Sa$ .',F :t nr "i e t' ! -ft .?., -W V l'-' - -i 13 $; I mm4mm i UNDER A OKAZT QUILT. ' He slept, and dreamt that the kangaroo Had glven n fancy ball i The elephant caine with tha festive guti, The mouse with the eitrlch tall. A funny giraffe, that did nothing lint laugh, Dropped In with a centipede And a cricket and flea, that had just been te lea Waltzed round with remarkable speed, A Wasp and n bumble bee had a chat Justeverhls little noiet ' And a boa oenstrlclor, tipen tlm inn I, Dressed up In his Sunday clothes, A crew and a raccoon, In a Urn balloon, Paused evor IiIh bed te slug; And a neat armadillo crept up en his pillow Te dauce the highland Jllng. Then nil, ere they left, made a graceful bow, And out In the moonlight sped j Except a ponderous brlndle cow, Which (topped te stand en IU head. The little boy woke, and gt Inncd at the Jeke ; Sprang out of his bed with a lilt; "Icanarciimltall ever," said he, "while they cover Me up with this entry quilt." Utergt Cooper, ItKMOl'JXO A VOSTMASTXlt. President Cleveland' Action In the Case of the Official at Heme, N. V. The postmaster nt Heme, X. Y., has been Busponded from furlher duty by erder of the president, and .Tames II. Corcoran has been denlgiiated te perform the duties of the ofllce. The president proposed the romevnl of the postmaster and nominated Corcoran at the rocent session, and, as It failed te take action, the postmaster general applied te the prosi presi dent for bis direction In the case. The latter has written Mr. Vilas In return a lotter in which he snys : "Te me it clearly secms te be my duty te oxerclso by prompt action In this case nil the power which the present condition of the law has left in my hands, be far as it may be dene independently of the state, te protect the interests of the government, te vindicate the laws tfh leh ifave been enacted for the regulation of the postal service and te Im press upon federal o(Tlce-holdors the fact that no indulgence will be granted by the execu tive te theso v he violate) the law or neglect publie duty." The president then recites that an exami nation of the postmaster'B ofllce Bhews that he fulled te comply wilh the law requiring the weekly transmission of the business dene by him in money ei ders; that thore was n dis graceful confusion in all that pertained te the accounts and tlnaurial condition of the ofllce and that thore -was n deflcieucy of mero than 1,100 in the accounts. In conclusion, the president savs : "I shall de nil thai Is lei my power le rid the publie service of olllelnls who exhibit such loeso Ideas of their duty te the govern ment. The fact that I lm e bofero ine docu ments signed by many residents of the city where this postmaster is lecated, and who lieleng te both political parlies, nssertlng their entire coulldcnce in his honesty and fidelity, demonstrates the unforlunnte facility with which such palr may Iw obtained and gives rise tenn unpleasant suspicion touching a tee prevalent st.mdnid of political honesty. It I cannot lomeu) tliis delimiuent Festmaster, I can wiiely suspend him. This have determined te de promptly, and I desire you atonce te present te me the papers necessary for that purpose, with lyloslgnatieu of James II. Corcoran te perferm the duties of postmaster in plica of the official thus suspended." Postmaster (Icneinl Vilas says the removal was net projKjsed for any ethor purpose than te Improve the service and that the nomiiiee is a man against liem no objection could lie. Tii ISe Reappointed. Among the callers upon the president yes yes terdny wasMr.'A. Hnllor-feress, of Philadel phia, Mr. Giesa oxpreeBOd his high appreci ation of the honor conferred upon him in hts nomination te be consul te Athens. Mr. Gress' nomination, in common with theso of ether consular olllcers, -was net confirmed. It is understood, hovtever, that the president has determined te appoint Mr. dress as Asell as ether gentlemen vthose nominations wero net acted upon by the Senate. It Is the gen eral opinion that he will appoint all or the nominees who wero left ever, except such as may net care te accept, The friends of Gen eral I.tnvten, who was named for minister te Kussia, ure confident that he will be com missioned. jiAJuew.v vr.ATii cest'tmriiu. The Intelligence of Ills Demise te be llmltril te Ills Youthful Sen. Sener DePeralta, minister te tiie United States irem Cesta Klea, lias rocelved advices trem Nicaragua and Han .Salvader conllrmu cenllrmu conllrmu atery of previous reports of the deatli of President Ilarrles, or Guatemala. He has information also from private sources that a telegram was lecei veil by a gontlemau iu New Yerk, who was n Irlend of President Barries, Inlerming hlui of the death of the latter, and reriueillng him te transmit the in formation te Ilarrles son, who is a cadet at West Point. This telegram was sent lrem Champerico, in Guatemala, ii town en the coast Bome distance liem the capital or the state. Sener DePernltu Is also in receipt of information that the republic of Honduras, which was counted as an ally; of the Guato Guate uialiau president, new fraternizes with the al lied republics of Sail Salvader, Nicaragua and Cesta Rice. Cleveland's tlmmtilre Hurled ut Gurlt Church. Frem tne Pittsburg Clnenlele-Telegruph. I netice the correspondents nre amusing themsehes hunting up llie Cleveland ancestral tree. They have discovered that the president's grandsire, the ' Rew Aaren Cleveland, was net only n minister -of the gospel but a poet as oil, and a volume of poems, long sinee out of print presented te Miss Cleveland the ether day,include him among the "Peets of Connecticut," The presldent'g greatgrandslre , was also a reverend and also an "Aaren," The Rev Aaren Cleveland of that early day was a congregational preacher at Ifaddain, Conn., Undergoing a change of view he jolued the Episcopalian church and resided for a time In Delaware, probably at Wilmington. He was a fiiend of Benjamin Franklin anil died while en a visit te the great American philosopher. I have nowhere seen it stated where this blue blooded gallant old ancestor or the Cleve land line was buried. It is in the church yard of old Chi 1st church iu Philadelphia. I Mpent an hour oue day hunting for the tiino tiine tiino wern slab that shelters his dust. The in scription was geno and the years had eaten away the name. Except for the ancient reg ister that records the burials et the years, his resting plaee would have been unknown. SVECIAI, NOTlVr.X. (lenerul debility, temuln weakness, less of Sbyslcnl pew er, llrfght's Disease, and nervous lscases, ure speedily cured by Hunt's Kerned j-. Te eucounige sleep, cieate an appetite, brace up the system, and te purify the bleed, take the unfailing Hunt's (Kidney and Llvei J ltemedy ii7lwdcedftw Ague-Slinkcn SulTerers Who resort te Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, ex perience specdlcrnnd mero completerellof than they can hope te de by the use or quinine. This well authenticated fact Is efltscir sufficient te Uave established a high reputation for the lilt lilt ters. Hut the aillclii Is net a spceltle merely for the various fenns of nialailnl disease, it endows the system with n degree of vigor, and reforms Its Irregularities with n ccrtulnty that consti tutes Its bct defence, against disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, specially rlfe where the atmosphere nnd water nre mlusma tainted. Fever and ague, bilious reniutent, dumb ngue and ague cake nre remedied nnd pi evented by It, and it also rem6ves dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatlsin, etc. Take this medicine en the tlrst Indication that the system is out of erder, and rest assured that you w 111 be grateful for the hint. COKCKNTllATU VITALITY. All excitants, te radically cure, must be Inno cent. The urt consists In continuing their use until matters In the system oentrniy te health are iomecd. Health finds happiness In the mere sense of existence. llraudrcth's Pills purify the bleed se as te en able nature te threw en" all morbid humors, and cure disease, no matter by w hat name it may be called, Thosecretef recruiting the vllnlpiinelpleU discovered In llrandreth's Pills, because they remove what holds It In check. It Is believed they possess the elements of vltalltj-. Heat, healthy auliuul waruitb, Is eeitnlnly Increased by the use or this wonderful medicine Pro vided the organs me uet Irreparably injured, there Is no dlscuMi llrandreth's Pills will net cure, TbnUuuurt of henllng Is te assist nature te threw elf disease le concentrate, as It were, the whele itallty of ibe system te riled the enemy that has fastened en a part, Get llrandreth's Pills I lie put off with none ether I and fellow the printed directions, and health will surely lollewyou. MOTHERS, If you are falling j broken, Wern and nervous se ' Well' Health Keuewer," II. Drug