p.'.. iiK. v 'J r. tV I tfjt," - k. ' Vj' I 7 - .J ft " t.'-fr" J , .; i t&; TOLUMEXXI-e; 183; t . 'fij & TfiEY MET W-(COURT . iw : J t: Inf vtvtrjut.wvArrnkr aPAnnnrn 2 verrTxar rttKrxyricv. "" t i - j, ' Arrest r the VacllMfe for. sm AMtelptted f., et the Peace. The Seme in lJrrll, Court Itoens-ilew the Hlert Toek tWoeeMea. District Attorney Graham then addressed the court, saying that the section of the penal cede under which be asked that the defend 'ants be bound ever was the act of March 22, 1967, which provides that if any person shall engage In any prize fight or pugillstia contest whereon any money or ether valuable thing is bet or wagered,-shall be guilty of a misde meanor, lie contended that it was clearly within the mind of the legislature. te prohibit lust such Duclllstie encounters as this, and If that the testimony given by the witnesses, wmcu uau le uu urawu iiem meui, w mey were reluctant witnesses, fully' established a irima facle case against the two principals at east, and he did net press for a binding ever as te the ethers. It was established by the testimony that this was clearly within the act, because the expression used by some of them that he would "de "McCafTrey in the second round could mean nothing else in the language of the' prize ring, than a knocking out, and it was net, therefore, a slmple friendly contest for points. He denounced the effect of such exhibitions and pugilistic contests as these as most demoralizing attd degrading. In reply Mr. A S. Xk Shields and Themas J. Diehi, csqs,, argued that this was a case in a court of justice, und it was net te be decided by sentiment or feeling, but by the law of the land. Quotations from English and New Yerk decisions were made te show that ex hibitions of sparring with gloves, suck as they contended this was te be, had been pro nounced te be lawful. The Marquis of Queetasberry'a rules and the method of sparring were observed by the Philadelphia Fencing and Sparring club, te which such men as Richard Ashhurst, Geerge Blddle ana otlier prominent members of the bar le longed, ami all gymnasiums in the city. These exhibitions, or like ones, had for years been gl von in Philadelphia night after night, and nt public places of atnusoment, and It had nover been droamedthatthoy wero unlawful. In no wise, they argued, could this be deemed te be within the mcanlug of the, act of assembly, which really contemplated prize lights or puglllstle contests in which the bare . knuckles were used, and the act could net JJ be strained te apply te frlendly Bparrlngfer ubUiU with soft itloves. "f2,Si JUDOK FELL'S KEMARKS. prther urgument by the district- at- f Judge Fell said : "By act of essein Jt fimade a mlsdomeaner te either ou- I A RW 1U a prizB.iunit or a iiuguisue unce uiiier en which money is bet. I cenclude from the I 2 i.ntliHAn'iliB(. tuts nfltm rftnfaml nnia ! conspired te violate the law In this respect. I ehair held them for conspiracy. I new order that Jehn L." Sullivan and Demlnlck McCafTrey Jje held in default or W,000 ball each te answer at the next term of this court, and I further erder that they be required toenter ,,bail In 95,000 te keep the pcace for thirty daya; and that thev be committed te the county prison until this order is complied with. And new I wish te say one mere word te you. It is no part of my duty as a judge te prevent the commis sion of crime, but te punish when crime has been committed, lluilfyeu succeed in on en terinir bail and co out of this court room and .agree te go en with this contest, by such an agreement veu will have committed a new .jjr qfl'ense. Upen such information by affidavit -v. any who hum uuuruuun or dveuhik wm t - issue another warrant for your arrest. If you ' . persist you will raise an issue between the i 'taw ana tlie lawless, and upon you person persen f., ' idly the consequences vlU fall.!' "That settles it," was heard en every side 1 ' a seen as the judge had finished. There i- was a geed deal of. trouble experienced lu i clearing the court room, and after awhile the principals were escorted te a private room, .;, when they bad entered" Hull! van and Mp- Canrey toeK seats en opposite Haas or a large table. The Bosten man growled te, himself tars itjvkvsieiuenwy.aua wiuwui saying a rvwiira reached hit band out te Deauatek, ' which the Pitiaburger readily , grasped, ' ' B. l-rl. n The long-talked-of contest between Jehn Ll?uUlTn mA WHtaek MeCaflrey, In Pnltadelphiaj wm nipped In the.bud.'Thtirs- day afternoon by Judge Fellplaclng eaerdf the principals under to.eoo bail in iMir hn harge i of oeiwplracyand 95,000 additional te Keep ue peace. The bail was subsequently reduced te f 5,000 each upon the men promis premis ing the cetirt that thev Would Jiet nnnnnr ! Industrial Art hall lart nlaht unilnmr four - rounds, The effect or these proceeding re- jutted in the fight being declared off and a less te the principals or about f 10,000 which, it was confidently expected, would have v been taken In at the box office. f Jeseph K; Whoeler, a member of the dl tl .. zens' Representative cointnlttee of Phlladel- 5. pnia, a permanent organization practically representing nearly evcrj Christian denemt, hUm in the city, made-a affidavit in which 'iehtl Ji- Sullivan. Demlnlck McCaffrey, Patsy gheppard, Air Lunt and Billy O'Brien weFBi . a8ed with a conspiracy te set up and maintain a pugilistic contest en which divers wagers had been made. In consequence thereof niHtrlft AttnmiMr rahnn el.j J.u'ge Feil te wsue his warrant ter the arrest ei the above named persons, and the warrant 1 was accordingly issued. THK r-HINCirALS IK COUltT. The principals and their friends were as tounded when they heard tbat the court had been asked te step the light Owing te Mayer Smith's refusal te Interfere It was thought Until Thursday morning, that the men would surely coine together. Judge Fell flxed 3 o'clock us the heOr for the hearing, but it was an hour later when the proceedings began. .The court room was crowded. Tticre worfnet a spare Inch of spoce te be found anywhere. The nrinclnals sat directly behind tbelrceunscl, A. 8. L. Shlelds. Themas J. Diehi and James U. Heverin? .pUly O'Brien, Patey, Sheppard, Charley Mitchell, Jero Dunn (of Chicago, the slayer "' Dillen;, e enn i. e ietk, eciecl Ueuncllman Themas J. Kyan, All Lunt and a host or ether celebrities were packed together within . the