m Rd-1 ' .: 'i ." ," ''i ' VF" i LAHCABTte DAILY nmfcLLtGENOHa BATPBDAY, MAY 23, 18&5. ;, v .'i '? i 'i I I' -I rM ,. VA .. r-H-r.ei . A.I ; rJ FJA. E Witt ; av & rat "5s V. J 1 - V aw. ' tl r bB-- 1' . f 4" V hr.P W m iKa mr y m, rm, ISL .. IV Daily Intelligencer, T r,PaMMfeed Every Evenlng In the Year (BDHDATs UCIRID) By 8TG3NMAM & HENSEU ' ' INTELLIGENCER DUILpiNG, 8. W. Cerner Centre Square. Laxeabtsr, Pa. ' DAlIiY Tbk ckkt a wkk. Fit dollars A '-' TACfRrirTTCKTAMOHTH. PeRTAOB R. ti ADVX&II8KUENT8 fbejc tk te nrrT tmn A --fi, ttn WEEKLY " INTELLIGENCER," (neBTrAgiu.) PuMtohed Kvery Wednesday Morning, ,' TWODOLLAM ATKAB INADVAKOa. kMBMronDKHea solicited from evcry part of the nutte nna country. Correspondents lira m quested te write legibly and an ene side et the paper only and te sign their unmes, net for publication, but In proof of geed litlth, Alt anonymous letters will be consigned te the waste basket. ADDBMS ALLLBTTKHS ADD TKLKlir.AltS TO THE INTELLlGENCEIt, Lancaster, 1'a. $l)c jCamastctatetclligcuccr. LANOASTKU. It AY 1. 1855. Al'lllerkd l'est. The Washington 1'eU lias been giving te tbe country the sayings of Senater Black burn, as it has given tliose of ethers, and they arc of a sufficiently sensational char acter te secure republication in the news papers generally, although the (.ource from which they conie is of well ilciiieiislmlctl unreliability. The J'ebl, after the fashion of the modern newspaper, cares much less for the truthfulness of what it rcimrts than for its interest. It has picteniled, in this instance, te give the conversation that leek Vlace between Senater Blackburn and the president, upon a recent viail of Iho Sena Sena eor to4he White Heuse, and lias cared se litlle for its character for leliabilily, as te point two different statements of the same interview, basing both upon its own pre tended knowledge. Senater Blackburn says that he did net give the information te the Pest and he docs net believe that the president did ; and as no one clse was pie- sent the conclusion is that the 1'esl manufactured it; te which conclusion probability is given by the fact that that the Pest's narative is net correct. The l'est also represented the senator as having written te Senater Hayanl lapiest ing him te take his name fiem all recom mendation papers en ille in the State de partment te which it was signed. The amount of truth in this statement, the, senator Bays, is that he wrote te thojgcfe tary withdrawing ene recmftnTcndatien that he had made. As a lie is weiwrfimvn te travel faster and live lenggF'than the truth, very often, it is prebjjJfe that it will be some time be- 'erQfliKfTniint'rv is iMM-simtliul that Seiuitnr lackburn, did net have a row with the president. uhd has netdcclaied that he will nevcr recommend another man for elllce. The president has had the appointment of the senator's brother asrcvonue collector revoked, and the inclination of the public istobelievo that the senator is soie; and it vas ready te accept the J'est's tale that he nade a silly exhibition of his anger, lo le causo se many people- are net wihe when they are cress. I)eubtksi Senater Blackburn was hint and sero ever the stigma put uiwii his brother, as it was natural for him te be. The general opinion is that he was net well used in the matter. But Senater Blackburn has the reputation of being a high-toned and sensible man, and he would net be tht3 if he permitted his feeling of injury at his brother's treat ment te diminish the extreme propriety of his behavior towards the piusident and his secretaries. It would rather tend te in crease it; se that it is net probable at all, that he berated the president in his inter view with him ; nor is it likely that he abdicated his function as a Democratic senator se far as te declare that he would have nothing further te recommend te the president in the matter of appointments te the federal eilices in Kentucky. The senator says that he does net per mit himself te notice newspaper talcs about himself; and it certainly requires agieat deal of judgment in a public man te knew wnen no sneuui, anu wncn no need net, ic- pel the many newspaper falsehoods which assail him. Te reply te them all would be hardly possible, and te reply te none scarcely wise. A man's reputation is meulded by the newspapers. He may be as wise as Solen, and yet be pictured as a feel ; as honest as the day and be given the color of the night. The appeti'e of the newspaper for spicy news makes it heedless of truth, and it destroys reputation without malice, in spired by the zeal for the spiciness that gives it circulation. The libel laws stand ready te quench their zeal In a striied suit; but they are cumbrous te wield nnd un fashionable. The weapon needed is ene that wjll meet the wrong swiftly; and new that the duelle Is geno out, theie is nothing seemingly left adequate te the occasion. Hunt the Itnscnls Jlewn. A young man from Downingten lias re cently been sentenced by Judge Butler, of the United States distiict court, te pay a flne of $100 and te undergo an imprison ment of fifteen months in the Eastern penitentiary for sending indecent ciiculars through the United States mails. The offense for which this punishment was in Uictcd, be it noted, was net the printing or the sale of these offensive publications, but theuse or abuse of the United States mails te distribute them. Which we wish te lemarkthat this is exactly what the llepublican committees ever the country did last year. In these parte of the state they selected the Phila delphia postefllco te mail their obscene literature; and had It printed by the ten in that city. It went through the mails there with impunity In open envelopes. Nobody was ever arrested or prosecuted for mailing it. The little offender from Downingten get fifteen months in the peni tentiary, and no doubt deserved every hour of it ; but the big llsh break through ihe net. Huldekeicr