w Tt. IF v""1- V1, f , 'J - ' hCT !?.. lb. I-' SCqje uaitfagte m m wfi re mi r. VOLUME XXJNO. 233. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, JUNE 3, 1885. PHICE TWO CE fir; i aaiMltll . wwWMWTnraaiBmir7 wj uww TYTiM'VrfY BaarZS9arrjBaiBBL2rEL-' - ANTI-DISCUIMINATION BRXATOlt WAVE ACE PllOVLAlMH THE J5.1IJJ Of STATE POLITICS. Keptildhmi Chairman Cooper Lead the lt.iU te for llie Corporation unit I'lliic the (iiiiintli't of Open Dellnuce Full In llie l'ure of the I'ceplu. In thoScuule at llarrlsburg en Tuesday the Loa-Wullace anil-discriminatien freight bill, which h:iH been pending en the cnlendur for six wceks (a measure en the same sub ject having been dofeatod in the Heuso), caine tip or special reading ns llie special order. Tl Ht section, declaring all rail- raids mi. Is te be common cnrrlen, glv- ingral lipauies the right te cress or lie reads of the ethers, requlr- inter? ingtheir Kitispbrt without delay or dls- crlmlnatlen, etc, was declared by the chair, eiijn viva yoce wtcvtiot'hgreod t0- '1'he yvMnd limn were nt onee deinandcd, and MrWallaee tCIearneht), called niton niten niton tleli te the fact that the section merely con tained tlioyupress words of the constitu tion. , Mr. nonnlnger'ffLolilgb), wanted te knew whether thore was objection te declaring that railroad companion w'ore common carriers. He said he knew the companies would Ilka te be also miners or innuufeeturcrs, but he thought the legislature mighlvonture te tiny Dial tlielr business Bheuld be thai for which Ihey wero incorporated. "., Tlie section was then carried yea1 , 24 ) nays, 13. rending consideration ofthe fourth soclleii,v providing ler publlclly or rales, Mr. lluiucs (Crawford) moved a substltute con lining the postingef rrelght schcdules te stations and te freight within the commonwealth. Mr. Lee (Venango) gave nollce of an amendment, which lie had read by the clerk, and w hiuli he proposed te eiler te a subse quent section, making mere dolluite the criminal prevision ofthe sixth section. The amendment coufiues the penalty te a lailiue te iest the schedule, or te charging mero or less than schedule rules ; and prevision is made that the schedule Is te be posted only within the sUte and te apply only te points within the state. Mr. Ilenulngcr (Lehigh) moved a provi previ sion reciting the constitutional prohibition against common-carrying coriierations en gaging in mining, manufacturing, etc, and declaring that a violation of the prohibition shall cause a forfeiture of the charter of the oll'endlug corporation. Mr. Cooper (Delaware) thought it useless te censume time en the bill, as at this late stage ofthe sosslen it could net be considered by the Heuse, lle therefore moved the in in in dolluite postienomont of the subiect. Messrs. Hcuiiliiger (Lehigh), Emery (Mo (Me Ke.m), Loe (Venango) mid ICenncdy (I'hllu delphia) opjtesod the motion, and Messrs. lleyburii (Philadelphia) and A till (Alle gheny) favored it, Mr. Lee explained that, as proposed te Ik) amcndul, the bill would boentirorydlll'orcul from the one acted en by the Heuse, and that its passage by the Heuse quite probable if sulllcieut tline for the purpose remained. Argulng'te show the necessity ler the bill, he said he thought the declaration of Vrosldeut ltoberts of the Pennsylvania railroad, that u detective could net discover what wero llie freight rates tocerlalnxiuLsactiiallycliargod by the Pennsylvania railroad company, fur nished a sullleleut reason for that prevision of the measure which contemplated publicity of rates. The result of enforcing the prin ciple contended for by Mr. ltoberts, that large shippers are iutillcd te a rate net given te small shippers, would be that the latter would be driven out by the former until all trallle would become centred in the hands of a few. Mr. Lee continued at some length, cithig from the census returns of ISM) te show Unit the decline In values and population In railroad towns in Pennsylvania, as compared with Hiuts similarly situated in New Yerk state, where uniform and equal freight rates are enforced, was due te railroad freight dis criminations. At the altorneou session the discussion of the subject was resumed, and Mr. Humes speke ut eonsiderablo length in support of the bill, and was lollewed in brief lemarks by Messrs. Loe. Kiuery and Wallaee, also in favor of llie inoasure. The latter appealed te Ids Domecratlo associates for unity of ac tion, and remarked Unit if he hud physical power and ability te lead his party ill the coming contest for govorner, and it Senater Lee was net the Republican candldate, he thought the Democrats would win the elec tion en the issue presonted by the bill and kindred questions, despite the recent 80,000 innlerityagalnst them. Mr. Cooper explained that under the rules a two-thirds vote would be required In the Houseto take, up the bill, and .Mr. Wallaee assented te the correctness of the statement. The vote en Mr. Coepor's motion te iost iest iost h)iie the subject indefinitely resulted' us ,1'ollews : Tlcas Messrs. Adams, A till, ltiddls, Heggs Copper, Grady, Harlan, II nil', Koefor, Mo Me Mo Ateor, McNeil, Meredith, Osbourn, lteylmrn .Smith, Steele, Thompson. Upperiiiau and Mylin-m Nays Messrs. Agnew, llrunndr, Kmery, Cebin, Hart, Hennlngcr, Hess Hughes, Humes, Kennedy, King, Lee, Lougnecker, Maefarlune, Nelsen, Kess (Yerk), .Solhel .Selhel mer, Stehmau, Sutten, Wagner, Wallace, Willing, Watrcs, Williams and Wotvcrten 'J.V Se the motion was negatived. Mr. Coepor thou moved te postjieno the subject for tlie present. Carried. Yeas, 'Zl ; nays, 21. The vete was tlie same as bofero except that (lebin, Itess (Yerk), Wagnerand 'Williams, who had veted against ludeliuite iostpono iestpono iostpeno incut, responded in favor of the motion te temporarily postpone. Mr Sutten did net vete. Mr. lilddls, who previously veted yen, new voted in the negative. Senater Hall voted en neither motion. HIS 1HD NOT KSOW IT. Hew mi )lleule rnrtlmin Came te Sonie Knouleilge of lllinsi'ir. A story is told of oue of tlie heads of a divi sion in the Treasury deiurtment whose re signation was asked for and who went te see Socretary Manning with a view of gettlng seme mitigation of his sontenco. He was re ceived with much kindness by tlie secretary, wlieuskcd him ii he had net all along antici pated remeval when a Democratic adminis tration should ceme in. " I really cannot see," said the secretary, ''hew you could expect anything else." The Republican ellldal demurred te tills, and said that he had faithfully performed his duties, was net a iiellticlau, and no oue had complained of him. " "Well, new, us te Hint," said the secretary, til will let von