flji ,nL mw. f IT, .! Tl Till A m t ti& . ."i' W-WJiY :Sj. MriiYjctei Ufc -. 4. ,'" 3 ifl" w? w l THE . . WSJKK i tfMV h t . V- WELCOME TO 9TH PA. CAVALRY Tlie following pecin wns read at the ro re ro tit'Ien of the Ninth Peiiiinylvniila cuvulry, lit Carlisle, Pa., eh Junu 11 : Tlie summer gun shines warm (in blossoming tree, And fragrant Eepliyi scent tlie evenhigiilr; llrlghl tides of golden light sweep o'er tlie fiiiumlilllelilM, Ami i1viity, pencu n ml levu ure everywhere. Willi tender Itivo-ieng lolls nnswcrlngmiitc, Llghl muIIm tlie happy Iilid tlie ether tlinmyli ( Alt living things leg pond le huture's Voice, And rc-cicuted seems the weildnndmcn. Tlie crimson maple bends with reaching arm?, Abeve tlie woodland stream In mute caress; And In the flowery mead the Insect throng, Sports In brief bliss lis hour of happiness. Thus nntme breathes horbenlson of peace And echoing hearts repeat the tuneful strain I Ilope grasps the premise which eternal leve re veals And gratitude und Jey iiultelnglad refraln. Fer new no clang of discord wakes our dread, .Ne hurrying feetund faces blanched with fenr, Ne iiicHtlenlig glauce no trembling mother's High, lllve boding Impert that a feo Is near. Ne giant wrong seeks shelter 'neath our Aug, Ne lurking peril stirs the patriot's heart. Along ourstreets men passserenn and calm Te Held and worship or the busy mart, The l lug of hammer and the cnglue's stroke On every hund uccest the listening ear With bending wealth the ripening Holds pro claim Want, woennd tyranny are strangers hcie. The countless sails of Cenimetcn safely bear, Acress the billowy main the heaping stores And bauds of woven steel by Science touched Mini In fraternal clasp the distant shores. Far stretch the horizons of our blessed land, Wide open te the oppressed her peituls stand Heie honest tell ullli sneut content Is clowned And man te brother man lends helping hand. Then, why de t e today with patriot flre In piideful numbers chant tbe nation's prulseT Why throbs the heart, and swells the quickening tlde As en your stainless banner falls our gaze? And why when Nutuie brings her choicest offerings And heart forbedes no fear or dissonance j When Science, Art and Poesy, their several tributes fling And outward fame, and lnnuidcalm glve each significance ? Why here, beneath the breeding wings of Peace The Insignia of stcrn-vlsugcil war we vlew 1 The helmets droepTtho sabre's fateful gleam, And heie and there a veteian boy In blue I Ah! magic words the veteran boys In blue, Their ranks ure thin, their heads are crowned with gray, The sncictl champions of a holy caue ; lielcntless time ! we call a halt te day. With words of wolceino tee Inadequate Te gleet you, heroes et thu bloody strife, Ye who uniiuest'ntng went at duty's call, Fer freedom' need, a w llllng eucilllee. Fer le ! fiem out the past grim shadows rle, Te cloud the bilghtness of this perfect day ; Abeve the bugle nete a phantom voice we hear, 1'lerclng the trumpet's blaze, und call of revellle. Of that dread tlnie when shuddering In thegrasp Ot trult'reus hand this nation beiu te com pensate The w rungs of ages, and of millions yet unborn Sauk 'ncuth the waves of faction and of hate. Ah, then! when leve had folded fast her wings, Andc.irnnge held high level In the Seuth, When brother with biether soldier Ilcicely strove. And deatli steed sentinel at cannon's mouth. Then when the hearts et men sunk down with sudden dread, Te Littered net, or counsel took et tear Ve him pi your country's cull and went with pittmpt lospenso Xerllngeieditt the touch of thote livid deur. 1 need net tell of w cury, lonesome, march. Of tented Held and homesick aching hcail, Of ninbiished feo and tivaeheieus rllle shot, Of anguished scenes, when dying comrades patt. 1 need net tell of favored, gaping wound. Which loving clouds bathed thieugh the lengthening night, Such pitying euro unstinting natuie gave, Till help might coine with dawn or morning light. We knew hew well you served In rank and tile' Or led thnsquudien In the combat yonder. We knew hew bravely en you bore the flag, Through huitllng bull, and ie.ir of battle thunder. Your story's writ en sunny mountain side, And en the downs of smiling Tennessee, Your gallant deeds and prowess receid bear. What time you marched w 1th Shemian te the sea. Along the track of years what mem'rics lie ! Te start when comrades grasp your hearts enlarge. Again fiem dreams of home you wake at morn, Te hear In Jeidau's tones Ferwaid, tltlil C barge ! And thieugh the sturtled streets of Shclbyvllle, Rebounding hoofs and cliuh of arms keep time : Who recks of danger, in thumnd'ntng rush 1 Te meet the feo Is glory se te dle sublime ! And felth where 1'eiryvllle, sends up Its blind ing smoke Frem belching guns, and screening shells, 'JIUl means of dying men ; Or Chattanooga's tenld fray, whcie rivers ran with bleed, Till sonewlng ungels prayed, such scenes might never be again. And here and thereby copse and thick-set hedge lly rlver-slde and groves, where wild-bird's call, Aie graves, known but of Him, at whose ill vine behest, Kuch hair Is numbered und who notes the sparrow's tall. Thus brave M'CulleugbinelhU treacherous fate And en the emerald sward, slew ebbed his llle bleed down ; O men of I, ene loving thought, ter that fur grave se lene Where sleeps the form of him who first guve you renown. And muiiy another fender, trusty friend, With you at nightfall 'leuud the ciimpflre drew, Iichcurbed the title and Jest, or silent mused of home. Had bit thedust, alas ! 