c pUU, 'l BPXCIAZirOTIOM. iOVNQ MKM I-HEADTIIIS. Tb VotriieBu.T Ce., of Marshall, Mich., offer te send their celebrated Elxctro-Veltaio But and ether ELvenua Arrt.1 ahcbs en trial for thirty day, te men (olderyonng) afflicted with nervens debility, less of vftAllty and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse for rheumatism, neural- 8 la, paralysis, and many ether kindred diseases, omplete restoration Ut health, vigor and man hood guaranteed. Me risk Is Incurred as thirty days trial Is allowed. Wrlte thorn at once for Illustrated pamphlet free, decw-lrd A w I1KAHT PAINS. Palpitation. Drepsical Swellings, Dizziness, Indigestion, Headache, Sleeplessness cured by Wells' Health Kcnewcr." (1) A Itepe About Our Kecks. A weak stomach or enfeebled circulation Is llkonrepoabontonrnecks. We nre strung up and unstrung alternately till exlstence becomes unbearable, liunleck ltoed Jlltlem will arrest all this misery. Jlurileck lUoed Jllltcri nre n been te the sick. Let us remember this fact, Cochran, druggist, 157 nnd 13B North queen strcet, Lancaster. "BOUGH ON PAIN." Cures colic, crumps, diarrheea t externally for aencs, pains, sprains, headaehe, neuralgia, rheu matism. Fer man or beast. aoand&Oe. (2) IIUCKLEN'S AUNIOA SALVE. The best Salve In the world for Cuts, llrutses, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Ithetim, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Skin Krupllens, nnd positively cures Piles, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed te give perfect salts fiction, or inoney remnded. Price, 2.1 cents per box. Forsalebyll. 11. Cochran, druggist. Ne. 137 and 139 North Uuoen street Lancaster, Pa. A WALKINO SKELETON. Mr. E. Snrlnger, or Mechanlsbifrg, Pa., writes s "I was mulcted with lung fever and Hbcessen lungs, nnd reduced te n walking skeleton. Uet n rree trial bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery for Consumption, which did me se much geed that 1 bought a dollar bottle. After using three bottles found myself ence mero n man, completely re stored te health, wltli a hearty appetite, and a gain In flesh of ti pounds." Call nt Cochran's drugstore, Nes. 1.17 nnd lXINeith Queen strcet, and get a Tree tilal bettle of this rertnlu euro for all lung diseases. Lnrge bottles 11.00. (3) "iioCeii en ceuans," Ask for "Heugh en Coughs," for Coughs, Colds, Sere Threat, llorsenuss. Troches, 15c. Liquid, 23c. (2) THOUSANDS SAY SO. Mr. T. W. Atkins, a Irani, Kan., writes: "1 never hesitate te recommend your Klectrle Hit ters te my customers, they gtve entire HatHfuc HatHfuc tlen nnd ure rapid sellers.'' Tjlcctrle Hitters am me purest nna iiesi meuicines Known, and mil positively euro kidney nnd liver complaints. Purlfytbe bleed nnd regnlute the benels. Ne family can airetd tnbe without them. Thevwlll nae hundreds of dollars In doctor's blllsevcrv year. Kela nt fifty cent u liettln liv U 11. CeclT- inn. Urncclst. Nes. 137 nnd street, Lancaster, Pa. i.w nunii uihtii (3) THIN PEOPLi:. " Wells' Health Itenewer " restores health nnd vigor, cures Iijspepxln, lnipeteney, Hexuiil lia bility, tl. (2) It Is new about live years slnee 1 first began selling Ely's Cream Halm, nnd from the tlmti or Its flrst Introduction there has been n glowing demand for It, and seriir as 1 can learn, It has given very great satlsrnctlen te my customers. 1 consider It u catarrh remedy orgenulne merit. A. II. UniiH, Druggist, Montrese, Pa. '1 lie bleed would run. I was n great sulTerer from (,'atatih. My nostrils wcre sensltlre te dust; nt times the blend would run and nt times 1 could hardly breathe. 1 used Lly's Cream Halm. Te-day I uinn living witness or Its em caey. Peler iliuce, Funnel, Ilbare, N, Y. Dvsi'KiTiu, nervous people, "nut or sorts." coition's l.lnuia Jleer Tnnlu will euro. Atk for ft li (it. it, i1hihi.I..Iii . K ... ..... .V.Ull, . Vft II IrugglstH. ui35 lw deedAw Fen a ceugb or sero threat, the best mcdlrlns Is Hale's Heney of Horelieuud and Tnr. I'lke's Tnnth'kchn limps euro In nun ml mi te. lnTO-lwdeeatw Feiir-l'inin. .' Of our Ameilenn people nre nflflcted with slek heailaelin In either lt uereus, bilious or con cen con pestUefoniis, eniwed by liTegulnr habits, high living, etc., nnd linicmedy has ever conquered It until Dr. Leslie's Special I'resrrlptlen wen dis covered. UMOIla tilal. Sen advertisement In" another column. (3) OK. FltAZlElt'S M AUIC OINTMENT. The greatest blessing that has been discovered In this