. I K H; i'va &Ute ??&& ?JK- m M liILT muax- t bed Kvery Bvealns In the Tear U'-Jti (chda.t sxctmn) igtjr BTEINMAN HENSEL. A. LLIGENOEll " BUILDING, W. Cerner OentreBquare. LAKCABTCR,FA. TBTB XAKOAlAng BAILY IKCT1IJLTGENCEB, THURSDAY, MAY 7, 1885. Txh eaaTS a wnit. Fin DettAM a feRFirTTOHTgAMOKTH. FOSTAOB VRH. ISKMENT8 ntex Tax te nrrr ckhtb a i.,.' .V4SL 4-1 V, - J INTELLIGENCER," (tienTrAeae.) MWlBtd Every Wednesday Morning. TWO DOLLARS A TXAR IKADVAltCT. tMHSajroKDinea solicited, from every part of tbe .h&atate nnd country. Correspondents are re k Q.. lV' FA5 ene Bide et names, net htaM"tcd te wrlte legibly ana en i'.'t.i.,: Uw Miinr enlv i and te slim their m.r.i- ." w- In'fs.lsr publication, bnt in proer or goea iaun. &&AB anonymous letters will be consigned te '. P ;OWWsste basket. HAmmam alllxttsrs ard tblkerams te THE INTELLIGENCER, LABCABTSR, Ta. Ifx tl)c ance0tct 3tetdHgcnccr. &JSZ. LANCASTER. MAY 7, 1885. vMf WLcn His Ox Is Gored. i' Mr.1 Beberts, president of the rennsyl- fjnfiikkk railroad, who took occasion te coin cein coin 'kWnse bitterly, before the legislature, of $KHn wi clause in the pending railroad bill ''jiriiWh requires all railroads te permit the 1?iectien with them of ether railroads, is 'VtJayldehtly of a very different mind en the Saoeklen when his own railroad wants te It '$$& eeanect with or cress some ether read. Itebcrts regards the Vcnii- the like veneration v'iiih vninn lr iu iiitiii nv iriiMifin in 11x1111. i$?sibcr of the legislature, who would net Mr. people who elected lilm and who lire radi cally anil unalterably opposed" te his ntll ntll tude en the antl-dlscrinilnntien bill. All this Is true ; and It -will net de for 13 resins te defend himself upon the ground that the 2few EnCa omnleus and long con tinued slicnce en this important question left him iu ignerance of the wishes of " the men who elected him " or lulled him into the belief that they were Indifferent. He could at any time have had the opinion of his constituents for the asking of it, or havesccn it reflected In the columns of the iNTKiiLiOENCEtt. New that he asked for it and get it, will he heed it t Take II I m or Get Nene. Surely Austria has made no such silly complaint of the minister whom the United States sends te it ns that his wlfe is of Hebrew birth. It would net matter if she did. The spirit of religious liberty in America has some rights that ether governments are bound te respect ; nnd if Austria does net receivea Catholic because his wlfe Is a Jewess, Unde Kaiu will simply turn his back te Austria. Hihmauck ence said that it is Impossible! that the wlmle should light the clephnnt. This Is Kurope's diplomatic situation new. m SoMi:eflhoiiowspnpors,lii order te glve additional notoriety te the Cluvcrlus murder trial in Richmond, publish that " Cluvor Cluver ius is a collateral descendant of Frcsldent Jehn Tyler, nnd his victim, Fannle Madisen, was a collateral descendant el President Jnmes Madisen." l'etnlbly seme of the oruidlte gentlemen who new conduct the New Yerk dailies can explain what n "colla teral descendant " Is. Wiikn Win. II. Jlresitis becoines a candl candl date for the state Senate he will llnd that the loins of " this great corporation " are weaker than the Hltle linger of the agricultural so-ciety. IT i If u fi. . A" sas 'Pi' r .,& Ffalr. ..wmlivrt'it, whoever else may get hurt. w-MpEeberts and Mr. ilresius le.ud the renn- i.-.'SI.SViiyivanla railroad as ene that can de no i spWreng and that can ask nothing that it 'J!w .Bliouldnetget. ,di&Z' Mr. Roberts has seme excuse for this ' -Jl 'feellng,since lie is supposed te run the read, M andcanperliapsnet.be expected te think WK tliathe is ever wrong or unieasenabic. ?M t$ AiA rnv tlmt lia la runnfmtitifTflin plll1vl- vyt-JMf. ... .. ...ui, i. ,,. .i ,.,i,tni. tnrA'a jh 5 cres3 aDl recress the Heading railroad that occupied the narrow places et mat valley long before it, Mr. Roberts may perhaps be ersuaded with great ditllculty or perhaps net at all, that he is net acting consistently with his declarations before the legislature against the hclneusncss of such doings. The fact is it is net easy te keep pace with the mental workings of a railroad official ; and the Pennsylvania pcople have lately demonstrated in a signal way the va garies of their understandings. And it was the directors tee who did it. In solemn meeting, after longlcensideration, they is sued te" the public a declaration that they would net enter into n anthracite coal combination, because it was wrong in railroads te cembine together te control the natural laws of trade, or words te that r affect ; and they did net. Hut a few da s afterwaidsthcy entered into a combination with the IJaltimere & Ohie railroad com cem com eanyto maintain the price of bituminous coal and divide between them the territory te be supplied. Te the ordinary comprehension their seemed te be a contradiction here. Te the Pennsylvania railroad official under standing there was nothing of the kind. It was all i ecenciled te them as true and beau tiful and geed, because it was "geed for their read. In like manner the world in general has conceived the idea that the Russian government has net been truthful te it and the Britishers, and that KouiarefT xRed like a geed fellow. But te Ih'j Rus sian official understanding ever) tiling has been done in a straightforwerd way and