r '2 O ; t. '. & AN AFIUL BONO. Blng n song of April, ting April Is the lluby Spring 1 Crying, pouting, see him fro n i 8ce the teardrops trickle down Till Ms little sister, Mat, Trlpptng up be blithe nnd gny, Hlwkcs her daisies in his fsce, Fills lth sunshine nil the plnre, Tickles him with rustling graces, As she, softly lnnghlng, passes Shakes him, snying, " Little brother, Yeu must new your nebbing smetheri Ven must brush your tears nwny. Cenie and play, ceme ami piny t Oome and tlance with sister Mny. Chase u n ay the rainy w rather ; Come and let tu piny together I" Marla J. JIatmnend, In St. A'ieholater Mai. MB, MACVJiAUtVa I'EHSOXAT CHARMS He Itescnts the Installations of a ninrkinaltlng; Lobbyist. The Washington . correspondent or the New Yerk World, having written te thnt paper about the pictures of the nttorneys general which han In Mr. Gnrlnnd'8 ofllce, took occasion te speak soverely el tlie cyni cal and Bardonle l'ace of Mr. Wayne Mao Mae Veanh ; whereupon he writes thin letter te the World : Te the Editor of the World. I confess te having cherished the vain hepe that it would net nppcar In your columns, but I must admit it has npppared In se many ether unoxpeclod quarters that coming ncress It nnywhore ought net longer te mir mir prlse me. I noed hardly say that I ultude te tlie familiar Star Iloute osllmate or my physical and mental deformities, with which Mr. Dor Der Dor Beyso ficauently aderned his correspond ence nml Mr. Ilrady padded his nownpapers during the unpleasantness between these eminent statesmen and myself. Tlie author has always rcgarded It as his masterpiece, though I really think he did himself equal credit In the traces or his flne Reman hand upon the famous Herd ell affida vit, charging Gen. Jnmes and me with sub ornation of perjury, larceny of books and ether trifles et that sort, lint even if he Is right in regarding tlie catnlogue of my short, comings ns finer artistic! work than the affi davit, It is just posslble that jiriile or author ship may lead him te oxaggerato the craving of the public for the repctltli n of it in print. Indced, he has becotne se fascinated with tlie subject thnt it pervades all he writes. My homeliness and vices have beceme tehliu what Charles I. was te peer Mr. Dick. If he attempts a lotter from n plcasure resort he must cenclude it by declaring that a man se unattractive and se evil as myself could net hepe te be Improved by the eleva ting influences of the mountains or the ten. If he describes a circus he Olds with the de claration that the unhappy class te which I beleng is'unable te enfoythe innocent pleas ures of the jeke of the clown or the tricks of the trained mule. IIe ence boldly tacked it te n description of a cnttle ranch, holding me up In contumelious contrast with the beauty and the virtue of the cow boys. And he always kindly sends me a marked copy of his effusion. Se when thismernlng's mail brought me n copy of Friday's World, and I saw the fatal lines of Ink, I knew what was In stere for me. I knew before I read It as well as after that no matter what the sub ject, he had been compelled te clese it with his peer opinion or me. And, alas! tills opinion, If possible, moreaiHerso tnmyii tnmyii pearance than te my character. New, as te my character, I have nothing te say. I may net be geed, but will net tamely surrender my right te be considered hand some. And fe 1 IxiUlly challenge my tireless pursuer te a comparison en the front page of your next Sunday's edition. Send him an erder for a sitting. Nobody in Washington will new trust the few peer unfortunates vtlie hang upon the skirts of New spaporltew.and whose blackmallingnnd lobbying for the Star Itoute gang brought them te grief; but any photographer will take his llkencss en your order. Then re re re preduce it, and alengside of It, te represent me, you may use any woodcut in your pos session or any ene you can borrow, with the slngle exception of the ene which the Sun asked a confiding public te accept as n like ness of Mr. Jfelman. In se dolfcate n matter as ene's personal appearance the line must be drawn somewhere. Then let the 110,&"i2 intelligent readers of the World decide which is the handsomer man. If thodecisien -is against me 1 will make a modest contribu tion te your fund for the statne of Liberty, If It is against your correspondent you ought te clese your columns te further denials by aim ei my porsenai charms. winceriy yours, wayni: jwacyhauh. I'llii.ADin.riliA, April 25, 18K5. The Electric Light a Fretcntlte of Crime. Frem the -V. Y. Herald. The Londen JClcctrteal Jlevicw commends te the authorities in England rospensiblo for the preservation et law and order n recent statement by the police of Hartferd te the effect that the electric lights have crcatly lessened their labor by diminishing the com mission of crimes and offenses. The noctur nal misdeeds in Iltislmell park, te quete a slngle examplc, have decreased ninety per cent since the park was electrically lighted, while prewlers bent en mlschief find it much mere difficult te operate The highly impertantlmglislt experiments