r"fJT7rf?.P .. 'f - -'i-v-; :" ti !' . '1- J-4 -" - r j. -. t -i W.T.J ,ir '- - r t 'J'l!rT ,.- r ; r ; r ;..- '-" .nv,v 4 ' MV''.;r r -t 5 -T L. itMetxM SH)je wxfakx r & -v VOLUME XXINO. 221. LANCASTER, PA., WEDNESDAY, MAY 20, 1885. PRICE TWO CENTS. Qp; HM IIIiMi III ' -bri mmmmsmu.. m i.uHPvniBHA - - yn -i ' MsHidjjjji eMIrTfrrnir r Jffir V41 JUMPED TO HIS DKAT1I. UUhtiaVS I'ATAl. I.EdV ISTO Till: 111 VElt 1'inm TiuniJtu.tT mitvau. I'lilhs Outwitted ! u Itiue Living Only l'ew .Minutes After Mrlkllic tlie Water, l'.lill ISn ten's Cltee Changed te .Mourning A foellmitly Leap. llebarl Finiuct Odluiii. ngcd 3.", native el Ogdensburg, N. Y., reared in tliu Seuth unci ii teacher of swimming in Washington mill nt Fortress Menree, cjuiie en te New Yerk en Tuesday, under the auspices efl'.utl lloylen, te try (ejiiiup from tlie Hast river bridge be tween New Yerk and llroekljn Inletliu water below. The jollce had warning of tlie attempt ; mill wero ready te prevent It. Hut Odium tooled tliein by gettlngii young man named Haggett te lnake such demonstrations as made them bollevo he was tlie lii.in who would make tlie leap. Hew he succeeded is tnld in tlie following graphic narrative el tlie tragedy : .Tames Haggerl, the night watchman at Captain notion's Hhip, had the cab leady with nn oxpiess wagon bringing up the rear, at Park Place and Hieadway. Captain Hoy Hey Hoy ten, KebL V.. Odium, and half a doen ethers at tlie sime tline doseended the steps of the restaurant In Tweuty-ninth utreet, took a Sixth tivonue elevated cur, get off at I'ark l'laeeaud hmried up te ' l'.iddy " ltyan's barioem. Odium removed his ordinary atthe, n pilot ee.it, neft felt h.it, blue trousers and cmvitsMhecs ; underneath these vveie a led, tight lilting Hwhuiuiiig-j.icketaud two pairs of light trunks, lie then threw his overcoat ever him, Hlippcd out into tlie ex press wagon and lay down, llaggcrt Jumped into the e.ib. Then Captain lloyteu went down te Old Klip in eenipiny with Jehn J. llarkins, of Xe. llr Went Twentieth tttreet, T. 1 Jvkes, orXe. .1!) Park I tow, and nUiut lllly ethers. They utopped abeaid tlie tug boat Cli.it let Kunyeti, eemmamled- by C.i tam I.iac 1 1. Love, wlileh steamed up tlie liver In the direction of tlie biidge witli two Minail beats In tow. At tills time lluggert get the weul te the cab driver, he Htarted for the bridge, fol fel low ed by the epi ess wagon, In wlileh lay the man who intended te jump into the Kast river, while Coel Herbert, a well known St. Mellis "sport," chattel! with the driver. Ah tliey passed the entrance Odium raised his liead liem under tlioeeverlng and wbisjiered te his companion. "S.ij.eld man, wo'iegoing te make history te-day." Herbert's face was rather ructiil-loekiiig nml the driver, who overheanl the lcinark, for the first time mispeoted .semetliiiigaiid grew a little pale and nervous. On they went, about beven wagons tilling thospace between them and the cab In which Ilaggeit .sat. The iHilkcmcu were all neiveus and e cetaut, for the tug beat bail reached a Mjint toward tlie New Yerk side and lemaiucd Hlatienaiy alnieHt uuiler tlie bridge. .Mean while, overhead, tlie cab wlikli had gene moie than a liundred yards Ireui the New Yeik tower Hiidileulv vvlieeled te ene side and llaugert juinpeil out, took oil his coat and waistcoat and dropped ins Hlipeu. iIeih. Alow whistle went along Jrem the policemen in charge. The beHlu blue cauie lushing 1 1 01 11 east and west, and cellared lluggert. Travel en the cutiiage-wayM en both Hides was ntepped. The promenade, which w.ts black with pedestrians, was blocked in an instant and liuudieds leaned ev er the trusses and looked dew n. Kv ory ery ory bedy was excited and the policemen wero all engaged with Uaggeit, who Mill kept tug ging liantieally in Ids preteuded dosiie te jump into the water. At length Olllcer .Me l.ced secured hiiu and marched liliu oil te the Yerk utrret police Ntatien in Hroekljn. All the while lloyteu and bis piuty looked up from below and laughed heartily at hew well the juse w.us working. "Protocol" OiUuin's turn had come, and his desiie te "ui.ike histeiy" was about te be lullilled vitli n vengeance. Wblle the pelleuiiiuii worehtriiggl lug witli llaggeit,Odluiiislipied noiselessly irem under the light coveting in thowagenandvvashtaiidiiig'oiithoiurupetinii moment. He had still en the tights all eady d("-eiibed, but voieiieltliorcipnorhhoes. As be steed tliere atone tlie crowd surged witli one common impulse m that direction and scanned every leature tit the man. Hit seemed te be about thirty-six years old and looked net less than llve loot ten ill Ills bale lect. lllsleatures were slum: a let black mustache, closely cropped, adorned his l.ice ; his lips weie compressed and determined looking. 1 le seemed cilni, and as he looked down into the placid water III) lect below theie eaiue a shiver ever tlie crowd, billowed by an involuntary burst of admiration at tlie calm eonrage of tlie man. A Pulton feiry beat kissed Irem the New Yerk sulu with a great crowd. The people all looked up lieiu blitigly, and some of the women felt taint. Tin: r.vTA i. J fit f. It was new 5:"D o'clock-. Captain lloyteu and his liiends looked up horn the tug Ixnt and met tlie eyes of tlioprelessor, who smiled as calmly as though 110 feet jumps weie trilling matters. Then he softly stroked his hair, which was combed ever hisfoieliead to ward tilt) right braced his legs tlose together, planted his lell ai m down along Ids side as though resiMinding lean order en parade.l'er a moment he steadied hlmsell, stretched his light baud te his utmost limit above Ins head, took a deep and prolonged breath and sprang into the air. At tlie moment, he jumped airy broke from the gieat eiewds en the bridge and tliose abeaid vessels ill tlieuver. CapUiin lloyteu, en tlie tugboat, was about the only man in tlie thousands who remained calm. Hosurve.ved the descent of hisieeent liiend with tlie "cool pieeisioneln professional man. Vel the first hundred leet Odium still held te his origin d attitude and shot straight away llke an anew; then he was turned partly en his right side by an irieslstible Jorco which he struggled vamiy te ojijkise. lle whiiled his right arm through the nir seeking a supjiert of soine kind, hut he could de nothing. " Oh," he said, in a low tone, just as hu was about striking tlie water. Then he struck witli a terrille eiash, partly en tlie riglitslde. His plaintive cry was drowned in tlie loud surgoef tlie waters and the tremendous neise which arose from the multitudes en the bridge overhead. When he ie-appeared en tlie suiIucoIiehUU continued te threw his right hand mound as though Imploring aid. A lire proservorwas Hung liem the tugboat, followed by Captain lloyteu, wlie piU-lied himself headlong Inte the river, clothes and all, and swam vigor ously for tlie imloituuate jirolessor, who was about II fly yards away. He took him