, rp rV. " . vS , 1 'J , -v. Mi? - A' ,15A .. w- A & t &i3 1 -v tc 4 i k K It" L'iT lt IF is. lt tt.i VJ1. l? b ikf m WJ -'v? If tf hWvkr Tr , 5ii.X e & ; J , ? l1- r t J" H icn; Kvttr Xfttakair ie the Yer " Y1 lUJwKB Bxmm) s ,.. . ' SA ir.8nenuM k st'i r " JGENOER i BUILDING, P. Cerner Centra Square. LxHCAtrm, Pa. u cihts a nt Frm deixam a IFTfTTCBKTtAllOHTH. reSTAOTKM. SUENTS raeK tan te nrtr cwrt a t,Y ."iINTELLIGENOER gTI (ninruM,) ni Every Wednesday Morning, JPOILARS ATAB K AOVAHC. tacs solicited from every part oft he I country. Correspondents nre re- te write legibly end en one stde ei r eniy t ana te sign their names, net oatlen, but ta proof of iroed faith. ymeus letters will be consigned te DOS KOI. AXLtlTTmaAKPTXUaRAVB TO SH TnE INTELLIGENCER, Lancaster, FA. ftuuasfer intelligencer. LANCASTER, APRIL II, 18S4. The Virginia Decision. supreme court of the United States - Mfe'deekled, but by a bare majority of five .fewr, tnat the Virginia tax-pajer may ra IWki 1 7 V t -ft!' $', sVV- , iw Dm taxes in the coupons of virclnia f.0 JMM bends, and tbat if lliese coupons tire nftued the tax cannot dtherw ise be cel- fleeted from Mm; amine may sue for tres- 'i .'fx MaJflhA tY pnllAr.tnr whn cni-x.n niwm tils W property in satisfaction of his lax. In be kP i$ew, the court decides that the collector & 'iiictowitkeutthoauthorlty of tawund net as $f JlABiAMAf ft flll dtnfn n.i.1 Iwi nnntint ", ,Md ' himself behind its commission -.ditb orders of his superiors; all and , VjgiyM whom act lawlessly In 1 of using te "yrecetve coupons for taxes, ns provided hi fttfce lJondbelder?' contract with the state. "'"iimi a violation, the-court declares, of , -,, .. .. ,.., UUU UU V.I11UUU , tte prohibition of legislation that impairs . 1 ,1 t ,"'iWVIl V. ..XS.lWWIrU AUl WJU f AJ.- . t ' P ? .... m . .. .'... annul lurislntnrn in lmvn illrnelful flint ''vii-cmirjena nhnnlil nnt. 1m rpeeivml fnr hivw -$tU the genuineness of the coupon had m. ijmij..ii.. .i ..., S ,:"'"'' luuuueijjruvmtu. & '3W17fccannotunderstandhewthegood8ensor-""' ;""'" .' 'i"'j"" P m 8l geed law of this decision of the supreme iswuci can ee suixessiuiiy questieneu. jl ei Kv' r thechief justice and Justices Miller, Gray, V ; jl.' and. Bradley have dissented from the $ ?dJiien. Until we ha e their reasons ci it 'ttsT'lctam would be premature. But it iscer- " ."?- fain that, if llinv rn In l,n Innntl. nf ci.!n J? ' "-"b"' " u"J'"b inai ine virginut uonuneiuers wne ex changed their bends with the state upon its premise that it would receive the cou pons of the new bends for taxes cannot use their coupons in payment of taxes, they say what is false and take an ut terly indefenible and unmaintainable TVfltf(A11 Tf 1C HflWiln 41i.it ftlin ii rtM-HS r w ." "'""" vni.u UIU ,A.V- tfple Of tldS Csstry ntltt UI13 age COU- 5?e fy?3uilfei,ullX.a);f rXSmiA 19 !? flWe te i3i$MlUK 8tate. will malnte In that a state deblnr. tirw .-c ". . ... .i " i "- &W 'has any biglier PrivileSe tha a" individual flfdebter. Ner can anyone claim that Virginia (.i jb unaeie te pay uer just tiebt. And any fW attempt te cloak her repudiation under the iqp protection of her state sovereignty will be ''2s? valn W016 the forum of the people of this L'S&fe " ThfiV will linvn nnnnphalntnanvArnirmt.. They will repudiate such bastard issue of a noble doctrine. They will say that a state whose sovereignty will let her cheat her creditors has nene that she can call upon her sister states, whose peeple are the Ah Ant All in w in.l y wwwjii tu iiiuicci. Tn Vflnjl nf Bv...nn4liir y Reerntflrv ll.'ivnnl lm Aiiicvniififliv. nnrl 'seems te need it. lie has lrnd remarkably 'v bad luck in divers instances in dispensing v his patronage. Jveilcy, minister te Heme, .& because he blackguarded Victer Emanuel & niva itfiin fi ilnnri t ill ia4 lu. .. nlnn.A tu p. viuvujivunuiijg, H ill UUV UV H UlUUlllU 111 i j!r, Italy, and may have te stay at home after ,." all. Mr. Morgan, of Seuth Carolina, consul plCgtneral te Australia, turns out te have ipeen a warm eulogistef Mr. Blaine and his fySfereijrn policy. FresumntivelvMr. Bavnni 4uid net knew it. But his worst luck has . . ivb in nls Kentucky selections. The bug fi man who is sent te Peru was a rolling stone, fc'.wt.P' no" ministerial heft, at whose selection ," im& JKeatucky did net smile. But Boyd Winches Winches isN,;'Vhe w,'s apiwinted consul te Nice, .. taeea elle t but it is in derision. He re- P?pectfully 'declines. It seems that the miiHii ivaiiprsinn !i(.imi a sntr. tiinna inn , MMlubrieus climate for his friend Bejd, and f$UBayard thought that Nice would fill the ib&l "Mr. "Vmchester however, thinks .i Jhlmelf ab0 0 he smnll n irsinimnn a. jpecially, we suppose, since the bug man get vAj .-Buaviuuu3 inmister. .remaps me uis--Mji-iBs.wiis net well adapted te thn ei just expectations of the bene- lea ; but it is hard upon the secietary. hen be hands out his places te the e- IWrfttjlflt. Hirnnrv tllnhliAninnntniAn. 41..... j.v-.