"t W. .4. H"V ,v' il Vf tfz i."-- mj& ' nssr. it m 'v& ..t&rf&jfr '&' "0.- vj wr J tt Rfil It && ' fctr .i?" f ' r?' x ri. a DAILY INTELLIGENCER. cl'uHISHED Every Evening in the Yeah, Sundays Excepted) ST1UNMAN & HENSKL. HY INTELLIGENCER BUILDING, 8. W. CeunKti CcNTiia RgUAnu, liANOABTXR, 1'A. DAILY Ten Cenli a Week. Eiie Dollars a Year or Fifty Centt a Menth. J'estage cc, AD VERT1HEMENTS from Ten te Fifty Cents a Lint. WEEKLY INTELLIGENCER, Eight Fan':) PUBLISHED EVEnV WEDNESDAY MORNINO, Twe Dollart a Year In A dranee. COMIESPONDENCE solicited from every part of theitate and country. Correspondents nrr re quested te write legibly and en one side of the paper only; and te stgn their names, net for publication, but In proof of geed faith. Alt anonymous letters tvltl be consigned te the uxiste basket. Address all Letters and Ttlegramste THE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster, 1'a. l)c Cawastci'iJntcllicymccr. LANOABTEIt, JUNE 8, 1885. A Railroad Itcrclutlen. Philadelphia is Iiaving a genuine sensa tion, ever railroad matters ; and alllieugli the rest of the state is net directly inter ested in the point at issue, which is the en trance of a new railroad into that city, it takes a great interest in the discussion, be cause of the magnitude of the parties te the controversy and of the matters Involved iJttt- inthesettlemontefthoquestion. The Penn sylvania railroad locks horns with the "; Baltimore & Ohie and the Philadelphia & ' Heading, aiufseeks te prevent the junction of these great lines of railreadsjn Philadel phia. It assumes this task as a friend of the public, disclaiming,by its mouth-piece, Mr. MueVeagh, any interest of its own in the matter, but claiming that public interests forbid the junction. The position is novel one for any ene te take; but that it should be taken by the directors of the Pennsylvania railroad is a paralysing surprka. These gentlemen have been noted for their carelessness of the public interest in the matter which they new claim te have se much at lieait, which is the pres ervation of the public from the hazard of i grade crossings. Up te dale the Pennsjl vania railroad lias crossed public reads at grade at its pleasure ; and ever) one knows it lias done se without pretense of icgavd for the fact, which it new proclaim?, that grade crossings are public nuisances. That they are se the peeple liave long con tended; and the Pennsylvania railiead 'managers have beciiOiut the enlv ones te nay te tlijlrjmc. Thoyhave, it seems, been misrepresented in their opinions by their acts. They did net believe that what they did was light. Theyhae known all along that grade crossings were wrong. And they have made them in dcliance of the wieng they did te the public. "With this authoritative statement of the position of these gentlemen, it may, we suppese, be taken for granted, by the authorities of cities, boroughs and town ships that grade crossings arc wiengs te the public, which should be abated as nuisances. Councilmen, stiper isera and grand juries will hasten te take advantage of this admission. In this city the coun cils will at ence proceed te rcquite that the grade crossings of the city's sticets shall be abated, and meanwhile shall be guarded attlie cost of the railroads. The township supervisors will at ence object te the unguarded crossings of the country reads; and the grand jury at its next session will present te the court all unguarded grade crossings of public reads as nuisances whose abatement the public interest demands ; and the indictment of the confessed cul prits will fellow. It is enchanting te find a penitential wrong-deer; and in tlds matter, se impor tant te the public, it is gratifying in the highest degree, te discover that the greatest offender in the state acknowledges its wrong and submits itself te the penalties of the law. Ferchance the wonderful revelation as te the enormity of the offense, that the Pennsylvania railroad lias received fiem the wrongful effort of its rival te cress at grade the streets of Philadelphia, may haYO its counterpart some day seen in a revelation te it from the competition of its coming rivals in the canicr business of the state, which will teach it another truth that the peeple have long been contending for and te which it has se far been totally blind namely, that it is a public w.-eng in a common carrier te discriminate in its charges between its customers, se as te make faome rich and ethers peer, and se as te build up for eign places and keep the grass green upon the streets of the towns along its lines. This truth is se plain that even the feel may see it; and as the Penn 8)lvania railroad directors are net feels, it 'may be presumed that they see it, as they say new that they see the wrong of grade crossings, and yet have net acted upon it for the same unexplained reason that has kept them up te date putting in all the grade crossings (hat they could find place for. The Curnhul of Fraud. The Republican primaries, with tlie cloud of political corruption that ever fol fel . lows in their wake are ceme and geno, which Is nn occasion for congratulation among self-respecting citizens of all paities. This year the strife was unusually bitter, and the marks of tlie cenllict are destined te be leug lasting. The breaking down of the fences was en a wholesale scale. In previous simi lar contests Republicans weie went te nrray themselves en ene or the ether side of two factions, the lines of which were sharply drawn. In Saturday's primaries it was every man for himself and Old Nick for the hindmost. Consequently there was treachery everywhere, and threats the most dire and accusations the most belittling are heard from these whose hopes were blasted. The story of the