Mfflmw MnfihMTrninPffJWl,VIWUmlll '" TwPMllMPMCniWIMtl II ' I f. '' . 'W.L Ktf '? i" w K 4 .'S.1 ,wa 'f r.iv-,e Stl. WSS" '.&!l im&u- 1 Ik1' l.tS a Fmk :m few., jr OHMS vfgmm r7,ft' t" irfc'? fj K2 mm k. nww (A.-i'i t ' u&.yv. wmm. i AWfeSW l1S,V'tft.rfi " . ra- - -. n W:fxr: 3 a 'Riji1'!.. rri JVi l ." a n m 'uiiV-'Sv : LttireM jyim t t 'Jl.- IHILI httUKEI i, jfsMim!.. !.-s.. axjuafen--BiTiLDiNp, I. W. OentM OMN Squat. -L1VC1MW.PA. ?, rvrr -iifr v t Max ettrrt A'WMk.t Fira MUAM A k en nrtT curt amestb. J?ostae nun. ITI8KMKNT8 nev n te nrrr am a. ' r mh fSi l ,' TTT"- i. ,- EKLY "lINTELIilGENCEB," ?;; (mntiiM.) IK. ' . . i6d sWMT WMBMOay Morning, vwobeltito a rkAM'tir'AnrAnn. it f',-v 'vl,,,'. Dkcm'e)fcitd frost every rrt of the andeettMry.' Correspondents a t mltuiegtwy.ana en oho siaa ei maporealyi sad te sign their names, net jmbllciUea.but in, proof of geed faith. WM basket. ' 7 AtLr.TTMADTXLtanAM8 te THE INTEELIQENOEB, V LAHCABTXIt, PA. CnntafitcrShtclligciiccr. -it nvniBTUn ipiiu. e tK yH - r,.,-?.- -, V.WV' .i "ii WEE ?iJH;ii CeacpraiBg retltiens. -il'JKjiel improbable story is told of tUe.way JMMtter Cleveland came te make u proper 'Wi ilpWote thd talue and significances of . , .,.,'JiJ(fttl6'iis " securWahd presented by per- &-MMtbe seek office. Tbe tale gees that sfir HO vas .cueseu mayor ui, imiiiuiu no ,itteoiifrentod wltll a huge ieliti'en of i, for the appointment et some one ttfewef his Judicious friends deemed IrylWifltfer' the place be sought. In it.te convince Mayer Cleveland that the VjMttkonurasnet entitled, te consideration r'..' 'nOMtWr 1 1 nirnt r with its length and there- Yr ;i -.'' t ,. !i i.... (I.,. ,,.,,( , ''-jikwuui v. i"e uuuira ik uvic. iiivj ntiuv UPW'-$Bd in an hour or two came back with ft as, big a one, signed by many of his ids, representing te the governor of the It that he had been guilty of the most ftamgeeiis malfeasance in his ofllce of feri..-. jrjHsyer. L'"&?JBe .the story true or false, it serves admi- ' is (iwiy w IOHiir a juuiiu uuii uuern a una. iP!fttterjs generally are as readily signed 'mn4'Betitieiiers about as easily securd-a' ilWtMBStoryicpreoonte. JL soleiffJew read what is presented them te sign, understand thef merits of the case and affix their names deliberately and mean all they are made te say. A s,till smaller number refuse te slgniand getthe.lll-will of these who ask them or the reputationef being cranks. Most people put down their names thought lessly, as a favor te these who ask them ; sprrie te get rid of importunity ; ethers as af .return favor for like services, asked nected: and a great many ln- ruiihwrfelv .elga everything that telyj tearW is prcsentearTO them which i3 net es- 'pecially obnoxious' te their own personal r f$2&" Jfitrest3. And sometimes their careless-, P-'&K Ihave, te privately advise the appointing power that they arojiet for the man they recommended, or even that they themselves Twant the place for which they appear te Support another. There has been a great deal of this sort of signing te petitions .for office since the election; and the public would be sur prised te find hew many of preminence and of presumed influence have cheapened! their names bysubscribing them te every thing that came along. "What, for instance, weuldi the appointing power think et a man whose name was found te two or three 'different candidates' recommendations for 'thelsame office V "What, as a rule, is there iet worth In the recommendation of a jier- son for one of whom he has no knowledge, ,,or regarding an appeintment in which he ' f f has no interest and the" effect of which he 'Has neither occasion nor opportunity te Hieasure ? '? ' 'There are miles of jietltiens in the vari eus departments in Washington that fall .under this description. Candidates for iH .eanta, are net patrons of their ejucearand n no information as te the wants and circumstances of the respective cases. Ap plicants for appointments of all grades rjEf,. jwrtmaster hayeput en file great rolls of ' '$&',res and quires of" lettera of persons v,HHi:wi?i.w jrfy u uvv iMcuwwiw Aiiut? iue aiJ Mwwhweieciiiedtlieiavices of friends te op ep liWrypJjf01 themin distant places, securing ?'" sMmiures Dy tneTwneiesaie, tnai ,ae me ,vi?',,r8n(credltandsneul11 de Ul "pph- '' im "PMBM no geed.- &r,; tf- .cv.-f"--' ,ntiinlr fnrfrnttrri Miat Mr nlovelnn.l , letter' written after -selections for office net I service rules will S?.'bv35S 'SAsUi based unbm sufficient innulrvas te fltr mki, instituted byithese charged 'with that wte? !nt f- s. $!fb JflZ Ju lfBty, rather than persistent importunity SS;r(eU-sellcifed recommendations en behalf '?ttfS.V-icanli(late8-fef appointment" ' teiii' :,And it is net manifest from the nameae'f 'fetSlpgw who have been taken, as well as fremx CTW6 wue have!beprf leftttha't the policy Jv & l,'.,-f,liflfefersh.a(inwp1 is te be rlirldlv adhered Y.l.f' 'IU-t.rf Ai". i5inie Buncrinieiiueui niKui-v. WSi 6 ,.r .Governer Te ttlseu Uu fTappeiuted Dr. tSrfH- JiHigbee te be state superhitendent of public 5-.1 faehpela. He doubtless did se, Orst, because J$ MrJ&vlQhe Present suuerihtclident lias been an effl- S"i"JW.8lf,'-tri . .... .' ". !,. . . . '7Jrfdat, faithful and capable official; and t in.' aBBiii i ir iinnniiea tub imi lur men rnp fVV'Ap'llacein all, Its requirements was brought tm -' M4Ws notice. 