Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 29, 1885, Image 1

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    Sjt'Vi. ,v.
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The (lenenil Sjniiil In Honshu) III llarrlfthurj;.
Meeting of llin MliiMerlum In Atliinliinii,
Tint I'rt'nlijti'iliuis In Clnilnniitl lu-
reeilhi;s nf the Itollgleus lleilk'n.
III tlie goneral synod or tlie Lutheran
church, In Ilnrrisburg, en Thursday morn,
lug Hev. J. II. Kclincnsnyder, of New Yerk,
tillered u series of resolutions approving tlie
work orthe committee en u common liturgi
cal service j indorsing tlie previsional copy
submitted anil looking te a continuance of
tlie committee with uviowle tlie comple
tion or any miner details that may be neces
sary te prepare It for llnal adoption lu
tlie threo goneral ImkIIcs of lliu Lutheran
llev. Dr. Kolmcusiiyder spoke lu bolinlfef
his resolutions, and Hev. S. W. Owen In
Tlie twenty-llilnl report of tlie
beard el foreign missions was piosentoil by
tlie secretary, llev. Oeorge Sehell, 1). 1).
There are eleven missionaries In liidhi and
two In Africa. Tlie receipts since last con
vention wore$tS,30l.l,., legiieies$l,l0.'.2;, tlie
contributions showing an Increase of 20 jKir
font Tlie women's home and foreign mis
sionary sociely Is new composed of nineteen
Hynedienl societies, with lUL nuxilarlcs, hav
lug a niemhersliip of a,5i'i, centriliiitlng $1V
S2T).0S. The seelntv h:is tun fnm.iln mission.
arles in India. The children's missionary
society reports a membership et 10,00(1, eon.
trlbutlng M,K!7.I1."( and supporting iwoinis iweinis
slt naries in the foreign Held.
Tn India during the two years2,2IO new
inemlK)rs hae lieen received, making tlie
membership at present 8,51s.
Thocenlllcting interest rolatle te the ill
vision of territory in India between the Lu
therans and liapllsls, have been aniicibly ad
justed. At:i:I5 the resolutions en a common lituri
gical service was again taken up, when Itev.
!'. W. Cenrad, I). 1)., editor of the Lutheran
Observer, leek the lloer in favor of their
At the anniversary of the Foreign Mislson Mislsen
ary society, In the evening, addiesses were
delivered by llev. .1. Ci. Butler, I). 1)., or
Washington, and llev. L. L. IThl, or India.
Tim MliiMiirluiii In Allendmn.
The oiie-huudrcd-nud-lhirly-cighlh annual
session of the Lutheran niiiiistoriumefPcnu.
nylvani.1 and adjacent stiles opened in St
Jehn's Lutheran church, Alloiitewn, en
Thursday. Hev. (1. F. Kiotel, I). 1)., prcsi
dent or the iiiiiiisteriuin, delivered the Hynod Hyned
ienl sermon, basing his remarks en first epis
tle te the Corinthians, xll : 27.
The report of President Krotel was ie.ul.
The clerical changes in the synod hav e leeii
cemparativelv row. Allusion w.ts made te
tlie tact Hint llev. l'jer. O. W. Sohiiellor, 1).
I)., could commemorate his llftleth vear
of ministry us a member orthe miiiisteriuni,
llev. . I. A. Darnsotler his twenty-lirth, and
that llev. Dr. Mann, alter thirty-four ears
orservico at .Ien's chinch, in Philadelphia,
had, by leslguatieii, loceuio the pastor
Au appeal was received Hern Lewis u
Heupl in lofeieneo te the misunderstanding,
which icstilted in his constitutional suspen
sion fvpiu membership in St Mark's church,
Tlie report clesed w ith reference te the Im
portant winks or the theological seminary in
Philadelphia and Muhlenberg college.
The treasurers ieKrt was piesented and
lead. Tlie whole income or the vear was
$85,0.17.1!. nml the total expenditures, fall..
ill. II.
Tellers were appointed and the election el
elllccrs proccedod with.
lite IreHhterliiu Cciiui'ul Afchemhlj.
"""In the goneral assembly, in Cincinnati,
llev. Dr. W. O. Campbell, chairman or the
committee en reduced ropresenhition, ro re ro
jHirted the llrht orthe overtures, the ellect or
whlcli is te reduce the nuuiber or coinmis ceinmis coinmis
sienois te Kin, as fellows : The goneral as
sembly shall consist el" an equal delegation
of bishops and elders Ireiu each piesbylery,
these consisting of net mera than -I ministers
sliall seud 1 minister and 1 elder, and each
piesbytery consisting or moie than "I
mlnlstei's shall send 1 minister and 1 elder
for each -I ministers, or for cacli additional
fractional numuei of ministers net less than
The second overturn adejitcil prev ides that
no presbytery lierealler te Ikj constituted
shall be entitled te send commissioners until
It sliall consist of at least 1U ministers and 1
elder ireiu each congregation.
The moderator declared the overtures a
part of the laws orthe church.
It was leceinniended that the beard of mis mis
siens for freediuen and or the he ird or trus
tees or Lincoln University confer together
with the vlew te some close co-operation in
their common weik In behalt et the colored
The following members el tlie beard or ed
ucation weie elected ; Ministers, Samuel A.
Mutchmere, LL. 1). ; .lehu II. Menree, I).
1). j 12. 11. Hed go. Laymen, James V. Oayley,
M. D. ; Charles 11. Matthews, esip, Geerge
8. firahaui, esq.
llev. Dr. Williamson, fieui the Ocnossee
Herermcd synod or America, and Dr. Daniel
Leitsh, from the J'ioe Kvangelical cliurch or
France, were introduced, anil speke at
Fraternal greetings were received rrem the
general usseinbly of the l'resbvteriau church
Seuth, in session at Housten, Texas.
Itev. Dr. Worrall, of New Yerk, of tlie
committee en the report of the beard orthe
church erection fund, made a roiert that the
work orthe beard extends ever neatly all tlie
states and torriteilesin the Union. The gross
leccipts during the just year amounted te
fkiO.CUU. During the year Mis applications
were received, and grants weioinade te 210
chinches, amounting in the aggregale te
$10S,OI'i Thoceminttteostrongly recommend
tlie work orthe beard, and also approve or
the plan or the beard as will combine the
work or buildincw Ith llmtef chinch erection.
They also urge that $200,000 be raised the
coming year.
iti:si'eNHK 'ie iiisiier tallews.
Hev. Dr. Allisen submitted the following :
" llev. Samuel Fallows, D. I)., bishop or the
Reformed Kpiscepal church Dear Urother :
It alleuls us great pleasure te rocelve the
Mraternal salutation' of the ltoleiniod
Kpiscepal church, and its high estimate,
through you, of the learning and doctrines
and Inlliicnee usin tlie whole church or
.1 emw Christ and the world or the Presbyterian
limit h lu tlie I'nlted Mates ol'Aineiu-.i. Kcu Kcu
sible of our many shoitceuiliigs wti propose
te stand by Ued's grace upon tlie old inunda
tions, mid te go forward in the paths in which
we have se long walked ; also te eider every
opening tur sorvlee te the Master that may
piesent itself.
"It cheers our lie.uts te iecognl.e jour
chinch as a fellow lubeicrwltli ourselves, in
making known the unsearchable richisef
Christ, In bringing men te lopeut, ami In
establishing Christians in tlie talth or the
tlespel. May the blessing el" tlie trluiie tlinl
rest upon you and the denomination you
leprcscnt, and tism nil who love our Lord
anil Saviour, Jesus Christ, Yours, sin
cerely. Du. K. It Uii.wiiN, Moderator."
im: nBF(tiarKi vuuitvii.