open use of money te accomplish political ends is given In detail elsewhere It Is net very pleas ant te consider. The result en delegates te the state con vention seems te Indicate n victory for Quay and the rout of the McDevltt feices. ty menus also n transfer of the fight te the stnte political nrctiti wlicre it will W waged blttcriy from this time forward. The ninicnlty or nn Attorney. That the dllllcnlty of MacVeagh's pesl tleu bcfoie the Philadelphia councilmen was fully realized by him was clearly shown by the liberal subtractions and additions he made te his speech befere lie gave it te the printers. It nppeais thai the repeit of lils speech was net as it was made, but as altered by him after Its de livery. The Philadelphia ncwspaper3,vith that enterprise which is se eminently char acteristic of them, did net take down the speech as it was de livered, but accepted - it a3 it wns sent te them by the autlier. Te-day they publish a corrected report for which tlicy are indebted apparently te the rival railroad company's stenographer. Such a melancholy exhibition of journalistic 7cal is unblushingly made by the newspapers, whlle berating Mr. MacVcagh for the false repeit of his speech. It was net credllable te Mr. MacVcaeh, it is true, but neither wciothe things he said creditable ; but, remembering that he speke as a hired attorney, his expressions must net lie deemed te be of his own views, but of his clients ; and his speech was garbled in their Interest and net in his own. It is, apparently, impossible te lind the ixjundary which separates the udinisslble from the Inadmissible in the conduct of an attorney. According te seme respectable practitioners they may de anything short of nn indictable crime ; and a f ree diver gence from the truth is a fend practice of the profession, by which they snatcli their fees even at the gates of shcel. Mu. Mc Vi:aeii,Iii milking his uulherbctl Btntrmcntle the public, of tlie position of the I'cnnsyliuvuiii, neglected tu cmbrnce nn obvious opportunity affenied lilm te sty just why it is tliiit ills company lias se long nnd se lately continued in its confessed wickedness. AVe trust that when some day, after Seuth the I'ciiusylvniiin and tlie Ualtimoie & Ohie Imve put their inevita ble clutches en the local trade of tlie Penn sylvania railroad, Mr. MacVcagh rises te explain hew persuaded Ills clients are that the freight disciiminatien practised by tliese corporations is an evil, he will make seme fceble effort at least te show what it wiis tli.it removed the scales from the eyes of his people, and why it was that they gave an opportunity for lival read3 te coine in te hliarc tlie licli pielit they leaped from their monopoly of tlie busi ness of tlie slate. Itelnte the IlunK Empleyes. Tlie gieat number of tank ellicials who Imve of late been absconding with the funds of the institutions that employed them, makes it appaicnt that some liettcr system of inspection should be adopted te check this increasing evil. All banks are ina sense public institutions, for the ma jority of their depositors, overawed by granite buildings and incompichensible gilt-edged statements, ceme te se regard them. .National banks have directors who tee frequently de net direct, and the gov ernment bank examiner generally gets around te lock the stable deer after the horse has been stolen. Private banks obtain their chief .strength from the pie.suincd in tegrity of tlie iiidiwdiial member or mem bers comprising the linn. Xe statu sur veillance is c.xeieised ever these latter, and it is veiy questionable whether if such a departuie is made, the lesulLs would net show the same Dead Sea fruit as is ex hibited in national bank inspection. One of the least difficult and most thor ough methods of preventing this continuous hank peculation that greets the reader's eye eeiy time he glances ut u newspaper, would be tlie constant rotation of tlie bank empleyes thieugli all the desks of tlie insti tution, ('online each official te one desk, hisweik te be looked ever by ene pair of eyes, nnd if he bin knave he will liave a bread Meld in which te labor. Hut let him feel that his accounts must pass the ordeal of inspection by ethers at regular periods, and lie will be bold, indeed, te use the bank funds for priate singulatien, and far shaiper than the average human if lie can long avoid detection. Thus would the em pleyes of banks act constantly us auditing beauls, and gigantic steals like theso con stantly occurring would be pi evented, un less an almost inconceivable system of col lusion existed among the bank ellicials. It may be objected te this plan that it would tend te pioduce among bank em em peoyes a diminished degice of pride in their work; nnd that constant rotation would breed habits of indiffciencc. On tlie con trary ,te Hi") bright, willing elllcial, this sys tem would furnish unexampled oppoituni eppoituni oppeituni ties te learn the banking business through and through. Tlie books would net leek se neat with se many diffeicnt pens dip ping into them ; but that would be incon sequential in comparison with the increased safety obtained for tlie bank funds. Give tlie rotation system a trial. Aftkii Mr. MacVeagh's sieech te the Philadelphia councilmen no ene will deny his ability te make a feeble effort. Per haps it was in the case mere than in the advocate, because Mr. McVeagh, though net often pewciful, is net often silly. AVhen next he piays, he will net feiget te put among his petitions ene that he may never again be engaged te sieak against tlie people for cmbnianili. n coipenttion essay'Mg a It la nearly tiine te open the movement for early closing. Ii' Herbert Spencer ami Kroilerie Harrison wish te rovlve intorest In thelr publications, an