it''' ;atf" -vf 'L h AMERICAN ARCHEOLOGY. xjettT xuitevrx vi'ux run antiqvi. XtKS Of 80V Til AMEBIC A. Extracts from a Lecture by Dr. Daniel G, Brinten Before the Philadelphia Academy of Bclencei Nelcn About the Chlbchai People and the Famous Incas, Thmoisneovtilcneoliiany part of Amor Amer ica that the burning of bricks was practiced olther In kilns or llres. Tite natives knew hew te bum pottery but they ile net soem te have uiutorstiieil or thought It wertli whlle te bunt bricks. The nrclurolegy or Seuth Amerlca shows us two cenlitrltn or clvlllia clvlllia Uen ene ncr the etrnlts or Panama, tlie ether near tlie largest betlj of fresh water en that continent, I.ake Tlllcaca. Civilization radiated nerlh mid snnlh frnin ilmen 1..1 slde or tlie limits or theso two civilizations we find no remains of Mone-built clties. The pampas oniiieuos Ay res nnd the llrnzlllan lerests have their relics or bone, flint and stone, but theso de net show any degroeof civilization, and except in the limited region - denoted, the ether races or the coutlnent vore net alie ve the condition or barbarism. The most northern or theso two nations were the Chlbchai J they d elt In the valley where Bogota in Ecuador new stands. This is a high valley or the Andes, 160 nilles long and 60 miles bread. They had it form or civic government Independent or their neighbors north and south. Uy their early traditions they appeared te ba e been driven northward te this habitat by advancing pests or the Peruvian fortes. They had a settled get crn crn ment in tyraiufical fm m, a dovelepod relig ion, a knewledge of the arts, especially the muiamc aris. 11 was a country rich in geld andslher. SOMKlllINO ABOUT 111K INCAH. Tlie Incus of Peru occupied a lelly Alpitie valley 13,000 feet abeve the sea level, cold at all seasons, and the ground frozen for many months or the year; a teuten or sparse liar. vests, a forbidding plateau where llfe -was painful. Prem theso conditions, apparently se harsh, but teally mast stimulating, was developed a form of civilization nevcr sur passed en that continent. Three hundred and fifty years age theSpatiiards found ruins covered with Incas traditions ern de stroyed by the gods, a taco that came from the cast, iKjsscs&iiig knowledge, law, culture and the arts, the founder of Incas supre macy. Immense eranlle blocks, covered With rich designs!, lltted with nccuracy and nicety, are leuniUn their buildings, and Be great in size are these stones that it is a marvel hew tlie earriage of thorn could hate been hvCbinpliblied. Who wcre the builders? The weather w earing et the stone Indicates vast antiquity as great as the old lCgyptlau monuments. Cautious travellers who have no theories te suppeit, but simply search ler facts, con cen .sider these ruins the most ancient and most marvelleus in the world. The carvings evi dently refer te the worship et the light or the sun. The Inca-Stem states that Jlauce Capac descended the valley et tlie river and founded the great city of Cuzco about 1,000 A. D. This brought a completo civilization of me tjuicnuaa along tlie valleys of tlie Andes. Ft out "this date there is a generally con sonant and apparently accurate dynasty te the time of the Spanish conquest. Uofero this time it had reached its greatest height and was evidently in decadence. The Quichuas ceinpiiscd different nationalities. The civiliatien or Peru txtemled 1,800 "miles ever north and south'evortho eastern sum mits or the Andes te the western coast- This civilization was peculiar in character and wry positive in form. It was a complete per sonal geernment, te which that of China and Japan is as nothing besides it Etery thing was gecrutd by law. A child could net leme tlie place, tlie class or the occupa tion of Us forefathers except by a retolutieu. CONTKAbT INCITV-MAKINU. One trait maiks all of these ancient cities as different from the ancient towns of Uurope and some old cities in Americo. The Euro pean grew up around the castles or feudal lords, little hamlets, and Irregular were the first developments, theso cities grew up; they were net made like our Western cities and the cities orthe Incas. The Incirial cities furnish net a slngle example of growth j they were all built te a plan, the ground was sur veyed before a stone was laid. They show that a woll-settled governmental n rometo epoch had planned w hoi e they should be. They were devised