f ?" -p v i : ifi ; M' j ! air- - tt $ M f'NV ?. "VUS , icaa - I. ' .f-, ! i" i . s-'J Di! I, '.1 JJ , (J ' 'd'iUr Pbha my, , (tvaATO Hwnit) , ' yjiy tmnwJM ' HENSKL. I " jfidTELLIGENOER BUILDING, & h. Vtf. Onm Cn&f ttsiii&ra. .' ift "- " " -w. " LaweAhm, Pa, V iti& rwi- -T OSHTa A tretac Fiv fcOLLAM A ; HM OH tTT CtT A MOT. TOSTAOB ilfSRT18EMENT8 MOM TM TO IFTT CTKTt A V 'V.'HM,' rt . wiii. ' IEKLY ".INTELLIGENCER," ifc, (RUIHIM.) JIV nriMttted Every Wednesday T& ' WO DOtUltl ATUHIHA OVA Morning, tah m AOVAHC. BP ?vt?MMMOiiDaca solicited from every part or the ?7'nlMM and country. Correspondent are re- '. jnMted te write legibly and en one stde of ' v :i ' &M paper eniy 1 ana 10 turn ineir name, nut W." .', vKCau. 5ir11,i' .,., an ..r nr nnM fulfil. LVnityut anonymous lettera will be consigned te 'UJkMWH AtttmmAKBTtQH4M9 TO V(t1 , THE INTELLIGENCER, Vte". LANCASTER, PA. i.. i ' fcTICT. Wl" l...attu IV.A.li:.it. 'VKK 1LUIILUD1EL JIIIlL'lllUUUtSl. fJSJ- nv', Lancaster, afhil c, im. f ast3 '-, uisck ana sweet. SK?, ; .... m.... -r. i. ,. i... r jt Bttck, having invited Mls3 Sweet, pension "?& ','affMi at U"lca80 te resign, in a telegram j4,(' S'Wreetly-werdetl as the circumstances rlf .w8W permit, Miss Sweet declines te re- '1"3 ' Circumstances stating that she Is net tSra&sV witased te resigning and does net care te $ ' seett te be what she is net. She reminds ljV' th president, te whom she writes, that her ''$ comnlfisien runs until April 10, 1880, and ftt that as Commissioner Blacksaysthathehas ;,' ae reason personal te herself or te her efl yjA eial. conduct for asking her resignation,' iv'-i- ' aad as she is confident she has conducted & the 'office with an eye single te the public mfc -tlntert3t, she does net see the need of sur ?si ' tewlring it. In ether words Miss Sweet sjg says e the president that In the absence of j, charges against her she proposes te held & -'br' efllce until her commission expires ; t " whfchjs a determination that no fault can ' be found with it liss Sweet can de as she 'm proposes. xrtL Wa Inrlinn tn tlilnk Hint. AtUq Supflt t n m:?.?-' j" '. """ w: . r :.7i.' ....... ll'llJ'S CHJVOT nuuiilll. C UlU III OJIIlIiiUlljr Y11H L . -A " ItA vrlAnr tlief tltnrA tdnn e11 linAn linf frt fi resign what 3he does net want te resign, teAT-'- when no fault is found with her personally and efflciallj' ; and this is altogether inde. pendent of the question as te whether she can held the fort or net. We agree with herthataiesignatien under the suasion of General Wack'd invitation H net an act of resignation in the proper sense of the word. It would be an act of resignation te be re signed te an ejection from olllce, as te any ether ill te which lifeand flesh ishelr. Hut te resign an thing of value needs te lie vo'un ve'un taruV'" te glven nrei-r nnvortetlie rtOt. Te leSe olllce under invitation is in no degree better than te be temeved ; and unless there was a particular desire te oblige General Illnck in Miss Sweet's heait, Miss Sweet wai quite right te decline his invita tion. The geneial, we fear, has ' put hi feet in it," somewhat, in the stjleef his tele gram te Miss Sweet, of Chicago. He says te her, " Yeu will readily appreciate the fact, which I gladly state, that there Is no reason personal te yourself or te your management of your efllce which induces this request." Miss Sweet evidently does readily ap preciate the fact thus gladly stated ; and she appreciates the further fact that General Black in his gladness has taken away every possible motive for asking for her resignation. If she Is personally and officially unobjectionable, there is no ether relation remaining te base an objection te her upon, m her gender is with6ut politics. General Black was net careful en-gii in his language. He should have pid that she was personally ebjec tion tien tion able because she filled the place he wanted for some one else, and as Alie had held it for eleven jears she should give seme ether fellow a chance. It is very well te talk sweetly te women, but when you want n woman te give up 'anything nice that she has in possesien it is advisable te appreciate the fact that you ' are undertaking a work of seme magni tude, In which words of persuasion will be of no account at all. A Penalty of Greatness. Possibly it is agreeable te General Grant's family te have the least minutiie in the acts if in about their household daily laid before rVthe