'ere noontide drank the dew. Southern breezes softly sigh, O'er the grave where valor sleeps, lly thu river's w hiding tide, lly the Kecky mountain's side, lu the thicket's deep recess, lu the vale or wilderness. Impious footstep ceme net ulgh Te the gruve w here comrade sleeps ! O'er the unforgotten dead Hely stars! your vigils keep. Dead, w 1th hand en sabre clasped j Hying, with the geed ungrasped, Pieblcm past your reckoning, Love und honor beckoning ; ltevcrently o'er your bed, l'ltS'tng stars ! your vigils keep. Let the weed-thrush In her flight l'ause and sing your lequlcm s O'er your couch no granltu scroll Hears the record of your tell, O'er your dust no loving tear Hathcs the turf from year te year, Whlle you rest lu sweet repose Angels chant your lequlem I 'TIs well le pun se and ponder en herole deeds, And with the here thrill lu sympathy. 'TIs well te honor theso whom Hener's self has eiewned And teach our youth the prlce of Liberty, The ages long age have taught that martyr's bleed Must sanctify the faith that lifts the soul And ucedlnl Is It, for a country's, holiest fame, That men have illctl for her, und still nut die as ages roll. LATAE l.ONOSHOUF, t.MiLisLt, l'a., June 11, 1n3. Hugh M'Culieugh was captain of Ce. I. en thu llrst going out of thu legliuent, und was shot fiem umuiish en the morning of 011110 7, 1m!2, licnrTeiupklnsvllIu, Ky. He wusn native of Cumberland county, and an exceptionally bmvuand truu man. "There Is a Hell," Seys Dr. Jllnrehall. The great rollgleun revlval In AtlanUt 1ms net yet ceme te an end. The Itev. Dr. Mar ahall preached en liell lu tlie great taborim taberim taborim cle iu that city en last Sunday. He bollevos, iu what used te be called the orthodox hell, and he says that there must be ure and brim stone there, because the Illble says there Is. He argued that theso who de uet want te bo be bo lleve iu bell are the only ones who de net lellove In It, nnd he rwncrted that " thore Is Het a koepor of a bar-room or a brothel In this town te-night who will Admit that thore la a place of oternnl punishment," Them would be a great Jublloe in overy den or Bin ir It could be doinenstrntod that thore If no hiicIi place. He wem net ut nil disturbed by the revision of tlie Old Testament nnd the tuoef thu word Rheel in plnce of the word . hall. It wim nil tlie haiiie thing. Te prove Hint hell oxisUshenpokaof nn old fnrmer who mid thore wns no Hitch plnce. but he would glve it yoketoi exen If he could feel Hiiro or II, nnd he told n thrilling nlery of n worldly woman whose beatillful daughter, lying nt the point of rienlh, mid hIie drowled te ille through four of hull. Her mether told lier the Whele story of that tiwful plnee wiw a btig-a-boe Intended te Hcare tweple. In n low bourn, Just as death came, the beautiful girl rnlsed tip in bed, her oyes glaring wildly, nnd pointing boferohor, cried, "Oh, mether, thore is n bell, for I bee it" She foil back dend, and her mother's hair turned whitein two days. "If hell is net a plnce of Ure nnd brimstone," said the oleqttent pastor, "It is notnething a great deal worse" The aching back, the sallow skin, the hollow eye, glve way specdlly befere Hunt's lteiuedy. "Any physician wan lias used it win certiry fins iiiAiillnHnu rif llttiifa Ifiituntr lfitittii te the excellence of Hunt's llenicdy, Hunts Uvmedv Is a standard remedv for (Irons v repsy and Kiuney uiseunes. Gimiisut Clauk, M. I). J9-lwdced&w There Is Trouble In Mere Fortheso who neglect te rectify Iriegularllles of the stomach, Hver and bowels, which they foolishly liunglne will " ceme right of them selves." Of this Billy error such persons ure usually disabused by the duvulopmej.i of some serious chronic matadjv traceuble te v hut they were pleased te consider n trilling disorder of the abeve named associate organs. Such a cul mination Is easlly avoided. A courseof Hostel Hestel Hostel tei'sHtemnch llllters Invariably has the direct of lenewlug the secretive action of a torpid liver, teslerlng healthy digestion and assimila tion, und rendering thu habit of body perfectly regular. The activity of theso ull-lmpertant functions being jesfered, and thoentlre system toned and lcgulutcd by this Incomparable cor rective and luvtgerant, no danger te the general health Is te Iki apprehended from causes which, ir net eradicated In time, will assuredly uuder uuder mlneit. Jele-17 HVKCIAT. N0T1VXH. "It Fairly Werries Me te Think or tliemultl tude or things advertised te cute disease," you sny. Ne wonder. Hut In the mountains of chaff there ni e grains of golden wheat. We may And it tlllllcult te Induce you te test the mellis of Hr. Kennedy's Favorite llcinedy, but when you have done be, our work Is ended. After wards you and this medicine will be fast friends. Fuvorite llcinedy would have died out long nge but ter It icul usefulness. Hut It Is geed and does geed. The Chinese Must De, And se must neuralgia and rheumatism, when Dr. Themas' i:eleetric Oil attacks them. This uii'dlcliiu Is a muivelnus productef Ingenious thought. Iluy It and try it. Fersnleby It. II. Cochran, diugglst, 137 and l. North (Jueen street, Lancaster. HllOWN'S HOUSKIIOI.H PANACEA. Is thomestoriecllvo I'ulii Destreyerln thuweild. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Intel nally or applied externally, and theieby mere ceitulnlv RELIEVE FAIN, whether chronic or ttcute, than uny ether putn alleviator, and It Is warranted double the strength of any similar iiieiianttlen. It cures pain In the hide, (lack or itewels, Sore Threat, ltheumutlsm, Tnothut'ie and ALL ACHES, und Is The Great Itellever of l'aln. "IIROWN'8 HOUSEHOLD l'ANAOKA "should be In even' family. A tcUHpnonfiilet the Panacea In a tumbler of 1) t water sweetened. If pre ferred, taken ut ncdllme, will IIKKAK 01' A COLD. '.B cents a bottle. m31-lydM,W,Sw CeLunVs Liquid lleef Tonic Is endorsed by hystcluiis. Atknr CeMen'i: take no ether. cv? fdrugglsts. Js-lwdeedAw AOltKAT lllMCOVKItr. Thegreatestdlscevery of the nineteenth con cen tury Is Dr. Leslie's Special l'rccrlptlen for sick headache, which Is the discovery of an eminent phvslclan and used by him for ever thirty years before giving it te the public, and It stands to day without a rival. Head advertisement In another column. IIUCKLKN'S AKNIUA HALVE. Th'i best Salve In the weild for Cuts, llnil-cs, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Uhciim, Fever boles, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin eruptions, and positively cun-s Files, or no pay required, ltlsguuninlccd te kIve ierfect satis faction, or money rulunded. filce, is ceiitn jht box. Forsnletiy 11. It. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 and 171 North Uueen street LumaLsler, l'a. Take Your Choice. Yeu can be weak, nervous, debilitated, and de spondent, (Unqualified for work of head or hand, or you can enjoy a fnlrshuroerhcalthund peace of mind. Ilariteek Jltoeit Kitten will ul lev lute jour misery unit ue you it world of koeu If you will but have Intlh te try. r or suiw ey 11. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 ami 1IKJ North Queen street, Luueaster. A LAWYKll'S OPINION OF INTEIIKST TO ALL. J. A. Tawiiey, esq., a lending attorney of Win Win enu, .Minn., writes: "After using It for moie than thieu years, 1 take gieat pleusuie lu stating that I reguid Ilr. King's New Discovery for Con sumption, as the best remedy In the world for Coughs and Colds. It has never fulled te cure thu most soveie colds 1 have hud, and invariably lelleves the pain In the chest." Trial bottles of this sure cure for all Threat and Lung Disease may be had Flee at Cochran's Drug Stele, Nes I.I7nud 13!) North Qucuu street, Lancaster, l'a. I.argu size, i.W. ( 1 ) Leeks Honest. A clear, bright open f.tc-e somehow leeks hon est. A horse thief or burglar seldom carries such it face, llurtteek liluetl Jlittera uu thu skin a pecullnily flue tuxtuie and clearness. They stiengtheu und enrich thecliculutlnn and se eradicate all eruption or blemish. Fersulu by II. II. Cochran, druggist, IJ7 and 13'J North Queen sued, Lancaster. Neneuj Debilitated Men Yeu aie allowed a free trial 0 thirty day et the use or Dr. Dye's Celebrated Voltale belt with Klectrle Suspensery Appliances, for the speedy relief and permanent euro or Nervous Debility, less et Vitality and Manhood, und all kindred troubles. Alse, ter many ether diseases. Com plete restoration te health, vigor and manhood guaranteed. Ne risk Is Inclined. Illustrated pamphlet, with lull Information, terms, -ele., mulled free by nddiesslug Voltale ilelt Ce., Mar shall, Mich. Te Lapiks. If yen wish te render your skin white und soft, 11s.11 Oleuu'sHiilphurheap. l'lku's Toethucho Dieps cure lu enu minute. JS-IwdcedAw A lUptlst Ministers Kxperlcucr, "I 11111 a Itaptlst minister, und before I ever thought or being a clergyman I graduated In medicine, but left 11 lucrative practice for my present profession, forty yean age. I was for many years a sulleier from quinsy. Themn' JSelectric OH cured me. I wus also troubled with hoarseness, and Uhnt?t' J'clectrie Oil alwuys lellevedine. My wltenttd child hud diphtheria, and Themas' Keleelrle Oil cured them, and tf taken In tlnielt will euro seven times out of tun. I tun confident It Is a cure for thu most obstinate cold, or cough, and If uny 0110 will take a small teaspoon and half fill It w 1th the Oil, und then Jilace the end et the spoon In one nostril and Iraw the Oil out of the spoon Inte the head, by sulfllng its hard its they can, until the OK fulls ever Inte the threat, und "practice It twice a week, I don't emu hew ofrenslveT.helr head may be, It will clean it out and euro their ca tarrh. Fer deafness and earache, It has dene wonders te my certain knowledge. It Is the only medicine dubbed patent medicine that I have ever felt like recommending, and linn very anx ious te sue It In overy place, ler I tell you that I would net be without It In my huusoferuny consideration. I 11111 new suffering with a puln like rheumatism in my right limb, and nothing relieves uie like riemcu' JicleclriQ Oil." Dr. 1.. F. Crane, Cerry, l'a. Fer sule by If. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 nnd 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. MOTHEUSt MOT1IKHSI! MOTHKHSIII Are you disturbed ut night and broken of your rest by a sick child sutfertng and crying w with the excruciating pain of cutting tout se. go at once and get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHING HYUU1. It will relieve the peer little sult'erer Immediately depend upon It) there Is no misutue uueui it. inere is net u mother en earth who has ever used It, who will net tell you ut once that It will regulate the bowels, und glve rest te the mother, und relief und health te the child, operating like mugic. It Is purfectly sate te use In all cases, and pleasant te the titste, und Is the prescription of one of tbe eldest und best female physicians In tbe United Stutes. Sold evcry where, ai cents a bettle. uuty31-lydM,W,S4w All Excellent Iteperl. Hen. Jes. G. Goedildgo, of llroeklyn, V. Y., wiltus this: " Cannet express myself lu sunt clently praiseworthy terms. Jiurtleck Jlloetl Jlitteri have used for the past two years ; keep my stomach In splendld tilm." Fer sale by 11. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 Neith Queen street, Lancaster, AN ANSWKKS WANTED,. Cen any ene bring us acasoef Kidney or Ltver Ceniplulnt that Electric Hitters will net speedily euro T We say they can net, us thousands of cases already pormanently cured und who are dally recommending Electric, Hitters, will preve. Ilrlght's dHeube. Dlubetes, Weak Hack, or uny uiluary complaint qulekly cuied. They purify thu bleed, icgulitte the bowels und act dlieclly en the diseased parts. Every bettlu guumnteed. Forsalent.V)c.abettlo by II. II. Cechmu, drug gist, Ne, 137 uud l') North Queen stieut, Litmus fur, Pa. ( I ) Allew I's Te Say Thut a geed deal of the sulliirlng in this world can be avoided by pureluisiug Vr. U'liemtu'i i'c i'c Ircfrle Oil, nnd using It us per dlieetlens. Ills an lufulliblu euro ler all lichen, sprains, und pains. Fer sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggists, 137 und 139 North Queen street, Laucaster, rpHE HEST X tbe City, at HAllTilA-S'a 60 HAVANA. CIGAR IN YELLOW UXOUE. FUONT CIUAU MJCVICAZ. H UNT'B BEMEDY. HUNT'S KIDNKYANHLlVF.lt REMEDY! Never Known te Fall. IT IS A SPECIFIC. Fer Kldunv nnd Ltver Troubles. Itladdcr. en- nurynnu i.ivcr discuses, urepsy, uruvei and Diabetes. IT IS ItiaiAIILK in curing Ilrlght's Disease, 1'iilns In the Hack, Leins erSldes, lletentleu or Nen- lteteutleu of Urine. HIGHLY UECOMMENDED. It cures biliousness, Headache, Jaundice, Sour Stomach, Dysp-jpsla, Constipation uud Piles. IT WOKKS I'llOMl'TLY, And cures Intenipentnce, Nervous Dlsease; General Debility, Excesses and Feiiuilu eaknuss. -USE IT ATONCE.- Itiestnes the Kidneys, Liver and Itowelstn a healthy action, nnd cures when nil el her med icines fall. Hundreds have been saved who have been given up te dlu by friends und physi cians. Piticu, $1.2.1. SEND FOit 1LLUSTUATKI) PAMPHLET TO HUNT'S REMEDY 00., l'HOVIDENCE.lt. 11UIH1GISTS.-6C rf-SOLD IIY A LI, JyD-Tii,Th,SAw IT'liEAD.S aiTu (2) Ne ether bleed-purify I ng medicine Is tiiude, or has ever been prepuii'd, which se completely meets the wants of physlcluns and the general public us Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It lends tlie list us a truly scientific prepara tion fernll bleed discuses. If thele Is a lurking KerAfnla taint of Scrofula nbeut you AKKIt'S 0lfUIUld.84USApAuii,i)A win dislodge It uud It and expel It from your system. Fer Constitutional n. Scrofulous Cubirrh, AYKIt'SSAUSAPAIULLA Is the true remedy. (Mflrrh 'l 'lu cllcd liiiiulierless cases. It will vulallU,Htnp thuiiiiUMHOiiscatairhal discharges and remove the sickening odor of tlie breath, which ure Indications or scinfiilnus origin. Hutte, Tkxas, Sept. , lhi. " At the nge of two years one of my children wus terribly ullllcted with ulcerous running Illenrruie Knrie soiesen Its taco and neck. At U1U.1UIXS OUlU3.tlu sumo tlnie Its eyes worn swollen, much liuutiucd, and vorysem. I'hysl ctuus told us that a pewurrul ulternatlve medl medl clne must be employed. They united lit reeom reeem XnrnPvfla'mmdliigAYEIl'hSAItSAl'AltlLLA. uui 0 ujuj.a fuvtr doses produced a peiceptlble liuprnveinent, which, by mi udheruiice toyeur dtiectleus, was continued te u complete and permanent euro. Ne evidence has slnce ap peared or thn extstmice or uny scrofulous ten dencies ; and no treatment et uny disorder was ever attended by morn prompt or effectual re suits. Yours truly. II. F. JOHNSON." riiKrAiiiiD nv Dr. J. C. Aycr & Sold by (ill Druggists, JiiiielIWdunl7 Ce., Lewell, Muss. . 91, six bottles for -'. pATAItHIl. ELY'S CREAM BALM -CUKES COLD IN II HAD, CATAUIlll, KOSECOI.D.IIAY FKVEIt, DEAFNESS, HEADACHE. Easy le uhe. N. Y., U. S. A. Price, Me. Ely Ilre.'s., Oswego Hay Fever. ELY'S CUEAM HALM Cleanses the Head, Allays Infbtiiimittleii, Heals the Seres, Itesteres the Senses of Taste and hmell. A quick und KMltlvocure. W) cents at Dmi;glsts. i cents ly mull, registered. Send for circular. Sumpln by until, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, marSl-tfdAw Druggists, Oswego, N. Y, AFTER ALL OTIIEIIS FAIL, 0ONBUI.T DR. LOBB, NO. 3-3 North Fifteenth sti-eet, below Cullewhlll street, l'hlludelphla. dues all Secict Diseases et both sexes. Twenty Years Kxpeiience. Con Cen Con sultutlen by mall. NEUVOOS AND SPECIAL DISEASES. Ktw iirwilr lust. out. Send ler It. Hours 11 iu in. till '1 P. in., and 7 p. in.te 10 p. in Heeks free te thu ullllcted. tebAHyi k'UAW G HAY'S Sl'EOIKIO MEDICINE. The Great English lleinedy. An unralllng euro for Inipeteiicy and all Diseases that fellow Less or Memery, Universal Lassitude, Puln In the Hack, Dimness or Vision, l'remuturu Old Age, and many ether diseases that loud te Di sunity or Consumption uud u Prematura Grave. Full particulars In our pumphlet, which we de sire te send free by mall te uvery ene. This Spe cific medicine Is geld by all druggists nt $1 per iuckuke, or mix paeKages ler a. or win lemjiu free by mall en ill recoil apt of the mi ney, by ad- dresnlni; the neurit. 