---. ""0, ..i.v IIUUIIIHUVVII.IJ 11II1U $ ,Bt uw rignt neati witn tne rignt cap, 'though he isexiiccted te de it always. This . .thing of giving out efllces is net what it is ..cracked up te be, Mr. Bayard finds; and 4 doubtless be would be vastly mero com- i Portable in his Senate seat. f fy And there is treuble net only with I ibthese who g t and these who don't, but Xthere may be tieuble ahead with the ; &J- (senate that is te confirm. General Law ten, i Vk?w nr iaUy, declines the Bussijtn &yt sawien, uecaiiM) he does net wish te cm .baraag the admmbtratien in insisting upon 5$hU right te held olllce.despitethe fact that Mhta Confederate sins have net been absolved f .K4JCwgtea3 ,Jllt eny hy -A-iidrew Jehn- "-IH. ..AU...... . Al.l. .lill.limill. 11.1. l.illla VdanM nrasinpnT M.. T..niPn.. nir -r... i aw lurtner down in Georgia, n act the Ml'Yic'iti mleut.in la 41m iaise beatr, but e believe he has been al- ,imdy cenftrmeU by tie Senate, and se is 5J CHre. General Law ten might get out te Btiandnne te come back prematurely, (Which would net be agreealJle. Probably he tewise not;te take the risk. -j' j $-" A'Mtk Man's Geed Fortune. i.TW kaiu llin ..1 l......l la -. i f, 3Tt ""t1 " I'icusiiiw ui jwiumjig inai f Hmt doctors lu 0 had their last consul- AWHm ter a w cck, and that S,lirady will net ttieenU ;i'.'.iin for tln-cedius. tir ts vv- . . .. : v jMngiMtmya uu guanl. The newspajier &Mfwire winiwui eeciiBianuuig tcuimei at ?ljb bourn fve us what we hepe was a final i ftiUftde trf wlnute inforaiatiea of the ec- . uympKKm H-ouiiiLiyjiienuaixini ineurant "Jt pounds like n final vellev. fpreauwpthfcly jt i3, as the reporters naiiuy uneiti te uisuer&e wjien the i de. e rant's threat havincr rn. toatateer irnnil nnler. nnd thn I I cancer ha ins? faded awav whirl rtr.V',.1. g . A I threswywe can congratulate the eWi MimMelkmiAvt ftUttaVerld ever. -It may Iwnthat'U.e; cancer or sere threat will come Rfein; bin we trust tbat the doctors and reporters will come again never. 'And we applaud the prudence of the generaPa family in con templating a summer retirement into the fastnesses of the Catakilk, where there may be a hope of privacy. Ijng Branch they abandon for its hopeless publicity. Hew Net T? Delt. The way te net de it is illustrated in a manner altogether worthy of the English circumlocution office by a no-called rail read commission bill, 'indorsed by the beard of trade and grocers' association of Philadelphia," and " te be introduced in the legislature this week" at a time when there is no mere likelihood of having it passed than, there is of having a snow-fall en the coming Fourth of July. The main feature of the proposed new bill is a provi previ sion for the, appointment of thrce railroad commissioners who are te watch if any railroad company violates its charter of any law of the state, and if it does, " they shall give notice in writing te the president of such offending corporation and if the violation is continued after such notice the commissioners shall forthwith present the facts te the attorney general, who shall take such action thereon as may bore- quired by the laws of the state applicable te such offending corporations. It will strike most people of ordinary in telligence that if the atterney general ami the governor and the courts have power te I enferce the laws of the commonwealth. I they nre bound te de it upon the presenta tion of any one who suffers from their vio lation. Why should they wait upon a rail road commission ? And why should the complaint of any one seeking remedy for his wrong be submitted te such an intcr intcr mediate body V What is needed is bimply men in all the efllces, executive, judicial and legislative, who have respect for the law and courage te enferce it, against corporations as well as individuals, against the powerful as well ai the weak. Why should the flre committee of ceun cils go through the farce of asking for bids torenlng, when they propebo te let I te the hichcr bidder at from 2.5 te 40 ixr . " .. ., r '.V ..V comiictiter? Against Councilman Berger's opixaitien and pretest this outrage was consummated. The excuse for It was that the high bidder te whom the job was awarded had the weik before and " had done it well." Se had Chief Hewell. Even the spring peet can be tolerated. when spring travels in his company. iTlslittle wender that lynching Is often resorted te throughout the West, in the fear that villains may escape justice through the law's delay. It is a marvel that this summary method of engeance docs net take deep root andblo"etfrtoibiiciiIesoT the East Anotable lUAHtitlils criminal delay is seen in the fail ure te ghe his due deserts te nimard Short, who made a folenlousutlack en Hlchard Pho Phe lan In O'Donevan Ressa's office In New Yerk that 1'hclan, the assMled,maiiIfestsairun" willingness te prosecuto bis case te thn nnl by alleging business engagements that de- lam mm in Kansas City from the trial in New Yerk. He should be made te corne. I he is willing te condone the assault, it must ut rciiicmucrcu uiat tbe commonwealth has been outraged in Its commission. The vindi. catery part of the law must be maintained, if ,ul " umur ruueuii man simply te presorve for It common respect Quekn A'icteiua, It is sold, has arranged te visit Irolandnext autumn. Sue had better iuuer an inierview with the Prince of ales before Bhe makes up her mind. O.NEei the chief