they have simply gene ahead te get all the territory they could and all has been done for Russia's geed. That made itall light. t The Pennsylvania railroad , however, has net the same following as the Russian gov ernment, because it is net a government yet, nor is it all powerful in the governing legislature as it used te be. It is a very fine read, and we are all as proud of it as Brosius of Druraere. It probably does net impose en us any mere than any ether company would, with like opportunity. But as its opportunity is great, we feel its oppression mere ; nnd it behooves us te let It knew that its conduct must be qualified by a regard for the general interest. That , i it must net, for instance, carry grain from ''' the West te the Eastern market at lower 4$ "charges for the same service than it makes te Pennsylvania fanners for their grain, f That it must net carry Pennsylvania minerals te the seaboard for shipment te foreign points at a less charge than it f makes for the sarae service in carrying coal v Het consumption in Pennsylvania. That in f ,1 fact it must act, as it is bound te de under ,$'the common law of England, established .centuries age, and de its duty as a com- 0 v iaen carrier updn equal terms te all its customers. This must be taught te the ,rallread conscience. Unv. I)it. Jehn J. Mehan, who nttended l'oe iu his last Illness and in whose arms the poet died, keeps en In his praiseworthy work of vindicating this genius from the popular Impression that he died a drunkard's death. He isnowrclnfercod by the testimony of a lady, In the house of whose father, when she was nglrl et thirteen, Poe wrete "The Ha ven." Her father med te deal in plaster and clay casts, and en n shelf ever the deer of the room iu which the famous poem was composed was a -bust of Pallas.' The lady says she nover saw Poe under the Inlluence of drink, ami neither did her father. That is an answer te these who say that the poet was drunk or delirious hen he wrete "The Raven." WiiKTiiiiitQuay or Magce Is te boss the next Republican state convention is n conun drum ; but thore is no doubt as te who owns the present legislature. And Magce must be pretty well ashamed of his own handi work by this time. ' , SJT., The Pi Inclple of It. Of course the price which the city pays , 'for the shoeing of the horses of the llre de partment is no great matter in dollars and l cents, but there is a very important prinei A pie involved. The committee invited pro pre pro Tpesals and get them, and then awanled the contract te the highest bidder. It is eon "J tended that he had the job before and did . nls work w ell ; but it is also shown that he Lbld tliis year fifty cents higher than last CSf&fau, while his competitor bid the same as 3vfkL8t year's contract price. And yet the Mfieinmlttce shamelessly Ignored the lower pbidder! ' '7 V V vetmS te overset this jeb,Seiect Coun v!! cilnicn Evans, Berger nnd "Wise show .s-tbemselves te be honest nnd intelligent T ceuncihnen ; Riddle, Remley, Urban and - Vlimg are net. With Messrs. Deinuth and jDeerr lests the decision of -this matter. , 'Tbey ought te softie It the honest way. 't$V .. . ' .& 'IS Cot His Orders. Wfe OaresteemwlcontemperaO'thejVeio-EVo, '- . ?fcM net ) et se far taken its readeis into its eesfWence as te inform them where it t Wjiiiwls en the great constitutional and leg. Js? Wttye question of "discrimination in rail. . iriremi ratps iw timet Ir-l livromerntions." " e 8&! VpeiWl9n of "the men who sent him te Har jaWkirg;" and it thinks their respective f.'Jjfj9Kionsare liTeceucilable; and it hints vt JKOsius that if he is net willing te repre repre repre rjiittheioitim9nt8ef his censtituenls he I jMbett(r lesign te tave himself being WW cut at the firet owtenunity by the A With regard te the many instances of 10 10 pertcd prematura burial, Itev. Vr. Ircnietis Prime, the veteran editor of the New Yerk Observer, has geno te considerable trouble te leek Inte (he matter, and has found that in net a slngle Instnnue could n reported case be substantiated. There liave been 227,000 Interments in Greenwood eenietery, and net ene persen has been evqr Biispccted of l)Ciiig buried prematurely. In view of this it Is reasonably nrgued that tlicre Is no occasion for the fretjueiit long waits Iwtwecn death and burial, and decency, comfort and health would be promoted by mero prompt funeral customs. Cremation is a sure proventive against the reported horrors of promature burial. rateONix Mahquis op Iiemrs's velame tm dim. perlal Federation" is announced for immodl immedl immodl ate publication in England. ' Rev. Dn. EvanETT, Governer Pattlsen'H private secretary, has taken rooms at Grocn Grecn Grocn castle for tbe coming summer. JttnaK TlnoeKs, of Plllsburg, Texas, com mitted sulclde en Tuesday te snve himself rrem the penitentisry en a cnarge or bribery. Ouida'h forthcoming story Is entttled Othmar. The sccne is laid in Russia and the novel Is said te be full of drnmatle Incident Phinek WilmaM, eldest son of the Grewn Prlnce of Oermany, Is about te publish a book en "'Alie warser uicsar in tne Jjlgnt of Medem Htratcgy." GKOnei: J. Vest, beh of Sonater Vest, whom President Arthur nppotnted te a pesi tien in the state department, has been de tailed by Secretary llayard as consular clerk nt Ijlvorpeol. Mns. I:mzaiietii Bucuanan, anative of Tiancaster, died In Htonbenvlllo, O., en