Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, May 13, 1885, Image 1

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sip; .-fcSiife jmzeumenrar
imotrxixe iieiihei.v axh hek Tire
vuiluuex ix ax ins axe ejieak.
The Wuru! Tragedy Tlmt Whi Kmuted en III.)
llnnka r Carter's Creek, Near I.HHi,
en Tuesday Afternoon-. Crazed mi
the SnlO,ect of JCcllglen.
Atorrible dotible niunlcr, followed hy it
sulelde took place Tuesday anornneti at KaT KaT
freth's mill, en Carter's crock, about two
nnd n-hall miles below Lltllr, which i,lH
created the greatest conslemal ion among tlie
peeple of that quiet and peaceful nolghbor nelghbor nolghber
Iiood. An Insane inethuc took licr (Ive llllle
children te the mill-dam, attempted te drown
them all and nuceeded in drowning two el
Uicm and then drowned hurseU'.
A correspondent or tlie 'Itki,i,ii:nci:u
ne,ir the secne sends the following mrUeu'.
law: Mrs. Hiram l'JUul, who lesldcd near
JtotlwvlUe, this eeunl.y, ami two el her
children wero drewmM r, K,,areli' mill,
dam near Millport en 'i'u'jfiaiy
It appears tlmt Mrs., WuVw HI, flve or
w. k Tuesday after flM011 , ,n0 wunt',,v ,,,
Millport read wl. id, Iwil, , ,-,,.
creek, and who-., Uley m.rhcil J- KalVmll
dan, they slop, te rcjU T ,d
while near the e,,go of t k ,
water is fieni 10 te 15 feet deep, was uncoio unceio uncoie
monlously pushed In by ihe mother. The
his mfeVV,1 "Wliiimernnd felt no alarm at
itwim. ,,OMr lwe ,,r ll, K'rls lllte Ul
he et.K.f girl caught held of npiece or
remlmiMvcd herwir. The
Ji'.uj-jey home with a message te Iho lather
-- Jif.t he w as te hritiR the c-arrlniru : kivIiik hIie
mld net walk back te the house, tlm uirls
Su Uttirdriipiiur wet elethlnK also started for
Jlimuvdu.iviiiK the mether and l e Bin.dlest
ehlldi imi behind. When Mr. ITautr. arrived
Jit tlie I) husi Willi Hiii rl.w.n .t... r. I I....
nireand two children drowned.
Mr. ITautK is a welMenh) larmer, a brother
or Isaac 0. 1'lautz, and no cause can beav
s Ijined rer the rash a.jt, ether tli.ui that Mrs.
llaut. has been bomeuliat melancholy Ter
Hevend mmitliH past, but no oue around her
Had thought for u mouient that sl;e would
ever niake aiialtrjmpt at sulcii'e.
lliu Lritiln liiifti.i. lit .. t .-..i- ...I
- l jS.1"- "" nm iimumuuu nil llillrs-
The story of the murder and suicldespr&id
rapidly, and neon a great throng of excited
peoplewoiogathoredattho spot, and many
wild rumors as te the cause or thecrlmu were
put in circulation.
Jusllce ICoideiilKicli, thojustlceorthoiwaco
liMng nearest Iho secne, empannulled a Jury
and held an inquest, the lelhmliuj named
iwrsens being; selected as .luiers : Ik.i;u! C.
Plan 7, Jr., U. , shealler, 0. W. Kallreth,
V0?!"'.1 WuD rell'i I)jvitl Khrelner and Js.lic
K. llubcr.
Ke oral witnesses wero exanilned ami tlie
follevlni', additional facts were learned :
Mf.H. Plautz, the Insane mother, w.H a
weiiju et line education, mid formerly
tai-.jrfu school hi Mauheim.Penii.and KpliraU
le iTOships, and was regarded its an oxi-ellent
anchor. Her maiden name was Louisa itels
uier. Tuoheor illleun yearsagoshe married
Blinim I'r.iutz, a respectable wclMe-dn-r.irmur
he lived with his father en a geed farm
owned by him, near the sceno or the piescut
trageily. They lived happily together and
wero biassed with u family et bright voting
weititn;i) evkii itnr.ioieus .M.vni;its
Forsemotlmopast Mrs. Pfautz lias been
deeply cencerned in religious matters and
Hpent a Ricit deal of tlme m reading
her IMble and ether religious works,
Mttendlnir roligleus meetings engaging
in prlvate praynr, and conversing almost. o e o
clusivelyen iijllgieus topics. At times she
ves very melancholy, and bewailed whatshe
rcgirded an her own sin mines, and tlie
wIckediMxet of the world. ITer nearest friemls
seniethum rcuieustnited with her en her
needirsH alarm about her eendltlnil,
but tnne of them thought thore was any
dauger or her committing any act or violence
ugal'.ist lieiweir or otheis.
Til AOW'ri ltllll OIUI.DUKN INIO Till: WATWt.
'The eldi'st boy Harry, aged ten yeais,in his
'jitxlemcnt te the jury after relating the cir--mslances
or the walk or the family Irani
their home te the mill-dam saysthat without
vamiug his mother pushed him into the
laiu whcie tbe bank wassleepaud the water
deep, lleswam tewaids tlie shore and tried
te get out, when his mother pushed liini
back again. She then threw in his eldest
sister, Frances, aged 8 years, who struggled
In the water, and he nsMbtcd tier le a
shallow place, Jrem which they niade
their way te tlie opjsislte shle et the dam,
walked up the bank for some distance and
reeresscd the stream en a leg. In the mean
time the mether had thrown her boven-yoar-old
son, Moureo, into the water, and then
with her jouugest daughler, A.M aged
four years and her Utlie, Christian, a year
old, jumped into tlie water, Harry, who is
ail ivlive, intelligent Isiy, uiuuuged te get
Moureo and Lizzie otitef the water. Momeo
w:isH(K)ii resuscitated but Idvie was dead,
Tiie mether, who with the baby In her arms,
was still In the water, clambuied paitlveul,
and told the boy te go home and tell his
father te bring tlie carri.ige Or her as she
wus tee weak te walk home. Taking his
eldest brother and sister with him, Hurry i an
home and told the drcadlul news. The car
lingo was hurriedly sent te the dam when it
was found that Mrs. l'fatit, as seen as the
I'hildieu w oie out et sight, had again plunged
into the stream and drowned herself and
Tlie bodies wore.takcu fieni the water and
cllbrts made te resuscitate Ilium but without
thi: I'oiteNiiit's iNQitusr.
After hairing the facts of the ease substan
tially as above given, .lustlce lteldeuhacli's
jury returned :i verdict that Li.zie I'lautz,
aged four years, nud Christian l'f.iulz, aged
ene year, cune te their death by drowning at
the hands of their mether and that the
mother, Louisa l'faul, committed suicide by
The bodies of the mether and her chlldieu
wero removed te the home of the bereaved
husband who Is nearly I'l.mtie with grief at
tlie terrible calamity that lias befallen his
family. He is well known In tills city, lielug
a regular attendant at the Northern market.
Ills father and mother, Jeseph and Mattle
l'fautz, live with him at tlie farm, llothaie
inimiKiiied health, Mr. 1'fauU bolngasur belngasur bolngasur
feror irem apoplexy, and it is reared tlie ex
citement and grief caused by tliomurder and
hiiiclde may cause his deatli also.
The inquisitions wero tiled in the coroner's
oflice this morning but Coreuor Henauiau
does net rocegnlzo the inijuest held as legal,
inasmuch us tlie law does net iHirinltliim te
luive deputies. He lett for Lttltz at 1 o'clock
te held inquests en the bodies or Mrs. Pf.tuU
and her children.
Ni'iv Lundeii Cuiiih.