which have 'been in progress during the last twelve months at the Seuth Foreland light light light heuse show that, with the oil, the gas and the electric lights all at full power under their respective combinations the gas and tlie oil were lest at ten miles, while tlie electric was a geed light at fourteen and ahalf miles. The most significant tact Is established by these photometric experiments "that the intensity or tlie electric light Is superior in penetration or fog, mist or rain te the larger superficial volume of combustion illumiuants." There can be no question, even in the absence of these conclusive data, that the electric light Is, with all the defects observed In most in stallations, tin invaluableilluminaut for large areas. Te sorve most effectively as a pre ventive of crime it should be introduced net seextenshely in tlie great thoroughfares of tlft) city as In the outlying and suburban dis tricts, which have less pollce protection. They Mut Iluie 1'lctlen. Frem the AltoeniiTiibunu. The people who would Uuiish all fiction from public libraries ami the home in the In terest of pure literature are no doubt very honest and sincore folk, but they are the best friends of vile literature. Yeung peeple will read storles and If tills taste Is net recognized and guided Inte proper channels by parents and guardians It will hew out u way for It self. Most of the readers of vicious literature are the unfortunate boys and girls whose parents rofitse te previde them with pure, bright and natural stories with which our language abounds. Ilex, lteuKUT SI. MeLank, Governer of Mary, land, wiltes: I have given "Dr. Fetzeld'sGei. man lllttcrs" a trial mid am glad te add my tcstl. meny telt, nndcnnehceifnlly recommend It ns a pure and pleasant Tonic and Appetizer. npliMyd&w WAS tH'XCIAZ NOTICES. ''Ineier patronize Fateut Medicines." Don't you? Why net T Yeu patronize "patent "arti cles of a hnndted nrlctlen why net patent medicines. " Itccuusc they tire often ei tliless." True, lint net alvujv Frequently they are the ery best In the world, tepiesentlng the widest experience. At least we knew that Dr. Kenne dy's Favorite ltemedy U ene of these, and for all troubles of the bleed, llver and urinary organs It stands en Us met Its and net en advertising, uprlu-eedAw Alternately Shaken and Scorched. lly the paroxysms of chills nnd fever, the wretched sufferer for whom qutnlne has been prescribed, essays In vain te exterminate the dreadful dlaeuse with that hurtful palliative, which at best eply mitigates the violence of the nts, and eventually proves highly Injurious te the system. In order te effect a thorough euro or malarial rover, whother Intermittent or re mittent, or te render the system Imprcgnable te its attacks, lIestetter"s Stomach Hitters should be iwed dally. That this inedlclue is u search ing eradtcantet dUeases generated by miasma, and a reliable safeguard against them, is a tact se widely recognized in this and ether countries that te adduce evidence In support or It is un necessary; but were it either essential or desir able te de se, It may well he suppencd that from the testimony corroborative or Its claims, which has been accumulating during the last twenty Ave years nnd ever, sufficient proofs might be gathered te convince the most luvettmte skep tic ' 1 nS-iteSi A GUEAT DISCOVEKYi Thegrcatcst discovery of the nineteenth cen tury 1 Dr. Leslie's BpecUl FrcscrlpVlen feralck headache, which is the disco ery of un eminent physician and used by htm for in er thirty years before giving It te tlie public, una 1t standi zlvlnglt te the itiblle, and it stands te- day without u rival. Head uuveriisement 111 1 another column. Sources of Frolic ' There arc many Sources or pre lit te thoe who are Ingenious und enterprising. Jl Unlock Jlloed Hitter t are a source et profit In every way. They build up tbe health surely, speedlljS. ana ctreot ctreet imlly, which is saying a great disil. f Fer sale by II. it. Cechruu. druggist, 137 and 13U Nirth tjuceu Wf .,,,, , THE BPECIAZ KOIICZB. Celdes's Liquid Ileef Tonic Imparts strength y oeuy nmiiiiiiui, aZMwdced&w lakr CHRONIC COST1VKNF.SS CUIIED 1Y 11HAN. DIlETirs FILLS. JltJltr HCKSOlltW, AMZ9NA Ten., Jan. SI, 1883. Fer the last two years I hnie been greatly troubled lth costiveness, often ten or twelve days elapsing wlthans any movement et my bowels. 1 have tried many remedies', but nene with success, unfit 1 used yeurVzaicTAiii.it Fills taking thrce pills nntl Increasing ene each night until I took nine, then decreasing one each, night. Slnce then my bowels have continued regular each day, andmy headache, sonrstemnch and gsncrnl lassitude lm elclt me.nnd I icclllke another men which Is entirely owing te your pills and I would net he without them In this new country. A. M. HKATlf. THIN PF.OFLK. " Wells' Health ltcnewer " restores health nnd vigor, cures Dyspepsia, Impotcney, Sexual De- A OHKAT 1HSCOVE11Y. Mr. Win. Themas, of Newton, In., says: "My wife has been seriously affected wltha cough for twenty-five years, nnd this spring mere severely than ever before. She had used many remedies without relief, and being urged te try Dr. King's New Discovery, did se, with mestgratlfylng ro re Btitts. Tlie fli-Htbettln relieved her very much, nnd the second has, absolutely cured her. She has net had se geed health for Ihlrty years. Trial bottles frce nt Cochran's drug store, Ne. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Fa. Large size, $1.00. (0) BKlNDisKA3i:S. "8WAYNK's""eINTMENt7 "Swayne'M Ointment" cures Tetter, Salt Hhcum, ltlngwnrm, Seres, Pimples. Kczcma, all Itchy Eruptions, no mnUer hew ebttlnnte or long Handing. jan2-MWF&w ifOUNU MEN 1-HEADTHIS, Tub Voltaic Kelt Ce., of Marshall, Mich., effer Misenu ineir eeicumiea .lbctro-veltaio jixlt and ether KLsemia ArrLlAMuBSen trial for thirty day. te men (old or voting) nnilcted with nervous dehlllty, less or vitality and manhood, and nil kindred troubles. Alse for rheumatism, neural- &ia, paralysis, una many ether kindred diseases, omplete restoration te health, vigor and man heed Bunruntccd Ne llsk Is Incurred as thirty red. Wrlte thfMii aL nnen fnr days trial Is allowed Illustrated pamiihlctriee. decw-lyd&w MOTIlliltS, If you nre falling : broken, worn and norvens use " Wells' Health llonewcr," II. Drug gists. (2) ItUOWN'S HOUSEHOMM'ANACEA. Is the most cITeetlve Fnln Dcstrovcrlntheworld. Will most suiely quicken the bleed whether taken lntcrnnllv or applied externally, and nlv KEI.IKVK 1'AIV. thereby mere certain' whether chronic or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, and it is warranted double the strength of any similar pi epamtlen. It cures pain in the Hide, back or lleueU, Sore Threat, Rheumatism, lnntliachn urnl AT.l, ACHES, nnd la The Orent llellever of Fain. "IIUOWN'SIlOUSEHObD PANACEA "should be In oveiy family. A tcanpenufiil ei the Panacea ifnlel the Panacea sweetened. If nn, in u luiuuier ei B' t waier iswccieiieu, ferrcd.J tnken 6'. ocdtlme, will 1IICKAK UFA COM). 23 cents a bettle. m3MydM,W,Sftw Flmt-ClaM Ilmurancc. Insure w lth Themat Vclcctrlc Oil. It is the cheapest nnd best method of lnsumnce we knew of. liy ltsusoyeiiniosuro toegcape manygro manygre manygro vleiis aches and pains. Policies nre obtnlnable at nil druggists tu the form or bottles lit 60 cents and 1 each. Fer sale by It. it. Cochran, drug gist. Wand 13a North (jiieen street, Lancaster. Like oil upon tieublcd waters Is Hale's Heney of Horoheund nnd Tur upon n cold. I'lkus Toethncho Dreps cme In ene minute. niMwdeedAw One or my children, a girl about nine years old, had n ery bad discharge from her head nnd iwise ern thick, jellenlsh matter, and was grow ing w ere. We had tw e different physicians pro pre pro scilhe for her, but without henent. We tried Ely's Cream llalni, nnd much te enr surprtse In thrce days thcie was nmnikcd linpiecmcnt. We continued using the Ilalmnnd In n short time the discharge wns nppirently cured. O. A, C'ary, Cei nlng, N. Y. nl.V2w dcedft w Dents the World. This is what II. ('. Ilelieniiftti, a ilrngglst.nf Marlen, Ohie, says: " 7 hemat' JCclrctrle Oil heats the world, held ntne bottles jeMcrday and te-day. One man cuied of tfore threat of eight jeai-s standing. Is splendid for rheuma tism, l'orsaleby II. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13!) North (Jncen street, Lancaster. HBP-iiras, fi.ie. Flies, ltrenehes, mils, bed-bugs, rats, mice, gophers, chipmunks, cleared out by " itniigh en Hats." ir,e. (i Wlntrj AVInds. Its nil right for poets losing the praises or the beautiful snow, nnd the merry sleigh bells, and the ringing skates en the glassy Ice, hut they can't fill the bill with that sort or stuff when ene le sitting with his reet inn tub or het water, his head done up in flannels nnd with mustard plaslcis en both sides or his chest. What a per son needs then Is a thorough dnse of Kidney Kidney Wert te net as it cathartic, for nothing will se qnlckly relieve that congestive, feverish i ondl endl ondl Hen which comes of a hard cold. Oflcn these colds cause billens uttacks, Inme backs, disor dered kidneys, lhcuiiiaUHUi, catarrh, etc. Kidney-eort can he relied en tebrlngbackahealthy condition, FILES J FILES 1 1 FILES III Sure euro for Illlnd, Illcedlngand Itching Files. One box has cured the worst cases of Se years' standing. Ne ene need suffer fHe minutes after using William's Indian File Ointment, It ab sorbs tumors, allays Itching, acts as poultice, gives Instant relief. Ficpaicd only for Files. Itching or the private parts, nothing olse. Sold by druggists and mailed en lecelpt of price, II. Sold by II. II. Cochran, 137 nnd lJt) North Queen street. (1) MOTHEUSI MOTIIEIISM MOTHEKSMI Are you disturbed nt Highland broken or your rest by u sick child suireilnir and crvlnir with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T If se, go nt ence and get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW'S OOTIUNO HYUUF. It will relieve the peer nuie Biurercr tmmeaiatciy depend upon It: there is no misUike about It. There is net n mother en eiuth who has ever used it, who will net tell -yen at ence that it will regulute the bowels, and give rest te the mother, uud relief and health te the child, operating llku magic. It is perfectly sufe te use in all cases, and pleasant te the taste, und Is the prescription or ene or the eldest and best female physicians in the United States, ."old oveiy where. 