RJ - !. i'1'.1' , ,$.- ' 3" V" .. i :i :! "S4l y. - ' -i '. .C .. ',..- I rifi f...: A 4 -ye THE tiANOABTER DAILY IHPlIiLIGENOER, MONDAY, MAY 25, 1885. v-A T.y v m I XL fe ' ( . 1H. ty . I . I Jt t m s hh IV 2V :c r ft .' MHpti MS tf&, The Daily Intelligencer, Published Erery Evening In tbe Year (sukpats iioime) By 8TEINMAJX et HKNBEL. INTELLIGENCER 11UILDING, B. W. Cerner Centre Square. LAKOABTKt, l'A. DAILY Tll 0IXT8 A WKK. FlV DOtLAM A TBABOtt FIFTY CXKTS A. MOUTH. JOflTAOB fium. ADVKKT19EMENTS raeM Tw te fifty emts A un WEEKLY " INTELLIGENCER," ,, (aiaHTrAQM.) Published Every Wednesday Memtnar, TWO DOLLARS A TBAK IK ADVAKOB. " penal offense for tlie parent or guardian of. any child between the agca of 8 and 14 years te keep bucIi cliild from the public school, even for the sake of sending It te a far tatter private school of his own choice, and at his own cxpnnse unless he first Becks and obtains the gracious permission of the school directors se te de." We remarked that opposition te such a law was no dis qualification for a man te be an assistant attorney general. "We suspect the presi dent Is like-minded, as we perceive that Air. Montgomery has entered upon the duties of his ofllce. rioasreHDiROB solicited from every part of Iho lUtte and country. Correspondent are re quested te wrlte legibly and en ene slde el the paper only t ana te sign their names, net for publication, but In proof of geed faith. All anonymous letters will be consigned te the waste bosket. ADDUM ALLMtTTBRS AMD TILBOnAHB TO T11K INTELLIGENCER, l.AMOABTItlt, l'A. JI)c fantastcrSntclligcnccr. LANCASTER. MAY 2.1, 1KB. An Important Struggle. Thfirn is an exclliiKr contest going en in "Philadelphia between t!ie Pennsylvania railroad and the llaltimore & Ohie, which Is allied with the Heading, and seeks te makocenncction with the latter and with the Delaware river across the streets of the city. The engineers of the new toad have avoided grade crossings as much as pessi ble, without makingan ovciheau or under ground read, anil the city councils arc new asked te approve the plans. The Pennsyl vania railroad company 13 making a vigor ous opposition te the cntrance of its rival, and is placing every possible obstacle in its path. It is seeking te create a public sentiment against it as a foreign corpora tion and inveighs ag.tinst its grade cress ings. It adepts the same tactics as tliose by which the Reading railroad has sought te impede the building of the Pennsylvania Schuylkill valley read, and builds sidings te Its own read wherever they may embar rass its rival. In this case the shoe piffces its own feet, and the contest de , menslijitea that a railroad company is al ways ft,r itself and is patriotic only when it pays. It is ciem enough that the public needs ether instructors than railroad cor porations when it has te decide upon the advisability of granting privileges upon its highways. This contest in Philadelphia is vciy in teresting, because it is very important. Xe question of greater importance te the real interest of Philadelphia hits ever ceme ta fore its people. Philadelphia has been the victim of railroad moneply, netwithstaiul- he generous suppeit which It has inven te railroads. It built the Pennsyl vania railroad ; and yet that company has ''taken every advantage which its situation enabled it te take of its benefactor. The city has a certain number of directors. the corporation, who yet ha um.i-u h .. ..... "pfTfeg. it has been chargeiVi?Hmt prices for its gas fffnnd its mantifuctiiicrs have Jr? . . , . Vpaul UAUllJIUlIll. ...ten let mi;ii Euiuhieiis coal. The Reading rail read has taken advantage of its mo nopoly of the anthracite coal trade with the city te charge its people a3 much for coal as ether mere distant cities have te pay. The city has undoubtedly been the victim of railroad monopoly. "What it certainly needs is railroad com po pe po titlen. It needs therefore what the new read offers it. There is no possibility that any intelligent citizen fails te see this, or that any such will refuse entrance te the Pennsylvania's rival. The conditions of entrance, however, should glve te the city all the advantage it can get. The new read wants te get in, net te serve Philadelphia, but te berve itself. It should, therefore, be required te build its read se as te be of the least possi pessi ble injury. The city commands the situa tion. The read wants te ceme in. And the city need net fear te make its entrance costly, if the cost Is required by the city's interest. m m Neighborly Condolence. The New Era felicitates itself that the anti-oleemargino law "is probably none the worse because the Ixtellieenckh denom inates the veto of Governer rattisen's ap ap preval of an absurd, unconstitutional and altogether iniquitous statute." Neverthe less the iNTELLiaENCEit persists in its opinion of this statute, just as it does with regard te another law that recently met the executive veto and the JVcw iVu's dis approval, and yet passed the legislature ever that veto and despite that disapproval with only 19 4vetes against It in the two Houses combined. Gov.Pattisen deneunced as"prepostcreus" the lawrequiringthe counties tonpprepriate 50 each te bury the indigent soldiers that died within their limits. The JVcte Era commended the veto ; with characteristic caution and sliutTiiug te be sure, but in a manner that left little doubt of its own views. It gave te the veto editorial promi nence, and urged the critics of it te "calm ly and dispassionately read" the "plain, direct