rV ,. ;- -" g - W Vk l !W" A ' & ,.!. : v ' ., .": .. a''. - rj r.y:'UJ'-WtJ,v'" 'J M..V rv,i1- A" 'i t" ,i I ,Wj. k.si;,4v -'i" ' VV f. .-If' - ..vl " sv OACTBBVPAILT mTEUJGENOEB, TUESDAY, ilLKY 19, 1885. VtT: 1V w 'r V jy, -a . ' r W , fce'e "- a s.' MMMttifafti' xrrjrjtAJtr crrrfl. Weekly literary Meeting Ills Ceaduct "of Mem Valine Men. ii""Vi" ' . m I m m A --- a& sonaenceei iheixtillkienceiu 7MHIA, May la Several months age lOfctasabla Literary club was organized, baa been holding cekly niect- , wbore the study of celebrated poets and I WM carried en. The nicetines wero it Mid boneQctal. Last evening the b v net at the rosldcnv-e- of Miss Mntne Kltewfey, en Walnut stoet, and doclded te fljeani until Uie llrnt Monday, in noxtec- ffliaasL.TIlll'Ine1 flin utmmnr ItifrirfTint Kiftnt.. -During the Bummer Informal meeU i.lriU be held, andnext month n picnic. ? that Interest in the club may notjbecomo 'JC' Disgraceful Conduct. JHrfcry Bunday a number of young men ns Mabk) in one of the buildings in Bank alley, ftetween Walnut and Locust stroet, drink and whisky, bocetno intoxicated, and Matty disturb the neighbors In that vicinity. Tfcey de notcenflnothomsolvosto tliclr "club if" ier wnonuieir liquor is niiiney go vne street ami act in a most (iixgraceiiu manner. The matter deinauds thn Imme diate attention of the authorities, as it is bo be bo eomlng unoudurable. cL Off te Europe. 1 P. B. It. Drayman llenry RodcnhcUer, started en his European trip this morning. vE-He sails from New Yerk en the steamship ,V"Km," of the North German Lloyd line, te fts morrow at 10 a. m., ami win lami in iireman, ' Germany. Germany nnd Switzerland will h i both be visited, as Mr. It. has friends and relatives rcsldliig there. Town Notes. H The remalns of Cliarles N. Illtikle, wero laid away te rest in Mount llo'.hel cometory ij.yesterday afternoon, in the prosenco of n .larae numeer 01 lrienus aim roiaiives. 'iVhe Supploe steam ongine works will Mebably remain as It Is, tlie gcntletucn who 'bad intended turning tlieni into it innmifno innmifne innmifno tervfor rakes and tedders abandeiilnc the . i Bchenie for Want of ready cash. i-l, .The biU of fare for I'utnam Circle's fair for '..Oils evening, lias been increased liythomi liythemi ' M'dltien Of chickens and walllei, wlilcli will rt',' be provided at 26 cents per pinto. h ,' On Friday next a nlcnle will be held en rtJ&Chlques Reck by tlie Arcadian society a club iW comnesod of stere clerks. Of ceurse their ft ., lady frlenda will accenirany tlieni nnd help -lAmake it ajsuccess. eV James Porrettot's machlne slieiw and feun- j dry have again shut down, owing ten scar 7$p city of work. ! " Council and school beard will held special F' St, meeting mis evening. 1110 iiirinur h win de K i .held in cdencil chamber, tlie hitter's iii I'resi- - aentuiven b omce. - The annual picnle of tlie .Shawnne flre rom rem V7F nanv. next Monday In Heiso's woetlM. will, Ui undoubtedly, be a grand success, as is overy- ' jiir ming unuonaicen ey ineni. 4& Aaren Snyder, proprietor of the it en ml Heuse hotel, was sued yaslerday before 'Squire Yeung by his wife for maintenance. He was held in S300 bends for nppcarance at court. Soventeon years age, Trcderick Gnimin caught two locusts at Irenville. This morn ing they wero oxhibited te us, and they nre in a woll-nresorvod state. The congregation of St- 1'oter's Catholic. church will held n festival in Armery hall en the 29th and 30th, insts. The conditions under which Cel. Samuel Shech presented Saleme chapel te the Co lumbia M. 12. church, have been se changed as te be satisfactory tothechurchand lilmsclf and last evening, at meeting of tlie male members of tlie congregation, tlie ciiapel was accepted. The old ofllcers of the Koeloy steve com pany have lieen ro-tilectod iiy the recently elected beard of dlrectern. The stockholders met last oveulng te hear the auditor's report, but as it was net In read lneaij the meeting adjeurned until Monday evening. rAY3f-asTER ltEA.ll VKAZEKH CASE. IIU FnnkntM Cenimanils Ilenpect In Ailmln Ailmln latratlen Circles, nnd the Matter te l Koen Decided. Waihlngten Correspondon.ee Baltimore JSiin. The socretary of tlie navy will linve a very Interesting inatter te settle in a few weeks Some time age l'aymaster Hellew s and 1'. A. Paymasters Cann and Freze r were tried en the Pacific station for allcged negligcnce in '. "V purchasing stnres nnd (laying tliorefor a talgher rate than the market value. Hellew n was seiitenccd te ene year's suspension and Cann and l'razer te four. Commander John John Jehn eon, who commanded tlie steresliip of the station, was sent home for tossing the ac counts of tlie paymasters. Tlie records in the cases have arrived here, and tiie.su otlicers have rotained counsel te present the griev ances te the Bocretary, and propeso te pro pre vont the execution of the sentences if poss ible. Frazer was trled for another chargobo chargebo chargobe sido that of negligenca On his accounts lie cortitled tiiat the articles had net been pur chased at the market rate, but that an order of Hear-Admiral Upshur conipellcd liiiu te purchaseat acertain heuse in L'allas, whero the prices ero much higher than else elso olse