under ins leuat in and inaue uir ene ei uiusui.ui beats, in w hlcii he safely secured his i harge. Tlieywoie both seen transferred te tlie tug, which hurried back te her bUrting point at Old Slip, wheieall en beaid wcutaslieiu new iu:sritueii -ntu wvriiu The distauee te tlie water, counting tlie llv e feet or se of bridge lalllug, Is 110 feet, and fiem tlie tlme Odium Jumped until he struck the water tlnoe and a iunrter seconds lussed, three-fpiarlers or a second mere than Odium liimseIlhadealeuliiteduiKMi. He only Hank about llve lect bctoie he relumed le thosur thesur thosur raie. On the tug he.it he was rolled in blankets, and it was then noticed that the great foree of the fall had burnt the tlglit lltting trunks In several place and neaily tern tlie llttle red jacket te shreds. He was conscious ler n while, but Captain lloyteu noticed the fatal symptoms or bleed and spitfloeo7lng lietween lilillps. He respiuded a little, however, te tlie npplli-alloiiel iostor.1 iestor.1 ioster.1 tives, and during this tevlval he looked around quietly, nud hlsovesoncoagain meet ing theso or CajiUiiii lloylen, he asked in an extieinely weak veice: Well, what kind of u jump 'hl 1 iuake" " Splendid," said lloyteu. "Am 1 hurt iiiucIit" "Net at all, Heb, old man," said lloyteu. " Keep up your courage You'll be all right in n little." "I knew I'll be all right," he Mid in a still feebler voice. It was (1:15 when the Charles Hunyeit moored ather ltindlng-place, and then it was found that Odium was dead. Tlie crowd front the tug beat wentushore with Beleuin faces, and Captain Hey ten's pleasant stnlle gave way te gloom. The body was taken en nttrotcher te the t'lrst product station, and the immosef Cuptaln lloyteu and unitm ntlmrH nf llin luirtv Were LlkOIl llOVVIl the borgeattt. Koeu alterward the body was put In lee and conveyed te Corener Ken licdy's undertaking shop in Pearl street. Hubert 1'. Odium was unmarried, llo lle eeutly he had lieeu engaged as n clerk in Wlllard's hotel at Washington, nnd during tlie iuaitgiirsitlen eetemeiiy was u private deleetlv e in that elly. His regular biiHinesi hew ever, was Hint el u prolesslenal su liniiier. He cuue en Saturday dutei mined te Jump from the bridge, and en Monday walked ev or the great lilghw ay w llli Captain lloylen. llngcrrt llrlil In Itall. Ni:w Yeiik, May LU The dead body or Ilebcrl Ihiiinett Odium, who leaped from tlie Kast ilver bridge last evening, still lies at the coronet's iiiideitaklng establishment. The Ixxly Isimeked lit ice and tlie face is calm and peaceful llke olio asleep. The coroner was netlllcd by the relatives of the deceased that they would eome en from Washington, 1). C., wlieie theyllve, as seen as possible, and claim the body and take It te that city for burial. Tlie coroner w ill held an iuipicst at once, mid is busily suiuiiu ning the wit nesses. James Haggert, w hese clllcleney as decoy enabled Odium te leap te death, Is held by Juslice Walsh, of Hroeklyn,on threo charges viz. : Fer conduct tending te incite a breach ol'the pcacej aiding and abetting Odium in an attempt likely le result hi damage le llfe or limb; and carrying concealed weajHins. He is held In SI,, M.K bail. A ll.lt lll Ailtni) Slums. All autopsy will be held this afternoon en tlie body or Odium. A superllcial examina tion shows that llve of the mifotlunale man's llbsaie broken en the right side, and it Is ev ident that the heart was latally all'ected by the fin ee with wlileh tlie body struck the water. Thore have licen no arrests of the men vvhoweiowith Odium when he jumped. Tlie cei ener says he will sulixi'iia all el them and that the testimony at the inquest will govern Ids action. The dish let attorney has taken no steps in tlie m liter. Captain lloyteu declines that he discouraged the attempt In every way. Ne ene connected witli the affair acknowledges that he encour aged Odium. HAMULI. US CI.HI'JKLAMI. Wlnil llin riill.nUlplil.i lieiniirnitie Cmif;reiu- mini Thtnkft nT lite AilmliiUtnitlfiii. Ni'H Volk llcmld WiiHlibiKten Cerivupmiilence. Your correspondent asked, " What de you think of tlie new adiiiluistiatieu?" Mr. ltaudall replied : "In my Judgment it is going en as well as possible, and lam certain that it is making a geed impression en tlie people. I notice some fault-llmllng heru nml there, but I notice also that no ene pretends le doubt tlie sincerity and honesty of tlie piesident's intentions. Whim se great a change comes about as a change of parties after aquailoref a century, It is impossible but tlialsonie miner eirersshiiiild be made. Hut the people de net deal harshly witli public men fei small mistakes in Judgment, 11 nuly tliey see them te lie honest nml sincerely de sirous te set ve the general Interest. I don't lielieve that any one of eitlier parly doubts thopresidciii's'heiicsl ami patriotic purjieses nor his ability and detenu illation te serve net meiely his p.uty but the whole country." " mi Hunk well of the president, then?" " Yes," and Iho moie I see of him and the ltolter I get te knew him tlie mere I sircelve the sturdy honesty of his mind, tlie single hearted conscientiousness with which heads. Somuef our men say he moves tee slowly. That is true, lint he hax an iiiimense work and resK)iisibility iihu til til. Of all informs administrative reform Is the most ill 111 cu It. Tenscertain where In the Immense govern ment establishment lull methods pievall and inceuiH'tent or unlit persons are employed, and In Improve tlie methods and substitute faithful and competent men te de the work, is a huge task, for which even u siuule piesi icnti.il term is scarcely adequate. What has been accomplished In tlie two months and it-hall since tlie lib el Match is nei essarlly only the beginning. The piesident and the cabinet have net hud time te leek closely into tlie luachmury of the government. They are at work, anil icpeils fiem dlllcrcut and numerous ehits and places are coming in and will I mi intelligently acted upon as le eched. All his public efcrlciiiu as mayor and governor Ills litted Mr. Cleveland in a eiy especial manner for Ids present tusk." " Yeu believe, then, that with sulllcicnl time the president w ill seeiiie the eoiilldeuce and approval of his party and of the people at hirje?" "I believe he has thise all eady ; and I Icel certain Hut he will gain moie and mero en liiely their uiideubtlng trust. I will go fur ther audsiytoeittliatiriio gees onus he has none, in ins own wav. lollewim; Ids own Ideas of Ids duly te the public, he will be in tlie end one of the most acceptable presidents we have ever had. He will, through hissue cessjby theear lSS.s,as tlie public adminis trator of a gic.it tiust, l)e reneminated and le-olected, and I am satislled that the party can de no heller than faithfully stand by him and co-operate with him. 