y' THE LANOABTET. BAitM PTFKLLTGBNCim, MONDAY, JTN JE S, 1S8&. elv ' " A' c 1 r: f WOMAN'S tOVJi A sentinel ntiKcl, Bitting high In glory, Heard this shrill wnll ring out from purgatory : " llnve mercy, mighty nngcl I Hear my story, "I loved, mid, blind with iiisitoiinlnlevp,l fell) Love brought me down le death, nntiOeulh te hell hell Ker Ged IsJnM, nnd death for sin la well. "1 de iiotregonBilnil Ills hlglulccrce, Ner for myself de ask that gtiice rtlin.ll be, Hut for my leve en earth, who mourns for me. " tlrcat spirit, let me spe my leve ngiiln And comfort him ene hour, nnd 1 worn fiiln Te pay n thousand years of fire nnd pain." Then said Iheptlylngnngrl i "Nay, rrpeni That wild vow. Loek I thedlnl's linger bent Down te the hist hour of thy punishment." Hut still she wnltcd: "1 pray tlice, let me go : I can net rUe te plnce nnd leave him se. Oh, let me soetho him In his bitter wee I" The brazen gates ground sullenly njnr, A nd.ipwnrd, Joyous, like arising star, She rose, nnd vanished In the ether fur. Hut seen tulewn the dying sunset lulling, Aml.llke n wounded bird, her pinions trailing, Hhe fluttered back t Ith broken-hearted walling. She sebbed: "I found htm by the Bummer sea ltccllncd, his lirad upon a maiden's knee ( She curled his hatrnnd kissed him. Wee is me!" She wept: "New let my punlshmcntbcgln ; 1 have been fend nnd foolish. Let me la Te expiate my sorrow and my sin," The angel answered i "Nny, sad soul, go higher I Te be deceived In your true heal t'a desire Was bitterer than n thousand years of lire!" Tehn liny. UESIEUEIHIY WITCHES. TlieMcntntTrouhlesefMrs.K!l7.nlcthIllrliard New In tliellerhs County Jnll. Frem Friday's Heading Eagle. This morning Albert It. Ilelllg, esq., Dr. Rudelph H. Hlinltze nml 'Squlre Wolule, of Strniif-stewn, who wero appointed by the court te Inquire Inte the sanity of Mm. Elizabeth Ruicherd, new In jail, vlslted her In her cell nnd lind n. lengthy conversation with her, during which they found that Mrs. Rciclmrd was apparently qulte mne en overy Htibject excepting that of witchcraft. When this Hiibjecl was breached slie tnlked In Mich n wild umnner tlmt the commlttce had no doubt hut that she is partially dornnged. They think that w ith proper aim nnd treat ment she can be cured. The commlttce will prosent their repert and testimony taken at Slrausstewn te the court en Monday, llore they found that Mrs. llcichnrd had established n Vtlde ropu repu ropu tatlen nsnbollevor In AWU-heraft, ller hus band tcstilled that she imagined that she was " verlioued ;" that she did everything possi ble te drlvenwny the evil spirits, with which she imagined she was besct. She accused certaiu rcspoctnble ladies in Btrausstewu with being witches. Hhe charged that they used tlielr "spells" en her friends, nud killed them, and that new they viore trying te bewltch her. Slie resorted te all kinds of methods ted rive the evil spirits nway. One way te which she resorted was te 1111 la toilet vessulvtilli liquor, take it out in the lurk yard and place a het Hat iron in It te cool oil'. Anether wan te cut up a llvu toad into quar ters, fry it well nnd cat it. .Still another was te feed n black eat with mother'H milk and the witches would !e sure te disappear. Hhe was continually afraid that witches would work their ehnrmsefHM)lls upon iier, nnd te keep them oil' carried the feathers of three doves wrapped in the first two chapters of (JpiicsIh next te her heart. The husband tostilled that when he went away te work he placed in her hands soine $.10 witli which te meet household oxKmses, that when he returned he found the family suflerlng, anil hardly nny money in the house, that he discovered that his wlfe had been te Heading and 'WsHed a witch, doctor who had Induced her te Invest ' f'28 in certain charms. These Mr. Keichard found had been neatly sewed up in canvas bags nnd ene placed nbove cacli deer in the house. Mr. Keichard was se nggravated at his wlfe's superstitien tlmt he tere down the charms, and burned thorn, without looking te .sce what they wero cemiiOHcd of. Mrs. Keichard fays that the witches frequently try