generation. A sure euro for ItnlN, Ilurns. Serei, Cuts, t lush Wounds, Sore Mnplen, Hard and Sen Cerns, Chapped Lips and Hands, Pim ples and lllelchcs. Pi ice Mcbnld by Druggists. Sold by H. It. Cochran, 137 and 13U North (jiiern treet. (i) The Trutellug Salesman Is mi Irresistible fellow, brim .full of stories, Jokes, courage, Rclr-assuninee nnd grit. Hels cry tuklng withal. Jlurileck Jlloed Jllttert are nery tuklngmedlelnu; Ihevtiikn everywhere, nnd nre sold uveryw here, t'orsale by If, II. Ce lii-an, druggist, 137 and 1T.I North (Jueen stiect, Lnncaster. Ha rureful of the liable. If your children lire threatened with eiouper any threat dilliciilty, apply n few drops or 'Jhetnat' llcleclric Oil. It Is Ihn nicest medicine for tlm little ones we knew or. Fer sale by II. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and WNeith iueen stn-et, Lancaster. My Oraniirjtliers Cleck," Was once nveiy popular song, but like many ether keutlmentnl times It d(nsn't weal well. Dr. 2'Aewku' Keleclrla Oil will it-ear; It will wearawaynll aches, sprains, nnd pal if, and re. 1 mys lis puichasern hundred told. Fer mile, by 1, 11. Ceehmn, druggist, l!7nnd IK) NeitbljHeeu stleel, l.aneaster. Hit. WILLIAM'S INDIAN PILE OINTMENT. L. O, McCulluin, conductor en the II. W. It. It., Spiingtleld, O , Aug. 'M, IS-fi, says I " 1 have been u great suirerer with Iho piles. 1 used nil nil uicreus remedies and employed many physic lans, but te no purpose. A friend recommended Dr. William's Indian Pllu Ointment, which lam grateful te say has cured me." held by II. II. Cochran, 1J7 mid i:fj North Queen street. (3) H-ATVHJM. AC. -HTATCHKS, CLOCKS AND.IKWELKY. GREAT REDUCTION IN 1'ltIOKS OP WATCHES, CLOCKS AND .! i:VKl.UY, at LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street, Opposite City Hetel, near Pa. It. (. Depot. Itetatllng nt Wholesale Prices, ltepalrlngat Extra l.ew Prices. JjUl-ljd J IS CKL LA .v;e U.S. I7IOII RKMOVINO (HtHAHI 3 Miller's IIOUAX faeip Is the best. SPOTS SLATE WOKKH. All liersensw lulling MAltltLKIZEDSLATE M ANTELS, or any ether pinto Weik, will de well by calling nt our works 01 send for our Illustra ted catalogue. KltANK JANfaO.S'.tllUO., Ceiner Prentmid Locust St., Columbia, Pn. martanul TH, MliST Ce HAVANA ClOAH IN YELLOW r'UO.NT CUIAll SIOUK. theCltv.nt II A HTM AN 'S Er iLKCTION-NOTICE. FAIIMUI1S' WKSTEnM MARKET CO , I l.anciiHier, I'll. The unnunl lneetlnir of stockholders and elec tien for Directors of this company will be held nt the 1'nrmcrH' Western Market Heuse, en MONDAY. AI'IUI. Hand 11 a. iii. nat-MtditStw 13, I'M, between thohnuiset 11 . J. iw.l.nii.,i., Secretary. R OTE1SMAKINQ OABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT K3.00 A DOZKM,' AT NO. 100 NOllTH QUEEN 8TIIEET, JanlDtrd lnncaster, Pa. HE LARGEST, 1IKST AND MOST cnmplote assortment et Playing Cards In the city f i em 5 cents per pack np ut HAIITMAN'S YELLOW i'UON'T C1UA11 bTOKE. mlUS PAPER IS PRINTED WITU J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK, Fairaeurit Ink Works, 26lh and iW a. Aveune IttiiB-lyd 1'HlLADELl'lllA.I'A. T O TOIIACCO BUYERS ANDFAOKERS. Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Sample Tags, ALL STYLESnnd QUALITY or UAKD1IOAKD STRING TAGS, Aud nil kinds or PKINT1NO tled by Leaf Tej bacce Dealers, executed In the BEST bTYLB and at the LOWESf PRICES. Call and see our eamples, promptly attended te. Orders by mall STEINMAN & HEflSEL, INTELLIGENCE! llulldlng, ra-U Lanauter, Pa, MMBXQAXt . ........ ,mw. H" NT'S REMEDY. Thirty. Years Heceid. i Endorsed. ' by Physicians. HUNT'S KIDNEY AND LIVER REMEDY. NEVER KNOWN TO FfllL. CUKES ALL DISEASES OP THE DIDNKYS, LIVER, lILADDElt, AND UltlNAKY OltdANS, DIlOl'SY, UKAVEL, D1AIIKTES, HKiailT'S DISEASE, PAINS IN THE HACK, LOINS OK SIDE, NEKVOUS D1SEASKS, RETENTION OK NON - RETENTION OK UKINK. uy the use or this KF.MED Y, the stomach and bowels speedily regain their strength, and the llloed Is purified. It Is pronounced by hundreds of the best doe dee doe ters te be the ONLY CUKE for nil kinds or Kid ney Diseases. It Is purely vegetable, nnd cures when ethor medicines full. It Is prepared expressly for these diseases, nnd has never been known te fall. One trial will convince you. Fer sale by nil druggists. PKICE,1.3J!. Skse ter PAvruLKT or Testimonials. HUNTS REMEDY COMPANY, PKOVIDKNCK. It, I. (1) YER'S SARHAPARILLA. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is n Highly Concentrated Extract of barsapt- rlllaand ethor llloed-l'urirylng Itoets, combined with Iodlde or Potassium and Iren, nnd Is the safest, most reliable, and most economical bleed piirlflcrthntcanbe used. It Invariably expels nil bleed poisons rrnin the system, enriches and encws the bleed and restores Its vitalizing power. It Is the best known remedy for Scrofula and nil Scrofulous Complaints, Erysipelas, Ec rema, Klngwenn, lllelchcs, Seres, llells, Tumors and Eruptions of the Skin, as nlse rer all disor ders reused by a thin and Impoverished, or coi cei rupted, condition or the bleed, such as Kheuina tlsm, Neuralgia, Itheiimatlc (lout, (jeucrnl De bility, and Scrofulous Catarrh. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cared, "AVER'S SAKSAI'AIULLA has cured bio of the Inflammatory Kheumatism, with which 1 liave suffered for many years, AV.II. Moejie." DPBUAir, la., March 1"X 4. . Ji Mai, Beld by nil Dnigglsts. Il.slx bottles tern. Hint T7-IDNEY-WORT. DOES WONDKKKIJLCUKKSOP KIDNEY DISEASES -AND- LIVER COMPLAINTS. llecause It acts en Iho LIVEK, 1IOWELS and KIDNEYS nt the SAME TIME. because It cleanses the systemofthe poisonous humors that develops In Kidney unit Urinary Diseases, lllllleusness, Jaundice, Constipation, Piles, or In Khenmatlm, Nurnlgla.Norveus Dis orders and all Pcmale Complaints, WHOL1D 1'llOOK OPTHlS.-S It will Surely Cure CONBTIPATION.riI.E3 and KHEUMATISM by causing KltEKACl ION or nil the organs nnd functions thereby. CLEANSING THE BI.OOD. Restoring the nerma! pew or le threw elf dis ease. THOUSANDS Of CASKS or the worst forms or these terrible diseases have been quickly relieved, and In a short tlme PEKfECTLY CUKKD., Price, l. Liquid or Dry. Sold by dnigglsts. Dry can be sent by mall. WELLS, KICII AKDSON A CO., . llurllngtnn, Vt. Send stamp for Dairy Almanac or 15. KIDNEY-WORT. Jun28-3nidcedA.3mw XTEADQUARTERS FOR THE INDIAN MEDICINES, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT Lecher's Drug Stere, NO. 'J EAST KINO ST., Lancaster, Pa. WALT. VAVlitl. w INDOW SHADES. OUK LINKS QV DADO WINDOW SHADES Is lttigcrund prettier thin any season heteto hetete heteto tere. Wehauthn new colors nnd designs In six and sc mi reet lengths. Sped it sizes mnde te order.- Plain Goods in All Widths, for nil kinds of Windows, fr'lvtiitnu held. Wn lmve I Onlv the best Si We have them In Weed mid Tin, siTill'I'll 11(11. 1. AN IIS. LINEN FH1NOES. MCKELOUNAMENTS. c. We take measures and put up nil kinds or Windser feliade w ei k. WALL PAPER. We have a Choice Line or Paper Hangings for the Spring. They compilse nil grades, Pine CEILINO DKCOltATIONh, FK1KZE9. I'.OIt- CEILINO DKCOltATIONh, DEKS and C1..NTKK PIKCES. Lace Curtains in Variety AND LOW PKIUES. lied Setts. Lambrequins, Ac. Poles from 40e., elegant for GOc. strem uc. apiece, np te JZ.UU. PIARES W. FRY, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTEK. PA, BATS ASH CAl'S. OU-v NEW7 NE EWI ETERTTHUrGKIlW IN ALL THE Beautiful Spring Styles -AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. CALL TO SEETHE LIGHTEST STIFF HAT IN THE MAKKKT. WeIgHt-Three Ouuces. W. D. STAUFEER & CO!, (SIIULTZ'S OLD STAND), Ne8.31-33 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANOASTEB, PA. MAmammmr. - -t ,--- - -i-i! iriJf s1!-!!- Jt-i-ii-i-i-f -'iiL-irsnjt.iiji.ii.iimr' FR SALE. Eer Sale Cheap. ONE 25-Herse PewerEngine, with New Heller and Bteam Pump, all com plete, Price, $760. One 10-Herse Power Engine And Heller, complete. 1'ltlCK, M1B. t. ' TWO Ten-Herse Power Engines, without Hellers, VTSeach. One 10-Herse Power Engine and Beiler, nearly new, Canten Monitor make. PltlCE, MJS0. ALL UVARANTKKD. Twe C) Under Boilers, 1'ltlCK, a) feet lenp, SO Inchei In diameter, In geed order. 110 EACH. -ALSO, TRE- Poerlosa Pertable and Traotien En En glnes and Golser'a Soparatera. ALSO, 1K-H0KSE POWER Engines and Boilers New. PltlCE, mue. Call and bce them, ernddrcas Ezra F. Landis, Nu.M7NOItTIICHEKUY8TllEET, lnlD-CnicedAw Ijincxitcr, Pa. piNUINE AND DOILEIt WOHKH. BEST Steam Engine -AND- BOIIER WORKS. AS WE HANDLE OUR OWN OOODB, HAVE NO AGENTS, CAN 1NSUIIE OUK I'ATKONS LOW PltlCKS AND (IOOD WOltK. BOILERS. Vertical Hndllorlzenlnl.Tnbular, Finn, C) Under, Marine, Deuble-Deck and Portable. ktjitnace-weuk, i1lastp1pe8, stacks, acm ac . TANKS for Water, Aelfli and 6lC " ' " IIOISiJNOP.NOINF.H. ENGINES. Vertical and liorlzeniaV Stationary, from two r.fev ' te uty hone-power. iStenansi-4, C, S, 18, Ml anil te hone power. , , SAW'MILiLiS.1- '-i