t J" " 4 r U! :$' Yi tfBA -. itC&rt w Ctt ifeVi m r. ktr lA ff fifsO r 5&T' Kf h. 0 I fit. x . t, y?C ',& II .- 7 ate IK IAILT INTELC1G WK.MEO Every Evenine in the Year, (Sunday Excepted) STEINMAM & 1IENSEL. ft B iHTELLiaENCER BUILDING, ti. W. COIIIBU CBSTHC bQL'AHE, LiNOlSTKIl, l'A. . fDATLY-Ttn Centt a Veil. Eire Deltart a , i Year er.tfty Centi a Menth. Jettage Free. ' .cADVJCRTI8EifEXTU from Ten te Fifty Centi HIAne. f wrcvi v ikitci i mrKie.cn ,, ,... .., . ...........,..,., (Eight Paget.) Every Weoneseay Mernine, Tice Dellan a Year in Admnce. ; CORHEBPONDEXCEtoltcttedfrem cieryparl of the itati anil country. OtrrctpemUnti are re quitted te write legibly and en one aide of the paper only; and te ilgn their namct, net for publication, but in proof of geed faith. All anonymeui Icttcri will be consigned te the tmtte batket. .Addrcii all I.cttcri und Tclegramite THE INTELLIGENCER, LANCASTER, l'A. 8l)c Lancaster: intelligencer. LANCASTER, JUNE 13,186.1. Lashing the Senate. Senater Kennedy made a sensation in the Senate in its closing hours. He declared that he did net expect again te speak in that hall; Us temperature did net suit his temperament. He could net abide the in sincerity and selfishness which 1 tiled the senatorial conduct, lie did net wish te re turn te the Senate ; though if his enemies should undertake te say that it was a ciise of sour grapes with him, he would perhaps deem it incumbent te go back te show that he held command of the situation. And in his closing weids te his associates Senater Kennedy seems te liave given free rein te the ient up feelings of disgust with which their conduct had inspired him during his service among them, and he roundly and clearly told many of them that they were " no geed." "With just what degree of accuracy Sen ter Kennedy has measured the souls of the several senators he denounced, we will net new uudertake te say; but we have no doubt that he is sincere, and is himself convinced that he has net misconceived his men. Senater Kennedy is always sincere hi the opinions he expresses, if net always discieet. Thcre maybeaquestionastetliecorrcctnessof tlie judgments he expressed te the Senate in its closing hours, and about the discretion of expressing them, even though the) were sound, but thcre can be nene as te the honesty with which they were held and said. Senater Kennedy has been a very useful niiSiln the Senate, which stands in noef men of his tyie te keep the lash upon h. xnat it nasnet profited as it should from his lashings, only shows hew thick-skinned are tlioe who put themselves into representative oilice for tlie profit it will bring,tern. -ye i,ave no ,jeubt llt all that thy general characterization of the Seiiaijv Senater Kennedv. was cerrect: Rough we abstain from sajing this alxnit the individual senators he pounced upon, simply because we have net full pciwnal knowledge of thcin. Hut we are ready te say that Senater Kennedy, speaking fiem close observations and with sincerity, is net likely te have widely erred. His fellow senators were pained at his language and beggedhim net te bopeisonal. It shocked the senatorial idea of what was becoming. Senater Lee asked Senater Kennedy te step , and Senater Lee is also an honest senator, but he is net as bold as he might be with profit te the state. If he had a share of Kennedy's impetu osity, he would be stronger. "V7q de net deeply sympathize with tlie feeling that would keep a senator's tongue silent about the failings of a fellow senator when theso failings are directly prejudicial te the public interests. Senater Kennedy denounced the shallowness, insincerity and infidelity te public trust manifested by the senators. IIe was right te deneunce this ; and he was right te name the senators whom he believed te be abusing the pub lic functions for their private interest. Ne honest man should be expected te sit in the Senate in harmonious association with dishonest men, anymore than he would thus associate with such men elsewhere. If the people send te the Senate dishonorable men, honorable sena tors but de their plain duty in exposing them and holding aloof from them. They are present in large numbers in the legisla ture and have given it the evil name which it holds ; and they have give it an atmos phere which is se oppressive te honest men as te make it almost unbreathablc. Senater Kennedy says that he wants no mero of it. It docs net suit his tempera ment te see dirty things done about him all the time, with a rule of senatorial cour tesy upon him requiring him te ignore them nnd te assume a public aspect of re spect for these who de them. Atthocleseof his experience, fired by a particulaily mean exhibition of subservience, he breke out into indignant pretest. The senators whom he denounced were silent under the pun ishment; a spauiel-like submission that spoke louder for their prudence than their spirit. Loek te the Primaries. Tlie primary schools are emphatically und distinctly the Bchoels of the people Nearly all who share tlie benetlts of tlie publie school system begin in the primaries, and many of them go no further. The number who graduate from the highest de partment of the system is relatively small. Embracing en their rolls tlie largest num ber of pupils and teaching tlie rudimentary branches, tlie primaries, in larger degree than the ether grades, are in strict accord with the original idea of the common schools. In very few