w - KM jT miSU 1 i 'ft &f . :4 . & JW L.V - if" m w, lis.' "f ," K e 4 'tV .1 ill.. i. I -jpaiiMtr jrAra ve a ne- jwt mmnrisa ratx COMPANY. r Over th Ownanhlp of BtevTbat scad Off Who Bald th Luck; i?I.IUIe Mlnlen'i Fin Werk ,c-.fto,rreu Fren" TownNetiC2Jr PA:. - r eerrcsponaenco et Intsllioxhekr. jmbia, April 23. The ceneral fair of the Vltritnnt flrn mm nan v. UWiiiWMiced the result of the fair, and It is iKBiyBausiaciery repert, but a mtrprim ,8M.mteu. Hotween 1,300 and 11,275 MM cleared, an amount that will glve CV.lgUant company oho of the linnd- ' parleni in this woclien. Numerous I fctve slready been collected but for fear Bye been overlooked, we have been Mkl te anneunce through the Intklli 4JMCXR for all bills net yet prosentoil., i firemen s jbnena pueusnen in me in to! the Vigilant fair aDncared ler the tttme last evening. It was equal te the teet Lancaster Owl. " A dispute bas risen that may result in trouble aa te the legal drawer of the stove cfciRCed off at the Vlirllnnt fiilr. Cnnnnn xiw iii urew it, ana sucn a coupon was pre fjMnted te the general committee this morn mern f tag by Charles Brown, engineer. Hut ene j ..of the committee states that a young lady iu .visVerk. is the holder of the nlnnlna coupon. - .: .. . p A She bas been written te and requested te v aend her coupon. Upen its receipt the mat g.$t will be attended te, Xf , Real 'Etate Netei. "t ' Several Columbia contlemnn urn nnmnl?. &$,,''.! tag themsolves into a building committee, t&ara will, in is summer, erect hi or l- brick SSW"? A location has net yet been se- tywueua. iV, Hti Jnnics Porrettot will oeinmoiiro work V en bis new f!hcstnut Rtreel. ruslilnnre til ' "week- ...... Kf UOLU. 8. Mlirrnv'H new Chestnut Htrrat V , house, near Seventh, is belnir nrectnil. W. It. "jll f?f4AltA1 AM linullin nAnlu...l SV t f A Ifrv laluilrirvnlilnrl (n f Itn 11 tn,.lr llnwn V fciiW j vn, uvsuu tiiiiiu AdtMjjk, liuinu I 4 saetelf corner of Feurtli anil Wiiliuit Htrects. , -tilled. f; . ftr root arrully Ulcerated. b vvft While doing seme work yesterday, Hew- "Xra uarnes, an ompleyo in Klng'H steam cracker baker v. bad bis left feet. p.'iiii-liUn jfVthe machinery and terribly Injured. He wen w removed te his home en Seuth Second street. E iW -weereur. w. u. 'iiiyier ationtted mm. ise l'J'bMiesate brekGn, but the feet is fcariully 1 MviBHAl WIU UUJH-U UUU 1,lli IU11I1I1U 1I1III te nis nome several weekx. Llllle Illnten In "Freu Freu." "Prou Freu" is afalrplay, and asproscnted by Miss Lillie Illnten, in the epera house last evening, was a success, as is everything In which the litlle footlight faverite appears. In .the last act "Freu Freu" (Miss Hinten,) 'returns te the house she had deserted from V unwarrantable Jealousy, te ask pardon ofher sorrowing but stern husband. It Is a sad, teucning scene, aim uengniea an wne occu pied seats in the parquette and circle Net be, however, with the hoodlums Iu the gal lery, for just at the point where Miss Hinten appears te the best ad vantage, where as"Freu Freu" she dles in her husband's arms, these uneducated gallery gods shouted with laugh ter, and grabbed their hats and coats and be gan leaving the hall. Their conduct was very annoying. Town Neten. The flre plugs wero epened last night ami cleansed the borough gutters. Market is improving. This morning's was quite large, and produce, etc, found iu abundance. Shad brought from 90 cents te J1.25 per p.Ur ( eggs 15 cents per dozen, and butter 25 cents per jkjiukI. NatUroliaHinacle the Wrights vllle groe a beautiful resort, and it is often frequented by pleasure-parties. Improvements are being WCflTOVpiade te make it even mera attrac tive andcoftKenlent tnan jWrcady Is. ."Miss Mattle Vickers in "Paste and 'Diamonds" will-flplear in the Columbia 'opera house, under the management of 'Messrs. Crane and Yeung, en May 2nd, 1685. The Columbia rolling mill will begin running en or about June 15th, lbS5. 'the moving of the large chimneys from ene part of the mill te another, was an Interesting proceeding and was successfully accom plished Beating en the Susquehanna river will be the principal amusement for Columbians this summer. Several new row and sail beats are being purchased. Several Columbia gentlomen, uith a num ber of Baltimoreans as their guests, will Hpend a week at Wild Cat Falls next month. Practice games of lawn tennis are new being enjoyed by members of the Columbia lawn tennis club. UitLEF CITY XOTES. The car drivers en the Lancaster Streot Car cemiwny are en a strike and new men have been secured te de the work. The mayor this morning disposed of Chas. Lelbley, of North Wnter street, arretted ler corner leatine, who wis discharged with a reprimand. ,-Themas Malene, whogave his as age H, '' years, arrested for drunkenness, wus dis cnarged en his premise te leave the city at once. Four ledgers also were discharged. The water conunlttce of councils met in select council chamber te-day and heard ap peals from the water tax. 