,,,r. I !. . ' , THE LANOASTBB DAILY PTFELLTGENOBR, TUESDAY, JUNE 2, 1885. -: t j . . f' V V M Vr OUR MUSICAL VISITORS. ISTEItESTlSO FACTS AtlOVT THE HE!'-EUTBEN-TEAE EOCV&TB. Thelr HegulAr Appearance ' On Time" Tlie llM-mteMiira of the Locust Tlie Mnslc llaxes Curried Only Iiy tlie Males, The Victims or the l'eiillry. Frem tlie Raltlmere Suti. In a few days the sovcnleon-ycar locusts will begin te sing thelr pecullar lovesong, and ninke the weeds hum with their buny myriads. Full-flcilgeil locustahnve been out new a wcek or se, but nre yet hardly nble te tly In any great nutnbera. Sonie of them, howevor, liave alrendy get Inte tlie higher branches of life, and may be seen already In the tree tops. Occasion has been taken fre quently heretofore te Impress the fart that, the locust Itself is perfectly harmless, but it is sometimes attended by an enemy known as the dlgger wasp, which Is fatal te the locust, and the sting of which will kill a human belng In two hours. In 1817 the locusts appeared en May 2.1 ; In 1S34 about the saine time, and in 1R."1 en May 20. The date of appearance varied little In 18CS nud in 1885. Many of tlie locusts have, died in the ground this spring en account of uniavoreblo circumstances, and their appear aneo has been somewhat delayed by the back ward spring. The locusts first ceme In the pupa or soft stale, but In a short time bocemo fully Hedged. About the end of May they begin te lay their eggs, which are deposited in the tender twigs or tree. As seen as the young attain their growth in the grub state they fall te the ground, and inake their way two or thrce fect underneath the surface, In order te undergo their change. Inte the pupa form, after which last transformation mey are leunu m great numbers etcr large districts of country. It is claimed that experiments have demonstrated they never descend further than six feet Inte the earth, and that the eggs must ceme into con tact v ith the earth before they will advance towards life. It will be 17 years before the young of the locusts which new begin te sing will reappear from theii hiding places In the earth. In lsilS thousands of tlie progeni tors of the present visitors came up between tlie bricks of the pavements in the cities which had been laid in tlie previous 17 years en new streets. Generally tlie locusts prefer the w eeds and shady places anil net the open Holds. Notwithstanding tlie common idea thatthoyisre injurious te vegetation It ap pears from high authority that they are net se, oxeept Irem the dam.ige done by the icmale in depositing her eggs. Locusts are a favorite feed of hogs, squirrels and sonie of the larger birds and are a favor He dish with the Indians when fried. Ily the act of depositing Its eggs the locust does all the injury of which It is capable. The excoriations thus made lujure tlioyeung trees of the nursery, the goesoberry, currant and ether small garden shrubs, hut the apple, lwtr, peach, plum and cherry trees only suder partially, and even this is net bo be bo lieved le allect the fiult of tlie succeeding year. Tlie locust, does net depend for feed upon any lUing tiecs almve ground, but lives en tlie uutrieus principles it collects from the surface of vegetable substances and extracts from the earth. Ah thelr resurrec tion Is Mid te be en the same spots where they formerly appeared, it may be that the wheat and ether ileitis in the country where they are new found wcre formerly the slte of a lerest or orchard, whonce they woie dropped te the earth. vei'Nn only in UNiTnn statks. The locust Is emphatically an Amerlcan republican Insect, and found only in the United Ktatcs, and that there nre two tribes of tlicse Insects dillering from each ether only In the periods of their Huts Tlie larger family, the northern, living 17 years, and the ether, the southern, 13 years. Generally these Insects begin te loave the ground al-out May 20, and lucrcase te num eors till about May 27, when the greatest numbers will appear, and then in less num bers till about June &, when no mere will leave the earth. About June 15, they com mence depositing their eggs, which continues until about June 20. The foiuale lays about 400 eggs excavating holes ler that purpese in the limbs or twigs te which they nre at tached by a singularly constructed Instru ment, about the sie of a small pin, desig nated as the ovi-pesltor. About J line 2T the old locusts disppcar altogether. About July 23 the eggs nre ready te hatch, the In sects ceme out of the excavations and fall te the ground in great numbers, and are se small that they are llke little metes in the air, and their apparent specific gravity se in ferior that they are net injured liy tlie fall. In