Litiiietfr CluU lli'shm iU Si'mIeii at
llcllci'it Cliurili.
Lancaster elassis or the ltelermeil church
met en Thursday evening In Salem chinch,
Upper Leaceek township, better known as
"iloller'n church," being within the bounds
et tliochaige ministered te by Itev. 1). V.
Gerhard, or New Helland. The twenty-lUlli
uuulversary or tlie eoruer-stono laying or
the present church edifice took place
en Whit-Sunday, Muy 21th, iai, and
was made tlie ihv.isIeu or au iiiiuivers.iiy
ilihcourse by I'.isler Ucrhaid, which h.wltccn
printed in pamphlet ferin. The history or
the cliurch was sketched ipilte fully, in tliree
perleils from 1722 te 1SJ0 a period or 10S
yeais ; the weend rrem 1SS0 te lsfiO a period
or SO years ; and the third from lCO te IStt
Istlng a iKirled or 25 icars. During
tliu tlrst jiorled tliore was no tegulur
pastor. Tlie second begnu with the pos pes pos
lerato of llev. David llerU In l(3a Tlien
(here were but 10 communicants. Fer eight
years two congregations conducted services
here, but In 1K13 the Luthernns wlthdiew
and built a new church nt Mecha'nlcsburg,
one mile distant, Tlie llorernied congrega
tion, although net making very remarkable
progress, eeuliuucd te grew slowly. in mini mini
heis ni'il In moral strength. After the with
dravval of the Lutheran congregation lu 1S38.
the Herermcd people enlarged and Improved
lhe liouse or worship in which the two con
gregations laid previously wershlicd. In
I'iO the present new and handsome church
edillce was orectod liv a conitreiratlen which
had Increased te GO members, anil new
reaches an enrelliuent or at least 200.
Only idler lhe Lutherans withdrew was
Micro auv Kngllsh preaching lu Heller's
church. 'In 1SG0 llev. F. A. (last, pastor at
M..... II..II I ...... ..,,... ...! .. .... I......1I..I.
asslslaut, and just previous te the present
pastorate, ami while the Hev. Daniel Hertz
still continued his ministrations, llev. .1. O.
Fritchey supplied this church with Kngllsh
services Ter a year.
a vahi' ciiAittii:.
This congregation constitutes an Integral
paitefa pastoral Held that exleudH frpm al
most nt Lancaster en the west te Isneud the
lllue Itall and thoWhlte llorse en the cast,
and from Oregon and almost at ICphrata
en the north te Strasburg anil beyond Will Will
iauistewu en the south a section ei
country from 12 te lli miles square. Many
orthe uieiubers live 8 tell) or mere miles
away from the parsonage. Tlie piesenl pas
tor in his labor el 18 jeais lias preaclietl 2,
.T!0 thues, besides I'M funeral discour
ses, baptised ilOS Infants, continued
WI2 ihtseiih, of whom 2S1 received
baptism at the sauie time, and married IS1
couples. During tliepastj ear he has traveled
by private couveyance lu the discharge of his
pastoral tlulies2,rW) inlles. has iniide 175 p,w p,w
teral calls, preached 100 times, Including II
Minerals, baptized 10 infants, Ki adults, con
tinued 2l, received I by ceitiildte, and mar
ried 27 eoiiples.
Tlin CiMmitilii;; of Cl.itMln.
The Laucaster cl.issis meeting en 'l'liursilay
evening eeued at 7 lu m. The sermon was
deliverixl by the lellrlug piesltlent, llev. W.
F. Lichliter, from Luke v, fi. There was a
large cougicgatleu present
Aller the sermon cl.issis orgauletl by the
election of Itev. J. M. Soulier, or the Mew
I'rovldence charge, piesltlent, ami Itev. D.
I!. Sclmedcr, or Marietta, corresponding
Tlie hours ler meeting tr cl.issis was lled
Ireiu 8 te 11 a. in. and Ireiu t te 1 p. lu.
Adjourned te meet en Friday morning.
A Ciiuipany of Culoniile l'ellin l.un (irl n IE
liukis lYeui tlie I'rOHlilent.
The piesldent Is occasionally in the habit
or making some very plain and (minted
speeches te the delegations that call umii
him te urge the uppohitmeut of persons te
ofliee. Several improper persons have been
appointed te olllce upon the recommenda
tions ericading politicians, a tow or the per
sons se appointed having been or such unsa
vory character that lhe president has been
obliged te reconsider his action anil cancel
the iipiKihitments. It is unquestionably true
that the president desires te select reputa
ble men ler olllce, but he must necessarily
depend iiniu the Information runiished in
this iesK!ct by these whoe positions entitle
their recommendations te consideration.
I laving discovered that his coulldeuce has
been abused lu several Instances, the presi
dent has deteinilneu in Inline te protect
himself against such deception by Ignoring
all iix.oniiiicnd.iliens made by these who
have prev ieusly endorsed improper jiersens.
This salutary rule, lradheicd te, will at least
make all jiersens who evpccl favorable
action upon their recommendations careful
as te character and Illness el these presented
ferapM)iutmcut te olllce. ltfsimtly a Colerado
man, Ukii thu ici'omuicudatieii of leading
Democratic HlllicIaus el' that state, was ap
pointed consul te a pert In Japan, bilt,lucou bilt,luceu bilt,lucou
sequenie el'an assault matle by him in the
lobbyefnriool'lho hotels upon n distinguished
elllcer or the navy, the appointment was
Lately a delegation rrem Colerado called at
the White Heuse te urge the appointment ei
another Colerado man. After making known
their desires tlie president reminded them
that they had already recommended two
men ler olllce, ene of w horn turned out te be
unworthy and the ether te lmve served a
term in the penitentiary. "These men were
npjioluted," said the president, " at your
earnest solicitation. New, hevv can I Ixjiiove
anything you Colerado Democrats say ?"
This pointed rebuke seemed te paralyze the
Colerado men, anil they retired without at
tempting te answer the president's Inquiry.
In this connection it Is worthy or notice the appointment or Meatle tj he post
master or Copiah, Mississippi, which was
matle n row days age, has Ikieii revoked by
the president, Meade is the man who pre
sided at a meeting In hi in Copiah Imme
diately following tlie murder ei Matthews,
at which meeting the murder was approved
In formal resolutions, and nollte was served
upon the members or Matthews' family that
they must leave tlie county of Copiah or suf suf
ier death.
Tim IVixiii htillecatctl in n Well.
A number or boys were playing in Head
ing en Thursday, in the neighborhood or
several recently excavated wells en an open
let, w here it is contemplated te Dulld rfonie
houses. One or lhe boys dropped his knife
into ene or the wells twenty-Ilve feet deep,
lie ollered Charles Smith three cents it he
would go dewnuml get it Smith descended
by bracing his feet and hands en opjiesim
sides et the wall and when he tailed te return
or answer the ether boys looked down and
saw him lying en his side. ls.iae Deyle,
aged twenty-sit, descended te bring up the
boy, Tearing that he was hurt He went
down, but also keeled ever. Sergeant
Miller, of the city olice lbrce, then al
lowed a rope te be lied around his body and
brought up both Smith and Deyle, lieth
were dead. Seigeant .Miller was also over ever over
cemonud wheu bieught te the suilacu com
plained of roellng very sick, but is new im im
previug. Smith and Deylo were Isjth sullo
sited by the tan bonieaciil gasat the bottom
el' tlie vvelL Smith was twelve yeais old.
Ahiiinlay Scheel en lliiuuur l.'jrlK.