'i'he number el persons te appeal was smaller than in pro pre , vieus years. JoelMurr and Isaiah Klrchefl, arrested ;, for drunkenness aud disorderly conduct and exposure of persen, en warrants issued ' by Alderman A. F. Dennelly, hae been committed for a hearing. James Dener, u tramp, went into Hhertz's store, at the corner of Plum and Kast Kinir streets yesterday and becoming very abusive, was ordered out. He refused te go, Suited euta knife and threatened te kill Mr. hertz, Ofilcer Mossenken was notified of the occurrence and arrested Dener. He was sent te prison this afternoon. The Nuptial Tie. This morning at 10 o'clock Geerge Kritsch, cigar manufacturer of this city, and Miss ,Laura Iske, d.utghter of Antheny Iske, 'were united iu murriage by llev. Fatlier Grotemyer, at HU Jeseph's church, In the presence- of a number of relathes and friends. The bride was elegantly dressed and the srroemsninn ninLbriilcsiiifilil wnm Ft 'HarryH.BtilloandMissEmmaIske. Aiier JV ' the ceremony a reception was held at the jj iiaaiueiiuD j mu unuu paruuiH, anil 11)0 .' proscntswero many and handsome. At 2:15 li- this afternoon the newly married coupleloa 21 A for Alteena and they will make a tour fi through the northwestern part of the state. IlurgUrToeUln Ills Possesien. A stranger glvinir the name of Frank Leenard was arrested yesterday by Olllcer EuTer for uriiukeness and disorderly con- 'diict en Plum street When taken te the station heuse he was soarched and in ene of his -pockets were found flve bits, such as are used by burglars. The bits are of line make and can be used te bore through weed or Iren, lieenard could net glve any jsatisfao jsatisfae jsatisfao ""tery account of hew he came into jiossession of them, and he was committed for 5 days ,te give the officers nn opportunity te secure information about him. ' ., D'l In l-hlbidelphia. ,' Patrick Barry, a well known citizen or ' SPhlladelphla, died en Tuesday at liis home ,,tm that city, aged T3 years. He was the par par 'j'Wst'etRev. Father Harry, who was assistant l, p IQTOIPU axary s v;ainoiiecuurvn,ims city, -'Ved years agcn, The funeral will take place i place '. en Saturday morning at 8U o'clock, from his UMnmaeuvej,i.t iertliKi Olcbtll street, m.ii n adelptiia. Solemn roquieje kmass at St. - Malaehi'a church. Te preix k te Cathedral 'f j.cemetery. Am Elegant lliiu of Spring WraUcan be found r it VIasii'h - -frS,;a-Ua Ne. Kst Kins St. rs ..... ...,-. Sr -v ui it I9CJ1UOI J9t .; Thelotelgrouiiuou the nerinca,t cornerof ."" Jjiirt Orange auaSciian street, en which two "MBO-atery .brick school houses aieii.-ctixi uin fceld afpubllc ! tiiiaeveulne nt tlm I.eeimrd '.- ketel, by Jehn 1 llurtinun, chulinm,, of tj10 A,tftaptny ceiuwuu-u or tne jjuH-.ii(r 80i,oei wwwini. iiwr,vi"j is a vmiw,u u,,'(iuivinia .! fipntefeetauandupn, ofiefect. i ; AiuutemeaU- jCtran9tng or a Concert. KeV. T ruf, choir :.mliitnt the lUltliuerc iiitlieliul. hja i, i vIMtCtty arranging lur the grand i oral and In mimental coneen te he given In Fulton opera Wen Thursfi)- .May 7, fortbe licneflt of HI Jeseph' hospital Tickets are selling rapidly, aad tna occasion premises te lie a notable one In .k)l musical circle. The cause I a K(0,i 01ie . Mimmr.pi IB". """ Paironage. linn lt-Kftl 'n nIlumbu8."-On buturday Kelalid ltctrd', new ly " Jluuibuff," Kyaaiiic nr- - EHK mtSSSi SI2SZakfl Tr, I TfcemteaJerft aaysl "The Hay'te one wMeti a r. inn j- is conmenaauen. iu enaractert are inUnatlng, and are, net east from nny. fa miliar mould Itsttery holds the attention by its constant surprises and unexpected tarns It takes ) the Incidents are funny, and are' the nat ural retails of the laughable situations created, and each net Is full et droll Incidents and amus ing contretemps, which lead te climaxes as ri diculous and absurd as they are Irrcslstably funny." ' Aitkr using all the humbug liniments and salves with sure failure, go and get of yourdrug yeurdrug ginta. Jlep I'lailrr. The strongest and bestpe reus plaster ever made. Vastly superior te all ether externnl remedies. The complete pain allaying virtues or fresh Heps combined with strengthening Gums and Burgundy Fitch. 