K.r r i&& .-F c V ?, v J -il1'? '- ' IS vt -f.. - St. vi i . TOD JJLKOABTJBR DAILY IKTfcLLJQByCBB, MOKDAY M ATKtft 30. Hfcj, '(, & i, CIVIL SERVICE RKFORM. EXAMINATION OF Al'lJ.lVANTS ANJ) OVHSTIUXS VttV TO OLEKKH. A Hclmeu r the I'nnmi te Willi h Able- Iteilleit Democrat Are Huldcctcd Itcferc They Cmi et n Clmiice nt Some of the Unices Thry beck. It Is pretty sure new that for aeertnln jrnule of clerkshlp? mid ethor positions under the go eminent all applicant's will hae te undergo a compctttUe oxnnilimtlen, Some of our young fiicnds hereabouts, Repnbll. cans and Democrats, who conteinplato nnb nnb Jectlnc; tlicmsehes te such a process w 111 be Intorestod In rending the following account from the lliiltlinoie Sun, of a recent cotnpetl cetnpetl th e examination In that city for xslllens In the nalllinore postelllco. 1'oeplo who hae heard a great deal about cl 11 sorvlce rclerm without having a cry clear Idea el" what It I, can nle judge In , measure rrein this ac count w hether or net such a system Is calcu lated te sclent a geed class ofelnclals. . TIIK PRELIMINARIES. iJefore the oxamluatien ecncd each appli cant was fiirnlshed with a declaration te be tilled out w Ith full name, residence, w hether oxainined for the cl 11 sorvlce w Ithln a year ; w hether the applicant had ever been in the civil porvice ; If the applicant was new or e or had been been In the army or navy of the United States; date of birth and iircscnt em pleyment, and state or health. At the head of this blank a iiuiuber Is placed, which Is the applicant's examination number, and cor responds te his number put nt the head of each of Ills examination sheets. Tills dec laration is placed in an cinelnpe and net opened until afler nil the papers hae been examined, se Hiat the beard does net knew while marking a paper whose it is, o.cept that it Is number ene or number two, Ac After the avcrages of the applicants nre inade upthodeclnratious, upon belng opened, disclose the naine corresponding te the number. a KXKUCm; IN DICTATION. The first blank, which was en dictation, Was handed around, and Majer Italley, the president of the beard of examlners, took his stand, whei oho could be heard by nil, nnd read nleud the following : "Ne question in any examination ei pro pre pro cedlng by, or tindei, the commission or ox ex ox ninlners shall call for the oxpresslon or dis closure or niiy political or religious opinion or affiliation, and ir such opinion or nfllliatien be knew u, no discrimination shall be nude by reason thorcefby the examiners, the com mission or the appointing pew er. The com mission nnd Its examlners shall discounto disceunto discounte nanccriill disclosure, bofero either of thorn, of such opinion by or concerning any applicant for examination, or by or concerning any ene whose naine is en the register uuniting ap pointment." Majer Bailey lead it slowly and distinctly with frequent jiauses te allow "catching up"." He looked evcry inch the schoolmaster, and fceme could ecn picture the birch in his hand. "I read slowly," he afterwards ex plained, "te gie the fast writers time te wrltotuero carefully and net te crowd the Slower enes." A short time was allowed for revision and punctuation, and in ten minutes from the start all the papers were handed in. The dictation exercise, It afterwards trans pired, was rule eight of the civil-sen ice reg ulations. Then came the second part of the first sub ject, which was en copying and spelling. 