whore. Fer this frank statoiuent he was tried for disrespect te his superior otllcer and found guilty. The leurth auditor, howevor, lias taken n dillercnt view of tlie cise, ami has checked against Hear Admir.il Upshur's accounts the ontlre amount of the purcliase,' footing up te some- thing near ten the thousand dollars. T The socre tary will probably withheld his decision in me matter until me arrival ei inoKearAumlral Upshur, who is exported here early in June. Cemmander Jehnsen nnd the paymaster claim that Rear Admiral Upshur's action was entirely unjust and extremely arbitrary. Naval circles are much interested in the mat ter, as the decision will show hew far the authority of the cemmander of n squadron oxtends. MAItV JANE VdMVJlELL HEAD. The Widow of the Ijite Francis lleckert Dies Ruther Unexpectedly. MaryJane Heckort, widow of the late Francis Heckort, dled nt her rosldeuco Na 45 Seuth Lima strcet, at an early hour tills morning after a few days illness from inllam inllam Inatien of the lungs. Khe was takeu ill en ast Thursday but nothing serieus was appro appre appro hended and her death was very uuoxpectod. Her maiden name was Campbell and she be be bo came known te our citizens gonerall y by her connoctien with Dr. llenjamlu MIshler's bitter establishment, whero alie was em ployed. Her face was distigured by rea son el the less of her nese through 'cancer, and it was said the cancer was cured by Dr. Misliler's preparations. Some years age she married Francis Heckort, who was employed as a carrler of the United States moll between the Pennsylvania railroad de pot and the posteftlee. He died a few years age. Twe young clilldren are left and being without relatives, will be cared for at the Heme ier Friendless Children. About Repairs te a Bridge. The ofllcers of the Beaver Valley turnplke called en the county commissioners yostor yestor yoster day in reference te the repair of a bridge en the line of their turnplke ever the Petjuea creek. The commissioners will liardlymake tlie repalrs naked for. They held that tlie turnplke company who are the parties bene fitted by the receipt et tell should make the repairs. Nothing dofinlte was agreed upon, as an opinion en tlie llinkley's bridge case will prebubly be received from the suprome court iu a few days, and that opinion may decide whether the county is liable te repair bridges en the line of tuniplkea ' ' Mlrtlutay HurprUe Parly. ' Rev. E. Meister, pastor or St. Stophens' . ' Lutheran church, attained his 35tli year, and zj" uwut ui iiiu uvuih ins congregauon iaiti 'P lholr'rcspects te him in thoshapeoi many J1 llftAlul nllfl lUHilltlMll npncaiita A .tin.., 41. rt presents was a handseme easy chair. The choir of the church wero also prosentand added te tlie ploasures of the oveniug. At a reasonable hour tlie visitors departed for home, wishing their pastor many returns of his birthday. Panting at Getl'i Cemuiand. Great interest is manifested iu the outcemo or tlie Test of forty days beguu cloven days age Iu Furmer City, 111., by Samuel Nutt, an occentriu individual known us the publisher or a periodical called The Spirit or Truth." Nutt, for years an lutemporate man, reform. ,cd, and has slnce professed te be an inspired preplieL He tastes neither feed nor drink, and aiiiureiitly is holding out well. He says be f.ista at Ged's command. Will Make n Tour. The Mexlcau baud, which has been prevl diug musle at the Nev Orleans Exposition, Is 1 preparing rer a grand tour or the country, giving ceueerU In all the American cities alter the exposition closes, The band is con cen con nected with the Mexican Eighth urtillery, , and consists of alwut eighty mouibers. all or whom are excellent musicians. OVEIl T1IK 8TATR. llenjnmln Dtelstlne, of Ijobanen, lest week began digging his own grave In the Meravlnu ccmotery In that town. The Pittshurg Jnt says two-thirds oflhe saloons In Alleglieny county are telny con ducted in violation of law. Itisoxpected that 120 priests will attend the ro-dedicatton of St, Paul's Catholic church in Heading en Whit Monday. Arch bishop It van will conduct tlie services. The diniculty about who is president judge In Northampton county has Win settlcxl by thn Riinrouie court in favor of Jiidne Hehuv- ler. Tiils sustains Attorney tlonenuCassldy'B decision. Samuel Scorn, ene of tlie wealthiest slale operators in Northampton county, has made an assignment te his son, Themas II. Soetn, of Ilaiiger. Scorn's real ostate is worth a hundred thousand dollars. Ills assets will largely cever ills liabilities. Rlngular Illness and Death of Tite Rrethcrs. Samuel S. Nichols, aged 01, and his brother Meedy, aged 83, wero both veterans of the war of 1812. Samuel lived In Titusvllle and Meedy at Spring Creek. Thrce weeks age Meedy Nichols wits stricken with paralysis. Werd was sent te his brother at Titusvllle. The reply was returned te Meedy's family that Samuel was nlse paralyzed, he havitnr received the streke en the same day his brother was prostraled. On seme days Meedy Nichols would rally, and holies of his recovery bocntertaiuod. On theso same days ills brother would Ix) liettcr. A rolaiise in the case of ene brother would always be a re re ro lapse in tlie case