people in the newspapers. It is doubt. kts pleasant te them te knew that General 'Grant is' a man of such distinction that the JBewspapers find that it pays them te keep watch with their reporters day and night upon his house, that theyjmay chronicle te the people every Incident of every hour; and tell us of every' call that is made at the heuse and the precise moment of it; of every window in which light appears at night 'and the moment when it is raised and lowered; of what is borne by each visitor, and what is said ; and hew the general acts at every instant, and what is done by each member of the family and each servant and each doctor. AU'this is pleasant te the family proba bly as a constant reminder that General Grant is a great man ; but it must be ex ceedingly unpleasant te these close 1 da tives that he and.they should thus live in the Hue of giess publicity in the meat sol ' ecan moment of their family's history. It is an outrage upon them that this aisttteness of reporting should be done; & an outrage en the public as well. ' 'It Is net demanded by auy healthy public Issfririftnt, It is a demand that is cieated iisai newspapers that feed it. People eam heersuaded that anything is big news that'abhjr newspaper prints in big type; eny may patiently reau, even en vjeyaWy. jeiul, that at 10:45 o'clock Senater cauea en GeneraUirant ami that at iDrriI)euRl.s3 appeared at a window Mi Wew ins nose. -peplereail Mich stutl as this, which is Vtaiajrapited as news all ever tha land, and pesteps the majority et them te net step te " tMak bow absurd it is that such meaulng- ,$-tatements should be telegraphed ad stinted te satisfy the people's interest sk'IMHPOQ t. ,-te kew bow General Grant Is doing. iwttt'eaw people of sense and eensibilitv ft;tiJW that they are net thus great In l"f ,'tb jrwrji'ijeattem , and te declare that, if t paw WP ' euia never w 10 uve or !? lan)leli3 where they may net eat afcik,-inerer be merry'i "ve a teeth pW eca" headache, without danger that tfcuwiwsfafjrawui chrenlcle.th 'act, :-,. AtMU ', "Tbe'rlafUk)n plawwen mm '.ftti htuttn bare done tii4r, wettt. The Are itiaitaaaC,'wteh,WM itivaiiiaed ata oa ea artn1ftlr,jhitf bcen'lnva4d -by the bot-hi(telittciatM , knit 4n efficient, ami itteilfkvrihlet'i Who' ba4'vd6ne"mu6h tes maiTe the system cemplete,'hA8 been put out te secure n place for an unfit appointee, whose only recommendation was his parly services. Against the pretests of many representa-f tlve business men and citizens, regardless of part v : andatralnst the votes of some of the best Republicans In councils, this out rage has .been consummated. They who have sewn the wind te-day will reap a fine crop of whirlwind. I. The Ferry Incident reveals what a quick tempered nation the French arc. They scorn te act (lrat and think afterwards i leek after, rather than before they leap. Only the ether day the Chamber or Deputies rang with heWls of ilorUlen at Prime Mlntatcr Ferry's supposed craven conduct hi the Franco France China trouble. An overwhelming reversal et a government measure forced the Ferry cabinet te resign, and thelrchlef was publicly branded 'as a coward and .traitor. Ne one, however, seenis te be abld te form a cabinet out 6f the discordant elements that are new en the Burface of French politics, and a reac tion in public opinion Is new Betting In re garding the treatment accorded te Ferry. France is by no means anxious for war with China, and It soems te be the growing ueller that Ferry's negotiations would have extri cated her from her embarrasslng position te. jn-arda ths Celestials with honor untarnished. Jt would be a funny,' but net surprising out eut out cemo of the situation te see the reins of gov ernment ugaln placed in the hands or the hew disgraced ex-promler. Tun state that proudly claims Jehn L. Sul livan as Its own soems te be sadly deserting him in his hour of need. At Lynn, Massa chusetts, the city council committee en licen ses has resolved net te grant a llccnse te him toglvea sparring oxhtbltlen in that city. Moantlme Jehn L. is onjeylng himself en a glorious debnuch. . . -m - Thk Illinois high llccnse law of 18S3, which fixes the minimum llccnse fee for dram shops at &00, and for malt liquors at SIM) only In cities, towns and villattes, and authorizes county beards te grant licenses en llke terms upon petition of the legal voters of any town or preclnct, has dlinlnlshed the number et