A number el persons lrein Waynesburg
ami l'equea dreve te the " (Ac-sanas," en lop
of the Welsh mountain, last Sunday, anil lu
a little leg cliurch there organized a Sunday
school for thobeiiellter the buzzards, their
I'rlentls, and ethers. The following organiza
tion was ellected : Pleasant (Irove Sunday
school : Superintendent, l .. Supploe j as
sistant siipeiiutentlent, Davis Cleinsnii ;
secietary, Miss Hohlnsen ; assistant secre
tary, Miss Jenes j librarian, William Dennis.
The names or thirty scholars were enrolled, u
number of whom were colored. A much
larger attciidance Is anticipated en nestSun
tlay, as the notice was net gonerally uniler
sttKHl for hist .Sunday. Mis. Abe liuzzanl
.....l I,.., ft... in ..litlilmii u iti it iirivsmit. mill
Joined the Sunday school. The children
.- ..... ..II ...ll.. . .III.....I .....I .m.,,1
preseni iiuiu .111 iie.ivij miuuvi, mn. f,.
elder was maintained throughout the meet
ing. Culllit Hues l'lWcernlil.
Hx-Cily Solicitor Chas. 11. T. Cellls, or
riiiliulelphki, has brought suit for libel bo
lero Magistrate Smith ngalnst Themas M.
Fitzgerald. (Jcneral Cellls In his allitlavit
dtvlares that en April 27tli the necused utter
etl and published a malicious and defamatory
libel te Daniel Douglieity, esq., bysendlng
through the malls the Tel lowing wenis: " It
Is the talk of all theclulw. Your irieuds are
auuwetl and asliained that you, whose nani'i
is synonymous ter all lliatlsgisslaud manly
should attend the dinner given by that com
mon thief, Cellls.
I'miunil r llcerue Mcmlviilmll,
The funeral orileergo Mondenh.ill, one of
Coleruln tevvnlilp's eldest men, took place
nt his late rosidence, near Kirkvvoed, en
Wodnesday, the Interment belng jnade at
the ltaptUt burial grounds, Celerain. Mr.
Mendenhall was well-known ; was an nctlye,
Intelligent man, the rather eTn large and ro re ro
spccteil rami!' of children. OnoeT his sons,
a leading sewing machlne agent or the su.te,
Is wealthy and highly esteemed. His age
was 81 years, I month and 10 days. The fun
oral sorvieos wero ronduetod by llev. J. It
Heulo, of Atgleu, Choster ceuuty.
1'Hlt.AVKt.VtltA HTUttK.
The I'renl urn l'ho-htery Itrlik llullillni; Fall
KIIIIiiriiYiiiiiis Weinnii Who Wan I'iim-
big Il'y The Tlirllllne ltimcne or
it Veiuib IIiihIiicm Sinn.
At qunrlcr tell o'clock Thursday evening,
business people anil passers-by lhe vicinity
or Second and Miuket streets, Philadelphia,
were startled by the loud roert el an explo
sion, followed simultaneously by the blow
ing out of a portion or the Second street wall
orthe retail furniture istahllsliincntorileiiry
Velimycr, at the southwest corner. About
the sauie moment there was a second repert,
when all the Trout or the llvo-stery brick
building above the llrsl fleer toppled ever
Inte Market stieet
When the llrst report occurred there were
quite u number or people en the Second
street sidewalk r the store, all or whom In
stinctively Jumped Trell i the aveiiicul Inte
the street, ami took refuge lu the stores en
the opposite side. A truck with a pair of
spirited horses was driven almost Immedi
ately from under the falling mass, tlie
horses taking fright at thu neise of the ex
plosion, and dashing down the street nt
breakneck speed. The ertlun which tell
Inte Second street left au open spaee nlxiut
thirty feet square, extending up from the top
eT the second story te the roeT. The front
was forced out se completely as te present
tlioapiK'araneeol having been taken down
by bricklayers.
As seen as the dust from the falling walls
had pirtlally cleared away and the panic
ami contusion caused by the reports had sub
sided, It was tlisceveietl that Henry Veil Veil
eyer, jr., aged 27 years, son of the proprie
tor, was en the third lloer orthe Second street
side or the building, and that his retreat
tlevv u stairs was cut etl'bv 11 re. which beirau
te make its appearance among the inllamma inllamma inllamma
hlosleek surrounding him. At this time au
alarm bad been sounded, and a truck having
arrived lieemcigetl from the gap In thew.ills
and was taken down en one el tlie llie de
partment ladders. As the llanics cune nearer
ami nearer te him iie sought lejump into
me street below, inn was resirameti ny
the sjiccUilers, who advised him te wait for
the llrcmeu.
Mary Cnthcart, agetl 22 years, residing at
Palmyra, N. J., and employed at Wright's
u in brel la store, who was en her way te the
Tei ry te take the train Ter home, was r.issiug
the front tifVoliiiiyer's store when the wall
was blown out She was knocked down by
a iHirllen of the debris, had her arms and
ribs crushed, ami sustained a compound
fi-.wture eT the skull. She was conveyed te
the Pennsylvania hospital, where she died
Ireiu her injuries at 7 o'clock.
The lire, which young Mr. Vehmyer slates
was caused by the explosion of benzine with
whlcli he was sprinkling the furniture ler
the purK)se of destroying moths, spread rap
idly throughout the corner building until It
was a mass of flames. Mr. Vehmyer occu
pied it lrein basement te filth lloer for the
display of his finest finished stock, all of
vt Inch was destroyed, as well as that en the
llflii HoerofNo. 202 Market, wliere he also
occupied the basement and llrst anil llflii
Tlie second, third and fourth flours el' Ne.
202 nre occupied by A. It. Underflow ii.doaler
lu oiled and rubber goods, whose iess by
water is net considered serious. In 201 Mar
ket strci I, all eT which Mr. Vehmyer occu
pied, otcept lhe llrst lloer, his less Is only
by water, the lire net extending thither,
ifvnus iVs llctta, halters, en the llrst lloer,
had serious damage done te their stock by
Mr. Vehmyer says the sleek in his sleres
was worth $10,000, and Is nil cither tetdly
destroyed or badly damaged, and that he
has but $10,000 lusunmce, having allowed
about $10,000 te laHO two weeks age en ac
count of au increase lu the premium. The
destroyed building at lhe corner, valued nt
$10,000, iKilongetl te the Fassltt osLile, and
Ne. 202, lhe upK)r part et vv hich was burned
oil", te Mr. Undonlewn, who recently pur
chased It Ne. 201. only damaged by water,
lmleugs ten moiiiberot the Fassltt family.
Thesoareall lelloveil tobeioveretl by in in
sitmuce. F. I Arclinuibault Jevvelcr, Ne. H Seuth
Second street, the lour upper lloers of whlcli
were burned out, succeeded in getting nearly
all of his valuables Inte fireproof bolero the
lire dreve him away from the building. Ills
stere, hew ever, was net rciched by lhe
lianies, and his tkimage is prineilially among
silver-plated ware left en shelves and
tarnished by water.
Henry Knyser, next deer below, had his
stock and lurnittire drenched by water,
which caused portions of lhe ceilings te each
story te give way, the plaster mingling with
the goods. He estimates ids less nt about
$0,000, en which tliore is only a partial in
surance. At li o'clock a second alarm was sounded,
nml, as additional tire companies were arriv
ing, Mary Woodhull, of Camden, a young
woman, who was trying te get out of the way
of the apparatus, tripped and roll ever a line
ol'heso, dislocating ene of iier legs at the
knee. She received surgical attention at a
neighboring stere anil was taken te the Terry
by the police patrol, where a carriage was
called and she was taken te her home.
vhtj:ji3u.j:i) attempts av hvicivk.