Republican arguments against Democratic ascendancy made from many a stump In tlie last twenty yearn was the nbserbing thirst for offlce of Southern Democrats. It was predicted that the " rebel brigadiers" would moye en Washington Uke a swarm of locusts, nnd that chaos would fellow in their wake. Hew very absurd all this was Is shown in what has actually occurred slnce the Democratic restoration. The only men who have declined places of trust and honor underthe new administration wero Southerners. EanP. Hewell, of Georgia, was named as consul te Manchester, L'ngland ; Boyd Win. chester was nominated te the consulship at Nice j and Aloxander Lawten was tonderod the Russian mission. All three have forwarded their declinations. Before this ceuturyshall have run its course, seme pelj. Ucully ebtuse people will learn that the pro pre pro gressUe Southerner has been wrestling with some problems far mero knotty than office, soeklug. Ir cholera should get a foothold in the capitol building in Harrlsburg and drlve the legislators home, would it net be a weicome visitor ? It Is new s.iid that A. T. Stewart's body was nover stolen and that it lies at present in the crypt of the cathedral lately erected In Garden City, Leng Island. Dr. Charles H. Hall, a Brooklyn minister, declares it as his belief that the rumor of the body having been stelen was put In circulation by the Stew art family te keep robbera from taking it If this is true, It was a v ery shrewd idea. Though It Is hard te bollevo that se large a number of poeplo Iiave been laboring under a deception for such a long tinie. A riJKTTV story is told ofthe late Sam Ward, who long enjoyed hi Washington the titloei "King orthe Lebby." He married Miss Aster, oneof the wealthy family of that name in New Yerk. During the courtship, many sweet missives, as Is usual, wero ox ex changed. Theso leve Iotters wero carefully asserted, compared date by date, aud then, each proceeding its onswer, they were bound togethor in a mighty volume. These lotlers wero net all brimming evor wIU vehe ment leve; thore was many a lever's quarrel contained in them. But as let ere' lights are swoetor than most .ether pleasures, Uie sunshiue that followed a storm made tbe latter mero than endurable. The use that was made of this velume of levn was quaint and practical. Whonever aseuall arese en the matrimonial sea, rofprence was at ence made te this litorature or the court ship days, and the treuble passed away In smiles. What Sam himself said In after days of Uie geed this book had dene is worth uetlng : " Thore was Infinite fun and in finite geed in that old book of ours, with its tclltale record of our criss-cress courtship. It made many unet enlng merry all for our. selves. It wafted away many a cloud, for nover could a dlllorenco arise tbat would net give way bofero the materlallwHl recollection or some oue or our tiny diOlculties ceme and ue,I0l,.,OV 'lUlels, old leve quarrels Uiat are settled, at least always are tluged with the crlspestbert or humor. And nover did oue or us get cloudy but out came that inevi "bio .telunie, and old-time battles provoked riSlbllitV thflt linn ilnntli Innll (hnitnnii.l 111 humor In the presen t. That boeL was w erlh a frtune te us. When she died It was the ""t8acred possession left uie, Its creation wMthohapiWtheuchtorallniylifoT mmm SrfT'i'ifli-'"1 '-"-'s at i 'HiM.i i-..... 1tZ- - . FtTWL , 4 in mnBnimi in im uensnu AnSMvuns. Uen company held their meeting in ABftecW tlen ball, Philadelphia, yesterday, and the scheme or the late beard te modify the lease with Pullman, which has been explained nuiy in uie intelligencer, was " knocked out" entirely. The committee appointed at a late special meeting reported adversely te it, and showed that the stockholders would only get skim milk and Pullman the cream of the proposed new arrangement The connnltteo predicted that If llie modification plan were adopted, at the end or nve years, at whieli Ume the agroement w euld lapse, another crisis similar te the present would fail upon the company. rri. .a i i. i.i . . . Miiciuj.jii.ui uiu ujiuiiuiwhi was accnpiea, and Mr. William 8. Lane moved te preceed te a stock Vote with the preposition te modify the lease Thore was considerable confusion for a time, but the motion of the gentleman was seconded by the chair, and Mr. Lane took the fleer, as momber of the present beard of directors, te advocate the preposition. He maintained that under the new loase bolweon the Pennsylvania rallrad and Pullman, the latter could net pay the old rental and the Central had better accept his new preposition or uiHu. uu vtote, mi remarxn in conclusion had reforence te the possibility of thePonn thePenn ylyania railroad cnncellng its ngreements wltutbe Pullman company for the use of cars en tbe lines In which It has an owner ship te the extent of a throo-feurths intercsL " The Pullman company ltself has this option 11 Its gross earnings are net equal te Its actual expenses," said Mr. lane. "What would be the result te this company then 7" "This offer of three per cent, en our stock by which tbe Pullman company gets 119 cars for nothing," shouted Mr. James Hpcer, "is "Whatarowe