Baloens In Chicago from 1,000 te 600, whlle the rovenuo Is Increased a million dollars. In nineteen ether citles and towns thore were, before the enforcement of high license, 733 saloons, yielding a rovenuo of $89,050. Thore are new In these places only 4G9 saloons, but the rovenuo has been in creased te f253,O0O. The new Bystem has shut up the low groggerles which were re sorts of vlle characters, and the consequonco is less crime and less drunkenness." The number of arrests has fallen off, and drunk enness has decreased in the larger cities by thirty per cent. Thore l also an improve ment In the quality or the men w he keep the saloenx. n..v. mi. HtiNi)Kitt.ANi, in whose Hiur.li Miss Cleveland and her brother, the pi est dent, have taken a paw, has been preaching In his present church thlrty-tweyean. lie Is very plain of apeech and outspoken ; his abolition mul Union Hennens and otlier leld attacks dreve away many of his congrega tion, uud he has by no means the largest cliarge in the capital city. During the late campaign hu was abusive of Clovelanil, with tongue and pen ; and the president's cholce of a pew lias caused much wonder. The ex planation of It Is that llev. Dr. Himderland was the pastor of the president's mother, when, as a young minister, lie preached In Uatavla, New Yerk. Mrs. Cleveland had a great regard for him, and, remeniberlng this, she solected the First Presbyterian church, and made her mother's pastor her own. Tilt: fat w omen's convention, wldcli a show man lias assembled In Philadelphia this week, is expected te display thirty females, whose avoirdupois will reaeh tlve tens ;and, besides the weight or the convention Itseir, Its utility In illustrating the sclenee of getting fat and remaining fat will command for It respcctlul attontlen. Te the credit of the fleshy beauties be it aald, that with ene ac cord they refuseil te allow an anti-fat man te apply his remedies te thorn. IIeniiy InviNo.whe is te be banquetted In New Yerk te-night by a very distinguished company, played his farewcll engagement en .Saturday night and closed the richest month that he has evor known. In his curoer upon the stage. The receipts for the evenlng were f.1,025; the total receipts for last week were $2-',CH5, and in the past month the amount cleared was $70,415. The enthusiasm of the audlcnce Saturday night when Mr. Irving responded te Its calls for a speeeh'Was some thing phcnomenal. Mr. Beeth comes te Philadelphia this week te assert his histrionic mastery of the American stage. If horeuld borrow seme of Mr. Irving's fldelity te detail and correct accessory, and surround himself with a tit company, he would achlove new triumphs. 111 B ELEUKSTS LET LOOSE. The Fatal Werk of Wind aad Storm, Floed and Fire at Various Points.. In Pittsburg, en Sunday during the mo mentary prevalence or a wind-storm, a large sign en the roer or Murphy's book store, Ne. 633 Grant street, was wrenched from its fastenings and thrown, tegether with sev eral hundred bricks, te the pavement below, the mass catching in its fall two veung ladles Who were passing, named Hella Ceusley and Agnes Jehnsen, and an old man named Deunls McCarty. Miss Cousley was killed almost instantly, the sign striking her en the head aud crushing her skull. Miss Jehnsen when picked up was in a con dition of insensibility, but seen revived. Her head was badly cut. her nese aud both limbs broken and her body terrlbly bruised. Her Injuries, however, are net considered fatal. McCarty esca pod with seme slight cuts ami bruIses.i The sign was new, having been erected within a year. The fastenings were or the best material, and it was thought It weuM last many vears te come. During a thunder storm at Wace, Texas, en Saturday, lightning struck a shed, under which a number of men were standing. One man was killed, and four ethors were dan dan dan goreusly injured. The lie tiergesln Fennsyltanla. The Heed at Leck Haven, Pa., subsided en Friday, though the great lce gorge at Ferney remained solid. Werk was' begun in clear ing the railroad or thoMce which In many places is plled upon it rrem flve te ten feet high. People who walked from Honeva te Leck Haven reported that houses standing between the railroad and the rlver were Heeded te the second story. The Ice conre at Oalllcoen. m n it.,.,- Delaware, broke en Friday night, and the houses along the river bank at Pert Jervis and Cohocton were Heeded. Llit of Unclaimed Letters. Following Is the list of unclaimed letters remaining In the postefllee at Lancaster, for the woek ending Saturday April 4th. r.uiUes' fer-Mlm Kate Bengel, Miss Mary Brlnkley, Mrs. W. K. Gregg' Mlsa Kate Geed, Mrs. Harry Harsh, Mlisifattle, ye.rJ' H1." F;1,110 "wW, Miss Fannle H Krider.MiuMaiy Marks, Fannle M. Peters. dents' JAstO. W. Alfred, lfarrv ci. nr. Franklin, Jacob Gingrich, Heward M. Ileurv' I. Ji. Langley, Win,- H. McCleana Stephen MeGulley, (4) Itebert McKnlghtl Charlie Merse, Hiram Mowery. W. It Nelsen, GeorRe Patten, ,T. E. Bel pel, Alexander X. Smith. Ham Snyder, G. H. Stengel. rsurca of, WAup in M -m . ' '-.