WraaSPW. " -s p F,(rw?TwT i -.! ' "'? -.v, , .,i "":VJ.lll'1 ..V 4. -.; '., "' mtfa$te .? , 4 -,.., 'Jlr, r VOLUME XXI-NO. 233. LANCASTER, PA., THURSDAY, JUNE 4, 1885. PRICE TWO CENTS apamimcef vil V JOBBERS IN COUNCIL viv.irvtrt! juiixsux wiutks a e- VALLKIt OPINION h'Olt .IV. II Mill It. Common Council HcMetven That Cily Werk Ought te ll Awunleil te Mm lll;lit Hid. iler Voting Away III" t'ultlln Meney. A Hrlef MeiimiKO l'rem tlie Mayer. Deth branches erdty councils met In icg nlar monthly meeting In tlielr roHiHcllve chandlers last evening, The most Important business was the reading or uu eliilin riem City Solicitor.!. W. Jehnsen, approving Je. Huber's big bill, idler which 11 was ordered te be paid ; Ihu assage or llie npprupi latien ordinance; uud tlie slaughter by common council el Select Council man Merger's honest preposition that te the lowest bidder shall liouwurded the public work let out by con tract. Following are the proceedings In de- hkm:ct council l'rosetit Messrs. Dinger, Deniulh, Leng, ltumley, Uihan, Wlsennd Hviiuh, president Mr. Iieug presented the reKrt r the prov prev prov ertyconnnittoo for May. It contains noth ing that has net hi-uit heretofore reMrlcd,ex. vept that the oeuinilttoo recommend the building of a lire-proof heuse for the nale keeping or the records, be built in theNtutlim heuse yard, and a brick soup heuse hi rear of the station heuse in lieu of the ptesenl fniuie shed. They also recommend that the old factory be tern den n and the hIoiie sold te the best advantage Sir. Wise presented a petition for tliu gut tering or I.iurel sheet, between Maner mid SI. Jeseph street. 'fhe rexit or the sanitary comiulllce rec ommending Increase or salary te health cum cum liilssieucis wits read. Tlie rojiert of the llre eommUlee was read. It contains statement or work ilone and re pairs made te apparatus horetororo repot led. The report or street committee was read. AN OI'lNlON AS IS AN OPINION. The fellow lug opinion from tlie city solid selid selid ter was read : Te the Honorable the detect and Common Councils Uhnti.kmkn : Tlie following has been transmitted te me this day pur(erting te be an abstract from minutes of select council of April 1, 18S5, viz : "A resolution was adopted by tlie water vommittce asking council te endorse the action of the eommiltee in approving the bill r Jeseph II. Helier for filtl7.il ler work dene nnd materials rurnlslied in repairing the 3,l0n,0iHl gallon pump. The ulhjve part of repot t or tlie committee was rorened te the incoming solicitor for opinion If the eity is liable ler the bill of Jeseph II. llulier. In reply I have te say that I have dis covered netliing hi the forgoing resolution and extract from ioiert te indicate any Ir regularity or emission of duty en the part of either the eommiltee or councils or or Mr. Iluber. 1 have no right te presume anv. On the contrary tlie fair presumption Is in favor of the regularly or nil the proceedings in tlie premises. Therefore the work has been according te contract, 1 mil discover no legal reason In the resolution and extract of reKirt te relieve the city from payment or Mr. Huber's bill. J. W. Jehnsen, City. Solicitor. Jieiti: n.i,i:ci.i. jens hustainiiii. Sir. Derg.;r called up the resolution ell'ered by him at last meeting or councils directing the committee en llie eughieand hose te rescind the contract they had made with Kdward Walker ler shoeing the horses or tlie lire detriment, ami award the contract te James ltcardeu, the lowest bidder. Tlie resolution was adopted. Common council non-ceucuried in tlie action or select coun cil, and laid tlie resolution en the table. The i ((solution passed by common council increasing Ihu salaries of the health cemiuis- CJAneY and the secretary or the Isiard or health was rejected bv tlie fellow Imr vote : Yeas Messrs. Iterger, lyengaud Itemley. JJays Messrs. Demuth, Urban, Wise and ICvaiis. A resolution from common council in structing the clerk te call together the lamp committee for oig.ini.itlen was read ami laid en the table. Adjourned. CO.1l.MON COUNCIL. Common council was called te order at 7:30 o'clock, w itli tlie billowing members piesenl : Messrs. Adams, Au.er, Itaie, It.iumgaidner, Heard, I'eleiilus t'ermeny, Diukellicrg, Klieriuau, CiixmIuII, Ilershey, Kemllg, I.ii I.ii peld, heng, Maitin, Mayer, Mchaiighliu, Mentzer, Nell, Helium, Shirk, Spaeth, Teiss ier, and Hurst, president. Tlie minutes of the last Mated meeting wcie read and approved. imu:si:ntatien of i'ktitienh. llyMr. Kemllg, tlie petition of a uiiiuber of eiti.ens or the Ninth ward Ter tlie grading and guttering of Spruee street Ity Mr. heng, fera gas lamp at the corner el West Orange street and Arch alley. Ity Mr. McLaughlin, ter the guttering or l'tuiii stroet, botween Walnut street and New Helland turnpike. llyMr. Ilauingardner, for a as lamp at the corner of Lemen street and Cherry al al eoy. iiy Mr. Auxer, fera ciessing at llie cor ner of Ann and Marien htrcets: irradhigaud gulleriuf;' l'iast , Chestnut street, from Mar shall street 1,100 feet ea&twurd ; inacadami ing Kast Oriuige stroet betwwn Ami ami U''r.uikllii strnita gnuling Tiat Oruugoetreel Vrent JL'ranklijt luJUread Htroel. Uy Mr. llciuhey, the" petitien of a large tuuiberef cVionsef the north wes tern nut. tiouef Uiec('it for the extension of the UO iiifU wnter nnlu en Orange stroet togive Ihelm mi uilujilate supply et water. ,J1JMr.ur8' r a fiovrer In 8hlp- IHUi Htnet, iiuKtis tlrent nua unuiRu streebi,' Aogenjluyuigr tlie' itctltlen was a guarantee ef,$J-ji by the projierty ewncru along that street (ewnrda the imymeht of the cosiei umiuing me sewer. k All Wie niMjve peuuens were reierreu 10 ielr nppropriule committees. " The Myer Mrswigel ',t Mr. Teii(r nreseuted llia-uitXMU uiKWiiire of me uia or, Allien wjwiw uiiuwi r - Te the Jtuniirnhle. the ttcllct anil Common Couit Ceuit cili e the City e jAiiicettcr . """--. (i:nti.i:mi:n Incempliance with the ro re ro (iiiiements of tlie city charter 1 submit tlie following as my annual message in relation te the government ortlie city or hanc.ister : VINANOBrt. Tlie fiunlcrt dulit of tlie city bearing!! jierient. liileicst Is $J.il,51i ei Tlie finuli'il ilelit of tlie ctly buattiiirS " percent. Interest is 1 1, Tie UJ Tlie funileil ilelit of llie city Dealing 4 per runt. Interest It..... m,(MUie Total f7:i;,'Jf: W Of wliieh tlie eomiiiittee of liuauce and uc uc eeuuts, as commissioners el the sinking fund, holds I eiul, viz : lteiulrt hearing (J per cent. In terest ai7,l& Dn lUimU lieuiiug 5 er cent. In- teleat ai.HOOU) 2X1 ft HO Total uiuuiiul of debt eiitntaiHlliig,.,.$l,.M,.Viltu Total mnetiiit of debt eututamllnc Jiinei, lssi fVie.TuJ'jc Teliil unieiiiit of debt outstanding junei, it5 .