25c. DKATIIH. IlirrTKit. On tha Slst Innt., at Smyrna, Lancas ter county, Adam Kuttcr, in the 7Uh year of his age. The rnlBtlvcsnnd friends of the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral from the rcsldence of his Ben, Jehn M. Uutlcr, Pmynm, Lancaster county, Pa., en Saturday, April 23. Interment at Compass church. 3U1 M0VKR.-I11 this city, en theZMlnsL, Kdwln ., son of r. w. and Laura Mever, nircd IS months. The rclatlvcsand friends of the family are ie gpectiully Invited te attend the funeral, from hlg parents' residence, Ne. 2rtl Concstega street, en Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock, interment at Woodward Kilt cemetery. n Kkfkkr.-Iii this city, en the 91th Inst., at his Inte residence. Ne. 42 North Prince. Htrect. Wash Wash tngten II. Keffer, In the (ttth year or his age. The relatives and friends of the family are respectfully Invited te attend the fiuu-ml, lreni Onice Lutheran church, en Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock. Interment at Woodward Hill ceme tery. MARKETS. Philadelphia Produce Market, 1'lllI.AHVt.rilIA. Atlril 21 Vlnnr murlrel i-nle.l ,nrm ntfalrdeumndi salesef 1,'joe libls, Iticlud. iiK eiiiiiicmimvxini, aisi wtptan) I'cnne. ram i!Xl.fiia5s Wcslcrn tt, !25J25t patents, Kye flour In firm demand at Kl 87Ki. Wheat dull and weaker: uni,e 1,1a, April lUSJie, May; IKKiji'J une ;l W July. ' ' ' Cern Rteaiy-l)4) bid. April ; W'fc Slay 1 MJfe June j 8(,ife July. . ealsqulet 12c, hldAprll,3lny mid June 2c July. New Yerk l'reduce Market. Nkw Yerk, April !!X Fleur dull and prices unchanged; Hupcrllne Btatc, K;5i;.V. choice ile. $1.VXJI ui; extra Minnesota, .l iO0l. Wheat Ne. 2 lted, Winter, May, mi Ce ; de Jiiiie,10liln.liily,tltnu. Corn-Ne. 2 Mixed, May fyic ; de June, M'jTc; de July, )kc. y" ' Oats Ne. 5 Mixed. May, 40Jie; .lime, 40Ue. Ilyn steady. llarley nominal. Perk dull ; Mess, 1.1. Lard !7 lr. May t 1720, June. Molasses nominal ; New Orleans, 0fiSec. Turjiontlne Arm at 32)e. ltesfn dull ; ntnilned te eoexl, $1 ft"Ql OS. Freights steady. rctielcum dull t ltcflucd cases, ViiQlOlic llutlcr dull; Western imitation Creamery choice, ldc. Chccse steady ; Ohie Flat, prime te choice, KgRssteady; Statu aud Western, 13QHc. Klea steady ; C'amllim aud Louisiana coiumeii Sugar firm; Kellued Ciitleaf, UoiUraii UeiUraii ulaled, c. Tallew steady : prime city, Cc. Hay dulland unehauged ; Ne. 1, Timethy, $1 03. Coffee weak ; fair cat gees, bi(a. Chicago Produce Market. Ciiicaoe, April 23, 9J0 e. in. Markets urn se iineYceptieiiully steady that the opening quota tions ni mostly nominal ut the previous day's cliwc. Previsions about 10c loner en perk; " in iiiiiiii,K-tiuiiii v ci y 11 11 11 ltlbs May, fs 00 ; J line, ft) Ou ; ,1 uly, fi! 10. tLOHINn. I p. in. The umrketH clese dull and heavy, heut lc below OIHlllllllf. DAlHfiml Tnriinnnil,t. ally unchauired. ProvlHlens little doing at about 10c decline for Perk 5 ethers iieuUntl. Wheat Muy, wyic ; June, !:c ; July, We. Cera-May, 47;;. lune, iMiieUe; Ju(y,4e. Onts-Ma v, 'IVe ; J line, :aa ; .1 uly, 35ic. Perk-May, 11 70; June, til Tiki July. Ijird May, .11K1; June, tl 7K; July, $704. Klbs May, J0; June, DU7H; July WJ. IJvflNtnrk Prirfl. Chicago. Cattle ltceelpls, 5,fl head; shlp meiits, 2,200 head; market slew ; theicest light grades barely steudy I heavy, coarse and lean cattle, loe loner; shipping tinideH.l.bV) te l,2i) ft. steers, M .'.003 (0 ; I.iW te 1,330, B s. $3 20fi te ; l.tne te l.fioe B,. til 40jJ3 73 ; butchers', u set m, mainly at W 23Q 1 75; Blockers and feeders, WW Hogs KecclpU, 22,IKJ0 head ; shipments, 8,000 tnnrlful unl I vn u.i.l ui-v.nt-A Hmnt. .....1 ..., a i. .n. ";" u -'" """"sv. i tuiiKii mm iniai-u, It 35t 55; packing and shipping, 2.V) te 4)ll.s. j ; i light, 130 te 200 Its, l 35QI 70 j skips, Hueep Keceints, 3,500 head; shipments, l.soe head ! markit slew nhnrti. K!21 Mil. ttuilen i 64 73; IuiiiIm, UIZQZ; wcnteiu sliecp, fl(jiJ2. Sleck Markets. Quotations by Itecd, McGrann A Lancaster, Pa. 11 A.M. Missouri Pacific Michigan Central New erk Central pju New Jersey Central Ohie Central Del., Lack. Western my. Denver A ItloUrunde Krie isif Kansas A Texas lsi? Lake Shere .v.t'2 Chicago A N. W., common. X,li N.N.?.)iit.A Western hi. Paul A Omaha i' Pacific Mall si llethcster A Pittsburg " 1'aul 70)i Texas Pacific lCi? Union Puclfiu . fi Wabash Common .... Wabash Preferred Western Union Telegraph.. SKii" Louisville A Nashville...... 