te suit the purpese or military government, and for the develop ment et the country. These cities are In three classes, each for a ditlcrcut object. One class was built for sacred and religious purposes; it contained monasteries, nunneries and tem ples. A scceud was ler military uses, great barracks or caserne where soldiers and chiefs resided ; delcndcd by powerful walls and works et dolcnse. The third class were the manufacturing cities, great workshops, in fact, whero all children of artisans were forced te rcsldoandfellowthoh" fathers' work. Jn the Eastern United States there was no such thing as a dry-stene wall, whereas the Peruians were natural builders, surviving in their descendants te this day. They ox ex colled in cutting btene. Their agriculture was or high order and their system or irri gation was a line one. New here In Italy or en tlie Rhine is it surpassed, or are thore better nivalis adopted for tlie support of terraccs and cultivation. Their reads and bridges were excellent and they were highly skilled in the use of metals. They used natural bronze because they had no tin, but probably most of their work was dene my means et stones and net brenze tools. They jielislied and cut stones by rul blng with emery jxiuder and another stone. PERUVIAN rOITBRV. Peruvian pottery shows extraordinary va riety of forms. They had both technical s'ilU In luiitathe outlinei and humor In de sign combined with much variety. Scarcely two Jars or vases are ecr found et the same form. Their designs, hew ever, were Indeli cate and cearse. With ether evldence this shows a progress! ve moral decay had begun before tlie Spanish came. Tlie Spaniards found tlie Aztecs in Mexico In full vigor of development, and it was an advancing civili zation that Certcz destroyed. But Plzarre .found Peruvian civilization like that orthe Iteman Empire In the decadence, already falling into decline iy:d decay. (Unlike the most of old Mexican art in trade, at this day, quantities et genulue ettery are found eten new In Peunian cemeteries, which cover an much as threo miles in extent) They employed tlie fibres or plants In weav ing, dyeu and ornamented with embroidery. Atiuowebor veil was here shown beauti fully embreidered in red and blue, with a geed design. Tills concludes the survey of the arts el llfe among the Incas and the peo ple under their sway. They ruled e or many peoples. They were, essentially civilUers. When u nation was conquered by them they inquired carelully what arts tlie conquered people- had and thou removed them from thefr natal soil te ether places, empleying them te teach their own pcople the new art On the conquered territery they put n colony from u distance, or their own people, in occu eccu occu utleu. They had the theory of state-craft Aery highly dovelepod. "It was consistent w itn itselfand admirable. Thore must have been some defects, or it would haye persisted te this day, se great was it as 11 governing pew er." jsex Isolation In Udutattuu. President AVarren, orthellostou Universi ty, thinks that box isolation is a survival of the same medlieval Ideas which created and sustained monasticism, "ir the aim be," he says, "te narrow a human being te ene small function, isolation will be found helpful. If the aim be the somwlevolopincnt of a human being, Noml-lselatlon Is by all means desira ble. On the ether hand:, harmonious, oil eil oil Hlded development demands harmonious in fluences from every side. Masculine Inllu Inllu Inllu once alone, temiuine litluenee alone, can never preduce the breadest mid completost humanistic culture. Only in the fully hu man seciety of 111011 and women cm a normal de rolepmeut el human characler go forward, Where mental and moral improvement I the earnest and common purpose, the re ti lling and ennobling iullueuce et etch sex upon the ether in association can hardly be overestimated. It is an elevating and mould meuld ing foice w hese potency and vuluu have but Just begun te be recognized In the higher ed ucation." Tl llau Ilall Seiiken. Fieuv the New Yerk Tribune. The ojienlugof the preliminary base ball soawen yesterday calls attention te the fact that this sport net only holds its own in the public estimation, but is developing Inte greater proportions every year. In tact, it ixm practically boceute the regular calling of a great multitude el people, and it caamm millions of dollars te change