1 he copying oxerclso Asaa ery siinple, con sisting of about 200 w erds or an abstract from the postmaster-general's report or 18S2. It related merely te the bj Ing accomplished In In iteo then recent contract ler stamped eno ene eno lepoB. The spelling oxercise consisted of twenty words in common use. The copying and spelling made up sheet two. ARITHMETICAL NUTM TO CRACK. Sheet threo, or the second subject, was arithmetic, in which thore were eight ques tions, with instructions te gie the operations in full. Question ene was ene in addition, the object being te get the total of the large amounts et cotton exported from New Or leans, Baltimore, New Yerk, Yorktown and Galvesten. Question two was te find the differeiiLO betw een the debt of the United States and the cash in the treasury. The an swer te this, whether accurate or only pro blematic, was "emcthing oer $1,150,000. Question three was en this order : 30 clerks are te distribute 48,000 letteis en a p.uticular day. Hall are experienced and halt are new men. It each el the experienced men de twice, its much as each new man, hew many w ill be distributed by eacli man and by each class of men. Though apparently a stickler at first, it seen reseled itself Inte a question of proportions. The fourth question was te find the money alue et a let of stamps, where there were a number or sheets or each denomination, and each sheet contain ed 100 stamps. There were 109 sheets of one eno ene cents stamps, 09 et tw os, 73 et IHe and 27 of tens. Question flve was, "Wrlte in ligures ene million ene thousand and ene hundred dollars and he en cents." Question six was net 'ery hard. It was a case like this: "There were handled by the railway postal clerks in ene year 2,155,213,880 letters and postal cards ami l,278,760,7Cr pieces of ether mall matter. One errer was committed rer every 3,803 pieces handled. What was the number of errors committed. The next was this: "Hew many mail bags, containing 2 1-12 yards et cloth each, can be made of a belt of 60yaids, and what does each yard of cloth cost, the cost of a bag being 85 tents?" The last question was: "The total rotciiues of the postelllco department for the tlfcal year 18S2 weref41,87ll,4l0.15, and the exicnditures for postmasters' salaries for the same time f 8,tl, f7(l72. What percentage of the reenues did the salaries amount te?" AN EXERCISE IN COMPOSITION. Then came the third subject, which was writing a lctter te the postmaster general giving the applicant's lows en the Ameri can postelllco system and its impoitauce en Iho business of tlioceuntry. Tills was chiefly te try the skill or the applicants in simple English composition and punctuation. If many had jetted dew u their pre ailing views te the head of the department the tenor el tlie letters would evidently hae been en the order : "The system is a geed one. I'lease give me the best en have In thoshep." Hut no one dared, and the ausw ers, as u rule, were short and te the point. Thouextaud last subject was geography, lu which tliore were eight questions as fol fel lows i "Name the original thirteen states;" "name the live great lakes in their order from east te west ;" "name live mountain ranges of the United States;" "name the states bordering en the Gulf or Mexico;" " what states would oil travel hi going the most direct line from Husten te Washing ton ;" "name tluee rivers directly tributary te the Mississippi ;" "give Iho livers, flve hikes, flve bays and flve mountain peaks in the United States." The ethor was te give the states In which uie the waters en which were ten large cities, such as Huflaln, New Orleans, Chicago, Ac Geography was of all the hardest subject, though seemingly simple. Ah each candidate finished ene paper he I nit en it the time received and the time Inlshed, and handed It ever te Secretary Adams, who furnished the applicant with the next sheet. The llrst te flnlsli was a young man, who handed In his laU paper at ten minutes after II. The last paper was handed lu at 2 p. m. HOW BELLCTIOMJ aiu: made. The local beard will be seme daj s exam lug the papers of the applicants, and these who crade ut deer evor will be placed en the civil sorvlce list. When the postmaster has a vacancy te till he notifies the beard, who scud him the names of the four grading highest, and from them the postinastersolects