must go. Vn Unholy Alliance. Tlie ritllailelpliia Heard calk uttentlen te the fact that the Pennsylvania railroad company has chosen te Us be.iul or direc tion, the president et the National Transit company, u corporation of this state which controls the carriage of oil In pipes, nnd therefore- a rival te the Pennsylvania railroad in the uiaiier 01 en carriage, rucre w nowevcr nn emlcableanungcment betweeu itttnd the I r V plpe lines about the share of oil each shall .carry, and, the National Transit is charged with keeping the arrangement in smooth running order. Its president has been giv en a place in the Pennsylvania direction, probably te facilitate his operations. But hew de the iieople like this lying down of the lien and the wolf together contentedly te feed upon thcm Te All Whom It May Concern. The A'cie Era is respectfully Informed that this journal will keep right straight en expressing its honest opinions about matters and things, regardless of what presidents or postmistresses de or think. It is " undcrbends " te no official te praise what he docs ; and no official is " under bends " te de ns it thinks. The iNTEixiaKNCEK luis never iiuule itself the organ of any official power, and it has neycr hesitated te criticise these in plnce nnd te held nnd te express opinions contrary even te what scorned te be for the moment the popular side of a contro versy. If the president withholds a man's com mission for assistant -attorney general be cause of the opinions he had held en his state's educational system, .we are sorry the president hearkened te such " arrant nensense ;" and If a Virginia pestmlsticss tvas guilty of " preventing the delivery of i)cmecmtlc newspapers and campaign literature " she should net have been reap pointed. It does net take the Intklueunceh eight years te let its readers knew where- it stands en any question of public interest ; nor docs it held and chauge its principles "for revenue only." What He Said. The IXTKLMaKKCKK, apropos of Gen. Beaver's remark that he couldn't stand an ex-Cenfederate brigadier in an American consulate, recalled the fact that Ben vcr in his famous speccli te the Confederates at Car lisle, said " that he baldly knew which side in the war was right, and had he been Seuth iie would have worn the gray." Whereupon the Uarrisburg Tiltyraph pro nounces the statement a " bold lie," and proceeds tecxplaiu what Beaver did say en the occasion referred te; and it adds "of course the 1ntkm.iui:kui:ii will net make the correction." We take pleasure in disappointing our esteemed contemporary. Having quoted Gen. Beaver's rcmaiks from memory, we cenect the quotation te what the TcUijnijtC new indicates mat no said. Here it is. " Yeu have a right te say anil you euht -te My, that you believetl you er: ight- in the unu juu raiuuwu, "ttwinynn e leu en our side, profeiuulbM we vere iiiosed hy the conviction Uifu our caiiw) wan right and just, IJujs&fte doubt that if riliifitteil im yen AjlCrtccji, live it there ax you Am, nnd influ enced i.i jett were, we xheuld have hud the same ceimps and convicttein." An this Is a complete justification of the Confederate soldiers, and an acknowledge ment that had he been Seuth he would have worn the gray, we frankly apologize te Beaver for net having quoted him as btrengly as he sieke. We had really for gotten that he went se far in his defense of and tribute te the " Beys in Gray." The Itisc In Iluttcr. The pcople of Imcnstcr who paid live cents a pound mere for butter te-lay than en last market day de net, as undo, per. haps knew that since then it has been made a criminal ofTcnse te manufacture or sell oleomargarine. Such a compound may be never se sweet, pnre, clean, whole whele whole seino and te seme tastes mere agreeable than butter ; 100 line half te go te the informer shall lie indicted upon any ene who makes or sells it or keeps it in his ios ies ios sesslen for sale. One of the iwweiful arguments pro duced in the legislative debates en this subject against oleomargarine was that it is colored with annotte which is pre cisely what a very large part of the but ter brought te inaikct is colored with. Annette in oleemaignrino is deadly; in butter it is harmless 1 Wiiat Daniels ceme te judgment I Heroes or War ami of Peace. , It shocks the Columbia .fyi that this journal should have said ex-soldiers, such as the Spy's editor, for instance, " are no mere deserving of honors in life and after death, than their average fellow citizens." What the Inti:llhikxci:r did say, what it stands by, and what is the honest opinion of nearly everybody of sound judg ment was this : Ah a rtile the man who went te the war and cume back from it twenty years aire, are no Ixitter cltizens and no mero iloserving of noners in me anu nuer ucaiu man uioiravcr uieiravcr uioiravcr age fellow citizens. A great many of tliem have been trading en their reputations and military records ten dogreo thai is net only ollcnslve te right-minded people, hut un worthy of a true soldierly spirit The clti clti ren soldier when he laid off his uniform and resumed his citizenship took up the respensi bilities of private Hfe ; and the modesty of me rcaiBuiuiur asscris iisun net only ey con tinually claiming special prerogatives but by showing that it In as high and horein te norlerin properly the dutiesef civil life us te discharge tliose et military service. Will the Columbia editor plcase spy around among his fellow citizens and see if this is net true te a hair. Thk death of ex-Secretary Froliugliuysen n row duys age recalls the story of the early Frolinghuysen uncestry. Tlie Fiellngliuy Fiellngliuy seiis -woreof old Helland stock', and ene or thelr ""progenitors, Domlnle Frollnghuysen, looked after tbe spiritual wolfare of the Dutch colonists who bad bocemo tiie first families of Albany. IIoheoius te have been very ascetlcal In Ills rollgieus notions and in 1765 or thorcabeuU lie