Tues day, aged M years. Hhe had been a resldent eJ the latter section slnce 1827, and a widow for 32 years. Mns. Anaoues, ene of the daughters of Mrs. J una word llowe, is new engageu in writing a novel. This Is the third or Mrs. Howe's daughters who have onterod the llterary ranks. Rkv.'Cazneau Pa whey's grand-daughter said te her mother the otherday : "Mamma I feel se strangely wlien I read llawthome. It seems as ir I was reading through a veil." Of oeurso this was a Rosten babe. G. Kspv Andkhben, ene of the owners of the Rcdferd Springs property, died at his home In Cumberland. Md.. last week. IIe had long been treubled with a sero limb which ultimately caused his death. trossef the White Heuse, taught the female high school in Lebanon, Pa., from Oct 1871. until Jan. 1872. She was pepular.but resigned because the beard failed te provlde her with an assistant Rev. I)". I'm mp. lias voiced a very goneral onlnien: "lllessinirs en the man who in vented smoking. Yeu might as well preach te me net te leve Iho odor of roses as net te grew quiet en the perfume of Tembak or sleepily happy en glorious hatakia." Rhv. Dii. JUiiTei., the famous Rosten clergyman, recently enacted the rele of an ancient llsherman en Manchester coast, nnd sold a mess of fish from his dory for 10 cents te a smart Bosten yachtsman, who was unconscious et the Identity of the vonerablo piscater. Mns. Wm. K. CitANDi.uit, wife of the ox ex ox sccretary of the navy, was the daughter of a former Sonater Hale, while the wife of Sen Sen aeor Hale, et the present day Is the daughter of a former Secretary Chandler. Ne rolailen- smp.exisis Doiwcen me lamiiics. une nas n son named Hale Chandler and the ethor n son named Chandler Hale. Juihik Kkli.hv is indlcnant at certain statements made by General McClellauin his arllcle en the Peninsular campaign, pub lished in the current nunber of the Century in which Gen. McCIellan makes attacks upon President Lincoln und Secrctary Stanten. The purpese of Judge Kelley's visit te Washington at this time is te verify certain facts in his possession by consulting the elllclal records, with a view of defending Lincoln and Stanten against General Mc CIellan. Rnv. Dn. Day, of New Yerk, was build ing a lieii30 In Monmouth and had Geerge Fogg, something of a humorist, at work for him. One day the doctor met him and said : "Yeu labored well and faithfully for me, and I think if I should glve you 5 extra when 1 return te New Yerk I could preach te my poeplo the better for it" "Well, well," re plied Mr. Kegg, " If I can de your people any geed by accenting ffl or even flO, I em ready te accept It'' The doctor jald him tiie le anu wem en ins way. tturKiten Wii.mam en his last birthday received a slmple farthing of tbe date 17U7, that being the year In which he was liern. This curious present had bcen sent by a liamin living near Rrunswick, who also wrete a letter congratulating the emperor in the best language he could command. This lucky youth received an acknowledgment from the emperer In the shape of an auto graph letter thanking him for his present and a twenty-mark piece, bearing Iho date 188.1. aRAJtra ote AXMr. A YOiiNti man Iu West Chester that centre of rellnemcnt and culture, according te the llrlttanica Kncyclepicdla Indulged in u street flirtation with u circus-girl; and when he went te .Hio'hIiew te sce her in short drpsa and pink stock-jngssUQ-peinlcd-hirfi out te all the oudieuce In her song entitled "My Mashes." And new all West Chester Is blushing that ene of Its young men should have se far geno wrong. Wiiaiiten Harkeu'h Philadelphia CVirei-elf-JTeraltt has become W. R. Unlch's Herald; Mr. Ilarker having found out theie seme thing's w lilch even n grc.it nun can not de. Thky knew a tiling or two in Old Mexico, for all. It takes cloven years of study thore te secure admission te the bar, and then a lawyer Is net quite sure that he knows it all; for the besom of the Judge is the sanctuary of the law and whlle the courts regard preco prece denU, if there is no porseual, social nor polit ical reason te depart from them, it takes slight consideration te inlluence each tribu nal te start tic noeo and establish law for it self. Despite this debasement of the Judi ciary, the professional etiquette Is se rarilied that It Is vielative of Mexican .ethics for n lawyer te hang out a sign or te have any olllce except In the library or his private resi dence. We are jiaiucd te learn that in Chester county, Just across the Lancaster line, iu that land where the Rncyclepicdla Rrlltanlca declares the "most virtuous and intelligent pcople, of Pennsylvania" dwel), the follow ing sign may be seen haging at a shoemak sheemak shoemak er's shop : 1HJTKS A SIIUKS MAin fc nni'Aiivn IIUAlt. This must have escaped the observation or Messrs. Lesley and Ames when they were gnthering materials and bed-bugs for thelr artlcle en Chester county and the" rest or Pennsylvania In the llrlttanica. Fen a very fresh chlet engineer, Vondor Vendor Vonder smlth takes tee much of councils' time te keep him straight Next he will be asking for an ordinance that he be notifled two hours In advance ofevorj flre that hels oxpected te attend. The New Yerk ITcraUl has been pub lished Just fifty years, nnd iu that time the population of the metropolis lias grown from 270.0S9 te 1,200,677 ; and the nuniber of people In Brooklyn