-.ias,Kaui Dccichke In city debt for tlie llscul er 1SS1-IS83 1 Li" w Total union n I of bend in tin) tdnklug fund June 1, isss. .,a7,KaiM Total amount of bends in tlie ttliiktng nuiu June I, ism 217.CH IU lnoic.LMief the HtnUni; fund ler tliu llscid year iSSl 1S $ V,lt mi Tlie tiKKiCKate Imleliiriliieiw of the city mwlnuiviiHL-il dining tliu lle:il ycxir Jut chwed 17.KM IX) llurliiK the Hamu tlme llauxi uciu pur cbitM'd ter unit Iraiulcrrcil te tlie hlnklnir Hind bunds te the aiiieiuit el. '.'U.im) 01 This latter Kiuouutweuld. lie the actual i e e duetleu of the municipal debt ler the year just closed, had it net been for the necessity or selling bends te tlioalnne amount off 17, fcOO, te pay a debt contracted for by tliu eity year previous te tlie last. The new ll,00i,u)O gallons Worthlngteii pump, costing !l,OOU had l)Oen purcliased was in place und was working. Ne prevision for Us payment had been made in the annual appropriation. The tlme lixed for ita payment nau arrived and Uiore was no money liore. Te rellove us from the dilemma and save the credit of the city, a resolution was jiassed by Ceuncllx, Oct. 1, lb3i, directing tlie sale of jart of tlie unsold balance of tlie lean of Kebriinry 7lh, I.H7I, te the amount of f 17,yX, and npproiiri nppreiiri atlugltin part payment of tlie punipt this left a balance yet te Is) made up el' ftf,'-'10. Councils could net by law direct u greater amount or U'lids te be Held. The bends were sold, the money raised, and tliu pump paid for, nnd thus was the Indebtedness) el the city Increased j net by reason of any debt niade last year, but by reaum or it debt made llie year boleru last year. The portion of the (I per cent eity debt which canie due April I, IKS."., has Ik'eii Itiuded with a I per con I. lean The amount or bends sold for this purpose id '1 or cent, in u en u ted te$IOO,(K)0 ; wlillu the 11 per cent. Imnds which were funded amounted te only Mil, SOU. Te tiiakuiip the (lifloreuco lietween the amount of I iHircent. Isinds sold and the amount or 0 per cent, bends redeemed It was'iicecssary te call In 5 or cent, bends le the amount erfcV-!(in. The I tier cent IhiikIs rtltMUMMn sold. brought a piemiiiiii el Sl,",'i tliuu making a s-ivhig te the city for llie year or nearly ?T,:i'.!iUX) and thereafter an annual saving or nearly f J,(HH),IKl. The llnaiiees of the cily aie tu n very salls salls fautery condition. tiii: I'Uiii.ic itiiAi.ui. The publle liealth dem.uids the building or seworage in tlie northern portion el" the eity. This section or the city has grown womler wemler rully within tlie HLst ten years and by reason or lying se low is cut oil Irem all connection wllh any el' the city sewers. What were ten years age Holds or corn and grain are new laid out streets, built upon both sides, with occupied dwelling houses, whose only drain drain age Is gutters, which carry oil' all tilth Inte small streams which tlnd tlielr way into the Conestoga nlsivu the water works. Al though Howcrage In ether pai ts or llie city is called Ter and should be built as simiii as jmw jmw slble, I earnestly press iimii you tlie liu M)riaueu or this serious matter or prejier drainage In tlie northern portion ortlie city, Willi the vlew of lelaliiiug tlie purily et our drinking water. Tlie sail uxpxiriuiife or such communities s I'lymeulh and Naiillcoke demands el' us te act at ouee. JJvun II' It is necessary te lucreaie tint debt it should he done. The eemiuiiiilty is entitled te pure wateraud the public health requires it. We have the reputation as a city et having pure healthful drinking water let us koep It no. I would ios)ectrully urge that this question riH-eive j-eur serious cousideralioii, as belii p.inmieuut te almost any measure which you will be called uihhi le consider, hiui:i:th. Tlie appropriation for si reels List year was chielly for repairs, grading, glittering, sow sew erage, crossings, lalxir and materials. Hetith hlme street iiein hecllst te Iew North (Christian liem Walnut te heiileu Seuth Heaver irem Hael U 1 lager K.ist Marlen from Ann le I'raukliu Seuth l'liiiu rnnu Hast lCing te U)cust Mlllllu from Mulbeiry te Straw liei ry and Derwart from Maner te Poplar wei e graded and guttered. Twe sew ers weie built. Tlie Lemen Htieet sewer, tlnee feel in diameter, beginning en Lemen street at Pine, down Lemen te Charlette, down Clint lotto te Walnut, nnd down Wul nut te Concord Alley, where it connects with tlie main Hener. The ether hewer is known as the Cherry Alley sewer, running from I'Ycderiek street in Cherry alley, two feet hi diameter, until It reaches New street, where it becomes a lliree feet hower and con tinues se te J Ions htreeU Some :i,WH) feet of crossings were laid hi diM'ereiil iiutx of the city. That our streets are Uidly in need efiuae.idami.iiig, thore is no doubt ami it is believed that In the near ruture it will be done. The eiieuing of new streeb) which requires annually the payment el'd.'ini.igcs te the amount of fle.OOO, ami tlie grading ami guttering et the same when eiened take nw.iy money whluh would otlior etlior otlier wlsoboooiided upon thuhtreels. Tlie real osUite necessary for the llre dertiiicnt lias all Ijcvii paid Ter except the new heuse en lOast King street and that debt will be jciid tills year. These houses will then all be paid ler and that o.ieuse cannot occur ngiiln. 'i'he opening of new streets will con cen con tiuue for seme time but tlie bin den will grew lighter year Iiy year for the leaneu that most of the sti cet-s te lie opened upon which build ings had Ik'wi erected are already ejK'iicd and llie damages paid. There is gnut complaint made by reason ortlie condition or our streets and 1 would urge councils te be as Ulsiral towards this appropriation as they possibly can. I would renew tlie recommendation niten heretofore made of procuring for the use of Ihu sticct commissioner a map or all the eity sewers, their dimensions, depth, Ac. The location of sewers lives only in the recollec tion of certain persons w he are net always te be round w hen you are seeking Information en that subject. We have a map or the water mains of tlie city ami the hook which was burned in tlie Inquirer building and which contained the names el streets and tliu number el lets en each has licen leplaced by a new one. Why net have a map of the sewers? Ami in this connection I would urge that theie should Is) seme suitable safe place te keep these and all ether maps and rcceids, manuscripts, books, Ac, belonging te tlie eity. The records of tlie eity are net preiierly tiled away as they should be. Many oftliem, such as tlie old minute ImxiUs el select ami common councils, are missing. I have no doubt, however, that if a call ler them would lie made ami a proper city library titled up te keep them in that they would bu forth coming. WATIIII. The water denaitmeiit is in tiettur condition than it has oer been, and yet much inore Is necessary te inake it what it -should be. Some iortieiis of our eity nre supplled with little or no water. larger mains are noeos neeos noees sary. This matter has been te froquently ami forcibly brought te your attention and the information hail by each individual mem mem be r or councils is se full en the subject that "1 feel ua heugh I would be Imposing upon your patience tee much le onter into jnir tlculars. 