"M Ul,Ji .A S. Li ' I! Tt &K"S .5 . .j i ar;-i 1 r'sr", X 0 4i&l . (- V XIX hi rYk .. wli 7i' "- i r ; a ., ' : y ,-i fitf4W -flfc VI "?i S1 r4ri, .V .wjf. amttrJuclinrA. )M BAVMEt AWAT. ji r'.-ifl -. r i -; -irv- i ft s,IsWsM.lu BMlt Bt aWiljhfciHU telme: .AtlDMfW MW Ovar, iponteNM of lirrattTaivcn. A,- Aprils, 1886. Alter weeks of leoMien of the tee question, And a general break-up the crisis came kg. It was expected dally for the but It hu came at teat and there irise te all. Many believed the dam were in danger of being ', while ethers, probably the m- ht the river would ne ciearea gllirhteet damage being done. were surprised this morn In jr. lmekncer has from day te day statements' conecrnlns the oeiull- river, edr last report ending with at neon. During yesterday nflcr- QQ 1 "backups" of tlie lee between and Columbia occurred, but the was net general. Theso periodical s, however, had a tendency te lea- hrttlcipated danger., as the ice was tjrad breken. During last night part icnse oeay or ice ttetween tne aam moved, but the general break-up e place until this morning about 8 The Ice In Motion. first report that the ice v as going, a " of citizens flecked te the river ire they were treated te a Bight se in its magniflcence, that It will long MiMmbered. Fer an hour the river rise and then fall, but nt 8 o'clock rising, and In IS mlnu'cs had feet. It continued for nlmU hour receded. But in that liuie n great OMstp,had been made en the river and Mm,i Meres as far back us the river read fs4fay.'' The w hele body of Ice from Colutn Celutn ia 5:-BolnbrIds;e moved and in scores of sfaeaM gorged. The largest and most Ifoauti Ifeauti W MN&M were en the dam, especially these ttfliAMBhutes. As cake piled upon cake Wm Wine was grand, and in n very short time Mmmiiiii easily SO feet high each had been Mail, with smaller ones en cither side. - -")" THe Overflowing Ice and Water. M liver shore was flooded as was e ory ery Utiac neon It. The ice house of S. Filbert .k Se,MiJ. C. Pence, wero completely sub-It-Hya,- the sand pens awamitetl ; Ilachman AFerry'sand E. N. Smith's planing mills XMtrrreunded by water, while the river MsA -Mine was entirely covered with water. 'masses ei ice were pueu upon uiu t! extending back a score of feet but little damage. The C. fc P. D. R. It, i at the dam were blocked with se eral ?,s1iice,end prevented travel ever that ), v-'i"inieilerrrn1l n llinlutH lie fl HUKD , rt'sww would be tern away, out just while the Jl, danger was greatest, a massive gorge formed , i-hBO yards above its mouth, and thus saved 4uthat portion of the dam, as also the Flint Kjmill. The ice was then turned towards the " w centre of the river, and In seme manner was -,.w attracted te a certain point near the Ash j-r" annte. ice irem oein smes ei uie river ,' rushed ever or through this place, and many .'' believe a break has been maue there. JIew- ver, this will net be deflnltely known for a 'day et two vet. ' it " r Severn! Lucky Escape. f iu&. capes even though they wero surrounded -wc'i9-rit found ita wa int0 u,t' t ;;v4iaj v Ice Caa reggsiv tu,a against Bru- Jg Mtf tem, en the siae facing Uie river, Uut f." 'I 1!1W WIOB nunuuueu. UB'm iuuiuu f' N VsluMi nrwnAd hv VL "N". Smith nnd Tlaelimnn Ar M 45fri?vireTe set afloat, but could net get into Mtbea 'captured by men in beats. At s-x'eiie time It looked as though great Cr '-,!?' damage, would be done te the bridge, but, if sC"happiiy, that structure escaped Injury. The ' v' greaiest danger was feared at the iron span. 2$ Tee piers there are old ones, and gorges forced against them in height reaching the ,. aides of the bridge. ;Qn ether piers gorges Q;' formed against the bridge, but it remained f"v firm, and no further danger is apprehended :!- in this direction. ' J' , The outlet at the locks is completely sub- "merged as is also Big and Little islands, and x$S if any damage has been done it cannot new ;5'"-.v;ft -be discovered. Nothing at all can be seen ' v . of the former outlet as it Is covered with Ice " -A. and water, while the numerous trees en the t .;',,, island are bent and broken. The ends of the t1 island appear te have been washed consider . l bly, but te what extent cannot at the present '"jj-4 time be estimated. 'i"iii The most beautiful gorges te be seen are !,L'1 these between the tunnel and Chlques. They tSs are hug 1 stature and curiously formed. A 'sy)M Tt le- their Icinlty would repay one for the f'rf. trouble. The tow path near Cniques has TL? i been washed 200 feet J'lV 1 N0W Kunn,n Nry Clear dice. Lji The river is new nearly clear of Ice from ?, JarneDurg,ie i;eiumDia. 'xue space Detwcen f.m the dam and the bridge contains but little ice, ? tTWX'M.l tt Wttu nln.tfv ilia alinrtw lint nl.Ai.n AAl-l .. .v JM .A ... ..! .Un... ! v Jyjreafc quanuty of ice Indeed In seme places ?"4.fcer'are acres of it Against nearly every J'-'pier, en the north side, there are huge pile; jh&iit.iM and snow, which reach te the weed 'J?iwork-efthe bridge at many peluta. A large SoaMtene en the fourth pier from the Wrights.' VU ' v,u Kae aas ueen '"tea irem us piace anr - rE&iaararal beards or the bridge have beer ,! broken. k s A .Ob the WrlghtsvUle shore there are lm nm--T vUIae nPIiA nnrl la mMltli rF tlianoMel f 'fAto'cheied.. At diflerent points above the aej Bd y I k7VIWi Hf mkia V 1W, nuiw . tw,KVU 7,lmnablarahlniAlilit and entirely surrounded I1-. Wip Mill ii lsfrtn HIsa talunfla Tt. ilin lian- el immense quantities are passing down, aft A fcn.lil nftha ntuu. att al mA.I no lavmA no caeai heats. The ice which is atrainst the ptsia ia very rotten, and no dancer is aenre- ihendedJrem it. i .rt .' 