'TvV rt,s..i t ,,jf tu " J ;""S u -r ;!-1 twH.j Tll- ma':' -.,; '. . ;,VC 'i; --J, Ifr fc JAV & i It'.,! . , ' fftten ffr. ,-v i ,7 t ..V? -v 4 . , i. , .. . - r r- i- 6'iV'..- . "rffi: V 4 1 THE iJtTffOAkPBB DAILY INTBIiLIQENOBfa, TBDtTRQPAY, MAT 14, 1885. it- -r.7i ri'H H''Wf,$ m , i i Jh- Mt, ""m-V ' TkAem 1 ,.-' " I JHTS TEMPLAR PARADE. ifc SK KOVTB UP TlilH JEVtlSlKU'a FRO- CKBBIUS IN GOLVMtllA. Uten ten Sermon Afterward A Number M Indiutrlsl IUm Seme I'lrniure Notes. .f,A Fair In Armery null Short Nete About tlie Town. fifaralar Corrcspenflcncn of Iktelliuknckii. jMirau "SCelxjmiua, May II. CyreiioCeinmaiHtory ' He. 84, K. of V., of Columbia. In full rcgalln, "-r will parade this evening, In company with a -."jfjalngntlnn of sir klilnlilH from IjitncoMer. hi ,yJ?M pnrnde w form promptly at boveh front of Odd Fellows' hall, ever tlie following route: r rw.imt. In 1'rnlll. in WiilnuL te i$u-t o'eteck In 'ji..)wtd march li?tiif,'i Seventh, te I-ecust, te Secend, te St. Paul's .''i-hR E. church, arriving nt this point the sir "&? fti?kHlgUta will enter that odlilce, whero a ser F?. 'L wen coniniemoratlvo of Anconslen l.y, will "S;;Hb tloliverod by Hev. V. G. Cliiy-Merati, JIW Alter these services me visum;; sir Kingum irtM s , Xrlll return Heme en a special train, Ascension Day Is befnc niiurepi lately ob- acrvnd In the Cnthel e nml KpIhcepiiIIsiii churches, services being held nt Intervals during theday. A large number of stranprs, principally Catholics, from adjacent villages . are In town, attending theso services. Industrial Items. Empleyes or the l'ennsylvanl.i railroad company nt Columbia, will lccelve their April salaries this afto-"en. Repairs and additions te liie f'eltnnlilii roll ing mill contliiue with untilmlecl vigor. Tlie frame wei k ler the latter I up, and ready te be covered. It bas been proposed te liierense the capa city of the Columbia Hint works, and te rur- ther this plan a meeting; will 1 e held this fi aftornoen in the ofllee el etbaiigh .V. Ce., te ., organize a stock company. , On l'lcnsnre llent. v A number oreur citizens are spending to day en Chlipies rock. Our townsman Mr. Henry Koduiihciser, and who is draymen for the Pennsylvania railroad company, will en Wednesday next Ball for Germany, whero he will visit friends ami relative, lie expects te be away three months. ' , Fishing parties are net a new plcastire for ' ' Columbians, but is ene which is enjoyed this 'time every year, It is a dally eccuri euro for the shad batteries below the dam te be visited by these thirties who watch the rare Hsrt of Blind fishing with gteat intoreht. Tlie fisher men nre ever kind, attentive and their hospitality cannot but be appieciated. A I'nlr In Armery Hull. Commencing with this ovening, and con tinuing for the next ten days, Putnam t'iicie, Ne. 113, 11. U. It. F. of Pa., will held a fair In Armery hall. Extonsive preparations hae been made, and no doubt the fair will baa success. Tlie hall Is beautifully trimmed, a delicious bill or fare prepared, while n large number of costly and useful fancy articles nre te be voted for, chanced oil' and sold. llemugti llrlcfs. The Columbia school beard will meet In monthly bessien this evening in council chain ber. The Vigie boys have deserted their ciigiue house for Wilsen's corner, and nightly act In a manner that Is unbecoming liremen and geullemen. Phil Dohev, colerotl,yostcrdaj'sui'd Cliarles I.erlng, white, for drunken nnd disorderly conduct. .S'iiilre Frank committed him te jail for 30 ilavs. 1. K. 11. bngine Ne. 5S3, wliile shlfllng cars yosterday, at the dejwt siding, jumped the tracks. l)amage, broken llange en ene of the pony wheels, and the planking of hi ding broken and splintered. Several of the white publle schools will have n short session this afternoon, he ns te allow their teachers, e' opj-ertunlty or nttendlug the oxanilnaeons el the colored schools. bnt select ana eujoyauie surprlse 'iven te Mrs. Ilarbara .Mulllinui. lu en Seutli Frent street, last eveu- bhn Mclbert, aired 77 years, died at his TOUIIlU, 1II..I1 IIUII, J11V, ,ilt IUUW1HJ 11I1II.11U11I old age and goneral debility. He was father te our townsman, I'eter MolherL Dweased'H remains will be interred in the (ierinan Catholic cometory, te-morrow at 1) iu in., from the Cherry street German Catholic church. Although this is the third time Miss Lillle Hilten has appeared in Columbia, this noa nea noa sen, she Mill bogreoted hy liirfje atidiences, for she Is Columbia's favorite actress her winning ami lady-llke mauner and Biiperh acting has made her se. She plays under the management of Gen. Welsh l'est, ami this ovening will appear In " Led Astray," ene of her strongest pieces. V..... ..n..M T.nm.l In ... tTi . .i.l .. . . ..I..I. fnrtt DEATH OF JOHN II'. JACKbOX. The Extended and Useful Idle of u Prominent Citizen. Jehn W. Jacksen, an old and icspectcd resident of this city, died at his looms Ne. :t0 North Queen street at half past t ulvu o'clock this afternoon, nged about 70 years. He was a native of Maryland, but came te Lancaster with his mother when a mere child, and when he was only soven years old he was put te work iu the "old factory" en the Conestoga, at the feet of Heckland Htroet. Some years later no was em ployed as errand boy In the dry-goods stere of Mr. Hollmeicr, en Jertn tjuecn v8tteet, whero n. Z. Shroiner's music store aew sLuuls. He wasadvanced te aelerkship, L..1 - t...l ...t,l. f irflir..inl.iK .f.itll nl.nnt i "IU lUlliaillUil Vllll.lll. UUlilUUlUl IIIUIl UU'IIH Xr NJ. 