Peny Hills nnd Lnrge Hllli. Hark Ullls and Cob Utile. Leather Itellcin, Tn 1'ackcm, Trlpple (Jearlng rer herBO power. PUMPS. belt and Gear I'limpn; Jllnlnc Pumps; Cem- iiiiuu i iiiiipn unu jicaiuni. Cerltrirugal l'umn, steam l'ump, (earing, l'nlleya, Yy Wheel), Clamp llezee, llanKerx, Cenpllngi, Cellars, Steel Slop and TeeK, l'nlley I'luteg, l'uckinir Uoxem, Mill SplndleD,Mlll lSusblnci, Ac, Ac, Ac. PIPES. Wrought Iren, forde, steam and Waler. Cant Iren l'lpea. Iletler Tubes, Well Casting. FITTINGS. Ker Water nnd fatenm. Valve. Cocks, Steam Unimes, Oauge Cocks, Class WutcrUauges, Safety Veltes, Whistles, (llohe Valves, Ooverners, Patent Scir-feeding Lu bricators, Class OH Cup. Obiss Tubes, Injectors or Heller feeders. l'ACKINO Hemp, Asbestos, Gum nnd Plum bago. I1EI.T1NO Uum. Cotten and Leather. CASTlNOS-lleavy and Light Iren and llmss. Heller lien, Sheet lien, llnr Iren, and Steel. HEATERS ter Duellings, Schools and Public llnlldlngs. STEAM HEATING. Estimates, Drawings and Pattern Werk fur nlshid at Itcuionuble Hales. nr llepalrlng promptly nnd carefully at tended te. Address, Jehn Best & Sen, HO. 333 EAST FULTON STREET, LANCASTEH, PA. JaulS-lydAw HAVING DISSOLVED EAHTNEKSMIP and permanently closed the Chestnut Street Iren Works, I ucstre te Inform my old riatrens and the publie generally, that lam still u the business, being located lu the Penn Iren Company's Works, North Plum street, where 1 am making Iren and brass Castings or every de scription, ana -will be pleased te serve all who may fuvec mn with tbclr patreuage. Prem 40 years experience In the business aud using the best material and employing the best mechanics, 1 am satisfied leun guarantee qntlra satisfaction. Castings made from a mixture or Iren and steel which ure mero reliable for strength and dura bility than the best cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls und rolling mill work a spec ialty. Castings mnde or very soft Iren, and brass castings or e cry description. 1 have all the pat terns of tbe well and ardrabty known Mowrer Cera und Cob Crusher, refitted and Improved, also en band. Mills completely tltted up or in put ts, te replace old ones which have been I n use ler years, guaranteeing them te give satisfaction. a. 0. McCULLKV. aug-li6md uLAsarrAJiu. H Kill A MARTIN. China, Glass, Queensware -AT- CHINAHALL Whlte Stnne China and Seinl-Percelaln In Pec orated and Plain Dinner, Tea and Toilet Sets. HOTEL WARE. EASTER GOODS. HAVHiAND FRENCH CHINA. FANCY UOODS, LAMPS, Ac, At Lewest Prices. WAltKS QUAKANTKED High & Martin, NO. 16 EAST Kma'sTBEET, LANOASTKIt, PA. G KAY'S SPECIFIC MEDICINE. Tbe Great English ltemcdy. An unfailing euro for lmpetencv and nil Diseases that fellow l.ess of Memery, UnlTenisi lJuwUnde. Pain In the llaclr, Plmuesi of Vision, Premature Old Age, ana many etner aiseeses mat icea te in sanity or Consumption ind a Piematura Orave. Vull particulars In our pamphlet, which we de sire te send free by mall te every one. ThlsSpe ThlsSpe clUe medicine la sold by all druggist at tl per package, or six packages for 5, or will be sent free by mail en receipt of the money, by ad dressing the agent, II. II. COCHRAN, Druggist, Hele Agent, Nes. 157 and 139 North quoen street, Lancaster. Pa. On account el counterfeits, we have adopted the Yellow Wrapper t the only genuine. THE OKAY MEDICINE CO.. H.X. r ' P . , H "H -t ;' ... .v .. .'.-. .. . '.'"rHw .....j,... ----- -- .- -p,-.- ... . .JtJrrrx ,u,nj1ui.f "JJT5XT DOOM TO TUK COURT HOUSE. Fahnestock's K KMM K .K H fl KK RSSfl RSSH ft H H nans RS8S i H I! HS8S Kk n K k n n KHSSS . .IXI.LK iusixuisui(KATHI'ECIn.L SILK SALE, HELD IN NEW YOltKLAST WEEK. Belid Colen, all Shades, 37jc, Wi., 65c., 75c and L00. Heat Stripes aad Cneckf, CeWs and Black and White, Ory and White and Whit and Black, 60c, and COc Alse, Black Silks. Bargains in Black Silks from Same Sale. SPECIAL 1IA1I0AINS IN 11LACK S1LK9 AT 00c., $1.01, 1.12$ and $1.11. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Lancaster, Pa. QUEAP HTOUE. SPECIAL BARGAINS PROM THE AUCTION ROOMS OP NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA. GHEATEST 1IAKUA1NS F.VEU KNOWN IN BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, LADIES' DRESS CLOTHS, BLACK CASHMERES. Ladies' Dress Goods in Variety. LONG AND SQUARE BLACK THIBET SHAWLS, WE AllE KUl.Ii OK 1IAUUAINS OK EVEKY DESCIlIPTION AT MetzgGr & Haughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., - lletwcen the Cooper Houae and Serrel B OWKRH A HUI18T. BOWERS Nes. 26 and 28 North WE OKKEIt Special Prices in Bleached and Cream Table Linens. Having bought n Large Let cennldcrnlily under vnlne, we ehall offer itinm verj' low. Bargains in TOWELS, just opened. TURKEY RED TABLE OLOTHS, all sizes, very low. SHEETING and SHIRTING MUSLINS, all widths and best makes at Reduced-Pricea..