'Almi nl Italew Celumliln j ?.7r.. ,." .:. :.r Ateve wariena mere is no ice at an, except aedea.Vv a narrow channel remains enen, (iaL.lJ 1.A, !.. ..AU MM. lA K1.aJ 1 leiivftfw eu v.u3u nuici: uiy w uwkuu uuu ai'.sreat flood north of It, But tills Is V -Jti an iBWWiwm uiiuu nurjju. uuuuut,iuiu . v beea dose below Columbia, irroperts can be ) 'fj.f-reUad bpen, and the onlypelntwheredanger r? tFlB.afwtended is at Turkey Hilh Here i';,.;ASiOBlylaticlpating. 100 will cover the v w-Ajj-j., at Columbia; it was thought weeks safe WK meuaands weuia net ae se. .ff-rrd from the north Btates that the up i vnvvff wv u hui uuscvutieu jet, uur mu great flood et water. Frem the former nethlnur Is telMftarcd, but from the latter danger is i jWJk. MewlDK the Grand Bight. Every ln-cemlncr train brines visitors te &&t mm fiikiwncrh nml nlllmticrh tliAV nflntint baa I V'V"' A - livJ'lu im -. II. ...1.e ..m.l. ..l III 'rriftWIWIWIOUUH, UW Bnuw iOlUIUU OUU fttt) Kr&tatbaaisehes a beautiful and novel sight. . "V s'Ml.te nArnfne.,afnilna4VfMil T.nnnaRlAf hiniinl.t il''lilfi "parties te town. All are anxious te see , i saajea. wany viewed u irem mis siue, but ',liia' walked across te Wrightaville, thus :imgm$ a full view of the great ice apeiwiucu remain aoevo ine eriagenear Strsdthis1 many returned at neon nut ethers afternoon. A lanre nartvramn xeru. una nriorneon. -xnev l&n tin -.. .. . -. ffii - V-. TT" at Wrightsville and the majority walker voiumeia. xney win leave . by afternoon and evening trains. is talked about te-aay in me tewr miu v rijcuia . iuv wui. iti uevHi. river, and all seem thankful-,. ', up be far baa caused but),.r2 At present either town ise, ,. int te visitors as excellent i. .- Ined, and there Js lets te eartaln TewnMetea, Geed Friday aervlces will iL j,el(i Faul's P. E. church te-morrow. ,. , 'eaa- ' tf-mm .'U r ---- - - - -; i rxfuiiartbfl ? .' iAiHhaak 'A WhmM .'- :.' " taaakistear tx . . " .v'.eel badbfa U. ... .. ? .laaial 'J.JWt W ?3&??lmlae Pynd brier adct hrK S'SSwating the hours Christ mm,' mfl There during which time v t vsa v ev.,j- t e will give se en addresses en t. ue seven for men only, the ubi&ef the btaK''Tho.PerfcctMan.''vler the uii liid nmn. ai, I uu lu. ..h . irlnn the month of Man2 . V.? Ittmberef trains, 1,M9 ; let car pty, 1.700 s tote1,. WesU lUmWjjf trains, W0; 'ed bari empty 32,li2j,teW, UeSSS , nn-iccww - ehrnarv or loverciirrAneMdlUi? r...i , . 9.17-' 1C-- V(IIII O i9h W" MUH, Nhrle" kTondlnsenyoaiied, bjn8 , ti x rniapat '- : -'' .avaaaa ' X 4 'i-miSS a a "f lilir8ffi " .. . .saaaW :m:' it'i ) i ft r Wmjjr" 1 . it- r 1 53SBE mm mtmt rutt. . , . . ' i Tmm tasMttews kad wMk teadfauc Baakera Mia broken H te leant! that ( of April DMtnea- peci en very aaaMaaetemy. The Farmers' ad First Natkmal banka did bout Uie tune amount of buataMn aa they did last year. , The County bank had much larger number of transactions with about the same aggregate as last year.. The Fulton, bank did a larger business this year than last. The private bankers did about the usual amount of business. At all the banks business passed off quietly and satisfactorily. There was an abundance of money te supply all who presented satisfactory seeurity, and the number of "lame ducks" who couldn't come te Urae was comparatively small. With lew exceptions the heavy mercantile houses did a satisfactory business,' their credit customers generally making prompt settleemnt tef their accounts, though some farmers were short because of their inability te reaiue en their tobacco ana euier crops. IN POLICE CIRCLES. The police authorities report the day te have been a very quiet ene, considering the large number of strangers In town, and only two persens were taken in en suspicion el being piok-peckets, and these suspects have net yet been given a hearing. Ne cases of pocket picking are reported. AT THE COUItT HOUSE. At the recorder's oflBce 01 mortgages and 171 deeds were receU cd for record. As com pared with last year there were 20 mere merttratrAs and 0 mere deeds. At the prothenotary'a ofllce 337 judgments were entered. Last year 303 Judgments were received. The business this year was heavier, however, en the few days preceding the first of ApriL The ofllce was also thronged to day and a large amount of business was transacted. The number of satisfactions en tered yesterday was about the same as en April 1st, a year age. OBITVAJIT. Death or Mrs. Mary Oiuluder, or thli City, end A. C. 1IU, et New Providence. Mrs. Mary Gminder, " wlfe of Jaoed Gmlnder, died lest evening at the family resldcnce Ne. 133 Mlddle street, aged 01 years. Mrs. Qminder was twice married her llrnt husband being Rebert B. Stapleferd, She leaves seven children, four sons and a daughter by the first husband and two daughters by the secend. ller sons, Ames J. Stapleferd, (of Kltch AStapleferd.) Rebert H. Stapleferd, ear-tender and Francis Staple Staplo Staple eord, are well-known residents of this city. Mrs. Q minder's tuneral will take place en Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Inter ment in Shrelner'a