... ,. r,. y- Af - Zrq r,,-; :y 'V'., RJ.S 1 -' 1 t jt 1 .-- i Jl1? . trf. . . ... s.r? v - x&t&M&t'k.vi , &. &-, -. .. ,1 tfferiE iAKQAfiitet pYjomftecaii Hi ADVICE FOlt THE FARMER. KXi'zniMHSTa iririt vjiehwm seed trtiEATAtrn eats. The Committee en Cereals Representing Chester Comity, en Acrennt of the I'eim. sylvanU Stnte Agricultural Society for the Tcnr 1881, Olie These Kemilt. Of Hti Impartial let by the nbove com Jnltlce they reported en tliroe tllrTcrent vn vn vn riotlen or client, tiatuely: Martin's Ainlicr, rultc, mill Slubble Itetl. Plot Ne. 1, Martin's Amber whnut, sewed Kcntembcr 20, In drill ut the rate of ene nttd a hair bushels the nure, nnd four hundred pounds Cue A Hiclimend'a ncid phmphate applied In drill with the wheat t yleld, tulr-ty-tlirce and a quarter bushels the acre. Plot Ne. 8,1'ifMas wheat, two bushels seed te the ncre, and saine treatment as te furtl lirlnir, cultivation and tlme of planting ; yield, tlilrty-one Imalielti eljrlit peutida te the aero. On plot Ne, 3. fjtubble lied wheat, two bushels seed, and otlier eondlttens throughout the satne as en plot Ne. 1 and ": yleld, thirty-four bushels two pounds. The Martin's Amber wheat, although net Uie most prolific In tliip, our last repert,lias lartro lartre lartro lyrcdeemod ltselt from its pre ions recerd In ether tests. eats, en Hi'tttNe cner. With this particular cereal we hae made qiilte a specialty, and obtained marked re sults. In our last report, we noticed the yield from two ounces Burpee's. Welcome eats te be ene hundred ami sixty pounds. This seed, w ith all due allowances for shrink aRO and ether contingencies, was sewed en plot Ne. 1, for two acres,) en the 11th day of April last. Thoyield therefrem was ene hun dred and sltty bushels, of an extra quality of Brain, which was awarded the first prize at the lust exhibition of this society. Its vigorous growth, early maturity, and extraordinary quality of grain, speak olumes in Its faer, and we hepe te still continue its cultivation en ether plots, riot Ne. 12, Uhallcnge eats, yield forty-eight bushels ten pounds the acre, weighing thirly-ilve pounds struck measure, or ilfty-twe bushels twentv-six pounds legal measure. On plot Ne. 3. white llelglan eats, yielding forty bushels nlne pounds the level bushel, orferty-onobushelssoontccn pounds legal lueastue. The thtee abeve named varieties of eats we continued from last j ear's planting, haing abandoned all ethers hcroto hcreto hcrote loro mcutloned in our annual roperta. Thowhite llusslan eats has u Mill straw and is a vigorous grewer, but its lateness ei maturity condemns it for our planting. Thus lar, our oxperienco with this particular ccical the contest, eildently, with us is be tween the Welceme and Challonge, both of which are rtipld growers, -very productle, el early maturity and extraordinary quality of grain. rutting It en Thick. Fiem the Oxftud Fies. Jehn 1). Miller, of Upper Oxford, believes In heavy seedlng. IIe recently sewed his eats, mixing w ith it, as Is his custom, a goetl proportion of birley, and he used llve bushels and a peck of seed per aero. This sounds like a heavy dese or seed, but Mr. M. f:onerally succeeds in getting a geed yleld. te regrets he did net sew an equal quantity et wheat last fall, us his held new leeks a llttle tee thin for 10 bushels pur aero. Te I Inte Early Potatoes. Fiein tliedcrinantemi Telegraph. It is sometimes doslrable that the farmer h:te nn early crop of jiotateos, If net for mar ket for his own use at least. Te secure this dcslrable end it is necessary that thore should be seme manipulation of the seed, and this should be conunenced In season se as te be ready as seen as the condition of the ground will admit or Its being plan ted. The starting of potateo? depends upon the Iger of the sprouts, and this condition can be attained by bringing potatoes into a warm room having plenty et lightand without dim dim ger of freezing. It Is net nocessary that any dirt or earth should be employed, since the potatoes liny Just as well be placed upon a beard shell. The chief point is te secure warmth and light, when the sheets will bo be gln te start, iirst slender, but as they contlnue te develop they assume greater ger and se continue ler a reason.ible eried of time, dur ing which tlme the natural moisture of the potato Is Hulllcieut for the maintenance of the growth of thospieuts. If continued in this matter tee long, they will finally begin te weaken and doterorlato. Ker