was went te declaim In very vigorous style from his pulpit against "amateur tnentricais"iu wiiicli tlie youngpoo yeungpoo youngpeo nlo varied the dull routlneoftlieeolonialdaya On the day following tlie delivery of ene or ins mast spirited sermons against tins pre sumed evil, a club, a pair or old shoes, acrust or black bread and a dollar wero left in his doorway, and en his asking what Ihey meant tlieyweie interpreted te him ns suggesting that he had better go away; that the stick was te push him oil', tlie shoes were te v ear en the read, and the bread and inoney wero a prevision for the jeurney. This was a HQVOre blew te the prlde of tlie clergynian and he brooded evor the thoughtless act until It assumed the proportions or n mam moth insult. One day without warning he started rer Helland, Ids congregation llrmly believing that iie would seen return. Months afterward it was learned that he dropped ever the ship's side Inte mid-ocean nnd it nover Was clear wliotlier it oecurroil bynccl- deut or intention. The incident Is mero than a hundred years old, but an a lessen te tliose who thoughtlessly wound the feelings of sensitive persons tlie moral or tlie story should be evor young. TlIK Hellldaysburc Standard pronounces the autl-oleomargarino law a "cowardly evasion ;" nnd the Alteena Tribune consid ers It a "gross Injustice." We have yet te soe a novvspaper that d of ends this abortive enactment The West Choster Jlejmbliean, we see, gloriea in the law and calls upon the people' te "pursue the manufacturers or this vile compound wherover they go, until the country Is rid or them." What about the dirty, greasy butter that cemes te the market T BIBLES, OLD AND NEW, SOME OP T1IK XCVKNTIUClTll.lt TlIEJtJJttl XDIT1UNS. OF Tim "Plane BtMkeiV and Ureeclii Kclllleti." An Awful OmlMlen or An Important Ncj;. tlve Tli 1'prtecutjnic PrlnUiiV " Itlbln. Seme Itare Frctaka In Iloek-Makliig. The Interest prevailing Just at tliMlme in the subject of ltlbliail necurncy will render Interesting seme CicIh regarding curious llibleH which liavonppearod slnce 1(111, when King James' version was llrst published. Hevernl ts'iues of the lllble have bocemo fa meus for curious misprints. Thore is, ler Instance, thol.'Tlaee Mukers' lllble." " lllossed nre the place makers, for they shall bocalled the children of Ged" Matt v. 9 Is an extraordinary misprint occurring In the second edition or tlioUenova lilttle, publish ed in Ooueva in folio form In 1WI1-2. The mlstake was seen discovered nnd corrected, and nover occurred again. Then thore Is the Vinegar" . lllble. " Tiie parable of the vinegnr, Instead of " parable or the vinegar yard," appears In the chapter bending te Luke xx, In nu Oxford edition of the nuthiir nuthiir nuthiir thorlzed version which was published in 1717. The book was published by J. Basket, In Imperial folio, and Is said te Im the most olaberalo and Hiimptueus of all the Oxford ItlbleH. The printing is very beatitiful, and seme or the copies wero printed en velluui ; but unfortunately, the proofs wero carelessly read, nnd the book printed by ILisket was called " a basketful of printers' errors. The book la new highly prized en account el Its typographical iaulu. There Is nlse the " Wicked lllble " In ex ex lsty.ice. This extraordinary naiue has been g'.ven te an edition of the authorized llllile. printed in Londen by Ilobert It.irker unil M-rtln I.uais In 1C3I. The nogatlve was lea out of the soventli coniniandent and Wil liam Killiurn, writing in 105V), sayH that owing te the veal of Dr. Usber the printer wen iwicu iinmer jt,iwe. tn Land's iiui iiui lished works thore is a copy of the king's letter directing that the printers be fined jE3,000, but Dr. Kcrlrencr asserts, without giving an authority, that the real line was oneof 300, tnllicted liy Aichbishep Land, "te boexiHiiided en a fbiitorr.ilrdrcektyiw." Only four eonies of tills scirce lllble are new known te exist, as the edition was destroyed nnd the copies called in as seen itsthoinis itstheinis itsthoinis lake was discovered. Dr. Hcnvener declared that a copy existed at Wollenbultel. This led te a search being made. Ne such 1'hig llsh lllble was discoNered, but a (lerniaii ISIhle witli the very same mistike was found in its stead. Thore Is also tlie "Persecuting I'rhitcnt' lllble." "Printers have porscculetl me ilii ilii eut cause," I'mIiiim, cxix i has the word "printers" instead or ",(-inces" and has given occasion fur this nu:iid. All that is known or this edition Is stated by Mr. Henry 8teens In thocatibgueorthoCaxUm uxliilillleit of lllblcs. -where he says Hint these words were pi't fiiie the mouth or Cotten Mather by a biiinuering tyjiegmpiicr In a initie printed licrore i'tU. There Is nlse the " lirs te liar lliblc" "Who has cars te ear let him ear" Matthew xli, 13. This ail apl.it Ien or Londen cockney Is round In nu octave lllblu published by Hie Oxford press in 1810. The same book con tains a mere surieus hluiuier, Hebrews ix, II, "Hew much mero shall the bleed or Christ, who through the eternal spirit ollered him seir without spot te liixl, purge your ceu- M'lrncoireiu geed works losero me iiiug UIXI." Among ethers may be noted the "Stand, ing l'lshes itlhle." "And it shall cutnete pass tliat the ilshes shall stand ujieii it," Ac Keklel xvli., la Tlie word llshes is used rer lisliers in u quarto lllble priiiled by the King's printer in Londen in 1SO0 and re printed In u quarto edition ei 1813 and in an octave edition r 182.1. Thore Is also tlie "Urccchcs lllble." which. llke the ether, is out or print, "And the eyes or At'-'in and Kve wero opened, and they knew that they wero naked, and they sewed tig leaven together and made them selves breeches" Genesis, Hi., 7. The word "breeches" was put in the text in place or "aprons." It is round in a mi.irte liihtc, printed in Londen, by Itoiiert Parker, in tliu.1 cariyjianei me Hovenieciiiii century. tiik ltr.viHEtt musies. Soieo of tlie Otlvleim l'.rrem Tluit It llun Corrected. The revised versien has corrected several passages in which the knew ledge et tbe ear lier tninslaters was at fault In natural history. Heme of the errors wero very wideeftliu mark. Fer instance, bitlern (Is. xlv. 