a name. The ether three and the ene standing next nre sent in for the next, and se en. II a name has been Bent in four times and the person net apielnted, it is net sent in any niore unless the pestmaster specially asks ter it. Theso who pass the examination are kept en the civ II sen ice ler ene jear, nnd if net ap pointed te a nlaoe in that time are dropped, but can stand an examination latoren. if an applicant w he passes gets another place out side, and docs net want a government posi tion, lie can keen Ids name en the list by de clining te have his uiinie " ecrtttlcd te for the present ;" that is, net te have the beard bend it In for a vacancy at that particular time. A hew Way Te Steal a Chicken. Jehn Hiewu, a young man, was placed en trial In the criminal court of Haltimoie "ftn Friday en the charge of the larceny of a live chicken from Jehn Meyer, en day street, near Itelalr market. The ovldcnce for the state w as te the etlcct that the prisoner laid a trail rtf corn alenjt the alley in the rear of Mr. Meyers yard and captured a large Leghorn roestck Brown denied it. Judge Fisher, before Vvvhem the case was tried without a Jury, hfcd some doubt of Brown's saulty aud rwvrrev 1U doclsleu lu the caw. BVJEClAt. XOTXCtrg. Ague-Shaken Sufferers Who resort te Hosteller's Stomach Hitters, ex perience ppccdlerand uieru complete rollef tlinn tbey can hope te de by the me of quinine. This well authenticated fact Is of Itsclrsiilnclcnt te lwe established u high reputation for the Hit ters. Hut lliu artlelu Is net a spcellte merely for ttiu various forms of ninlariiil dlctue, It endows the system with a digrce of vigor, and reforms Its Irregularities with n certainty that consti tutes Its best dc-rence against disorders of the steiuach, llvrr nnd bowels, epcclnlly rlfe whero the atmosphere nnd water are mlnstmi tainted. Fuv er and Hgiie, bilious remittent, dumb ague and ague oake are remedied and prevented by It, and It atse removes djgpcpsln, constipation, rheumatism, etc. Take this medicine en the first Indication that the system Is out of eidcl, and lest assured that you will be grateful for the hint. ITCI11NU ril,K4."-8YMl'TOM9 1 MUIVfUMK Llke perspiration, Intense ltchhiK. wolse by scratching, most nt night, seems If pin-We tins were crawling. Smtyne'i Vtnlmcnt 'fu nptrnt ant, turt cure, jan2S-MWFAw LUi; 1'itKSKItVKU. If j en nre losing) our gilp en life, tiy "Wells Health Ilcncwer." Gees dliect te weak spots. (3) fOUNO MEM I-IIKAI) THIS. Tna Voltaic Hblt Ce , of Marshall, Mich , offer te send their celebrated Elbctro-VeLtaio IIilt and ether Klicj-rie ArrLlAhcMen trial for thirty day. te men (old or j eling) atlllclcd with norreus debility, less of vitality nnd manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alse for rheumatism, neural- Sla, paralysis, nnd many ethor kindled diseases, omplete restoration te health, vigor and man hood guaranteed. Ne risk Is Inclined as thirty dfjs trial la allewxd. Write them at 011 color Illustrated pamphlet rrce. dcc2elydftw llreaklug Up. Onevciyhand we sce evidences that w Intel Is breaking up, and will seen have te jlcld te the advancing spilng. It Is a most Impeitnnt question amongst scleutlfle men what nuises the general Icellng of dehlllty and lnsslludose prevalent In this region. While some regard It ns the resiiller con llnenient and Inaction, ethers suppose llte be caused by the decay of cgetn hlcsand animal debits which has accumulated during the winter. 