te de with Uiose llOcawlf v.6 get thorn backT" asked Mr. Lane , "itun tnem and make money out of thorn,' sbouted several stockholders, "or paint them uu lur iiuuiuurHiiii iraiiRrinfi ." rmriarLrrwi m w lim t v --j rnmarbnil fi J. D. Wilsen, at which thore wero rears of laugnier. "We have no nr ti illsrvfwn nf tin. mra " said Mr. Lane. "The Pullman is a success ful, prosperous cemiiany. with a surplus ei evor seven and a-half millions, and pays eight per cent dividends, equal te four per cent en tbe par of our stock. The right and safe thing Is te npprove tbe modification ofthe lease. Pay no heed te the declarations of ox ex cited men (Cries el "Out or erder ! Ne per sonalities I" and gen oral confusion) who have net fully Investigated nnd cannot ap preciate the situation. De net allow vmir- selves te be carried away by any iynus fa- iuu uj yuuruiHcoinieriniiu te 1110 iosiruc iesiruc iosiruc tlen of your Interest" The conclusion ofthe speech of Mr. Lane was drowned In groans nnd hisses, ene gentleman calling upon thospeaker te give llie delluitien of tbe Latin term housed at the close. General Leuis Wagner, W. L Lockwood and Counsoler Jehn G. Jehnsen speke en tbe ethor slde with vigor, and Geerge W. Biddle, Jr., counsel for the present officers and direc tors, replied in their behalC The motion te proceed te a stock vete was finally put into effect Tellers wero appointed, and the shares were voted rapidly, a large number of proxles being cast When the result was announced later 26,027 shares wero voted by the opponents or the modification plan, and 2,055 were cast by these in favor of It The Iiroiiuiwien lomeuuy me loasewas, ttiorcrero, overwhelmingly defeated. The eloctlen of officers tlien followed. The old beard of directers was placed luronomin lurenomin luronemin alion as follews: Jehn C. Bingham, Phil adelphia ; W. O. H. Scully, Pittsburg; W. n1. . ,U.7toll,New. Yerk; Jehn A. Wright, Philadelphia; Jeslali Klstorbeck, Philadel phia; Geerge K. Reed, Lancaster; w. S. Lane, Philadelphia; avnuel McClary, jr., Wilmington. Secretary and Treasurer J. r . Cettrlngcr. The ticket supported by the stockholders opposed te the modification ortheleaso which y.i.?loct?a'wnsasfellow',s Jehn as. Hans, William H. Lucas, Matthew Brooks, Geerge RJojLTheinas WaUer, L van Merris, Wil- Wilsen. Hccreiary'iind Trcasurer BenJauiTn P. Obdyke. . .W,he.lJ.J,J-iflnal re8Ult WM announcetl a total of ai,020 shares liad iweii voted,or which the stockholders ticket headed by Mr. ?TVi?n.,?5?lvea S628" ana the directors' ticket 1,492. PERSONAL. Cesstantin Rehsktti. tlie Bohemian poet and statesman, is dead in his 71st year. Stonewall Jackse.n'h last words wore: " Let us cress evor the rlver and rest under the shade of the trees." ScuLPTen Devlb, who Is at work en a statue of Uie late Senater Ben Hill, says a inarble monument in this climate cannot last ever fifty years. Rev. CnARLKH B. Flikiir, orpliiladel erpliiladel phia, a minister of the German Evangelical association, died suddenly Sunday afternoon In Allentewn. He was stricken with apeplexy while taking a drive. "Prksidkmt Olrvklanii at church," says a momber of his congregation, "is an atteii. tlve listener. He prays in an audlble under tone, sings in a clear barltone volce and is net addicted te the habit of turning In his seat te leek at late comers. Altogether lie Ls a model churchman." .i ?fiV.2IeODV retitalist, Is the subject of this llttle anecdote : He was asked In there thero thore cent convention at Mllwaukoe whotherho bad gl ace enough te die at Uie stake. He re re ro plied : " Ne, f don't noed it ; all I want Is grace enough te bold this convention for iroe days In Milwaukee." 'J?TV' Rat". pastor of Grace Evangel ical Lutheran church, BeUilohem, since Iho organization or the body twcHe years age, presented his resignation en Sunday. Mr! r Ah U ne.t "jUnqu'sh his duties as edfler orthe CArei MeMtnaer, which position he has acceptably filled for many years. Mme. Patti will sail for England en May 2. Her secretary said that en her arrival in Liverpool she and her husband, Signer Nico Nice Jlnl, will proceod at ence by a special car te hercastlein Wales w here Uiey will remaln until the opening of the Londen season, en the 15th of June, during which she will sing under Mr. Mapleson's management twice a week for a month. General Grant will be 03 years old next alenday, and the event will be colebrated in Louisvllle, Kentucky, by a "publlomeotlnir or ropresontativos of oil parties." These navmg tne matter in charge, "owing te the peculiar circumstances under which tlie colo celo cole uration is te occur," Louisvllle belng a South Seuth South erii city, will ask all cities in the country te fellow her example" DECLARE IT HUE TO FAITn. Seme itemarkable Cures Effected In Pittsburg and Its Vicinity. Miss Mary Moerohoad, daughter orthe late J. K. Moerohead, or Pittsburg, who was ene or its most prominent and wealthy citizens; claims te have been cured by faith of a pain' ml disease or thirty years standing. Miss Moerohoad says her ailment was pronounced incurable by seme or tlie best physicians in the country. Last summer w hile at a moun meun tain resort for her health