railing. Mayer Smith occupied a scat oleso te District Attorney Graham. Judges Arneld, Yerkes and Fincletter were present en the bench. Within the memory or the eldest tipstaff no such gatheringhad ever been seen in that court before. In anticipation or the crowd police officers were detailed te assist the court officers in maintaining order. Richard J. Debbins, the ewner or Industrial Art, ball, left the court heuse after he had given ills testimony. He paid that he felt the walls Bhake and that he did net consider it safe te remain. The street in front or the court heuse' was packed with poeplo whoyere unable te gain admission te the building. They remafiied there ter Several hoiirsTbeplug te get a leek , at the pugilists. " Several witnesses were oxamlued, among them Philip J. Guiger, a stalwart pelice offi cer, who tcstilled that he visited Sullivan at Renz park en last Saturday. He had no talk with Sullivan alone. "Did he say he expected te knock Mc Caffrey out in two rounds 7" asked Mr. Gra ham. " He said heceuld de it. He didn't say he would deit." " Did he say that he would net de it In the first round, but tbat he would de it in the second round 7" "He didn't toy that be would de it," re peated the witness ; " he only said he could de it I said : 'De you think you can win 7' anu no saia no ineugni ue ceuia ae mm up. He didn't say he would knock htm out" Frederick A. Banker, or Pinkerton's de tective agency, testiiled that he received a letter from Billy O'Brien relatlve te the fight The district attorney steadfastly refused te make the letter public, but these who read it say that it contained particulars of the "con ditions under which the pelice authorities 'were willing te allow the match te proceed." The letter Is said te make extromely rich leading. After the proceedingo in court Sul livan said : "O'Brien hasn't two ounces of sense, or he wouldn't have written that letter. It will nevcr be given te the public bocause it reflccts en certain city officials." Other witnesses were examined, but nothing of importance elicited. ARGUMENTS OF COUNSEL. rrii5fe-- J' ' - " . . - i. VI 5 ;.". j ?--";.' ,: ; 399 ..iJl, 'b. , ' Ft !? ? r-f!t r'i'. , :).?:;?, s.r :v " 3 y ey vige the laws, " aaki' Sullivan. McUaffrty nodded by way of reply; and then, reftwed a cigar which the Bosten Ian offered am, ' Heeh - afterward 'McCaffrey meved1 around by Sullivan's side, and the two ox ex changed occasional Words. 'WHAT THE rUOll.tflTH BKY.- Bali for the pugillsU was entered by Panlel L.t Dawsen and Tim Maher. In t'onrersa t'enrersa t'onrersa tlen with a reporter Sullivan Midi "lam sorry the fight Is off. Ihsve(ccn nut te a Brest deal or expense coming here and train i'Mf' , The publie has a wrong impression aueui rae iney uunk that lr I hit a man with gloves I am liable te kill him. That ,WTP'?. I never; knew a man .yet te be hurt ..M ew. vMl4.vcui7jr nan enroll Ha Mltuiy peute as 1 have, and he will say the same i,l5?' never Baid wa9 8,nB te knock MeCaflrey out In the second round. I am sure I never used such An expression. I mayandrmaynel, but I think I would be able te bold my own." At this juncture it was suggested lliatn Place might be obtained In Camden te have uiu contest. "What tGe te JerseyJ" oxclalmed the champion. "Why, the Jersey law Is worse than that or Philadelphia. I don't knew What we shall de new. We might get a big balloon and go up in the.air, and have it out drhlre the Plymouth Heck and go out en the high 'seaa and there scttle It" -I ani willing' te meet Sullivan any place outalde or thrs city," Said. McCaffrey' "I wU fight him te a finish en any terms or for . mu .utuijui, wge ,ie me winner. .No body feels niore sorry than 1 de at' the result of this thing. I had heped te 'meet Sullivan and I was confident or besting blm. I have ?t decided what I shall de new, except that I think I shall make Philadelphia my per rnanent home, ter I have many friends here." Later en Sullivan said i "I don't knew what tfee outcome of this thlni? will ln. hut i mean te go Europe in June and glve exhlbl-ilPi-K'TSetolsageoddeal or money te be PKKW p mjxiuw' x ae VI 1IK mere, vuKaamiHBMliui I fe-JtbiSKaOSr m temtmMgJmm SSmWSSs lniwl&tnmTm&a. rMMMikt m wma or was leaHMd At the Club McCaffrey received a tlatterta England and they don't have uraer societies thcre, cither,' v nsen wm meet me ever ; rather old. The n Igh t Yerk there was RJf.oeo tfeatjigcest show I ever 4,be another ene IwaW-wetl In front Jfex-Utit when It MM,tke pbce. Iajrirtihtjlafei4ek xA 7Mae mA elW. - i i ...i-.. ..- . i. .. littftY G. PEA'llSON, 'ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffft- , -JK' -4'WJmW -vvS Trjr ktrMM''x6ir UniMttr' 'viitJbt ' A ,i KverjrWr;. MeHeirM That m Special Baaat Wm rxme hi Hr BrMh-VfUAM KnlMMk. meat'Tftat Wm Terjr na-Mjr WaAed. JtEOEXTtr AVVOJOITJBD ANJ COy Fl JIM. J!l I'OSTJtASTJIH OFXJUir YOltK. MoinlnuUen Tluit Cratcl Seme 8ur.tlr. Itlslng I'ruiu an Humble Clcrkdilp tu (lie Head of the New Yerk I'ostemre. HI remennlv Aiitarillirr. crowd present HeMd nig inai no was wuiliigfte-" any place en the ulebe. Ihte 4lin re..tlrfa T1I1I.. f.... W' neunced that be was willing fntr ftr Oft nftrt r'w .'t II persons having purchased lhe-. uie uex omce ei Jtuuustrial Art halUwiH ha-e. their meney refunded en Saturday, night at Corney'e, Na 111 Seuth Sixteenth' Hireei. M.V TUB ItAUS. Oa'mea rinyed Vrtenlay liy WlntFi--8tuTentd Men A Ooed Slieninc Yesterday the Quaker City club, of Phila delphia, played their first game,-with the Leaguo team of that city, and was Hhut out by the scere or? te a Dally, or List iioasen's Harrlsburg team, pitched for the Lcague and struck fifteen out, allowing but ene lilt te be madoetl'blm. Weldel and Qulnteii were the battery of the Quakers, and Helland played third base. In New Yerk, alter an exciting game the Mets defoated the Yale by 5 te 2, and in Washbigten the Nationals were defeated by Brooklyn by 12 te 8. Johnny West, or Wllmlngteu, who backed the strong club ei that place last year, Is net tlred or base ball yet He wants" le locate a club in that city, and a movement is new en root te transfer the Quaker City club te that place and put it in the Eastern league. It would take the place of the Momimen Memimen tals, about which' there is a squabble. Te-dav the arbitration rnrntnltfivt mnnta In Philadelphia. Much Important business will be brought before the