'What Is especially needed at this time, however, Is something te overcome these influences. It is loe Inte te talk about the causes; what Is tlie cause 7 Thousands or per sons nil ever the country who have given Kidney-eort a faithful trial nre ready te testify that no ether lcuiedy Is equal te It for cleansing the Hjstcm, pin lfj Ing Iho bleed, regulating the bowels, and curing u!l kidney and liver discuses It Is In fact the king of all spring medicines. MtOWN'S HUliiKlIuliirVAKAClSA. Is the most elTecttve I'aln Destrejei In the world. Will most surely Ulcken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied nxlernnlly, and thcieby mero certainly HKblhVK PAIN, whether cbronle or acute, than any ether pain allevlnlet, and It is wnirantcd douhle the strcngtb or nny similar preparation. ltcures pulu In the Side, Back or llewels, Bele Thient, llhcumatlsm, Toothache and AI,L ACHKfi, mid Is Iho Great Itellevcr of I'aln. "IIUOWN'8 HOUbElIOLU PANACEA "should be In every family. A Icaspoenful of the Panacea In a tnuibler el b' t water .sweetened, If pre ferred, taken ct bedtime, will IIUEAK Ul' A COLD. 25 cents a bottle. 11131 lydM.W.SAw Uf-tectltesund Private Officers UHimlly V weal their badires of Hiitlinrltv rnnreiil. cd under their clothing, but Dr. Themat' JCc Uclrlc Oil wenis Us badges In the form of print ed labels attached te each und every bottle, se that nil may knew- Its mission. It Is given full und complcte authority te aricst nil iicliesand pains, and does Its duty evciytluie. lersnle by 11. II. Cochran, druggist, U7 and 1JJ North Queen etieet, Lancaster. 1'ltElTY-WOMKN. Ladles who would retain freshness nnd vivac ity. Don't rail te try " Vt ells' Health ltentwer." W VLHY ItEMAItKAIlLE HhCOVEIlV. Mrt Gee V. Willing, or Manchester Mich, writes:" Jly wife has been almost helpless for live j ems, se helplets that she could net turn evor lu bed alone, hhe usd two llettles sf Klcctrie Hitters, and Is se much linpieved, that she Is able new te de her own w erk '' Klcctrie Hitters will de all that Is claimed for them. Iliuidieds of testimonial attest their grcntcunitlvupeweiH Only fifty cents a bottle nt Cochran's Plug. Stere, Nm, 137 nnd 1ft .North IJuien street, Lanenster 1'a. (2) The Kind We I.Ike. Ihe luedlelne we mextllku N Hint which does Its w eik quick and null llvrdeck Jlloed Jltttcrt me the quickest kind of acme feidspepsla and Uvtrand kldueyntri ctlens frer sale by II. II Cochran, druggist, M7 and 1J3 -North Queen sticet, Lancaster. MOTIIhltbl MOTIIKKH1! MUTHKU9MI Are ou dlstmbed nt night and biokenef your rest by a sick child Nutfeilng and crying with the excruciating pain of cutting tectht If se, go at one e and get a bottle of Mis. WINBLOW'8 SOUTHING BVKU1'. It will relieve the peer little sufferer Immediately depend upon It; than Is no mlstaku about It. Ihere Is net a mother en earth w he has evei list d It, who will net tell you at once that It will regulate the bowels, and give re-st te the mother, und lellef and health te the child, operating like magic. It Is perfectly safe te use In all cases, and pleasant te the taste, aud Is the prescription of one of the eldest and bent female phjslclans In the United Statis. bold every whcie. !S cents a bottle. ma31-lydM,W,S&w bKIN DISKAShn.-" SWA1 NKOINTME.NI7 " 6waine' Ointment" euies Tetter, Salt Itheuui, ltlngwerin, betes. Pimples, Kczcinu, nil Itchy Kruptlens, no matter hew ebttlnate or long jirincurip juiie ji r aw 1'ILEb! 1'II.hSSt TILLS! It Sure cure for Illlnd, Illecdlugund Itching Piles. One box has cuicd the weret cases of 2u years' standing. Ne one need suffer flv e minutes alter using William's Indian l'ile Ointment. It ab sorbs tumors, allays Itching, nets us poultice, gives Instant relief. 1'iepuied only for I'lleB, Itching of the private parts, nothing else, bold by druggists nnd mailed en receipt of price, II. bold by H. 11. Cochran, 137 und 1J0 Neith Queen stieet. (1) "ROUGH ON ITCH." 'Heugh en Itch" cuies humors, eruptions, rln he ; wen in, tettei, salt rheum, fiested feet, ehll- blalns. Wl HUCKLEN'H AKNICA BALVL. The best balve In the weild for Cuts, Hrulscs, Beres, Ulieis, bull Itheum, lever boles, letter. Chapped Hand, Chilblains, Cerns, and all Bkln Eruptions, nnd positively cures Piles, or no pay require faction, box. 137 and AN EDITOR'S TltlllUTE. 