places, however, and in tlie minds and attention of very few directors, we apprehend, de they rccoivetho attention nnd prevision which their iinportuuce de mand. As u rule, the primary school m n crowded far beyond tlie capacity of their accommodations and the ability of tlie teachers te properly handle the large num ber of scholars entrusted te them. In this city, for instance, ene teacher reports nn average monthly enrollment of 75, another of 02, and two ethers of (58 tfach. Tliis is far tee many. The mother of n half-dozen small chil dren knows better than auy ece else the large responsibilities nnd difficulties of properly caring for nucli n family ; none kWlu appreciate better than she the im- V . V -s. esb&Hy cl a wW'WMNjlsg, te Iter owntUactlettRUdo"tbobencJH et (he school, mere than fifty pupils. Under such embarrassmenta thcre mutt necessarily be little Individual attention and less acquaintance et tlie teacher with tlie scholar ; the one Is test sight of In the whole; the time, energy and patience of tlie teacher are taxed te secura quiet und restrain disorder, and the result is a merely mechanical system which fails te satisfy the teacher and te de justice te tlie scholar. The primary schools are in the main the schools of the peer. Their children it is who must (lull school earliest ; and during the short tlme they stay lliey nre entitled te at least equal advantages with tlie belter favored. The cheapest teachers, the most Insufllcicnl apparatus, the poeicst school houses, and the largest number of pupils te the teacher nre found as a rule in the prlinaiics. Is it fairy IsilcApcdlcnt'i' Dubious "IntcnieuH." Tlie paper teem with " Interviews " nowadays with representatives of the ad ministration and their crilics,upen the sub ject of removals and appointments and tlie principles and policies which should govern and control them. There nre such line shades of difference in tlie opinions upon tliis theme that it is by no means safe te accept the" interviews " as they are sent out by the correspondents. In a recent newspaper statement et Mr. Hay's views, for instance, the impeitnnt word " net" was emitted fiomeno of the versions published ; and another " inter view " with him, widely published, was almost entirely fictitious, we hae high authority for saying. A Cel. Goede, of Missouri, reports a pri vate conversation purpeilcd te have been had by him with Mr. Handall, in which the language is, no doubt, twisted te convey a different meaning from that which was in tended by Mr. ltandall; and indeed we have authority for tlie statement that in seme paiticulars the alleged conversation reported is entirely fictitious. It is safer and surer and fairer te ciedit public men only with the views they pie claim by their own tongues, ever their own signatures or tlueugh unquestioned authorities. "WehaNe no doubt, however, that Mr. Randall, in common with his paity gener ally, believes that most of the etlices should be filled by Democrats under a Democratic administration, entitled te agents in politi cal sympathy with it, and that the term "offensive" partisans will lie scicd upon by the Republicans in the Senate te make trouble ever removals that neeeded no such pretext te justify them In the eyes of geed citizens and seusible politicians. CJLADsreNK will new hae mero leisure te lay about with his nxe. Cor. A. Leuun.v Snewhun, who bowed se ungracefully U the iuovltable in getting out of the I'liU.ulelphla mint, has perfected u machine for stumping silver coins te provent counterfeiting. Tlie invention consists of a steel cellar, which Is attached te the coining press, nnd which stamps letters en the odge of the coin, thus doing away ontlrely with milling. Itiscurieus that Mr. .Snowdenenly dlscoerod this anti counterfeiting sclicme wheii he was ousted from elllce. Tan l'rosbyterlan gencral assembly bae appropriated (lining tlie past year iW,7K: for foreign missions and $.l,'.7& for home mis siens. And the iuIshIeu field nt home i tuice us great as that abroad. Til n roiiert of the Insurance commissioner, just issued reveals seme interc"tIngsUtlstIcs. The Pennsylvania assessment companies au thorized te de business diminished trem twenty-feur in 183.1 te soveiitoou in lbl. Their income was $807,1)78.07 and expendi tures 5793,582.32. On the lntter sum fj'jl,7ia 41 was used in the paymentef death claims and 5103.S0I.1H, or about 21 per cent, or tlie income, went te expenses of maiugeiuent. The premium receipts of llle companies in the state were $7,102,510.51, uti increase et $603,511.70 evor t'10 preceding year's business. The tire and marine companles' receipts weie ?S,183,li)2.(B, making the total paid ler insur ance In Pcnnyslvanla during lbSt 15,5M, 1.10.18, or ?1,021,050,10 mero than uus paid in 1SS3. The total lesses paid by life companles in the ttate during tlie year were f.1,081, lei, of which home companles paid 5707,782. Tlie insurance in ferce at the end of the year en the lives of rosldeuts of Pennsylvania aggegated 314,112 pollcies, Insuring 2.S'J,lfij,. 