- g MHiN W wn mve'Maaea fcr iMftMA'en Tatsaar. f t ' - .i KBV. DR. B. 11. TTKO, SB., MM DOOma insane and his family will have It judicially established. Rav. Dr II. Trwe,' bb., Km beoeBis MxntiK F. Tvprnn, the rhymster moral ist, at 70 years or age, nas lest ins lortune ami is vexeu wiin iieul PattImbiice hated Nlcellnl se that she stlpuUteaVlthhermansger that this tenor must nover sing with her. O' Donevan Ressa says the Fenians aie net helping Leuis Rlel In his revolution. This will be chocringnews te Illel. Jehn u. Sullivan, mill en hi dtunk, failed te turn up in New Yerk en Saturday te make a match with Mitchell, who was thore te meet him. Du. Wm.tAU Klueii, lttcrateur and orator, and father-in-law of J. L. IMngwalt, or Philadelphia, has died In Washington, at the age of 78. STATK SliPKnlNTRNDRNT K. F. HlOnF.K has been appointed an jnomberZ of the gen eral council for the forthcoming American exhibition in Londen. Benjamin IlAnnis DnKwsTKnlsthoewnor of a law library that he estimates te be worth $00,000 and regards as the finest owned by any gontleman in the world. HicHAnn A. McCunnv has been unani mously elected president of the Mutual LI te insurance cempanyi new i etk, te micceeu the late Frederick S. Winsten. Captain Evan P. HowKi.T,eftho Atlanta Constitution, will net accept the appolntment as consul te Manchester, and has lerwarded te the president his formal declination. RKV.OKenap.H. IlKPweitTir, who lately wrete "Chat Uy the Way" ler the New Yerk lleralil, has in thoceursoof ene of Mr. Den nett's shake-ups become editor-ln-chlef of that great paper. William II. VANDKnmr.T'N grandsena, William II., Jr., fourteen years or age, and Cornelius, jr., eleven, have n fancy for mechanics, and edlt print and publish a monthly paper called The Comet. RRV. V. W. TunnKT.1., ivster or the Methodist church at Tarpert, a suburb or Bradford, Pa., has leeii deposed from the ministry and expolled from Ida nulnlt en charges that rotlect deeply en his character as a man, including lying, plagiarism and In In dlscreet conduct with women. MonmseN, of Lawrence, the new member of the Pennsylvania Heuso, elected te All the unoxpired term of Henry Falls, deceased, Is a holpless cripple. His arms are dead from the elbows down. His wife, an Intelligent looking lady with exprosslve eyes and hair tinged with gray, is Ids constant attendant. Rnv. Sam Jenks, nn evangelist, who has been stirring up Nashyille, says : "A train of cars that raises no dust, and makes no nolse, and kills no stock, cither runs mighty Blew or don't run at all. Sometlmes I let my bucket down toedoopand Itmuddles the well, as In Nashvllle. Well, It was my bucket and thelr mud." Uknjamin Ji:ppnii:s. it carnonter bv trade and a resident of Des Moines, whoserv- ed through the war In a Pennsylvania rccri ment, nnd at the tlme of loco's surrender was a member of Company A. 191st, "Bucktalls" testifies that he saw the first meeting between Grant and Lee, and Haw Grant reluse te take ids Bwerd, for he steed less than a hundred yards away at the tlme. Ben. Perlkv room:, the veteran Wash ington correspondent, says : -"Never during the fifty odd years that I have personally known Washington and the successlve ad ministrations have I seen a new president take the helm se promptly and se cfllciently as the 'man of destlnv' from Buflaln has. General Jacksen had te reconstruct his cablnet befere he was master of the situation as President Cleveland already Is." Ui:v. Dn. Buck i.uv, the brilliant Metho dist odlterot the Chrintinn .lfincar,raiHCd a Bonsatlen In the New Yerk conference) the ethor iley by declaring "I don't bolievo In lemale sullrage lerles of "geed! geed I" and I don't bolievo in the two-wlue businesM fermented and uuroriuentod,nordo I bellove In a third jwirty movemont. Great applausa I mean the prohibition move ment. Appluuse. 