"A AOiy amusliig game," sayu the VVnV
Mall (Ittzettt, "is new Isjlng oxteuslvely
placed In Louden strcets. Te play L you
require a heavy Uttle billet of weed sli.irp sli.irp
cued at l)th ends, l'laee your billet en the
ground and wait tilt a stuuiger (Ifpossible
a rospectable and ueipulent elderly gontlo gentlo gontle
mnii)Ls within twenty yanls or you. New
fetilke your billet smai tly en ene efils pointed
ends withn stick. This will cause it te lly
up in the ulr, and you thou propel It in the
direction or the target (the stranger's head),
iryeur aim lias bem true tlie game Is wen.
This benuUrul sivirl is teehulcally known as
'lip-cat.' It may le played anywhore und at
nuv tliuu. Ills Dccullarlv suitable te a wlile
and frequented thoreuguUro at about t) or 10
In the morning." Klderly goutlemcii cross
ing our City Hall paik liave lig boennwaro
el" the oxUteiice or this charming diversion.
The I'liuerat of Mn. lUtliler,
The runerul of Mrs. Mary Aim Klchler
took plaee rrem the rtwldence' et her son-in-
law, Harry U. Martin, e.U laist vinesirjet,
lliis morning uuu was largely juiiei:
Thusorvicea were cenuuetcu by tiev.
11 uric, mho iiitornieni
latter ceumtery,
was inadeHl I
A liniVK AXD A 1WM.T.ET.
Tlie'Hilclil of n Yeung Wire In Allreheny
en Tueitdajr.
"Te-ilay I nui elghlcen years old te-lny
1 die," Tills -was the soutence ponned by
hy Ida l'crshlng, ulUlngidone In nor father's
home en Trouient street, Allegheny, en
Tuesday. Theu picking upu revolver and
prosing the tuuzxle against her right lomple
fthe sent a bullet Inte her brain.
Yeung, beaulirul nnd accoiiipHslied,Mrs.
Ida l'ershlng, noe.Lnngdon, was a ravorlte in
the host society or New Castfe, until rocently
the i-lioMeu filend of a lorge clrcle or ntudeuts
or tlie Pittsburg roiiiiileeollego. Tliroe mouths
age Miss Ida Ijangilen waisent ti that Insti
tution by her paroiitdteconiplato her musical
education. 8he remalned thore for 0110
month, intent upon her studies. One morn mern
Inir In March, howevor, her parents and
nlcndM wero nstenlsliCMt by reading the un un un
liouncemcilt in the morning piqiers that she
had been united in marriage atHU Andrew'H
f hurrh, by Hev. Dr. Wlilte, le Mr. William
l'ershlng, son or Dr. rershlng, iiresldent or
the collcge. Tlie inarriage had been clan
destine. When explanations were asked for
Mrs. l'ersliinirsaldthatsholevedliorliiiHluniil
ilearl y and dovetodly : that he reciprocated
her alfectleu and that they had thought best
te get married.
After the parents had bocemo reconciled te
Iho altered circutnstnuecs of tlin rnunln It km
ilecidcd that they should reside at the cellege
rer a time, ns Mis. Pershing expressed n de
sire loceiillnuo her musical studlds. They
leiualiicd aljeut two weeks and then decided
le go and reside w ith tlie iiarenls et tlie yeunjr
brlde en Tremeut stroet, Allegheny City.
Last Haturdey o-enllig her husband left her,
Kaylngle ihe family he would return home
en Monday, but I10 did net come. Then a
loiter was leceKed from ilni, written Inn
desH)iidcut tene saying that he was
about te loave ter Chicago j that
It would be host in the end rer
them te scpaiate. The wlm still waited,
until, overceuio by thougeiiy nrgrler at the
nmsjioctel a separation, she started out te
hunt him. Nelilndimr him she returned te
her heme ami, after Inditing a farewell letter
te her husband, took up the revolver, which
she had procured In seme way, and siiel her
self tliieugh the tcinple. Some time after
wards her sister cai ried 11 tray containing Iter
dinner up te the 100111 and was horror
stliekcu te llnd Mrs. Pershing writhing hi
agony. Messengers were atonce sent rer
iihyMcIdiis. She Is still Hi lug, but her death
Is only a question etu row hours.
An Onll.nv MinntH Tire Men ami n Little Girl
Intelllgcnce has Iieen recoiled at Wood
bine, Ky,, that another chapter has been
added te the bloody record 1 rthe Hell county
vendetta and the livusoftlie three inore ixir ixir
seus ended by Andrew J. Jehnsen, the noto
rious outlaw and apparently Implacable
demon. On Sunday, as Jeslah Ileskhis,
Jailer, or Hell county, was returning rrem
church, accompanied by se end el his chil
dren and Themas Nanfer, the whole party
was ll red upon by Jehnsen, who was lying
lu wait behind a building in the town et
l'inuille, and Hesklus, his Utile daughler,
ten years old, and Napier were instantly
killed. The weapon used was 11 large re
volver; the llrst shot killed Niqiler and the
second Hiskins and the child, who was
standing behind her rather in the wagon,
with her hands upon ids shoulder.
The assassination is the result nfii dilHculty
between Napier and Jehnsen en tlie day or
the last presidential election, when Napier
was wounded In tlie eye by a shot rrem
Jehnsen's eier-reaily pistol. As seen as
Jehnsen had committed the bloody deed lie
called te his aid two or his friends and they
were entrenched in Jehnsen's hotise at dark
Monday night, defying tlie authorities ami
threatening the llrst person who undertook
the an est or the murderer. Kxcitomeut was.
at favor heat and a was lielug suui suui suui
nioiied te slornijl'ert Jehnsen ami capture
the culprit and his companions. The three
Nrsens killed by Jehnsen Monday swells
the list or his victims te live, all killed in Iho
past three cam.
Hie Miirlj-Miilli Ue-Unlifti.
Al)ut setnt3'-li voelilcoiunuhM of tlie Will"
I'ennsylvania Veteran association wero pres
ent at the regular Ixuiqtict and re-uiileu last
night, at (W Chestnut street, Philadelphia.
This was also the twcnty-llist anuliersary el
the battle of SKittsylv:uii,u Majer Charles
11. Kasnaciit, of this city, president of the as
sociation, delivcicd an address of welcome,
after which the cenixmy sat down te the
table, leaded with all tlie geed things or the
season. Toasts were iosendod le by Cel.
Iloneliio, Lieutenant 1). H. Kiilleu, et Cam
den ; Coleii'jl Drake, United Ktates army,
and Lieutenant Albert Maguluu. Tlie res
ti vllles cle-cd at a late hour. Following was
the bill of late:
Unlit C'lilckcn, Iiii'f Tiinimc, Celd llaui,
Curnt'd Itcef, Filed UjstcrH.
8ai ii,
ttik'Kcn, Lebster, l'utatii.
hiked 'fiiinaliHM. Ciii'iiiiiliurH, (iliriklns,
.Mi ltd I''i, Drcsscil I.cltiiii'.
illxi (,'nkcs, I'eillid Cake, Ice C'l'i'illil.
Km. in. is, Or.uiKci, Unipt'3, Aiiplcs,
Vienna Kells, Fieiich Colfce
OlilH lit Suiillieifi Celle;eH,
The New Orleans Timri-Dcmecriit says
the expei linen t tried at the University of
Mississippi, In Oxford, el admitting girls te
Iho institution with the same privileges as
Iho male students Is 11 pioueuncod success,
dt was but a few yens age thai this uni
versity was thrown emmi te girls, but in that
lime they liave feiced themselves te the front
and this year they wen all the prizes. A
young lady takes the first honors, and will
consequently Is) the valedicteiian. The
senior class will Ixi represented by a young
lady among the speakers, as will also tbe
juniors, while among the comiietltors for the
sophomore priu declamation Is still another
of "the fair sex."