be the ludire veni-hclf. Here area niloef letlciM wlileli I lme received from lKHinle in your district. Head them ever and let me knew Jfyeu think it Deme emtie secretary ought Te be blamed for ask ing you te give way for a Democrat." Tlie ex-bureau chief read evor the hitters with ama.ement. His sins rose up in judg ment uvaiiMt him. He was pronounced by the writers te be red het in his politics, and a frequent correspondent of Republican uows uews papers, extracts from his letters being ap pended. Ills Journeys home at election tlme were noted, reimrts of his speeches nt town meetings wero given, and his immedlate re moval wits demanded as tlie only tiling Unit would pacify his Democratic neighbors. When lie had get through with the batch of letters he handed them back te the secretary. ' I havu't nnether word te say," Mid he. "Ifl weie In your place I would de Justus you de. I am sorry 1 troubled you. I am an elli'iislvu ivirtisau, but I'm blessed ifl knew it until new," Mx Hundred Indictment Stelen. A tremendous sensation has been created at Westen, Lewis county, V. Va., by tlie discewry r "10 tlu)Jt r "00 indictinenls found by the last grand jury from the clerk's ofllce lu tlie court house. The matter, it seems, has been known te tlie county author ities for u week past, but they failed te make the robbery public, and employed a detoo deteo detoe tivo te endeavor te reoevor the paperH. The detective alter hearing the details, refused te te take up tlie esuse for tlie compensation offered, and has given the thefl away, "The indictments wero for nil clnases of crime, hut principally against saloon keepers nnd wholesale lbpior-dealcrs. Tllli VIIVIWU COVNV1I.S. Ilv. Trnbcrt'a Werk III Hie Orent MImIeii field of tlie Nerllinent, lu tlie inlnlsterluni nt Allontewii, en Tues day, llie nppoalel Lewlsl. Houpt, in rorer rerer rorer encototho inlsiiuderstAiidingwliich resulted in Ids constitutional suspension from mem bership in St Mark's church, 1'hlliulelphia, was negatived. ltev. G. If. Trauert, of Minncaixills, pro pre pro seuted a report en tlie mission Held in the Nerthwest A year age, he said, thore was oue English mission in this Held, which com prises 2e0,000 sipiare miles. New thore are three ; oue nt Mliineapolls,anether nt Sl.Pnul and n third at lllsmarck. He predicted that this would at some future tlme lie the strong hold or the Lulherau church in America. Tlie committee en the Muhlenberg mount meunt rial was ronppehilcd and Dr. Spaeth ndded te it. The recommendation of tlie president that the Knglish and German church hooks be mero generally used was concurred In. Tlie president's annual repert wits adopted ns n whole. Kvenlng services wero held lu Si. Jehn's Lutheran church. A class of twenty success ful candidates forlhe ministry wero ordained by ltev. Dr.JlCrotel, president of the minis minis teriiim, and Hevs. CVxtjierniid Messor, socro secro socre liirics. The ordination sermon was preached by Hey. Dr. Scliinucker, of l'otlstewii. fletMynlSjmxl SolerU Oiiuihu for Ncit JMrrlliiK. TW"gX"iicial synod of the Lutheran church rcsolved (ouudertako a mission among tlie Jewe In Chicago, llev. I. L. Hid speke en the educational needs of the mission in India and it was resolved te establish n collcge nnd seminary et (Inn toer for the education of a native ministry. ThowininlUeo en the im migrant inLisieii in New Yerk recoiniueiiilod that tlie tmomaleuB rolalleti which the synod had sustained te that society n New Yerk should be anmilled, which wase onlered. ltev. Jehn ll Heliuir, 1). I)., et Lynns Kails. N. Y., tin) Jelegale from the lteformecl Church in Amdrica, presonted the fraternal greetings of that body. The, establishing or a college boyeiu the Miasisslppi river cafled forth a very llvety-OiWiEilen. The matter was finally roferred ie afcpininlltw-corniKiceil of members from the wostem synods. Oliui lia, Neb., was chosen ad the place for the next meeting. The committee en the sUte of tlie church brought out the rapid growth of the membership mid the vast lucrease of benevolent contributions. In view oft the fact that this ropresentallvo liedy held l,'.s convention in the capital city of the common wealth acoiumittee wasappeiiilcd te convey the greetings of llie Iwdy te Governer lut tisen. At 8 o'clock Mr. Ceerge P. Ockershaiisen, a prominent layman from New Yerk city, delivered an address before the historical so ciety, llev. Stall was appointed statistical (secretary. I)l.iMtreiirt Wetttcrn St4iriii. A heavy thunder storm passed eer Chi cago en Tuesday afternoon, which did great damage in the outskirts of the city. Several buildings were demolished, and three hun dred fcul of the brick wall of llie new base'i ball grounds wcre levelled by a stioke' of lightning. Jehn MnMeubigue, watch-' man at the McCermlck works, was' shocked while standing near a tire alarm box, and 1 1 led seen after. In the town el Lakea shanty was wrecked by lightning1 and a man ami a child wero badly injured., A nuiiiberofethor persens In the neighbor hood were temporarily prostrated by tlie shock. Shortly before eleven o'clock Tues day night another storm set in, with blinding lightning mid torrents of rain. A territle storm of min, hall and wind passed ever Cedar Haplds, Iowa. The hall stones wero " as large as hen's eggs" and did great damage te plants. A IfiO-foet span of tlie llurlingteu, Cedar llaplds & Northern railway bridge ever Cedar liver was blown down. Soveral cars wero blown from the track and thousands of window panes lu the houses wcre bieken. Tlie 1. It. It. Company's Kcpiirt. The annual meeting ofthe Pennsylvania company, operating the lines of the Penn sylvania railroad system west of l'ittsburg, was held In l'ittsburg Tuesday morning. The annual rexrt showed the total number of miles controlled, 2,7000-10 ; total rovenue e( the Pennsylvania company, lieliig tlie profits of operating lines, net the gross earn ing, together witli llie net earnings of the Star-Union Fast Freight line, Interest and dividends en securities and rout of real es es tate and equipments, $1, 155,7 IH.