518, of which 20,120 policies, insuring 5.V1, 3CK,13I, were in state companies. Cen. QyAY is lollewing tlie oxample of the illustrious Mr. Maine, who after bis de feat issued, the erder "claim oerything." He claims that he has 61 out of the 00 dele gates nlroadychesou te the state cnnentlen. He wilt sing n dlll'erent song when he learns theeUect of his lmpelltiu utterance en the question of apportionment. l.e k i) SAMsnunv will seen en joy the dis tinction of being the biggest anil best abused man in England. PERSONAL. M011. Capri, has nover read Disraeli's "Lethalr," in which the character of Catesliy was a portrait of Capel. Sin Sl'KNcr.n Wi:m,h, an eminent Kngllsh Burgeon, urgently roceinmonils cremation. He does Sir Henry Thompson. Sk.vateii Loe an was given a serenade under the auspices of the Emancipation as sociation in Washington en Friday. P01-1: Li:e xm has given his sanction te the decisions et the Irish bishops upon the questions submitted te thorn nt their recent meeting In Keine. Aucuinsiiei' CiinneNH has roceived a cihlcgram from Konie announcing the ap pointment of Hev. J. Sullivan, of Washing ton, D. C, te the vacant bisnoprie of the dlocese of Mobile, Alabama. Miss Cluvi'.land has recoived Irem her publishers In New Yerk the announcement that the llrst edition of her book, new in press, bus proved insufllclent te meet the od ed od vance orders ler the trnde and a second edition has been ordered. Mns. Annih r. Fuhness, w'ife of the von ven von erablo ltev. Dr. William H. Furness, for llfty years pastor of the llrst Unitarian church, Philadelphia, Is dead. She was the mother of a romar'.rable group el children William llenry Furncss, the lamenteU iMiuter j Mrs. Wister, of wide fame ns a translator of chaste German steries; Herace Howerd Furness, the Shakespcarean scholar, and Frank Fur uess, the architect. Dn. WeitMLsr. In a reccut work, con cludes as the result of a most searching study of the bleed of forty dltfercnt mammals, Unit "a microscope may enable us te determine with great certainty that a bleed Is net or u certain animal, and is consistent with tlie bleed of man ; but in no Instauce does it ena ble us te say that the bleed is really human or inttlcate from what particular species of annual it was uoriveu." tee suuemcut mis iihigh medico-legal Importance. Huwaiui Tayi.eii, u well-known saloon saleon saloen kcoperln Fall lUver.Mass., has lieen declared tlie legatee et a large estate In Kssex county, Luglaud. Mr. Tayler was born In Londen about lllty-llve years nge. His motherwas Miss Mary Tuy ler nnd his father the ewner of tlie Cavendish estate in Essex, valued at 200,000. Miss Tayler was the hoiisekooperof me laiimy ami uvea wiui cavcnuisn as 111s wife, the result of the union being the boy Edward, who has always berne his mother's maiden name end up te within the pat three months has . 'or been uckuew ledged as tlie seu of CiiMtmlish, who died twocarssigent the nge efHiivtinty.llvti years. A I.ecunt btury. The latest locust story comes from Yerk Furnace, where a man who was thovol thevol thovel harrowlng com, raught se many of these singular insects en tlie teeth of his harrow that he had te quit work te prevent their tear ing the young corn out by the roots. jjl tAOAMlrt IAILY mTllJJGNOER, STUBDAY; JUKE 13, 1885. i AND THERE. Almest slnce the beginning of tlie work en the new B. it O. line from ltaltlmore te I'll 11 11 11 ndolplile, the firm of Jes. Stewart fc Hen, con- tractors, from this city, lmve been engaged In construction of parts of what premises te le a great line. It will be n deutilu track read, with no great or tangent limn 4 degree and no heavier grade than ulglit-lentlm or u feet hi it hundred or alxiul 42 feet te the liille. The HiiRqlieliniina brlilge, nllttleup the rlver from the I. W. cV II. brldge nt I'crryvlHe and Ilavre de Oraee, will be high enough te let vessels pass under without a draw ; and Its chsmuel Npans will be nbetit NX) feet long. With all tlie ordinary obstacles le speed roiuetod, tlie !. it O. oxpects te makotlietHl miles bolweou tliotueeltlcs with last tr.lns In two hours. It Is no wonder tlie l'ounsylvnnlucempany strUes te oxiIikIeko formidably a competitor. Out Inte Philadel phia Ilie new read surely will. Kvomluce tlie rcnnsylvauti euchred tlie It. it O. out of Its oxpeclod and nrmngod-fer purchase of tlie 1 V. .fc 11., the Oarretts have been de termined te parallel the line between ltaltl mero anil 1'lill.idelphla. With the deatli of the elder, hofero histwolve mlllioudollarcii mlllieudollarcii mlllioudellarcii torprlso was completed, the son took It up, with Inherited llrmness of purpose : nnd thure has uover heen n slacking of this projected competition ; all exer tures for eomnremlso were rejected. Ker the creation of popular f.uer for the Hchoiiie no hotter ad ocite could have been secured Hum young Cowan, tlie lawyer und orator. He was at I'rliieoten college, with K. 1). North esq., of tills city, less than twenty years nge, nnd lias scored u geed many victories bofero he captured, enlight ened and eon verted public sentiment In Phil adelphia. It is no discredit te any man te 1me had a Lancaster county grandmother. Dr.Abr.ihain S.ferliard, A.M., wlie makes the address before tlie niutnni of I'rauUlIn and Marshall college, at next week's com mencement, Is prolesser of pathology and medical jurlsprudonce In the Medico Medice Chlriirgical college, et Philadelphia, and bis valedictory at tlie forty-fourth commence ment en April '2, 1!8., en "Tlie Demands Which Modern Mcdicil Sclence Makes t'lien tlie Physician," has been titty published in pamphlet form. Tlie subject et his address next will be " q'he Kuture rnlverslty "net " Tlie University of the Kuture." Honorable W. H. IStciiger, secretury of tlie commonwealth, has been invited le ropro repro ropre scut the tiiKthc.ins