A !4ggB",,;'-"V'v "' "' ''y ''" ' ' ' ' l" 5l.Y fL "--' 1 . . 7 DA1LI IlTCXKMCER. t t : - , BTM7 itnhi w the Yew (iuii&ats ssesms) wrvrmmuxt unsbl. LLIGENCEE" BUILDING, , a, W. Oentr CentriVSquar. LAXC4STBB,'.Pi. U W -.,' Ill OIRI A WMK. riTI COLLARS A lennrtroirrsAxeirrB. Fostaebvmi. flSKMKNTH from t te rinr ckkts A t - JWflKLY " INTELLIGENCER," MLj, . J?b MM (KtMTrASM.) Every Wednesday Morning, '4X&JW0,0 Ilt ADVAHC. :.-.' " . IWMMreiiDXKci solicited from every part of the ' 'l.. ....:- -.. . -. ......... - ! 'xWMlM te write legibly and en ene etde el . Hs Mper eniy i ana 10 sign tncir names, net. Vj-AU anonymous lotters will ue consigned te tilthewsste basket. lALLlSTTKSS AVDTBLXORAMS TO 'T' THE INTELLIGENCE!!. tiAHOASTEK, l'A. M)C Lancaster intelligencer. I !&&,. iC'li ' . LANCASTEU, MAY 0. I8S5. Wlen Ufan ai VaaI 1 'jL - If IOV iUHU VK WM "-.s . . rjgvp '-That was a rasii legislator who unucr- &fisTierBf te declare that he was opposed te $5&'sb "restraining the railroad companies char- tared by Pennsylvania, tlrnt tliey should net eteNNe Fcnnsyivanhins mere for Uie use of 'ill ttklrrnnda Hint Ihevehiirrrn tlin tioenlo of ffeJShw states. This legislakr clearly W&wudlBBMl the opinion that he was much YxfdfV wiser than his fellow farmers, whom he i' 54f. ?;'-' . fit i 1 l .. i i ii i.,i f?x eeargea wiui ucmg uuumi in men viunn fr" "V-a-WHin narrow limits of si wheat field if, 'S'A'wWInhn survAved the commonwealth. 'yrr. -VBm..1, 4 lita Install tnt cnirten In Itlamvii V IStlti f)','"' """-B", -v. ...WW . t ,',; eeaceit, was nsitcti, ny me siupiu larrners V vrf J ,'wqend hiro,wherefero it was that "Western 'J'prodncte were carried cheaier tlireugh WH'Peensylvania than Pennsylvania products, ,nA.jj jife answered that he knew net, unless it 4j$if ww the result' of competition"; nor did he knew whercfoie Pennsylvania mineral Lii'5K ivrV-lnfM lvfiie carried ahnnrar In nutaiiln I .' 'vri'iwMwv --...,- ftnc.'trhWcewtltefe, tetbt Whikth eofperations' pay, the state tax they de net pay any read tax,, school tax nor county tax the burdens that the fanner and ether real estate holders feel. If these were equitably distributed upon all classes of property, the farmer could easily afford te relieve the railroads of a share of state tax te get a fair share of the ether1 taxes, shifted upon the shoulders of the corporations. Is Itlllackmall t We quite agree with the Philadelphia Evening Tckyrajih that among the mass of legislative rubbish which cumbers the ta bles and records at Hnrrlsburg, and dis credits the intelligence of theso whohave given it standing or consideration, conspi cuous are seme of the bills proposing te regulate the savings banks of the state. It needs no inquiry into the operation of tlicse institutions, nor any defense of their merits te stamp some features of this proposed legislation as pernicious and wholly unjustlflable. Ter instance, it is seriously proposed te.enact that "when ever the charter of a saving bank ex pires by limitation, its renewal can be ac cemplished only by the depositors being called together and a majority of them voting in the affirmative. This is making tlin rnstnmnrrirriilili llin IniRlnniq. vlipr- Ias they have no control of it nor respon sibility for it ; and the measure is only lesg absurd than that which provides that for each million of deposits held by cither of the savings banks the governor shall ap point ene director, and fur eacli additional million two directors, te represent the state. This interference by the state in private business and paternal control of it Is, if anything, mera offensive limit the ether. There is ene explanation of such legisla tion, or at least of the introduction of it and that is that it is intended font "pinch", for blackmail. Hut thcre is no reason why wholly vicious and unjustifiable bills should get past the committees, cheke up the calendars and obstruct the few leading useful measures that the legislature is called upon te pass. odrteOdfish. WHAT XM1S PKltltBTtrASlA FISH COH MIBSIONKHB HAT OV ITS BTRBAM8. The Dams And Flslfwaj's In the Btuquthanna. The Shad Stepped at Columbia Ittith- Icm Catch or Small Flsti In the Clene-Lathed Fish IkMkcU. i$v f$p com" un uics man te ine people et mosiaie $&ttbbv6 that it was caused by competition. "$$&$ Tliis very wise legislator secmetTle think m li'Arti l&M KW- Ut $' fc. & M m lft js u ts i T IS I hr f T. if p: 'two i'J ' n mn mw vt-m Zi&Jx '''lief. If If v.- rmtiivit!t!nn Hint. ml. an heavily upon FennBylvaniaprosperity,thcre was no help for it but in the Lord. And that seems te be true enough, if the major ity of the legislators have the same quality of wisdom as this Drumbre Solemon. But te another quality of legislator it might apiar te be the province of Penn sylvania's legislature te sec te it that the competition of her own railroads with their rivals did net put the people of the stale te disadvantage. Ne mere Clearly assigned duty ever appeared te a legislature ; nor one mejpwsqre clearly within ila power te laetiarge with satisfaction te its con stituents. Ter the legislature has supreme control of the subject. It may command and the railroad corporations must obey. The only, i s ii. ii r iw LaN' ceuuuuim, ill uiu iuuiu:i 'gkMTfiiratCS needed topre.j Peniisylvani.t people, is UictatiiuUi?7ii,n mnat. nlii'Inn iiwtlpp fnr it js7simply, that no greater charge sliall be made te PennsyLvanians by rennsylvania railroads, than is made te theso who are net Pcnnsylvanians. If that is net a fair thing te ask a Penn sylvania legislature te enact, we confess te dense stupidity of understanding. The Xancaster farmers who