bands each season. The claim, therefore, that it I the national game or the United States la founded en substantial facts. The present season Is ene or great premise Recent changes in the rules will have the tondency te restrict the pitcher, and consequently mi'ch heavier batting may be looked for than has been posslble In recent years. This will serve te make the game mera interesting te the ordi nary spectator, who appreciates batting al al Uieggh he may knew little of the technicali ties et the game. T1IK ROBIN AMD XIIK CHICKEN. A plump little robin flew down from a tree. Te hunt furn worm, which he happened te sce 1 A frlaky yeunp chicken came scampering by, And gazed at-lhe robin with wondering eye. Said the chick, " What a qiitcr-loeklng chicken Is that 1 !ilMlnF? nre "ele"S n"'t H" body be rat !" Wnlln the robin rematked, loud enough te be " Dear me 1 bird I" an exceedingly strange-looking " Can you sing t" robin asked, and the chicken said. " Ne (" lint aiked In its turn ir the robin oetild crew. Se the btul sought a tree, nnd the chicken a wall, And eacnuieught the oilier knrwnethlngat all. Oraee y. CoeUdgr, in hi. A'icholatfer April. HVEVIAL NOTICES. VEUY IlKMAKKAMiE MECOVEUY. ,!Ji ??." V 'Knl'nK of Manchester. Midi., writes: My wife has been almost helpless for flve 1 years, se helpless that alie could net turn iTer.Ln ,.'F.1?. nhnie. Hhe used two Ikittles nf Wcclrle Hitlers, and Is se much Improved, that sbntsnblonnirtedohcrnwn work.'1 Klcctrlp Hitters will deall that Is claimed for them. Hundreds of testimonials attest their great curative powers. Only flfty cents a bettle at Cochran's PriiB Stere, New. 137 and IS) North tlueeu ktrect, Lancaster I'a. () LIFE rilESEIlVEH. Health Kencw er.'' Gees direct te weak spots. . O) AN KDITOU'S TUIHOTE. Thejen 1'. lleuter, editor Ft. Wayue, Ind., ttaiette, wrl e;: "Fer the past live years have always ujed Ir. King's New Ulscoveiy, for roughs or lnpH sovere well as for thoxeofninllclHrtype. Itnever falls te effect ft speedy cure. My frl...,de te Whom I have reeom reeem jnendea It speak of It n some high terms. Hav fllpH.0" cured by It of every cough I have had ler nye j curs, I consider it only rcllablennd sura i!li?,2VCo,,t3u''''SjldSl.cte-';. 'nil at Cecbnin's imigfeteie.tW 137 and IJdNeith queen street, I.a icrtster, I'a., and get u tte Trial Uettle. laiigefelze 11.00. aj UUCKLEN'8 AltNJCA SALVE. TbobeatPalvelnthowordfor Cuts, Ilrulaes, Seres, Uliei's, Bait Itlieum, Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Cerns, nnd all Skin Krniitletis, and positively cures Tiles, or no pay requlied. It Ig guaranteed te give perfect satis faction, or money refunded. Price, 25 cent per het. lorsuleby II. B. Cochran, drugulst. Nes 137 and 133 Neith Queen street LancagrenVa. "HOUGH ON lOOrilACUE," Instant relief for Neuralgia, Toothache, Face ache. Ask tot "Ueughuu Toothache." 15c. nnd "- (J) 'rbMinw about no years since 1 llrst began f.e".h". ' s Cieiim Halm, mid from the time of .. urn iMiiyuuviiuu mere mis ueen u grenlng demand ferlt, and se fur as I tan learn, it has given very great satisfaction le my eustemeiv. 1 ceiiBider It a catarrh remedy of genulue tiierlt. A. 11 Ilumi, Diugglst, Montiese, I'a. The bleed would mn. I -nns a great Riitreicr freinLutaiih. My nostrils woie sensitive te dust : nt times the bleed would run and at times !,c?u,a Jlaral'. bieathe. 1 used Ely's Crenm Halm. Te-day I am a living witness or Its cm cacy. l'ttcr llruce, Fannei, Ithaca, N. Y. YOUNG MEN 1-HEAD THIS. Tim Voltaic Hklt Ce.. or Marshall, Mich., offer te Hend their celebrated ELEcrno-VeLTAio Hblt and ether hLKC-rme ArrtiACEeii trial for thirty !!aJ't, (olderyomiB) atlllcted with nervous debility, less or vftullly and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse for lheumatism. neural- cla, paralysis, and many ether kindred diseases. -uuajiuigicuuuuuii iu ueuun, vigor ana man- OOd KUaratltCeri. NnrUlf la lu,tt, an t1ilrn days trial is allow (id. Write them at once for Illustrated pamphlet free. decsu-lyd&w Agiie-Shnken Sullerers . Who resort te lleitctter's Stemuch Hitters, ex pel fence speedier uudnipiu complete lellef than they can hope te Ue by thu use of ijuliiiiie. This well authciittratcd fact U of itself stifflclcnt te liave establlthed u high lcputatleu forlbe H1U ters. Hut the urtlcle is net a specific merely for the vaileus forms of malarial disease, It endows tlie system with