that reason the seed should be llrst brought out se as te be ready for planting about the tlme the ground is lit and be in a state of ml van cod develop ment. When the ground is propared, cut the potatoes te a single eye, being ery caro care ful net te bleak oft the sprout, and set them tarenuly in he soil, and jxjtatecs will be produced about as much culler as the tlme that has posted during the hotise develop ment of the sprouts. This would hardly be practicable w ero many te be planted, but is better for garden use. CAITAIN KIDD-.S LA.MKNT. Seuie time age tlme appeared In these col umns nil Inquiry for the uclbkneuu verses re garding Captain Kldd. Mia. Xollle Johnsten Campbell, ercarllslc, kindly sends the lull cepv of the quaint poem. Kim. Inteilieenckk J Yen captalu'H held and lnuie, huir my cilts, hear iny cries. Yen captain's held and lnae la ai my crli. Yen tupuiiu'rt biaveuml held, though j en mi.ni tincoiitrellcd. Don't, fei tliCKkoerBiild, lese j our souls. Don't, for the sake of geld, loge j our souls. My naine was Itehert Kldd, when I willed, when I galled, My name was Hubert Kldd, when I nulled. My nnimmnj Kebtrt Klclil, Ged's laws I did forbid i And se wicked! j 1 did, 'ilicn I sailed, w lien I sailed, And se wickedly I did when 1 balled. My patents taught me w til, when 1 Milled, w hen I balled, My patents taught mew ell, when I sailed. I c urned my father dear and lu-i th it did me hear, And se wickedly did huciu, when I dulled, w hen I galled, l'dalllhUi In iny hand, when I suited, when I sailed, Hut I sunk It In the siiiul, when 1 sailed, I iiiiulc a solemn ion te Ged I would net beu, Ker myself eim pnijcr allow, when I sailed, when 1 sailed, 1 murdered William Moere,ii3lt-ulled, an I siilLd, And left him 111 Ills gore, us I sailed. And being cruel still, my gunner I did kill, And much precious bleed did spill, as I Nulled, us I Balled. I took three ships fieui france, when 1 sailed, w hen I sailed, Likewise three moie fimnbpuln, when I balled, Hut fourteen mere by tluee, they wcte tee much ferme, 1 am conquered nan you see, and must dle. Te Newgate new I'm cast and must die. At Execution Deck 1 must dle, Come all you young and old, yeu'ru welceme te my geld. Fer by It I' e lest iny soul nnd must die, for by it l' u lest my soul, fare you well. The Illy Is as w lilte us snow, Ihoieiulsas the ciliuscn led; Hut neither can surp is In glow , The color or the brightness shed, Hy the sweet litis unci teeth allied 'IhatbOZOllOST hus purltled. nis-lwdeedSw 8VECIAT. NOTICES. "Iiiuier patronize Patent Medicine," Don't y out Why net t Yeu patronize "patent "arti cles of a hundred varieties why net patent medicines. " llecause they ure often vveitldess." Tme, but net alvvas. Frequently they are lhe very hist In the ueild, representing the widest experience. At least we knew that Dr. Kenuo Kenue dj's Favorite Itemeily Is one of these, and for all troubles of the bleed, liver und urinary organs It stands en Its merits and net en ndv ertlslng. aprplHjeilXvv HUCKLEN'S AltNICA SALVE. The lien Salve In the world for Cuts, Urutsca, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Hheum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Cbapiied Hand, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Erupllens, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guuruuteed te glv e perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, cents per box. ForsaleliylI.il. Cochran, druggist. Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street Lancaster, Pa. LIFE PUESKUVEU. If v en are losing j our grip en life, try ' Wells Health ltenener," Gees direct te weak spats. (31 NEVElt.GlVE UP. If you are suffering with low and depressed spirits, lets of Hppetlte, general debility, disor dered bleed, weak contitltutleii. heiiduchp. or uny dlueuse efa bilious nature, by nil means pre- gture a uouie ei r.iccine uuici. ion will no Hiurprlked te see the rapid linpmv ement that will iiiuuw i yim win i,u uispirvil Willi new itiu ; Btrength and aetlvlty will return) pain and mis ery will eease, and henceforth you will rejeice In the pmlkiief Electrte Hitters. Sold at 0 cents a bottle by 11, Ik Cochran, druggist. Neg. 137 and ivurui ivB vtrvei, jweuivr, in, v) SPECIAL NOTICES. Thousands Hastened te Their J raves, lly relying en testimonials written in vlvla glowing language of some miraculous cures mnde hy seme largely puOed tipdocteror patent medicine has hastened thousands te their graves the