'lheieu P. Itculer, editor Et. Wujne, Ind, Gatettc, writes: "Fer Iho past flve jeainhave ulwnvs used Dr. King's Sew Dlsceveiy, fei coughs of most sovuie charactei.im wcllusfei thoeof a milder tpe. It novel lulls te uflectu sjieedy cure. My filende te whom 1 huve leeoin leeein mended II speak of It In some high leiius. Hav ing been euied b It of cveiy cough I have had fei nv e years, i censmei iieuiy leiiaoieanusme euie fm Coughs, Colds, etc." Cull nt Cochran's Ding Stere, Nes. U7aud IStNeitli Queen street, Luucustei, I'a , und get a Free Trial Bettle. Lurge Size $1 ou. (i) KOUGH ON TOOTHACUE," Instant lellef for Neuralgia, Toethaeho, Face ache. Ask fei "Heugh en Toothache." 15c. and 33c. (3) Feur-llfths. Of out American people lire nllllcted with sick headache In clthei Its nervous, bilious ei con gestive fei ins. caused by lnegufur habits, high 111 Ing, etc., and no leinedy 1ms i ver eenqueied It until Hi. Leslie's Special l'ltsi ijptiuii wus dls dls ceveied Give it a trial. See udveillseinent in another column (3) What Three Applications Did. "I was tieuhlid vciy much with soie teet, 7ircc eppffriKluut u TViehiiii' I'.clectrle Oil en. tlrely euied them. Nothing better In the mm mm kel." Jiu eh lliitlei. Heading. Pa. Koisaleby II. II Cochran, druggist, 137 und lS'J North Queen street, laincuster. Causes Astunltliment. "Completely prostrated for dujs with lndl Cesllen and bilious fevei. The effects of two ettles of Jluriieck Jlloed Jlltteri astonished me ; vlslble lmpieveinent light off." Mr. Neah llutis. Kluilm, N. Y. Eei side by II, II Cochran, druggist, 1J7 and 1.0 fseith Queen stieet, Luu custei. Grins. Pleasant, healthy grins are seen only en the faces of healthy persons. The dyspeptic and debilitated can smlle only In n hall heaited way. Purify the bleed, tone the Meinncb, and strengthen the tissues w ith liurdeck Jlloed JIU tert.il jeu wish te laugh well und etten. ei sale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 und lay Nel th cjueeu siieei, j.uucusier. lll. ritAZlEK'ailOOTIHTTEHS. Fruzler's Heet Hitters are net a drum shop beverage, but are strictly medicinal in evei-y sense. Ihey act strongly upon the Liver ana Kidneys, keep the bowels open and regular, cleanse the bleed and sj stein of every Impurity, bold by druggists, 11. bold by 11. I). Cochran, 117 nnd 13-J North Queen Btieet. (2) 8VKCTACLE8. ouPEiuen SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Mb. rnseenes. Field (.lasses, llaronieters. lelf- nope, Mugle Luuteriis, Thermeuieteis. Iliaw lug Instiuuients, Philosophical and Cbenilciil Apparatus. List nnd Descriptions of our Ten Catalogue sent FREE en appucatleu. QUEEN &CO. NO. VH CHESTNUT 6T. PHILADELPHIA mtujjaw V MEVICAt' AHAKrA,IA. . A YKIVH CHliitUY 1'COTdU.VL. AN OLD SOLDIER'S EXPERIENCE. Calvert, Texas, -May .1, lssl. "In Ish te express my appreciation of the val val val uubloiiualitlcsef Ayer's Oherry Peoteral A3 A COUGH HEMEUY. "While with Cbtuchlll army, Just befere the bnttleuf Vlcksbuig, I contracted a sovere cold, which tei minuted In a duugcieus cough. I found no rellel till ou our march wccauiotea cntlntry stofe, whein, en asking for seme lcin edy, 1 was ingest te try ATKR's CuEftar Prcro Prcre nAt. "I did se, and was rapidly cured. Blnce then I have kept the Pectoral constantly by me, for family use, nnd I have found It te be an Invnlu able lemedy fei Thient and Lung Diseases. .f. W. WHITLEY." thousands of testimonials testify te the prompt cure or nil HrenchlTil nnd Lung Affec tions by the use of Ayeh's Cnrnnr I'ecieiul. Doing Tcry palatable, thoyeiingeslchlldrcn take It readily. lBEr.vnKD nv Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. mJ7 al TriDNKY'WOUT. DOES VVONDKItt UL CUKES OF KIDNEY DISEASES AND LIVER COMPLAINTS. Dccausn Harts en the LIVEH, JteWKLS and KIDNEY S at the SAM E TIME. He-cause it cleanses the B) stem of the poisonous humors that develops In Kidney und Urinary Diseases, Hltlleiisuess, Jaundice, Constipation, Piles, or In Itheumatlsm, Nuralglu, Nerv eus DIs DIs eidersundall Female Complaints. -SOLID l'HOOF OFTHIS.