'Iho work of ro re ro lerin ceiillded te him can hardly he com pleted in a single teiin. Tlie eeiiutiy will le-elect him te secure tlie completion of that weik ami give it the permanence which it ought te hav e fur the general geed." "De j en mean that tlie true policy ter jour paify Is te give the administration u united anil eeidial supHrt with the distinct ehicit of leiiemiu.itiiig Mr. Cleveland hi IsiS?" "That is my view ortliepolitir.il situation. On general principles it must be plain te any ene that we cm moie easily le-elect Mr. Cleveland than electa new man. Or, te put this in a dillcrent shape it we cannot re-eleet Mr. Cleveland, he having accomplished in part or hi whole the relei ms desired by the people, then we cannot elect any one. We must cluster around him and Ids administra tion, and thus keen our p.uty together, strengthen it, and enable it te meet its opjieu- outs in lsS with a solid lieilt." " What de you say aljeut tlie kirlll ?" "As te the tariff, tliu administration should be L'liided bv the snlrit ami lotterel the ut terances or our platlerm en this subject, and a faithful execution el theso declarations, without cavil, wlllunlte our imrtyovery imrtyevery vv liem and accomplish tlie tarill relerm w hleh both platlerms asserted te be necessary. Changes occur in the conditions evUtiugiu our country and the countries with which we exchange productions mero rapidly than is supposed. '1 hese changes must be provided for through modifications in our tarill laws, ami uie nest lime te niahu iiiese aiieraueiii is iimiiediitely billowing tlie Infoiinatieii and results shown by our system or census re turns." What .Men l'.ill In l-e With. O. It. II n lice. Men hill in love, they say, witli beauty, with goodness, witli gentleness, with intel lectual qualities, with u sweet voice, with a smile, witli an agrecallle manner, witli u lov able ilisiiositieii. witli many ascertainable nod nn-.wur.ihle things, and yet we Hud them continually falling in leve with women who ai e net beautirul, nor geed, nor wise, nor gentle, nor possessing any ascortahiable or mcasureable thing. You'll llnd a hundred leasens giving Ter railing in love, or being in love, and rarely the rigid reason which is commonly simply boeauseii man eaiinet help iU He is in leve because a inystoileus foree in nature lias touched him. tiie woman may be unbeaullliil, heartless, seiiisn, eruei, untrue, coarse, frivolous, empty, but ff the in.igioeriiutuio senietliiug of tlie magic, 1 suspect, that Puck used en tlie eyes or Titaniii touches him he-soes net oue of theso things in their ti ue aspech Yes, the Titanias that have fallen in leve with men crowned with donkey heads and the men that have fallen in loe with serpents, thinking tliein doves, are many .mil all because efn diabol ism, or a mvbtle fury in nature that delights in bringing incengi iteus elements together ler the sake ela dance of delirium. Mullihm Voting rWiirimii On Ascension Day u number or boys form ing a tlshing turty en tlie Pequea, destroy ed quite a large number of line jeung grafts et this bluing Ter Mr. S. S. Lehman, by knocking them off with their fishing peles. It was an act of the most malicious kind and fcheuld le punished. A long lllcjcU ltiile. D. C. llurns and Charles V. Hew era arrived in this city by bieycle from Hedford last evening. They left liome 011 Sunday. After htepplnirat tlie City hotel evor night they 1JV I Ktilllll I lea for Phiiaclelphui, this morning. TWO DEAD CHILDREN. vi d Timr vaxritjvr hOAitr.HT wren j.v rut: rvjiLic stviieuui Ail Intrrtlmv AMlli llr. 11. It. Alit'uiliiIrK AVlilill n Very IiitervMIng Suldnrt Is Thoroughly Ventilated Was I : cry l'omllile rrcmiilleii Taken Y In In tlie Sew lira "Table-Tulk" or Saturday last appeared tlie narrative or hew two chil dren of it certain public school were taken sick and died with scarlet lever, contracted from a fellow school-mate, it member iff a family In which the disease had obtained a loethold ; which member of the nllccted family had attended school against the command of the teacher ami under the express authority of ene of the school directors, who was also u physician. As the case see med one proper fur the public te be acquainted with, owing te tliu intima tion conveyed in tlie article that tlie two children had met their fate because the pru dent ait of a teacher had been set aside by u director, an lNri:t.i.ini:t'i:ii reporter set about an Investigation, the llrst results of which were that tliu public school in ques tion was the West Chestnut street combined primary, of whiih Miss Kmlly iSuyditm is iirlnclpili, and Hint the doctor teforred te was Dr. I). K. MeCeriulik, member of the school beard from the Fourth waul. Dr. McCermlek was seen by n ropeitor of tlie Im i:i,i.ini:sc'i:u this morning and fiem liliu tlie following In refcicnce le the slery was elicited: "Seino limo.igeababy girl was taken ill hi the family el oue of my patients, with symptoms iNiiutliig te scarlet lever. 1 told the parents that it the disease proved as suspected, the ether children or the house hold who were attending school would need te remain out of school ler eight weeks, un less they were Immediately sent le reside in another family away liem the contagious dis ease. Thisiidvice w'ils Ld.en and the children did net even visit their home, and, orceiirsc, weie permitted te keep up their school at tendance. It happened that during these three weeks, when the children ro re rerred te were entirely cut oil from all communication with tlie inrccted home, two pupils el Iho school they were attending weie Liken sick and died or scarlet levur. The teacher promptly ordered the little ones le leave the school ; and when, as chairman of the visiting loiumittee el the district, I gave tliein a permit te teturu te school, 1 was somewhat suprised le learn that the teacher would uul melve them, but sent them home again; and they have nut attended school since. "The action or the teacher, I learn liem tlie yew Va article, was prompted by tlie alleged fact, that 'oue el tlie children tiiil daily visits te the sick tine at home, and then cauie te school.' This I am assured by the parents or tlie child Is absolutely raise. I thought it would have been nothing mero than an exhibition el courtesy en the partel the tc-acher tohave llrst consulted me liefore taking the arbitrary action that she did hi the matter. Kurthcriuoie I have learned that during Iho week in which tlie llrst el tliu dead children contracted the latal disease, the children el the family of the original sick child did net attend school at all, thus proving tli.it the contagion could have hi no way Ik'c-ii Introduced as alleged. ""The ( hlc-r reason that impelled my iu lien in tills c-ase was that 1 personally knew that the dead children had lived hi a neighbor hood visited hv scarlet fever, and I Isjlleved that tlie perrcct isolation adopted with regard te the ether child ren rendered cenhutwith them entirely sale. What I did in tills