tlie whele r.mge of natural history there is nothing mere strange than the fact that n little Insect, net as large as the smallest ant, shall pass into the ground nud remain thore seventeen years and then cuierge in the form of a comparatively larger insect, and that most tilbcs should reappear the same month, and almost the sa-no day, once In soenloen years, or thiltcen yeirs, according te the district te which they belong. Having made its way Inte tlie earth it lives during the remainder of the warm season In the vegotable suli-sell, utid en the approach of cold weather forms around itself a cocoon, or ctll, by cementing the particles of earth to gether, in which condition the locusts nre often dug up In gardening and excavating without their real character being discovered. The next season it opens one end et its cell te gain aocess te tlie small roots and moist earth, but docs net leae the cell, and thus It continues from season te season, each year enlarging its cell, never changing Its locality from the tlme it enters the earth until it emerges HOW TJIF.Y MAKI5 MUSIC. Tlie musical organs of the locust, by which they keep up the peculiar and universal din from sunrise te sunset, are organs of sound. "The musical organs are also very curious nna ditllcult te describe. Directly under the sheulder of tlie wing in each side of the chest thore is a beautiful membrane somewhat trlangiilar, convex and ribbed with line benv ridges, 'tills membrane resembles a small shell, and is stretched ever a cavity In the chest, tlie lower nngle connected Internally with a stieng muscle. On the breast there are two large scales ene en each side, firmly attached te the breast above, but Iree belew. On bending the liedy backwards these scales are elevated and oxpeso two large cavities, also covercd with oxtreinoly line and sllk-llke membranes. These cavities nre connected with these under the musical membranes under the wing sheulders and probably serve for lungs. When these cavities are filled with nlr the musical eigans or membranes first described nre made te produce the sound by the large muscles the bony rldges of tlie membranes belng made te act upon each ether w ith such rapidity that the motion is scarcely percep tible." Whilst the most harmless and de fenseless or creatures this insect has inniim orable cnemies Chickens, turkeys birds squirrels and pigs will scarcely touch any ethor feed during the locust seasen. A curi ous etlect upon all lien's eggs laid after feod feed ing upon this diet Is that their yolks are nearly white. A remarkable characteristic of tlie insect Is Its solitary life. Although in close neighborhood te Humorous individuals of its class two are never found in a cell or in contact. This Is also thelr character in the perfect or w lngcd state SHALL AND WILL. In the II rat person Imply shall foretells In w HI a threat or else u premise dwells j Shall in the second and third does threat, Will then simply loreiciisuiuinro icu. Frem the Urummar in Ute in the Jrith tienal Scheel i. ,Vu- Jinny a Ictlin te Hrlght's Disease has been re stored te sound heath by Hunt's Keiuedy. Hunt's Kumedy Is net a new compound; it has been bofero the public thirty ears. Hunt's Itemed)' purllles the bleed by assisting the kidneys te cuuy oil all 'lll",rJ1;,-lJoe(llw HVEVIAZ, NOTICES. There Is no nTe lighting nature. Dr. Kennedy's Kaveille Keuiedy ds nothing of tbut kind. It does net inake the sufTerei-s who trust It werse under the pretense or doing them geed. It acts tenderly und In sympathy with what Nature herbelfls trlng te accomplish. De you have trouble with your digestion, your liver or your kidneys 7 Dees rheumatism pain and rack yen 7 Is your head thick and heavy? Itwlllchumi awaytbee ulliueiita almost cre you nre atvare. ' (I)iuyll-luideedAw Hit. WILLIAM'S INDIAN PILE OINTMENT, L. O. McCullum, csonducteron the U. A W. It. IL. Sprlnglleiu, if., auk . w, iwa j ' 1 have Jnereus remedies und employed ifiany physic. Uus. but te no nuriMJie. A friend roeoiumondea Ur. VHIUHrt rudiU Pile Olntnient. which I am trrsteful te nay luut cured inn." Beld by U. 11. KetaS. W? and t North queea itrwt, C.8J ' ..... ul H.1IS1 U 1 srr.ciAi. NOTICES. A Disabling Disease. Ne disease 'which does net confine a man te his bed se completely unfits lilin for business as dys pepsia. When the stomach U foul, the brain Is always muddy and confused, and as the cares and anxieties of llfe are a sufllclent burden for the organs of thought te hear, without being tormented by the miseries born of Indigestion, It Is highly desirable for the brain's sake, as well as for the sake of every ether portion of the sys tem, that the disordered stomach should be re stored