readers having almost itisane faith that the tame miracle will be performed en them that these testimonials mention, whlle the so se called medicines is all the tlme hastening them te ihelr graves. Although we huve Thousands Upen Thousands 1 1 1 Uftostlmenlals of the most wonderful cures, voluntarily sent us, we de net publish them, as they de net make the cures. It Is our medicine, Hep Hitters, that make the cures. It has never fulled and e cr cm. We wilt gl e referonce te any ene for any dlsease similar te their own If desired, Or will refer them te any neighbor, as there Is net a neighborhood In the known wet Id hut can show Its cures by Hep Hitlers. A Lesing Jeke, " A prominent physician of Pittsburg said te a lady pat lent w he was complaining of her con tinued 111 health, and of his Inability te cure her, Jokingly said: 'Try Hep Hitters I' The lady took it lit earnest and used the Hitters, from which jhe obtained pcrmanenthcalth. She new laughed at the doctor for his Jeke, hut he Is net se well pleased with It, as It cost .him a geed patient. fees of Doctors. The fee of doctors at W.00 a visit would tax a man fera j cur, and In need of a dally visit, ever tl.OOO a J cur for medical attendance alone ! And one single bottle or Hep Hitters taken In tlme would sin e the $1,000 nnd all the year's sickness. tiltcn Up hy the Doctors. "Is It possible that Mr. Godfrey Is up and at work, and cured by no simple a remedy t" '"I assure yen It Is true that he is entirely curid, and with nothing but Hep Hitters, and enlv ten dais age his doctors gave him up and said he must die, fiem Kidney and Liver trouble 1" fl-Nene genuine without a bunch of green Heps en the white libel. Shun all the vile, poisonous stuir with " Hep " or " Heps" In their name, m2MmTu,Th,SAw The Man Who Talks Slurb. Me want te say a wenl te you who make a liv ing w Ith j our tongue. Yeu certainly must hav e n clear, strong velee te engflge join listeners. "Dr. Themas' Kclcctile Oil" for sero threat, colds, and hoarseness is unexcelled. Use and nil ml re. Ker sule by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 133 North Queen street, Lancaster. Alternately Hliuken nnd Hierched. Hy the paroxysms of chills and fev cr, the wretched sufferer for whom quinine has been prescribed, csujs In vain te exterminate the dreadful dlseise with that hurtful palllutlve, w hleh at best only mitigates the v lolcnce of the Ills, nnd eventually proves highly injurious te the system. In order te efleet u thorough euro of inulailil fever, whether intermittent or re mittent, or te render thes) stem impregnable te its attacks, Healctter's Stomach Hitters should be used dully. That this medicine Is a search ing cradlcaul of dltcnscs generated by miasma, nnd a reliable sufeguatd against them, Is a fact se w Idely recognized in this nnd ether countries that te adduce evidence In support of it is un necessary! hut were It cither essential or desir able te de se, It may w ell he supposed that from the testimony corruberntlv e of Its claims, which has been accumulating during thu last twenty Ave years mid ever, sufllclent proofs might be gathered te cenv ince the moil inveterate skep tic. ni-ile29 'Fire Him Out." This Is a common nmiark when leughs und rewdjs Insult public deecnev by thelruiisccm ly v iij . Dynpcpslu Is u herld bore. Klre It out with "lliirdeek Bleed Hitters." 1 en can de It. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 139 North Ojiecn street, Lancaster. A GltKAT DI1COVEIIY. Thegieatestdlscevery of the nineteenth cen tury Is Dr. Leslie's Spec lal Prescription ferslck headache, w hleh Is the dlscev cry of an eminent phv slcluu nnd used by him for ever thirty j curs before giving it te the public, and It stunds to day without a llvul. ileud advertisement In another column. Celeur's Liquid Hi cf Tonic Imparls strength te body and mind. Take no ether. Of Druggists. 