-! ; total ex penses, Including interest en bends, interest en the Car Trust ears and losses en lines operating, ?l,b0.",!ir,0.fi ; showing a dellcit Ter the year, $71e,220.:iS. The less te the Penn sylvania company In operating the Pittsburg, 1-ort Wayne fc Chicago rallw'ay was 8121, S07,'I0, and the less in operating llie Cleve land ,V Pittsburg was f2iO,H17.!tl. The do de do creaso is mainly owing te the heavy falling oil' in the freight tonnage of coke, ero and inaniil.icturrd iron. Tlie only change in the directory wits tlie election of llenry 1). Wulsli te succeed Henry M. Phillips, doceascd. The organization of tlie beard was postponed for the present. A.urui:ic msuexi'.sT hash tklleH' I!eietn.nay Willi 100,000 r ihe FuncU or a New Yerk Institution. The absence et Paying Tellor Scott from his desk in the bank of tlie Manhattan company, at Ne. 10 Wall street, New Yerk, Tuesday morning, at lirst occasioned surprise and then anxiety, which led te n meeting of the direc ters and a hasty examination of his accounts. It required but little tlme te find that he had left a dellcit off 100,010. The manager of the clearing heuse was nt ence netilled of the fact, and at the same tlme Informed that the bank had a surplus alter deducting this amount or?050,000 evor ita capital or f 205,000. Thocashierortlio bank, J. S. Baldwin, re re ro fuses te tell wliore the man lived, or te ox ex plain hew It was possible for n paving toller te get away with ?lfi0,000 of the funds of a bank e or night. Nothing is known of itnt ikjIIce hoadqunrlers, nnd no application has been made for the arrest ofthe defaulter, The bank is oneortho oldstate institutions whose charter dates back te 1709, III- AND DOWN TIIK STATE. Colonel llebcit Gerrell died suddenly el heait diseasent Unlonville, en the oppeslto side of the river from Douglessvillo, Derks county, wliore he roslded. lie wasconnectod for n nunibcr of years with Chas, Norten, do de ceasod. et Philadelphia, In tlie operatlon of soveral coal mines in Schuylkill county. Hen. William A. Scott has purchased the Mount Hickory fiirnace, near Sharpsville, Krle county, ler $27,ei0, and the Krie mill preiiertv, In l''rie, for 527,'JQOi . The dinxsters of the Academy of Music, ITilladelpliia,will hereafter refuse te rout the heuse for lectures the objector wliichiste disseminate atheism or iulldellty. Jehn F. Uetz, the l'hlliulelpliia brower, en Monday last paid te Simen Delbort, the sur viving executer of William Gaul's estate, the sum of $00,220.13 in citsh as the result or liti gation entered into nlue years age. Kzra Coepor, a bank or of Union City, Krle county, who is roperlod te le worth f20,000, 000, lias been lined $1,000 for assault upon a woman. The Judge said, lu juisslng sentence, Hint it was usual te iulllct a line or f5 in cases of tlie kind, but he felt It his duly te meke the penalty what the case doserved. Contention el American Pretectant. The Ihlrty-leurth annual session or the worthy grand ledgo or Veimsylvaiiia or the American Vrotestant association was held en Tuesday, at the hall en Locust Btroet, above Hreail, Philadelphia. The following officers wero eleeted : Werthy gnuid master, James H. Urlnes, of Vlilhidelphlat vice grand mas- ter, William J. Jloweii.i or uicKawanna county ; grand secretary, William M. Crosier, Vhlladelphta; grand tloasiirer, David Coul ter, Philadelphia ; Ernlid conductor, Martin Frowmer, l'ittsburg ; Jassistant conductor, A. W. Whlttaker; chaplain, ltev. Aloxander Slean, or Falls or Schtiylklll ; grand tyler, James Marker, or Luzerne county, and grand guard, William Glbsenq Vast Master Jehn O'Doniiell was clocted te) ropresont the Venn sylvanla hnlge at a meeting pf the right worthy grand lotlge, which mceta lu Vitts- uurg ou uie lout uieumu LIKE A JUG-HANDLK. Till'. LASVAHTKK.riMllSIA (IA311! IrVW ALT, OS US J! 3 AJtl!. Tlie IjtnrHster Club Will the Contest Geed I'lflillnj l'oer Klclillngliy llie Vlr gliiUs .Seme llrllllnutl'lar nml Tne Very Leng lilts-Field Nete. by Yosterday nlloriieon nnollier goed-slwxl crowd attended the second gnuie of the Vir ginia nnd Lancaster clubs, nnd the home team ndvimced another step by wiuiilng. The pitchers were 1'yle and Smith and the hits wero almost even. Tlie visitors played bully In UioiluUI,vlille llie litmiocliibHliewod their llg held at that work. There were sevcrnl brilliant features lu tlie game, and ene was n woudeiful one-handed step of a het line ball Irein Oldlleld's bat by Hlgglns. Attlio liat F1ehI nnd Johnsten were tlie lieroes. In the seNcnth lntilng, the former sent a ball for threo bases evor the right Helder's head, bringing in two runs and scoring liiiusell en a wild pitch. In tlie eighth lulling, wlien (Irocnweod was en first base, Johnsten hit the ball towards Iho quar ter mi1e in ion field mid made a home run. It was undoubtedly tlie longest hit ever made en the grounds. Tlie score in full fellows : LAIU'ASTKIt. II II 1' A K VllllllNIA. 11 II PI A II I'nrker.l.... I I 1 M (Jn-uiiw'd, 1 1 "i 3 I OHllU'H. c. (110 e .lelinnt'n, in i 1 )0 1 llylniiil.'i... i) 1 5 r. ii NuhIi, ;)... . e ii e 4 2 JPTiun'y, in 0 0 2 I) 0 (llcilli. 1.,.. 111 " Ileiiald,3... 112 11 Uernirnii, r. 1 12 0 0 Nuiltli, p.... I ri e 7 0 l.alhuiii, I 0 1 II (i 1 Tmiiiiey.H., S 1 '! e MeiiBcMl'r, c 0 0 S 1 0 Floed, r 1 1 0 II 2! Illgglim, 2., I) 2 .' i 1 Mnck, 1 . .. 1 0 1.'. 0 II 1'yle, p... . l e 0 8 1 Total. .... "We 27 17! Total. . .. 3,"c 27 2 7 IMIIKOH. I.ancaxli'i- 1 n I) n 2 e 3 1 e 7 Virginia e e e e e e l i 03 HUUMAIir. Kaincil runs Vltulnla,2; biinciister. 2. Tlirrn bae lilt PIimhI. ilmiie run loliiinten. Left en bones Virginia, St l.iinr.iHtvr, 3. Uoulile pluVH IHgKl'iH nnd HoiiKOlielilnr, Slmck out Vlrnlnlii, 3! IJUiciiHtur. 3. Iduies en balls Vlrclniii, 4. lilt by ball I'm ki-r. I'nuwtl IihIIh OMfluld, 2. Wild pllcli l'yle, 1. Tlinn efKiuiin (liie" f.enr nnd ferty.il vu minutes. Umpire Clcorge JlJrs. Ulanieml Det. Te-day Uie'Virglnias and Imicaster are playing the third p"". The umpiring OJ Myers seeuusl te sulisry Uie Laucastrlans yo?terdny. . , , , QuintonhasiilgiieJ Willi llie Alhlellcs and Cushinan and Fussclbapk havelieen released. -Uissnidtlmt the Joiey City team keep latoheutnand de net p?y any attentlim te Uie clnb, mle-s. Tliat may account for thelr poer.showfBg. i v , f. ,,. ft ,, , Letr, 'who jtwte-MiUi a I'reeetd vllh t!ioTerreUantil,ty.ar, wi te Ui feivn n trial thU uinrubw by tb AUiK",?- In.. game he pitclied ngalnsl tlm iniJ0iiel only thrceliilM wero inudoeQ' hlil w cievw Innings, and net a run wail ptcxreJ W weighs 176 pounds. and"wa oneoftho Ixist lMtl..ift Irt IIia NnrlliurAulArti TwlKca. Otlfl 'iilftsi-ef the Ilostens, was JiU rtigewf eiiClr jinu pronounce nun ene ei uie ist piicuv" in the profession. Jii New Yerk yeRterday tlie rhllwIalpUIa defeated the home team after being eutUattfrl. ThoMeorowas 3 te L Other games pUycd wure: At Plilledelphlft : AUibjtlc, 13; Cin cinnati, S; at Detreit: Chicago, 10; Dolreitj fi; nt I'rovideuco : l'revidence. 2 ; lieattm, 1; atlluffnle: HL Iuls, C j Uuflale, 2; at llalti llalti llalti nioret' lUltlniore, 7 ; HU'LmiUs,2j at Brook Breok Broek lyn: liOiiisvllle, 5 ; ltroeklyu, 0"j at "Tren "Tren eon : Trenten, 10 j Norfolk, 1 ; id Newark: Newark, 18; Wilmington. 