25 cents a bettle. may3I-lydM,W.Stw iIUcKLEN,SAUNICA SALVE. '' The best Salve In the world for Cuts, Urulses, Seres, Ulceis, bait Ithnum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chaimed Hand. Chilblains. Cerns, nnd all Hklii. Eruptions, and positively cures Files, or no pay required, ltls guaranteed te glve perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 13 cents per box. Forsalebyll.lt. Cochran, diugglst, Nes. 137 and l.W North Queen street Lancaster, Fa. Well us Kter. Lettie I low aid w iltcs fieui lluftale, N. Y "My sister became greatly debilitated through ardu ous professional dullex. Miflercd fi mil nausea, sick headache, und biliousness. Tried 11 unlock Jltoed llitterM w lth the most benellehil cllect. Am well ns ever." Fer sale by II. II. Cnchmn, druggist, 117uud U't Neith Qm'custicct, Lancas ter. r "HOUdll ON FAIN." Cures colic, crumps, dlarihau ; externally for aches, p tins, sprains, headache, neuralgia, ihett untlsm. Fer man or beast. SOuiidfiOc. (2) !K.F7t.V.iEil'S IIOOT11ITTEU9. Frazlei's Heet Hitters are net n drum shop bevemge, hut are strictly medicinal In every sense. They ttct stiengly upon the l.herand Kidneys, keep the bowels open and regular, clcnnsu the bleed and system of e ery impurity. Sold by druggists, II. Sold by 11. It. Cochran, 187 and 13:1 North Queen street. (2) 'ITCHING FILES."-bVMFTOMS I MOIbTUKE Like perspiration, intense itching, worse by .scratching, most at night, seems If pin-worms were crawling. " bwayne'i Ointment "it a nleai ant, ture cure, " jun2S-MWF4w The Dead I.luc." Many old soldiers remember "the dead line at Andersen llle. It was a inluhtv dniurcinus neighborhood. Dvsnensla. biliousness, and liver and klduu nlek. lull J id klduuv u uiscnses are inn ei penis ier i no hut JIurdecK Jlloed Jlitlert are a certain remedy, sela cverywneie. rer saie uy 11. It. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 13U North Queen street, Lancaster. NEVElt GIVE UF, ' iryouare suffering with low nnd depressed spirits, less or uppetltc, general debility, disor dered bleed, weuk constitution, headache, or any disease of u bilious nature, by all means pro pre euro n bettle or hlcctiie Hitters. Yeu will be surprised te see the rapid lmprncineut that will follew: you will be Inspired wita new llfej strength and activity w III return ; pain und mls erv will cease, and henceforth von w 111 relolce in the praise of Electric Hitters, bold at SO cents a bettle by II. II. Cochran, druggist, Nes. 137 und IS) Ninth Queen street, Lancaster, l'u. (6) NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS AND UUNNE11B.-A11 persons arc hereby for bidden te trespas. en any or the lands or tbe Cornwall or Speedwell estates, in Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether inclesed orunln erunln orunln clesed, cither ter the purpose of sheeting or fish ing, as the law will be rfgldly enforced against uti trespassing e after this notice. uutrespnulng en said lands of the undersigned ice. WM. COLEMAN FitEEMAN. K. FEltCY ALDKN, EDWAKD U. FKEEMAN. Attoniey for It. W, Celeuiau's heirs ectll-tfdAw T HIS PAPER 1H PRINTED J. K. WRIGHT &. CO.'S INK Fairmoent Ink Works, 26tb and Peae'a. Atcdqs (j,a-iya FiULADKLFHU, FA. IiAiNOXBTKR AXLYItrELriIOJ MXDtCAL- TK. KENNEDY'S KEMEDY. $500,000 a Year. . Statement of the American, Nnlleual and United States and Cnnada Ktpress Companies, Trey, New Yerk. The strength of Uoiee lay net In hernmltltude, nor In her grain-laden llects. These were ele ments et strength, but hcmover-falllngrcsourco lay In the self-control nnd discipline et lleman seuuers. j'iscipiiiie 11 filers. the wonderful meaning possessed by the word "veusmn." nr, Jieneuici, 01 rrey, is n vrierun In the express business. "Thlrty-three years." he said te your reporter, " I've steed Ht this desk." Itls the discipline of yearsorexperienco Mr. Ilcnedlct, of Trey, is a veteran wnien gives nun me pesiunn ae 110111s in inu trust and esteem et these thrce great corpora- tiens. "We have a business of ' )O0,0OB a year, nnd l've btcn absent from this ofllce- Ji my n menin in 1111 mat iime. niinnu tell hi must confess thnt many times l've worked liore when suffer. Ing llle Ing great pain, feri lmve been troubled all iny with biliousness una avsncnsla. My system bns beceme se reduced and weak thnt 1 had nn nnnctite. nnd in v digestion wholly disordered. 1 huve tried various remedies, het almost two years age I happened te lilt upon Dr. Kennedy's FAVOKITE KEMEDY. After using only ene bettle or se, 1 brgnn te reel stronger in every way. The gient difficulty has been with my ill. fcitlen.butthlsseems te regulate It perfectly, have, sir. great faith in Dr. Kennedy's FAVOR ITE KEMEDY. 