ask it, are stupid along with us. "Wisdom cemr-asscs about the Drumere leelslater who would net Jlft his hand te hurt a railroad, but would aise a bludgeon upon the farmers and pre ducers who are tlie railroad's customers. J3ut wherefore the railroads are better enti; tfefl te the legislator's protection than the jieople, is net easily seen. If one of the , two is te be hurl, seemingly it bheuld net t" 'fbe.the ieeplp. "X Olut thereis no need that cither should 1 ijajv" hurt. The interests of the railroads and the vpcople are in common. Tite railroads suffer fj?' ,frpm their comictitien, and the people of t Pennsylvania suffer, as they are made te "i5 Pay tl10 P'lHsr. The hand of the law Is I'ft". needed te say te the carriers of merchan dise, "you must carry for all at a like cliarge for a like services. It is the command of 'sense and honesty ; and the Pennsylvania legislator is a rank feel who sees the goods from the West carried through the state cheaper than in the state, and the products of the state carried from it cheaper than te places in it, while he sits paralyzed, ex claiininir "It is competition ! Ged is f great!" fy V A False Pretense. & " It seems that Wm. II. liresitis, who mis- 'fi' represents the Second legislative district of H this county, in the lower Heuse at Harris Atjf, burg,made a speech there the ether day en ?4C s tne Bame sitl of tne -tntl-dLscriminatlen bill "j&? as he took before the agricultural society 'I ,$ . en Holiday, when he was se badly discem- v1".- fitted by the intelligent inquiries of some ,:. of his fellow-members. Presuming, hew f.Br" ever, upon the greater Jgnorance of the law and facts that exists in the Pennsylvania legislature than in a body of representative fanners here, our misfit representative ven tured te indulge in such " argument " as this: Is it posslule that we should forget the In terests that theso reads have built up amongst us T I s It possible that Pennsylvania can for get for a slugle moment what slie has been made tlireugh theso railroad corjwatlensT De ve ewo thorn nothing for carrying the hiirctnna nr tlin TUknnln 4vjtaVT Tlin riprnnm H1 ,of Pennsylvania are net taxed ene dollar for atatn nurivwniL 'I'lin virnoratlens Of thlKxtnln h.-nfi W 'l --- l9 Ulls nocewponsatlonfortho -iHsr-B-its we have given them for the charters ah vwnim they pesscaa to-eay t - y.T .- . . . ... it. .i i it , " we can aiteru te pass uy uie uecmnuien that the state has been made what it Is by Lvery man of ftri '.& , 1 rs.v ' tT. Cits earning companies. . 'i '? Mni. !...... It. A. At. . uiftll( 4 linir n !. 1 . t?ft the act of the state; and that they are ,-5 iadividual enterprises, charteml and con cen f(jr ducted for private profit, having no ex. ,, istchce save by the grace of the common $?:?$ wealth, amenable te it and Its citizens "'jfI and controlled by the law which governs yfF'Rll. ' Sff'l 11. .1 11. .!.. i !... 41. II .... jjia iim ci.iu.Lr.iu auuub .uu tuinuruuuua 5f paying all the taxes of the state is fre- j quunny lnuuigeu in te acmne nenes, peo ple; and esiMKiially farmers, into whose eirs is dinucd the try that their real ostate kt exempt fromstite tar and hence they abQuld be liappy and- let the railroads A nltSLnrn wlinlnver tliev see lit for inrn.lne h . rein, or coal, and especially te transport R??Vaill.. fmm T:tlu.w..n T'lllt.!,!..!.!.. nu 'Z? "w i iiievuiR ""viijii4i ue r jap as frpm Marietta, and grain ?t lower , (iJitM from Chicago than from ilt. Jey. n-TW glaring truth, which- neither Iks misrepresentation nor the silence ,it the Honorable Mr. Breslu can : 3- . V I'ii'em nil nccounUthere Is mero cat and deg business about the Democratic organiza tion in Louisiana than In Ohie ; ami that is as strong as it can he put. e Tin: Philadelphia nowsnaperfi think thcre really nover was anything quite be infamous as the conduct of the scoundrel Elkins, who in order te get a divorce from, his wlfodo wlfedo wlfode Bortod her nnd then aid his jilinps and de tectives te invelve her in an equivocal posi tion. But If the eminent and ostecmed Jour nalists of Philadelphia will overhaul their leg-books they will lind the ise net without a prccodent. Pullman cars have Just been introduced into England, but with characteristic ebsti nacy the neble lords will net ride in them, and the sporting men and successful trades men have their comforts all te themselves. stricken lnllllPs w tli ronten te The Washington county sherifl" concluded that he could make a flue tiling of it by har boring nil the tramps in Jail ; and when he had run up a bill of $1,000 costs the attorneys for the county commissioners found law te exempt the county from Uabillt tramp oxpenses ; ana UHKKTte the grlef. we of the tramps in ter laise unprisenmcnu brels such a thing as a functionary being overHinart . Netwithhtan dine the wlde-spread poi pei ular belief that Judge Klrkpatrick, ei ntts burg, had such mental Incapacity as te for ever render it imposslble for him ie dis charge the duties of a plare from which he has been withdrawn for ever a year, the pre position te reinove him by address of the legislature meets witii obstinate resNtance, nnd such eminent members of the bar as Thes. M. Marshall, dee. Shiras, Jr., and A. M. Ilrewn havojelnod in his dofen se against the proceedings instituted. It is te be sus pected that theso gentlemen would rather have a practical vacancy en the bench than the kind of n successor te Klrkpatrick that tiie Pittsburg bosses would likely pick out. ' Tin: "gospel BUinmer season" lias opened hi Louisville, and the "Irish Kvangelist" wlie is the "Civorile attraction" quite ecliiscs