anil ethor parts of the stite has vastly Increased. But with greater modesty than Billy Ilresius, en behalf of his "great corporation" the Herald dees net claim te have dene it all. SHORT AVQVITTBD. rhelan' AMalUnt tictx Off te The Dinguit or ttifl Court. In New Yerk, yeslerday, en the trial of Richard Short for the attempted assassination of Captain Themas Pliclan, in O'Donevan Rissa's ofllce, Walker J. Elliett testified te hearing Phelan threaten te lay out Ressa and Professer Mcz7erell', the dynamiter. Jehn F. Kearney, the liquor slore-kcopcr, denied that he had written te Phelan te ceme te New Yerk. The witness dcscrlljed Phc lan's boisterous conduct In Rehsh's olllce and his quarrel with Short When the light began Kearney said he left umer witnesses corroborated tne story of 'helan's threats with regard te Rosse, nnd Reunion of the Army of the t'otemao In IMU mere The Confederates, The Grand Array et .the PoteniAO at thelr business session at Ferd's Grand opera house, in Baltimore, Wodnesday, ro-elocted General Grant as president, the event being nccompanled by the wildest enthusiasm. Goneral Horatio C. King called the meeting te erder, and said that he had been com missioned by Goneral Grant te express the regret of that gentleman at belng unable te be present and fill his duties as commander of the society. Majer General H. J. Hunt, senior vlee president, occupied the chair In Grant's place. When nominations for ofllcers wero in e- der grny-lialred Goneral Jehn C. Robinson came en his crutches te the front or the plat form, and after acknowledging the tlirce cheers with which he was received, thanked bis friends for mentioning his name for .the position of com man der of the army of thoJPetomac, but said that he would under no circumstances allow It te be used In oppo sition te that Illustrious soldier new holding that position, and he moved that the secre tary be authorized te cast ene ballet en which be Inscribed the name of Gen. U. S. Grant. The various corps associations socendod Gen. Robinson's motion and It was carried by a standing vote, nmloYthe wildest enthusiasm, which lasted soveral mementa. ANOTIlKIl KIND Of KXCITKMIINT. After the rest or the ofllcers had also been re-elcctcd thore came another sccne or great disorder, but or a dilTdrent sort from that ac companying the Grant opisedc. Goneral W. H. Brown, of Washington, suggested that, as It E. Loe Camp, Coufedorato veterans, of Richmond, worn in the lmmodlate neighbor hood, it would be both generous and grace ful te Invite them te occupy seats en the fleer of the house, A motion te that eflcct was made and socendod, when two or three men Jumped up and vlolently op- pescu sucu a. proceouing, ene or mem savin 2 that a rebel, no matter hew re pentant, had no Interest In the business or Union roldlers, and that thelr prosence would be an insult which he could net endure. Nearly overy man iu the heuse was Instantly en his feet trying te make himseUheard, and for a while the excitement thrcaUmed te terminate In personal encounter. The chair man vainly ondeavorod te socure erder and throatenod te Inveke tliu aid of the police. Qulet was finally restored, and a commlttce appointed te invite the ex-Confederates te meet thelr old oppenonts nfter the business et the meeting was disposed of. After the adjournment the commlttce anne iu bringing with them a long string of men in gray. They wero greeted with great ap plause, and hi returu filled the heuse with a gonulne rebel yell. The ox-Cenfcdoratos wero scattered among the blue coats nnd thelr ofllcers Invited te occupy scats en the statre. Colonel McGlnnls. of Mentana, wel cemed thorn and Commander General Coeke responded te the speech. Short addresses were inade by Colonel CIiarlcsMnrshall, w he was chief or General Loe's stall', nnd Colonel Evnns, of Richmond. m He Murdered Klglit l'eejtln. At Bonlte, 15 miles from Ft Stanten, N. M., about tlirce o'clock Tuesdny morning Mar tin Nolsen, who was occupying n room In the heuse et M. S. Mnybury with l)r. Wil Ham II. Fllnn, late of Bosten, arose from his bed and whlle committing a robbery In the heuse shot and killed Dr. Fllnn. The fir ing having aroused the family, Nelsen then shot and killed Mr. Maybury. Ills wifeand two sons. He also wounded fatally a llttie daughter of Mr. Maybury. A neighber be ing alarmed, came te the heuse and he, tee, was shot dead. It was supposed that the murderer had remained iu the heuse and ten citizens watched it te prevent his escape. At 7 o'clock a. m. the guard wero surprised by a shot from the rear, which killed Her man Beck, ene of them. Nelsen then came down the street llrlng his Winchester, but he was finally shot dead. Nelsen when sane was en orderly citizen. He came te Ilonlte from Nebraska four years age. Simula Ilaclicler rrrnldr nt Alarr) T These who knew l'rcalilcnt Cleveland will nnftcrt that he ha no Intention of umie'nK dur ing hU tcnu el olllce. Iln IkhhI1 tnlxt vrctldrd te his duties, anil Is tlie hardest worker the White Heuse linn yet seen. He lias a constitution able te stand u vimt amount of labor, and Hurry's Ilea JlAXT-W-UiauKV will prevent any bad ellecU from overwork or Insomnia, and kecplilssytem In nutate or perfect health. A dollar n 111 Hccutv n bottle from any lending druggist or grocer, uhlch in free from adulteration, nnd wUely adapted te the meit delicate kvMciii. MXB1CAL. OROWN'S IRON BITTERS. DYSPEPSIA. tsnpniifrerniisnswelln dlMresMtiff complaint irm-Rlccted, It lend, by Impairing nutrition, and depresKlng the tene of ttm tone or the sys tem, toprepare the way for Itnpld Decline. QUALITY Tnnln Stark. P-PURITY ..NOT un y QUANTITY, MURK'S CARPET jiuvarFVRffiasiKO uoena. UALU CARPETS! CARPETS! KKOl'KNINO or lycry Ilettle. THE BEST TONIC. PHYSICIANS AND DRUGGISTS RECOMMEND IT. Julekly and completely Cures DysnepBla In all Is fenilrt. llrnrttiurn. Ttelelilnir. 