'Si should be porcupine ; dragons (Jeb xxx, L"J should no j.icKais : lexes (.1 uuges xv, -i should be Jackals; linen yarn (I Kings x, 2H) should be drev oef horses; mules (lien, xxxvi, 21) should be warm springs; owl f I.ev. xl, if)) should be ostrich ; paper reeds (Is. xlx, 7) should be meadows ; satyrs (Is. xiil, 2) should Ik) goats; screech owl (Is xxv iv, II) should be night monster; spider (I'rev. xxxviii, 31) should be Ilrird ; torches (Nail, li, 3) should be steel ; unicorn (Num. xxiil, 22) should be wild ex. Heme of these misinterpretations are se completely unlike tlie real meaning that thore is no way te account for them, unless it be supposed that the translators or the authorized version, net knowing tlie signilkutlen of the words, simply guesscd. Ise'ah, xl: I. "The voice or liiin that crietlt in the wilderness, I'roiwre ye tlie way of tlie Lord," is changed te read, "The voice of ene that crieth, prepare ye in tlie wilder ness the way of the I.01J." ix:5. Kvery battle or the warrior Is with confnsed nolse and garments rolled 111 bleed ; but this shall be with burning and fuel or lire," Is changed rer the better, " Fer all the armor or the armed man in tlie tumult, and the garments rolled In bleed, shall be for burning, for the fuel of nre." 11 Who Is this that cemcth lrem Kdeni, with dyed garments from llezrali," eta, is greatly holped by representing thocenquoror us " marching" rather than " traveling " in tlie greatness of his strength, and by a mero vigorous rendering el the last clause of v : (1, but csjicclally by preserving tlie preterit tenses of tlie original. There are many renderings declared te be incorrect by all lexicons and commentaries et a critical character. Fer oxample, tlie word "hypocrite" is found eight times in tlie Boek of Jeb, yet in net ene of tliem does tlie original term have that meaning. Se ene of the obligations mentioned often in the l'enta l'enta teuch and olsewhoro Is called a "meat oilor eilor oiler llig," which leads the reader te suppese that It Is an aulmal sacritlce, whoreas tlie Hebruvv means an unbloedy oblation, and is correctly rondcred "meal ellcrlng." TUB OLD THS1AMJ:XT 11EVJSIOS. Where the Werk of the Latent Itev Ucni Seem te Fall-Wliat Was Needed. Frem tbe Philadelphia Auicilcau. Se far as we have the means of judging, this revision or tlie Old Tostament 1'ulU Just whero that of the New Tostament did. It departs noedlcssly and deplorably from Iho standard of Kngllsh established In 1011. It breaks the rhythm of the old versien as well. This Is net wonderful. There Is net a single master of the Kngllsh style among the thee theo thee legicians en either of tlie revision committees en either side of the Atlan tic The only man or this kind wlioob wlieob wlioeb faltiod u place en the Old Tostaineut was Ilishep Tblrlvvall, in Kngland and he died as long age as 1875. Dean Stanley was the only ene en the New Testament commlttce, and he died long bo be bo ferotho work was ilnlslied. , Dr..' ICrauth, en the Old Testament commlttee in America came tlie nearest te meeting this want, but he, tee, died liefore the work was tiually revised. The ether gentlemen of, Ixitli com mittees nre men of seuad Creek and Hebrew scholarship; but they are net Iho men into whose hands a venorable Kuglish classie could be given with conlldeiice. Ah Spurgoeu said te the revisers of tlie Old Testament, "they may knovvQreok, hut they don't knew Kngllsh." In many places the revised version eivea a clearer insight Inte the meaning of tlie origi nal, and Its connection of thought Its rear rangement or tiie book In paragraphs Instead of verses, and Its printing Hebrew poetry In parallelisms, are obvious improvements. Hut these tilings we have had already In Samuel Hharpe's excellent revision, for instance. What was wanted was te have this doue and get the character of the lllble as an Kngllsh classie et the Klizabethaii era preserved for us. A Disappointed Man. Frent the Hartferd Pest. Tliorevislon oflhe Old Testiiuent has re vived the hejies of some poeplo who expect te have tilings smoet hed for tliem all through thts Hfe. it -was this Interesting fact that induced Shuttla te nttend church yosterday. "Hew did you'llke tlie sermon T" Inquired a frlend, as he passed out or the vestibule, "Nevcr was 90 dlvgusted In my life. Why ' - t the man took Theu shall net steal' for h I text." "Tliat'ii a geed texl." "It's the iwme old text, I thought the new version would reud, Tlieu slmlt net compro mise for twonty-llve cents en the dollar. " PERSONAL. Hk.niiy Jamks Is becoming less tmputar even in Ilosten. QEenaR Mone an, Inte or the I'hlladelplila Times Is aald te IwwriUng a book. "Cr,KVKt,ANi," Is llie front nama of tlie new baby at the Chiuose legation. Kx-Countksmei' LensiiAI.h, witli liernew husliand, gels f300,000 a year te siwnd. Miksks Mannine, Kndiceti, Lamar, Oar laud and tlie youngest two daughters or Hoc Hec nlary llayard will luuku their debut In Wa.il lugten next wlnter. IIaiiuik.t IIkreiiku Mtewj! doinelishes n let of fanciful stories when she writes that nene or the jertrait In " Unde Tem's Cabin " are portraits. Iiuv. II. It Hawi:is, tlie ecccutriu musical preacher or louden, will deliver two or er or inenH borera the students or Cernell Univer sity while he is in this country next rail. llonnseH wusinnde secretary or tlie navy by President Grant In June, iBiVJ, solely lie lie eause he could tell u geed story at table nnd Ik) gonerally u convivial companion, whctlier In his own home or that of another, or en a Junketing excursion with the president mid Ills frlendM. I'iianeih Cei'ckh, Iho peel of tlie peer, lntely received Inte tlie