11. II. uuulllfcrtJS, iftUKK'- .. "..... ... m-. . . . sole Aircnt, Neb. 137 und 1J North Quike street, ljtncitster, "ft- On account nt counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper; the only genuine. Wrapper: I THE Git AY MEl buiuinr. jKt., HufTiUe. N. Y. CONSUMITION 1 HAVE A I'OSITIVE remedy for the abeve dlsease ! by Its use he usands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cuied. Indeed, se strong Is my faith in Its etllcuey that I will send THO 1IOTTLES FltEE, together with a valuable trea tise en this disease te uny sutferer. Glve ex- piess uud I. O. address. DII.T. A.SLOCUM, 1122-CmdOPd.tfiiuw 1H1 l'earl St., N. V. s AFE, HURE AND HI'EEDY CURE. llUITURK, VAHIUOCKLlEllllU afKUlAU JJIBKASKn. Why be humbugged by quacks, when you can tlnd lu Dr. Wright the only Heee- lab PuvsiciAW In Philadelphia who makes a specialty of the abeve diseases und cubes them T 1'n.DanittnlvrilVh AnTlmi fRHX. (lllV linO HVIin- lng. Strangers can be treated und return home the same day. Offlce-j.rtv.te. Ne. 211 North Ninth struct, uliove ltuce, P. O. Uex 673. Philadelphia. lanat-lydAw H EADQUARTERS KOR THE INDIAN MEDICINES,; Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, AT Lecher's Drug Stere NO. 9 EAST UING ST., Lancaster, Pa. 8VEVTAVL1SS. CUPERIOR SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, Field Glasses, barometers, Tele scopes, Magle Lanterns, Thermometers. Draw ing Instruments, Philosophical und Chemical Apparatus. List and Descriptions of our Ten Catalogues sent FUEE en application. QUEEN & CO. NO. Ittt CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA mare-iyaw irlTH0UT EXCEPTION, THE BEST TV Cluaraln the town, two for Be, at 1IAIITMANM YKLLOW KUO.NT CIOAU bTOUE. mlHSl'Al'KUlSl'iaN'J WITH J. K. WRIGHT SKIUl'ltlMTED & CO.'S , INK. Fairmoeat Ink Works, 26th and Pena'a. Atcdes m8-ja rUILADKLFUIA. PA, MKDtCAU D ISFiaURItfG 1IUM0II& CUTICURA. DIFIGURING HUMORS, ITCHING TORTURES, AND LOATHSOME SORES. JHAVKTUIEI)forelevnnyciirstehavoiny wlle cured or a turtlMe skill disease. The CtrricmiA kuieiiiim (CtrricunA Hkselvkmt, the new lllmsl I'm liter, Internally, und CurictmA, the great Skin Cum, and Cutici'ra SoAv.nnexquIsltoSklu lksitutlflar. uxlernnllv) Iiavudenu in six weeks wliat 1 have tried for eleven years te luive done. Yeu shall have the particulars us sism us 1 can ft ilvn llinin in vmt. nnd its wn itrii se well knew In this part of the country, It will benefit you, and tun reined lies win cure nil wen usaiuem, I wir Matbvh.hi, Kr. CHAS. II. WHITE. llt.OTClII CUHED. I used yifur Ciiticwia Hkubiiies for llletches, nnd um completely cured, le my Inexpressible Jey. C'uTituiLA SOAr is the best 1 have ever used, uud te thu profession It Is Invaluable for cleans ing the skin, thereby remelng all "cork," r lease, paint, ami all the sluir used by them, caving thu skill pure und while unit soft. My ificutesl measure is lu ruceiiimeudlnu such tin uillcle. II. MACK, CArniijifnN Vetnlquc Heller tikalcr. Youmistewk, Ohie. 1IKST l'OM ANYTHING. Iluvlnc used your CuntunA Kumkiiiks for eighteen months for Tetter, und fl mil ly cured II, I am anxious te get It te sell en rommlssleti. 1 cuii recommend It beyond uny luinedles 1 have ever used for Tetter, Hut ns, Cuts, etc. In lael, It Is the best medicine I have ever tiled foriuiy feriuiy thing. U.S. HOUTON. MviiTLn, Miss. NKVKK ACOM PLAINT. Slnee I havobeeii selling your Cuticuiia Kkmic-iin-H 1 have never lic.iul a slugln ceniplulnt, but en thoceiilnuy everyone who has iiseit them Iris been well pleased with them, uud they outsell ill ethers. L'.H. CUllltEULY, Diugglst. Anhiuews, Inii, SCHOFUI.OIS SOHUS. I had a dozen bud re res en my body, uud ti led nil le medics 1 could licur of, and at liisttrlisl lour CirritWiA HtMKiUEs, uud tliey h.tve cured inn. JNO. GASK1LL. llEIUIOM, TltAVUIl C'OHMTV, PliNM, CuritenA ItKUuriiKS ure sold everywhme Piice : Cuticiika, riec. : Hehei.vknt, JI.iIj Soai-, mc Prepared hy the Penuit Diiro All Chemi cal Ce., ilosten, Mass. Send for" Ifew te Cure shin lllseises." TAN Snnbiiru. PJinntus. Illackheads mill Oily Skin, use the cuticuua Sun'. CATARRH ! Thdt pure, sweet, ?nfe nnd eireetlve American distillation or Wltch-IlancI, Amcileau Pine, Can uiLi Fir, Marigold uud Clever lllossem, culled SAJIirellD'fl ItAlllCAI. Conn keii Cataiuui, with ene box CatauuiialSelvekt and ene Sa.skeuii's Im Im riieVKD lMiAtr.ii.ull In nnepaekiige, may new be had or nil diugglsts for l.