!-. s . 1 1 X.' i fHA lAlCASt DAILY U .... Z I - OILDCBrs LOVE-BONU or THE TOM-TIT. The most successful, nnd certainly the prettlest, Beng In the new comic opera "The Mikade" h the love-wmg of the tem-tlt. It ha become popular, nnd Its refrain has al ready becotne a catch-pliriwe. The song runs : On a tree by a rlver n llttle tem-tlt Bang" willow, tltwlllew, tltwlllew j" And I tnld te him, "Uicky.tlrd, why de you sit Singlnjr, " wlllow.tltwlllew.tltwlllow?" Is It weakness or Intellect, birdle!" I tried, "Or a lather touch worm In your llttle Inside ?' With a shake or his peer llttle head he replied, "Oh willow, til Mew, tltwtllew!" lle Mapped nt his elicit, ns he sat en that heugh, Singing willow, tltwlllew, tllwlllew!' And n cold pcroplrdtlen bespangled hid tirew, Oh willow, tltwlllew, tltwlllew I He nebbed unci he plgticd,und n gurgle he gave, Then he threw himself Inte the billow wave, And nn echti nrenu from the suicide's gmvn "Oh Willow , tlttt Plew, tllw Mew I" New I reel ni Hiiro ns I'm sine that my imiiie Isn't willow, tltwlllew, tltwlllew, Thst'lwnslillghtcd nlTectlen that niade him ex clnlm, 'Oh willow, tltwlllew, tltwlllew 1" And If you remain callous nnd obdurate, I Shall perish as he did, und yen will knew why, Though I probably ahull net excliiltn us Idle, "Oh wlllow.tltwlllew, tltwlllew!" 1881 and 188.. Frem the Jf. Y. Evening Pest, Hep, The contract between 1885 nnd ktrl,n(ln l. .....it. ....... I... I 1SS1 Is In- j.l.,,..u ill nmi(y tiiijn, uui 111 1IUIIU1 tnore se Hint in the light which It tin own upon the kind of oxpcrlenco vthlcli best Ills in 110110, a man for oxccutlve eillee. We heard n great deal during the campaign ulteut Mr. Clove Cleve land's Inoxpericnco In nntlennl pelltlcn, nnd the trouble -which Ills unf.unlllnrity with lnothedsnnd men at Washington would In evitably bring upon him. Mr. Gmfleldliad nu nlmndance of the ery cxcrleiice which Mr. Clet eland lucked, lle had spent his public life in Washington, nnd knew its inen nnd its ways ns well an any ether man of his Uine; yet he was unable te overcoino dllll cultics much less fortuidnble tliau theso Which confronted Mr. CltnoliiniUiniientli iige. but which linve been Biiriiieuiitetl almost without ollert, nnd without party tlls-istcr. Leng experiencer in Washington is mero prolllleot entangling alliances nnd obliga tions than of almost anything olse, nnd in stead or being n nunllflcntien for the presi dency is n decided qualification. Mr. Cleve land's training, en the contrary first ns n lawyer, then as sherill', mayor nnd governor was precisely what lias enabled him te rise se easily te tlie higher requirements of this the highest executive olllce. m m Kxclllng Scene (nil Thvntre. An exciting incident occurred nt the per formance of "Michael HtrogeIV" by the Hav Hav erly com imy at the Heward Athcnipum, llosten, en Monday night At the clase of tlie first act Charles A. Ilasswln, who personated Michael Strogell", cainfl en the stage mounted Xn n liorse. The animal was nervous and ed toward the front of tlie stage, when the drop curtain was lowered, Bliutlinglilin in be tween the curtain und the footlights. This further excited the animal, nnd In his prnnc ings lie fell et or the footlights into the orclies erclies tra w ith his rider. Tlie whele heuse was im mediately in an uproar, and the attaches rushed te the sections quickly as possible. Flanks were laid te Ilia stige nnd an attempt made te get the animal out of his singular position. He sprang upon the gangway, but again fell, this tlme catching the railing nbeut the footlights with Ills fere feet He then by a powerful cflert drew himself upon the stage unhurt. Ne ene was Injured, tlie only dam age dene being the demolition or a bass drum. Quiet was roslejfrl in the nudieuce nnd tlie piny proceeded. W A linker's Dexcn or Wealthy New Yerk Ladles Fiem the New Yolk Welld. There is Mrs. Marshall O. RubeilM, ene of the most admired of our society holies, whose fertune Is estimated nt (8,000,000; Mm. Moses Tayler, who ntse 1ms 18,000,000 in property; Mrs. I.ouisllamersloy and Mrs. A.T. Stewart, with $0,000,000 e.wh; Mrs. Jehn V. L I'ruyn, of Albany, who would be wealthy if her face wero licr only fortune, but whose worldly iiossewiens tire set at f.r,000, 000. Then there are Mrs. Jehn C Urocne and Mrs. Godet, with ?l,000,000 each; Mrs. Iiispcuard Stewart, Mrs. I'arnn Hteeusand Mrs. Jehn Robinson, with f3,000,000 each; Mrs.' Commedore Vauderbilt, Mrs. Higgsand Mrs. Isaac Sherman, each with 52,000,000. Iiuiurluiit Canes te lie Iteptitillslietl. Fiem the Legal Intelligencer. It will lutorest lawyers te knew that l'osler A. Deacon, publishers, 1,017 Chestnut stroet, Philadelphia, contemplate republishing tlie Legal Chroidcle Ilcierts in two elunics, (new out of print), originally published by Mr. Sel. Fester. The cases reported therein comprlse decisions and opinions given by the leading common pleas judges In the slate en qucstleus of the greatest