Mr. Watterson's Bore-oyed Goddess of llev- enue lleferm. tm m Tin: New Yerk World, sensitive te hew it is itself, admits tiiat Abe Buzzard is a victim el the "avaricious newspaper reporter;" and the Ileading Herald, which can sce through a mill'Stone with a hele In it, declares tiiat when Ike Buzzard gets se far converted as te break jail Boiueot theso avaricious corres pondents "will have nothing te fall back en but the fomale hermit of Womolsderf when they want te raise meney te buy thomsehes tall overcoats." However, thore are "head less gliesis" and "petrified corpses" only waiting for the touch of the avaricious re porter te be started en llieir rounds again. w m i" T r "W9 i ir'sEBK .TaMtt km? wt aSBBm. ; .i im J 7S9 i "1 i - "1 It puzzles the empleyes of the IN it It, coal andiron company ever around Tamaqua that they are charged f 2.75 per ten f jr coal at the breakers, and $1 for hauling, whlle the same coal is sold at?2.30 or thoreabouts te ethors. They should send for 'Fanner Breslus, of tlie Pennsylvania legislature, te explain the benefits and blessings of freight discrimination. Kuuoateiis may well bestaggared at the preblem presented by the constantly increas ing ratio of fomale te mala teuchers in the pub lic schools. Thorelativo number in Phila delphia new Is 1 male te 25.4 females ; in Chicago 1 te 23.7; in Brooklyn 1 te 20.5; in New Orleaus 1 te 1(1.5. In seme cities it is, of ceurse, mucli smaller ; for oxample, in New Yerk 1 male te 0.4 fomale ; Bosten 1 te 8.2 ; Cincinnati 1 te 4.1. In private schools tlie figures are rrobablyrevorscd. Whlle no ene would clese teaching or any ethor lit voca tion te women, it must be admitted that the tondency Is new tee strongly in that ene direction, and it Is gratifying te netice from the report of the Massachusetts beard of edu cation that " the conviction Is grewlug among educators that a considerablo lncrcase in tlie proportion of male teachers Is a needed re form in our school economy." Teaching Is te be undortaken as a life-work, if it is te be made Buccessful In any large sonse, and as a rule few wemen engaging in it have tills m view. As a rule, for advanced pupils, the male teacher is found mere elUcIeut. Advance sheets of the biennial report of the state commissioners of fisheries have been received. The rejHirt comprises nbeut ene hundred pages of loiter press nnd Illustrations, and presents tlie reasons why the reMills of the efforts of the commis sioners te restock the streams of the slate with odible llsli, have net been as successful as many persons claim they should have been. Milch of tliis reiwrtls of local interest as It deals with the fish and the waters et tlie Hus Hus quehanna nnd tlie movemonU of tlie shad. The llve principal roaseuH why tlie lalwrs of the commissioners have been se compara tively barren of geed results are : I. The dams which obstruct nearly all large streams. If. The lack of adequate flshvi ays. in. mho noii-eusorvniico el tlie eioseor spawning seasens. IV. The many Illegal and deadly dovices employed at nil seasens for the capturing nnd killing erilsli. V. Tlie pollution of streams by tlie dojiosl dejiosl dojiesl Hon of material poisonous te tlie llsli. Theso llve Interfering causes are discussed at length, their jiernlcleus ellbcU pointed out and' remedies suggosted. Hpeaklng of dams, It says : "It is almost Huporllueus te state that dams, as ordinarily ceiiBirucicu, are anaiwonue ear te me ti wanl passage offish in streams across which they are built Ah long as such obstructions exlst and are unprevided witli adequate "wnys"se constructed, that fish can rapidly ascend them, se long will the supply of anailromeusor migratory fishes coutinueto lessen, until complete extinction results." T1IK DAMS IN TUB KOHQUKIIANNA. The Susouelianna river furnishes n neta- ble Illustration or the detrimental iiillueuces of dams unprevided with ilsh-ways. Prier te the erection of the dam at Columbia, shad fishing was oxeellciit for hundreds of miles along that rlver. In theso days farmers and ethers for a distance of llfty miles en each side, made their yearly pilgrimages te the stream In April and May te Hocure fish feed for the eiiRiilng Hummer, whero they could purchase the run or catch at an average of fill or less per hundred, or at the rate of about threo cents jier euiid. Tliey would lleck te tlie river sides, waiting for.the draw ing of tlie seines, nnd en the banks would clean nnd salt down one, two or tliree Imr rels, as might be required for the summer supply for their families." Hew is It new?. It 18 doubtful whother a hundred shad are taken in a whele season north of the Celum bia dam, and it is net neccssary te leek for the reason. Although a se-called "llshway" was built hi the damn few years age. it has proved an abortion, because tnose who built It out net uuucrsmnu tneir imsincss. tee iisii either can net or will net ascend if, and, as n consequence, the hundreds of thousands of shad the Mnest In the world that used te .be taken In the upiter woters or that rlver are no lenger heard or. In point of fact, shad fishing in the Husquehanna, north of the Columbia dam, Is practically a thing of the past what is Ni:i:i)i:i. An adoquate lishway should In) built in that dam. The requisites or such a structure are net set forth In the report as fellows : 1. It must be accessible ; that Is, the fleer of the tlshway must be located that the fish will readily llnd it 2. It inustdlscliargea Hiilllcicnt elunin of water te attract usli te it 3. Tlie water inust lnurtrfu7,.i iiiMisn.li inodcralevnlDirtfTmtilNli mav rnisllv outer swim against the current 