cemetery. Death et A. Carpenter llnll. A. Carpenter Hall, fermerly of this city, dled at his resldcnce in New Providence en the 1st Inst, in the 70th year of his age. Mr. , Hall was the father of Edward C. Hall, fore man of Dedgo's cork works, and had many friends in this city. His funeral will take Slece from bis late resldence in New Provl Prevl ence en Filday morning at 0 o'clock. After service at the house the remains will be Drought te Lancaster for interment in Wood ward Hill cemotery at 11 o'clock. LOCAL 111UEF8. Harry Ilirsh has sold and shipped te nenry Wolf,at New Orleans, a valuable pug deg. McConnell, Byers fe Ca, of Honeybrook, have sold 200 cases of their 1881 tobacco te Skiles & Fry, of this city. "Newton Llghtner, Lancaster," appears in yesterday's TKerW list of subscribers te the Burt hoi dt statue pedestal fund. The Christiana machine company recently manufactured a clgarette making machine that will turn out 180,000 cigarettes a day. The saoend coition of the Ciel Hue east, passed through the city at 9 a.m. te-day, filled with backers of Demlnlck McCallrey who spars with Sullivan in Philadelphia tills evening. Most of them wero from Pitts burg. A spring bar en a car attached te the liar rlsburg express cast, was discovered te be broken this morning by a hotel porter named Ocorge Boek, iie informed the conductor who promptly put the passengers In another car, leaving the ene with the broken spring bar en a siding. Trying te Ferm Netr French Mlnlitn. M. de Freyclnet has resumed his task of forming a new French ministry. He expects te conclude the work seen. It is new stated M. de Freyclnet will act as minister or the interior in the new cabinet, and that the pest of minister or foreign anal rs, which had been occupied by M. Jules Ferry, will be filled bv the present French ambassador te Germany, Baren de Ceurcel. M. de Freyclnet has failed te secure the ad hesion of the Clemcneeau section, as he insists upon a thoroughgoing war policy. It is re ported that General Campenen has refused te accept a portfolio in the new cablnet unless the French operations in Tenquln be con fined te the Red river delta. M. de Freyclnet submitted te President Gievythe following partial list of ministers: M. de Freyclnet, president of the council and minister of the Interior; Baren de Ceurcel. minister of for fer for elgn aUairs ; M. Fleqnet, minister of justice ; M. Soulier, minister of public Instruction; the Duke d'Auerstadt, mlnister of war; Rear Admiral Aube. minister of marine. Patent for Improvement In Trucks. A patent has been granted Mr. Henry Mar tin or this city, dated March 31st, 18S5, and numbered for animprevement in trucks. This truck is intended mere particularly for hauling fresh bricks from the place at which they aie meulded te the drying ground or shed, and the novelty consists in attaching the frames, which carry the bricks, te the truck frame by a spring at one end and a hinge at the ether, the upper one being sup ported by uprights and hinged se that it can be opened by raising one end te permit the leadlnar of the lower ft-nmn. Thin natmi - secured through Wm. R. Gerhart, solicitor of JUtcuia, ut mil, UJIjr. A Strange Cure for Toothache. Luther A. Sears was arraigned in Brockton, Miss., en Wednesday en complaint or cm clr te his children, which consisted or burn ln their ears with het w ire. The prisoner tesified that It was a common practice in his faniiy, and had been for years, te perform 8ucj an operation for the cure of toothache ant, preservation of the teeth. His testimony waicorreborated by his father. The prison er son testified that the operation was pain less The Judge held the prisoner in W00 for the rand jury. Committed ter a Hearing Ojerge Clark and Charles White, theyeung me, wjie were arrested en Wednesday by OflW Bamheld en suspicion pf being pro pre pro fesienal thieves, were committed by Alder nwj Deen for a hearing. The accusoddo accuseddo accusodde ejUe te give any account of thomselves. The 1 tlladelphla authorities have been commu cemmu cated with te ascertain whotber they are iewn in that city. $ Corener's InquUltlen. IThis morning DeputyCorener Burkhelder, K West Earl township, filed the inquisition ield by htm en the body of Miss Sarah .'fautz, whose audden death has been noted in the Intelligence!!. Thejury wero Levi Bard, Moses Martin, Henry Nelt, Jacob Bu cher, Jehn H. Fasnacht and Lcrover Eichel berger, and their verdict was that death re sulted from paralysis et the heart. Dr. Henry Relmensnyder was the attending physician. Sewden and HU 1'ettmuter. Congressman Sewden saw Senater Cenger, of the Senate committee en postetfices and poetreads, en Wednesday, in behalf of the nomination of Mr. Gress te be postmaster at Allentown. Charges have been made against Gress by the disappointed aspirants, and Mr. Sewden explained te Mr. Cenger the founda tion upon which the charges rest. Mr. Sow Sew den expects Gress will be confirmed. "Out, Damned Snett Out, I Say." The bleed and water stains that wero no ticed en the fleer or the room wherein the body of Wm. Shields, the postmaster of West Chester, who committed suicide, lay after it was taken from the pond, cannot be gotten out or the weed despite the repeated efforts of the parties who tenanted the house. The ton ten ant at the time of thesuUidehas since moved away. (lame Chickens