1; at Jersey City: Nationals, l.'l; Jersey City, it; at Wilkes Wilkes Ir.irre: Allegheny, 8; Wilkesbane, I. MAHVl.Afiirs ATTOIUIKV ilKSEUM. lle Vainly TrlcH (e Supprc a l-jnililiig ut Illn Ileine. Hen. Chas. D. ltoberts, attorney general of Maryland, resides in Wcslmlnstor,wherotho lynching of the negre ravlsher, Cook, took place yestcrday morning. 1 te is well-known in Lancaster and will seen be the father-in-law of a iKipiilar young gentleman of this city. When he heard tlie clamor of the mob en llie streets of his town he hurried nut, but had net gene far liefore he was erdered te halt. He attempted tokeepon, when four men advanced toward him and presented four cocked pistols at his head, the muzle of ene almost pressing against his neck, "Are you a friend or feo?" inquired ene of them. " Yeu knew me, gentlemen," lie replled. "Iain Mr. Keberts, the atterney general of Maryland, audit isofneusoto point your pistols at me." Tliey thou permittcd him te pass en, and he went te the jail, where he found Iho men holding Sheritl Shower." "Cfontlemon," exclaimed Mr. Itelierts, "ler (lod'ssake don't de this. The prisener is in jail, and I will see that he is tried, and, if guilty, punished. Trust it te mound de net de any violence." Tlie reply was : " We have get our man nnd we nre going te hang him ourselves. We must iiinku an example of hltn te protect our wives, sisters, and daughters from such brutes." Seeing that the men wero determined and that his romenstrnuco was of no avail, the attomey general attempted te get te the jail, but he was forced te return te his home. aUASUSAHLK MOXHTKKS. Tlie !! Scared Amiy Frem tlie Stariiccu lllurkberry l'alilies. Hlarucca Dispatch te N. Y. TIiiich. A siiake such as was never seen befere in this region was k 11 led a few days age by Jay AVebband Constable William Wllmarth, of Thomsen, Susquehanna county, near this place. The snake is 0 feet long and 7 Inches in diamoler, Willi a lKxiullar flat iiead. Around the neck is a circle of short stiff hairs. The color el tlie sorpent is brown, with red Kinds alsiut the body at Intervals of a few Inches. The stiake was discovered en James Fester's farm by Mrs. Webb, Mrs. Wale, and Mrs. Thompson, who were gathering greens. It was lying at the feet of a small leclge and had a newly-born lamb about half swal lowed. The frightened women ran te Webb's heuse and told what tliey had seen. Webb and Wllmarth went te the spot, and, liudiug the snake helplcss from gorging, killed it with a fence stake. They dragged It home, and it new hangs en Webb's burn deer, an ebject ei much wonder und curiosity te the ontlre neigh borheod. Wu It tlie New Kru's " Monitor? Strollers along tlie river bank at Vboonix Vbeonix Vboenix villo have seen u creature in the water which resembled a deg about the head. It would spring out and pi lingo under again at inter vals of about five minutes. Some sunpose It te be a sea Hen, soalersoniotliiiigof tlie kind tliat may have oscaped from the Zoological gardens, Philadelphia. JefT !!' (Iramlilaugliter. Frem tlie New Oilcans Times-Democrat, Slay SO. Varlua Hewell Davis Hays, tlie grand. daughter of Jell'orsen Davis, yesterday paid a trlbute te the Liberty Dell. Varlnn is the sweet little miss who, when the bell passed Ileauvelr station, the home or her grand father, prayed te be pcrmltted te kiss tlie relic, Wfiile tlie celebrations of Mexico day wero in progress last evening she visited the car In tlie creunds and was lifted en te tlie platform, and then she tied a lovely wino wine wino celorod ribbon en the old bell. On ene end or the beiuitirul gift were the words, "A Tribute te the Hell," and en tlie ethor, "Varlnn Hewell Davis Hays." The Phila delphia etllcers in charge et the bell wero de lighted Bt the mark or respect se gracefully paid their charge, and state tliat they will ciierisu it as ene ei tun must in vciuus buuvu buuvu nlrsef the exposition. Onlliiutleu uud Initallntlen at Manlielni. The ordination and installation or Llcon Llcen Llcon tiate Warren J. Jehnsen, pastor-elect of the Manheltn charge, will take place en next Sunday evening, June 7, In the Beiormed church at Mnnuelm, sorvicea commencing at7;30 p. in. The commlttce et installation consists or Hevs. Drs. Ii V, Oerhart, J. IL Dubba, J, 8, Btahr, and ltev, W. F. Lich-llter. VOMIT OF QtAltTJM HCMilOXS. A Number of InlvreslliiK Ce Ilcfore the Court for Trial Tuesday Afternoon. Court met nt '1-M o'clock mid llie trial of the Talse pretense case In which J. H. Helswagcr Isdefeudenl was proceeded with. Some unimportant losll lesll losll meny was given ufler flitch counsel argued Iho case. It was given te tlie Jury about 1 o'clock and tliey had net agreed upon a ver dict when court adjeurnpd. Tlie next casoscalled for trinl wero tliose of the commonwealth vs. Anna M. (less, lar lar ceny und receiving stolen greds, Tlie ac cused Is a woll-dresscd young woman who ie home is a few liillcs alsivu Klljibolhtewn, The facts, as doeleiKd jbv conimenwealth wunesscs, woreiUHjuiasiiiiiows: vjii inouven ineuven inouven iiignfDeconiber.1. thedefendaiit called at the Jowelry storeofMr. Ceulb, ulKlliubulhlewii, shewed lilnin watch anil tedd she wanted te tmde It oil'. A trnde was dually made, and she rocelvod In oxcliange ler the watch a let or jewelry. A few days afterwards Ceblo lcarned that the watch lif.d liceu stolen, lie went te lier rosidence, told her the watch was stolen prejiprty. She first said she rocelvod Iho wntch from Harry McCord, but subse quently said she had net, and accounted for tlie iKissosslen of the watch In liulf n dozen different ways. Ii F. Halm tcstl lied that In answer te lot let lot ters sent out lie received a reply that a watch or the niiniber designated was missing from the store of Win. Thompson, who had ro re ro eolvod 11 from llewmnn fc Musser. This wit ness denied that lioelferod te sottle this case or that he nsked Miss Oesff toelotio with him. A number of witnesses testtfled that Miss (less had told contradictory stories as te hew she liocaiiie possessed or the watcli. On trial when court adjourned. UIMUIIINT I1USINIISS. lto.xseus wcre Hied for a new trial lu the case of conimenwealth vs. Win. Ii Kendlg, cenvlcled orialee jircteiisft leiuiunv and ri:iui'itv. IIVdiiMffrtj Merniny. Court met nt U o'clock. Counsel for defense In llie case of comineii wealth vs. AuuaOess Indicted Torlar Terlar ceuyaud rocelving stelen gwsls, withdrew the pica of net guilly and outerod a jiieaef guilty or receiving stelen gewls. At the re quest or coiinsel sentotice was deferred. The jury In the J. S. llolwager false IireteiiKe cise rendered u verdict of net guilty w ith county for costs. Ceunsel for Ames IS. Hostetter,Indicted for