a degree of vigor, nnd reforms Its lru-gulurltles with u certainty that consti tutes Its best defence tigulnst disorders of Iho stomach, liver and bowels, specially rlle where the atmosphere mid wnter 1110 miasma tuluted. Fever mid ague, bilious remitlcnt, dumb ague and ague cake are remedied and prevented by it, and It alto removes dyspepula, constipation, lhcuiiiatlsiii, etc. Take this medicine en the llrst indication that the system U out of order, and rest assured thnt you wilt be grateful fur the hint. S lllg Tlileie-3. Djspcpsla and debility me two big thieves: they neep In mid steal our health und comfort before we knew It. Let us put a step te their Invasions with a bettle of Jlurdeck Jiloeil Jilt, ten, te be had at any drugstore, Korsale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 und 13a North Queen street, Lancaster. An Oft Year. This Is going te be an off year. Ne political booms ler "Plumed Knights" or "Koferm" wtll help keep up the health and strength of the vast multitude whose faith Is pinned en the glenlngpaity promljcsef election year. Multi tudes of such will need a reliable tonle te tone, up tlie system, a purifier te work off the bad bleed, audasuie remedy ler lame backB, rheu matism, lillleimnCBM, etc. Such a remedy la Kidney-eort It hits long steed at the head of the list efkldney remedies, und It receives tfie high est pralse fiem all that use it. "HOUGH ON ITCH." "Heugh en Iteh" cures humors, eruptions, blalns. ink nuiiu, iviici, gun rneuiu, iresieu leci, enn- (J) Worked Wonders. " My daughter was vciy bad off en account of a cold and pain In hur lungs. Dr. Themas' Kc Icetrie Oil cured her iix tutiUu four hours. One One of the boys was cured of sere threat. This medicine has worked wenileis.ln our family." Al van l'inckney. Luke Muhepac, N. Y Fer sale by II. It. Cochran, drugglyts, 137 and I.TI N'eith Queen stieet, Lancaster. A TKUriXT MKIHCINKCIir.Vr. fclMi Sike, N. Y Pest Orrice, Mutch l'J, lh83. One wcekuge, while engnged in my duties as assistant postmaster, I was taken with a violent pain or kink in my back ; It was painful I could baldly breathe, and I ached all ever my body, I Immediately sent for an Allcock's I'orevs I'lastkk and applied It ever the seat of pain j In twenty minutes I was entirely relieved and cured. I have used Allcock's Flusters In my family for ever twenty jears, and have found them wonderfully ctlcctive In cuilng coughs colds, and pulmonary difficulties. They are a perfect medicine chest; they cure without the slightest pain or Inconvenience, nevcr leaving nmiiiken the skin. TliUb. LEAUY. Prcitdintef Vlllnye 0 Ulng Bing, X. 1. When purchabiiig 11 Pereus 1 get " Allcock's." All ether 1'lastcrs are Imitations. 'lasteifbesure te se called Pereus A Hepe About Our Necks. A weak stomach or enfeebled circulation is like a rope about our necks. We are strung up and unstrung alternately till existence becomes unbearable, Burdock Heed Hitters will arrest all tills misery. Burdock Bleed Bitters lire a been te the sick. Let us remember this fact. Fer h'iIe by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 157 and IS!) North Queen street, Lancaster. 1'ILKS t PILES 1 1 1'ILKS 1 1 1 pin e cure fernilnd,Hlcediugatid Itching Files. One box has cured thu worst cases of Si j ears' Btaudliig. Ne ene need sutler flve minutes ufter using William's Indian l'lle Ointment. It nb nb sel lis tumors, ullajs itching, acts as poultice, gives Instant relief. Prepared only fur Files, Itching of hopilvatepailH, nothing else, bold by druggists aud mailed en receipt of price, tl. Sold by H. H. Cochran, 137 nnd lit Ninth Queen street. (1) Feu a cough or soie threat, the best medicine Is Hale's Heney of lloreheund and Tar, l'lke's Toothache Diens cure lu one minute. luJO-lwdeed&w ITCHING PILES." SYUl'TOMSI M018TUIIK Like perspiration, Intense itching, worse by scratching, most ut night, seems if piu-wenus were crawling. " Kunyne's Ointment "is a pleas anl, sure cure, jan!8-MWF4w i'UETTY WOMEN. Ladles w he would retain freshness nnd vivac ity. Don't fall te try " Wells' Health Kenewer." DvsrKiTie, nervous people, "out of sorts," Celdeu's Lluuld Uecf Tonic will euro. Ask or Celden's. Ol diugglsts. m35-lwdcedaw SKIN DISEASES.