and easily understood reasons " for net "granting anything and everything asked for men who served in the army and navy," and te whom it said " the United States has net leen ungrateful" as "shown by the fact that she new pays as much money te pensioners annually as the inter est en her public debt amounts te." "The governor shows," it said " that the state's bounty would be snbject under the bill te gross abuses," and altogether it thought the governor dealt the members a "blew between the eyes for their crude and indis criminate legislation." As seen as the legislature returned the " blew between the eyes " the JVeie Era crawled into its shell. Nevertheless we .think it was right in its position and It would have done itself credit te have main tained it, despite popular clamor or legis lative demagogy. The Intklliokn Intklliekn ceu does net retreat from a position it as sumes en principle, te get en the slde of a president, governor, legislature or even of the heedless mob such as ran through the streets of old Jerusalem shouting for the release of llarmhas. By the way, the Xt w Urn condoled with the Intellkiknceh tliat the president was inclined te take n different view from it of the appointment of Zach. Montgom ery te le assistant attorney general of the interlcr department. A clamor was raised against the appointee because he had writ ten a book against the common school sys tem as practiced in California, where it is a 1 Hereditary Vice. Theso who belleve in the doctrlne of heredity will find a striking Illustration of the transmission of criminal Instincts and the diffusion of depraved bleed through out a family, in the case of the unfortunate woman who was the victim of her para mour's frenzy in New Yerk the ether day. The family of Cella Tatre, the woman murdered by her Prcnch husband or lever, are a peer. Ignorant, drunken and criminal let.livlng a vagrant life in the mountains of Massachusetts. The women have all been in court for drunkenness and street walking, one daughter going te the women's prison at Bherboine for two years. One son, Jeseph Tatre, was hanged in Canada for murder. Cella, when young was married te Franceis Olivier, and had ene son, who is new living, despite his mother's attempt te kill him by mixing powdered glass in tlie buckwheat cake batter. A curious lioek was published soine years age te show hew a race of criminals had sprung from ene abandoned woman in New Yeik, carrying the seeds of sin, like the germs of the thistle are sewn, ever the whole country. Evciy case of the kind proves anew the economy, from a purely weildly standpoint, of throwing safe guards around the young and of relieving the squalor and misery of the outcast. Hummer's Hall must go. Tub legislative apportionment bill, be far m It cencerns Schuylkill county, scorns te be about te point the moral of vaulting ambition overleaping itself. If the bill becomes a law It will be seen that Its Republican manipula tors have ntteinptcd te carve from the county flve Republican districts out of the six. The lnovltable result must be that tlie districts will be be clese that popular Democrats may win In all or them. A fair mcasure of the rolatlve strength of the parties In Schuylkill may be obtalned by a study of the vote for congressman last roil. Tlie comuineu urocn-back-Republlcan strength was glven te llrumm, whlle soine dlsafl'ccUen existed in the Democratic! ranks ever their candidate, James 11. llellly. The vote was, llrumm 12,587, Rellly 11,077 llrumm's majority, 010. New, when it Is thus sliewn bow cioseiy matched tlie parties are In Schuylkill coun ty, the absurdity of the attempt te make nearly 12,000 Democrats content with a slngle representative! Is at ence apparent. Time will preve te the satisfaction or tlicse manip ulators bow n boomerang may rocell en Its projectors. 1IOW BVNDAt WAB KBl'T. Yctterday In B Ingcrsell's Feelings Net Hurt. The New Yerk Tribune, setting itself up in that role of moral and professional censer which se dclicut the Pecksniffs of the press, stigma' izes the following from the Rosten l'ihl as " about as coarse, brutal and flippant a paragraph as it has ever been our fortune te see in nny journal call ing itself respectable" : Kngllshincn are net tlie only pcople who write books about n place bofero visiting It Cel. Iiiuorhell Is the author of a work en "HelL" As forcearscness, brutality and flippancy, this paragraph is overmatched every day in the columns of the Tribune Itself, and notably is this the case in the very issue from which this complaint is taken. As te Ingcrsell's own feelings there is no reason te suppose that he feels sensitive te or aggrieved at such a notice of himself. He does net believe in hell, and he is se PERSONAL. MissTlATAiii.'Bhorsewoninnslilplsrlvallod by Miss lllalncs. ElKlAlt Am.an 1'en bated punsters. This much abused man bad some merits. IjAWIIknck llAiuiKTT carries f 120,000 and Kdwin lloetli $.H.r),000 in life insurance. 