(0. Ask ler Hand Hand reim'H liAiurAL Cche. Complele L(KI and Constitutional Trwttment ferevury form of Culnrih, fiem it simple Celd or Inllilcimt te less et Smell, Taste, uud Healing, Cough, bronchitis, und Ciitarrh.il Consumption, in evciy packagu. C'lergjincn, Venillsts, And Public Speakers wltlieut liumber ewo their present usefulness and success te SA.ireun'u ltAIIICAr, Ct'ltB for lATAI'.UII. Itev, Dr. Wlgglu says i "One of the best jeuio jeuie dies for Catarrh nuy, the best remedy we have found In u lifetime of sulfeilng Is Sakfekd'h Uaiiicai. C'l'iiK. It clears the head and threat se thoroughly that, taken each morning en rising, theieuiu neunpleusiiiit hccn-tlensuud no itlsu itlsu greeuble hawking dining the cntlre day, but an unpiccf dented clearness or olce and respira tory organs." Sold by nil druggists. Price, $1.00. Petter Drug uud Chemical Ce., Husten. Cellins' Voltaic Electric Plasters. Weary sulfeivr from Uheiimatlsm, Neuralgia, Weak and Sere Lungs, Coughs uud Colds, Weuk back, Weak Steiiuieh unit Dowels, Dyspepsia, Fein.tle Weakness, Sheeting Pains thieugh the Leins und buck, try these Plustcis. Placed ever the pit et the stomach, they prevent und emu Ague Pains, lllllens Celic, Liver Complaints, uud protect the system from u theusiindllls. i'c Juiiel-linWAS aiACIllNKllY. rjtNCIINE AN'I) ItOIIiER WORKS. BEST Steam Engine BOILM WOEKS. AS WE HANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, HAVE NO AGENTS, CAN INSUItE OUIt PATItO.VS LOW PUICKS AND GOOD WOUK. BOILERS. Vertical und llnilzental.Tubular, Flue, Cylinder, Mitilue, Deuble-Duck uud I'eitublu. FUltNACE-WOUK, ULAST PIPES, hTACKS, Ac, Ac. TANKS for Witter, Acids and Oil. HOISTING ENGINES. ENGINES. Vertical and Horizontal. Bhitlennry, from two te sixty horse-power. Portuble Engines, en Wheels und Sills ; Six Sizes t, 0, 8, 10, 15 and "il herse pew ur. SAW MILLS. Peny Mills and Large Mills. Hark Mills Cob Mills. Leather Hellers, Tan Packers, Trlpple Gearing for herse power. PUMPS. Helt nnd Gear Pnmps; Mining Pumps j Coin blued Pumps uud Heaters. Cerltrlfugul Pump, Steam Pump. Gearing, Pulluys, Fly Wieels, Clump boxes, HangeiN, Couplings, Cellars, Steel Steps and Tees, Pulley Flutes, Packing Hexes, Mill Spindles, Mill bushings, Ac, Ac, Ac. PIPES. Wrought Iren, for Gas, Steam and Water. Iren Pipes. Heller Tubes, Well Casting. Cast FITTINGS. Fer Water und Steam, Vulves, Cocks, Steam Gauges, Guugu Cocks, Glass Water Gauges, Safuty Vulvcs, Whistles, Glebe Vulves, Governors, Putent Self-Feeding Lu- bilcaters, Glass Oil Cups, Gluss Tubes, Injectors or Heller t coders. PACKING Henip, Asbestos, Gum and Plum bago. HELTING Gum, Cotten nnd Leather. CASTINGS Heavy and Light Iren and Urass. Heller Iren, Sheet lien, JUr Iren, und Steel. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools and Public buildings. STEAM HEATING. Estimates, Drawings and Pattern Werk fur nished at Hcasenablultutcs. 5- ltepulrim tended te. Adi : promptly Ircss, and curefully at- Jehn Best & Sen, KO. 333 BAST FULTON STREET, LANCASTEH, PA. JanlMydAw OA11UIAOES. OTANDAHD CARRIAGE WORK. Edward Edgerley, FINE CARRUGE BUILDER, HAUUET STHEET, UEAU OF POSTOKFICE, LANCABTElt, PA. A LAUUE STOCK OF JBUa&IES & OAEBIA&BS Ceranrlslng the Latest Btyles null most Ele gantly Finished, nt UltEATLY ItEDUCED PltlCES. ltyeu v,lhte pureluiHii n Reed aitt cle. my work Is (lcculetlly tlie clieapeat In the atutu. MOTTO-" FAIKIiKALINU AND HONEST WOUK." B-l)en't full te encournxe geed work. All Werk FULLY WAUIIANTEI) Lewest Pliccs ferUEPAIUINUANll llEPAINTINd. Olie set of workmen especially employed for that pur pose. l'LEASE CALL AMI IS.VAillW t. nevCCtfd&w THE LARGEST, 1J1CST AND MOST complete assortment of Playing Cards in the city from 6 eents perpack up ut UAJiTMAN'd YELLrtW FUONTCIQAU &T0UU. jDJir j.jiHir-i"M-iriirn-M-i VsfirfWw N: EXT DOOIt TO TUB COUKT UOUBK. FARNESTOCK'S. White Goods, White Goods, FOR LADIES' DRESSES. Large nnd oemploto stoek new epen from Oe te 50e per yard Lml l rim broiderod Reboa. Hnndsome Reboa at low prlcea. Summer Mokne and India Qauze. Undorwear for Ladies, Genta, Missea, and Ohlldren. ' Jerseys ! Jerseys ! ! Jerseys ! ! I AH the New things In Jorseya new epen flrem 6O0 te 85.00. Ladle-' ennt'a and Ohlldren's Hoslery in ondlesa varlety, all at our usual low prioea? R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court c UK At' HTUKK. Carpets and Mattings, METZGER & HAUGHHAN'S, FHOM LATH AUCTION 8ALF.S Mattings, Cariwte, Carpeta, Mattings, Mattinga, Ctiriwta, Alse, I.AUGK LOT OF WHITE COUNTERPyqpjErS, Fiem the late (Irent Auction Sale In New Yeik, nt Ifte., 75c, tl.lM itiul tin te f.nii GOOD HAItOAlNb lit ' ' ' "' letzger & laughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. Mr llfllwcen the Cooper Heuio nnd "errcl Here lintel. -pewims te 1IU11ST. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LAHIKS As we nre closing out our F.nliioSleck temuku it change In our business, we uru offer ing many deslntble goods ut such pi lee thul would be well worthy of your attention bcrore unk ing your pui chases. In HLACK SILKS, HLACK CASHMHHKs, SVS'b VKILINGSund AL1IA j,TIW8 CLOTHS, we ure offering at Greut Heductlnus. We eirer a Specl.il bargain InuiiALL WOOL'lltJITINOiitlOc., and have Itlu only leurshades. PACIFIC LAW.NSain here in Nice As As As sorlineni; and ORer tltelii, Very Lew. Gieat Hargalns lu HIIIIIO.VS, which we are cleslnir out fast lUrgaliii Hi LACKS, ClIKNH.Li: FHINGKS, KID OLOVF.S, COUSKTH, Ac. Itemembcr iiIhe rmm our UrcaUy lteduced Prices we Deduct W per ceuL irem nlmest every sale. ' nrj-LKASK uiyi: ux a c-i...