with the utmost dispatch te a healthy, vlgorenscondltlon. This object can always be accomplished by n course ofltestotter's Stomach Hitters, the purest and best of ycgotnbtespcclflcs, which evacuates the morbid humors through the bowels, reuses and tones the torpid stomach and regulates the llrer, Imparts firmness te the nerves and clears the senserlum of Its mental cobwebs. Persons subject te attacks of Indiges tion, bilious headache, irregularity or the bowels, sickness et the stomach, or " the blnes," should take the Hitters ence or twice nday throughout the present season. m27teJ3 HOUGH ON ITCH." "heugh en Itch" cures humors, eruptions, ring-worm, tetter, salt rheum, frosted fuel, chil blains. (S) Tells What He Knows. "Hest thing for burns 1 have ever tried. Heals up grandly." I.. 1 Fellctt, Marlen, Ohie, speak speak Ingef 77iema Erlertrte Oil. Fersnln by II. II. Cnchrnn, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. "Oter the Hills te the Peer Heuse" A person with Impaired or Impoverished bleed I en the lead te physical bankruptcy. Iturtleck Jlloed Hitter strengthen and enrich the circula tion, repair the tlsHiics, and build up the entire system. Ker snle lay li. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 N'eith Qucen street, Lancaster. AN UNFOIITUNATE TEUSON. The most unfortunate person In the world Is one afflicted with sick headache, but they will lie icHccilat ence by using Dr. Leslie's Special l'resci Iptlen. Bee advertisement In another column. (I) I'HKTTY WOMEN. Ladles who would retain freshness and vivac ity. Don't fall te try ' Wells' Health Kenower." (3) I'll rsiei aim' sanction has been nccenled te that standard disinfectant, lilenn's Sulphur Seap. "Hill's Hair Dye," bluckei brown, w cents. Ji-lwdeedftw or Matchless Merit. Forlhenoso and threat, externally or Inter nally used, Tiemat' Ecleetrie Oil Is matchless. Asthma, catarrh, and serious threat affections nrerjulckly nniennblu te this efficient remedy. Korwiteby 11.11. Ceehnin, druggist, 137 and 139 North tjuecu street, Lancaster. Let Us Tell Yeu. V( reustlpated Is net a well person, and lurther. iuml iit'iuiy irry fine is suiyeciru u inpgeir regularities. Let us tell you also that Jl unlock Bleed llltlertnre mm of the finest diuretics and niwrlcnts out yet devised. Ker snle by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. A I'estul Card Fiem Mrs. Dentils Smith, Louisville, Ky., says: "Ker blend Impurities Jluriteek Jlloert J'ltlrrt seem particularly mlapted. Ncut before had completion se clear. Use all the time," Korsale by II. 11. Ceehnin, druggist, 137 und 139 North Queen street, Lancaster. LIKE lMlKSEUVKIt. If j en are losing your grip en life, try " Wells Health Kenower." does direct te weak spots. (31 IHt. FltA'IEll'S MAOIC OINTMENT. The greatest blessing that has been discovered In this generation. A mire euro for llells, Hums, Seres, Cuts, Flesh Wounds, bere Nipples, Hard and Sert Cerns, Chapped Lips and Hands, l'lm pies and llletches. Vrlee Gee. Sold by Druggists. Sold by II. It. Ceehnin, 137 und 139 North Queen street. (t) A STAKTLINO D1SCOVEKY. Mr. Wm. Jehnsen, of Huren. Dak., wiltes that his wife hmlheun troubled with acute llrenchltls for many years, and that all remedies tried guve no peiinaiieiit relief, until he procured a buttle of Dr. JCing't New Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, uud Colds, which hud a magical etreet, and produced a permanent cure. 1 1 Is guaranteed te cum nil Dlncases of Threat, Lungs or liren chlul Tubes. Trial Unities Flee at Cochran's Drug Stere, N'es. 137 and 139 Net Ih Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. Large Size (1.00. (3) The 1'vople Antenlslied. Many penple are astonished when they dls dls cever the wiile circulation or Thomai' Eclecirle Oil. There Ishiudly adrug house In the coun try that does net Iiatu this lcincdy upon Its shelves. The public have round It Is a geed thing mid stick tnlt. Ker sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancas ter. AN END TO HONE SCKAl'INO. Edwaul Shepherd, of IliinUhurg, III. says: " Having rccclcdse much beiiclltfreiii KUctilc Hitters, I feel It my duty te let suffering Immunity knew It. llae hud u running sein en my leg for eight jeiirstmy doctors told me 1 would hae lnliuvu the bone scraped or leg amputated. I tited. Instead, three bottles of Electric Hitters and sewn boxes Iliicklen's Arnica Halve, und in V leg Is new ceund and ell." Llcetilc Hitters uru sold at fifty rents a bottle, and HucMcu's Ainlca Salve nt 'iVs. per be by 11. II. Ceehnin, Druggist, . N'es. 1J7 und 139 Nnith stieet, I-uneuster, pa. (3) "KOUGH ON PILES" Ones Piles or Hemorrhoids, Itching, l'retrud lug, llleedlng, Internal and