1'HKHliiKNT Ol.Kvm.AND has discharged Arthur's kitchen rirnnd hired an Irishman cook. Ueiikrt Toemus will make the oration when Aloxander II. Stephens' remains are relnterrcd In tlie grounds or bis old liome "Liberty nan." G. Hudsen Makiii-.n, et tlie National Scheel orOratery, Philadelphia, will read in the publle ball, Atglen, Chester county, en Friday ovenlng. Jehn Tvi.un'H widow, it Is complained, docs net give his own daughter her stop step dntightcr any of the pension which Con Cen gross voted te her. 1'ner. Hexr.KY. burdened with years and worn with loll, will presently abandon seme of the most active employments In search of rest nnd rceuporatlen. Ur.AtNr.'s second velume Is nearly ready. The first sold 200.000. Grant's momelrs start with an edition of 1CO,000, nnd are ox ex ox pectod te go te a million. Mus. IU'UNI'.tt, alter a long rest, is ai work ngnln. It Is n most charming serial for " St. Nicholas," n htery for children, which will be her masterpiece Toimei'r.NKiri' used te say "the treuble with us Russians is that we have the Tartar se clese behind us. We put Parisian kid gloves en instead of washing our bands." Miss Maiiien I. ami den, tlie great heauly nnd mllllon-helress, of New Yerk, Istn marry Mr. Illchard Peters, of the Philadelphia club who has been dovetcd te her for two sea sons. W. D. Hewmi.m is said te have sketched bis wife's family, the Muades, In the dainty, luxurious oxclusivencss of "the Careys" In in his new novel, " The Hlse of Silas ljp-bam." SAneNY, when he wants a perlect feet ler a model, places a ten dollar bill between the two Urst tees; If It drops out be retains the subject, nut ii u rucks inere no tens nie ior ier ior sen te walk away with it. flAi.l'HHA A. Gliew says ; "It was a mis take en tlie purl of the constitution makers, net te provide for the election of all state olllcers at tlie same tlme nnd luiike their terms of oillce the same length." Anen iiia m FoimKs.Hpeakingermon m1 wcre uern vwm a genius lerwar, names us inoei ofmen mIiq. r.Wrt7 I nir liuuirj .uiiiiin un .uu iiilup .. m. ..,..,... ,,(1, !,,,,( llinl llu.rn 1 Ii 111 ll 1 1 111 I 111 Iml 'ni r w...i.v.,.w v... ... . . .." .-.... ,-.. -V-MHMM7IliT; fl, -M.O II1.SL 10 is willing te take his chances eijJjI1K l. lr ....... ! V .,..1,1,..,) ' " ". Ne name Christ, 1 there 11 there is. JNOsuuj(rrurr,,,.rrtj for his coarseness, JlfejfTWrr ml ImiLil'llv. i'i "j " holy in the association of Ti iicepic te escaiie ins jiihsj huh IS, his sneers and scorn. "Wherefore should lie and his organs complain when their ex Is gored V Ne longer will Victer Hiiro's spirit be vexed by IkiiI English translations or his works. Tun biography or Jehn Kelly, the well known New Yerk Democrat, contains much of Interest te the student of American poll- ties for the reason that be was nil nctnr In ene of the most heated periods of American political history. Helly wen bis maiden spurs in tlie days wheu native Americanism was nt tlie zenith of its power. He and Hlshep Hughes weie the men who proven ted the uiPctiiiK of the native American leaders in New Yerk, which had It occurred as In In teuded would, In the then exelted state of public opinion, certainly have ended In wholcsale bloodshed. Thus in llghtinK the battles or his faith and bis race, young Kelly quickly climbed the political ladder, and sat In Congress for ene et the New Yerk city districts in 1851 when he was only 32 years old. He was ene of the great moving spirits that led the bulk of the Whig vete into the Democratic party nfter and during tlie time that the latter party was waging Its success ful war against Know-Netliinglsm. It was then that the Altlcks and ether well-known local famllles joined tlie Democratic ranks. Voicing this exedus of the Catholic Whigs, Kelly said in a spoech in Cengress: "The large Catholic vete of Kentucky and Mary land had-always been found with the "Whig party, until the Know-Nethlng monster and its protean breed of platforms dreve them in self-respect, as well as in solf-defense, Inte tbe ranks of the national Democracy, where they haveleund ropeso and peace nnder the braid shadows of tbe constitution. " And under its shadows the great bulk of this vete still ropesos. Te the New Yerk Timet tlie struggle bo be bo tween Henry W. Illalr and William K. Chandler for n seat in tlie United States Scnate from New Hampshire, recalls Kmer Kmor Kmer sen's rugged but rational lines : TlieOed whmnade New-Huiiqwlilre. Illustect Iho lefty lund With little men ; Small lull and wren llousein tbueuk." years, Am. signs point te a solid Democratic Scnate for tlie last two years of the present Democratic administration. Ne cause gains from the exaggeration of Its advocates. On the contrary tlie reaction created by the truth tends towards posltlve less. Net long age Jeshua I Ualley, of Phil adelphia, a promtnent tomperanco worker, doliverod before the state legislature an ad dress en the amount of liquor consumption, putting it in round figures at (000,000,000 an nually for tlie people of the United States. The mammoth slze of theso figures attracted gonetal attention and many a tomperanco textwas based upon them. The Philadel phia llecerd quotes from tliorevonuo returns te show that they are nearly twlce tee great : "The total amount or spirits produced and imported into the country last year was 81,128,031 gidleus. Ot thliT amount it Is n fair cstimate that one-llftli was consumed In the arts and manufactures, leaving ftl,000, 101 for drink. Estimating the cost of this whele consumption of spirits at f.1 a gallon, the total cost is ?20l,71l,383. Tbe total con cen con sumptien of malt liquors last year was 600, 010,517 gallons, which nt 40 cents a gallon amounts te f2:i0,O0G,G0O. Te this must be added 20,503,315 gallons or wlne, As live sixths et this wlne was or domestic produc tion, its cost te consumers at $2, a high ostl estl ostl mate, was M 1,017,01)0. This makes a grand total or MS1,742,070 for the annual cost or the country's liquor consumption. Mr. Ilalley's error was due te his estimating the cost or the liquor consumed nt 11 ve and