-- .., , QUILTS, OOUNTERPANESrUicTbestfer the money in the mar mar kefc. .Elegant Qualities at 81.00, $1.25, 31.50, $1,75, $2.00 and up. OO&CO UTS .and BLANKETS, offered very low . te close out the Let, "" "BOWELS" & PTOST, - Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. CLOCKS, MIHllORS H. Z. UHOADH. SPRING, 1885. We have new open te the Public a very large and carefully selected assortment of Watches of all grades and prices. Our stock of Clocks embraces every kind and style, the best makes and reliable timekeepers, at prices very low. Alse a full assortment of pretty novelties in Spring Jewelry, both in Silver and Geld. Everything new and stylish in the way of Silver Hair Ornaments and Bangles. Geme and see for yourself and be convinced. H. Z. RHOADS, LANCASTEK. pa. Ne. 4 West King Street. KiT Store epen until 0:00 overy ovenlner. Saturdays, 0:00 o'clock. OASfJTTIXa, Jtf. E iLINN Jt BHKNEMAN. FLINN & Tbe Season la new at hand for furnishing and refitting Hemes. Nothing adds mero te the furnishing of a beuse than handsome GAS FIXTURES. A short time age Elegant Obandeliers were a luxury that only the wealthy could enjey, new the prices are se low that FINE GOODS are within tbe reach of all. In the way of Common Goods we have qulte a Bteck of elegant Patterns, but net the prevailing style, for which we will net rofuse any reasonable offer. PLUMBING and GAS-FITTING promptly atlonded te. HEATING by Het Air or Steam. Estimates glven en all kinds of work. FLINN & BRENEMAN'S GREAT STOVE STORE. Ne. 1 52 North Queen St.. JlOVSXiUltSISltlXU UOODS. s HIKK'S OAKPET HALU CARPETS ! KEOPKN1NU OP SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We are new lire; rcpured te ahevr tbe trade tbe Largest and 111 v. WILTONS, VELVETS, all tbe Tradln) EE-PLY, All-Weel and Cotten Cbaln EVl'Hi hlulted In tbU fit BUUSSELb, T1IU UUA1NCAUPETS,UAUASK and VENETIAN own manufacture H speciality AlseaFull Line of OIL CLOT! SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. E ASTEH 1885. SOUVENIRS! FOR THE EASTER SEASON Plain and Fringed Easter Cards. Easter Beeks. Easter Tokens. AT THE JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 16 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA TjEMOVAIi. XV DK. A.J.iiKHK lias removed hla oHIce from Beuthwest corner Prince and Chestnut streets, te his new resi dence, southwest comer Orange and Mulberry tree, febMlmd , i- j. ' . i T,al ' -21 JK nsss H H H HnSfl 8 R H RSS3 K K RMfT RkK H 8 kkk "",; .tK K K8SS LI.Lt. fc .,.,, mm . - . .,,.... . --.-r- rwvry.f i.nMi m- jQ. LANCASTER, PA. jn f, uars Mava Li M Ll.Ll.hK K SS8S .. llorse Hetel. & HURST, Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. THIS WEEK ASti JUIOXZES. BRENEMAN Lancaster, Pa. CARPETS ! Rest and Hest Selected Line of Carpets ever or. nrpet ? Makes or ueur Asu TAi'tarnv ultliiilu n.. ull mialltlna n, IW- CAUPETS. HAU and CHAIN CAltPETS of Our '. DOeCini AlIUIlllUII 1IU1U IU lUUiUUnUltlCtUlVUl yU0AViU amii 'JUAO. 118, IIUUS, WINDOW SHAPES, CO VEKLETS, AC, -AT- leU23-2md4w HOOKS, llOOKBTOKE OF HUBLEY'8 IMPROVED 11AKINQ Powder, en aal te any In the market, for IMbt UUcnIt,Uun1na and the dlirercnt vailetle of cakes. Fer sale at ... ,.. 4. ' UUBLEV3 DRUG STOKE, MWettKJngjStwet. j. 4' ' 'ait fii t a ii ifji :y ! ". I s- JfSlu !J it 14 u it ni US Ci 1 12. PENN8Y1A ULR. I Trains learn J at Philadelphia 'JJlli "i v wfci ( ar tell. ,WK8TWAlfp. Nf W8 Kxprcse . Way Pnnengel Pnnengel Mafltralnvtelll Ne. a Mali train. Nlagnra Kxprrni Itanerer Accam Past Line f, Kredertclt Accei Ijincaster Accei llairlsbarg Accc Columbia Accen llftrrll)iirg Kxpi Chi. A Ctn. Ktl.i ' 1 WA iV.i i n."i '. t5 1 '1-14 I Ha 'tWi llaC wre nna n:w a, I K:oennaio-flBa;t V, n&tti ilal KM m '' a ta B te&l S&WJ3 Western Expren Pacific Express EA8TWAUP. Phll'n Kxiircus. Past Line , ."i,,, IlnrrlsburgExpr Lane'r, Accera., i Columbia Aeceni Soashern Kxjirrs Johnstown Kxpii Sunday Mall..,,. Day Express! i... llartlsburg Accrr HI9M T.. ,,a, , jij m A' V?'iM uati" 1 v;,in." I Iav rent 'Plita.' And t?7 J,T lZ3i I0 y ' l'?'4 Bijt' .W)i ri iu . 