uiullgnlllcd personal newspn)cr squnbble Is the werbt uicaiis te that end. It is a wonder that seme of the philan thropists w he nre se jealous et the civil rights of the negre de net glve their attention te the grout merUility of the colerod. race as com pared with thelr white brolhreiu Hew tills condition of things might be ameliorated would be n problem worthy of the solution of any humanitarian. A rccontcensusoftho District of Columbia nhews a ixipulatlen of 203,159 130,'-70 whlles, and 67,100 ncgroea. Every year thore are 1107 whlte children born nnd 1,M1 colored chlldren. The births te jxipiilatleii among the whites Is 1.01, and among the colerod people 2.117. Yet the annual health repert indubitably proves that the rate of deaths per 1,000 whlte Inhabitants Is ia700, and that niueni? the colerod icople Itlsa2.2tl, In ether words the negrees are dying ut the rate of C3.85 per cent faster than thelr white neighbors. The true friend of the negre is he who can suggest moaiiBfer checking this wholesale negre mortality. It is new bolieved that the placing of Jehn H. Fry's picture en tlie treasury wnteh deg was a fatal mistake. Ali. batik ellicials who go w reug have pre viously liorne Irreproacliable characters. A geed reputation la an oxecueut Jimmy with which te get ut tlie bank funds. Thb Intent of Uie public land law that ws I passea uy uongress en reuruary i, was te prevent the unlawful occupancy of the pub lics domain. It was particularly aimed at the grout cnttle companies of the West who had been placing barbed wlre fouces around lm lm nieiiHO tracts of irovernnicnt preperty. The penalty for each violation of the law was (1,000 line nnd Imprisonment for ene year. Tills bencllcial legislation has remained n dead letter, and the caltle men, except la n few lnslntues, liae refused te biulge from their former possessions. He nggrcssive did tliose lxjcome that four homestoailers, rely- lug en tlie elllcacy of the new law, refused te leave land wrongfully occupled by the caltle grew ors, and they wero all killed. A pro clamation similar te that made te the Okla homa boemora noeius te be the etdy way out ofthedllllculty. l'UAun was hi the biggest kind of clever through the city and county en Saturday. Tiiiiiir.tane doubt at nil that the people of Ibis country II ve loe rapidly. Few holidays and IheHO net gonerally observed liave brought the lnovllable fruit of n licople tee nor euh te sit dew n te tlie calm enjoyment of life. Karly deaths nnd shattered physiques nre becoming tee common. Ilecd should be given te the vital statistics of the Scclety of Friends, which shows nt the present time the nvornge life of ene of tills sect te be nbeut flfty-nlue years, or nt least llfteeu years greater than that of the imputation as n whole The Industry for which tliese peeple bae long been noted keeps almost all of them out of the ranks of the very peer, whlle tlie slm- ple and moral lives prosentod by llielr crecd shield thorn from ether dangers scarcely less threatening te human heallh nnd life. NO MONET, NO ail AYE. A runcral IJarrel Out or n Cemetery en Strictly lliMlneas Principles. KlIJa Ilulsoapple, n well-knewn resident of Otlavllle, New Yerk, dled n few days nge nnd was taken te New Vernen for burial. When the funeral party reached the coino ceino coine tory they found tlie gatea locked. The man -who had dug the grave wns at the gates nnd told the friends of the dead mini that Colo nial! Day, who had chnrge of the cometory, bad rofused te glve him the key. A mes senger was sent te Day, but he refused te surrender tlie keys. Tlie coffin mih heisted ever ine nigu cemetery ience. wnicn mu mourners anil ethers wero compelled tecllmb They returned te their wagons the same wny niiorine remains were inineti. air. nay, in oxplanatlen or Ills refusnl te unlock the gates, snld that he did se because the burial plot hnd nover lcen paid for. "That wits net the causa" said a meinljer of Mr. llulsoapple's family, "for the let was paid for. The reasen the Hiiporlntetident would net unlock the cciuetery gates was that )" vra angry liocuuse he wns net em em pleyed te dig the grave. The reason why he was net empleyeu was that seme years age we hired him U dlic n grave for n doceased member of the family, when the cefllu hnd been lowered he demanded his pay at ence, and rofused te fill up the gmve or permit any ene olse te de se until his bill was paid." A Connecticut Kemancc A romaiiee In real llfe oxcltes Interest in connection with the mnrringe last week et W. W. Converse, president of the Winchester ltbieatlng Arms cemimny, of New Haven, und Miss Holle Hpeuccr. of Hartferd. About 30 years nge M r. Cen orse w as n mechanic in Hartferd nnd boeaine engaged te Miss Spencer, but her parents opposed the match because the young man was peer and had no future presjiccts. The engagement wrs broken oil', nnd Mr. Convorse went te New Haven, where he married a Miss Pardee, a relative of the Winchesters, and later he bocaiue connected with the Winches ter concern, which has slnce grown te great proportions, nnd hels new a wealthy man and ut its head. His wife dled n few years nge, leaving him without children. A few months nge he leanied that Miss Spcncer, whom he had heard ten years bofero wns dead, was still living in Hartferd, and he came there nnd cMlcd en her. They had net seen each ether for evor la) years. At that visit the old !ove win rekindled nnd a mar mar riase uKr:ed upon. Qi Tuesday a modest wedding UMik place, nnd the bridal couple, tthriHO years run Inte the llftles, left Hart ford ler a short Jeurney. Miss Hjienccr, who has lived for manyycarsBurrounded by cares and but few luxuries, finds horself suddenly raised te u position of nllluenee. Miss Nine-Year-Old's