importauce. The work will only be undertaken alter a sulti cient number of orders h.ue been lecolved te warrant the publication of the reports in geed law book shape ler a very low price. TlicyAllToekll. An English traveller in looking ever home American town-names caiue across the well known ene of I'awtucket, Shetuckct and Nantucket. "Haw ! Haw 1" he exclaitned, "I'm blessed if tlie whele family didn't take it!" Hen. lteuEitT SI. McLANr, Umerner of Mury land, wiltesi I have given "lr, Petzeld's tier muu Hitters" n tilaland urn glad te add my testl testl ineny telt, iiiidcanchecilully leeeiiiiiiend Has a pure and pleasant Tonic mid Appetizer. upl8-ldAw WAS SPECIAL XOTICES. "HOUGH ON ITCH." "Heugh en Itch" cuiea humors, eruptions, rlng-wenu, tetter, salt iheum, liestcdfeel, chil blains. (!) MOTHKKS! 1IOT11KKHM MOTHEUSIM Are you disturbed at night und broken of your rest by u sick child sulleilng und crying with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth t If he. fe at once and get u bollle of Sirs. WINBLO W'S OOT1IINO bVKUI'. It will relieve the peir llttle sufferer Immediately depend upon It; there In no mistake about It. There Is net a mother en eurth w he has ever used It, w he will net tell you ut ence that tt will regulate the bowels, und glve rctt te the mother, und relief and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use in all cases, und pleasant te the tuste, and Is the prescription or one of the eldest und best female physicians in the Untied States, bold eery where. 25 cents a bottle. muy31-lydM,W.H&w THOUSANDS SAY SO. Mr.T. W. Atkins, (".Irani, Kan., wiitcs: "I never hestlute te recommend your Klectile Hit ters te my customers, they glvu entire Hullsfuo Hullsfue Hullsfuo tlen und are rapid Millers." Klectile Hitters ure the pin est and best medicines known, and w ill positively cure kidney und liver complaints. Purify the bleed and regulate the bowels. Ne family cult afford te be Itheut them. They w 111 Kiivn fimiilriHls of dollars in doctor's bills even' j cur. bold nt lirty tents a bottle by II. II. Coch ran, diuggtst, Niw. 1J7 and 1JS North queen stitet, Lancaster, l'u, (3) It Is new about 11 voyeurs slnce I flrst begun selling Kly's Cteam Halm, und fiem the tlme or its flint Introduction there has been a growing demand ter It, und se r.irusl can learn, it has given very gienl satisfaction te my customers. I consider it a catarrh remedy of genuine merit. A. 11. llunn, Druggist, Montrese, l'u. 1 he bleed would i tin. 1 wns u great sufferer from Catarrh. Sly nostrils were sensltlre te dust: ut limes thu bleed would run und ut times I could hardly breullie. 1 used fcly's Cream llaliii. Te-day I am a living witness of lis till cucy. Peter Ilruce, Fanii'u, lthucuN. Y. Celukm'b Liquid Ileef Tonle is udmtruhly adapted for feuiulcs In delicate health. Col Cel ilcnU ; no ether, or drugglsls. uO-lwdeedw "UOUGII ON TOOTHACHE," ... ....... . ,l.. ,.. V'n.imti.lii Tnnlhiintin Vn , a JllglUUl 1VI1C-I 1UI ilCUIUlKm, Auw...v,, uw- Rche. ABk for "Heugh en Toothache." IJc and Xc, 3) CONCKN'THATK TALITY. All cxcltunls, te radically euro, must be Inno cent, The nrt consists In continuing their use until mutters In the system contrary te health ure removed. Health llnds happiness In the incre sense of existence. Hrundrcth'H Pills purHy the bleed se as te on en able nature te threw off ull morbid humors, und euro dkcuse, no matter by w liat name It may be called, The secret of recruiting the vital principle Is discovered In Drundrcth's Pills, becuusa they remove what holds It In check. It tsbeltevcd they possess the elements of vitality. Heat, healthy animal warmth, Is certainly Increased by the use of this wonderful medicine. Pro vided the organs uru net Irreparably Injured, there Is no dlseuse llrundrelh'K l'llls will pet cure. The It uu art of healing is te assist nature te threw off disease te concentrate, aa Hweie, the whole vitality or the system te effect the eneuiy that has tustencd en a tuft. Get Ilraudrelh's l'llls 1 lie jmt off uith none ether I nnd fellow the printed directions, and health wll surely lollew you. HTCIUNO PILES." SYSTPTO SIS 1 SIOISTUUK Llke pewplrutlen, Intente Itching, worse by scratching, most ut night, seems If iiluweinu were eruwllng. " Hwaynt'i OlttimtntrUanleai cuf,HrCMrf jauiK-MWIiAw al'XCIAJ. KOT1CKH. IndlgMtlerfs Martyrs. Halt the diseases or the human family spring from n disordered stomach, nnd may be pre vented by Invigorating and toning that abused and neglected organ with lleatcttet'i Stomach Hitters, let It be home In mind that the liver, the kidneys, the Intestines, the muscles, the lig aments, the bones, the nerves, the Integuments, ure all renewed and nourished by the bleed, nnd that the digestive drgnns nre the ijriliid alcmble in which the nmlerlalsef the vital fluid ale prepared. When the stomach, falls te pro pre vido healthful nourishment for Us dependen cies, they neccssarllyaiifler.and the ultimate re sult, If