ether. Internal and Eternal In each package. Sure cine, 60c. Drug gists. l'OUNO MEN I HEAD THIS. Tub Voltaic Hklt Ce., of Marshall, Mich., offer te send their celebrated Klectro-Veltaio Hklt and ether ELECTnte ArrLiAKCKSen trial fur thirty day. te men (old or young) mulcted with nervous debility, less of vitality und manhood, und all kindred troubles. Alse for rheumatism, neu nil glu, paralysis, und many ether kindred diseases. Complete restoration te health, vigor and man hood guaranteed. Ne risk is Incurred as thirty days trl.il Is allowed. Wrlte them nt ence for Illustrated pamphlet free. decJO-lyd&w UUCKLEN'S AKNICA SALVE. The best Salve In the world for Cuts, Urulscg, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Kheuiu, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hand. Chilblains. Cerns, and ull Skin Eruptions, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give perfect satis faction, or money refunded, l'rlce. 25 cents per wA. Ll -.,.. l.. : lr ,i ............. - ,... ' UC-&. K Ul n.1113 uy Jl J), UVUIUIl, uiuugisi -linii 137 and 139 North Queen street Lancaster, l'a. DvsrKiTie, nervous people, "out of sorts," Celden's Lliiuld Heef Tonle will cure. Atkjer Celden't. Of Druggists. JM'vdced&w ai.ASHWAllE. H 1(111 &. MAUT1N. Decorated Ware -AT- CHINA HALL, We hu e new open the finest line of DKCOKATED WAKE, TEA nnd D1NNEK SETS, DESEKT nnd TOILET SETS, Ac. JAPAN WARE. -l'KICES TO SUIT THE TlMES.- Higli & lartin, NO. 16 BAST KINO STREET, LA.NOASTEK. PA. HATS ANV CAV8. ATEST STYM'.S IN HATS. STAUFFER & CO., Leading FuhieuMt HatteiJ, Just received, n Ijirge Assortment or 8TKAW HATS. Men's Uonulue Mackinaw, Jl.ee, Jl.te, $iu) te i.oe the iliicst In the city. Panama, Manilla, Impel hit, Duustable. Mllausrer Heys. Children's Fine Dre.s llats-Sle., 5He., 75c, ll.Oi, ti.M. Our Light Weight MncMuaws lire some. thing new. 'lhe DKKSDKN, the Flne.t Llght- Welgllt Ollll mil in llie limimu mi i.eu jui yenug men. The CHATHAM, the Nicest uud Finest iS0 Flexlhle and Stlir Squuni Taper Crown Hat te be found anywhere. All color ftnr nw HIU'ciultlOM. TllO HAT. u Crush Kurlliit lllack. Drewn, Illy un. lllui). r l'eail nnu Nnirlii ll.ei. A rnahlouuhle bilk Hut-riW, H.U), tS-f". ea lU-atl, Creami Ciwwlinere-t2.fi0, U.u). 3.5u, U ail, Cream and Maiile Colored J.U),t3.50,M.OO-Htll NuvKtjles. Stauff er & Ce. (SUULTZ'S UI10.'S OLD STAND), Nee. 31-33 NORTH QUB13N STREET, LANCASTEB.l'A. XEItlVAU H UNTR KEMEUY. HUNT'S KIDNEY AND L1VEK REMED YI Never Known te Fail. NEVKK KNOWN.TO FAIL. It euros when all ether medicines fall, as It nets directly and at ence en the Kidneys, Liver and liewcls, restoring them te a healthy action. It Is a safe, sure nnd speedy cure, nnd hundreds have been cured uy li wnen puysicnms ind I ft lends had gleii them up tot die. II is Beth a "Safe Cure" and a " Specific." It CUKES nil Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver llludder and Urinary Organs i Dropsy, (J nil el, Dlahctas, Hrlght's Disease, Nervous Diseases, Excesses, Fnmale Weaknesses, Jnundlce, Heur Stomach, Dyspepsia, Constipation, Piles, Pains in the Hack. Leins nnd Side, Keten- tlen or Noii-Uctentleu of Urine. 11,35 AT DncealsTs. Y9TAKK NO OTHER. Send for Illustrated Pamphlet of Solid Testi monials of Absolute Cures. HUNT'S REMEDY CO., (3) 1'ievldence, It. 1. YEU'S HA USA PA 11! UiA. A Heme Druggist Testifies. Popularity nt home Is net always the best test of merit, but we point proudly te the fuel that no ether remedy hss wen for ltxelf such milt it sal approbation In Its own city, stale and coun try, and among all people, us Ayer's Sarsaparilla. The foil eh lug letter from nun of our best known Massachusetts Druggists should be of In terest te every suUercr : TJVinnmefinivi " Eight yenrs nge I lmd nn AQCUm&tlSni.attncker RHEUMATISM, se seteru that 1 could net move from the bed, or dress, without help. I tried scvnml lemcclles without much II anv reller, until I took A YIHt'H SAKSAPAK1LLA, liythe UK) of iHObottlesef which 1 wax completely cun'd. Hate sold large (iiuntltleriel your HAIlSAPAUILLA, nnd it still lubilns Its wonderful popularity. 