A Fatal Itumtnny in I'ltUlmrj;.
!!y a runaway accident en inland avenue, in
tlie K.isl Kud, Pittsburg, late Monthly night,
Jaincs Walnwriglit was instantly killed and
Jacob Vetler probably fatally injured, while
two olliers ou( ihe wagon sustained pilnful
cuts and bruises. The parly wua returning
from a picnic, when the horses liecanie frigli t t
ened at seme passing object and started down
the hill at a breakneck pace, throwing tlie
moil out or the vehicle, Walnwriglit and
Vettnr roll en thelr heads, and, w hen picked
up, 1he Termer was dead and Vetter uucon uucen uucon
teleiiM. Kuilimliis AililllliMiul l'rorecerahlp.
Frem tlie Itcreiinuil Messenger.
It is witli great ploasure that we aiiiiounce
that at a congregational meeting of the Kt.
Jehn's Itefermed church el Nhamekiii, I'a.,
Hev. T. J. llaeker, pastor, It was decided
that the congregation will hike 11 bend el oue
thousand dellais rer the endowment or addi
tional proi'csseishlps in the theological
semlnaryat Laueester, I'a. This action was
taken notwithstanding the fact that tbe
congregation at the same meeting earnestly
considered the necessity or erecting 11 new
church building in the near future.
Ile Did It With Ills Llllle Ilutlliet.
Geergo W. Lee, u druggist at tlie corner of
IV1111 nveiute and Thlrty-feui 11) street, Pitts
uttrg, decided that he would no longer be
annoyed with telephone poles, and pro
ceeded at once tq cut down ene that steed In
front of his place or business. In putting up
the pole last Friday, Mr. Wilsen alleges that
the empleyes or tlie Central District Tele
phone company did considerable damage te
the loots et shade trees which he had planted
in front of his store
Heb Juiura Get a Geed IlertU,
Washington Dlapatch te Philadelphia Times.
Pennsylvania get oue appolutment en
Tuesday licsldes the completion or that or K.
A. Hlgler te be collector of. tlie Twonty Twenty
chlrd district. 'I his was the selection or
Helwrt Pi. James, for bank exainlner. Thore
tire tliroe bank examiners and James gets tlie
llrst. His appointment is due chieily te Mr.
ltandaU and te Oovcruer Curtiii, his In In
dersers. Areiiblun IlHy,
To-nienovv, Jlely Thursday) or. Aenslen
Day, will be observed by the Episcopal.
Ite'maii Catholie and ether churches. At
old Ht, James thore will be high talobratleii
al 6 u. iu.
The llnllillnc Thronged With Visitors mid
Friend et tlie Umiliiallng CIhm Tlielr
Nainen ninl H11I Jet-taefAilclremtcit lie-
iiiiiiKH liy Dlfttlngiuslii'il finest.
Bpvcllll ColTC.pelHlcilL'0 et Intklliuknckk.
HTitAHnitiifi, May Pi Tlie class of ai held
thelr graduating oxercisos In Mass:i.seil hall
this evening, nud ns Is usual en such occa
sions Iho hall was Idled le its utmost
Leng before the hour appointed ler the ex ex
orcises te begin had olapsed, overy in
tliolieuso wa taken and a row uilnutes be
fore H o'clock, Iho members or the gradua
ting class, headed by Iho beard or directors
and several Invited guests took their places
upon tho'slage and alter the "Viclery March"
by the l'lillliariuenle soelety, the Hev, H. IL
Jseelield made the opening prayer.
The following are the names of the gradu
ates, together with the subjects of thelr
Salutatory ' Acress Llfe'rt Continent," by
Miss M. V. Hlesslngteu.
Oration "Pluck vs. Luck" by Miss Llw.le
Oration" I'atrlelism Kssential
Government" by Mr. Hess 11. Hull,
te l-'rce
-Miss K.
"uiass History ami riopnoey" riepnoey" riopneey"
l' Kspcnshadc.
Class Oration "On the Heights"
-Miss 1:.
ij. carpenter.
Oratloii-"Getting On hi Iho Weild,'
ra. e. iiiciviuuey.
l'resontatlen Oration Miss fM C. Herr.
Valedictory Miss H. K. l'etts.
llcfore the valedictory address County
Kujioriuteudent M. J. Hrecht presented the
members or the Claris with their diplomas.
I'ref. Hrecht lias the hannv fkcullv of
always saying the right thing at Iho right
time, and his speech last evening received
from all the close attention it deserved.
Later iu the eveuing I'ref. Hrecht Intro
duced te the audience Hen, Heitry Ileuck,
who pleased overjbody by his relating boine
recollections or tlie "geed old times."
He was followed by Prer. H. F. .Slisiub, of
Mlllcrsville, who in turn was succeeded by
1 te 1. ueorge nun, 01 tee same school
I'ref. Hull is ever ready te meet any emer
gency and in the present Instance, in an ex
temporaneous sisecli, ellered his congratu
lations and advice te the monitors of the
After Hev. David McKce had ellered tlie
benediction the friends of the graduates
crowded upon the stage, offering their con
gratulations te them, Inspecting the baskets
or llewers, presents etc., and admiring the
stage decorations, tlie work or Mr. Jehn
Hagcus assisted by Mr. Jehn F. Hull; these
gentlemen spared neither pilns nor expense
te make the building as attractive as (xisslble,
and thelr work, elegant hi its simplicity, has
nover been excelled.
A word of praise is due the principal of tlie
school, I'ref. Meyer, and his assistant
Though laboring under the disadvantage
or being total strangers hi their oitleiis, the
high order of talent displayed by the gradu
ates, showed them le liave Imjeii subjected te
a course or training as elegant as It was
Among the many visitors or the commence
ment was noticed the smiling eountauauce of
Mr. Charles 11. Keller, ex-principal of the
Mr. Keller Is a universal favorite lu
burg, and many were the icgiets expressed
in fliat he did net uiuken speech te his towns
folk. Stmshurg has geed reason te congratulate
herself upon the success of her schools, and
siuee the high school graduates are fitted te
pass ihe preliminary entrance examinations
of any or our colleges, such priile Is well
...;; in- mm steitatheis.
I.eltlii CeiM-r' IlralH Viucil liy lllen Frem
a hlietel.
Lollie Cooper, aged ll years, or Ne. 1,812
Montgomery uvcnue, Philadelphia, died sud
denly en Monday night, and Dr. Feruiad
and Clerk Dena!, or the coronet's elllce,
wero .sent te investigate Ihocase yestcnlay.
They ieiind the child's Imdy rrlghUully
lacerated. Lulgl Onofri, w he is Lettie's skq
r.dher, ackuevv led god te punishing the child
with a heavy strap, and also te hitting her
with a shovel. Thoshevol was produced and
It was round that the handle had been split
nil by a blew which the Inhuman slepfatlicr
had struck the girl. A pest-mortem exami
nation disclosed the fact that the girl had 110
bleed iu her v elus, and that she had died
Irem hemhorihageortho brain, caused by a
w euud supiosed te liave been made by the
shovel. ()u learning the facts Clerk Denal at
once an, and looked him up III
IhoTiventy-lliIrd district station house le an
swer the charge of having murdered the girl.
Onllriisau Italian, and Is the husband or
MIle. Turnoure Cook, a trapo.e iierformer,
who Is new with Foiepangh's circus iu Cin
cinnati. They were married about oneyear
age, after Mrs. Cook had !con divorced Irem
her husband iiirittsburg. The woman had
four children by her first husband, all or
whom Onofri has abused al dill'ercut times.