'rnftllntr fhn Feed, etc. It enriches and purines the bleed, ntlmulatOH tlie apjretlte, and aids the anslmlla II. H .11 1IHH1, llsv. J. T. Kehiiitkr, the honored pastor of tlie llcfemied (Ihnrch, llftlllmerc, Md., says: " Havlne lifted Brown's Iren illttcnt for l)v. )cpnla and Indigestion, I takn great plcasure In recommending It Highly. Ale consider It a splendid tonfe nnd Invhrorater. nnd erj' recenimcndlnB drengthcnlnsr." SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. . .Vro.1re.1.?'"r r.reparA Ji.Bhnw th" trade the Largest and llcst Selected l.lne of Uarppts ever ex, mV ! ShJ?i? JEV tyy'T.V,N,& VKI.VKTS. all tne Trading Make eMlulir ANlrAPKSTIlV Jlw'?1C.?J?I.T.Ii.!ls,t.?i,iyiA"'Woe!,lna t-'otten Chain KXTltA 8UfEU3, and nil mmlltles of IN OKAIN UAltl'ETS, DAMASK and VKNKTIAN CAKPKT8. ItAU and CHAIN (jAltl'KTHer our own mnnuraFturen speciality. Special Attention tialdti the Mannfaetiirn of CUSTOM UAItl'KTH. AUeaKnll MnoefoniGbOTHS.ltlJOS, WINl)0yBIIAI)KS,COVKUI.KT8,Ac., AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Ueiltltflfl lina nlinvn Irnitn muflr nnil .rnauiil ri.il lines en wrapper. Take no ether. Made, only by imewx's cnr.MicAi,ce, nAi.TiMemc mi. Ladies' IUkd Heek Useful and etlracllve, enntnlnlng list erprlrcn for recipes, information about coins, etc., given away by oil dealers In medicine, or mailed te any addres en receipt or 2c. stamp. (4) TTOP PLASTERS. JUL DO I1K HKN.SlllbK. Tlie Her I'&ASTKn does mere geed In one-quarter the time than any balm or lotion, and Is mero cleanly te use. A fresh nnd sweet porous plaster which acts Immediately when applied te Heat or trouble llhenmatlsm, Kettrulgln, Bldcaehe, Ijune Hack, Crlclr, Sciatica, Sore Muscles, Kid ney affections, Weak Lungs or local palnn can can net exist lenir when ene of these nlestrrH Is an- piled, llemember, virtues of trerh Heps, llur gundy l'ltch and uums combined. Beld every where. 2Sc., Sforll.eol'roprlotnrH. (7) HOf 1'LAHlriU COMPANY, Ilosten, Mass. Oer. West King and Water Ste., Lancaster, Pa. teli-WniflAw JALPITATION OP THE HEART CAN BE CURED by thonseof DU. IIUAVKS'HKAKT UKUULA TOlt. It hiiH leni; been a reoeirnl7cd remedy for Heart Dlsense, in all ltd forms, Ncn'eusnesg, Hleeplensnesg, Impaired Energy and Mental Kucultlcfl, Dyspepsia, lndlRCHtlon.dlseafcCsef the stomach una IfencU. Aclcrfrymanef Clay City, Ind., says the Heart Itrgulater Is (led'8 llfesslni; tJisiiirciliiK humnnily. SI per lletlle, O for S., lit Drueslnts. Send te V. K. INOALI.H. Cambrldite, Mass . for free pamphlet en Heart Disease, etc. (J) CTMTltlXU. fT HAH COME. WHAT ? THE FIRST OF MAY. Whennll nature robes Itself In Baynttlrej and this reminds us that NOW I9TI1KTIMK TO 1IUV Spring Suits, Spring Underwear, ANJ- Gents Furnishing Goods, AN I THAT Burger & Sutten's CLOTHING DEPOT, Ne. 24 Centre Square. 18 THK l'LACK Of ALL I'LACKS TO HUY. Yeung man. If you would cut a dash, Or If you'd pe upon a mash, Don't foolish be, or avcr-msh On where they de net deal In trash, Norsell cheap goods because they're Hush, Oe buy your geed low dew n for cash. CT.OTltlxa. JTHADQUAllTEUS l'OIt SUMMER Merine Shirts and Drawers, Oauze Undershirts and Drawers, Cliolce Nocktles, E. St W. CeUara and Cuffa, C. & O. CeUara and Cuffs, Crown Cellars and Cuffs The Best Fitting Dress Shirts. SIIIUTS AND SOCIETV PAItAPHKItNALIA MADK TO OUDKlt. At Erisman's, NO. 17 WKSTKlNUbTUHKT. INE TAILORING. H AIR RENEWER. Anethkr terrible political eutrage is io ie io pertodtroni Alabama. As might have been oxpected, It is porpetratotl by the Interior de partment, under the management 0f uwt an-h-rebel, Lamar. It soems that a super royal Republican politician, down in Cron Cren Bhaw county, Ala., lias for ten years been regularly drawing a widow's pension, forging receipts in her nnme and pocketing the nioney. And new the pension bureau, te the head of which an Illinois Bourbon Democrat has been assigned, serieusly contemplates sending this geed Alabama Republicau poli tician te tlie renitentlary. Anether or the blighting eflccts of Democratic administra tion I He Put It There. A very nc.it and suci'estivn tiilm- wna until te the president, the ethor day by en Ohie cengresssman, who had arrived in ttiwn en a warm day and Invested in a Panama hat IIe had called te ask an appointment of tlie president, and swung his hat nt his slde dur ing the conversation. Mr. Uloveland, ob serving the hat, said: "Yeu have invested early." "Yes, sir," renlled the Ohieau, "I didn't want te be conslderod tee slew In mailing the ueeccssary change." The iielef Old Tettameut. The revised vorsleu or the Old Testament will Iw given te the public In Londen en the 19th Inst, and will Is) published in New Yerk en the Slat. the fight between Short and I'helau Richard Short was sworn In his own lo le lo fense and related the same ,'story as told by ether witnesses en tlie same slde. Alter