Stelen. Davis Kltch, Jr.,jremecd from the Seventh te the Third ward yesterday. Among bis effects were some very fine game chickens. Of these abeautlfurceck and hen were stolen last night or early this morning! They are lRVJ.PUeef fl6 rtr'ni e Mng a full brother or the bird that made the battle of 80 rounds In Yerk county recwiUy. Mr, v LattasjMaiKMtt WcreMeft, very oestoal "lead" fe beard, across Centre Square. His closely watehed by three anxMuewektag poUeemea and a score of 'old aiWanis.".MTte fellow, who waa above middle aM.were-a stove-pipe bat and ittu well-dressed. It I earned that tha dvttamlta which he hail haan 1 drinking enty effected the upper part of bis body. Frem the waist upward be was very 'crooked, and his heed seemed inclined te fe dewn Seuth Queen street His legs showed vetMerful service, however, and kept his feet upon one row of Belgian blocks across te Uie telegraph office. Ills progress was alew, but his lower limbs kept him straight, and he passed up East King street safely, te the amusement of these en the street and the dls- gust of the policemen, who were very anxious have him make a neise. The sight was very funny, and the man was shaped mere like a Crescent than an April visitor, but it is safe te bet that he get te his destination safely wim mese aensiDieiegs. Cured et Hip-Disease by ralta. The friends of Miss Mable Weed, a daughter of Reuben Weed, Syracuse N. Y., were much surprised te see her en the street en Wednesday, apparently in geed health. About a year agoshefell from a hammock which brought en hlp-dlsease. She has suf fered greatly ever slnce and for the last three -months' has been confined te her bed. Her aunt, Miss Ollve Weed, of Chicago, bclknes in the faith cures, and for several weeks she has made her niece's condition a subject for prayer. The patient finally w as able te leave her bed nnd walk with crutches. C. II. Woodwerth heard of the case and called en Miss Weed te pray with her. He said that it was wrong for her te use her crutches, Instead of leaving everything te the Lord. She then threw the crutches aside and in a day or two began te walk about the house unaided. She astonished everyone by at tending the First Baptist church en Sunday. Miss Weed says that it was entirely a faith euro. Bate Bell Newi. The Springfield (Mass.) club has signed a number or ball players who are well known here. McCabe, or last year's Trenten, and Hyndman, of the Irousldes, will be the pitchers, and Richardson, or last season's Lancaster, and Mulligan will catch. Billy Schenck, late or the Trenten and Virginia, will play third, with Cain, or Yerk, In contre field. The ether players are Tucker, first base; Marr, second base ; Turbidy, short step, and O'Brien, right field. The Examiner assures its readers that the Lancaster club will be ably managed, and that there will no longer be any animosity between rival clubs ; all of which remains te be seen. At the Station lloiue. Flfteen vagrants and flve drunks were the Inmates or the station heuse last night The vagrants were discharged and four or the drunks paid costs. .The fifth drunk, Themas Tillbroek, n countryman, was sent out for fifteen days. Themas was in this city last November, get drunk, and was locked up. He premised te get the costs from a friend and was allowed te depart He failed te io ie turnand yesterday was again arrested for drunkenness. He pleaded with the mayor for his discharge, out it. was no go, and Themas was retired for fifteen days. Thl Afternoon' Funeral. The funeral of Miss Eliza Gable took place tills afternoon and was largely attended. Rev. J. Y. Mttchell conducted the religious exercises. The interment was maue at Woodward Hill lemetery. The fun oral or the late Jehn IL Spurrier took place this afternoon from his is'e ret, dence, Ne. 320 Hast urange street, and was attended by Lancaster Ledge Xe 07 1. e. u. K, and Washington Encamp ment Ne. 11. The inlonnent was mad e at Lancaster cemetery. Deedt of AMlgnmenU. Martin Mylin&wire, of Pequea township, made an assignment this morning for the benefit or creditors te Henry Huber, or West Lampeter township. Henry F. Rehrer and wife, of West Lam peter township, made an assignment for the benefit of creditors this afternoon te David E. Mayer, of Strasbtirg township. " m What Glen Park. The What Glen Park association have leased What Glen park ter another year and intend making some Improvements se that the nark will be a desirable place for picnics during the coming season. It is prebable that the street railway may be extended te the park v Wliat It Ce.U te Feed Ledger Turnkey Shenck presented Iris bill te the county commissioners this morning for meals furnished te the inmates of the station house during the month et March. It amounts te f 134.41) for 1,4111 meals furnished at 9 cents per meal. Greene County Sheep Die by Tlieuianila, It is estimated that about 40,000 sheep have died in Grcene county during the last three months, the scarcity or feed and the unusual severity or the winter and spring weather combined bringing about this result The furmers say that the wool industry has ro re c jived a back-set that It will take years te recever, and they are very despondent con corning the near future. The Fint Iren Sleep In America. An iron sleep of nlnety tens burden, for the Chester rolling mills, te be launched