sbe met a lady who advised her te try the faith cure. Being a Christian slie became strongly imbued with Uie Idea and. refusien- uii uii...ni,.r,t. .in scribed by her doctors, prayed almost iuces santly. In a few dpys she was entirely iree from pain, nnd her health is better te-day than evor berbre in her life, and in erder that ethers may benefit by her wenderful eure she will bold roeopUons overy Monday after noon, when all who desire te soe her will be ..uiuuuiu. At Midway, near Pittsburg, there are nhie persons who have been cured or serlqus ill ness through faith, under the Instrumentality fimh '$- .W.'1101 5tepf e MetuedlA cnurcb at that place. Among the number Is uie pastor, wlie lias published an account of his own case; William Hamilton, aged iI-utifrtJ',0ean,S Mra li,m,at l'0 had been 111 for fourteen vcars : Mrs. r.mii,. cured or spinal treuble ; Jehn Paige, sixty! nlne years, cured or rheumatism, and ethers. ""..Pa. 08 all claim te have had previous' medical attention and attribute thelr present healthful condition te faith and prayer. Thcse cases have attracted a great deal of attention. ii ,w,01,sul,Ject of euro by lalth Is lielng widely distfus&cd In nil circles. Yeung and l'ulr. imUi, (nm.miii.rv. Leah Hart, a handseme young woman, was arrosted in Newark, N. J., Monday morning, charged with setting fire te the Ferest Rlver house, at Salem, Mass., lest September, and was surrendered te the marshal or that town, who has been searching for her slnce the confession or her accemplice, Minnie Hart, who implicated her. The woman, who, hail been living there with a male companion for seme Ume, took her arrest coolly, and said that MJnnle Hart's testimony would net staud in a Massachusetts court. It is raid i 'yiiiVrfcwtirM (CjtTt tbtia iMNAkat leaned vinwwiii oaaraeief. j ecetnpafited i J, marshal, waiving a requls-' raen. HtZlPVTXAlT lOTMUf. AMIcrotcep'oMuTtoc taTskePlseeln Flilta tetyfcteVeijr Soen. The two Memsef humanity known te fame as Lucia Zarate and General Mite, whose combined wplght is less than fourteen pounds, and"wfca leek mere like a pair of dells than hiimsn beings, are contemplating matrimony aud are engaged te be married. Beth were aeen at the Dlme museum, at Ninth and Arch streets, Monday evening, and each acknowledged the interesting fact te b true. Miss Lucia with a blush and gig gle; and the mlcrosceplo general with all the prlde of 'a successful levor. He drew himself up te his lull height, about two feet, and luuKiiiK uiu mponer straignt in tue eye re marked, In a voice se small as te be scarcely audlble : "Yossthe rumor which has galned cur rency ceBcernlng the matrimonial alllance which Miss Zarate1 and myself are centem- 1 dating is quite correct, and I have noob neob noeb octlons te your giving it publicity. I have mown the young lady for about ten years, and although alie Is net se beautiful as seme ladies in ihb profession, say, ler Instance, .uh( v auupimi, ut i.irn. jjangi-ry, yu. mj iuu sne is vne mesi teveiy Doing m tne worm, and I adore her just as much as if I wero as big as Jumbo and she treble the slze of the champion fat woman. Yeu must net think that because I am dlmlnutive In statu re I have net the power of feeling the deepest and most Intense niTnctlen. fnr If von iln vnn 'are decidedly en" your base, Is he net Lucia?" nnu iie iiirncu te ins tmy nancce, wne nau "been shyly listening te the conversation. " What the general says is absolutely au thentic, and when he gives you the tip you can rely upon It Uiat His straight," piped his midget lady leve in reply, nnd the flttle pair were then Carried up te the exhibition hall for their ovenitig reception. It is prebable that the marrlage -lll take place in Philadelphia during the tiext three weeks. MUslng Heirs at Last Turn Up. Advertisements have appeared In the uows uews papera In almost every sjate In thoUnlen and ofevory Canadian city during the past ten years Inquiring for heirs of the Lawrence Tewnley state in England. The cstate in question has been accumulating during the past century, and until lately theso claiming te be helrs were unnble te preve thelr lawful claims te the vast sums of meney and lands Involved, and whieli new amount te tf.oo'.OOO, tf.eo'.OOO, tf.oe'.OOO, 000. A meeting or Canadian heirs te the citate was held when it was reported that the only missing link during the past fifty years necessary te proe rightful claim of these heirs te the estate had been found. The miss ing link was the marrlage certificate of Mrs. Sidney T. Brown, or Bagdad, nearTewanda, New Yerk state. Mrs. Brew u Is a relati ve of the claimants nnd claimant lierself, and w ill rccolve 10,000,000 as her share or the cstate. The Canadian heirs state that they will new have no treuble in proving their identity as heirs of Jehn Lawrence and MarvTownlev by the marrlace cortlncateof Mrs. Brown. whom they ha e net been able te truce for the last half century, The Canadian heirs have appointed an agent te go te New Yerk te con fer with the American heirs regarding the cstate and te clear matters up. Mrs. Brew n, it is understood, is comparatively peer. m m A ie. 1 Feet Net Always l'rettjr. Frem the Chicago