the evil Is net arrested, will be chronic nnd probably fatal disease BOtnewhere. It may developed In the kidneys In the form of diabolic, In the liver as congestion, In the muscles ns rheumatism, In the netves ns paralysis, In the Integuments as ncieiula. Kemeinber, henfiver, that each and all of theso consequent es or Indi gestion may be prevented by the llinely tegular use or that sovereign antidote te dyspepsia, Hosteller's Stomach HIHcls. l'OUNU S1KN 1-UKAD THIS. Tn VotTAte Hsxt Ce., or Slat-shall, Mich., offer te send their celebrated Kt.cino-Veltaic Hblt and ether KLKin-nieAiTLiABi'K en trial rer thirty day, te men (old or young) mulcted with nervous debility, less of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse for ihetimntlsm, neural. gla, paralysis, and many ether kindred diseases. Complete restoration te health, vigor nnd man man man heed guaranteed. Ne risk Is Incurred as thirty days trial Is allewnd. Wrlte them nt onee for Illustrated pamphlet free dcc'JMyd&w IIUCKLKN'S AKNIOA SAI-VK. The best Salve In the world for Cuts, llrnlscs, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Ithnuui, Kevcr Seres, Teller, Chapped Hand, Cbilblulns, Cerns, and all Skin Kruptlens, and positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed te glve perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 23 cents per box. Forsnleby 11. II. Cechnui, druggist, Nes. 137 and 139 North Queen street Lancaster. Pa. rilETTY WOSIKN. I.adlea who would retain freshness nnd vivac ity. Don't lull te tiy " Wells' Health llcncner." ( IIKOWN'S HOUSKIIOI.D PANACKA. Is the most effeel Ivel'alu Destroyer In the wet Id. Will most surely qulLken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied exterunlly, und thereby mere certainly UKMKVK 11A1N, whether chroute or aeiile, tliun tiny ether pain allctlater, and It Is warranted double the strength or any similar preparation, Itcures pain In thu Side, flack or llewrls, Seie Threat, llhcuuiatlMii, Toethacho und Abb ACHKS, and Is The (Sreat Hellever or l'nlii. " IIHOWN'S HOUSEHOLD PANACKA " should be In every family. Atenspoeurulortho Panacea In a tumbler of b t water (sweetened, tr pre ferred.J luken u'. eedllme, will 1IIIKAK UP A COLD, 25 cents a bollle. inSMydSI.W.SAw A WALKINU 8KKLKTON. Sir. K. Snilnger, ersieehanlsburg. Pa., willes : " I wasnflllcted with lung fever and ubcesseu lungs, und reduced Ien utilktmj tkrlelim. Uet a free trial bottle or Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, whlihdld mono much geed that I bought u dollar bottle. Arter using three bottles found myself enee mere n man, completely re stored te health, with n hemty nppctltc, nnd a gulnlnilcsh or is pounds." Call at Cochran's drugstore, Nes. 1.17 and l.TJ Ninth Cpieeu street, and get a tree tilal bollle or this certain cure ler all lung diseases. Large bottles fl.09. (3) HiLKArKii Qukklv. A distressing Cough, by Hale's lleni'V or Horeheiind and Tar. Tike's TiKithiiLhe Dieps emu In ene iiilnule. u6-lwdced&w Take Wuriilng. At this season of the year when se many peo ple beceinu subject te al tucks of bIlleusuesi, kidney Doubles, constipation and ull the list of ti entiles that urise from being housed up, or that are brought en by cold and exposure, it Is the part of prudent e te lake warning fiem the ox ex ox pcileniuerotliciB und pievtdn ourselves with the means of escape fiem similar Doubles, be wide Is the faiuu et Kidney-Wert, that gicat remedy for nil kidney and liter Deuble, that almost ever' ene knows of Itsgtenl virtue ler such cases. It should be kept In ecry house hold ready lerun emergency. A D.iptlt Sllnlslers Kiperlrnce, "I am u llaplkt minister, and bvleu, I ever thought of being a eleigjiiiau I graduated In medicine, but h-lt a liumllve pracllce for my present profession, lelly jcnraiige. I was for many eais n stilfeier fiem tnilnsy. 7'hemm' Kcleclrie Oil cuiedme. I wasulse troubled with hoarseness, uiul Than?' Jlclectric Oil always rellecd me. Slv wllcnd child had ltihlheifa, and Themi' J.clrctrlc Oil cured them, and It taken In time It will cureseten times nut or ten. I um eenlldent It isn iiiioferlhc mostebstlnato cold, or cough, und If tiny one will takuu small teaspoon mid hair till It with the OK, mid then place the end of the spoon in one nestiil und draw the Off nut (it the spoon into the head, by snlllltig us haul us they can, until the OK tails nicr Inte the Ihieat, mid practlcn It twice it week, I douTcuie howellctislwi their head maybe, It will clean it out mid curetheii ea tauli. Fer dcufnuss and earache, it has done wonders te my certain knowledge. It Is the only medicine dubbed patent medicine that I have ei eifelt like recommending; und I am n eiy miv leus tesce It In eerj' plaee, for 1 tell you that I would net be without It In my house for any consideration. I umnew suffciing wlthitpiiln like rheumatism In my light llinli.itud nothing relieves me llke 1temat' Jkltelric Oil." Dr, K. Y. Crane, Cerry, I'.v. Fer sale by If. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 130 North tfueen street, Lancaster. Fer a cough or sero threat, the best medicine Is Hale's Heney of Horeheiind nnd Tar, Pike's Toetbachu Dreps cum in one minute. iu3U-lwdced..w Pit. Fit AZIKII'S SIAUIC OINTS1UNT. The greutest blessing that has been dlsce ered In this generation. A sure cure rorlleils, lliirnp. bores, Cuts, Flesh Wounds, bole Nipples, Hard and belt Cerns, Cluipped Lips and Hands, Pim ples and blotches. Price Mcbuld by Druggists. Sold by H. II. Cochran, 1.J7 and Ltt North Queen trecl. (1) Ola.l te Hear II. "Fer several months I endured u dull pain through my lungs und shoulders; lest my spirits, appetite und color, und could with dull cully remain from my bed. Sly present health ful condition Is due te Burdock lllenil Jlltteri." Sirs i;. A. Hall, Iliugbanitnn, N. . for sale by II. II. Cochran, dtugglst, 137 und 1J) North Queen stieet, Lancaster. Dlt. WILLIASl'b INDIAN l'ILK OINTSIKNT. L.O.SIeCuIltim, conductor en the II. A W. It. K.,bprlnglleld,0., Aug. 'M, J8SI, says : "I have been a greut sufferer wilh the jilles. 1 used nu nu nuiieiis remedies und employed many physic laus, liut te tiejiuriKnn. A rriend rcceinmcnded Dr. William's Indian l'ile Ointment, w hich I um grateful te say has cured me." bold by II. II. Cochran, 137 und IS) North Queen street. (3) Sir. Geerge Dedge Speaks. 'Jills gentleman Ihcsln Emporium, Pa , nnd says, "One of my men, bum. Lewis, while wink ing In thu weeds sprained his ankle se bad be could baldly hobble te thu house. Used Themat' J-Jclcctric Oil and was toady ler welk the next lneinlng. 1 have never el seen sogeodu medi cine." Fer salt) bvH. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 und IS) N tilth Qui en street, Luncustcr. SKIN DISK ASKS.-" SWAYNK'b OINTSIKNT.' . "Sintvnc't Ointment " cures Tetter, Salt Itheuin, Ulngwerm, Seres, Pimples, Kczumn, nil Itchy Kt iiptluns, no matter hew ebitimUe or long ttuniUiig. Jan. SI WFAw irATCIlJtS, JtC. XirATCllKS, CLOCKS AND JKWELKY. GREAT REDUCTION IN PI11CK3 OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JKWKL11Y.UI LOUIS WKBEK'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Quccd Street, Opposlte City Hetel, near Pit. It. It. Depot, ltetulllng ut Wholesale Prices, ltepiilrlugnt Extra Lew Pi Ices, JjJl-ljd MlSVJiLLAXIiV US. F Oil UI3MOVINO tntlCASH SPOTS Sllllcr's HOIIAX beap is the best. SLATE WOItlCS. All persons wishing SIAUHLKIZKDSLATK SI ANTKL3, eruny ether blute Wei k, will de well by culling nt our woiksersend for our Ulustiu ted catalogue. kuank jAMVjf Cerner Frent and Locust St., Columbia, l'a. uiar5-3md' FTUIK BEST 5e HAVANA OIQAU IN X the City, ut II ARTII AN'H HAIITSIAN'S YELLOW UTOIIE. FUONT CIGAU TTir.ECTION NOT'IOE. JJJ FAIIUEIIS' WKSrGRN SfARKIT CO., ( Lancaster, l'u. ( The uniuial meeting of stockholders and elt a a a tloufer Directors et this company will be held nt thu Fanners' Western Slntket Houses en SIONDAY, Al'itIL 13, 188S, between the hours of 9 und 11 u. in. W. O. SI AUSHALL, m-s-iatdA-tw bccrelary. TJOTE 18 MAKING OABINBT PHOTOOBAPHS AT 3.00 A DOZKM,! AT NO. KM NOIlTIf QUEEN STltEET, jaulttttd Lancaster, l'a. FfillE LARGEST. 1IICST AND MOST L complete ussertment of Playing Cards In the city from 5 cents per jwick up ut HAIITSIAN'S YELLOW FUONT CIGAU UTOIIE. T IHH I'APEK IS I'KINTED WITU J. K. WRIGHT &. CO.'S INK, Faiwauut I&k Works, 26th ud IWa. Avesu a-ly l'HlLADKLPHLA.l'A. XKnveAU YEIl'S SAIlSArAllILIjA. Ayer Sarsaparilla Is a Highly Concentrated Extniet of Hursapa rlllannd ether llloedl'iirlfylng Heets, combined with lodlde of Potassium nnd Iren, and Is the safest, most Icllable, and most economical bleed purifier tbnt can be used. It Invariably expels all bleed poisons from the system, enriches nnd renews the bleed and restetes Its vitalizing power. It Is tlie beet known remedy for Scrofula nnd nil Scrofulous Complaints, Erysipelas, Ec zema, Illngwertii, Welches, Seres, Hulls, Tumors nnd Kruptlens or the Hklu, ui also Ter nil disor ders caused by n thin and Impoverished, or cor rupted, Dominion of the bleed, such ns llheitiun Usui, Neuralgia, Ithcimiulle Gout, General De bility, nnd Scrofulous Culm rh, Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. "AYEIt'H HAU8APAU1LLA bus cined meet the Inflammatory Itheiiiiiiillsui, with which I have suffered fur many years. W. II. SIoeiib." DtiniiAH, la., Sliitch S, ISSi rnnrAiiEU nr Dr. J. 0. Aycr & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Drugglsls. tl, six bottles lnr$1. iiiui TriDNEY'WOItT. DOES WONDKUFULCUHKSOF KIDNEY DISEASES -AND- LIVER G0MPL1INTS. because It acts en thu LI V Elt, IIOWKLS mid KIDNK1 S ut the SASIE T1SIK. Itccuuse It demises thnsysleinofthe poisonous humors that develops In Kidney nnd Urinary Diseases, lilllleusncxs, Jaundice, Constipation, Piles, or In Itheumallsm, Nuralgia, Nervous Dis orders and all female Ceiiiiluluts. -80LID PKOOF OKTHIS.