Mrs. IC. Wilsen, or Ne. 1.81U Montgomery
av enue, states that 11 few days age Onelrl Hed
the boy up by the thumbs and kept him thus
suspended while lie shaved all the hairfrem
hlslicad. The girl Uitlie, who died from the
punishment received, was en Huiulay lied
hand and feet nud lelt in that tmeomfeit.abln
jHjsitieu all day, and at intervals Onelrl would
whip her vvltli a knotted rejie or a heavy
strain Onerrl en Monday night became
alarmed at the girl's condition "and called iu
Dr. Jehnsen, of Columbia aveuiie : but when
he arrived Iho girl was dead. Onofri is a
fresco-painter and pajer-haiiger by trade.
He will be held te await the result of the
coroner's iuquesL
A Horrible I'ane of Cruelly.
Piin.Aimi.i'iiiA, May l'i The Inquest en
Iho body oriUtle Lollie Cxk, wlie died
from Inciting rwelved at the hands or her
stepfather, Achllle Onebl, the contortionist,
and husUmd of M'lle Tumeur, the trape.Ist
was held by Deputy Cerenor Ashhiidge this
morning. Onelrl was present under guard,
mid looked pale and nervous. The ovidenco
against Onofri was overwhelming. Neighbers
testified thai he iiequcntly licat thochildren'
orhlsvvife. Dr. Jehnsen, who was called lu
w hen the child was dlscovercd le be dylifg,
tcstllled tlmt he found en calling Ouefri
rocking hliuseir te ami Tre with the dead
girl lu Ids arms. When told she was dead
Ouefri cried out violently that he did net
mean te kill her. The coroner' physician
testified that the child dled rrem starvation
nud tlie beating the had received.
The primary cause was tlie beating, lliore
being marks of violence en her back, arms
and head, and cuts en her race. The host
ing, it was test i Hed, was done with a thick
cell of reK) and n shovel. The veins or the
victim's body were almost empty showing
that prefuse bleeding had ensued.
Crcmutleii oTMaJer I. ford.
Tlie cremation of the body or Majer Hle Hle
phen C. Lyford was taking place at the Lull Lull Lull
castorerematorluni as we went te press yester
day. The cremation was entirely private, no
perilous being present but the friends who
accompanied the leinalns te this city, and the
guard or honor appointed by the military
authorities. .
The ashes wero remeved rrem the retert
this morning. They weighed tlve pounds
four ounces. They wero enclosed In a tin
box, placed in the cellln in which the body
was brought te this city, and the cellln was
then shipped te Washington, wliore It will
be Interred in the Arlington cemetery.
lleutlug the City hybleaui,
The gontlenien iiiteiaded In the project or
heating the city bystcaiti held a meeting last
eveuing. A large amount et block, amount
ing le fJO.OOO or 10,000 was subscribed for.
Mr. Holl.the prealdent of the ceiiiiiany.whlch
contrebTi the system, and ilolly,the son or tlie
inventor and ougineor or the company, wero
present. Ajiiotlier meeting will be held 011
Saturday eveuing in the room or Kepler's
hardware store, when a permanent organiza
tion will be ii'octed. Bteck subscriptions te
the amoiwt4r?l&e,ooo will be wanted te put
me coin pan w" muftuig utuui.
i " .
pa., Wednesday,
The LiuiMMtcr Club Agsln Defealetl by
Score el 11 te 7.
The Lancaster club was again boalen by
thoJersoy Clly yesterday. Wchsell pllched
for the visitors and was hit much harder
than Hmlth In Monday's game. The home
learn seemed te find no diU'cuIty al all lu
felvlng his dclivery and Nick Hr.ulley led
at, the with two doubles mid a single.
The batteries or both clubs had plenty el
errors, The seore was :
11 III V A
1 0 'I !
2 2 2 0
12 2 1
12 11
11 0 7 II
0 0 14
"7 iit i 12
Frhl, 1......
fiitkiir, I.,,,
Ilemnil.e. ..
1 II
I) 0
2 e
Ill lllllll. '.',.,
M'Tiim'y, cf
nniiiirjr, 1...
IhiKhc, p .
laiiig, ss. .,
eiiiiicy, sh.
Donald.. 1...
y 7
N f
.flOlilllelil. rf.
0 1
O.JUauk, 1
7 IVulKul.ii..,
1:1 1
15' Total
(I 2 2 (I I 0 0 0 2- 7
1 a a a 0 2 1 1 x-11
Jersey Clly.
karned hum lcrscy City
Tire Ijiise lilln JlcDentilcl. .
, . t ...... .... .
3Icl.nuulillii, Until-
icy t-). 1.011 011 iiaes iitkcv city, H: l.ancus
Icr, s. Klrtickeiit Inisey City, & l.aiiciiHtcr.A.
Hum en halls Jersey Clly. 2f ljimati:r, 2.
liases en errors Jersey rilv, .'; bnnraxtcr, 8.
I'nvi-fl lialls-Cilir,2; lluirmil, 2. Mild pltcbis
Hushed. -1 1 Wclrcl. A. Ttinn nr iritmn Tun
hour. Uiiiplru tpitnii.
Dlniiieiiil Dttts.
Hase4ball yedcrday At 1'lilladelplil.i:
I'hlladelplil 17, Dotrelt, 8 ; at New Yerk :
Chicago, 10, New Yerk,!!; at l'rovldcnce:
I'revldunce, 6, Hulhile, 1 ; at Hosteii : Ht
L011IS. .s, Jlosten, 0; at lyouisville: Ieulsvlllc,
10, Athlntle, r at Cincinnati : Cincinnati, 5,
Mcts,;at Pllbdiurg: Pittsburg. 8, Hrook Hreok Hroek
lyn, ljatSI. Ixiuls: Haltliuere, 10, .St. Leuis,
:t : at Newark : Newark, , Trenten, - i at
Wilmingten: Norfolk. II, Wilmington, I.
Ilet. and Avery, et last year's Yerk club,
liave been signed by the Ironsides.
The Itanciislers epcii the Miasen al liouie
viith the Newarks te-morrow. They play a
viet weather game In Jersey City te day.
Over l.oeti people witnessed the gafne bo be
tween tlie Nuwaik and Trenten yesterday.
Tlie teams are very muchiirrald ereach ether,
and would rather close tle than play extra
Pierce, or last year's Yerk club, who has
Isen playing en the Norfolk this season, was
releast'd yesterday. He Joined the Wilming
ton rltyb. He Is a line batter.
Oftlv game iu Jersey City, yesterday, the
New Yerk .Vim says : "The batting was
heavy, and many line chances were given te
iiioeuiuemcrs. lirauiev s play at leu held
for the v Iclers, ami MeTamaiiy's ccnlre field
play for tlie visitors, were the features of the
.1 TEX-VEAB.UIM CI. I. It Jit! It.
TholMiigeons lVat or n Uttle Lail In Clii-sh-r
F10111 llMtUAfnrU I'nss.
.Samuel II., a ten-year-old seu or Jehn
Il(sjps, whose I'arjii ;lJeins out Isireugh,
pcrlenncd a cliinhlug feat en .Satin day
evening that lays ever any we have heard
or lately. Mr. HnopeV poultry yard lias
liecu troubled by incursions or chicken
hawks, visiting Irem their H'lido.veus In
the adjacent weeds. Having discovered
the neat or a pair en it large black oak tree,
ever fifty feet rrem the ground, ene day last
week Mr. Hoeics 11 red a heavy charge or
shot Inte It, when the hawk sailed et) un
harmed. Ills boy observed the proceeding
and returned te the house with his rather.
On Saturday evening Mr. and Mrs. IIoejkjs
drove into Oxford ami in their absence
.Sammy thought he would inspect that
hawk's nest and see after its contents.