12-1 Mn.mHj'. S) .-ki ) wtr r.Si. 4.14 P.O " , J TheMatlettAA( i Mine4MlAal n bi ? U'-4?. W.'.y- n? MatletlBA.1 Marietta at 3 n n. m. iinrt n-iv.-j !IN ",-; l-" T' " J ri ?anrin loaatlen 1m1 vft.4 7:10 and arrives at with Harrlsburgl The Frederick a Ing at Lancaster t iu., will run threu The Frederick Columbia at 1233 0 p.m. The Lancaster Harrlsburg nt 8.10 at 9M p. m. Hanover Accemi iJineestcrwIthNl run through te lln Fast Line, weal, step nt DewnlngTr Mt. Jey, EllzabctL t The only trnlm the Mail train wch f Lcave dally exi ORNWAIiL COLECltOOK Trains leave Leb nt GM a, in., 12.30 ni Arrive nt Cernwi 7:Wii. m.s at Cenev p. in., connecting lead ter points cus Tralni lca e Cem S3 p. ni. Arrive nlCernw n m.; at Ixbnnen nt U connecting at Lcbn Heading railroad fe tlm filiatien and ' town, Plnegrevn ar The e Jfl a. in. trail Coli'bmek and llcll tc easier nr ,. VW HI. RtWW pi nmbdatleif. llflOlt', urflitLinq.5S!i,;i t t VnJtiimVC.3:' i'P;f- y..,j.. iiiiniensiia "caches' La: avfRJ,i lyjg'', u &K1S r ?tr.medhMefiin tleai; weet,'s( flr.'dnily,ipt7 lunday, vmn kit'. , CentSxvlUk'iFKri nan4llda4w alch ten dftBy.-Oii niby way eiCelnt SISSl-Ti "1V fc-- llir uli'i &lllfi 'lsy. & 1 wlll 1) l.EBAKON5 ILLKVIIAILKOA) nwAiui. jr' n dally ( exempt Sn te-a.jri.7H.iflj)Ju 101 7-20a.tu.;l:a(,an itr the ,1'ftnnsy Irani. && m f go n,t?7l JCrB.j'SSC t i(K a.'m?, 4Mliud 3 i. mi; l afidiD:!.! y n with' rhHeaelphli ulntKMMt BMA'WCHI. i i . S 1'i menl llinc)fer .In ', Tremont. i , "ill st'enlrBl Cerni k m A.MJ -m U.I I'VHVlTUltK. VLTAl.Tb.R A. i 'JSIT8H1S2 mi im Mi I Furniture Warerooms. LANCASTER, PAV .! xM YEET (IHBAifflCC 0-i.if-Krajjg. AT HUKSK'S. ,ft Easter Coffees and EastereCards, Wo-i:1k1ve from tow nntll altr1JJasur v beautltiil taster Card r.itb cHh.Mnsd of Cot fee, and another desi'"i also ery. pretty, two cards, with i-ucn pound. Via de thWtObtluui thWtObtluui linntradennd make"" children bapny. Vnu want geed C fti, and vie twvathtni. ' Our Cetrecs cannot U ieat. We by the bait, uiulaln ays have then teh xoasteeyaHo XrcdU ground. , ' OUH VAKIETlES-iild Mandchlingand l'e dung Java, Cholce Mi- ha, I.uguyra,Cetn, HIca. Uuateinaluandlllm. ".;- ! OurSO cent Itle for a viKHlstreng drink", runnnt be neat. Our ltle Hie led I" superb ntS! renin, also le or priced Cetl 4-SJ BURSK'Sfe NO. 17 EAST KINO STREET P. S. Same goods BtM ndt cards giyen. at efrr branch, Chestnut nnd .MatTtrucW.?Seth. steiv connected with tclcplieue pxchauge. -,('.' B1UIABTIN, - .m Jterk m n . in n, , . f- '' 'tr-r. , ueaier id au &iea ei uiibw mMm. 3-YAnn: Ne. 420 i irth Water.,' wUtJ Pi Inre Btrects, above Lemen, tuincester, -3-jd " OAUMUAKDNEI KJEFFKHIBS, "4i COAL DEALERS, i OrricES: Ne. 129 Net Sfil North Prlnce stree Yards: North Prli Depot, LANLM ijuren street,'na Ne. jr strcst, near f Rending i. ruit.PA.v 1 - ; tagB,ud. - ' v' ' "' rOAh. M. V. Ei COHO,1 830 NOUTII WATElt WU0LB8AIS AN LUMBER Connection with thj Yard and Omcx : ST11EET. ItKKT, LaneaaWt, Pa., TAILDKAlmuaf ND OOALi , , rtlEi-nOMu Khkamiil , ). 330 NOUTII WATKK feVjg-trd VNDET TAKJXa, TTKHTAKING " L.R R0TE,1 UNDEF TAKER - .. . .... rv"Sil! " Ler. Seuth Uuec w W wml,J LKni IB. Pi. '.J) Personal attention g thing tn the Uudertak Having secured the i chantc, 1 am prepare, sterlng at very mode Furniture Uphelstcre n te nil orders; j line anrnift vlccaefafl xi de all kinds te prices. . Uivenaca -L. janie-tm R., l jrLtmrmmT .' t ytfv. t. smnoneo JEim?j is te be latiTfjljk yetry; eantpf reiaal) imtii n strcet, (iflWiiMSt Old) itISMILLIMMItycO.,4 King SllJMfSBii'lW vjwvfvr uu heavy reduction, en ac new hieie, w epnu yu Stand.) NEW YOltK AND P junS tfd tl Wei GAFK,SUREANr dPEBDV U KDTTDBS, VARIOOO tK ane Bfl h Alt Law ua v " ttl..l... ItlllnflltU UIVI.ULI V. IIUJ UV -...-. wbenyeucanllnd In l'r lrii BLAB i'BTSlCIAM 111 X'l U-leei specialty of the above COBmaUARAHTXCD. A Ing. Strangers can be the same day. Oltlcea I Ne. Ml North Nil .P.0.1kxe7. 1an20-lyd4w i M ADKIRA ANO . i vc -rr'.A Reigart'sOll H.K.lMYfAKikV i t 1(4 S!WJf i tMfltma 1HA jt-llniial- All Mild or ea)L t .. iTi 1 I 1 CVstC: vf lMi! WSSlBAl 'reaeiH as etsbbsbj tea rM,sVMH paledRCtLiMflB rlrate. siD'f?! w.K:Wim. hslM:t,lMSMct, It- FmmrM ijjQi IWnkM vmymzsm EnUbllshed 17 it j? '& i. Viti xitnn ,J"ir, niJry,l rJZrl "VPi 11 t' t f' . nil "ti . i tZ 'JT&l & X?M m 13 si ' J rivJ acks, ' v4'e,rt .rrr n ' - A eei wr. e trn.K-r &&t ?v if! "rrv . , t 0 ' ji r , isJtT' f ..&&&$ - gtiAl a1k&t X