te enter her soul. They sit en her body, and nlirtbst squeoze the llfe out of her. Then they dance en her head. They nre ugly shaped, with wings llke,a' dragon, nnd she verily bcli eves they are imps sent from slieel te annoy hi r. Oleien nml Hats. Frem the New Yerk Kvenlng I'nst. Fresh importations of millinery for the summer openings of bouuets show many mero models in jiekes, gypsies nnd lnrger round lints than have been shown yet. Still the milliners say that the oxperiouco of n year nge is repeated, and that the capete nnd the snug priuccsse bonnets nud small llsh llsh wife pokes nre by far preferred for dressy wear even for the young ladies. The larger variotles me kept In rcsorve for summer resorts, whero they will be worn, net merely ns Hhnde hats, but for afternoon drives, etc. The most elegant of the large shaiies nre mada of etnmine, crape, embroi dered faille, or surah, and also of llower-bro-ended satin foulard, matched te n toilet of the tame. The brims nre shirred, the crewim n soil pull", nnd the garnitures, roses and lace or ribbon made into rosettes, loops, etc Among opensle novelties In French gloves nre medium long ones of the finest and most delicate kid, the backs of which nre covered with a narrow, dainty design, wrought in lieads of silver, steel, Jet, pearl, etc., te match with the shade of the glove. These, glotesleok very dressy with n suita ble costume, uud the wonder is that in these days of embroidery work, ladles de net at tempt this easy decoration. It is easy te ob tain a due dcllcite pattern en iper. and net nt all diflleult te fellow the design in beads threaded en strong silk. The cost would be about half that of glevas purchased already embroidered In the umnner described. SPECIAL NOTICES. There In no use lighting nature. Dr. Kennedy's Fnvoilte Itemed (Iecs nothing of tlmt kind. It does net nmke Ihesuirerers who trust It wmue under the pretense of doing them geed. It acts tendnly and In sympathy with wlmt Nature herself Is trying te accomplish. De you km trouble with your digestion, your liver or your kidneys T Dees rheumatism pain and rack you T Js your head thick and heavy? It will charm awuylhCM) ailments almost ere you are aware. (l)ni) ll-liiHleed&w The rreirutlte of it Terrible. 1)Iejim Ne dUerders, excepting tliomest deadly forms of lung disease, lnvolve such u tremendous de struction of organic tlssue us thiwe which fasten upon the kidney. Such muhulles, when they become chienlc and none sire be llutilu te as sume that phase completely wicck the system. Te prevent this terrible disease, recourse should beliud, upon the first manifestation of tieuhle, te Hosteller's Stomach Hitters which oxpeilonco litis proved te uu highly effective iw u means of Imparting tone and regulailly te the organs of urination, as well as te the liver, stomach and bowels. Anether bcnellclul result of this medi cine, naturally consequent upon Its dluretle ac tion, Is the ellintnatleu from the bleed of impur ities which beget rheumatism, neuralgia, gout, dropsy and ethermuludtes. Hy lucicislng the activity of thnklUneys, It augments the dupiinv tlvei'Illclency t these organs, which aiumest linpoitanteullets for the escape of such liupuil ties. Jet-lu Te Lawks. If you wish te lender your skin white and soft, use menu's HuIpliurKeup. l'lke's Toetluiche Dieps ciue lu one minute. JSlwdoed.tw lMilenve or the ltet Kind. ItlchaidT. Itohlnsen Is n druggist living In lta. cine. Wis. lleiels whathesays: "Allllcledwllh lurs'iigltu 1 was unable te iiiticulute u word dis tinctly ler fully two months. A lltieml iippllca iippllca (Ien of 77ieim' Eclectrle Oil completely cured me. Am pleased te recommend it." rorwileby II. It. Coehmu, druggist, 1.17 and 1.19 North tjuceu street, Lancaster. NEYKU GIVE UP. If you are suffering with low nnd depressed spirits, less of uppetlti', gemmil debility, disor dered IiIimmI, weak constitution, headache, or nuy disease of a bilious nutiiiY.by nil means pro cure n bottle of Hlecliie lintel's. Ven will lie 8urnilcdtegclhH rapid Iniprevemeut that will tollew i you will be Inspired with new life; strength and activity v. ill return ; pain ued nils cry will ceiiue, nnd henceforth you will rnjolce In the pratMef Klcotile Hitters, held utlM cents u tmltlu by II. It. Cochran, drugglxt. New. 1J7 and 1S North yueeu street, Lniicustcr, I'm (0) MEDICAT A YER'8 1IAIR VIUOR. FROM THE PRESIDENT OF BAYLOR UNIVERSITT. "Independence, Texas, Sept. 20, 1BJ. Uenllcmcnt Ayer's Hair Viger household for three rra- Ilea been used in my Keng; 1st. Te prevent falling out of the hair. 2d. Te prevent tee rapid change of color. 