKla Walten, Ac. FKlK.ICSaud DKCOltATIONS KMtirrlnllv Attractive. I'nitlculnraltenllen given te Decomtlve Werk, Incliiillng Tinting or Cornices, Frescoing, Ccntie Pieces, Ac. All neik pietnptly and caiefully done by Cumpuleut Paper Hangers. UPHOLSTERY Co)iipli-re Assortment et SHADES, SHADING tuie Coverings, I.ace Curtains, Ac. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. NEW AnrXllTlSEilESTR. AN AKTIUM'ftJIVINO IIKALTIIY Ac tion te the skin, Inrvery way conducive te henlth, Is MIM-EK'S IIOKAX SOAP. e UK PUHU HYK WHIHKEV AT iiiinrt can net be surjiasscd ler Ihu money. KOHKEK'S LIIJUOK STOKE, Ne. 'tl Centra S'lunie. api1S!-lydll T5KNNA. CIGAIW KItOM tl.00 PER X llundrud up, at llAKTMAN'S YELLOW FKONT ClOAK STOKE. GRAND CONCERT -AT- Knapp's Summer Garden, SATURDAY EVENING, JUNE 13, 1SS5. MI.6IC BT TUC FAIRVILLE BAND. Jeltstd' J. H. LICIITY, Instructor. s EKIOUS BUSINESS. WHEH Wf. SAT THAT One Millien Dollars in Clothing, awaits jeu here, and that goods am bust ami pi lies least, we mean It, The trend of business ler last week lmll cutes a lurge trade for tenlay ( probably It will he the great Saturday of the season. Therefore, bring your wants early, and glv e our salespeople a chance te ntlend te you before the rush that Is sure te hicak llke u tidal wave ever Oak Hall Ibis aftcinoen." Weather Is the euly contingency. WANAMAKER & BROWN, Oak Hall, S. E. Cor. Sixth and Mahklt Stueltc, l'UILADELrillA. E XCURSIONS. RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS. .llf lYintttng Eipemtt Included. l'AKTIES WILL LEAVE PHILADELPHIA, Thuuday, July 23, & Thursday, Aug. 27, 1885, FOK TWO GKANDT0UKS0F31 DAYS TOTHE Yellowsteno National Park. Incidental visits will be made te Niagara Falls, Chicago, Milwaukee, the beautiful Dells of the Wisconsin, LuCressi, the bluffs of the Missis slppl, St. Paul. Minneapolis, the Falls of Minue baha. Lake Mlnnctenku, the Great Wheattlelds or Dakota, Dismarck, Dak. ; and Ten Days lu Wonderland, with twlce the customary allow allew nnce of tlme ut Mammoth Det Springs, Gieat Geysers, Falls of the Yellow stout). Grand anuu Etc. The parties trill be limited (11 number. Alse Heady Circulars of Three July Trips through New England, Canada, Etc. W. Katjiem). I. A. WuiTCOMn. S-Scnd for descriptive circulars. II. F. SHIELDS. Agent for Kuymend's Vacation Excursions, 111 S.Mnlhfct., under Continental hotel, Phlludel. phla. JcU-3td JOHN8.G1VLER. GEO. F. RATH VON. CARPETS ! NEW STYLE Tapestry Brussels, 50c, 63c, 75c. and 85c. NEW STYLE Bedy Brussels, (1.00, (1.15 und 11.25. Ingrains, 25c. te 75c, FOK HEST. Loek at our Goods befoie bujlng. We only have ONE l'KICE. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., NO. 26 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTEK, PA. VyiNDOW SCREENS. A GOOD-SIZED Wire Window Screen! FOB FIFTY CENTS APIECE. Made te fit the window. This la (about one eno ene third less In price than they were mst season. We have from four te live thousand patent frames In stock or all sizes, ready te adjust and tack the wire en. They are without doubt the eheapest and best In use. Landscape Wires from -U te 3d Inches. Plain,?.', -U, , 28, 30, 31. St, 30 Inches wide. Sold by the feet or roll ut low prices. AMONG OUK STOCK OF WALL PAPER Will be feuud a geed many Odds uud Ends, from 3 