4. The route te be travelled by the fish should be as short and direct as possible, and the He r of the lishway should simulate as nearly as may be, tlie lxd of the streain. I'ropesltloiiM for the orectlon of such a fish-way'' Willi a full guarautee that It w ill onswerthe piiirose, have Imhmi inadole the beard, but the l.iekjif t undHJias prevented any action. The amount" rciiulretl for'lhe purpese and asked for by the commissioners is t!),ew. Tin; nKADLY fish hamkkt. The report next addresses itself te tlie fish baskets, se many hundred et which are te te found In the Husquehanna and Dela ware rivem. Although the law h of the state are as explicit ns they can well lie in regard te illegal fishing of every kind, It is palpably plain theso laws are net respected. Ne ene who hasa desire te knew their meaning can misinterpret them. And yet they are vio lated daily in thousands ei Instances, espec ially In the form of the deadly fish basket, be many of which are used, and the destruction of which is prevented by two causes; first, tlie neglect of duty by sheriffs and constables ei counties ixirucriug en me rivers ; ami, second, because of the lack of funds by the beard of commissioners, for the employment of wardens. Only theso familiar with the construction of these illegal devlces for cap turing fish can form an adoquate conception eT their destructive tendencies. Many thous and merp Binall fish are destroyed by them than large ones sultable for fowl. U is en record that in the upper waters of the 1)61a 1)61a ware, young shad have been hauled away from fish baskets by wagon-leads. This seems hardly credible, but ft Is vouched for en the best authority. The first and most Important available step te break this up Is the appointment of courageous llsli wardens, who, at appro priate seasons, shall patrol the rivers nnd discharge the duties delegated te them by statu te law. Te secure such services the commissioners must have money. The counties berdering en the rlver nre cm lowering te furnish the means, but strangely enough, with the oxeeptlon of Lancaster, net a single ene mis luanuucuni u uis(iusiiiuii w prelect the Interests of all Its citizens by de manding olKMlience te the laws en tlie part of of a low. The ethor tliree hindering causes, namely, non observance of the spawning seasons, tlie usoef torpedos. poisonous drugs, etc, for killing fish and tlie pollution of streams, are apprexrlately treated. Till! VOOI) rlSHKS OF THR STATU. A list of the principal feed flshes in the waters of the state, native and lerclgn, fol fel lows. Tills list coinprlses the shad, whlte fish, black bass, wall-oyed pike, California trout, brook trout, great sea salmon, land locked salmon, grass bass, rock bass and Herman carp. These fish, their odible qua- ' TmmeHku ' BrLViA Dvpkb, the "1W boy" el Webster, Mass., died suddenly en Tuesday. He' was in his 0th year and weighed 230 pounds. Mrs. Mary Wagner, who has dledln Philadelphia; and left an ostate of aoe,000, bequeathed some 20,000 te episcepal char ities. Mm. W. TL HiiEninAT fLeulsa Daven pert), Is ill in New Yerk from a complica tion of diseases that has resulted In total blindness. Senater Den CAMRneN will stay around Les Angolen. Cal., until his health gels bet ter. He will sniff the Quay-Magce contest nt very long range. Mr. Jehn Cahwai.adru has lioen re- olectod president et the Yeung Men's Dem B MXBtCAZ. ROWN'SIItON BITTEHS. WOMEN KOOKB. B 00K8! BOOKS 1 1 ocratle association, of Philadelphia, by n vete or ft) te S'.l, against Leuis C. Massey, brought out te beat him. Krv. EnwiN Bewman UAKKUNsrnnaKR. D. D., has dled nt Muncy, Pa., eftcr a long illness, aged (II years, lle served In the Inte war as chaplain en the stair of the Inte Gen. .Tames B, bteadman. CeNKLtNO, be it remembered, voted against the unconstitutional war moasure tiiat made West Virginia a state. Thad. Stevcns led the movemont whlle he boldly admitted Its ulter Illegality. Cabsiuh M. Clay, wlilte-halred and vigorous. Is quietly cultivating the 400er GOO acres he has kept for himself, with his child ren an around Him en tlie rest ei ins iarin, and patiently awaiting his end.' W. W. Sciianten has wen his appeal te tlie supreme court. In which he took excep tion te the action of the lewer court In dis charging Aaren A. Cliase from custody uu uu der a capias issued upon n Judgment for ei,411.ea Bl.AlNi: will ro-agitate his schome te have the foderal governiiiout hhsiiiiie he much of Virginia's state debt as would have fallen en West Virginia te pay had it counties net been cut oil' from the Old Dominion te make a new state. Clevkland Is very fend of driving nnd wants the herses sent along In a brisk trot He detests a jog. In starting eir for a drlve he consults his watch, and Instructs the driver te cover as much ground ns possible within the tlme he gives. The drlve usually occu pies an hour, rarely ever mero, but he extracts a great deal of plcas'ure out Mr. Phklps, the new English minister, was given a complimentary dinner by Mr. Cyrus W. Kleld, of New Yerk, last ovenlng. The ether guests were William II. Kvarts, Jehn Blgolew, William Dorsheliner, Presi dent Perter, of Yale collego, Professer Gold Geld win Smith. Jehn A. Stewart Antheny J. Drexcl, Geerge W. Child, Percy H. Pyne, Aaren J. Vandorjieol, K. N. DlcKorsen. u. i. Baldwin, nnd the host's brothers, David Dud ley l'leld and Kev. Dr. Klcld. Samukl M. Hoeskvki.t, efNew Brighten, Ij. L, went te Baltimore en Tuesday ler the purpese of being married te Mrs. BoylHteu. daughter of the late H. M. Shoemaker, ami leek n ride In Druid Hill lark with Kev. Dr. Ecclcsten. The horse ran