44i. VtwVKlsii.rAo'ainntlilaniiallflentlnnsfArtlie lwatHnn .WO.UWU.1-,- --w. ...w w--w-, a the manner in which he has discharged "duties, no complaint has been ledged, &i&aAi with tliese we believe no serious fault ' justly beldund, TVe.6ay this, fully ad- Vleed that in certain of his views en edu- ;vvWenal subjects Dr. Higbee is net in full jjrmeny with some et us, who may knew ce out yery eiy Knew toss man lie :ws about thfitd, . The sole objection that has been made iirl-vlll n 'meilif jt1 tllft nntVtntlTnnf yli tlmf TW T71ehen la a flAnnlill"... fe)?reYided that be is net a Pepublican su- Brmtendent ot.the schools this objection .probably less: weighty with relation te W Incumbent of' his office than of any thernf tlm e.Uf nlneri n-lltiln Mia crnv- t$ 'frar'saPriiitraeHt..- And as the governor V ' AWtifi&W11 a KepuVM11 te LIa Private secrei i ana nis secretary ei state appemtea a irtilloen r- K'r.'wLwitv ,i v.k.; S i$L -; ." iWal made aBabllcan his deeu'tv. and tiW-ffl V jPf-w,B ovenier hs appemtea Bhoaiaef lte '& MuJjsWIcan netarijiublic, even since" the "' v-' "AWte slapped httft'ir. the face by ivjietta.!: -f, iV . - - .tMaje hf his naminaM gimulv beeaila t . J -AC-t -.-.... -.-!. ins naintnaaa aimmv teeaita sa vm ' 3fenecrat-lt,te Uttle latere pfthte' ; Mctieu te his apeebatee for' 'sUte '.uper- -Bwlcnt. J; t Alaraatteref fsetMr.H. is "noteneugu jm s "Pt'uyueaB.av . "., ui sw sw m anuaai Mm Mdi M official baa kwt biMinent m iti ui iini inniitiii iii itimlTiTrritiiV" we believe, a ticket aelected from the three toning tiekeia 'ja the -JkM i be very perv ewpterUy prevenveu an Attempted, u net accustomed, abase " hk ettbe for political niirtidiaM'aiid . white (t'te infi that he dM net difflnlsa.Uie official organization of his predeceeeer,lt is equally true that n s vacan cies, occurred they have been filled with Democrats. frhe, gpVemer might have done much worse, than te Te-appelntJMr. IUgboe , if any one could have Bhewn him hew te de better such an brie must have neglected his opportunity. " The Philadelphia Water. The Fhiladelphia ceuncilmen feel aggrieved.that publicity should btf given te the impurity of Philadelphia water by Col.Ludlew, who is in charge of the water supply. lie discussed .the Philadelphia water in a lecture before the medical so ciety, which waa" published and read with interest;, whereupon the councilmen re solved .that it was net advisable in the superintendent, of their; water works te disclose the fact that Philadelphia sewers emptied, into the peel in the Schuylkillfrem which thePhila delphla water, is pumped into Philadelphia stomachs. Cel. Ludlow went en te say that cholera and ether contagious intesti nal' diseases are spread by the dissemina tion of, bacteria in drinking water, into which obviously a most convenient method of transmission is supplied by the discharge of, the city sewers into the city's sources pf water supply. It turned the Btemaclis of councilmen te think of drinking bacteria from cholera bowels, and" they re solved that they did net want te hear any mere about it. Perhaps however, It is better te hear about It beforehand than te enjoy the ex perience later. Stupid as Philadelphia councilmen are they inustrealize that with cholera (n the city next summer it will be dangerous te be drinking sewer water ; and if the cholera doesnetcome.onewould think that the thought of sewer water as their drinking water would prompt the councilmen te step it. But it does net. It enlv Prompts them te .step the mouth of the superintendent. They hide their heads asthe ostrich, and feel that they are safe as long as they de net see their danger or hear about it. If they had put their millions into water works instead of a big city hall, they would have had the worth of their money arid plenty of clean water instead of a monu mental nuisance. They de net deserve the geed fortune which is theirs in having se capable and honorable superintendent of their water supply as they have secured, by a special grace of Providence, in Cel, Lud low; and they bad better hasten at once te fellow blindly his recommendations and put ten millions into bringing down the pure water of the upier Delaware. The scheme is plainly the only ene open toThil teThil adelphia, since nowhere clse can abundance of pure water be secured ; and ten millions is asinall price te payfer it. A BillNotTe'ue Paid. Select Councilmen Demuth andUrban,- who we believe mean te be faithful repre sentatives of public interests, manifest a misconception of their official responsibili ties and of the obligations of the city,when in the consideration of Je linker's big bill Mr. Demuth evinces a readiness te make the city pay for everything it gets, and Mr. Urban intimates that the municipality is bound, by all the acta of its agents. The city is only bound te pay even.fer value received when t is get in the, proper and lawful way ; and te npprove and, pay bills for work or material furnished irreg ularly when there was no occasion for it, would open the deer te gross abuses and shameless fraud. The city, as Mr. Evans correctly stated, Is only bound by the acts of its agents when they act within their authority and the law, when they transgress both, they de serve no consideration and should be. very emphatically fiat down upon. - rhiTrrrttterJt pudentand inexcusable assumption of au thority. Upen any, citizen's