ten cents iidrliik. He hits a geed enough case te plead as It is and there is no need te weaken it by exaggeration. GeuiiMANbs are rejoicing te learn that there ure mera pcople killed by net getting sunicient te cat than by overloading their stomachs. Wattuuhen admits that the Morrison tarlir bill was a mere make-shift. It was properly boaten. The subject Is ene that a Democratic administration undaunlted party can new ailerd te tackle. Ruckle down te the work. ie last thirty WKoDeioii ami mouewaii .iockheii. Or.N. II. V. lli'Ti.uit Is quoted assaying: "I rather like ene thing In this man Clove Cleve land. He Is sending tlie Itebcls and Copper heads out of the country. I always thought Andy Jehnsen ought te have dene that right after the war." Dkxti'.ii Smith, author of " Put Me In My I.ittle Ited," says be never get mere than 710 for it; the same for " King the Dell Softly, Thore's Crajie at the Doer ;" though tbe pub lishers made thousands out of thorn. Smith is sattslled, Ter be wrete them only as " iet lioilers" and get the price he axked. Victer Htme was admired, but only hair liked tbe English, whom he liked none tee much. In llerlln and Vienna bis death calls out many high tributes. Huge bequeathed (10,000 te the peer. He left a request that bis body siieuid oe conveyeu te me grave in a " pauper hcarse," wltlieutnny religious rites. In the document containing this request Hugenlllrms his boiler in Ged. A fund ter a national monument te the dead poet has al ready been openod. Cahemni: Matiiuk Ijkstkr, of Rochester N. Y., vthospeko'llvo languages ana had a lortune, married in lS72n Russian count In splte el his spendthrift ways his wife con tinued te leve btin, nnd they were ever nn nlTcctionate couple. Nine children were born te thorn, ene of whom died wbile the family were In Eurepe, nnd another, nged 2 years, died a low weeks Hga Thowlfe and mother died lately, nnd the courts have appointed a guardian te save what Is left or tlie children's estate from a spendthrift father. vr.nsesA l jeuhsai.ism. Various llellglen Obaennnces Dirrerntit Sections. At the great Dunknrd conferenco in Ju niata county, yesterday, a continuous stream of vohlciesand podestriaus flowed In from nil directions within a radius of thirty miles. Tbe crowds wero net composed nlone of the brethren nnd sisters or the Dunknrd donom denom donem nation, but pretty cenntry girls and rural swain i and men nnd wemen or nil classes and conditions from the region roundabout helped te swell tbe moving mass of pcople that surged and thronged about the taberna cle. IJy ten o'clock, wheu tbe church ser vice began, fully threo thousand people had arrived and by dinner time the crowd had augmented te flve thousand. The managing brethren had prepared ainple feed for nil the multltude, at twenty-five cents a head. Vast clothea-baskota of sliced bread, huge plles of ples and slalts or meats wero served te the hungry visitors. At 2 o'clock tlie afternoon servlccs begnn. Hymn after hymn was sung, with llttle or no variety In execution, and then the preaching began. Hlshep Docter, or Indiana, lodell' with bis sermon; Bishop Heller, or Ohie, followed with nn exhortation M equal vigor, nnd lllsheps Hellcry, of Kansas; Hay, el Virginia; Mehlor, or Missouri; Hyers, or Ohie, ami Kellers, of Illinois, Hpoke In order until 4 o'clock, when the services were con cluded by Wnllsby. or Tennessee. Thus a representative or tlie church In overy section of the country where the denomination is leund was allowed te take jiart. All the af ternoon there wero spurts of drizzling rain, and as many of the crowd as could llnd room huddled beneath the roer or the tabernacle. Ladles' gossamers wero plenty, nnd n large musliroem-liko forest of umbrellas spread ever the lovel Held. The same order of pro pre codlings was lollewcd te-day. Anurcl.lalu DMurli Hnlibath Horridly. An open air meeting or Anarchists was held In Chicago, nt which the usual harangues against "tyranny or capital" wero made. Finally, a demagogue known as "Dynamite Dusey" succeeded In making n disturbance. He abused tlie memory or Abraham Lincoln, whom he oil led a "hyimcritu." This in censed a number of worktngmen who wero present. Tbpy hissed mid told Dusey te ste)i. lle retorted by saying that General Legan was "a liar nnd a thief," nnd rostimed Ills nbuse of Lincoln. The wnrkmgmcn there upon pushcderwiird and Torced him from the platform. A tumult followed, which was quelled by a squad or iKilIee. Nobody was hurt, and the meeting was nllewed te pro pre coed. A meeting of the Hrothcrheod or Locomo Lecomo Locemo tlvo Engineer was held In Sprlnglleld, Illi nois. .Specclufc were made by Governer Oglesby nnd otliers. Menifrtnl Day Keriiinim. The coremenios or Memerial Day wero be gun yesterday In llroeklyn, New Yerk. The Lincoln nUtim, in Prospect irk, was decorated by several Grand Army pests, Mayer Lew delivering nn address. The tomb or tlie "orison shin martyrs" nnd the soldiers graves in Calvary cemetery were also doceruted, Uev. Father McL'abe making nu address in tin) cemetery. A Grand Army iKWt, orWestchostcrcounty, N. Y., lias adopted this resolution : We doprecate the umt or Memerial Day for ether than memerI.il purposes. We feel that the holding of entertainments, festivities and In dulging in nny Kind of atheletlc siwirts are desecrations of tlie solemn holiday, against nil of which, in the nauie of our dead com rades, we Milemnly pretest." hen una rr-Hclirrn. Rev. D. (;harrcsV"",V"'"' '""""" Carolina, assumed the pasteti"1""' " Presbyterian