forging the name of his father-in-law II. U Dcnlingcr, te a promissory nole, asked for a continuation en the ground of Iho absence of Jehn Senders, a material witness. The court could net grant the continuance ami directed a forthwith Biibpi'iia te Issue for the witness and that tlie officers make a diligent search ler him. The Hcrwjg fergery cases wero called for trial wheu it was stated te the cert that the defendant fainted a he was about being brought from prison te the court heuse and could net be taken- away from the prison. The court directed tlie Ahurilf te bring Her iWg te court as seen eh he was able te be moved. KmmaJ. Carberry, who Is en the list for trial or! e charge of keciii ng a Intwdy house, lnlKo.eSlIio sick list and the probability is that the case cannot be tried th)s w eek. if aHht.w Helntien waMptit en trial en the chsriM or Derlurv. The testimony of the Ottlalenweath'fl witnessJ wastliat a hearing ljfcre Alderman Konlney the defendant ten- . Jli.il la. ..un a. IbIu..ui. I. 'Oi M.....!.... ... tllieO. i ,,ttfc l,v iiw taiA'ivx 1A UiQ VlUf'lVJ ut CennMrttl,'Bi"I,'r ln- 'luarrying some stones. AtRubfteTtitt!t hearing Ilelnlrxin testified tliat lie was nefiUJJi" ;mf'i0iLHnsQ!4 of the beard $10,000 hi available. Hheairer but a partner, mill f ilBClPrrnjnri Bluntay for Uiulnevt Only. his share of the proceeds resulting from tlie saie ei me siene lauen irem tlie rpiarry. The dofeuse was that corrupt nnd wilful IKjrjury was iiotceinmltted by Iho defendant, as under the contract he had with Shaeller lie was te get a certain share of Iho proceeds of the s,ile or the sloue quarried. A large number of witnesses Instilled that they were acquainted with the accused for many years and that his reputation ler truth telling was geed. Jury out. TnlmiiKB en Cremation, ltev. Dr. Talmage is publishing his views with respect te cremation. He says: "I think the tlme will ceme when sanitary precautions will demand that bodies be burned, but the tlme is net yet. There Is plenty of laud In which te bury the dead. We haven't yet beceme se crowded by any means. Hut, were I called uihjii te conduct a ser Ice at a crematory, I would de it with the same solemnity tliat 1 would in a grave yard. I bellove tlie practice is thoroughly tiiristlan. Don't you remember, 'Dust te dust, ashes te ashes?' Did you ever think of thatbelore7 We have always Ikjeii going en tlie principle of dust te dust Inhumation. New comes In the ether part, ashes le ashes that is, incineration. Did you ever see that iK)int bofero? 1 never did. I really think that resurrection is easier after Incineration than after inhumation," etc., etc Colored Men Commemlliig llie Ireyblent. A colored 'lielitical club in the Klovenlh ward or Itosten has adopted resolutions thanking Vresideut Cloveland for Ids liumaue sympathy in rebuking the Demo cratic party of llaclhurst, Miss., by with holding the commission of J. L. Mende, who was, the resolutions state. " the head and front of the outrages committed en our race hi Copiah county." Theso resolutions will lie sent te the president with the assurance that the organization will tise every effort te support him hi his administration. The signltlcance or this is apparent from the fact that the president ofthe club, Mr. Halyor, lias long been quite a prominent leader among the Republicans el the city. The Suit Ter Tell Withdrawn. The criminal suit brought by the Laneabter it Maiihelin turnplke read company against Fred. Hrlmmer, liveryman, for refusing te pay tell evor that part of the company's read within the city limits, has been withdrawn, and Mr. Hrlmmer lias been netilled that n civil suit will 1k brought against liim for the amount or the tell (&0 cents) unless it is paid. Mr. Itrimiuerhas net paid the tell and says lie will net pay it, as lie believes he has a legal right te drlve te and Irem his own premises within the city HiiilLs without pay ing tell, especially as thore are no tell houses for the collection of the tell. Dlnnppeaiunce of a Yeung Weuutti. Thore has been much oxciteinont In Kin Kin perla, ever the mysterieus dlsapitfarance or Miss Eva Dalley, a young lady highly con nected and greatly osteomod in the com munity. She attonded a party Monday night, and after returning home went out or lhoheusoforamoinont,and has net been seen since, though a thorough search lias been made. Noinetlvois known for voluntary absence oxcept her failure te graduate in tlie school she attended. The First Church I'icnie. The church picnie season was. ushered lu this morning en the Heading railroad, wliore four well-lilled cars pulled out nt 0:40 o'clecic for Penryn iark, the new picnie grounds en tlie Cornwall it Mount Hepo railroad, in llie Southern part or Lebanon county, twenty minutes rlde from Manlielm. The cars con tained the parochial school and academy of St. Mary's Cutholle church, and tlie happy faces ofthe many liltle ones liotekonod thu geed tlme tliey wero anticipating. Tlie 12:10 !, in. train carrled muuy mero te the picnic. What Foel Tlione Legislator Ilel Frem the Philadelphia Ledger. What wretched tinkering the Heuso at Harrisbtirg Is 'doing with the Philadelphia school law. It had Just adopted the llullltt hill, which enacts that the beard of educa tion shall continue as at present constituted ; and 'while tlie govorner was opprov epprov opprev lng that act the Heuso gave second read ing te the feel bill te olect the beard at ward elections. Stele a I'atr of Shee. William I'alk was arrested last evening ler stealing a pair of shoes Irein in front et tlie stere or Shaub it Burns. The stolen shoes wero found In Falk's possession. Complaint was made against the arcuRed borero Abjor Abjer inan Deen, and in default or ball he was com mitted ler a bearing. TWENTY-TWO LIVES LOST. TllttKE llUNDltKIt MIN EMI lMVltlH ONlUt IN A VVmtlNO PIT. A I'lre In llin I'lillailitlplua Colliery, Durham, Kiq;. Anccllnc Scene at the Bleutli of the Mine All Hut Twenty-tire Havcd. (I rent Kxclleinent lrevnlllne DuniiAM, England, June a The Phila delphia celliery caught flre at neon te-day. Threo hundred miners wero In the pit at the tlme nnd it was feared that Ihey would be either sull'ocated, or burned te death liefore assistance could reach them, (Ireat oxclte exclte oxclte meid prevailed lu tlie vicinity or tlie mine. The wives nnd families or the unfortunate men wero gathered near the shafts, weeping and calling en fled te save the llves of loved ones below. Tlie scenes wero doeply alfect ing. Uesctihig parties sticcecdcd in gettlng all htit22ef lliolinprlsenod miners out of the burning celliery. Tlie missing men are lclIevcd te have been burned te death. The nilne is still