I'riili'iUU hltzler Inillrti'it furTitliu Trjliis '
Take Ills Ule,
Frederick Sitzler, a young man, 3.1 years
old, luade two lesiorate ollerts te commit
suicide at the Junction, en the Heading .v
Columbia railieatl, this morning. Ilu was
observed, however, ami prevented from
accomplishing Ids purestx. His llrst attempt
was te threw himself between the wheels of
a passing train and he succeeded in getting
his head within Tour inches of the wheels.
He was forcibly removed and a second later
be attempted te threw himseir in front
eT nil approaching locomotive. Constable
Iculer hap'icucd te be nt the Junc
tion, iie nriestcd Sitz.lcr, brought him
te this city ami took him te tlie olllce of
Alderman liarr. DIstiict Attorney Lberly
was sent ler and niter looking up the matter
concluded that hitzler could be indicted for
his attempt nt self-destruction, mid he ill
iis'tetl that a complaint be made against 1 1 lit i
by tlie constable "ler attempting te commit
suicide by running in between the wheels of
a running passenger train and laying his
head in trout of thu wheels el'a train en the
Heading iV Columbia railroad, which
ellense is against the -hmce ami dignity r
lhe commonwealth et Pennsylvania" Silz.
jer was committed In the prison Tern hear
ing en Tuesday lit 10 o'clock.
Sitzler is aii intelligent young man and
conversed freely vvtlha lopresoiiLilivoof the i;i,i,icu;n'('i:u. IU stated that he was a
laruier b' iKTiipatien, had worked ler some
lime ler Cm lis .Miller, of Clay township, but
hail lull him en April 2-ld; s'lncu which time
he has worked for a number of farmers. He
admitted te being a drinking man, but said
he had net drank anything since last Thurs
day. This morning be had occasion te go te
Petersburg, and while thorn declaimed that
three men attempted te kill lilm. He ran
away from thorn and never st6ped until he
reached the Junction when he looked back,
saw that the men were near him, when hocon hecon hocen
eluded that as he had te die he would rather
kill hlmseir than allow these threo men te
kill him ; and he threw himself under the
train. The alleged attack existed only In
Sltz.ler's mind, for no ene was insight from the
direction he approached when lie arrived at
the Junction. 11 is the intention of the au
thorities te have III i it examined, anil IT tlie
physicians pronounce him iusauii te havu
him sent te the county Insane asylum.
Cmilre biiuare CIcjiii.
Last night Centre Square was nicely cleaned
by Cleorge C'liue, and te-day it presents a
much bolter appear.mce. The only reason
that it has net been kept in bolter order bo
lero Is that the merchants refused -te contri
bute towards having tlie work dune.
Te Answer at Court.
Goerge Shay, whose pet name la "Curly",
and who lias had mere than ene complaint
made against him by his wife, was bofero
Aldernmn Deeu lest evening te answer Ter
surety of the poaee and malnlonauce. He
ontered ball te ansver at court.
LOST Till'. IU HATS. '
Tim Ijinr.ister IHifreiliil 11 IVIIiiiliigtuii Ollmr
Mew. of lhe Iliif-H.
The Wilmington -club wen their second
game et the championship seasen, their vic
tims being tlie Lancaster club, and the plaee
McOraun's irk. 'Jho crowd lu altondnnee
was small and thegauieunlnterestlng.Nelther
the home team nor the atidlonce manifested
much Interest in the contest, which lacked
spirit and dragged lazily te n finish. The
home team made nn o)erimont by putting
Fields, n new left-handed pitcher lu tlie box.
The boys from the Diamond sUde round no
tlllllcultv In hitting him, and he was very
wild. AVetel went in nfler the fourth In
ningnud hits oil' him were net se common.
Oltllleld caught Ter both men and had hard
work. Pollard pitched for tlie Visitors and
he was a match ler the Iianoasler baltors,whe
secured but four lilts with a total of II ve. Tlie
scere Is below. Wild pitches, bases en balls,
passetl balls, Ac, being lu the sundnary :
LAM'ANTKIl. 11 11 I'
I'm Iter, I. e 1 I
Olilllelil.e., I) I r
llyllttlll. Z. ,11!!
M'Taiii'y, in I u I
Menulil, j e e I
Muck, 1 . e till
Tourney, H. II H 2
Wetel,!, p. (i II 1
Fields, p, i. 0 1 e
'lelid. T"sjl7
Wll-MINOT'S. Ill II 1- A
.lellllNOII, I. 0 0 2 0
hairnets.... ti 1 I .'!
null, I. .. II ii! 0
Sclieck, in 0 I I e
Iiiik's. e ...HI I) a
Hl.lhclcl, 3. !1H
I'iiIIiiiiI, p. '.'117
(Intnl. r . '-' I 3 I
fOllll.HxI.'i 0 2 11
I Total 0 t) 87 I!)
Liiticnxfer 0 I 0 10 0 0 0 0-2
Wilmington v 2 0 3 0 10 0 e JJ
Kin tied in us Wilmington, 3. Te hum hit
Olilllcltl. I'iissciI liills-Olilllcltl, 5; .Ien us, 1.
Wild pilches l'ellaiil, I ( Flclil, I, anil VVclzil,
I. bases en halls VVIIiiiingten,.1; biincanter, I
struck out I.aiicantcr, f! WlliiiliiKteu, li.
Lett en b.iHcs laincailiir, I ! Wilmington, I INI
liv ball Kli lilt nml liniialil. 1 1 in mre furry.
'I line of game (me hour and lelly Uveiuliiulcs.
lJlaiunuil IIiiIk.
(.'allies yeslenlny At Philadelphia: Phila
delphia I, St. Leuis 0; nt New Yerk: New
Yerk II, liullale 0; at lioslen : llosteu I,
Chicago !J ; nt Previdence: Provltlence II,
Detroit ft; nt lmlsville: Louisville s, Mets I;
nt Newark : Virginia 2, Newark 0; nt Wash
ington : National :i. lialtimore 2 : nt Altoeuu :
Athletics 1 1, AltiKina 1.
It is wonderful what the National club can
tle at home.
(higus and Smith tnothe pitchers te-day in
case tlie game comes off.
A nine from the freshman nml sophomore
elnsses defeated the Academy nine by a score
or 0 te 5.
Corcoran, of Vlrglnl.i, is erotlltetl with
making six hits in (he Newark game yester
day. As Iiucaster has been patrenUlug one
game a day se well, it remains te be seen
hew two will go.
Tlie Newark team had but four hits oil
I 'yle yesterday. Tlie thin pitcher had a two twe two
baggerefi' Hickman.
ritzmtrick, who wait signed by the Ianeas
ter peeple soine weeks age, was niluiscd last
evening at his ew u requet
The National club, who started out te teach
the peeple hew te play kill, is playing here
te-day. They can be sisjn in tw e games to
morrow. The Athletics stepped lu Alloetiayostonlay
te show lhe loam el that town hew te play.
Knight pitched Ter the limner and the
country men could net llnd the ball.
Summers, lhe catcher of lhe Cleveland base
liall club, wau convicted in lhe pelice court at
(.'lev eland, Ohie, yestenlay, et plaving Lull
en Sunday. The case will lie appealetl.
Jehnsen, the Wiluilugten left-lleltler, Is
a remarkably line player, anil his throwing
yesterday was a loature of the game. He is
by no means slew with the stick, either.
Fields, the man wiie was put in by the
Lancaster club yesterday, was sent home
after lhe game. Floed, formerly of the Som
erset has been engaged te play right field.