-S It will Surely Cern CONSTIPATION, PILES nnd KHEUMATlbM by causing FKKKACllON of ull the organs and functions thereby. CLEANSING THE BLOOD. Restoring the neitiml power te threw off dis ease. THOUSANDS OF CASKS Of the weist forms of these terrible diseases hale been quickly relieved, nnd In n shoittllue PERFECTLY CURED.: Price, II. Liquid or Dry. Beld by diugglsts. Dry can be sent by mall. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO , Ilurllngten, Vt. Send Btauip fei Daily Almanac of ltfej. KIDNEY WORT. Juti&l-3n'djedAftmw CTMTUMXa. r L. UANHMAN iV IlltO. Spring Opening; In Our Custom Tailoring Department. Suits te Moaeuro at $10. Sulta te Moasure at 812. Suits te Moasure at 815. Suits te Moaeuro at 810 Suits te Moaeuro at 820. Sulta te McaBureat$2Q. Pauts te Moasure nt 83.00, 83 60, 84.00, 86.00, 86.00, up te 80.0O. Children & Bey's Clothing OUR UUEAT SPECIAL! CHILDREN'S bl'lTH at Jl Se, t2.ni, I , nun. tlew, 'iO HOl'SSUnSutt2en,r-,i0,.lii0, tiuei ViW, up te 10 00. Yeu uie doubtless inte tested in the puichoseel SPRING CLOTHING And wnnt th best finality for the least money. We ui equally Interested in securing jour pa trenuge, und hniu placed our lurge stock at prices within the reach ul ull Our goods weie never se le pelted an new, while the) uteus desirable lesi ver L, GMSIAlf & ERO., Nes. 80-08 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Right en the Seu t hut s t Cor. of Orange Mrcet,) LANCAbTER, PA. -.Set connected with any ether clothing house In the ellv S1' lii Nt;. The pleasant weathcref the past fen dajste minds us that bluing Is at hand, und thut It Is time te see what Is wanted lu thewnj of SPRING CLOTHIIG. Burger & Sutten, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE, Alepiepuied te show te thu public a Laige nnd viellbelected Stock of Spring and Summer Suitings, Such as Cnrkkcieus, "ull shades," Phild, Checks and bilk .Mixtures, in fact everything thut Is New und Desirable, Made In the Latest btyles, at prices uslew us the lowest for the same qual ity of suits. Out READY-MADE STOCK I'ei bpilnit and buiuinet Suits for .Men, Youth and I1e)h)h complete and citdy for Inspei lien. Cull and Examine out Hteek. Ne Tumble te Shew cioeds. BURGER &-SUTT0N MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTER, I'A. B AltOAINS. NO URB! NO WATER I HUT bLIOHTLY SMOKED I THE SALE OF DAMAGED CLOTHING ! Still rentlnms. An enormous let of Clothing has been sold, yet there lemulus many CHOICE BARGAINS. Before April 1st Everything Must Be Disposed Of, A no Dumnged Cloeds w ill be lelulued after th it date. Don't be bkeptlcul I Don't be l'icjudlced! Don't hare In veui head thu idea thut this Is only a thuin Hale thut it Is only a " se-called " 1 eductien. We have made u leductien, and a big one, tee, und ever) body who needs Clothing cm piellt by it. MYERS & RATHFON, LEADING LANCASTER CLOTHIERS, NO. 12 EAST KIWQ STREET, LANCASTER, PA. MACUnrMMT. F H 8ALU. Fer Sale Cheap. ONK 25-Herse PewerEngine, with New Heller and Steam Pump, all com plcte, Price, $760. One 10-Herse Power Engine And Heller, complete. PRICE, 4T0. TWO Ten-Herse Power Engines, without Hellers, 17(1 each. One 16-Herse Power Engine and Beiler, nearly new, Canten Monitor inake. PRICE, 80O. ALL GUARANTEED. Twe Cj Under lleilcrs, PRICE, 3(1 Teet long. 30 Inches In diameter, In geed order. 