burning and the less will be heavy. THE Xlitr.l FKOll lrAtitllXUTOX. Anether (pienllen IlnUeil for the I'erplexlty of llm CKII Sertlrti Commlwlen. Wasuinote.v, D. C, June 3. Jeseph 11. Fewier was dismissed last Saturday from his position its chief of the pension division ofthe third auditor's ofllce, treasury depart ment. Yesterday lie was apie!ntcd a third class clerk In the same dlvideu, a position within the classification of the civil service. This apiKjIntment raises another question for the civil sorvice commission. It is said le be illegal, en the ground that Mr. Fowler's dismissal covered Ills connection with the government as completely as If, instead of Iwlngn chief, lie had held a higher ofllce. On this ground il Is claimed that he could net be rcapjielulcd jvllheut going through the civil sorvice examinations and lieing legally certified. Mere rreithleiitlul Appeliilmcnui. The president te-day made the following appointments : Te be collectors of Internal rovenue Thes. S. llronsleu, Klghlh district (of Kentucky; Jehn H. Farley, Klghteentli district et Ohie. Win. 11. Welsh, el Maryland, te lw deputy third auditor or the treasury? vice A. M. Ilaiigewer, or Pennsylvania, resigned by re quest. t'r- Welsh ia member orthe woll well woll kiiewn family of Yerli of his name; was for merly editor of tlie Philadelphia Age, and chairman or the Democratic Btnte oemuilttoo erreunsylvania'. Tliejreriinct tlonnlleiu-d. The forUficatlens lKmrd,rocenlly uppolnted under authority couhijned in the fortifications appropriation bill, met at the navy depart ment te-day, nnd mapped out a pregramme. Under the tonus of tlie act tlie beard Is te ax ax aiuiiie and report at what joints fortifications or ether defenw.-s are ineut urgently required, and tlie kind of defense lxmt adapted for each, with reference te armament and the utillzJn el torpodees, miueser etnyr ueieiwivajnTCIl- ancafcSrK7ejyfratOTiw fcc The members of the cabinet have decided, lioreafter, beginning with Saturday next, net te recoive any callers en Saturdays, which days they Intend le devote solely te business connected with tlielr rospeutlvo depart ments. bllllAtll. Mr. Walker, chief clerk or the navy pay ofllce, concluded his cross-exaiuinasion tills morning In the Wales court-martial, and the rest ei the day was occupied In reading his testimony evor te liim for corrections. The Dreail Illncane. The state department has received a dispatch irein tlie IT, S. mlnister at Madrid suiting that a government commission has declared Asiatic cholera te be epidemic in Valencia, Tliere We Arsenic lu the CelTec. Ctiit'br.viM.i:, Ohie, June 3. A fatal case or itoisenlng occurred at the resldcnce or Samuel llewinan, yesterday. While eating dluiier Mr. ami Mrs. llewinan partook or seme coflce which afterward proved te con tain arsenic Mrs. llewman tiled nt three o'clock this morning lu convulsions and great agony. Mr. llewinan still lingers, but his ca-se is pronounced lioiieless. What metive actuated any ene te commit se foul u deed is net known and cannot be conjectured. Sus Sus picien pelnbi te it certain iierseu employed en the promlses who has always taken his din ner witli the family, but en this occasion was absent, He Would Net Llie "Without Sirs. Allen. lle.KMAN, Ment, June 3. On Monday night W. II. McMurtry, erOallatin, went te tlie rosidence or Mrs. Kate Allen, a highly respected widow living en Madisen street, and earnestly impertuned her te beceme his wire. Mrs. Allen refused him, whoreupon McMurtry drew a rovelvor and lired wound ing Mrs. Allen in the hand and shoulder. The lady ran from the heuse towards a neigh bors, McMurtry following with a fusliade or pistol shots. Finding his victim had es caped he returned te her heuse and shot him him Belf through the heart, lie had frequently romarked that life without Mrs. Allen was net worth living. r.xencrutcd by the Corener' Jury. Cincinnati, Ohie, June 3. The coroner, In the case eHIarry Champlin, killed yestor yester ilay by Dr.Loy,returns tlie following verdict: "After having exaiulncd said body and heard tne evidence, I iind tliat the doceascd came te his death from a pistol ball wound inflicted by lOlmer li Ley, while engaged In a scullle with deceascd, and tliat said shot was lired in soir-deronco, and mero toiutlmldatedocoasod than witli intent te de him bodily harm." The runeral of Champlin will take place from his mother's rosldenco at 10 o'clock te morrow'. HI from Eating l'olaeued Heney. Littli: Hecic, Ark., June3. The families ei Geerge anil J. li Uuchatian, living near Amity, Clark county, have been poisoned from eating polneus heney. The bees gath ered the nectar from the llower of a plant known as the cow poison, or tlie hucklo huckle hucklo berry. All ten lnombers or the famllles are prestrated from tlie oil'ects of the poison anil two ofthe children are lu a dangerous condi tion. Jumped Overboard nt Ken. Livcuroei,, June 3. The steamship Caspia, or the Allan line, plyjng botween llaltlmore and tills pert, arrived here this morning. Tlie captain reports that during the voyage Chier Knglnoer llrewne suddenly disappeared, and expressed tlie belier tliat he had commltted suiclde by jumping over board. Havoc or the Kartliqnake lu Iniliu. Loniien, June 3. Additional jiartlcularH of the casualties caused by llie earthquake List Sunday at Serlnagur. India, have been rocelvod. Forty natives were killed and 60 injured, many ratally, and 60 soldlers wero sorleusly hurt. The palace or the Ilritlsh resident was reduced te ruins. Lewell' Clrucefiil Acknowledgement. Londen, June 3. Mr. Lewell, writing te tlie mayor of Wonsester in rospenso te tlie address by the corporation of that place,says: "Yeu knew hew te touch the chord of ton ten ton derost association when you clalmed me as of Worcestor,bocausomyfororuthoraworo among her cHlzens." Till! SIAXI1A TTAX JIEh'ALVA TIOX. Tlie Nurprlae of the Management nt n Treated Man' Wrenc Nkw Yenic, June 3. Tlie president, cash cash ierand soveral of the directors of the Man hattan bank company assembled this morn ing and made further examination of the accounts of tlie missing toller, Hlchnrd Scott Cashier Baldwin made the following statement te a United Tress roperlor: "Tills Is the ilrst irregularity in this bank sluce 1337, when M0.000 was stelen. The present less Is exactly f 100,010. The amount of the less does net worry us se much as tlie mortification of having such an irregularity porietratoil en us by a trusted empleye Scott had Ikjeii with us many years, nnd we had the most Im plicit faith lu Ids integrity. It is net surpris ing that a few thousand dollars could have been taken from our cash. We have bushels of geld and silver in our vaults, and it is net pmcllcable for the chief olllcer of the bank le count this money evcry day. Some ompleyo must be entruslcd with this task and If he is net hoiiesl lie can rob the bank and get away liofero the shortage is discovered. We have notseou anything ofScelt sluce Monday. Intimate friends orKeett think he had be be be eoeo insaue and can account fur his robbery en no ethor ground. Twe years age tliey say that he lcoame very sick with an airoctien of his stomach nnd threat. The bank seut him te Flerida and paid all his oxtiensos. Kver sluce he lias been cress, irrltable and nervous, and It was a common remark among his friends that he was losing his mind." He is generally spoken of as being quiet and plain in Ills tastes. 