As seen as his parents lelt home, without
telling any one, he went le the weeds and
proceeded le climb the tree, going up the
big trunk ami out the projecting limb en
Which the nest was built almost as agile as a
squirrel. Iu the uest he round live eggs,
four of which he hastily placed in the side
peckels of his coat, the tilth being broken by
the shot it is Muqiesed, ami descended te the
ground without breaking 0110 or the eggs!
When he went home and related his adven
ture his parents could scarcely believe him,
but the proerio.sitivo lay iu therggs. When
asked It the tree was hard te clhnn, Sammy
said "no, only when he get te the big
limb wlioie tliure were no branches
te held oil te; but when he saw
the eggs hi tlie nest he steed up and
ran along the limb te them and burned back
liefore he had tlme te think el falling."
Could auvfuiaii iierferm such n feet us this
lad walk ten fectetit a horizontal limb M
feet from Iho ground and climb down the
big body m"u trce witli his pockets lull et
eggs and net break ene et" tliem t We wet
net. Sammy Hoeihjs Is certainly the champ champ
Ien egg gatherer of Chester county. Hut It is
dangerous business taking them from
hawks nests, nud we want te persuade lys
from doing iu Mr. lloepes bieiiglil the eggs
te our elllce en Monday. They are larger
than guinea eggs, whlte with bluish lingo.
Tlie hawks are of Iho long-tailed species, the
worst dcspollers or the c'.ilckeii yard.
a i; rivreur.
WbUlilllu Lancaster Ki-pn-M-n tallies llilprd
lu llrlnc About.
The Heuse or Hepresentatlves has railed te
piss the anti-discrimination bill. The meas
ure is net killed, hew ever, as 11 reconsidera
tion will be moved within Iho live days
allowed by tlie Heuse rules, and certain
modifications will he imposed which will
strip the bill or every legal objection that has
liecu urged ugainst Us iassage, and still loave
the mcasure lu a practical and clfcctlve form
without sacrlllclng a single princlple for
which the friends of the cause have been
contending. It is believed that iu its present
shape the 'bill can be rushed through the
linuse ami neuaie, uespuu inu pewmnu
inlliieuces that are arrayed against- U. On
final pissage the vete was 88 yeas te 87 nays,
net 11 constitutional majority voting for it.
Tlie following members rrem this county
voted against the mcasuie :
H. T. DiiiIh,
W. II. llrenhiK,
M. IIvIiIkIImiikIi,
.luhn H. Kniiiper,
Henry H. II00K.
D. 1). Coiutney was recorded among the
l'eatniaster Appointed.
Washinoten, D. C, May 13. The piosl piesl
dent te-day appointed the fellow lug post pest
masters: Harvey T. Suavely, at Hawlins,
Wyelliiug, Vice James France, resigned ;
Albert C. Snyder, at Choyenno City, Wyo
ming, vlee Jehn W. Jenes, resigned ; Geergo
W. Kvans, at Ocean Greve, N. J., vice Hen
ry II. Heagly, resigned ; Henry Klngsley at
Schoharie, N. Y., vice 1. H. Clark, leslgued;
Win. II. Cullingswerth nt Hlehmend, Va.,
vleeG. K. Gilmer, commission expired; Dan
iel Ltddellsat Godsdeu, Ala., vice AVhllley
T. IJwiug, commission oxplred ; Jacob G.Van
HI)en, at Hutherlbrd, N. J., vice W. 1L Hto Hte Hto
vens, commUsieii expired ; Cliarles Jllittou Jllitteu Jllittou
heuse, at Hackottstewii, N. J., vice llebert
Hushing, jr., commission expired.
Giant' Condition W'erne.
Nuw YeiiUf May 13. Ocn. Grant did net a comfertablo night last night. Ile was
restless and the usual hyjiodermio injection
of live drops of morphine Tailed to'iiiduce
sleep. He had talked tee much vi ith visitors,
and the swelling in his threat had se much
increased as te cause him severe pain. He
did net get te sleep until II o'clock, but rrem
thatheur up te U o'clock tills morning he
sleqt with short Intervals or wakefulness.
When he arese he complained of tlie swelling
in liis threat and appeared te be iu a poorer
statu or health than for soveral weeks just,
I Censul at Havre.
wasiiinqten, D. C, May 13. Tlie presi
dent te-day appolnted Ferdinand F. Dufals,
or S'ew Yerk, te be United States consul at
ietler llthl.
The lollewing loiters are held at the Lan
caXter jiosteHlco for losL-ige : 11. V-. Hamlin,
Walnut stroet above Seventh, Heading, I'a.;
Alfred C. Gibsen, IS! Walnut street, i'hlhi
ddphlu, I'a. Fer belter directions letters
addressed te Mrs. Carrle Stamui, Adams
eejunty, I'a. W. H. Hmdferd, Heulant, Wall
cflunty I ana a package etitifpssed ta lr,
Ailiuurieii K. vvge, sss uovvare:
may 13, 1885.
Motion le Initrntiltely l'oalpenn the Krreu
hlerntleii or Monthly' Vele Carried hy
811 le 8K Te Aiiirml Iho Menu
tnrlat Apportleniueiil.
llAiiuiMiiuite, May IX In the Heuse
nearl) two hetim wero consumed In discuss
ing the bill requlrlng prlvate banking Insti
tutions le make ropertor llielr financial con
dition te the nudlter gcneral, and providing
for the examination of lliese banks In the
event or the violation or tlie law. Ilssup Ilssup
perlcrs nrgued that such a regulation was as
necessary Ter the security or lla deiKwiters
and Its opponents that 11 would he an In
fringement or private rights. The llrst sec
lien was defeated yeas 7 1, nays 85 and the
bill foil Inconsequence.
An eflbrt was made le reconsider tlie veto
by which tlie autl-dlscrliniuatleu bill was de
feated. Hillings said the Senata bill would
beamcuded te meet, all objections IT tlie veto
were roceiisidorod j unless this wero done,
null-discrimination legislation would beat an
cud at this session. A motion te Indefinitely
poilpine tlie preposition te reconsider was
adopted yeas b'J, nays b& which kills the
lu the .Senate a resolution was adopted
without oppisltlen, recalling from the gov
ernor the senatorial apportionment bill with
a view te its amendment, removing the ob
jection made against it by the governor.
The rest of the session wa cenfhr. d l,
consideration of the anthracite mining bill.
The soldiers' burial bill was signed hy the
presiding oil leers of both Houses.
Tim llt-rperale Cll'ert .I11I111 lux .llade In Com
mit Hiikhh'.
Yesterday alteruoen, Jehn Fex, a 0110
armed peddler, attcmpteil suicide near
Keths-villc, whlle iu a lit or despondency by
plunging 11 knlfe Inte his abdomen. The
wound is about four inches long and may
prove fatal, espirt or the eiuciitiim is tern
out. Fex Is about 50 years old. A few years
age he lest his right Tere-arm in a railroad ac
cident and slnce he has been traveling
through tlie country peddling. Dr. Hoe Hee
huck, or LIIU4 dressed the wound, alter
which Fex was taken fe the Lancaster county
hospital. Dr. McCrcary reiierts his case criti
cal. Fex was in I-incister en Monday and
purchaseil g'sslsat Falmesteck's, after which
no paite)k eT leTrcshments and started for
l'ex lias been a jicddier Ter years, and Is
known In this city where he usually pur
chases goods. He had no permatient place
or residence. OT late he lias been en a big
spree. Four vtccks age he stepped ever
night at Win. Hclmi's King of Prussia hotel
and left behind a small bundle of goods.