1 de net bcllere In giv ing notlces of political meetings from the pulpit, aud I would die en the sluke ltfire 1 would ilose." as e.vi; lttsES mom the uv.au. An Kx-Coiifeilentle Htililler, .Mlulng Since Oie llaltle or (llt)biirc. Krlurim Heme. The family or Mrs. J. . Brady, of 'i'onins 'i'enins 'i'onins liero, Ga., was greatli astonished when a liearded stranger, bout with aite, Hlned nl the doorstep and Inqulred ler Mrs. Hern, the mether or Mrs. Brads'. "I am s'eur husband," he said, as inen as Mrs. Hern appeared. After looking at the Htranger Intently for a moment, Mrs. Hern swooned away. Tw enty-feur years age W. C. Hern, at that tlme ene or the most substantial men or his place, enlisted in the C'arswell Guardx and served until the hattln-ef Gettj'sburg. On the ictreat "he had a dl'wgrccment with his captain, and deserted te the Pod Ped oral side. Alter the war he wrote te hN wife, but the loiter was mis carried. Slnce that tlme he has roved all (nor thoceuntrs'. In the Indian torrlterv he met a Georgian, from whom he learned that his wlfe was still living, but mourned him as dead, and that his baby daughter had grown up and beceme the w He of J. S. Brady. Te bee them ence mero he had tramped all the waj- home. A Peculiar Family nf set en. Frem the UeMnn Glebe, There Is n family of seven persons In Hellls. ten, comprising lour generations and four difterent family names, and they all sit at the same dlnner table each day,and are related te each ethor as follews: One great grandfather, ene great grandmother, ene grandmother, ene grandfather, two fathers, two mothers, two husbands, two wives, two two sisters, ene son, ene son-in-law, ene daughter, ene grandson, ene great granddaughter, ene nlcce, ene grandniece, ene great grandnloce, ene nephew, ene grandnophew, one undo, one aunt, two great aunts, ene great .grand aunt, ene father-in-law, ene mother-in-law, ene brother-in-law, ene sister-in-law, nnti two cousins. The yeungest person lias neither father nor mother living, nnd the average of all their ages is 61 s'eara. SPECIAL NOTICEI. DR. FHAZIEIl'S MAGIC OINTMENT. The greatest blessing that has been discovered In thlfl rrntienitlnti. A mui. nr. fnT.lttfl.. it.... Seres, Cuts, Flesh Wounds, Sere Nipples, Hard and Seft CeniB, Chapped Lips nnd nun unds. l'lin. pies anu uieicnes. rnce wc.seia uy Wrugg nce Wc.Seid by Druggists. aeia uy n. u. ceenran, 1J7 and IX) North Queen ) iMTtiett Orgau, In the World. The largest organ ever constructed nas te Htiniir nmsnea nt j.iuiwigsuurg, It Is for tlm Cathedral church at "iga. . reu Igu. it contains 7,000 pines nnd 121 steps. A lilies It ntlh ulnd. T lournenr engine sup- esltwtth lnd. The largest eigan In the body Is the liver, which in a man of average size nciHiis uuuui buTun iKjunus. wucii mis organ fctsouterordertheielstronblo. When ilrewn'a reu Hitters Is taken the trontile sulisldes. Mr, W. II. Needham, of Centrevlllc, Iowa, says, "brown's iron Hitters has relieved me or sc sc vcre kidney and liver disease and of great weak ness," lluy It et any drug store." DU. WILLIAM'S INDIAN 1'ILK OINTMK.NT. L. U. McCullum, conductor en the II. W. it. It., Bprlngfleld, O., Aug. 20, I88J. sajss "I have been a great sufferer with the piles. I used nu merous remedies and employed many physic ians, but te no purpose, j Dr. William's fndlan l'Ue a inejiu receinmeiiafHi Olntment, which I am grateiul te say has cured me." held by 11. n. (3) wuvm.h.i, ui nuu ij tiiiu iicuii sireei, STOCKS. JJOOR, WHITKACO., BANKERS. -H,r.n,m,i"? "eat Estate 7 per cent, bends for manual of ltallwayi. Correspondence Invited, ..f11 stret. New Yerk, octl-lydeod MILLBK'H BOKAX SOAP CONTAINS . ,. 4i.1C.r.cen,, .or vegulable oils, niaWIng It healing In Its cirects. ....,, n M ADEIRA AND SHEKRY WINES -AT- Reigart's Old Wine Stere. II. K. SLA VMAKKIt, Aeimt, Ne. 59 East Kine St. feblMI Kstablihcd l;a TI10R RCMOV1NO GREASE SPOTS JD Miller's BORAX Seap Is the best. SliATE WORKS. All persenswlshlngMAIinLEIZED SLATE MANTELS, erauy ether Ulato Werk, will de well by calling at our works or send for eurl'lustra ted catalogue. I'UANK JANSON BHO., Cerner Frent and Locust St., Columbia, Pa. mart-amd MusJiAtea "'" ffilftffliW'WlBHwrrfWItf'tflMiaMHrr m i U- T-r -.r-rrr "rZIk.J ", iV 'r-'L" .'.'.' ' . 'll'"Vy ' ,""." "V T . 7 .. ' : . J.