31111 HIIAOKAHAXOX IIAXIi Will Mnke an Alignment for tlie Itciicflt of Creditor. Piili.Aiiut.i'iiiA, Va., June 3,-Tiie beard or directors or the Huspcuded Shackamaxeu bank have decided le make an assignment of their assets for the bonefit of creditors, and application will be made te court te-day for the apiKiIntmcnt of Jeseph (1. Fergusen and William II. Swire, as assignees. The lioeks of the bank are being arragned for the final examination as rapidly as possible, and it will require at least a week's time befere any elllcial statement can (e given te the public The depositors of the bank have takeu action le protect thelr Interests by the appointment of a committee of live te confer with the IxKird of directors and tlie experts, and obtain such information as may be bono beno bone licial te tlie depositors. llOll TOO 31 118 OX THE XEUltO. He HI Net Changed HI Mind und U Net Afraid le Speak II. ATii-irrA, Oa., June . The Keening .JuHrnal te-day publishes an Interview with ex-Senater Bebert Toombs en the future or tbenogre. Theyare his views as they would have been given in the ATgr j J pf it j uictr, uaunetWiuiiMfti, nroventod the pre paratien or atiuffacle for that periodical, lle, Haya JJS speech en slavery in TromentJftBr,,,!,, itosten. is as tnie tosjAUe il uraa then mil will lie for idl tlme : ie negre race is an inferior race; he was se created and if Ged had net Intended te make him Inferior te Uie white man he would never have created him black i all history' allows him te be imapable of governing liim-' selt He cannot therefore govern countries, nor anything etiuv , Speaking of him en a race Mr. Toombs says tlie iiositien ei ltev. Dr. Haygood, that the two races must ri.e or fall together is very foelisli. The negre race is dejiendent en the whlte for everything. He docs net think tliey can lx) educated. It will be found in tlie end that tlie negre, as a race, Is uiioducatietiable. He says education is in creasing crlme among them. A negre is out of ids element at the blackboard; Ids national home is the cotton patch and the plow. There he has always dene best; thcte lie will al ways de best. As te the future of the negre race in the Seuth lie said : " It is tlie plainest thing in the world, he will die out; he is dying out new. 1 think I ought te understand the cen sus, l have studied it oneugii. I ten you it Is being falsely intorpreted by certain people In this country. The negre is dying out as a race ; he is lieund te die out. That is what will beceme or him. It is the history or all Inferior races and here is the bread distinc tion the negre race isascrubraco,the while race is a thoroughbred race. In tlme the scrubs nre bound te die out, but the thorough breds llve en te procreate the species. It is a law of Ged and cannot change. HTltlKlXO IllOX MUtflsUEUS. Their I'ellry of lloycettliig Ilrlngs tlie Ilronemte Term'!. KeciiKSTKit, N. Y., June 3. When tlie iron meulders In the steve and ether foundries doing piece work struck against a reduction ei twolve and ene-hair per cent. May 1st, quite a number of these who went out wcre employed en classes of work ether than steve work upon which their employers had net made any reduction, hlnce tne strlke all the shops liave remained idle with the oxception of ;odd jebsj such as appren tices could de, A better understanding seems te prevail between tlie men and the proprietors or at least ene foundry, tliat of Munn, Conversoifc Austiee, for by mutual consentall the men engaged en work net allected by the reduction are resuming work, cloven lieing at work this morning. Tliey are net oxiectod, howevor, le de any work which would injure tliose en strlke. The strikers have "boycotted" tlie Gonesoo Drawing company because threo or its stock holders are also foundry stockholders. Tliose te-day oirer te soil their stock te the meulders or anybody, the latter may name, inorderto relieve the llrewlng company, whose sales have fallen oil' enormously." Ucn, Grunt In a Had Way, Ni:v Yenre, June 3. Dr. Douglas niained all nlclit at Gen. Grant's house. re ro He was called ouce during the night te attend thogenoral who, while he slept nearly the usual time, slept fitfully. He was net feeling bright when he aweke but he improved as the day advauced. His family de net ex pect te be able te drlve out any mere. He May Wear the Hed Hat. Nuw Yenif, June 3. Bishop Aleiuany, of California, has arrived uore irem washing washing ten. He Is stepping with the Demiulclans at Slxty-ilfth street and Lexingten avenue. He will proceed lirst te Heme te visit me neiy father, then proceed te his nntive land wliore he Intends te end Ida daya He will proba bly be made a cardinal at Heme. The Kuste-Arglian Frontier. Mi:siim, June 3. The iKirloylngsconcorn iKirleylngsconcorn iKirloylngscencorn Ing the lUissc-Afghan rrontier are, ills bo be bo llevod, appreacliing muturlty. A meeting of the Urltlsu and Kusslan olllcera ougaged In tlie work will probably be arranged for seen. A Heavy te. Yosterday, while Harry Kcknian, baker, of Quarryvllle was en his way home irem Georgetown, he lest his pockotbeok contain ing fSe in tnoney and a nole ler 110. A up ward lias been oll'erod for the return of the property, l'nld the CehU. Tlie mayor had only ene case te dispose of this morning. He was a town man arrested for drunkenness ami disorderly conduct by OiUcer Musketnuss. He paid the cesla nnd was discharged from custody. Committed for l'Ue Daji. Theodere Ceggswell vas 'arrosted anil taken before Alderman rinkorten te aiuwer the charge of drunken uud diborderly con duct. He was committed te Jail for llve days. f u 4 ME1.TOX WtXS TUB STAKES, PARAB0WX SECOND, HOI' AL HAMPTON THIRD, tfft-1 A ureal iniy Fer ah Knguinu, with a raw American en Hand llrlcht Sutuhlne and . any People Unde Henry II. l'nyne Jffl !,' Urlres Down te Kpem. y- -..w Len iien, J une 3. Te-day Is Derhy Day M4 A 1 all Londen lias bcen leuring from eartfJs morning m uie upseiu Downs le witness m races. A mere iKmiitlfid day could net taTS llOn fU1eell1. Tlmunt. la ulitnlni l.4l4H- - . --. . ..w ., an ,ii,,iiai, M.wmwmjfsi wiiiiu Jiuruiy iicieilll IS VISIOIO in UIO Miy.V', A gontle hrocre is blowing, which temesn' tlie sun's rays and adds greatly te tfce2 comfort or the crowds. Tlie reeds lead- lug te Kpsein are thronged witli equlpagMi JS,j or all descriptions. Trains nre being ruir iV te the race course at short intervals and are' 'A donsely crowded. Twe large coaches and T a large brake illled with Amerlcans left-l. filing's American oxcliange aUltoetu.AlROig j. 1 tuose suaieu en tne uex wero. 1'rruaWr.i xiiiss Alary Am irseu's RWD-uUtMawi Govorner Them M. Wniter,,Uif nolnted U. s. co ul tri frfindeii. men Is In splendid loiidliien andeveryMdrMrVft jielnts te ene of lest Kueceiwful JMm.'