3d. Asadresslng. It has given entire satisfaction In every in stance Yours respectfully, Vtu. CAintr Cradh." AVER'S 1IAIH VIOOlt Is entirely frce from uncleanly, dangerous, or Injurtcus aabstances. It prevents the hair rrem turning gruy, resteres gray hair te Its original color, regents bald ness, pnuerves thohalraiidpremotesltagrowlh, euros dandruff nnd all diseases of the hair and scalp, and Is, at the sama time, a very superior anddeslrable dressing. rntrAnED nr Dr. J.C. Ayer-& Ce.j liOwcll, Mass. Held by nil Druggists. JiinoHeJunlu JTKUVOUSNKSS, SLEEPLESSNESS -AND- All Ferms of Heart Disease, f'MCnT,1?,,'soeft?RGAVES, HEART REG ULATOR, thousands use It, why net you t One dose ut bcdtlme will glve perfect refreshing sleep te any nervous or wakeful person. It stimulates the Hteinach, regulates the bowels, gives tone te the system, repairs wasted onergy and mental faculties. $1 per Hettlo, 0 for $5, nt Druggists. . Send te F. II. INUAM.S, Cambridge, Mass., loriree pamplilcl en Heart Ulsease, Nervous ncss, etc. ato-lyeed&w(3) QATAUUH. ELY'S CREAM BALM -CUItKS COM) IN1IKAI), CATAKKH.HOHKCOI.D.HAY r'KVKH, UKAFNKS3, 1IHADACIIK. Kasy le use. N. Y., U. H. A. l'rfce.BOc. Ely ltre.'s., Oswego Hay Fever. KI.Y'S CltKAM HAI.M Cleanses the Head, Allays Inllammatlnn, Heals the Seres, Itesteres thu Senses of Taste nud Smell. A quick and positive cure. Ui cents at DiugglHtM. BO cents by mull, registered. Send for circular. Sample by mull, lu cents. ' ELY BROTHERS, utarSl.tfdAw IlrugglsU. Oswego, N. Y. AVWAX ALIj OTHIC1W FAIIj, UOKBDLT DR. LOBB, NO. Sit North Flfleenth street, below Cullewhlll stii'i't, I'lilladelnldu. Cures all Secret Diseases or both sexes. Twenty Years Kperlence. Cen. sultutten liv malt. NKItVdUS AND HPKCIAI. D1SKASKS. New hook Just out. Send for It, Hours 11 a. m. till -i p. in. , and 7 p. m.te 10 p. m' Heeks freu te the mulcted. lehJtMydAw GltAY'S Hl'KCIKK; MHDIOINH. The Creat Kugllsh ICemedy. An unfailing cure for linpetcncy and nil Diseases tluit fellow Ixissef Meiiier', universal Lassitude, 1'nlu In thu Hack, Dimness of Vision, l'rcnmtnre Old Age, mid many ether discuses that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Premature tlrave. Full particulars in our pumplilet, which we de sire te send free by mall te everyone. This bpo bpe cltlc medicine Is sold by all druggists nt II per package, or six packages rer t3. or will be sent trea by mull en receipt of the HM ney, by ad. dressing the agent, II. U. COCIIItAN, Dniggl'Urtole Agent, Nns. 137 nnd 131 North yueej street, lincusinr, tu. On account el counterfeits, we have ailepted the Yellow Wniiiper: the only genuine iniiiper; the only gonulne. n'IIV,MV UVIllKIWrm Uuffule. N. r. CONSUMPTION 1IIAVKA I'OSITIVE remedy for the nbove dlseuse : by Its use he usands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing huve been cured. Indeed, se strong Is my fulth In lt eltlcucy tint I will send TWO IIOTT1.KH FUKK, together with a valuable trea tise en this disease te nny sufforer. Ulve ox ex piess and 1. O. address. DU.T. A.SI.OCUM. n224indendA8inw 181 Pearl 8L, N. V. SAV15, HUIIK AND Hl'EKDY CUKK. HuiTUKii, Vaiuoecklk and SrxeiAL I)isASxfl. Why be humbugged by quacks, when you cuu Unci lu Dr. Wright the only Heuu lar l'lirstciAM In Philadelphia who makes a specialty of the ulieve diseases and curks them T CimustiUAKAHTitttD. Advicb riiKK, duy ana e veil ing. Htmngers can be treated uud returu home the sumo duy. OiUces prlvnte. lilt. W. II. WUIOHT, Ne. 211 North Ninth street, ntieve Itaro, P. O..1SOX073. l'hiludulphla. an'-lyd&w TXKADQUAUTKHS l'Olt THE INDIAN