Yesterday be again visited the hotel nud was
given ills package. He looked as though he
had been drinking hard of late. The place
where he attempted te take his llfe was hi
Melliuger's weeds, near Hothsville. On Mon
day he purchased a knife at a stere iu Lititr.
Henry llurll.liin, of I.aiiciuter, Sheet Hhnsnlf
In UmiKUwlille, llerks'Ceiiiity.
Hpcclal Dispatch te the I.stum.kik.sckii.
KiMDiNii, Pa., May 13. Henry Hertkins,
aged B2 years, of Iaucaster, a qieddler, went
te a stere iu DeuglassvUle, this county, early
this morning and purchased a revolver. He
then left and a Tew moments later put three
bullets into his brain. He remalned con
scious for seme tlme after the sheeting. He
said he was a soldier in the First Pennsyl
vania reserves under Cel. Hebcrl, nnd that
Solemon Sprccher, eT Lancaster, knew him
very welL lie cannot live. He was under the
Impression that he had xxn ceurt-martialed
and was te be shot te-day.
Mr. Sprcchcr being called upon, said he
could net recollect any man of that name,
although he iiiayh.ive known him at 0110
tlme. Hales' history of the Pennsylvania
Volunteers shows that Henry Hertkins en
listed iu Ce. IC, First regiment, July 10, 1801,
ami was discharged en asm genu's ccrtltlcate,
date unknown. The company was recruited
In Adams county.
A. Can eT (iiiiiimnder hxpliHles In it Cell tr.
Hai.i'i.meuk, Md., May IX At 1 l:30o'cleck
last night a largecan of gunpowder exploded
iu tlie cellar of Theodora Lear's resilience,
Ne 112 William street. The explosion
cracked and bulged out the front and side
walls of the house, tere up Iho fleer of'tlie
parlor and et the entry leadingtothoilinlng leadingtethoilinlng leadingtotheilinlng
rooni, shattered window glass and made a re
port which aroused Trem sleep everybody
living within three squares. Mr. Lear, wife
and four children, and Iticliard K. Crist were
asleep In the house at the time, none of
whom were injured. Mr. Irfar is foreman
at Hakcr Hros. it Ce.'s glass factory, the
union glussblewcrs of w hich are en it strike,
and he attributes the explosion le the fact
that lie is net a union man, and lays tlie ex
plosion at the deer of Iho organization. A
reward of $1,000 lias been ellered for the ar
rest and ceuv ictien or Iho ierictraters of the
A Dry Geed Men lutut
Palsiyua, N. Y., May 13. Hermann Les Les
eor, dry goods merchant, disappeaped Trem
his boardiugheuso Sunday night and has net
liceii seen since The only due te his vvhoro vvhero vvhore
ubouts is a letter whidi was left, in his trunk
nud feuml by his landlady, Mrs, Kguloslen,
stating that he had decided te put an end te
his lite. Mr. Lesser Is a man rather below
medium height, about sixty years old, vvear-J
Ing a moustache. He was unmarried.
Thu Tunnel Srlieine l'lriii.inelitly hhelted.
Londen, May 13. The press generally
congratulate Iho Heuso or Commens upon
again rejecting tlie channel tunnel scheme.
Tlie overwhelming majority (SMI te vj) by
which the second reading or the bill was
roTused Is regarded as a wmaneiit shelving
eT the project. The time-worn arguments
that the tunnel would bonclltenly France in
poace or war are revlvcd.
l'leaillug ler the Mermen.
Washington, D. C, May 13. Jehn T.
Calne, the Mermen dolegate fiein Utah, ac
companied by Jehn Cannen and Jehn Tay Tay
eor, sons or two or the leading dlguataries or
the Merinpn church, called at the oxecutlve
mansion te-day nnd proseutod te the presi
dent and elaborate pretest against the "un
just enforcement of the oppressive Kdmuud's
A Hie llllUuul Mulch In Cletelunil.
Ci.i;vki.ani, O., May 13. The llrst 1,500
points in the 3,000-peInt straight rail match
ler f 1,000 a side between Kugcne Carter of
Clevclaud, and Harvey McKcnna, of Detroit,
was played at Trehsln hall last night. Car
ter llnlsh'ed 708 pehna In theleail. Highest
run SS39 average SB, 45-73. The remaining
,1,&00 points will be played te-night.
TlXKGltAMi IN UltlliF.
Jeseph Morgan, jr., has been appolnted by
the iiresldent a member or the beard of forti
fications. The large brovvery el M. Hrand it Ce., en
i: Is ten avenue, Chicago, was badly damaged
by llre this morning. Less f 100,000.
'The examination eT witnesses in the Clu Clu
verius inurder trial was begun in Hiohnieiul
this morning.
l'resident Cloveland is cxifccted te attend
Hunker Hill Day celebration ill Hosten, June
17, en his way te the National. convention of
Grand Army Pasts hi Portland, June Si2.
AU the Lomeut, Ills., strikers went te
work this morning that could get ,verk.
There Is quite a surplus net wanted. The
troena will nrelmblv lie withdrawn to-mer-
two cempmium ei pmiua iwmam.
Haj-s the AilniliiUlmllen Must Trent
lloemcr anil Cuttle Men Alike.
Kansas Citv, Me., May 1:1. Captain W.
D. Couch, the Oklahoma leader, spent yes
terday lu tills clly in company wllh the
willow of the lale Captain l'ayne, who came
here te leek nftcr seme Insurance mallow, re
turning iu the evcnlng te Caldwell, where
the colonists are camped. Speaking or the
condition eT tlie colony, he said ll new num.
bored nbeul two hundred men, the rest hav
ing relumed te thelr homes leawalt thoao theao thoae
llon eT the president. 'Certain parties"
says CapU Couch, "in order te make capital
out eT our coiiservatlvenesM, said that we had
disbanded. This is net tlie case. The oelo-
IHsW, relyhiK- upon Iho Tailh of Iho admlnls.
trallen, liave geno home te await the result
or the negotiations le lxi held with the In
illiuiK. They are prepared te assemble at a
moment's notice."
"Yeu are sangiilne as le the outcome of
Iho negotiations?"
"1 am, IT tlie commission authorized by
Congress Is appointed. It Is about tlirte the
administration was doing something. Tlie
order excluding the cattle men has noyer
been en forced, although tlie tlme allowed
them has about elapsed. We are tnerely
waiting te sce what the president Is going le
de, and ir he docs net 'lire' tlie 'Damns'
aftcru reasonable time we shall claim (he
privileges granted the cattlemen and at
tempt te enter Iho disputed territory again. I
liave Just writieu Secretary laiiiar about Iho
mailer but have received no reply as yet."
" De you think further legislation by Cen.
gross Is necessary before tlie territory can lie
"Ne, I de net. Tlie last Congress author
ized the president te open negotiations with
the Indians, ami If this is done, thore is no
doubtasalisfacteiy treaty can be obtained.
We would net liave leawalt the confirmation
or the treaty, but could settle en tlie land and
let that coine afterward."
lllK Couicnlleii ur it Well Known llem-lltinl
OrKiinizatiuii In SI. Limit.
St. Leuis, Me., May 13. The tlilitccutli
annual convention of the Supreme LodgeoT
the United Suites Knights or Hener" began
lis annual session lu this city yesterday. Su
preeo Dh color Gen. F. D. Shrat, of New
Haven, Conn., pre-ided. Thiity-hix states
repiescnted by 112 delegates, who in turn
represent 130,000 members or :vr- subordi
nate ledges. Itst night, at Mercantlle Li
brary hall, Iho at ledges eT SI. Leuis and
their :yj00 members tendered Iho stiprcilie
ledgo a reception. Mayer Francis and J udge
MeKeagcn, delivered addresses or welcome.