te 10, Pi ana 15 pieces, that we will dose out ut about half value. There are gome very cholce patterns among them. DAPO und PLAIN SHADES, Fixtures, Cords, Leeps, Ornaments, 4 c. LACE CUItTAINB In grout vurlcty, Poles, 4c. PHASES W. FRY, Ne, 67 NORTH QVJBEN STREET, LANCASTER. FA, BROTHER. DEPARTMENT!! DEPARTMENT. and IIEST F1.VTUKES. Slip Ceveilugs, lei ill- NEW ADVERTISEMENTS, ta.X'vi:d. If A geed Girl for gencrul Apply at ! North Duke street. hoii'cweik. Jel2-2td lirANTKD. TV A situation by a woman te de cooking or general housework Apply at Ne. 110 East Vine strcei, USE IT IN COLD WATER, USE IT IN het water, It will give geed results MIL LEK'S HOKAX SOAP. TEA DRINKERS, LOOK YOU HERE, what you get with ene pound of Clarke's Famous Tea, 3 pieces of Miller's Koraxbenp, or a beuutlliil Cup and Saucer, or Majolica Pitcher. Lump Starch, 5c. S. CLAKKE'STEABIOKE. S3 West King Slieet. EDUCTION IN CUSTOM-MADE Clothing. A welbmade, Elegant trimmed und perfect lilting Huslness Suit for I18.U0. A f;oed English Corkscrew Worsted Suit, llat raided, lu one, two, three or four button cuta way, for fl.ue. A handsome Check Cusslmere Suit for I.UO11. A 11 elegant Serge Suit, in black, blue.drub or brown, ler tlSue. Finn English Striped or Check Pantaloons Hern $.l.oeup. 11 0 member, all work Is strictly Ilrst-class. Every garment warruntcil te h ly eprcsented. A f(xd fit, well-made nnd nlccij trimmed. The argest assortment of patterns In this city. A II. KOSENSTE1N, mUindll 37 North Uuceii street. N ORHECK & MILEY. LANCASTER CARRIAGE WORKS. Norbeck & Miley, Prep's. COllNEK DUKE AND VINE STKEETS, LAN CASTEK, PA. HIE LAKGEST AND CHEAPEST RETAIL WORKS IN THE CITY OK COUNTY. WE CAN AND DO SELL AS FINE A VEHICLE AS AM OTI1EU Hl'ILDEK FAK UEI.OW THEIK PKICES. Hew we de It Is u mystery, but u visit te our fuctery, and seelngthc sj stem Ave have adopted you will net wonder. Futruulzu these that deserve IL Our stock at Jiresent is very large, und w HI he sold at n still uilhcr reduction. We beast of our WHEELS, as they cannot be excelled. WE HAVE A LAKOE SI OCK OF FINE SECOND-HAND WORK, CONSISTING OF BUGGIES. FH-ETONS, ftc, Ac, which will be sold cheap. AVGtveusa call and be convinced. Ing neatly done. Kepalr- J. B. MARTIN A CO. AWIIMS MADE AND PUT UP -IN THE- BEST MANNER. Largest Stock of Awning Stripes IN THE CITY. Special linrgutns ! Full Assortment of Celers at SOc, worth ittc. Awnings made te order and put up, best fUlUH'S, from tl.ftO up. Full Line of all materials and lilpts, and competent men te de the work. Nethlnzwlll giv 5 .,u es much comfort us uu awning put up ever your window. Yeu can leave tue winoew vs open uud be protected from the sun. Kemumber, we put up nwmngs ut about half the price formerly charged lu this city. FURNITURE & FLOOR LINENS, SLIP COVEKS FOK FUKNITUKE CUT AND MADE. WINDOW ANI ND DOC. 3011 SCUEENS. J. B. Martin & Ce. Cor. West King and Prince Sts. LANCASTEK, PA,. vitr uuevn. iS"KSS OOODhT"" AS ANOTI1KU OAKLOAD OF SUMMER GOODS KKCEIVEDATTHE HEW TOUK STORE. Twe Cases lleaullful PRINTED SATIRES, Fifteen Cents a j aid ; made te sell nt '.K Cents. An Immeuse Stock of WASHING DKEhH GOODS, CIIAMKKAVS, SEF.KSUCKEKS. GINGHAMS. IIA1 IhTEii VIOTOK1A I,AWN8, INDIA MNE.NS, NAINSOOKS AND PIQUKS, At I.evvcst Clly l'rlcis. A CHOICE SELECTION OF