nt the Dinguethian semi centennial banquet nett Wednesday, liens. Jehn Cessna, Jehn W. Klllinger, Jehn I llartr.inll. (5oe. I'. Daer and ether distin guished ejMiiniubciH of tlie society In civil llfoureoxisjctod .te gather round the table with the Ixiys. A Dlaguethlim vill repre- sent lilssoeiely nt tlie tfO'lliean celebration en tlie following e cnlng. Jack Cantncr, nntie of Seuth Carolina, educated In Paris, pliyMcian by nature, on en on graer by jirofesslen and forger by practice, linented tlie system of telegraph signals among convicts, coueycd through wulls,aml along gas and water plcii, and nearly nil p olessieual criminals knew unit use It. There is no pluee w liere It lias been mero ex tensively operated than in tlie Imcastur county Jnll, which is honeycombed Willi speaking tubes. Did e or here fadn Irein mera rapidly than Abe public interest lliizznnl? He wouldn't be an attraction toradime museum new. A gentleman who bus Nema ki.owledgeof the purjieses of the manufacturers of oleomar garine, In vlew of tlie recently enacted Penn sylvnnla prohibitory penal statute, writes that he considers the bill "te be about tlie mean, est nnd most llagraut iustance el unjust und undemocratic discrimination in favor of u particular class und industry that oer ciiue under my observation. The principle tf tlie bill carried te its legitimate conclusion in otber matters would resolve us back te n ttm ttm ttm conditien little better than that of the civilization of 11 ve centuries age. Tlie bill will be brought ten Judicial review as seen us posslnle and fought te the last." Nearly six months age the New Yerk Herald said : "Tlie legislature may with seme reason doclare unlawful the sale of any injurious stuir ns oleomargarine. It may legislate against fraud and deception in the sale of oleomargarino us bullui. it may de this just us it may pass laws against adulterated mine or oiheiious canned goods, i'.ut pure oleemargaiino Is as wholesome an article of loed and as legillmate a com modity of trade as dairy butter. Vile butter us well us vile oleomargarino Is found in tlie markets, in either rase the law should be icstricted te the oil. Suppression et the entlre trade is 110 mero Justiliable in ene case than it would be in the ether." Ami the A'iih, which generally lias solid sense, de clared that "It the legislature can thus pre cut u man lrem using fatty substances te m.ike u form offeoil which is admitted te be whole some, It deprives him te that extent of bis property without due process of law. It might just as well say be should net turn his cattle into beet." Mr. Tlldcn, the only original Unclu Samuel, rises up te say u geed word ter pie, and especially for rhubarb pie. A celebrated truvelcr passing through Yerk pronounced It the guilt pie town of both continents. At all seasons of the year nnd In nil grades of weather, by day und by night, one may see old women pacing tlie railroad platform nt Yerk, displaying in their baskets three kinds et pie pie, apple pie nnd pie. Carl Schurz is doing a geed thing for the poeplo of his nuthe country, as well as for theso of his adopted land, m editing a scries of valuable works en the Germans in America. The second of these books in tlme of publication, und first in ieint of local lnlerest, is the ene en "Pictures of Oor Oer mjn Life in Pennsylvania," by Dr. Oswald Seldcnsticker, of the UnUersity of Penn sylvania, who is n well-known Usitorte Lancaster, whero he lias frequently been the guest of his friend E. K. Martin, esq. He came lrem Germany with Dr. Hark, father of ltev. J. Max Hark, of this city, uud is Ills Intimate friend te this day. Inte this publi cation nre gathered Dr. S.'s publications for the state historical society, his sketch of Hethlohem and the very completo work en the Ephrata community, which ran as 11 serial in a Cincinnati German periodical ami was ro-prlnted In a very limited edition for private circulation. This is by far the most completo and accurate history of Ephruta, ever priuted. nnd will be a very valuable source of authority for tlie historian of Lan caster county when he arrives. The success of the brassy book agent Is marvolleus. It is rotated en geed authority that ence upon a tlme a skillful cauvasser came te tills town nnd took 200 orders for an illustrated oditieu or Hogarth, published In numbers, and for which the subscribers raid 521 0801151,800 out or the town for ene book, of w hlch the real price was only 512, and the profits en the transaction for publisher and canvasser were evor 53,000, bocause the citizens took a book agent's word for it. This Is irem the Connecticut Courant, Monday, Oct. 20, 1764, Hartferd, printed by Themas Gleen, at the Heart and Crown, uear the North meeting heuse : Uosten, October L It Is new out of fafhleu te put en mourning at the funeral of the nearst relation, which w HI make u laving te this town of twenty theufand tterllug per annum. It is surprising hew suddenly, us well as hew gonerally an old custom Is abol abel lshed. it rhews howevor. tlie iroed lento of the town, for it is certaiuly prudent te re trench our extravagant oxpences, while we have fometliing lelt te fubtift eurselves, rather than be driven te it bv fatal neceilltv. We hear that the luudable practlce et lru galltyis new introducing itlelf in ull the neighbeuring towns, (und H w ere te be wif hed it might the'uiit the government) nu iufnnice of which we have lrem