Hespenscs were made by I en era 1 and
Maier U A. Uratz, or Knexvllle, Tcnn., su su su
prome vice dictator. The first ledgo el the
Knights or Hener was organ I .oil at St. Leuis,
Ivy., iu lh71! hy J. F. Deinarce. It is a bou
ndary organization, as well in a fraternal
society. Assessments are oue dollar
These are new about 518 a year ler eacli
member. This gives 5,(nX) insurance le
deceased members. One assessment, how
ever, pays GO death losses with the present
membership. Over $12, have been paid out
te families. l,ast year Iho disliibulieiis were
Swindled hy IVIlew Italians.
CniUAoe, May 13. Frank Hotime ami
Teny Muscoralle, Italians, were arrested yes
eorday 011 the charge of obtaining money by
r.dse pretenses. It Is alleged that in collusion
witli (icorgeAlbatlauo, el Indianapolis, the
prisoners collected IWl I Lilians iu Chicago
and ellered then lucrative employment en a
railroad, the positions le le given them upon
the payment of fe.U) each. Monday night
the squad eT Italians went te the dcjiet, but
were notable te llud either or the men who
had Liken their money.
11 EAniEii I'jieiiAim.i rn:..
The Cmnlilleii of Iho ltaremcler ninl Thei--nieineteritml
Iiidii-itieiis Ter Ihelorrew.
Wasiiinhten, D. C, May 13. Fer the
Middle Atlantic .states, local lainsaud iurtly
cloudy weather, generally followed by fair
weather, variable winds, preceded by
northeasterly winds, stationary tempera
ture. Lecal rains liave oceiined hi the Lewer
Iake region, the Ohie Valley and Tennessee,
the Mhldle Atlantic, Seuth Atlantic aud
Hast (Juirstalcs, except iu the Middle and
Seuth Atlantic states, fair weather new pro pre
vails iu all districts.
The temperature has risen slightly in New
Hnglaud, the lTpper Lake region and Iho
net Ihorn poitien or Missouri Valley; in all
ether dlstilcts it lias remained nearly station
ary. Tlie winds iu New ihigland are
southerly, and northeily iu the Seuth At
lantic blatcs ; in ail oilier districts they aie
light and variable.
Fer Thursday Warnier,r.ilr weather Is In
dicated for the districts 011 the Atlantic coast.
Reported Wholes. ilu Slaving of Ne;i ee.
Ski.jia, Ala., May 13. The lynching eT
Scipio Atkinson, who had threatened te raisq
an lusurieclinii against the whites, is causing
great excitement near Calera. Tvvoelhor ne ne
geoes have disappeared, and it is icoiled
that they also have been lynched. Tluee
hundred white men are said le have formed
a vigil.ince cnmmittce te hupjiress insurrec
tion and all the men in tlie county are under
anus. Deports are moagre and It is net
actually known hew many negiees liave been
Tragedy Canned h) 11 II.11I Weman.
Lincoln, Nek, May 13 Vt about ene
o'clock yesterday morning Lew Jehnsen, a
freight conductor en the Burlington v
Mlsseurl railway, went le his heuse and
found Kd Leng, a ledger iu the house, a
switchman of the Hurlingten read, In a room
witli Mrs. Jehnsen. Leng ran te his room
nn stairs. Jehnsen followed, ami shot him
twice, iullicling wounds which will be fatal.
Leng get his revolver und roturned the tlie,
a bullet striking Jehnsen near the heart.
Jehnsen died in half an hour. Ile and Ids
vvil'e had had treuble and were about te
separate. Leng had been her pirameur for
seme time, and they were iiilutiialcd with
each ethor,
Disgust titer the beudaii Abandonment.
C.viite. Mav 13. Mr. Gladstone'saunounco-
ment of the abandonment of the Soudan
campaign causes something Hie eonstorua eenstorua eonsterua
llon among the F.ngllsh residents. Thore Is
much complaint nmeng the commercially In
terested classes and a general dssortieti or the
country by Uuiepcaus Is predicted. The
military, howevor, are pleased by the cessa
tien of an inglorious campaign.
Net hound Alan In Fifty Coin lei.
AunuitN, N. Y,, May 13. A draft eT fifty
convicts from the Sing Sing prlseu reached
the prison hore this morning, and lliore vv as
net a sound man among them, net ene lit te
work. The draft was made bocause It costs
less te support thorn hore than at Sing Sing
and thore It plenty et room In this prison.
Kind Werd ferim American TcniiW l'lujer.
Londen, May IX All the papers contain
articles concerning the International court
tennis match. A very cordial tene is adopted
toward I'ettlt, the American contestant. 11U
prowess is rccegulzed, and the hont'lsex.
pros-sod that thore will be a fair lleklandne
A Medal for DohiBethlug.
Suauin, Muy 13. The New Seuth Wales
government will give a iniuW te every spl spl
dler serving in tlie present 'campaign, as a
memento el' fellow-servlco witli tlie Austra
lln contingent. Thlsucllen grwlly pleases
the Uritlsli troop
M,ppmi , j
BATX .Ofl!
k H
nr ee
A Great VMer
Troeiw The
of the JV
reeolvciler tin
place wad car
having been di
ments at the is
Ml -J . Ll 1
ylXlrNewMfeaiiiUHt M
antdie at tmumchp. D r '
d erflilMOMIrflN.I
it TrtiWhlW MHt'en U' ,(1,.
eftliJbayb;,l- it
charge was 111.1
who behaved a
without flinch I
General Mlddl
" ITyeu iwrsis
talnhig our we
tnassocre the i
Mlddlcteu seiil
his women am.
It would net be
Later Hlel h
ten Ter his li
women and ch
attack was com
scnger te say I
the troops relh
massacrelng th
te. It came t
ey inotfueyM'roTii
drably ami Hl?eir
. iftiolheiila liiaMe
inierlylnHw Ay
1, bring lipen hmi
pi had chlldrMV "t
tr 10-.S3 In eitirlMM:'f
liar en lutoeft heu
cdunen ".k-i&i. I
une prom fee: ''te ')' tlwla
. But Jat,aa .rtwnVl
rued he soai'aaeti me-'
'inet likewarat. uilaA'J
'ihe original kite ferrJar
rh eners weMTlx) JheresI'?
te, Tlie charjijrflia" ilrea!yu
cemniLiiced nn
were scattered
The list or the
ing Is as fellow
Killed Capt
Fitch, Koyal
Houlton's troej
corps ; Private
vate llardcsty,
ques; UOtli; a
ill a tew miiHHes "in rcuM(j
nn 1110 prfMMere Twueaiy
tialtlca ht-MeBuav (gh
mnFreneb;i)u Ueu
-rcnadiers; capt. row
w.r. . KiPBen, t r ovetr
user, IWtli bMtal u Prt-J
hbiUitlen'. T I . 1 .Vi
a.te J)lllles. and fet'ng j 18
otseu aud Sert ml Jae-fiil
sllhUy; Lieut. Ii,Utvelf1
uorperat lien ollil'rtvaterf. QiUcIpt ana'
Harten, el'Mic ,' d battalion t Majer Dav
son; Lieut. Iildlaw- Prlrates .'oeka
Gaughan, IUrh ur, IL'WilseB, andMarshallJ
Grenadier, 1111 f.erIOUsly, .
Father Maeli
vns found lu Mnnite, '
llateuche, shot,
net seriously.
Lash, Peter an
A dispatch fr
Gen. Strange h
katchewan te
Is bo'Jerod-by reK s, ba
0 priseners: rescu wer
m TAinnlrlna.
ndtnonten announces thitife
geno down tue iveru as-fiiil
fUiLl ftfl
at fin in ueaw, -. auacit ;?
tllAl hoot ,1it.lil lrbu Iiaah in
: ..... , , . .. . vj
llig Hear, and Hi
made ere this, t- ill" Sergeant T. M Mitcliclirrl
eT the Reval G.t ledlers. is. luverdin le nn.' SM
ether dispatch, non? the vyeundi 1 at.Ji-3j5
teuchc, having Leen slightly wodnded In the C-f
left eye.