-S 11 will Surely Cum CONSTIPATION, 1'ILKS mid UIIKUSI AT1SSI by causing FIIKK ACTION or all thu organs und functions thereby. OLBANSINO THE BLOOD. Itesterlng the normal power te threw off dis ease. THOUSANDS OF CASKS Of the worst forms et thexi lerrlble dlnenses have been cjiilckly relieved, and lit a short tlme PKUFKCTLY CUIIKD.; Pllre, $1. Llinilder Dry'. Sold by dtuggtsts. Dry can be sent by mall. WELLS, HICHAUDSON A CO., lliirlliigleu, Vt, Send slainp for Dairy Alinaiiuc or IM. KIDNEYWORT. Jun23-3mdcedA3mw TTEADQUAHTEIW l'OK THE INDIAN S1KDIC1NKS,' Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT Lecher's Drug Stere, NO. 0 EAST KING ST.. Lancaster, l'a. MANHOOD UKSTOKEO. IlltMKIlV rilEU. A victim of youthful Imprudence causing Pie matiiru Decay, Nervous Debility, !.oslSl!iiilied, Ac, liavlng tried in vulu every Known remedy, busdlHceveied asliiiplesclf euro, whleli be will send FUEE te his fellow BUlleiei-s. Addiitss, .1. II. KKKVLS, JlR-l)eed&lyw 43 Chatham bt.. New Yerk City AFTKK AT.h OTIIE1LS FAIL, COKHULT DR. LOBB, NO. 311) North Fllleeiith strict, below CillewhIII street, Philadelphia. Cures all becret Diseases el both sexes. Tttentv Years Kxiierlence. Con sultation by mull. NKItVOUS ANDSI'KCIAL DISEASKb. New book Just nut. Send tot it. l'rlcc &0c Hours 11 till U, and 7 te 10 p. m Ieb2-lyd4w CONSUM11TON 1 HAVE A POSITIVE remedy for thu abeu disease t by lis use he tiAundset cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, se strong H my fnllh In Itsiltlcaey that I will send TWO HOTTLKS FKEE, together wlthuialuable Ilea Ilea Use en this dist'use te uny sufferer, ulve ex press and P. O. address. DIt.T. A. bl.OCUM, ntimdeed&Kuiw ll JVjarl bt., N. Y. c HAPPED HANDS, LIPS AND FAOES ure cry toiumeii lit jiurcii, out CREAM OF ROSES AlwnVKCiire. Ne grease, iiesiniiitlng. ONLY, 10 CENTS, ut DruggisLs. Fei sale ut COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, dec8-Ctud 137 and IS) North Queen street. 1ATAHKH. ELY'S CREAM BALM CUKES COLD IN HEAD, CATAUItH.HOSKCOLD.HAY FKVKIt, DKAFNKbb, HKADACHK. Kusytouse. Prlt v, Seu. lily Ilre.'s., Oswego N.Y., U.S.A. Hay Fever. KLY'S CKKASI IIALSI C lea likes the Head, Allais lutbiiiiniiitleu, Heals the boles, llesteres the Senses ut Tastu und Smell. A quick: und pesltlvucure. Ml cents at Drugglsls. mi cents by mull, registered, bend ter cliciilur, bitinplu by inall, 10 cciib". ELY BROTHERS, mar:il-tldA.w Diugglsts, Oswego, N, Y WALL l'Al'Elt. w INDOW SHADES. OUH LINKS OF DADO WINDOW SHADES Is larger and prettier than any season hercto hercte hercto leie. WuhaMithu new colors mid designs in six und seven leet lengths, bpcelal sizes made te order. Plain Goods in All Widths, for ull kinds or Windows. Only the best Snilng Fixtures sold, we Have tliein lu voeu uiui Tin. SCOTCH HOLLANDS, LINEN ncuic;ii iitji,i,n.-wi.-, j,i." r.i1! rni.iuf.e, Nlf!i(i:i.eitNASlKNTS. Ae. We tuke measures FIUNOK8, mid put up ull kinds et Windser Shade work. WALL PAPER. We haeu Choice Line of Paper Hangings for the Spring. Tltev comprise nil gnules. Hue CKll.iNG DKCOUATIONS, FKIEZES, 11011 DE11S und CKNTItK l'IKCLS. Lace Curtains in Variety AND LOW PRICES, lied Setts. Lambrequins, Ac, Poles lieiu 4(tc, elegant ter Wc. apiece, up te i60. PHAEES W. ERY, Ne. 67 NORTH QUBBN STREET. LANCASTEll, PA. me TOHAUCO UU YKUS AND PACKKlia Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Sample Tags? ALL BTYLESund QUALITY of CAItDllOAUD STRING TAGS, AnduHklndsefPltlNTINO used by Leaf Te! bucce Dualers, executed lu the BEST STYLE and at the LOWEST PRICES. Call and ttoe our eainpUn, Order hy nmli JIIVIUM,V HUCUUCU 111, STEINMAN & HENSEL, , lNTELLlUKNCKKKutldlug, t Laawtr, fa. ''X MKBWAZ. -zr. TrErtDicrr ev maj the .iitmtw.. V llensen's Cnpclne Plasters have been award ed geld medals ever nil competitors. Safu nnd positive. ' e UTI0UHA. cuticura: THE ONLY REME0IE8 FOR THE AND BLOOD UNIVERSALLY COMMENDED. SKIN Wm. T. Teltcn, eri North Tenlh street, 1'hlln delphlit, leperts that ene of his customers slated te hi m Incldeiilally that he was feeling se well nnd hud gained twenty-seven pounds In the Inst year, nil or which he attributed ten systematic eeurwl or the Ctrrici'UA Uiuielvskt, which has pi e veil effectual when ull olher remedies full. SOHKS ON NECK. Cliiut. llitidy, Sotncrvllle, BIehs., who refers te Ilr, J, J, WimmI, druggist, of that city, certifies te a wonderful cure or running sores en the liecu which hiul been I rented uy lirmpltal pliysl clans without cure, nnd which yielded com pletely tu Uie Cuticura ilxuxviKH. cunne 1IY cimcuiiA. Sly skin dLseaRC, which resisted several popu lar remedleaund ether remedies advised by pliy slelans, has been cured by your Cuticura ItiuiB iiirh. They surpassed my most sanguine expeo expee expeo tntiens and niphlly elfcctcd a cure. J.CAUKNTUUE. Vimcknmks, inn. KNOW ITH VAIAIK. All or your Ccticvha ltKBniES glve very geed satlslaelluu. The Citicuha 1 especially recom mend ter the diseases for which It Is used. I knew from experience lis value. Dll. II. J. PllATT, MOKTBI.LO, Wis. CUTICUItA