of the ethor. They lingered in this way, lliictuatlng botweon llfe and death, until Thursday last Meedy dled en that day. and, while tlie news was lielng sent touie Titusviue lamuy, news was roceivoti in Spring Creek that Samuel was nlse dead. The veterans dled within threo hours of ene another. They were burled in ene grave nt Spring Creek. ""All Old Man's llrlde nnd S3.000 Mtsalne. Simen llrewn, aged TO, living in Allegany county, N. Y. foil in leve witli Karati 1'est, n haudsoiue girl, aged 18. llrewn being rich, the girl was willing te marry him. His clilldren, nlse wealthy, were greatly opposed te the match, and he premised thorn that If they would pay lilui ?5,000 he -would net marry tlie girl. The money was paid te him last Thursday. He married tlie girl the next day, and made iter n piesent ofe,000, The same day the young bride disappeared, taking the meney with her, and nothing lias been seen or beard of lier slnce. Veil from a HulUllng. Jehn 11. Geed, resldlngat C)5Seiith (iuecn street, while working at carpontering en a building at Willow Strect, yesterday, had n soverofall. He was badly bruised, hut no bones wero broken, and, alter being attended by n physician at Willow street, was brought te this city. Accounts Filed. Yesterday was tlie lust dav for lllinir ac counts te tlie June term of the register's ofllce. Tlie number bled this year was 211; about -10 less than te the same time a year age. Went West. This afternoon fifteen Amlshmen from the neighborhood of Itird-in-IIand, left this city en last line for Kansas City. They go en n prospecting tour. Aimifteiiieiit. Tlie museum opened at Se. 14 Kant King street by Dr. lleUluinnn Is tiehiK visited by inniiy. Tlie dtndciit ofaiinteinynlll Hnd the specimens very complete and ltrcllkc, and the Ikiko collection of curiosities Iserlnuri'st te visitor generally. Thursday for ladles exelusUely. Neireuileiueii ndmllted. DEATHS. Killimike, .May 17, 18S.1, In Lancaster, Ph., l)aid Kllllngcr, In llie7Jd ycarel his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully luvllud te attend the funeral, from his late residence, Ne. 113 Kiutlvlng street, en Thursday afternoon at S o'clock. Interment, nt Woedwuid IIIU cemetery. 3ld bAjiius. On the 17th hint., Anna I.andh, relict ofthelate Ikiuiaiiiln I.umlls, of Oiegen, Man helm tennshlp, In thelSth j ear of her age. Fuueml from the residence of her son-in-law, Uamui'l Hershcy, Kiut Lampeter tewushlp, en Wednesday, May 31, at 8 o'clock, n. m., and at Oregon, Muulielm township, ut the old home stead, at '1 o'clock p. m, I'lcachtiiR at both places. Interment In thulamlly burying ground at the old homestead. '21 jaAllKETS. Philadelphia l'rodnce Market, PuiLAiKi.riiiA, May 19. flour market wax riulet at former rates ; sales of ) barieU, liicliulliig Penn'a family, at $I25I&0; western tin., ut 150S5 ii; Minnesota baken nt 1173 G'- 1 'aten In Hi V, W'' Kju Heur Hun ut $1 per liaricl, for choice. limn slew at S0i5 0iiper ten for Winter. Wheat closed at tl UOjbld for Jlny : 1 U1J4 for June : tl UIJ, July ; I m, August. Cem strong; (ilic, bid, ilayj 5l)e, June; SSc, .luly ; 53), August. Oats i-iwlei ; 4Jc. May; i)is June; liic, July ; 3SJe August. New Yerk Produce Market. Nkw Yeiik, May It. flour dull and without lnipeltnnt elmiige; fine, fl fflQS ft.',; Biiperilne State, M W3 0; geed te choice extra W eHterii, tl 'i'lfjt', 10 ; ceininun extra Mlnncaeta, t.1 750123. WhcJit Ne. ! lied, Winter, June, l (3' ; July, tl 035. Aug,. tlW'i. Cern Ne. a Mixed, May, MJc ; June, KVlAi; July.MJic. Oatu Se. 2 Mixed, June, 3110; de July, J We. It) u nominal. Ilailey mmilunl. l'erkrdull ; Mess, 112. Ijird-t7 03, June ; t7 13. July. Molasses dull ; lsc for Ml test Cuba. Tiirpentlnn quiet ut a&iQ3iyc. IUhiii steady ; strained te geMl, tl OlUQl in. Petroleum linn ; Itelliicil In casus, fyM'j'Ae. freights nominal. llutter dull; Western Imitation Creamery choice, 15iisc. Cheese dull ; new, Jt)e. Eggs quiet; Mate, ll;IIJc ; Western, 13'iQ lie. Ktce steady; Carolina and I.eiiMuna common te fair. 44ifi7c Sugar llrmund moderately active; Cutleuf, 7Ke: liramilated, ti UlCu; tinners "A," b'sie. Tallew easier ; Prlme City, 6Jc. Colfee dull ; fair cargoes, PKc. Uuy quiet ; Ne. 1 Timethy, tl 03QI 10. refined Confuo- Chicago l'rodnce Slarket. Ciiicaoe, May 10, 0.10 a. m. f or Heme mi explulned 1 canon the tickers worn nil cut oil' again this morning, and It was almost Impossi ble te obtain opening quotations. It Is supposed that some bucket shop was getting thorn and thu leak. Wheat nnd eats opened strong mid a trllle higher than yesterday's close. Cern Xe better. Previsions Se better. Wheat Muy, tee ; June, DOJfe ; July, WJfe : August, Mc. Cem May, 49e June, JSJie; July,4sKe; August, 4Xc. Outs May.SIJc j June, 3IKe i July, 3le : Aug., tKc. Perk June, ttl 10; July, til 20; August, I.aru-J tine, te S3; July, ) 03. Jtlbs June, t5 03; July.ta,, AiiK.,t3E0. m Philadelphia Llie Stock Market. PniLADKLriiiA, Mny 18. The receipts nt the different stock yards wero : for the week lleevcs, 3,000 ; previous week, 2.5U0 head ; sheep, 10.UX) head; pluvieus week, iO,noe head ; hogs, s.oeo head ; previous w cek, 4,Sea head. Ik-of cattle were in fulr demand nnd Ann. We quote as