-" BWAYNK'S OINTMENT.' "Swayne's Otntmetlt,' cures Tetter, Butt ltheiim, iltngwerm. Beres, I'liuples,- Eczema, all Itcbv Eruptions, no mutter hew obstinate or long standing. Jan'.S-MWFAw Keur-Firtlu. Of our Ameilean people ure afflicted with sick headache In eltlicr its nervous, bilious or con gestive forms, caused by irregular habits, high living, etc., aud no remedy has ever conquered It until Dr. Lefcllu'g Special I'restllptten was dis dis cevet ed. GlveUu trial. See adveitlseuieut In another column. (3) Dlt.Fit.VZlKK'S HOOT UITTEHS. Fruzler's Heet Hitters are net a dram shop beverngu, but are strictly medicinal In every sense. They act strongly upon the Liver and Kidneys, keep live bowels epen aud regular, cleanse ths bleed and system of every impurity. Held by druggists, $1. bold by JJ. V. Cochran, 117anai-NeitbQuttUkUTtt. (3) i'.xfcj-'w -S-W,- '-1, r- -w ;,.......v j. H UNT8 REMIJDY HUNT'S KIDNEY AND L1VEU REMEDYI Never Known te Fail. NEVKll KNOWN TO rAIL. It cures when all ether medicines fall, as It acts directly and at once en the Kidneys, Liver ami Rowels, restoring them te n heallhy action. It Is a safe, sure and speedy cure, nnd hundreds have been cured by It wheii physlclaus and meads hud given them up te die. II is Beth a "Sate Cure" and a " SpcciGc." ituuur.s ail jmrcascs el the Kldnnyi llladdcr and Dilimiv Organs: Ilr Mver Dropsy, U ravel, Dlnbctdi, might's Disease, Nervous Diseases, Excesses, femnie weaknesses, Jaundlce, Sour stomach, Dyspepsln, Constipation, I'lles, I'alns In the Hack, Leins and Side, Helen- Hen or Non-Ketentleu of Urine. tl.i" at mivmiWH. TIT TAKE XO OTHER. Bend for Illustrated Pamphlet of Solid Testi monials of Absolute Cures. HUNT'S REMEDY CO., Providence, It. L t3) A Yint'S HAItSArAHILLA. Ayer's Sarsaparilla Is n Highly Concentrated Extract of Sursitpii 1 ilia and ether Hloed-Piii If ing Heets, combined with lodlde of l'etasgliim and Iren, aud Is the safest, most reliable, nnd most economical bleed purillerthat can be used. 11 Invariably expels alt bleed poisons from the system, enriches and renews the bleed and restores Its vitalizing power. It is the best known remedy for Scrofula and all Scrofulous Complaints, Erysipelas, Ec zema, Hlngwerm, blotches, Seres, IkillK, Tumors and Eruptions of the Skin, as also ier all disor ders caused by a thin and Impoverished, or cor rupted, condition of the bleed, such as Hhcuuia Usui, Neuralgia, ltheuinatic Gout, General De bility, und Scrofulous Catuirh. Inflammatory Rheumatism Cured. "AYEIl'S SAHS.U'AltlLLA has cured me of the Inflammatory ItheuniatlBiu. with which I have Buffered for many j ears. W. II. Meese." Dt'liHAM, Is., Match 2, UZ2. FKErAllEU nv Dr. J. G. Ayer & Ce, Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. ft, six bottles fcirji. ninH 1jrilJNKVWOKT. DOES WONDEHFUL CUHES OF KIDNEY DISEASES LIVER GOMELAINTS. Hecause it acts en the LlVElt, IIOtVELS and KIDN EYS at thu SAME TIME. Hecause It cleanses the system of the poisonous humors that develeps lu Kidney ana Urinary Diseases, Ulllleusness, Jaundice, Constipation, Piles, or in Hbeumntlsm, Nurnlglu, Nervous Dis orders and all Female Complaints. WSOLID PHOOF OFTHIS.-TO It will Surely Cure CONSTIPATION. PILES and UIIEUM AT18M by caiihlng FltKK ACTION of all the organs aud functions thereby. CLEANSING THE BLOOD. Hosteiing the normal power te threw off dis ease. THOUSANDS OF CASES Of the worst forms of these terrible diseases have been fjulckly relieved, and in a short time PEUFECTLY CUUED.; I'ltce.ll. Lluiilder Dry. bold by druggists. Dry can be sent by mall. WELLS, HICHAKDSON A CO., Huilingten, VL Send stamp fur Dairy Almanac of IteS. KIDNEYWORT. Jan.J"-3nidcedA3uiwr 11ATN ANIt VAVS. S' TIFF HATS. LEE, the Hatter, IS S1IOWIMI ROM II Nobby Styles in STIFF HATS for Spring. Ne. 23 North Queen Streot, murl-lj d LANCASTEU, PA. xtkvvi'nkwj EVERYTHIMUEW IN ALL THE Beautiful Spring Styles -AT LOWEST CASH PRICES. CALL TO SEETHE LIGHTEST STIFF HAT IN THE MAKKET. Weight Three Ounces. W. D. STAUEEER & CO., (SIIULT'6 OLD STAND), Neb. 31-33 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCAhTEH, PA. OLJSSirAJtJ!. H Kill A MA 111 IN. China, Glass, Queensware, -AT- CHINA HALL White Stene China and Seml-Peicclnln lu Dec orated and Plain Dinner, Tea mid Toilet bets. HOTEL WARE. EASTER GOODS. HAVILAND FRENCH CHINA. FANCY GOODS, LAMPS, Ac, At Lewest Prices. WAKES GUAKANTEED, High & Martin, NO. 16 EAST KINO STREET, LANCASTKH. PA. ENNA. CIGARS FltOM ?L00 PKR Hundred up. at HAHTMAN'O YELLOW sfUOUT CJQAH ttXOJlK. , ," 1 ih l V" -cr JVNTY'ffYil'"WM P A BALiK. Eer Sale Cheap. ONE 25-Herse PeWerEngine, with Nev Beiler and Steam Pump, all com plete, Price, $760. One 10-Herse Power Eneine And Heller, complete. PHICL, MTU. TWO Ten-Herse Power Engines, without Hellers, 275 each. One 16-Herse Power Bngiije and Beiler, nearly new, Canten Monitor make. I'KICE, IMUO. ALL dUARANTEKD. The Cylinder Boilers, rmcE, 36 feet long, 30 Inches in diameter, lit geed order. 