'I he many notiible cures 11 hns eireded In this vicinity convince me that It Is the best blend medicine ever offered te the public E. F. IIAKKLS," KlterSt., Huckhuid, Muss., )luy 13, lss-J. Cf.li. T3Viniivi Okebiib Anekkws, overseer Wall- IlDCUni.lu the Lewell Carjiet Corpor Cerpor Corper poratlon, wus for ever twenty years before his removal te Lewell mulcted with 8ALTKIIEUM In Its worst form. Its ulcerations actually cov ered mere than half the surfiire of his body and limbs, lie was entirely cured by A VKIl's SAK SAI'AKILLA. See tertlllcnle In Ayer's Alma nac for 1S3. l'nii'AnxD nv Dr. J. C. AYER & CO., Lewell, Muss. Sold by all Druggists. II, six bottles for i. HUM J u net Plvtakuu. " ELY'S CREAM BALM CUKES COLD IN HEAD, CATAKKII.KOSKCOLD.IIAY FEVEK, DEAFNESS, HEADACHE. Eejy te tise. N. V., U. S. A. Price, Sflc. Ely Ure.'s., Oswego Hay Fever. ELY'S CKKAM HALM Cleanses the Head, Allays Inflammiitlnn, Hcids the Seres, Kcsteres the Senses of Tusto nnd Smell. A quick und pesltivu cure. Se cents nt Druggists. W) cents by mall, registered, bend for circular, bample by mall, 10 tents. ELY BROTHERS, Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. inar31-tfd&w AFTKU Alili OTHERS KAIL, COHSULT DR. LOBB, NO. 3-JU North Fifteenth street, below Callewhlll street, Philadelphia. Cures all Secret DUeuies or both sexes. Twenty Y ears Experience. Con sultation by mall. NEKVOUS AND SPECIAL DISEASES. New book just out. Send for tt, lleuisj 11 a. in. till 'i n. in., and 7 p. m. te 10 p. in' Heeks free te the mulcted. feb'JU-lydJtw G HAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English Uemedy. An unfailing cure for Impetcncy and all Diseases that fellow Less of Memery, Universal Lassitude, Pain In the Hack, Dimness or Vision, Premature Old Age, und many ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Premature Crave. Full rmrtlculars In our namnhlet. which we de sire te send frca by mall te every ene. This Spe- clfle mcdlclne Is sold by all druggist at II per nacjcuire. or six eacKuires ler ). or win ue sent 'roe by mall en receipt of the tm ney, by ad dresslnir the ucent. H. JJ. COCllllAN, Druggl't,riole Agent, Nes. 137 and 139 North (Juiwj street, Luncaster, Pa. On cccountet counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper ; the only genuine TDK OKAY MEDICINE CO., Huffale. N. Y. CONSUMPTION 1 HAVE A POSITIVE remedy for the above disease ; by Its use housandsercasesof the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, se strong is my faith In its ellleacy that I will send TWO UOTTLES FKEE. together with a valuable trea trea tlse en this disease te any sulTorer. Olve ox ex press and P. O. address. DK.T. A. 8LOCUM, nZMlmdeedAeinw 1S1 Pearl St., N. V. CJAFE. SUKE AND SPEEDY OOUK Cj Kuftdbk, Vauicecelk and SrKciAL Diseases. Whv be humbugged by quacks, In Dr. Wrfuht the when you can ilnd only keeu lar Puvriciam In Pblladelphht who makes a spcchdty of the above diseases and cukes them 7 l TfTBva niriRiwTiKn. Anvlrt tuiti. fluir unn ftv.n. ing. Strangers cuu be treated and retuni home the same day. Offices private. lilt. W. II. WKIOIIT, Ne. 211 North Ninth street, above Kuee, P. O. ltex 073. Philadelphia. aniMydw H EADQUAllTEHb l-OHTIll INDIAN MEDlClNKd,; Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere NO. EAST KINO ST.. Lancaster. Pa. St'EOTAVLES. CUPERIOH SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, Field Olosses, lluremcters, Tcle Tcle Tcle aoepeu, Magic Lanterns, Thennemeters, Draw, lng Instruments, rhllosephical and Chemical Apparatus. List and Descriptions of our Ten Catalogues sent r'UKE en application, QUEEN&CO., NO. 021 CHESTNUT ST. l'HILADELl'HIA inari-lydjtw WATCHES, JtC. ::m:KtlSKBAyimA. GREAT REDUCTION IN JUICES OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JMWELHY.at LOUIS WEBE'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street, Opposite City Hetel, near Pa. It, H. Depot. Retailing at Wholesalo l'rlcei. Uepalrlng at xtra Lew Price. ,. JyJl-lyd MACHJJtEMT. tjINOINE AND BOILER WOKKS. BEST Steam Engine -AND- B0HER WOEKS. AS WE HANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, HAVE NO AGENTS, CAN 1NBUKE OUlt PATKON8 LOW PK10ES AND UOOD WOKK. BOILERS. Vertical and HorizentalTubular, Flue, Cylinder, Marine, Deuble-Deck and Portnble. rUKNACE-WORK, HLAST-l'lPES, STACKS, Ac, Ae. TANKS for Water, Acids and Oil. HOISTING ENGINES. ENGINES.' Vertical and Horizontal. Stationary, from two te sixty horse-power. Portable Engines, en Wheels nnd Bills t Six Sizes 4, 0, 8, 10, IS and 20 horse power. SAW MILLS. Peny Mills and Large Mills. Cob Mills. Hark Mills Leather Hellers, Ten Packers, Trlpple Gearing for herse power. PUMPS. Kelt and Gear Pumps ; Mining Pumps j Cem blned Pumps and Heaters. Cerltrlfugal Pump, Steam Pump. Gearing, Pulleys, Fly Wheels, Clamp Hexns, Hangers, Couplings, Cellar, Steel Steps and Tees, Pulley Plates, Packing Iloxes, Mill Spindles, Mill Kusblngs, Ac., A a, Ae, PIPES. Wrought Iren, for Gas, Rleam and Water. Cast Iren Pipes. Heller Tubes, Well Casting. FITTINGS. Fer Wulcr and Slenm, .. " w -.i, liutiw, V.WCHH, niuui ges, (liitige Cocks, Glass Water Gauges, rety Valves, Whistles, fllobe Valves, loverners, Patent Helf.Feedlng Lu- Valves, Cocks, flteam uuugc Safe Governors, bricaters, Glass Oil Cups, GIubs Heller Feeders. PACKINa Hemp, Aslest08, Gum and Pium- buge. HKLTING Gum, Cotten and Lealher, CASTINGS Heavy and Light Iren nnd brass. Heller Iren, Sheet lien, Har Iren. und Stcel. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools nnd Public Buildings. STEAM HEATmO. Estimates, Drawings and Pattern WetK fur- iiiniiuu hl jieiisonaiiie uuics. mtr Uepalrlng tended te. Addi promptly and carefully at- ress, Jehn Best & Sen, NO. 333 HAST FOLTON STREET, LANCASTKK, PA. JanlS-lydAw VAltlllAOES. gTANDAKD CA11UIAOE WOUK. Edward Edgerley, FINE GAUKIAGE DUILDEIt, MAKKET STKKET, KKAK OF POSTOFF1CE, LAN CASTE K, PA. A LAKGE STOCK OF JBU&frlES & OAUBIAaES Cemprlnlng the Ijitest Styles nnd most Ele. gnntly Finished, at GKEATLY KKDUCKD I'KICES. If you winh te purchase n geed arti cle, my work Is decidedly lhe ihcipcslin the state. MOTTO-"FAIK DEALING AND HONEST WOKK." S-Dnn't fall te encourage geed work. All Werk FULLY WAKKAN TED lowest Prices ferllEPAIItlNG AND KEPAINTING. One set of workmen erieclally employed for that pur pur pur eoeo. PLEASE CALL AND EXAMINE. uevtfdAw N OKUEC'K & MIliEY. The Old Reliable! Owing lhe Extenslvn Pn'uratlnns made dur ing the dull season wehaTOHii assortment of the FINEST & LATEST STYLES OF VEHICLES licrelnfore offered te the public, nit of which are specimens et llrst-cluHs weikinamthlp, cannot be excelled In miy respect, nnd w hlch we am pre pared te sell at greatly ruduied figures. In ether words : " Wheat Is down ; tobacco Is dew n ; everything else must comedown In proportion; se that we are new ready te satisfy the public that we hute 11 rat-class work and will sell at prices ucceidlngly. Kcmcmhcfeur Motte: "Our Werk Sustains Our Werd." "Our Stock comprises the following Styles of Vehicles, tlz: Four-Passenger Extension-Tep PhiuteiiH, Four-Passenger SUiudlng-Tep Phaj Phaj tens, Four-Passenger Jump-Sent Carriages, Twe-Passenger Falling-Tep l'h.nten, Two Twe Passenger snindlng-Tep Phietens, Twe-Pasien-ger Ladles' Canopy-Tep Phietens, Te Tep tVngeiiH, Tep Huggies ull styles. Alse, ntlrHt-class (second hand) Cabulay Four Feur Pushcnger Phaiten. Special attention given te Uepalrlng at all times, and we employ none but the best, practi cal mechanics, and manufacture all our own wheels, direct ly under the supervision of J ACOU MILKY, of the llrni, the eldest whcUwilght In this city. NOBBECK & MILEY'S FACTORY, COKNKK OF VINE AND DUKE STKEETS, LANCASTER, PA., WAl.T. PAVE It. SCREENS. xy-INDOYV Wire Window Screens! ltmaypeem a little early te talk about Win dow Screens, but we think the time Is here ; the warm weivther will seen be with us, and It Is well te ba prepared. A geed plan U te have them fitted in early, before the files till up your house. We are well supplied with frames and wires. The second-story of our building Is stocked with from 3.0U) te 7.000 frames of different sizes, w hlch can be mode up nt short notlce. The prlcewill be lower than heretofore. We make you a geed sized screen for SO cents n piece, and Landscape wtre from 11.25 a plece up. All widthsef wiie Beld by the feet or roll at lowest prices. We opened te-day, another Choice Line of LACE CURTAINS, Three, three and a-half nnd four yards long, l'rlce 73c, fl.00, 1.23, $1.50, $1.73, $2.00, $2.50. $3 00 a plece up. l'eles 40e, 60e, 75c, $l.tw, &c. We are In the busy season for WALL PAPER. Our stock W large te select lrem, and we have a strong force of workmen te de your work promptly. Window Shades of every description. PIAEES W. PRY, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCA8TKU. 1'A. TOENNA. OIQARS FROM fl.00 PER X Hundred up, at HAETMAN'S YELLOW FKONT OIQAK SIOHJC WMJSWfcjS'lJIM'rffc'Sf s UMMEH DRESH GOODS, HAGER & BROTHER, 25 West King Street. SUMMER DRESS GOODS! Summer Silks, Surahs, Tricetine, Foulards, Pongee, Grenadines, Nun's Veiling and Albatross. Linen Lawns, French Salines, Americun Salines. British Cleths, Chambray Ginghams, Zephyr Ginghams. EMBEOIDEELES Parasols and Sun Umbrellas, Lisle and Silk Gloves, Hosiery and Gauze Underwear. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. FAtffffiSTOCK'S. White Goods, White Goods, FOR LADIES' DRESSES. . Larfre'nnd oemploto stoek new epen from 8e te 60e per yard. Ladiea' Em broidered Rebea.' Handsome Bebea at low prices. Summer Merine and India Gauze. Underwear for LadlOB, Genta, Misses, and Children. Jerseys ! Jerseys ! ! Jerseys ! ! ! , AU the New thin ire in Jerseys new open from BOe te 85.00. Ladies' Gent's and Children's Hoalery in endless verlety, all at our usual low prices. R. E; FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court QUE AV STORE. SPECIAL FROM THE AUCTION ROOMS OF NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. OUKATEST HAUCIAIXS EVKIl KNOWN IN BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, LADIES' DRESS CLOTHS, BLACK CASHMERES. Ladies' Dress Goods in Variety. LONG AND SQUARE BLACK THIBET SHAWLS. WE AUK ITULh Of 1IAUUA1NS OF KVKKY DKSCItll'TION AT letzger & Haiighiiiaii's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., - Uetwoen the Cooper Henso and Serrol Heme B OWERS & UURHT. NOS. 26 & 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET. I. A 1)1 ES As we are closing out our Knttre Stock te iimkc a chiuige In our lmslnc, v, c arc offer Ins many desirable goods at such prices that would bev, ell worthy of our attention before mak ing your purchases. InllLACK SILKS, 1ILACK CA8IIME11ES, NUN'S VEIMNGS and ALI1A TltOSS CLOTHS, we are offering at Great Itcductlens. We offer a Special Ilargaln in un ALL WOOL HUNTING at 10e., and have It In only lour shades. PACIFIC LAWNS are here In Nice As As fiertnicnt, and efter theui Very Lew. Great llargalns In KIIIIIONS, whlchwe are closingeut fust llargulns In LACES, CHENILLE FltlNGKS, KID GLOVES, COIISETS, Ac. ltemember also, from our Greatly ltcduced Prices we Deduct 10 per cent, from almost every sale- HfVLCASE GIVE USA CALL.- BOWERS & HURST, NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - Lancaster, Pa. SLLXEltirAltE. H.v Z. KHOAD.H. ATTENTION We would call attention of purchasers te the very fine and com plete line of moderate priced Ladles' Geld Watches, very mueh in demand just at present, and -we are well prepared te meet that de mand. We alBO have Geld and Silver Watches in a great variety of styles and at the low prices brought about by the long dopresslon of the times. Our Niokel Watches at $6.00 are geed watches for the money, and are going off very fast. We received the ethor day a large Invoice of all the latest novel ties In Silver Jewelry, Oxydlzed, etc., very pretty and worth Boo Boe ing ; would be pleased te have you call and see them. H. Z. LANCASTElt, PA. 1IOVHEFU11N1SHJNU UOODS. s UIRK'S OARPET UALL. CARPETS ! UEOl'ENINQ or SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show tlie trade the Largest and Best Selected Line or TOta 0J,i Minted In this city. WILTONS, VKLVKTS, all the Trading Makes of 110DY ANDTAI iiimihuim c ri'iitrfrn wr v in.uAi..i..nrt iitinn ihnin kxtks HilPKlts. and all nualltles or IN- UUAINOAitl'ETS.DAMAsKand VKNET1AN .. -. : ,-... u . ... , uwu uitiiiMinuiuru u niiueiuiiiy. e necuu iiiiniiiuu Aisearuii Line or oil cloths, auus, winuev SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Gov. West KTjQg and B 00K8 AND STATIONHRY. JOHN- BAEH'S SONS, OFFEH AT LOWEST l'MCES, Blank Beeks, Writing Papers, Envelopes, Writing Fluids anil Inks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, . . M A .A.mnnfr rxt Vlr)nni1 Steel 1'ens, Lead l'encUs, rocket Uoek.iillllk)ok. Leiter uoekb. unu u.i .u.lu.u..v ' Staple matlenery. T AT TUB B1QW OF THE DOOK.-t NOS. 16 HMd 17 NORTH QUKEN STRilET. LANOkSTER, BET U 001)8. Imlinn Linen, Persian Lawn, French Nainzoek, KnglishNninzoek, Indian Mull, rique Wilts. AND LAWIS. Hquse, Lanca8ter,Pa. BARGAINS LANCASTER, PA. Hetel. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street. CARPETS ! CAlll'ETS. ltAQ and CHAIN CA .... .A nti...iluniiriinttimAf I MISTI .ltl'KTSer our '.""- - " - ...m. ... ,i.l, l,Uf1.U i paid totheManuiaciurooi wueauju m.""i" irSHADKS, COVEULETS, Ac., -AT- Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. leUB-Smdlw JlOOKll. TMAFELER'a BVIDB. ,bjt ' LANCASTER AND MILLK1WV1J II. It. TIM K T A niV "" .l pil illr"'" "inciwtcr for Mlllersvlllw nt ', --;--- ------- -'ii'iMi, r , Canilrnvn Ml lurnviiin h. I .....,.. -."i 8.-0U and 10.00 a.m., and l:txi, 3 1), n.eu and 7.00 Tl TOEADINQ t COLUM1UA. AltHANOEMENT OF PASSENOEH TAl SUNDAY, MAY 21,1853. NOKTHWAItn. A, Heading. , t:ij ABKIVB. r.r. 2.W 1. f. A 0M f KAl ceiutnbln 7J ilarleitji Junction 7-M Chlckles 7:00 Lnncestcr.... 7'0 Lancnster (King Street).. 7:10 guarryvllle...,. C:25 i-AVB. A. X. i-.-a S'M 4-00 ...; .i..f .... KM 1I.M SJ0 e t r.f r. x. r. m, a.m. BOUTinVAllD. Kcadlng.'. 7.15' M. r.x. 6:10 12 00 A11K1VK. ?,'J.r'.cJta Junction D.-00 Sh!ck,y n:M Columbia B.a luncaster B1J (juarryvllle ',, 10,20 r.x. 7.M 8.-20 8:25 8:li 820 9,-ae 2ft5 2.03 "Vi 4Jf ! r.x. T'Tralnji connect at Heading with trains te- r. w. -r., AM4.fr.em 'hllaiU1jliIn, PottsUlle. Harrl HnnFJ ""' ""a New Xnrk' vla lien" I lie, llnrrlibunr, .,' V BtWlc,. iiAteluJ!lb.la w"h "n'1"' te nnd from Yerk, Hanover, Ucttynbuig, Frederick and Ilaltlmore. Chlckles 'unctlm w 'th trains te nnd from At Manhelni with trains te nnd from Lebanon. 