3l(J N.Y., ChLAbt L . Lehigh Valley Lehigh Navigation Pennsylvania ftj Heading P. T. ATjuirule Northern Pacific Comineu 17. Northern Pacific Prof.... sm Hestenvllle Philadelphia A Erie Northern Central bi Underground Canada Southern Oil 7.v People's Passenger ., Jersey Central 1, ut-ivi .iiiij, it.j , e one, '.fjKC ; .iiuy, ut-Jic. Cern-May, ACa j June, 48Ue ; July, 4Kc, Oats May, 3le ; June, 3.V(r. ; July, ivVc. l'erk-Jlay, film) ; .lune, il 87K ; Jiilj-, 11 H7K. Lard Mev. VI ill : .lime. 7 , .lnlv. 7 111 Ce., bankers, 12 m, 3 p.m. my vxi iei2 l-'K WW ;;' if-aj mi ri iw mu 7 2IIK -Mfi n 10(J HII5 i'Ai 4'. .... ,2;J .... !t BSJ' ts'' 31 31 :::: If ni 17 ITJ ? 40 .... left .... vX ni Wi New Yerk Stock Market. Nkw Veiik, April SI. Wall street, -Je p. in Meney at lfj per cent. Exchange dull, but steady. Governments firm. Ciinency 6's. 1127 bid ; 4's Coup., II22K f 4fs de, fll bid. The stock market opened steady and with out mateiial change In prices, but beforetho first call en Heme selling of Lackuwana prices declined te per ccnL Frem U-;n until neon thore was;iulte u steady buying, under which prices advanced te the best figures. The feature of the morning was Oregon Navigation, which was bid up from 07 te 7J en reports of seme fuvorable developments In regard te the read At the time of writing the .market Is firm at about the best prices of the morning l . prices. Western Union Adams Express American Express ,,., U.S. Express Wells. Farge A Ce ' CC. I.A C C. C. C. I New Yerk Central New Jersey Ccn I ml ' Illinois Central Expicsg Ohie Central .", Michigan Central ' Northern Pacific " ' Preferred.... Central Pacific Union Pacific ' Missouri Pacitle Texus Pacific New Yerk Elevutcd Metropolitan Manhattan , Alt. A Terre Haute " Prefeirea..., Canada Southern Canada Pacific , , Chicago A Alten Ches. A Ohie D.AHud IK'l., Lae. A West Denver, , Erie....'. ' Preferred Haunlbal A bt. Je " Prelerred..., Kansas A Texas Luke bliore 1 P.M. :3. 13 3 wX 80 L'vs'lleA N7i8hVlile!.."........ ,? --. ..w.v .iiwjiiviiiu, . ...,,,,.,. ai sr Merris Ewex ... ,34 Nerthui'Hi .v." J-?. , " l'referred '.'.'.".'. Ontario A Western Ohie A Mississippi " ., ",. .. Pi-eferrcd Pacific Mai Quicuiier,..;..".v;:";;;;;.;:;,;;;' " I'reierred , Heading '."''. '.'.'" U5f 130 7 k 113 IS SI. M 7uu 122 iii Heck Island ., bun Francisce,...' '-','." ..." l'liferred Omaha njjj !SH st. puui...; .:::::::;;::::;:::::: .:; ,x'"...::.::::::.::.....: Mi M., L..S. W'V. ."'.'.'.'. ' '.".".' Wabash .'.' ' """ r ii' a1'""'"-: ::::::::::::::: HechesterAPIttshurc""' Pd. A Evans .. Manitoba ..'.'"' Oicgeu A Nav...., "' Oregon Truimce ' ' 122 'til n" u irAmrhTmmmtm. t .; I" , . yy... ... ,.iW .in. v:, &$2'&JliX. ANDTOIIiKXfTJK- .v'tn AFTEll ONK TRIAIj'OF MIU.KH'H IIOKAX SOAP heiispkwiicra will ,. ether. -wrANTtm appllcatlonP.-qilexoi. " ""'- "Ttd HE GREAT PnOPKRTY OF MIL LKIt'S BOHAX SOAP Is due tells merits. It has nosuciler. TT A ItrW in a U'linlnaiilit 4nw. lit Jn A FEARFUL WAHTE OF TIME, EN EN .er?X.nm1 K00"1 nature can be arrested by the Of MILLER'S UOKAX SOAP. PACK AWAY FURS AND WOOLENH, with HKF1NKD CAMPIIOIt and THUK PKIWIAN INSECT POWIIKH A reliable Tqiml. lly,forsale at ' HUIILKVS DHHG STOKK. Ne. 2( West King St. CHINESE LAUNURYMEN USE nllL LEH'S IIOKAX SOAP. Ihey knew a geed thing when they see It, TORICKH FOR HALE. Apply nt the l'ENN IUON c6MPANY. "ET"j rANTED. TT TwobevntoleiirneArrlnuolilaeksiiilililiitr Apply te n .V k..,...V V n d ii, jiuiiii, jr., Cor. Market and Marlen lillny. WITHOUT EXCEPTION, THE REST c.,JSnr" In the town, two for fte, at HAUTMAN'S YELLOW FHONT CIUAK THE REST Ce HAVANA CIGAR IN tlm City, at HAUTMAN'S YELLOW FKONT ClOAIt STOKE. -piOR JURY COMMISSIONER. JEltOMi: II. 8IIULTZ, .... . uf Ellzabelhtnwii borough. Subject te the decision of the Democratic county convention. d A w tld HOUSANDS OF POUNDS OImTi7 LEK'S IIOKAX SOAP ill e sold weekly. A geed article udvcitlscs itsell. ONE TRIAL ESTAHLISHES THE reputation or MILLEK'S IIOKAX SOAP At all urecers. DON'T WASTE A WHOLE DAY ON the family wash when MILLEK'S IIOKAX SOAP w 111 de It In half the time. NOTICE. Persons ulstilni; IIAMMONHSPOKTSKC. CHAMPAONE, with Uxlge 4.1, Ceiitemilal Label en, can bcsupnllcd ; l..V) nbettle.at KOHKEK'S LIOUOKSTOItE, uprSi lydK Ne. 22,Centru Siiare. FIRST-CLASS HOARDING. Together w llh the choice of umiiiih en the first or second fleer. Suriiassed by neuu In the city. Cull ou or address, NO. 402 NOKTII tJUEKN ST. Table boarders accommodated. nil tld H OP PLASTERS. YOU CAN'T BEAT THEM. HcCaiise possessed of lresh and nctUu medi cinal agents for the euro of pain and illsenne. A weiiuitiiii sirenKinenuiK porous plaster, mucin from Heps, burgundy Fitch and Canada lialsam, Annlv enn te lluelcache. Criek. Klilnev muilili'u Crick, Kidney troubles, llnatlsm. Seru fUii'st. or Blllehes, Sciatica, Kheumatlsm. Seru Chest or naln In niiv nart. Actslnslnntlv