application for an injunctionef , course the court would restrain the payment of. the bill. Any city solicitor who would recommend Its pay ment is si humbskuil or a partner with Iluber; any water superintendent who would encourage such irregularities ought te be ducked in his own muddy ressnrelr, and any councilmarnvhe votes te pay it should be kicked out of councils and the society of honest men. APTBnall the fuss, England" managed te hove her own sweet way about the Afghan dispute with Russia. m s A recent AUTneitiTV, speaking et the .cost of giving young men a collegiate educa tion at Yale or. Harvard, or any of the load lead ing American institutions of learning, declares that .the necessary expenses, de net"oxceed J500, but the .luxuries run the sum total te mere than double that sum. The Tew llaVen ralladium thus summarizes: The tuition for one y$ar is tHO, Table beard varies from $3.50 te $11 per weeks The aver; age Is JC.60. Hence fer'a year of forty weeks "beard would cost $200. Roem rent In the cellege building Is included. In the tuition; outslde the coliege Jt varles from ?30 te $150 per year. .Almest no ready-made .clothing is used. The wealthy men have four or inore suits per year, poorer inen having two or three, These' average f&0 apiece. Dress suits are usually purchased whlle In cellege, aud some men get a new ene .ovary year. New overcoats are usually get yearly. Now New Now juarketaare worn a great deal for winter, and no man can think hluiseir happy with out a light coat for spring' and fall. These garments cost from $60 te $75. Three hats a year, $5 each, are usually required. Then there are the expenses of furnlshing'.roems, where' that is deemed necessary, gleves,c.inett, subscriptions te the various athletle In terests, cellege Journals, etc., In addition te these Hems are te be added the cost of theatres, tobacco, billiards, soda, bocks, ec casienal trips te New Yerk, private cuppers, banquets, club d,uea, germans and', parties. Seme of them inclined te luxury keep their private hdraSa at the 11 very stables. Aherse, deg-cart and liveried driver take up a. geed deal of money. And some of tke fathers who are keeping up this extravagant course of Ills for 'their sorts,' fiud it liard enough work te jaaVe both Vitas meet at home. Senater Beck, or Kentucky, fa pulling for one candidate for marshal, Blackburn for another and Carlisle fera third. Something will bave te break. ., rTHB-'iBosten Herald, the most illustrious asd azaeUug of the Mugwumps, makes a bull'a eye stret vhea It advlaea the president te diabaad the partisan establishment that he &ndalroMtreVof,ttae geyernment attdboe attdbee ttle te bie party. " " ' aA)MMUih ''..Jg lT-?f.:j:ia,.g1 jAiBiUumiKv-: k x 'sr : y- 'jt :- - vskvw " rh I atepMd for a tew BKmeBte in kheim ,Ua ,eUr day. WlMHiiryi Arndt, whene store edaunlea me reteaut suejrM nuaien. which In lta day waa titethtamfal resideaeej 'metur personages la Lancaster" county El" tery. The '6W, tapestries that hung en the parlor walls are in possession of the Peaa sylvanla Historical society.- Of the Ulas that decorated the four nre-plaeeinaataiajlisuthe oldhense some were' brekM' 'taSaVb in dmantllng It, and meat of tsaa wfKren ; away as aeuveulra te reue-htmwfa.aMl, el lectors of curiosities, Frem the small ,ssre which he preserved, Mr. Arndt goneroujiy gave me efae with a ehocelale-colorod . draw ing, tllUBtraUve of the text, (Jen. xlv,"-lS,: 'And MolcblaMek, king or Salem, bretifht forth bread and wine; and be was th priest of the most high Ged." The art may Het be of the highest class ; but for all anybody cab show contrari-wlse the portraits of Melchizl- dek and Abram are true te lire. Xbese old tiles from the Manhelm mansion are fitly .prized by Uiose Who get them, net only let their historical association with Stlegel aad his famous house, but because slnce 1788 no mere such tiles as these have been made at Deiru Rev. Dr. Dubbs, one or the most aocurate and certainly one of the meat industrious of our local antiquarians, has hnnted up Berne of the Stlegel stories veryclwely. .Hethiaka thatstlogel wasnoneblomariatalL Certainly he never subscribed his name as seek, ner1 with a seal. The nearest baronial, name te Stlegel in the recerds of Manhelm, Qermany, in Stengel. He brought, with him te tills country "geed recommendations and a great deal ei tnoney ;" the latter was net wasted In unprofitable speculations, as Is commonly supposed; and even in the days of his 'financial failure he ploaded earn estly that U his creditors would grant him an extension he could pay his debts, dollar for dollar, and save much of his estate. He named the Kllzabeth furnace alter his wife and laid out Manhelm upon the plan of his natlve city. Ills glass work wcre se cxtonslve and successful that at ene tlme they yielded him an annual ineonieof 6,000. In theso prosporeus days he could afford his coach niul four, or even eight, and te be rccalcd with mu.ile In the twlllclit hours : net, in all probability, by a grant hired band, but by such of bis Hkllled workmen who thus indulged their own taste while they entertained him. Even the 11 ring of the cannon with which his visits te liisfumoce were heralded, Dr. Dnbbs suggesta, was net se' much an act of pomposity as of utility. Fer thus It was that the weed choppers and charcoal burners scattered ever the hills, were