News. A woman w 1th a disproportionately large feet Is by common consent entitled te pity. But it Is net the size or the feet which geed taste objects te, but its relation te the rest or the body. A large woman with the tiny feet of a girl would be as disproportionate as Uie small woman with a large feet What is known in the market as the Ne. 1 beet can net by any means be made te go upon the feet or any woman whose physical proportions bear any com parison with theso of the Venus de Medici, which is the ropresentatlon efa large and voluptuous woman. Women who wear the Na J beet arO(iotlte, vhacieus, pert, pretty, MedlclarTtype, 'Carge women' says a" weW known artist and expert must have feet that, te Iio beautirul, would be very ugly en n smal ler w eman. The Ne. 1 beet is, te a larce extent, a foraale hallucination. Fatal Delays in Pneumonia. This Is or Immense Importance In fighting pneumonia. An hour wasted 1 often fatal In Its consequences. Therefore never trlfle with moments en such occasions. Keep the patient In a pure, equuhle atmosphere, and use prompt prescriptions of Hurry's Puns Malt Wuiskev, with proper personal care, and you will have dene mere than nn enny of doctors could ac complish a few hours later. Ne tase was ever lest under such treatmvnt. The btst families keep Itregularly In the home, and any reliable druggist or grocer can supply It for fl pcrbeU tie. BVKCIAX. KUTJCES. Itenare of Imitations, pretended cures and specifics, niul spurious preparations. Tukuenly Hunt's Kidney and Liver) Remedy. Hunt's (Kidney and Lit crl Remedy bus been tided ever thirty years, and saved thousands from lingering disease and death. William McKnew, m Fayette St., Ilalllmere. Bid says : " 1 btlleve ' Faterlte ltemcdy Is a geed medicine, ltlsdelnrf me mere geed than anything I ever tried, and I hat e tried ulmest everything, for I am a sufferer from dyspepsia." hlle Favorite Remedy " Is a specific in Mom Mem achand Bladder diseases, It is equally valuaule in cases of bilious disorders, Constipation of the Dowels, and all the class or ills apparently in in Beparaule from the constitutions of omen. uprlO-lmeed&w DR.FRAKIKR'HROOT HITTERS. Frazler's Reet Hitters are net a dram shop beverage, but are strictly medicinal In every KCibfcy trengly upon the Liver and Kidneys, keep the bowels open and regular, eleanse the bleed und system of evert- Impurity! -KsSwWStfe'I-- SSLI. ii. i. Lecnruu, (2) .-, ..4 vw iuim yuvcu BlltHJU lUd, Det Net Hepeleu. When i r. :"" " j nvu'ii luiuciirns Oil IinVll tlfl In In vnni liAail In.nm,,,,.. in your 8iue,aitres8 In yeui back, shortness el IJS? aMf nt JSA'." of coughing. It.cci.i8 pretty badruoes it netT Many phj alclans would ?riewp.8.,.lch,.ncn.S0a"be'"a restoration. But Mrs. Kettle Hastings, of Cammidgcnert, Mass.. he was thus aflllcteil. took lirowi?slreu Hitters and gratefully writes that the Prince of Tonics completely restored her te health. It will re store you, tee. I'lLES 1 V1LKS 1 1 TILES 1 1 1 Burp euro rorBllnd.Hleedlngand Itching Piles. One box has cured the worst cases of 8u years' standing. Ne one need Buffer fl ve minutes after using William's Indian l'lle Ointment, It ab sorbs tumors, allays Itching, acts as poultice, gives Instant relief. ncnine or the nrivat i-renarea only for riles. by druggists aud mailed en receipt of nr'lce. IL luii-ui, ni nothing else. Beld Beld py . u. Lecnran, 137 and 133 Neith Queen street. Queen (i) MISCELLANEOUS. PENNA. OIGAKS FROM Hundred nn. at L00 PKR UAUlfllA.1 O AJbl.liVJtV .STOKE. ir.i.OT.r.tr.a vu.r ...n-'..... FUONT CIQAK SAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY CURE. Itoj-nnej, VARiepcxisaiidSrcui. UisiAsxa of cither sex. Whybe humbugged by auacka when you can find In Dr. Wright; the only ICkqI vlakFbvsicuh In 1'hlladelphla who makes a specialty of the above diseases and cwuss them T Curbs euaiuxtisd. Advicb FBKs,day ana oven even ing. Strangers can be treated and return home the same day. Offlcesprlvnte. lilt. W. H. WltlGHT. Ne. SilNerth Ninth street, abovoltace, abevoltace, aboveltace, jat&Sf&T' 1-hUadelphla. mn; IS PAPER 18 PRINTED WITH J. K. WRIGHT A. CO.'S INK, F&irfflODDt Ink Works, 26th and Feen'a. Avenue IsuS-lyd PHILADELPHIA. I'A. s AINT-RAPHAEL WINK INFORMATION. Thn Salnt-ItaphaclWliiehusndollcleus flaveur and Is drunk In the principal eltlcs of Russia. Jlermany, North and Seuth America, Great Britain, India, and se en. The quuntlty exported annually Is snfUcleiit proof of Us stability and staylntr powers, whlle for the real connoisseur there u no wlne that can be considered Its superior, M-The SalnMlaphael Wine Company, Valenee. Deiwrtiueet of the Dreme (Fraucc.Jt "H. E. 8UAYMAKER, nS-Ud K0. EAST KINO STREET. 7t- " ' '"" "1 - - "' MHHHW.HiiHiMiaHHMMMiMlMNHAI.MMA. iW - -' "w J:mt.iM"h i-T I TCTUNT'S REMEDY. HUNT'S KIDJJKY AND LIVER REiMEDYI Never Known te Fail. NEVEIl KNOWN TO KAIL. It cures when all ether medicines full, as It nets directly and at once en the Kidneys, Uvcr and Dowels, restoring them te a healthy action, It Is a safe, sure and speedy cure, and hundreds have been cured by It whan phyelclatu and friends hed Riven them giv le. up ted: It is Beth a "Safe Care" and It CURKS all Diseases of the Kidneys, Liver llladdcr and Urinary Orssni I litepity, U ravel, Diabetes, Blight's Disease, Nervous Dleae, Excesses, Female Weaknesses, Jaundice, Sour Hteinscb. Dyspepsia, Constipation, riles, l'atiis In the Hack, I.elns nnd Hlde, Iteten- tlen or Non-lietcntlen of Urine. 