fellows : Extra, UJQOKe ; geed, tCe : medium, 5UQ 6e ; common, 4K03C. fat cows were dull und lower ntZUQlic. Thin dty cows were la lull bupiily mid lewer nttieais. ' ' Mllcli cows were demoralized at fSOQfiO. Milch calves were In fair lequesl and higher atSG)e. Bhcep wero dull and lewer. Woqueto as fol fel lows : Extra sheared sheep, 4j;5e ; geed, 4!4R4We; inedluiii, qQle ; coiimieii, agJe ; culls, tl per head te Ve i wool sheep ere seurce at 4fWic, bprlng lambs wcreaellve but leweint 7ltc. hull luiubs woreicadlly taken nt BQWie. . Hogs weie In fair leiiucsl. We quete as fob lows : Cern-fed Wcstein,CXe i country, CfJGUe ; atill era, 5-gie. CITr DI1ESSKD BKKVE3. Cltv Dressed lleeves were In tfned intiPHt , sales of 477 head of Abattoir terrlgentled niCKQ Ue for whole, t(jfie for hind quarters, and UiQlle ter fere quarters. Clly Dressed bheep were wanted : Abattoir scllltiS Sua head at b4jic. WESTEIIN DIltSSEU 11EXVES. Western dressed beeves were nctlve, Themas llrudley selling 403 head nt 74iGe. Western dressed sheep weie In fair demand: Themas llradley sold 437 head ut 7,V,'JWe. Live stock Prices. Cuioaeo. Cattle llecelpts, 8.SU0 head; ship ship lueuts, 3,uiU head ( market slew and a shade lower; shipping grades, choice te extra, 1,330 te 1.3UI fc, fcVil'3he; common te fair, l.au te i.sTiO Iks. tl b"ti 40; U.V) ie 1,130 tl isi5.1H liuuher lug grades, common te lair, M 4Uft3 30; giKKl te choice. .1 301 50 ; sttH'kers, 3 Wwt 4(1 ; leeders, fUeaiia:TvxaiiH,tllu. ' ' Hogs Iteeeipts, ifii.ue head; shipments, 4,500; market slew mid weuk; rough und mixed pack, lug, $3 WiH 13 1 packing und shipping, i no I Gl ; light, tl 0001 S3 : skip., tJ fteiil en. " Sheep-llecelpts, 3,tuUlu'ud: shipments, l,t market steady shorn, fi 30(53 UJ; noelud, ti te Ql G5. Kabt I.ibuty Cattle market was slew and unchanged ; receipts, S.t'O head ; shlpuienu, IXH heudj shlpinents te Saw Yerk, baturduy und Kiinday,43c.ulOi(ds. Hogs heavy ami lower; Phlladelpbtus. ft 430 4 WjTerkers. ft 3et 40 1 receipts, C.I (JO head; hlpuents, 4,ige head. bhlpmcnU le New Yerk - ? en BMurflny and Sandfly, 0 carloads. Sheep dull and n shade off ; receipts, 7,4Kl head t shipments, '.1,000 bead. Mew Yerk Stock MMket, Nw Yens, May 19. Walt street, 1-JO p. m. Meney casyatlXpercent. Kxchange steady and unchanged. Gevcrnmcnta firm. Currency 6's, I1TOK bid 4's Coup., l bid itf de, U)i bid. The stock mnrket this morning opened fractionally higher and during the first half hour there was hnrdly any business done. Kreui 10.30 te neon, howevcr, prices advanced steadily en n geed buying of some of the leading stocks. The advancent midday ranged from Ut te 1 per cent, but most of it was subsequently lest en selling of l'acllle Mall. The market nt the time of writing Is irregular. lr.M. Western Union M AdainsXxprcss American Kxprcns. tl. S. Express Wells, Karge A Ce c.c. i. ft e :. ii. a. i Sr.M. m te si no se" Si. 131 .11 i(3 New Yerk Central ' New Jersey Central ' Illinois Central Express Ohie Cen tnil Michigan Central Northern l'liclfle " l'referred Central Pacific XIK Union l'ucina MjJ Missouri l'aclfle Mi Texas raclfle Wy, New YorkKlevalcd Metropolitan Manhattan Alt, A Terra llnute 11 l'rcfcrrcd Canada Beuthern Canada l'acllle Chicago A Alten Chen. A Ohie 11. A Hud TU 13.ll i 17 w IX, Del., l.ac. A West UO' licuver Krle 10-X 11 Preferred Hannibal A HU.le ' Preferred Kansas A Texas If'4 l.ake Blinre b'i ivs'iioANasiiviiie!!!!;!!'.!!;'.!!!."'.! ii" Merris A Knsex Northwest t'Oi " Preferred Ontario A Wetturn Ohie A Mississippi " l'icfcried Pacllte Mall bi Quicksilver " l'rclerred 4i Heading Iteck Inland , tian Francisce , Wi lisiS xi ) rtl4 l(lf 37X mil 3 ? K 71 1 lll'i ' Pi-efened Omaha " l'rufurrud St, Paul I.J75 " Preferred Nash A Chat M., I...H. A W Wubash " Preferred C, P.. A Q l'li Itechcstvr A Pittsburg I'd. AKvans Manitoba .' Oregon A Nav "!i Oregon Traimce it Sleck Market. Quotations by Ueed, Mcdrann X Ce., Hankers, Liuueasier, rn. 11 a.m. lis. 3 p.m. Missouri Pacltlc Michigan Cen tnil New lerk Central New Jersey Central Ohie Central Del., Lack. A Western Denver A ltloUrande Krle Kansas A Texas Lake Shere Chicago & N. W common. N. N.Ont, A Western fit. Paul A Omaha l'acllle Mall iCechcstcr A Pittsburg St. Paul Texas Pncltlc Union Pacific Wabash Common Wabash Prelerred Western Union Telegraph.. I.ouWvllle A Nashville 4'l Kl vaj'i is" 2$ HI Ci 33 itnj ie3; trifi HI w$2 6l)i tVijj $1 3 Ki'i Mir, Otlli a si N. Y., Chi. A St L lhlgh Valley Irfihlgh Navigation Pennsylvania Heading P. T. AlIutTale Northern Pucltlc Common Northern l'acllle Prof llesteuvllle Philadelphia A Krle Northern Central Underground Canada Southern Oil People's Passenger. Jersey Central 6IJi 7 fa 1' 27 w W, JfEtr Alrr.HTlHEMEXTH. TANTEI). " ' ' 11 A Ulrl for general hoiibcnerk Iu n small family. Iuqulreiit ltd HI NOUTII LIMK STIir.ET. w ILMAMSON & FOSTER. THIS FOUK-lltlTTON Cut-a-way Ceat Dress Suit, A Veiy Dcslnililn Oxford .Mixed, Weralud, MIS.oe. All MOel A Daikllienn Chick, All-uoel Citsliuere,NI 1.0(1. A Fine Whip Cord, In thu Pushlenablu Dahlia, Wlll.oe. A very Dtcssy, Itlch Dark llrewn Wei-sled, WIHOO. A Superb black Corkscrew, S20 e). Very Superior Imported Cotkscieu and Pequa In lllucks and handseiuu