110 EACH. -ALSO, TIIE- Poerless Portable and Traction En gines and Golaer's Separators. ALSO, 1K HOUSE POWEU r Engines ancf Boilers, New. PItlCE, mt0. Call and Eeethein, eraddiesa Ezra F. Landis, Ne. M7 NOllTII CIIEKKY STKEET, iiilt)-6uieedftw Lanceater, Pa. jmNGINK AND BOILER WOHK8. BEST Steam Engine AND BOILER WORKS. A8 WE HANDLE OUH OWN GOODS, HAVE NO AGENTS, CAN INBUKK OUIl PATRONS LOW IM1ICE8 AND GOOD OBIC. BOILERS. Vertical and Hoiizentnl.Tubular, riuc. Cylinder, Marine, Deuble-Deck nnd Portable. PUHNACE-WOHK, HLABT-PIPES, STACKS, Ac, Ac. TANKS for Wnter, Aclda and OH. HOISTING. ENGINE8. ENGINES,' . . -3 Vertical and Horizontal. Btattenarjyirpui tw Pertable Engines, en Wheels and Sills; Six blzcs 1, 0, 8, 10, 13 and, VD horse power, SAW MILLS. Puny Mitts nnd Large afllts. Deric MUI and Celt Mills. Leather Hellcre, Tan PscVciVj TrlppI Gearing nii, uoie-g I'vnvit PUMPS. Ik-lt und Gear Pumps; Mining Pump4 j Cem blued I'umps and Heatetn, - . Cerltrltugul Pump, Stcnm Pump. T GearliiK, j-uneyn, tiy wnctue, ubebb .uoiee.. liHiicers, Couplings, CelUnu Steal ,8wn and j iciea, i-iiiiey iiaies, riuingsezet, atuiKnt l-plndles.MIU HushlnR. e m C V - PIPES. Wrought lien, Ter Gas, K I earn and Water. Iren Pipes. Heller Tubes, Well Casting. Cut PimNGS. Fer Wutcr and Steam, MULVl U11U eleum, ?niic.i vvn, OIKl ngeg, Gauge Cocks, Glass Water Gsukm, Jlety VaUc'9, Whistles, CJIelw Valres, Govorners, .Patent SelfKecdlng Lu- VaWes. Cocks, Steam liHU bJ bilCHters, Glass Oil Cups, Glass xuues, inicciers or Heller Feeders. PACKING Hemp, Asbestos, Gum and Plum bago. HELTING Oum, Cotten and Leather. CASTINGS Heavy and Light Iren and Brass. Heller lien, Sheet Iren, liar Iren, and btcel. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools and Public Buildings. STEAM HBAT1HO. Estimates, Drawings and Pattern Werk fur nished at Heusenable Hates. ir- Itepiilrlng promptly and carefully at tended te. Address, Jehn Best & Sen, NO. 333 BAST FULTON STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JanlMydAw HAVING DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP and permanently closed the Chestnut Street Iren Works, I desire te inform my old patron and the nublle generally, that lam still lu the business, being located In the Pennlren Company's Works, North Plum street, where I am making Iren and Urass Castings of every de scription, and will be pleased te serve all who may favor me with their patronage. Frem 40 years experience In ths business and using the best material and employing the best mechanics, 1 am satisfied I canguaranteeentlre satisfaction. Castings made from a intxture of Iren and steel which are mere reliable for strength and dura bility than the best cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a spec ialty. Cestings unule of vcrysoftlren.andbrass castings or every description. I have all the pat terns of the veil and favorably known Mowrer Cern nnd Cob Crusher, refitted aud Improved, alise en hand. Mills completely fitted up or In I mrts, te replace old ones which have been In use erycais, guaranteeing them toglve satisfaction. K. O. Mt'CULLEY. aug-14 6uid WALL PAVKU, w 1NDOW SHADES. OUK LINES OK ? DADO WINDOW SHADES It larger and prettier than any season hereto, forts. Wu have the new colors and designs In six und seven lect lengths. Special sizes made te order. Plain Goods in All Widths, for all klnda of Windows. Onlv the best Si l'lxtiititn neld. We haru tbem In Weed and Tin. SCOTCH HOLLANDS, LINEN FHINGE8, NICKEL OHNAMENT8. Ac. We tuke measures und put up nil kinds of Windser Shade work. WALL PAPER. We hae a Choice Line of Paper Hangings for thu Spring. They comprise ull grades. Fine CEILING DECOIIATIONS. FH1EZES, UOU. DUItS and CENTHU PIECES. Lace Curtains in Variety AND LOW PHICE8. Bed Setts. Lambrequlns, Ac Poles from 40c., elegant for S0e. apiece, up te fXse. PIARES W. PRY, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTEH, PA. H EADQUAUTERS FOR THE INDIAN MEDICINES Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere, N0.9KA8T KINO "ST., LancMter. fm, ''Vii. ZE v. ' lrv $ fJmM iMMM llt i.yii "; , t.wv H Aamr ' etHi!R. JILKS! 