11.23 AT DRtTOaiBTS. &T TAKE NO OTHER. Eend for Illustrated Pamphlet of Solid Testi monials of Absolute Cures. HUNT'S REMEDY CO., (3) Providence. It. I. fRON BITTERS. pan no w w w lin RO O is 3 u oe irwww WWTTW H hn as ti rtnh oe 8 ii It he eRiik it IlRR e e S. 11 H O U H Hit O N N) U I OO N MM rEK nnn K H K a u u "ass This medicine, combining Iren with pure vegc table tonics, eulcklv and cemnletelv CUItKl OYBPKl'KIA, INniaEHSIONJ MA LA HI A WEAKNESS. IMPURE I1LOOD, CHILLS and ll.iriUEineiui.i nAUAKlAi rr.vcitananr.KUAi.uiji, lly rapid and thorough assimilation with the bleed It reaches every part et the system, purl, lies and enriches the bleed, strengthens tba muscles and nerves, and tones and Invigorates tbe system 1 A nne Appetizer Hest tonic known. It will cure the worst case of Vyspapsla, re moving all dlstresslnif symptoms, such ss Tast ing the Feed, IJelcmng, Heat In the Ftemach, Heartburn, etc. The only Iren medicine tbat will net blacken or Injure the teeth. It is invaluaule for diseases peculiar te women, and te all persons who lead sedentary lives. An unfailing remedy for diseases of tbe Liver and Kidneys. Persons Buffering from the effect of overwork, nervous troubles, less of appetite, or debility, experience quick relief and renewed energy by Its use. It does net cause Headache or produce Consti pation OTHER Iren medicines de. It is tbe only preparation of Iren that causes no injurious effects. Physicians and druggists recommend It as thn besu Try It. The genulne has Trade Mark and crossed red lines en wrapper. Take no ether. Made only by 1JROWN CHEMICAL CO., UlLTIMOaS, Md. sepUMydAlyw . WAT CUES, JtC. -yrr-ATciiKS, clocks and jewelry. GREAT REDUCTION IN FIUCKS OF WATCHES. CLOCKS AND J WKLliY. &t LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street; Opposite City Hetel, near Pa. R. IL Depot. Retailing at Wholesale Prices. Repairing at xtra Lew Prlcus. JyJMjd TyATCHKS, CLOCKS, JEWELRY. Wills & Keefer, buccussern te Win. Thomsen, (Formerly E. F. Ilewmau,) Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, &c, Ne. IOO BAST KINO STREET, Lancaster, Pa. We have taken the store, Ne. 100 East Klne street, opposite the Leepard lletel and the Lan. ?.?.V?r cJ'.Snty J,OU8e. lately occupied by Mr. William Thomsen In the Watch, Cleck and Jew' elry Huslnces, (formerly by Mr. E. F. ilewman, J where we shall keep a stock of American Watches of all Makes and Grades, In Geld, Silver and Nickel Cases ; nn assortment of the most desirable Swiss Watches ( Clocks of all kinds In u the attractive patlerns : Chains In Geld, Silver, Rolled-Plute and Flre-GUti Charms! I eckets and Seals. Spectacles and Eye-Glasscs. We respectfully solicit your patronage nnd In fluence, and promlse te make every effort te please you. We have employed our predecessor, Mr. Wm. Thomsen, as our Watchmaker. All Watches en trusted te us Ter repair will receive his carom 1 and skillful attention. " Yours Respectfully, Wills & Keefer. apl8,21Aikl ILATS AND CAl'S. AN ATTRACTIVE APPEARANCE. Nothing se much changes the iippcarance as a Hat a nice, new lint und there Is no place In the city you have as many New Spring Styles te select from as at Stauffer & Ce's. AH the New Shades In Plain and Fancy Celer. Extra light weight, Bea and stlnywith prices lower thid! evor before. W. D. STAUFFER & CO., (SIIULTZ'S OLD STAND), Nes. 31-33 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. UNDERTAKING. u NDERTAKINO. UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Streets, LAH0ABT, VX. Personal attention elven te all orders. Every thing ln the Undertaking line furnished. Having secured the services of a flrstrclass me cbanie, 1 am prepared te de all kinds of Uphol stering at very moderate prices. All kinds el uiuHuia uyuuisuuiHi. wive ine a can. R. ROTE. JaulO-ttd DON'T BE SATISFIED WITH AN IN IN ferler article MILLER'S UORAX SOAP the best MANUOOD RESTORED. BXKKDT nun. A victim of youthful Imprudence causing Pre. mature uecuy. nervous iuDuuyaLest Manhood, Ac, having tried in vala every known remedy, has dlsoevered a simple self-euro, which he will JlMyoedilyw Chatham WiSMffil cuy I pnn II TTTT TTTT h n II T T nnn 11 t t kb B II H T T R bnu li t t kbb CZOTMJJT0. p" GLOVK8t Te keep tbe hands warm MITTENB, Te keep the hands warm. HOOKS, Te keep the feet warm. EAR MUFFS, Te keep the ears warm. MUFFLERS, Te keep the neek warm. UNDERWEAR,! Te keep the body warm. Ge te ERJSMAN'S, Ne. 17 WKST KINO BTRKKT. REMOVAL. I. McCAULEY, MERCHANT TAIIOR, HAS ItKMONEI) FUOH NO. 146 EAST KINQ STREET -TO NO 134 NORTH QUEEN STREET, (lluchmlllcr's Uulldlng), Where he has en hand ONE O THE FINEST LINES OF FOREIGN AND DOMESTIC GOODS KOK THE SPUING Tit ADE EVER SHOWN IN THIS CITY. Call and take a leek at the goods and you will be sura te have your mcasure taken fera Suit, al-tld TTAVE YOU SLEN THOSi: $10.00, $12.00 & $15.00 ALL WOOL SUITIMS, WHICH WE ARE MAKING TO ORDER; If