mat ter rceeived the eeidial cooperation of tlie rellew-members of the committee, Messrs. Sme.vch ami (fast, as well as that of Mr. War'lel, of the superintending committee. Thererore it was th it in the hitler's (viper en Saturday night, I was somewhat startled te read that 1 was accused by hiiiende or a neg ligence tliat led te tlie sacriilce el two inno cent lives." A VOhlTMVlAS VI.WIUV.V. Mr. Seuths Nij WiiILud IJjiw-iuutt lii.iilleil llHrutMl CuwlitttcH Him. " I have been Insulted by Wallace I.ippeu I.ippeu cett, and as tliere Is no law le protect me I proviso tot.ike the law into my own hands before you witnesses," said Mi's. Ames Sov Sev Sov ernsal tlie railroad dejNit in Illverten, N. J., en Monday, as slie produced arawhlde and began laying it ever l.ipiiencetl's head anil shoulders. Ijlppcucetl, who was for many jears col lector el Hurlliigleii county and a well-known iiellliciaii, was just about te step into his car riage, lle did net attempt ledelend himself, ids time being occupied with his frightened horse. Alter having administered u de.eii lashes Mrs. Suverns walked away. Ijljipou Ijljipeu Ijljipou celt took the matter v cry coell y. It ajqiears that the husband of Mrs. Severns runs l.ipiieiicett's farm en shares. The latter objected te the fieqiient cutting el the asparagus bads, and Mrs. Severns told liliu slie would cut all she pleased. Then, Mrs. Severns savs, I.lpoiicett ace-used here! Iielng Intimate with train bauds. This w.ts mero than slie could bear and slie re solved te cowhide him at the llrst opfiorluni epfiorluni opfierluni ty. Slie savs slie would have given him mere, but was afraid or making his herse run away, hhe did net want her husband te no ceiiipciieu te pay damages, uiu whm m IllglogeKi jail nerseii u nccussaiy husband approves et her course. Hei VAITMS" AT THE OI'lCJtA IIOVSK. A MucWut Comedy that fl.ni llellglit te 11 Very l-iri;e Auilii'iite. Last evening tliu Coiiune eier.t company apiiearcl iu tlie iqiera house ler the second time, and tlie audience was v cry large. The piece presented was " Capers," iu wlileh the mrty was seen te gieat advantage It is a kind or musical comedy, in which selections Irem dlflercnt operas ure sung. The story is Hint or a mischievous llttle gill, who issent in luiiriHinr school hvher mother w he desired her te be trained. The w hole school is kept in an uproar by her tricks and lets or fun is created. Llttle Corinne appears as Daisy, tlie school girl, and displays great talent She sings and acts ery xvell, and u 1 cat ure iff the performance was her ne.it song ami dance hi tlie last act. Miss Jennio Kimball appeared as Mm. Vitzpatrick; tlie gushing w blew, and M. W. h'iske inade a great hit as Ve. JVe.-, the teucher. Ills acting was ox ex cellent and senga funny. A number el local hits by liliu pleased the gallery inhablLints. The quartette of the eenipiny snug a num ber or caliipineeiing song unu ibtiitei several eneeies. The company ,SerUll"AY scored a great success hi the piece which will be given again during the week. This evo eve lllng "Ciirolle-Cdiolla" vv ill be sung. Corinne, the charming little mtress w he i.muiu 1l1n1.rn1m.111y. was Nun en Christmas Day, 1H7.1, and Is therefore net yet 12 J ears of In our net lee iff Iho show iu last eveuing'H iwiper, by soine mlsLike, it was sLited Hut Mr. l'iske played tliu part iff lameUa. Of cein-be that was wrong ; lie took the character of Vi ince I.ercmv. The Willi li-lleg "I HieTreiiMirj. Candldate Jehn II. h'ry has had a pestor us large us a fcule bill printed te advorlise his claims for the olllee of county Bolleiter. In the beck-ground is u representation or ex Treasurer Sauiinv Orell's half wooden and half Iren sale which was sold te the county at ,1 iihrh nrtce. Iii lrent of tlie safe Is Hurk- liolder's llrune, witli his paw en a safe key, mid iK'iieath the cut is Fry's announcement printed in the Hepubllcun lupers, claiming thathuhasMved?ir,OOute the Ltxivayers by his ielus.il last year te appreve tlie bills of" magistrates and constables for dismissed cases. The county w ill be Heeded w Ith these lKislers, the intention being te iwst 0110 at evcry cre5.s.tiMd. Kutvred Ikill. J0I111 1). Lovcsen, residing near tlie Nickel Mines, was arrested yesterday by Olllcer lluslieng en a warrant issued by Aldermiiii Korduey charging hlin wilh false pretence. J. II. Cumeiis inqiears as the prosecutor, and he ulloges that he was induced te part with soine shoes by the false and Iraudiilent ropro repro ropre sentatlona or Levesen. The accused entered bail for a hearing. a. A IL Iutlctlen The einl-anniial inspection or Admiral itev nelds pest, 0. A. IU, will take tilace this evenuig la their hall lu Kepler'H bttlldlijg. ,n:mr.Y citv nuwitr.itE. Tim ijinriiKtcr Seiro Sixteen lluitit Wlillullielr Opponent l'ltll te Cress tliu Heme riatn Dliiniiinil Det. Yesterday allernoeii the Jersey City and Lancaster clubs met iig.tluiit the park, and the audience te see the game was tlie smallest of the season. The men from Jcrsey re ceived utorrlble laying out at the hands of the heinp team, wlie played n great ijaiiie, having lint line holding error, which was a passed hall by llollerd. llurke was the pitcher for the Htrangers, and as he recently allowed the Liincaslcr te make but two lilts oil liliu, It was IkjIIoveiI tli.it It would bodllll bedllll eult ler thorn te maiiuge his curves. This was net the case, liowevor, as the home club liegiui at ouee te hit very hard. In this work Hllaiid ami McTaiiiatiy steed at (he front,tlie feimer having a liome run, two doubles and a single, and the hitler four singles and a double. Ilradley and Melaiiglillu were the only iiieu of the Jersoyswhe could hit Wet rel, the former Heeiirlng two singles and the latter a double. Tlie vwlterii iiUycd ii mis mis eralile Helding game, and It ii only necessary te give one Instance. Toinney went le the bat and reached llrst altera third strike. He did net step, but kept running around and get home. livery ene that touched the ball iii.iiluau trrer. Thuscoieiu full is given : I.ANLAKIHI. II 111 VI ab jeiihkv nrv I :M: l'mkcr, I. Iluirmil, e llvliiiul, 2. .VPTniii'y, in Dinmlil,.! Miick, 1 'leiiuiey, s. nupitr'k,! Wetzel, p. 2' 11 I '.- Hi Ii 0 II, M'IkIiIIiiJ .1 12 (i 1 L -I..1 I 13 f- II II1 VIcilleilM e (iiMc-Ceuirk,3 ii 4 0 II V i ii iiinimuy, l. II : Ilii i ke, l 3 e'rlehl, r.. n u i;tiir, e . ( eiijiiur, s. lit 'I (I ll (l O U I e -j a e:i Total. tun X, n Ill Total. l t :i .ii'ai lSSI.MlS. l-iinciMcr. 3 0 1 S A 2 1 0 2-10 Jei-bey tlty e eeiiiiuuue e nvuM vnv. ItiliiH cm lied biincUNter, 5 The biiMjldt" Illliiinl, '.