Mill. Finmthe New Yerk livening 1'est. With the substitution of names, this is a verbatim copy of a pajier found In the desk of nllltleglrl 9 yearn of age. HliohadeU HliehadeU dently lieen reading in tlie nowspapers the will of seme person which had found Us way Inte print and perhnpn had read Shakcsiicare'H cur je. He hIie came te the conclusion that It would bonverypropcrthlngforhortoHot her own nllalrs In onler. Hhewiote accerdingly: "I Alary Aim Smith de glve and bequeath all my earthly preperty viz, te wit, namely : Te my father nil my IswikH my lKX)kcnHe except ing I.lttle Weman and The American Olrl'H home Heek of work mid play nnd the l.ittle Dutch which go te Susan. Alse my desk and my Album which has my llkencss In. Te my mother 1 lca eiill in v are vtcs and lias. my new shovel and tin pall te get clambs In with much leve mid my Heetch locket Te my dear frierdSus.ui S. Ilrewn I leave all my dells dell-house ami Carle te leve him ler my sake, and my papar dells. Te Charlette John John Jehn eon 1 leave my box of blocks, etc etc Te Kmlly Martin my kltt in, my purse and ull the money in my purse. And thus I end my valuable will and hepe nobody will disgrace my remains. Signed en the 1M March 1835 Anne Domini A. 1). I S. My teacher says that instead of burrlelug seme peeple they burn the dead bodies nnd the motlier puts the ashes in a llttie cup te keep. I want mine dene se. Amen." A DUgraced I'uriner's Hulrlile. Jehn Hendersen, a wealthy farnier of the tow u of Cicere, K. Y., had reason te suspect ills wife of inlldcllty. On Saturday night he started ler Maulius, taking his son, aged 12 years, with him. Hctiirning home about 0 e clock the same evening he leund Charles Whiting, a larmer of Cicere, In company with his (Hendersen's) wife. Hendersen assaulted Whiting, but tue latter escaped nnd ran down the read. About midnight Whit ing was found dead in his bam suspeiuled Irenin rafter by a trace chain. PERSONAL. Mas. HuiiAfR White, wiToel the editor of the New Yerk Evening J1at, died at Kl boron en Sunday. Ki:v. D. Ii Shaw, or Keokuk, la , lius been elected professor of Hebrew at Lincoln Unlverslty, near Oxford, Cheater county. Giianii Cimtr Wahhinoten O. W. C. Whinna, II. U. II. F., el l'a., arrived In this city en the 8:10 train this morning. He is at present the guest of Capt. II. McKlrey. lUinu 8. Hiuseir, the vonerablo he.ul of Kcnoseth Israel church, I'hlladelphia, was prosentod en Sunday, the occasion of his seventieth birthday, with a purse of f2,G00 by Ills Heck. 1'niNOKss Ukatuick lias recelvcd from the Isle of Wight Uoe-Keepors association, el which she is president, a weddldg present in the form of a silver lee whose back and wings are studded with diamonds. Mu. TiOWHM.lelt Londen at 6 o'clock Sun day afternoon for Kalen Hall, near Chester, the seat of the Duke or Westminister, whero lie will remain until Wednesday, when he will emburk en the Scythla at Llvorpeol for liosten. ' "I'ekkii Hen Sohunek" stiU lives at Washington, uud tlie title, which hoget from his llttie pamphlet published In .England while he w as tue American minister there, still stleks te him. It is a very unjust title, and Mr. Schenck ewes its eiigln te a noted English duchess rather than te himself. Hebrew right In u Hjnugegue. Abraham Hoseuthal and Abraham Zubun sky en Saturday morning attended worship nt tlie Jevtish. synagegue, -Wllkesbarre, When the services were about half through the two men rese up in their pews 'and com menced te strike each ether. This created a great commotion among the otlier members of the congregation and for awhlle tlie liouse of worship was in nn uproar. The rabbi came down from the pulpit and separated the belligerents, net, however, until they had exchanged soveral severe blows, ltoseutbal then leit the building and entered suit befere a lustlce of the peace, charging Kubuusky with assault and battery. The latter brought a counter auit befere anether aldennuu. Iteseuthal accused Zubunsky of being mera efflCli HmHiiii IhnnR.Tnw Tlinlttlln lusAttlnrl oraChristlauthanaJew. Tue Utter iweuted and the fleht followed. iiiMvuiuut nwiuuu uuuiiB&r ui uejuic uiuriJ sud the light lollewod. Mft Fire la Connecticut Town. A flre In Danbury, Connecticut, en Satur day afternoon, caused by the explosion of a gas machine, dostreyrd the hat factory of William Uockerlee it Ce., ilve dwellings nnd tlie llockcrlee hese company liouse. The less Is estimated nt f'J00,C)0; insurance, $100,000. The oxplenlon took place in the factory, Just ns the operatives, about 400 In number, wero rccelvlng thelr pay for the wee'.f, nnd tlve or six men wero serieusly burned, Including William Itockerloo, ene of the proprietors. Twe of the Injured llufus Clark ami John John Jehn eon Peck nre scarcely oxpccled te rccover. O" Victer lingo and tlie I'rlenU. It Is iterslstcntly reported In the Paris cler ical papers that Victer Huge, whlle upon his d oath bed, entreated that n prlest might be sent for, but that his relatives ovaded his requests and flatly rofused nil appeals te the same effect made te thorn by ethers. The chartre Is also renowed that the letter of Car dinal Clutbert, In whlr-h he oHbred te perform the last oMces of the church, was kept from the knowledgo of the dying man by his heu-in-law, M. IiOckrey. I'enr 1'olleira l'rest ratrit, ilcbllltntcil, cnfeclilnl, llipy feci an If they wcre lmrdly veilli pIckluK up. aiicy neiild lniilly Rlve the toss of a bright penny fur nclmnce of it choice lietuern llfu und ileatli, r.uteven such terlnrn jioeplu can betennwed by theiiHODf Urewli's Iren lilt'.i'ru. Itttnllrc9 the bleed, tones the nerves and mnnvntcs the sys tem. Mr. laaaa (,'. Weed, llurr's MIIIk, O., suys, "I used llriiwn's Iren Hitters for general M-iik. ncss, und It