1 consider the. necessity of some thing Jn this direction bemg -dene really , pressing. Thore are bouie high portions 'of 'ef 'of tlie city where most valuable properties have been orected which would perish In ease ofJlre, ifrtopendentoH most of thorn are en iue waier nupiu ki?n 'u X'y uiur particularly te the extreme Wosteru portion" of tlie city. The neglect te send tin abundant Hiipply of water Inte that part or Uie city very materially ellects t growth. I'OMOK. The pollce lorce Is under geed ilisclpllne and H elliclent. The oIllcerM are geiiUemen and I bellove de Uielr duty, fallhtully. Tlie faut that the elected memlKirs et Uie i'oreo at the lastiiiuuicipal eloetlen were rotunied by large majorities by. the people (the oeuroo of all power) shevya that stlieyat, least glve, H.itisi'.u'tlen le their cjiiistitueul.. AHlias beenl'ie(pieiitlys.iidlH)reie, the forcejs tee small u oueciu.iiiy jiairei inu nuiu iuiu wards. During the last winter our cily lias been coiniaratively lree Irem eriine und generally KKKt ouler has been iireserved. I' or pariiciuaiH as te iue weruing ei um foree I would rospectudly rerer you te the report et tlie chief of imllce which will be piiullsncii wan iue repuris 10 ceuuuiia. run: ni:i'AitTMi:NT. Thh department eoiitlnues te glve entire satisfaction. It has Ih.'cii reduced te a system and works satisfactorily. I would respect lully refer you for p.irtiuiilra te the last ioiert le councils el Inte Chief of the De partment, Harry N. Hewell. TllKTUAMl'0,Ui:sriON. ' This Is an evil le which 1 would call your attention, net bocause you are unfamiliar wan us enernuiy, urn. ler uiu imnwae soliciting your coeioratlon te adept seme measure te glve our community relfef from Its inlUctltm. Iliuiimers' Hall docs net iuisw or the purpose It does net drive theiii nway rrein iih It is o.xiKinslve all around and Iseldes!") arelie or barlKirlsm, encouraging Idleness and nllhines.s. Some years age llie county coiumissienors undertook te build what they called a workhouse. It consisted or a high circular stene wall, luslde of which irrm frTIIIIII llllthllML-S 111 Which tllO COtll- mlltwl tramps lived. In the daytime tliey were biken le the stene Muarries and put te work breaking stone for a nuiu n weriseu like a charm ; but It was net long bctore tlie Inmates succeeded in making exits Irem ibis hisecureaud unguarded building und would esc.iiK) as fast as they w ere put In. 1 1 Is haid that bemetimes the committed tramps would lie Kick In the cily ahead of the elllccrs who had taken them under process te the work house. It is new a regular resort for them in jhe winter, the eame us our station heuse In the city Is. This Is a matter in which llie county us well as the city is intorestod especially the ceuuty as it has te feet the bills. It 800IUS te me that some arrange ment might be made whereby the county commissioners could be Induced te rebuild tills workheiiHO in a substantial niauiier and enijiliw capablp overBeors te prejKJrly guard the Iruiates and compel thorn te work. Werk Is what llie lnunp dislikes. Other places have been relieved or this nuisance by remedies similar te lids and I have no doubt this arrangement would glve us the same rollerand would lie a p.iylng Investment for the county. Heme of the broken stones new being bought by the city from llie county I am told were prepired In this way. 1 respect fully refer this question U your consldoni censldoni consldeni tlon. CITY ritei-KHTV. The city property Is in gixsl condition, ex cept that the eity hall building is badly In need el'nalutliur and seme renal rs and liu- provemontH. The painting is new being done and the rejialrs mid Impreveuicnts being made by the prejierty ceniinltlee. COUNTY lint. ATKINS. Heme plan ler procuring speedy Holllo Helllo Hollle menls between tlie city ami the comity should be adopted. In tliu nialleroreoulng streets It Is held bv the eetmtv that tliu ellv Is rcsiKHmlblofer all costs that accrue whether the city Is n virly le llie proceedings or net. If a Kilitieii is prewnted le court asking for the eiM'iiIng of a Htreet, and damages are awarded against the county for laud taken, and Ihu county or the individual from whom llie laud is taken apicals, nnd long and ex ex pcusive litigation ensues, the city, though net a iarty in any resieel le the proceedings, is held te lie responsible ami must pay the ex ixinses or Ihu county's or the ludlvldu.d'slaw suit. Acting under this Impression el the law, the mayor's bills against the county for cases dlsjiosed of by him have for years back been retained by llie county cominis-ileners anil no money paid Ihu eity, en tlie plea thai the city Is Indebted le the county ami no money is due the city. At llie same lime after the termination or llie litigation bills aie sent from the prolhenotary'H olllce, ap proved by the liuauce coiuuilllce and warrants drawn en the city treasurer. This has lieeu going en for years and no settlement had be tween the city mid thecnunly. If tlie city Is hi debt te the county let it be ascertained and If net the city lias a rigid te receive its own. I would recommend that councils sjieeially Instruct the city solicitor Intake this mailer in hand and endeavor te getim opinion from llie court as te whether or net thecity Is liable as held Iiy the county commissioners, as well as well as te bring about a settlement lietw ecu tlie city and county. AHSCSSMIINTH. Tlie trim remedy te Is) found ler the Inequality of asHessmeiiLs for taxation pur Ises Is believed by many persons te be le oiiis)wer the liuauce committee te net us a lKKird el review. This would have le be dene by legislation. IIUOIIANAN-MCT.VOY-IIHY.VOMIN Ulll.tUr. ThoceiiimilleoapHiliilod by councils ler the management or the lliieliauau-Mel'vey- Uo.vnelds relict funds, rcHirt that ler the last year lliev had for the purchase or luel r...n:. ..;!. i ,.. ..! t ..l . . iui iiju nnn in miu uuy ei jjaucasiur, via ; Under bequest of Hen. .lames lliiclianan, Intercut en fi.unnrllv heudn, Itiiercciil.. p'l HI UndiT bciiiCHt in 1". jtuKvey, si., lnler- est en (.l.nx) city bends, 0vr cent ISO uu Under bcqiiest of lien. Jaini-s I.. Key nelds, Interest uu $J,VI city beniN, li pur cent -Jfl (0 And Interest en . city bends, ! is-rcent 15 il lUlame fiiini last year 11 Total $ VA 11 lUSIIUUHKlP. Riniiinanlncr .V .lcil'i:ilc, ce.il (7Id 15 Tlies. K. McKlltgett, cleik and ad vertising VI '. t;i n Tlie out was dlstlllmted im fellows, viz : -llews, viz : Jl half teim. SI " II " " II H M it " :ti cs M " " M .. KlrHlWnrd Pi-rend " Tlilnl ' Kiniitli " Klllli hlxlli " Seventh" WgliUi ' Mnlli Total .'171 j. r. iiebi:NMii.i.i:u, Bluyur. JuiiuS, 1KS". Dr. lletenius, the city se .M Men's OrriLK, Oil molieil of liciter was requested te leek up llie aceemiUt eetweeu iiieciiyjmii ceuniy ami u report at the next meeting orceuncils. IIOAUDOP IIKAI.TH OI'I'Il'UIIS. Thotesoltition oflhe lKKird or health, ask ing for Increased salary of the health commis sioner und secretary or the heard or health, were read. Sir. Hurst ell'ered a resolution Increasing the Hilary ol'tlie health commissioner te fJDO, nnd the salary urthe clerk of the beard of health te ?l(H.i. The lesolutleus were adopted. Select council non-concurred. AlTllOl'IIIATINO CITY MONKV. Common council ordinance Ne. 1, appro priating the public; moneys for tlie ensuing year was read a second ami third time, and adopted Iiy a unanimous vole. Select coun cil concurred. Following is the ordinance : Hcctiem 1. Ite It ordained by the Select and Common Councils of the City of Lam-iedcr, Thai llie hii m el One Hundred nnd Smuniy two TlimiHiiiiil, hutcn Hundred Dollars, UI7-ViH.l) buand tliuMitiielSL'sprcl.illy iipireprliitwI lolbe sevenil objects liei-eliiufler n. lined, for tlie llsd vearcoiiiiiieiiulngeii Hie llrsldayef June, A. II., Issj. Te I'.iy Inteieil en leans, Including sinking luud Te jwiy piiiiviliul oil leans, us leijiilred bylaw , Te pay statu tax en leans Te pay for street damages Te pay for repairs of streets Te jiay for grading, liiilterlug, Cross Cress lugs and macadamizing Te pay water w eiks general :. 