'Se, when he bocame a salesman in the L. ' eeilh and variety stere or Jehn Shatlner, r 'X th0nnrrin,l r It, l,A hlllhlltll. HOW rwMltllnil its ajeelry stere by 11. M. Shreiner. KJTtus TIIK jr.WKLUY lll'HINi:hS. Hocentliivod te act as clerk and salesmati Ter Mr. Shall'imr until 1815, when he and the Mle Mklmel Zahm bought out Mr. Shallner'e Htblislmient. Mr. Zahm being n prncti- f w.Jewclur ud watchmaker theso and 'lV0re m,,,ed te l comb carrled rr-L .,,'ni)iy iraue nrovieusiy Mm -fcr juanj "',',"'!.." ii!.riV? J'?!n!S? 11 ""'IH'IIGI I ill-. ,T.V3 liu, , Cll HJ, II11LJ1 and 11. ail'e Dusmess was sold out te Chas. Brether. Tlrtroiner, trading as Slirolner it thelr goods oxetsentlouion dispo-,ed of all vorwiire, which biowelry, washes and sil sil centhiued until the I'jea of trade hae been On the dissolution efiit. Jacksen, Mr. Jacksen ac. firm or Zulmi it tlie ollice of Hen. lted a pesitinl j rowes, then secretary or-ns II. Hut wealth at Harrlsburg, whero v. common, for a year or two. romalned IN FINANCE. About 1K15 he bocame coniecte(ix,jt;, , Inland Dopesitand Insurant ceui..., ' was cashier or that Instituien for sdvi"" years. It was during his cornection with the bank In this ivimcity that it nad "-'J event ul iwporleiieK with Elijah JligVand met with serious losses thoreby. JB'1! wll ,ns woll-kuewu In financial c!r?0!JI speculator nd "kiter," overdrowl8 accounts very heavily and having .'alld te make geed the overdmtts, Mr. Jackso''Wwcen8Ur0(l for nog neg nog llgenceand htecaslilhlp terminated. Leng utter tlie transactie ad alter the litigation of the bunk wit '"Bi suit was brought against Mr. JacW" hy the representatives ofthelnstitiitioif and they recovered judg ment, though twpular sympathy was largeiy en his Rlde;dnd, we helieve, nothing was realized ei- the JudgmenL Mr. Jacksen had also beeu city treasurer In 18e7. in vmvate hiviu On quitting the Inland Insurance com cem papy Mr. Jacksen lived retired. About six or srtven years nge he was aiVocted with a Btrokeorimndysls, and had at Intervals sev eral Bubxcqueut strekes, which badly lamed bun and impaired his Bpoecb. Twe mouths age as he was descending the stairs from his bod-roem te Shroiner's Jewelry store, he foil and broke the thigh bone of his paralyzed leg. Frem this accident he nover recoverod. He suffered greatly both from the accident and his long oenilnomout, and his naturally ro bust constitution finally gave way, he be came physically exhausted and dled as above stated, it being suppesed that he mi lib red a linalstroke or paralysis just before he dled. Mr. Jacksen was a man of lair education and of great mental vigor. He had but peer opportunities for educating hhuselr In bis youth, and feeling koeuly what he had mtssed for wantjer better schooling he was a zealeus advecate or the iroe school system and de. voted many years of his lire te the bh of popular education. He was elected a member of the school beard en the 3d of August, 1S1U, te fill the unexpired term of Rev. M. IUhnseu, and remaiued a mem ber of the beard continuously until Novem ber 1, 1882, a period of mero than thirty three years a longer tertu than any ethor member or tlie beard ever held. And he was net merely n nominal momber, but ene (f the most uclive and effectual uiembers tlint body ever had. He served en nil the I ImperUnt conimlltces, nnd was Ter a great I trartlen el his term or servlce chairman of I thoBiiiierlntondtngnnil Ilnance committees, I ana irem iniii te jbii, he hiw iiruHiucnv ei the beard. An Inspection of the minutes or the beard shows that Mr. Jacksen's volce nndvoteworo nlwnys en the Mlde or mero and better schools. Mr. Jacksen was n politician who wielded a very eonsldernblo Inlluence. He was an anient Democrat during his earller innnhoed, and tlie "lltlle back room " In rear of Zahin Jr Jacksen's sUire was a favorite resort for the 'lest werkers" In the vcars bolweon 1810 li m. and lSfiO. When the factional quarrels among the Democracy wero se bitterly fought between the lluehannn and tlie null- lluchannn men, Mr. Jacksen was ene of lluchanau's most bltler opponents j but when that gentlcmau was nominated for the presidency, he gave him a cordial supixirt. When the war breke out, howevor, Mr. Jacksen connected hlmseU with the Itopuli Itepuli llcan jiarty nnd gonerally voted that ticket thereafter, but was net regarded as n strict party man. He served as n member et city councils rern low years, out never nspireu te any otuer ouice except tnose nuove men men mon tinned. Heclally, Mr. Jacksen was a pleasant, Intel. llgent companion, as a business man he was upright and honorable, us a clllrcu Incorrup Incerrup Incorrup tlhle and patriotic lie was generous te a fault, and bestowed much of ids substnuce In aid or the peer and in furthoranceof charl charl table iustltutiena. In religious matters he