iilwatsunethi's iulct nervousness ready te apply. All deal. erg, 23c., 3 for f I. Sent by mail for price. (1) HOP PLAhTEK CO., Prepfs, llusten, Mass. CAUTION 1 Netice Is hereby gU en that a note put port ing te be Klvcu by the undersigned te the .stan dard Machine Company, of clnt eland, for llf.l, dated March lU.lNK3,aiidpuyahloslxmeuthnricr date. Is fraudulent and void, and all persons lira cautioned against negotiating the kaiiie. (JKO. MOWKKIt, New Providence, Lancaster Ce., Pa. Laxcastke, April 22, lbKi. a23 2td TR. J. K. SHIRK, Office : Ne. 105 Seeth Queen Sired. Lancahtke, I'a. SUKOEKY DISEASES OF WOMEN. SraciALiiKs. STelephone Connection, ul liiiM,W,SAlmw TNETAiLORING." ' JU The finest selection of Wetilensln Worsteds. Ciisslineres, Cheviots, Meltons, Tricots and F.iik llsh Plaids, ever before i-xhlblted tn this city can new be seen at my Tailoring Ap.ittmeuts, Ne. 37 North Oiiecn Htrect. oppeifln the Oraim Hetel. Lmpleylni; only the best Tidlers, eery garment Is minle strictly llrst-cliws. A eomlort eemlort eomlert ubleund perfect til always guaranteed Pikes moderate. HOHENSTKIN, The Merchant Tailor, Ui24-imdK 37 North Queen slreeL TTOP PLASTERS. DON'T BE SWINDLED II' buying something you knew nothing about e guarantee the ller Plastlh the best c er known. The virtues of fresh Heps, lliirgiinily Pitch and Canada lialsam combined, make this plaster highly medicinal mid nettve for the euro of pains, aches, sereucss, erauis, strains, stitches, crick and lecul weakness. Drives out naln seethes the parts and strengthens. Sold by druggists and dcali-rx, 23c ,6 loril.ne. HOP PLAbTKH COMPANY, IJestnii, Mass. Mailed for price. (j TOR EVANS. JAMES COYLi:, Mechanics' Eeundry Ce. NOS. 315 TO f,2l CIIHKItV ALLEY. LA.VCASTEIt, PA. Light and Heavy Iren distiiigs Furnished ut Short Netice. Superior Quality of Iren Werk Uuunintccd. IIOILEKS, IKON WOUK A SPECIALTY. KW Patterns Furnished te Order. Prices te Suit the Times. Your Patronage Solicited. ul8 ItS,WAS OP PLASTERS. " "" .... . , H.OWISOUH HACK? nil'1.'? lhe UHO of suirerlng with backache, I ain In the side or Hip, selatlra, Itheiiiiiatlsm hldney Diseases, Crlek. Stitches, Swollen and tried Muscles, Chest and Lung troubles, or any sort or pain or soreness, either local ordeen erdeen Hcatcd when a Hep Plastkii will give Instant ru. iliilsaiii and the paluklllijig vlitucs of Heps. ii.. . . .VII.1IVII 111,111 UlirUIllllIV I'll1!!. I'llttmln mil ,.A ....... i.,iiC... ..I.. ' . : ... ..... cuUK,uullj. piaster ever xuenii. Thousands sAy se. SeliTby all dealers. Mailed .. . -j nw, i-uiu iy mi ui (ill If'CClntnf rftx ,, k r.Mi nt (i) ' n.r.v.-T:! '..' .vw.. . "- XLA!)TMl tu IkMlOll, Mass B OOTS AND SHOES. J. H. McCenaughy. YOU CAN SAVE eA PAIK 1IY 11UYINU BOOTS AND SHOES AT- Ne. 26 1-2 East King Street mSl-tfd e N THE RRINK Ofurna T.l.tm Hull la rv.iMI..... ,- . Itussla. hew will it uffeet us t Everybody asks The business Interests of the country faverablv' unless speculation , becomes rampant, it mnv c.e'tlunM.VrTs ,mm "ut "etfur AfAVVA' WEAR Iscenceined, prices are down for this ttaseu OAKHALr. rl?.,i'10,rt'at newer te cheaieii clothing prices for this ceuimunlly, and Oak Hall's work for lllftt RPflAnn la t. ..II .,.... nl... n.....l. ... L . .M' of our ",Ul "-'''S""1- Ye,lr l,'Vl Jen 3 RARQAISfi andyelfll gJt'it.ye,ir C01I1,"S l'mhascs. Ily WANAMAKER &, BROWN, Oak Hall. 8. E. COHNEKSIXTII MARKCT, PlIIUOKlrillA. . os-I mil BTOUKS. pOOR, WHITE &GUEENOUGH. ' BANKERS. "feWrVJnt ffStf y&S Correspendeuco InvltedT i ' MEMIIEKSOFTHE NEW YOUK STOCK FY. CHANUEANI) PKOPKIETOKS OF PO Oil's MANUALOFKAILWAY8. OOU b 46 Wall Streot, New Yerk, octl-lydeod ijXTn t-sjr '& , i e? t '. :l" . irn f'rn1 -.'i i 'i if. J i , . i i - . ,r jis MrjjniMaxmKJwra. -JCTEXT DOOR TO tllECOURTlieUME: FAHNESTOCK'S. Spring and Summer Underwear! SUMMER MERINO - INDIAN GAUZE UNDERWEAR Fer Ladios.Genta, Mlsaes aud Ohlldren. " Large Sleck nl (ioedsnow In Sleiunt Lew 1'iIceh. R. E. FAHNESTOCK. Next Doer te the Court Heuse. NKW AllVr.HTlHKM HXTH, Vf ANTED EX PERIENOEI) (URLS TT KOK TOIIACCO STKIPPINO. Apply le .IOHNK. KKKDACO.. uli-tleedK Ne.'W A '11 North Prince Street. GOTO OliARKE'SCOEFEEHTORE FOR 4 B,s New Prunes fer'i'ic.; 4 It.stiiMid Klcn for av.:4 S.s Sutlleped Crackers for S'le.j IB. best Conee In LancHster for SV). A plaeiue of two Cain will be given nwav every iiuy. NO. US WEST KINO STItEKT. IflOR RENT. ! The best .business stapd In the clly. Hair's Stere, Ne, 14 East King street. All conveniences i;iniiuersiiiiii sneiving nui ill te suit tenant. Possession given Immediately. Apply te nlS-lfilK nneuers lleiel. It. OEO. !'