Kreucli Acidemy, is shy and retiring of life. He makes his home in niuue collage Willi ins uninarricu sister, mingles seldom in losiiieiianio society. The place is everrun by cats, or which he is very reud. Mk. Hmith, a very Intelligent colored man. who has lieen the librarian or the lederal llouse or Ilepreseutatlvcs library, and is new an assistant thore, has had long service in connection with that library, with the con tents or whose volumes he has u most 11111.17. Ing familiarity. Ills memory is ery accu rate. KvANOHt.isT Ham Jem:s savs: "Ami seme day w lieu I leave this old world and sometimes I think 1 don't care hew seen I'll go hnpny, if I'm faithful. I don't knew what I'll de when I go tehcncii, bull knew tlie sweetest thing thore will be te see my wll'e there, tee, and te see, seme day, nu arcuniigei uriiig us our cuiiureu." Cait. IIAssktt, the assistant doerkcejicr or the Houate, llrst served there us a page. It will bellfty four years next DoceiulHir slnce lie was llrst iipixilutcd, and he has never been out of the employ of tlie Hcnate slnce. He keeiis, ns a valued tre-.wure. a geld and silver snull-hex prusenled te him four years age 011 ills llllieth iinnlers.iry or service hy the senators. Themas Wm.eii. of color, who. when- ever the United Stales supreme court is in session, sits outside the main cutranco-deor and opens and closes It Ter isiters mid law yer!, has been in the employ or that court iully tliiity years and, having a clear head mid geed memory, is lull or interesting reminiscences or the Justices he has known and of the lawyers who have practiced be fore theiu since 18.VI or thereabouts. It. K. Olil.UM, whose loellmrdy feat in lumping from the Hast ltlver bridge ended fatally, has paved the lives of upwards or thirty persens in his event Till career, nnd he had a nuuilicr or medals, ene from the United States government, In recognition or ids bravery. Had he been allowed te hang from the great hridgeam! drop, there is no ques tion among tliose who pretended te knew but that he could have accomplished the fe.it p May feigcts net April's llencrg, .In no will Kven hearts that throb and Ihrlll like ours OlIIWMtlll. July furgets what biidsnnd llnweis June lmil liven hearts whom) Jey is deep as 0111 n li row had. The pale leaves hear net what the Mowers Heard told Hyen hearts as pussUmate 114 ours CJlew cold. 1 am the Bptclalur. CuiirIiI hy an Odiipn-k A diver who was trying le llnd peails oil the Alartkn (MKistrrunud none, hut Jeiiud hluiKelf, nil of h midden. In the grasu of nu ugly octopus vtithariiH twenty-Meven lect feng. Hm-hanex-IsTlencn Is rare ; hut tlicroarulheuand9 d p o e jiln who nre ciiuglit by dynpcpiln, which lsinlte nshad. All oetepiM luites te lei go. MmIecm dyH'llsla. Jlrnwu's Iren Hitters settles dys peiidiu mid makes Itloevu Its cruel grip. Mrs. hchmldlnud henlaiigliter, of ISilCenway slieet, llallluiere, were both cured of dyspepsia by the moor lirewn's Iren Hitlers. II)drilielilat IIel'i transmit ltthleii-'h their teeth. Teeth should lie kept tree from virus. Dku MI.O HON T, kiep I he teeth clean, uud no damage inn be done by tliu man who says le Ida girl, " 1 reel like eating you up, deal est." Kiylt) lwdeed.lw .(IIbaiit Diseahb will yield te the lixe or DK. tiUAVi:'Ili:AUT ltKUUI.ATOIt, thlity vuirs luisprevt-d ItUHpcclUc liiull reium or heart iIIk ease. Free pamphlet or F. II. lngalln, Cain bridge, Mnss, 11.00 per holtle. Fer sale by all druggUts. Clear Hnilus and Tlioreiigh Werk. The latter Is luipotudble without the former. KltherU iinuttalnablu witli exhausted net ves and deninged fiirces. Nothing can rcutore licsly, hndn nnd inlnd te healthy cv-lstenceiind perfect working elllclcncy no promptly and theiuughly iu Iftwrv'H PunK Malt Wiiihkkv, which isubse lutely tree from every deleterious, eluineiitiind furnishes tonic, stimulant mid nuurlnhiueut ler mental and physical components In the exact ratio required. Large bottles only tl.Ul each, at all reliable grocers mid druggists, All iUsters are net alike. Hep 1'tastcri give relief and euro when ether kinds nre utterly worthless. Try one and bee. SVa dealers. JUiLlUIOUH. RKIJGIenS SKItVIOKS WILT UK held In the following chinches te-morrow. In thu morning at 10-JO, In the evening nt 7:1 huniLiy school at 1:1.1 p.m. When the hour U dltlurcut It Is specially noted : MKMoiciAL(l,ui.iuvTitniA!)-HeiilhQ.uecii strcut. Services luendng and evening nt thu usual hours. Sabbath school nt lJi p. Prayer meeting Thursday evening. Welcome te all. Themas Thompson, pastor. St. bTKiin:s's (IIkv.) Cuuitcii CeitKUU CiiAvri.. Sacrumeiiter thu Hely Communion will be cele brated. Sermon by Itev. Dr. T. O. Apple, tit 10.30 u. in. Uiiacs Lutheran. Cerner of North (Jueeii and .lames street. Itev. C. Elvin llenpt, pastor. Set vices ut 10 30 a. 111. and at 0.00 p. 111. Sunday schiHil at 3 p. m. CuitiST Luthkuaw Ciiuncit West King street. E. L. Heed, pastor. Sunday school at m p. 111. Omvkt IIaitist Ciiuncii. Y. M. C. A.ltoeing. Itev. M. Frayne, pastor. 1'ieachlng ut 10.30 u. 111. and 7:13 p. 111, Sunday school ut 2). m. Skcesu Hvanoklieal ( English I, en Mulberry street, above Orange L. N. Wet mini, pastor. Ne morning or uveulng services until May 31st, Paster ubseut collecting funds te llcmldate the balance of the dubt. Sahbntli school nt 2 p. in. I'niyer uud Class en Tuesday nnd Thursday evenings ut 7:43 sharp. Tuibitv Lutiikkak. Wblt-Sunday communion te-morrow morning. Ne kcrvice or the Sunday school until 6 o'clock p. 111., nt which time thu annual Pentecost festival will be held in the Sunday school room of thu chapel. The Infant depnrlinuiit, however, will meet at 1:13 p. 111., us usual. FntsT IIaitist. Prayer meeting at I0-.30, n. in, Sunday school at '2 p. 111. ltureiuiKn (St. Lukk'm) Mm lctln avenue, Itev. Win. F. Llchllter. uaster. ionllruiatlett nml Hely Communion at liueu. 