body, but the most In terest attaches te the effort being made by Mr. Lucas, of St Leuis, te have the reserve jumpers reinstated. Mr. Lucas is expected te attend the meeting with his attoruey, and counsel has been retained by several of the blacklisted players. The question or the right or the Eastern League te a cluk in Baltimore will cause a long discussion, and the ultimate decision is yet in deuut. The Eastern Lcague officials claim te have a strong case, and they have thrcatoued te withdraw from the national agreement If it is decided against them. James McCermtck, or the Quaker Cltyclub, signed with the Jersey City club. Jake Geedman left tills morning for Tren Tren eon, whero he will play first base, The club meets the Philadolphles te-morrow OFFICER JlAJlNllOLLVa 1'MXOL. Henry O. Pcai&eu 11 forty-two years old. He has been connected with the postefllco or New Yerk hlnce October. ifCe. oxcentlnir for a short tline. His first position waslhouit waslheuit prumlslngly humble ene el" slaiuicr and dis tributor OI letters. The late General Dlx gaveliim the appointment, which proved te be an exceedingly geed start lu life. After tlleddiliir almiir In wCi tr,,,i imi ,...i.i fdltkome detdl, until the summer or JBtBBJOI,lllS P031UOI1. in OcIeImt, lfeftt, he W8 mateiLS.ilstiltlt car: mt I In. TV..... -'.,.l- ,t WaeWigteii railway postefllco line. .iremwajeft bf,w;i8 advanced le be clerk, -;hVkrk,.vii, chief head clerk lii tfcat brtweh el the janicc. On the 1st or Fci- nwry,1 MN, he wan taeled te be sujierln. 2.1 f Malta In b'H Yrtfc ivuinm. sg3JaMW.;a;liialiicr he sub- iu,.m Mfwiwu iKBimaster jnevcinucr. 14; assistant Bsucceeded 11 d new the 'nppelutinent rocerfi, wall tbe nms'vii-r.4i . ... WWJfc. . "T W T -ru 1010, mmrwmra9B-wmvmM tinsinuvMB Jf ON Mareh his father-In-Uw'Mi'tMiBl iidmlnlstralIen"fereews llilM. liv no nirsMiK ivt.l that Is necessary te state. Inpleghiphlcal ilo ile tall or the man wlioistfeejtusoot the pren. eni K)imcai exciicinciit' a. ... v.n....... ijj-iiiiivu uu i Ul'igw tfK ayorage height, compact, well-built and erect of figura His coiiijilexion Is fain his Jialr and niouKtache nre brown, and hiV friends' claim Jbat he is geed-looking. " He Iex(fI-' inglyhurtceuB and nffable, a gcnliman' whom it is pleasant te meet whetheri feus!-' ;. Ti. ? nesserln secictv His aptielnlinent suggesU Heme rt-mlal-ccncos'ef the mnch-vuxed quoslleii or 'Civil Horvlce reterni, as applied In the New Yerk1 IHwiomce. i-osiniasier James urew up rules governing appointments thera in May 1870, I'rcsiucnt nayes These were approved b' ucncr.u kev. tiiev rre- ile lUclurgr It m the Street lu Order' te "frighten "a Man. This forenoon a number of young men were seated en the stone wall, along Chest nut street, at the cast end of the Pennsylvania passenger depot, when Officer Barnheld came along and ordered them away. They get down and, because one of them answered the officer back, the latter attempted te arrest blm. The man took te his heels and ran down the railroad. The officer at ence whipped out a revolver and fired two shots. The man who committed the terrible offense was' badly frightened, and be had geed reason te be. He made his escape. Barnheld says that be shot te frighten the fellow, while ethers say that he shot te hit It matters very little which story is correct It is difficult for any one te tell why the shots were fired, as they were, entirely unnecessary. It only served te draw together an excited crowd who thought something terrible bad occurred. Had a private citizen discharged a weap on in the city limits he would have been jerked te the lockup very quick ly, and thcre Is 110 reason why a pelice etficer should be allewed te sheet upon every trilling occasion, Just because he is an officer and happens te have a weapon. Barn bold Is said te be very " fresh ',' lu the uae of the pistol, and It is but a short time agoslnce he Bhet at a man named Kaheo down in Mar Mar tle township, simply because hoattempted te get away before any warrant bad been read te him. Barnheld Is a fair officer, and bus made several important arrests, ter which lie has recelved all the credit due him; btitif he desires te make, himself promiiient by having Fourth or July entertainments en the streets, the mayor should disarm him; but ha won't On the day that Mayer Rosennilller's police force first went en duty, about a year age, theofficers were called together In the station house. The mayor made ene of bis short speeches, and stated that the forve would be left in charge of Chlof Haines. The latter arose with an air erdlgulty, and delivered a long "address, giving the officers, Heme or whom have been en the Jbrce ter a dozen years, instructions In their various duties. Among ether observations be warned the officers te te extremely care ful In the nag of weapons, and never te use them except in aggra vated cases. The majority or the offi cers mid little attention te the warning, and within a few months Al Siiecce almost clubbed the head oil' a man, and Barnheld has been discharging bis pistol at everything. The chier payB no attention te their actions, although It Is brought te his nollce and he is about as much te blame as his valiant ferce. Ooed rridajr. Te-day is Geed Friday, belng the com memoration of the day en whlchUie Saviour oxplred en the cress. Services were held in the Catholic, Kplsoenallau and Moravian churches. In the first named churches the host is carried back in selemn precession from the ropesltorlum te U10 main altar, Adoration or the cress by the congregation is made. This afternoon at 3 o'clock the stations of the cress were recited, tbat being the hour at which the Saviour is believed te have ex pired en the cress. . At St Mary's Catholic church services will be at 7:30 this evening. Communion was solemnly administered ut the Moravian churnh bat evening. Te-day beiiig'alegal holiday the bankv schools and internal revenue office are closed, and Sunday hours are observed, at the West ern Union, telegraph office. The fourth son of Mr. GmiBdenef Middle I street 1 W. Wealev fMaeleferd. Hi name We'll' have te waH for two. or Utree years I was aoeWwWly emitted by.uji yesterday., ;' )V anil Postmaster General iiuuu competitive examinations ler ni ni peinlineubi of the lowest grade, and that vacancies should, be filled liv rcuular .promotion given f"Celkency and sjieeial auiuty, Minis anticipating