this counsel summed up; the judge charged the jury. Tlie latter then retired and at 9SJ0 made known that nil agreement had been reached. They wero brought Inte court and asked by Clerk Rickctts what their verdict was. "Net guilty," answered the fereman. Khert's friends set up a tremendous shout, but wero quickly quieted by tlie efllccrs. Tlie verdict was a complete surprise te every body. The Judge frowned in indignation and ninaciiient, and said: "Gentleman I am astonished at your verdict Yon'are dis charged from all further service en this panel. " ' I meve for the dlscharge of the prisoner, " said Counseller Breeke, "Granted, " said the court In a manner that seemed te show that his honor was anxious te get rid of such extraordinary business. I'KNNSYLVANIA PICKINGS. Vice President Hendricks arrived In Phil adelphia Wodnesday en his way te Atlantie City, where he intends te stay for a week or ten days. Uy the promature explosion ofe blast en the Cornwall ero hills near Lebanon, Wed nesday afternoon, live laberers wero badly injured, two or thorn, it is thought, fatally. At Shlpjiensburg, Cumberland county, en Tuesday night, an incendiary flre destroyed nlne stables and the old Beudor church, oc cupied by J. C. Dlehl as a fly-net factory. The less Is $8,000. William Kelly, en umbrella tinker from llarrisburg, stabbed nnd fatally wounded James Engler in Easten, because tlie latter would net accompany him te bee him stab his (Kelly's) wife. Kelly was also badly injured. Nearly ene hundred laborers en the new Read Ins & Potts viile branch railway have struck ler an advance in wages. They wero getting $1.10 sr day nnd wanted fl.35. The contractors offered them $1.20, which was rejected. Clifferd I. Cadwalader, chief book-keeper in the city controller's olllce, Philadelphia, died en Tuesday, In the thirty-third year of Ids age. He hail been In the controller's olllce since the beginning of Governer Pattl Pattl eon'H first team. An oxtensivo flre raging in the Blue mountains, between Kechville and Jupps- "i neiuHwuig iiipiuiy. iyu uamage nas been dene te preperty et farm ors, but great tracts of timber have been destreyed. The farmers are fighting the tlames. Reperts from many parts of Indiana, Arm strong and Wostmeroland counties Indicate that the wheat crop, the staple product, will net reach mero than halt the usual yield. The sovcre freezing while the grain was un protected with snow Is assigned ns the reason. The Pennsylvania Cemmandery Military Order Leyal Loglen or the Unlted States, n.n. nt 41.n HaIahiihiIa lififnl Tll.ll .. .1 ..1 l. t.. JllUfr u ti.u uiuuunuu IIUIOJ, x iiiiuuuipiliu, Wednesday night and elected the following ofllcers : Commander, Majer General W. 8. Hancock, senior vice commander, Rear. Ad miral E. Y. MeCauley ; Junier vice com mander, Majer Goneral Jehn P. Hartranft; recorder, Brevet Lieutenant Colonel Jehn P. Nichelson j register, First Lieutenant P. D. Hewell ; troasurer, Payinaster Theodere Kitchen ; chancellor. Brevet Brigadier Gen eral W. L. Jaines ; chaplain, Rev. Henry C. Trumbull. - w lie Married I'lie Yeung Ladles. Geergo Fry, the Atlanta-man who married llve young ladles In the vicinity of Erie and betrayed four mero, was convicted In the criminal court en Wednesday. The father of Miss Hewell, ene of the victims, finding the court could only glve the fellow two years' Imprisonment, determined te kill him. He besought the sheriff for an interview with the prlsouer, but the sheriff) suspecting his do de sign, disarmed the maddened, parent, who admitted his deadly purpese. - tm fc A Werd te the Wise. Frem the New Era. A somewhat low state of morality seems te 'prevail around the capltel bulldina; at Har rlaburfr. HALL'S VEGETABLE SICILIAN HAIR RENEWER. Seldom does a popular lemedy win such a strong held upon the popular cenlldcnea as lias Hall's Hair Ubsxwer. The cases In nhlchlt lias accomplished a complete restoration of color te the lmlr, and vigorous health te the scalp, aie innumerable. Old pcople like It for Its wonderful ponerte restore te their whitening locks their original eoler and beauty. Mlddlc-agcd people like It because It prevents them from KCtltngbald, keeps dandruff uh ay, anil makes tlie hair grew thick and strenu. Yeuiu; ladles like It as a dressing, because it gives the lmlr a beautiful glossy lustre, and enables them te dress It in wliatever form they wish. Thus It li the Uver- He or all, and It lias brcotnere simply because It disappoints no one. BUCKINGHAM'S DYE l'Olt THE WiMSKKItS ILis become cue of the most Important popular toilet articles for gentlemen's use. When the beard Is gray or naturally of an undesirable shade, IIickimiihu's Hi e Is the remedy. ruier-ARKD nv It. P. HALL & CO., NASHUA, N. II. Sold by Druggists. in7t 13 BURGER & SDTTON, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, 1.ANCASTKU, PA. ai'EClAT, NOTICES. ''Xneier patronize lalent Medicines." Don't yen ? Why net t Yen patronize patent " arti cles of a hundred varieties why net intent medicines, "llecaiise they are often worthless." True, but net alw ays. Frequently they are the very best In the world, representing the widest experience. At least we knew that Dr. Kunne dj's Favorite UcniedyUoiiaef these, nnd for all troubles of the bleed, liver and urinary organs it stands en Its merits and net en adertlslng. uprlft-ced.tw De It new and don't delay.