at theshlpyards of Jeseph Kidd &. Ce., at Mar cus Heek, will be the first Iren sleep ever built In America, and will be used for carry ing sand between Dolaware bay and the roll ing mills in Chester. The Opera Heuse Shew. Ilewett's Musette gave their third perform ance last evening. The audience was only few and the performance was the same as upon the previous evenings. They appear again te-night and every night this week. Sales of Bend and Stocks. Jacob B. Leng, broker, sold yesterday at private sale, 4,500 Quarryvllle R. R. 7s, at 110; 10 shares Lltlta turnplke at $76 per share,and 5 shares Quarry ville National bank 110 per share. MARKETS. Philadelphia Market. PHiuLDBLrau, April 2. Fleur quiet. but ents, ft 7503 S3 ; spring de. te Wtti 30. live flour at WB5aJ62)f. wheat dull and weaker ; Xe. 2 2 Westnrn Ked. Me t He. 3 de. at 790 Ne. 1 Penn'a. de, 95Ke ; Ne. 2 Delaware, de, WUc. .nhorn3u,eten.a ,n buyers' favor ; steamer. 49fi Kes 12 yellow and inUed, 48)Q30e ; Ne?) Oats quiet, but Ann under scarcity; Ne. 1 w mie, i u , u. a uu, at a?tX37Ke ; Ma, ; rejected, 8lK3Ce ; Mas mixed, a ae, aa. 30c. , Bye dull at 70c. needs-Clever Arm at 79Ke (Timethy steady at tl 65 j Flaxseed tlrm at i 639l ea. ""'T Winter bran dull and weak at f 19 3019 75. ty'15""1; lu'" ana unennnged; mess DOT'lSw. ' 'WjerhalM' K'21W; city Sea. jittcen, b-.c , smoked Shoulders. 636e t salt de, j$i; smoked hams lekau&ai fiti k aU.. Jt MTain. Lard quiet i city refined, at7K?a: butehers', 6M&e l prime steam, ss: loose iiuiier nuirket ami ana prices are weak t Creamery extras. 2l25e 1 11. b. aqd N. Y. aerrasj chce'iJ2;eic.Wryextra8' 830! d- Bells atl5e( packing butter, eaile. Kggs market dull and prlees weak ; Kx tras, 1515We ; Western de, lW ' Cheese dull and unchanged t New Yerk Pull Cream, IMUJie : Ohie Plats, choice, 10Jille t de JdeK:i7 l'enn'a p W l'etreleum quiet ; Kenned, 7ic. Whisky flrmer at tl 20 Mew Yerk Market. Nsw Yerk. April 2Pleur-State and Western heavny wverviltha light trade. Beuthem "",S?B'i0 '9w.erP.evy a.n" irregular, with less deini AO. 1 IVhltA tinmlnal . Wn e tArf no. x i ae May, W9iiei June. mi WO-.'e : Julv. ft2WfiKnUn. l.l. KTi MHlln - -- . ..,--,. Cern a shade lower and dull i Mixed western Pet. Kftfe j de futures. 4ijlc. wc""' Oats dull and wilhent nueUble i change ; Ne. Sl4lHe Westem.Sttajifc. ' , Live Stock Prteea. CuioAea Cattle Ueeelpts, 8.860 head Dtlltt- head: market slew andweabi LOGO te L200 ts steen. ft UI04 90 ; s steers, ft UM$4 80 ; 1,800 te 1.350 I LSM te 1,300 &, 3 ums 601 can. chers' common, ti eeT5s laediuin ttjpijtlecken and feeders at S3 60 an, 9 nw iw uu lu l,auu SI, nen nuu uuivnurs te gceuaituect 04 80: Texana. eg-eceipis, ie,oew neid ; shipments. 4.000 ; market opened 4c lower, but closed strentri rough packing. 4 234 40: packing, and ship: ping, te 4as at ft toaifie. light cf Lie te Is at M SMMeS; skKeVee4 aaT Sheep Receipts, S.oae head i shlpraenu. 1.400 head ; market stew ; Inferior, H Dttt3 00 me- W s4 . W ' g0?d " W' cielei, JCaut Lincarr. The demand for live stock te- lay. Was Hlet, with prieas wk m twta nivuuy , oujwruue, 92 eugra eiic 1 JSXtra. S3fi) i-. en.?,a' tom'ye2)87HJVlnterclear1; H$L U?J!trel8uV "f?' M'nn. extra clear MU0C4 00:de strulffhta. itfaai iwint.rn.i! Mining, nx.ii ,iiip,ytiuLi ty M'egjlfrjj patjh ajarWl fas Mruewtar. nHKH BllVlHr IRHH.IIHaill OIHBn. kHmsaAla te ffaV Trli i'XriL' Hle lower ; - fliBadet '2 Pens WMf 'jWS .wYirW "" itwwte. wm efJ mis: (faotatteM by Bead, MeCHaaa 4 Cov, Bankeni, mwiwi ri. UA.JC Mlaseari raeMe, MieatfanCeatnJ..... Raw Tork Central ,.,.. W New J sney Central w aiH oate Casual uj ,..., Hit. 8pm. wu wm. utea.li hmmiti iviyt utnT juq unnae.itiii Brie... ......... ..... Kaaaaa Texas Lake Bhora.........i CO Caicaae y. W., com N. N., Oat. Western St. PatdA Owens s4 raeiae smb... teefcester ft Pittsburg at. Fssi.,. .,,...,.. ..... Texas FaeMe. Union Paetne wabeen Common,. wabaab Preferred.. Weit'n Union Telegraph,, Louisville ft NashvUle".... ffeirttt4iM t I te Mair Tatfc rawaiaay, 4 K si iiji ii" w" Mii n.x,;Bi.jiBt.ju Lehigh Valley., 58 Lehigh Navigation w Pennsylvania. SIX Heading. n is-ifi P.T.ftltaSaie m M 40 0 15-13 nennern i-acinc com. Northern Piclne Pref. r& Hestenvllle 14 Philadelphia A Krie, nennern ventral unaergroune , Canada Southern 1 .... OH j... , sii People's Passenger... ...... ... Jenev Central , 81 Philadelphia. Quotations by AsieclaUjd Press. Stocks steady. Phlladelphte AEtielt. K... 18K BeadlngltalIread..i , 6 13-1 Pennsylvania Railroad V.i Lehigh Valley Kallread 38 United Companies of New Jersey 101 Northern Pacino 7 Northern Padlle Preferred JM Northern Central llnll read 3H Ijbigh Navigation Company ...., 40 N erris town Bah reed KnJJ Central Transportation Company 24 UuffaleNew Yerk Philadelphia Little Bcliuylklll Kallread..... ." Itew Yerk. Quotations by Associated, Press. , Btecks dull and weak. Meney cany et lc. New Yerk Central ,'. H Erie Railroad , lti Adams Express 1.14 Michigan Central Kallread ftl Michigan Southern Kallread , Q Illinois Central Kallread., XtVA Cleveland A l'lttaburg Kallread 140 Chicago A Reck Island Kntlreud 113 Pittsburg A Pert Wayne Kal read 1M Western Union Telegraph Company...),.. SVA Teledo A Wabash ', New Jersey Central.. ... 