1 have bought and given a great deal efit te the peer around here t these, you knew, who have no money te buy mcdlcinoer any kind, for there nre a great many troubled with bilious diseases nnd suffer en without old. I always keep FAVOKITE KEMEDY in the house. I consider It the best mcclctne Ter the bleed In the market. Well, I must attend te this matter for the western purt or the city. Hay, you tell the Docter lam coming down te Itnnd Itnnd Itnnd nuttoseehlm in August. I want te knew him," I left the veteran, still at his pest, rejoicing In health and grateful te Dr. Kennedy. nprlMmdcedw G UEAT KLIXIIt Ol' LIFE. ENDORSED BY THE WORLD. DR. PETZOLD'S GERMAN BITTERS I THIS GREAT ELLXEH OP LIFE Is a double Distillation of ever tw only different kinds or the best Herman Hcibs, this being the only true nnd ret Initie process by which the en tire GrcntMedlral Virtues nnd Curative Proper ties et the Herbs can be produced. Wu nre con fident that this great ticrmiin Tnnle will bn round the most HEALTHGIVINU ever placed before the public. As a ULLIAllLi: AND FI.EA8ANT INVUIOUANT, Itls absolutely without n rival, und affords Instant Hei.ikf, and a FjtnrjctTOoiiEguamntecd In all cases of Dyspepsia, Less or Appetite, Ncrousnes, Weakness, Cramps, DjHcntery Cholera Merbus, Nausea, DlanhaMi, Asthma, Sick Stomach, Itllllnusiicss, Ague and ret cr nnd ether Malarial Diseases. This Ureal Medicine. Fnr Sale E very tv here. L. PETZOLD & CO., Prep's., llALTIMOItK.il II. npr.-8VASlyd&w. CIROM THE PRESIDENT Of Bayler University. "Independence, Terus, Sept. 2(1, lfttt. Gentlemen : Ayer's Hair Viger Has been used In my household for three reasons : 1st. Topicicntfulllngnutnrihe hulr. 2d. Te pre cut tee rapid change ofcelor. 3d. As n dressing. ' It has given entire satisfaction In every in stance. Yours, rcicctrnlly, WM. CAItEY CKANE." AYKH'S II.WK Viaeil Is entirely rree from uncleanly, dangerous, or Injui Ions sub stances. It prevents the hair from turning gray, restores gray hair te Its original color, prevents haldnes, pie-cncs the hair nnd promotes Its growth, cures dandruff nnd all dlsctsesef the hair and sculp, and I', nt the same time, a very superior nnd desirable dressing. rintrAiiKD nr Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. nstatl B UUDOCIC J1L00I) 1'I.TEHS. DYSPEPSIA. Have you the Dytpepsla 1 De you Knew the Symptoms 1 We Hardly Bellevo Yeu De. One or the most distressing and dlsngrecahle complaints, nnd ene or the most pre alctit In this country, Is Dyspepsia. Burdock Bleed Bitters. Is a standard remedy. De you suffer from the Headache, from Vertigo, Fnlpltatlen of the Hcact: De you fcelas If the world had no charms for you ? De you pass sleepless nights T De you suffer from languor T De you have heartburn a sallow complexion T De you suffer from Con stipation und till its attendant cWls! II se, at ence piocure a bottle of the FAMOUS Burdock Bleed Bitters; They wero Never Known te Fall. They stiike at the loot of all these diseases, and effect a radical cure. They puilfy the bleed. They net upon thelhrr. '1 hey cannot bapquulcd in tlmweild. FOH SALE 1IY ALL DIlFfitilSTri. Fer Mile at Cochran's Ding Stere, Nes. 1 17 and niNerlh (Jin-en street, Lancaster, Fa. uJ'liueed c IIAMI'AONK. BOUCHE "SEC." THE FINEST CHAMI'AdNI lMFOUTKD. WINK NOW AT IlKUIAKT'H OLD WINE hTOUE, Ne. 2A East Kine STiintr. II. K.Sl.AtMAKKIt, Agl. Kstubllsheit, 1T&.V febl7 tld FVllNlTUJtK. w ALTER A. UKINITSH. Furniture Wardrooms. East King St,, LANCASTER, PA. VERT CHEAP AT 1IUOTS AXU SllUJM. B OOTS AND SHOES. J. H. HcGenaughy. YOU CAN !S AVE 49e. A YOUIt FA IK HV 1IUYINQ BOOTS AND SHOES AT Ne. 26 i-2 East King Street m3l-tfd HKF wwrrii 1 .i. - stadsLk-Aiahl ttsUJHBkASTTesSl TJROVE THIS HEk! X nrcat truth I Alt Capclne Flaitcmucw. cents. ' t . MVC ' v.," J UJ k ,i CUTKDURAi , H fv - THE ONLY REMEOMt fOf ' THC ,eKffl AND BLOOO UWIVtWWT ' COMMMWOtO.y' ur A. Win. T. fStten, m NerM. Tet" 5 dclnhin. rennrta that u of ki fil'i's'H1" li te him Incldcntnlh .iMtM ui--. nvtw (hiiicu iwuat y6.tr. all of which h t con ins or tbe Cutduha proved effectual wjtn a4 MM MmHwmmmx BORIS I 'wmmsAc. j,. Chns. Ilrady, S0tt rri . a r i. j" '. .tlj'." ! JttEii city, eVrtliM ii. . .1. iTiMi(i,,aing te a. wendcrrul euii) utM sores e tM iu-ck lYincn uaa neen 1 clans without enrp. , by itespmi yarn, iteh T14d n" plctely te the Ctrrlctnul CURED WilWlOVRA. Mysklndlsenso,MVtiteMrnil lar remedies nnd oil wr HiftHm 4Ttsbi slclnns. has been 0111 MWinffiug ciuwn 1 eies. 1 hey surpas4MikratMmpiliia wee-i tntlensnnd rapidly i ffecMarnr. .' VlltCXNNES, IND. r'SKft' knew rn Vamtr. All of your Ctrnct a HnntiH tre Very fcend satistactlnn. The Ctmctnu liwpeclnlly recom mend for the discus fer'whlch Itlsnscd, I knew from experience ItaTmls." Da. II Jriur,o5Tr.te,Wt. f-tTYf f lTi ft a rti n,ti , . rT:;,j, rW jiirnugnn nnme-retnrned NenrraMn, I'heve leunicd te knew your Ctmrtnu, which 'luwlna sheit time cured nut it unKeemaAthtltuy. physician's medicines could net heal. Clllt. HELTZKN, IIkbeks, NenWAV, A yenlurerretning. THE FOKT FOWEIW. A reeling or gnilllute Impels me te ncknnwl edge the great merits of jour Ciincnn, and 1 cnidlnlly recommend It tlie pttblle ns 11 very valiinble remedy, II. N. FOWEItH, HitiiKiK.rniiT, Ceyx, Fer sale oteiywhcro. Frlce Cuticura, the fireat Skin Cuie.fiOc. Cdtii iia SeAr, nn cxiiuls cxiiuls te Skill llcuutlller, 25c. CfTictinv