P.arr.tlie great pitcher orthe National club,
will pitch in ene oTthe games te-morrow in
tills city. He lias net played outsidool'Wnsli eutsidool'Wnsli outsideol'Wnsli
ton this season yet as he Ileitis n government
position there. Te-morrow being a holiday
lie will be able te gel elt
It is new liejKjit that Michael Sciiilau, esq.,
proprietor of the gilt-edged National club, vt
Washington, Is happy as he yestenlay met
and defeated thu lialtimore club, witli whom
he has liceii se anxious te arrange a game,
ltirr pitched Ter the llasleru League team
ami six hits were made oil' him. The asso
ciation club's errors lest thorn the game.
Tlie Washington manager will find lets of
work for ids club te de lu his own league
bolore they win llrst place.
JIEMOItlAI, DAY E.l'.lc:iSi:s.
Hut PreuraiMinii fur Te-nuirnin 's Cvlnbratinii.
At the Ojiem II n lu Hi" i:imilii;.
The llual meeting of the joint committee of
our Orantl Army pests te m-ike urrangcinents
for a lirtqier ohservanco of Memerial Day was
he'd last evening at Alderman Parr's ofliee.
Sub-cemmittccs reported that the fl igs for
tlie soldiers' graves had arrived and been ills
The linante committee roiiertod that some
money hud been collected but net sufllcleut
te defray the expenses.
The monumental associations were re
quested te decorate the monument in Centre
A communication was received from f Ion Ien
end lloyiiehls pest, Ne. 71, . A. li., stating
that a committee eT that juist would be here
te morrow te doceralo (ioueral ltoynelds'
Tlie graves of soldiers in tutsiile ccnio ccnie ccnio
tericswill be decorated te-morrow morning
by details et the grnnd armv je-ts. Chief
Marsiiall It C. McDonnell issued the fol
lowing as the order of parade, which moves
oil' at 2 p. in., sharp:
Pelice force.
AdauiHtewn baud.
Chier Marshal and Aids.
Company O National (JiuariK
Pest Si O. A. It.
Admiral Hoynelds Pest.
Seus eT Voleraus.
Other societies will 1)0 assigned positions
by the chief marshal as they arrive.
Can iages with orator anil disabled soldiers.
Fira Deputinent
Fellow lug is the reute eT parade: Ferm en
North Duke street, right resting en Fast
King; along Fast King te Contre. Squat e, te
Seuth Queen, te Woodward Hill cemetery,
te Seuth liuoen, te Church, te Duke, te Kast
King, te Lime, te Walnut, te Umcastcr
cemetery, te Lemen, te North Queen, te
Peiiu Square and dismiss.
The following is the progrumme of oxer exer
cises for the ovening of Memerial Day nt
Fulton opera liouse :
Opcnlnir 1'iiiyer llev. J. V.. Pratt.
Mole anil Chorus "Our J.eyiil.Ti led and True,"
Miss hate Ityan null Mm. A. 1. (ioetlmiui.
Id illation "A Vision of the Past," Miss
Aniaiitla Lniiilt'H.
(Jhtit an ' Hener the llrav e."
Uratltin Cel. Henry K. Turner, l.ewvllle,
LeulH county, K. V.
Uitinl-O'hei us anil Ulierun "bleep Sacred Dust
of Neble Dcntl."
Uei'ltatluu "TIid Veuiig beldlui'," MImi
Ainitiiihv I .amies.
bole untl dint us " Our l'l.ti; aittl tlie Union
Forever," Mrs. Iliury l.llasanilihents.
Itciiulein "Mi'i'ii, Ciiiuriuli'S, bleep."
'.eneillclhiu Hev. .1. l:. I'nitt.
Win. II. Hall, eonUuutef j A. II. 1'illchcy, ot et
ganlijt. I'liuiiil Head In III lleil.
Je.-eph Allwine was found dead lu bed, lu
a room at the mill of Christian C. Snyder in
Haphe township, near Mastorseuv ille en
Thursday morning anil Coieuor Henamau
was notllled te held nn inquest That of.
licial empailelletl Jehn S. Mastoraen, David
Hlsser, Ciiristian U, Snyder, Franklin
llessler, Jehn (iillertl, and David Miller as
his Jury. Frem the testimony Itupitcared
that Allwine is a lierniau, about fiO years old
and worked for a iiuiuIhu- eT jiersuns In
llaphe township. A fewdays nge homet with
unjuccldent by which sev oral ribs worebrokon.
Tlie accident happened near Snyder's mill
and Alvvine was carried lu a room in tlie mill
where he received inedlcal uldaud was klud
Iv cared for. His Injuries wero net consider
ed serious. Yestenlay morning when euu of
Mr. Snyder's workmen went te the mill he
found Alw Ine dead. The verdict of the jury
was that death resulted from internal injur
ies caused by a fall.
Three l'uiiuiU ami Tnulve Outturn.
Tlie cremation of tlie remains of James II.
Mills, or Elmire, N. Y., at the Laucaster
crematorium en Thursday morning, was a
iterfect success, as wero tlie soveral crema
tions that precedett It The ashes were taken
from the retort Thursday aftornoen, They
weighed tliree pounds and twolve ounces.
Messrs. Htobe and llubbell, who had the re
mains In cIiargo,returueil te Kludnilast even,
lug, taking with thorn the asbea of Mr. Mills,
the uut'Eitsvii niHAvi'imrKH iteni
' OF THE llll.KS.
He Di'rlnrei Thrill In hi) ItiiTalr nml llllien-
Mltullimul One CniicrenmiittU Net KiidiikIi
(or rhllailelihln' 7n,000 Deimicnit.
The Hills' Nukisl Kniirnillle.
HAitiiisiiuitti, Pa., May'J'J. (lovenior I'at I'at
tlsen sent vetoes te tlie Sonate this morning,
vetoing thocengresslonal autl lcgislnllve n n
IHirllenment bills. Tlie congressional veto
is based mainly en the nllegeil partisan char
acter of the arrangement of districts. The
loglslallveapiKirtloiinient is declared te Imj
In his mussnge votelng lhe congrcsslennl
apHrlIentnent bill the governor dwells jar
ticularly en lhe alleged violation eT the law
eT Congress requiring llial lhe itopulatleu of
the districts shall be as nearly equal as
practicable. This requirement, Ihogevernor
says, ceutiliiH lhe vital prlnclple et preier
repiosent'itieu, uudorlles the theory of our In
stitutions ami is as the breath of our lllfertle.s.
The lcfereuee Is almost imule te the congress
ional euactmenU which requires lhe districts
te Ijo eenip vt and contiguous, which the gov
ernor says, are founded en reasons of public
convenience nml nre Intended te prevent
Hlilicat Injustice and sinister designs hi the
dclachincnt of territory. Tlie governor says :
"i'lie bill liorewilh returned violates each
of the last two rules In the most
open, llagnml ami unjiisllllable man
ner; it iiImhiiuIs in injustice and is built
upon contemptuous illegality, pie eedui,; en
an uudeviatiiig purpose el' unlalrnevs ; it
disfranchises hundreds of thousands of our
jHiopIe te give unlawful jsivver te ethers j It
ever-ridos In theuurelentlessiiess el Its man
ifest purjNisoaiike the plain tllctiles of com
men justice and the clear commands or tlie
law. The startling T.wt te the mind et the
executive is that se little ellert has been
matle te cloak lhe nakedness of its eiiermi
The governor (niutH out thai 15 districts
have 2H!,2s-1 K)piilnllen ltss than lhe ratio
requiretl, or M),00i in excess of tlie Sixth
Philadelphia, mid lhe Twenty-sixth, Warren-McKean-Vcnange
ami Cameren districts
The nvcrage oxcess In the remaining districts
iss:i,07l, whlcli, lhe governor says, virtually
disfranchises 2y!,'jt;:!, netirly two full ratios.