ORIENTAL AND EGYPTIAN LACES, SWISS NAINSOOK nnd CAMIIHIU EMBROIDERIES, In All Widths nnd nnlltles ut the Lewest Prices EverKuemi lu theTiudc. WATT, SHAHD & CO, Nes. 8 & 10 East King Street. VLUTlllNU. B URGER A. SUTTON. A WORD TO PARENTS. Ah the holldajsaie near at hand, the parents will wonder what Is thu best te get their boys In the way of Clothing. Something stleng, at the same time neat and dressy. IF YOU WILL CALL AT BURGER & SUTTON'S Your mind will be put nt rest, as we can sup ply the very suit you want ut prlcis tesult HVery one We can unrantee Workmanship because they are Our Own Make WE II.U E THE LARGEST ASSORTMENT -OF- Thin Coats and Vests IN THE CITY, AT PK1CES AWAY DOWN 3-GlVE US A CALL.-U3 Burger & Sutten, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTEK. FA. AMUSEMENTS. A'ATOMIOAIj nXlIIBITION. LAST WEEK ! Dr. Heidemann's ANATOMICAL EXHIBITION, 14 East King Streot, Will positively clem Saturday, June 13. -Last day far Ladies, TIIl'KSDAl, JUNE 11. Open all day and evening ADMISSION ,'iS CENIS. mPIlwd run sale ou rent. FOH KENT. Thrve Law Offices at Ne. 15 NOKTII DUK E bTKELT; and a basment 43 feet long, supplied w ltb water and heat. mariK-Ud 11. FKANK ESHLEMAN. TriIITKO.VK IiUMHKH KOIt SALlT " it Persons wanting White Oak Lumber, cut le order, can be nccommednted at ence by cull ing en the undersigned at New- Providence sta tion. Alse. Kails and Pests of all hind. 3) cords of Whlte Oak weed. .McFALLS & 11KO., JcS 3w d Smlthvllle V. O., Lane. Ce , Pa. UIILIO SALE. ON MONDAY, JUNE 15, 188.1, will he sold at the Franklin Heuse stable, Lancnstur, Fa., the fellow Ing live stock. Twenty head of Kentucky Horses, ene pair of bay Horses 16 bands high, cannot he sui passed ler style, beauty and fluidity: one brown Herse, 15 hands and thrce inches high, very stj Hsb, can full n wagon In 2 10, no better family noise in he world, cau bu driven without blinds. One sorrel Herse, can beat i 40. One bay Mure, 10 bauds, nuver saw a track and cau show thrce minutes, foaled en Herr's farm, Lexington, Kentucky, by Mcuibrlne Hedgeferd. The li.il li.il unte aie prime roadsters and saddlers. The stock will be at Franklin Heuso stables en Sat urday, J une u. Sixty days cicdlt will be given and all stock warranted us represented. Sale te commence at 1 o'clock, p. in., when at tendance will be given and terms made known by JOS. A. OCKEK. Jehn Keiiman, Auct. A. C. Ilvib, Clerk. J112td OROVERIES. AT MJl&K'S, 17 KAST ICINd ST. FIREWOHKS 1IEA1)IUAKTUS ! NOW KEADY FOK DEALEK8 ! Our I'mckew me purchased liem lmpeiters, und woaiepicparcd tojeb at the Lewest Prices. OUK FIKEWeKKS Ale the Unequalled Colored Works, purchased fiem the uinnufuctuicrs, and wonre prepared te Hull them at Lewest Filccs. Storekeepers are Invited te glve us u call, Kcmemhcr the HAMMOND'S SLUG SHOT for Petate Hugs, Cut Weims, Hest) Hugs uud slugs, Ac. Wonre the ugcnla for It. Storekeepers sup plied nt Jobbing rates. Alse seldut retail. BURSK, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTEK, PA. POLITICAL. F I0K JURY COMMISSIONER. KDWAKD AMIILKK. Of Drumere township. Subject te the decision of the Democratic county convention. ma25-tfdAw F IOH JURY COMMISSIONER. JFItOMEll. SHULTZ. of Ellnahethtownbeiough. Subject te the decision et the Democratic county convention. d & w tld piOR JURY COMMISSIONER, BENJAMIN IIUIIEK, Of the Elglhh Wuid, ljincuster City. Subject te the decision of the Domncmlle county convention. Jel-tfd.tw PIOR JURY COMMISSIONER, E. C, DILLEK, Of Kail township, iJincester county. Subject te thu rules of the Democratic pally, inyl8-3tuwM,W&Stfd&w FIRST-OLASS BOARDING. Together with the cholce of rooms en the Otet or second fleer. Surpassed by none In the city. Cull en or addrccs, y NO. KM NOKTII QUEEN BT. Table beurden accommodated. uO-tld VLOT1II1W. Tlie lurge variety in our sleck or Clothing enables us te tally supply the wants or Men, Youths, Heys nml Child ren of nil ages. The goods are here, Iho prices are right nml we guarantee entire .satis faction in every particular. A. 0. YATES & CO., 602, 604, 606 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia. H IRSll.tUROTIIER'S Ono-Prlce Olethiug Heuse. NO PKELIMINAKIF.' NO ADVEKTISINO I FICTITlOl S Uut Plain Facts will tell you thutnle eveiy time. We claim te have the LAUIjEST ASSOKTMENT OF CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, TRUNKS, VALISES, &c, In this county. We nlse claim te sell goods thcupi'rthan uny olbi-rslere In the county Te Louvliicuyeuretlf, call und see for euin If, as every artlde inourstere Is marked In plain llg uits, and ou anint Ilburty te leek thtengh our stock, w hether with the Intention of purchasing or net. W guarantee pollte attention te every ene. Our MKUCIlA.Vi'T.UI.OKlNODLPAKT MENTls repleti- with all the Vuileu Stvlcsuiid (malllles of SUITINGS AND PANTALOON INt,S that are worn this seacen. Yeu will de well te leek aleur geed mid prices beteie buy ing tle who re, us It will ben considerable saving et money te you. A Perfect Flldu.uantced. Just Kecolved an Enoimeiis Meck of SLM SLM MEKUOODbelull Kludsuiid Qualities SEEItMfCKEKCOVTS and VESTS from fl.M up. Single Coats as low us 40c. OCK MOTTO . "One Price, and Hut the Lewest HIRSH & BEOTIEBS O.VLPKICE CLOTIIINC HOUSE. COKNKK OF NOKTII QUEEN STKLKT AND FENN SQUAKE. XirlLLIAMSON & flOSTKK. THE IIE'jT PA'ITEKN'- IV eeersucKer -i Coats and Vests AKU AT WILLIAMSON A FOSTEK'b, 4 THE UK"-!' Linen Duster, Silk Mohair and Alpaca Coats, AKE AT WILLIAMSON & r OSTEK S 'HIE I1K&T AS'-OKIMEM Ol Summer SiMeckwear -AND- Gauze Underwear AKE AT WILLIAMSON FOTEK'f. THE IIEST QUALITY STRAW HATS, THE LATEST STYLES Stiff Felt Hats, LIGHT OR DARK COLORS, AKE AT WILLIAMSONS FOSTEK'S. THE IIEST MATEKlALUsED IN BOOTS and SHOES, -lOlt- Ladies, Misses, Genls and Beys, Fer the Promenade, the Scheel Keem, or the V orkshep, AKE AT WILLIAMSON A FOsTI.K'S. THE LAKUEST VAKIETY OF Lawn Tennis, Base BaU and Bicycle Eiders' SHOES AKE AT WILLIAMSON & FOSTER'S, 32, 34, 30 & 38 Kast King Sheet LANCASTEK. FA. TIIK ONM' OHI3AT KXTi:UNAL, HE HE medy, These eminent chemists, Piofessera Dereuiusund llattei'shateudeivu llensen'H Cap. clnu PJaslui'H. DL I'OUKMAN, . PHYSICIAN ANDMUKiKON, Kumnvid liem Ne. '.'II West KliigstreiittnNe. North Filiice. (Lain lesldunee or A. U, Kehuru.) fmMIimd COHOOL '1AX I'OK IbST.. The duplicate Is In the hands of the tieasurer, Three pel cent, ntf ler prompt payment. W. O. M A KSH ALL, Treusurer, He. 1'- Centre Square. 43- Olllce hours fieui 0 a, m, te 4 p, in, juueU-tfdll t (I rTiit,., ' U j ' s.t y 'j.Mtj&ftml Tssf'A -jyt JSitsS ,' "s Zi "'-r'j)