-! Mclaiiiaiiy, Teiiiuey, .Vlel.aiiKlilln Heme urn llllaiul. f.cft en lixscs I-iiiiciistcr, Hi.lcrsiy City, '!. btruck out I.iiuciistci, in Jersey Cltv, 5. Iliscs oil bills Ijilicustcr, i l'lissi if lmllM llnireril, 1; ("uir, H. V lid 1'ltclicn llurke, 1 Tl urn r iiainii Twoheuis ami llltccn iiitiiutcs. llinnlre Qiilnii. H.tse ball yesterday: At l'hlladelplii.i : Chicago II, 'Philadelphia !i ; Provldeiue: Provldeiu-e 10, SL LeiiisU; Husten : Hosleti II, JliilluleS; New Yerk: New Yerk Vi, Detroit I ; Pittsburg: PilLsburg 1J, Athletic H: Cincinnati : Cinchiuati l'l, Il.iltlmore 5 ; I.eiilsvllle: Louisville l'A Hroeklyn 1; SL Keiils: St. Louise, Mets'Jj Trenten : Tren Tren eon tl, Newark'.); Norfelk: National (I, Norfolk as Hicliiiiend: Irginia IK, Wil mington i. DLiliienil Held. Ilurklus, of the Jlroeklyn, win hit Ter is bases iu Loiiisvllle yesterday. Aleett, ortheTrontons, had another home run jeslerday. He has made a number this jear. lllland wen a purse el f IJ vestertlay by making the liist liouie run iff tlie Lancaster club. It is riiineied that the Norfolk club, or the Hastern League, will go under very seen. The Jersey City and tlie Lancaster nre playing again te-day and tlie Trentens will be here te-morrow. The Virginia and Wilmington had a great batting ple-iile ycslcrd.iv. The leimerliad 111 ami the latter is hits. The Jersey City club is weak m catchers. They recently released Conway, llielr bet man, and they have liecn disjpioiiited in SLiples,whocaniealI the way Treiii Omaha te Jein tliein. Tliere is no caiise ler ceinplaliit against the l.-tiuwttcr Uult. Shicelliey U-gan their games at home they have lieeu playing Isitter ball than any cliih hi tliu Kastern iAaigue. Wiiy the games ure net butler patienled Is a 1113 slery. .1 . ;. is ast 1. 1: 1 1:11. I'iiiiii .l.iine ltiill Imell In 11 I.1III0 liluml In leu.istei. Master Harry C. Hall, seu iff P10I. Win. H. Hall, wlie planted a viueat Miss Palmer's s IkmiI, en Chestnut street, this city, en "Arlsir Day, " named It ' James Hussell Lewell." noeemiiiunluUed tlie fact te our lhiglisli minister in a little letter te him, and iu reply his received the following hand some acknowledgment from Mr. I.OWC1I : Li.u.viiiiN or im: I'nitud Srvins, I Lemxin, Mb May, ISsj. S .! Detir rKHi VVicih. Yeu have written 1110 si very 11 lee letter for a liey et ten. I hee that .v our vine may nourish and that it may Isur'bigger and sweeter lrult tli.iu its namesake. Kallliuilly your, J. It. Lew 1.1.1. Tlie letter is cntiielv In Mr. Ij.'s liand wiitiug, and Is highly appreciated liy Master Hail and bis friends. ,1. inn's ItiisMi-ll l.mx'11 oil tliD-Ain lent Mariner." Coleridge has written some of tlie most lKK-lk-.il iwjctry in tlie language, and the poem, tliu "Ancient Manner," is net only liuparalelled but iinappieaclicil 111 us Mini, and that kind of the raresL It is marvelleus in its niasteiy ever delightfully fortuitous, in consequence that Is the adamantine logic or dieaiulaiid. Coletidgo has Liken tlie old billad measure and given te it. by an liido liide liuabla charm xv holly liis own, all the sweet ness, all the melody and eemiuss or a sym phony. A nil hew plctiirosiiue it Isin the printer sense of the word. I knew nothing like IL There Is net a description hi it. It Is all picture Descriptive jsielh generally confuse us vv it Ii mutiplicity iff detail. We cannot see their forest for their liecs. Colo Celo Cole lidgu never errs In this way. Willi Institut ive Lict he loin lies the right chord of asso ciation, and is satisfied, and vv e also are. I should Hud it hard te explain the singular charm (ff his diction, tliere Is se much nicety of art and purpose hi it, whether for niusfe or meaning. Ner does It need any explana tien, for we all lect it. The werus seem common wuuls enough, but iu the erder el them, iu the choice, variety anil position 01 tlie vowel sounds they become magical. The most docreplt vocable iu the language throws away its crutches te dance and sing at his piping. . Ill- ANI DOWN Till! .STATK. The Yeung Men's Democratic association of Philadelphia have Liken up iiuarters in tlie Commonwealth club house, and will occupy it Jointly with the latter organization hereafter. Mahleu II. Dickinsen, Phillip C. Garret, o-Gevornor Henry M. Ileyt and Cadwalla Cadwalla der Hlddlej Gen.W. II. 11. Davis, el Hucks; Win J. Sawyer, of Allegheny, and Dr. J. . C. O'Neal, etAduliis, will lepresent IhesLite heard et public chailties at the twelfth na tional coifference of charities ami correction, te be held at Washington, June Ith. The third annual show of the PJilladelphla lvenuelelub has eneucil at lllditstiial hall, and the building is llllcsl with nearly (.00 barking speclineus of cauiiie beauty and con crete ugliness. Thore wosalaigeatleiuiauco, the niiinbei of lady visitors being esiieeially notable, Tlie display iffdegs is the best evor inadu iu Philadelphi x. The row about the disorder or the Penn sylvania inllltla in Washington dining in. uuguratlen wcek turns out tohave been a tenipcst in a tea ikiL LL J. C. Mclutyre, of Ce. I), lsth reglinent, is lecoinmendcd by the beard et iuvostlgutieii for dismissal ; a corporal and private or the bame company are te be trled ; the slight losses sullered by Washington Bhoi-kcei qrs are te be paid and the beard recommends that pi enipt inoasures be taken te bring the guilty men of tlie fourth and Kliditeenth icirlliieuts te justlce and dismiss thuiii Irem the service. A Dculli-rmp fllfcil te the Itenf. It hav ing been complained that Ure escapes weie needed en 11 rear building hi West Thirty-second slreet, New Yerk, an exami ner was sent thore en Monday, lle roerlod that tlie " tour-story building, IMxbO loot, housed 4'J ramilies, or about ie jieeiilu." File ebcaies were yesterday eulered en the build l"'B. l'niir Trumps Arretted. James ltyun, Pat Mauey, Peter Welch, and Charles Keffer, four tramps, wero arrested this morning by Special Oillcera Henner and Devvart for trespassing en the preperty or the I'ennsvlvanla railroad company near Dltler villa U'liey were committed for a hearlng by Alderman UcGUuil THE FALL OF A PORCH. 11 lutr.t.MisA i,t:n.i:i.Ti:it lesi:s unit l.ll'i: IS ALI.IAllli:XY. Tliu Trunin (iKlirrclice Thnl Cant an A1I1II- tluiiiit llliHim Over it I'lttsliurK I'mier- nal NUIy-l'lve l-nrneus ISinliingerctl. Oue Other Validly Injured. The morning p.icrs cetiLiln the following dispatch irem Pillsburg: During a funeral at the hoiiKe el Jehn Ilalier, in Pittsburg, en Tuesday, a iKiieh in front of the house gave way, preeIpiLillng(J5 ieople le the cellar, It) feet below. Meim Lcbzclter, and an old lady named Cidlieitsen, were daiigoreusly, irt net fatally, injured, ami a mimlwr or ethers sustained sovere bruises. Philip Lobzcller, or tills city, this 11101 ning received thrce lelegraiiiH fiem Allegheny tlie llrst suiting that ills slster, Wllhelmlna Lobzeltor, had been badly hurt by the railing or a perch en which a large number or per sons were standing; a second tclegriini an nounced that ids slster was dying, and 11 third thiitshe was dead. Mr. Lebzelter left Lancaster for Allegheny at 2:15 Ibis artcr artcr artcr noen, aeeeinimnleU by his son William and his nephew, Jehn W. Lobzeltcr, le