9 "V "i i J CI- "j W05. 7, 'Vr i k ... - ? ',' rs "'.-i " - - " ... i BKOITR, WEDNESDAY, AFRIL 22, 1885. . ,i "j .0 V"K Vj u- -lflii.kt . . . )AILY IMTELLIWER. Every Hvtataf In the Tmt icsDATi nxcrnwD) STBINMAN it HBNSKU . v LLIGENCER BUILDING, W. Cerner Centre Square. LlHCABTIB, PA. , ttiUlifii'"" 0ST A Will, FlVB DOltAM A w - . Jjl k nKktfixa unarm Una A nsa W 4frVliiriSEMENT3 ntev tin te n rrr civts A v f v XWllKIA' ."iINTELLIQENCEU," 3TaW 1 BOTiM.) rautw I ?' .'KL Every Wednesday Morning, K-Hih ' ' JWOOOltAM A TsUB III ADVAHCB. r"'tMHaMP',iiea lellcited from every, part of the S. ', mnd cenntrv. CorresDOndents are re- 3M M -T"k -lA lAHltilM .. AA mMa nl 6 ' mV ip en,y i ana t0 sn thelr nimC9' net - -i -iter Wbllcatlen, lint tn proof of geed faith. ; 5 ' All inonymens letters will be consigned te '-' the fiete basket. "'CfjAvpBl ALLLXTTIRS AND TCLSOKANa TO THE lWTiSliljlUKXHUlill, LAKOASTIK, l'A. totevriit1eH veMg.M'Ctttaly he Jeurnk of pretended respectability, except the I'ra, and nobody en its editorial staff except Botrie clown whose antics have es caped the notice of rt responsible editor. would undertake te prove electoral frauds by"cenBus returns" and the "votes of previous years." Such a miserable subter fuge Is the old trick of the -ostrich hiding its head in the nar.il, and hoping thus for its body te escape exposure, we beg leave te repeat that when the Philadel phia J'ress says the Democratic party stele the presidency last year, and forty scats in Congress it Is guilty of a mean and miserable lie, the circulation of which is as base as ktllot-bex stuffing and re turn tinkering ; and if it has either proof or apology te offer, it ought te call in Its feel and put seme editor te the front who, if he has no respect for facts, has at least the skill te hide his ears. VIRGINIA COUPON TIIK H0XDM0LVKK8 TRlVMrttlX TIM nxctatey of tub v. a. chvnr. The night of Virginia Coupon-Helders te ray Tales In Conpent Affirmed The Remedy Against tlm Tex Collector f nitge Matthews' Elaborate Opinion. K the beck of the heed, the etMer In Uiomeutli, after an apparent etruggle, end again In the eye. After the double tragedy be placed the revolver te hU light eye and ecntn bullet through his brain. Jehnsen was Insflne. - a. , . AKATKVlt ItTZt l'OXTXJIS. rRON ''.''''Slr -'ss'Z lljeCancastcr intelligencer. It .v .. r x?tr 1'Ki i.i. 3.v i .ANCASTEIl. At'UIl. M, I88S. (he (Irennd of the Dccislea. ThAlleclsien of the supreme court in the JbTYt& virniabeiid cases is based uixm its ue Aii'W VS "'' .. .. . i.. v&wsl. -... - I 4 J -" - fSTrav The principal opinion of the IT a miprcnie court In the Virginia debt repudiation cosen, was ronderod en I'clmUef the majority ofthecourtbyJudgoMatthowH. It wm In thoBuiterThoinaHl'oliuloxtcr.vs. Hauiucl O. Grocnhew, nnd went directly te the question of the effect of .a tendcr for taxes of the coupons of the bends of March 30, 1871, mid Uie right of the Virginia taxpayers te bring suits for damages against the tax collectors for levying en hln property after n tender of tax-rocclvnble coupons. The opinion of Judge Matthews was ns foltewH : 1. Ity the terms of the, funding net of the state et Virginia or March .10, 1H71, and the Imiin of Iwniila nml rannnnaln vlrtue of the seme, n contract was mnde between every ii iiouier ana tne suue tr.at mien ceu- should " be reccivable at and nflcr dubU. dues and ue- Uie rleht of the ceu pen holder under which wits te have ins coupons rccelvetl for taxes when ollbred, nnd any act of the state which forbids the receipt or these coupons for taxes Is a violation or the contract, nnd void as ngalnst coupon holders. 2. The faculty of bclmr reccivable in pay ment or taxes was of the essence of the right, ns It constituted n solf-exccutlng remedy in tlie limulH or the taxpayer, for it became tliereby the legal duly of every tax collector ' Almest Alene, " Is It . The "West Cliester JfrmiMfnin. prlnteil in a town described in the Encyclepaedia UriU coupon helder and the state that such ceu ... .'.. - ixin h alienlil I mi renelvnliln nt nnd nftei lanica, as " one of the notable centres et ,nairty for all taxes, scientific lc rning in tlie state," and among miuuls ilue the state ;" V. a people who upon the same authority are tlie " most Intelligent nnd virtuous in ttie state," says : The Lancaster Intui.i.kihncku seems te lie possessed of n peculiarly vlndlctlve spirit toward tlie new anti-liquor study for tlie public schools. It florcelyntlncks Mrs. Hunt, tlie oneractio ploucer in the great reform work, ridicules her book nnd endeavors te ennp me wnoie movemoni mie centempu '4. ,. Wmti.illen tliat the leclslatien of the state, vhlch rc'iuired the refusal by the f& lax CO icuwra vi niu vuuiuii3 ui nw eiw L--, ya iltnftlin atntnlinil OTiirpm1v niTTrHHl $$ te.rec Ive in payment of taxes when it is sued Iho bonus, was legislation mat vio lated the contract entered Inte, and was ttherenre void because et the prohibition, rnntalned in the United Slates censtilu- fg $?:" tion71e8islatienlmI)alrinScontrilclfl' '-$ &,, The mmerity of the supreme court admit 'Sf - that t e Virginia legislation was obnoxious dg tx tbi prevision of the federal constitu censtitu i Uen ; ut they declare that te give the $& , bend! riders redress by compelling the tax 'KV cellec ars te receive the ceuiwns of the ' " ... ....... - ...1.1 !ll. evArA' imnfiH