- Heart Dlseuse should net be trilled w Ith but cured ; use Hit. aitAVES'IlEAHTKKOUI.ATOIland jeu will net he dUappeuitcd In its effects, which urn Im mediate, fl.eu per bottle at druggists. Try it. backache, Sharp l'alns, Uhemmitl'in, Kidney Diseases, Torpid I.hcr, bung Troubles or Lame ness In any part uulckly cuied by tliu 7ui) 77m- ter. The seething and paln-kllllng virtues of Heps combined with strengthening Gums and Extracts. The best porous plaster e cr made, 25c. Tint nutritive properties of Cnlden's Liquid Ileef Tonic sustain the body without t-elld feed. Celclen'i; ttoelhcr. myl lwdeed&w Success or JFaUntP. Five bundled business men have reeenllv given their written opinions en this Important question. Only a few et them hare anything te say uueui ucniiri in cunnecuen wiui iu iieumi has mere te de with success than most folks sup pose. Many men ha e been wrecked by dysprp. He stomachs and Impoverished bleed. What a pity. Don't make a lallure of your life. Take brown's Iren Hitters. Dr. .1.1!. Morgan,. leplin, Me., says, "I llnd brown's Iren Hitters gives entire nutisfactlen te all w he use It." M de hun dreds of ether doctors. anecEMKa. A T BURSIC'S. SOLID VALUE. OUK30C. ltlO COKFEK. It Is a choice, clean, pure Kle Coffee, fieah roasted utmost dally, and fresh ground when you purchase It by water power. OlJIt IHO HLKNDED nt 25c., Is superb. OUlt OLD MANDKHLINO ami l'AOA.S'U JAVA8 are of the finest quality. EM1IOS3ED CHUOMOS, 0 by 8 Inches, given with each pound. . DRIED FRUITS. We have Pared Peaches ntlOe pound. We have abplendld I'nrud 1'cachatlSe pound. We have Evaporated Peaches, pared, at 20, as, 30, SH cents pound. We have geed Sour Dried Apples atSe quart. We have very choice Evaporated Apples at ISe pound. New bonus and New I'eas nt 10c quart, Lima llcans at 10 and 11 cts quart, OUlt STOCK IS COMPLETE AND OUlt OOOD3 UOOD AND CHEAP. 03-1". S. Telephone connection. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. mllE BEST X the City, at KAUTMAN'S 5e HAVANA CIQAR IN YELLOW STOUE. FIIONT CIUAll THE LARGEST, REST AND MOST complete assortment of Playing Cards In nv cuy ireiu a eeuis per pacK up at naniMAA'D ir.iji-tjiv sreitE. FlCONTClOAlt DR. FOREMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SUItQEON. Itemeved from Ne. 211 West King street te Ne. 27 North Prince. (Late residence of A. E. Keberts.) iniS-3nid K IDNEY-WORT. DOES WONHEUFUL CUKKS OF KIDNEY DISEASES -AND LIVER GOMPLilNTS. Ilecanse It acts en the LIVElt, DOWELS and KIDNLYSat the SAME TIME. lSecnuse It cleanses the systeinef the poisonous humors that develops In Kidney and Urinary Diseases, lllllleusncss, Jaundice, Constipation, Piles, or In Kheumatlsm, Nuralgla, Nervous Dis orders nnd all Female Complaints. 47-SOLID PKOOF OFTH18.- It will Surely Cure CONSTIPATION, PILES and ItllEUMATISM by causing FltEB ACTION of all the organs and functions thereby. CLEANSING THE BLOOD. Restoring the normal power te threw en dis ease. THOUSANDS OF CASES Of the worst forms of these terrlble diseases have been quickly relieved, und in a short time PERFECTLY CUHED.' Price, $1. Liquid or Dry. Sold by druggists. Dry can be sent by mall, WELLS, IUCHAUIiSON ft CO., llurllngten, VI, Send stamp for Dairy Almanac of 1&3. KIDNEYS-WORT. Jan23-3nidced&3inw MANHOOD RESTORED. rtniBDT raiK. A victim of youthful imprndenee causing I'm scnariiKK tenis reuewsurrerers. Addnws, f If lllvvva 43 Chatham HL., Now'Yerk City mature Decay. Nervous Debility, Lest Manhood, Ac., liavlng tried In vain every known remedy, has discovered a slmple self-cure, which he will JlC-lyoedftlyw CONSUMPTION 1 If AVE A POSITIVE remedy for the nbove dleciue ; by Its use he usands of cases of the worst kind and of long siuiiuing ruive eeen cureu. inueeu, se strong is WO 1 will send T HOTTLES FUEE, together with a valuable trea- ihe en uus aisease te any suuerer. uive ex press and 1. O. address. DU.T.A.SLOCUM, n2'24;mdeed&Cmw Isl Pearl St,, N. Y. c FLOVJl ASB mED. OME AND SEE MR IIAVINO Ol'ENKl) A Heui, Feed, Grain, Hay & Straw WAREHOUSE, At Nes. 35 and 37 Market street, (Formerly occupied by Harry A. Dlllcr), I would resncctfullv Inform mv friends and the nubile In general that I am new prepared te furnish at the shortest notice, nnd I'iUliLS, Fleur, Feed, Grain, Hay and Straw. Alse, constantly en hand a fully supply of Machinery, Cylinder, Unseed, Crude nnd Machinery Oils, WHOLESALE AND UKTAIL. HENRY DRAOHBAR. apr3 lmeed s AINT-RAPHAEL WINE. INFORMATION. The Saint-Raphael Wlne has u delicious flaveur and la drunk In the principal cities of Russia Germany, North and Seuth America, Great Britain, India, and se en. Tbe quantity exported annually is suftlclcnt proof of its stability and staying powers, while for the real connoisseur there Is no wlne that can be considered its superior. M-The Saint-Raphael Wine Company, Valence, Department of the Dreme (France,) H. E. SLAYMAKER, WATCnXH, JtC. TyATCIIES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. .GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICES OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, at LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street, Opposite City Hetel, near Pa. R. R. Depot. Retailing at Wholesale Prices. Repairing nt jtiu, Lew l'rlcts. Jy.ll.lyd WITHOUT EXCEPTION, THE BEST Cigars In the town, two for fie, at HAUTMAN'S YELLOW FltONT CIGAR SI ORE. T HIS PAPER IS PRINTED