Jliewns, M33.00. summER NECKWEAR, III a very largn Assortment of New Styles lu Shupcs und Coloring, 'iSe, PlaliiculoredHUMMEItllOSIKUY, Silk Clocked, 33c. SILK HANDKUKCHIKFR. New Designs, OOe. SUIpcd llalbrigguu Undershirts and Drawers, Old Celd Celer llalbrigguu Undershirts and Drawers, Impelled llalbrigguu Uiidershlilsaiid Drawers, 50c. Flannel Shirts. Lucu and Pleated' An Kxtemttvn Assoit Asseit meiit of nil Celers, In Flouts, for Lnwu Ten. ills, lllcycle ltldlngaud baseball. Straw Hats MKN'S DItESS STIt AW HATS, tee., oec, 75c, and Sl.oe. Teung Gen tH' Light Stlir Felt Hats, a very line Variety of all the Newest Shitpes m and Celers. Gents' Manilla Hats, Children's Flne Dress Straw Hats. Men's Panama Huts, Me. and 73c. Hund-mada Maeklnnw Hut, 1.00, fl.Mandf.'OO. Linen Huts and Caps, Cups, 10c.; Huts, 23e. Children's Spring-Heel Shoes, Frem the llltle Haby Shoe of Seft Kid te the HOYS' PltOTKCTlON TOK SHOE, In all stzeaand widths. This special make U an excellent Shoe for Children's Wear, the tee being protected by the sole In such form that the uppers de net wear through as quickly us In Deme ether makes. High-heel Shoe ter Children In Kid und Pebble Ueut, und a Laee Frent, Extension Bole Shee, mnde very strong for Scheel wear. MISSES' SHOES, lu Spring Wedge and High Heels. A full as sortment of sizes and widths. In French Kid, Pebble, Curacea Kid, Grain und Ulee Kid. Our Goods are all thu best makes lu their rcspectlveiiuiilltlcs mid the prices are posi tively the LOWEST. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 3?,3I, 30 & 38 West King Sf., XJLNCA8TKK, FA, NEW AnrxnTlSKJOENTB, GiiiiJWANTKn te assTst WITH tlcncral Housework. Can Meep at home. It INtJUIUEATTIllliOKFlCK. WANT13D-A MAN TO ATTEND A hone, cow and gardeu. The host of ref erence required, Cull en J.FItED.HKNEII, At a. Bener A Hen's OIlUe. mlO tfd TJE8T KOLTiGR PH00E8S Fl.OUIt 38 XJ nnd 73 cents, nnd 73 cents, put up lnMilslln Pnckri. Omn iitateaHngar,GUc IIJ.K. . .. H.I w. U... t. Hn ....V.ma 'UW.I .IHHUIl nullLILW.) lyl,IIUVn t Laundry Starcli,8e.t Cetfees lle te STk) B. Try our Mberlnn Coffee and ou will be pleased. CLAKKK'H TEA STOIIK. 33 West King Direct. FINE JiACES, IjAOE CURTAINS AND Crochet Werk can he elrgantly w ashed and bleached by MILI.KU'S 1IOHAX HOAP. poll RENT. THE nil92ld BASEMENT Under the 1'arineiV Hetel. TJOARDERS WANTED. AT THE rAUMKIlS' 1IOTKI,, With geed rooms or table beard, nt icnsonnble rates. mil) 'ii' VTOTICE TO TAX-PA YERS. Xl lt day for abatement en County tax .mink: 13. I will sit for that purpose In the Or phans' Court Uoem dnll i uoem aany irein b ie v from 8 1 12 a. m., nnd receive fnnn 1 teSK p. in 3K n. m . until that date, te State nnd County Tax, llll'J-TuAHU f.H. ALIIUIOIIT, Collector. PROPOSALS FOR THE ERECTION OK n Weeden Ilrldgoever lllg Chlckles cieek, near Moere's mill, will be received atthontlHe of the County Commissioners, Lancaster, Pa., until PZe'clOclc neon. Till! U8DAY, MAY, ', 1WO 11Y OIUJKU OF TICK llOAltll. Attest: fRAKKUmtsT, Clerk, atX-TiiThftHtd TWTOTICE. JL3I Persons wishing ItAMMONDSPOItTSEC. CHAMPAflNK, llh I.odge 43, Centennial Label en, can be supplied i tl.M a bottle, at llOIIKKU'H 1.1QUOII STOKK, apr22-lydlt Ne. tet Centre Square. ASSIONEI) ESTATE OF SUSAN COON I.KY (new Hwniiger). The undersigned auditor, npHiliited te distribute the balanin re maining In the hands or Dana tlmhum, assignee of Susan C'Hinlcy (new Suanger), te and among thoe legally entitled te the same, will sit for that purpose en Saturday, May Ulth, lss.1, alie o'clock a. m., In the Library Uoem of thu Ceuit lleuje. In thn Clly of Lancaster, where all per sons tnteri'sted In said distribution muy attend. epil-UilTu W. A. WILSON, Auditor. "OOTE IS MAK1NO CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT B3.00 A DOZKK,: AT NO. 100 NOUTII QUKK.V 8TIIKKT. lanllltfil Lancaster, Pa. yEAlC AND NERVOUS MEN Who suiter fiem Nervous and Physical Deldl llv. lmiiotenee. Kxhausted Vitality and Prema ture Decline, and seek Perfect llcMnmlleii te Health, Pull Manhood mid Sexual Viger with out Stenineli Drugging, can ckhtaikly obtain It 111 the "MAItsTON IIOLL'S." Dli-cui.es or the Prostrate Uland, Kidneys und bladder, effectu ally cured without Instruments. Kuilenied by thousands who have been cured. Adopted In hospital and by physleluus In Kiirnpe and America. rf- VAIUOCHLK jrurvd without surgery. Sealed Trcillsa and Testimonials free- Address MABSTON REMEDY CO., or DR. H.TRESKOW, Ne.4C West 14th Street, New Yeik. may 19-1 ye ed Aw s UCUESS IS Laige selling proves succcsifiil making of SPUING STOCK - - r OAK HALL. We bug the game UK, SALES. "Wanamaker & Brown, Oak Hall, ft. E. CVm.tEublXTii ash Mahkkt Sth., PlIILAUKII'UIA. EXCVJIHIOSS. IENRYN" 1'ARIC. Penryn Park, -ON THE- Cornwall & Mount Hepe R. R, Excursion Committee of Churches Sunday Sihisils and ether select organizations. In mak ing their summer arrangements, i-heuld net neg leet te rtiMirvu aday for l'cnrjn Park. This delightful resort is situated In thu liitdsl or the SOUTH MOUNTAINS And Its grounds coveting bundled of acres are easy of uceess from all parts of central Penn sylvania. Fer the free usuef excursionists there are extensive CHOQUETAND LAWN TENNIS