Cliarleftewu, ata funeral thore the beginning or lalt week, which the relatives uud ethers atteuded, without any ether mourning than which Is preleribed in 11 refcent agreenient. Wlmtnn amount et hechtl sense there Is in tills eighteenth century low of It! . ltev. Dr. J. M. TItzel, the new pastor of the First Itofermod church, this city, who Is ene of the most scholarly inen in the pulpit here and has perhaps the best library or all the local clergy, is a critical friend of the revised scriptures. IIe says that when the New Testament first appeared, llke most ether, he felt disappointed In what deemed te him te be a less of the familiar rhythm of the old version. Uut by constant use of the new translation in family worship he finds that his car becomes accustomed te the new form and that wliore It most soemed te-lack It is quite equal te the old. IIe re lates that he ence Inquired of ltev. Dr. Philip Hclmtr, ene of tlie most eminent of the revising commission, why they altered ttie Lord's I'rnver from ' Thv will he ilenii en earth as in Heaven" te read " Thy w 111 be tlone us In heaven, se In earth." Dr. HchalV answered that It was found that overywhero clse than In tlie version of the Lord's t'myer as given by Maltliew, whero licuveu and earth nrojefnod In the text the former Is placed ursi, nonce tlie cliange in tee new version ler uniformity's suke. " Hut," said Dr. 8., liave you evor examined the form of tlie Lord's l'ravcr ns trlven bv Luke. In the old version, which we have been uslngT" Te his mirprlse Dr. Titzil found leek Ter your yeur yeur self that In the Lord's l'rayer. as romlerod in Luke xi, 2. In the old vorslen the phrase Is given, MThy will be tlone, as In heaven, se in eartli." Heme et the " radical" clinnges of the new revision nre net se radical nnd nevel after all. iNeeablegratn brought te America the news et the death of Mrs. Julia II. 1'wlng, who died In Lugluud nearly it month nge. And yotlheiourofow such stories in the litoni liteni litoni tute as lier " Daddy Darwin's Doecoto" and " Jnckanupes." A child can understand thorn ami would be purl lied by them, and I pity the man or woman who could read them with dry oye and without quler of the lip. Yeu can buy thorn for :0 cents apiece. Illustrated beautifully by Culdocett. The Kngllsh oditieu Is what you want. I knew Doenlo who are sorrier about Mrs. Kwings death than for Gladstone's resigna tion. Dan Yoerhccs told me tlie ether day J list as he was shirting for Tonnessoo te defend somobedy for murder wliore has he net geno oil Unit errand that the full bofero he went te cellege and when he was only 10 years of age, he walked in tlie furrow and between tlie plow-liitudlet turning ever 00 ucres of sod. He thinks Valley Forge tlie most interesting and most beaiittful spot he has seen en this green glebe, and seme day be propesos te make an oration about it. Next te that the sweetest place te him in Pennsylvania, he says, Is the expauee of green Holds uud waving oaks, of fragrant ciover nnd of climbing vines near Yerk, en w hlch nre Ilroekey" und "Willow llridgcs," the homes of the Blacks, father nnd son. Wtien President Cleveland was about te visit Gettysburg, the obliging ellleials of a great railroad Intimated te ene of his friends Hint their corporation would l) glad te put u special car at his service, "if he would ask for It." q'he friend did net hue le consult the pi sldeiit te nuswer back that it would bean mlliatieu inr the president te ask ler hucIi a imng and n degradation te accept 1U The car was paid for. Hen. Hayliss W. ilunna, tlie appointed minister te Persla, don't want te go, if I knew anything or a man's dis position from Ids walk nnd conver sation. When the subject was first breached te him I think be only saw glittering in the Orient 1 10,OC J a year, uud 11 sojourn among the Kun-wershipperx, garbed lit silks ami blazing with Jewels. When It came te lacking the babies in shoe boxes, and jolting evor three hundred miles et mountain en mules and traversing 100 miles of desert en camels, Hauna's heart f.dled him. I fear his ellert te be trauslerred te the Argoutlne Confederation was net a success. The last 1 saw of him he was mak ing a bargain with a saddler te build him a wilt cushion Ter his muie-back, camel-back trip te tlie Stub's court. It wasn't nearly as bard for Sam Cox te tear himself away from Cengress and con stituents as lie thought it was. SlNUIIAIl. ACKNOWLi:il(iMi:.NT. As In uuu phmct mocking nle1 of (lew, May lucent glow the full-spanned arc el blue bluce one clcur ktroke or Time's filar guiding bell I'liendlng hnpplnes or wee inuy tell Since came u world of lUht from Junt one word Of lied, nud ull tlientuiaef Morning licird Then let one drop el Ink for me expiccs A IvrM'iit inund of gratelul IcnilenicsH. Clifferd lender, in the Indeitndrnt I'uliniinary CeiupUluU Safely Cured. Interpretation of normal action nndvtaituef el phynlcal structiim In pulmenur' diseases must be met with reversed conditions te elleet a thorough und permanent euro. Temporary suppression U dungereuu, und cruelly deccp tlu. Nothing can uccempllbh mi afe und lust ing ucuie us the prescription furnished wlih Hern's Pure Malt Whiskey, us numberless In stances Ustiry, This supplies fulling strength, nutrition and stimulation In the uinst scientific and concentrated manner, uud has done won ders where everything clse fulled. AH reliable druggists und grocers will supply It. bright teeth, und 1IH that glow tlie while, ; e llitht uud color te u smile ; And, Inllnltcly mero than thti, (Ire light and color te u klit. Uut both must sulfur Irem the wuul Of tliullte giving bU.ODONT. t'J IwdtedAw Hulls mid Cnrbuuclcs. 