Ubselvicnt, tlie new Weed I'm filer, ll.un. FerrKn Unco ajcd CnKMicAt. Ce , IIostem. Cutieura soap " anTxqu'isiti: Toilet Iltth and Nuisery SaualUe. SANFORD'S RADICAL. CURE, -FOlt- CATARRH. WITCH HA'.BL, AMEKICAN FINE, CANADA Flit, MAKIUOLD AND CI.OVEK HL08SOM. A single dese of Kanfenl's Jtndlcnl Cure in stantly relieves the most violent Sneezing or Head Colds, clears the Head as by untitle, steps Watery Discharges fiem the .Vnw nnd Eyes, pic vents Kluglng Noises in the Head, cures Neir mis Headache and suhdues Chills and Fevers. In Chronic Catarrh It Cleanses the Nasal pass ages or Feul Mucus, Kesteres the bensi-s of Smell, Taste nnd Hearing when nffestcd. Frees the Head, Threat and liinnchlal Tubes of offen effen offen slve matter. Sweetens nnd Purities the llrcnth, Steps the Cough, and Arrests the progress of Catarrh towards Consumption. One bettle Kndlcal Cure, ene box Catarrhal Hei vent anil Sanfeid's Inhaler, all In mm pack age, or all druggists, for f l.oe. Ask fer.SAsrcmu's Kadical Cure. l'OTTita Dnce akd Cuxuical Ce., Bosten. Cellins' Voltaic Electric Plasters. Fer the relief nnd prevention, the liiatnnt It Is npplled, or Khniimutlsm, Neuralgia, Sclnllca, Coughs, Colds, Weak. Hack, Steuuirh nnd Hew. els. Sheeting 1'alns, Numbness, Hysteria, rc rc male Fitlns, Falpltntlen, Dyspepila, Liver Com Cem plain'. Unions lever, .Miliaria and Epidemics, use COLLINS IVLABTKIIB ( nn ELECTKIO Ilnltcry combined with n Pereus Piaster ), nnd laugh ut pain. SSr. ex erj where. aprl-W,SAw G REAT INDIAN MEDICINE. KA-TON-KA. THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE -F0K THE- II I.OO I), LIVKK, KIDNEYS AND STOMACH. r It is Made by the Indians. Used by the Indians. bold by the Indians. Ills Purely Vegetable. It surely cures all diseases or the Stomach, Liver, Hew els and llloed. It is almost specific for all forms of Itlicumutlsm. It will cure dis ease when all ether remedies hae tailed. Direc tions nie plainly printed en ct ery bettle. All tribes of Indians have their medicines, but KA-TON-KA Is u remedy of the Pacific Coast, nnd is used by all. It Is composed or roots, herbs and barks gathered and prepared by tbe WAItM Sl'HINU INDIANS OF OltECdN, And Is favorably known and used in all parts of the world. The sick or ailing should net delay Its use. It will precntm well ns euro disease. Its price Is enu dollar per bottle, or six bottles for Ih e dollars. Ask fei it and sen Hint .you get It. It Is for sale by all Druggists, and by the OUEUON INDIAN MED1CINK COMPANY, Cerry, Fa. . MODOC INDIAN OIL, THE (IKKATKST FAIN KAItTH. MKDICINK ON IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOC INDIAN OIL Is certain tocuroTooth tecuroTooth tocureTooth ncho In one minute, lleadarhe in II ve minutes, Kurache In ten minutes, boie Threat In ene night, Neuralglaln tbree te five minutes. MODOC INDIAN OlLUuscdlutcru'illyhswell as externally. E ei-y family shntild ha e a bot bet bet teo within lench. 1 1 Is u doctor In thu house. Fersule by all Druggists. Frlce sSaper bottle. Lniga size bottles, ftoe.: IN D1AN COUUH S UUP is a prompt specific for Coughs, Colds and Lung diseases, Mc. per bottle. Ka Un ka, Medoc Indian Oil and Indian Cough Syrup for sale (wholesale nntl retail) at Cochran's Ding Stere, Nes. IT7 and 11 North Oticcn street, ljmcaster, Fa. 1113-lydWASAw (SataIirh. ELY'S CREAM BALM CUKES COLD IN HEAD, CATAIlllll.lIOSECOLD.HAY FKVKlt, DEAFNESS, HEADACHE. Easy te use. N.Y.. U.S.A. Price, 50c. Ely llre.'s., Oswego Hay Fever. LI.YVS CUEAM HALM Cle.ines the Head, Allays Intlainmatlnii, Heals the Seres, Itesteres the heuses of Timte und Sntell. A quick and iiostlltecuie. M rents ut Dmggtgts. te cents liy mull, icgistcied. Send for ciieulur. Sample by mall, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, marSl.tfd&w Diugglsts, Oswego, N. Y. M ANHOOD UKSTORED. hkubdv rniit. A victim of veuthful lmiirudence causlnc Fre- mature Decay. Nervous Debility, Lest Maiihoed, umuiu .r-i) . .cr, ,11119 tfvuttiKy, t.xfav wauuiHiu e., having tiled In vnln every known remedy v. has discovered a sliniile self-cure, which he will uure, wnien nn v 'erers. Address, J. II. UEEVES, send FHb'K te his fellow sufferers. Address, 1K-I)eud&lyw a Chatham St, New' Yerk City GUAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. The Great English ltemedy. An unfailing cure for Impotency and all Diseases that fellow Less of Memery, Universal Lassitude, Fain in the Back, Dimness et Vision, Premature Old Age, and many ethor diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Prematura Grave. Full particulars in our pamphlet, which we do de do Bire te send free by uuifl te every ene. This Spe cific medicine is sold by all druggists at II per Fackage, or six packages for 3. or will he sent ree by mall en receipt et the money, by ad dressing the agent, 11. 