nway and Mr. lloesevolt was thrown and, falling en his bend, was rendered unconscious. He was removed te a drug store, whero he was re stored, after which he was taken te the resi dence of Mrs. Boylston, whero the marrlage was solemnized. JUDOK Mattiibw J MCUAKKKRTV uice suddenly or heart dlsoase In Bosten Tuesday night The Judge was Butler's candidate for the governor of the state last fall. The general made his acquaintance when he was a ioer factory liey in Lewell, paid his way through the cellege of the Hely Cress, In Worcester, 1ie1kh1 him te be admitted te the liar, and appointed him Judge ns boeh its he was Installed as governor of the state The Judge was n dolcgale-at-largo at the Chicago Democratic convention last summer. Hewas, a major during the civil war, and made a geed record. Politically, he had Jumpedl tlie icnccs miner uas. Trills nltli Hurlmis Slattern. mnclnirevcr a seething cauldron en a film of glass Is rank madness, crowding en a inn ncau lit menial steam and carrying ccanclrss cam, wlille the physical iramu Is overworked nnd nurvi dlnerdcred, U ntlll weme. and imint ro re ult In total ruin unless a proper equivalent of strength Is runiished. IJCFrv's 1'crk JUtT H'lUHKEV Is the only available rccource that can completely All the breach and supply tlin stim ulus necessary U, rcatere perfect health without hurtful reactions or damage tn the constitution. The great chemists certify te Us perfect purity .and the best doctors recommend It thorough use. l'rlce ene dollar pcrbotlle of any reliable grocer or drugget Needing renewed strength, or who suffer from Infirmities peculiar te the box, should try Brown's Iren Bitters. THE BEST TONIC. Trade Mark QUALITY, ruiUTY-NOT QUANTITY. un r.vtry jhhik. Tills inrdlclne combines Iren with pure vegc labln tonics, and Is Invnlunble ler Diseases ts-eullar te wemen, nnd nil who lead sedentary lives. It Enriches nnd l'nrifles the IIIecnI, Htlm ulntes the Appetite, strengthens the Muscles nnd Nerves In fact, thoroughly Invigorates. Clears the complexion and makes the Bkln smooth. , It ders net blacken the teeth, cause heaanchn, or produce constipation nil ether Iren matt- cinet ite. ilim. KiizAbktii llAin!, 74 Karwell Ave., Mil waukoe. Wis., sars. under date of Dec. 'Jl. lraii " 1 have used Ifrnwn's Iren Hitters, nnd It has been mera than a doctor te me, having cured me of the weakness ladles have In life. Alse cured me or Liver Complaint, and new my com. plexlen Is clear and geed. Has been beneficial te my children." Genuine has above trade mark and crnssed red lints en wrapper. TAKE NO OTHKIt. Made only by llltOWN'H CHEMICAL CO., UAI.TIM(ltK, MD. LAturs' ItAsn Heek Useful nnd attractive. HANDSOME TO LOOK AT ! GOOD TO READ AND CHEAP TO BUY, -AUKTIir. containing list or prizes for receipts, Inlerma tlen about coins, etc, given away by all dealer in medicine, or mailed tenny address en receipt of ':c. stamp. 3.UKAT KLIxllt 01rLIl'K. ENDORSED BT THE WORLD. DR. PETZOLD'S GERMAN BITTERS! THIS GHEAT ELDCER OF LXFK Is a double Distillation of ever twenty different kinds of the best Herman Herbs, this bcltiK the only true nnd rullalile process by which the cu ll re Great Medical Virtues and Curative Proper, ties of the Herbs can be produced. We are con. fldcut Hint this great (Icrrnnn Tonle will be round the meHtllKAI.TH GIVING ever placed before the public. As a UELIA1ILKAND PLEASANT INVIGOKANT, It Is absolutely without a rival, and alTurds Ikhtaht llELiBr, and n l'surECTCDRKeuarnutecd In all cases of Dyspepsia, Less of Appetite, Nervousness, Weakness, Cramps, Dysentery imeicm Tills Greut Medicine Fer Sale Everywhere. Ii. PETZOLD & CO., Prep's., IIALTIMOltK, Mil. apr.-SH'ASlyd.tw. leFl'LAH-fliUH. A FAMOUS STREN0THENER. Heme wltM, shop clrls nnd sales-women all sulTer mero or less trem Weak Uaclc nnd Hide nclie. Nelhlnic nfferds such Instant relief ns a Her 1'laster applied ever affected part. I'ulns and uches of all kinds are driven out and the parts marie etr una sirenginenca. ask ler a ller 1'lastkr, made from llurgundy Pitch, BOOKS! BOOKS! WlilohWeInvitotho01tl2ontBofLanoaatortoIu8poot at Our Establishment TO-MORROW. WHERE THEY COME FROM. These Heeks (ever llfleen thousand volumes In all), lm e been fin n aiilcdle us en consignment fietn one of the Larnest I'iiIjIIsIiIhk Hw In New Yerk, with Instructions touse our Judgment In njtliiR pi Ices en them, btittobusure teinnik thi-iu low uiieukIi torercn theuiten wde, nnd If low prices will tempt buycm, It shall net be our rault ir u slngle volume remains unsold. WHAT THEY ARE. . The. Selections Embraces the Whole llnmre of Literature, cmhntclnir lxwiks adnnted te everv '."J!."' "orksef Ilcference, Heeks Ter the Household, History, llleitniphy. Travels, Fiction, Poetry, Philosophy, Wit and Humer, etc., etc. All the HUindnrd Authers or America and Emdmid nre rep resuiitcd, ami any net-son wishing te shirt a Library could eijulp It completely from this collection. WHAT WE ASK OR. THEM. Here Is a partial list of prices. Head It threuuh, and we think you will admit, that unless we iiriuuuy khvu uiu ikkiks nway. we couldn't ask much le for them. The figures nre III all eases less than publishers' wholesale prices, and In very many Instances repiesent less than the mere cost or binding. ' 10,000 Copies Popular Standard Editions, 12 mes, Bound in Cleth. . . This lbie ceinprlsesSkctch Heeks, Adam llede. Grimm's fairy Tales, and many ethers. HEGU LAH THICK, 41.0U ; OUH l'HICE, 27CENT3 A COPY. 10,000 Copies Best LoreH's 12 mes., Bound in Extra Cleth, Gilt Backs. This line comprises New Magilnlene, Paul Clifferd, Ne New Thin, Phantom Fortune, In Tet 11 of His Life, and many ethers. PUHLlttHKitH'PKlCK, !.'