MEDlClNKd,; Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, AT Lecher's Drug Stere NO.UKAST KINO ST.. Lancaster. Pa. ailOOEIUES. AT HUltHK'a "" ' DURREE'S SALAD DRESSLNQ. It Is Splendid. Always Heady, (live It n Tilui. New Invoice Just llecclvcd. OAL1FOUNI.V F.VAl'OltATKD Al'HICOTS Keduced te 23c. u pound te CIoe Out our Iirgb OlOCK. l'AHKD 1'KACIIKS, Twe pounds for 23c. These ure Nlce and Very Cheap. , EVAPOUATED FAKED PEACHES. Eighteen Cents per pound. AIbe butter quality ut :tuc. Cheten Evupemtc d Apples. AlseFUF.hll APPLES In (imirt cans ut 10c. NEW TUHK1SII PltUNES, Four pounds l"i"i"e. linking Itulslns, three and lour pounds for 23c. FINEST LUMP OLOSS STAHCII, Cc. V ". Alse tbe Elastic Sturch for Cuffs, Cellars, Ac. FINEST COFFEES Fer the Meney, always Fresh lteusted. BURSK, NO. 17 U.AST iNG STREET. IIUVSV.FVUNIHUIHO UOUDS. T II K CHEAPEST PLACE TO 11UY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Ceal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, -id AT- P. Ne. 21 Seuth Queen Streot, felOT-lvd LANCASTER PA. s AINT-KA1MIAKL WINE. lTCIUNO PILES." SYMPTOMS I MOISTUUK! rut ten, Intense Itehlii most ut night, kceuis janSS-MWKAw Llke lH'rspirutleu, Intense itching, uorse by Welling, uinsi uv infill, m'ciiis ii iiiu'weruis re cniw ling. " tiuitynt't Ointment "it a pleat scratching we an, lure cure, JUST AS 0001). Don't ullew anyone te uiuke you bclleve nny Other remedy Is Just us geed for kick headache us Dr. l.ccllu's Special Prescription, for It is net true. This Is the only remedy In the world that strikes ut the root of tbe disease uud drives It out. Olve It trial. INFORMATION. The SuluMtiiphael Wlnahasadcllcleus flaveur in v. Ne India, t Is 8 there is no wine that and Is drunk liermany, North uud Smith America. (I rent Urlhitn, India, andsoen. Thuquuutltyuxpertcd annually Is sutUclcnt proof of Its stability uud staying powers, whlle for the real connoisseur iu mu vuiisiuuruu iia ctOTMnra. INK TAILORING. F 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. The Largest and Choicest Assortment of FINE WOOLENS IN THE CITY Or LANCASTEU. All the Latest Novelties In FANCY SUITING. A CHOICE LINK OF SPRING OVERCOATING. THE VKKY HEST WOUKMANBIIIP. Prices te suit all and all goods warranted as represented nt his new store, Je. 43 North Queen St. (OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE.) H.GERHART. , TTKNTION I Ye Bargain Seekers ! NOW is THE TIME te get llargalns te your ..v-... a iimiilih, udiwb n nuvrrNUK atany Utm Held ut NOl(l 1LH IflW nor imywhriv. an ihcy nre new HRSE & BROTHER'S Ono-Prleo Clothing Houee. We solicit a call from everybody te examine our Immense stock nt CLOTHING, GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, THUNK8, VALISKS, &c. Yenr special attention we call te the stipcrlnr werkiunuslilp and style even of our lowest priced goods ; cause, we muuuructtiie nil our goods; therefore we ure enulilcd te rurnMi bet Ut goods ut lower prices thun our comiictlters, us wnglvetoeur cuslemei's the benelll of the prellt the ethers pay te middle ilculers. Cnll and convince yourselves. Polite alien, tleti te everybody, whether they Intend le pur chase or net. & BROTHER'S One-Price Clothing Heuse, COItNEIt or NOUTlt (JUEEN HTltHET AND PENN SIHAKE. W" iLIAMHON A FOHTKIL THEY MEET -HY- CHANGE! Mr. Retsof Unexpectedly Meets a Friend in Town, Mr. It. Why, Mr. Eser, hew nre you? I had no Idea you were In town. Mr. E. 1 urn right well, Mr. Itclsef, nnd am glad te see you. I wus about coming te your olllce te Inquire where you could recommend me ten geed, reliable Clothing (Inn. Mr. It. Well, Mr. Eser, I am sure you cannot de belter than go te the same place 1 purchased the Suit I huvcen. Mr. E. That leeks first-class and Ills you ele gantly. M. It. Yes, nnd It only cost 1110 (12 tw. M, E. 1 llke the appearance of that very much and 1 believe I will get ene of that kind If they can fit me. Mr. 11. Kit you I why they can fit nnj body. Mr. E. Are you sure of that T Mr. It. Yea, sir. Mr. K. Where, did you say the place Is t Mr. 11. I don't think 1 told you. It Is WilliIu. HON .V FOHTKll. Mr. E. Oh, yes I you mean