52 . . JIAO:5.B BBOTHBR Invite a epeelal examlnaUen of thelr SILK STOCK whleh we have oeured dlroet fmm Vnntr TmnA. VrTI ATr' Manufaeturere, equal In qualltloe, "Yerk. BLACK SILKS, Which we guarantoe te wear. OOLORED SILKS, Evenlnjr Bhades and New Spring Colorings. LADIES' SPRING WRAPS! NEWEST SHAPES. VELVET BROOADE, GRENADINE VELVET AND TRICOT CLOTH. FINE STOCKINETT JACKETS. JERSEYS. nrV?!? L?Lthe Medlum Wel8 Qualities, as ,'4VW J 4W VS VUU DOOOUlIa ,. eTii 1 ir"ru' . a "pewp?8! 'am ana Embrolderod Pengee. Sum mer Silks In Neat Checks and Loulslne offecta. Black and Colered: Plain and tirocaae volvets. HAGER & BROTHER, Ne. 25 West King Street, Lancaster, Pa. N EXT DOOU TO THE UOU11T HOUSE. F ahnesteck's H6SS 11 r. H S II I, H II I, hbbH II I, H fl I. H HIT I. K K HSSS K K H S K K U KK W)88 k k a BS3.H It I, K H II I, II II I, WAUti II I, ft II I. K K R K n Hiti, hSBS II LLLLI.K K lS8S bbhti II LLLLLK K bHHS FIIOMTHE GUEAT8PKCIAL8ILK SALE, HELD IN NEW YOI1IC LAST WELIC. Solid Celcrt, all Shades, 37c, BOt, 65c, 76c. and 1.00. Neat Stripes and Checks, Celers and Black and While, Orey and While and While and Black, 60c and 60c Alse, Black Silks. Bargains in Black Silks from Same Sale. SPECIAL IIAHUAINS IN 1ILACK 8ILK8 AT 00c., tLW), II.12K and tl.25. R, E. FAHNESTOCK, Mextuoertotne UourtJleuEe.. --fSf ' -" .'..'".., '. - ' tSUfW! u .(TIUlSAP BTOKE, SPECIAL FRO'M THB AUCTION ROOMS OF NEW YORK AND t-,utr-A-pi!lLVjtxA OUEATKST IJAKGAINS EVEK KNO.TlV IN BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, v mW DRESS CLOTHS, BLACK. CASHMERES. ? Ladies'' Dress , LONG AND SQUARE BLACK THIBET SHAWLS. WE AUE KULL OF I1AHGAIN8 OF EVK1IV DESCBIPTION AT Metzger & laughmaii's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KINO ST., LANCASTER, PA. tytj- Iietwecn the Cooper Heuse and Serrel lforse Hetel. ROWERS A HUKST. BOWERS Nes. 26 and 28 North WE OFFEU Special Prices in Bleached and Cream Table Linens. Having bought n Large Let considerably under value, no shall eiler them iery low. Bargains in TO WEES, just opened. TURKEY RED TABLE OLOTHS, all sizes, very low. SHEETING and SHIRTING MUSLINS, all widths and best makes at Reduced Prices. QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, the best for the money in the mar ket. Elegant Qualities at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and up. COMFORTS and BLANKETS, offered very low, te close out the Let. BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. CLOCKS, 3lIJtJtUBH Alfls MiHOXZES. H. Z. RHOADS. SPRING, 1885. We have new open te the Public a very large and carefully selected assortment of Watches of all grades and prices. Our stock of Clocks embraces every kind and style, the best makes and reliable timekeepers, at prices very low. Alse a full assortment of pretty novelties in Spring Jewelry, both in Silver and Geld. Everything new and stylish in the way of Silver Hair Ornaments and Bangles. Come and see for yourself and be convinced. H. Z. RHOADS, LANCASTEU, pa. Ne. 4 West King Street. tr Stere open until 8:00 every evening. Saturdays, 9:0O o'clock. ueuHEFUJUtiauiita aoeva. s UIRK'S CARPET 1IALL. CARPETS! 11E0PEN1NQ OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, We are new fnecarcd te show the trade the ly. WILTONS, VELVLTS, hlblted In this city. UUUBSELS. THUKE-PLY, AlMVoel and Cotten OltAIN CAHPETS. . XJAAlAHliantl VEC-llAri own manufacture a v ineciallty . special Attention paia te tae juanumciuru 01 uuexuju. uaui'jvie. ,.!... lllBnllnnnaM4ntliBUanlllU.lnn,nfriTKTr AlieaFnU Llnsef OILCLOTUS, BUGS, WINDOW8UADE9.COVK11LETS, fta, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Cor. West King and ?w THT glLKS 0 "' and as low as sold In Philadelphia and New they are IC K RSSS K K H U K K K KK S3!S K K K K K S H... 68SS II I, H SHI, H II I, BBSS II I, R II I, K K HSSS K K K H IC K. H KK bS8 K K K n nil I, K K H K ba II LLLLLK K bhSS . . -. , , Lancaater.Pa BARGAINS . r KfiakJM. ., Goods in V ariety. & HURST, Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. THIS WEEK CARPETS! Largest and Best Selected Line of Carneta ex er ex, all the Tradlni' Makes of IIODV ANDTAPKSTUV Chain EXTliA SUPKUS,- and .all qualities of IN. lJUll'JVlB. UAU iuu UJIAI.I liillU'CLOUI uur -AT Water Ste., Lancaster, Pa. lebM-SmOAw M- .