was liberal nnd tolerant, nnd we liellove It was only n few weeks nge that lie ieruinlly connected hlmself with the Moravian church. Mr. Jacksen was a bacheler mid it may be remarked as n singular incident that for at least forty years he occupied asasloeplng apartincnl tlie room in which he died, nnd for nn equal length of tlnie occupied the same seat In the dining room of Michael's hotel. IWU NJitUlO llVStlASlt. Tim tlnncreiinlalile Choice Tlmt XVn Mndn hy il Yeung While Weman. The people in the walllng-roem of the New Yerk V New Haven railroad, New Yerk, especially the ladies, wero shocked about two woeks age le see a geed-looking and well-dressed young woman, npjmrenlly about twenty-two years old, kiss and bid an affectionate adieu te a builv colored man about thlrty-llve years old. Heme of the male passengers niadeau investigation and learned thnttliegirl lull the train nt I Ian Hen, and that she was l.lbby t'onyer, empleycsl as a wait ress in the family of the lute William Mat thews, where she was quite a favorite Alieut 1 o'clock jh m. en Tuesday the colored man loll a train at the Harrison station. He was attired in a I'rliice Albert coat, n white vest nnd n pair of plaid trousers made in the latest fashion. He also wero a white cravat, u pair ei iaicui-ieaincr snecs, a mown peruy nai and a pair of yellow kid gloves. He at ence went te the Matthews mansion. I le was In troduced te tlie ether empleyes by the girl as her husband, Titus Peele. She had re cently hinted te some of the Inmates that she had been married during a visit te New Yerk, but she had carefully refralned from saying anything about his complexion or race. Mr. and Mrs. Peelo left the Matthews man sion and tripped along te the railway station. Thov sent nn expressman te the heuse for the bride's trunk, which after seme delay, was obtained, all her late associates declining te aid tlie oxpressmau In getting it down stairs. Thoceiiplo left Harrison nlKiutfi p. in., for Mount Vernen from which point they pro ceeded bv stage te Yntikcrx, whero it is understood they intend te ronide. The Condition of llcury Hurtkln. Henry Uartklns, whosesolf-inlUctod shoot sheet ing In Deuglassville, llerks county, en Wed nesday morning, has been rocerdod, new lies in the Heading hospital, whero is Is said he may recover. He Kiys he was iu Hoy Hey Hoy neld's brigade during the war, hut doserted. lie declared that he was pre pared te dle and told Clerk Knerr that he would willingly have seme ene send a bullet through his heart. He had been (tod dling four years and was tired of life. Had he net been in Mich n hurry, he said, he would certainly have shot himself dead yes yes terday morning. He Is about GO years old ami lias a son in l'liiliidelphla and two daughters iu ll.dtimere. He has no desire te get well. This is evidently net his llrst attempt al self-destruction, as his Hrms nre gashed In several places as If he had tried te bleed himself le death. Wendell Phillips' Meagre 1 Mate. It was stipiescd at the tlme of the death et Wendell Phillips that his estate was worth fully 5200,000. The rejKirt or the appraisers under tlie will, made te the probate court iu llosten, shows that the total value or his proerty Is only 8,yfii0.", of which fl.SW.'i'i is iu real cstate and $l,02.'!.b0 iu personal jirojierty. Among his assets wcre l.'i,0M shares of mining stock that were rated as worthless. The President en Lltlle Hound Tep. Heward II. Ilelz, photographer, of this city, was at Gettysburg during President Clove land's isit tliore, mid accompanied the picsidcutial lilv te the batllo batlle batllo lleld. Whlle en l.lltle Ueiiud Tep Mr. lielz took a photograph of tlie party, iiumliering nearly enu hundred. The pic ture is a ery geed ene, the president, seme members of his cabinet, and several ether distinguished citUcns and soldlers being easily recognized. Special Cheap Lirurhlnn In ItiadhiK. On b.iturdiiy, MayiJd, thu occasion liclnKlhn dcillcatlen and umelltuKef "The Liiuer Monii Menii uieiit," tnilns Mill leave Liincnstcr (Klin? bl.) at 7.:tii.iu. l'aielorieun(llrlp,onlyl.'i",. Leave Celiirnlila nt 7:Ma. in. Fine only $l..1'. iuyll,in,WASlAltw VKATHS. JIeseii. May 12, lS.s5,ln this city, Henry Mest-r, In hls'.'M ear. The relatives nnd friends of the family nre lcspectlully tulted teatlend the funeral, fiein his Inte lesldenee, Ne. Sit WestKInK street, en Friday aftei neon at 2 o'clock, bervlces at ten's Lutheran chinch. Iutermciit lit Zlen's Luther un cemetery. Dktwilkii. On the 13th Inst., at the residence efW. L. lleishey. In Lener Uuphe township. Urn. Kllzuhuth Hetwller, u Lnudls, wife et the late Cliilstl.iu Detwller, ugedUO yeam, ; meiitlis and IS days. Funeral en Sunday inernlnt,' at ll o'clock, from theicsldcnceef her son, llliiuu Delwller, Iron Iren villi", West Hcmplleld township. Services nt the U. It. chinch, ut iu o'clock, a. m. Interment nt Meuutvlllc. ltelatlvusaudriieiuls me respect fully invited te attend the funeral. inlletd JUAUICJSTi. I'lnHdelphla I'reiluce .Market, PiiiLAni:u'iii Muy 14. Fleur was steady but j?ij ?c3. Si "liv. pr"l, IneludliiB I'eiin'u KSffl,.1' V.' B;r:i de., ut 1.6dG5.; n$imxrX'S.icn ttt 'MOS.Mj PateiTu a