3.V"1 w l.iiii) en '.',IM1 M) 'j.imii en 7,w () ),nmi (in le.imu en r,.(i ) 7,mi u li,:ii 3i ty nu 1,UJI UJ Te jiuy ler laying waterplpes.. le pay ler siiinnes Te pay loriiellceaiid turnkey Te pay ferllglitlug city Tejiay for lire depuitinent genend.... Te pay for real estate, bells nun strik ing apparatus, Ac., for llre dupait uieiil Te pay salaries of engineers, drivers, Ac., ortlredcpaitiniMit Te pay balance due oil ll,ii,Ul pump.. Te pay dcltcluiicleslu llglitlng le J line, lss5. Abatciiientlorpiiiinptpayiueutef city tax Abatement ler prompt p.iyincnt of wftter rents... lll.l'.V) t r.,s.w i s,7su en !,!) Ul .',7ri en 1,MJ III) l'ertwntimii'riir celtuutluns et linear- .....ui,ir..il.iit.v' . ui mi -Coiillncenelca ' ,'.,,:.. J'1-Tpwu m TO 1AY iiunislt. . Mr, Heard oll'erod a resolution tlTa; Jie ilnaiie coniuilttee lie dlrected te approve tlie r - . . - DlliOl Uljnuiu Jl. liuuvi iui viiu iup.1110 tuaviu the" a,00e,000, pump. The resolution was adopted, and, select council concurred HKl'OKT OV CITY TIIKASUIIEIU ' The report.et the city treasurer for the nieillliwiisjread. It shows that the rocelpU for the jxtst month were ,!8,471.iS, the'iwy- lii0!itsfll,0.43, and that the balance lu the treasury en June 1, was !pl7,( (auX ""; hh6kjne.i'iiik nisi'AnTMKNT iiensus. "5 The resolution mlopteil by solect cetmelV rescinding tlie action of the llre comHiUleo In awarding llie contract ler sneciug inu ueKiiu. incut hoi-ses te Kdward Walker, nnd direct ing thorn te uvvurd the contract te the lowest litilder.as required ey in, uruuijiii uui, mm mm mm sidorable discussion, the drift or which was that as Walker whed the horses for three years te tliu satisfaction of all parties he should have the contract this year, If his bid was a little higher than any ether bidder. The resolution was laid en the table. Adjourned. .'Kf.jieticit run VAUHK." The Itlglil Jure flats the Kpliratu I'ostin.ister I'estin.ister sblp Tills Time, The lelegraphle udvlees of the morning report the appointment of JcroMehlor te be postmaster at Kphrata, vlce Jero lletli, ro re ro nievod for cause. His iipiKiiiitment will glve great Hatisraclleu te the ptilille und te the nomecratio jvarty or Iiincister county, or which 1 he Himoluteo is n voter.ui meiuber. It will be romeniborod that just liofero Arthur's term expired, Jehn Kehleinrhlge, jiostmaster nnd storekeejior at lOphi-uta, re signed his postal olllce und procured the ap pointment el J era Heth, a young nuiu in his employ, for the succession, and the deal was ell'octed. The apHIntment was made with out consultation or the Democrats of the vi cinity, and it was he lransiarently a trick te retain for Seldoiurldge the control nnd profits el the olllce that it excited much Indignation, especially as it had been agreed en all Hides that Sir. 'Mehler was the preper person te be apH)lnled. The f.icts, exactly as they were, were laid before the department, 1'ostmaster (ieuciiil Vilas listened te the story witli much ln ln ln toresL It was parallel with like occurrences In seme ether parts of tlie country, nnd the administration had determined that "no such trick shall sneceed.'' Thore are seme ethor lancaster county cases ripe for " remeval for cause," and a fuwmore heads umy te Mpoctedto drop Hbertly. ABE BUZZAltD CAGED. TiitixuTentuus evrr.A irsimuKNinmti HIMHKI.V AT Till: ,IAIU Ills Vonnldcrule Aillell H.irs ler tliu Ciinnly the I,MJ0 ItuHiird Tlmt Hail llevit j OHercd ferlllnCapliire-Aii lntcrl!ir. A lie's IOiig Crlinlnal Career, hast night between II iilul I- o'clock llieie was a ring at the bell of the Iaueaster county prison uml when Keeper l.tirkholder re sponded he was confronted at the gide by Jehn and Marl lluzzard, brothers or Abe, Ihu ruinous outlaw el the Welsh mountain. Tlie men ciii no In a dark-colored market wagon nnd were net slew hi giving the cause or tlielr visit at lli.il lale hour. They said that Uielr brother Abe do-lred le glve hliuseir up; ul that tlme lie was net far away nnd wauled te gel into Jail. Itefern they would turn him ever, howuver, they wished te be assured that the coast was clear ami thill he would net Ik) molested by anyone who wauled te inake a reward. Asfaras they were concerned they wauled no money, as Abe was willing togive himself up, and was anxious that no one should Hoctire a reward ell'hliu. The keeper assured llie blethers that Abe would net lie lutorfepst with, and he agreed te sign a cor cer tlllc.de te the ull'ect that liu would a'lk for no reward. The Itu.jirds ,agaiu declared that Ihey wauled no liiouey, und U inake g(sd their word willingly signed a like corllllcute. Alter this had Ikjeii dene Mart started idler his noted brother and Jehn remained at the prison gate. The former was gene alieul'JOiiiliiiites, ami when he again diove up te the gale, Abe juuijied lightly from tlie wagon mid shook bauds with Mr. Iltlrk Iltlrk Iiehler ; he did net hoeiii anxious te talk and low qiichiiens were asked him. He was at onee placed lu cell 57 en the npiHjr tior,whero he new is. why aid; Hi'iiiti:Ni)i:iti;i. When It was learned tint llux.ird had beeu returned te the prison there was much excitement In llie cily, and a great many people gathered at the prison this morning with Heme hujs) or seeing the man who has he long been a fugitive. The crowd included county elliciais, icperters and tlie usual col lection el' curiosity-seekers, but or course all were net admitted. Among these at tlie prison were Jehn and Mart l!u.ird, and iikiii Is'lng Inlerviowed they gae tlielr ae ae ceimt or Ihelr brother's Hurrender. They Haiti that fera long tlme Alie has Ihxmi anx ious te glve himself up, but Ihey made an arrangement with Constable Sam ltewmau by which A Ik) was te be used us nu assistant in delecting ami bringing nlsiut Ihu arrestw of the men hi the mountain, who have been lining thieving ler hoiiie time past. Abe was then te give himself up or return le the prison en his own accord. This agreement was made before any rewurd was ell'ered nnd they worenlways willing te rulllll their part. As seen as the reward el $1,000 was placed hihiii Abe, I'.ow I'.ew inim went luck upon tliem as he seemed anxious te get the money, and he began making ellbrls te oll'ect the capture el Abe hhuseir. The result was that Slart, Jehn ami ethers were arrested for aiding Alte in his alleged