summoned te the ofllce en pay day. It was at Schacil'erstewn that he made his ten. nlnte stoyes, but ir they bere the familiar inscription " Huren Sitcfjcl Ut iler Maun AVer die Ofeu gleaecn kaun," Dr. Dubbs has never .seen any such. Is there anybody who can veriry this story? Where and how'Stlegel died the historians disagree most delightfully. Despite his earn est protestations te his counsel, Jasper Ycates, his creditors would net give him the exten sion he sought ; and after his bankruptcy his history is involved in doubt One report says that he turned schoolmaster ; anether that he dled in indigence and was buried by the Iren masters who succeeded te the own ewn ernliln of Kllrabuth : another account tnnketi I him ule a paupcrm the Dauphin county peer iiouse ; unu a jaiar anu yei mere apecrynnai story is told of 1i!h receiving a letter from I'hiladclphla enclosing 5500, Just in time te prevent him from committing sulcide at AVomclsderf, after which he left the neigh borhood and wasnover inore heard of by its people ; Dr. Dubbs inclines te the belief that he dled at Charming forge, Ill-luck brooded ever the denizens of the Stlegel' mansion, When its builder wascat, Inte jail in Laiicastcr.fer debt iie had te have a special act of legislature parsed te liberate, him ; Rebert Merris, the great Unaocier of the Revolution, who subsequently came into ownership of the Stlegel house, and whose family dwelt thcre for a season, cut a wider business swath than Stlegel, failed in Ids transactions, was jailed for uebtand died in poverty. "Wlien his family had needed a place of refuge during the Urltish occupancy or Philadelphia Sirs. Merris turned te the Stiegel house then up for sale which she knew,- because, as an ucqualntance of the Btcduians, partners of Stlegel In the Man helm enterprise, she liad ence spent six weeks thore, and was "perfectly well ac quainted with the goodness of the liouse and situation." I have recently been shown a manuscript .copy of some most remarkable correspond ence, which, fortunately for the fame of all concerned and the comfort of their posterity, has never seen print It would hardly be deemed possible, hud its autnenticlty net been established In a court of Justice, that such a document ever could have been -written te a woman and a kinswoman at that by ene of the most brilliant orators and most blazing ljghts of Congress years age repre sentative, Hcnater and .diplomat And the woman net only of his own bleed, but the wife of another eminent American orator, senator, foreign ambassa dor and ene of the authors of the federal con-, stltutlen. The 'cruelty that' could have in dited the epistle was rendered tiendlsh by the author first submitting it te the husband of the one te whom it was addressed, se that the poisoned shaft should pierce two victims: She was arraigned In the letter for the most shameless etlcnses in her girlhood, culmi nating in infanticide. The pity and the wonder of it were that there was a basis of truth te the accusation ; but the woman who pet the letter answered It with one as crush ing in its scorn and which outmatched the ether in invective. As bIie had "told the truth" te her husband, It made no dltrcrence in their relations ; but the sting of her rhetorical lash na iuug mw.l WJ UDI l.(t,V. WUfllHi UI1U when their honored posterity shall all have. passed away, anu this memorabie page of social and political scandal in the record' of the first families of the country is brought te. light, the unmanly mischief maker will be tbe bated of men. and his intended victim will get the slew pity of even her own sex. The advice given by Mr. Phelps new' minister te England In his satirical letter te a new congressman, te always 'vote te ad journ and toveto steadily against all ether prepositions wbatsoevor, as .there is always enough legislation en liand for the next five lmudred years recalls the .story which that sterling Democrat and honest man, the late' venorable Abraham Peters, of MlUorsvllle, used te tell of his interview with ex-I'resl-dent Buchauan. Quite unexpectedly te hhn self .Mr. Peters was elected te the legislature en a fusion ticket In , this Republican county of Lancaster, Unused, te public, service he called upon the experienced statesman of Wheatland for advice te gulde him In. his new role, Mr. Buchanan tersely said: Whonever In doubt, Mr. retere, vote no," ".I acted en his counsel." Mr. Peters waa went te say, " and I guess that Is the reason' my service was se aoceptaoie te my cousutu ceusutu ents." . SlNDDAD. Bev. J, ii. Duetw, D.D., la the Guardian for ,. KCCE HOMO. Fer the lTxu.iaxHcza. "Eece home l' echo hearts' In anguish, Musing en that bitter, bitter dav. When en the cress the dying Christ did languish,, -nai jus pare u)oed might wash sin's stains away May JTerrpip, Dr. Mlguee'a Iteappelutiueut. Frem the rblladclphla Times, ' Gov. 1'alUsen wlaply ignored, the clalisw of partisan aiplranU in the reappointment of Superintendent Higbee. Mr, Uigbee lias proved himself an able and progressive edu cator and it may .be. iafely assumed that be will be mere efficient after- having bad four .years' experience In which te become master of the details of his' department. Of all the public, departments that' having control of me educational interests or we common weaitn should be farthest removed, from the' influ ence of partisan oelitic, and the action of the 'governor will be sustained and approved by all dtlaees who eare mere' for geed schools tnanier kWk, bw nartv soells. The speilsmen will it their kleklng will net aoare auy oeuy. t" "PPP ! - "T' IWP!' fc dMMl f JtKUtkk, efintteWarg, MMMNM nave. kept Urn eH tejbec4ibr yean it btttr'lbr 'whose ' renSeval fwm'fl'ttMlw'la no legal metiied except .6 d(iwiteie legtektaru'and the action of twe-tidnU of each Heuse. The facta In this eaae being ladlsrmtable, vacancy wtlf doubt deubt leie be created j the Instance Is a very novel one. e Who plants a tree and nurtures It te stire growth) builde for himself a monument that will outlast his generation. April 10th will be Pennsylvania's "Arber Day." mw . China ovldently concludes that victory may possibly be mere dangerous than do de feat. She telegraphs her acceptance of Ferry's proposals for iksoce, wishing te 11 x a date for the evacuation of the positions new held by the Chinese. This la a very wlse course for China te pursue, and, France shows equal wisdom In.spEKOsUriK It The French would rind a War with the Chinese hardly worth the candle," while Involving a tremendous ex penditure of funds, and China must have known that If France waa really In earnest ever the war, the former could but poorly cope with her powerful adversary. It is a satis factory consummation, and it is te Ira hyped that nothing will Interfore te prevent its being carried te a successful conclusion,. i, ii . , , It is a rather singular coincidence that Ulysses S. Grant and Jofl'erson Davis are lying at death's deer at the same time. .PERSONAL. Mr, IlKNeniCKM, and his wife intends te go te Europe during the summer. FHAN2 Abt, the German musician and composer, is dead at the age of 05 years: This Senky picture sales in New Yerk have aggregated $182,40 for two nights. . Ex-State TnEAsunEn William V. Mc GnATit is very 111 at Cape May,and It is feared that he cannot recover. Roscek Conkline will occupy a 'private box at the Hulllvnn-McCallrey sparring match In Philadelphia, te-night Jamks and Hknkv GAnnui,ii, sous or the late president, called en Cleveland at the While liouse. en Tuesday, and were cor cer .dlally received. Mil. TlLDKN doesn't forget te Ijo neigh borly. Near Greys tene lives Clara Merris, actress, and among her callers the ether afternoon was the famous Samuel J. hlmiclf. AnitAM LINOBNF1SI.TKK, Democratic ex-register and recorder, ene of the best, most wldely known and highly esteemed citizens of the Republican county of Blair, Is dead. Mns. OAiu-iKi.n'H friends deny the pub lished reports that alie Is te marry a Rev. Mr. Tayler, of Pennsylvania. She is living quietly in Cleveland, and is educating her children for careers of usefulness. Gen. llAnnr White's mother, iivlnir rn. ccntry.lcft the bulk et her large estate te him, about a half a million dollars, and new his brother Alex. M. White, of Philadelphia. who is cut off short, will contest the will. IIenky F. Kkenam'h novel "Trajan," has met with an instantaneous success. The first edition was exhausted within ten days of publication and the presses of Messrs. Casscli A. Ce. are going night and day te meet the dem&nd for this remarkable story. Sechetarv IiAMAn, was visited a few days age by a gontleman, who said te him as he shook hands: "I am net nfter any ollk-e Mr. Secretary, and want te ask no favors." "Yeu are sir, "replied the secretary, "llke abottleofrosewater in an ocean or brine." Sauah BEiiNHAniiT is a marvel efn stage mauagcr. She will dedge behind the scenes and set six dUTerent persons going In diiror diirer diiror enl directions all at once, step Inte her dres sing room and change her magnificent cos tumes se quickly you can hardly bcliove she lias dene it, and reappear en the stage smil ing. JoiiNBTOjf.wbe died recently In Youngstown, Ohie, was a brother of Gov. Wm. F. Johnsten, late of this State, lie was a geed man and left $10,000. His father, the late Alexander Jehnsen, lived te be 100 years old, and belonged te a distinguished family of Scotland. OfhiseightdlstiiiKUlshed sons, the physical stature was something ro re markable, varying In height from 0 feet tee feet 0 Inches, and in weight from 200 te 250 peunda Abiauam Uaceln and Jacob Tbempxin Charles A. Dana In N. Y. Sun, Vlth us, the rocelloctlon of Mr. Thompson Is indelibly asioclated with the last conversa tion we .had with Mr. Lincoln. It was late In the afternoon, just befere bis visit te the thea tre where be was murdered. A dispatch had arrived from the proveut marshal of Pertlnnd. Maine,' saying that he had received information that Jacob Thompson would ar rive in Portland during that night, in order te take from there the Canadian steamer which was te sail fee Liverpool. What are the or ders of the department?" asked the marshal. On reading this dispatch te Mr. Stanten, the Utter said. "Order him te be arrested but no; you had better take It ever te the president" We found Mr. Lincoln In the inner room or his business oiHce at the tVhite Heuso, witli his coat off, washing his braids preparatory te a drive. ' Hallee," said lie, what Is it T" Listening te the dispatch, he asked, " What does Stanten say T" " He thinks he ought te be arrested." Well," continued the presldent, pausing a moment te rellcet, " I don't think se. If you have an elephant en your hands and he