the United States civil servlce law, which went into torce in July, 1883. Moreover, they provided tbat a a clerk in any class could try the ex amination ter the next highest class, and that if he showed a better record than the lowest maji In. tbat class, he should take his place. A few interesting figures may aK'st the reader te form some conception bf the Im mense, amount or business KUcrinttnded by Mr. Pearson. Twe million letters, mere or Icrk. are received and distributed from the New Ybrk iKxstolllce every week day. The weight el postal matter, Including news pap.rn, etc., dally disputed of in that vast ctructure, W from 175 te ffie tens. Nearly nne-tcnth of the total jKwtolliee htislmms dene by the government Is transacted in New Yerk, the postefllco of wlikh realizes 11 revenue of about three million dollars a year. Eminently WIe. from the I.eutsylllc Couilcr-Jeutimf. Asa political inove it will seen be evi dent that the nomination or Mr. Pearson was eminently wIm. Iutatlalluii of Ulltcerik. The following officers of Conestoga Coun cil Na 22, J tin ler O. U. A. M. were duly installed by District Dej. H. C. Biggs, as sitcd by P. C, Wm. H. McComsey : P. Councillor II. U. Amnion. ' C Gee. M. Gardner., V. C M. T. Itobinsen. A. It Sec dl. J. Baurer. AV'arden A. C. Wilsen. Conductor Gee. B. Brown. Inslde Sen II. C. Carter, OutsldeSeii. Sam'l Ung6r. This council, although composed mostly of young men, is well managed financially and otherwise, a the rcjKirt oftlie trustees ter the term ending March 20, 1S85, shows the above council te be worth f 1.631.67, 11 gain ever last report of J1G5.43. Teulbly llurneil, '' Early Thursday morning, Isaac Evans, a catcher at the Pcnn lelllug mill, was terribly burned. The rollers were being changed and white he was at work in a steeping position, uu oil lamp whlclliuiig ever him was loosen edby thejarorthe machinery. Itrcll.strikliig Evans upon the back, spilling the burning oil ever him. His shirt was seen en ilre anil burned almost entirely oil". Kuveral olher men run te the assistance or Evans, who ran from the mill getting into the air, but they were unable te extinguish the llaincs until he was terribly btirued all ever the upper itart or the body. His nice was also badly in in fured, and one ear watt almost burned off. The burned man was (akcu te his nuldcnce en Plum hlreet, opposite the sleck yards, where Dr. Iteland attended him. hlieitlui; llui Cluliu Point or Twe. Mark Twain has ient a characteristic loiter to'the Concord Free Trude club, which has elected him an honorary member. He thanks the club for (he honor conferred and referring te te the action of the Concord Library committee in cendcmmlng his book says: "Thisgouereus action 'of theirs must necessarily benefit me in one or two addi tional ways. Fer Instance, it will deter oilier libraries from .buying the book, and you are doubtless aware that enu book In a publie library prevents the sale ofasure ten and a jRMslble hundred of Its mates; and secendly, it will cause the pin-chasers et the book te read It out el curiosity, Instead or niorely In tending te de se, after the usual way of the world and library committees." A Drowned Hunter's Faithful Deg. Jeseph Meyer, aged qp years, ofFrodorlcks efFrodorlcks ofFredorlcks burg, Lebanon county, drowned while hunt ing musk ruts Wednesday eveniug. He was attacked with an opllentlo fit and full into the stream. One of his faithful dogs run home, warned the family and lodasearch. lug party back te the stream, where anether deg was standing guard ever the drowned man, whose feet were stretching out of the water. ; A Fermer lAiinutrlau l)lr In lleadinir. Mrs. Elizabeth Prlce, rellct of Mr. Tuyier Price, died Wednesday evening at her resi dence, Ne. 63(1 Franklin Btreet, after a brief Illness. Shu leaves two children, a daughter and son, lilancheand Harry. The deceased was a daughter or the. late Capt MIcliael and Amelia Leeker, and was born iul,8nciftter. She formerly resided in Baltimore and Phil adelphia, but after the death of her husband, which occurred twe: yearn age,(ite renwrved lOMeauuig.1 ft . . -'.' - j' ki-Kiil;if,Cgrrfponbenco et' IXTKLLiOK-ic-m. Columbia, April, IkThe SusquehanB river, ;H,tbtaihetilng, clear of Ice between HarrlsWrg and Celmnbla,. epHnt-"a occaalefe) Mall gorge, from whlcfy Waver, inidanftw, occur. The two large gorges en the dam ailHremftln; bat are greatly re- uunt , nwijuuy ene-nui 01 taem Having been washed away during last night The dam has rietbem4hHnaged,M can be seen from the shore." The river shore from the dam id the IV It) ft bridge 14'ehe mass or mud, white hore and there are piled high cakes of ice. Between the points Just named remains n large body or lee,,' but it is gradually break ing te cakes and wearing away, se It will de no injury. The bridge is safe and every pier is clear of Ice, as is also the; river from this point te Chlqucs, excepting a few smalt gorges. Soveral trees en Big and Little islands have been broken dewn;f The canal eutlet is clear ef-,cand water; as escaped all damage. AN KMnAtIC31ENTBAbI.Y' WABMKO. At Star Reck, en tb6 Columbia A Pert Deposit railroad, the embankment bas -been se badly washed tbat trains urn net allowed te pass evor it s in fact freiaht traffle bas ter the tlrue belng beeii suspended, while nasi sengcrs are transferred en each side of the wash-out The damage was done ynsterdar alraut neon, when the channel at Turkey Hill, referred te in last evening's Lmtelm. OKHCisii, became blocked and gorged, and the water backing seen covered the tracks net only wltli water but Ice as well. The Columbia wreckers removed the latter. Ne further danger is feared at Columbia, even though great bodies of ice and water re main north. Before the latter water lias reached Columbia its strength will be gene, WlllIO thO Ull rl Vnr lliwwtu urn tint r,t onflfnleni dimensions te cause the river at Columbia te rise higher than yesterday. Hundreds or visitors caine te Columbia yesterday and to day, the majority being rrem Yerk and Lancaster. Law Bulla Itesultlne Fiema new. Hurry It Ruby a railroader, residing en Cherry street, this morning brought suit be be bo tero Squire Evans against Erwln Yeagcr, a steve meulder, 'ter drunkenuess and dls. orderly conduct A counter suit ter assault and battery was brought against Rudy by icager. The latter paid fines and costs, L and was released, while Iho former was held under $200 for appearnuce at court. It ap. iears that while passing up Cherry street last eveniug Yeagcr and Iluby had a fight in front or tee latter's beuse.. Yeagcr was worsted and proceeded up the street, fol lowed by Ruby, who had entered his heuse and armed himself with a revolver. He as saulted Yeagcr at, 4lh and Cherry streets, and beat him unmercifully. Yeagcr claims Ruby hit him with an instrument or Heme kind, probably the revolver. His race was terribly bruised, while an ugly gash was ,ado above his right eye. The lawsuits re- ninnnijmi tms row. ,T)iivretii Dltejue Like (Intnt't. 7Jefc:G.petic,-residing en Seuth Sixth street, wea juafctJiaa about 10 p. m., yes- aeraay; et eenwupwmMy Ihmat, adisease ,J4illnr"teliat frwiijfc iNiuyal Grant is 't r .A 1 mv M jgtejufflfa r0 SCHOOL BOARDMEETING. rme wtmmxtfv fntscMtexa; akd kx. VKSniTVHEH FOHTHK YKAH. What it. Ceat te Keen unuur Sihoel Bynteei. IHrniUtfl' ttie Admlwddn or Nen-Renl-tletttaptb The Kenartef the City Hnperlntendenl ter March. A, stated mecting or the beard ef1 sch 00 dlreoiers was bold In common council chain- , ber Thursday evening. The following natned nioinbers were present: Measni. Baker, Bolenlua, Breneinan, Breeius, Cochran. Darmstetter, Eberman, J.vans, Gast, Hartman, Herr, Johnsten, J. M.. Jehnsen. William. Lfehtv. Mnrnrmlxlr. MeEUIgett, McKilllps, Oblender, Ochs, Raub Relmensnyder, Rlngwalt,Schwebel, Hhlndle, ?i,rJc' ttraych Hnyder, Spurrier, Warfel, WIckersham, Levcrgoed, presldent Mr. Evans, from the flnance committee, presented the following bills, which were ordered te be paid: R. S. Gates.' leAchltlCr timllt unlinnl al metiths, 1105 1 A.R. Stamy, ditto, five and -a-nuarter mfinfhi.-t44.!i7' .t.tt riuliijkHiiA-" three months, 182.50 1 AV. IL Levcrgoed, ditto, (82.50; IdaM Llnd, ditto, five and a hair months, $137.50 ."Henrietta It Uarklus, ditto, half month, $12.50; Jehn IL-Jerdan, janitor, extra work, $10; R. M. Merrow, work at schools, $9.87 j Levi Pewl, repairs at school, $H.55 F. Lewis Nell, 1 der. brooms, $3.25 ; Lancaster Gasllghtand Fuel company, Mr. Evans also presented the following es timate or receipts and expenditures for the ensuing school year : KST1MATKD IlECCll'TS AHI eXl'BNIllTUIlr.H Te the Beara of Dtreclvrl of Common Hchoeli 0 Aincaiter Cityt Yourcemmitteo or iliiuncc, as rcuuircd bv law, rcspectrully present the annual esti mate or receipts and expenditures or the schools ter the coming year, with thirty cents en ene hundred dollars valuation : ESTIMATED ntCKIITS. tl2,4M),eun valuation nt 3 nillle.. t.VXine KtBiii uppioiirlalleii ,. n,7Viw Tultlei M () l'rebsljle ameiiut fmtn County Com Cem Com mlsalenerH en cellaclliii? Klntn nml County Tax,.. 4 Probable balance June 1, !., ,. iSaa ,A pagesef ojesely Written foolscap less hm tire errors la spelling and iXir.K"5?, ... "" maw nveraKing n as I spelling, capiUls. tcrammar and nhv, Is very KreaL ami wwnnnta1 fnr iir number of vIaIIk muin iv ... . tendwit during these months. ' i rtXSS!H?"on.0.r.the "tatistlcal, lable ap ap pendpd will u hew thataome roller should 1J0 afforded te Miss Slahl's school en Ann street and te the primar es en Lemen and James streets. Thorelsabundanceorroom en Seuth i)uke and Rockland strcebt, te rcllove the Lemen and Ann atroet schools, but some thing else must be dene te rellove West James street Itespectrully, your eiictllcnl sonant, It K. BUEIIIILE. 8UUHcal Table or Enrollment and Attendance for March, 18H3, lwlu M m - -- TTT' , ' raicirAt.s' en tkachmis' hamb. ..,., UJah Schools. J. P. Mct'eskey Mlaa a. II. Ilundell .....m... . Secondary KchoeU. Jy. It. LovcrBeoo..... ,,..,, H.8.Gate..r... .....Y.. A. 8. Stamy.,,., ,.,,',,,, tvMar.-..;.;.tf..t. ;;.;.... Ml?s E. Powers,.,,,, c.u. nubcr......v:;;. " M.A. Dougherty V. Shlbley.i.. ..... ,..',,. . Bliss M.Pulincr ,, ;; 11. it rniffcr " .', J" .JfPr " U Zug ... B. urecn '.''.. A. e. Uuthven 8. Dencler.. ju. jiicmc MTIU1TID cxirMmTCiir.s. lay tullleii... ...... .,....,,, Niuht tuition... .:.:., .,.;.:,, Principal en leans.......... intercut en leans Ceal and kindling Uoeksand stationery.,.,..., salaries dan bills .,.,...,, Water rent ,. Nepal rg Janitors Abatement for payment...., Krrers and exoneration.,,, Commlsulen forcellcctlon... Contingencies , I .KM m ,. 2,800 00 I?,IW 00 ..J2,(M) OH ,. 7W 00 ... worn ... 2MO00 .. 2,100 00 MM ) .. 215 00 tiOUO 173 W ... 1,SM 00 ., 2,172 ai VU0U) .. 1,000 no ., mew .. km 00 ?CJtI. " sn. fAig., ...,., " A. Llnd.,,, . Biamcy.'...:'.:'.:::::: .-; " h. Downey..,....,.,,.' ... .' " k. liaitcr.....;; ; . " " O. Llchty. ...'..' " K. Clllten. ........ '"'."" outhDukebtrcst.. ... .. JPriaru Scheel. Miss C. OvS)lndler , , " K. Huydain. .,,.. " " M.J.lJruiiIng I : " L. Murshall.7. .......'." InewmJfcrJiie. mlv tke tatjflain, faiised 1 )4ininKiMed.'4r'tebwiee',wHif.i 'bavertimtA.ta.Hhvteam ia'.afed w ill beiflterra bt: Mt-YBethaTfaw Monday at 2. p. au, ttem Wf feem' church. "" .J$$$p?,: Ii Ivst evening at tl&faifam&'nttiitiic'tX Chapter Ne. 13J, Agawlz aVMteeaC-Celumbia in the library r'rtem, seVtHieew laws. 1x.ts woie present The chanter has otitein J n blew nine, and after this the rneetlnirs xtrHlY be made still mere interesting by experl-1 iiiema 111 inincraiegy, tne niemDera con template purchasing Reck mountain minerals, te lie added te the already large number or specimens In their handsome cabinet The next meeting will be held pn Friday evening April 17. " ' Church OfUcem Kleeted. Ata congregational meeting or the Uetliel church, en Wednesday evening, the retiring ellicers icportetl the work or the church for the past year te be highly Batlafactery. The new ellicers elected are as fellows : Elders. Jeseph Strawbrldge, William IL llelttel and Geerge E. Selpel. Deacons. F. (J. Steluboiser, Jehn Elliett, Sam'l Snyder, William F. Hartman and M. M. Gramm. Town Ketes. The Easter novelty and concert by the IronviUe band, in the rink, has been post poned from the 7th inst te the 0th last. The Ylgllaut fair opens next Friday even ing, in Armery hall. William Frances, or Lancaster, was given 30 days In jail, yesterday, by' 'Squire Evans, for being drunk and disorderly en Union street, Columbia. Jcsse Wolte had bis right Jegeverely in jured by being kicked by his borse'ou Wed nesday. t Although te-day Is Ooed Frldav, Its ob servance will be but slight in Columbia. The public schools are closed, and appropriate