helped mu g'ent'y." Llitcn In Yuur Wlre. The Manchester (Juardlan, Junes, lss.1, says! At one of tlie "Windows' Leeking en tlie woodland ways 1 With clnmps of rhodedendroms and great masses of May blossemg t I I "Therowasnntiiterestlnu group. It Included one who bad been a cotton milli ner," but was new se l'nralyzcd I I I That he could only bbar te He in it reclining position. This refers te my case. fas Attacked twelve years age with " Loco Leco Loce motor Ataxy " (A paralytic dlxcaHenf uerve tlliru rarely ever cured ) and was for several years barely able te get about. And for the last Klve years net able te attend te my business, nlthnuch Many things liave bcun dene for inn. The lant experiment being Nei ve stretching Twe years nge I voted Inte tlie Heme for Incurables ! Near Munclicster, In May, IStt. I am no " Advocate;" "Fer anything In the linpe of patent " Jledlcincs 1 And made many objections te my dear wife's constant urging te try Hep Hitters, but anally te pacify her Consented 1 1 1 lunl net qulte finished tin-first bettle when I felt a change ceme ever me. This was Saturday, November 3d. On Sunday morning I felt se strong I wild te my loom companions," I was sure t could " Walk 1 he started ucrrns the Meer and back. 1 hardly knew hew te contain myself. 1 was ull ever the house. 1 urn gaining strength each day, andean walk quite stfe without uny " Stick I" Or Support. 1 am new at my own house, and hope seen te be able te earn my own lit ing again. I have been a member of the Manchester " lteynl Kxthange " Fer nearly thirty years, and was most heartily congratulated en going Inte the room en Thurs day last. Very gratefully yours, .Ien IlLtiKDi'ni, Mamjiehtek, (Kng.) Dec. 21, lstcl. Twe cars hiteram perfectly will. jr.Vone genuine without a bunch of green Heps en the whlte label. Shim all the vile, poisonous stuff with "Hep "or "Heps "in their name. Jun-lyil,W,FAw lNiIltlrlan In l'rlvute I.urk. Numerous political aspirants have been mix teusly looking for nn etiltable division of eiti clul leivesniui fishes te themselves since the In uiigunitlen, but thusu who struck genuine llut cla'.s luck uru the ones that Icuined tlie minor miner Iiassed merits l)vrr'a 1'lhk SIalt Wiiiskev for thu llrst tlme in their pussagu through Haiti mero te mid from the great political Mecca, ltusldes being u perfect consolation for disap pointed Iiciiicii, It Is absolutely free from liutnm- matery nndeleineiits found In ordinary bever ages, und Is strongly endorsed by the best doc ters as a remedy for the prevalent diseases of pneumonia, diphtheria, malaria und pulmonary complaints. Sold at all reliable druggists und grocers. BVECtAL NOTICES. Jurer rriKlliig nuuld be the lilntery of names. We cunnet, however e go Inte the subject new, except se fur as n say that Ilr. Kennedy's "Favorite Kcmcdy" as culled by that nuine, In an Informal fuslilen, long before the Docter dreamed of ml crtlsing It for public use. Speak ing of it he would say tehls pntlents, "Hits Is luy fitvorlle remedy for all tieubles of the bleed," etc., and Its success was se great that he finally spelled thu name with capital letters. (S)mylMmdeed.Vw Hew muuy peeple say: "Veur plaster beats everything I ever tried." The Hep flutter leally cures backache, Stitch, Sciatica, baine Side or Hip, or p ilnsinnnyp.il t. The best po pe po eous plaster knew n. 2.V. Mr. Tanner's hleuulcli. Dr. Tanner certainly lias n great stomach great because of Its strength and enduruiice. We maverrm sa) big that the doctors uses Itur Itur deck Jlloeil Jtitlers, but If hn deus. Ids illgiMtlxe powers urn easily accounted for. JlnrdecK Jlloetl Jtltters being n standanl medicine are sold by alldrugglHiH. Fersalnbyll.il. Cechian. drug gists, 137 and 15J North (juecn street, Lancaster. MOTHIIUSI MOTHKUStt MOTHEUSItl Are you dlstiirlicd at night nnd broken of yenr rest by n sick child Buffering uud erring with mu davi iicmuiiH jiaiu in culling leeiil T II SO, go at ence und i'ct u bettle of M ri. W1NSI.O W'S BOOl'HINd BlltUP. It will relieve the peer llttie sufferur liniiicdlatcly depend upon It: there Is no mistake about It. Theio is net u mother en earth who Iris ever used It, who will net tell you ut ence that It will regulate the bowels, und glve rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, operating like magic. 11 Is perfectly sura te use In ull cases, and pleasant te the taste, and Is the prescription of ene of the eiuctii kiiu uchi. leuiiiiu puysiciuns in me united States, bold everywhere. '.Scent a bettle. may31-IydM,W,S4w SKIN DISEASKS. "SWAYNli'S OINTMENT.' "Swayne's Ointment" cures Tetter, Salt uneuiu, uingweriii, iseres, riuipics. Eczema, ull Itchy Kruptlens, no matter hew obstinate or long standing. JunSS-M W FA w A dllKAT dicevi:uy. Sir. Win. Themas, or Newton, la., says: "My wife has been seriously affected wlthu cough ler twenty-live years, anil this spring mere se erely than uverbutere. hhe had used many remedies without relief, nnd being urged te try Dr. King's New Disco cry, did se, w lth most gratify Ing iu suits. The llrst bettle relieved her very much, uud the second lias absolutely cuied her. She has net hud se geed heal th for thirty j cars. Trial bottles free ut Cochran's drug store. Seu. 1S7 und 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. Large sire 11.00. (6) IIUCKLEN'S AHN1CA SALVK. The best Salve In thu world for v.utx. llmUf. Seres, Ulcers, Salt Uheum, JTever Seres, Tetter. I'hnniUtll llfltlll f.lillltlfllna rm-na n nil Ul.l. ., ...