llranslewat in ,riviricl Wheat stieiiK, but hi ,r ... ,,.,. ...,,,,,, aV.VrX,i.rTiiUcf ay : 5." July s &He AiiBtist. K'ia Jllui -- New Yerk Produce SIar.et Nkw Yc-nir, May 14. Fleur Fine. ., , , , Superllne State, J 503 S5; coiiiinen t&.,,?,195 ' Ohle.MWOMlSO. ' Urexlni Whoau-Ne. 2 Ked, Winter, June. i... July, ft u. ' ''5 Cern Ne. s Mixed, May, MJ-'e ; June, 55c. Oats-Ne. a Mlxed, May, SJej de June, Uy'e nominal. Hurley nominal, l'eikdull ; Muss, f 13 20. Irfinl flta, June ; u M, July. iuuiiusuB ijuiuk i uuiuui; sieuu, IbliC. Tunieutlue mm in. siyiamv spot. Itesiu iiemluiil ; strained le iroed. $1 "IHi mur7ii 111). Petroleum iiulet; Hellned In cases, ttfllufii w..w.w....i..v. , ..w....... ... b..evn. tt,t iu.u. JiUlKUlOllVVllUJ I CUtil IU 1.IVUI MH,J, f . W, i corn re l.ivurniH)!. pjui. Huttvr weak; choice. lSffiSa. Western Imitation Uruiuuery unccsa uuu ; .ev, ... T If .. T r. IMi Qlc. KKKallrmjSlate, 1 SXillO. 114tll IQHtfe; Wcstern, UKGUJie. mc co dull. Huirar sleadv ! reflned Cutlnnf, e (ininu. lueed, OJie ; Confecllenoi'S " A." iii0 Tullow steady : Prime CItv. SKe. Cotfee nemluiii ; fair curuees, Je. lluy quiet ! Ne. 1 Timethy, f 1 03. Chlrnge l'red ace Markut. Cuicaue, May 11. 0.3) a. in. The markets ull opened steady at thu closing lluums et yester day iifternoen, except AukusI Wheat, which Is Vm etr and l'rovlslens. Thu latter me very dull, Perk loe and Laid and Hlhs &e lower. Van nor weather ftiverublu te thu kiewIiik craps, lias checked jesterday'shull moveiiieuts. Whuut-Junc.iioKet Jiily.lMKei Ai nil movements. July.luKei Aug., Oljfc. leril .J unu, 14U I u my, nyj i AUy., s?ic, Outs June, 3IXU : July, 3lc. eort-juiie, u wijuiy. iii Lai-dJune, W ei i July, t 90. 07 1 Auu., Ill 15. Illbs-June, J 87 i July, S 6S Aiiff., 5 75. CLOSina, I p. m The markets were steady to-aey, with no sjieclal feature, except heavy trading ex lwctcd ivcelpls seem te eirset the raiHirtsef crop damages lu Wheat. Previsions uruulmest neglected, ahe culls en gralu are net well liked (lurlne tradlna hours In the main hall, nnd will lirelmlily 1)0 clmntrcMl. Wheat-June, uoHQOHie t July, KA(&Xin AllK.tl'lBu Cern-ninn, C,(lV,ic July, 4SVe Au, 45C. Oata nine, aie( .iuiy, ai,e ( Aug., no M'(c. . l'erk June, ill irj; emy. u viy Aug., Aug., Aug., til 'UK. Ijml-Junc, KKl J'dy. W ll mviK Kiua s-June, S OJKQ ei July, U 7: Live Hterk Markets. CmcAoe. Ciittln Itcculpta, 4,!ViO hcnilt uhlp. incuts, S.ecKl head tmclliiR hrlsk unit prices slreiiR t tleslrahla biwIeh Iikj hlKliert Jiy.(fBI,lSO ftsstcers. t7SJ51fM l.antel.'MO M, $'. 1IW5 flOj 1,'IV) le l.niK) B,s, f) 40O5 MM liutchrra' com. iueii.12 fietj.l MM Roetl, . fpOI totsteckms IV lower at fi 75fit ! feeders, fl OQ5 ( Tcxnns, W !! JM- 1IOR nmrk inlxis lteqs ItecelplH.SO.OtKI liend shipments, fi,800! inrket slew and weak t Biiie lower , inugh and ilxed, $1 OJfBI iMli pnekliiK and shljipliiK, l 30t light, H J3QI W skips, r IR .... 81ieci Uecelpts, 4,700 licau ! Riiipineius, ,10J II te uuirket slew hut stciuly ( shorn, coiiiinen le elieiee, fj ,sf30 woeieu, fi 750t W Tcxnns, 1 1 23(21, East I.niKnTV. Cnttle market, active nnd flrtm receipts, light prime, ) OlKWl! fair te gtxnl, tS 25ff5 60 ; coiiiinen, llfS lAt receipts, 67 head ; shipments, 07 heuai shlpnienta te New Yerk ycBtcdaySScai leads' , Hogs aetlve and llrmt Philadelphia, l 0f? 4M: Yorkers, $1 71M84 Min-celpts, l hnidt shipments, 7u) hena; shipments le New erk. ycsteidiiy, 41 cat leads. Mheep were slew hut steady t prime, tltfjl n, fair te geed, f'lf(.l Hi); common, tlfWl clipped himhs, IG"; spring lamhs, fflWGrt j lccelpts, 2,suu I1CJU1 ; smpinciiis, -i,w. m NtecR Markets. Quotations hy Ueed, Med ran n A Ce., Hankers, Lancaster, Pa. 11 a.m. 12 m. a p.m. Missouri l'anlne Michigan Central 4s New Yerk Cen t nil KtH 4S si!; New Jersey Central 35i unie i;ciunii Del., IJick.ft Western. lt)l?; 1U15C ifenvcr a meuninuu Krla Kansas A Texas Lake shore Chicago AN. W coiiiinen. N.N. Out. A Western St. Paul A Omaha Pacllle Mull ltechester Pittsburg M. Paul Texas Pacific Union Purine Wahesh Common Wahiish Prelern-d Western Union Telegraph.. I.eulsvlllu A Nashville N. Y., Chi. A 81 L 2 (rf is MY, M). 4; s 3I l4 & .71 IS 3IK Lehigh Valley Ichlgh Navigation Peuiisylvaiilii Iteadlng P. T. A Jlurrii.lt Northern Pacllle Coiiinieii Noitheni Pacllle Pi of Ilcstenvllle Philadelphia A Kile Northern Central Underground Canada Southern Oil People's Piusenger Joreev Central u Ku Bit. 1 17 .T.I IS 1' JK ""Ji y New Yerk .Sterk Market. N'KW Y'euk, May 11. Wall all vet, 1:30 ji. m. Meney easy nt lji jmt cent. KxchaiiKO quiet, (ievcrnnicnts Hun. Currency b's, ll'JU bid; 4's Coup., t I2I: hid ; 4s de, f lK)i hid. The stock markut this inernliiK opened stendy, but en a heavy hulling of llchmure, I.ackwanna A Western, the whole list bioke (f G'-'i Per cent, by midday the latter In the stock nuiiicd. Alter 12 o'clock there was morn sup port given te the inaikct and prices recovered partly. At the tlme of writing they show mi ad vance efJiOUj, per lent, from the lowest points. ll'.M. 3l'.M Western Union M M Adams Kxpress 131 American Kxpress U"t U.S. Kxiux'ss .M Wells, Karge A Ce luuu C.C. I.AC ;. c. c. i New Yerk Centi-.il M$ S3)i New .lersevCentnil 