attend the funeral. MlssLeb7xlterwaswell known and liail many friends hi Lancister. Hhe was a (Jerman by birth, about Hi ycarsef age, a native or Wtir teiuburg. Slie cune te Anieriea when only about sixteen ears old, and for several years made her home here, for a part or the tline lielng liousekceiier for her brother Philip. HI10 wiii ii member of tlie llvaiigeli. cal church en Wider slieet, took a deep in in terest iu religious iiiatters,and bchua w u n of line talents was a frequent eentribiiUir le the Kv.iugelical J!Mcit.'cr, or Cleveland, ()., and ether nows.psners 011 religious topics. Slie was a graeclul writer, and a lieet el lair merit, as many or her published pieces me alxivotlie average. Krnui her zcil hi tlie cause or her church she was known nmeiig her friends as tlie " lUstern Pilgrim." On leaving lancastorshewoiitto Williams ixirt and engaged iu the cigar trade, and alter remaining tliere n Tew years returned te her home hi (ierniany, abolition ycarsage. In KSl she again cune te America, bringing with her her widowed sister Hannah ami her son. They settled in Poeri.i, Illinois, the son Liking up some laud and going te farming. Alter remaining a short tiiuu in Pisjria, Miss Lebelter removed te Allegheny and inade her home with her sister-in-law, Martha K. Lcbxilter, widow et Win. J. Lehwller. 1'er soine time before her death she lived in lte lte lieccastreet, Allegheny, w here slie carried en the cigar business. Her funeral will Like place in the latter city. llOHAltl) COUl'Jilt OS TU1AU 1 1ll) Xl.1r3l.1ml Si-Kin V lie l'rlinilinil Ait Miulleil l-ri lly Italic dm). HAi.riMimi:, Md., May 191. The trial (ff Heward Cooper, tlie negre who feloiiieusiy ass.iulted Miss K.itie Oniy in Haltiinore county some tline age, liegau te-day. Tearing that an attempt might be inade te lynch Coeir 011 his way te the court heus", he was taken from the jail te court early tills morn mern ing. At ten o'clock it was distovereil that the court house was surrounded by Haiti mero county people, awaiting Cisqier's ar rival, and when they leanjed tli.il he was safely lusidu their iiidignatieu knew 110 Islands. Coeicr is guarded hi thoceiirt room by twelve K)liccincn. Muttered threats are heaideiiall sides, and it Is the belief iff ijiany that the negre will suder death at the hands of Katie (! ray's friends. A Jury lias been obtained. The court room is crowded te sullocatieii. When Miss Katie O ray was plaied en tlie sLind thore was a decided sensation. She Is a very pretty girl, about 191 years of age. Slie told her story, niiild tcirs and sobs, and moved the jury greatly. She desciibed the sK)t vv here the assault was made ujieii her as a lenelv, gloomy place between her father's liome and the rati raid sLitien, te which place she had acceiiqutiied her slster, Sallie. On the way luck she met Coeiier, sioke te him, and passed en. She then told hew Ccxqier followed her, and licit her with a club. In answer te direct questions she said that ('(xqier had accomplished Ids pur hjsci, and that slie was freed ft out the 11 liau's grasp only byilie api-earauce iiihhi the scene ei her laitlilul deg, lllauce. Iix.is Cutlleuieli (iu.ililllif- Tlieli llunuei. Kansas Citv, Me., May !U Information lias been received here of a new meve nn the IKirt iff the cattlemen in the northern part el the Texas Panhandle le prevent the driving iff Southern Toxascittleovorlheirnmgos. A herd missing iierward was stepped at Taseesa 011 tlie Canadian river by the sheriff acting under a writ iu liespass, and the matter has been earriedinle tlie courts w ith the intention or making it a test case. Te Ce te Itatllefunl. WlN.vin.ii, Man., May lia Gen. Middle Middle ten 0Mect8 xvithin a short time te loave Prince Albert for Hattloferd. Half or his lone will be taken with him and the rest will be disinilclied te join Cel. Otter, who will thou begin a vigorous campaign against tlie Indians. New lurk's llHi'fiiite lpirc-eiiti.tluii. Niivv Yenic May HO. The committee ap pointed by the Hepitblic.in state convention held hi Utiea in 1SS1 te consider Souater Warner Miller's plan for tlie election or dele gates te l'uture state conventions met in tlie Kiiih Aveiiue hotel this morning. Among these present were Senater Warner Miller, Silas H. Dulcher, lien. N M. Curtis and ethers. It lsbelloved that no conclusion will be reached until Inte this nftorneon. lllnes of llmperer lVllliiiui. Hkiii.in, May UO. The Kmperer William is again indispesed. His illness will compel tlie postponement or King Leepold's contem plated visit te eiler in person his thanks te the Kaiser and Prinie Hismarck for their as sistant) In promoting the founding or the Conge sLites. . m The ltlcliinuiul Murder. Hii'HM(iNi,Viu, May lia Judge Atkins, this morning in the Oluverlus minder trial, ruled adversely as te the admissibility as ovidc-nee or certain lelters and postal ctrds. Mrs. Dickinsen was (piostleuod upon several miner points in her testimony. Hie. Denmark Mlulater-H CieilenlluU. Washington, 1). C, May 20. Ludwig Krnest DoLevcniorn, the new consul general and minister resident te the United States rrem Denmark, prescnled his credentials te the department et state te-day. lle Takes tlie Cuke. K10111 the Montezuma ltccetd. AVlllIe Ilrevvn says Mr. Pote Tvvltty, (ff Camilla, owns the most sagacious deg iu the state. He frenttently sends the deg home with notes te his wffe. Net long age iie sent him home aller soine matches, and net having any, lie picked up a chunk el flreand started li.lCK te lOVYIl. lie mm m pass uiiuki. inuui iff weeds, and byiiocldentdronpodthoehiink and get tlie voeds 011 lire. When his master leuiid hint he had broken oil' u pine top and was lighting Ure llke the dickens. , Hie Indiana en tlieltaiili);e. Wahiiinuten, D. C, May 20. Acting Iudlau Coinmissleuor Stovens te-day re re re coleod the following telegram rrein Agent Ferd, at San Carles agency, Arizona S ' Four Chlnieaehiu ciders, wltliaueiu uiiyei uieir bucks, all under military control, left tlie re servation from near Fert Apaclie, Sunday night, going Seuth, presumably for old Mox Mex Mox Ice. Troops and Indian scouts are In pur suit. It has no effect upon my Indians here ; they are about thelr homes and farms us uaunl eud thoroughly loyal." -I llAlVH tlltAHTT.Y CONTESTS. A New Yerk Murderer Detected While Tr'tiiR le I lido III Crime. Niivv Yeiik May 19X Karly this inernliign Frenchman named Leuis rrancis, or Ne. 307 Tentlivenue, was arrested whlloeit his way te tliu North river, bearing en Ids back 11 bag containing the mutilated corpse of a woman. The olllcer who nrreslcd Francis says that ills attention was attracted by tlie man's sus picious iiiei eincnLs. When the olllcer osked him what the bag contained, Vranels revised te glv e any explanation. Tlie elllcer Insisted en searching tlie bag and upon opening the end found le his surprise and horror that it contained the mutilated corpse