work. Fer some time past tlie mountain has been Idled with etlleerH, se called " detecth os " mid ethers and all were en the lookout for A lie. The brothers llimlly agreed that he should surrender unit be brought te town by the ether two. They arranged te de this last night and the pro pre gramme was carried out. i:i.iiiiMi Tin; ni:wAuiihi:i;i;i:iiH. All day and last night tlie mountain was llllcd wllli jieojile in seaich of Abe, but the three brothers eluded them and cime Nilely te this cily, thus completely outwitting the ollicers and eery one else. They wanted no reward uml they did net wish any miu eImi te receive it. I'er that ri-ewm they weie very careful uIkhiI bringing Alie b.iek, ami they left him out of town until they had arranged ler his reception with Mr. Ilurk Ilurk lielder. They did net desire Heme hungry olllcer le iiounce down iijieu tliem ami cu cu ture tlie reward at the prison d(sir. WHAT A UK HAVH. AIk) was stared at and interviewed Iiy a number or people lu his cell this morning. He is net as stout as when he left jail, ami Is looking somewhat elder. Te some jKirsens he seemed iloMreus of bilking, while le ethers he was far less communicative. He does net seem at all anxious togive anything away. His Hlery Is about tlie kiiiie as he has told le several newspaper men sllice Irises-i-.iK!,aml contains llllle that is new. In re gard te lil surrender, Ills lale Is tliOK.11110 as related by his bietliers. He declares that Ham llewinan went Uielqn hltn-'JIe com cem plalus blttefly of Ids noeinitatoa le.'lg spu spu Uuee in Jail, ami says tlmljiawllljiet eerve IU He i willing te renialuii -Jail the lull term for crime r -ivhieli' he was guilty, but would rather bdi In Jiis grave than serve the nine years widen were given lilm for crimes that he wCfilniieecnl of. He talks very earnestly and blCu rly el. lliose wiie have Imjcii uttemiHingte caiitureJilm for n reward, lie has spent most or his time.m the lueuntaln slnce IiK oacape, buljef latohe has lioeii obliged la shift for hlniself as best he could, us men were pursuing htm ut overy iKiint, nil Isiing anxious te N-ure the 1.1. .7 . t'l..... nutriul .llu.llt )l,n Dig JIIUUOV. iflivil anvy ,..... "" ;aug 011 llie meunnin, aim) nau uu te Hav 01 inem, 0111 weum mil nuut Iw knew when he get out of prison, wlilch he hoped te be Vible te do.wine tliue. He says that If he would botrealodniditaiid net compelled U) soive Vie, long BenUiice unjustly Imposed, he eeulu lK)er hervkv te the county and could tell thing concern hnr the nienutalii gang which would lela L-iin and in Uk vicinity; am't iraiiClr'mitivs wmif lrl ven.tlie nubltn would s.-arcd v lieliQVe 1 - - - -- "-ik - . . i ..T , , " ,. -1 - rfj. ile lias uoen enargeH w uu jjemj; engageu Ulilerwit tlihS. warncl Iilt6mip, wheu Imi XAVheuh"1 Knew that otvier "ihi;f JiW ,1' lekligA Mm. Annniiiili4 till) )MH.iWd cluiuge came eyer 81 1'VftJEM wai'wtaiitw $- J"4li.l 01 uie money, ado rvie (WHriuin- jiie man sbeulif becoine iVuJ-i 'Tlv 111. clWii'O. and that was 0110 el Uw pMfiijJau'i Kf '. IIU nail iur kiviiik .umiw !. f RiyUmt he wai out i;ihUs stale but t weeks shu he Jias Insiii'yca fugitive and j de nies mat no was wiui,imnaijippiiu-eni ia UIO Xlgnt lliai niO'iaiujweniiwii ti Ci lumiila, Willi a 101 mui; juwcirj.- stories told bv lieWsTWWtl and brothers lu regard hi his being lu iAiiqiLfar-. at dlllereut times, liu t'oislaresto (10 falsi l.r no was never iieresmcuuugrvav --miu-u f MlV Hit delivery. ( ' ., Abe intimates in his conversation thn biieuH seiiinthliiL' id out" the hlnviltr glary and sheeting, In t will net tell It 1 DO gelS Olll Ol lllll. ll liunuuuwn ihiu mew, the dotectlve, as a Inlet JIp say his brolher Juke ii ?n ene oeeaslou c down from hancuster 0 Uie nietintaln lw,ivu ut iiiitiirhiir 111 ul. He left Werd il'if. lint 1110 villi rith fhe iter his niother that K Juki did net teke cai would have him In jail, wnqrc upon uie 1 ion. 1 Abe Iluzzard Is th rty-throe years ei und stands 11 ve feet, nUieTand throe-qu inches lilgli. He Juw' blnek pyw and and Is new wearing ri nhert, creppy, , meustache. He talks rilucr intelligent!., bus a pretty geed opln'eri efhUn.seH. jr? s tub nei.nxsT evxjusbuxzami Uev lowing a Counieer!rtiioTli!tjlle,Sii eiitcii Ytmn Age. Tliu career or Abe llurd, who lias caged ut last, has been Unparalleled 1 criminal annals or luinawler teunty. at no Utano Itnplleated 111' auyer the li order br crimes, such BS.,homleldeor t 1.1., 1I1. l.w.uv, ,111,1 KkilleiM a thief has caused hi name te be lild in iofer I' dlstricti where he carnee. w.i AliiaiU JV k r. 1 -k I WwtJAxCL bctr.ui.HU yHawi,, &m berger, at Mt Ale'W '"XT' The criminal repgi-dtf C Net l,'.fi l.nw tlmt for this elfetwe Abe B( fc recelveil au liuprlsonuMmtef SO dV. UW Jnke, because ei his yvttk iMHltlMt H w Luk Ilrst o(leiiHe,was sentenced te only Ien hours' Imprisonment. The leniency of (he court, however, scorns te have Ix-eii without avail, for 011 August IP, iKii1.), Abe is found en trial with his brothers, Murt and Jehn, ler larceny and receiving stolen gecsls. The evidence showed that llie defendaulM had Isjcn arrested ut Iloamslewii with 77 ehlckens lu their ihjsschsIeii, the pre(ierty or Adam lludy and D.iyid Hess. I'er this oll'ense all Ihroe llilzzanls were round guilty, and were sentenced le uudorge nu Imprisonment or six mouths each, and te r.y 11 line and the costs el the suit. iiHUiM.r.ss ok thi: waunineh. The jump Irem ten hours' imprisonment te iicenllnement Ter six mouths seems net le huvedisturltcd A lie's eipianlmity, for alter his term bad expired he was seen found Implicated in mere thievery. On Janu ary a 1871, he was ngain lu the toils of the law for the old nll'enses, of larceny uml receivingstoleii goods. Mart was also wllh him in this serane. which con sisted or tlie HtO'iling from the premises of 1k.hu nichniend, or I'ast Karl tewushli), en the night or July II, 1H7I, of 11 quantity r meat .Seme of the stolen prejwrly was found in Murl'H house, uml humid his brother, AIki, were given two years uml nine mouths each in Jail te expiate their wrong-doing, ins iiix'eitn as a JAit,-niu:AKi:n. II was during tlilslast mentioned term that Ihi.zard began his career as u jail breaker, which was tlie elder cause or the notoriety he has obtained ever the country as a dosperuto robber. The first oscaie from conlliiemonl was made en August 5, 1871, when Alie and Murt lliivard ami Win. Marshall obtained Uielr liberty by culling through tlie Hit reef or llie basket Hhep, where they werked, and then by u ladder going ever the prison wall. Ile remained ut large ler four years, during a large Kirt or which time lie ileli.mtiy pursued his evil course at his home 011 the lAibaiieu and Lancaster line, net far from Colebrook. Ile was captured en August 15, IS7I, by oiilcers Swunk and Sterinl'ullz, who chese tlie dead hour or night le secure their prey. Nine days afterwards, en August 15, 1N7H, lie was sentenced te two yers impris onment for his acterjall-hrcakmg hi August, 1ST I, the term le begin with the expiration or Ills two years unserved Hcnteiiee ut the tlniohe brouejail. (ioed conduct while In Jail