3.1 . .. IlllnelsCentnil Kxpiess Ohie Central MlehlKau (.'cut nil is Northern Pacllle W)i " Preferred Ss; Central Pacific ill? Union Pacific fiutf Missouri Pacllle U5 Texas Pacific New Yerk Klevuted ,. Metropolitan .',. Mauliullau AIL A Tene Iluiitu ' I'rufeiiL'd Canada Southern Canada l'acl lie Chicago A Alten Ches. A Ohie D.AHnd 77 lcl Luc. A West lunj; Denver Krle : 7.......7 mlf " Pteferrcd 'X'A Hannibal A St.Je " l'relurred Kansas A Texas is ,M8 IS V.'i ? no ICi in lil i" Si 137 t lsK 'ay. u,?s iiijl 1(.)5 -7 ?? mil .17 Luke sheru bll L. K. AW L'vs'lle.t NnshIllu 3i Meri Is .V Kssux Northwest i3 " Pieleired Ontario A Western Ohie A Mississippi " Preferred Piullle Mull M (Quicksilver " 1'ielerred Iteiullng Iteck Island l)'H bail Krauclsce " Pieferrud Omaha '.M " l'icfuried 71 8t. Paul is " l'rclcrred Nash A Chat M L.,8. A W Wabash .!; " Pieferred i C..II.AQ -JI ltechester A Pittsburg i'l 1M. AKv.ms j Manlteha M n Uii'gnn ANnv 7H? 70JS Oregon Tmnsce uyi llj Inill hlerks il nil Iteuds. Itcpotled by J. 11. Leng. Par Last valiin. siile. Lancaster City, 11 ht cent., IMS, ,.ll fle. IR"l " lsiir, " ftjierct. In 1 er:)ye.irs. " 4 " Scheel lean.... 4 " In ler 20 years 4 " Iu 5 or 20 j cam " 4 " in lUer'JUycurs Manhelm HoieurIi lean., iim inn urn no 100 n inn no nn 1211 10I..V) llll Hll im.2S lw BANK STOCKS. First National Hank HO Kal Mid V .National ltank M Fulton National Hank IK) Ijuicaster County National Hank lie VMM 112 17.' 112 60 A'Ji'H' AIH'JUlTIHEJUHtTH. B 1NDKU AND I'Hil.KR HTKIWint wauled at ltd' .111 HAST KINO STUEKT. OOVi 5-IOtl, ?500, fm, fl.000, f 1,200. iDtJJ (i.sen.rj.000. r.'.rsw, a,uei), hOM and 'tirauu. $10,000 te lean en llrst umrtimim, JOHN II. MF.TZLKU, U Menth Dukusticet. ltd F OH Chamois Skins that will always keep soft, even If washed, that will net scratch the Unci Hllver, ue TO COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 137 and IX) North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. decSisd IO. O. R THE J liiKten Encuinpn THE MEMIIERS OV WASH- lent. Mi. il. l. u. u. K.. in-a rcijuesled te meet in their hall en HATUUDAY KVKNINU, MAYli;,at7:3ao'cleek,ou the eccn. sleu of un elllclal und frutcriiul visit of thu mil. cers of the Orund KiicHiiiinniMit. Members of Invited te be ether KncuniDinents are eerdlallv 'wum.. uy oruurei me feucammneui. J. Fbeu. . II. L. FHAILKV. Hnrlln 1". mlt-std C'CTsVthe COAivireit 8UMMKH Gas Cooking Steve. N'O HEA'l Muuui!il;t..AIi,!!ltt,,r rr suleut "Wees, O'FICB OF Lancaster Gas Light and Fuel Ce. QVK iJiiU 11 UnjtT l'mi-Ks " - me Incidental t n ,a0 UU8ln09g. ,,cltJ dollars meve quickly u,4 their purchas- i.B power U grimly incased, besides taking ndvantiigew buy I,.,, aict tr01n limniifacturers woecf, heid may he found many garments wln,n fer-,ufi0ua causes nre sold under value. A Una of (lo.eo Men's Hi'simkss Suits shown hut a fuw days, almost gene. The head of the Heys' Dopartuieut iu. ports uxpertence similar lu Bera' NoureLK Buits WOO. Abi-niNeOvi!JOT may net he out of place tonientlen n this cniiiigeubie weatuur, TWXSTV-TWO bTYtKBAT I r f 10.00. WANAMAKER BROWN, n, ir.t 8. K. CenMxv Bix-rn ai! MiRgtT Sts., I'uujidkuu. KKW AVVKHTlSKHfESTB, J TJIOrt UHK UPON FLANNELS, llliAN- JJ KE ;TS. Ac, ue jni.I.KIf.S PtJUK IIUUAX BOA1. jMiavcs inciiiunaine n.inunseii. FINEIjAOKS, liACE CUIITAINH AND Orechct Werk can he dccitntly wuslicil and hlcnchrd hy MlLI.Clt'H JlUHAX MM P. IJ1VKIIY MAN, WOMAN AND CHILD J Isdrllghted with thn results ehlnliied by using MILbKlt'e I'UUK 1IOIIAX HOAP. rnHH HEST AND MOST ECONOMICAL X In usels MIM.KU'S PUIIK IIUItAX bUAl'. 1710 II PUHITY, EXCEMiENCK, FUI.Tj J WelKhtand Btrenglh, MILLEIl'fi 110UAX HO A I' cannot he excelled. niar7-iiinl HIGHLY UECOMMENDED llath, Toilet mid Laundry. FOR TIIF. MILLKIt'M 1IOUAX H1IAP. THEY AHU CLKANIiY AND ELE gant. There Is no ether external remedy that does se much geed us Itensen's Capclne Plasters. Scents, THE FAVOIt gained after IIUUAX HOAP. OF ence EVEUYONE 1H trying JIII.LP.lfS milK MOST DESIIIAIH.H AllTICLE JL for washing Uncus Is SOAP. MILIXIt'S IIUUAX A N Al PUItl'OSKH, ,ls Mll.LKU'H jtV giiiiranleed absolutely pine 1IUIIAA BUiir. ONCLUHlVKIiY PlieTlTlO IIE Til K hest liv every liersen who lias used MIL ll' IIUUAX SOAP. NOTICE. Persons wishing IIAMMUNIISI'OIITRKU. ClIAMPAONK.wltliLwlge 41, Centennial Label on.canheHupiilledt M a bottle, at ItUHKKK'H LIQUOR hTOllK, apr22-lydlt Ne. 22 Centre r)(iinre. KNNAT"ciTiA HS FHOSl 13100 l'EU Ilunditid up, at HAUTMAN'H ijsi.mmv ii.uni uiu.au HTUUK. IIHHEIIMEN'S HITl'I'MES. JJ A large line of Trout and Itass Kly nnd Halt llisls, Ilrass nun .MCkCl ueeis, biik aim Linen Lines. Hnd Meiinlliigsiind mUci'tlaiieeils Halt Iteds. Urass nnd Nickel i.inen i.in Tackle, at ll uiiiir. i n if in',. HTOKK. Ne. 21 West King htnet. rpHH HKHT A. theClty.tit HAUTMAN'H 6c HAVANA CK1AH IN YKLLOW HTOUK. KUONT CHJAU CJAI,OON FOll KALI , J Olie of the best stands til the city. Fer terms and oil lee. fuilher Information apply at this myUIwd WrANTi:!). A GIUIj Olt MIDDI.I TT iiRvd Heinim te de general hoiisewerkou n farm where thrre ntii neehlhlien. Apply al the iHTKLiiinsstniinfllcc. ni)l3:tdAltw C1IVKN AWAY. 7 One If1, bottle of I'eicst KleHcr