.; OUK PlUCE.aaCENTU ACOPV. 2,000 Copies Best Edition Red Line Peets, Well Beund.Red Edge and Gilt Tep. Tlits Line comprises Pepe, Crnlibe, Tupper. Hrun-ns. Milten, llllad. Procter, Scott, Hymn, Ten nyson, Elliett, Hums nnd ethnrs. HKGULAIl l'HICE, fl.ss ; OUK l'HICE, 3S CENTS A COPY. 5,000 Copies Extra 12 mes., Best Line Ever Published. . JlY. Dltrrn-nUloeks.citra cloth, gilt en back nnd sides. FULL PK1CE, $1.50; OUH l'HICE, 18 CENTS A COPY, 7,000 Copies Bed line Peets, Clear Tjpe, Full Gilt Cleth. This line censtats of Tennyson, Milten, Henicns, fnust, Kchiller, Ijiily of the Lake, Lnllah Keoke, Thackeray. Procter, Moere. Elliett, Eliza Coeke, Hwlnliurne, Hryant, Macnulc)', Pepe, Whlttlcr, IxmKfclIew, Hoed.etc. WOIIT1I I1.S5 and $1 JO ; OUK PUICE,il CENTb A COPY. 15 volumes, Illustrated, Extra Cleth. I'uuiisners' l'rlce. Our Price per set. Merbus. Nausea. Dlnrrhrpa. Asthma. I f'lmflna Itinlniiu' Pnmnlnln lVni.lt- Sick Klemnch, HllllousncsH.AKue and fever and r","v" "'v"v"1' """l11" ""'"") einer auunnni irisrascs Cnunda Ilalsam and the virtues of fresh Heps, imeverywiicre. xtc.s rer ii.uu bend te no LASTEll COMPANY, Uosten, for circular, (t CLOTH I NO. H Down In Elkton, Mil., the lale local election turned ou the quostlen or keejilng pls In the town, and threo or the llve coin-mis-slenors elect are reported te be faverable te the Individual citizen's right te mich proprietorship. Pending a preposition te repeal the rennsylvania statute requring fences te bo'herso high and pig tight" It is in orderfor Candldate Quay and Citizen Mc Mc Devltt te doclare thoniselvcs en this hoary Issue, The beardless beaux nnd skating rink flirts will take netice that whlle the law which has passed the IIouse at Uerrisburg, prescribes a penalty or fUOO en any mlnlster or Justice et the poace who shall unlle In marriage any julner, It nlsoimpesos a pen alty of fM() upon any. miner who shall In duce any person te peribrm the inarrLige coremony uuder false representation). A I'ittsbuiiq man lias discovered per petual motion ; anil contemporaneously a newspaier In that city proposes te expese In suecoaslen all tlie concert saloons, dives and ether nasty places In Pittsburg. If it means te kcep up that Jeb until it finishes it will need te Juvoke the local inventor's dis coyery. JVr.CIAI, NOTICES. Hep Forout flutter contain no capsicum te burn and Irritate. They seethe and kill pain and strengthen weak spots. Sk: at driiKKlsts. ,, Thousands say se, DU. OUAVES' 1IEAHT HEGULATOH will give lelkf In all fonnsef Heart Disease, tierveusiicHs and sleeplessness. LOUjier bottle nt druggists. Give 11 a titul. free pamphlet of V. E. Iinjalls, Cambridge, Mass. uprOO-lycedAw ,VI)QUARTKIl.S FOK .. - , SUMMER Mf,rlne Shirts and Drawers, Oauze Undershirts and Drawers, Cliolce Necktles, .-' B. St W. Cellars and Cuffs, C. & C. Cellars and Cuffs, Crown Cellars and Cuffs The Best Fitting Dress Shirts. SHIItTS AND SOCIETY PAKAPHEKNAL1A MAUK TO Ulllltlll, At Erisman's, NO. 17 WEST KING 8TUEET. Gilt buck In wooden be-c -.":..V) fame, cxini neayy iiuiier, i.ngiiBii ciein, wiute lauei 'jinu Same, extni, one-half ItusMan ,. . ..... ... . I-'.OO Same, extra, one-half fair . 48.ne Wnverly Ne els, 18 uie., Cleth, Gilt . .. 1S.00 Haine, In 3n Vel . . sejn Washington Irvlng's Complete Works, 3 Vel., Cleth and Gilt SOU Plutarch's Llws of Illustrious Men GUI Thackeray's Complete Works. HI., bound in cloth, gilt back, 11 vel Iset) Same In extra heavy paper, English cloth, white label tl.m " " half calf :mi Wlllllam black's Complete Works, 1A elumctc, cloth, gilt back Jl in Hnnie In extra lieuvy paper, English cloth, whlte label, 'HOO Mccarty's Histories, "Our Own Times," llexbury binding, uilt ten. 4 ml r. 0l Green's History of the English People, extra cloth, 4 vel ('.() Macaulay's Essays extra cleth,3vnluines 5 00 Macaulay's History et England, S volumes, cloth S.Mj Geerge Eliet's complete works, 8 volumes, cloth, tine gilt back 14.l hame In extra linlfenir, 9 volumes 3J.i Samuel Smiles' SelMIelp series, 4 volumes, cloth and gilt fl.en SOsclH, II. O. Shakespeare, 8 volumes, complete, bound 2 Chambers' Encyclopedia of Universal Knew ledge, new edition, extra cloth, 12 vel 18.00 H'l Peets, llhimy edition, full sheep, ecta c, Shakespeare, Milten, Hums, i ennysen, iiy rnn..... t mi 300 Copies Kterydny Cook Henk, well-bound, cloth.. l.'S, w i;eincs juiiien'fj edition, full gilt KM Copies Milten's Paradise Lest, Illustrated by Gustave Dure, quarto .VI Copies Den Quixote, Dere illustrations.. M VEI18 A HATH VON. THE 100 Copies America illustrated, lKlflneengnivliigsnf its grandest scenery. am) odd Volumes, DIckciis.Thnckcniv, Ilulwer, Elliett Mnrk Twnln's Complete Works, pp. Vel 10,000 Pocket Dictionaries, cloth, Illustrated I.uuu Pentiinr Dictionaries, cloth and gilt. . 3,iMi Humorous Heeks, such us Peck's Had Hey, Werk or the Wits, 40 Liars, and many ethers lu,) Latest Nm els, illuminated covers 1.CM0 Instrumental and Seng folios, Vfl pages, by the best composers.. 8.00 M .inn 1..VJ 3.V) 1.IW 0..V1 0.50 o.te fi.!W 8.4S " 111.08 " am " 7.W8 " 1I.W " 3,i1 " 1 SO " ILfiS " 7.SS " HI 4s " 7.W1 m 8.W " '175 " 1.75 " 1.48 " 8.48 ' 1S.58 " 2.28 " 1.08 " 7.88 " 1.88 Ench. 0.48 ' 2.97 " Llts " 1198 ' O.W " 1.9NS " 10 " 41 " 0.29 " 0.24 " 11.27 " FULL LINE OP CHILDREN'S BOOKS, Hound in cloth, beard and paper, Irem 3 cents te fiOOcncb. E.issl Latest Nevels, paper covers, from 15e te Sic, Hegular price, as and SO cents. Alse, tlie complete and cliolce., weiks, Hume, McCarthy, hcett, Helllus, llulncr, Swift, Ii lug, Piescett, Ac, c. Thousands of Other Beeks Equally as CHEAP. N'onenv should ueulect 11 couch. Meney of Hiireheund and Tar mnrr, lltles, commercial and sporting value, metued of propagation eta, are treated mero or less at length. Hpeaklng or the black bass, in regard te which llsli thore Is nt proseut con siderable discussion, tlie report prosents its geed and liad sides. 