'Iheseaiu thuolcanetH i. rtlie huinuu system. The proceed from luipiuu In -eA and from u riot ous demoralization of the tlKettlvu eruuns. 'Iliey uiu annoying, painful .nil seiuciimcs daiiKereus. Ihey can bedrUun vill by toning up the system, und thlsciiu best b "done by thu usu of Ilrewn's Iren bittern. Mix, in. Hmidy A Ilullmuii, druggists, Aiinnpells, Md., say, "We sell lets of llreKii's Iren lillturs. All who usu it seem pleated. We hear net e, e com plaint. If you use porous piasters the best und stu ig est ene made is the Hep 1'latttr. They kilt pulu undstrengthen the parts. A great numy people say se. 25c. dealers. SPECIAL NOTICES. Dip n end of u Spenge lu AVuter and the whole will seen be saturated. Se a dlscuse In ene purt el Iho body ctfects ether parts. Yeu liave noticed this yourself. Kidney and liver troubles, unless checked, will Induce censtipu. tleu, piles, Itheumatlsm und graw'l. A timely use of Dr. Kennedy's i'& orlle Keineily w III pre- ent theso lesults. It Is pleasant te the tuste nnd amy be tukcu lrccly by chlldicuuud delleute foinales. It gives elasticity, life und cheeks with re3s en them. Je-lOlmd 11 ATS AND CAl'N. -T ATKST STYLLS IN HATS. Stauffer & Ge., LEADING FASHIONABLE HATTERS, 31 and S3 North Queen St. THE liAIiaEbT ABSOIITMUNT Of STRAW HATS IN THE CITY. BTKAW HATS FOU HOYS, Be., 10., 15c., 25e. STUAW HATS FOU MEN, 'J3e., fia, 75c, II. ALL THE SPRING STYLES SOFT AND STIFF HATS. STAUFFER & GO,, (Shall: & Bres.' Old Stud,) 31 and 33 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTEIt, PA. TJOTE IS MAK1NQ CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT 3.00 X DOZEN, AT NO. 100 NOltTII QUEEN STUEET, laniutfd Luucaslcr, Pa. A TLANTIO CITY. The Chester County Heuse 18 NOW OPEN. Comfortable, homelike, sltuuted very nenr the rUM, ,iii iTiit-Huru II111EZ.US 1I1MII1 Illll-U CICCUll 1111 111 flenls. 'lhls Heuso lias Ieiik been known us u iiiemI pleasant milliliter icliciil. Junel 'Jmd J. KK1M ,t SONS. ALL AT KUIQAllT'S OLD WINK i &: STOKE -KOU- LiBten'a Extract of Beef. VriTZST lit TBI WORLP. Kstablla hed, 1789. II, K. SLAYMAKEB, Agt. feU7-tt4 Ne. 83 East King St. MBIOIOAX. TROWN'S IUON MTTEItS. WOMEN Needing renewed Mrentttli. nr who snirer from liirlriiilllui peculiar te the pet, ilieulil try Brown's Iren Bitters, THK 11KST TONIC. Tmiln Mnik O.UAMTY, PllltlTV NOT QUANTITY. On Kvcry Pettle. This medicine combines Iren with Dine vol-e tabic tonic, nnd Is Invnlunule ler DIhcuhi1 pccnllnrte Women, nnd nil who lend sedentary Ilvt't. It Knrlchcs and Pmlfles tlie Illoed, Stlni. ttlates the Aliprtlte, Strengthens the Masclcs nnd Nerves In fact, thoroughly Invigorates. Clears the complexion mid mnLes tlie skin smooth. It docs net tilnckcn Iho tpelh, canie hendaclie, or produce coiistlputlen i ether Iren medt clnrt de. Mns. KrizADKTU llAint), 71 rnrwell Ave., Silt- wuiikce, wis., snvN, under dnln or Dec. art, issi : " I have UfC'd UreHii's Iren llllters.and It tins been mero than a doctor te me, hnvlng cured tee of the weakness Indies have In We. Alse cured me of I.Urr Complaint, and new my com plexion I clear nud geed. Has been bcucflclnl le my children." , Ucuulne has atiove Irnde mark nnd crossed ltd lines en wrapper. TAKK NO OTUKlt. Made only by IlltOWN'S CHEMICAL CO., 1IAI.TIJIOUE, MD. Ladies' Hasb Heek Useful nnd attractive, containing list of pilzcs for receipts, tnlorma tnlerma tnlorma Hen uboiitcelns, I'tc., Klven nwny by nil dealers In uiedlclne. or luulled lounvuddrcHsen lccclnt eTSc. stamp. (3) TTOP PLASTERS. 25c Each, 5 for $1.00; Any Dreg Stere. And Ue best evcry time. Hei' I'lastkiji me prepared from tlie complete virtues of Heps combined with llurgiiudy Pitch nnd Cunnila llulsuiii. Supcilorteull etlicrs ln-cnuHe they net HiHiunuy nun cum Piiceunv. ji you ure ireuuiuu wllh liny kind of neruncns, npply ene of tlicnu plasters null uxparlcnce thclrsoethltiK. i lug nnd BtrcnKllieiiliiK effect. A wonderful cure for psln In tliusmidl of thnlmck, 23c, A for II Ol overyhcro. HOP I'I,ASTKll COMPANY, Hus Hus eon. Sent by mall If desired. (S) prep PLAHTKnS. A FAMOUS STRENQTUENER, Heuse ulvcs, shop girls and snlcs-w omen nil nutrcr mom or less fiem Weak Hack and hide hide Hdie. Nothing ulTurda such Instant ltllcf nsu Hep I'LAHTEn applied evurunected part. Pains und uclicM of ull kinds nre driven out nnd the parts nmde ever nnd fttrungthened. Aak lern lier Plaster, made from IlurKiindy l'ltch ..ha.i.. 1,..,..... .....1 41... ..!...... ..- r.?.... II V.1II11IUK INMPnill Ullll 1.11.3 Vlllllig.fl lll'Bll JI1M,F.. Held in cry where. ileS ferjl.00 bend te HOI l'bASTKIt COMPANY, Ilcwten, for cliculur. 