tint busy place en East King street. Mr. It. Tlial's It, and the cuuse nrthebilsk times inthutstera Is because they sell none but reliable goods and uln ays at the Lew est Prices. Mr. E. Well, ceme along with mound I'll give them un opportunity te fit 11 fat man. Mr. H. I'll go with pleasure, and Igfvnyeu my word they will 111 you, net only lu Clothing, but Heets or Shoes, Hats or Caps. Mr. E. Yes, und de they keep Shirts and Col Cel lars for fat men T Mr. 11. Yes, Indeed, and all kinds of Under wear and Neckwear, and the best Whlle Shirt 1 ever wero. It's called the " Elghmle," They sell It for n Dellar, or 10 pcrcinl discounten one-lialf dozen lets. Mr. E. Have you been a customer el theli's long T Mr. 11. Oh for years, and I have ulwujs found Iblngsjuslnsthey represented, and thclrsales men are always painstaking und obliging. Mr. E. Then 1 can't de better than deal with such a firm. All ML in and Visit WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, 30 & 38 East King Slroet, LANCASTER. PA. amwrier. Ay-TbeSahit-ltnpliae! Wine Company, Valence. Department or thu Dreme (k'ruueu.) H. E. SLAYMAKER, nUd NaWKABTKIHQBTKKKT. PENNA. CIOARS FHOSl fl.00 PKK Hundred up, nt UAUTMAN'S YELLOW FltONT CK1AK STOKE. JMTADEIKA AND HUEltilY WINES -AT- Reigart's Old Wine Stere. II. K. SLAYMAKKlt, Aekvt, Ne. 29 KAarKixe Btrkit. feblT-tfd KstablUhed 17bff, KACttatKHT. Peerless Traction POUTAHLK OH 8TAT10NAUY ENGINES, BOILERS AND SEPARATORS, REPAIRING, nud nil kinds or Machinery, Contracts taken nnd nil work such ns kept ami denn In nny Machine Shep. Cull en eruddrcss, ' Ezra F. Landis, Wems-NO. 8S0 te 631 NOKTII CHEKHY BT., Ijincaster, Pa. lnllt-OmcedAw PJNOINE AND BOILEU WOllKa BEST Steam Engine -AND- BOILER WOMS. AS WE HANDLE OUR OWN OOOD3, HAVE NO AUENTH, CAN 1NHUUK OUIt PATHONS LOW PltlCES AND 0001) WOltK. BOILERS. Vertical and Horizon tnt.Tubular, Elue, Cylinder, Marine, Deuble-Deck und Perlnblu. rUUNAOE-WOUK, HLABT-PIPES, STACKS, Ac., Ac TANKS for Water, Acids and Oil. HOISTING ENGINES. ENGINES. Vertical nnd Horizontal. Blntlenary, rrem two te sixty horse-powor. Pertable Engines, en Wheels nnd Hills : Six Sizes I, fl, 8, 10, 15 and 20 herse jkiw or. Peny SAW MILLS. Hark Mills urge Mills. ,-ou JUMs. Mills and Lni Cel Lenther Hellers, Tan Packers, Trlpple dealing iui uuinu ,unrr. PUMPS. Heltnndticnr Pumps; Mining Pumps) iiuihw & iiii,i? uiiii iiuuvrs. Cem Ccrltrlfugal Pump. Steam Pump, ciriiiK, iiecys, Ely n necis, ui, Ibiuuers, CeuiiIIiiks. Cnlluni. Steel Tees, Pulley Plntcs, PilcLlng llexes, Mill Hplndl Uley es, il heels. Clamp Hexes, ni4js nml III! Hushlngs, Ac., ftc, Ac. PIPES. Wrought Iren, for (Ins, Steam and Water. Cast Iren Pines. Heller Tubes, Well Casting. FITTINGS. Fer Water nnd Steam, Valves, Cocks, fttcam (lunges, tiange Cooks. Class Witter Uauges, Safety Vales, Whistles, (Hobe Valves, Uovcrners, l'ntent Sclf-1'ccdlng Lu- bilcuters, Ulass Oil Cups, (llnss Tillies, Injectors or Heller Feeders. PACKING Hemp, Asbestos, Gum and Plum bago. IIELTING-Gum, Cotten nnd Leather. CASTINGS Ilenvy and Light Iren nnd Hnus. Heller lien, Sheet lien, H.tr Iren, und Steel. HEATERS Ker Dwellings, Schools nnd Public Hulldlngs. STEAM HEATINa. Estimates, Drawings nnd Pattern Werk fur nished al Hcusonable Hates. tt Itcpalring promptly and carefully at tended te. Address, Jehn Best & Sen, BO. 333 EAST POtTON STREET, JanlS-lyd&i LANCASTEU, PA. CAltlUAUEH. OTANDAUD OAIUUAOK WOKk! Edward Edgerley, FINE CARRIAGE BUILDER, MAUKKT bTUKET, HEAR OP POSTOXITIOK, LANCASTEU, PA. A LAIIGE STOCK OP BUa&IES & CARBIA&ES Comprising the Latest Styles and in try r'lnl.hed, nt UUEATLY 1 ItlCES. If you wish te purchusa a most Ele- UEDUCED 1 iroed nrtl- llie cheapest In the cle, my work U decidedly state. MOTTO-" FAllt DEALING AND HONEST WOltK." 