GltOUNDS, LAUGE DANCING PAVILION, HAND STAND, KITCHEN. HAbKET AND CLOAK UOOMS, undCONSEltVATOItY On the Summit of the Mountain. There is alseu refienhnient room In charge of a eempeteiit caterer, where meals can be procured at moderate rules, a lihotegruph gallery and iiiimereus ether uttnictlve features. Ne Illinois allotted en thu grounds. Excursions from nil points en the Philadelphia AS Heading and Kendlng & Columbia Itallreuds will be cuiried direct te the Park without change of cars. Complete Information can be obtained and en gagements effected with iiurtlcs from all points en the Philadelphia A heading and Heading ,t Columbia Itallreuds, upon application te C. G. Hancock, General Passenger and Ticket Agent, Philadelphia A Heading Kallreud, 'ill Seuth Fourth street, Philadelphia, Pa., and with parties fioinl.ebanenby applying te the umlendgned, CAUL VliN gCIIMALENbKE, Supt. Cornwall & Ut. llope Hall read, mavS-3md XcbAiieu l'a. su MMEB OV 18S5. IONICS! Cornwall & Lebanon -AND Oolebreok Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PARK, In the henit of the Seuth Mountain, en the line of the above read, is olTerud le individuals and associations Free of Charge. These grounds, covering hundreds erneies, nre easy of access Hern all turts of Eastern I'cnnsymtutu. 4ra-TheroaieMOUNTAIN8TItEAMS,snanned by rustla blid ualled nn wit dees : MOUNTAIN srui.MJS. Ith natlve sandstone ; SHADY WALKS und PUOMENAUES, A LAIIGK DANCING PAVILLION, LAUGE DINING HALL. KITCHEN, DINING KOOM, and TA11LES, HENCHES nnd ltUSTIO SEATS, scattered through the grove for thu ficu u of excursionists. LAWN TENNIS, CIIOQUKT, HALL GltOUNDS, HOWLING ALLEY, SHOOTING OAL LEllY, QUOITS AH!) FOOT HALL Are umeiig the amusements offered. Ne Intoxieatine; Drinks Allowed the Premises. en Sr Pal tics desiring it, can pre the PAUK HESTAUUANT, which roc nre meals at will he under I he charge of Mil. E. M. HOLTZ, the noted cateicret thu LEBANON VAULEY HOUSE, who v ill been the grounds throughout the Ben Ben eon. Hiving it his nersenal supervision. 4r Excursions from all points ou Pennsylva nia 11. It. will be curried direct te the Park with out change of curs. 49-Exourslen rates and full Information cun be obtained and engagements effected with parth It. It. lartles from all pelnis en the Pennsylvania upeu nppucuiien id ur.u. w. auiu, an- pnll 1-il slstunt UenciJd Pussenger Agent, 1. It. It., Ne. 13 Seuth Fourth street, Philadelphia, or te . 4.. C JENNINGS, BupL C. A L. 4 C. V. It, Kit Lebuueu, l'a, mylWmd; . The Test. X X VLVTIIIXO. fJH 4 ' 'T SUITS. Cliestorlleltl, Sack, Friuce Albert nnd Norfolk. A Inrge variety of Fasli Fasli Fasli ionable Styles I'er Men, Youths, Beys and Chililicn, nt prices that will astonish you. A. 0. YATES & CO., 602, 604, 606' CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia. m2-3md QN'll I'RICU CI.OTIIINO HOUSK. JUST RECEIVED A linn of llrewn, blue and black Corkscrews Irein fi.Vjup. Our tll.ei Imperled Cerkscrens nre n marvel of cheapness. Thce goods lake the lead In fashion this season JUST RECEIVED A large number el Children's Bulls lu Plaids, Checks, Stripes, mid, lu short, nil the various designs went this season from ll-Vi up. JUST RECEIVED Something for the Ijidles te take unto of. A full Hint of Children's hilt Hulls which aieperfect UlUe bcautle, both lu style und design Hern JUST RECEIVED The balance of stock el Hosiery of all kinds, tinman liiipnrtliighiiuiu) (ret Ii lug frembiisliiesx) Sen our English Hair He utl3 tier pair, solid colors, extra quality, Wet sllll belter Fancy Hlrlpfs, tUe and iSle it pair. Thexe goislsne msrked 30 per cent below their value. JUST RECEIVED A line of Stylish Neckwear which we etreral Vic; ki'IIh clueMlicre ul.77c. JUST RECEIVED A line of Underwear lu Medium und Light Weights In nil grades, from 17c up. Ourinc goods nrelmiiieiine. Special Attention Is called le the laige variety nnd low prices In our -Merchant Tallin lug department. We make up All-wool Suits te order as low as 110.00 ns well n the II nest In the market. Wu guarantee per fect at Intact Inn te our customers, both in siyle nnd finish, as we employ nunubiit the best work men that can be obtained, regardless of salary. HIRSH & BROTHER'S ONE-PitlCE CLOTHING HOUSE, COH.N'EIt OK CESTI1E SQUAItE AND NOUTII UUEEN SIHEET. M VKIIS A KATHVON. WHAT TO WEAR -AND- WHERDT0 BUY IT 13 A QUESTION OF IJIPOItTANCE EVEUVONE AT THIS TIME. IO OFFEIl TOUA1 MENS SUITS IN I1AKK GItAY FLANNEL, 810.00. MEN'S SUITS IN FANCY MIXED CAbSL MEUE, 810.00. MEN'S SUITS IX FAST-COLOU IILUE CHEVIOT, Mll.OO. MEN'S SUITS IN DAItK GItAY CA8SIMEUE, m.oe. MEN'S SUITS IN FA.VC1 M1XEHCASSI3IEUE, H12.ne. MEN'S SUITS IN bCOTCH' .MIXED CHEVIOT oil 3.00. MEN'S SUITS IN STEEL IIKAY COItK SCltEW, M1U.1KI. MEN'S SUITS IN I1LACK-AXD-WH1TE CAS blMEUH.tm.OO. MEN'S SUITS IN HltOKLN PLAID DAItK, Mll.