10) HOP PliASTKIlS. DO IIK SENSIIII.E. The Her 1'LASTEH does mere Reed In onc-e,iinr-tor the tlninthun tiny bill in or lotion, und I mom cleanly tonic. Afnnhiind sect porous planter which nets Immediately when applied te st-utnf trouble Uhctiniutlaui, Neurulgla, Mdcuchc, Ijime llick, Crlik, Sciatica, burn Muscles, hid ney uirectlens, Weak Lungi or local pulus can not exlnt long when ene of these iilesici-g u up piled Itciucuibcr, virtues of fii'iu Heps, bur gundy l'ltch und tiuuiH combined. Sold every- wncre. -c., u ler jiaw l'ronneiern. (71 HOP l'LASTEUCOS! ii'A.v v, lMnten, muss. i ui: at :mxih of life. ENDORSED BY TAB WORLD. DR. PETZOLD'S GERMAN BITTERS! THIS GREAT ELIXEB OP LIFE Is u double Distillation of ever twenty different kinds of theleit German Herbs, this being the only true und reliable pieeess hy which the en llrutireat Medical Vlrtueiund Curutlve Proper tics of the Herbs can be produced. We lire con fident that this crciit Ocrmnn Tonic will be found the ine4t IIEALTH-G1V1NU ccr pluctd befeie the imbllc. Ah a lini.lAIII.K AND PLEASANT INVIUOUANT, It le absolutely without n rlvnl, und atTeidit Instant llELinr, and n PriirKCTCuiiiiuuarunteed III nil cum'h -of Dyspepsia, I,Oh of Api;tlte, NerveuancfM, WcaKiietH, Crampn, Dysentery Cheleni MerhiiH, NutiHca, Diarrheea, Actlinm, Sick stomach, lllllleusneuu, Ague und Fever and ethel Mularlul Dlxca&ca. Thl U reat Medicine Forbule Eveiyherc. L. PETZOLD & CO., Prep's., HAlriMOKE, MD. upr-8WASIydAw. M ANHOOU KKSTOllKI). intMienr ruEE. A victim of veuthful Imnrudencu cuualni; I'm. inuture Decay, Norveun Debility, Le4t Manhood, Ac, huvlng tried In vuln overy known reined 'fi ha dlncevcrud a Biiniile Helf-cure, which he Bend FUEE te bis fellow uuttercm. Address, f II l.L-U.l.lu' Jie-lyeedAlyw u, ii. iter, f r-3, A3 Ohutbain ht,, New Yerk City ULAHSirAllE. H IGIlikMAItTlN. Jelly Tumblers -AT- CHINA HALL Woaiepicpaicl te Supply Heusekcepeis nllh JELLY TUMBLERS, JELLY OUPS, JELLY JARS, And Everything Else in the I'lcervlng Ycit scl Line, (ieteiir prltca befoie purchasing. High & lartin, NO. IB BAST KING STREET, LANCASTEIt. PA. COAL, Ba MAHTIN, WUOLKSALH AHO 1UCTA1L Dealer in All Kinds of Lumber and CeiL iTYabd: Ne. Kb Neith Water und Prince treeU above Lemen. Lancaater, n3-lvd OAUMQAIlDNERSife JEFFEHIEH, COAL DEALERS. OrricKS : Ne. 129 North Queen street, and Ne Kt North l'llnce struct. Yakds: North l'rlnce street, near Heading Depot. LANCASTEU, PA. auKlS-tfd c IOAU M. V. B. COHO, 330 NOllTU WATEIl STUEET, Lancoster, Pa., WUOZ.ISALS AMU RETAIL DEALKn IN LUMBER AND GOAL. CONNKOTIOH WITH Tn TKLBl'UONIO ExcnAMQI. Yakdase Onrius: Ne. 330 NOUTII WATEIt 8THEET. feb28-lvd "PAST END YARD. C. J. SWARR&CO. OOAL. EINDLING WOOD. Office : Ne. ?e Centre Sciuara. both yard and edl co con in el ' i. lth telcnhone eichanVe. uprl.H-lydMjtfc'.U iieuaEEUJiNmiiixa tieuns. rnUE CHEAPEST PIAOE I.TO 11UY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Geal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, -iS AT- P. Ne. 24 Sonth Qaecn Street, fet2Mva LANCASTEB FA, CLOTltltill. pjKADllUAKTBUS FOlt SUMMER Merine Bhlrts and Drawers, Gauze UntlerBhlrt nnd Dm were, Cholce Neclctles, E. it W. CelUiru und Cutrd, O. St O. Cellnrs nnd Culm, Crown Cellam nnd Cunu The IJcst Filling Dress Shirts. MIIIUTH AND MOCIKTY I'AIIAIMIKUNAMA JIAI1K TO OltDKU. At Erisman's, NO. 17 WEST KINO BTItEKT. M ICIIUIIANT TAILOlt. I. IcCAULET, MERCHANT TAILOR I NO. 134 NORTH (JUEEN ST. (Iluclimlller'f. llulldlng.) ONIJ OK TIIK FINKST LINKS OK FOREIGN & DOMESTIC GOODS, FOR TIIK Sl'UI.NU AND SUM MKlt TU A lK, KVKIt SHOWN IN TIIISC1TV. fliTCall nnd luke u leek nt the goods, nud you will be sum te lmve your tncusum taken fern suit. JunCMjU F INK TAILORING. 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, F1NETAIL0RING. Iho Largestund CholccslARteitmontof FINE WOOLENS IN THE CITY OF LANCASTEIt. All the Latest Nevel tied In FANCY SUITING. A CHOICE LINE OK SPRING OVERCOATING. THE VEKY I1EST WOKKMANSHIP Prices te suit nil and all goods wnirauteduq repieecutcd ut hU new store, He. 43 ISTertli Queen St. (OPPOSITE THE 1'OSIOKHCE) H. GERHART. M Y WIS it HATIIVOK. THE GREATEST VALUE -AT THE- LEAST COST. MONEY IS SCARCE. YES, WE KNOW IT IS AND WE HAV MAOE A STOCK TO SUIT THE TIMES AT THIS TIME EVE11Y PUUCHASEIt WANTS TO I1UY AT THE VEUY LOWEST POSSIBLE FIUUKE. IN CONSIDKUATION WE THINK OF THESE FACTS CENTRE HALL Is Just the riuce te Deal. CO KM D Kit THE STYLE OF WOKK YOU KIND WITH US; CONSlIJEIt THE QUALITY OF THKt.OODS; CONSIDER THAT WE AUK THE MANUFACTURERS, ANIJ REMEMHER THAT YOU SAE -V PROFIT HY 1JUYINO OF US. THE AMOUNT 'OF OUR PROOF OF OUR GOODS. HUSINESS IS LEADINO CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KHQ STREET, LANCASTER. PA. D ON'T LET "iOUK EYE SKIP THI8. It 1 worth money te you teuec the 1IAROA1NS In Men's, lleyu uud Children's CI eth i n g l. gansmaTs bro:s. ltcliable tioedit only. Lewest I'llccnulwiiys. FOE $5.00. De net let the wonderful lowness of the pile inaku you think lightly or the Suits, Men's Suits and excellent, tee, that we eirer ut this llgme,FORS7.50. Thoroughly geed All-wool Cusslineie Suits, FORS8.ne. Flne All-Weel Worsted Ceiksciew Suits FOR 810.00. Finest of All-Weel basket Wonted or English Corkscrew Suits. Heys' Suits at ll.75,r.,.l'5,3.ne. tl.lX), up te'J.0. Chlldicn's Suits as low us 11.23. Thin Summer Clothing! IN GREAT QUANTITIES. Indigo blue Flannel Suits ns $1.71. Seersucker Cout nud Vestut $1.23. lluslncss Punts ut 75c. AGAIN I AUAIN I We extend our cerdlul Invitation te cull and ex amine our Elcguut stock of spring 11ml Summer Clothing ut pi Ices te suit ull peckctn. L. GANSMAN & BRO., THEFASIIIONAULK MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Nea. 66-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Right en theSoulhwestCor. of Orange Street,) LANCASTER, PA. Open until 0 o'clock In the evcnlng, Saturday eveulngunllllu o'clock. -Net cenneelud with uny ether clothing slorelu thu city. M- ADEIRA AND BUERIIY WINES -AT- Eeigart's Old Wine Stere. H. E. SLAYMAKEIt, Aekst, NO. 93 East tttite Svueit. feblMld KlUbUiheai765. MliS k Mill XeriONH. rplIK CHIUPKST KMHHOIDKHIKS EVEll HObll IN LANCASTEIt AltE NOW TO HE HAD AT ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion J 13 EAST KING STREET, LANCAbTElt, PA. A liAHOi: ASSOUTMKNT Ol New Swiss Embroideries AT JIAIH KM.Ol'SI.V LOW lMHCUS. 