services are belng held In the churches. The banks are open and will remain ae. At tills writing, 11:30 a. m., all stores are ejksii, but will probably be closed this afternoon. The counter in the reading room of the Trement house, was damaged by fire last evening. The origin was front a. lighted cigar in a spittoon filled with sawdust A small book containing a list of all sub scribers of the Pennsylvania telephone com pany, has been issued te Columbia sub scribers. It Is replete with information. The Harris opera company will appear in the opera house in the charming comic opera "The Musoette." The company contains some excellent voices and give line renditions of their operas. Te-morrow afternoon they play "Pinafore" and in the evening the ''Chimes of Nenfiandy." Klued Acalntt Her Will. E. Iw Rogers, prominent lawyer of Uallitnere, was arrested Thursday evening en a charge pf assault and battery preferred against him by Pedro Meran, a young medi cal studeut The assault grew out or peculiar circumstances. It seems Uiat Meran was smitten with thq charms et Miss Hardesty,- a nl'oce or Mr. Rogers, who is quite a prominent society bolle, besides being 11 dashing and haudsome young lady, Miss Hardesty visited Miss Gor Ger dnti.at whose fasjiionable boardlng.heuso en North Charles street the mother of Meran bearded. A few days age, white en a visit te the heuse, Merait'lnduccd ' colored servant girl te bold Miss Hardesty while be kissed lier Revcral times. The young lady being without parents, appealed, te tier uncle for' protection, and Sir. Rogers demanded an apology from Meran, which "was refused, hence the assault Mr.' Rogers was released en his own recognizance All the parties con cerned are well known In the hlgiiest social circles, and the affair lias' created net a little sensation. Funeral of H. II. Ilreneunui, The body of II. H. Breneman, who died in Colerodo en Sunday, arrlyed In this city at 1 o'clock tills morning. It was accompanied by the deceased's wife, and was taken te St James church from which the -funeral took?, place tills afternoon. The funeral services were conducted by Dr. Knight The pall' bearera were S. II. Reynolds, W. A. AUee, J. ,1k Livingston, H. E. Blayinakcr, Geerge K. Reed and Jehn D. Sklles. The interment' was made in Lancaster cemetery. The tu-' nentl was largely, at tended. Kinoerer WlUlam KImm Btuearek. Emperor William kissed Prince Bismarck several times during the Interview-en Wed-, ueauay, au team 'jittei rriBee reainareK'e eyes. Visitors streamed te the palaee through-; out the day, and toeusinda of oerigritulatory letters an4,tlegrina,jMBlu(UngiBMMU from all tkevEnropeaa'eeurta; nave been re eiveM, jsfuperer r.ranew Jeaeftn ana ueutil I,1M tM The' nbove ustlmute U based oil the tax. remaining the same as last year thirty cents en the hundred dollars valuation. Your committee would recommend that the Sherman street property be sold at public sale te the highest bldder, as it is useless te this beard. We have examined the treasurer's ac count and find he received f22,:57arl and paid $20.01l.5, leaving a balance in his hands due the beard or $2,35H.U3 en April 2, 1885. Reiii;nr A. Evash, A nnrvwntfn &t, Jehn Ocuh. r'uvif Btoiieii uiw iiiaucr 01 selling 1110 oner ener oner aB.')(teticheol let was placed In the bands or UMjCeHMM0 en buildings and grounds, tU yMr te aeis&t,1 Mr.. Eva mated ,Hwt Henry Hartman, eewMy oemwtoolooer, bad'eallcdenhlm aud askdrpfialeB,tfSBd bktwe boys te aeauBl.ki Uii.cHy.:Mr.-lLtrUnarrit net a UtaMMtteTtke cltV'JlnH be.ewas ttrenerfv MtaMl.tMnkK ke engtrt tehT M-prlrl-1 e- ' r ....q .- . . , " J ... 1 .in ii)...ivV M. Zueiclicr., K. ilundell K. Jlueser. A. Carter 8. Smith K. fiblrlc B. Helbroek M. Btahl K.llucklug.. ...... L. Kalck.... B.StltTel II. Llchty.,.., L. Weber. 1 SI. Underwood. . , M. Ileyer V. Kauffman K. Zechcr....!..;.., ft. Ilupley K. McUlnnU II. Ilnrklns M. Uuthrle M. Aebmus M, lluniibrevllle M. Usui) Jl. Sencr. 8. Carpenter.. ...... A. Iliisheng, S. CKlltnekcr Fleming. I. McMillan 8, King ' " ll.Welfzcl 31. A. Hbarne Hess Ill ltt . an 37 H? 42 52 41 14 4 30 39 30 4$ 41 31) 33 42 Al 37 40 49 41 SI 33 m .VI M 40 00 117 3:1 CO M M M 70 47 59 43 43 41 51 51 47 51 SI 37 40 S3 47 at M "J M 48 05 OS S' 3t4 1(0 IX) 31 at 41 31 sa 37 -47 37 37 39 32 34 27 42 37 31 30 35 41 21 34 41 31 31 3D 45 40 23 43 Il Si 41 t'J 4i 44 57 41 It 3S 3-J :l 40 41 X) ft 31 32 4(1 ' Of soe jrniii H te Mew BeMeVeil With Hie i.lvhic-'i fuJ Atyeet of Mln '' Hearly Hreak NbwYekk, Apr 10 o'clock last night five o'clock t44aui then dressed and tht and stronger than a favorable symptoms encburaged and hop Is indeed a ''geed" 1 family -said this n been snatched from dermic syringe had new he will spend 1 living Early callers ceult ment that ttte patl much stronger. As rlilng mm, the bemt sumo a cheerier aspt raised te admit the t the lace draperies at in the light breeze the geed news proce plcased utterances.. ATE X HEA1 He ate a heartier than be has for spnit lug bathed be went m. was in a rofreslil; became wakeful , uneasiness' in bis tli unchanged. CAPxvititra 3 i J.n'l,-, ... ,nj 10 40 ' 5S 42 40 M ?& '"28 , 3S SI wiueutfiitfdeHrMf the two or 'UHeelw tee scnoeia os- mm atHnci are, otesen are eiesed' and Ik Mr.." Evans ' moved " ' ' e city schools are'epn. Dormlsslen be ulvcn- Dr. Wlckersham said tlmi tinder the school law no non-resident had a claim te fiend bis children te the city schools, no matter hew much property he owned in the city.