church in Leuis"'0' "nl Tlififhnrch wns fnrmanvvenrH iiiii7fcLS:,,ureu of the well known Dr. Stuart Heb! The Ccntenarv Methodist Episcopal ch In Jersey City, New Jersoy, was dedicated Sunday morning. The ceremonies wero conducted by Hlshep Harris, of New Yerk, assisted by llev. J. P. Newman, of New New Yerk. In tlie afternoon Uev. T. DeWitt Talinage prcachwl a seriuen. l'he Kalph Walde ICmersen association of New Yerk, eolebrated the anniversary of Emersen's birthday by n literary and musical ontertaliimont. The attendance was large. Archbishop It van held the Wliitsuutlde ordinations during the past week nt the l'lilliuleipma caiueur.il. Jliore were seven young men ordained te the priesthood. llced.er en Ktolulleii. Rev. llcnrj' Ward Ilcecher Sunday morn Ing began a sorlesor sermons en "Evolu tion" In Plymouth church, llroeklyn. There was a crowded audience. Mr. needier Mid he " saw no brldgolietween the human race and the nnlmal kingdom In their origin. Man had gradually grown up from harhsric conditions. Ged gave no instructions te man originally, but left him te llnd out e ory ery tldng ler Iilnihcir. The only revolution was after man had gained seme Idea or moral quality." MEDICAL. ROWN'S IRON HITTEHS. WOMEN Needing renewed fttrengUi. or who milTcr from nun inities peculiar te inn ex, mould try Brown's Iren Bitters. TIIK 1IK8T TONIC. Tradn Mnrk QUALITY, l'UltlTY-.N'OT QUANTITY. vn r.vvry twiiie. Thl niedlclne rnm1ilnen Iren with pure vcko vcke vcko table tonics, and Is Invnlnnble ler IllseaHcn peculiar te Women, and all who lead HCdentnry lives, ii i.nricnen iinn runups tne uiechi, hiiiii MLVJUWAlti:. II. Z. RHOADS. ATTENTION ! j.i.n.ni. atiiii- StreiiKtliens the JI uncles and makes the nkln ulfttpn the AiiiH'tlliv and Nerves In fuct.tlmreiiKlily InTliremtcs, Clears the cainiiluxleii sinenin. It does net blacken the tcclli, rnusn headache, or produce constipation ull ether Iren medi cine! (la. Mrs. KMZAMrru IlAinn, 7 Knrwell Ave., Mil vraukee, Wis., says, under dale of Dec. !W, 1BSI: " 1 have used llrewn's Iren Illtters, nnd It lias been mero than a doctor te me, having cured me of the weakness Indies have In llfu. Alse cured me of Liver Complaint, nnd new my com plexion Is eleur and geed. Has been beneficial te my children." Gcnulne has above trade mark nnd crossed rtd lines nn wrapper, TAKK NU OTIIKIt. Mude only by HltOWN'8 CHEMICAL CO., 1IAI.T1MOUK, Ml). I.AniEs' Hahii Heek Useful and attraclhe, rnnuxninK "si ei prizes ler receipts, ininrmn tten alieut coins, etc., itlvcn unity by all dealers In medicine, or mailed tenny uduruxs en receipt of 2c. Btamp. (1) We would call attention of purchasera te tlie very flne and com cem com pleto line of modorate prlced Ladies' Geld Watches, very much in demand Just at prosent, and we are well propared te meet that do de mand. We also have Geld and Sllver Watohes In a great variety of Btyles nnd at the low prloes brought about by the long dopresolon of the tlmeB. Our Niokel Watohea at 85.00 are geed watohes for the meney, and are going off very fast. We rocelvod the ethor day a large hivolce of all the latest novol nevol novel tlos In Sllver Jowelry, Oxydized, eta, very pretty and worth Boo Boe ing ; would be ploased te have you call and bee them. H. Z HOPPhAHTKHH. new r.s vetiit hack t Whnt Is the nxn of HiilTerliig with liaekaehe, l'aln InlhnMde or Hip, Helntlnt, Hhetimittlsin, Kidney DIfeiimch, Crlek. Htltches, Swollen am) tried Muscles, Chest and I.niig troubles, or nny sort of pi.ln or sercmss, eltner local ordis!p erdis!p ordis!p sented when n Hep 1'i.aktbii will glve Instant re Heft rn-pnrt-d from lliirgniidy l'ltcli, Canada Ilnlsam and the nnln-kllllm; virtues of Hiiiih. The best strengthening plaster ever known. unj I.ANCAHTKIt, PA. RHOADS, Ne. 4 West King Street. TheusnndH sty nn. i n (2) en receipter price JlUf ly all dealers. Mailed rerfi.w Hei 4V:.. PLASTKIt CO., Ilosten, Mass. ICXCV11HIOXH. pUNRYN PARK. Penryn Park, -en Tin:- Cornwall & Mount Hepe R. Rj TTOP PLASTHRH, DON'T BE SWINDLED lly buying something you knew nothing about. We KiiarunU'O the ller I'lastkh the best ever known. Tlie virtues of flesh Heps, JiurRiindy Pitch and Canada Kilsam cninblned, make this plaster highly medicinal nnd active for thu euro of pains, uehes, soreness, crumps, strains, stitches, crick and local weakness. Drives out pain seethes the parts and slrenKthcns. Sold hv dniffulsts and dcalcis. 'ilc., 51orl.iie. HOP l'LAHTKIl COMPANY, Jtosten, Mass. Mailed for price. (1) Htrenclhcn medicinal weak virtues of TTOP PIjAHTKRS. IJL Kill pain, seethe nnd stlihuliile the tired muscles, and wonderfully naitri. All the Valuable mi fresh Hnns. cemhlned with Ilurirundv l'ltcli and (,'anuda iutlsam. Apiillcd te backache, bclntlea, ltheuinittlsm, Crick, blltches, hldenche, Kidney Affections, Bere Chestoranyef the various pains and weaknesses se common, Instant relief Is Hlvcn. Cures Dyspepsia und I.lver tieiihlcs without Internal desliiK. Beld everywhere, '.Be., 5 for (I. Mulled for price. (I) nor n.ASTKii lu, iwsien, siass. w i:ak and xerveuh MEN Kxcurslen Committee of Churches, Sunday Schools and ether select organizations, In mak ing their summer nrraiicemenls, should net iicb leet te rt'serve ndey for i'enryn Park. This dellL'litrul lesert Is situated In the midst or the SOUTH MOUNTAINS And Its grounds covering hundreds of ncres ftr j uesy ei access irnm uti pans ei central i cau sylvanla. Ker thu free nseeT excurstenlstM tliuie are extensive CItOQI'KT AND LAWN TKNN18 OltOUNDH, I.AIIUK DANUINU PAVILION, HAND