- ..u, u..u.m... a, vi'i HP illlu u.l Dam Kruptlens, and positively cures Plies, or no pay 1UIII11UU. faction, ei It Is guaranteed te give perfect satis meuey refunded. Price, 25 cents pet box. t or sale by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, Xes. AOI mm w nuuu iiuwu BUW3I. laucusier, I a. Tells the Truth. This mediclne I can highly recommend, ibir ibir deck JlloeU Jtitlers nre the best bleed pointer vehau ever used." Clms. A. Hurt, 11 Cem t St., buffalo, N. Y. Forsale by II. II. Ceclmiu, ding, gist, 137 und 1JD North Queen street, Lnncustcr. llUOWN'S HOUSEHOLD l'AKACKA. Is the most effectlvu l'nln Dostreyerln the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied externally, and thereby mere certainly KEL1KVE PAIN. alleviator, and It is warranted deuble the WUC..1U. i.uiuiiiu i uuuiui nun uiiyuiuuriuin strength of any similar preparation. rungiuui uny similar pi It cures pain In the Slue. s pain in me Blue, iiuck or new els, sero llheumatlsin, Toethacha and ALL Tbreat, ACHES, and Is Tlie Great ltcllever of Pain. llUOWN'S IIUUSKHOLU PANACEA should be In every family. A tcaspoenf ulel the Panacea In u tumbler of hi t water sweetened, If pre ferred, taken bt, Dedtlme, will UUEAK UP A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. lii31-lydM,W,Saw I'ull fur the Shere. Let us all pull out of this sea of sickness and despondency, und get onto a rock foundation of geed, strong health. Jlurtleek Jllejd flitters ure the thing te pull for. They ure ene orthe mm.1 icnewiud health restoratives ever manufac tured. Fer sale by II. H. Cochran, druggist, 137 und li) North Queen street, Lancaster. I'm All llruke Up I" This Is the usual exclamation of one aflllcted with llicumatlsin, or hiinenefs. llhuuiuatle peeple ure Indeed entitled te our sincere sj in pat by nnd commiseration, speedy relief Is of fered them Iu Dr. Themas's Jicleetrle Oil. It is the sworn enemy of ull aches and pains. Fer sale by ll.ll. Cochrun, druggist, W una 13U Noun Queen street, Laucustcr. Instructive Heading. Some of the testimonials from different people reluUvu te Themas' Jiclejetrle Oil, and Hie relief It has given them when itlstreed by headache. eanicliu. anil toothache are a lutuitibtin icud i ; p X"-.: .-' Mifc, iilt na -vim ii ii wtst 'rnis nai nu iiim.ini.i as you will nnd. This beintr a itundui d mU by ?l Ik Ce?h SimVSfst ' I Ry.ili iri;?.,1' Sw' Is sold evcrvwhere bv druL'L'l.n. rnrmu . 11. Cochrun. druirffist 1ST und imi Vnwt. I Quwmitreet, LftapMK'r. , ' MEDICAL. IMVT ' MY BACK t Kvcry Strain or CeM Attack that Weak Hack nnil nearly iinmtratcg you. Brown's Iren Bitters, Trnitn Mark. P-PURITY , NOT en Every liettlc. QUAUTY QUANTITY, THE BEST TONIC. PHYSICIANS AND DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND IT. STllK.NdTIIKNSTIIK MUSCI.KH. BTKADIKS Xlir. iMKUVHH. EMHIUIIKSTUE lll.UUI). OIVE1 NKW V1UUU. Dn. .1. U M vcrr, Fntrlleld. Iowa, says I "Ilrown'slren Hitters is the best Iren medi cine I imve known In aiy se years experience. I liave found It specially bencllclul In nervous or physical exhaustion and In ull dcbllltatlnuntl. meats that beure heavily en the systein. Uhe ii in'uiy in my own ruiiilly." Ocniilnn has tiwle mark nnil crossed red lines en wrapper. TAKKNO Oil I Kit. Made only by 1IUOWN CIIF.MIOAI, CO..HAI.TIMOUK, Mil. Laieks' Hani, l!oeK-llwful nnd attraclle, containing Hit i,r prlyci fur receipts, In forma tion nbeut coin,., ele gh en uwav by all dealers in ineiiieine, or mulled le nny adorers en receipt or 8c. stump. (j) pjOP X'liAHTKItH. A PAM0U3 STRENQTHENER. liouse wives, shop girls nnd sales-women all ntrer inoi-e or less from Weak Uack and Hide Hide "he. Nothing affords such Instant rellerasu Horl'tASTKiiupplledeveratrectcd part. Pains and nches of ull kinds nre driven out nnd the parts made ever and strengthened. Ask tern Hec I'LABTK.n, mnile from burgundy l'ltch uiwiu.i iiaiam und the virtues of fresh Heps, Sold everywhere,. -AIcO for l.0U Send te ller rliAHTKll COMPANY, IkMten, for circular, (ft) H01 1'LASTlCnS. DO JIK HKNHIIII.K. The Hep I'i.ahtkii does mere geed In enc-qunr-terthn time than any balm or let Ien, nnil Ik mera cleanly te use. A fresh nnd sweet porous plaster which acts Immediately when applied le sent of trouble Ithcunmtlsni, Nuunilgla, Hldenehe, Iitne back, Cilik, Sciatica, Norn Muscles, Kid ney iirrcttlens, Weak I. lings or local pains can not exist long when one el tliese piasters Is up piled, ltcmcmbcr, vlrtnes of fresh Heps, bur gundy Pitch and Hums combined. Held every' w here. 2.1c., 5 for (I (O Proprietors. (7) HOP PbASTKll COMPANY, llo-ten, Mnss. TrrOP l'liASTKHS" " Hep Pbiltn Cure Qaicktil. Why ? Itccnuse composed of medicinal fualltles tluil are known te possess greut power In rullet Ing iiulu, curing dlxeuse and wonderful strengthen Itigwcnk nnd worn out parts Fresh Heps, Itur gundy Pitch mid Uiims combined In u frch, clean nnd sweet poieus plaster. Always ready te apply te sudden iialn.uchcs, strains, crumps, stlUhes. crick, swollen Joints or muscles, or sere ness In any part. XIc, 5 for ,fu everywhere. (S) HOP rhAbTKKCOMl'AM.IIo-iteu, Muss. w ANHOOD KKSTOHED. mtmcer runs. A victim of vnulhful Imnmdenca causlni! I're- malute Uccay. Kcrveils Debility, Lest MunbiHSI, ac, Having incu in vuin evnry Known remeu Uwdffl miHiiiHceertsiasimpieBeii-curu, mcn no v BendFUKK tebta fullew sufferers. Address, .1. II. KKKVKS, ie-lyced&lyw O Chatham St., New Yerk City yyEAK AND NHKVOUS MEN Who suffer from Nervous und Physical Debil ity, Impotence, F.xhuustLiI Vitality und 1'reuin tine Decline, nnd seek Perfect Itcstorutlen te Health, Full Manhood and SctiiuI Viger with out Stomach Drugging, mil cektaimlv obtain It In the "SIAItSTON llOI.l'S." DImiiscs of Hie I'restratnlllund, Kidneys und lllinlilcr, effectu ally cured without Instrument. Kndersed by thousands who limn been cured. Adopted In hospitals nud by phylclans in F.urepe nnd Amirlea. e- VAItlOCKLK cured without surgery. Scaled TrcullAennd Tcstliiieul.ils fix-e. Address MARSTON REMEDY CO. or