served te com mute his sentence and in IS.S! he was again at liberty. Net long, howevor, did he tlius remain. The records or the quarter sessions court for April 1!, 18S1, show that he was found guilty or burglary nnd felonious entry, lie was sentenced te thirteen years impriHemeiit, his brother Joe receiving four years ut tliu Kama time. This is the sentence, nine years of which Abe legnnls as very unjust. The court in impos ing the sentence awarded seven years for the breaking Inte tlie slore and heuse or Ceerge W. Slciumetz, or Clay j four years for 1 11 cak ing Inte the store of Charles II. Ceiger, ut (uarryvlllu ; and two years for entering tlie shop or Ikiuc ltcckcr, at Clay. Abe strenu ously denies that he had anything te ile with the Hint or last crimes, but admits his guilt as te tlie second. As is related above, lie says he would rather die than serve the un just nine years' sentence. evnit thi; n.viti)i;.v wai.i- Oii May 2 1, 1SS-J, ten of the long-term pris oners oscayed from the Jail by cutting u hole through the wall of tlie room in which they were working at cigar-making. They Healed the wall hyincanset a riqie made from e:irH)t yarn. Abe and Ike lllizard were hi this baud, Alsjwas rtxsiptu red 011 Sejitem iHjr'JL', 1SSJ, In I'phraU by Consbible Jenes and II. C Oemiierliug, a former member or the iMillee force or tills city. He was sur prised while ut a game efcanls, made a stout resistance but was dually overpowered. Here he remained until the famous "bird cige" jail delivery of Ocloler 10, lbSX Tin: " IIIKD-CAOi: " IIIIYS. When he made this last cscajie it was through the clever work of ids brother Ike. Twelve el' Ihu long term men went out at the lime, and just hair or that number have Imjeii returned. Jehn Clltt'erd -was enlighten the Kphrabi lulls after being shot. He was there lu com umy with AImj lUiz.irtl, and Isith were isjing closely pursued by citizens. Abe then made his escape. Alex, hciiian was lakeu in a small town in New Yerk. Oeorge trimmer was uext captured ut llarrlsburg alter giving llie elllccr a big chase and ro re celving a bullet in the hand, lke liuzard had licen with him and cst-iped le Is) eaught sliertly afterwards in Chicago. Joe (Ireir was recently captured oil the Welsh mountain by Constabie llewinan, and tlie story of A bes return is given alieve. The hall dozen who yet remain at large are Merris ISrlcker, Win. Clark, lMward Deck ami (Jeerge Watklus, burglars, Jehn Wert, llre bug, and the famous Jehn Krankferd. Charles (iibsen, and Jehn Lippiucett, who were caught within the ast year, did net go with the 'bird-eage" boys, but had geno be bo be fere that. There is a bid gang in the Lan caster county prison at present, and unless extra precautions are taken by the ollicers of Uie institution, tin) newKjiapers will be lur ui.shedvvlUi, alie ther big item one of these line summer aierniugs, The Jlliitlin for tlie Surrender. TbelUizzard lxiys nre pretty smart and are capable ofieeiug as far uhcad as anyone. It Is. generally; believed that the surrender of Abe will be nr great beuellt te him and that It may noive'lo lighten his Hoiitenca It Is likely that an ell'ert will Ik) made te have the liTno-yenr term lakeu oil' by the beard of par par dens and many liellovethat It will le success ful. IJuitoe iiuinhererinllueiitLil poeplo hi the nelgliDerlKHxl of the mountain have lukeii an ' interest hi Alx) and they think that 1 he was convicted of mere crimes than lie was guilty of. The story that he tells in regard te the iKirpotndieu of tliu many direnses with which liu hail lieen charged, are Iwlleved by many, who knew him, te be true. Much Hymimthy Is expressed for tlie mini and theso who have had oiiior eiiior oiiier tuultbjsortulkiiigwith him, think that ir the Senpj, sentoueii was taken oil" he would net enb Ud the ollicers in putting 11 let of bad jneii In Jail, hut le-ad a dlllereut life himself. Tiiere pre plenty el gisxl citizens who hoeiii tphikeau Interest lu him and with all the stones told alsnit him no 0110 need bu sur prised at his pardon. Tlill'.HKASlH IN UICIKl'. ((Hid ltadageiMl night last night. .... -r' K6iluand Ward pleaded net; guilty of 4V im-jw. lateenv.lii New. Yerk this lnerniug; Jiwju.'We'wAS ppstponeil until tlie 15tb Instant 'JM !mui Pl" "TOJOUOO IJUUUIIlg ill V"1""161 Tt hi ohesbiut street below Fiftli. was nut tt int. r.'f 11, vmvpiiwuii ehw. uwun iiui. JjVj)r wle Hiw morning, but no bid was re. 'VL?Vt. Y,.- .. i...i .. l.l.l .....u V. ?. D.i Cox'e. a w'eU known VittsburK news- he'TTmi, r man, luuiboen unacoeuntably mlalug we Arf the city Bjnee Menuay jasu- no is saw VyH"l"'l:i..l.!... ...III.' I. I.n .,... i,,nnu .. fl llulLl) ttinCU 414 Mllll wwiw nwitvj mu- u til nlhnrs. fwrtment or state isauviseu inaij iqt Q uatemala has, :v of ten iier and stWbdseiiieiiU or 'mr-. rte4 after April afck ' . eburfhi out hat been houmeu or 1 teHmasiiiir lk duty; OHTAmeriaaa' rye J wpertw,glwUi fUuViiifty v.frem. 0110 te' Mirwks njsnliundred kilograms. h riun. J. n.lTillvler. of Wisirelisln. llllll Sf. 11I. ltowley, Dakota, are lu Washington with a delegation te urge me prosiuem. 10 carry out rraddent Arthur's erder openlng te Hot Het Hot tlemeut the "Winnebago and Crew Creek I11 I11 dlunrtwcrvtttlen. ThO'postetllco et houlsvllle, Kansas, was enterea lwt alght by burglars,the sate blown oieii and ite contents, consisting et inouey .orders, rogi,terod lottera, stamps and inoney stelen. II. C. lnher ixistnmster at Fisliortewn, Indian Territory, who has Indian bleed In his veins, ha resiirned bocause of llie decision of tlie at te it py general that Indians ure in- eiigiute te 1 ma l'oaerat oiiices. ! Uem Win tlie Mutch. HAN KnA-vuiHCe, Cat, June 1. A mlxed Wrestling 11 atch, fourstyles, botween Duiieau 0. llessaM iChireuee Whistlerlast night was wen by Kwu. Whistler wen Oraeco-lteiiiuu, mid eh4Ih i-catch-can ltess winning collar-and-elbew: ml side held. The deciding bout by teas.'t'Vas wen by Ites. who selected oellar-wid-t Ibew, throwing Whistler uud wimiiug tli 1 match. "'' 1JfV? ' (JlAm Old Ainu OcU Teu Yearn. lUbTi Jf in:, Md., June 4. Harris Weln Weln Weln Uauw.'avetiorable looking Ilobrew. was te- tiJy,Bi4';ituilty or receiving stolen goods firepa'Jtw' pjtorieus nogre burglar, Butler 'Mho wmi sent te the penitentiary a short illme fkwp flr SO yc irs. Weinbauiif was ueu- 1BI10W I years in. the penitentiary. IWfFAtM'H JHHASTltUUS Villi:. A Vuull.igrntlun Hint ltiirnitit t'reperly Valued ut 1170,000. llUFKAte, N. Y., Junel. AlK)utiiildnlghl last night lire breke old lu the North llullale planing mill and shlngle factory owned by Themas Thompson. The llnnies spread rapidly and lu less than an hour tlie wholeor the preiierly en the Tenawunda street side or the creek was all en lira Sliertly alter 0110 o'clock the firemen get the flames under control. The mills were built alsjut lwenty-Hlx years ege and consisted of a two-story fniiiie building al)out M) by 30 feel with u brick addition alwut 35 by -0 feet and n s.iw mill about IM feet north north caster the planing mill, whleli were all burned. The less en the building, maehl- nery, lunilieriind llnlshcil stock will reach le about 70,000 with an Insurnnce et M0,(KK). On the decks opjiesilo the mill en the oilier side or the creek were plied nlieut l.OOOJM) loot 01 ltimuer, most el It helng ISII"lilgnn whlte plne, which was saved. The origin or llie lire Is unknown, but It breke out In the planing mill. Mr. Thomiiseii nays he does net think he will rebuild the mill. Dextruttlie 1'lrin In a DIhhkik Imxvtlx Tiihii. Danvkiis Cknthi:, Mats., June 1. The shoe factory or K. and A. Mudge .t Ce., ami a barn belonging le tlie firm were burned te the ground this morning, hess fbO.Ooe te f 100,000 j Insured. D. S. llrewn's grocery Hlore was also de stroyed. hosHf.'t,euo; Insurance fl.