1157-lwdeedAw CHltOMO COSTIYUMSCUitEDJtY UK IN. iiuinrirs pills. Hdllv IIckne Mills, Aiiiieva Teh , .Ian. -Jl, 13. Ker the last two years I huve been greatly troubled with cestlvcuess, often ttmortuclve days elapsing wltheus any movement et my be els. I hav e tried many remedies, hut none with success, until I used jour VEaeTAnLu Pills taking three pills and Increasing ene lach night until 1 took nine, then decreasing ene each night, feince then my bowels have continued regular each day, and my headache, sour stomach and general Iussttudehuveleltme,and Ileelilke another men which Is entirely owing te your pills and I would net be without them In this new country. A. M. IIKAT1I. PHhTTY WOMEN. Ladies who would retain freshness and vivac ity. Don't lull te try " ells' Health Uencwer." . (3) A GltKAT DlhCOVKK. Mr. in. '1 bennes, of Newton, I.i.siys: "My w Ife h is been seriously utlccted vv llnu cough for tucntj-livc jcars.nncl this spring mere severely than ever lx lore Mie hud us d many remedies without relief, and being urged te tiy Dr. King's New Discovery, did se, with most gratifying lo le sults. The llrst bottle relieved her very much, and the second has absolutely cuied her. Miu n.is iiei uuu sogeoii ueaiinieriuiriy vears. iiiai bottles free ul Cochran's drug store, Nes. 1' rug store, Nes. 117 and Lancaster, Pa. Large 1 W North Queen street, size, II il. tl A Wry Olil Rlun, Jehn i'unk, of Springfield, Ohie, writes, " I was trumped ukii by a horse, und ter a v car the pain through niv hips was se bad I could net ilse en myfeet. "Themas' Leliolrle Oil helped me be bo be yend description." It w ill de wonders fortheso who biillci from colds." Fer sale hy It. H. Ceclinm, druggist, 1J7 und UJ North Queen street, Luneaster. lOUNG MKN l-HKAD TUIS. Tub Voltaic Helt Ce., of Marshall, Mich., offer te send their celebrated Elkutbo-Veltaio Helt and ether hLKc-ntie Ai'vliauckkeu trial for thirty day. te men (old or young) ullllcted with nervous debility, less of vitality und manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse for rheumatism, neural gia, paralysis, and many ether kindred diseases. Complele restoration te health, vigor and man hood guaranteed. Ne llsk Is incurred as thirty days dial Is ullewud. Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free. dec'-M-li at w Like oil upon troubled witters Is Hale's Heney of llorcheuud and Tar upon a cold. Plkes Toothache Dreps cure In one minute. n27-lwdced&w "ItOUCiHON ITCH." "Heugh en Itch" cures humors, eruptions, ring worm, tetter, salt lheiim, frosted feel, chil blains. (J) Una of my children, a girl about nlne years old, had a v cry bad discharge from her head and nose of a thick, yellowish matter, nnd was grow ing vv erse. We hud tvv e different physicians pro pre sciibe for her, but without bcnctlt. We tried Ely's Cream Halm, and much te oursurprlse in thtee days thore was amuiked improvement. We continued using the Halm and In a short tlme the dlscharge was apparently cured. O, A, Cary, Corning, N. Y. al3-2wdoed&w Dlt. WILLIAM'S INDIAN PILE OINTMENT. L. G. McCulluin, conductor en the 11. & W. It. It , Sprlnglleld, O , Aug. SO, ltWJ. say s : " I have been u gloat sufferer with the piles. I used nu merous remedies and employed many physic ians, but te no purpose. A mend recommended Dr. William's Indian Pile Ointment, which 1 nm &rulcful te say h es cured me." bold hy II. U. echran, 137 and 1 North Queen street, (3) Wintry Winds. Its all rlghtfer poets te sing the pruUcs of the beautiful suns', und the merry sleigh bells, and the ringing fkutes en the glossy Ice, hut they can't nil the bill vv Ith that 6ert of stuff w hen ene Is sitting with his ftet Inutubet het water, his head done up in lluunels and with mustard plasters en both sides of his chest, Wbata per son needs then is a thoieugh dese of Kidney Wert te act as u cathartic, for nothing will se quickly relieve that congestive, feverlsh condi tion which comes of u hard cold. Often these colds cause bilious attacks, luine bucks, disor dered kidneys, rheumatism, eatuirh, ete. Kidney-eort can be relied en te bring baek a healthy condition. Its l'niuil Yet te Hear Frem. The movements of a initie's hind legs ure vcty varlublunnd uuceituln, but "'lbemas' Eclectrte Oil" takes hut ene ceurse It heals and cures. Its re.ual for asthma, diphtheria, catarrh, cold and sela threat has never jet been sold. Fer sale hy II. U. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1X1 North (jiieeu street, Lancaster. "UOUGU ON PILES" Cures Plica or Hemorrhoids, Itchlne, Protrud ing, Weeding, Internal and ether. Internal and Kternal In each package. Sura cure, 50c. Drug gists. OU. FKAZIKK'S MAGIC OINTMENT. The greatest blessing that has been discovered In thU generation. A iiure euro for llells, Hums, Sen s. Cuts, flesh Wounds, bore Nipples, Hard and belt Cerns. Chapped Lips and Hands, l'im lilN and tlletcties. Price 50c Beld by Druggists. Beld by II. H. Cochran, 137 and 1X1 North Queen treet. W AJ-TKU ONK TWA.! OF MILLER'S 1 .XiWKAi SOAP kewtYWwm use ttueUm. XXDICAL- H UNT'8 11KMUDY. Thirty. Years Ilccerd. Knderscd. by Physicians. HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY. KEVER KN0WM TO FIL. CUKES ALL DISEASES OF THE DIDNEYS, LIVEIt, HLADDEll, AND UKINAUY OIIGANS, DKOP8Y, GIIAVEL, DIAIIETES, HKiaitT'S DISEASE, PAINS IN THE HACK, LOINS Olt SIDE, NEKVOUS DISEASES, UETENTION OK NON - llETENTION OF UllINE. Hy the use of this HEMKDY, the stomach and bowels speedily liguin their strength, and the Bleed Is purilled. It is pronounced hy hundreds of the best doc tors te be the ONLY CUUK for all kinds of Kid ney Diseases. It Is purely vegetable, and cures when ether medicines fall. It Is prepared expressly for these diseases, and has never been known te fall. One trial will convince j ou. Fer sale hy all druggists. PIIICE, l,23. Send ren Pamiiilet or Testimonials, HUNT'S REMEDY COMPANY, I'KOVIDENCE, It. I. (I) IT LTJADH All Ne ether bleed purifying mcdlctne Is made or has ever been prepared, which se completely meets the wants of physicians and the general public as Ayer's Sarsaparilla. It leads the list as a truly scientific prepara tion Ter all bleed diseases If there Is u lurking VwiMifiil taint of Scrofula about you, Ateu'b uuviuiu BAIISAIAIULLA W 111 UIMOUgO It linil CXlHil It frnttt vnilr mviIhiii rer consiitiiiietuu or scrofulous Catarrh, n.l...k ATEnsSARSArARiLLAlsthe tiuernmedv. Idlarru It has cured numberless cases. It will step the nauseous catarrhal discharges, and re move the sickening odor of the biealli, which uic indications of scrofulous origin. " Ilulte, Tex., hept. , 18S1 Illnamns "At the ngc of two jeun one et iny IKcTOUS ehlldien was tenlbly ntlllcted with ill ill Jnme cereus running sores en lis face and neck, uurca At the sumo tlme Its ejes were swollen, much Inflamed, ir.d very sero Physicians told Pn.. V. j usthatupowcrfulaltrratlvemcdlcliio uUfC LIW must be ciuhleved. They united In recem mending Avxus Saiisapahilla. A few doses produced a pcrccptlble Improvement, which, by an adherence te your directions, was continued te a eemplctu nnd permanent euro. Nn evldcnie has since nppcarcd of the existence of any scrofulous tendencies t and netnatment of any disorder was ever attended hy mere prompt and effectual results. Yours, truly, II. F. Joimsex," rnKrAKKD ur Dr. J. 0. Ayer & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Beld by all Druggists, fl ; six bottles feri). DK THOMAS'S KCLUCTKIC OIK LOOK OUT FOU ACCIDENTS. Have jeu the OATAUBIIT Doyeu suffer from the AhTHMA 1 Are veurchlldren subject toettiieksofCHOUP? Docs IIIILUMATIbM haunt your systcnit Are you net at all times subject te ACCI DENT'S, IIUKNS, SCALDS, WOUNDS und HIIUI8ES7 Are you nf!llcti'd with TOOTHACHE. EAU- ACHK, HAChACHE, PAINS IN THE SIDE OU CHEST 7 Are y ou subject to80HETHKOATerQUINSYT Fer all Unwound myriad ether evils a hUUE ItEMEDYIsuthund In DR. THOMAS'S Famous Eclectric Oil ! ! In nil the uhnve mentioned troubles this Oil is ALWAAS A8UHE AND PHOMPT HEMEDY. Them Is nothing sold hy druggists that can up preachltini ffeetlvcness, Dr. Themas's Eclectric Oil. It has sav id thousands : and, In cases of AC CIDENT Oil EMERGENCY, it will evr be found a HEADY ItELIEF. The cheapest prepa ration, considering Its great virtues, In the world. It will save In every family ten times Its cost each year in doctor's bills. It Is a veritable physician In your house. Yeu cannot afford te ue wiuieuiu. Fer Mile at Cochran's Druir Stere. Ne. 137 nnd I3U North Queen street, Umcastcr, Pa. iiprih'iweed pATAUHH. ELY'S CREAM BALM -CUKES-COLD INHEAD, CATAUKII.HOSECOLD.UAY FEVEIt, DEAFNESS, HEADACHE. Easy te use. N. Y., U. S. A. Price, 60c. Ely Hre.'s , Oswego Hay Fever. ELY'S CllEAM HALM Cleanses the Head, Allays Inflammation, Heals the betes, Hesteres thu houses of Tasle and Smell. A quick and Cosltlve cure. 50 cents ut Druggists. CO cents y mull, registered. Send for circular. Baiuple by mall, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, uiarSl tfdAw Druggists, Oswego, N. Y. M ANHOOD RKSTOIIED, BEWEOT BKK. A victim of veuthfnl lmnnidence causing Pre mature Decay, Nervous Debility, Lest Manhood, Ac, having tried In vuln every known remedy, has discovered a simple self-euro, which he will sondFItEEtehla fellow sufferers. Address, J. II. UEEVES, JlO-lyeedAlyw 43 Chatham hL, New Yerk City GRAY'S SPEOIFIO MEDICINE. . The Great English lleinedy. An unfailing euro for Impoteney und all Diseases that fellow Less of Memery, Universal Lassitude, Pain In the