-mttKsJll ClM MOOaaaUiMtMutmd CUlMn ,!" ftC0MKHKi.M.4ta, VmO IORNWALtivAB V fOLEMKOOKVj-. Arrive at Cornwall t iwjt. "K ..! 7i40p.m. atCemwai itiya p. m., con necttna wit lafwitni U'i ier points est M wei iwci Htm 1 , Trains leave Cenew 8.25 p. tn. Airlve at Cornwall 1 tn. t at Lebanon nt 8.3 connecting; at Lebani Heading Kallread for 1 the Lebanon and Trc town. Pincgreve and 1 WA. P aft 7 ijfli. a with. TIM 1 Ut' inrmt- r.. ' i e-iu a. m, 1 rain w Colcbreokand BcllaJn PENN8VLVANL! ULK. Trains loave Lancast Philadelphia! fellow, itepjmiy UILHOAi u)dTaTei fjAT' ' IVK9TIVJHI1 NewsExpreMl. cJea.Cc'C WayPasscni Mail train via Mt, Jeyi I..W Ne. 3 Mall Train . ?Ut .,.. ? Niagara Kxprcse 7:40. . HanoverAccem ,, j Celum'a.- rast I.lnet. IjlOiuM- T' Lancaster Accera . Mt:ia.& MtJfe.. ilarrf abuttr Accem ,. . . Columbia Accem...... llnrrlsbtirg Express.. Western Kxpresi f .. , . Pacific Kxpreu iiip.inrs M0 "1 EA8TWAKD, Hall Kimrml .. ucastr. &i Phll'a. Express i KMtLlnet 5jj t-ifitum. "-s "1 Ilarrlsliurir Exnrcsa -ie Lancaster Accem. ar Columbia Accem..... Seashore Express..... Johnstown Express I Sunday Mall Day Kxpresst Ilantsbura Accem.. . . The Marietta Accen bla nt 0.40 n. in. and tea leaves Columbia at If reaching Jtarlettaat l letlaat'.t'xip. m.andn also, leaves at 8M and ilO ' .sap, ta. .- &. V18 - xlatlea IM' Marie Mai i. in. ud tn'D. nd2Jn. LMTMt vim at OelrsmMufi Ivcaat8,'.j)f- lm leavM.Mttt tnrat p.m,'timte at 8-10.; v ' wIMlefi j -nstLftin t I.tne, we,. J3 tderlck.', (.i i nodatlen, nwt, tei ibM Ltutewrter st en, west, OHMMIn E xpies at VM sum.' i no i eric Accommei 7:10 and arrives at Lan with Hariisbun; Expr The Frederick Accei lng at Lancaster w I th tn, will run tbreim h t The Frederick Acci Columbia at 12.25 and i p.m. Hanover Accommed Lancaster with Nlagai run through te Haner Kiut Line, west, en F step at Downlngtewn, Mt. Jey, Ellzabethtew I The only trains wh the Mall train westru ( Leave dally except uuy, exe .y, wiien etftil'un- )MBTUia,v ud MlddM ivaflBS ' i run aauy.-MBUpi Oftrsyet CelHWtilv ntey. rft . rvjt, vnje m:-: Vy-ALTEH A. Ill flTSHiT Furniture WaiMs. "i Tl 8 Tt28it: $) tr' iX mtmm.,.4 i TERYCHEAPx: TOBACCO. LVD CXQAMH. Ja-,-. H. Tt HTKHU ATv .frl'fl Holiday Presents. MEEHSCHAUU OKEUSKO jflPBS, TUUKISU PlPle, rBENCHBKIAH PIPES.CIOAKAXU CIO AKETTE UOL DEIIS, CIQAIt C E3, BUOKR'S SETS, CIO.UIETTECA '43, A8U RECEIVERS, MATCH CASES, I ES; AO.jfAU lu'ermit aueiy and at ve t low prleeav? v.fl WCall and euialue oecgopds,. -Vp uuuuie iu pnuw ICUUI. i e. l mmw: co, : i Ne. 116 Nci I hlOaeei Tstrcet. BU. MAllTIN, ti-jA WU0LI1 . LK AMP XBTJUI. "' DealtriQAIIKiu.eUirtertMdN. 3-Vake: Ne. IX eitb Water, ami Pilnce sticcts, aboveLemo Lancaster, t AJ-lyd TJAUMGAUDN1 .H & JEFlfEfclES, COAL Orricui: Ne.ia MM North Prince sti Yards: North P Depot. LAN DEALERS. th Quceh street ,id Ne. itce etreet, aer- iliadUig iBTKU, PA.VJ? , , " I ft ,15-(M CiOXU ' m MsmiTEMm WA rr-.v sr-ffrm. " r- '4 "1 -( ."T-T W i 41 A LfVV' y s CO in EH i N Vsl . f '1 Ail. ii ," niHnB ivii va i vvnyi .t,c 330NOUT11 WATi WHOLISALB LUMBEE COKHKCTIOH WITH Yard akd Onrici STKEET. 3TUEET, LaacKStar, Pa,, OBBTAIbDCAtaB a AND GOAL. T 4 TjsiirHoine"Kx hae.' Ne. SM NORTH .V VTKK - aVjK"'--i ,. ivh e. J. HWAKR CO. J 3JJ38 Orrica : Ne. a) C Yards t East W (Stewart's Old Yan lleth Yard and O phene Exchange 49-KINDL1NU ectl-MindMArU iieHanw nut and,.? 'mm tu sireew. r tltin Tela. .J it . . ft iJ1 "& caceanc "MiAi - iW QODA8rjtWALTr.-C i'vLJ " . "-' Om JCJSJtlXli. T TWT3C' AT BUHSK'S. Easter OelTei 1 IM4V . T 4 ? aud'iiiKer Cards. ,a: ir-MVn'.i -. . "-a! ' We will glve frr bcaiitilul Easter C fee, and another i iirnl', with each late trade and lua Yeu want kech Our Colleen cann and always have t ground. OUU VAKIETl dang Java, Chele Guatemala and It OurfOcent Itle be beat. Ourlile also lower pilced d with cachTxiund of Cef. ?y. sign. leivryi pretty two, M wmL we or thu le ttniH-' i,- the child .!!a; jh- -w iy CefTeus. u Hvn I hum.. belet. VT4)iiy U)0bet2.'i iinihrreiwied, u'je rtcMr-,.? iOl3. Mai ' ' j1 "Vi "W 'uA..K'9n Uectja; Lag1 a.t ,iiibiui,j. - leuaedf ru iv CAti eiTee, BIRS r a goods IS1Uj, JLIIH," "ma " A! NO. 17 EAiT P. B Same wm h si Ivftn l branch. Chestnut ind Xs3ry i mm connected wltUti jvUeaeex ft '.it ti MlKi mmw& mm asmv-r TSx' m T i if-i "h HP- S4 A4-! n 'tH :4 JlW '31 .c&v; ,:flfa "M ;1 dm .Jf53 WM .4 ' rWJ i- i '-. id 'tH V(r. Jt-,. "'V W. v ,' " f e- rTn ft ' f-Jfe-Jf -Wsija-Iff . , ' ' iBJ P- ifj ii