&ea Alse a dwelling heuse occupied by Iluel Jamoseii and Miss Jennie llebbius, who saved noth ing. ltNVlWNTKlllin 1IOSTH.U 1.XV1AXS. A Scout WI111 t'uinii Ne-irly- M.tl.lng a I'.ital Mlntjiku. Wi.NNinui, Man., June I. SergoantJaek SergeantJaek SergoantJaek seu, el' the raugers, ut Medicine Hat, while out scouting 30 miles south or thai place, met a band or 10 Indians. Supiiesing them te be ISloeds, wiie nre friendly, he made signs hi thorn, but wasanswered by shots. He struck for cover and held the Indians at bay until his ammunition was exhausted. Then lioNbirledforeumpntSIcdicIiio Hut Slaier Hlewart started hi pursuit with his scouts, but no collision Is yet reported. Tlie Indians ure supposed b intend n night ntlick en the men working en theiialtrallwuy nnd capture their Hteek. It is said that Indians are com ing from the .Southern line te join the Indians from the North which the rangers will try te provenL A courier rrem Middle Middle ten who arrived ut Datllcferil yoslerday says that O011. Slrauge has had engagements with Dig Dear but the results are net known. Sliddleteu was net 3 miles rrem Illg Dear's camp, but the latter is rcirted le have geno rurther north. Illg Hear sent a (lag or truce te Sliddlolen, but the messenger was killed by n shell. 1'atal Allmy Over llnrM-s. hAUitiie, Tex., June I. News reached here late last evening from S.uu Walcott's niiich, this county, that a sheeting ullray ck' cured thore yesterday, in which Juan Sogelbio, assistuit foreman of the ranch, was killed by Clcote Iluentoe, a shepherd. The body or the murdered man was taken te Kneiual, l!i miles distant Kive shebi were 11 roil by liuentee, ene of which struck llie victim, causing insb-ml death. It is mip IKwed the trouble uiose ever a dispute ulxiiit a horse. The murdercr cssipeil. It Is thought he is making for tlie UioCramle te crew Inte Mexico and elllccrs are en the look out up and dew 11 the rlv or for him. l.iutai;liii llreuk of a lleMtrvuir. he nu. mejjt, Cal. Jnne I. At neon yester day the Heaver park reservoir hi Seuth Vrain canyon burst, causing great datnage te the surrounding country. A torrent estimated le have Ikjcii I'M feet high rushed down the canyon carrying away bridges, houses, liarns and everything which obstructed its path and Heeding the adjoining country. Se far as learned no lives were lest, but the damage le crops and meadows along thn lowlands was very great The reservoir, an iiiiinonse atlair covering many u".res, supplied water for the highland ditch which traverses a large section or country adjacent te the mountains. Shet 111 Klial In L'lumli. Chattanoeoa, Teim., June I. During tlie progress or a revival meeting at a church in D.ilten, (In., Kmery Clark entered, brand ishing two revolvers. He delilwrately inarched up Ihonisle until he c-.mie opjiesilo a man named Sam Wutkius uud began bring. Watklus was shot through the head, and Clark lx.'g.iu liring indiscriminately. The assault was made bocause Watklus had taken his swoelhourt te church. Watklus Is dying. After the sheeting the congregation sur sur sur reunded the church. Clark steed at bay until ollicers arrived uud arrested him. The War of Itntea. Quinine, June I Sir Henry Tyler, SI. I., president of the (imnd Trunk railway; Jes. Dicksen manager, uud party lull at 10 o'clock this morning for Island Pend uud l'ertlaud, oil a tour of inspection ortlie eastern section el the read, thence they go te Dosteii uud New Yerk te attend in the latter city uext Tuesday, tlie meeting of tlie oxceutive com mittee m" the Americuu Trunk lines, ut which attempts will be madote terminate the pre pre eold war in freight rates. Sir Henry ex presses himself In favor of uu equitable pool peel ing urrungemciib Te Uu Around the World. Ni'.vv Havhn, Conn., June !. The 275 ten yacht "liunihlldy'! of the. New Yerk yacht ,eluu, owned by Jeh'u J. I'lielps, son of Wjn. Walter I'lielps, is new' here. She will seen Htart en a thrce year eourse around -the world tikingilve of tlioewnors classmates at Yole. Tbojveyago will be te Lngland tbonce te l'-gypt and through Uie Suez canal, llionve te Calcutta, Kingapore, China, Japan, Sand wleli rwlrttillH. M.111 lr-im.tiui niirifl around Uie Hern. HUejjyT $ cminensaiwvuui,, HU.,Und wltu rJll03 loriiuuu5!.n.leiiH. ' 4 .Cfearced With Hurtleriup IIU Mletrew. Vioteiha, II. a," June -tiW. Drewn, n ,'yeung,uitti well,cenuelted, wisrough'te Kwuloejifroialdoa'chargoirwith iuraerinKjMary-i-urceii, a woman Willi whom Ills "sahl he was living. Her body was found lu the Columbia river wllh her head badly cut Drewn says she was acci dentally drowned. He claims that his home is in Chicago. l'lcndlsli Cruelty te a Child. Dixen, III., Juiie I. Mrs. Nettio Jehnsen, of Franklin Grove, was arrested last oveiilug for cruelty te her child, a llttle girl of six years. The clilld disobeyod her, and It is charged, she held Its hands en a het steve until they were buriiodte a crisp. In delault or ball she was Heiit te the county Jail te await the action of the grand jury, which meets uext Octebar. Mura Anar.lil.U Uxpelled rrem Nwltzerlanih DisiiNi:, June t The Swiss goveruinont continues Its crusade against the Anarchist's prejKiganda. Twenty-ene Austrian mid Wur man Aliurclilsts were te-day expelled from Switzerland hy the authorities. A Veiuiel strike a Whali). According te u dispatch from Providence, Captain Nathaniel D. Church, or the men haden fishing steauier, (Jeerge W. Hum Hum jihrey, has reported as fellows : "On Monday eveuing, whlle eir Fire island, the steamer was running about ten miles an hour wiUi a lead of 2,000 barrels of ilsli,w)ien she struck a whale. The shock was se great that tlie on en on glncer and ilreman were knocked down. An olllcer reports that Uie whalonppe;irod te him after the collision te be i.early cut through." ON CAPITOL HILL llAltlllHlillUU 3tAV NUT ltAVK TltK BV- 1 ! .............. w. ..;.. .wtjnLi Jigx. W t.ipii,w b.1 rtiiiriivt n-, 1 v,u..,.. . u Hie lllll (11 fiullier Tlillt Iiiteiilleii l)etmld In Hie Henate Tlie IIIuciiimIeii of it lllll lu the lliiuse te lipiallzn CnMrn- lluti uml IjiikI Tatallim. llAitnisiiuitd, I'm, June 1. The hill re quiring the supreme court te held all its ses sions In this city was defeated In the Henate te-day, yeas 15, nays 31. Tlie Philadelphia and Allegheny county senators voted solidly against the bill. The Heuso bill authorizing cities and bor oughs te pension llremcn and policemen for injuries