CoIekhc, with I of TcaorZIIiSer'M1. Collee, at CLAItKL'aTHA ANI1 COFKKK blOlli:, NO.fSJ WKhT Kl.S'U STHLLT. i-I,lllnp htiuch, Sc. &. Tclcilionucenni cllen. Du. FOKKMAN, PIIYMCIAN ANIIHinttJKON. Ueuinved llem Ne. 211 West Klugslrext te Ne. 27 North I'tliiic. (Lntu resldence or A. K. Itebeits.) iicawmd F lOHJUKYCOMMISSIONHU. JKllOMK It. 8HULTZ. or Kllznbcthtnuii IhueiikIi. huhject te the decision of thu lleiueenillc county convention. d A w ltd THINK TAII.OHINO. AJ 'I Tim Itncst selection of Woelfiisln Werslisls. Castlmeres, Cheviots, Meltons, Tricots and Knir Hull Plaids, ever heleru exhibited In this city mn no le wen at my Tailoring Apirtinunts. Ne. 7 North CJiieeii stlvet. opiswlte the OniiMi Hetel. Ktiipinyuitieiiiy inn ih-si luuers, eve ivlntr only tin) 1mhi lullen. dvitv L'nnnrnt. 1m nmun Mrictfy tlfHt-cIiint. A comfort- nlili, and isirftict 11L alums cusnintei'd Prices inedurutc. ----. . i.............. iiirr.iai r.i.. Thu .Merchant 'laller, 37 North Queen strecL m'2M;mdU jcxvujtsivys. -piCNKYN I'AIIK. Penryn Park, en thi: Cornwall & Mount Hepe R. R, HxriTrsIeii CeiTinTHlcii el Cliurthes, .Sunday Ki'lioelsuiid otherselecteiKanlZ'itloiis, In lu.-ik-liiK their siiiiiuierarraniieiiieiits, should net ui'K icet le rewrvn auay ler I'l-nryu i-ai k. This dellKlillul resort Is situated III thu midst or thu SOUTH MOUNTAINS And Its Kreunds ceveiliiK hiindri'ds of neies are ensy of aci'ess fnini llll parts of central IVnn sylvnnta. Fer the free iinuef excurblenlsts there uiuuxtcuslve CUOQI'F.TANI) LAWN TKNNIS liHOI'MH, LAIttlK DANCINU PAVILION, HANI) .STAND, lilTCIIKN, HASKKT AND CLOAK UOO.MS, iiiidCONSHHVATOItY On the Summit of the Mountain. There Is also a refreshment loom InchaiKeefn competent cnlcrvr, wheii) meals enu he iiiecuriMl at iiKxtcrate rates, a photograph gallery and niimei oils ether uttraetlve feat lues. Ne liquors allowed en the Kroillel". Hxemsleiis Irem all points en the Phlladi'lphla A IteadliiKand UcadliiK A Celiiiuhla Itailreads w 111 hu cut ried direct te thu Park w Itheut change of cms. CeiiipIcIk Itifeniiiitlnn can be ehtuliicd and rn- KaKemeiitsi'lh'Cted with parties from all points en the Philadelphia A lie 'iidlm? and Itcadimr A Columbia Itailreads, upon apiilleiilleu te C. ti. Hancock, Ccuc nil PitHsciiuei'iiiid Ticket Audit, Phlhidelnhlii A He.idlmr Italliead. 227 Simlli Feurthstix'i't, 1'hlhidelphta.l'a., unci with parties ironu.cuanenny npnivintf loine umiersiciiua, la ui, )e. i,ii.ii. j,r..; S'SBK. Sunt. Cornwall A ML Hene Hull read. nun H-3iik1 Lebanon Pa. S iUMMKUOl-MSsTi. EXCUliSIONSANl) PICNICS! Cornwall & Lebanon -AND- Colebrook Valley Railroad. MT. GRETNA PARK, In the heart of thu Seuth Mountain, en thu Hun of thunhevu lead, Is elteicd le Individuals and ussoctutlens Free of Charge. These gieunds, coverlng hundreds of acres. ine easy of access from all parts of Lustcrn l'einisvlvallla. 'ivania. WThorearo MOUNTAIN fiTHKAMS.spanned , span I 1,1,, V-. by rustle bridges: MOUNTAIN bPKlNUH, walleil up with native s.iiuistone SHADY WALKS mill rilOMKNADhS. A LAUHK DANCINrfVAVILLlON, LAUUK DINING HALL. KITCIIKN, DINING UOOM, andTAHLKS, HF.NCIIKS und ItUSTIC SKATS, scattered through the grevu for thu free use of excursionists. LAWN TKNNIS, CUOQUUT, HALL a HOUNDS. BOWLING ALLF.Y, SHOOTING GAL LE11Y', QUOITS XVD FOOT HALL Ale among the amusements offered. Ne Intoxicating Drinks Allowed en the Premises. "lnrtlcs desiring It, can procuie meals at thu I'Altlt HKSTAUH ANT, which will be under the clxaige of Hit, K. M. HOLTZ, the noted cntorerof the who will'eM'iSN VALLEY HOUSE, son, giving It his persuiiursuprVl4ll)lll' the sen- 71?;llrf.1?,,a e ' Ilt en Pennsylva nia It. It. will be carried direct te the Purk with out change of cars. -i:xciirleii rates and full Information cm he obtained und engagements effected with J. C. JENNINGS, C. V. It. U., Lebanon, Pa. Supt. myl3-3md C.&L FUJI BATJS OH JtENT. fTieH S4W50U "itKN-rT " 7T.. vnlliSS.,.'1,ul,t 1,wull"'B " easy terms, situ, ate Ne. 15 bijppun street. ' ""a '" H.FUANIC KSHLKMAN. peu KB At. SntruK;!)n,!i,l,.ep,'v,a,r.u,ltsH & JH'O'SSTOHB, eniruBiuuni,irtlil May 1st. nplS-ttd Hul?diny5'SA. HTONK HOUSE AND niiW-Imq Ae. 407 SOUTJi tjllKHN ST. WOB rent! vruvvv? Jfy Offlces Rt Ne. 45 NOUTH DUKK with "wuluV SIS Cr""-'"1 " fCCt ,0."B' M,",1, wtrJUld U. JTKANK JfSHLEMAN. ii..iv-r uuui un iieiius en me Pennsylvania H.ll. upon iippllcjitleii te OHO. W. IIOYD, As St'.'i"11.,0."0"', I'lfnenKer Agent, P. it. U.,'no. 'a Seuth i eui Hi street, Phlhidelphla, or te VHT uoeva. T011NS.UIVLKH. GEO.F. HATH VON. TO GENTLEmEjN : Wn have new en hand a full line of KNGL181I, KUENCllaiHl AMLU1CAN SUITINGS IN ALL TIIK NKH'KHT HPUINO AND HUM UKII STYLKS, Ulivet from Importers nnd Manufacturers, nt lowdewu cash pilces. We are picparcd te make Suits It) order at shed notice, foreld men, inld-flln-ugdl men, men who dress plain or fashion. able, yiiuiig men who want the very talent cut. We iiuUttt n specialty of milking Heys' and Youth's Clothing. Our Culler Is emi of the hest, most cxyeilenced and pmettcal cutters In Lan cester. We employ nene hiitthe best workmen nnd usn only gissl trimmings, nnd KUiimntee perfect (Its, Our prices nm down t suit the times. AVonlse have en hand n full line of Mining mid Hummer underwear, ler Men and Heys; Uitiua Shirts, sizes M te 'M Inches; .lean Drawers. tle 48 Inches i Hosiery, Moves, Neck, wear, Handkerchiefs, etc.. In the very latest styles and nt the Ieh est cash prices. JOHN S. GIVLER k CO., NO. 2G EAST KING STREET, LANCASTLII, PA. T)HKSH GOODS. WATT, SHAHD & CO, 8 and 10 East King Street, Cable Dress Goods, ALLCOLOUS.10C. A YAUI). FINE COLORED CASHMERES, VAHH Willi:, S'.c. A YAltll. C0PURE DRESS GOODS, NKW bllAHEH.SViic. A YAUI). Satin Berber, Yard Wide, 50 Cents a Yard. 10 In. COLORED CASHMERES, ALL WOOI,,.'i(lc. A YAUI). FRENCH SATIN BERBER, FINK QUALITY, JI.ODa Yard. Asteulidiliii; llarKiilus. 