J. K. WRIGHT & CO.8 ns-tfii Ne, EAST KINO STKKKT. INK FiIriBeuiiUflk Works, 26lh a&d Fena'a. Arenoa la6-ly VUILADKLPHIA.l'A. ' A VISIT TO HIRSH & BRO.'S em: piiici: CLOTHING HOUSE NI A LOOK AT THEIR Merchant Tailoring Department, Will con Ince you that theirs Is the the Largest, as well as the best selected Sleck of Suitings and Pantaloenings In Lancaster, and adding our corps efjskillful workmen, who are artists In their line, e nre enabled te guarantee perfect satisfaction. We have spared no pains te he the leading Mer chant Tailors here, and If n steadj-Increase of business In that department l any criterion, we have certainly succeeded. In our Clothing and XJents'-Eurnishing- Departments, Ten will llnd the Stock Lai ger and Prices Lewer limn In any ether heuse In Lancaster. RLMEM It Kit, If uny article purchased of us does net glvesatlslaetlen hen taken home, and you con sult 5'enr friends, we will cheerfully exchange lter refund the money, lly this means you are bound te be treated right. F 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. The Largest and Choicest Assortment of FINE WOOLENS IN THE CITY OF LANCASTER. All the Latest Novelties in FANCY SUITING. A CHOICE LINE OF SPRING OVERCOATING. THE VERY REST WORKMANSHIP. Prices te suit nil and all goods win ranted as represented at his new stoic, B"o.43IertheenSt. (OPPOSITE THE I'OSTOFFICE.) H.GERHART. ILLIAMSON it FOSTER. HIRSH & BROTHER'S One Price Clothing Heuso, CORNER OF CENTRE SQUARE AND NORTH QUEEN bl'REET. M VERS A: R.YTIIVON. THE FIRST OF IS HERB, MAY And hew many pci-sens 1kv e neglected the pur chase of SUITABLE CLOTHING FOR Warm Weather. Don't wait until Warm Weather is Here, IIUY IN ANTICIPATION. IT WILL COME, IT MUST COME, AND WE'RE hURE ITS NOT FAR OFF, New, w e say le you, DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER, BUY NOW. Yeu can liny new-Just as CHEAPas lab r. If jeu are new at 011 1 leady te buy, coine and leek GOODS and PRICES. And we knew we can interest you j we think we can, at least, make an impression. Fner us with u call, anil we'll make a cus tomer et you. MYERS &1ATHF0N, LEADING LANCASTER CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 BAST KING STREET, LANCASTER. PA. w MEN'S DRESS-SFTS $12 TO $17. We have an nltniethe display of neat checks and plaids as well ns plain easslmercs anil worsteds in back or Cutaway Ceat. Stjlcs of the newest fashions. Our gauiients niecuttn lit perfectly, trimmed in the best eider, and sewed strong. We give pienipt attention te all callers and study economy Inpiiccsundguaran tee satisfaction lenll piiuliascrslnevi'iy uitlcle supplied by u. NECKWEAR. A New Line of Stylish Fnttcrns, 7Sc, 50c, 25e. LISLE THREAD GLOVES, 25c. Fancy Hese, Plain Celers, Silk Clocked, 25c. HATS Alflt OAV.S. 1845. 1885. STAUFFER& CO., Leading Fashienalle Halters, All the New Spring Styles, In Plain and Fancy Celeis, Etiu Light Weight, In SOFT AND STIFF HATS The Largest Assortment of STRAW GOODS In lia fit. 11 tliu Viltj 1 With l'l Ices te Suit the Times. belng Manufacturers, nnd receiving goods di rect from the facterlc, we are able te si 11 goods lower than ever. Ne trouble te show our goods, (.he usncall. . D. STAMPER & CO,, (SlIULTZ'S OLD STAND), Nes. 31-33 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, l'A. Men's Stitched Fancy bordered Hankcrehlefs, hilk Finished hiispenilers and dent's Fancy Embroidered Night Robes, $1.00. .lersey Shirts ler lllcvcle Riders in U hlte, Ilmwnand blue; 1'aiit-llttlngOvemlIs In Check, Plaid and Stripe, Hie, "rie and HSc. r LIGHT COLORED DERBY HATS, $1.50, S1.75, $2.25. Spangled Astracan Cleth Dress Hat, 50c. LltiHT COLORED SOFT FELT HATS Frem 81 Upwards. STRAW ATS. Fer want or space tixllsplay the multiplicity et styles Iu Straw Hats we ale compelled te place them nt prices that will Induce buyers te purchase cai ly. WHIPS from 25c te $2,00. Buggy Dusters of Memio Oleth, Plain and Embroidered. GENT'S GOSSAMER SHOE IN LACE AND BUTTON. V. Sele beclcd edge with plain Tee. ThU Shoe Is specially udapted Ter summer weai, belli light and comfortable te the feet. I IADIES' DRESS SHOES " TliatarehOftand nliable. (ilove-lltlltii'iindeasv te the feet. They are lland-maileandaie Knejini the trade as Turns, being very elastic tl'nue useful audattructhennd de net IoheHicIi Shape with wear. Hn huu them In all tlieiicwiliid popular styles. They are made el the llnest (na imlal and we can recninuieud tlieui itllh The greatest eeulldcuce. i Williamson i Fester, 32, 34, 36 & 38 West King St., LANCASTER, l'A. r SOAP HAS EVElTeiVKN Sl'OII .131 satistiietleu, Is the vcidlct of all who use MILLER'S 110RAX SOAP, ' pOTEIBMAKlNO CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT 3X)0 A POZKH,: AT NO. 100 NORTH QUKEN 8TUKET. Jamatfd ', Lancaster, l', -VTOTIOK TO THKBI'ASSEIIS AND JM OUNNURS, All persons are hereby for bidden te trespass en uny of the lands of the Cornwall or Speedwell estates, iu Lebanon and Ijineiiflter counties, whetaer inclesed erunln. cieseu, uuner jer ine purpose m niiuuiuig ur jisu' after this neti ee. ing, as the law will be rigidly enforced against all trespastlng en said lands iu tbe undenlgned V wur.nni.KMANFRF.KMAN. It. I-KIIUI AWIWi KUWARU C. FUEKMAN ti , 'Attorney for K, uuui-viuw V, Coleioau's heljs. " v- v :Jit '". IkriMdk IjU&L&JtSLlx&i f & Jgxkj2a x . t .j f. t ri.,j-l! J4i . v-? t a.-ttatAi i -t L 4-V, -itsiy .