11. COCHltAN, Drugglt,sole Agent. Nes. 137 and 139 North Que-., street, Lancaster, Fa. On recount et counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper i the only genuine. Uumile. N. Y. WATCHES, AC. VyATOHES, OLOUKS ANDJEWKIiUY. GREAT REDUCTION IN I'KICKS OF WATCIIE9, CLOCKS ANO JEWULKY.ut LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne, 159 1-2 North Queen Street, Opposite City Hetel, reur Fn. K. K. Depot. BeUillDg at Wholesale Frlces. Hcpalrlngat at Lew Frloes. lySWyd QUTiceRA. . pzffitm; ' J' .r KJ i S3 &w LADIES' 'jfemt Shapes in Velvet Brocade, PINE STOCKINETT JACKETS : : 1 ijixHf. iri in .ii ftja m m i . a I I r ir r w " : - ' . MM I - . vat- in lrjL. I A.M. M. M. !., I I 1 u I 111 tv1-1 1 JJ . CIHlIUir..,.asr r 'wlz:- ' LZJrMmP& ':1 M, iiifc t. Mm "'"?' niiPSWiSi.iiwiMlBrasawiCT UIIUUamilTaWW IB , jSrfaBK.Hr ' 1 susu slT I l .itu.':i.t.i. J&f-.'tl ', j&h -VM:-- :vt .. ? .' , - 'sWallVEbc.lltM .v. i siimr"" b w amiaH.wMBh', -."rarr ..r ,. c;- ,' - ' r t. . t .- -siiav . i n.aman. .i.r,:,rfiaf- '--.'-Wte.-. ik3t .a ,t - Vi - .f-.w r-& vrmtvzzr. afi'Aef iJ r-ft'WWKykit. M qgiv?wk, f , . - v',-. ..(.'. sctie, ,-TV-irsaiivj'nf1 TaMK kv Ka. . iJa "- -"'v?-1!!? 'f? '' r .?'"' -'-Jls--???? BBji I SHH KiN til hi RF.SS f U JM RIMMd -Mftffffll ir4-JiniSIr.Trl JT55.r AlHraXttHJiKST 4tssseaifeii; iS,a'4mAJ'MB KAOBR & BROTHER are reoelvlncr daily French. English and American pnkM (feeds, In all the New fabrics and latest sbades and colors. , , Black and Colored Dress Silks, - SlffiAHSIND AT EXTREMELY HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. N EXT DOOIt TO THE COUKT IIOTIHE. FAHNESTOCK'S. Spring and Summer "Underwear ! SUMMER - I N DlN'v-rG U Z TASjf Fer Ladles, Oenta, Misaes and Ohlldren. " Large stock el floods nor In Stere at Iew Prices.. BfcE. FAHNESTOCK, Next-Doer te the Oeurt Heuse. Lancaster, Pa, QH BAI STORK. " v- SPECIAL -BBGAI NS FROM THE AUCTION ROOMS OFNHW YORK AND PHIpADELPHLA. OKEATKST BAKOAINS EVBIt KSOVTK IN BLACK SILKS, COLORED SiLKS, LADIES' DRESS CLOTHS, BLACK CASHMERES. Ladies' Dress Goods in Variety. LONG AND SQUARE BLACK THIBET SHAWLS. VK AllE FULL OF IIAKOAINS OF KVKKY DESCKIFTIO.V AT letzger & Hangnman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. ir- Uctwecn the Cooper Heuso and Serrel Heme Hetel. VLUCKH, MllUIOltS H.? Z. RHOADa SPRING, 1885. We have new open te the Public a very large and carefully selected assortment of Watches of all grades and prices. Our stock of Clocks embraces every kind and style, the best makes and reliable timekeepers, at prices very low. Alse a full assortment of pretty novelties in Spring Jewelry, both in Silver and Geld. Everything new and stylish in the way of Silver Hair Ornaments and Bangles. Come and see for yourself and be convinced. H. Z. RHOADS, I.ANOASTKK, fa. Ne. 4 West King Street. iiT Store open until 8:00 every evening. Saturdays, 9:00 o'elook. uuvsEt'vnsisnixu uuuvs. OIIIHK'H OARI'KT HAM CARPETS! ItKOl'KNINO OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We nre new nreiiaied te show the tniile the LiirRest mill Hest heleclcil Line of ( nriicts ever ex, lilultedln this city. WIL'IONS,. VKLVKTS. nil tlie Tnullnj? Mukr-t of llOUi A.NDTAFKSTKY HICIIHSKI.S. TllllfcK.PI.V. All.Wnnl nml I'.illilll I Ill'lln K.VTlt A hi I'KIIS. mill Hit Olllllllll'S Of IS- OKA1N OAKFE'la. DAMASlvnml VF.NKT1AMJAKFKTS. 11AU nml CHAIN CAUl'KTrt of our pwn liiamiiiiciiireHBiM'ciaiu iBlM'clallly. Hpectnl Attenlien iialrt toUuiMuiiuliictllieol OUblOM OAKl'KTS. OILCLOTHS, KUUH, VIN110YailAUES,COVMKI.hTS,c-. Aisniirnii i.inuei SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. ilAUY V F LINN & BUENEMAN. BABY C ARRIAG-ES. THE LARGEST VARIETY AND LOWEST PRIOES FLINN & BRENEMAN'S, Ne. 1 52 North Queen St.. Lancaster, Pa. AFTER ALL- OT1IEKB FAUi, COM8UIT DR. LOBB, NO. 310 North Flftcciith strcet, below Callewhtll street. Fhlladelphta. Cures nil Secret Dl.eeses of betn sexes. Twenty Years Kxporlence. Con Cen Con sultiitlen by mall. NF.UVOUS ANU Bl'KCf AI, 1II8KAHKS. New book Just eat. Send for it. Frlce 80c Hours 11 a. m. till 1 n. in., nnd 7 p. mi te 10p.m. UOOKS FKKK TO THIS AKFL1CTKD. ftbVlydltw 1 . aVaTallllllllUBHft i ?f v!iVti it 7 Grenadine VeWet & TriSl X '. SUMMER SILKS LOW PRIOES. MERINO A.Vll - EU'N - D ER W E A R sj. AXJt ItllOSZKH. CARPETS! -AT- leli23-2iiid4 All 111 All VS. -AT- C1AFK. HIIRK AND SI'EKDY CUltli O UUVTDRS, VABIOOCKLKnildHrKCUL UlSIABSR ortlthersox. Why no numuuiiReq uy niiacK!., whenyeu can flncfln lr. WrfBht the only line. vlab Physician In Fhlladelphia who makes n specialty of the ubove dlneases nnd cures them T Curbs ouarahtrke, Advicb tbks, day and ovun evun Ing. Strangers can be treated una retnrn home Uinsanieaay. Ot..cef.Pir!vnt:,ihwmauT( Nn. Sll North Ninth street, nbove Kace. F. O. Bex 871 I'bUndelphla. )anMydAw i l, ICuSftlBlMUfi ?Tt.. . &&FiL -. ik .KJlfe4r',SSt?K)f)',. H w i urJtt,,rV I. t 1"' ' -yJmi t .' T AJMUAHTBH A I) mf ' Oamlcave Lniicnslr inr ; r Cnsloave Mlllersvi s i H.notjiidleot)n.in.,niiil no f ? nl fcW - & TRIANON AND f;ANOAl rw (.INK KA1MIOA m 1SKKXTOF rASMHHIIMJ rV. Kill ituuiw 1 Vti. ""l I aV Jtrf !Tm uhw tr.?; H.1...S. 1M & , , Cf( On.. .,!.., fr M4 if BOUTHWAKD nil1 " Sj.Sh A. ST. '.. ta. tf Ml L.Jill !? .' i-illl" "' iJtltW 1 f ,u Jti lp iv .mi, k. ji. n .VrifcRtjL,,! k V t- u . J)t UMHtJU i ' t flBTtfr, , - "if 'ViE.viii?Kfe 1 BV.1 HUNUAY, NOItl I.KAVK. (iinriyllle I.uucailcr (KI'Mt Stn-e Lmicnler...... Uhlckleri Mnridtn .Intictleii.. Columbia AttRlVK. Itenilliif;... SOU! I.KAVK. UeailliiR AimiVK. Marietta Junction,.., ChlLkles.... Celuiuliln Lancaster r-.. ...... Lnncalcr(Klii;hitreei Ounriyvllle... Fer eennectlnnii nt ranter Junction, iinrlt liU me tlme tables nt n Onnrrj-vllle, Hllcet, x.nw 11. M :R.1 )i. Iind 4 111), in. Arrive llciulliiK. 