-n a' ' ,r - . w . , tf0!H Jt1 raevprs BUTT gSSSg rr "ass, 'ssa This medtctne, combining Iren with pure regn regn tahle tonics, quickly and completely CUHKS IiySPKl'HIA, 1NDIUK8SION, ITAI.AIllA. iTAAnnAOf, inruun Dbuuir. viiii.1.3 anu rKVKRanaNKDKAI.OlA. Uy rapid ana thorough assimilation with the bleed It reaches every part of the system, purl flea and enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles and nerves, and tones and Invigorates the system i A line Appetiser Best tonle known. It will cure the worst case et Dyspepsia, re. meling all distressing symptoms, such as Tast Tast leg the feed, Uelcbfng, Deat In the Stomach, Ueartburn, etc tbs eniy iron inoaicine inav wm nm uiacxcn or Injure tne teem, ItTs Invaluable for diseases peculiar te women, nd te all persons who lead sedentary llves. An unfailing remedy for diseases of the I.Iver an una Kldnevs. l'orsens suffering from the effect of overwork, nervous troubles, less of appetite, or debility, experience quick relief and renewed energy by 1U use. It does net cause lleadaehe or produce Consti pation OTHKll Iren medicines de. It Is the onlypreparatten of Iren that causes e injurious etnscu. reysicians and ui ilruggtsts recommend It as the best. Try It. The eenulna has Trade Mark and crossed red lines en wrapper. Takoneothor. Madennlyby ,- 1ULTIMORS, MD. septO-lydAtyw A man attacked with lirlghl's Disease, or nny kidney dlsoese, don't want line words but It conqueror Hunt's Kidney and I.lver Uemcdy. We must tell of the great spectflc Hunt's (Kidney and I.lver) Kemedr. it never fails te euro Ilfalictcs, Dropsy, lirlghl's Disease, Ac. mll-lwdeed&w MANHOOD RESTOKKD. KIMIDT VRIB. A victim of ynnlbful Impmdenre causing Pre mature Decay, Nervous Debility, LostManheod, Ac, havlifg tried in vain every known remedy, has discovered a simple self-euro, which he will send FRKK te bis fellow suffercrs. Address, J. II. HKKVKS. JlO-lyeed&lyw U Chatham at, New Yerk City FTER AJ.L OTHERS FAIL, L COBSDXT DR. LOBE, NO. 319 North fifteenth street, below Callewhtll street, Philadelphia Cures all Secret Diseases of both sexes. Tv sultntlen by mall 1'wcntv Years Experience NKKVUUS ANDSl'KUIAI. DISEASES. New book lust out. Send for It, Price KOc Hours 11 till 2, and 7 te 10 p. in tebfyiyd&w CONSUMPTION 1 HAVE A POSITIVE remedy for the ahove disease j by Its use heusands of cases of the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, se strong Is my faith In Its enteaey that 1 will send TWO DOTTLES FKEE, togethor with a valuable trea Use en this disease ie any suircrcr. Ulve ex press and V. U, address. I1K.T. A.HI.OCUM, n?2!mdoed46mw 1U1 Pearl St., N. V. HAPPED HANDS, LIPS AND PACES arc very common In March, but CREAM OF ROSES Always euros. Ne grease, no smarting. ONLY, 10 CENTS, ut Druggists. KnrsalH nt COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, declMiiud 137 and It) North Queen.strcct. "1ATARU11. ELY'S CREAM BALM -CUUK3 COLD IN HEAD, CATAItlill.ltOSECOt.ll.lIAV FKVEU, DEAFNESS, HEADACHE. Easy te use. N. Y , V. S. A. Price, !Wk Ely Hre.'s , Osvt ego Hay Fever. ELI'S CltEAM HALM ClcaiHis the Head, Allays Intlamiiiatinn, Heals the Hei ok, Kentnre me nensex n iusie anu ninen. A milck und nosltUecure. M cents at Druggist, (i) cents by mall, registered. Send for clrrulnr. haninln liy mall, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, DrugglsM, Osege, N. inar.ll tfclAw VAllltrAOES. STANDARD CARRIAOE WORK. EDGERLEY & CO., (Carrlagu lliillders), MAUKKT Hl'KKKT, KET, KKAItOr I'OSTOrHL'K, ANCASl'hlt, 1'A. OUIt I.AIKIE MlOCIi or BTOG-IES & OAUIUAG-ES Comprises the Latest Styles and the most Kle- Santly Unlshcd, WHICfl WK utrKH AT ItEATLY KKHUCKD I'KICKH. TbeSUt'EItlUlt QUALITY Of OUIt HUIIK Is no longer Questioned. Ourterlc u asllneas any made in the larger cities, ami SOLD AT HALF THE 1'ltlCE. New Is the lime loonier for spring. KNCOUUAQE FA lit DEA1.INU And Honest Werk. All Werk WAKKA.VTKD. IlKI'AiniNU PUOMI'TLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. W A few SLEIOHS left at liw Figures. (Jive us a call. nevas-tfdAw B AROAINH. AFTER THE SALE -AT NORBECK & HILEY'S, CORNER OP DUKE AND VINE STREETS, LANCASTRU, PA., A LOT OF YERYCHOICE CJRRIIGE WORK LEFT, WHICH WILL HE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE PEIOES. DON'T-MISSA HAItOAI.V. CALL AND EXAMINE THE THE WOKK. QUALITY OF JILL WORK GUARANTEED. All questions answered by Telephone, through the Telephone Exchange, with which the establishment Is connected. SPECTACLES. SUPERIOR