a mnriuv. aviiiiiu viei.ii uwvvvv - i anetlr prevision of the federal constitu tion,' fhich prohibits suits being brought again testates te enforce their agreements. As this feature of the constitution is con tained in an amendment te it, we under stand 'the minority decision te held that it should control a contradictory prevision in the original instrument. "Why it should de be is net made clear. It would seem that all the previsions of the constitution and its amendments are of like validity, and that when they contradict one another and cannot 1 reconciled, the choice letween them is left te individual preference. And te this condition the minority of the court seems te have come. They pre fer te construe the fundamental law as for bidding any compulsion upon a state in the llliu cuiliuiiiliu . i t- - ... r. .., ,, This is a strange altitude for an Intelligent I " " " " I' - tf """",' SJS editor te assume In these days or universal I "JJ ' ""." : ;- ,J" ,i rinr rocegultion or the evils orintemponnce. and I "Bh "?. ?' " r"U he Inspiration of evll-mlnded rr""" r ii.r.ri!.7. ...i .Vii.i. VTr ii. i,. Xu CS ?A. . itfrt'sl's v:r. U.fW- hJ-fMiv mih crsts lV V: Inv 3 V si i j" s ,'. Jif4 . rv I .. Jf r-z J n" tnA6" CO,f l cuui.im tlie !!'' 51 debt.', They .uKe this choice probably because it chimes in with their state rights predilections. But though, as Democrats, our devotion te tlie doctrine of state rights Is strong, we discover nothing in that doc trine, soundly interpreted, te leave a state at liberty te repudiate her just (contracts, when there is op portunity furnished te determine the justness of such contracts in the federal courts, and te provide lawful redress for the aj grieved creditor. It would be a se vere 1 low te the doctrine of state rights, if undei it a state may violate her plight ed fai th,and if no remedy may be found for se gr ss awreng,that casts se great a stigma, upon the fame and credit of the nation, of whicl hthe states are the parts. Tin majority of the supreme court, in tlie very brcible opinion In which it has deci ded that Virginia tax collectors must re ceived state coupons as money, has fur njata 1 a very suftlclent means of lecencil- -4ngt e provisiensof theconstitutien. which then inorityef the court find te lie con flict! ig. It is decided that the tax collector is.ne the state,and that a suit against him isne a suit against the state, notwith netwith stant ing that he encountered the suit in ebed Mice te an act of the state's legisla- , ture. That legislation is net a law, the court decides, because it is void, as contra vening the federal constititutien. Thestate can pass no law that subverts a contract, and every attempt te de se simply lesults in powerless enactments that can have no force in protecting these who act under them! Virginia's void laws cannot protect her tx collectors. In this thorough way tlie supreme court decision emasculates state legislation, vielative of contracts, .without running counter te the mandate- that a state may netbfsued. The minority of the court say tint this, is a subterfuge, inasmuch as the i tix collector Is a state office and acts for it which Is true eneugli ; as it is also undei lable that the state is earnestly bent en n radiating the debt it has premised te pa: . It is net denied en any hand that the c: editors of Virginia are seeking te force in unwilling state te meets its ebli- tgatleis. The supreme court decision tells 'them that they can de it whenever the state h required te employ an ngent te de some tct te realize her claim for taxes out ii.J . -i.i ...i I.-. .. ui uiqpreueny or a ciiiusu nun n. jhui- fered jte pay his taxes in coupons of the state tends. That agent is powerless te hands en any ether property. The paralyzed, andthe state likewise; done according te tlie law and the tien, the supreme court says, and ys common sense. TheT effect of the decision In Virginia is expected te be very favorable te Mahene's rgttetnij't te recover his power. He proposes te, Trua. for governor upon a repudiation ptoiferV Ashe will have te repudiate tie "iwrerne court te repudiate the obnov ebnov obnev iewi coupons, he enters upon a serious un dertaking. It is net likely that the time is rielori:eveTutfoli)and Mbono is net the MUi ue Virginia the state te give the vae".ed height te such a movement. V- enemies of societv. Te the credit of the press or our state it can be said that the In In In TKLUOKNCunstandsnlmostnleno In its tin tin cnvlable position. Willi such an eminent autlieiilyas the "WestChestcr lleimhJknn, of course one must have great temerity te engage in dis putation upon any question of science or morals. And mere particulaily does the combat appear uninviting and iwrileus when " the Intei.lieknckk stands al most alene in its unenviable position." Nevertheless, we begtesay te our esteemed centemiKirary that we have occupied that position before and have fiequently come te And it one of honor rather than of dan ger or disrepute. Te begin with, tlie Intkm.genckk is net " vindictive " toward Mrs. Hunt, her bill or her book. It deals with no public question in any such spirit ; and has no cause for aby sucli feeling. Mrs. Hunt's law is impracticable, absurd and calcu lated te hurt the schools, without doing tlie slightest geed te the cause of temperance. Her book, written te