or a woman. Tlie Iwdy was doubled up and in an almix nttite condition. Tlie lielicemaii uiKJiiTliaklngiiclescr examination found utiiulslakablfl evidence that the woman had coine te her death Tretn violence. Thore wero ghastly wounds alieut tlie head and also en the trunk from which the bleed had flowed freely mid had coagulated en the corise. Francis declared that the corpse was thalel his wlfe and that slie had died a natu ral death. He added that being without means necessary le deb ay the oxpenses or a funeral he thought he would disiose or tliu hotly by threw big it Inte the river. Tlie olllcer took Francis Inte custody and brought him and the bag te the Thirty-seventh stiect station. An investigation is new going en. The prisoner is about 37 j ears old, and sticks perslslenlly le ids story. Lvtuu, 11 .v. m. L'r.iii'-ls has just con fessed te having murdered the woman. He says Hint the woman was Ids wife and Unit he strangled her bcaiuse slie lest Ids deg. lie is held for til.tl. Wi11.11 1'i.iucis ami Ids ghastly burden were brought te the station heuse tills morn ing, the sergeant hi charge immediately sent for the coroner. Ukhi thearriv d of that offi cial he inade a stqierlleial examination of the remains. The face of the vii tint was miicli discolored, as was also tlie chest and stom ach, and evidence was net lacking that Iho woman had been choked le death. It Is now new said that the woman was net Francis' wile, but his iKirameui. Her name, lie said, was Sellna Fehet. She was about thiity cight ears of age, and has a son who resides iiwliosteii. The prisoner hi his story says iuff -woman was bein in Pittslicld, Mass., iff Treiicti'p.tuadiau parents, where she was inarrtel te a 'lu-in named Franceis Olivlyr, mid that she Jeit him and eaine te NewtYurk with bun (i'rancl). " 1 never lived happlU with kj,,hcetiUnuud1 " and a few days age 1 fouae a de? "vt hl(h 1 thought very valuable, h1i1 bre-Jhl it Ut the house, expecthigu rnvarci tobeeffmod for IL My wffe lest the deg and I rerrcv.h.ed her. list night she sent 1110 6ut for Imjei, 'ind when 1 eaiue link I leiiiid Win. Walsh, a shopmiite, fu the loom with her. Soen after I had seated myself slie sat en my lap 111 1 kissed 1110 and afterwards threw a glass and can at 1110. Then Walsh and I walked out, ami when I iclurned I found heron the lloer dead. That Is all I knew." Francis is a tall, thin Frenchman. He showed no feeling. He was arraigned iu the Jcllersen maiket court and icmaiided until te-morrow. intuit juts is HEssies. llie Ki'Mirl of tlm Committee 011 tlie I'iiu'II Ing of tlie Iiuer leniiiiivut. Ni:w Yeiik, May 'JO. 'I he delegates iff the twenty-llllh convention iff V. S. Hrewers' assocLitien met at Terrace garden at loe'clock tills morning. Tl10ch.1irm.mef the conven tion, Mr. Henry H. s-charmaiin, of Hroeklyn, cdled the meeting te cuder. The main lloer was well Idled with delegates while in tlie gallery among the spcctateis weie many ladies. The addresser welcome was delivered bv .Mr. William A. Miles, et New erk. Mr. 11. II. Scharmaiin, chairman or the con cen con ventien, then delivered all address. After returning thanks te Mr. Miles for his wel come Mr. Scharinanii iu concluding his re marks declared tlie convention ready ler business. Tlie icperLs iff tlie dillcrent committees were then Liken up in order and lead and adopted. The rejiert of the committee cov ered a iiuiuber of interesting tepies. Tlie matters pertaining te the new process ler ler meiiLitieu company, and tlie consolidated liuiiging apparatus ceiiiinmy, and tlie rights tlieieiiule appended, werelully discussed, ami tlie statistics of the imiortaiieu of barley rrein Canada te tlie I'uitcd States from 1S73 te lbsf, asvvc'llastliecariying or Uirley be tween the IUstuud West, were fully given. According te report the importation et barley Irem Canada te the United States was great est in 1W1-&-, when It aggregated l'J, 1 17,'.rJ I bushels, against 3,Wl,U"d bushels hi ISJ-i I, the lowest ligure. The report of the cominltlce en uuv oiling the uieiiuiiicut iff Frederick Iiuer, or Head ing, Pa., next Satuiday, madoarcperL They have made arrangements with the New Jersey Central railroad for transpoiLitieii. Hid for Ueveriiineut Cm elopes. Wasiiimiten. D. C. May 'JO. At the poslelllco department bids weie eiciicd for suppljing that department Willi envelopes for the next fiscal year. Tlie fellow ing w ere tlie bidders: Fred T. Kellogg, Spring field, Massachusetts; The Povveis Paper Company, Spiinglleld, Mass.; The Mor gan Knvolepo Ce., and tlie Plimpton manufacturing company, of Hartferd, Conn.: the While, Cerbin it Ca.ofUeekvillo, Conn, tlie Holyeko oiivcleiio company, af Holyoke, Mass., and by Nesbitt A" Ca, New Yerk. The bids are ler vatieus sies ofcnveloiesaiiil various qualities. The aw arils vv 111 be made w ithln a few days. IViiahlucteii Neten. WASitl.NtiTON, D. C, May 20. l'rivate See rotary Lament lcsiinicd his duties to day. It has net yet been determined by Secre tary Whitney whether or net te grant an other trial te tlie U. S. dispateli beat "Delphin." Tite fellow ing reeelvers of public inoneys at district land offices have resigned : Hiram U Chillis, at Hedlo, Cal.u Jereme Knox, at Iikoview, Oregon. Jelin Ulrich, at Lacresse, Wis. 1-. J. Mills, Indian agenlat Ovige agency, Indian territory, lias resigned. f nriielllleit te Jein IVitli Clan-lone. Londen, May 20. In parliaiiienLiry circles the aiuiouiieeino.it is authoritatively made te-day that a reconciliation has taken place between the Panieilltes and Mr. Gladstone. Tlie bieach between tlie government and tlie leagtie is said te have been healed by a prom prem prom ise en the part of the ministry te Intreduce at an early day, a bill te amend tlie purchase clauses of the land act Tlie Paruollltes iu return will refraln from the oxecutlon of their threat le vete with tlie Teries at the coming goneral elections. In the ilouse of Commens this afloriieou Mr. Gladstoue uiinouneed a bill te amend tlie purcliase ekiuses of the land act. Iteniiirkubly llehl lliirgtary, HhOOMiNoieN, 11L, May 20. A buiglary of roiuarkable lwldncss was committed Mon day night at Kllswertli. Tlie general slore of Charles ShlrUle was broken into, tlie bur lar uslnir a Uitterlug rum te smash In the deer. They then oxpledod the safe and get about ?250 ami escaped. The burglary was1 net known until six o'clock Iu the morning. Husten' laurels at Nw Orleans. Hosten, May 2a A New Orleans special te the Herald says that the first premium and highest honors en cotton machinery at the World's Industrial and Cotten Coiiten nial Uxiioslllen wero awarded te J.N. Osgood, of Bosten. HAYES GIUKIl HE APPOINTED, ill v. ? THE VUr.UJtlllA r.X-V.DITOlt DRAWS A rUVJl VKAItS I'ltIZE AT IIAJllllSIIUKa. Th" Hennle 1'iiiiiiliiiniinly Cnnllrmii Him Fer Anether full Term ns htnte I'rllller, Charley ltoes' I'ather Itn-njiiwlnted font IViirilnn Auellier