111. ; evening sei vice ut 7:15 n, m. Sunday school at '1 p. 111. St. Paul's Thu Hely Communion utilise a. in. 1 reaching ut 7:13 p. iu. Sunday school ut 1:43 p. m. Union Hetiiel Itev.O. W.Sellhamer, p.ister. Preaching at 10.30 a. 111. and 7.13 p.m. Class meet ing at 6:3e p. ni. 1 BKsnvTKiitAK. Preaching In the lnnnilngand eveulug by the Itev, Hubeit (iambic, et Mount Jey. St. Paul's M. E. Cuuitcii. Services nieruliig and evening by the pastor, llev, Ucergu Haul, A.M. Sunday school nt 1:13 p. 111. St. Jehn's I.utiiuuan Kev. Sylvnuus Slid), Iiaster. Services liinrulng nnd evening, bun lay school ut 1:43. All nre Invited. Oetwntd mission school at '2 p. m. Tun Weman's Chilstiau Temperance Union prayer meeting will be held te-morrow (Sunday) afternoon, nt iiuaiter past thieu o'clock in the Moravian church, and will be led by thu lMister, Itev. J. Max Ihnk. Mrs. Washliigtnu, of Con necticut, will be present and take part Iu thu services. The Union will meet 011 Tuesday af ternoen lit 3 o'clock, ut Ne. IU Neith Prlueu strcet. Men via n, J. Max Hut Ir, pastor. 10J a. 111., Whitsuntide service and feermen j '2 p 111. Sunday school) 1)1 Hely Communion, First Kukouuke Communion te-morrow. Ser vices morning and evening by tlm pastor, Itev. Dr. Jehn M.l'llzul Sunday school uud Infant uunusiu ui. i:w p. 111. WtST Mission M. 1 Chapel, corner Chat lotto mid lCineu streets. Itev, W. H. Aspin, lias! Kister, 11. iu. le-morrow ut 10j a. 111. preuchluu; 1:1 p. m. Sunday school) U17J4 p. in. preaching, ineetlnir en Tuesduv uvciilm;. Prayer Unitxu IliurruKKN in CiimsT(CevENANr) West Orange street, between Mulberry uud Charlette streets, (lunucily known as Sulum) Itev, M, J, Mumma, pastor. Preaching ut 10.20 u. 111. by llev, A. F. Dllliuun, of Oregon. Ne evening scr v loc. Sunday school at U p. 111. Fiu$tM. E. Ciiukcii Itev. J. T.SutchcIl, pastor. 1 pastor ilil p. 111. Sunday school; u.13 Yeung People's I'myer meeting. Prayer meeting en Wednesday evening ut 7.13 o'clock. The Even Ing buruiun will be delivered before the O, A. it, MEDICAU A QUKSTION A110UT Brown's Iren Bitters ANSWKItEI). J. Tlieq lincliel upKtlen ling probably been Hnkpd tlieua. muni. new van imiwirs iron jiuieir cuiiievurytblnirt" Well, It doren't. Ilutltrtiws ciinnnyaiKfnHU wrvwuclinrrptitnlile pliyMclaii would prescrllH) IKON. Pliynlclanx tecoj(tilr.e Iieniw Iho bct iiwtonitlve nent kewn te tlie lirorcsnlen.itnd Inriulmirntiv lniulinif tilnMnlrjLl linn will nnhstaiitlale the aixcrtieii tluil tlmre nieiiionipreparulletigiirii-oii llimi of any ether milintiiiicu iicil In medicine. This nhevm con cliiilvcly that Iren Is acknowledged te le tlm meat Important lacter In sm-ccHsrul incitknl pinctlcc. UN, iiewuver. ill Pinarknlile fact, that prier te tlie dlKCiivcry of IlllOWN'S IltON HIT THUS no perfectly Bntlsfnclery luincoinbtnatlen Brown's Iren Billersu!lSS?rifeft,tVS,ltBcihl ciiuu licaftaclie or tirediice constipation nil oilier Iren llltlcrsde. llreu-nV Iren Ulltcra cures InillgCHtlun, mtliiunncsi, Wi-akm-KK, Dyspepsia, Miliaria, mulls nnd fevers, Tired ITiHilfng, (lull end Dclilllty, Pain in the Hide, Illicit or tltiibx, llcadticliniind Ncuralyla for all tliose idlinciitH Kimn's Iren BillenhteMISSlKft.JJSi'ft a minute. I.Ike nil ether thorough medicines, It nets slowly. When taken by men tlie llmt sym sym sym toinerbeiiellt Is renewed energy, The muscles tliun liccoine llrmcr, the dlgcutleu Improves, tlie beweN nre active. In uewen tlin elTcct Is genci nlly liieruniiildaiidinarketl, The eye begin lit once te lirlKliten; the skill clears up t lieallhy color comes te the check iiervensiiCHs dlsap jictirs 1 functional derangements become regular nnd If a miming mother, uliiimliiiit HiiHlcnnnce Issiippllcd for tliu child. Ueinctiiber, llrewu's Iren Hitters Is the ONI.Y Iren medicine that Is net IiiJmi loin. J-hpilctana nml Vruprltt rcc ammciulit. II111 (leiiiiliie has Trade tlnrk nnd creKaeit red lluej oil vvmppcr. TAKK NO OTIIKIt. hcp'J lydAw AOHKAT SUCCKSH. Yeu will say he. What Is the 1110 of suflcr ing with llacknihe, Sclntlci, Uliemnatliiii.Hldc iiehe, Htllches, Orlck, Kidney Troubles, Heru ClieHt.orHeieiieKsliiniiy pail, when 11 Hep Plah tkiiwIII ghehiHtnnt icllcf t Applvonedlrcctly ever scat of pain nnd nole Its seething, slliniila tlngiiiidHtiviiKtheiilngetrecl. Vlitues or Hups, Canada llalxnui nnd liurgundy l'lti h ceiublin-d. Hosts of people ueitud leeeinineiiil them. Held every when-, :., ft for 1 ml. Mulled ler prlcx;. HOPl'liASTKItCO Ml 'ANY.lhHteii. Meas. 15. rpiIK MA11KCT IS VIMOltVA) With old fashioned show acting phmtcisef deubtliil eonipOBllleii. Here we pieueutyeu the complete virtues of Fresh Heps, llurgiimly Pitch nnd Canada lUtwmi ns thnlngreilluutsef the Hep l'l.AHTna, Pure, Sweet, Fresh, uud nevur falling fernll pulns.neliesund cereneK), local or deep scatid. Absolutely Ihu best, and strongest porous phiHler ever known. Thousand say se, why net you 7 Only 25c., or 5 ter 1 ouevery euevery where. Sent byinail ferprlce. HOP PLASTKIl COMPANY, liu-iteu, Miihk. (Hi) TTOPnCAHTKIlS. " YOU CAN'T BEAT THEM. lleraiiMO pewiccd of Ircsh and acllve lucdl dual ngeiitH for the cure of palu nnd dl-ea-c A wemleifiil strengthening porous phuter, luadii 110111 iiepH, iiiiiguiiuy i-iicn iinucnntiuiiiiaiKaiti. Apiily enn le llackaehe, Crick, Kidney trouble. Stlfcui's, Kclutlea, Uheumallui, Hen, Client or pain In any part. Actslimtnutly lwa)ssHtln'S quiets nervousness ready te apply. eraiVc., ft forth Sent by mall for price. (I) HOP PIASTi:it CO , I'repr'a, lloslei an ucai- 111. Mans. upri I)deislw reni Heart Trouble CAN IIHCUKKD. Palpllatten, Valvular Dllllcully, Peny Forma tion, llbciiinntlimiuiid Neuralgia et the Heart, PalliB In tlieMdeer Cheat, F.iilalgemi-ut of the Hi nit, DixEliD-RM, Klugglsli Clrriihitleu of I he CIihhI, Memenliiry Meppsgu of thu action of the lli'itrt, nlu Nervousness mid all ether tonus of HEAUT DISEASE readily yield te the use of Dr. GRAVES' HEART REGULATOR, A tried sjs-clllc of twenty jears' use. Ml per lletlle, O for 