fit tlie law, we hae criticised because, beingpiepaied avowedly te meet the law's demands, it is tiie liest exponent of the purposes of these who framed the statute. Fretendlng te be scientific work, it is unscientific, a tissue of misinformation, ill-arranned and wholly L bad. There is scarcer a school district in thestate, ii inch it could be introduced without doing harm and causing dissen sions that would hurt the schools, and in the end cripple the cause of temttfrance ; for te that cause, as te many another geed one, mere harm is dene by the supcrscr vlccable real of its friends than by tlie at tacks of its enemies. We de net believe in teaching the effects of alcohol upon tlie human system in all the departments et all the schools. We doubt if any reasonable and sensible iktsqu does. We de net " stand alene " in this iKisitlen. On the contrary most of the best educators of the sUite are wjth us ; and these who are net will be six months after the new -law has been put into effect, if that time ever comes. nurnope. tlie situation and rlahUi of the tux payer nnd coupon holder wero precisely WIlHt HlUy IVOtllU UUVU Ul'UU II UU41UU II1UUU u llke tonder in meney. : 3. It Is w oil settled by many decisions et this court that for the purpose of nll'cctlng proceedings te enferce the payment or taxes a lawful tender of payment Is equivalent te ac a A litti.i: mero Irish bleed in Kngllsh nnd Russian councils would linve assured hos tilities long befere this. layma 'acmntH butitl 'cenatil so.teoKa 'is ? I'- ; . v "A Call la Year Foel. - TaeItliiladelphlaPrts having mad tlie beM, bad misstatement that "kthe Democ Demec rey tote the presidency and. forty seats in , the nexrj Congress," and being challenged fikhWaig uttered a " wilful, deliberate Mi wiclied lie," retorts that it doesn't take ewek coiirase. en the part of the Intklu- i "liBXCWti te stand at a distance of sixty ' ir mllejl and yell "you lie." Thatis true ; we lyuuttuiy tnereuauu nnj iuv 'tee pwtfeta (in its mendacity, and never gets yiWe Bibtty.five miles of the truth. ItolWetkef the- proof required te vindl- , Ms (insertion Is exhibited by itadecla itadecla rUe tlftit it has proved what it calls its ?' Mttttefi ' imif a dozen times since last NeaejpbAr, by printuw columns eftindls- icctlen ttmt HW comparing the ceMkratn WUP. !, : If, as new seenis proliable, thore wasn great deal or exaggeration in the doctors' bulletins concerning Grant's condition, that fact should serve te mark them out ns moun tebanks Ter all tinie te come. Noeno exeets doctors te be absolutely nccurate in their diagneses,but It is within theirduty, when at fault, te eiler what cncourageinout they can te their patlents. Many verysenslble peeple think that doctors are chiclly useful as en couraging agents. Curtain it is that success ful physicians are ns u rule cry ehoerj peo ple, whose presence in a sick room is worth mero than all the medicine ever manufac tured, flrant's physicians have sent out nene but the most lugubrious bulletins, nnd they seem leth te belle ve that he has net n cancer. Tlie New Yerk Run, a paper that has a rare faculty of getting at the marrow of whatever it investigates, thus sums up Qrant'iJ conditien: "Homerrhago was caused by n sbre in his threat, which In Its progress involved a small bleed asscl,and thus caused tlie unimportant bleeding that followed, lint immediately this sero began te heal, and a week age hardly u trace of it remained, a thing impossible if it bail been a cancer. Anether swelling, hewever, suc ceeded it further down the threat; but that, we dare say, Is' pretty well cured by this time," Evefy ene will hope tliat thhuiew or the situation Is correct It seems tobe bomeoutby what has occurred slnce Grant was given up by his doctors. A Hkahine fireman declared a few days age: "A weninn'H bucket brlgade was In finitely better than Lancaster's volunteer system, and the call system, new in force thore, was little better." O'i, Clirones ; this is Indeed hard 1 tual payment, eltlier being suillclcnt te de prive tne collecting officer erall autliorltyfer i'urther action, nnd making every subsequent step Illegal and void. I. The coupons In questions are net "bills or credit" in tlie sense or the constitution, which forbids the state "te emit bills of credit," bwniiHe, although Issued by the state or Vlmlnla en Its credit and made re- coivable in payment or taxes, and negntlable se as te uss from hand ta hand by delivery morely, lliey wero net Intended te circulate as inoney lietwecn Individuals and Itctwccn the government and individuals for the or dinary purposes or society. 