-se BO W E R;S &" HURST, p. NOS. 26 and 23 NORTH QUEEN H1J.XKMYA.K1S. ltUOADS. ATTENTION ! We would call attention of purcheeera te the very flne and com plote line of moderate prioed Ladies" Geld Watches, very much In tlemand juBt at prosent, nnd we are well propared te meet that de mand. We also have Geld and Silver Watches In a great varlety or Btyles and at the low prices brought about by the long depression of the times. Our Nlokel Watches at 55.00 are geed watches for the money, and are going off very fast. We roceivod the ethor day a large Invoice of all the latest novel nevol novel tios in Silver Jowelry, Oxydized, ote very pretty and worth soo seo soe ing ; would be ploesod te have you call and see them. H. Z. LANCASTKIl, PA. LAWS JS JlLINN te mtKNKMAN SRRING -AT- FLINN & BRENEMAN'S LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN HOSE, BABY CARRIAGES, LAWN TENNIS, CROQUET, WATER COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS ALL AT LOW PRICES. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 152 North Queen St.. JIUOKH. B OOKS AND STATIONKKY. JOHN BALE'S SONS, OKFKK AT LOWKST THICKS, ltlaiik JJiMiks, Writing Pnuers, Knvclepes, Writing Fluids and Inks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, Mcel Penu, Lead PenclU, PeClEnt lloekn, Hill itoelts, Letter Heeks, and an Aaertiuenl of Flue and .Staple btittlenury. AT THE SIGN OK THE ItOOK.ta NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PA. llOVSKJfVltNIHUINU U 001)8. OHIKK'H OAKPKT HALL. CARPETS ! BKOPKN1NQ OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new procured te show the trude the Largest and Hest Selected Line of Carpets ever ex, hlhltcdln thtscfty. WILTONS, VELVETS, all the Trading Makes of I10DY ANDTAFESTKY UIlUSSELS.TIUtEE-PLY, All-Weel und Cotten Chain EXTltA 8UPE11S, und all (niulltlns of IN OltAIN CAUPETS, OAMASK and VENETIAN CAltPETS. KAU and CHAIN CAUI'ETSef our own manufacture u speciality. Special Attention paid te thuMunufuctureef CUSTOM CAUPETS. AlSeaFull Line of OIL CLOTHS, RUUH, WINDOW SHADES, COVEULETS, Ac, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. watch r.s, JtO. -TirATGIIES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. GREAT REDUCTION IN PKICE8 OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JHWELUY.Ot LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street, Opposlte City Hetel, near Pa. It. II. Depot. Uetutllin; ut Whelesale ;Prlces. Uepulilugat xtra Lew Prices. JySl-lyd vrEST END HOTEL, Chestnut Street, above Bread, Phil'a., II. W. KANAUA, Proprietor. Opening June 20th, Newly Furnished. Passenger Elevator, Klectrle UclU, Ac. TERMS, $2.60 PER DAY. Mr. Kauaga was IS yean at the Olrard and serertU years at the SuventU Avenue, rittshurg, l'a. j5-2wd ... u-TWiiv 1W VI 1 iw-ivi0siiJssii Heuso. Lnncaster, Pa. AT VL'UY LOW PUICKS. Oar pets, Mattiuga, Mattings, Oarpets. Yeu will get STREET,T", -- Lancaster, Pa &-9&i , -Vsw- -vi- a .sfcr . k. " vwiWi ' "VTf -v v; RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street.' MOW KIM. GOODS Lancaster, Pa. CARPETS ! lelmnid&w VXDXlt TAKING. XTNDERTAJONa UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Streets, LAKOASTKB, l'A. Personal attention plvun te all orders. Every tbtiiKln the UmlurtuklnKlliieturnlslied. Having seeui ud the nurvlces of a tl rut-class ihe chanlc, 1 am prepared te de all kinds of UpheU storing at very modurute prices. All kinds el furniture Upholstered. Give me a call, L. R. ROTE. JanlO-Ud TTAPPY THOUGHT AND REBE00A XJL Tobaccos IIAUTMAN'S Tobaccos enl v Be ner nlusr. at YELLOW ifllOMT CIGAR bTOUE. ';T 'i.i isUi-, jsgs ,7,'i ri'" --"if T;A?sJ.KAif -vsJt-i tf" tm BKSVIIiLH .? -m nt .-nx n -x cars ieava La 'jf 9.0O nnd 11:30 V?i vtlle nt 71,. , ', rnra Irrnvn WL Him Ms71..u 8e unrt 10:00 n.p,i rui iJkV 8 nnd 70 ,!. j3 -A rL , , ,i T3KADIN0 '(It.miati .-........, . , , AUUANGEMKV rAssimdKK tuaim. V . EUM)k.r.i. ; W- I t &.V (eht; rtDr lleadlng 1 5 r.t. V.V.A.X, f tee ... ... 3 AlllllVK. j Celumhla "... Martelbl Jimctl ri.." , 1 (Jhlckins '......L" iiw .1 i.unc-isier ...i.i..' Iiucaster(Klng teti!Ir kN7 LVAVB. i' a- lUTIIWAAfl ?f T 1 vm , ATitf' Keadlnu Marietta Junctli Chlckles. ........ Columbia. Lun caster Lnn canter (King junrryvlllu 49-TraliiR com nnd freiii Phlluil Allenlewu, nnd Itoute. At Celumlila i Hanover, dotty At Marietta .hi Clilcklcs. At Manhclm it AtLnueiniter.il Luticantcrulid(ji Leave Quarry street, HM it. in., 3 Arrive Itcitilln Leave lEeadlii) Arrive Lancax p. m.! Ounrrj'vlll ........ IM'-XtmS: rn'SSS; ....... K.i-ilt' Km it r nria. iw a net). j we. aea .tti ....... 1039, .... ' ti'.; B .'.7 iter,: t nt Hewling -with trlw ut una, i-euaviue, imrnoeu ev lern, via Bound Broert. n tTYilna In uiil Avhm VnMiA tint wl41 trafii ffnn..t rnM i tmlnsteand lYem LotienIvS ryvllle. 7 j JM. SONIIAY. ' ft. W in, 7:10a, in.t LnnctMUsr, lttttm iri. vam. i a .. :'-, iftie a. in.. 8 JB n. m- ' -.Jli Jii n m i.fn m .f , . Klnir Street, "ifcae a in, CmTSJ.' ir.wivra. , jn&irfa uirn ii-iyuaw a.m. rrii.BtirijBupu n$zi " ' ibiJrr A ARRAHOBXK e fAMIITOSa TRttVS. 8UNDV , MAY 2rrn. 1S8S. NOUT1IWA1 atmtimrdr A Leliunen... Arrive. Cornwall.. Manhclm. l.tlttftflutl,. r.v, BSJ7 SJ0 V.x. TM 1M H-l'l 9-M H.55 . 8( '2:15 M VISta i 12:40, ' r, K. T.tt. n-M 12:43 1:18 1.08 2-05 AUl, 71 7.1 AflRt . a-ltf'LV 0:1 fastjtfsaa Klmr St, Lane. (! Leavu. a. A."jf ','isd: HOUTHWAIl .ja .? Tinvn. A.I .. r i .. 7 t . XII Lebanon.. Cornwall.. Manlietm. LuuciiHtur, i.Sv i.Tii vm i' . 'KAZ. T(n It'll' K.i 1 k& Arrive. King HL, Lane. 8'l a. i A. M. Wimew, hi C. Ven Sam ale It. it. sse . zAi v.tt. P. w. j.V 4 t. It. O. U.K. i- , BupljO.ana 3 Ik Ueeiuik Eltz, Sii it. 1'. Alt. It. It. alMy, pKNNHYLVANIA 11AILKOAD SOWED- Tnilns leave Lancaiter nnd loave itad arrtva at Phlladelplilu in fellows : WESTWARD. Philadelphia. 