8171, at KriigKMs. hend le F. i:. INO AI.I.H,Cniiihrldge, Mass , for flic pnnplili-t tn-.ltlng en Heart Disease, Nerv Nerv eumiess, Aleeplessncfcs, etc. np3u-l)cedA.w(l) "I KKAT i:i,I XI K OF Id FIX ENDORSED BY TUB WORLD. DR. PETZOLD'S GERMAN BITTERS! Tins GREAT ELKER OP LIFI3 Isailnuhli; Distillation of ever twenty dllleii-ni kinds of the best Uerinun Herbs, this being tlm only true nnd rcllihlu process by which tlie en tlruUient Mislkat V Irtiiesaud Curative Proper tics r the Ileitis citu be pnnliiced. We ute con fident thai this glent Oermaii Tonle will bit found the most HKAI.TII-UIVI.VU ever placed before tliu public. As 11 UKMAUI.KA.ND PLEASANT 1NVIOOIIANT, It Is absolutely without n rival, and n thirds Instant IlKLieir.anda 1'EiirKCTCuiuc guaranteed In nil nines of Dvspepsla, Less of Appetite, Nerveimncs-i, VVeaKness, Cramps, Djsentery Cholera Merbus, Nausea, Dlarrhiea, Asthma. Hlckhtemaeli, milleiisness, Ague and Fever and ether .Malarial Dlxcnsc s. T his Oit.at Medlcluu Fer Sale Every w hcie. Ii. PETZOLD & CO., Prep's., HALTIMOIli:, MI). upl'.-aW&MydXw. HK ADQUAUTK1W FOR TIIK INDIAN MEDICINES,; Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, AT Lecher's Drug Stere NO.UKAM' Kl.NU ST.. Ijiuuisler. Pa. nr.AtiHWJiiK. H nrlGIl k MAHTIN, Glassware -AT CHINA HALL. Just opened a new Hue et Colored Glassware. NEW SHAPES. NEW A line or NEW SHADES. PltlCES. Crystal Glassware, AT THE LOWEST PRICES EVER OFFERED. See the Goods before putchaslng. High & lartin, NO. 16 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTElt. PA. CAJtltlAOJM. QTANOAKU CAHRIAQK WOltK. Edward Edgerley, FINE ttAitillAUK UUILDEK, MAKKET STItEKT. UKAll OK POSTOFFICE. LANCASTElt, l'A. A LAUUE STOCK OF BTJa&IES & CAREIA&ES Comprising the Latest Styles and most Ele gantly Finished, at UltEATLY 11EDUCKD I'UICES. If veu wish te nurchase u iroed artl. cle, my weik Is decidedly the cheapest lu the BUite. MOTTO-" FAUt DEALING AND HONEST WOltK." WDnn't fall te encourage geed work. All Werk FULLY WAltllANTKD Lewest Prices ferKKi'AllllNO AND UKPAINT1NU. One set of workmen especially employed for that pur. pose. PLEASE OALL AND EXAMINE. iiev2fltrdAw T HIS PAPER 18 PIUNTKD J. K. WRIGHT &, CO.S INK. Fairmennt Id' Works, 2Glh and i'ecn'a. Avenue HBv-Jjd PUILADELriilA, PA. vmt noun. It MAHTIN A CO. CHINA MATTINGS! Having pnrrlniMMla taigelpinntlty of CHINA MA TTINfitt direct fnitinilie imiertvr, weeirer them nl 11 rrdiiclleu of twenty per iciiUfieiu theix'giilarprtecs. TIIN I'IKCKH CHINA MATTIM1uH2Ue 1KN riKUKH CHINA J1ATT1.ne ntlSc. FIKTKHV l'IKOKS CHINA MATI'INd ut ane. kikti;i;n pikcks china mattinu uta-sj. KIKTKKN 1'IKOKH CHINA MATTINU nt 3.V. I'lKTKKN PIKCKS CHINA MATTINU lit Inc. All KMiUANT NKW PATTKUNS OK THIS HKASON. CHINA MATTINGS Three Fourths Vnidn Wide, In Plain White and Fancy, PutleriiB. CHINA MA1TINU I.A1I1 IIY ISXI'KKIKNCKII HANDS. LINOLEUMS, CORTIOMES, AND OIL CLOTH INNKWCIIOICK PATTKItVS AM, Willi IIS, FltOM I YAIII) TOUJi Altllh WIDK. ti- Iteimi tuts or Oil Clelh uud MueIliiiim Iieiii lieiwr jaul up. J, Cor. West King ami I'riuce Sis., LANCAbTEK. PA. UHUCEltZEN. T IIUKSK'S. Hammend'sSlug Shet, AN INSLCTItlDE AND FKKTII.I.EU, Oiianiuted lohtrey Petate Itugs, Cut Weims, Ite-e Hugs nnd Slugs, and nil I. lie. Worms or Caterpillars uimmi jicumis. rgg i-iauis, i;ucuui hers, Citren, lehaeen and Cnhhagu Plaiils, 'le inutefs, Curnmts, Fruit or Ornamental Tiees, Urapu Vines, Shrub and Flowering Plants. 11-2 Tens Sold Last Year. FOU SALE, WHOLESALE AND ItETAIL D.S.BURSK,Agt., UUOCEIt, NO. 17 i-ASl K.IWG STREET. P. S. Call or send for descriptive Catalogue. i:vvitsiess. pKNKYN I'AHIC. Penryn Park, -ON THE Cornwall & Mount Hepe R. R, Excursion Committee of Churches, hiindii) ScIkkiU uud ether xclcct organisatiens, in mak ing thelrsiiiiiinerurrangeiiients, should net neg Ieel te reserve aday for Peiiryu Park. This delightful resort is situated lu the midst or thu SOUTH MOUNTAINS Ami its grounds covering hundreds of ucrcsnrv easy or iu cess from all parts el central 1 cuu sylvaiila. Fer the free usuer cxciirblenlsts tnuiu uiuestciislvu CKOqUET AND LAWN TENNIS GltOlNIH, LAUOE DANCING PAVILION, HAND STAND, KITCHEN, 11ASKET AND CI.OAIC ltOOMS, and CONSKltVATOitY Ou the Summit of tbe Mountain. There Is also a refreshment room In charge of a cemisdcnt caterer, whcieincnWcuulK) procured ut moderate rates, a phntegi-aph gallery uud numerous ether attract Ivufeatuivs. Ne liquors allowed 011 the grounds. Excursions from nil points euthu Philadelphia A Heading nnd Heading .t Columbia Itailreads w 111 be can led direct te the Park vv ltheut change of cars. Complete information can bu obtained and ru gageuieutsellected wllh liarlles riem all points nu the Philadelphia A Heading uud Iteming A Celunibl 1. Itailreads, upon application te C. (i. Huiiteek, General Passengeraud Ticket Agent, Philadelphia A Heading lUlliead, '-"-7 Seuth Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa., and with parties riem Lebanon by applying te tliu undersigned, CAUL VON SCHMALENSKE. Supt. Cornwall & Mt. Hepe Itnlliead, ui.ivS-Jmd l.eluiien Pa. s OMMlSlt OK 1SS5. IfiSli JS AMI! P iMinc Cornwall & Lebanon AND- , Oolebreok Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PARK, In the heal t of the Seuth Mone tain, 011 the line of the iilsivc read, la ofleicd pi Individuals and associations Free of Charge. These grounds, covering hundreds efacies, nre easy or access from ull parts of Eastern Pennsylvania. B-TherenreMOUNTAINSTUEAMS,8i.antHd by rustle bridges; mountain M'UINGS. walled up 'with native sandstone; SHADY WALKS and PKOMENADES. ALAUGE DANCING PAV1LLION, LAKGE DINING HALL, KITCHEN, DINING KOOM, nndTAIILES, HENCHKS and UUHTIO SEATS, blattered through the grave for the lieu use of excursionists. LAWN TENNIS, CilOQUET.HALL GltOUNDS. HOWLING ALLEY, SHOOTING GAL LEltY, QUOITS AMD FOOT HALL Are among the amusements offered. Ne Intoxicating Drinks Allowed en tbe Premisea. !