DR. H.TRE8KOW, Ne. West llth Street, New Yerk, mayliilycediw SPECTACLES. OUPERIOR SPECTACLES - -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Mlcroicepcs, Field (Jlasses, Uaremeters, Tclo Tcle Tclo scepes. Magic Luntenis, Thennemelers, Draw ing instruments, l'lille-tnphlcal and Cliciiileal Apparatus. List and Descriptions of our Ten Catalogues sent FKEE en application. QUEEN&CO., NO. Ml CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA lnart-lyclAw MISCELLANEOUS. -lirlTIIODT KXCKITIOX, rpi I L. Iil.urn T Cigars In the town, tw e for Be. at HAKTMAVa YELLOW FltONT CIQAU bTOUE. s ,VKK DKl'OSIT VAULTS. boxes for lent In a burglar und fire proof vault at li eiii $il te lie ii icr jeur, according te sire M. W. r IIA131 CO. 15 1'cnn hetuire. mj.TOtfd Iite llilr A hheuk's ISankingHoiiKe. y i:van's ri.eun. LEVAN'S FANCY ROLLER FLOUR. Makes Elegant llivad. Fer sale by Grocers generally. Levan & Sens, Merchant Milters, OIII ce: 17NOIITH PKINCEST. apr27-Cuiil PIIOI'OSAIS l-'OU KUUNISIIINQ STA TIONEKV. Fuel and ether supplies. In compliance with tlie Constitution and Laws of the commonwealth ei rcnusyivnulu, 1 hereby Invite sealed preptMils, at prices below maxi mum rates lUt-d in schedules, te furnish hta hta tleuary, Fuel and ether supplies ferlhu Leglslu- lure, nun inn Hut enii ucp ii luiums ei eiuie gev eminent, und for liliimblncr. gas lilting und steam-tlttlng for, uud lepalrs pairs, fin iilshlui: halls und committee looms of the Senate nnd Heuse of llcnrcHCiituttviK. and distribution of decu ments, reports uud ether printed matter for the Lcgl-il.iluru aud the Department or Public In In stiuctlen for the yesr ending thu Hist Monday eLJune, A. D.lhNi. fccparatoprepoialswlll be recehed and sepa rate contracts awurdtd us announced In said schedules. All propesuls must lie accompanied by abend wlthuppreed security, conditioned for the falthtul performance of the contract, und addressed und delivered te me before eleen o'clock Ji. in. of THUUSDAV, the 23th day of JUNE, A. D. l&tt, ut which 1 1 inn tlie proposals will be opened and contracts uwuided, in the Executive Cluunber, ut Hurrisburg, l'ennsy lva ula. bchcdnles containing tonus et proposal can be obtained en application at thu ulllcu el the becrctary of the Commonwealth. W. ti. Btbkukr, JunclteJu'H Hccietary of the Coiiimenwcalth. AN OltniNANUR, Appropriating public monies of the City el Lancaster te the seeral depurtmeuts theieef, for thu llscal year, ceunuencliig en thu tlrst day el June. A. 1). Issa. Siictien 1. He it eulalned bj- the Select and Common Councils of the City of I.uncUHtci, That the sum of One Hundred i.nd Hcventy-twe Thousand, 8e en Hundred Dollars, (fU.'.ic.lO) be und the sumo Is especially npprepi luted te the several objects herelnufter named, ler the llscal your coinnienclngen the llrst dayefJuue, A. D., 185. SkctienS, Te pay luteicst en leans, Including sinking limit 33,500 00 Te pay principal en leans, as rciulied bylaw 4,000(10 Tepuy statu tax en loins 'j,0tie 00 Tepay fersliwit damages , ii,(ue ou Te pay for repalts of streets , 7,oue OU Tepay for grudlng. (lutleiing, C'less- lugs and iiuicudaiiiUlug 9,000 00 Te jiay waterworks general le.i.iu en Te pay ter laying water plpis fi,l no Tepay fersalarlus 7,tie ui Tepuy for police and turnkey ,. ii,:ni 32 ToiiuvferflithtliiK city .7 '.".'..vm no Te pay ler 11 le depurtuient general.... J, One 10 Tepay for reiU estate, bells uud strik ing upparatus, Ac, fur llre depiut- ment in.foecio Tepay salaries of engtuecis, drivers, .tceriliuilepurtiueiit OfiM 00 Tepay balance due en 0,oue,Ouopump.. f,7NI iji Te pay dellclenclcstuliglitlng te June, invi. r. 2,snoeo Abatement ler prompt payment of city lux.., 2,75000 Abatement ler prompt payment of water rents..,, l.hoe no Percentage ter collections of un car ages et city tax 300 00 Contingencies 7,inl M (I7-',7H0 00 Ordained and enucted Inte a law ut the city el Luuctuter, J uuu 3, lsrt. HEltVKYN.HUHST. Pii"sldent Common Council. Attest I J A con M.ClllLLAH, Clerk Common Council. HOIIKUTA.EVAN8, President Select Ceunill, Attest i J. K. lUnn, Clerk select Council. Approved June lth, lScS. D. i'.HOSENMILLElt, uueWta Mayer, LAWS StOVKRIt. JjLI nn &"b n KN km an. SRRING- -AT- FLINN & BRENE MAN'S. LAWN MOWERS, GARDEN HOSE, BABY CARRIAGES, LAWN TENNIS, CROQUET, WATER COOLERS, REFRIGERATORS. ALL AT LOW PRICES. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Ne. 1 52 North Queen St.. Lancaster, Pa. VLOTiriNO. TTKAMIUAHTKIIH l'OK SUMMER Morlne Shirts and Drawers, Gauze Underahlrts nnd Drawers, Choice Nocktles, E. & V. Cellars and Cuffs, C. & C. Cellars and Cuffs, Crown Cellars nnd Cuffe The Best Fitting Dres3 Shirts. SIUKTS AND HOCIKTV PAKA1MIKKNAI.IA MA UK TO OltDKU. At Erisman's, NO. 17 WKBTK1NU8TIIEKT. B :UHOKH ,t HUTTON. THE PLACE TO GET The Yery Best in the Market -AND AT THE LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES, IS AT BURGERS SUTTON'S CLOTHING HOUSE, 24 Centre Square. Ne We nre pn'pattd le show u complete line of Seersuckers, In Fancy Stripes. Checks and l'lulds. They are beauties and tlie prices low. Clothing te Please Everybody AND PRICES THAT ARE BOUND TO WIN. ei-urvi: v.s a calus Burger & Sutten, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCA8TEU. PA. MYBR S .t K.VTHVON. THE GREATEST VALUE AT Tllfc- LEAST COST. MONEY IS SCARCE. YE, WE KNOW IT Iri, AND WE 11AV MADE A STOCK TO SUIT THE TIMES. AT THIS TIME EVEllV I'UltCllASElt WANT" TO Hl'V AT THE VKIIV LOWEST POSS1IILE F1UU11E. IN CONSIDEIIA1ION OF THESE FACT", WE THINK CENTRE HALL Is Just Uie l'lsice le Deal. COVSIDEU THE STYLE OF WOltK YOU KIM) WITH US; CONS1DEU THE ()UALIT OF TIIHiiOODs; CONS1DEU THAT W T. AltE THEMANUFACTIJUEUS, AND UEMEMIIEIt THAT M)U HAVE A PItOFIT 1IY IIUYINU OF US. THE AMOUNT OF PIIOOFOF OUR UOODS. OIJU I1USINESS IS LEADING CLOTHIEUS, 12 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTEU. PA. WALL VAVE1U NO. w INDOW SCUHKNH. Wire Window Screens! Itmny seem u llttie curly te talk about Win-dew-Screens, but we think the tlme is here; the warm weather will neon bu with us, and It is well te be prepared. A geed plan Is te liave them lltted In early, before the flics till up your house. We uie well supplied wllh rnmies and wires. The second ntnryet our building Is stocked with from S.lice te 7,0nu frames of dttrcrent bIcs, w hlih can be made up at short notice. The price will be lower than heretofore. We make you a geed sized screen for 50 cents uplcce, and Landsciipn wire from !.'