50 Dezen TUUKISH TOWKLS 12H Cents Lnch, W i) rlh 23 Cents. 2,000 Vanh. INDIGO BLUE SATISES, 15c. a Yiinl ; Werth 2Dc. WHITE GROUND FRENCH SATINES I5c.a Yard ; Heal Value, 37K- HEW YORK STORE. J. . MAKTXN & CO. WK AHi; 1IIOW1NU AN KLKl.ANT AiSOItT.MH.NT OF LACK CURTAINS, IN I'.CHU AND WIIITK, Itaiigtiig In price from en cents te fjijiet pair. hPKCIALHAUGAIN In TAFKDKDiJi: LACK CUHTAIN (Cern), Attl.37I"er Pair. Madras Curtains, IN NKW AND CIIOICK KPFKCTS, Frem 3.li Per Pair Up. I.ACH HITNTIN'OS, I.Afi: VI I. LOW SUA MS, IJUAiniCI) PI I. LOW Nil A MS, i.('i:iii-:i)KKT.s, IjACH LAMHUKtllMNH. VESTllUIIiK LACIi CURTAIN POLES. Ill Walnut, Ash, Cheiry and llr.iss. A bpeelal Italgaln In Walnut, Ash and Cherry Peles, com plete, for. V) cents. Drapery Chains, Lambrequin Chains, (limps. CRETONNES. A cemi of English Cretonnes at inc. per yard Aiuuilean Cieteunes al l'ic. a yuid. An Elegant Assoitiiienlor Raw Silks and Jutes, Hy thu jurd, at thu l.eet Prices. Jute and Raw Silk Table Cevers. A3KxpciIenced Uphelstuieis furnished. Cor. West King and I'rince SLs., LANUASTKH, 1'A. OLOTHJJftl. rT HAS COMIC. NVHAT ? THE FIRST OF MAY. When all nutuie robes Itself In gayuttlre; and this lcintuds us that NOW 1 THE TIME TO HUY Spring Suits, Spring Underwear, AND Gents Furnishing Goods, AND THAT Burger & Sutten's nLOTHING DEPOT, Ne. 24 Centre Square. IS TIIH l'LACK OF ALL I'LAOES TO HUY. Yeung man. If you would cut'n dash, Or If you'd e upon u mash, Don't foolish he, or ever-rush Ge whero they de net deal In trash, Norsell cheap corals hecausu they're Hash, tlbuy yourueods low down furcush. BURGER & SUTTON, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTKlt, 1'A. T UK MK1UTS OP MILLER'S BOHAX euAr may ee gaugett by its fust Increasing sales. TUB LAUQKST, HEST AND MOST complete assortment of Playing Cards in the city II em S cents per pack up ut HAUTMAN'S YKLLOW FKONTCIQAH b'l'OUK. ll)llelstel), Depailineiii, J. ll Mark d Ce., new Anrr.nTinr.att:sTti. A WHK1C OF (IHAND COMIC Ol'KItA. Opera Heuse, Commencing Monday, May 18. , I HAKTMYI.lt. Ihh tlie lionerof iirrsenttnp iritlin oHlreimof l.micniitcr the KA1UY PKT OK C O R I N N E. The Prettiest, Bttoecstnnd most talented Prima ana Popular COMIC OPKUAf, under Jennie Kimball, And Her Talented Meuday-MASOOTT, Thureday-OHIMES of NOUMANDY, Tuesday CAPERS, Friday OLIVETTE, Wodnesday GIROFLE, Saturday MaUnoe-OAPERS, Saturday Evening CINDERELLA. The opera will he given with every attention tedetall.nnd will besiipeibly mounted and ant te the lull extent of our elllclcnt company. ' ADMISSION, - - 10c, 20c. and 30c. UKSKUVKHHKATH, 30c. Korsnle at the Opera Heuse. mlltitd vr.eTiiixa. CLOTHING for EVERYBODY With liire nml varied stock ei' Clothing for Men ei' every trade, for Heys and Children of all ages, we are quite certain of meeting the demand of every class of buyers at prices that must give satisfaction. A. 0. YATES & CO., 602, 604, 606 CHESTNUT ST. Phllndelphhi. F INK TAII.OIUNO. 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. The Luigestand Choicest Asseitineiit of FINE WOOLENS IN TIIK CITY OK LANCASThli. All thn Latest Novelties In EANCLYUITIN.G. A CIIOICK LINK OF SPRING OVERCOATING. THE VKKY ISKST WOUKMANSIIIP. Prices te suit all mid all goods warranted us represented ut his new stoic, H"e. 43 Ifertli Queen St. (OPPOslTK TIIK POSTOFUCK.) H. GERHART. L. ANKMAN A BKO. Simply Impossible. We liae clfpiu'il the nliiKt of coiupetltlnn by Hlanlny th) M'HHfiii with urutU'Miiiuti)y th ln'ht ami met HtylNh ( lethin th.it mil te iiiiule lty canutiul hkill, uiul M'lltn It se low that Inucr they rannet ni. It It ltiiply ItnpesHlbli for inslatu-c, te H'cu ic '1ms1uiie thoMhle 11rJcty for a perfectly fcatlbfaeleiy chulculn Men and Beys' Suits Tluit you Unci en our counters. Ien will like our JIKN'S SUITS for fu, te" and flil.CO, are Just built ler this lueuey-savlui; tlimi and will suit you exactly. Our HOYS' SUITS ut 11.73 te l.ril)uiu fast sellers. Our Custom Department Is new and has been for several weeks past in full operation and e'111 net only prepared le recclve and promptly llll your outers ler SPRING CLOTHING Hut will, In advance, giuiruntce you Ciistnm Ciistnm mude Uurinents that can't be snria-.