43-Dnn't fall le encournge geed work. All Werk FULLY WAHIIANTED Lewest Prices ferllEPAlUINGAND UEPA1NT1NG. One set of workmen especially empleved for thnt pur pose, PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. nevZtitfdAw N ORIiKCK & MIIjKY. Tk Old Reliable ! Owing llie Extensive Preparations made dur ing the dull season wu have an assortment of the FINEST & LATEST STYLES -OP VEHICLES Heretofore etrered te the public, nil of which nre specimens or llrst-cluss weikmansblp, cannot be excelled In any respect, and which wu ure pre pured tescll nt greatly reduced figures. In ethor wmds: "Wheat Is down; tobacco Is down ; everything else must ceme down Inpropertlon ; se that we are new ready le satisfy the puhlle that "e huve tlrst-cluss work nnd will Bcllnt prices ueceidlngly. llcmcmbcreur Motte: "Our Werk Sustains Our Werd." Our Sleck comprises the following Styles of Vehicles, viz: Four-Passenger Extonslen-Top Phailens, Four-Passenger btnndlug-Tep Phiu Phiu tens, Feiir-1'ussenger Jump-Heat Carriages, Twe-Passenger Fulllng-Tep Phaiten, Tiro Tire Tiro Pussenger Standing-Tep Pluetnns, Twe-l'nssen-ger Ladles' Canopy-Tep Phuitens, Te Tep Wugens, Tep lluggles all styles. Alse, a first-class (second-hand) Cabulay Four Passenger Phmten. i- Speel.il attention given te Itcpalring nt all times, uud we employ none but thu best, practi cal mechanics, nnd manufacture ull our own wheels, directly under thu supervision of .1 ACOH MILKY, or thu firm, thu eldest wheelwright In this city. NORBECK k MILEY'S FACTORY, COItNEIt OP VINE AND DUKE 8TUEET8, LANCASTEU, PA WATUUtX, &U. JUwwwwvWfc..w MT S96MI, s UMMER DRESS GOODS. ywsSivWv. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 West King Street. SUMMER DRESS GOODS! Sumnftr Silks, Surahs, Tricetine, Peulards, Pongee, Grenadines, Nun's Veiling and Albatross. linen Lawns, French Satlnes, American Satlnes, British Cleths, Chnmbray Ginghams, Zephyr Ginghams. Indian Linen, Persian Lawn, French Nainzoek, English Nainzoek, Indian Mnll, Piqne Welts, Embroideries and Laces, Embroidered Swiss Robes. Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Lisle and Silk Gloves, Hosiery and Gauze Underwear. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. W !XT DOOH TO THK COUHT HOUSE. FMNESTOCK'S. White Goods, White Goods, FOR LADIES' DRESSES. rit Large and oemptoto stoek new epen from 80 te 60e per yard. Ladlea' Em Em Em brolderod Bebda, Handsome Beboe at low prices. Summer Morine and India Ghiuze. Undarw-iar for Ladles, Oenta, Mlaaes, and Ohildren. Jerseys!, J6rseys!! Jerseys!!!. All the New things 1b Jerseys new open from 50e te $6.00, Ladies' Crent'a and Ohlldren's Hesipry in endless variety, all at our usual low pricea. ". R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Lancaster, Pa. nilKAl HTOUK. Carpets and Mattings, AT METZGER & HAUGHMAN'S,. Mattings, Oarpets, KIIOM LATK AUCTION SALES AT Oarpets, Mattings, Mattings, Oarpets, VKKY LOW 1'UICKS. Oarpets, Mattings, Mattings, Oarpets. Alse, LAitQE LOT OF WHITE COUNTERPANES, from the Inte Urent Auction Sale In New Yerk, at rie., 75c., fl.Oi) nnd up te fs.00. Yen will get UOOU HAItUAlNS ut letzger & laughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. Between the Cooper Heuse and Serrel Herso Hetel. "O0WERS & UUR8T. " NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LAD1KS Ag we are closing out our Entire Stock te nmke n change lneurbnilneaa, we are offer ing many dcslrulile geed nt such prices that would be well w erthy of your intention before mak ing your purchaHes. In 11LAC1C SILK8, 1ILACIC CA8HMKKKS, NUN'S VKlLl.VGSand AL1IA TUOSS CLOTHS, we are elfcrlng at Great lteductlenx. We eu"er a Special llargnln In nn ALL WOOL BUNTING atlOc., nnd have It In only lour shndea. PACIFIC LAWNS nre here In Nlce As As sertmcnt,and oHerthem Very Lew. Great llargalns In ItlllllONS, which we nre closing out fast llargalns In LACKS, C1IENILLK FUINGKS, KID GLOVKS, COllSETS, 4c. ltcineinUeraUe, fiem our Greatly lteduced Prices we Deduct 10 per cent, from almost every sale. n-1'LEAfiE UIVE U8 A CALL.-? BOWERS & HURST, NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - Lancaster, Pa. MIAEUWjUIK. H. Z. K1IOADS. ATTENTION ! We would call attention of purchasers te the very fine and com plete line of moderate priced Ladies' Geld Watches, very mueh in demand just at present, and we are well prepared te meet that de mand. We also have Geld and Silver Watohes in a great variety of styles and at the low prices brought about by the long dopresaien of the times. Our Nickel Watches at 86.00 are geed watches for tbe meney, and are going off very fast. We receivodthe ethor day a large invoice of all the latest novol nevol novel tlos in Silver Jewelry, Ozydized, etc., very pretty and worth soo seo soe ing ; would be ploased te have you call and see them. H. Z. LANCASTEU, PA. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street. JWOKH. OOKS AND STArlONEItY. tMATKZSTM mVttM. MwW VW. a ' I .Ai?!i-l.K'n AMU MiliIjK!UIVMMI it . .- n, n.-iiK xaiii.r. .ii. p.ta I..... Taha. - ....j tfA.m . v? VU """wmirr wr juiiinrsvifie'm ' .w hiiu jiuu n, in., nne x-ou, i en, o.eo and IWW . S.nr lW0 Ml'lorsvllle for Lnncanter nt' e.wiuimu;w n. in., mm vw, 3,00, a 00 mid JM t tmm;, JTKADINQ ik COliUMllIA. ,A AllllANGEMENT Ol' PASSKNGKIl TKAUAj .-- nFm 8UN11AY,MAY2I,1SK,1. NOItTHWAUl). A,x. r. w. z:ai "eadlng A.j;v Columbia.'. , 7nn fSW'E1.1 Junction !.. 7A1 Chlcktns 1,'J, Iincftster , V.'K (Juarryvllle C25 LBATK. a.K. . SOUTHWAUU, Keadlng 7:u AIIRIVK. Marietta Junction poe Chicking n:1H Columbia n-M I.ancalcr ,,,, bj Lnncaslor(KlngStreot).. DM Quarryvllle....". 1020 .f..f.. . "" p iuihii connect at icenain 123KI KM 12.10 M. 12.H0 r.K, r.v. b-M) 3:M MI 1. 3.M) 8-40 r.K. r. it. if, 0:10 , is.'. il Z'. Hill 9m. 1M A. 'T'. ft ft '.e 2(8 205 .... .... 7-W 8.20 :25 8:12 8.-20 9.20 r. x. p. x. r. x. with trains te w J . V1 ? . B-00 ' 1 esm ,' t-' m nnn ipnm iii.ii... 1..1 . . . .. .-. . . . . A im.VA..f """i",iJ""..,:""'"0. ''."."""".nr. '1 ----. ...wn ... iiuu iiiiv firir. viii iinnnn ifmnir M ltOUtO. ' ' ; iiAntnvi".'!1'!l!l V'"1 tli" '" nnt from Y-erlr,- Tiil I ii .un 1 k, 1 rencrieK anu liaiiiinere. Clilckp"1C"lWllIl,rill"Sl0'lnd fr0m AtMniilielm with train te nnrt from Lebanon. r L . clMle,r Junotlen with trains te nnd rrem Lancaster and (Juarryvllle. , 8CNI)AY. stH-?t ."?rj7,c,7:I0n- "'' '-anMcr, King trcct, B.w 11. in., 3.M p. in. Ai,l1.,,lcnJ,.In 10:10 a. m B-JB p. in. Tir?Tfc:lfnc;r?tor'KlnB8trcet ea- n.,Bae nprllfllydftw A.M.WIL3QW,8ipt. LEiIV!&?.I .A.ND LANCASTER JOINT LINKllAILItOAl). ARRARaiKERT 0 rABSEROER THAINB. 8UNDAY, MAY 2lrn, 1S83. NOItTHWAltl). . , A. M. Lebanon 8.00 Arrive. r. m. 2.15 r. m. Sunday A. k. r. H. 9:10 0XB S-17 MnU 4tntS 355 r.K. Cornwall 7.11 Mnulicim...... 7.1s Lancaster. CI7 KlnK bULanc. O.lu Leave. a. k. . SOUTinVAItU, Iave; a. v. Lebanon 7.v Cornwall 7.35 llanhulm K.((l Lancaster 8J3 Anive. King St., Lane. 8:t0 A. M. A. M. WlLBOK. Sunt. ir. . f! ir if ltS't V BalKAL1",8EB' B"lt. C. nnd C. A Mt. If. Ukoheb Eltz, Supt. P. ft It. n. ii H'.S iri'i 12 .V) 12:10 r.K. r.K. 12.10 12 IS 1:18 IAS 205 r. m. 0:17 HHf! 6JM f2f V. M. r.K. 7:70 7.40 ffcl'l 8:4S 8.1 r. f. 020 8:11 8:10 8.(16 A. II. AtK. 7:W 8 01 8:10 0.12 9.20 A.M. r.K. 3:15 4:00 6:10 5:15 6:50 r.K. M nll-lydftvr PENNHYJ.VANIA RAILROAD SUIIED UIiK. ..i?!!,s,,p.ll? ''"ncasler and loave and arrlve atPhllodcliihUasfelloHi WKSTWAUI). KawsKxprvriff Wuy PesseiKjerf .. Mnll tntlnMit 511 1 01 NaZMulltmlii' NlnRnrnKxiH' " Ilnnever Aeeein Fast Line IMtij) Kredeiick Aceem J4incater ActMin Ilarrtahurg Atreiu . Columbia Arcem llnrrtsbnri; Kxpn i Cbl.iCin. Kxiinus.l Western zprvsi.. PMlfle Kzpress f ... . KABTWAnD. Phll'n KxpreMf,.. Kast Line Hnrrlsburtf Kxpres. Ijinc'r. Accem., ar... Columbia. Accera..... Seashore Kxprcss..., Johnstown Kxpressf uaiiy c&eujil aununy Dunua Jjy L ire I'hiladuliihla. I u. in. 1 ii) 7 " 1 1.1 (,filiiiibln. , 10 n. in. Wi Columbia. 1I-..V) n. m. via Columbia, via Ml. Jey. 2:13 p. 111. 1:10 ' G.lfl 80 " le 11:20 " . Lenvu Lanrjiiter. 2-n .. 6:03 ", 8:10 85 0M 12JW p. m, 2.-05 lay Mall.. ErpniBit., i.y1jbnix Accem a. "uuic Leave Lnnciuitcr. Cr25 a, m. G:30 0.31 " PA1 " 9..V) " 0 M 2 (w p. in. 2.10 " 2 'a B.T0 " 7JJ0 7:10 le-tl " ls-iii n. m. 133 Arrlve nt 1'hllAdelphla. 4 fl " 8.-23 ' 10-20 " via, ML Jey. 11:1') iu in. .1:13 p.m. 6.-00 B45 Hj 8.43 ..