AIIIIOAD. Thieughn hniun-retiirncd Norwegian, I luivn learned te knew your CUTlcvnA, which has Inn sheil time cured me of nu Kcrunia that my physician's tuedleliiesemild uet heal. Clllt. HKLTZEN, Hereew, Nehwat, )V,'urerrrnlntr. THE I'OKT l'OWEHS. A feeling of gmltliite Impels me te ncknewl edge the great merits of your Citicuha, and 1 ctndlally recommend It the pnblln as a very aluable remedy. H.N. POWKHS, IlitiuoEreiiT, Cenk, Fer sale eMiywhere. l'tlte Cuticura, the ttie.M Skin Cure, We. Cutk ura Scar, an ex'luls ex'luls ile Skin lleaiillllur, !". CvriCUItA HWJOLVKKT, the new Illoed I'urlller, ll.UO. l'OTTKll DHUO AKU CllEMIOAI. CO., IIOBTOW. G UTIGUHA KOAl AN KXQU1.SITK lellet Ituthniid Nursciy Sanative. aANFORD'S RADIOAIi CURE, -Ken- CATARRH. WITCH HA.KL, AMKK1CAN PINK. CANADA Fill, MA1I1GOLD AND CLOVKIt HLOSSOM. A single dose of Snnfnrd's Itudltal Cure in stantly relieves the most violent Sneezing or Head Colds, clears the Head as by iiiuglc, slops Watery Dlsehurgcs from the Nese and Eyes, pre vents Kinging Noises In the Head, cures Nerv ous Headache und subdue:! Chills mid Fevers. In Chronic Ciilarrh It Cleanses the Nasal pass ages of Feul Mucus, ltcstercs the Senses et Smell, TiMtn und Hearing when attested. Flees the Head, Threat and bronchial Tubes of offen sive! mutter, Sweetens mid Purines thnllrenth, .Steps the Cough, unit Arrests the progress of Catarrh tow aids Consumption. One bollle Jtadlcnl Cure, ene box Cnturthal beUentnnil Suiifeid's Inhaler, ull In ene pack age, of all druggists, iorfl.eu. Ask forSAitruite'H IIadical Cuim. l'OTTKR DnUO AND CllKMlt'AL CO., llostell. Cellins' Voltaic Electric Plasters. Fer the lcllernud prevention, the Inslnnt It I applied, of Itbeiiuiatistii, Neuralgia, bclatlcu, Coughs, Colds, Weak Rick, Stomach und Hew els, bboelliig Pains, Numbness, Hysteria, re lualu Pains, I'aliillatlen, Dspepsla, Liter Coin Cein il.tlnV Unions tetcr, JM alalia mid Epidemics, use COLLINS' l'LASTKUS (an KLKCTUIC Haltery combined with a l'oieus Plaster ), and laugh at pain. "."e. e ery where. apil-W,8Aw G UUAT INDIAN AIKDICINE. KA-TON-KA. THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE FOU TDK ULOOD, L1VEU, KIDNEYS AND STOSIACH. Ills Made by the Indians. Used by the Indians. bold by the Indians. It Is Purely Vegetable. It surely cutes all dlbeaM's of the Stomach, Liver, Hew els nnd Illoed. It Is ulmest speclftu for all forms of Itheumallsm. It will cure dls push when ull ether remedies have lulled. Direc tions are plainly printed en ery bottle. All tilbia of Indians have theli medicines, but KA-TON-KA Isaiemedy of the Pacific Coast, nnd Is used by all. It Is composed of loots, helbs und' barks gathered und prepared by thu WAU1I bl'llINQ INDIANS Or OltEGON, And Is favorably known nnd used In ull parts of the wtnld. The sick or ailing should uet delay Its use. It will precutus well an cure disease. mODOC INDIAN OIL, THE GKKATEST PAIN MEDICINE ON EAUTH. IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOC INDIAN OIL Is certain te cure Tooth Teoth Toeth lu he In ene minute, Headache In live minutes, Karacheln ten minutes, boruThreutlu ene night, Neuralgia In tlnee te ti endnotes. MODOC INDIAN OlLlstiscdiutcrnullyaswell mm externally. Every family should have n bot tle within reach. Itlsudocterlu the house. Fer side by nil Druggists. Price 'c. per bottle. Large size bottles, fioe.: INDIAN COUGH bYltUP Is aprempt speclfle for Coughs, Colds and Lung diseases, we. per bollle. Ku-teu-ku, Medoc Indian OH und Indian Cough byrup ler sale (wholesale and retail) at Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 1J7 and 1X1 Netth Queen struct, Luucaster, l'a. ni3-lydWA8Aw HAY'S HI'KOIFIO MKDICINK, The Great English ltemedy. An unfailing cure for Impotency uud nil Diseases that fellow Less of Memery, Universal Lassitude, Pain In the Hack, Dimness of Vision, Premature Old Age, uud many ether discuses thut lend te In sanity or Consumption uud a Premature Grave Full ii.ntlciilars lu our pamphlet, which we de sire te send free by mall te everyone. This Spo Spe Spo cllle medicine Is sold by all druggists at tl per Fiuckuge, or six packages for t- or will be sent ree by mall en receipt of the umney, by ud dressing the ngent, 11. II. COCHRAN, Druggl't, sole Agent, Nes. 137 and 1JU North Que: street, Lancaster, l'u. On account el counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper t Ibe only genuine. THE OKAY MEDICINE CO.. liuUiUe. N. Y. ULASSU'AJtr. TTItlll it RIAItTlN. China, Glass, Qaeensware -AT- CHINAHALL White SUiite Clilmi and BeinM'eicelaln lnI)eo lnI)ee cnitecl iiml Plain Dinner, Tea uud Toilet Sets. HOTEL WAKE. EASTER GOODS. HAVTLAND FRENCH CHINA. KANCY QOODS, LAMPS, 4c, ' At Lewcet PUecs. WAKES GUAUANTEED High & Martin, NO. 16 HAST KINO STRBBT, LANCASTEH, PA, . PKNNA, OIQABS FKOM L0O PEll Hundred uiv at HAUTMAN'3 XELLOW , rKONT C1UAK btekk; Iin lllllt, in 1'IIU I1UI1U1 lv, uiiiu,i'. bia uuitirn fur live dollars. Ask for It nnd see that you get It. It Is for sale hy nil Druggists, and by the OIIKGON INDIAN MKDICINK COMPANY, Cerry, I'm "Tl 1' Mmr JS"1 KXT DOOIt TO T1IK COURT HOUHK. i "tf -, Fahnestock's HUSH "III K K RflRR K K H 8 K K H HSBrt H 8 ssss J, I' H ,e88H KH. ' UHHH S i 1 IK K. ..". B Bill'. H hK RNBH iuiv fv pem, m Dw 11 I.I,c,I,l.tW Ik neon m KKHH II I.MM.V u- unce " B8S3 11 LI.LLLK FKOM THE HUE AT SPECIAL SILK SALE, HELD IN NEW YOUK L.VST WEEK. Solid Celer?, all Shades, 37Jc, 60c., 63c., 75c. and fl.OO. Ncal Slripes and Checks, Celers and Black and While, Ore; and White and Whit and Black, 60c. and 60c 'Alse, Black Silks. Bargains in Black Silks from Same Sale. SPECIAL IIAUOAINS IN 11LACK SILKS AT fjOc., tl.en, ii.ii and 11.17. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse, Lancaster, Pa. C HBAl BTOKK. SPECIAL. BARGAINS PROM THE AUCTION ROOMS OP NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. UltEATEST IIAUOAINS EVEIt KNOWN IN BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, LADIES' DRESS CLOTHS, BLACK CASHMERES. Ladies' Dress Goods in Variety. LONG AND SQUARE BLACK THIBET SHAWLS. WE A UE PULL OK IIAUOAINS OP KVL'itY IIESCUIPT10N AT letzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., lletwt en tlie Owner Heuse niul Serrel Ilrrse T50WKKH A UUllKT. BOWERS Nes. 26 and 28 North Queen St., Lancaster Pa. WE OKFEK Special Prices in Bleached HavliiK liuiitilit " Luiu Let ceimlilenibly Bargains in TOWELS, just opened. TURKEY RED TABLE CLOTHS, aU sizes, very low. " SHEETING and SHIRTING MUSLINS, all widths and best makes at Reduced Prices. QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, the best for the money itrthe mar ket. Elegant Qualities at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and up. COMFORTS and BLANKETS, offered very low, te close out the Let. ' BOWERS Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. CLOCKS, MlJtJtOltS H. Z. ItllOADS. SPRING, 1885, We have new open te the Public a very large and careftdfy, selected assortment of Watches of all grades and prices. '""IE? Our stock of Clocks embraces every kind and style, the best makes: and reliable timekeepers, at prices very low. ' Alse a full assortment of pretty novelties in Spring Jewelry ,jbp'th; in Silver and Geld. Everything new and stylish in the way of Silver Hair Ornaments and Bangles. Come and see for yourself and be convinced. H. Z. RHOADS, lancavteu, i'.v. Ne. 4 West King Street. 3T Store oijen until 8:00 every ovenluy. SuturduyB, 0:00 o'clock. UASt'lTTlAll, S.C. F LINN it UKKNEMAN. FLINN & BRENEMAN, Tbe Soaeen is new at hand for furnishing and refitting Hemes. Nothing adds mero te the furnishing of a heuse than handseme GAS FIXTURES. A short time age Eleguut Ohandoliers wero a luxury that only the wealthy could enjey, new the prices are se low that FINE GOODS are within the reach of all. In the way of Common Goods we have qui te a stock of elegant Patterns, but net the prevailing style, for which we will net rofuse any roasenablo effer. PLUMBING and GAS-FITTING promptly attonded te. HEATING by Het Air or Steam. Estimates glven en all kinds of work. FLINN & BRENEMAN'S GREAT STOVE STORE. Ne. 1 52 North Queen St.. nevsEtrujufianiNa uvevs. QIIIRKS OA11PKT HALL. CARPETS ! 11EOPEN1NG OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We nre new prepared te Blietr tlie tntde the iJtrucst and Hest Selected Line of Carpets ever ex, blliltcdln thliclty. WILTONS, VELVETS, all thu Trading Makes of 110IIV ANDTAPESTKY llHUhHELS.THUEE-PLY, All-Weciliind Cotten Chain EXTItA 8UPE11S, anil all qualities of IN GUAlNCAltl'ETS, DAMASK und VENETIAN CAltPETS. ItAU and CHAIN CAUl'ETS of our own manufacture a speciality. Special Attention paid te the Manufacture of CUSTOM. CAIU'EXB. Aleeul'ul! Line of OILCLOTHS, RUGS, WINDOW SHADES, CO VEULET8, Ac, AT SHIRK'S ,CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. TC ASTER-18S5. SOUVENIRS! FOR THE EASTER SEASON. Plain and Fringed Easter Cards, Easter Beeks, Easter Tokens. AT THE HOOKSTOKE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANOASTEB, PA REMOVAL. nil.A.J.llKUU Has removed his oftlce from southwest comev Prince, and Chestnut streets, teM new resl denee, ueuthwuat comer Oruuue uud Mulberry tttwet. fuVluid .' ; " ' i"JV'f t mm. VJ- vwvW4wvv K - If RRKn nsafl i K.K H H K K SSSS K K H 8 KK H KK BKSH n u H IV K KK K K."..- H. H .8 1 Kit. bBSS K KK H S. LANCASTER, PA. Hetel. L & HURST, -- THIS WEEK. " " 'A and Cream Table Linens. uiuler vulue, we shall eiler tliem Vt ry low. !t n & HURST, AN it niiuxzvs. .mM Lancaster, Pa. CARPETS ! lebU-mdAw hooks. HUULKY'B IMPROVED RAKINQ Powder, eqnal te any in thn market. Ter light Uscult,Muillnsuud the different vartege ekes. lit Went Kl4l'Uvt. ' b.'i- I' I T AKCABT1R 1 n m 415 113 H inrsjeTV Mncu r 1 -ri:jn : 9XWftnli:Wm.i.iB! f'ifl m tn. ' . v.ai3 icmru lrucrii Llliil . a. mimt-.. . nm i c.wnnaiotwe.HiHi ni fJO. TENN8YIjVAN flfa. Ml JL ULK. np Tralni leave Lull ci JU mi K. TIM K r f p ja at l'hllaaelpr WKSTWAktl. News Kunrc'Mf. lll-.B..