801110 thore are, who Insist that it is de stroying all tlie native llsli, and that it is spe cially destructive te the shad. This is de-' nled by ethors, and until this mooted point is settled, the commissioners have reselved net te plant any mero of them. The present beard nover did stock streams with black bass. "Whatover was dene In that direction was the work or the Termer beard ; though the number or these flsh distributed by it, did net amount in all te mero than threo or four thousand. The most or the stocking or streams with bass has been deue by private individuals. Considerablo spnue Is given te the Califor nia trout, which bids fair te outrival our fa fa fa vorite brook trout, ns it is mero prolific, grows mero rapidly, is mero hardy, will live and thrive in waters in which tlie brook trout would perish, and Is withal as gamy and as deslrable for the table. Great atten tien Ih being paid te the ilsh, a great muny- ineusanu yearnuga Having neon Uiniuneu the commission by tlie U. 8. lUhery commis sion. THE aiJIUIAN (JAM1. This flsh, which is rogarded as essentially the flsh for the (armor, is attracting a great deal et attention, aud the commissioners have been using every possible means at their command te tsccure tlie quan tity ron,ulred te meet the applications for them from every part of the state. In addi tion te the pieducts or the state ponds at Allontewii, quite a large, number were re ceived from the U. 3. llahery commission, and these nre being distributed new, to gether with soveral thousand ethors. Ah a number or theso flsh have beeu taken in the Dolaware and Schuylkill, thore can be no lenger a doubt ai te thelr adapta bility te most of the streams or the state, as well as te the private ponds. It is the inten tion of the commissioners te test fully their adaptien te rivers and creeks.. They thrive admirably In the flowing waters' et Europe. Henkv WattersenIs "talked of" for minister te Hussla, It will be a, colder day in Kentucky than this wheu he quits it for St. Petersburg. Take Hale's Hike's TiKithachn Dreits etiru lu nnu liilunle. uiyl-lwdcedAir "I never luttronite Patent Medli lues." Don't you T Why net T Yeu patronize " patent " urtl cles or a hundred varieties why nut patent medicines. "Ilecause they are often worthless." True, but net always. Frequently they nre the very best lu the world, representing the widest experience. At least we knew that Dr. Kenne dy ravonle itenicdylsoneortlicse, nnu rernll troubles of thu bleed, liver and urinary organs ft stands en its merits ami net en udvci Using, nprio-eod.tw "r ' ' The uutrltlve properties of Culden's Liquid Ileef Tonic sustain the body without solid feed. CeUlcrit; no ether. myl lwdeedw Walks About Town. Te leek nt the various fellow beings we meet In thu streets Is an interesting study. Qiiecrpcn pie some or them are. -Seme urn proud of their clothes, whlle some shuffle along in tatters. Hume are cheerful, ethers ure melancholy. Seme have a light aud happy step, ethers pled oil as If, marching te the grave. What a geed thing It would be te give each of the sad and weary' ones a bottle of brown's Iren Hitters I Hew it would nerve them up mid maku them knew the bless ing nt hearty health ! Mr.Sehull, el Kiel, Wis., says, " Hrewn's Iren Hitters cured me of general HI health." FIRST OF MAY IS HERE, And hew many persons have neglected thu pur chase of SUITABLE CLOTHING FOK Warm Weather. Ilen'l unit until Warm Weather is Here, HUY IN ANTICIPATION. IT WILL COME, IT MUST COME, AND WtfltE SPUE IT'S NOT KAll OFF, New, u e wi te j oil, DON'T WAIT ANY LONGER, BUY NOW. Yeu can buy new Just ns CIIEA Pas later. If you uru new ready te buy, ceme and leek at our GOODS and PRICES. ITCHING PILES."-SYMPTOMS! MOI6TUHE Llke perspiration. Intense Itching, werse by scrniciung, most nt mgni, seems 11 were cmwflnir. " Mwauue't Oinlmenl ' ant, ture cure, jan28-MW. worms inleai FAw HATBAND VAl'B. 1845. Z 1885 STAUFFER& CO., Leading Fwiieiubls H alters, All the New Spring Styles, In Plain nnd Fancy Celers, Extra Light Weight, In SOFT AND STIFF HATS The Largest Assortment of STRAW GOODS lu the City. With Prices te Suit the Times. Ileing Manufacturers, and receiving goods di rect from the factories, we nre nble te sell goods lower than ever. Ne trouble te show our goods. Give us a call. "W. D. STAUFEER & CO., (8IIULTZ'8 OLD STAND), Nes. 31-33 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTEU. PA. TUB LARGEST, REST AND MOST complete assortment of Playing Cards lu the city from s eenls per pack up at HAUTMAN'S YELLOW FKONTClUAU UTOKE. ROTE IS MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT S3.00 A DOZKH,; AT NO. 108 NOKTII QUEEN BTUEKT. janietfd Lancaster, Pa. OONSUMPTION-1 HAVE A POSITIVE remedy for the above disease t by Ha use he usnnds of cases of the worst kind aud of long standing have been cured. Indeed, be strong Is my faith In its efficacy that I Will send TWO 1IOTTLES FUEE, together with a valuable trea tise en this disease te any sufferer, Ulve ex press and P. O. address. DH. T. A. BLOCUM, nl&emdoed&einiv 181 Pearl St, N. V. rrtu IS PAPER IS PRINTED wrru J. K. WRIGHT V CO.'S INK Fu'raeQDl i Works, 26th and Pene'i Avtnne tatVU PUILADKLl'IIU,rA. And e knew we can Inlercat you ; we think rcssinn. we'll maku a cus. I we can, ul