Vete, f.J IlAiiiiisiiuiiii, MiiylWL In the Senate to day tlie Ilouse bill te permit dcfendanW te testify iu all criminal cases was pa(Wt-s,., nnaiiy vcius ;n, nays li This bllLwaere jiorled negatively uy a - Scnntu -s-iHiiWee, ' but placed en tl enletldar by Uw ,rw7u 1 csieruay u was ieiciusi, mil me adverse. votevvasrccoiislil d and the hill will go te the governor. T Is the first time .th measure lias rim e gauntlet of tlie Bwlt The governor sr te tlie Sonale the nemPj nations or W. Hiiv sOrler U be superinten dent of public prii nig and binding for.feuf Hosstebo warden if the pert of Plilladel- nlila. for three vea fmni .Iniinil. IRSS. Tlinsn '. t , . ., , r ,.. r nominations were matiltiieusry confirmed. fc Iu tlie Ilouse a v 10 was roccived from. Iho governor te the I iue bill atlthnrishig eIH-5 eorsef ttiriipikeai 1 plank read eonipenlea te sell or abandei iny part of thelr fend, Willi llifi cellHPtlf. ti dm rruirM ttnlrllnr tlin! larger amount iu hie, of stock te city, Rilitt .ft orlmreiigh ituthe (es. Ills objeqtlonrf tire-sn.. oujecitons r?-r-snTff.s wle vrillieulr , Jsy1 enla of 'fhW'vM without ndl. ivivT'1 that it until"! r-s n sale providing for . p.iymeu (loots 01 1110 em eaiiy ana without mi-i kvV ing a meeting. '1 s.iys, is an aiiemal opened the deer t Iters and Ktockhe were amply sullici ameuded, but Jit net houlielishcd. A (letitieil was p of Friends, asking censeact iHjameni infer the privilege he in tin) present lawn and riousvvreiigsupon ;rcd- rrtL Tim nr.utlt tnit-K tund If dolecUye can be Mzfl ial supervision sheuld1 Y& 1 son ted from tlie iSeclely at the new marringe II vl he a net te apply te Friends. The eiiiht hour I iv nassetl soeend reivdeisr "Jll2 " . . . r i-jTi inter a prevision n n neeit lnsorteci CjTeiiipi- J5iq iiigfarmerngrlcul iral labor rrein its pre-,v visions. the siunv or vjss.ideh. Hew lliu Kin.ftl.iu (.ewled tint Af;!iii! lu" M Ceullfi t A IILim-e. I-rojieiKiil Lomien, May 0 Letters rvC'i,cl hore rrein Tlrpul, hi ItvrlbltiK 'me 1k"10 et Petndeli, s.ivs tli.ii. ljefore- u' Initie, whlle CeL AhUbauell rut ri'dhig Ujteugh Uie Afghan oetjvts, ha upursuad byfihausi diui, who was scsjnd In Whiniand of Uie, Alghin forces. A "- 'y quarrel ensued between the tv 0 m "- nearly ended in a fight. Oel. Allkhsf .VAl.frovleixslybeen tiying covertly 1 W w- vrghana te wtlre. KomarefFf ' UIVMOlljl JO Wltll Jli&UB, Hrsmely teuntinu uad the letters fety,--AJ discouitnens. Tl7iK'''iy 1Hl'st wetv. ion vii -h- -i' Russians hiui In I 1 11 ttU".-k (.C)aa tOCB been te disnhiv tlm ihteiV-- -'' Win The Paris IVeii ', a' li.it Urn neNiif Uimsl.tuml Cnateitil JiVriiRfkK0"11' V - - , . . . . r v(.v-. Inrnvni'inttnutvr, iillLiiict1 , Oi lS4iltURl $ liril(v.l iiiti iC ttwiti Vii-tfZttruaTmi ttt fvWtruITt-fl ..vnvm;.. v. ..--w. i'w.VN ...., -,., V '"t. rt, tfgL ..i . "irf.i:kj-.i I . I ili.M Jl J' fSJ.JT.l7.Jl J.JUJM.J '-, A Mliliiriun MII11; ltepeHtsl Half Iletrvyeil. V11I11.1I1I0 riutbcr linrnluc. Dm iieit, Mich., May IM. A rojiert-ouclics here v ia Cheboygan that Easliwrt, av illnge or Antrim county, has been mero thai halt destreyed by lere-t llresk .Therq is enl.n tri-weekly mail ti litiert and nowaye. verifying the m vvs. Ne" hffo.niatieii of further spread or l res recolved te-day. All reports are in regard te details of last Fri day, Saturday an I Sunday's Jtires. The rains of .Monday ha e undoubtedly quenched them te such an e-aent that no considerable further damage may be looked for a present. Fitinii.nicu, Md. May -0. The extcii forest fires at present raging oil Seuth in tain, about lr miles vv est el' here, are dostteysjl ing much valuable timber. A tract el several miles, embracing many hundred acics, is reported lohave.dready been burned evor. National Cnllielh I ulen or lining Dleu. Ni:wviiu,N. J., May 20. The eleventh annual national convention of tlie Yeung Men's National Catholic union assembled In the Catholic institute el this city te-day. Delegations Irem all the principal cities in the I'nieii are prescnL Tlie convention will lest te-day and te-morrow. Among theso iv he have been iuvited te address the convention are Governer Abbett and ex ex Pesliu.istcr General James. The question of freedom of worship in reformatories and penal institutions will be prominently brought lerw.ud hi Uie convention. A 1-ieiniiieut New Haven Man Ue.ul. New lLvviJX, Conn., May 20. Gen. Wil liam Hussell, for nearly lllly years princi pal of the woll-kiievv 11 miliLiry school bear ing his name, died suddenly at his home In tiiis city josterday afternoon, lle was 75 yc.11 old, and a graduate of Yale collego in the class of lst-t. lle was ene of the founders of Skull and Henes, the lamousYale senior society. He was major general et the Con necticut National Guard during the war and lale collector of internal rovenue. A Canity Factory hi l'laines. Ciih V(ie, May 2a The Ure which hroke out at 12:30 this morning, In Kranz's candy factory en SLde street, was brought under control after damage te the amount of f ii.OOO had been done. Of this amount Kr.uu leses gl7,00O, and the rest is divided in small amounts between soven or elght occupants of the building and the ene adjoining. The less Is covered by insurance ('.rant Sleeps Clglit Hours. NuvvYeuk, May 20. Gen. Grant had a geed nigliL lle slept eight hours, and it was the best night he has had for soine time. lle leeks and acts bright te-day. The blate or the U. S. Treasury. Wasiiinoten, D. C, May 2a Treasury lialances te-day : Geld coin and bullion, f21 1, 18.",S0il; silver dollars and bullion, $105,- 023,719; fractional silver coins, wj,tnri,v. , United SLites notes, MS,3'J7,C'JS ; national bank notes, fli,77u,Oi.,i ; dejieslts witli nutleiml Umk depositories, fI0,110,6,J0. Total, t5as, felSJ, K. Certificates outstanding : Geld, $128,581, 2S0; silver, SIOT.OJS0! eurreney, $20,020, 0U0. Internal rovenue receipts, $.JM,0(VS j cus teius, $1178,322. . .i m WEATJIEll 1'JlOllAllILITIES. The Condition of tlie Mureineter mill Tlior Tlier Tlior neinctcranil Iiidluitlens for the Merrow. Washington, D. C, May 20. Fer tlie Middle Atlaulle states, local rains and partly cloudy weather, with i.trlable winds, slight ly cooler. Hain lias fallen In the Missouri and Ohie valleys, Tonnessee, the Seuth Allantiu and Gull suites; in the ethor district Ailr weath or continues. The winds hi the Lake regions and New Fngland ure northerly, southeast erly iu the Upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys, and the west unit suites ; else where laiiable. Tlieie has been a slight rise iu temperature in the Missouri -valley : in all the ethor dis triets it hasroinained about sLitlenary. F'eu TituitsiiAV Partly cloudy woather and occasional rain is indicated ler the Upper Mississippi and Missouri valleys and the Upper lake region, with a slight rlse iu temperature. ' li "-f- l.-t K it1" if t-r. &&, w j ii I i.SiWV "....r '"'. .eJjViJ )ZM) f 1 ! tl '! fa J.