Hack, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Am. and manv ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Pre mat ure Grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we do de do slre te send free by mall te every one. This Spe Spe clne medlcine is geld hy all druggists at II per package, or six packages for $5, or will be sent free by moll en receipt of thai miiney, by ad dressing the agent, .... ifi II. H.COCHKAN,Druggliele Agent, Nes. 1J7 and 138 North Que., street, Lancaster, Pa. On account et counterfoils, we have adopted the Yellew Wrapper : the only genuine. THE UBAY MEDICINE CO. UutTaJe. N. Y. TTEADQUAUTEH8 FOH THE INDIAN MEDICINES, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere, NO, 9 EAST KINO ST.. Lancaster, Fa, BOOTS AXD SHOES. ' B OOTS AND SI10E8. J. H. McCenaaghy. YOU CAN:8AVE 42c. A l'AItt 11Y BUXIS.O YOUlt BOOTS AND SHOES AT Ne, 26 1-2 M King Street BHIM MACHHTMMT wvk WVM $500.00 GOLD AWAttl &f K- -THE Peerless Traction Eij These contrnipleilng the purchase of Read or Traction, Portable of stationary Engine ana Heller, Portable Saw Mills, etc, can have their wants supplied in n Peerless. Clese and critical Inspection Invited t have never been beaten in a test. THE GEISEIl SEPARATOR AND THRESHER, STEAM ll7MPa,TIUR UENOKUS, E0LEPSE PAN BLOWERS, THE "SUCCESS" Engine, Beiler and. Pump, , COMBINED. A New Machine j takes the place or lhe Wind Engine, and can be used for pumping and for light power, up toeno horse, at will, nnd is easily moved. Price only IM0, all complete. luinnlseprepared te de a general line of Ma chine Werk. I also have in stock, nil thoroughly overhauled, a 10 Herse Power Canten Monitor Englne .and Heller, with Steam Pump, nearly new i price, fsoe. A 25 Horso-Pewer Engine, New Heller, Steam Pump and all fittings complete, t77r. One 23 Herse-Power Engine and Heller, second band arlce, all complete, (576. Twe Cylinder Hellers, 1 feet long, JO Inches in diameter, geed and sound ( price, each, $110. One 10 Herse Power Vertical Heller ; prloe. all complete, M0. One 10 Herse-Power Englne and Heller, Vertical IK0. ene 10 Herse-Power Vertical Engine, sco sce sco end hand, ti. One Pump and Heater, com bined power, is. One Six Herse-Power Krelblll Engine and Heller, en wagon, (37S. One 10 Horse power Hest Portable, en wheels, price, $179. All work guaranteed as represented. Call nnd see them, or send for catalogue, prices, etc. Ad dress, THE LANCASTER Steam Pump and Mhchlne Works, NO, 6.17 NORTH CHEKUY BTHEET, Lancaster, Pa. EZKA F. LANDI8, Proprietor. mliWuieed.tw B OILEIl AND UNOIXE WOHKS. BEST StemiiEnm & Beiler Works -FOIt- Water Tanks OF AN Y STYLE Oil CAPACITY. Fer Pipes te Supply Your Tanks AND FOU HOUSE and FARM USE, New Is the time te buy at BOTTOM PRICES. K-inch PliH), 3e. per feet. JJlnch " Mc. " llneh " c. " l'i-lnch ' Ce. IK inch " Pc. " ilnch " 10c. " SKlnth " 15Kc. " Portable Engines- Herse Power. Cylinder. Price. 4 6xS IVi en. n 6X9 5CO.00. 8 "XlO l.'O0. 10 txie 7U0U0. Stationary Engines, BOILERS, &c, Sic. tftr Repairing Promptly Attonded te. JOHN BEST &SON, 333 East Fulton Street, LANCAS1EK, PA. nJVlwdAllw raUKlTVRE. w- ALTER A. HEINITSH. Furniture Wareroeis. 28 East King St., LANOASIEE, PA, TERT CHEAP AT SVECTAVLES. QTJPERIOR SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, Field Glasses, Barometers, Tele scopes, Magle lanterns. Thermometers. Draw ing Instruments, Philosophical and chemical Apparatus. 1,1st and Descriptions of our Ten Catalogues sent i'KEE en application. QUEEN & CO., MO. 924 CHESTNUT BT. PHILADELPHIA uuu-a-iyasw CJLATK WOUK& All net-sons wlshlmr MAUHLEIZED BLATK MANTELS, erany ether blate Werk, will de well by calling at our works or scud for our Illustra ted catalogue. W " FRANK JANSON 4 nitO., Cerner Frent nnd Locust bt, Columbia, Pa. uiar5-3md TJOTE IS MAKING OABLNBT PHOTOGRAPHS at S3A9 a pesair jds.fi "vr "aa. bksh?,. wwm. ::... Xi&j& t ?Mmrhrfrmm-L &l2Mm$&r lW llJKI2III.IfMfl1IMft.ittll&i iCSnS Newest Shapes in Velvet Brocade, FINE STOCKINETT JACKETS, IMPORTED SHAWLS ND JERSDYS. We invite examination, as tboae garments are speclally adapted te tbe season, being of medium weight. SPRING DRESS GOODS! HAOER &; BROTHER are receiving daily French, English and American Cress Goods, in all the New fabrics and latest Bhades and colors. Black and Colored Dress Silks, SUHArlS flnt) SUMMER SILKS AT EXTREMELY HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. N EXT DOOR TO THE COURT HOUSE. FAHNESTOCK'S. Spring and Summer "Underwear ! SUMMER MERINO -AND- UMDIAN GAUZE UNDERWEAR Fer Ladles, Gents, Misses and Children. S-Large Meck et O60J.1 new In Stere at Lew Prlccx. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Lancaster, Pa. TttlEAI STORE. SPECIAL FROM THE AUCTION ROOMS OF NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. GKEATEST 1IAUGA1N8 EVKit KNOWN IN BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, LADIES' DRESS CLOTHS, BLACK CASHMERES. Ladies' Dress Goods in Variety. LONG AND SQUAKE BLACK THIBET SHAWLS. WE AKE FULL Or IJAKd AINS Or KVEHV DESC111P1 ION AT letzger & Hauglunan's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., Detwecn the Cooper Heuso and Serrel Ilorse B OWEIl V HURST. COMING In our business compels u te hell off our entire Meck. Weliata tuciofero mary IIAKGAIN" te offer In e cry department. We mention One Let Childrea's Gauze Tests at 5c One Let Ladies' Game Tests at 10c. One Let Children's Game Tests at 10c. One Let Ladies' Gauze Tests at 25c. The abore are net lialf price ler the UoeUs. We ba 0 also se erul BARGAINS IN LADIES' AND CHILDREN'S HOSIERY. These that call early net choice of the lets. BOWERS & H URST, DRY-GOODS AND NOTIONS, NOS. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, - - Lancaster, Pa. clocks, amnions H. Z. RIIOADS. SPRING, 1885. We have new open te the Public a very large and carefully selected assortment of Watches of all grades and prices. Our stock of Oloeks embraces every kind and style, the best makes and reliable timekeepers, at prices very low. Alse a full assortment of pretty novelties in Spring Jewelry, both in Silver and Geld. Everything new and stylish in the way of Silver Hair Ornaments and Bangles. Come and see for yourself and be convinced. H. Z. RHOADS, lancastkii, pa. Ne. 4 West King Street. - Btore open until 8:00 every evening. Saturdays, 0:00 o'clock. uevBEVUJtNiamya aoens. s: UIRK'S CARPET HALL. CARPETS! KEOI'ENINQ OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new prepared te sher the trade the Largest and Best Selected Line at Carpets ever or , hlblted tn thUcrty. W1LTON8. VELVETS, all the Trading Makes or BODY ANDrAVESTtV SllUSSELsT THKEE-FI.Y. All-Weel and Cotten Chain KXTltX BU1KHB, and aU qualities of IN QKAlNt?AitPEi8.DAMA8K and VENETIAN CAlll'ETa. UAO and CHAIN Clll'ETSef our ewSmS , i JjSclalltv Bneelil AttiStlenpald te thoManufactureefCOBTOM CAUPETd. AlseftFuU Llneef OIL CLOtHS, ftUQS, W1ND0VHHADES, COVEULE1S, 4c, AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, - Oer. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. I0b23-2md4w i B OOK8 AND STATIONERY. JOIiN BAER'S SONS, OFFER AT LOWEST FKICES, Blank Beeks, Writing Papers, Euvelepes, Writing Fluids uud Liks, HOLLAND'S GOLD PENS, Steel Pens, Lead Pencils, Pocket Heeks, Bill Beeks. Letter Beeks, and an Assortment of Fine and ' btaple btatlonery. AT THE B1QN no- - yit.MmmkQwm JW- llW.feLr Tr Grenadine Vclvei LOW PRICES. BARGAINS LANCASTER, PA. Hetel. CHANGES axd iikekzes. CARPETS! itift riinii ii hooks. OV THE BO&K.-C S LANC DAwniji! MJWIMK mr iacc lMtk.M,, i:i .m.i 'imWenV'an JkUiEUAILUIAD.A v-MC. In in l -MHMMHit by Mi - BUNDAYiV, rCT,tfSr'A-iJ r..y,.em 'Tyw,,,. iss mr' .i i,cuanim.,Me t bOUTHAKU,;, Lebanon ;jV Cornwall T-w Manhcim mn Lancaster B3 Arrlve. King St., Lane, 8 Id A.M. Wiuetr,flui J. M.Havabd, Slip GEoneE ELTZ, 8tilt .v.n. pw-MiTi 1. and C, MtsJL' t .b.x.mmi-1: TJKADINO ,fc C( AltltANGEMENT t SUNDA NOll Lkatr. Quarryvllle Lancaster (Klug btr Lancaster.,,. Chlcklca Marietta Junction.. Columbia Aimiric. Heading t... SOI LKAVK. Heading AlmiVK. Marietta Junction. Chlckics vwWBl lvASaKNUWLTJi HVAHW. ,jCiV- A.ir.lr.JW .. Bin .1 .. 1st K,tT- . 7W ia.f isvim .. 7 J(l 1240J Columbia, , Lancaster Lancaster (King btrc Quarryvllle Fer connections at caster Junction. Mai bla kce tlme tables at M Leave luarry ill Htreet, 8-V0 a. m 1.35 p hud 4 13 p. tn. Arrlve Heading, In Leave Heading, 8 k Arrt e Lnnpiuter, Lancaster, King Hti Quarry Ille, C 40 p. 111. C. O. Hancock, Geu aprll 11 ENNSYLVAN1 ULK. Trains leave Lanca at Philadelphia as fel rvllng, Manbetm, i Junction andO siauens. ,tjgg . 'OS. in t TAneaster, 1 LancasterK&lO a wm..J1prm? in , 4 p. m. jS i a. in , nnd'S p. J 01 n.Ul,, D.3U. p. A. M.WILSON, is ir s.0K0i.Agen jyu ItAILROAD SCin and left ve, and art: i-fr i WESTWAltD. 