8l Kdghitf, c Inches wide, line quidltyuud patlenie, i"c n j nnl. KlnnHwIss Kdglng, liMiitlieslilc,a:icnjard. I lnu ls biulireldery, 11 Indies Ide, u cents Very ElcKiint Embiefilery, richly InchcH wide. lble 11 vunl. ii nl. weikcii, n Irish Print Embroidery, line iii.illly lwip 4 lueheD wide. ..15c 11 yiml. edge, uincuesw me.. ..ise u yute. Tlnehetwlde . .S."e u ynnl, line finality. In Inches wlde....:Uc 11 yuul, line iU.dity. 11 Inches ukle. ..DOu u Jiud, llnu iiuullly. Te Any we have received the biggest drl oef the HcaMin, ceiihIhUhk of 50 durcn Ladles' Pure Silk (lauze Hlevei, 0 button Ivnutb, Illicit coIeih, werths centt, B137 cents 11 pair. TIicmi Kbncs 1110 net lulletu Glew.", but pure Fllk L'UlliC. Our Extm Leur Pllk Tullebi Oleves lire 10 cents u pair. They mu fully 12 Inches Ien;;. Our 'J7e LueltiK fvld Ulevei are i.cllln fei 83c lien . 'J hey 1110 nsxserled Tuns uud of beautiful ijuallty. We hie succeeded lu ccttlm; another let of thein full leg 11 Uu mude 13a llalbrli:gun Hese for L.UU1C. SPECIAL IIAUOAINS IN Ladies' and Gent's Gauze Underwear FORM CENTS. SUMMER CORSETS, .(). The Cenliiiciil.l Automatic t'ersil, ?l.00 The II. A S. Sateen Corset, u very excellent new Ceiimt fur 73c. Hi. Winner's Duplex C'ers ct, tl id Big Bargains in Oriental Laces. New Oriental Luce of Finest finality, 7 Inches wide, embroider enwimcUftlncn, worth loc., ut only l!5c. ujiuil. Ten jileces of llcle Ortenlal HeuikIhk, 11 IncheH wide, of ln':i let ipiiillly uud made en extra line net. Theeinbieldery en the i-illlle Is 7 Inches Ide. The price et this luce wus 70c. e nre M'IIIiik' H for the nslenlshlii( low price of 10c. ier uiil. I.ur.-c, ull linen Tencln, bordered, nt Ic uptcc. New Japanese Fans. NEW CHROMO FANS, fremSc up, A Large und Elegant New Sleck et Li ather Rugs nnd Satchels, lint und inund, ut very low prices. SPECIAL 1IAROAIN Willi hlctfunt Al IlKUter Round Satchel, leather lined, at llfty cents ( Sec ) A FULL STUCK Ol Gilt and Silver Braid, null widths, black und Coleitd WORSTED P.RAIDS in ull wldthe, in ull colors ASTRICH'S Palace of Fashion. lnav'il EXCVllSlOXS. pENUYN TAKK. Penryn Park, ON Till. Cornwall & Mount Hepe R, R, Excursion Committee of C hurehcH, Mimlny StbenlH nnd ether select niKiiiilisatlens, In innk lnu their bUinuicrurrani.'euienlK, xheuld net neg lect te rivinii ndaj for Penryn l'mk TliUdclIghtlnl icseit Is bltuatnl In the midst of the SOUTH MOUNTAINS And Its grounds ceveilug huudiLds of ucr s ara easy of ut cess fiein nil parts or central 1 CBU sjlvaula. Fer the free useef excursionists lln.10 uroextcnsUe CROQUET AND LAW -N TENNIS GROUNDS, LARGE DANCING PA I LION, HAND STAND, KITCHEN, RAMJET AND CLOAK ROOMS, und CONSERVATORY On the Summit of the Mountain. There Is uUe a refreshment room In charge of n competent caterer, wheie meals can be piecuied ut moderate rates, a phetn,iruph gallery und uumciousethcruttructivii features. Ne liquors allowed 011 the ground. Excursions Irem ull points en the Philadelphia A Reading und Heading A Columbia Kullreuds w 111 be curried direct te the l'aik w Itheut change of cars. Complete Information can be obtained and en gagements ellected with parlies I10111 till points en the Philadelphia ,t (tending und Rending A Columbia KallnucN, upon application te C. G. Hancock, General l'uecngcrund Ticket Agent, Philadelphia A Rending Rulliead, ?J7 Seuth FeurlhHtreut, Philadelphia. Pa., und with parties fiem Lebanon hy upiiKlug te the undersigned. CARL VON SCIIMALENSEr:. Supt. Cerun.UI A Mt. llope Rulliead, muvbJiud Lebanon l'a. gUM MEUOF I6ST1. EXCURS10NSANI) PICNICS! Cornwall & Lebanon -AND Oolebreok Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PARK, In thoheaitef Uiu Seuth Meunlulii, en tlie line of thuuboveroid, Is olfered te Individuals and associations Free of Charge. Theee grounds, ceveilng hunditids of acres. nre easy of access Hern ull parts of Eastern PcniiKylvuiilu. 7TIicroure .MOUNTAIN STRE A MS, simnned by rustie bildgeg; MOUNTAIN SPRINliS, walled up with native hiindstoue : SHADY WALKS und PROMENADES. A LAHC.E DANClNll PAV1LLION, LARUE D1NINU HALL, KITCHEN, DINING ROOM, undTARLES.IIENCHES und RUSTIC SEATS, ctittcicd tlueugh the glove for the fiee use el excursionists. LAWN TENNIS, CROQUET, HALL GROUNDS, HOWLING ALLEY, SHOOTING UAL. LERV, QUOITS AKU FOOT HALL A10 among the umuscments olfered. Ne Intoxicating Drinks Allewed en the Premises. 9M'uitIcs desiring It, can pieeiiie meals nt 1110 I'aiiiv ur.si.iuiiA.M', which win iiouniler mu cnuigu 01 cutcieriil the MR. E. M. 1IOLTZ, the noted LEBANON VALLEY HOUSE, who will been thngieuiuN thiougheiit tlie sea son, glv big It his personal supei islen. 4-EciirHluns iiinu ull points en Peuimylvn nla It. Ii. will be cat lied ill lectie the l'urk with out eluuige of curs. VExcumleu rutes nnd full Information can be obtained nnd eiiRiigements effected with parties lrem ull points en the Punnsylvunla 11. It. It. uneu UDiillcutleu te GLO. W. IK) VI). A ... .- -.- -.-. ...""" .. - ...... -. BlSintll. UCIIVlAl I llSSVIIrI Agent, 1'. It. It., Ne. 233 Seuth Fourth street, Phil aueipiiia, or te J. C. JENNINGS, Supt. a. A L, A C. V, It. It,, Lebanon, l'a. wyis-suia ' , r