. R.VTllVON. TOIINS.OIV1,! SPRING DRESS GOODS 1IOUOIIT JHIIECT FKOM IMPOKTEKS AND MANUFAOTUKEItS. Ijulles' J.JKht MiihIcs, 1 Inch I'leths, TV I.inHcsrLI(;lilhnaiU'H, 51-Inch Tricot Cleth", l. Light Sluules 4; Inch nll-noel Pnuicli Cash meres, fee. Ladles' Cnnibluntien Suits, New Sl leu, Summer silks, &ec.,7.'c. mid f I. New Shades In Sunih Silks, l. tigured Pongee silks, n.v.nnd II. li-i'iich Figured llatistes, ise.amiav. t lench Sntlues, best tiixsls, only :i7Je. Itest finality American halceni, He. scute h eplij r t i Inghams, ?: trench e)ihyrOliighams, 4(ic. WHITE GOODS, Ofall kinds for Ijulles' and Children's I lic.es. HAMIIUKU EIXlINOSund INSEItTINUS, Of all kinds. IILACK, WIUTEnudCOLOItEII LACKS. Ilaiul- hoiiie AssoltnieiitefCIIENILLK.CKAPE and SILK FltlNUES. ."'AflKaiulMOUUNINllOOOIW a spec I illy ntLOUL-sT cash prices. Ne trouble te slinw giKids, JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTEK, PA. XTEW SPRINd OOODS IN EVEKY DEPAKTME.NT. "WATT, SHAND & CO, 8 and 10 East King Street, INVITE SPECIAL ATTENTION TO NEW LINES OF SUMMER SILKS. Colored Dress Silks. Black. Dress Silks. A Choice Ah-iei Uncut of NKW SPUING DKKSS GOODS In nil the Peimlar Materials. Black& Colored Brocaded Velvets At Very Lew Prices. JERSEY WAISTS areas popular as evernnd the prices much lower than lastseiuten. An Immense Assortment et New Calicoes, Zephyr Ginghams, Chambrays, IN ALL THE LATEST fcTl LES. I list opened achelic ltneef French. Auiericuii HUNTED SATINES AT VEKV LOW PHICES AT THE NEW YORK STORE. A M VHKltEXTS. pUI.TON OPERA HOUSE. WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY, APRIL 22 and 23. Lawrence & Videcq's UNIQUE COMEDY CO. I u our Comic Comedies, BLIZZARDS; Or, Le Salen Du DIuble I ROBT MACAIRB, Le Voyage in Africa. The Success of the lth Century, PRISMATIC FOUNTAIN! ltfscmbllni; a spouting Keyser or real water, chaiiKlni; le all the colors of the Kalnbew. And Is worth alone the price of admission. POFULAK PKICES....10, 20 A 30 CENTri. Neh-Ceukdies. NeW&OXOS. 'NEWMKCIIAtllHU. UII.M-ltd piUIi'TON OPERA HOUSE. Extraordinary Attraction. SATURDAY, APRIL 25, 1885. Heiiellt el'U Yct'ker. EXTKA.-ANOTIIEK EVENT l-EXTKA. The production here by ROLAND REED, Of .Mu rail en's New Fuice Comedy, untitled HUMBUG! It has bcen a Breat hit wherever presented, and It U Hiiro te si't Lancaster wild with delight. ADMISSION 25, CO and 75 CKNTS. Wltescrvcd Scuts at Opera Heuse. a?l-5td rOR SALE Olt JUSNT. I7IOR HALE OR REN'iC J An excellent Dwelling en easy terms, situ. ate Ne. IS bhlppen RtreeL mlft-tfd K.FKANK ESHLEMAN. FOR RENT. The hall-30x50 fccten thlrdstoryefStcln. metz building, Ne. lift North Queen stieet, Ai- Dlvln .1 I. (.TPIWHVI"1 v te J. L. bTElNMETZ. i-tfd T7IOR RENT. XI JIurberShopundei'HIKSH& UKO'S BTOIIK. Centru Bnuuie, lreni May 1st. upt5-tld TTI0R BALE. A 8TONE HOUSE AND Ai lliiildlug Iit. l,UH0eftliu jmixluuie money may remain ou the premises, runnlreut uplt-lmd Ne. 4U7hOUTH QUEEN hT. FOR RENT. Three Law Olllces nt Ne. NOKTII DUKE bTKKET; mid u basmeutUlcet long, Mipplled with wutur and heat. marJdtld H.rKANK ESHLEMAN. UI1LIO HALE, ' ' ON HlTUltliAY, a run. 25. 1S85, IU he sold at the Keystone Hetel, one very safe family uiare, one single-seat phieten (nearly new), ene geed top buggy, ene line sleigh (nrurly newj, two seta single eatriage Iuirnes,oneguui ale gh or carriage cover, ene gum horse cover, sleigh bells, horse blankets, carrlage whip, lap blankets, lly-nets, etc. Bale te commence at 2 o'clock p. in., when terms will ,q made known b.V, 1), 1J. HOSTETTKlt. u. BuuiiEirr, Auctleuvcr, aplHtd . f I - ANI - Lancaster, Pa. aiMTlllXU. At the Reet of the Matter. We start right in buying ler Gwli, flic Itest Falirics, in making up care fully, tlie Hest Styles, nnd new efTcr tlie Finest Stock of Clothing te be round in riiiladelpliia, net only for Men anil Youths, but also for Heys ami Children. A. C. YATES & CO., 602, 604, 606 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia. in-3iud vi.eTiirna. -iy-iYi i a AsiseN :& festek? GENT'S CHECK AND PLAID SUITS! ter Iliislnes and Evening liiiss wear. The Pjirlng and hnmmrr rnshleus for Oentlemen am Niiit Checks and Plaid, In Kine Helt, Kiulflied Cutftliiieiii el Ilglil and dark colors. W'emteiU 111 also heeitcuslwly used In small check. OurasMirlini'iileonslslHer the Idlest Nut cities In hctueh Cheviots, CassluirnM and Kntiey Worsteds In the New blralghl llutteu.Siek Ceal, lhe One llntleu Cut-a-W.iy back, und the Eng lish Walking Ceat -OUK SPRn& OVERCOATS Aielu All i;rudes, from the Iloinestle Mellen, te fine Imported Fabric with bllkTrimmlugs. SILK