wants te run away, better let him run." BPECZJLZ NOTICES. A man attacked with Ilrlght's Disease, or uny kidney dlease,i don't want fine words but Its conqueror Hunt's (Kidney and JLIverj itemedy. We, must tell of the great specific Hunt's Kidney and Liver Itemedy. It never fulls te euro Diabetes, Dropsy, Ilrlght's Disease, jte. uSl-lwdeedJt w Ague-8haken Sulteiers "Who resort te Hestctter's Stomach Hitters, ex. pertencc speedier and mera complete relief tlum they can hope te de by tbe use of quinine. Ibis well authenticated fact is of Itself sufficient te have established a high reputation for the Illt ,ters. But the article Is net a'specide merely for the various forms of malarial disease, it endows the system with a degree of vigor, aud reforms Its irregularities with a certainty that const!, tutes Its best defence against disorders of the stomach, liver and bowels, specially rife where the atmosphere and water are miasma tainted. Fever and ague, bilious remittent, dumb ague and ague cake are remedied and prevented by it, and It also removes dyspepsia, constipation, rheumatism, ete. Take this medicine en the first Indication that the system is out of order, and rest assured that you will be grateful for the hlnti .fit Was Very Disagreeable." This Is what the hunter said en returning from ,a night spent In stenn and darkness amid the growisei uears.ine nowiser wolves and the ex. B.un.ev. imuBiiiw UUW1SU1 WUIYBBUnU IQO OX pected approach of serpents. The combination of horrors known as dyspepsia Is even mere dls i ngreeauie than all this. Uet rid of It by taking Brown's Iren Bitters, as Mr. J.K.UIlky. of Ilanf ww Auuwii us uyspepsui is even mere ais reedbte than all this. Uet rid of it by taklns ilten, Texas, did. He says, ' I used Brown's Iren litters for dyspepta.andam k really hennaed." XUIN PEOI'LE. " Wells' Health Itenewer restores health and .vleer, curcs.Dyspepsla.'lmpeteucy, Bexual De bility, W; ' (2) ' A I'ERfECT MEDICINE CHEST. SiMQ Sise, X, Y., reST Orrici, March 19, 1883. One week age, while engaged in my duties as assistant postmaster, I was taken with a vloleut pain or kink In my back t It was painful I could hardly breathe, and I ached all ever; my body, I immediately sent for an JUxcbca's Ponecs Plastxb and applied it qyer the seat of pain i In twenty minutes J was .entirely relieved and 'cured. ,1 have used. Allceek's Plasters in my; family for ever twenty years, and have found them wenderfully effective In curing coughs, colds, and pulmonary difficulties, They are a perfect medicine chest j they cure without the slightest pain or inconvenience, neyer leaving 'a mark en the skin, TIIOS. IKAUY. jPttilileuTpf, yillage vf Blrig Mug, If. Y. When purchasing a Perou I'lasfer, be sura le get ' Allceck'u." AH ether se-called Pereus .Plasters are Imitations. Pleasant, healthy grins are seen only en the' faces of healthy persona. The dyspeptle and debilitated can smite only Ina iud Phearted way. straagthen the tissues with Burdock? Bleed Hit ruruy' ise.. uieuu. who, iiw eiAttuHuu,-hiiu itrt, u veu'vuh in lauerh well ana etten. Fer sale byH. B. Cochran, druggist, WJandlttu Xerth Qneen street, Lancaster. BAKINCJ the market, for dlsTerent varieties HUflLKY'SPKUG 8TOKK, m wesf Jung aireei.. TTUBLKY'S1 j: IMPROVED s Pewaar.Kiualta-av'in' light Wsettt.'lafisan4he .r- aBTmjpAYAaalii MMaiaHwaPMiawiranpaBMMMBaMMaMBMM wmmi rn ii m ..i na i i mi i i mi hi m " - ! . ' s-'Ji' '"- r:'"v:!;7TT a' - :j, fit-i tt v BROWNE- II rbb ed aw j . .IKUId an iirrrTTTTT ek VL b" bri i Llib TUU medicine, cenibtnlnir Iren with pnrerege pnrerege table tonics, quickly nn(f oemplotoly CUKES IIVSI'KI'SIA, INIMUKSSION, KAIAltlA. WKAKNK8M, IMI'UUK HLOOl), CHILLS and rnVJCItatidNKUKALUlA. lly rapid and.tliureugh tumlmllntlen with the bleed it reaches every inrt nC tba iysUim, purl Acs and enrlche the bleed, atrensthens the muscles and nerves, and tones and Invigorates tbe ayg terns A flne Hest tonle known. It will euro the worst cone et Dyspepsia, re moving all dUtreeslns symptoms, such as fast irifc the reed, ilelchfiig, Heat In the Stomach; Heartburn, etc. The eiUy Iren medicine, that wUl net blacken or Injure the teeth. It In Invaluable for dUcascs peculiar te women, and Utall persona who lead sedentary lives. An unfailing remedy for diseases of tbe I.lver and Kidneys. 1'orsens aulTerliig from the effect of overwork, nervous troubles, Ions of appetite, or debility, experience quick rellef and renewed energy by Its use. It does net fniinn llpjulnrhn or nroduce Censti patien OTII Kit Iren medicines de. It Is the onlypreparatlen of Iren that causes a Injurious clicctA. l'byalctana and drngglsts rccemmenu n as tee iicnu iry iu The genuine lias Trade Hark and crossed red Hues en wrapper. Tnkn no ether. Made only by JIIIOWN CHEMICAL CO., , lULTlMesa, Me. septMydftlyw M A.NHOOD RESTORED. A victim of vimtlirul lninrudencecauslnir Vrv RKUEDT VRIK. mature Decay, Nervous Debility, LostMenhood, c., nuvitigmcu in vain evui-y Known reinecr ft nus iiiBcevfreu a siinpie seu-eun:, wmen no i SendFUKEtehls fellow sufferers. Address, J. ii. itr.tvtn, JlO-lyoedilyw 43 Chatham 6U, New Yerk City AFTER ALL OTHERS FAIJj, COWSULT DR. LOBB, NO. 319 North Flfleenth street, htlew CallewhUI street, l'blliulelnlila. Cures all Secret Diseases of both sexes. Twentv Years Kxperlence. Con sultation tiy mall. N'l'.KVOUH