1 mucipma, 'jjmcBAt .Vewb Express t Iea, m. Way Passenger te 6J0 MalltralnMaMtJey ei -' Ne. 2 Mall tralnf..... a Columbia. Niagara Express tea. m. IIniieer Acceiu i Columbia. Fast Line f Ma. n, Frederick Accem... m Columbia. me-x Pbje ' fcttp.r- 'J0 . uuicuMcr Accem,., u MUJey. Harrlsliurg Accem.. Columbia Acom ... Hanlsburg Express. Chl..tCln.Exprcss.t Western ExprcNsf.. Paclllc Express ).... EASTWAKD. Phll'a Express)..... Fast Lines Harrisburg Express. Lane'r. Accem., ar... Columbia Accem bcashere Express.... H li. in. i te " IW bM " 10 Ui u-je " Ie ive Lancaster. S-27 " C1B BIO " M " 9 00 2Jisp.m. 2.-W " 7 40 " ie-u " :um , nja n. m Arrive at Philadelphia ' 4.35 ' 8-25 loae ' via. MC Jey H:Ua.ui 3.15 p. m 6-00 .Johnstown Expo sst dally except bunday Sunday Mall Dav Exnresst OT - 5 4S 4 " 0J0 14.1 " 0 ' Harrisburg Accem. The Marietta AccomundatlenleavesColambla at 11-45 a. in , reaching Marietta at li(U.'Lcne-i Marietta at 3 IS p. in. n rid arrive at UeluntbU t at .).) ; ulse leaves at fc A tad arrives atSSO. 'lhe Yerk Accoinmeilitlon leaves Miiiietti ct iu nnaemTcsati.au isterat s-ou, cennccti s; wim iiaruuut ji xill S atB IV. Itia 1 reULrtck Accen vx1tLtlmt. wT!r'TdPSt. lngat Lancaster with lstLln cst, at 2.13 i. ui ,mii run wiruu):uLi)ifrucncK. The Ircdcrick Acce ntnodatten, cast, le&rrs Columbia at l'i25 and niches Lancaster at HJa p in. The Lancaster Accommodation, East, leaves Harrisburg at .10 p. in and arrives In Lancnitcr at'i-Up. in. Hanei cr A ecommed itinn, vrest, connecting nt Lancaster v, ith Nlagai Express at 9:30 a. ra. -will run inruugn ie amiu'ir, fiaiiyr except Dunaiy. r usi J.inc. csi. en c neay, wnen luwaeu. us rsea. step at Den nlngtewn, Ueatcsvllle, Varkcsburir, ML Jey, LUzabethtewx and Mlddletewn. 4 The enlv trains whtLh run dallir. OtiHundnv the Mall train ncstruiuby way of Columbia, S Lcine dally except Monday. , CIOIINWALL AN COLEIIHOOK VA LEBANON AND iliEY KAILEOADS. BODTUTAHD. Tnlnslcave Lebanon dally (except Sunday i atc-a. m , li-J0 und 7 3 p.m. nl e at Cornwall at f 40 a. in., 12 10 p. m. and 7 ie p. ui.; at Couewace at 7 JO a. te., lss and H'M j in , ceniicctlntr with Uie Pennsylvania rail rail lead ler points cast and 'est. MOETI VXV.D. Ti-alnslcioCencirag at 7J0 a. in., 8 JO and ii p. in. Arrli e at Cornwall at i 00 a. in., 4 IS and 9.05 p. in.; at Lebanon at 8 JO a nL, 4 30 and 9.15 p. ni , connecting nt Lebanon with Philadelphia and Itcadlnir railroad for pe nts cast and west, and the Lebanon and Tren i at Branch for Jones town, Plncgroveandlieinont. llieG.SOu. in. train wll slop only at Cornwall, Colcbreok and llellalre. cuir- B. B. MAItTIN, wueumiL! Keiurrjuuv Dealer in All Kinds jf Lacier aad CeiL jW-Yaiid: Ne. 4 Nfith Water and Prtncu streets aboe Lemen, I Ancajter, ul-lvd -OAUMGARDNER t JEFKERIES, f COAL DEALERS." Offices : Ne. 120 Nertl Oneen street, and Ne. Kl .North Prlnce street. " Yards: North l'rlue ttreet, near BaVng Depot. . , LANCASTKU, PA. (M augU-Ud c OAL. i Yjfe M. Y. B. COHO, 330 NOUTH WATEtt 6HIEET, Lancaster, Pa., WHOLESAtlt AMD - rAU, DKALBR IK 1, I LUMBER AND GOAL., CONMBCTION WITU TUB iKIKrBOXtO EXGSLAXOB. YAltD AMD Orrica: N BTHEET. S30 NOHTH WATEU -J tzsrdfc WW '1 1kK5:! m i Ttmiinim iA.m.vms,si', i 'i'i mmm. ,i rti-i i vTiSi ftwt-w 9 nan th UtJ( ir.ii li.mmi Rill rMim ?r'v -ie :m& g3j. ... jr! 84-0 '.4f ! .."' . 9 43 sjean.t' . ,'a . m. i SJVlt. M k, sjj . 7.10 iieeKc.li; ,,4B r.v.m ' . 8 JO ',!37iS9 MS . aj , ..rifna , yj ie .xOmt-t in '!& ' 1 3 1 " J." I' ' s E IA&T END YA1W Hi ! ' r fiura rt ft rf J. Oi OVVAtin Jt uii v eJ 'L ,iw GOAL. KiKDiaNe weed; ewes: No.eecontio nuare. Het h yard a-id olllte connected with tu phene exchange. ectlOmdM&F.U tft vimEJivAttixa TTNDERTAKINd. UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Qaeea d Yin? Strwtty t. LAKOA6' B,l A. s Personal attention a teall erdcrs.-S Kfuiy thine In the Undurtakln line rurnlshed.'-1 Hui lng secured the se chanlc, 1 am prepared sterlni; at very modem Ifurulture Upholstered. Ices of a ttrst-eiMs we ue au Kines e u p aei. i prices. AU k,SiUs of afveinaacall,-ij R. JanlO-tfd jiuunsur vitftji uaw-uuviwi t. -.... w... . wr tntna ' , -yvrylV'VVV4 rpiiE CHE APES J! PLA01 TO 111 LOW PRICED STOVES, HEAT HS, UW Ceal Oil Lamps a dUV -13 john p. mm Ne. 2i Seuth feb27-lvd DENNA. 0IOAR8 .. mM am iiti thmyx fvi JIAKTMAN'8 m mfyy& i-ti- ' i' " i v-,MI AT :rl inSm vim ' ; i m Flares, i J sT7 CHEl -t ' . 1 M jiiiiK v-masimn u MTVF'V'i nTm , t t. mm JBE' j i - m US im ; cfi i m tmm k &m mi , vsimmss "1 Kk 'I r re M m 4.i H4 m & &l I vl m r$2 'v w Jf w; Ar Ji& iv - m itl AiSli .. AlilTsV T T alil -'tim . i f?S , ' JS 3 l 'til s - , -... 4x .r x j . v