STAND, KITCIIK.V, 11A8KET AND CLOAK ItOOMM, and CONHKUVATOUY On the Summit of the Mountain. There Is also n refreshment room In charge of a cmiiM'tent caterer, w here meals can hu procured at moderate rates, a photograph gallery and numerous ether attract l features. Ne liquors allowed en the ground. Excursions lrem all points en the Philadelphia It Heading nnd ltcudlng A. Columbia ltutlreads will be carried direct te the Park without change of cars. Complete information can he obtained nnd en gagements ellrcted with parties from all points en the Philadelphia . Heading nnd Heading A Columbia ItallreiuN, upon uipllcatlnn te C. U. intncecK, ticitenti rasiciigcruim i icki'l geni, Philadelphia A iteitdluir Kallrnad, '..'7 heuth Fourth strtet, Philadelphia, I 'a , and u 1th parties from Lebanon by applying te the undersigned, CAUL VON hCIIMALENSBft, Hnpt. Cornwall & Mt. Hepe Kallreud, Iiiav8-3md Lebanon Pa. StACHlXEIlY. "JCTNOINK AND HOIDKH WORKS. BEST Steam Engine -AND- BOILER WORKS. AS WE HANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, IIAVK NO AGENTS, CAN INhUltK OUK PATHONS LOW PHICK3 AND UOOD WOHK. BOILERS. Vertical and lIerlznntnl.Tuhular, Flue, Cj Under, Marine, Deuble-Deck and Portable. KUUNAOK-WOKK, IILAST-PH'F.S, STACKS, Ac, Ac. TANKS for Water, Acids and Oil HOISTING ENGINES. ENGINES. Vertical and Horirental. Stationary, from two te sixty horsc-pew er. Portable Engines, en Wheels and hills , Sir Sizes 4, C, 8, 10, 15 and 20 horse power SAW LULLS. Who suffer from Nervous and'Physleal Dehlb lty. Impotence, Exhausted Vitality and Prema ture Decline, and se.'k Perfect llestonttlen te Health, Full Manhood and Sexual Viger with out Stomach Drugging, can CKitTAmLY obtain It In the "SIAHS'IO.V IIOLl K" DNeascs of the 1'restrutaUhtnd, Ktdncj's and bladder, effectu ally cured without Instruments. Endorsed by theusunds who have been cuied. Adopted in hospitals and by physicians In Eurepe und America. -VAHIOCELK cured without surgery. Sealed Treatise and Testimonials freu Aduiess MARSTON REMEDY CO., or DR. H.TRESKOW, '" "' "VI "ii.7lY I V.. Vnrlt ,, ... ., ... ... Peny Mills and Large Mills. lUrk Mills Cob Mills. s U.MMKKOK 18S5. w OTMTHIHU. ILL1 AMHON FOMTKB, Tite lllter's Vltitcleus Vflle A Cnudldate for Postmistress In lledle. Tlie cstlmable ami industrious wlfe ofOr efOr landa li Jenes, tlie editor of that uprightly Democratic paper tlie Ilodie (Cel.) Keening Miner, It an applicant for postmistress of lledle, The Miner in a recent Issue rmlte characteristically net forth her claims as fol fel fol eows: "'Whlle we shall be unswervingly Democratic until referm shall have been ac complished, we assure the people of Mone county that the unscrupulous ofllce hunt er, of whatever political party, shall hereaflcr meet with no mercy nt our hands. In this connection we deslre te pay a trlbutovNhero.lt Is merited; thorefero the Intelligent reader will pardon our modesty. It Is our 'vivacious' wife. During thrce long, weary years, from 4, 5, and 0 o'clock In the morning until semetimes as late as 11 o'clock at night, has this lady steed slde by slde with us at tlie case and at the press, and in tlie performance or the multifarious ether duties connectod with the publication of the Miner, In the darkest hours she has bcen the most cheerful and hopeful and earnest and industrious, and te her mental ability and physical labors is largely due the fact that the Democrats of this district have an organ te-day. We are fully prepared te publish the Miner just as long as we ploase, and the Ilodie Kvcninrj Miner will be regularly Issued until the last piece of machinery from the Standard mill and mine is leaded en a wagon nnd started out of town, wheu we may be induced te fellow. Called Them out of Church. Scott and Cassatt'u new railroad enterprise cuts down the cast shere of the Norfolk Peninsula In Virginia, with Norfolk as Its ocean termhius. This is n region hitherto almost a wilderness. It is part of the Con gressional district from which Henry A. Wisoeame te the national councils with the beast that there was net a newspaper in his bailiwick. Many of the inhabitants had never seen a locomotive, The track-layers stepped work ene Saturday near a brick church. The next morning a locomotive and cars wero run down te put oil' ties. The escaping steam attracted the attention of the 300 or 100 colored worshippers who came streaming out of the church, nt llrst by twos anil throea, but finally inn mass. Imstef all came the old preacher himself with a prayer-book in his hand. They steed about, curiously inspecting the engine until It departed and then went back te their church services, which were resumed with rodeublod zeal. A Clerk and a Uurelar Shet. A special dispatch from Burten City, Wayne county, Ohie, gives detalls or a fatal tight with burglars at an early heursFrlday morn ing. A clerk who slept In thAtltore of James Cenner, was awakened about ene o'clock nnd saw several men working at Iho safe. ile aroused his employer, who with his son, has tened te the store. An attempt was made te nrrest the burglars, but they made a desper ate light. Several pistol shots were fired by Cenner and the thleves. Four of the men escaped, but ene was killed. Cenner was also fatally wounded. Tlie (lend man had impers en his person bearing the name of II. ''. Adams. The thieves seeured about 1,000. May U a pious fraud of ihe almanac, A gastly parody et real spring Sliaped out of snow and breatted w Ith eastern wind. Ijewtll. Tell tits Truth. Frem the New Yerk