ANDSl'KClAI, lllSKASliW. New hook Just out. Bend for It. 1'rlce tee. flours 11 till 2, and 7 te 10 p. m fubZg-lyd&w GRAY'HHl'ROll'lO MKDIOINK. Tim Ilrcnt KnirllHh Itemcdv. An unfallllll' cure for luipetcncyHiid all Diseases that fellow Ixns of Memery, OiiIvcithI LasHltude, I'nlu In the ll.ick, Dimness of Vision, Prematura Old Age, and muuv ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a l'remature Orave. Full Mirtlculars In our pamphlet, which we do de do slre te send free by mall te every one. This Bpo Bpe Bpo clde medicine is sold by all druggist at fl er Fackage, or six packuues for $3, or will be sent rce by mall en receipt of the money, by ad. dressing the agent, II. JJ. COCIIllAN, Druggist, Bele Agent, Ne. 137 and 139 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa. On account et counterfeits, we luTe adopted the Yellow Wrapper I the only genuine. THE UHAY MEDICINE CO., ttuoaie. H. Y. S AFE, BURK AND SPEEDY CURE. 1 Ilci-nmE. VABicecxxEandBrEciAt. UissAsxa efcltUersez. Why be numbugged by nuacks, when you can nnd In Dr. Wright the only Kko Kke ULAn PiivsiriAM In I'btlAdelpnla who makes a specialty of the above diseases and ecus tbein T Coues eUABAirreKD. Aevick TRZi, day aud even ing. Bt rangers cuu be truated and return home the sumo day. Offices private. Hit. W. II. WKIGHT, Ne. 211 North Ninth street, above Itace, T. O. IUix 673. l'hlladclphia. (anZMyd&w CON8UMITION 1 HAVE A POSITIVE remedy for the nbove disease s by Its use be usuudsef cuscsef the worst kind and of long standing have been cured. Indeed, se strong Is iiling nave uecncu rce. jnueen, se siren faith In ItsFllluiey that 1 will Kund T my i HOT r lauri in us 1'iiiciiuy uini. l win huiiti Attu PTTLKS FltKE, loaelber ivltli a valunlile trea- tUe en this dUeuM) te any sutlcrer. Give ex- prens ana l . u. auuicss. ' DK.T.A.8I.OCUM, n:-CrmlMHlA,Giinv 181 1'earl til., N. Y. IIAIM'ED HANDS, Lll'S AND FACES are very common In March, but CREAM OF ROSES Always cures. Xe grt-nse, no smarting. OJJLY, 10 CENTS, at Druggists. Fer sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG ST.ORE, decS-Cuid 137 and l.TJ Xerth Queen street. CATARRH. ELY'S CREAM BALM CUKES COLD IX HEAD, CATAIHIH.KOSBCOI.D.IIAY FEVEIt, DEAK.VESH, HEADACHE. Easy te ute. X. Y., U, tj. A. Price, Sec. Ely Ilre.'s., Oswego Hay Fever. ELY'S CUEAM BALM Cleanses the Head, Allays InllHUiiiiiitlen, Heals the Seres, llt-sterex the Bouses of Taste aud Hindi. A quick and positlvecure. se cents at DrucKlsts. GO emits by mall, registered. Fend fur circular. Sample by mall, 10 cents. ELY BROTHERS, DruggUtx, Oswego, X. Y. u.ar31-tfd&w M IS VVI.LA XKO US. S TOUAUK COMMISSION willEHOUSB, DANIEL MAYElt, IG West Chestnut street.. decS-lyd T50TE 1H MAK1NO CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT S3.00 A KOZKK,; AT XO, an!9tfd 10tf XOBTH QUEEX STItEET, Lancaster, Pa. TH13 IiAKOGST, DUST AND MOST, complete usierlinent of Playing Cards in the city from S cents per nnck up at HAKTMAN'S YELLOW FIIOXT CIQAIt BTOUE. ir rkTiriWeriTHOFMiiiijii StJL.JyJJJ Goods te be sold at i AVOflTH OF MIIjIjINEKY a very heavy reduction, en account of removal te our new niore, wjnenu vjuecuuiiue.i, leiruuess uia Stand.) XEW YOBK AXD PARIS MILL1XE11YCO., JanS-tfd West King St, Lancaster, Pa, T IIIH I'APKK 18 PfllNTKD J. K. WRIGHT & CO.'S INK, Fairmount Ink Works, 26th and Pcnd'a. Avenue Ian6-lya PHILADELPHIA. PA. s AINT-KAPHAEL WINE. INFORMATION. The Salnt-ltapliael Wine has a delicious flaveur ana is urunic 111 mu iinnunu emus ui uussiu (Jernmuy, North and i Heutn America, Urcat J1I1USI1I, AI1UIH, UIIU HI Ulll AMU UU..U,.J VA1.U4.VU annually is sufficient proof of Its stability and H..1...I.. ....I.n n..i1u.... T',. ...... n.. ,,(.. ...........11 li Btaylni there : itr pewcrw, while for tba real connemeur there fs no wine that can uu uuiiBiuureu lis superior. . -TneBaint-upnuei ine uoujpftny.vaience, Department of the Dreme (Jfntnce.Ji H. E. SLAYMAKER, Ne. 2i EAHT KING STBEKT. ns-trd T O TOIJACCO BUYERS AND PACKERS. Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Sample Tags, ALL STYLESund QUALITY of GAKPUOAItD STRING TAOS, And all kinds of PUIUTINQ used by Leaf Te bacce Doelura, executed tn the ' BEST STYLE and at the WJWEST PRICES. Call and see enr samples. Orders, by mall promptly attended te. STEINMAN'&flENSEL, INTELLIGENCES Building. LaneMter, Pa. KtrtJe&tLi ;' TiiK? V. -tBriTTixtf. ic. AAaJUvf T-"nvy KKNEMAN. J FLINN & BR EN E MAN, The Season la new at hand, ter, furntebinfir, .and relttin Hemes. Kethlng ftdda mere te the furnishing of a house than handsome QA8 FJXTrjBSO. A ahert time age Elegant Chandeliers were a luxury; that only the wealthy could enjoy, new the prices are be low that FINE GOODS are within the reach of all. In the wajr of Common Goods we have qulte a stock of elegant Patterns, but net the prevailing style, for which we will net refuse any reasonable offer. PLUMBING and GAB-FITTING promptly attended te. HEATING by Het Air or Steam. Estimates given en all kinds of work. FLINN & BRENEMAN'S GREAT 8TOVE Ne. 1 52 North Queen St.. BOOKS. IS ABTER-1885. SOUVENIRS! FOR THE EASTER SEASON Plain and Fringed Easter Cards. AT THE 1100K8TOUE OF JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA VLerntKU. "POR GLOVES, Te keep the hands warm MITTENS", Te keep the hands warm. SOCKS, Te keep the feet warm. EAR MUFFS, Te keep the cars warm. MUFFLERS, Te keep