net, It Is te your Intctent te call at once and see them: they are certainly leaders which no stele can equal. NOT ONLY THEbE GOODS, Hut All Goods sold liv us are Kar Cheaper, TAKING QUALITY INTO CONSIDERATION, than can be found elsewhere, t FOR GOOD GOODS J FOR LOW VRICE9 1 FOR STYLISH FITS' roll GARMENTS I WELL MADE Ve Certainly De Take the First Place. IMMENSE LINE -OF- SPRING CLOTHING. Gent's Furnishing Goods, TRUNKS, VALISES, iie., &c., &e., NOW COMING IN. CALL AT ONCE AT NEW STORE. CORNER CENTRE SQUARE AND NORTH QUEEN ST., LANCASTER. L. ANSMAN & HRO. ITEW THINGS DAILY. Our CUSTOSI DEPARTMENT TRADE la opening for the season with mere vim than ever. OUR POPULAR PRICE FOR SUITS & TROUSERS Areappretlated. Yeu will de jeuneir lulus Uce. .,f 'ou .de net leek ttt the SUll we are Making te Measure at HO 00, fli 00, $15 00, $18.00. rJ0.uaud$M00. All Newest Choice Goods and made exactly right te your order. READY-MADE CLOTHING. Aswoare manufacturing nil our Read-Mude Men'B and Hey's Clothing, und buy for cash only, we are tnubled te mive jeu fiem 25 tofle ncr cent. ' OUR POPULAR ALL-WOOL MEN'S CORKSCREW SUIT, IN BLACK AND RBOWN KORIIUH,, MER. I. GAISMAff & BRO, Fashionable Merchant Tailors and Clothiers, Nes. 66-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Right en the Southwest Cor. of Orange Street,) LANCASTER, PA. Net connected with any ethor clethlnK store In tbe city. M VERS .t RATI1VON. LOW PRICES! FINE GOODS. What the trade wants Is Flne Goods at Lew Prices. We ha vn them, loe. LOOK AT OUR GOODS, lstlnic low nrlceg. Rathm- Snerni,... .h.T Ui.T. und give such wei k as the goods j ustlfles. FINE ASSORTMENT -OF ENGLISH & FRENCH CHECKS, -AT- PRICES AS LOW AS DOMESTICS. DOMESTICS SO LOW THAT EVERY ONE CAN IIAVE A MYERS &' RATHFON, LEADING LANCASTER CLOTHIERS, WO. 12 BAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER, PA. 810 OOO WORTH OFMILLINERY WAlrJJ New Yerk and Paris 111111. noryCe. Our new store, w North Queen street. Lancaster. Pa.. Iinmvniunuiii,..; ti?tr.: iVr'! of Hats, .Bennets. Flowers 'eathe.Ytt,at our usual c'HEAP PRICES. Hoping our custetneri Hoping our customers luease raver us f$itV&g&k HIRSH & BROTHERS CLOTHllilt. TgttNE TAILORING. 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. The Largest aud Choicest Assortment of FINE WOOLENS IN THE CITY or LANCASTER. All the Latest Novelties In FANCY SUITING. A CHOICE LINK OF SPRING. OVERCOATING. THE VKltr 11E8T WORKMANSHIP. Prices te suit all and all goods warranted as represented nthls new store, Ne. 43 Nertli Queen St. (OPPOSITE THE POSTOFFICE.) H.GERHART. s PRlNd CLOTHING. SPRING CLOTHIM -AT- Burger & Sutten's; We are offering eurHPRING Bteck of Ready. Made CLOTHING AT VERY LOW PRICE. Acallnlllconvlnceyou that this Is the place te secure a genulne bargain. Wn de net offer ene or two lets as a bait, but we offer our entire stcck at prices away down. Men's Business Suits from $7 te 912. Men's Dress Suits from 812 te $16. Youth's Scheel Suits from $4.50 te $7. Youth's Dress Suits from $8 te $12. Children's Short Pants Suits from $3 te $7. Thcse are all our ew n make and we de net hes itate te guarantee the fit, Bljlennd workman ship Our motto Is : GOOD GOODS AND LOW PRICES. burgerIsdtten, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTER, PA. CAnitlAOES. gTANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDGERLEY & CO. (Carriage Builders), MARKET 8TREET, REAR OF POSTOFFICE LANCASTER, PA. ' OCR LARGE STOCK OF OTG&IES & CARRIAGES ?.?i'F,?in,8hea' WHICrt WE OFFER AT GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. """ A1 lreSUFERIOR QUALITY Of OUR WORK lsne lonKerquestlonua.'Oiirwork Is as flne bh i?7. P""6 ln the larger cities, and SOLD AT &L-.T"E P"1(JE- ew ls the tlme te order ler spring. ENCOURAGE FAIR DEALING And Honest Werk. All Werk WARRANTED. REPAIRING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO One Bet of workmen especially employed for that purpose. ' A few SLEIGHS left at Lew Flrures. Give us a call. j,,, rx.lf d A w gPECIAL, ANNOUNCRMCNT! WATCH and WAIT -FOR A- GREAT BARGAIN -AT- NORBECK Carriage HILEY'S "Works ! CORNER OF DUKE AND VINE STREETS, LANCASTER, PA., Having nearly compieted our line nleek nf CttiiujBe Werk 'for tbe Spring Trade, we Hi clote It out at an early date at xrnae we "1 Public Sale. Thoe dcstrlng a Flne Vehicle for llttle menev W'il;?,cHre ". burP,lln bf waiting a short" no. y 3-Date el siue aud partleiiinrs all en her.. t talnj. n"a ez,,""ne tockunaleSpaw wUh NORBECK & MILEY. ELOVJt AND EEED. pOMU ANDSEE ME, n a vi no erxnxn a Eeur, Feed, Grain, Hay & Straw WAREHOUSE, At Nes. 35 and 37 Market street, (Permprly occupied by Harry A.DIlIcr). I would in8J,,!)nC'.t.Sltef?m m frienij8 1'nd the pibi 2 in general that I am new prepared te furnish at PRICE"6 "0llC0 tt"a OWtSl' POS8I1JLE Fleur, Feed, Grain, Hay and Straw. Alse, constantly en hund a lully supply or Machinery, Cylinder, Llnseed, Crude and Maohinery Oils, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. HENRY DRAOHBAR. aprj-lmced OTE IS MAKING i CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS i AT SW.OO A DOZKK 1niini0, lM NORTU QUEEN STREET, JanlDtM Lancaster, e. Jdi. "V- ii i , 3.-W N , 'sv4 r'l