-. The beard might admit non-iesldcnt pupils-If they choeso te de se, provided it did net" crowd out any of the city pupils. Mr. Warfel said the admission of non resident pupils, without pay, would be a bad precedent Mr. Evans' motion te give permission te Mr. Hartman te scud his children te the city school was adopted. Mr. Baker said there were ether parents residing outalde the city limits who wanted te send their children te the city schools, and were willing te pay for the privilege. It would be manifestly unjust te admit Mr. Harttnan's children free and charge the ethers. Dr. Wlckersham said he feared the beard was reakinga bad precedent Mr. Hartman, from the committee en buildings aud grounds, reiierted verbally en the proposed sale of a portion of the Straw berry street school let te Zion cemetery com Cy. He said tbat in June, 1870, the school rd took from the Hamilton estate, by legal proceedings, the Strawberry street let for school purposes. (See Trust Reek 5, folio 338.) The committee cannot recommend the sale of any portion of it, and under the cir cumstances the cemetery company de net de sire te purchase It Mr. Ringwalt from the night school com mittee, reported tbat the girls' night school bad been closed March 107 and the boys' en' April 1. The books and stationery belonging te the beard and used in the boys' night school had been placed in the bookcase and lucked up by the principal of the school, who bad handed ever te the committee the keys, which were in turn handed by Mr. Ringwalt te the president or the beard. Mr. Raker, from the Judiciary committee, te whom had been referred the matter et the admission or Herbert Adams into the sol dier's orphans' school, reported verbally tbat the applicant was net eligible The report or the city superintendent was read as fellows : Lancaster, Pa., April 2, 18S5, Te the Heard of Scheel Director. Gentlemen. Your city superintendent submits the following report or the public schools for the month or March : The wbole number or pupils enrolled was 203 in the high schools, 1,021 in the secondary and 1,090 in the primary, making a total or 3,283, and including OS from the boys night school, the wbole number was 3,351. The avorage attendance was 242 in the high schools, 885 in the secondary and 1,614 In the primary, making a total et 2,771, and adding 45 from the boys night school as before the entire avorage attendance, was 2,810. The uvcrage percentage of attendance was S3. The uumber of visits made by your city superintendent was 100, these made by the directors were 112, as fellows : J. McKilllps 21, J. a Warfel 12, J. I. Hartman and J. Ochs each 10, J..M. Johnsten and Dr. R. M, BoleniuseachO-T. F. McElllgett 8, J. W. Byrne 7, S.'W. Raub and Dr. J. Levcrgoed each 6, A. J. Snyder 4, Hen. J. P. Wicker sham 3, Dr. D. It McCermlck 2, A; Z. Ring wait, IL Sineycb, C. Schwebel, U. It Breno Brene man and A. Oblender each L During the mouths of February and March your city superintendent oxamlned the classes in Hoeker's Child's book or Nature in the lower grade secondary schools. In almost all eases the answers were submitted in written for the first time in this made. I m mere and mere convinced that the earlier UW VU11U HU1 UQ U1UUU W UUMWJ U1B UUUliy lu write the better. The classes in Meral Science, Constitution U. S., Geometry, Algebra, and' Zoology in the girls' high scbejil were at the request of their toachers, also examined by the city superintendent These examinations were also conducted in writing, and it was especially encouraging te find two directors prosent during almost the entire, examination. On' fie 36th of February, the. pupils of the signer eiaaaea in tne eocenaary scuoeis num bering 73 boys averaging 13.3 years in .age, and I airls. averattlnir 13.5 'years in ace. as. aaiaWea In the blgn school te be examined In Pkyaioletirv. .Of the turners then written oentatBUig the answers te the questions' and jttibJecU anahmed'jU were entirely free from Arrera in sceLUnfr anil eanltals. ' 21 emtaliiBd 'but one, 10 contained but two, 12 contained ...ir,.ar5pI'.foferr,n8 t0- Ikat parfceC the superintendent's report relatlve te,te' crowded condition of the James streeVprini ary schools, said the pressure might Iw re- lleved irdlroclers In granting perinlt wenld give them te schools as far south as possible without inconveniencing the pupils. Dr. Herr, from the committee eri text,' books, moved that copies of Adler's Germati1 Dictlenary and Harrier's latin Dictionary be purchased for the Girls' High schoet Keerctary Johnsten reported that, In ac cordance with Instructions given by the beard, be had collated and printed the amendments adopted te the rules and regu lations since 1SS0, and would in a few days send copies te directors and teachers. On motion of Mr. TlrnnmiiAn. Mm (rtmm(t ieeeu bulldimrs and irreiinds wm Instructor 'teliajya a new closet made ler Miss Sharp's nwtsjurcct scnoet ',i1te.vAniinn niv. t.t .;.TrJ.. i- .. r,.-. r. . .. ... parauvn y, Jm, irariej, eupenmenucnt Buehrteiwa9permH(ed.to.niake a statement Ui rererenqtoUiepreposedplantlng of trees liiMhe sclieui. grounds en tljeday fixed by the state fumrintenda'at . as Ajrl)br day. He Uieugbt na the sule Biipedul tendent und cx-tate siuxrlntendcntrfwcre residents or Oils city, Laneastel ichtjte(ake a lead in tl?e matter. He bad vkll'vi the schools and found that a number of tiu have already, made, preparations te secuifc trees, shrubs, vines, 'etc., with which le "beautify the grounds, lfwas lealrable te have a pregramme or exercises arranged, an hour set for the same, and it was suggested that pupils have the privilege or contributing, a small sum, say ene cent, towards preparing-' the ground, eta, and thus have a direct in terest In the ceremonies, and that the school beard furnish meney enough te pay for the trees, etc., and that ttiey be planted under di rection or a committee or the beard. On motion or Mr. Wartel the cemmittee en building and grounds was instructed te pur chase the trees and superintend their plant ing In accerdance 'ith a pregramme le be arranged and published. Adjourned. Up en the Lookout. ' Frem the West Chester Ilecerd. Michael Walsh, Pennsbury township, In forms us that a few days age, his deg began barking in the weeds, and the neise was kept np se long that Mr. Walsh went out te see what was wrong when he discovered up in a tall tree at least, 40 feet from the ground, a large ground-hog. which bad evidently been chased there by the deg. Mr. Walsh threw a stone at the ground-hog when itcauie down and Rever killed It Mr. Walsh says it is a. rare thing te see aground"-hog up a tree. O nicer Installed. Last evening D. D. G. M. E.J. Erisman, installed the following officers et Lancaster Ledge, Na 67. N. G, Dr. C. IL Brown. V. G. IL M. Derwart " Secretary F, D. Mlley. Assistant Secretary J. F. Fisher, Treasurer Geerge Gundaker. Rep. te Grand Ledge. W. O. Buchmiller. W. F. Hambright had been secretary for threo yearM, but, decllued ro-electlou. The ledgo lias 3-7 members and $10,000 assets. Celd Wave Coining. Just as poeplo are beginning' te follcltate themselves en the glorious spring weather, and Just as the spring peel's eye is "in a fine fretuy rolling," the demoralized weather bureau knocks out overybody in a single round by ordering the