5. An action or suit brought by a taxpayer who has duly tendered sued coupons in pay- meniei ins taxes agamBi tne person who, under color of olllce as tax collector, and act ing in the enforcement of a void law passed by the legislature of tlie state, havlngreruscd such ceu pens, proceeds by sclzure and snle or the property or the plalntlir te enfojee the collection or such taxes, is an action or suit ngalnsthlm personally as a wrongdoer, and Is net against tlie state within the meaning or the seventh nniendinent te the constitution or the United States, ft. Huch n defen'tant.sucd itsa wrotic-deer. who neck" te sulntitute the state In his place, or te Justify by the authority or the xtate, or tedeteml en the ureund that Iho state has adopted his act and exonerated him, cannot rest en the bare assertion or his defense, but Is bound te establish it ; and as the stite is a political corperato body which can act only through agents and command only by law, in order te complete his defense he must produce a valid law of the state which con stitutes his commission as Its agent and a warrant for his act. 7. The net or the general assembly or Vir ginia, or January 31, lK2."Te provide for the mero efficient collection or the rovenue te support government, maintain the public schools, and te pay interest en the public dnlit tf null I rl .. ( f n V .Mil liuili ih.. t n huiaihi. I.. discharge or the taxes, license taxes and ether dues, geld, silver, United States treasury notes, national liank currency, and nothing else, and thereby forbidding the receipt or ceuixms Issued under the act or March 30, 1871, In payment there for, although it is a legislate e act of the government of Virginia, is net n law of the state or Virginia, becau-se it Impairs the obligation of its contract, and is annulled by the constitution or the United Stales. 8. The litate has passed no such law, for It cannot ; and -what it cannot de In contempla tion or law It has net done. The constitution or-lhe United Stales and its own contract, lielh Irropealable by any act en Its part, nre the law or Virginia, mid that law made it the duty or the delcndant te rocelve the coupons tendered in payment or taxes, and declared every step te enferce the tax thereafter taken te be without warrant or law and thoreforo a wrong. This strips tlie defendant of his offi cial character and convicts him or a personal lolallen of the plaint Id's rights, for which he must personally answer. 'X It is no objection te the remedy in such cases that the statute, the application or which in the particular ease is sought te le pre- ented. is net void en Us face, but Is com plained of only lccause its opemtlon in tlie particular instance works a violation or a constitutional right ; for the cases are numer eus wnore tne ux laws or a stnie, wmen in The Menlc Werk That They Arrniiiillheil In Kentucky Town. Frem tbe Tarls (Ky.) Deacon. About twenfy-clght years nge ihe advance agent of Van Ambnrgh's circus arrived at l'arls from Torre Haute ene sultry evening in August. He found n letter nl the post pest office ordering his Itnmedlate return te head quarters, but orderlng him te bill the town. Hastily arranging with an old negre nnd n rcd-hcaded liey te pest the bills, he took ids departure When horctnnied n week later te view the work of his substitutes, Imaglue lils surprlse en espying the bills. Neither tne pey nor tne uarKey ceuiu reae, aim mey had nbeut as much idea of putting the large four-sheet pesters, tegether as n suck ling deve has of papal Inrall bllllty.They plas tered thorn en the slde or n house, n sheet nt a time, getting seme wrong nide up, while ethors wcre tern Inte anil smellxed en each slde or a whele sheet. The agentcommenced te swear In a hlghfalutln way that mnde the eyes of the bill-pesters stick out like wiiue uoer kiieus nuove rc ku.v-iieich. but en ft closer survey of the artistic manner in which the Jeb had lcen ex- ecuted, he lay right down in the exulcrance of his tlckledability. This Is the startling plc plc turesqucness that shot athwart his vision : The handle or a wheelbarrow was stuck Inte the clown's Kick, wlille the udder or Iho sacred cow was hung llke a wen te the chin ofthepriw) beauty of the equestriennes. A trnncze performer had lest his crlneu the K)le, and was about te fall Inte the Jaws of n llannol-meuthod hippopotamus, wlille the head of thonlx-leggedcairwas pasted toehlgh tip 'en tne nacK or n lomaie gymnast te answer for a modern biistle. A mnle's tall did duty for the elephant's trunk, wlille the trunk was attached te ene et the equestriennes In such n manner as te give her the appcarance efn mermaid. The head of n negre minstrel was pasted ever the head or a giraffe, which gave that animal u happy but tinlque ponqiectivo. The lady who was fired out efn cannon had her feet posted en ene sldcnr the elephant, and her head and bust en the ethor. wlille the trick niule was doing bis best te get his hind feet In the t)osem or her low-necked drcsK. A bare-back rider wa9 lumping through a paper-covered hoop with a plcce or the boa- constrictor In his mouth, and was about te fall en the pointed cars of n kangaroo nnd punch his gl?.7ard through the clown's hat The liand wagon was pasted wrong slde tip, and the tuba player was blewlnu his ever- lasting daylights out trying te play nbass MBDIOAH. UITTEnS. w w yr in e vr vr w r KRB O O WWWW CO w w inn oe t H U II O tl I, QO N Emit HKR I jl R R mil tiRR Jt K inn 6 i k I H O imn HtTrtTrrr rn !n,r I ? ? I b h t t K inn ii t t krr 8w 8" 8 g nH "ss. R If ft8. UN MR It It I rRssr XIIH "SSSa "sss" Tnu tneaictne, combining Iren with pure vege table tonics, quickly and completely CUKKS DYSPEPSIA, INOKIKHSION HAI.AU1A. WKAKNKSS. IMPUItK III.UOD, Cllll.IJl and rKVKUandNKi;UAI.UIA. Ity rapid and thorough Mslmllatlen with the bleed It reaches every part of the tyitrtn, pari ties and enrlchci the bleed, itrcnirtbens the mntclei and nerves, and tone and Invigorates tbe system: A line Appeuter nest tonie known, It will care the worst case of Dyspepsia, re invlmrall dlatreailnir avmntems. such as