Thogevornor continues : "Ills impossible
te give the most cursory Investigation te tlie
bill without seeing that its main if net the
sole purioe is te deprive the titlcns of ene
jielitical faith eT their just numerical repre
sentation lu the federal Congress, in order
unlawfully nml unjustly te increase the
povver and representation of its political oj ej oj
IKiueuts. Heliictant as the executive Is te
Introduce a political discussion Inte a pajicr
of this nature, he yet feels that it is his duly
te lay ejien te the eyes of the iwxiple tlie
great wrong attempted by this hill against
these citizxjiis with w horn he heltls a common
political Talth, and it possible te
jirevent the coiisumiiiatleu of the
outrage. Attention is called te the
Tact that the (ith district of Philadelphia, with
1,000 majority, has 38,711 IkiIew the ratio,
wlille tlie Democratic county of Iterks, cou ceu
taluiugn thlrtl mere luhablt'iuts, is join etl te
J.eliigli, making a district 0,100 in excess of
tlie inllii, and giving 10,000 Democratic ma
jority. lTlie gev orner. says : "In the county
et Philadelphia Ingenuity and illegality
seem te have been exhausted lu tlie ellert
te de injustlce te the Democratic citizens of
that section; six districts are given te that
city, II ve or which me surely Hepiihllcnn,
untl ene overwhelmingly Hupubl.can. This
lias Itecu done by massing together into the
Third district in a narrow strip along the
Delaware river soven eT the eight Demo Deme Demo
cratie wards of thatcity, making a district of
oxcesslve Democratic majority and leaving
tlie rest of the city free te Ixi divided into
live equally certthi Hepubllcan districts.
Fer ether puriKwe can such Inequalities
and distortions have lieen desired except te
give live congressman te the 100,000 Kopuli Kepuli
llcans el that city, autl but ene eongressman
te tlie 75,000 Democratic veters?"
The governor adds: "The 1)111 as an
entirety presents se many ciear violations or
law, Is se evidently unr.dr and unjust that I
must decline te give it my approval. It Is
te Ikj regretted that it has liecn sent te me at
se late a ilay. Five months have elapsed
and eidinary diligence could have perfected
it two months age. In that case there
would have been ample time te have
framed a new bill obviating the defects
I Kiln ted out As It Is I indulge the Iiejki that
by diligent work tills most Important sworn
duty et fair apportionment, may yet be
enacted before llual adjournment It will
be tlie pleasure of the executive te
facilitate tlie execution orthe constitution te
the full extent of its power j lint he will net
give his approval te measures the enactment
of which would deprive large classes of the
poeplo of their just sliare in the govern
ment eT the stnle."
The Ia-kIbLiIIvu Aurtli)iinieiit.
The leglblatlv e npiiortleuiuonl bill is votecd
for constitutional and Killtlcd roaseus. Tlie
arrangement of senatorial diblticls in Phila
delphia, the governor says, is unconstitu
tional; two districts have net the necass.iry
population. He closes his lofereuces te the
senatorial portion of the bill us follews: "Tlie
complete icsult of all this inequality untl vi
olation of law is au apiiortleuiuout with
alxmt 13 el the district safely Hepublican. 1
would gladly, il'tMjsslble, avoid this political
reference, but tlie facts retpiire it and, par
tiality te lhe party wliich has distinguished
me with this honor, makes it a preeminent
duty which requires no niolegy."
The representative portion of the bill is
albe declared te be unconstitutional in a num
ber of particulars.
As te Laneaster county, tlie governor says:
"The county of Iiancoster wliose population
entities it two senators, bocause it has ene
full ratio and a surplus of mere than tiiroo tiireo tiiroe
fllXlis era ratio, is divided Inte two districts,
neither eT vv lilch has a full ratio. A constitu
tional division of tlie county would requhu
one district te have a full ratio and thu oilier
tliice-lllths el' a ratio which under the law,
would be entitled te a senator.
Ne At Hull oil the Vetoes.
Neither liouse took any action en the vetoes. ATliOVITES ttY INDIANS.
A lti'lgn uf Terrer in New Mexico Fleuillali
Werk or the Kctlxnlnn.
Dismime, N. M., MnySU Thlrty-live Clil
rlcahuas rode up lean old building live miles
north eT Silver City last ovenlng and killed
the occupants, a Mexican, his wire and threo
children. Theu they came en within two
miles oTSilver City toanethor Mexican hut,
and, alter sheeting ,au inmate, took ids two-year-old
child by the feet anil striking its
heid against the side el tlie house hung the
lltlloeno en u meat hook in the wall. Tlie
Mexican was badly wounded but net dead,
and he walketl te the town and gave au
alarm. A white family named Phlllvss,
consisting eT sev en iwrsens, wero also killed
seven mlles from Silver City last night A
land or 25 Indians, with ufurgonuiuherof
squaws, ntlempteil te raid Camp Fleming
about 0 o'clock. AU the vvenienmid children
of the rump wero romevod Inte u shalt of the
" Old Man " initie, aiidthe outrnuce was well
barricaded. The Indians, as shown by llielr
signal Hushes, remained m the vicinity until
near morning, and then went south and wero
seen next morning rounding up all tlie
horses In the neighborhood. Twe bands et
Indians, ene numbering fifteen and tlie ether
twenty, were seen going south this ultomeon
near Hudsen Springs, 21 miles from here, A
large ferce of monare guarding Iludseu tonight
The Docter Want Mera IglHUtlen te Treti-it
TliFuiM.-liH Frem yuarkn."
In lhe Htate Mistical society's annual moot meet
ing In Soranteti the nomrilllee appointed last
year te Inquire Inte lhe best method or mak
ing the' diploma which ermlts a man te
enter iiwm the praellee of inedlebie lu l'enn
sylvuula a real guarantee or his qualifications
ler lhe work, presented a reimrt declaring
that by the roglstiallen law or 1S81 Pennsyl
vania has declarcd that lhe practice of motll metll motll
cine should be BUbject te legal restriction,
and says that In alt iarts orthe United States
the tendency soems te lx toward tlie astali astali
lishmenl nml further olnlximtieu of seme
system or stite, Ile.nse te control cnlrance
Hiwn the practice of medicine. The repert
claims that IT a state license heliH the com
munity te the cholce or comjielent inodl inedl
cal advice it at least accomplishes
that Ter which It was instituted. Hut If
It can iMJcouferretl iiH)ii the Incompetent, as
well as iimiii the competent, It serves te con
ruse anil mislead rather than te guide the
iwople te a w Ise choice. Stnle license should
possess a real, llxetl and easily ascorhihiable
significance. The license granted under the
present system docs net conform te tins
condition. Tliocemmlttoo say thatliccause
of lhe competition et the medical schools in
making studies easy as a bid for pupils the
power te grant the state license should no
longer be xested in thorn. They recommend
vestlng the right of granting license te prac
tice medicine lu au statu lxiard, and
te that end submitted a series or resolutions,
whlcli were adepted, the purpose of which is
declared te Ih " te prevent downward com cem com
s)litien in the granting or a state license ; te
relieve medical schools orthe degrading in
lluFiicoersuch comiH-litien ; te regulate the
licensing eT these obtaining their degree
rrem Insiit tlens outside lhe stite ; te guard
by publicity and direct control ngalnst abuse
of tlie licensing uwcruiid te ensure lhe elli elli
cient administration or laws looking te these
His also recommended Unit n committee
Ik) appointed te proiare, In nocerilanco with
lhe views eT this society, a form or bill suita
ble Ter presentation tn the next session of
the legislature and te report lhe saine te the
next annual meeting.