1" ' Lenve ItenillUK, l" Anle IjuirnHter, ( Lancaster, Klni? Strc (Jnnrry vlllc, il.ie ji. 111. ('. O.IIakceck, Oen'I I niiril 11 KNNSVLVANI t ULK. Tnilns lcine Lnurnx nt Fhlladclphlium felli WKSTW'AKII. 1' Ni'wn Ktjhtss t Wny Fasecnserf..... Mn II train In SluJ ey Ne. 3 Mull tmlnf. .... Nliifrnni Kxprc Ilunevcr Accem Vast Lliief Frederick Accem... Ijincnstcr Accem . IlarrlBliurg Accem . Cnluinliia Accem ... Ilarrlsunrf? KxpragH. in.- tiMmr tfii.iiAitti unction anti m ly?v" ;$ ) l. in.t fAncalr, li in, a 1. nu, nnd' 5' W 1)ii VSl n.lii., IViSOi p. hi . it.wuAeir, vi -.TlcKetAt. 1 . ,,: rStSuX. t lAiMtoAnsenr. vnCl Iciive tinitiarri niicnililiu , LHiuitrt flu. ill. O 11 Columbia. On. 111.. (Joluiulile. usf J fr-v. ;' 0fi 'J a n. 111. &nmn (lumliln, msmi ", MCley. 10 Me 71 7itn 1.1 it. in. 1 10 " -. 10 " VI l-OJ ISO " Lenve I miMlHter. t-B " cer. h la A1 " me "" Itiipltn, i4 i;ni. A UII1. E.lllCMH.f Western Kxini'sf.. Fncltlc h'tpicis t... 10:11 f 4T a. t( Arriv'niit Flillndrliihlt a .slfl-31 ' jJltMUJe CltS 11. 111. 6 " 1W 1JJKASTWAUI). Fhll'ft Kxiucist Fast Line f.tliSVT.i.. UnrrlKhnrfT Kxpn'M. Ijinc'r. Accem,, nr... Celmnlila Accem ficnuhoreKxrircA.... .lonnsiewn t.irprcM dhftv fixerpt Stinrtiiv f Snniliy JJaU f, -00 ' ' ft f, llav KxerCiuit.. 41V Harrtuburg Acceni 'i (P 9.M inevnnc;m Accennn- ;Mtonicr.vct;enti n ni n..-a.tii.,rcAcniimancaiiei:.ei. tLeav M nrtettn nt S JA n. 111. inlvcuntCelninl) i 1 it 3 JO 1 nlae leaven nt vAjirrlvca HtH ). 'II10 ) nrk AccemiiK -tl m lenvi'i MHrielln m..n. .m . - .. . . . ' I ' TS :iuanu jirrivennii.au i-irni, e.ii, ceiiucri wiia iinrnsuiirs A.AJD iibiu. The Frederic tAccei elation, We tng-nt lncasier-wltli r- i.lnc, wcl in .itlllrunthreualil. Vtederirk. . The Frederick Arci . modntleii, cast, ltjiicn Columbia utiscas nnd achea Lnncnutcr ht'l vt p.m. , The Lancaster Ace 3imo!nt(en, K11M, Icjui Hari1sburgat6:l0i. n. eaJ arrtrcs In Ijiucohci Ijiucehci nt 9J.V ji. 111. Ilnnevcr Aceommedution, went, oentiectlni; ai Lancaster with Nlagaril xprcu nt 9.50 n. nu il' run through te llnnevir, dully, except SuniUy Fast Line, west, en fa mday, when ffugged, t III step ntDownlngtewn, Ceatcsvllle, Farkcxbul or, Mt. Jey, LllzabcthtowiknaMlddletewii. t The only trains wh'ch run dnlly. On Sunfi 13 the Jlnll tniln west nn l)y wnyofCeliimlilu. Leave dally except itenday, 1 ' C10UNWALL AND LEBANON A.NH COLKllKOOlv VALLEYHAIKKOAllH. setnaivAnr. " ' k Trains lcave LelmnemUUy ( except Knnil.iy 1 ntfl-wn. 111., 12:30 nnd 7 p. in. Arrive lit CernM al 1 ai uie a. m., 11.40 p. in. ;niid 7.10p.m.; utConcwnzen7.20a.ui., I 2.V and'l-.M p.m. connecting wltli the FcnnylanU r-ll-read ter points cast nnd n est. HOBTaVASO. r Trains leave Conevrni. ut 7J0 a. in.. 8&) and 8.av p. 111. p AiTli e nt Cernwnll nt MO u. te., 4,ltf ml 9-OB p. 111.; at Lebanon nt t) 20 k. in., 4-'W nnd 0.15 p. 111, connecting nt Lebanon with Fhiledelpblu unci Heading railroad for pi lnU east and ueut, nnd the Lebanon nnd Treiicnt Uniuc.h for J en Li town, Flncgrove nnd 'I rcuienu The 0 30 u, 111. train w 111 step only ut .Cern wall, C'olcbreok nnd Ifellalrt COAT U. MARTIN, WBOLKSAI t AMD aMCTAH. B. Dealer in All Kinds of Lnukr ud'Ced m-VARD: Ne. 430 -North Wiitur nml Frlnoe streets uboieLcinon. I..llicutcr. n'J-lvil TAUMaAHDNEHS.t Jni-FKKIKS, COAL DEALERS. emens: Ne. 120 Ner Q.icen street, mid he. ,'it,l North Frince 8 tret I . - Tc abds : North l'rii.ce street, near KnUtnc .,,,.,,.. ...... . ' fi LANCA'Thll, FA. anglMM M. V. B. COHOf S3HNOIIT11 WATKIl SiKKKT, Inctt!it;r, Fa., WilOLESAlB AMil.l-TAlL DXAMB mJJ LUMBER AND QOAL,; Connection with Tin ruLitrnesHi KxcaAtwu, VAnn and Orficnj M. 330 NOIIT1I WATK'l! 8TIIF.KT. febJS-lvd E AST i:nd YA1U- C. J. SWARR&CO. GOAL. KIN'DLING WOOD. Orricu: Ne.20Centi ollUecennei ted wllh ectllmdM&F,U iquare. IMrumtl nnrt rphotie cubange. vifith' AKrxa. u NDEHTAKINO -': 1 UNDEFTAK,E;)R, Cor. Seuth Quel 1 and Vine S(im Lanctb,Fa, 'i Forsennl attention pi ci te nil ordeu. vl.yctj thing in the Undertn iff llna furnished. iiavinc sccuicu vne cbanlc, 1 nm prcpn sterlnK nt vciy med Fumllute Upholstere, L. R. Janie-ttd rvlcci of a ttrat-lis lhe te de nil kinds of UpheH ile iilcea. All kind 01 Ulvaiueacalt.ii, . ROTEfc , ' JIUVSKFUJtt tHUHO, fJOOBAj, - - - iS T m: ; 1 oheapbst;Imee TOYAT 9h LOW KiJICES STOVES, HE1TERS, RANOK, y i Geal en Lamps mm r l AV I Ne. 21 Beut feb!7.lvd 1 iSH uur.m. XI ' iS i : ?AKD. p t. m. rJHIi!. f im', ' iihmxte 7--5J lV:jaW A1U). '1? 7.10 IKtBjfw, . V4EKL. nil ..iijfSK ya snamfuB BiwV r""w ,$ frm AXttAPBJi,"-) PENNA. OIOAI Hum hau'1'Man;m $i V m m h1'?1 mji H ,i.rtf-' r J . j- -. 15 m JU k Kt&M .4J 51 ,'St ' ,? a j - ET &i n '.- m S ,1" V x -V4 ' if)t - VJ i'JH r 3.4 f sj'; JT OM ; i TJ. M. ::li m .-r-y; . , . . v 1 rS ' "IT , . "..,ll 9 ii ..' . V"' b