(-Parties desliln a It, can rirecu IIANT, which w It, can procure meals nt IhefAUIvltESTAUl in nu under the cliaigu or MIL E. M. HOLT., the noted caicrcrei 1110 LEBANON VALLEY HOUSE, who will be en the grounds throughout the sen sen sen, giving It Ids personal supervision. HS-Kteui-slens irem all iMilnts en Pennsylva nia it. It. w 111 bu carried d I tec I te the Park with out change of cam. WExeurnleii rates nnd full information can bu obtained mid engagements rUcctcd with parties from ull points 011 thu Pennsylvania U.K. upon application te UhO. W. liOVD, As- upon application te GEO. W. DO fcisiuut lieuerai rasseugur Agent, P. It. 1C, N iil Seuth Fourth street, Philadelphia, or te J. C. JENNINGS, Supt. C. A L. A C. Y. It. It., Lebanon, Pa, inylWnul 1 TTAPPY THOUailT AND REnECOA .1 1. Totiacces only se per plug, nt . 0.t SA UAltTMAN'ti YELLOW FUON.T CIQAK bXOKK. B. IWh'He., tiAiiniNr.nr. $500.00 "' AA7AUDBI1. -Till Peerless Traction Engine. m lliemi .entiiiiilii!IHK ti,c purch.iFO of n llenrt V.r?.racl.!"" l'Vr,n,,lu "f Mnfliiiinry i:iiglneiinil Heller, I'ortahle haw Mill., Uc, can have their wauls supplied In nlYcrltx-i. CNke anil critical Inspection Invited j have never been beaten ln test THE QEISER SEI'AILITOK AND TIIIIGSHEB, STKAM PUMPS, T1IIK linNUKItS, ECLIPSE FAN BLOWERS, THE "SUCCESS" Engine, Beiler and Pump, COM111NK1). A New Miichlnn; lakes tlie place of the Wind Kiiglne, and can be lined for pumping unit for light power, up tonne hijiu,iit will, and Is easily moved. Pilcii only $II0. nil complete. lninnNeprepartd todeugeiieiul line of Ma chine Werk. IiilHeliavnln Hteck.iilltlinrnitKhlynvcittniitfd, n llllloi-HU'l'euer Canluii Monitor Knuliui mill Heller, wllh htenin Pump, nearly new; price, M0U. A SI llenui-l'nncr fcngbie, New llellcr, Htl mil Pump nml nil fittings complete, t77'. Onu imi triB'j'L t,i;i it. 11 mi 11 11 1111 11 iHiiiiii. nt-i-i, inn uuii Heller, Hi-eemi imuii ; .... 7.1, ".:..... "i- ,n.T... ..-.1. ...,..- ,,..iin.' piii.1-, nil L-ifllipiuiu, ,,j. 1 wu ,yiumi-i iMiuuin, a) feet long, J) Inches In dtaineter, gisid nnd sound 1 price, each, tile. One 111 Herse Power Vertical Heller; price, nil complete, t-"1". One 10 Herse-Power Kuglnu nnd Peller, Vertical M0. One 111 Herse Power Vcillcal l.uglue, M-e-end luntl, t-i. One Pump nnd Healer, com blind power, WS. Oniiblx llorsn-Pewer lirelhlll Hnglnuuuil lieller, 011 wngen, jri. One in HorBC HerBC HorBC Pewer llest Portable, en whei Is, pilte, tlT.V All wer14 guaninti ed us rcpiesenled. Call and Bee them, or send ler catalogue, prices, cle. Ad- THE LANCASTER Steam rump and Jlacliine Works, NO. M7 -NOIITH CHF.HUV Hilt HIST, Lancaster, Pa. F..KA F. LANDia, Preprletur. liil'.Mjmeed,Vw niNCINK ANU HUIlii:U WOllKH. BEST Steam Engine BOILEE "WOBKS. AS WE HANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, DAM; NO AGENTS, CAN lNSUHE OPK PATIION8 LOW PK1CES AND GOOD WOltK. BOILERS. Vertical and lIerlrnntal.Tubul.ir, Hi.e, Cj Under, Muiine, Deuble-Deck uud Peitahle. FUUNACE-WOUK, HLAST PIPKS, STACKS, Ac, Ac. TANKS for Wilier, AeiiU uud Oil. HOISTING ENGINES. ENGINES. Verllc.il and llorl.ental. Stationary, fiem two le sixty horse-pew er. 1'ortable Engine, en Wheels and Sills ; Six Sizes I, ti, S, 10, 15 and 'JJ horte power. SAW MILLS. Peny Mills and Large Mills. ISatk Mills Cob Mills. Leather llelluis, Tan Packers, Trlpple Gulling ter horse isjwer. PUMPS. Pelt mid Gear Pniiipsj Mining Pumps; Coin iiiueu i'limpsiiuu neaiers. Cerltrlliigal Pump, steam Pump. (iisirlmr. Pullevs. Flv Wheels. Clamii llexes. H-inyrHHipnHtfrCellaiJ, Slinl Sli p and iecs, 1'uiiev runes, i-acKiug iiees, 31111 Spindle:!, 'Mill lliishlngs, Ae., &c, Ac. PIPES. Wrought lien, rer Gas, Steam and Water. Cast lien Pipes. Heller Tubes, VV ell Casting. FITTINGS. rer Water and Steam, Valves. Cocks, Steam Gauges, Gauge Cocks, Glass Water Gauges, Batety nlves. Whistles, Glebe Valves, Governors, Patent Selr Feeding Lu bricators, Glass Oil Cup", Gla3 Tubes, Injectors or Heller Feeders. PACKING Hemp, Asbestiw, (.11111 and Piiim- b.lge. HELTING Gum, Cotten and Leather CASTINGS Heavy and Light lien and Hrass. lieller lien, Sheet lien, liar Iren, uud Slci-,1. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools and Public Hiilhllugs. STEAM HEATING. Estimates, Drawings nnd P'ltlern Weik fur nlshcd ut-ltciseuable Kates, rHepalilng pieinptly and caictully at- tended te. Add! ress, M111 Best & Sen, NO. 333 EAST FULTON STRUCT, LANCASTElt, PA. JaulS-lvd&w H'JLhfAI'Jltt. SO UK IONS. -yy-iNDew Wire Window Screens! It mnvbeem alltllu eailv 10 lull. ul,nni win dew Screens, but we think the time is here; thu t.,L numii-i Mm aiiu nu llll lIH.Illlll II is well tebiipicpaied. A geed plan Is te have them mini in u.iiiy, 1K.-1U10 uiuuies 11 11 upyotirueuse. We are well supplied wllh Iranies and wires. The second story et our building Is stocked with ft-eiii 5.0U0 te 7,0ml n-ames of illtleltint sles, vi hlch can bu Hindu up tit slieit mil leu. Thu price will be lower than licretoteru. We make v oil n geed sized screen ler) 1 cuts 11 pieie, uud Laiidneune wire lrem fl.aa n picee up. All widthser wlie sold by the Teet or mil ut lowest pities. We opened te-day, another Choice Line of LACE CURTAINS, Three, three uud ii-half and four vuidsleng. Price 75c, $1,00, !.!, H.fiO, l.75, ifitxi, fi&e, j.uu a piece up. Poles Ilk-, sue, 75c, tl.nn, Ac We uie Iu the busy season ler WALL PAPER. Our stock Is Imge le select Iriiin, and we have n strong toiee of wiukmen le de sour work promptly. WludewShadus ereveiy descrlplluu. PIAEES W. FEY, Ne. 57 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTElt. PA. uevsEvujiNjsnma uuevs. T UK CHEAPEST PLACE TO UUV AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Geal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, -13 AT- P. Ne. 24 Seuth Queen Street, feb27-lra LANOASTKlt l'A. ITTlOU'FuXOKKnON. TIIK IIKMT Cigars In the town, two for Se, at UAUTMAN.'S YELLOW a,.5T CIOAH bXOUE. u- M, .V 1 .- -. .