HATS. The Very Latest ami the Last New Shape Iu Mlkllalsthat lll be Issued this spring was placed III ourciM'Ste-diy. hllk hatrt uie boin bein boin iugineregcnenil each season. It appears tlnit Hie public uie getlliignllve te the fact lli.it t licit it iiuhatsestjllsh for full dress wcarnxa line silk, but for these who prefer Hlltrerbnlt Kelts, we hawiaii excelli-nnarlely of the Lnlest Fash Ions In ricAlhlc with llalei round crowns. CHILDREN'S STRAW HATS & TURBANS. In the New Celers for iiimiuer or In Plata White. MKK1N0 UNDEUWEAIl. Iu Kuininer-Welght Material. Plain While rroni.'l'ie tiiftOn, and u eiy Large Assortment el bATIN LINED SILK NECK WEAK, III Puffs and Tecks, ler 25c. All New Patteius. THE Trans-Atlantic Kid Gleve, And theCuhle-SewiHlKId (Jlove. AIseu Large Line or caverully asseited colerti, new this spring. In Ucnt's Kid Ule e, that mnge iu priie ti..,ii ii i,. i rji i ..- LADIES' Lew Cut Shoes And Slippers, ninde upon models where great uttentleu li.is been given le the anatomy of the feet Shoes that will glve the wearer se much eomlertusii promenade sbtw, that ladles who huve net tried them will 'be Hiirprlsed at the happiness theie Is expeileuccd In these shoes and slippers, and In addition te thu commit en' Joyed they nie utiikingly diessy und are net eipcnslve. Williamson & Fester, 32, 34, 3G & 38 West King SU, LANCASTEK. PA. FANOV NAMES COUNT EOIt NOTJI lug, MILLEK'S IIOKAX bOAP outsells all elhciti en lis merits. DU, EOItEMAN, PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Kemevcd from Ne. SU West King street te Ne. 3ti North Prince. (La te residence of A. E. Koherta.) m'23-3ind s AVE MONEY AND MAKE YOUK 1'Ult- ) NITUKE leek like new by using Lightning Furniture Polish. THE J1EST AND EASILY Al'PLIEIL l'HICE, 'J5 CUNTS, AT COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, 1J7 und IS) North Queen street, liiiciater, Pa. dccS-Cind VrOTIOE TO TKESPASSERS AND L QUNNEKS. All persons are hereby for fer for htdden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall or Speedwell estates, In Lebanon and ijincasicr ceuniies, wneiunr lnciesea erunin. lug, as the law will be rigidly enferccif against all trespumlng en said lands of the undersigned after this notice. WM. COLKMAN FKEEMAN, K. PEK0Y ALDKN, EDWA1IU C. PKEEMAN, fAtloruey (or U. W. Ceismau's helrs. ccUlUOAw gff-l; - NKir AprKltTlSKMKXTa. Q.HANI) LONDON CIRCUS. BARNUM & LONDON 9 UNITED SHOWS. EXHIBITING HERE ON Wednesday, May 6th. I'ATIIOMKI) IIV TIIK MOST PAMIIIUXAIILK AM) KMWAftT AUDIENCES EVER HhKN AT AM" IIXTEIITALNMKNT. Qroateat and arantlest Exhibition evor trlven bv P T hatinttm n. oe, BIiraDlNONB! upi,roc,tttIeu ortlieao NINE ENOllMOUS SHOWS COM? ppp p p p p p p ppp p TTTIT limn A Z ! !' a a I I-' mi." aa aa - ii ii r T IIIIHII A A flltEATKSTHHOW ON EAHTII GREAT LONDON CIRCUS. Sanger's lleyal ISritisIi Xcnagerics and (,rcat liilcritalienal Allied Shows. rlrtinrl rpIl. All.. Tnti.e UV5 iVr0UD w1"1 Threo full companlea, in 3 Rings 3 ImmonBe Deublo MonatferlcB of Wild and Trained Beasts 2 5Pma? HlPPOdrome, with Glorious Races 1 Huge Eloyated Stage for Spoelal Performances l Mammoth Museum of Living Human wondera l Incroased Ethnological Oongresa of Savage Tribes l O DARNUM, DAILY & UUTCHINSON, Eel j and.Only Owners. q TWO I'EHFOIIMM'KS LTERV DAV, AT 2 AND 8 P. M. OOORS OI'KX ONE HOUR EiRUER JUMBO, the Colossus of Beasts, JUMBO JO-JO, the Deg-Facei Bey, JO-JO. NALA DAMAJANTI, "f;'' ,K-WT',l'tJL ANI IIEIIOIL IIIMXlONAKEClIAKMEIt V ST 1T1I sol iwllr-1 1 - THE WHITE SACRED ELEPHANT. Every Matinoe Proclaely Similar te the Evening Porfermauco. A World of Endless, Unceasing and Uninterrupted Attractions. Children wild witn Dellght. Parents and Ouardians bowildered. Sir'nSS i-.taMlXdla 0"""0,1",,", or ,,,"" W'B "' '' "le ci .m.1 en the siennda an oilhe liaa been L. B. Herr's Music Stere, 53 North Queen Street, T&'ten I'ricc. and .Jeneml Ailmlwlen ADMISSION (e EVKRYTIIIXO, 50c. (ClllLI)l(EN Under NINE Yre, 25c.) THE GREAT FREE STREET PARADE, With!? I, .-.00,000 Werth of Rare aud Costly Objects, en the Morning of the Arrival of the ShewB. S-EXIIIITIN(i IN liEAIIIM. MAI r.rn , II T300KS ! IiOOKS!! SPECIAL SALE or BOOKS! BOOKS!! BOOKS!!! ASTRICH BROS., AT ONE QUARTER THE USUAL BOOKSELLERS' PRICES. FOR TWO WEDKS ONLY, COIiWCIM THUESDAT, APEIL 23, 1885. VlJV?'