Taut Ins; the feed, Belching, Heat In the Stomach, CLOTMNU. ,. -f - -J- -y. QLOVES, Te keep tbe hands warm MITTENS, T 6 keep the hands warm. SOCKS, Te keep the rect warm. EAU MUFFS, Te koep the cars warm. MUFFLERS, Te keep the neck warm. UNDERWEAR,) Te keep tbe body warm. Ge te ERISMAN'S, Ne. 17WKSTKINO BTUKKT. CtOTtllXti. tli.arllinrn. ntc. The only Iren medtelne that will net blacken or lnlnre tbe teeth. It ulnyaluable for diseases pccnltarte women, and te alt persons Who lead sedentary lives. An nnfalllng remedy for dlseaaes of the Liver and Kidneys. Persons suffering from the effect of overwork, nervous troubles, less of appetite, or debility, experience quick relief and renewed energy by 'As use. It does net cause Headache or preduce Consti pation OTHKIl Iren medicines de. It is tbe only preparation of Iren that causes no Injurious effecte. Physicians and druggists recommend It as the best. Try It, The Kcnulne has Trade Mark and creiucd red lines en wrapper. Takenenthe. Mnde only by 1IUUWN CIIKM10AI, CO., . 1IALTIM0KI, llD. scpt lydAlyw B TTflNE TAILORING. 1885. SPRIN.G 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAIL0RIN6. Tbe Largest and Choicest Assortment of FINE WOOLENS IN TIIK C1TV OF I.ANUASTKlt. All the I-alcst Novelties In FANCY SUITING. A CHOICE LINE Of SPRIjNG OVERCOATING. Till: VKUY IIEST WOltKMANSIIU. Prices 10 suit all and all goods warranted as represented nthls new store, foreign and domestic goods Ue. 43 larfh Queen St. REMOVAL. ' I. McCAULEY, IERCHMT TAIIOR, HAS ItEMONEI) ritOM NO. 14C EAST KING STREET 134 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (lluchmlllcr'fl llnlldhiR), Where he liai en hand ONEOrTHKriNEST LINES OF sole 011 the tail efn inonkev In spite of tfce blunder, tlie circus tent was packed full nl overy jxirfermnncc. A few fel fel tews, hewever, grtinibled because Van Am burghdld net exhibit every thing precisely ns advertised. I.OVKI.V w'ejian does net have much of a show in this bustling, struggling, work-a-day nineteenth century. The average pay of worklngweinen In New Yerk Is V per week. ,ller bearding and lodging average f5 a w eek, washing 50 cents, and car fare CO cents a voek. She Is thus left with the munificent sum of DO cents a week te provlde ter the numerous ethor wants that female llesh is helr ta Yet woman Is such an enduring, patient crcature that she cheerfully puU up with It ail In the hope of belter days te coiue. Ile'r bearded brother engages In a strike, disastrous as well te himself an te his em ployer. A little, mero of woman's pattcuce infused Inte the bread-winners et the world would make the sum of human happiness greater. Tun Italian government seem dlaposed te Insist that A. M. KeIlQy, the newly op pointed minister te Italy, shall be looked upon with suspicion, for the reason that In January, 1871, while mayor et Richmond, he took a prominent part at a publia meeting held in that city te denounee the occupation ofRenio by Victer Emanuel. The Italian min ister at Washington has directed en official In quiry te Juan A Plxzinl, the Italian vlce con sul at Richmond, as te why his name ap peared among theso tendering a banquet te the departing minister. lie replied thntit was due te a mistake. Just what connection a minister's perbenal views have with Ms con duct as an official machine, the key te the motion of which remains in Washington, is difficult te see. Rut luly ta a small pewer, and small matters with It are, BHwki te go a their general and proiier application nre )or )er )or fectly valid, have been held te becomeoId In particular cases cither us unconstitutional regulations in commerce or as violations of contract prohibited by the constitution, or Itocause in seme ether way tliey operate te deprive the party complaining of ri right secured te him by the constitution of the United Suites. 10. In cases of dctlnue the action Is purely defensive en the pert of the plaintiff. Its ob ject is merely te resist nn attempted wrong and te rcstorethoBtntus In quo as it was when the right te be vindicated was invaded. It is analogous te the proventlve remedy of In junction, in equity, where that jurisdiction Is invoked, of which frequent examples oc cur in unset te prevent the Illegal taxation of national hanks by state authorities. 11. The suit nulherizcd by the act of the general assembly or Virginia of January 20, 1882, against the collector of taxes refusing te accept ntenderef ceu pens, te recover back the amount paid under pretest, Is 110 remedy at all for the breach of the contract which re quired him te receive the coupons in pay 'menL The taxpayer and coupon holder has a right te say he will net pay the nmeiint a second tinie, and, Insisting ujwn his tender as equivalent te payment, resist 'the further exaction, and treat as a wrong-deer the offi cer who seizes his property te enforce It, The right te pay in coupons cannot be treated as a mere right et set-off. which is part of the remedy morely when given by tlie gcneral law, and therefore subject te modification or repeal, liecause the law which gave It is also a contract, and thorcfero cannot be changed without mutual consent. 