-" .S7i lar4LcelnrawstM lctta at 12 VsJ'taVfmi'jty 3-en 4.43 6:45 ettAuvimmnd&tli at ll:a. m., rcdMKS Mailct ManetuiatS'lS t.nBRntriirrivnaiit..nihrjr,i. &tS:30f alwilfiAVAii nt-fi'SKMiirt .1... . a.vitriiJi TbO l'erlt Accemnimlnllnn lmvr.e ?'lr.HiCiiir2 ? K? t&T08 atJUuncaster at 80, .S otiteirt&iVf with Ilarrtubnrer Kinroentiirn uZLiif-tr. The Frederick AccommedaUon,we'!iirteo&r- lnB at .Lancaster wiUi JTast Une, weiU at iW!:fe'; The Kredcrtclc AccommedttUon. ia, ictvMi&& Columbia at lira and reechea Lanca u.t iS&s p. ni. J.cvwr ..Ti? IncnstiT Accommodation, hr ftx?iStS IlnH,.8burK at 8-10 P- Jn-and nrrives Ii uuj(r.ttKrail at,?JR;"J-. ;.. .iJte uuuu iua jici:iiiiiiiihiui iiiti. Btmr rn-ic ja- 1 nr' a Lancaster with -NUgaraKspreisatOj. I'tvJujl'a Fast Line, v est, en Snnday, when t 4,vX frvSif. stopntUewnliiutown, CoatcMvllle, 1. 5Xupii:,re- jui.iiiiv. r.iiziiMininwiinTiii hi iiiiiiniia ' j.Fi?..ii t The only trnlns which run dally. OnVtinrAjgB the Mall truln west runs by wav of Ce! '. We, JMf 1 m" 11 I filijjA a iunn n Ann APiU iililJA.M .N WikJ seirrnwAnD. Trains leave Lebanon dally ( excer fjunrtay 1 at Caw a. m.. 12J0 and 7:30 n. in. ' Arrive nt Cernwull nt 6:40 a. m.. 12:1 7-10 p. tn.; nt Conewapo at 7.-20 a. 111., 1 li. 111., truiinucuiiK wun me l'cnns) iww iui 1'Uiiiia uuauiiu niwu HeirruwAnD. Trains lcave Conowage at 7UW a, 1 m.M 11. 111. Arrlve nt Cornwall at 8:00 a. m.t 4:1' and -05p. m.; at Lebanon nt 8:20 a. in., 4-ae aiu M p. nu, ceniiectlntf at Lebanon with PlillnceJnhht luut Keadlng railroad for points cast nnc tvent, and the Lebanon nnd Trcment llrauch 'or Jone!' town, Plnegrove and Trcment. The C30 a. m. train will step only n Cornwall Colebrook and lkjllalre. p in. nnd nnd 8:20 u U.I, n-ii- S..30 and coir. T B. MARTIN, XJt WHOLKBALB AMD HKTA1L Dealer in All Kinds of Eamber aed Geal. -Yabd; Ne. 430 North Water und l'rtnce streets above Lemen. Lancaster, 3-lvd w JM TAUMGARDNERS & JEFFE tlEti, COAL DEALERS. Omcxa : Ne. 129 North Queen stn 't, and He. G64 North l'rtnce street. Yards: North Prince stroet, nir Heading,, Depot. ' auslBUd G OAU M. V. B. COKO, B J0FN BAKU'S SONS, OFPKU AT LOWK8T P11ICE3, Blank Beeks, Writing Paiiers, Envelopes, Writing Fluids nml Inks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, Steel Pens, lad Penctls, Pecifet Beeks, 11111 lloeks. Letter Heeks, and an Assortment of linn nnd Staple Stationery. -L.T.TlIK 81GN OF TIIK l!OOK.-C NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. uevaKtfVRSianma aoena. ' .H S30 NOKTII WATKlt BTUKET, La UV3tr, Pa,, W110LE8ALB AHD RBTAn. DBAL "K IS LUMBER AND GOAL. COHHKUTION WITH TUB TELBrnONK Kl0aAK(lr. ' Yakd awd Orca : Ne. 330 NOlt it NV ATKB' Biuue.r. ifu-utt ' w rUIUflTUItE. ALTER A. HEINITSH. Furniture Wareroeins, Cp 28 S1 HIRK'S CARPET I1ALU CARPETS! CARPETS! nWt m nTTATOHES, OLOUKS AND JEWELRY. GREAT REDUCTION IN P1UCK3 OC WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JHWKLUY.ut LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street, Opposite City Hetel, near Pn. H. It. Depot. Ketulllni; at Wholesale .Prices. Uepatrlngnt jctra Lew I'rlcen. JySl-lyd STORAQK Awn COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DANIEL MAYEK, doetya West Chestnut street. KEOI'ENINQ Or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. te show the trade the Largest and Hest (Selected Line or Cnrpets evor or. LTONH. VKLVETtt, all &e Trading Makes of llODY ANdVaPESTHY iiiMiuuiii; iMiiri'tfui v xn.urnni nii !ntmn i.'biiin KX'iitA bui'kiu. ana an (HinilllPS Ol in- llltAINiAltl'K'i-H iiamAmk and VENETIAN CAUPET8. UAO nnd CHAIN CAUPKTH of our i .-. Unn.lal tnAn !! t i East King it,! LANCASTER, A. "VERT CHEAP AT j ' i". own manufacture n speciality iBneclalltv. nneciai Aiieniien iiu iu innMuiiuiuuvuruui uuntuu uaui e. Alse a mil LltieOfOILCLOTHS, BUU8,WINDOWBHAUK,COVKllLKT8,C., AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. Wet King and Water Sts., Lancaster Pa. IIIAMPAUNE. BOUCHE THK FINEST "SEC." ) . CHAMPAdNlS lJll'OUT;i). ATUKIUAKT'S OLD W1N1 BTOKR, Ne. 29 Kabt Kine Htiu.-t II Kstubllsbed, 178S. N01 KiO K. SLAYilAKKIt, AftU-im c ALL AT BTOIIK RKIOART'H )LI -FOIl- tobai-teow "(W of ' Liaten's Extract e'BafV VIMEBT 1M THH WORLU. IS v.i.tiiici,,, iwK ir v Rf . a vtrAKRIfrA febU-tta ' ' Ne.!0,Kat,KlnB8, M CT Vi w V jjif . r Ljlri.J- vJ.urihh. u.. ' St.