least, maku an Impression. raver us witn n can, aim turner of you. MYERS & RATMFON, LEADING LANCASTER CLOTIIIEU3, NO. 12 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTEU. PA. Ii. ClANSMAN A DUO. Simply Impossible. We have clipped the wings of competition by starting the season with unquestionably the best and most stylish Clothing that can be made by care und skill, and selling It se low that lower they cannot be. It Is simply Impossible, for Instance, te secure, elsewhere the wide variety for a perfectly natlafactery cliolce In Men'and Beys' Suits That you find en our ceuntcis.. Yeu will llke our MEN'S SUITS for $0.00,' S.U0 and (10.00, are Just built for this money-saving tlme aud will sultyeu exactly. Our HOYS' SUITS at 11.75 te L50 are fast sellers. Our Custom Department Is new and has been for sevend weeks past In full operation and wo'renotonlypreparcd te receive aud promptly 1111 your orders for SPRING CLOTHING Hut will, In advance, guarantee you Custom Custem Custem made Garments that can't be surpassed In style, quality, Ilt or make, by theso of many houses In thu city, All-Weel Suits te Order -AT $10, $12, $15,$18, $20 and $25. CAUTION In calculating value consider well Quality, Pattern, Style, Workmanship, and Bee hew they tit the prlce. CONCLUSION This Is the place- te buy. I. GMSMAU Nes. .60-68 NORTH OJ i (Ulght en the Southwest Cor. LANCASTEU, 49- Net connected with any store in me city, -MT-ITHOUT EXOEPTIO W Cigars In the town, two HAUTMAN'S YELLOW 8TOHE &cM0., UEENST., of Orange Street,) , p Ather clethlnf rd THE BEST i ler Be, at llONT CIQAH fiSTRICIf S PALACE OF FASHION, Ne. 13 East King Street. nprK-Sw cod eblxAND7nTl6NEUYT " JOHN BADR'S SONS, OFFEIt AT LOWEST PUICES, lHiuik Iloeks, Writing Paicrs, Knvclepcs, Writing Flnitls anil Liks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, Steel Pens, Lead Pencils, Pocket Heeks, Bill Ikieks, Letter Heeks, und uu Assortment of Flue nnd bLipte htulieucry. - AT THE S10N OF THE HOO !. NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. HOIIHKI'UUNISII INU OOOItS. s IlIUK'S CARPET IIALU CARPETS ! CARPETS ! HEOPEN1NO OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te show the tmde the largest and Hcst Selected Line of Carpets ever er, hlhltiilln this city. WILTONS. VELVETS, all the Trading Makes of HODY ANDTAPESTKY' HKUhELh, THHEE-PLY, All-wool nnd Cotten Chain EXTHA SUPEHS, nnd all qualities or 1N UIIAINCAHPETS, DAMAHKand VENETIAN CAHPETS. HAO and CHAIN CAltPETSef our own manufacture a speciality. Special Attention paid te the Manufacture of CUSTOM CAUPETH. Alaea Full Line of OIL CLOTHS, RUGS, WINDOW SHADES, COVEULETS, Ac., AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sts,, Lancaster, Pa. rebSP.-uid.tw X-LOVJt AKH VJSKV. lOMEANDSEE MR UAVINO OrKNEU A Heur, Feed, Grain, Hay & Straw WAREHOUSE, At Nes. 35 and 37 Market street, (Fermerly occupied by Harry A. Dlller), I would respectfully Inform my friends und thu public In general that I am new prepared te furnish at thoshertcet nollce und LOWEST POSS1ULE PUICES, Fleur, Feed, Grain, Hay and Straw. Alse, constantly en hand a fully biipply of Machinery, Cylinder, Linseed, Crude and Machinery Gils, WHOLESALE AND UETAIL. HENRY DRAOHBAR. aprO-luieed TIME, MONEY ANDIiAIlOU SAVED by using MILLEH'S PUHE HOHAX Seap. DU. FOREMAN, PHYSICIAN ANDSUIIOEON, Uemeved fiem Ne. UU West King street te Ne. 21 North Prince, (Late residence of A. E. Itebcrts.) m38-3md s AINT-KAPHAEL WINE. INFORMATION. The Salnt-Hnphael Wlne has a delicious flaveur and Is drunk In the principal cities of Uusslu' tlermnnv, Henu nnu wum me, mni.i. Hrl tain, lndlu, and se en. TIienunnlltye .ported I.J UII14 Isseur iu '"ia-ThoSalnt-HapnaelWlneCompnuy, Valence, Departraentef the Dreme (Frauce.)l Hrl tain, luaiu, aim se uu. a uu uj ujiuhi ".".r" annually Is sulUclent proof or IU sUihllily u staving powers, while for the real connefsse thore Is no wlue that can be considered UIWCKUIES. AT HUUSK'S. SOLID VALUE. ouuaec. me coffee. It Is a cheirc, clean, pure Hlo Coffee, fieah roasted almost dally, and fresh ground when you purchase it by water power. OUH UIO ULENDED at 'ic.. Is superb. OUH OLD MANDEHLING nnd PADANG JAVAS lira of thu finest quality. EMHOSSED CIIUOMOS, 0 by Sineheg, gien with each pound. DRIED FRUITS. We have Pared Peaches at 10c pound. Wohave a Splendid Pared Peach ut ISO pound. We have Evaporated Peaches, pared, ut 20, 33, 30, 3.1 cents pound. We have geed Sour Dried Apples atSe quart. We have very choice Evaporated Apples at l5e pound. Nuw Heans nnd New Peas nt 10c quart, Lima ilea us nt 10 und 11 eta quart. OUH STOCK IS COMPLETE AND OUK UOODSUOOD AND CHEAP. jWP, S. Telephone connection. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. W-ATOIIES, CLOOKSAND JEWELRY GREAT REDUCTION IN PltlCKS OF WATCHES. CLOCKS AND JEWELKY.at LOUIS WEBEU'S, Ne. 159 i-2 North Qaeea Street, Opposite City Hetel, near Pa. 11. II. Depot. Hetallliig at Wholesale Prices, ltep.ilil ngat xtra Lew Prices. JyJl- lyd iOAP HAS EVER GIVEN SUCH attraction. Is thu verdict of all who usti AlILLEft'S.UOUAX bt)AP. N KTO'H Xl UUl H-"'IX) TRESPASSERS AND NEltS. All uorHens uru hereby for. bljdm ternspxss en uuy of the lands of the druwall or Speedwell estates, lu Lebanon and Jinnuwr counties, wuuiuer ineieseu erunin H. E. SLAYMAKER, 118-Ua NO.20EASTEINU8TUEJ lug, alft closed, either for tlin purpose of sheeting or flsh- ;, as tue law win nu rigiqiy eniercea against trcsnaaslng en said lauds of the undoeilL'ueil after this notice. WM. COLEMAN FHEEMAN, H. PEIIOY ALDEN, EDWAHD C. FHEEMAN. 'Attorney for H. W. Coleumufa heln. eeUl-Uaiiiv I -.'1 i; -, I; A - t- ' ., !-::,''