1 A1ti1'n,ncnter Junction with tnilmtennd from Lancaster and yuarryvllle. .f!ic'lfV?7L(Juarry.v.1!'c,7:10a' "! I-ancaster, KIj .nm,;Srn?ir "". nt, ftsei i 1 u iimiui 11 u. iTzii 11. tii . m ( n p. in.: Ouarryville, B.tOp.m. aprtllllydiw A.M. WILSOJ T ERANON AXn T.vniQnun Tnrtm v. JLi LINEUAILIt(JAf UiUlUilelJ-iH ilUim -. ARRAROKXEKTOr rASSEROKR TIUIK8. SUNDAY, MAY 21TH, 1SS3. NOIITHWAUI), , A. X. Lebanon gee Arrive. Cornwall ; n Manbclm 7 i Lancaster. CI7 King suianc. b.ie Leavo. a. v. SOUTH W Mil). Leave. a x. Lebanon 731 Cornwall.,. , -j Manhelm... ,8113 Lancaster... . 8J3 Arrive. King St., La 8.40 Sunday p. x. 2.13 1:59 1-S3 12-V) 1J:40 r.x. V.'x. 12iM 12-43 118 M 203 r. v, CM an C-07 6 30 r.x. A. H 9 40 0-20 8 43 8 111 A.M. x. . HI e-itf S.19 8J r. x. "ta.-S 1.0 8-01 S ill. T V SL14,fd 1 11 u'lti t. .; ., ,:.: A x, . M, C. e fati Mtc.MiBjSupt.u.andC.&ilt.Mt' - ' - -i tiiA 1 ule x JjVAHIA kailbeap aeaipp. at X'hlludelpl la its fellows 1 , VH Lcava Lera' ? WESTWAUO. News Express ...,.. WayrassenKCct. ... Philadelphia. 4-30 a. in. .UAneaswr.v'j ti25n.iu.7J BJW "V!i'3 Mall train vlallt-Jey 7.00 ; A-.W. JJ.UI1 lllltilf, .. Nlntjara Expif a.. ,. Hanover Accem...,, fast Line Dallyf ... Frederick Accem.,, Ijincnster Accem .. Harrlsburg Accem.. via Columbia. D-J5 Zf j:wa. m. via Columbia. IldO a.1111 vlnOijliimKla. vinMuJey. sis p.m. 4 40 . tfcSU 0 33 ' iHMp.M.a t-Fd U 6'30 7M - uuiumum icceui .. Harrisbunr Krnrtw. 810 ' 8 30 llri) 7:10 10-41 12:10 a. m. 13 Arrivnaf. rhUadclphla. 4-23 SIS ' JO-30 .Chl.ACIn. KjprfM.t vesiern express t rclfleEipriyar BASTWAKH. tRnoaster, Phll'a xpren . , sjt7 " Kant Line a " IlanUbnndSxprrtui, 81it " Lenc'r. Awern , fcr... , Celnrabla'AivMiA. , ,. a.'d " .HciuhereExnr'iM,. . y)2Aup.m. ya.ait.Jey. ii 8.13 p. IU, Vi .wmw.lifcmvw Tf-wj dally excT)t nnd j , Sunday iau.. ..,,. tee 4.45 543 Day fcmress lfc. 6M ,!? t Harrisburif AeAw.. 0-43 115 The Marietta Accommodation leaves' Celui-jiia J -ii iii u-.ie a. m , r scuiucr .marietta irvu venvarimS Marietta at 3 15 p. in. and arrtTes at Columbia at 71 at 3 JO ; also lea e.jatti.XaudRrrlV(.'(ats.."V). 3( .,7."-."r r:".'""i-"."' rv7 """:.?f wn liiuitint uiiivL-s ai. iiucust-urnii con;, veuuucuiur t??9 The Fredciiel AeeonunrMlntlnn.tre4t.eennofit lng at Lancoste with Kast Line, west, at iSOO . in , wlllrunthr luuh te Jb'rednrlck. . R'J auu . .ui.t-t .iiuiiuuiuuuiiuu, Viel, iiiuun ji.ic P.m. i-tfi The Lancestc Accommodation, Et,leavei, jy .(....niu. u, eiw y. ui. luuiu&iit V1 (u Jaui.wk.J t -t a, Urii 11. ill. i J- . Hanover Acer irraiodatlen, west, connecting HU si f. jjtncastcrwit run through t Fast Line. weft, en Sunday, whan imtrccd. wlll? step at Downlnn'ewn, Contcsvllle, rurkuubnrg,' Mt. Jev. Kllzab uhtewn and Mlddlctewu. it ,.i t The only trains which run dally. OnSnndajLVi the Mall train w e-truns by way of Columbia. ? , li NUiicarai;xprexsnt9-30n.in."lIl;4. e llitiievpr. iIilIIv. erennt Snndav. (ORNWAIil. AND TiEBAN0N "LvSc, . l Z'i - J COLEIJUOaJt VALLEY 1CAILHOAUB. Ji'i 80DT1IWAJUJ. i?" Trains leav el mnen daily ( excent Bnnday I J&X atGJSOa. m.f 12iX id 70 c in. aU Arrive at Cen all at 6 M) n, m., 12'W n, m- and itAI 7.10 p. m.; at Cei twaire at ae. m., lri' and 830 'HS p. in., connecting with the I'ennsylvunia nal. read ler points t jjt and west. KOBTltWAIlD. Trains leave Cenew age at 7.3? a.m., 8-T0 and .iap.m. - vj Arrive ai uerr an nie:uea. m., is nnu. hmwj m.: at Lebanon 1 8.-S0 a. m 4-S0 and s5 ju niifa connecting nt I banen with I'hlladelnhltt.iuidt- IkUUUlll lUlirUUII 1U1 H1II11S ,V UllU HDIh i.u. i9 l.n I.nlmnnn n...l Tisitnun ltt.nf.1. frtli .1 Atlfca tTW town, l'inegrevt and Trumont, " !t " Tlinft.flnn in 1 ulnulll ulnn nnlvilt. rnrTI4tl Colobreok and lllalre. 41 $ , . , in , irttgj COAZ. f ywfi-v? f m T B. MARTIN. . v37fel JL TO 3LXSALB AHD BXTAU. '.- t& Dealer in All Kinds of Lumlw wiCfelM$ fa-Yiin- Vn 4?e North Watar and l'rlncvifl sti-ects abeve L inen, Lanciustr. "IfV -J 1- AUMQAKI VERS & JEl'FERIES, $$ ( X '- 'Mfi COALi DEALERS.W? Orncxs : Ne. 111 North Queen street, and Njw",y 504 it North rnnce etreei. Ml? YAitDa Depot. North Prince street, near TlBadlBicic r.. WnARTEK. PA. angl5-tfd &i flOAL. ., M. V. B. COHO, 330 NOUTH WATEll STUEET, Lancaster, l'a., whelisale Ann iuctail dealsr in LUMBER AND COAL. COKMKUTIOK WITH THK TELVrUOKIO EXCBAJtP.. f$ Yard ahd Orricn: Ne. 330 NOUTH WATKU gb OIblt wu-i piAST END YARD. C.J.SWARR&CO. GOAL. - KINDLING WOOD. Orrica : Ne. 20 Centre Square. Heth yni-d nnd olllee connected 1th telcphone exchange. uprlJ-UdM&t'.U EVJllflTVEE. w ALTER A. HEIN1TSU. Furniture Warerooms. CQ 28 East King St., LANCASTER, PA. VERT CEEAP AT C ALIj AT REIQART'H VUU YY1NK BTOHE -FOlt- Listen's Extract of Beef. - PA. TIMBST I TUB WOHLP. Established, 1785. II. E. SLAYMAKE)!, ArL, ftbJ7-ttd Ne, .East King W ' K?j & " ,f 1 ms. u ,! 1 ir. A.V. 1 m ii. 11 m VI m ')' 61 Xi' BtI0"S(J S-M. )- -u:,m if t - , - . -