Hun. Let the prosldent hare full credit for this i He telln the truth, A Modern Hebrew View nf the llltilc. Hcv. Solemon Schlndlci, el Ilosten. Wobellovo that te a certain degrce all lit erature Is Inspired by the 1)1 vine Iteing. We knew that no author could write n line un less he Is under dlvlne inspiration. Ged speaks te man te-day as Ile lias spoken te him before. Tbe lllble Is, therefore, an In spired IsHil;, but net mero se Ihnn any ether. Te us it is also a literary treasure, accumu lated by our nature, showing hew we wero ovelvotl from the earliest times te tlie tlme of its last edition. It is vacred te us en account of 11 antiquity. A Comprehenelte I'rnjiir. Frem Ever Other Saturday. Reme yearsageu venerable clergyman was asked te make ihe prayer at tlie commence ment celebration at Cambridge, In the courseefhls prnyerhe besought the Supreme te "shower his blessings en Harvard college, Andover institution, tlie Mate. J'risen, ami all ether seminaries of public Instruction" A Failing fllrl. In Cincinnati n sixteen year-old gill recently died after a fust of htty-lwedays. She had been attacked by semilhlng like ptrulysls, which rendered It Impossible for her te tuse neurl h Incut. The human system cannot thrive with out geed feed and geed ability te digest It. Weak and Impaired digestion Is recalled by llrewn's Iren Hitters better than any ether tonic In the world. Mr. J. E Freeberg, l'omeroy, Iowa, sajs:"t used llrewn's Iren Hitters for dyspepsia und peer appetite; completely cured me.1' it will cure you. Nature Neier Lies. The depicted form and turrewed countenance Ineentestubly Indicate fearfully deranged phy sical conditions begotten by mental strain, that will surely shatter the nerves and wreck the life of their possessor unless promptly attended te. Cencealments are futile. Nature cannot be succcsstitlly deceived. Furnish the wusted tis sues and exhausted nerves with Iho nourishing aid of DcyirY's I'ubb Malt Wuiskev at the criti cal tlme when they need a gentle Irresistible power te grnpple the malignant forces arrayed agulust them, and thu patient will speedily re cover. Hundreds have been saved from almost certalu destruction by such a course, and all the best doctors new highly recommend the treat ment. All reliable druggists and grocers will supply It for 1 per bettle. TEN DOLLAR SUITS! ALL WOOL. Our Ten Dellar Line of Men's hulls embrnce Caslmeies, Cheviots and Worsteds In liluek, Mixed and Light Celers, that are till wool. Twelve Dellar Dress Suits. Wohmean Extensive Assortment nf Twelve DellarDiess Suits III Dark Corkscrew and Sil ver (in.y Casslmere, black nn.l llrewn Worst eds, nine and lltew n Check, (Jic let and Camp bell Cussluierc. BOY'S SUITS, In Dark Faney Casslmeres. for Jrt.00. Dres Checks, $.(in, and llroadbreok Casiimcie, fcUO. CHILDKHN'S Sl'ITS. 11.7.1. A I1AKK CHECK hl'IT, .l. A lltlOl) DCUAllI.EhU.M.MKUSUIT, ti.VI. A PLEATED TUNIC bUlT-CIULDKHN'S K I I.'I'S, fi.HI. ONE PIECE KILTS, 1173. TWO PIECE KILTS, I.M. IILUE FLANNEL KILT. Summer Neckwear ! ! PK1NCE TECKS, Bie A fine. CUE Ij E A P U FFtVSe A .Vk FANIIY HOWS, 10c, 15c, iSSe. STItAP IIOWH, ittc. THE DUDE HOW, All Celers, Plain and Fancy Patterns, lie. STKINU T1KS.25P. HOY'S POLKA DOT TIEH, -,v. HOY'S PLAID SCAUPS, 'ile A 3V WIND'sOltANDDB.IOINVILLE SCAItFs KOK GENTS. COLLARS AM OUFES ! All the Latest Styles el E. A W. TIIK ANCHOIt AND CUOWN I1KANDS. THE SAN HENO Is the Very Latest tot) le Cellar. Fancy Hosiery I In Plain Celers and Stripes, from Twenty-Five Cents, up. Lisle Cornwall & Lebanon (Jolebrook Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PARK, In the heart of the Seuth Mountain, en the line or the above read, Is offered u Individuals und associations Free of Charge. These grounds, covering hundreds of acres, are easy of access flout all parts of Eastern Pennsylvania. S-ThereaieMOUNTAINSTKEAMS, spanned by rustle bridges; MOUNTAIN hl'KINOB. walled up with native sandstone ; SIIA1H WALKS and 1'ltOMKNADES. A L VIM1K DANCING PAVILLION, LAKUE DININU HALL. KITCHEN, DINING HOOM, andTAltl.ES, HENCIIES nnd 11USTIC HEATS, scatleiid thieugli the grove ter the true me of excursionists. LAW N TENMS, CUOQUET.HALL (JKOl NDS, HOW LINO ALLEY, SHOOTING GAI LEUY, QUOITS AMB FOOT HALL Are among the amusements eHered. Ne Intoxicating Drinks Allowed en the Premises. B-l'artlcs desiring It, can procure meals at thel'AUK HEVr.U HAM', which will bounder M. HOLTZ, the noted Hl'EOIAL NOTICES. Queer reading would be the history of names. We cannot, however we go Inte the subject new, except go far as te say that Dr. Kennedy's " Favorite Uemedy" was called by that name, In an Informal fashion, long bofero the Docter dreamed of advertising It for publle use. Speak. big of It he would gay te his patients, This is uiy favorite remedy for nil troubles of the bleed," etc, and its success was se great that he Anally spelled the nauie with capital lettcm. (2)inyll-luidced&w backache, Sharp Fains, Hheiiinatlsm, KIdney Diseases, Torpid Liver, Lung Troubles, or Lameness In any part quickly cured by the Hep Hltttri. The seething and patn-klllhig virtues of hops cemhlned with strengthening Gums und Extracts. The best porous plaster ever made. 23c. UNDERTAKING, TJNDEUTAKINQ. UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Streets, LAHOlBTKR, l'A. Personal attention given te all orders. Every thing In the Undertaking Hue furnished. Having secured the serv Ices of a. flrst-chug me ohante, 1 am prepared te de all kinds of Uphol stering at very moderate prices. All kinds of rurntture Upholstered. Give me a call. leJr R. ROTE, Thread nnd Ilcrlin Gloves, In White, black and Drub. GENTS'DEESSSTRAWHATS. Fifty I)07cn of New Styles in Dress Straws for Gents, 23c. Hey's Dress Straw Hats, 2.1c. Children's Dress Straw Huts, lie und 2.1c. LIGHT This Hat The l'enulur COLOUED STIFF FELT HAT FOll GENTLEMEN, flexible and Extremely Light In Weight. Our Special Gents' $3.00 Shee. WAHHANTKD. This shoe Is made te our special order, solid leather all thteugh, plain or capped tee. We haveallslces efithem lit Luce, button or Con gress. LADIES SHOE, $2.00. Is new ready In Common Sense or Opem Tee, Thlssheawe recommend us a dtimblu mid sty lish promenade shoe. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, 30 & 38 West King St., LANCASTER l'A. mlllS PAPEK 18 PRINTED WITH J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK. Fiirwuct Ink Works, 2611 ud IWl Avenue rlLADKLI,HlA,PA, Leather Hellers, Tan Packers, Ttlpple dealing for horse power. PUMPS. Helt and Gear Pumps t Mining Pumps j Cem blued Pumps nnd Heaters. Ccrltrirugal I'liinp. Steam Pump. Gearing, Pulleys, Fly Wheels, Clamp llexes, Hangers, Couplings, Cellars, Steel Steps nnd Tin Pulley Flutes, Packing llexes, Mill Spindles, Mill bushings, Ac, Ac., Ac PIPES. Wrought Iren, for Gas, Steam and Water. Cast lien 1'Iim's. Heller Tubes, Well Cutting. FITTINGS. Fer Water and Steam, Valves, Cocks, Steam Gauges, Gituge Cocks, Glass Water Gauges, Sufety Vitltcs, Whistles, Glebe Valves, Governors, Patent tvlf-Feedlng f.iy ---.brlcjtarg, Hiass"0ll Cups, Glass f Tubes, Injectors or ' Heller teeders. PACKING Hemp, Asbestos, Gum emV, l'nim- bage. j PELTING Gum, Cotten and Leather. CASTINGS Heavy and Light Iren nnd) Hrass. Heller Iren, Sheet lien, Har Iren, uuu stent. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools and Public Hnlldlngs. STEAM HEATING. Kstlmatcs, Drawing nnd Pattern Werk tar nished at ltciisonable Kales. ltepalrlng promptly and carefully nt-' tended te. Addrcs", Jehn Best & Sen, NO. 333 EAST FULTON STREET, the charge or MIL E. caterer et me LEBANON VALLEY HOUSE, who will bcen the grounds throughout the sea son, giving It his personal supervision. .Si-Excursions lrem nil points en Pennsylva nia Ii. It. w 111 be curried direct te the Purk with out change of ears. j3-Excuilen rates and full Information can be obtained and engagements effected with parlies Hem all jxilnis en the Pennsylvania lt.lt. upon application te GEO. W. HOYD, As sistant Geiiertl Piif-encrer Agent, P. It. U., Ne. SE1 Seuth Fourth street, Philadelphia, or te J. C. JENNINGS, Supl. C. A L. A C. V. K. It., Lebanon, l'n. niyl3-3uid JanlVlydAw LANOASTHK, l'A w- 'n'ALi. l'AVim. INDOW SCKEENS. (ir.ANSUAItK. 1(511 AMAHT1X. H Glassware -AT- CHINA HALL. Just opened a new line of Colored Glassware. NEW SHAPES. NEW A line of NEW PltlCE. SHADES. Crystal Glassware, AT THE LOWEST PHICE3 EVEIl OFFEHED. See Iho Goods before purchasing. High & lartin, NO. 15 EAST KING STREET, LAN CASTE U. l'A. CAllttlAUES. QTANDAUD CAItniAGK WOKK. Edward Edgerley, FINE CARRIAGE IJUILDER, MAUKET STltEKT, HEAH OF t'OSTOFFICE, LAN0ASTEU, l'A. A LAltGE STOCK OF ETOG-IES & OAEEIA&ES Comprising the Latest Styles nnd most Elo Ele gautly Finished, at GKEATLY UEDUCED I'UICES. Ifyeu wish In purehuse a geed arti cle, my work Is decldtdly thu cheapest In the state. MOTTO-" FAlIt DEALING AND HONEST WOHK." AT" Don't fall te eneoutitge geed work. All Werk FULLY WAKKANTKD Lewest Pikes lerltKl'AIHl.SG AND HEPAINT1NG. One set ofweikmeu esiieilally empleved for that pur pur pem. PLEASE OALL AND EXAMINE. nerJCtfdAw Wire Window Screens! It may seem a llttle euily te talk about Win dow bcicens, but we think the tlme Is here ; the warm weather will seen be with us, and it Is well te be prepared. A geed plan Is te have them fitted tit early, before the tiles 1111 up your house. We are well supplied with frames nnd wires. The second-story et our building Is Blocked w lilt from 6,0eu te 7,l) frames of dllferent sizes, w hleli can boimtde uiiat sheit notice. The price will he lower than heretofore. Wemake joungeod sized screen for BO cents a piece, and Lnnd-enpe wire from $1.25 n piece up. All widths of wire sold by the feet or roll at lowest pilces. We opened te day, uuether Chelio Line of LACE CURTAINS, Thrce, thrce and a-hitlf and four raids long. Price 75c, l.O0, l.i f LAO, 1.71. itm, -'.5. fl ou u piece up. l'eles 4(e, We, 7'ie, l.a), Ac. Weiuu In the busy season for WALL PAPER. Our stock Is large te select tieni, nnd we have n strong feiee et weikmeii te de your work promptly. WlndewShades of eveiy descilptleu. PHAEES W. FRY, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTElt. PA. IlUUSEFUltXBilllSa UUOltS. rpHR CHEAPEST PLACE TO HUY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Geal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, tJ A JIN P. MUM (I SON'S, Ne. 21 Seuth Qucen Streot, febJ7-lvd LANCASTEH i'A. SPECTACLES. CUFERIOR SPECTACLES -AND- UAMPAQNIS. BOUCHE TIIK FINEST "SEC." WINE NOW CHAMPAGNE IMPOIITED. ATHKIQAUT'S OLD WINK STOKE, Ne. S) Eabt Kine Stbhkt. 11. iL BLAYMAltElt, AgL Rttlltoteal7S. fbl7-U4 EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, Field aiesses, Harnmeters, Tele scopes, Hug-te latulerns, Thermeuielei-s, Draw ing instruments, Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus. List and Descriptions of our Ten Catalogue sent FHKE en application. QUEEN & CO., NO. 951 CHESTNUT ST. ma.e-ljQAw PHILADELPHIA WITHOUT EXCEPTION. THE 11EST Cigars In the town, two for 6c, ut HAUTMAN'8 YKLLeW jritONX CIQAM -