33 New Yerk Ontario A Western V XAJOtlAUES. Habsei McLAUOBLlt. On March Jl. 1685, ut Ilcllevue Manse, Oap, I'a by Kev. H. Ingrabam lllckey, Mr. Harry M. Hansen, te Mlsi Clam K, McLaughlin, both of Kinzcrs. Pa. It DEATUa. im.nuiA. ..it iviifCi Viuiumuu, VII luikiii', 185,11 en ry ILKreueman, In the 3Uth year or his age. Ills relatives and friends are teapectlully In vited te attend the funeral from St. James church, en Friday afternoon at 2I o'clock. In terment at Lancaster cemetery, HciiKTtT. In this city. March 3i, Lizzie, duugli ter of Wm. and bephla Hubert. The relatives and friends of the family are i. spectfully invited te attend the funeral from the residence of her parents, Ne. 231 West Orange street, en Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery. Hall. On April I, near New Providence, A. Carpenter Hall, in the 70th year of his age. The relatives and friends of the family are re spectfully Invited te attend the funeral from his late residence, uear New Providence, en Friday morning at 9 o'clock. Services at the house, also in the Chape), Woodward Hill cemetery, at tl o'clock. ltd Gxihdkb. In this city, en the 1st inst., Mary, wife of Jacob Omluder, In the tfM year or htr age. . Dearest mother thou hast left us, Here thy less we deeply ftel ; Out 'tU Ged who hath bereft us, He can all enr sorrows heal. The relatives and friends of the family, aie respectfully Invited te attend the funcrul, from ber late residence, Ne. 133 Middle street, en Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock. Interment atShreiner's cemetery. 2t H .1 ......... .. -T.. II.h.ib. flnlnhin ... Mum I. M XEWAD rERTIXEMEXTH. A STATED MEETING OF THE LAN caster Athletic Club will be held at their room this (THUKSHAY) evening at 8 o'clock. It P. E. 8LAYMAKLK, Secretary. TTAPI'Y THOUGHT AND REBECCA -a-s. uoeaccos only se perplug, at ...&. WWl 0 YELLOW tl iONT CIOAIl STOKE. T7IIRE INSURANCE. JE Have your Property Insured with JBAUBMAN A llUIt.S'ri, m23-ttdK Omco : 10 West Orange street. GO TO CLARKE'S COFFEE STORE TOR 4 as New Prunes for 23c.j 4 as Geed Illeft for 24c.; 4 ts Scalloped Crackers for 2Se.; 4 fcs White Sugar for 23c.; IS. Best CofTV.e in Lancaster Ter 23c. WANTED A YOUNG MAN WANTS A situation. Is willing te de anything te make himself generally useful. C.REECE, H Ne. 333 North Christian St. "REMOVAL. XV DK. A. J. HEItU Has removed his office from southwest corner Prince and Chestnut streets, te his new resi dence, southwest corner Orange and Mulberry streets. febXlmd REMOVAL. St i.V: Longaker has removed, from Ne. 13 East V) alnut street, Lancaster. Pa , te Lebanon, ist V) alnut street, Lancaster, Pa , te Lebanon, u, opposite the postefflte, will be at the Key. Due Heuse, North Queen street, Lancaster, l., every Monday and Friday afternoons, till 7 stone Pa., e clock, p.m. iuJ0 2cl M ADEIRA AND SHERRY WINES AT Eeigart's Old Wine Stere. 1L E. SLAYMAKEU, Agent, Ne. 29 East Eise St. febl7-tf Established 1785 -7STATEOFGRIZELLAPORTER,LATE XU of Hartie township, deceased Letters of administration en said estate having been grant ed te the underslgned.all persons Indebted there to are requested te make Immediate payment, and these having claims or demands against the same, will present them wltbeutdelay f or settle ment te theunderslgned, residing at Mt. Nebo. Lancaster county, Pa. JAMES W. NEEL, . 8. C. STEVENSON A. O. Nkwraxa, Administrators. Attorney. aprS-ltdTbAStw TTIOR A GOOD INVESTMENT GO TO JL! IIECIITOLD'S, and secure BARGAINS In Ladles' and Genu' FURNISHING GOODS, which are selling, many of them at prices that will pay 20 te 23 per cent, te carry ever for next season. Tbey must be sold te make room for Spring Goods. New la the time te save money. Please call and be convinced. HENRY BECUTOLU, D .... . .. ..N.a North Queen Street, P. 8. Choice Building Lets, Stone and Sand for sale. ESTATE OF PHILIP CHRISTIAN Kanuinger, late of Lancaster city, dee'd. Letters testamentary en said estate having been firranteunte the unanrstirnA. nil twramia in. rantedte the undersigned, ebted thereto are rnn(M.tiii i. debtcd thereto are requested te make lmmedlate payment, and these having claims or demands OglUIIBI, IIIV M1W, WU1 I lay for settlement te tl against the same, will present them without de ne undersigned, residing In Lancaster city. IIENEY M. BUKEINER, Executer. II. C. Bbcsaeib, Attorney. febioetdTh-eaw pHAMPAGNE. BOUCHE "SEC." THE FINEST CnAMPAGNE WINE NOW IMPORTED. AT KEIG ART'S OLD WINE STOKE, no. -a iSAST Kihe btsxit. H. E. SLAYMAKEU, Act. fcbl7 ffd Established, 1785. DEDUCTION IN OVKRCOATH. XV In order te reduce our lanre stock el Fur Beavers, Meltons, Kerseys and Corkscrews for vvervMiuiB, i wm, ler ue next se aayi unto your order, In ant-chus style, at reduced prteea. All garmenu are guaran teed tu lit perfect and only the best quality of trim- ralngs are nsed. , II. KOSENSTE1N, nniiTfl niintf. 