The nominating coiundtlee retKirted iu
favor of the following elllcers for tlie en en
sulngyear: President K.A.Voed,Alloghony
county ; vlce presidents, Hiram Mcllewan,
Dauphin county; K. J. Huss, nil; county;
A. II. Shadier, Juniata county ; (!. C. lialsey
.Susquehanna county; Permanent Secret-try
W. li. Atkinson, Philadelphia county; He
cording Socrehiry 0. I). Nutt Lycoming
county; Corresionding Secretaiy J. 11.
Musser, Philadelphia; Treasurer I'.enjamln
Lee, Philatlelphla; additional jneuibers or
the committee en publication, T. II. Helsbv,
LycoinhigcennlyiKdwanl Jacksen, Phlla
delphl.i;M. 'W. Wcaver, Luzorne county;
mcmlicrser the judicial county, J, L. Stew
art Erle county; S. 8. Shultz,- Menteur
county; Henry IL Smith, Philadelphlar
Chalrirmn of Couimlttee of Arrangements
fur next meeting T. II. Helsby. Wllliams Wllliams
pert The next meeting will be held en tlie
llrst Wodnesday ofJuue, ls&J, at On. in., In
Delegates were appointeil In Uie various
stale medical secieties. Dr. Tayler, of Wllkos Wllkes Wllkos
barre, read h isitver en the l'lymetith
epidemic, and was followed with u iniper en
tlie snme subject by Ore. French and Hbnkos Hbnkes Hbnkos
iiears, erriilGtdclplila, who ngroed with Dr.
Tayler, claiming that tlie illsease was causes!
by. jtoisleuing tlie water supply. The Boclety
vlsltexriiackawanuu hospital In a body, and
iu the evening listened te theaunual address,
whlcli was tleli verts t by the presldent of Ujo
association, Dr. Allen, of llradferd county.
Suhntltule l!ltir-Cirrli'rs AiqinliitrsU
Postmaster .Marsiiall has appointed Frank
W. Hollinan anil W. Stel man Diller sub sub
stltute lclter-irriers. IleH'inau is a
young Hepiihlicau of the Third ward, and
Diller is the seu of Franklin Diller, a Second
ward Democrat Postmaster Marshall says
these young men have been appointed
loc.iuse they were highly recommended te
him by business men of both parties. Their
appointment has no K)litlcal significance.
Ilellinau, though a nepublicau,is net known
as nn active politician, and though Dlller's
father is a Democrat, the postmaster declares
he does net knew what eitic.d iireferenccs
the seu has, though he supposes lie is a
Democrat The men wero appointed en their
merits, and if when vacancies occur in the
regular ferce or carriers they will be roc rec roc
cemmciidcd for promotion.
The Kciiuhlitsiu I'rluiarlert.
Ill the iNTKi.i.KiiiNi'Kii'.snotice of lhe can
vass for delcgatcs te the Qtciy-Magoe stile
convention the position of the contestants in
tlie lower end roprescnUitive district was ac ac
cldentilly transposed. II. II. Miller nml
Wm. McfJewnn nre running lu the Quay
interest; Herr nnd longare tlie McDevitl
candidates. In tills city the light is getting
het, and beLs are tillered by lhe (Jimy people
that Hatismau will Sklles.
Chris Magee, the Allegheny county chief
lain and backer el McDeviU, arrived iu town
this afternoon. He is looking after his
itslerisHinty fences, and expects te make
them herse high and bull strong.
ArreaU'i! en lreiOhs.
At the last term of the quarter sessions
court true bills were found against William
Kullner autl Thes, liowers, Iterks county
Iiuckstcrs, for soiling liquor without license.
These men. it is alleged, attontleil s.des iu
tills county and etHiiily seltl liquor. The
cases were returned te court by tlie constable
of Ilreckneck township anil process was
issued Ter the airest of the accused. Con
stable Ziegl or arrested the parties nnd ledged
them in the county prison. Hewurs secured
bail and was released lrein custody. Kutl
ncr expects te get ball te-day.
l'.iinlly ,lurs.
Adeiph Newnian.oTLevo juie,ceuiplaincd
against by his wilofer assault nnd battery
nml drunken and disorderly conduit, has
entered bail Ter a hearing before Aldeiman
Jehn Klein, a baker, who basen a number
oreccasions figured at polke ceuits,has been
piescciitett by his wirorer beating hernnd
tlireatenhig te kill her. Alderman IJarr will
tlirfpose ot'tlie uise next week.
tj:i.i:hk.51! in iiuiiu.
f!cn. (I rant had a very bad night, much
lulu anil little sleep.
The tioedyotir Metilllu Iluliborceiniiany's
striking workmen, iu Hartferd, Conn., will
resume work under a compiemiso.
Tlie situation el' aflalrs among the various
Iren mills or Pittsburg, is much niore en
couraging, nut! the piospects et n general
shut down are gradually vanishing.
The physicians attending Lord Hartiiigten
announce that be is much improved.
(iermanyand F.nglaud have agreed upon
the frontier or tlielr New (Juinea ims-sesslen.
The Swinish governmoiit has upimiuteil
reur ortlie most einluent physicians iu Spain
te serve as the commission ie invosiignie iir.
Fernm's Hybteni or cholera genu innocula innecula innocula
tlen. J. II. Swinhaii. son eT a wealthy lumber
man ofl'ettstovvu, Pa, comuiitted suicidu at
the wuigh scales, en the Pennsylvania rail
road neai Shamekln, last night by drinking
Mahoiie'8 Mell .1lilBt(ie.
Ntmrei.K, Ve., May tin The Demecrats
of this wily nre very jubilant ev or yesterday's
victory, lluuter (Democrat) was elected city
troasurer ever Hill (Hep.) by u inajmityer
15. The Fourth ward, which has been giv
ing alsjut 1,000 Hepublican majority, only
polled b31 votes u Hepublican less from last
November ef7:l7 votes. In the town eT Suf
folk the entire Democratic ticket was elected.
At the municipal election iu Portsmouth the
entire Democratic ticket was elected.
Cem. Stuart's Daughter unil l'ariicll'u Mether.
HoiiDUNTevvN, N. J., May 20. The entire
personal piopetty of Mrs. Delia T. S. L'arneil,
mother of lhe famous Irish laud loaguer, lias
been sel.etl ntlbu suit of Jeshua J. Tumor
and ethers, and is advertiscd for sule en
June 1st at " Ironsides,'' "01ir hore.
Achllle Utierri Mutt Swing.
Pmi,ADKi.rniA, May 2a The jury In the
Achlllea JOnefrl'.trlal for killing his nino-year-old
stop-ilaughter Carletta Cook, re-
gallty of murder la the flrs degroe.
A TniKely In n MlmlMliipl Town Dlscererlnf
H Ml.liilKlil Inlruilrrnnil Grappling With
111 in The Timely Service Tlutt WtM
Uiiulcreil by (Jun.
Hi:i,i:na, Ark.. Mny 2a In CJlondale,
AIlss., opiMisite this city, Cnpt V. J. Forjru Ferjru Forjru
seu kllletl a burglar Wodnesday night
Alxjut 12 o'clock Mr. Jenes, who sleeps In
Forguseu's building, was awakonetl by
seme ene moving stealthily about Think
ing at llrst that it was Captain I'orgusen
he called out Uikiii receiving no reply, he
picked up a gnu and went te a deer leading
out Inte the stere. Just as he opened the
deer, a iKiwerful blew was dealt lilm en Uie
head, knocking him down. He arese te
grapple with ids In their strtig strtig
gle lhe gun was discharged, doing, however,
no damage, Jenes began te yell at tlie lop
eT his voice and Fergusen, who was In his
residence, a short dlstmce nwey, hearing the
illschiirge eT the gun and the appeal Ter help,
h.istlly picked up a rille and ran le lhe store,
where he leund Jenes and the burglar still
llorcely lighting.