!;,l0rP1',,"1,'l,,"'K"'-'l"rtirihu IIANKIllM'TstiKlcel n IeadlnB ruhllthlni: Heuse In n . i ', ,-ki"l.",li,J" ""J'' "nreu.teinei Ii.uw.iIim hluh lme neveil.eeii e.iimled hefetv. " eiiiii! f the l.M)Ks Imi dly my fr the cost l hindlnif. llelew n mention n lew ..f lhe iniiny I1AK A1N8 10,000 Copies Popular Standard Editions, 12 nies, Bound Jin Cleth. This lliiu comprises M.eteh IUmiKh, Ad.nn llede, (IMiiiiii'm Fulry T.iles. Our tfutnal Friend linn-" hoe, Coinpelelter Wilier, Wll.ijH Ainiuid the World, IMnl imd Vlilnl" lteUin"m lriiiiw W CENTS AOl'Y? ' ,l"1'""""1' ","1 """' "theix." KKOIIEAK 1'ltIOE, tl.W j "u'll I'KICK: 10,000 Copies llest Lercll's V2 nies., Iteuiid in Extra Cleth, Gilt Hacks. r iM,1,i",.,r"u,,:,,."1,'.ri"V? N.ew sl"Blttli!iie, I'aul Cllllenl, Ne New Tlilnif, l'lumtniii Fortune. In l'eill IIuleuljh'laVJElJK IWcWTSlfe' ' "" " "' "" " 2,000 Copies Best Edition Red Line PeetsWell Bound, Red Edge or UUb iuirVi:,Ki.!,sn,v,av uyneii, Klliutt, iiiiriiri und uthui-. 5,000 Ceiiics Extra 12 nies., Hest Line Ever Published. 43CENfBIA'lVyllTOKB'eatnvc,otn'K,le',u,,cka,,,, '"'' I'KIOE, fESM; Ol'Kl'KItE, 7,000 Conies lted Line Toots, Clear Type, Full Gilt Cleth. i i 'n!lU '!"" eeiiHUts of Tennyson, Milten, Heinous, E.uiat, Schiller, Lady of the Lake. I.allnh UMH.S,ll,.,lckc,,"J,ir'J9u"t ""'. Elliett, Eliza CoeLo, Snliihiirne. llrynnt. Mae' ulev l'enu Mhlttier.I.ont'fellew.HooiI.ete. VOKTU$l.lBumllJi0 OUUI'IUUU.KICUNTH A COl'v' HOUSEHOLD EDITION OP THE POETS. lJlw,lurV&iilScenYO,l'' C0,"ln,8ll,B Moelc"' SceU' U',1)"' iHBClow.ie, IteBUlar Charles Dickens' Coinpleto Works, 15 volumes, Illustrated, Extra Cleth. Gilt hack In uiHKlen box P.une. extm heavy iniiier, EuliHheleth. white laliel J Iiuckeruy'8 Couiiilete Winks. Ill,, ,eund iu eleth, ullt buck, 11 vel bame In extm heavy iiuiier, English clelh, while label " ' hair cult Wlllllaiu lllnck'H Complote Veiks, 15 Miluiues, elelh, cilt b.iek"'.'.'.'!!!!!! Same In extra heavy paper, English elelh, white label:. Mct'arty's lllstmlen, "Our Own Times," Uusbuiy IUndiiiK. Hill top, I e! ..... (Jieen's History 01 thu EukUsIi l'eeple, extra elelh, 1 eI..'.'.. .!.'.""!!" Mueauluy'H Essayse.tnieleth,3Mluuieti Macuuluy'H History et England, S vel union, cloth, ,' (iCOrue Elliett's complete umks. 8 Velllllli's. I'intli. Onn i.llt lnL- i. ! ii.t.-u i.i.ip....ip ii ....i.. i'iiiiiuiii UAllllllilll llllt.U Vl'lllllll'B .. ......... ..... ... ...., Kiiuueli'iulles'hclf-HelpherleH, 1 volume,', eleth und Kilt. "ic-un-, ... y. nJuiiiUBviuiT, e ViMIIIIICM, COllipiUld, OOUUll. '10 tluinberj' Eneytlep.edla or Universal Kneledge, new edllleu, cxtm cloth, 12 vel,........,, , . ... 1SO0 500 roots. library edition, lull 8heej), oetiue, hlukespeuiv, MllleuViiiVi'ntiV ' Tennyson, llyien sui U00 Copies Eveiyduy Cinik llHik, uell-beiiud. cloth '.. i'-j 100 Copies Milten's l'umdlsj Lest, Illustrated by Uiistue Dele, oiuiite ' edition, full ullt '. m. iiuwepicH jjoniiiixeie, wero illustrations si, l(ie Conies Aineileullluslriitcil.liiiiUueeuKmvlngs of Its gmnileutseeneiy, s'ui Mioedd Volumes, Uickens, Thackeray, llulwer, Elliett,". i 50 3,HU01liimoieus Heeks, such us l'cck's Ikid Hey, Werk of the Wit. 10 Liars, and many el horn , , , n.i) 10,(00 latest Nevels, Illuminated cntciii ,,, "" nje 1,000 liistriimentul and heng Folies, VJ1 pages, by the beat coin pdsei-s'.'. '.'.'. e 50 FULL LINE OF CHILDREN'S BOOKS, Bound In cloth, beard and paper," liem 3 cents te i(0 each. o,(ie Latest Nevels, l freiii 15e te 23c. Kegnlar pike, ftiand 50 cents. Alse, the cemplete 'and cheice: McUttilIiy,bcott,ltellliis. llulwer, bw lit, In ing, 1'ioscett, Ac, Ac. Thousands of Other Beeks Equally as CHEAP. ASTRICH Palace of Fashion, npr!-2 cod y P. UUMMIKOS. PATTERN MAKER. MECHANICS' FOUNDIIY, CHEKKV AM.EV, North of Juuick St., IJincialer, l'u. l'atterns, ModeU, Drawings, Iren and limes Cubtlngs, &e., luruUhed jiretiiiillv and cutlsfao cutlsfae cutlsfao Hen guaranteed, both iu prleeund ciuullty, lilWtS,W,bAltw i : - , nititit It It It It It It iiitmt u it it it it H it it N N MM MM M M HI M N.N MM MM M M M HI S8RH H H H ( KS.SS H H H H WW.H N N N N N N N N NN N.N M si M M M M MM M M UUU IN UNION FllltLXLIt Willi THE ... . KKIhllUKtl M 7tii. apiJ,-iV.7,!')ftin.,,t A Up ....v.v,,,,.vl(f,lW,j tj u, i liiij n iftia aum'i, l'ubllshetV 1'rlce. Our l'lce per set ?XM 8.18 " II.5S " 7.58 " W. " T.N8 " 8.S8 " iii " -.75 " 1.7.1 ' 1.48 5.48 " I5.5S " 2.S8 " 1.08 7.8 " 1.38 Each, 0.48 " '.'.'J7 " I.UI 0.118 " 0 58 ! 18 (U il.e) ai(l '.'l.eii itva n.oe (!ll A IN) 5.(10 UK) li.mi 1 1 ii 0.21 e.'JI 0.-.7 uilier cut els. eiks, Hume, BROS., Ne. 13 East King Street. PON"ll'AY T1IH 8AM K 1'llICi: I'dlt .i.""uii,'V;HuVJLi k''Xi?: "c" y"u w,n M,eure STOKAUE " "" AMD COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DANIEL MAVEK, flecs-lyd le Wet Chestnut street. ,tf Cfeij ftjr JJ viC!ZjSt , fcasSBf-' ? --'k bifcTifcf. ity lj?a.-y"?- Jl-Vfc. Jv.V