SPECTACLES AND EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, Field Glasses, liaremeters, Tele scopes, Magle Lanterns, Thermometers, Draw ing Instruments, Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus. List and Descriptions of our Ten Catalogues sent F11EE en application. QUEEN& CO., NO. B2I CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA mars-lydAw Mm. rf v I H npj eNsn U H MM OO M MX M n Ea 5 JjJ-OTICB JSXT AODIKARY. WWfWV Extraordinary Bargains CLOTHING ok Air. DKscmrTieNS duiiine tiik MONTH OK A Pit II., l'KKPAU ATOIIV TO A J CHANGE & -1N- OUR BUSINESS. yOall atonce, at HIRSH & B1TH1, Penn Hall Clothing Heuse, CORNER OF CENTRE 8QUARE AND NORTH QUEEN ST., Eer Thirty Days Only. S PR1NO. The ilcannl weather of the past few days re minds us that Spring Is at hand, and that It Is lime te sce what Is wanted In the way of SPBUG CLOTHIM Burger & Sutten, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Arepiepared te show te the public a Large and Well Selected Stock of Spring and Summer Suitings, Such as Corkscieu s, " all shades," Plaid i, Checks and Silk Mixtures, In fact everything that is New and Desirable, Made in the Latent Styles, at prices ns low as the lowest for the same qual ity of suite. Our READY-MADE STOCK Fer Spring and Summer Suits for Men, Youth ana iieys is complete nnu rcaaj Call nnd Examine our Stock, Shew Heeds. letc nnd ready for Inspection no irounie 10 BURGER & SUTTON MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centra Square, LANCASTElt, l'A. WIL UIAMHON ft FOSTER. -OUIt- EASTER EGG CONTAINS Children's Kilts -AMI- Norfolk Blouse Shirts, In a varied and cxten-ilrn utnerttnent or the Flncjt (.rnilii Fancy Worsted, Castiineret, and scotch Cheviot ter Children and Jtejw, tremSynara old te UerlJ, the fit of Mlilrli are exrellcut and HIE I'ltlCES IOW. Gent's Cleth Hats, In a variety or Celers, Hat or reu ml crown, 5ic J?SnAfW8:.9AS;0.I7.,,.'S5' 25-. "d 1'OChET HAT, verj" convenient for the traveler . ""(? wearie me i.eciure or conceit, Wci3c. nnd 11.00. ' The Best Dress Hat, is win iratiier.welglit, selfcnnferuilng Hat. It r.... in.!, iu.hi, us s nape iitn near, but con forms Itseir te the head Immediately It Is put en. NEW Sl'UINO STYLES In Light-colored SUIT Hats nre new ready. Gents' Underwear. Fer atmospheric protection, woolen or part woolen Undergarments should be worn in all ell mates and te meet the demands of the differ ent degrees of heat, our assortment of Under wear Includes medium nnd light-weights. In all qualities from the low-priced te the most per- MEiriN03hnr2a.T,nCd8,7?ca.mCm9- "r W"'TE Silk Handkerchiefs, FOK EASTEK.and Fancy, bilk. New Styles Puff Scarfs, 23e.. 80c. nnd 75e. Tccks, 23c, 60c. nnd 73c. Fancy Silk Hews, 15c., 20c., 25c. and 40c. Fancy Silk Hews, with Elas- tic Hand 20c. The cable-sewed Kid Gleve, One Dellar, New Celers for Spring In the best makes or Kid Oleyes, light and dark shades, $1.2.1, ll.se and $1.73. EAltLA WILSON'S Latest StvUs COL- Men's Dress Shee, $q. TheseShoesareinadetoour special order. We have a complete range el sizes, In button, Lace and Congress, made with or with out Tips. Fer Ladles we have A FINK KID Butten Gaiter for $2.50, "'ado with the bread or Common Sense Toe and lfl Tllta Inul.Aa Ann.rn.. 1... L .. --- ... iitqiitL. k.Jlll.l.l. Illi tur a nppcarance ins Opera Toe and High French iieeiwouiaiiaprerirable. We have them In all widths or both stjles, WILLIAMSON & FOSTER, 32, 34, 30 & 38 West King St., liANCASTElt, l'A. INTELI.K1KNT PERSONS OIVE MIL ler's IIOItAX Seap the preference. Effective, durable, cheap. DR. IL 11 MUlIIiKXIlERa irAH RE RE uievcd his ofilce te NO. 18 SOUTH 1'ItINCESTltEET, Itcsldence at the Stevens Heuse. al St ALli AT BEIGART'H OLD WINE STOKE FOH- LTSTON'S EXTRACT OP IJEEP. VUKST IN TUB WORLD, Established, 1785. H, E. SLAYMAUEIt, AgL. tebU-tld Ne. S9 tast King St. &!,! h?l'r W"M 4'v hf Mr H AQER A liROTHER. CLOTHING: - SPRING WOOLENS. SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS & SPRING OVERCOATING. Our Aaaortment of STANDARD AND NOVEL STYLES of Coat ings, Suitinga, and Trouflerintra for Men and Beys' Spring Wear are new Oomplete and Ready for Inspection. READY-MADE CLOTHING Dualnesa Suits, Dress Suits, Beys' Suits and Children's Suits. SPBINfr OVERCOATS. FURNISHING GOODS Leading New Shapes of E. Jk W. Cellars and Oufla. Noveltlos In Neckwear. Laundried and Unlaundrled Shirts, Ete. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. Bur uoevs. CARPETS. JOHN S. GIVLER k CO. AllEOFFEUINU THE LOWEST l'ltlt'ES AND QUALITIES OF Carpets Carets FOR THE PRICES. OOOD TAl'KSTHY, W)c ,fi3c., 75c., and ale. GOOD PODY nitUSSELS, $1.00 and $1.23. aOOD VELVET CAltl'ET, $1.23 ; llcst, $1.50. 3-PLY ALL-WOOL, Itest$1.00. E.VTHASUPEK ALL-WOOL, 1.3c.; Kcst, 75c INGIt AIN, 23c, 33c., 40c., t3n. and Me. HOME-MADE KAO and CHAIN CAItPET Cheap MATTINGS, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS. WINDOW SHADES AND FIXTCHES. Call anil Sen Our (feeds. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTElt, l'A. TJIVERY DAY HRINflH SOMETHING JJJ N hff -TO 'HIE- ANOTHElt CASE OF THOSE FAMOUS DOUBLE FOLD CASHMERES, All Celer., 12Kc a yard. CLINCH COLOItED CASHMEItES, Spring Shades. 23c a yard. Same quality sold last season atS7e. 40-l.S'CII FltENCH ALMA SU1TINT.S, Which leek and reel IIUe 73c goods, only J7KC. 40-INCH ALL-WOOL CASHMEItES, IHprlnfC Celers, tAc a jard. INCH FINE SATIN IIEItlSEIt, Only We a aril. Kli.VC II FltKNCH SATIN IIEltllElt, Splendid Value, 73c a yard. ( OSIIHNATtON IIIIESS SUITI.NOS, In Pretty l'aillau SIjIch, New hhnden In I.llillT UKUillT CLOTH SI'U'lNdS, Made Specially rer Spring ear. .lut Opened, a Cholce Line nt Heautldil Printed Satines and Batistes, AT VEHV LOW I'ltlCES. WATT, SHAND & GO., 18 and 10 East King Street, LANCASTElt, l'A. J." MARTIN fc L'O. SPRING Dress Goods. Just received another case l.NES In of DliESS SAT Beautiful New Designs and Colorings, AT Ilic. PEIt YAltD. We have also secuied 10 the PIECES MOKE of SPECIAL BARGAIN IV- Summer Dress Silks ! 35 Cents a Yard. 36-iDcli Lerraine Cashmeres, At 45c. per Ynid. Mohair Melanges, At 3 1 p., worth BOc. Double-Feld Cashmeres, AllahadiKi, lSe. per yard. ,25 PIECES Children's Dress Plaids. In neat and lui be, decided l'ntterns, at Uf p., Woith lSje. J. I Martin A Ce., Cor. West King mul Prince His., LANCASTElt. l'A. TTAI'Py THOUGHT AND REItlCCOA jljl Tobaccos HAIUMAN' Tobaccos only 8e per lducr, at KKLLOW t'UO. NT CIQAU STOUE, NEW YORK SHE. f1 mbeDs. - CLOTHING. CLOTttHfO. piINE TAILORING. 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. 'lhe Largest and Choicest Asnemncnt or FINE WOOLENS IN '1 HE CITY OK LANCASTElt. All the Latent Novelties In FANCY SUITING. A CHOICE LINE OF SPRING OVERCOATING. THE VKItY IIEV1' ttOUKMAVSIIir. I'llcet In Milt all and nil goods wai ranted as reprPHented at hli-iieiv alere, No.43IerthQueenSt. (Ol'l'OSlTE THE 1'OSTOKKIUE.) H. GERHART. J GANSMAN IIUO.' Spring Opening, In Our Custom Tailoring Department. Suits te Moasure at $10. Suits te Meaaura at $12. Suits te Moasure at 316. Suits te Moasure at $18. Suits te Measure at $20. Suits te Moasure at 825. Pants te Measure at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, 86.00, up te 80.00. Children & Bey's Clothing OUIt OKEAT Sl'EClAI.Tt. CHlLDltEN'S SUITS at $1.50, $2.00, 12 SO, fciOO. l U), J5.50. IIO 'S iiVVl S at $i 00, 2 81), 3.), ft 00, 13 00, up te flO.OO. Yen are deuhtlelnteieated In the purchase et SPRING CLOTHING And want the heat quality for the (cast Inener. We are equally Interested in securing your pa tronage, und have placed our large stock at prices within the reach of aU. Our goods tcre never se low priced as new, w hlle they arc as deslrahleaserci. L. GANSMAI & BEO., Nes. 66-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Eight en the Southwest Cor. of Orange Street,) LANCASTElt, l'A. . S-Net connected with any ether clothing house In the cltv. DARGAINS IN CLOTHING. APRIL. EVERY DAY BRINGS SOME THING NEW! TO HAY WE DISPLAY THE LARGEST, HANDSOMEST, LOW-PRICED STOCK OE CLOTHING -KOJt- SPRING WEM IN LANCASTElt. ALL OUR OWN MAKE, OESUl'ElllOlt WORKMANSHIP, ANHAN EX. CELLENT CUT (1UAUANTEEH. What It the value of a fine pleee or material If It la anelled in the making, and the sewing se peer that It rlpa with the llrst wearing? Ne Hiich sewing here. We have never had a com cem com plalnlaheiit l'OOItl.Y-SEWEDCLOTHINO. ALL THE NICEST AN II NEWEST THINliS -IN- Ready-Made Clothing for Spring, Can he found here, mid the price se low that they am In react of every ene. EXAMINE OUK STOCK OF SCHOOL SUITS Edit HOYS. MYERS & RATHFON, LEADING LANCASTER CLOTIIIEKS, NO. 12 HAST KINO STREET, LANCASTER. i'A. DONT FAIL TO TRY TUB CIGARS' Twe for fie, the best in the town for the atiAsTbiiK. UAJi'a yK,,LOW lftt0ti'i' 4 . a. 1. !i ?$-' J IT JlWii tik&i ' avT-UaX l f iK iMkw Ji Jc'j A-tv . iJ-