the neck warm. UNDERWEAR, Te keep the body warm. Ge te ERISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WEST KING 8TIIEET. B ARGAINB. NO KIUEl NO WATEIti IJUT SLIGHTLY SMOKED! THE SALE OF DAMMED CLOTHING ! Still continues. An enormous let of Clothing has been sold, yet there remains many CHOICE BARGAINS. Before April 1st Everything Must Be Disposed Of, A no Damaged Goods will lie retained after that date. Don't be (Skeptical t Don't be Prejudiced ! Don't have In your bend the Idea that this Is only a sham sale that It It only n -"se-called" reduction. We have made n reduction, and a big one, tee, nnd every body who needs Clothing can prellt by It, MYERS & RATHFON, LEADING LANCABTEK CLOTUIEKB, NO. 12 HA8T KING STREET, '. LANCASTEll. PA. Jj. GANSMAN & BRO. Spring Opening, ) In Our Custom Tailoring Department. Suits te Measure at SIO. Suits te Measure at 313. Suits te Measure at 815. fuits te Measure at $18. ulta te Measure at $20. Suits te Measure at 826. Pants te Measure at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5.00, $0.00, up te $0.00. Children & Bey's Clothing OUK GUEAT SPECIALTY. CHILDMEX'8 SUITS at M. KW; VIM, $3.00. M.U0. $5.S0. BOY'S SU1T8 at filW, riJ, $3.00, $LW, $3.00, up te $10.00. t Yeu are doubtless Interested In the purchasoe! SPRING CLOTHtNG And want the best quality for the least money. We ure equally interested in securing yourpa yeurpa yourpa trenuge, and have placed our large stock at prices within the reach of all. Our uoeds weie never se low priced as new, whlle they ure as desirable as ever. I. GMSM AH & BRO, Neb. 00-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Eight en the Southwest Cor. of Orange Street,) LANCASTEU, PA. -Xet connected with any ether clothing house In the cltv. s PRING. The pleasant weather of the past few days re minds us that Spring Is at hand, nnd that it Is tlme te see what Is wanted In the way of SERIM CLOTHING. Burger & Sutten, ' NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Are prepared te show te the public a Large aud Well Selected Stock of Spring and Summer Suitings, Such as Corkscrews, "all shades,'1 Plaid, Checks and Silk Mixtures, in fact every thing that Is New and Desirable, Made In th'i Latest Styles, at prices as low as the lowest ler the same qual. Uy of suits. Our- , READY-MADE STOCK Fer Spring and Summer Suits for Men, Youth andlioysUcempletoandready fee Inspection. Call and Kxajnlue our Stock, Ne Trouble te Shew Uoeds. BURGER & SUTTON, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIER8, Ke, 24 , Centre Square, LANCASTEU. PA. SIiATB WORKS. All jwrnens wishing MAltllLEIZED SLATE M AN T EJ.S, or any ether Slate Werk, will da well by calling at our works or send for our lllustra ted cuta-ogee. , -, . KltANK JAnSONABUO., Coirier rreut aud Locust St., Columbia, Pa. MVWVyvMiylcvs '& STORE. Lancaster, Pa. Easter Beeks. Easter Tokens. VAMllIAOES. CTANDARD CARRIAGE WORK. EDGERLEY & CO., (Carriage Bullders), MAEKET STItEET, ItEAH OK POSTOrriCE, LANCASTEU, PA. OUK LAKGE STOCK Or BUGfrlES & CARBIAGES Comprises the Latest Styles and the meet Ele gantly Finished, WHICH WE OFFER AT OltEATLY UEDUCKD PJUCEB. ThebUPEUIOU QUALITY OP OUttWORK is no longer questioned. Our work Is as fine as any made In the largcfeltlcs, and SOLD AT HALF THE PllICE. New Is the time te order for spring. ENCOUUAOE FA IE DEALING And Honest Werk. AH Werk WARRANTED. KEPAIK1NO PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set of w erkmen especially employed for that purpose. - A few SLEIGHS left at Lew Figures. Give us a call. nevas-tfd&w TJAHGAINS. AFTER THE SALE -AT- NORBEGK & MILEY'S, CORNER OP" DUKE AND VINE STREETS, LANCASTEU, PA., A LOT OF VERY CHOICE QflHRIflGE WORK LEFT, WHICH WILL BE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE PRICES. DON'T MISS A 11ARGAIN. CALL AND EXAMINE THE THE WORK. QUALITY OF I JILL WORK GUARANTEED. S-All questions answered by Telephone,! through the Tclephone Exchange, with which I luu esuiuiisuuieni. is cuiiuucieu. neUSEFVltNlSlllXU OVODS. irtAvn I rpuK CHEAPEST PLACE TO BUY AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Geal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures, ii A. P. Ne. 21 Seuth (Juecn Street, febSMyd LANCASTER, PA EDUCATIONAL. TOOK AT THIS ! " " V" AND THEN EMBRACE IT. Boek-keeping-, Commerclal Law, Commercial Arithmetic. BuBlness CorrespendoncoJ Practical Penmanship, Practical Grammar. Drawing Bualneaa DecumentaJ All for 3S for 3 months, or iO for 8 months, at Lancaster Commercial College. Address, H. O. WEIDLER, jsuiv-uu xucaster, J WATCHES, &C. yyATOUES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY.I GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND! jm j. jnset LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queca Slmll Opposite City Hetel, near Pa. E. R. Depot I Retailing at Wholesale Prices. Repairing atl ,.w., ..a. jyai-jya STOCKS. DOOR, WHITE A CO., BANKERS. PRIME BA1LWAT 8ECURITIKB ALWAYS OK HAND irOU INVESTMENT. Mlnnoapellg Ileal Estate T per cent, bends for sale at 101 and Interest. Proprietors of Poer'a Manual nt ltullwuva f rAn.nrinri..J i-X2T ' ....... wu.,vbuwmuvWVO IUI1UI. 45 Wall Street, octl-lydeed New Yerk. ITUUUT EXCEPTION, THE BES1 ".Xi 'J?Aa.I?.,,ni.h.?.1t,wn' we for ?. at tn ter &e, at yiieNi' ciaA 1IAA1JKJI lAH'S YELLOW BJ.OKE. u ' - '. ' . . . . . 13 ' i yi y ' A it , " "' .'; 1 sa., i