(H). MEN'S SUITS IN LIGHT HA Ilt-LINE CAS8I MEICE,II.OO. MKN'S SUITS IN LIGHT CHECKED CASSI- MKUE.NIS.OO. MKN'S SUITS IN FINE WOI1BTKD, IN JILACK AND IlllOWN, Mle.OO. MEN'S SUITS IN ENGLIH WOUSTED, IN HLACK AND HUOWN, 1H.OO. Many ethor choice styles aie here, mid nt such pi Ices as w 111 suit e cryone. MYERS &1ATHF0N, LEADING LANCASTEIt CLOTHIEItS, NO. 12 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTEIt. PA. FOlt 1'UKITY, KXCKLLKNCK, FULTj Welirlitund Strenirth, MILLE1PS HOItAX SOAP cannot be excelled. iiiar7-md WANTED. FIve Sulcslndles, four Salesmen, ene Cel. lector. Apply GUAPE HOTEL, ItOOJl NO. II, from 0 te H p. in, and 7 te a a. in. (lu te (23 per w cek salary, ml8-lwd It. F. COLLIEIt. VKHY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD Is delighted with the results obtained by uslUB MILLEll'S PUKE HOUAX SOAP. ir ANTED A MIDDLE AGED WOMAN tt for General Housework. Apply nt 11118 3t NO. 229 EAS'I T KI CING ST. FOIl USE UPON FLANNELS, BLAN KETS, Ac, use MILLEll'S PUKE HOKAX SOAP. I.caves them und the bauds soft. STOKAGK AKD COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DANIEL UAYKK, doc-2-1 yd 16 West Chestnut street. HE MOST DESIRABLE ARTICLE for wushliiK 'Incus Is MILLEll'S HOUAX SOAP. EIUST-CI ASS HOUl)INO. Tegctbu mi i. il.iiebnUii of looms en the flrstorseceurt lluer. buip.Wned by nene In the city. Call en uruddres, .O. iiti .NOUTII QUEEN ST. Table boarders uecouimedated. uU-tfd -I7UNK TAILORING. JL." Tl he finest selection of Woolens in Worsteds. cassimeres, unevieut, juouens, xriceisanu r.nn Hsh Fluids, ever before exhlblted In this city can new be Been ut my Tailoring Apartments, Ne. 17 North (Jueen struct, oppeslto the Grape Hetel. r.mpioyniKeniy ine uest uuiiers, uvei Hetel. Emiilovlmrenly the best Tailors, uveiy irunneut Is made strictly tlrst-class. A comfort able and perfect lit always irusrunteed. Prices moderate. KOSKNSTKlN, The Merchant Tuller, lnJt-Cmdlt 31 North Queen street. K NIGHTS TEMrLAR CARDS. MYRRS & RATHFON We have new In stock nnd are printing the VEKY LATEST DESIGNS of ILLUMINATED Knights Templar Address Cards, All KnlRbts Templar nelnf? te Allentown should elder u pack of thvsp hamUome cards from the "Iiitolligencor" Printing OHlce, LANOABTKH, I'A. mttylS-ua , AKir Am-EIITIHEMEKW. B 00KS1 HOOKS 1 1 Monday!!! May the 18th, POSITIVELY The last Day of the Great Boek Sale AT aSTRICITS palice of fashion, Ne. 13 East King Street. Remember, Thisis Your Last Chance te Buy Beeks at Such MARVELLOUSLY LOW PRICES. 10,000 Copies Popular Standard Editions, 12 nies, Bound in Cleth. This llnuceinprlxes Sketch Heeks, Adam llede, (i ilium's Fairy Tales, und many ethers. I1EGU LAUPltlCE.Il.UUi OUltPIlICE, 27 CENTS A COPV. 10,000 Copies Hest Levell's 12 mes., lleiuid in Kxlra Oleili, (Jilt Hacks. This line comprises New JIugdalene, Paul Cllirenl. Ne New Thing, Phaiixiin Fortune, In Peril of Ills Lire, and many ethers. PUIILlSIIEItS' PKICE, 11.2.1 1 OUil PltlCE, 39 CENTS A COPV. 2,000 Copies Best Edition Red Line Peets, Well Beund.Red Edge and Gilt Tep. This blue cemprint Pepe, L'mhlie, Tupper. Heiiieua, .Milten, Illlad. Procter. eelt. II) ion. Ten iijseii, Elliett, Hums mid ethers. ItEGHLAIt PKICE, 11.25; OUH PllR E.SSCEN'l-i A COPY. 5,000 Copies Extra 13 mes., Itehl Line Krcr liililishcil. vs hlxty Hlireieiit lloeks.exlra cloth, gilt en back and sides. FULL PKICE, $l..Vlj Ol It PltlCE, ISCKN'IS A COPV, 7,000 Copies Ital Liiiorects, Clear Type, Full (SiltCletli. 'I his linn consists of Tennyson. Milten, IbMiieii", I'nusl, Schiller, Ijidy of the Lake, I allsh IbHike. Ihiickeray, l'KH'ler. Moeie. Elliett, Eliru Coeke, Sulnbiiinc. Iliyimt, Miicauley, Pepe, Whltllcr, Longfellow, IIeiMl.etc. WOltTII (1.2,1 mid (I..V1J UUIl PUICK.MICEN'l'S A COPV. Cliarles Diekciis' Complete Works, 15 volumes, Ulustratetl, Kxtra Cleth. Gilt back In Moedcn box Same, extra hiavy iiuiier, EiikIIkIi cloth, nhlte label Suiiic,CKtnt,Diinhuirittiiraii Same, extra, one half Calf . ... Waerly NoelK,l8iue.,CIoth,Gllt . Sturm. In .T) Vel . .. . Wufihltmteti IiaIiik'h Complete Weiks, 3 el., Clethund Gilt Plutarch's Lives or Illiixtrieiis Men Thackeray's Complete Works. Ill , hound In cloth, ullt back, 11 el Same In extra heavy paper, English cloth, white label " half culf V Wlllltam black's Complete Works, IS eluines, cloth, llt back ... Same In extm heavy paper. Eimllsh cloth, while label Mccarty's Hlsteiles, "Our 0n 'limes," Ilexbury HIiidlnK, Kilt top, 4 vel Gieen's History of the English Peejile.extni cloth, I el Mucaulay's Exsays extra cloth, :i volumes Macuulav's illston'el Eiichind.S volumes, cloth Geerftn Lllet's eeuiplcte weiks, 8 vel nines, cloth, Sumu in extra halfculf,!) volumes Samuel ".miles' SelMIclp series. 4 volumes, cloth fill sets, II. O. Shakespeare, 8 volume, complete, cnumeerH' r.ncj'ciep.eina ei ciincrsiu ivueuieuue, new cuiiien, exir.i cloth, 12 vel ROJ 500 1'eeU, llbr.iiy edition, lull sheep, ectiu e. Shake peal e, Milten, IliiriiH, Tennyson, Hymn 30) ) Copies Everyday Cook Heek, well-bound, cloth 1.S5 IU) Collies Milten's Parndlse Lent, Illustrated by Gustae Dele, iiu.irte edition, full (jilt .. S.(e W) Copies Den imlxete, Dore llliiatratlens nun lne Ceiilea America lllust nited.liiillneemrravliiH of Its uniudestsceneiy. ."Jim MO odd Volumes, Dlekcm,Thackeniv, lluler, l.lllett 1 r.l MiirkTwalu's Complete Works, pp. Vel 3.V) 10,O) Pocket Dictionaries cloth, llliixtrntcd... 1,J Popular Dictionaries, tleth and Kill .. 