received whlle In tlie employ of such municipalities was passed finally. In the Heuso, te-day, the bill directing the auditor general ami Hlate treasurer te an nually 11 x tlie rule or taxation en the capital Hteck and shares or private corporations sub ject te tax, tlie proceeds el which shall be HUfllcieut when added te ethor state taxes te cover thoesllm.ited amount oflhe annual state expenditures, was considered en second road read lK. lloprescntallvo Kheno, miister or the Stale (Inuige, Patrons of Husbandry, made a piemplHpeix-h in favor or the bill. He pre sented figures le hIiew that whlle corpora tions paid less than f'J,000,000 a year, real os es os tilewastaxodrorloc.il jiurposes &0,000,000. The bill was Intended tosccureu mero equal distribution or tixatien, The And socUen was adopted ; yuis 100, nays CJ. The eno ene mles ortlie bill Ihen r.ivored au adjournment, which will kill it, unless a Bpeclul erder is llxed for its consideration. The members from the large cities gonerally voted against and the country members for the bill. H'ASHlXtlTO.Y NllHS. .Nuw Olllil.in Apimlnted Henry Ward llectlier' Sen (lets 11 l'l.ice. Wahhinote.v, D. C, June -1 The presi dent te-day made the following appoint ments : llerliert Teele, Deecher, collector or cus toms for the district of Puget Sound in the state or Oregon and territory or Washington; Archibald Skillmau, collector or intcrmd revenue, for the district or Navmfa'PIfaker P. hce, collector or ciikIeiils ter the dis trict or Yorktown, Virginku Herlwrt Feete lleeeher, apiehiled colli-cter of customs for the district of Puget Sound, is a seu of Henry Ward lleeeher. The following commissions of postmasters worealso signed : Andrew Horden-, ut fcSjierla; III. ; Willie E. Touvelle, Cellna, Ohie; Jacob Odell, Turry Turry tevv 11, N. Y. j Charles li Weeks, Jamestown, N. Y. ; Samuel SI Hmeail, I'eud Dti hue, Wis. ; Willis H. liales, Denten, Texas ; Jas, K. Kackley, Vincoiines, Ind. Jehn J. Dud ley, NewiM)rt, K. ll. ; Charles W. Webb, Andersen Court 11 Ui, s. C. ; Sir. Sfary H." S. heng, CharIelle ifllle, Va, What V U-t IIm Dene. V. Wahhinote.v, 1 C, Junei Alt nrntiiliHl In llinnll if Ihn luwmil nu(l poslinaster genenn te-day, t,hWi( that tfttW changes 111 1110 uun-ial cost 01 tne, le.swti sir- .., ... ? ...,,...... ,...,!.. .,...Jj'il vice irem .iirii isi 1 eiay e)i, .iicijm.mi .fiiixnii'i iiy ))( vuvw.11 " viij ) or ? I5,li0is of whltU" amount tSljf'iSjJ Ihosteain.HUtservitiv i fai net decrease 817 were in the Oen. HiinecnuiH Drawn I'rtie. ,-' r ."S5j W(uimhiitiiv. II. . .rutin 4.i( T H f-f.Vi, ---. - ;-i-- ---rr..' "" sJ liesecraus was mis minioenupioini'Kin"gis iy ter el tlie treasury. -., . AMv' - -im Wauled for tenrhig InClilence. .rirS Ciiiuaiie, June I. It Is rojHwled Uiat Ui0tlt; police iiave sent au .Hirer U? N;owi.Yerlt te fti1 arrest and bring t Chjcage J. J. CalVertMjlJ 11 lii ii-.ivl ,irr.it..ifwl (,1 Oi.it .,il. 'v,!nHlI nTkj iiifirtiliif- fdeiri.iiil wtlli nvialit.p m. f.rtrtl titty tr check at the Westm usler hetaL It is said Miv.i ii... 1 .!..... ,t... ..1. ......i .. 1. .. .. . 11... e... Tiu.f)i James O' Nell I uppe wed 8V llie Acadeiuy Of'i'jsai; Music in "Slonle 'rjHte. le luul largi)'A iu.ib.ueuiiii3inii v4 me nuiu ,iv tn iiiiiti Vr "v sums of money, am succeeded. In hlgretiaif. r intr himseiriute theenntldcnce 'of inoinbers- or O'Neill's cemp.11 v, aseisa Inte Hint ufmT uuuviuiiai wiie an -an ecu iiiui ;iei upon, what proveil te lie worthless, clieeks. The Chlmge end or the case i' luveDi)diii,'a' mystery future dovclepiiionts nirrst dpi t turmliie. k Ile was Liken b( fere Judire llanimenlk tuS" in llullale, N. Y., vwterday aiflernoen tin St -(W- further writ or habeas cerjius. Ile. was ,' -i, turned evor te the S . houXsautberiUcs. ' JZ&f, - .-. . - v& A NuuKiianer ltefcHd) te He IHsclnUned. ""'" KT....r -V-.....' T...w I f.. )1.n lal- t.f M..,. urtcrwards began ti ring Uie reports of, tthat, f assoeiaiieu, suppiemcuiai 10 inose 01 hju av sociated Press. In doing this it followed llie. a oxnmnle of man v ethor -Assoclited .PriiwSt. papers, Including 1 10 New Yerk A'ijn, the Washlncten J)3f. the Clneinnatl KitaiiirtrT 111.1Y 1UIII1, U lllll. I. -VI MV JM Ul iJtJkJ m 1J the llochester ie.v-AVjrcM purchased 'tCtpP franchise in the I tilled Press and, shortly & the Columbus Dcsj riA and, the, inttslutrg?' Chreniclc-Tclcjrai . A- nioelng' e,P he $W'l state AssiK-iateii t'ress was caiieu anu.iaUjHia ainciulment te tlie ey-iavvs was aoetaoT prohibiting any Statu Press Jwrjers from tta ins the news ofthel'iiltud Presaen riiver oxnulsleii. Hut the lit Entreats refuseilrtttK: , ."..... .......... , ...... .. i...i .ih-.l'.tl 4i IH) (iiscilMinuu. mu fuinik uiu nvuiv umv,,; .yx ne.1 ia.t;ii aii-ijiuiiiiuii 4IU1H iiiuiuiiuiwiHv 'r.r9 W-fh association of wlilcli.ll hay been am'eiitb'rf(ff '.. !".J i. i.i ......i ,i.r..l iiX'ii.n.fjX ......... .......... .ei.rt ..r.bn'r iiAui.tnuf mvIi r liiaiijr i;iii.. inu in tivn mi iimuvii ewiw 1 critieized an all sides. Ha Tldlugu at Hcett. . Kiiw Yentf, Jutie 4.-.Je clua tettnj Aviiureaeuuui vi jiuiaiuiiij vli"mWkwmUci tt5 hank; of uu MnmmfiZZZ:'h& vetT??: boenrouno, Assistapi-Tr-.. v .r-., . Uly,i bank, inferniKif ,, .,.,,. n.-u, i.rf.W that laiJIflCnu nv.irv muuin fill- Hiftr littlLJ- & Scott had (led te Canada. 'He liad'-ne ,,Ti;' doubt but what he would be heard front 1 ,tff seen, aucroed detectives wore'werklinron tliet' Much syiniMiUiy la oxpressod for the wife t, mid aged mother. It is UiUd 'that lita' mQlhera cltomeutv-and -Ihe'-physIciiurTittcnding lier fears Unit tho'sheck may result in her death. uAt Plukerleu's dotectlve bureau netliing had been heard or the missing man. Tlie llvknliiii l'ly und tlie Clinch ling. Tei'iiiCA, Kansas, June t The Hocrelary ortlie beard oragriculture has net yet glven out Ids' report en the status or the wlieat crej". Frem private seurces it is leamed tliat the Hessian lly and clinch bugs are making sad liavoe and it Is net holleved new that the state will luirvest evor tlfteeii million te twenty million bushels of that crop. WHATlIUll riWllAlULITIES. The Ceudltlun of the Haremeter nnd Tlier Tlier lueiiieturund IndlcutliiiiH for tlie Merrow. WAsiiiNHTey, 1). C, June 1. Ier the Slhldle Atlantic states, local rains with slightly wiirmer weather, southerly winds uud fulling barometer. . tiecul rains have fallen lu llie hake re gion, the UpiKir Mississippi and the Mis. seurl and Ohie Villi eu; olsewhoro fair w eather lias prevailed. The winds are gen erally variable in all dlslricla, except tlie hevver hake region uud New England, where they are southwesterly. The teinporuture has risen slightly In the hower hake region and Ohie Vulley j It has fallen In the Upper hake region ; olsewhoro It bus remained neaily sUitlenary. Feu Viiiiiay hecal rains are Indicated for New Kngland, the northern portion of the Sllddle Atlautle statca and Uie hower LaUe region, and fair weither in the seuUi em portion of, the Sllddle Atlantle states and In the Gulf states,. ft H: :i'.i A- ' m T s m ' i m m .iJfiS , -m& jm Mi rm & -M ikZ w't a m i "v -1 '-'li hi' '.''.- . . i '. 1 1 r 1 I ,'J. .ii ,v.