&Mi'i In vr-inL - 'llt-i-A- Vfi in years. SHNAIOI l'AYKR OW.MA: Many member of the royal Jlbitil ueivn te I'.psem y traiiu XJie Vrincess or Wal wiUi alftui Ids family, left c a special tralii'eh two o'clock. uly nil Uiddl'sfcteffwMfits ffi Americans sojet ilng here have gbnd 'either.? '3 by train or privs ocenvcyancolowltnosb th .?1 Derby. United attes Seifcttorl'a.vne, wltli'i a large party el ceurse by rail th TII13 wi The race for 111 Melten ; Parade Hampton third. l Nkw YertK, was enabled tine its cable despa rienus, went down te thejtt aflerrlrkin. ' frJ U1IS OK TUB HACU, , ,'yi OerbV stakes was Tveii bV."i DEKBY DAY AT EPSOM. ,9LiM& "W.TPfif'3 lltM'A was soceud and (tejwvjjt' K wenif. "'jft JR.W iiu..-jLiju -viiiic 4. rre 4 igh Iho prompt liandling''StJi lies by Iho V. B. DlstrieiSi giVO UlO iNTKCMOBNOBBSi: Cable company t uiul oilier inqiers he ilrst news of the DerbjWrJJ te-day. Thedlsi uch, giving the name of tne43 winner was lllex lit Londeu at exactly 10,J 12" 13' a. m., law Yerk tlme, was de- llverctl In the oil re of the United Press bvA! special wire at 10 12' 1.V, a. m., the time oen-w?S sinned being ebiy two seconds. This feat "2t has Ijccii rarely i' ever equalleil even under the most favorable cfrcumstanoes. . A 1AV ifO CELEllltATK. On the 12th of J .-!.' Sl" slllture Will Art Art je Iff'. llAiiuianuiie, -Jne'A -The legislature te day fixed llie 12tij,"i(l jaiie for final adjourn- this memluK te CUJll0lr actlf,.n en tUe 6 htt apportionment UMS7MtmmrP s fr3 JiUpb I1U1UI, UUfc f JflUUUlOMSJU UIOS V, i ai.a l. ii, tr.-iT.. . T..t.tt.u... l..r'ir Mn.t.'mnnh' M.lf Ir.llnl Tl) trill rAlti'lJi arrire uutU Ibis nctrt ijn, when the Hcnat3i$$'$ will take up th(- 4( iloniuenl cgialatieiir. The legislative bill ban even less chanee. " u AIIO JIOIIV UDIBHH JUOClllUlU. ' ' ZL ill the Heuso itemlg's uiu requiring au? - thers oflibelieu- articles in nowspaperstiJDV' ali.n flmir.ill ninin4irA4flAliqlAil iWtf tf ilfM" A m.l.r'in.-nlnd l.tVT VI11J IW UIVT. liit. A mossage was received from tlie gei anbrSKf announcing his approval of bills for theles- . tahlisluiicnt of a loldler's Heme, prend tig , improved llre crapes, and prehiblting'die giving et gills v storekeepers te secure iKitronane. and likely defeat ii. pe congrcsenal pUJ; will probably la - votes of the numbbfe?) required te pass it'eyer the governor's vdifjri The bill appropriating $5,000 te the Larijas. f, 3 ter Heme for Flciidlesa Children was.de- M feated, lacking -s votes ofthe uiimber re- ipiired. In thoSenate t resolution was submitted by Heed ler th removal el Judge lv(tk pitrick from the bsnch because of physiill and mental imbeciilty, Tuesday next w . fixed for Its consideration. ' WEATUE1 PltOltAniLITIXX. The Coudlllen u tlie llaruiiieter uud Tlicr !' iiminlnrnii,! 1 ddlratlun for UieMelTOlf. i . ?.? .. ....... - . Washinoten Middle Atlantiu T. -, T 1 t.-nw 4l.?tt i sutes, fair 'woauier, varia bio winds, gen tcmiKmiture. Liulit local rai rally easterly, statienar U. J: JUIlOO. AlUi Ull .f have fallen In the Upier Jji Lake region, V -iver MJaslsslppl and Mls-spJ seuri Valleys ; e, suwhore fair weather pre.-& vnllM iiWA Tlie winds are morally variable in alt ills-r.M tricts, oxcept tl - Missouri Yalley wiiere Ihnvarnunn mrl TUO tCllllXinUUrO HOS TO- mained nearly utienaryln all directions, excent tlie Lake -ecWn, where it has risen .ftj slightly. Feil Tiiuiwda -I'ttlr weather islndicated Ter New Knglaiu and tlie Middle Atlantic states, Including the District of Columbia, with slight chan os in tomperature, extxpt, in New linglan , wnere tne leiiipvravure , will rise sliglitly - ' m - &; Connecticut Cattle Net' DUeased. jyftifl IIosten, June 1 A Hartferd special te yv tlie Herald state that UeYOrupr Harrison has .uelHen tn H.n nni irtlnr ClI IflWll MUOTFftHLIIlIf r tliat the latter v dMlraw-UrjartiUt'JiiiixeJ .. n.ni.,..,ntir, ivlilrh nrehihltfl thnlnl..S-Tl wilt nui.uuii,iu ,,..v. t..-.n. - j vt portatten of Ce .nccUcut cattle unlesa' ae , ..,iiiniii bv n i .irt Ucate etliealtli from uiu- ' j state veterinary surgeon, Documentaryfjj?! ovidenco la encii -d te show tliat there has 'if!j been no centaf nun' ploure-pnoumonkt or -yjg ether contagious dlsoaseaipong Connecticut cattle for the pas, nip. year The Slate of the V. S. Trenrj' ( w,u,nnrnw Ti. O.. June L Treafliirv balunces te-day '. Qeld 'pqIu and bullion, f2Il,lSfr,232 ; siherdpllaraand bulllen5l00-, 402,553 ; fractlen.J nllver .coins, f3 V0" tt.,iia,i Hi.its notes. f50.OJ9.352: national bank notes, f2,00i,53l I dopealts, with national V 5S0J 000. Internal rovenue teiiis,r58a,171. forger Held for Trial. MeNTiuiAb, Cunnda, June 3.IU the csise or Hall and Fex, both have been commltted for trial te the Queen's bench next term. Mr. Graham, cashier or the National bank of Scotland, testified that ills own signature and that of tlie discount clerk wero forgeries. Death 6r a Murderer' Victim. Si'iUNCU'iKi.r), Mass., June 3. Henry llurreughs, who was shot nt Holyeko a woelc age by Themas Fahey died yosterday aud Fahey will be nrraigned for murder. One Lap Ahead of Heading. 1'imu the Times. It is almost tlme Lancaster county should, cease furnishing sonsatlens In the way of criminal newa Ter tlie presa or tlie country, Veuug Terry Iiiiuue. The Lynchburg Virginian prints two let ters written by Harrison Terry, who was ro re ro cently lyiiched, which show beyend doubt tliat the young man was insane. One was written te his lather en April 11, the ethor te ids sister LUtie en Mwy- a bank dopesltorii, fT,ww,aiW , nanenai ten rjj notes In precess of mlomptieii, 110,510,159.- Telal, f512,013,3S S' ' a S Cortillcates out-standing I ,s OflWj'lliflSWI .israsi receipts, jaje7p.j'; t,M- -rm a ,. -. "iviaci a. ., tr.'-ji. 'AHla t&X : & if: -" wi r-r t"-jfe:tr- vtffi -mi $s i iy.t Av ?t wll- ' - at" '3' '"