As seen as Jenes s.nv Fergusen he yolled :
"sheet lilm ; he Is killing me" and breke
loose rrem his adversary se .as le be out of
Fergusen's rnnge. When lhe man saw
Fergusen he grappled with hiui,not,hevovor,
until after lie had received a shot In the lleshy
pari ei ins ion, arm. a. norce siruggte men
I........ I... I. ....... it ... I ... mi. h?..J
i'v.iii ijuLi-iuuii liiu iii.tii iiuti rerguseii. xue V5
rulllan was the morn mmnrfiil. butewiiii- in "il
less eT bloeti he seen called out te Fergusen ', 451
tnt. ..-..!...- tl.t 1. ... .....If.. 1... I a. I
w nwil', n.ijin unil nu was uauiy wotttiueu iy
and would surrender. Fergusen being thus 5
thrown oil' his imard released the hiire-lnr .. :
who then tried te seciirn thn rllln. 1,Vn.iiaym ',-V.T
then attacked him again bofero he could uhe
the weaimu and dlsarmed him. The man
then started te run whoreuiion F'orgusen
liretl again, lhe shot taking effect in his body.
The man drupiicd tlead In ids tracks. It was
leund that the weuld-be robber had landed
near the stere iu a skill during the day. Ne
euu knew hint nor wliere he was from. He
was about 60 years old, and was dressed like
a fisherman. A corenor's jury oxeuoratod
A fr.O.OOO 11 lit l) VAfTUllED.
Ail Absconder Cnpturisl en lle.iril a Vesecl
Willi Ills Stelen I'liuiU.
(iLUH.NMTevvv, May 20. Tlie steamship,
Nevada, Trem New Yerk-, MayiDth, Ter this
Iert and Llveriioel, arrivetl hore le-iay.
A walUnj; her arrival with two dotective offi
cers was Mr. Kech, the Londen n icnber of
the linn of Kech, Sen it Ce., sfitloners at 150
William street, New Yerk, with u warrarit
for Uie arrest of Mr. Arthur E. Marsh the
Inte superintendent of Uie Unn, whom 'hers;,.
ciurgeu with Abscendifcimi K0,000 or Uie -
unu's money, vviien taavRsouiarea tne it J
liarber, she was at oneo LeWlrrr Mr. ' i
Kech, who neon found Uie aliscenSHi f
Murslt was seiuuwliat surnrLscd wltwi "UttttJs
loununiinseirconrroutcaDy Mr Kech. IBta 3.r
at ence acknowledged his indentityy and
"BB"" "r ' citesn. Y licit KJiKOU Wlias
he luul done with Uie money, he Btated (bat
he hail It wiUi hlin. At Ids i"oquest M'r.
Kech accompanleil htm te bin sUiloreom,
whoie-ho lionded evor lhe stelen funds.
Alter a short conference Mr. Kech aup l!iri$
deleiJLves decitlcd le proceed te LiVitrrKVllt,
witli the prisoner, where it isbeliovetlhAwriU ;
lie arraiirueil au'J held te await lurl'rfj-fit. i ...'':
structlens from NovWerlc. tV
. , ji'ZK
VA.sitiNtneN news. t .yva
Appeluleil MluMvr te Chlna-Otlier NetSQ
ireiu me .-sateinul cnpilal. t '"Sa
lir. L.. ....,,,.. li , If nrt r.,i... . . 'v'
n,iniu.itiut u. y. ., xiiuy y. uiu Pltsai-
tlent te-day appointed Cel. Charles Dt by, et
nvausvillc, lud., te be minister te CI ttixu
Secretary Manning te-day promet t.f Aa- '
sist-uit CashierCliai les W. Wholplej te Ijo
assistant United Stites treasurer, vice t ravefli
promoted te be chief of the bureau if en ,
graving and printing.
The jiestmastcr goneral has left fe New '
Yerk-. The presldcnt will attend no ilitleal
confcreiice wlille In thatcity te-morrow
Postmaster Smith, at Ileldcn, Mc com cem
mitted suicide lids morning. 'His n eunts,
weref'JOO short
Dr. Win. D. Warner, eT Seuth C ellna,
was te-day apiwinted I'nited States ct stil le
The presldcnt this artorneon matle lol lel lol
lewiugapiioiutmcnts: Wendell A. uulor uuler uulor
hen, eT Wis., consul general at Mentrc u.tb Xw
consuls : Win. Cew ell, of Ohie, at Aiu ;D.
Lynch Pringle, of S. C, at Teguclga
a 1'uii.adei.i'iha" hank
Ileeanse the Aiieiiuts Were Allewis te t6
I'nii.ADin.iMiiA, May 20. Netico is petted
en the deer of tlie Shackamaxen Kink,
l.'ret, Urtr.l n..,,tn, nml Mnrrln ul , ... 11,
..u.-. ..,....u ...... ....... .m. w. . jnrgm
morning, signed by T. II. Huggard, -nshler, Mlfa'
announcing the .siisis'iisien of theliis lutleu. fKj
The president is Jehn Hose. Tin ljnk isairi?
capital is $120,000 and the surplus $30 xjit It i
lu cj (il Hint) HiniiiHinilulu tl?lf linnit st j .) Vr
It Is ellici.dly oplained that lhe aus.oet
the failure was that the corporation held
$ItK),000 of personal checks et Uie lau Win.
llumui, wholesale s.dt dealer, and $31 iKlef
paper by him.
Disastrous I'ite In nu Iuitluua Ten
Seuth Hhnd, lint, 20. At 12:15 -leek.
this meiuiiig a llie was discoverod lu . r.'in
Ixiryard belonging the Studobaker r(4,
wagon inaiiiil'aeturer.s. The yard vtr'd
two blocks and coutdued 1,000,000 -Jt of
lumber. A high wind was blowing, mint
last account she vviiole yard seeined ure el,
destruction, nnd it was Toared Hint a tiuuberi
of adjacent dwellings would also be mrued.
urcatoxcrtieus wero being uiaile te jioveuvj.
the spieul eftliu ilames, but the high wind
matle the situation desjierate, and iioeplo had
touievooutoT tlie iieuses. It is roughly
estimated that the Studobakers less will
reach $&0,000.
lturuieil 11 Dlvorce.
Hosie.v, May 20. Jehn Ij. Sullivan's wllb
lias been rouised atlivorce. Judge Allen de
livered au opinion iu which he rovievvod
every act of cruelty alleged, and said that
such of them as might ence have entitled
thu llbellee te u divorce had been condoned
by iicr.
Tlie Cotiilllleu el the lUreinetcr unil Ther Ther Ther
moiiietoriiiiilliiilliatloiiit for the Merrow.
Wahhinoten, D. C, May 20. Fer the
Mlddle Atlanlle bhites, cloudy wcather and
rain, winds genernlly from east te south,
witli lower Iwroinelor and slight' fall, follow
ed by rising tomperuturo.
Cleudy weather and rain continued iu all
districts east of lhe Kecky mountains ox ex ox
eept New Fnglatid, wliere the weather is
The winds iu lhe Mlddle Atlantic- stales
nre northeasterly, southerly lu lhe Seuth At
lantiu and fJuir stales mid oasterly in the
I jnKfc roglens ; elsewhere they are variable.
There has been .1 slight Tall iu tenipei attire
In the Middle Atlautie states; elsewhere it
has romalued ulieut stationary.
FeuHatuiuiay (Memerial Day ) Part
ly cloudy w either and occasional rains are
Indicated for tlie Lewer Lake region, New
Ihiglaud and thonerthorn portion of the
Mlddle Atlautie states, with elearlng wcather
In the Upper Mississippi and Missouri vol vel vol
leys, and fair weather iu the West Gulf
- m
f ." :