-.ecl iu style, quality, lit of make, by lliesu of many houses lu thu city. All-Weel Suits te Order AT $10, $12, S15.S18, $20 and $25. CAUTION In calculating value consider well Quality, Pattern, btyle, Weikuiuiiship, liudsea hew they lit the pilee. CONCLUSION This Is thu place te buy. I. GAUSIM & BRO, Nea. 00-08 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Itlght en the Southwest Cor. of Oruuge Street,) LANCASTKlt, 1'A. -WNet connected with any ether clothing stere lu the city. A3IVSE3IENT8. A NATOMIOAL KXIIIIUTION. Dr. Hcidemann's Famous Anatomical Collection, Lately liem Kurope, Is coining te Lancaster and will open ul 14 EAST KING ST., SATURDAY, MAY 16. Thu fellow lug Is the endorsement of premt, ncnt physicians and cltlem of Utlcu, N. Y.: IUtlcu..VriW llvrnld, Jan. Kith, 1681. J We, the iimliiSlgiii'd physicians and ethers, of the city of Utlcu, having occupied thn vciy coi cei dlal Invitation et Aiissis. lleiusen A Uollllebte visltlhu Museum of .'luleiny, new en exhllil lien In this city, und having thoieiiKhly In. sjH'eted thu saiuu and feu,.'V the specimens of Intrinsic merit worthy of thu Jencnil public, we de heartily recommend H le t?" putienacu of the citizens el Utlcu: Jaires (1. limit, William ltusacll. K. Fuller. Chailes P. Hsull, Jluttlilas Cook, Churlcs II. Lull, Kdnard '. Stephens, L. Sr. Hegui's. ) myHMwd TTHItST-OIiASS IIOAUDINt'J. JJ Together with the cbolce ef rooms en the llrst or second fleer. Surpassed! by none In thu city. Call en or address, 1 NO. W NOU1III (JUBKN 8T. Table boardera uccoiauedutooS uU-U Denna Soiihrelle Artist llv lug. In a M'lles of New the linniedlalH supervision of ... 30-Star Ariists-30 Ceiup.iuy . vi.eriii.wi. T lllK Increase in Our Business Since our opening tins licen he) end eiiretpecln thins, which plows that thn people appreciate thundvuntages which eiler them, both In en LOW PRICES FOR BESTGOODS AND FAIR TREATMENT. coffer this neck SPKUAL1MH LKMKN'IB IN OP It Beys' and Children's Departments. New Lines of ItliOU N and I1I.1M-. (Tilth. SCItHW SI II hlcs, 4 le II til bheit Punt hulls. Ill te t7 1ll lte sles. Siieclal drive lu HOW lll.t'K PLVNNHL hll n , ID le 17, last colors, at ., nn. Pull Hue of cheaper grades of Ile)s' and Chll iiieirs lieiidi). Mpeilnlty 4(K' te tl.i.. of LIIILDItKN S SIMiy; PVNTS, ll icitalnlv does mil na von te make (hll dreii's (iiiimeuls, us we scll'te e)i at less than you can buy Ihn uiatcilul for. all mid sec. IMMKNM. I.INHOP GENT'S FURNISHING GOODS. CONSULT OUU SHOW WINDOWv Lleven of them full of IlrlKht. New OnnOs II Is te joiiriidvantiige te takeiiliHik thnuiKh our Hteek, as ue claim te lake the lead in that de p.iltmeiil 111 vuilety, ht)leiindleM pi lee . OtTll MOTTO " .Meney retiindeil if uorslsiuenel satisfactory vihenliikin home," holds gesl all the lime. HIRSH & BROTHER'S OMM'UICU Clothing and Gnt's Fumishins Heus, COUNHU Of CHNTIti: (t.n:K-WU! NOJU'll- IJUHH.V S'lltl.HT. w UAAAM&ON it I'OSTKH. BOYS' DRESS SUITS In the New Mjlcs S.iek Ce.it, m.uh sIiikIe hidstcd, high button. Tin" sneep el tin flout Is entliely new anil finite dltrcrciit te anMhiiig el liitrisluced. Our cAti'ulve iiheiiiim nt of Heys' llivs Suits consists of Hioadlneok t i-.l mere, Dahlia and Hiewii Ceikscren Werhlid, llleu.u I'luld and Lifilit ('heck Casnluieie l'uie Indigo llliiu Mitts lu MiddleMix and I.sm Han ueN, ull al the I.atett Fashions mid lit Leut t Prices. ffOKFOLK JACKETS IN A LMIUI. V VHIHTY OF l.ll.lll I) Villi hll VDi: M.VTLIMAL. WD Spring Overcoats, $6 te $20. GENT'S PERCALE SHIRTS. Te Cellars with eaih Shirt, Siic. A bellet OU.ilitv nltli a iili or Cults and tun 4 ellai tl.Kl. Wliile Plaunel Hlejcle Shlits fl (i.i(.li Special Ualcs le (JIiiIp- lllne Flannel Shlits, Ceided ami Pleutid Fronts. The Nesv Nollell. Shlit iu While and Fiiuij Celers. Iuiierted lld'te, plain oleiw, llk eleekid original, pi ice ."inc. We have uuiiUeil them SSe hiiiiimer 31111110 t'ndei'shlrts. 'i,e. :i'Hi and .rK. New ami ti.iuiNoine p.itteniH lu Mlk llaudker chlvls, i'e, SOc, 75e and l.ce e.lell. frLOVES. G-LOYES. Fine 111 ess Kid liinll thu popular eehns. Skin for Driving and silk ami I, Isle Thread. Deg STRAW HATS.. Chlldien's Straw Hals in White .ink Mixed, with Fancy Hands, Me, T.',e and fl.en, IIias' -Ml led Straw Unit., m till Duik Flgiiicd HiindH. 35e Whltunud llleiue IHr.nMi.nv Huts, 2,'ie. Light Cehned Still' Dicks Hats, Il.oe, 1.75, f J,ir0, f!M and $ J.dO. UMBRELLAS Iu Silk Leveiillne, Alpaca, Clerla Cleth and (iltighuiu, Memlu Cleth. Lap Dusters plain and fancy. Lawn Tenuis Shoes, Base Ball Shoes, Bioycle Bldera' Shoea, Of 11 Fine Quality Canvas, in lllack, Itliic, Hiiiivu, While and Drub, wlthMaroeiic'oloiedaiid Light and Daik Tan Coleii'd Toe and Heel Caps of Pebble Geat. A lull lunge et sizes In all culeis. WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32,34, 30 & 38 West King St., LANCASTKlt. PA. UNltEllTAKlXH. TTNDKHTAK1NU. SL.R,R.0TE,C UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Streets, Lakeatii, Vs. I'orseual attention givvn teull eideis. Kvery thing In thu Undeitukliigllneluriilihid. Having secured thu seivlees of 11 II its I class ise chaulc, 1 am prupaivdlodeull kinds el tlpliol tlpliel tlpliol Hterlng ut veiy nioderute u1ecs. All kinds el Furniture Uphelsluiml, Ulve lnua call. L. JunlO-Uu R. ROTE. T KVAN'S FLOUIt. LEVAN'S FANCY ROLLER FLOUR. , Makes Klcu-'it Hread. Fer sale by llreccrt UllUlUllK. 1 jjevan & Seus, MorebantMIUore, UH1C8 ! H H UUXIt I'lllNCE ST, anK7diii ' ti .V ifKi