. a plece up. All wldthsef wbu sold by the feet or roll ut lowest prices. We opened te-day, another Choice Line of LACE CURTAINS, Three, lliree nnd n-half and four yards long. Price 75e, f l.oe, l.'i tl.wi, l,75, fioe. fiai, fl ou u plece up. Poles Inc. sue, 75c, I.CU, Ac. Weaiu In the busy season ler WALL PAPER. Our stock is lirge te select liem, nnd we liave astieug lorce of workmen te Ue jour work pieuiplly. Window Shades of every description. PSAEES W. FRY. Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN LANCASTEU, PA. STREET VNItEUTAKINO, TTN DERTAKI NO. tSL.e'R,6R0TE,& UNDERTAKER, Cor. SeuUi Queen and Vine Streets, LAMOABTKIt, 1A. Personal attention given te ull orders. Every thing In the Undertaking line furnished. Having gecuied thu sei vices of n tlrst-class me cbanle, 1 am prepamdtodeall kinds of Uphel. Biuiiiiu ni vuiy niuui'iuiu lineeii. Vlll Kllllis OI rumiluru Upholstered. tifve me acull. 4ie-tSa" R ROTE. MYERS & MM GOODS Jl.WVltMONS. gXCUIWIONS. RAYMOND'S VACATION EXCURSIONS All Traveling Jlxpcnscx Included. Complete Illnemrlei new ready efTiutEr. Oiumj JULY TRIPS, Te the most popular fea-Hhere, Mniintaln. I.uke and Itlver n-serls te New Yeik.t .inndaniid New Kngland; nlse TWO (ilt.t.Mi i:Ct'ltsi()NS Setio"8 "l"l,U,l,,'In "" SJ. nnd Aligns" W) YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PAltK. . W. ItAtMOMI. I.A. WltlTCOMn. VHcnd or cull for descriptive clrcut'irs AS,'"!,fe.r, l''.vmeiiiPH Vmiitlen Kxeurslen-. lit Seuth Ninth St., iiiiilerCeiilInental Hetel, Phil ndelphl-i. JuneMtd pie CNHYN PA UK. Penryn Park, -ON Till. Cornwall Mount Hepe R. R Excursion Conimlllee of Chuuhes, Sunday HchiKils and ether sell ctorgaiilr.itlens, in mak Ing their summer in rangeiuents, should net neir leettoieseneadayfoi renrvii Park. ti. ..I. ii.. .......- .. ..r. .. .. csei l Is situated Iu the inldst of the SOUTH MOUNTAINS And Its ground cncrlng bund i eds of ncresnrj easy eratii'ss fiem all parts eftentral 1 can sylwuiia. Fer the lice use or excursionists there aiecxlcnsUe CKOtJUETAND LAU . TEN VIS OIIOl MIS, LAKOE DANCIVO PA lLlON, HAND STAND, hITUIBX, IIASKET AND CLOAK KOOMS, unilCONSLUt A'lOKY On the Summit of the Mountain. There Is alsea rcfrchnient room In ehargoef a competent caterer, whele inealeiiu be piecurcd ut miHleriite rates, u photograph K.iileiy and numerous ether nttraellMt fiat ures. Noll(uers allowed en the gieuniK Excursions from all points en the rhlladclputa A Heading and Heading .L Columbia ltallrimds will be carrlul direct te the Paik w Ithoutcbange of caw. " Complete Infonunllen can be nbtntneil nr n. gageuiciits eiri'Cted with parlies riem all points en the l'hlliulelphla ,v ICeadlugand Heuiling A L.OIIIIIUIUI iinureuis, upon applli-atlen te c;e. Runt. Cornwall . Hepo Itallread. maS-3ind Ia'Iuiieu Pa. s jummhu enssrr vcw N AMI Cornwall & Lebanon AMI Oolebrook Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PARK, In tlie heart or llm 'eiith Mount itn.en the line or the nhe emul, Is etreicd te iudl Idu.ilsiind assoclitiens Free of Charge. lliese grounds, covering hiiiiduiN or acres, nie casv of access ficim ull pailn of Eastern B-TheronieMOUTAI VSTItE MS,Bpni,0,i by rustic bridges: Slet STAIN sPitlMiS . .-itiii-i ., 1, 1 1,.,. I;!.. .', " " V" o.iine HaiiiiKiene SHADY WALKS and l'UOME.NADIJs. A I.AIK5E DANCINU PA VI LLlON. LAIlUEDlVlMi II I,L, ' KITCHEN, DININH ItOOM, andTAHLES, IIKNCHES nnd Ut'slIC SHU'S scntteicd tliieiigli the gieu ler the lieu us.0 of excursionists, LAWN TENNIS. CUOOL'ET. HALL (HIOfNDS. , HOWLING ALLEY, bllOOTINU (1AL LE11Y, QUOITS Miu FOOT HALL Are among the amusements eflvicd. Ne Intoxicating Drinks Allewed en the Promisea. 4SPaiile deslrim? it. can iimeum ,.,.,1. n tlie 1'AUK It EsTAU KANT, whli h w III be niuler the ch.li go of .MU. E. M. 1IOLTZ, the netid caicierei tnu LEBANON VALLEY HOUSE, who will been the grounds thieiighnut the sea. son, git big It Ills iieixenul supci islen. :E.cnriiliiiisliniiinllpi(liiiH en I'enn-nlva-nla It. It. will be i-arried diiect te the Park with, outchingeof cars. 4a-Ecursieii rates and full Information can be obtained and engagements ellected with purtUs fiem all points en tlie l'ennsjUanla lt.lt. upon application te Ol.e. W l!( D As sistunt Oeuei-il Passenger Agent, P. H U Ne 2J3Seutb Fourth stuct, I'll in.ulelphla, or te J. C. JENNINGS, Supt, C. & L. A (.. V. It. It., Lebanon, Pa. inyl3-.lniil ' OLASSWAJtE. H KUl.tMAUTlN. Decorated Ware -AT- CHINA HALL. We have new open ihe Ihimt line el DECOItATED WAltE, TEA and DINNEU bi:'l., DESEUT uud 1 OI LET SETS, Ae JAP.AN WARE. WFKICES TO SUIT THE 11.MKS.te High & lartin NO. 16 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTEU, PA. MIIH PAP Kit IS PKlhTKD A. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK. i L'i ,'l'.';"'."l.l,lll7''lll!('1 """ ' icl.et Agent, I hiladelphla & Heading Uullieid, 227 Seutll teiirtlistreet.l'htlailelphla. Pa., nnd with parties riem Lebanon by npiil) leg te the undi signed. CAUL O.N s( HJI VLKNSEE. Mt Ff-irnennt Ink Works, 2Cth acd Fcrja'a. Arenee l&nMyd Villi AUKLl'HIA, PA, V." t i f