37 North Queen street, opposite the Postefflc ee. Hrat-OBUMt ESTATE OF FREDERICK PEUSCJEI, lata of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te the nndecstgned, all persons Indebted thereto are requested Te make Immediate payment and these tavta eUlws art demands aaalast the estate of UsVteeedesrtlwllltuske Ike same known te him without delay. , rKAXst rrxiFPKB, KxeVUler, S.C.XJUU9T AUetaay. au-et0eaw as iXMwTAmrMBmaiKMirr. , , n WfcUi4iy ml'bttipiftiwitMAiytJtiA Waktkd: M.00Sarl ,0Mer8,eBS en first mortgage. AJIT at Mt) West King street, Lancaster, ,rt, -rfcTt. II. V. MTTHIiKNBERa HAS RE- Jur inevca bis omce te NO.lfi 80DTH PRINCE 8TUEKT. KtwMcnce at the Stevens Heuse. al-3t D ,R. 1'ORKMAU, 1 PHYSICIAN AND BUKURON. Kemernd from Ne. 211 West Kin it street te Ne. 20 North Prince. (Late residence of A. L'. Roberts.) wHrad ALL AT 'ilEleART'S OLD WINK STOltK -POU- LISTON'S EXTRACT OP BEEP. VlkBST IN THB WORLD. KsUbllshed, 1783. Jt. E. 8LAYUAKKK, AgU febl7-tld Ne. 29 Kast King BU DONT FAIL TO TRY THE CIGARS, Twe for Se. the best in ihe town for the tnnney, nt HABTMAN'S YELLOW rilONT C1QAM8TOBK. Miller's Borax Seap. Per Washing Pine Woellens.. Fer Wusulng tlne Linens. Experts proneunco it unequalled. MILLKK'S 1IOHAX pleaies everyone. inar7-Gmd u HE MILLER'S BORAX SOAP. Per the LAUNDRY. Kerthe IIATH. KerlbO TOILET. Per Washing all Dcllcnte Pahrirs. Iiittrt-fimd B OOTS AND SHOI. J. M. McOenaughy. A OOMPLETB NEW STOCK OF BOOTS AND SHOES. All Q.UAMTIL8, All Kinm.AllSizm.All 1'hiceb. WILL OPEN APRIL 3d, AT 26 1 -2 East King Street, (IIOKPJIKIER'8 BUILDING.) mil lmd COURT PROCIiAMATIOX. Wlisrces, the Honerublo Jehn II. Living Living sten, President, and llenernlile David W. Pat Pat Pat tcroen. Additional Law Judge of the Ceitkls of Coinineu l'lr-us In nnd ter the county of Lancas ter, and Aeilslilllt .Illatltin of the Ceultn of Ojir and lermlucr und General .lull Delivery nml Oimrtcr Sessions of tbe Peuco In and for the county of Luncnstei, ojeo issuvti muir iiiuceiii, 10 me unrcica, re- (lulling me among ellu r things te make public niocluinatleii throughout my bailiwick. Unit 11 Court of Oyer and Tcruilnir and a General .lull Delivery, also a Court or General Quarter Ses sions or the Peace und Jail Delivers, will com mence In the Court Heuse, In the city of Lancas ter, in thu Commonwealth of Pennsylvania, ON THE TJI1IID MONDAY IN APRIL, ( tlie Hh ). 1, In pursuiince of which precept nubile notice Is iiercuvunru u, wic jiaernnu .1uer1 City of Lancaster. In thu snld comity. dermenef the nml all the Jimtlcuinf the Peace, the Coreui r und Cen stable's of tlie said City nnd County of I-imcn.i ter, tliat they Ije-thcn and thcie in their own proper pereens, with their relU, twenls nnd ex ex umfiiatieiis, and lii'inlKltleus, und theli own iv tni'iiilintiuus. tode thoxe tblngH which te their their e 111 ecu upiM'riulu In their behalf te be dene ; and nlMiutl iliexu who will prosecute ugHlust the prisoners ti he un, or then shall be. In the Jul! or efthi'sald County of l4incHt(-r,ure te lie then and there te premecutuugnlnst them hi shall Iio Juit. Dated nt Ijiiiuwler, the 'J.th Iny of Miirch. 1S.-CJ. Gl.O. W.lOMLlNbO.N, aprS-lldftw Hherltr. N JOl'IOE i:XTRAORINARV. Extraordinary Bargains IN CLOTHING OF ALL DE.SC11I1TIONS DUItING MONTH OK APRIL, PREPAR. ATOUY TO A HIE CHANGE -IN- OUR BUSINESS. tyCall at once, at & Penn Hall Clothing Heuse, CORNER OFCENTRE SQUARE AND NORTH QUEEN ST., E or Thirty Days Only. J.R MARTIN k CO. DRESS SILKS! Our lluycr has returned from the New Yerk market, and haying made huge pur chases, at Remarkably Lew Prices, Woeirerallnoof DItKbS SILKS, lower In prices, never before equalled. 25 PIECES Striped Summer Silks 35 Cents a Yard. Pin Check, Neat Striped -AND- Colored Dress Silks, Hanging in Price from 43c. per Yard up. OUR Black Dress Silks Are ofaSuperlor Quality, and all the better qualities warranted, and range In prlce from 00c te S2.00. HII1SH MOTHER SATINES, IN AMEUIOAN AND PUENCtl MAKK9, IN ELEGANT NEW DESIGNS. Seme of these colorings will be very searee later In the season, and we would advise all who desire a pretty design in Satlues te pre euro them at once. J. UMk & Ce., . Cor. Weet KiHg mi Prjce HU, IU)CASXX8 PA. f 4 ff'Illlll , 11 f ... . iij ii mil MtflC WfAV JOHN & OIVliER A CO. SPECIAL NEW H6-INC1I CASHMERES, SPUING SHADES, at 23a. 44-INC1I CASUMEItES, SPRING SHADES, 60c, Cheap at 73c. 04 CLOTH SUITINGS, 75c. 0-t TBICOT SUIT. INUS, tl.OO. New Satines, Batistes, Zephyrs, NEW LINE OP Dress Silks. Crazy Cleths. LOW CASH PRICES. COME AND SEE THE GOODS. JOHN S. GIVLER & CO., 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. ANOTHEH CA8E OP THOSE FAMOUS DOUBLE FOLD CASHMERES, All Celers, 12Jc a yard. 30-INCH COLOUED CASIIMEKKS, Spring bbudu), ie a yard. Sume quality sold last season at 37c. 40-INCH PItENCII ALMA SUITINGS, Which leek and feel like 75ogeodj, enly37c. 10-INCH ALL-WOOL CASHMEUES, 'Spring Celers, 60c a jnrd. .-W-INCH PINE 8ATIN UEIIUEII, Only JOe u aril. 40-INCH PJtK.SfH SATIN 1IEUUEK, bplcndid ulue, Ticaynrd. COMIIINATION DltESS SUITINGS, In Pretty ParUlan Styles. New Shades In LIGHT WEIGHT CLOTH SUITINGS, Jlade Specially for Spring Wear. Just Opened, a Cholee Line et Ilciiutiriil Printed Satines and Batistes, AT VEUV LOW PlllCES. WATT, SHAND & GO., 8 and 10 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. . A3IVHX31ENTH. TjlUIiTON OPKIiAiiOUSlT " v Grand Change of Pregramme ! A WHIIILWIXD OP HIN! EVOAGEMENT - ETKAOUDI-SAU. I HEW&TIT'S Musetts and Lyceum Comedy Ce. THURSDAY, PHIDAY AND SATUUDAY, AND bATUKDAY SIAT1M.E, TWO GREAT COMEDIES, EMBEZZLEMENT -AND- CLA0.S. The hlncs of laughter makers the only comical CAWTHOUNEij Herbert and Jee-in lbelrldc gpllttlng sketch LITTLE ItOSEIlUD In a Uaueuct ofSweiul efSweiul ties. . r Cornet Sole, by the Lady Clminnien Cornet So loist of the Verfd MISS EVA 11EWETT. Soup and Dinee by the Channlng beubrettc, LOTTIE 8INCLAIK. The ercat PEED DAKTH In his