- Way PiuKtcnucrl,, , Mall I nun Tin Mt.Jm Ne.ZMalltrnln,...., Nlanani Kxprt-sn.,,. Ilmmver Aecem,.,.. Kitsl Line)..,,.,...,, Frederick Aecem... Ijtncnlcr Aceim,,, HnrrHlmrft Acctiiu., Columbia Aecem..,, Ilnrrlnuurir Express Chl.A cin. Kxprtw Western Expreest" PaclllbUxpruest.i.. r"i; fF$& i i riS it ; . ;ui i Mi S' bi I. ; it .J (ixTTle Ltftr B mi I J0J KASTWAKI). Phll'n Ktprcus,.... KnslLlnefi..., HiinUbiirK Kxprcss. Lane'r, Aecem., nr.. Columbia Acceini, Senshere Express. .. . Johnstown rxpressl Sunday JUll.,..,...; Day Kxprcasl.. HarrUlmrB Aecem. The Marietta Accm nt 11:11 n. in., renchli MarletlantS 15 p. in al .1 Je ! nlse leaves nt The Yerk Acceiiiiu 7.10 and arrive at Ln Hlth Itnrrlsburg Ex Tlie Frederick Ace Inut Lancaster wll in., will run through The Fredorick Ac Cel ii mbla nt 12:25 uikI p. in. The Lnncnslcr At llnrrlsbuii; t 8:10)1. at'iMp. in. . Hanover Accomme Ijincastcr with NlnRi run thiiniKii lellniu r'lisl Line, est, en lop nt Dowuliiatew ML Jey, LllxabethUi 1 The only trains Hi" .Mall train west i i Leave dally exec jcavn KfUHer."5 ZZl ,i .YliHivi wp'iA.jai Ml ' Vl i lfaut tiK $fl arietta i I r 'l'i. arn leu feal w -t Hrntj am tnc1 'V KXtMU t Ure.1 "caerle uied-lU ft medflrWe 1 ixp 1 1 i, iy A M 1, dny, tiar. iiii.M. tfvl ndMl U1ll.i-J i tninrfb.! i, lywuyef IbmdaA, f lj I riOHNAVALIi A MwmMmn ii ZIMK.V . UOLKllKUUlv aliKY UAUMQAV3 Trains lonveLub li.lnllv dSMtt fcbni ZM I it Arrtveatawnal ii kiehTmJit.Mi .Mfcin. .WKiand ii. m.. eonnertlnct ak thn iAttn.tri' sylTMlO, read ter iHiinteett Ii rest. 1ji6i8 1 fi 1 .vAn. gjn ! Train lcye Ceiic 7 ut 7 J au W.J :) 2Sn.nt,"I t if v ""-,' ArrU eat Cerriwa, & 0C a. m., 4.1 fttMl l'i m, at Lebanon nt Hr. j.S ul, t.: an - p: toiince.iiijiitt Lobej oil wlib rhlWdtjwtila 1 Ilendlne rallroed rei (mnts mst ast, 'i holjebnnen i(t-T (Mient- Urnnett tetiJev town. Pineareveniidl'ininniit. ?x t . TbeiKioe.Knlrum Millien enlyntCOrnWi Colebrook and Bellitrtv "; 'Vv MtEing': 5.11 I fed LANCASTER. P JV 'J p . M " 0'CERM, ALBinjiiiirj j .'te1' w -,). isrsF, . . i Easter Coffees atid EasteriCaitls. "Wowlltclve from rw until after 'Kitstnr, a ucuutUiil EastcrCitn ulcli eaeb pound of Cot. ice, unci uneuicr ees xn, iim very preny, two cards, ullli tachne iL -W6 de ,thUUstUnu lule trade and make children happy. Yeu want geed t rem, und no nmalLuin, Our Coffees cannot '. bent. We'bny thelwt. and always have the (iraUte(d, eiee fresh lri'ninu. . .1, t r ""Vi? UVU VAlllETIES-ehl M.ipdehMffMitd I'p- d.niK Java, Cbelre M ului, Liiguayrs,Ccteia UIce, lliiiitntmtliLlinfl Ulfw. " Uiintciiialunnu UIch. I be Our'JJ cent Kle for oitdstreng dflnk; (ji.met ubent. Ourlttellli icli'd 13 superb at 39 ImiU, iUmi lower priced Cel e. 4$ BUlaSK'SS NO. 17 EAS1 KING iSTi&ET, P. S. .Same ceeds fill and cards lveu nt ear brunch. Chestnut an 1 Mary strvctB., Belli stoics connected with tclci L me exchange. t' t VUAL. n,rfe ; . .m ii k ,Vi BIJ. ilAUTIN, WUOLKH .x asd axri.it 'iiv, , Dealer in All Kid'- of bnW.itTCd.- 9-YAnn: Ne. tae " erttt'4 Water 'a rrtnetlV Blrcels. above icmei Lancaster, wifaMvd St '- ... X AUMUAUDNli - A JEFFJBKUB, 'jvffj "l-i - wvi vr . COAL ORALEIW. asssuT'.ssk. O. i fl Ornc-Ks : Ne, 1 N ih Queen tret,'',Mn4 Jie.J UlNnithl'rlucastrt Yakes: North Pi ice street, nearKenaiiiB' t T.AWf STKIl. PA. ' f i auglMld "lOAL. M. V. ,! :ti . conej 3J0 NOUTlt WATEI. WH0LX8ALB A LUMBER Connection wrru t Yard akd Orricx STltEET. STltEET, iJMtawter, Pa., jmA . bmii a hni ss ft.v M zlxus vumn, iTft? TKLurtinina Bniifi. vyiVJcA.i t, 3 WORTH'WATEK A if. Wattlvd i ,E AST END YA . C.J.SV ARR3C0. GOAL. - E NDLINa WOOD. Orricai Ne. SO Cor e Square. Beth yi! 'iud office connected wit nUcphenu exclUMige ectlJuidMAr.U ' . vd KTAKiira. vi j 312 . . w . -" , , , j m TTNDERTAKI iS?" j$ . r -Zm . M IITVirkC IT A WD wiiw ""'"i s r Knnlh Oi a id YmMmlt . '' ' . LA. Mtw,Pa. p?, ; rcwenal attcntiei Iven te all erstf. Byary w (Mm. Ill Ihn llnArt IHIT HnO fUmlHI! r I ill Huvlng secured tt tei vices rf tt MM uS wa f. ,"1 chanlc, 1 aui preps dwaeallWiSirf!Untiir.l, s?;',3 sterins at very nu raw P , iinust f j lT rurnltuie Unhelste i. aiveieeasSk -. f"V-1 ' . j j i- R nom m i i si i i MW'WI ii i i - if v". f janlO-tld OAPE,80REA; DHPKKDYl 115. KJ iieTTima, varii cstaenuiw of cither sex. .Why 1 JuiHibaa DllEAilESi f' Hr& when you can flna H ! fl dlar PiinsiciAit ln 'JilladelisalAj sncchiltv of the aba UtM M4 piaiBjs-f.ii Biiinemi t&vai CuaKauuAUAMTime, vdvw . lUK Stiuncers eiin 4t Ml". , luuauuiuuuy. uiut .Hi.. .41... Nn.Oll North tnUtSlMlt 1 1. O. llOX BT1. 1 lrt iff.; . m f ipwv ,; ,. jan2Wydw ; sWffi, I'JS! M' ADEIRA.A M -aJCB Reicart's WWs&A seiwmvmr.'turtT. a j2uiblieb4iw , SaBP W. snjl 5 41 h "r . S H.l ' m erlvJ; -st feU " f ', IK r zm tm . yn 2v 3 "53 ta $l I Vii A..A ws fm , 'v jCSM" fl!S tm m t r v s "ffl 'iwa -Wr3 J ? d km "3 ' i .dA. ,v II .1 in , 31- JttTv.?:-TV.V"7l Nv - 5 ' -., -'. .3 ,-' ' Mi -v IW - r .