3,iii) Humorous Heeks, such us Pecks Had Hey, i.iun, nun inuuy eiucrM 10,() Latest Ne els, Illuminated enters 1,HM Instrumental umlseii); Folies, W2 p.ikch, by FULL LINE OP CHILDREN'S BOOKS, Hound In Intli, beaid and paper, from 3 cciiln te f2.ne each ; .Vne Latent Nevels, paper ceveis, from l.Vi In i' lU'Ktilar price, Viuiid.V)ceub. Alse, the cemplete and choice eik, Hume, Mc Mc Ciulby.Scelt, Uelllns, llulucr, Sllt, Irt I113, Prcscett,etectc. Thousands of Other Beeks Equally as CHEAP. OSTRICH'S PILHCE OF FASPilON, Ne. 13 East King Street. may 12 2 deed AMVUESlESllf. A WEEK Ol'' GRAND COMIC OPERA. Opera Heuse, Commencing Monday, May 18. ii. i. HAKTMYEIt has the honor of pii'scnlliis! te thn citizens of Lancaster the FAIlil PET OF THirPlllLlO, C O R I The Frrllienl, Sweetest und most tnleuted Prima Denna Soubrelte Artit 11 injj. in a tciles of New and Peimlar COMIC OPEICAs, under the iuiiucdlatusiipelMsleii et Jennie Kimball And Her Talented Monday MASCOTT, Thursday-OniMES of NORMANDY, Tuesday-OAPERS. Friday OLIVETTE, "Wednesday QIROPLE, Saturday Matinoe-OINDERELLA, Saturday Eveuing OAPERS. The operas "ill lmirhcn lth ecrj' attcntlmi te detail, mid Mill be supcihly ineniiled and iat te the lull extent of our elllelcnt company. ADMISSION, - - 10c, 20c. and 30c. HEsEUVED SEATS, :10c. Forsale at the Openi Heuse. ' mll-uiil F IOR JITRY COMMISSIONER, K. C. DlLLEIt, Ol Earl township, Lancaster county. Subleet te the rules et the Democratic p.uty. myiS.3tuHM,WASIfdAw P IOR JURY COMMISSIONER. JEKOME II. SI10LTZ. et Elliuhcthtnnii lioieuuh. Subject te the decision el the Democratic ceiiulv com entlen. d .t w lid AN ARTICLE FOR ALL PURPOSES, LMiaranlecd absolutely pure. Is JULLEU'S HOItAX SOAP. TIIE LAROEST, REST AND MOST cemplete usseitincnt of Playing Curds in the city from 5 cents per pack up at HAltTMAN'S YELLOW FHONTClGAlt STOKE. 0N0LUBIVEIiS''l'ROVEDT6riE VII il best by every poison who has used MIL LEll'S HOUAX SOAP. TUE HKST 5e HAVANA CIGAR IN thet'lty.at HAltTMAN'S YELLOW FltONT CIGAlt STOltE. T1 HIE MERITS OV MILLER'S 1JORAX SOAP may be irauircd by Its fast lncreusini' sales. TDENNA. CIGARS FROM 11.00 PER X Hundred up, ut HAltTMAN'S YELLOW FllONT CIGAlt bTOUE. TTIISIIERMEN'S SUPPLIES. X) A laiRO line of Trout and Huss Fly and ltalt KeiU. HniHS nnd Nickel Heels. Sil k and Linen Lines, Hed Meiintliiirsund mlsccllanc Taelvle.ut HUHLEY'S DHUG STOIIK'. Ne. 21 West KliiB Stivet THE FAVOR pi I ned alter HOItAX bOAP. OF O11C0 EVERYONE IS trying MILLEll'S CHEAPER THAN COALFORSUMMER USE. Use the Gas Cooking Steve. NO HEAT. NO DUST. All patterns for sale ut ManufactuieiV prices. OrvicE or Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce. miylt-2ind "lVt- FOREMAN, XJ PHYSICIAN AND SUHGEON, Iteiiieved fiem Ne. 211 West KIiik street te Ne. 27 North Prince. (Lute resldenee of A. E. Hoberta.) iniMmd F IOR Chamois Skins that will alwuys keep soft, even If untdied, thai will net scratch the finest Silver, ue te COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and 131 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. decS-fiind e ALL AT REIQART'S OLD WINE STOUE -F01t Listen's Extract of Beef. IMB8T IK TUB WORLD, Established, UeJ. 11. E. SLAYMAKEll, A-L. IeUlT-Ua Ne.29.Ea8tKJnif8t. Our Pilee per set. t r,.'.is 8.H " lli.W " 22 W " T.'.M " ll.'.M .1 2Ti " 2.MI " JW " 7.M " H " 7.NS " 8.M " (...'iii it () li.eii 11(10 1W ISHW flirj ii ei . isei) . 21.(l . Sim . !l.i 21.00 11.00 mm 2.ai S.7 1 " 1.1s .US 11..VS 2.28 l.lrt 7.M 138 0.18 , r.ei r ui 14 no :li mi Hue gilt back.... and ullt hound linn 2.1 ) Each 2 '17 1 'is (l.'.H II '.S l.'.W II) :) 0 1 e Jl e 27 ... Woikef the Ultx, ti) 1) the best composers... II..M1 (I.M OlO N . 30-Star Mists-30 ( eiup.ui) e .1 31 USE31 EXTH. A NATOMICAL EXIIIIUTION. Dr. Heidemann's GHEAT ANATOMICAL EXHIBITION, 14 EtiBt King Street, IS OPEN DAILY FltO.M 10 A. M. TO 10 P JL, Fer AtluKa Only. This collection is lately fiem Euiope and ha never bofeto been tn this city. Will continue ou exhibition e cry day fornsheit time only. The collection bus been exhibited lu all Hiulatim cities of New Yeik and New England, und cniues highly recommended te the people of Lunc.ts ter, and It is the 11 ucst collection of Its kind In America. THUltSDAYS FOlt LADIES ONI Y I ADMISSION.. .8.1 CENTS. nilJ-lud EOlt SALE Vlt EEXT. I7IOR SALE OR RENT. J An excellent DttcllinH ou easy terms, situ ate Ne. 15 Shlppcu stieet. UilU-tfd 11. FUANK ESHLEMAN. TTtOR RENT. JLl KaiherShnpiilidcrlllUKll.Y. HUO'S STOltE, ccniie piiuaie, irem jiay it. uplS-lld F OR HALE. A STONE 1IOUKI-: AND Hiltldlnir Let. tl.lMUnrthopiiicheno money may iciuaiii en inu premises, imiiiii-uui apHlmd Ne.4U7bOUTH lil'EKN ST. ITIOR RENT. 3 Tluce Luw Olllces at Ne. 4.1 NOUTII DUKE ST11EET ; ami a hnsuioutMIiet long, supplied with uter und heat. mar2ttd II. FItANIC ESHLEMAN. JIATS AXli VAVH. 184:5. 1885, STAUFFER&CO., Leading FasLieuWs Hatters, All theNewSprliiKSt)le.H, In Plain and Fancy Celers, Extra Lliiht Weight, in SOFT AND STIFF HATS The Litrgest Assoitmeiit of STRAW GOODS Iu the City, With Prices leSult the Times. l!eliigMunufaclururs,uud ivtelvlug goods ill. rect fiem thu tucturlcs, we llie ublu te sell geed lower than ever. Ne trouble te show ourgeods. Give us a call. . ). STAUEEEE, & CO,, (SIIULTfc'S OLD STAND), Nee. 31-33 NOUTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTEIt, l'A. Publishers' Price.