wonderful Spider Danecg. illbS KATIE LOVE, the Chiirmlnn Soubrette, The Wendprful Exhibition of MIND-ltEAD-INO en SECOND MGIir, by the Clarlrveyaut Mrs. Eye Hen ett. FUN, MIIITH, MUSIC AND SONG. ADMISSION, 10 and 20 CENTS. RESERVED SEATS, 10c EXTRA. New en sale at Opera Heuse Office. luAMIt FOB SALE OB BENT. HOUSE FOR. RENT. A three-story Ilrlck Heuse, Ne. Chestnut street. , 20 West inlS-tfd FOR SALE OK RENT. An excellent Dwelling en easy terms, situ ate Ne. 15 bhlppen street. uUG-tfd 15. PRANK ESHLEMAN. T7IOR RENT. X! The hall 30x50 feet en thlrdstoryef Stcln metz building, Ne. iii North Queen street. An ply te J, L. bTEINMLTZ. U-ttd FOR RENT. Urst-Cluss Restaurant, also flrst-class liar bcr Shep, corner of Centre .Square and North ueeii siie-ei. k'ul locution in me ci.y. Jtpply te HIllbllA LIHO.' ie.'D. FOR RENT. Three Law Ofllcea at Ne, 45 NORTH DUKE STBELT; and a busmentu feet long, supplied with water and heat. uuirtC-tfd If. PRANK ESHLEMAN. SPECTACLES. COTERIOR SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, PlildGlusseg, Barometers, a'cle a'cle scepes, Magia Lanterns, Thermometers, Draw ing Instruments, Philosophical and Chemical Apparatus. List and Descriptions of our Ten Catalogues sent FREE ou application. QUEEN & CO., NO. Hit CHESTNUT ST. PHILADELPHIA mura-jyuaw VXDEBTAKIXU. TTNDERTAklNa. UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Queen and Vine Streets, Lameast-b, Pa. , Personal attention elyen te all orders. Every thing in the Undertaking line furnished. Having secured the services of a drst-clesg me chanlc, I am prepared te de all kinds or Uphol stering at very uioderule prices. All kinds of Furniture Uphelsleied. uure vnueisieiuu. uiv ive me a cull. ROTE. JanlO-Ud TpIiEOTION NOTICE, -all Parkers' Wkstsbn Markbt Ce., Luiicuster, Pa. ( Tbe annual meeting of stockholders and elec tion for Directors of this company will be held at the Partners' Western Market Heuse, en MONDAY, APRIL 13, 1R, betwecn the hours of Oundlltt. in. W.O. MARSHALL, ni23-mdA2tiv Secretary. u SE MILLER'S BORAX SOAP. Dees net Chap the Hands. Answers every purpose. Will clean anything. Harmless, ElfcctHu and Cheap. mar7-0uid NOTICE 'iX TRESPASSERS AND GUNNERS. All persons are hereby for. bidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall or Speedwell estates, in Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed orunln erunln orunln clesed, either for rhepurpoe of sheeting or fish ing, as the law will be rigidly enforced ugulnst airtrespasalngousaldlandsef tbe undersigned after this notlee. WM. COLEMAN FREEMAN, K. PERCY ALDEN, EVERY DAY UR1NOS fiOMETHINa NEW -TO THE II YORK STORE. i .'.i i ' "1,1' DIVIDEND WEEK. Perhaps yen have never taken in Interest la enr Stock of Clothing. Fer q-ftlity, variety and price yen will hardly And a mere profitable investment. We are new showing many hand some and new things for early Spring weather. A. C. YATES a CO., 602, 604, 606 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia. m.-3md "IINE TAILORING. 1885. SPRING 1885. H. GERHART, FINETAILORING. llieLnrKe'stnnd Choicest Assortment of FINE WOOLENS IN THE CITY OF LANCASTER. All tbe Latest Novelties lujg - FANCY SU'iTfNG. A CHOICE LINE OP SPRING OVERCOATING. THE VERY REST WORKMANSHIP. Prices te suit all and all goods warranted as represented al hl new store, Ne. 43 North Queen St. (OPPOSITE THE POSTOPPICE.) H. GERHART. W 1 EM AMHON fc B OSTKK. GENTS SPRING SUITS. ALL-WOOL CAS8IMERE SUIT8, $1000. MEDIUM WEIGHT WORSTED SUITS, $10 00. NEAT CHECK CASSIMERE SUIT, $12.00. CORKSCREW SUITS, $12.00. DRESS SACKCOAT SUIT, $15.00. CUTAWAY COAT SUITS, $15.00. All -Weel University Shirt. NEW STYLE, CORDED PHONT, PULL ROLL COLLAR WITH COMPLETE 6ET OP STUDS, $-.75. MEXICAN AOATE Noe - Separable Sleeve Butten, CO CENTS. ROLLED PLATE COLLAR BUTTONS THAT WILL NOT TARNISH, PATENT LEVPR FRONTS, 5c. EACH. THE LATEST STYLES IN Silk Neckwear, Fancy Hosiery, AND ALL GRADES OP WHITE DRESS SHIRTS FROM 85c. TO THE Patent Bosem Egnmie,$lEacb, On U3A0 PER HALF DOZEN. liATS AND CAPS POR MEN AND BOYS IN THE VERY LATEST SPRING STYLES. MEN'8 STIFF HATS, 1.00, ?l,60, 1.75. MEN'S SOFT HATS, 75c., fl.OO, ? 1.60. Fea F,no Dress ,Int tl-y the Peuther-WelKht SelfConferminK Stltr Hut. We have them In H'aclcnnd Brown. Bey's Stiff Hats, 60c., 75e, OUR THREE DOLLAR MAN'S SHOE WARRANTED. The ureat consideration in select Ins Men's Shoes is te have them nnrfAnilv mmftiri.hi. and this advantage can only he obtained by carefully studying the wants of the people ana ii thorough knowledge of the Trade. In our $3 Shee, which la mode te our express order, you have the advantage of comfort and durability combined with a tight and dressy appearance. Itlsa Calfskin Upper with Grain Tens, Plain or Cupped Tee and Bevelled Edge Sele of Oak Tunned Leather. 33, 34, 30 & 38 Weht Kills St., , LANCASTER, PA. rilHE BEST A. thecity.at UARTMAN'S 5e HAVANA CIGAR. IN YELLOW blOUE, FRONT CIGAR TO OUR CUSTOMERS AND THE PUB--THE- SINQER SEWTHQ MACHINE OFFICE, ?r,,,ll,tVe,JnTed-.en th0 "IK8T DAY OF APRIL, 1885, from Ne. MX East King street, te the mere commodious and convenient omce. Ne. 140 EAST KING STREET, where we will he r";cu ie uu nu oraers ler me ieaainir ueuu ueuu lueSlujfer Sewing Machine.! - " , '. 7MBNmK MAMUrACTUHINQ CO.. I Williamson & Fester, wwt A. , MUtVMMldi, At ...... Attorney ter K. W. Celeaaad'a heU.. i ' 0 I . i '