12. Neither can it be considered an ndc ndc quate remedy In view of the supposed ne ccslty for summary proceedings in matters of roveniie, and the convenlenco of the state, which requires that the prompt collection of taxes should, net be hindered or embar rassed ; for the rovenue system must yield te the contract which the state has lawfully made. and the obligation of which by the constitution it is forbidden te impair. 13. The act of the general assembly of Virginia pf January 20, 1882, and the amenda tory act of March 13, 1884, are unconstitu tional and void, because they Impair the obligation of the contract of the state with the coupon-holder under the act of March 30 1871, and that being the main object of the two acts, the vice which invalidates them pervades them throughout and In all their previsions. It is net practicable te separate these parts whleh repeal and abolish the no tions of trespass, nnd trespass en the case and ethor particular forms of action, as remedies for the tax payer who has teudered his cou ceu jxmslit payment of taxes, from the main ob ject of the acts which that prohibition was in tended te ellectuate 1 and it fellows that the whele of these and similar statutes must be declared te be' unconstitutional, null and void. It also fellows that theso statutes can not be regarded in the courts of the United States as laws of the state, te be obeyed as rules of decision in trials at common law un der section 721, revised statutes, or as regu lating the practice of theso courts under sec tion till, revised statutes. It The present case is net covered by the decision in Auteul vs. Qrcenhew, 107 U. H., 700, tlie points new Involved being expressly roserved u the judgment in that vase. - m t Killed Ills Mether and 81ter and Ulnuelf. A terrible tragedy took place nt Greenwich, Conn., la te en Tuesday afternoon, Rurclay Jehnsen, son of a prominent rail readawyer, J. Augustus Jehnsen, whlle walk'iug In' the woeda with Ids mother and sister near that place abet ana Kiueu tnem . pem aw tnwi PERSONAL. Jami:s Wintkus, of Philadelphia; re cently docea ed, leaves In the nelghlmrhoed of 10,000 te Catholic charlbible institutions. Jamkh Reus, ene of the best known dra matic critics in the country, whose nniu-de pluine Is Celly CIbler, Is lying very ill at his home In Philadelphia. 0!i:eium: II. I'HNiif.KTON, new minister te Germany, took lcave of the president nnd secretary of state en Tuesday. Ile w 111 go tn New Yeik te-day. preparatory te sailing for Europe. Ktiiki. Kdwaiips, known te tlie public ns Oritida. the Ilabv Venus, died In Unlearn) era Monday. Although n child in years, physi cally she was n matured woman. Hhe was born in Massachusetts en December 18, 1870. William Heuli.v, an Englishman, has arrived in Lincoln, Illinois, te: leek after his landed interests, which In this country ex ceed 200,000 acres. Mr. Scully's weallh Is estimated at 8:10.000,000. He has etcr 300 tenants In this country. CetiNTV Kot.uuTeit Jehn II. i'uv an nounces himself as a candidate for ro-clcctien and " bases his claim " en "having sacd ?l.r,000 during the past year te the tui-rKryers of Lancaster cenn tv, In thodisrhnrge of my duty as county solicitor, by refusing te np- prnieuiucniicirs una consumes' dims for dismissed cases." Piiksiiiknt Ul.KVKi.AM held his llrst public reception at the White Heuso Tuesday night- The nttondauce was larger than at any public reception at the exccutlve mansion for many years. The president received In tlie cast room and was accompanied by the members of the cabinet and the ladies of their families. IMiimlrr lin-m rrrd nnd Ttilee CauRlit. At l'ettsvllle, Augustus Kupp, Jehn Hlekesniul Lincoln Drewn were ledged In Jail en Monday night, charged with robbing the heuse or William Cllll, at Pert Carben, en Sunday night eff270 in slUer, f75 in geld nnd stock certificates nuieuntlng te f 1,000. The reblwrs had burled their lx,ety, but suljscqticntly ene of them dug It up and took UK miles up the valloy.where he buried it in the weeds at the root et a tree, where it was found Tuesday by following directions he made In u confession. 8eeral of the parties Implicated are relatives of Cllll", and Knew wuuru no Kepi ins vaiuaniex. He Slliwcd tlm txllptc. "Did yen sce the eclipse T" asked 11 Fulton hired limn of bis nelglilier. "fM'e It? .Se. I had n glax anil Nouietblni; Hinekln, but It was a glass or what the barteiidiir called 'Smoky Scotch,' and I wns eclipsed myself by the fim I oil in It " "Well," Bald tbe ether, "1 saw tlie ecllpsn, and bad some hlaky, tee; but It was llvvrT's I'crr JIalt Wiiirkkv, which 1 buy from my (IniKKl-t at (I a bottle. It Is us much n medicine ns It Is a LatcniKO. It has 110 poisonous rcxlduumund the only really pure article, that I Inie been nble te llnd. My daiiKhterwas quickly relecl eck lcferelaitt from a seven- attack of piicumeulu nnd says Dtivrv's Puna Malt Wiiiskkv did hci mere Reed than any medicine she leek. 11 has cured me of malnrla, which I contracted last summer." UKDOCK DLOOD D ."TEKS. DYSPEPSIA. Have you the Dyspepsia ? De you Knew the Symptoms ? We Hardly Bellevo Yeu De. 