1 unwlteft ewn Expnisst 4:3Un. in. Va.m Wny l'ussenifert 4u10 ,-le jiininrainvi.i3ii.jey 7.W) " t-M Ne.2Mnlltnilnt via Columbia. ,Xi Niagara Expiem 7:40u.m. ) llitnnver Acceui via Columbia. 55 ' Fust Linn Dtllyt .... 11:50 n. m. .TOjl.t. . iu.-.liv ..ll-UUIJI... VIU ..OllllIIUUl. T1U IJinciiHter Accem via Mt. Jey. ,"iil 2:15 p. m. ,-!0 m 4:40 " KM " B-40 " -:U - 8:50 10.41 " PM i:I0a.nj. llr " 'tfu LciLVO A rrl vn fit llurrliburir Accem.. Columbia Accem.... llitrrlalnin,' Expi-esd. ChL Cin. ExpieHH.I 'Wedtirn Expnwsf.. Pnelllc Express j.... EAHTWAUD. Lancuster. Phil. IMnlilu, Phll'ft Ezprccsf i 227 " 4.1! " Kimt Line '6:05 " ' IlilrrlsburB Express. 8:10 " iu-i' Lanc-'r. Aocein., ur... e-M ' via. Mt. .fcir. Columbia Accem..... HeasberH Express.. . . Johnstown ExprpHsf dally except. Sunday Htinday Mall.' Ilitv Kxnreut... e " ti ' m in. UM p. tiu 3 is m 28 ( yi 3M 1:45 ( llaiTlslmiv AccCm 6:49 b& The Murictttt Acommedatloa Ietmii? 1 jmbin. - 5Ssi3 at 11:45 a. m., reaches Martetltl2i)t.iJ-'M'&;Wir juaneita at 3:u p. m.a.aejijHive at CeInmi ai " Vl at 30 : also leaves at two and arrives ut ajuv?wj. ne Yeric AcoemmoOaUOn leaves Marietta ffl 7:10 and arrive at Lancaster at 60. C0nnccMBjii2 Willi HarrlubniT Kxnrja at sm a The Frederick Arcomuiedatlon.'WTOt.conneetQi mi; at Lancaster with rust Line, wuat, atZXiQp.'sjJ'j' The Krednrtek Accommodation, east, !evfa-Xc-1i Columbia utr-z5an(l reaches Lancaster at 1XMa3S. 1 T,tri- J .- "2 -all. The Lancaster Accommodation, JEMt, leare XSj imi i isuui b ui e:iu p. m. ana arrives m juaocasterji. ii at s J5 li. m. L '?c Uanover Accommedat ten, west, connecting JWc. i run tbreuKh e Hanover, dully, extent Haaa.v.kS Irast, Line, west, en Sunday, when flecKed. will j, ,! sUrpatDownliiKtewn, CeatcKTllle, ParKesuurz. Mt Jey, Kllinbcth town and Mldilletewn. t The only trains wbieb run dally. On Bnntey iuet ..u.i. nusiiuimuv way ut uuiumuu, Mimmr.,. . .n T ,. . Tr . ,-. i.Sfc V Ujij.- tr .i.ij Ann nr.iiAenjn Ajsii'WtMi COLE1I1IOOK VALLEY liAILUOADS. f aetrrHWABn. ' Trains leave Iibanen flallv ( excent Bandav I t ffA ui uu u. in., iuie anu tuat p. lu. Arrive at Cornwall nt 6.40 a. in-12 40 n. m. : 7:40 p. ui.; at Conea-utro at 720 a, re.. 125 and, S) p. in., cennectlni; wltb the Peunsylvanili rail, read ler pelnta east and west, KOirrnwABD. Trains leave Conewago at 730 a. m., 8J0 and 8:25 p. in. t .Arrive at Cornwall at 8M a. m., 4:18 and !Hrj p. m.; at Lebanon atarJOiu m., 4S2I and 9:15 p. in., cennectlni; at Lebanon with Philadelphia ana llcndlnK ntllreiul for jielnta east und west, and r'- x tnu Lebanon aim iruinent llrunch ler Jones town, Plne(rreveiind Trumont. The G'30 it. m. train Mill step only at Cornwall Colebrook and Ilullalre. M1SCXI.1.ANEO VS. T EVAN'SKLOUK. LEVAN'S FANCY ROLLER FLOUR. MukCH Elegant liread. Fer sale by Urocerg generally. Levan & Sens, Mer chant Millers, OIllce: 17N011T11 PltlNCEST. api'.7-Cmd "IIIAMPAQNE. BOUCHE "SEC." THE FINEST CHAMPAGNE WINE NOW IMPORTED. AT UEIOAUT'S OLD WINE BTOUE, Ne. 2) East Kike Btrket. II. E. SLAYM AKKlt, At. Eatabllshed, 1785. febl7-tia OHl'Al'EHTHAN COAL FOR SUMMEU J USE. UhOthe Gas Cooking Steve. NO HEAT. NO DUST. All patterns for sale at Manufacturers' prices. OrricK or Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce. muylt-'Jmd TCTATUKE'S remedy, PARMVILLE LTTHIA WATER. Recommended by leading physicians us the UEST Mineral Wuter for Dyspepslu and all Dls cases or thu Kidneys and Bladder, for sale by thu Glass or Gallen, at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. dec6md QAINT-RAPUAEL WINE. INFORMATION. The Salnt-Kapheel Wine has a delicious flaveur and U drunk In the principal cities of llugsla Germany, North und Seuth America, Great Urttuln, India, mid se en. Thu quantity exported unnrinr. MrThu Salnt-ltaphacl Wine Company, Valence. Department of the Drome (Ifrauce.) H. E. SLAYMAKER, flS-tfd Ne. 29 EAST KINO BTBXKT. ROPOSALS FOR FURNISHING STA TlONEltY, Fuel and ether supplies. In compliance with the Constitution and Laws of the Commonwealth or Pennsylvania, I hereby invite Bealed proposals, at prices below maxi mum rates fixed in schedules, te furnish Sta tionary, fuel and ethor supplies for the Legisla ture, und the Beveral departments of State gov ernment, and for plumbing, cas-fittlng ana stcam-flttlne for, and renutra, furnishing halla and committee rooms of the Senate and Heuse of Kepiesentatlvca, and distribution of docu ments, reports nnd ether printed nmtter for tha Legislature and tlie Department of Pnblloln Pnblleln at Mictien, for tlie yesr unding the first Monday nf .Itl.in A 11 lKMl SepunttopiepositlswIU be roceivod and sepa rate contracts uwui-Ued as nniiminccd In sold HChedules. All proposals must be ueceiupanled by a bend wltb itpprevcd security, condftlenea i for the titlUirul pel forinunce of thu eontruet, ana uddiesscd und delivered te me before eleven o'Ueck a in. of THURSDAY, the Will duv ( of J UNE, A. D. 1S, ut which time the proposals will be opened und contract awurded, lit the Executive Chamber, nlllarrlsbiirg, Peiinsylva-. , nla. Schedules containing forms el proposal, H ' can be obtalned en application at the ofllce etA tbe Secretary of Uie Commonwealth. ' v JunelteJuU SecMtaryoftheCemmonwssith. , x tiJi'i tt (1 V( -! y V.! U V&li It? Si 1 , -! & n & ,w itiSt ?V $tl iWl 7'L' :mi .1 & . Mil M. m ( . .