The latest disfsdeli gives ihe following 1st
of casual ties an the nature of Injuries; Mk
kitliilien. I'riv de Alax Ynuntr. tlidit llesh ;
wound lu thlcti: Sereeant Jakes hi hahd.'?'1!
utlf-l,. I'nrrnr I T CI flDU. In ullnl.l fS
"-ft"-. .,. w. v, -....b.. ... v...., n,.,,,. , 'rA
Sergeant Majer Watsen In hand, slight. "38
Grenadiers Ld'iiC Laid law, wounded slight.;
iytiMjer iiaiM)e, in unttie, might. .sur.-"j
vewm . jn. uippen, 01 rertn, out, shec&'d'
tlmghhcad u killed 'l'riataBtly thel-;di;4'.
enlering the 1U1 Midland battalion-a
Prll'nla n.-irtllh. .llOt ill llllnh nml rrn.ln.9
. .. ' .7 . - e- ".,
loriienu 11011 w 11, laoe anu
Liouteuaut II Uwell, lirethu;
tcr, In the saeulder. Grenadil
vate it. Uoek. in arm : Jlnirler M. vai?ciiu' tA
In the tlnKer. si laht ! Private O. Harbetifc .???
slight bbratch in heml ; l'rlvatc"a., W. QuIgJ 5
ley, llcsli wound In arm t Private J. Mari J
shall, in calf Prlvate H. Wilwn, sltglA ..j
wound across liusk; Cant. Fitch, ahel 2
through the heart, died instantly ; Captain '!'.
... ,. .... .1. i.ii- I, .,. ,..., ?tf
r rencii, 01 neen'', suuwnue gauuuuy icau i
ing en his men bed Instantly; Private era.
scr, OOth.'was 1 tllcil'; Capt. Drewn, .orHeul- (
ten's scouts, was shot through the heart.
Hatouche fel it 1 iv,m. with a less en the '
thhd day of 0 killed and ten wounded. ,!
The steamer Noithceto and another3lcamrr i$
aie coming 11 , the river with cemjauyC
bclienl wand seme pelice and r ilj. x.
(nt oil the relr sit oftlie robels. 'ITie itT-eIa
less Is believci a) he very sorere, but 01 ye tr
unknown. . wpuuded half-breed v.tiS $
breugl)tiu. 1 1 is Ambrose Jedlu, aiiiim-Q
Isjr or Hiel's c(- ncll.
" -
A ConsLihle Gl 1 liuxn!aut Tmumeny A 'mrtsl
liaieu unua vriuiK. .
Londen, M tl. The trial of Cunning
ham and Duitaii, the alleged flynapilteri,
continues te i.eseru puhlle Intercxt, mei tlie
trial room w as eked with people this ul arn--
ing when the carle opened. The, taking era
ovldence for no crown wtis rcsilnieil..1
Alter the exaiuiiiatieii of a fd)V vnlutiKirJ-Si
ant, lie atterney general isked tlutliS
the statement adobyHurteu te Ceii.-iul3
Jarv is at the thus of his arrest be admltte 1 iv
evidence. Te im admission of tliose vtelO'l
ments llurten cjunsel stroueusly' ebjivtMLE
but the court 1 c (ded Ihat ihey were idUiisSj
s.ibla Consta MJatyWwas Uifcn callail tee
the stand and erieily went ever the sUte-1
men is inaue n mm ey iiurien wnen ho.ieitj
1110 lauer 1111 cusioey. vyhhess leeifisvis
that en Tuesd..y, February 3il,liwentta0w,
'.Hi, Tumors rod,.whereBurtenliadrtro(je4 j
from his I'res It- street lodging' and ' laiT a .3
conversation 'th him, Witness ael.yd hlm
if he was the man who removed tew'i
trunk fieni l'cesoett street, nnd' artep',-!
answored as f lews: "es, I beug I1',1
eightshilliuip- rem a stranger wb.' a IjbwS
in the street, md took it home.' I don't
Irimtv Din mn .ttlll T llVA nitU4W tMHI-hiMb,'
slnce. I cann rem America ens' bristeM
even and stef
came te Loud
mas day. 1 1
Olllcer Jarv
ten told him
trade. Durte
lug the bretvi
under nrrtnt,
formed him t
an accemplici
dynamite e.-q
Censtable J
introduced te
room nt Ne. 3
aud gave his
;d at Liverpool ev nigBtr-1 1
next day, which v 13 Chrt-, $
e been In Englaii lferf,JI3
centlnuluur tcstillt lhatBlif-k
it he was a cchlnet lakcr',!) .wj
had iio.lieMtatteii 1 Jtoeoo
riink. "T then Wttl, liMft
said ilie witness ";UHllni
s.tld ihe witness ";indlK,
d he was charged h be!
f CiniiilnshaBiiii t. i rb
Ions." Attlmcei isieil'i
vis teslinieny etj "tVi
iew that Ctiuulngbi- 1' toeltip
I'rosceu streei, vu f cni
miens jiuneii.. , . 1
, I s. V! '
u ...1 .. HaaiI T...A.1 All. 1.1
NuvvYeni .May 13. The j seore erjli;
men in the si ling match at W o'c'egka t&
was as lotlev ! fmuiyuoHeui. imrruJi
.... .. . v.. ...1- jia; .,.....1'
SJ1, VVallOIl ., rmuwiiui jk. 4"'
Maddesr 51 Omella 361; W. lUy1
Scheck-IOi " '
Aleck Sue ten, tlie Hoateu boy, c,)'d'M
tn hnhl lila In I ill tllO Hix-dV' 11 ill r tit
ing match at ladlsen Square' gann. ;J
ceiupiuiu m " " a muu t "!V I
o'clock tlds i online. Hia ailc Is'utilwB
and niodebt e. but astenWilacly fitsW -, 3 ,
Onoe'cloel (ero Suewdett' & QmeHi
3si,Maddecl ."71, Walten 42.. Beyt;4ie
Scheck 615, ' . lioyweH, rtwc s U7,7iu I
t674, FfMic s H7,VW nfcfl
;I 11
mun -HI.
The is de et tU V, U. In
Wasiunq Hi 'D. C, May,lli.-.TJ
balancoste-d if i ;Oel4 coin' and
f213,033,81 1 : lverjlellW M JmUiij
400.017 ; Trac enalviUvr oeiM, f.ll,
United Shit rietcH, 47,4IJITTl xmlk
bank notes, ! it),6C2,ae8j,avH
bank doiKn'tertos. f jtf.wWft' i,'jtx m,-?
tyjAoeft .''if td ' a V-.
Cert I Ilea tei
eutswnaim; t
X); silver,
Internal r
toms, ?5ii,
ivi,yje,f i -jpftwrnj
m " -I "i
Li'iJt Jli ifl
IFi1 ?:
Slerry 1 incaWHMj m:anmif' if
Londen, fav 18, ThfhiM ter Via
eupwa-srun e-dny, Jt wjw'wen hyM
Prince, wit LeiwdwW, teepiul v-MW
Cimitthird. - P5 Vv Jl-
i t
?mmjt& . '?ii j .r-
11 in tuv'm . 1. i k! s iu
tijgsjaiTTfimr'iim't r
11 ihJIPiHidm CeI .(J
il.'cd miU'mSwI-I'I ''?
,',','vtiaBi 1 i '!
. .' ; u
M-g&'&tJXM- . , . .- nlMPilmiSi- -'