'One of the most dlttresxlng and disagreeable complaints, and ene of tbe most pre (dentin this country, Is Dyspepslt. Burdock Bleed Bitters. Is a standard remedy. De you surfer from the llcadnchn, from Vertigo, Palpitation of the llcact? De yen feel hh If tlm world had no charms for you t De you pass sleepless nights T De you suffer from languor T De yen have heartburn n sallow complexion ? De ynu suffer from Con stipation and all Its attendant v lis? II se, at onto procure n bottle of tbe FAMOUS Burdock Bleed Bitters. They wero Never Known te Fall. They slrlke nt Iho root oral) these diseases, nnd effect n rndlcnl cute. They purify the bleed. Tbey act 11 pen 1 he 1 1 ver. They can net be ci ualcd In the oriel. FOItTHKSrill.NGTKADK KVKIl 8IIOW.V IN THIS CITV. Call nnd take a leek nt tbe Reeds nnd yen will be sure In have your menturu taken feraHnlt, al-Ud TTAVK YOU HEEN THOSE $10.00, $12.00 & $15.00 ALL WOOL SUITINGS, WHICH WK AUK MAKING toekdkh? If net, Ills te your Interest tn call utencn and sce them ; they are certainly lenders which no slore can equal. NOT ONLY THKSK UOODS, lint All tlefKls sold by ns nre Far Cheaper, TAKlNli tJUAl.lTY INTO CONSIDKUATION, than can Iw found elicnlieie, FOIt UOOD HOODS I t'Olt LOW I'JtIUKH I KOIt STVI.I8II KITS! KOIt WKI.I. MADE (OI'I'OSITK TIIK POSTOrKICK.) H. GERHART. S' PIIINO CI.OTHINO. SPRIM -CIOTHINa -AT- STVI.I8II KITS! KOIt OAKMKNTMI FOIt KAI.K 11V AM. UKITOOISTS. nil 'Jh eed M ANHOOD IlESTORED. ItKUICDT FRCE. A victim of vnntbful linnriidenea canslnir Pre- mature Decay, Nervous Debility, I-ostllnnbeod, miiii ......t. ...... . ,t.jr miiunn inuruvi men no win Address. j. 11. nr.r.vK.s, 43 Chatham HU, New Yerk City Ac. has dUcn ercd a tl.nple self cure, wlilch he senu r ur.r. leuis leiiewsunerers. Jte-lyeed&lyw srAcniNKnr. rpNOINE AND HOIL.EH WOKK.S. BEST Steam Engine -AND- BOILER WORKS. We Certainly De Take the Klrst Place. IMMENSE LINE OK SPRING CLOTHING. Gent's Furnishing Goods, TRUNKS, VALISB3, &c, &c., &c., NOW COM INU IN. CA I.I. AT ONCK AT- HfltSH k BROTHER'S NEW STORE. (.'(UtNEIl OK.VTUK SQUAUK AND NORTH QUKK.N HT l.ANOASTEU. Burger & Sutten's. We nre offering eiirHPKlNO stock of Heady. Made CLOTHING AT-VERY LOW PRICE. A call will convlnce you that ibis Is the place te secure a gcnulne barcnln. We de net offer one or two lets as n linlt, but we offer our entire sUck nt prices nway down. Men's BuBlneaa Suits from $7 te $12. Men's Dress Suits from $12 te Q15. Youth's Scheel Suits from $4.60 te $7. Youth's Dress Suits from $8 te $12. Children's Short Pants Suits from $3 te $7. Thrxoureall our own make nnd wedonnthca wedennthca wedonnthca llute te guarantee tlie lit, xtjluand workman ship. Our motto Is : tlOODl.OODS AND LOW I'ltlC'KS. BURGER & SUTTOU, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLpTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTKlt. PA. L. GANHMAN & DUO. ai'XClAT. XUTICft. William McKuew, 131 Fayette St., Ilaltlinere. Bid., saya : " I helleve ' l'a orite Itcmedy ' Is a geed medicine-. It Is doing 1110 mero geed than anything I ccr tried, and I have tried almost everything, for I nm n nffcrer from dyniM-iwIa." Whlle " Favorite itcmedy " Is u specific In atom atem achand lllnil(lerdlcacH, It Is I'lpially valiiable In cascef bilious dlaerdern, Constipation of tbe Iteweln, and all tbe claim of Ills apparently In separable from the constitution of women, uprlMmeedw yiiotlen or Temperance, lie It remembered that lirewn'd Iren Hitter cannot be bought at the tavern, the gln-mlll, or any resort or drunkard. It In net the sort of "hlttarV that old toper w'ant. It Is the greatest Iren mediclne In the world, toning the xyHteui, enriching Iho bleed, nnd Invigorating tbe life. Nobody was eer made tn llke liquor by using thU great family medicine. It cures dyspepsia Indigestion, weakness nnd malaria. MISCBLUiSEOVS. THE liAMClEST, 11EST AND MOST complete assortment of Playing Cards In the city from 5 cents per pack up at IIAKTMAN'S YKI.MJW KUONTCHlAlt bTOUK. . IlIAMI'AGNE. BOUCHE TIIK 1C1NKST "SEC." W1NF. NOW C11AMPAONK IMl'OKTKD. AT UKIUAItT'3 OLD WINE HTOltK, Ne. 21 East Kine Strht, Established, 178R, It. K. 8LAYMAKKH, Agt. febl7-ffd T HIS PAPEH IS PIUNTED WITH J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK, FiiraieiiDt hV Works, 2CUT and Penn'a. Avenue lanG-lyd " PIIILADKI.I'IUA.PA. s AINT-KArilAEL. WINE. INFORMATION. Tbe Bulut-ltnpliael Wine has adellcleus flaveur in Britain, India, and e en and U drunk Oennany, North the principal cities of Hussla, auu soma Aincnni, (Ireat ,ri....7... r.;.i.... .7 unnuallv In sufficient nnOf of Its stablltiv nnd staying jMjwers, while fur tlie real connoisseur there U no wlne that can be considered Its superior. it-TheSftliMtuphael Wine Company, Valence, Departroentof (be Dreme (Krance.)t V H. E. 8LAYMAKER, t 1, a JJ-.M. rituii AS WB HANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, HAVE NO AUHNTS, CAN 1NSU11K OUK 1'ATIIONS LOW I'ltlCKS AND HOOD WOUK. BOILERS. Vert leal and Hnrlzentnl.Tiibular, Hue, Cylinder, Marine, Deuble-Deck nnd Portable. KUKNAOE-WOKK, ULAhT-PlPKS, STACKS, Ac., Ac. TANKS for Water, Acids nnd Oil. HOISTING KNUINES. ENGINES. Vertical nnd Horizontal. Stationary, from two te sixty horse-power. l'ortnble Engines, en Wheels nnd 8111s ; Six blfcs 4, 0, 8, 10, 15 nnd 20 horse power. SAW MILLS. Peny Mills nnd Lnige Mills. Hark, Mills and Cob Mills. Leather Hellers, Tan Packers, Tripple Gearing for horse power. PUMPS. licit and Gear Pumps; Mining Pumps; Com bined Pumps and Heaters. CerltrlfugiU Pump, Steam Pump. Gearing, Pullejs, Ely Wheels. Clamp 'llexes, Hangers, Couplings, Cellars, Steel Steps and Tis-s, Pulley Plates, Packing llexes, Mill Spindles, Mill llusblngg, &c, Ac., Ac, PIPES. Wrought Iren, ferGas, Steam and Water. Cast Iren Pipes. Heller Tubes, Well Casting. FITTINGS. Fer Water nnd Strain, Valves, Cocks, Steam Gauges, Uauge Cocks, Glass Water Unuges, Safety Vuhcs, Whistles, Glelia Valves. Governors, Patent Sclf-Eecdlng Lu bricators, Glass Oil Cups, Glass Tubes, Injectors or Heller feeders. PACKING Hemp, AsbCBtes, Gum and l'.ura- bnge. 11ELTING Gum, Cotten and Leather. CASTINGS-Ileavy nnd Light Iren and llrass. Heller lien, Sheet lien, Par Iren, nnd Steel. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools and Public Puddings. STEAM HEATING. Estimates, Drawings and Pattern Werk fur nished at Ueasenable Kates. 49 Itepalrlng promptly nnd carefully at tended te. Address, Jehn Best & Sen, NO. 333 EAST PULTON STREET, JanlS-lyd&w J.ANCABTElt, PA. VNIWRTAKlXa. TTNDERTAKINO. L.R,R0TB, UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Streets, LAMOASTBB, l'A. Persennl attention given te all orders. Kvery thing In the Undertaking line furnished. Having secured tbe services of a tl rut-class rae cbanlc, I am prepared te de all kinds of Uphol stering at very uioderate prices. All kinds of furniture. Upholstered. Ufve 1110 a call. U R. ROTE. Janiq-tid hatch:, te. TI7-ATCIIES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. GREATS REDUCTION IN I'MCES OK WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JKWKLUY.nl LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street, , Opposite City Hetel, near Pa. K. 11. Depot. Itetalllng nt Whelesalq Prices', llcpalrlngat xtra Lew Price. JyJl-lyd 'issas GTORAQE O AMD- COMMISSION, WAREHOUSE, ', SANIEL MATBK, M WatCstefssW9lMM NE THIMS' DAILY. Our CUSTOM DKPAHTMKNT TUAlJE Is opening for tbe season with mero vim than ever, OUIt POPULAIt PUICK reit SUITS & TROUSERS Are appreciated Vim will de jeurself lnjus llcn If you dn net leek nt the SUITS we are Making tn Mcasure at 10.D0,fli(i), S(), s,) rJU.K)and$-ruu. All Newest Choice Goods and made exactly right te j our order,, READY-MADE CLOTHING.. As wc nre manufacturing nil our Iteady-Made Men's and Key's Clelhf ng, and buy for cash only, we nre enabled le save you from 25 te SO per cctit. OUK POPULAIt ALL-WOOL MEN'S CORKSCREW SUIT, INI1LACKAND IIUOWN. KOIt SIO.OO, MKH CHANT TA 1 1, Oltl.VU MAKE. L GAJTSMAI & BRO, 'Faslilenabln Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, Nea. 6a-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (ltlght en tbe Southwest Cor. of Orange Street,) LANCASTKlt, PA. , -Net connected with nny nlhcr clothing store In tbe city. CAItRIAUF.S. IflTANDARD GARRIAOE WORK. EDGERLEY 8c CO., (Carriage llullders), HAKKKT STltEKT, KKAU Of POSTOFFICK, LANCASTKlt, PA. OUU LAUGE STOCK OF BTJG&IES & CARBIA&ES V Comprises tbe iJitest Styles nnd the most Kle Kaniiv rinisnei. iviuuu hi JKKATLY P.HDUCKD PlllCKS. Fhilslied, WHICH WE Ot'FEU AT TbeSUPEUIOIt QUALITY OK OUK WOUK longer qucsiienea. uurwerK Is as n no as made In the larger cities, and SOLD AT lsne longer questioned. Ourwerk Is as Hue as any made In the larger cities, and SOLD AT HALF THE J'KICE. New Is tbe tlme te order for spring. ENCOUUAUE FAllt DEALING And Honest Werk. All Werk WAKKANTKD. ItKPAIUINO PKOMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. A few SLEIGHS left at Lew Figures. Glra ns a call. nerJii-trdft w sp KOIAL ANNOUXCKMENT I WATCH and WAIT -FOIt A GREAT BARGAIN -AT M YERS it RATHVON. LOW PRICES! FINE GOODS. What the trade wants Is Fine Goods at Lew Prices. We hnvn them, tee. LOOK AT OUR GOODS, And you'll find them made just ns well ns goods nt nigu prices, we n net siiglit tnem tesult ex- 1m 11 n ir low prices, nnd give such Mather saerlttoe tbe nrellt weik as tbe goods Justifies. , FINE ASSORTMENT -OF- ENGLISH &. FRENCH CHECKS, -AT- PRICES AS LOW AS DOMESTICS. DOMESTICS SO LOW THAT EVKIIV ONE CAN HAVE A SUIT. MYERS & RATHFON, LEADING LANCAbTEU CLOTH IE 113, NO. 12 BAST klNQ STREET, LANCASTKlt, PA. NORBECK 4 MILEY'S Carriage "Works! CORNER OP DUKE AND VINE STREETS, LANCASTEU, l'A., Having nearly completed our line stock of Canlage Weik for tlie Spring Trade, we will close It out at nn early date nt Public Sale. These desiring a Flne Vehicle for little money .will uamiK. n ,.i. . .... I .. I... ....,...-.. ... ... 1 V uiKiu uy wuillllK n Bliun. uuie. LIU If t S-l)ate of salu and imrtlcuiurs ulvpn Imrv. after. Call andexnmluoHtecknndcomiuira with the rs. NORBECK & HILEY. FLOVlt AXl rJSJ. e ,0MK AND HEE MK iuvinu ericNitu a Jtl A ftftTk WORTH OF MILLINERY JUA-f,mnj New lerk and Paris Mil!!, uery Ce. Our new store, tt) North tjueeii street, Lancaster, Pa, Is new open with an Elegant line of Hats, llenneta, Flnners. Featberri, Ac, at our usual CHEAP I'ltlCKS. Hoping our customers and the Ladle In general will ptease favor us with tbalr nnwence. it a remain truly yours, NBW TfOKJt AND PAKl MILIJNKMY CO., L(S - -' &"'.- - Fornwiyef WtlsH. Eeur, Feed, Grain, Hay & Straw WAREHOUSE, At Nes. 35 and 37 Market street, ( Formerly occupied by Harry A. Dlller), I w euld respectfully Inform my friends and the publle In general (bat I am new prepared te furnish at the shortest notice and LOWEST POSSI1ILE 1'UICES, Fleur, Feed, Grain, Hay and Straw. Alse, constantly en band a fully supply of Machinery, Cylinder, Llnaeed, Crude and Machinery Oils, WHOLESALE ANDIIKTAIL. HENRY DRAOHBAR. aprS luieed "DOTE IH MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT 93.00 A POZXH AT NO. 108 NORTH QUKKN 8TUEKT. HiuNM Lancaster, fa, . ' i..l w itlM&.Miaj M'J. V ,I iA