cold wave flag te de put up. Who would suppese that' the etlie' rlal mlldness of te-day could be followed by a blizzard te-morrow? The Herse aud UU Rpert Last evening a horse beleuglng te a man named Denllnger, frightened and tore loose from a pest in front or Heist's grecery store en West King street He ran te .Mary street, where be was caught by Ames Cline, a milkman, who bad a new wagon in the street and saved it from being wrocked by chock check ing the runaway animal Little damage was dene. n - tKatneky teletfraulml their twunratnlafcWws but three, and 36 contained but feur: abew: Prtoe BarekiaetateiUugenfertained Mx' ' in Mt were ttian half of the whole number Humirea yyewwtit Banquet, j ft a? . pmeated paneni Ysr!iw HnetJwQ ' H rr, ' . nMaanted. At the Station Heuse. Fifteen ledgers, two drunks and two dis dis orderlies wero the Inmates 6r the station house en Thursday nlcbt The drunks and diserderlies paid costs and the ledgers were discharged. Eleven lights wero reported as net burning last night m Malicious HUculeL Several, small boys were last evening ar raigned betore.Aldemtan Deen for malicious mischief, their offense being that they threw stones and broke tha, windows of Mr. Leb zelter"s shops en ChrteUan street As it was tbelr first eifenee and they were t'ry small boys, the magistrate discharged them with a reprimand, . , paM the Cost ' Herace neraiiaher, arrested by. OMeer; Speeee yesterday afternoon for drunkenness and disorderly ceuuuci, Stan Deen this morning Hte paywent m evm, Twe or Hie Most I'l Destitute A Wabhinoten, A) the navy has receive rrem Commander 1 me, efiK Aspinwall s ' -1 ueiu two et 111 ncet preaM gents who assisted Ii fieflrlBK eti. I de net think it saf 0 aeUveriS Pnlni.il.l.H ..ll..l... "V'T their cscape." ' jp upon the applicalim ePUid anu i-anama raitre. cerapan department will nl diiUursi admiral or the lleet,' 1! ny 'rtfaft .. . ""ui .1 lencaa ,. flagship Tcnnossee, AdnibaiJ manding, left New Orleans ,JerS mis morning. - zr mfSSmAWW&aeizn te asik "5: 3 New Yc-nlK' . Yl. it -. . . . . -r '; 1 operations were neing made I uroeklynhavyyanl for th-deprtsirextf the W3L marines for Panama toWetASrfcaH in- ' &A tereatatliere, Twe Uundred an'4-iliy men 3fS were dbpatched icwlay i'Wd Iniialred en ,- ... , J """ emsn were aufprevtaM cw "9 t ,-ftiitL! '?BmM mLWki ms taw:- utel ,or ini t rlti?. - i, V n-i.. S4t-- 1 "P.iC.fj tcini.ra-"j inwsUA'-s T'l il i. ? ill 1110 S;,j KSStebLV''!, .. .- . ..'i.-.-ix ' imer.C ve will sail ran aiiermi)f. ii v-.j MA hm '(MM or ' .l Bosten and JiM'tleyiriiand from simmen" aHff"r ' .'" nt fe great bptnwalftei -Ea . '. TAXAl t.f FMZUt, Tlie HrilUh Xew A(lauthir Where the Unemy n.r, strongly' .Londen, Apru a.- a di klm at 2 o'clock this" dtcrnoeri is in flames; "TboBntishleaaj the place was ene killed and THE HATTLI. I'ROOl Suakiji April a Ocneral meuced the advauce fe Ti ing and found the enemy ctt He immediately attaeki position, and the battln if; -y.?. wnyd &! -'- 'Xet .b'ti-lMa t-eutfi '..u klvn., DC. .. ;.. -. . -rt , " wwrvj jaiuni :-, el thtvtewiHm!iiniiL tn ,- ' ' -T,'..T-TI.T flV n .. m uiei,,v,i'S clieiL , iA alHua-iHV- trs.B 1 .Mi , 2Be(jVV PSJwT A-natertM nilafcM HmWM KPiBSPW1 V"ME. ;5M verlyJWiK Jff '-S"TiB"r" MHftlVFii i2f5fcVfel 41KSKSl mM ?r'i, tMsfK.Maaic Irttfktia wittrs i'a;it4tt A CyclerIn MIe Kanhas Citv. ArrilS. ; sp;iai says news ha 1 been;: .acycloeu-wblck struck Va ncsasy, Hrni..uest JS.Web"b6i1'WJ doslreying II W V--VI 'larcli1 .306 Tbd npyix ded." com., 5i' tiuira--i&iV I rat.. 1i . 56Y!4 ,' 0- Ab mri mz$ .&L&..i -.5rS: MjUXyr-: T.ntrff 01 - 2: . Wed- ifiRfiPA nf ""-"" - H. -V.I- , nd four ;Jj.'3 "wn v 9a.vi TOWJ j-mwe belonging te ether, property,'; Aj offandrearri44 a Id ? sertewily' kurt ' mmM: 1 .uieawsL H iinnu 1 ccrm Vienna?. .A. prii (-john uuneu eiau ui I isier I ameni' the number 'tit." ,V day's annual ceremony of,' the lxier. Twelve iwgBars. touched with a sjionge held' Francis Jeseph, 'ihey were' wipeu uy xne aieiUJKe er.tne.eMHrf; 'jfn s t . &-. iVAiteMi . . "' - - .'"-.' rt ww , tV rcsitiu j.iu'1 ju WJPHBHe. . - j, v ' PiTTsnone, Apra 3 SiiflaitnickCal.. T4 Monday, after an idleness' 'efS' nibritbaJV P. L. Kimberlv iv Ca'a Greenville, also rcaw uevnextt ing 300 men. The -jdll ibtMt since last fall, owing te tk&' the firm. report yr, (,&'& P&T&tt-s & !ufrhu.,'.t-,S .....a wi u,c.s.vja.2 i1:.;- ieg.?P?r-ZSi " VmTjl -: rceteff.ssfr. IV.4 tfflt i,2 vDrrj' ,fl iitjnrnr "rt!,; tv..1 iii,A fl!? UVUMjr 7yj.(r V' Al . Y V'l liuf dewri-tii fc'alentef '! Slertally Wounded Tiiiest, April ( exploded in the 1 here, yesterday, am wounded, ltislm whosent the pacl ciilne. , if UaJ -An: lcepf'' one maajj .'Mipie.p 10 90B1 Feat of a Cluhtef the San Fhanciscc AprltK Smith, a Callfernb sJtl-enly la-jv iiikuv uruKO iw ia onus cheater rifle in two This beats all previ best being 2 inluut iuutea andf n recbrd indSdi ')".. ' ..'' 'Mtk :& Collision el a St Bosten, April ', night the schoeuei the steamer Pllgrln Twe passongers 1 jurcd, ene quite se The damage was n Smallest I NEWYenK, Api for last week were Canada 31; total 23! week. This weel tkUyear. ' ener anil. -At olevesy Marma jf thp, Fa the rely, the extensive ehinKM'' luiacbuijjj .1 JW.. J3'? !.U, 11W wrc.-'i ' ,,& -m -f VJOtl u .krt 'j! i Liua - rs emwe . " -' -i .3 acenderi -i i.....iS .b r. T.v,"! . j:j, - c&JK ' slighUyJ fsnier.v eleck .last' Farm fnte.j .Ter-IJlMU'I-i Were uv, ii eti of 4 T.Tbt in the.UM agaiBSt! 4 reeer ml T5 Ministers Phel "t Ke 'WAsniNOTON,-. )rll3,sCJ later te England a id A,M-;W 10 tiaiy, nuaimea uu retmvi tlals at the state d( ii 1 , .. d V& r.'flUg nLdlurea . Htatea ISf,1-',, 1 previous i 'smalledtr iS f 1 ' -ir p. ,j. -r ta 3. W:I rye ft. Mp, ami- ivtmeftti A Ceal Mini Londen, April vt. i-Tfee) shlre colliers is sp sndlnijtf r.-v H no. . .L ",A thaTerJcT Mt 'tf .T J' i ,!' " Hosiery' Londen, April hosiery factory, sy by fire te-day, L WKATMl t Wasuinoten, v, Atlantie statesT'i v rain,- wln'dn'sbif ilga weather, rising, p 5 tailing barometer pied' Emma, wife off California, died. uM wile of Samuel 1 jt. UNewby';'; b aea'reYWi WMKd s'mm, MW U 3t,waaliurdbyAld4)ci Helland, Miieledu dyi . M iur and dtanhnwrarl na and a Sistr of Itttl M ' ,. ' I Laiicamr.Cjiunti 9w , awe ki efn 'lis! '.s 'h .. - .I t X' ' - X , . . - '-tt '"-... idJk .u ,.- ,i,- . t -. . , -j ' h:iMeMLi .mTd&3DyLimA FTrgi ',)' r U"u. . j. I .. 'i If-. '.UT I .'. X.