110 EACH. -ALSO, THE PoerloBs Fortable and Traction En gines and Qolser'o Separators. ALJO, IK HORSK POWER Engines and Boilers, New. PRICK, HUD, Call and see them, ei ttddlcss Ezra F. Landis, Ne. 637 NORTH CHLRRV STREET, lnl'jflineedAw Lancaster, Pa EN" INK AND llOILBK WOKRH. BEST Steam Engine bdleebTteks. AS WE HANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, HAVE NO AOENTR, CAN INSURE OUR PATRONS LOW PRICES AND UOOD WORK. BOILERS. Vertical and Horlxentnl.Tnbulsr, riue. Cylinder, Marine, Deuble-Heck and Portable, FUltNACE-TTORK, ULAST-PlrES, STACKS, Ac, Ac. TANKS for Water, Acid and OU. ' HOISTING ENtUNEe. ENGINES. Vertical and Horizontal. Statienar', from two te sixty horne-pon er. Portable Englnen, en Wheel and Blllf Six blzea I, C, t), 10, 13 and 'M horse power. SAW MILLS. Peny Mill nndj.ariie MUM. Ilnik J111U and Cob Jlllln. Lenthel llelli rs, Tan Packer, 1 ripple Oeailng ler borne iievtei PUMPS. licit und Gt ur Pumps ; Mining 1'uiiijm , Com bined Pumps and Heaters. Ccrllrifugal Pump, Htejiin Pump. Hearing, Pullejn, Fly V heels. Clamp Boies, Hanger. Couplings, Cellars, Hteel Hteps nnd Tees, Pulley Plutes, Packing Uexes, Jllll jplndle, 31111 lliibhlngi, Ac., Ac, Ac. PIPES. Wieught Iren, ferUas, Pttnm and Water. Cast Iren Pipes. Heller Tubes, Well Canting. FITTINGS. Fer Water and Steam, Vulvcs, CeckH. Steam Gauges, Gauge Ceckw, Gless Water Gauges, Surety Valves, WhbUl, Olobe Valves, Governors, Patent beff Feeding Lu bricators, Glass Oil Cups, Glass Tubes, Injectors or Reller Feeders. PACKING Hemp, Asbestos, Gum nnd Plum bago. HKI.TING Gum, Cotten and Leather CAHTINGS-IIeavy nnd Light Iren and liraxs. Heller lien, Sheet Iren, liar Iren, and Steel. HEATERS Fer Dwelling?, Schools and Public Rulldings. STEAM HEATING. Estltuutis, Drawings and Pattern Werk lur nUhcd ut Reasonable Rates. W Repairing promptly and carefully at tended te Address, Jehn Best & Sen, KO. 333 BAST FULTON STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JanlMjdAw HAVING DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP and permanently closed the Chestnnt Street lien Works, 1 aeslie te Inform my old fiat i ens and the nubile generally, that I am etlU n the bUHlni'HS, being located in the Penn Iren Company's Works, North Plum street, where I am making Iren und brims Castings of every de de Hcilptlen, and will he pleased te serve all who may luver me with their patronage. Frem 40 vcurs experience In the business aud using the nest material and employ Ing the best mechanics, lam tmllsflcd Icunguarunteoentliesatlsfuctlon. Castings mude Hern a mixture of Iren and steel which aie uioie icllable for strength and dura bility than the best cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, lolls und rolling mill work a spec laity. Custlnga made of very soft Iren, and brass castings of ev ery description. 1 have all the pat terns of the well aud favorably known Wowrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and Improved, also en band. Mills completely fitted up or In petts, te replace old ones which have been In use fei j cars, guaranteeing them teglve satisfaction. R. C. MeCULLEY. aug ll-Omd WALT. VAl'Ett. T ACi: CURTAINS, Te Clese Out. LACE CURTAINS PalrWhlte, nt. $123; were f 1.73 a pair, i ,ie ; , .00; , .75; , 250; , 2.75; . 175; , 3 00; , 300; . 400; , :i00; 125 1.75 V50 400 4 04 H " Cream, at. 2.50 900 300 1100 5 00 J.50 000 12.00 15 00 20 00 " White, nt. Cieuui, nt IMl cream awiss Ap- plluue 000; " 800; " 1000; USO; Three, 3) und 4 jards long. Poles for 40c. Elegant for 50e. up te J.W apiece. Wall Paper ie Great Variety of Every Description. FANCY and PLAIN WINDOW SHADING for ull Styles of Windows. PIARES W. PET, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, l'A. TnrKADO.UARTKR8 FOR TME INDIAN MEDICINES,' Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere, NO. 9 EAST KINQ BT.. Lancaster. I'a. Tr JMt lA AlUwifl;VW.JiJMWWH H AOKll ft BKOTUER. f NiivfViAr GLOTHING. -- CLOTHING. SPRING WOOLENS. SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS & SPRING OVERCOATINGS. Our Aesortment of STANDARD AND NOVEL. STYLES of Coat ings, Suitings, and Trouserlngs for Men and BeyB' Spring Weur are new Complote and Ready for Inspoetlon. READY-MADE CLOTHING Businesa Suits, Dress Sulta, Beys' Suits and Children's Suits. SPRIM OVERCOATS. ,F1JmjINO QOODS-Leading New Shapes of E. &W. Cellars S5. ruSS" Nvoltles in Nockwear. Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts, Etc. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. rlUEAP HI eki: SPECIAL FROM THE AUCTION ROOMS OP NEW YORK AND PHILADELPHIA (iRLAl KST II ltt. YJNS L Kit KNOW N IN BLACK SILKS, COLORED SILKS, LADIES' DRESS CLOTHS, BLACK CASHMERES. Ladies' Dress Goods in Variety. LONG AND SQUARE BLACK THIBFr SHAWLS. WLAHKH'LLOFIIVHG VINS OF LV1.H1 Dl il RIPI ION VI letzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. - Batween tte Coejier Heuse and Serrel Herse Hetel. TDOWER8 & HOKST. BOWERS Nes. 26 and28Nenfi 'K Of rtU Special Prices in Bleached and Cream Table Linens. Having bought a Largu Let considerably under Milur, ne uliall Hei them riylex. Bargains in TOWELS, just opened. TURKEY RED TABLE CLOTHS, all sizes, very low. SHEETING and SHIRTING MUSLINS, all widths and best makes at Reduced Prices. QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, the best for the money in the mar ket. Elegant Qualities at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and up. COMFORTS and BLANKETS, offered very low, te close out the Let. BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 . and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. VTEXT DOOH '10 TIIK COURT HOUSK. FAHNESTOCK. CARPETS! - CARPETS! OurStocketCARl'LlS Hiisnexi boattiaetUeiiKiit tbe l'reent Tiin and l'lilc.I.-' MVLR hO LOW. RAG CARPETS, 20 CENTS UP. WLurge Stock of SMYRNA RUGS, All Mzes, at EACEl'TIOXALLl LOW l'RICES. R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. OASFJTTJMI, ,tV. E LINN eV UKUNOIAN. FLINN & The Season la new at hand for furnishing and refitting Hemes Nothing adds mere te the furnishing of a heuse than handBome a AS FIXTURES. A Bhert time age Elegant Ohandollers were a luxury thut only the wealthy could enjey, new the prices are be low that PINE GOODS are within the reach of all. In the way of Common Goods we have quite a stock of elegant Patterns, but net the prevailing style, for which we will net rofuse any reasonable effer. PLUMBING aud GAS-PITTING promptly atlonded te. HEATING by Het Air or Steam. Estimates given en all kinds of work. FLINN & BRENEMAN'S GREAT STOVE STORE. Ne. 152 North Queen St... iieusiiFviiNisniNii aoevs. s MIRK'S OARI'ET MAM CARPETS ! REOI'ENINQ Of SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We lire new prepared te bIiew tlie trade the Largest and Best Selected Line of "nt ever pi, hlbltedln thUclty.1 WILTONS, VJ5LVLTS. nil tLe Trading Jlnke of I10IJY ANUTTArESTHY HUUhHKLS. THREE-PLY, AlUWenl nnd Cotten Chilli KTRA SUI'LRS. and aU iunlitle ej IN. GRAIN CARl'E'13, DA M AbK aud VEN ETIAN CARI'EIS. , RAH nnd CHAIN OArI'LTS of our own mnnufneturen speciality encclnl Attention iald te ttieMnnufnctum of CUbTOM CARl'ETS. Alseal'ull Llnuuf OILCLOTHS, RUUB, WINUOWhHAUE!j,c,OVERLE'I8, 4e., AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL Oer. West King and rpun iiARer.sT, linsT and most A. complete ossertnieut et Playing CirtU In the city from B cents per pack up at HARTMAN'b YELLOW FRONT CIGAR bTORE. HOOVB?. 1lVVVVi Vwy.wwmwy- -aVw BARGAINS & HURST, Q.ieecSt., Lancaster, Pa. THIS WELK Lancaster, Pa. BRENEMAN Lancaster, Pa. CARPETS ! Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. teli':3-2uid&nr H URLEY'S IMPROVED ILVKI0 . Pender. enual te anv In the market, for llL-ht lllscnlt, Mumna and the dlirerent varieties of cukes. Forsfileut ........,. HURLEY'S DRUC1 STORE. 2iWetKluiSUet. uri T ANOASTER AA K, R.-TIMK 1 Cars Icare Lnncai 9 oe nnd lidoe.m,a Can Icutre Hlllun K oe nnd 10-00 n.m.ar no UN WA Mi j J COLK11ROOK S( Trul ns lea ve Lcbf alexin, in ,1.D0 nn( Arrlre at Ceniwnl 7 W p. m. j nt Conov p. m ,cennectlii(jl ler pelnU uust and Trains leave Ceu .23 IL in. Airh ti at Ceniwnl in. t at Lebanon al connecting nt Ib Reading Rallleud fu tboLebnnon nnd 1 town, l'liicgioveiiiK llKiOJOa.in.tmln Colebreokand llellu P ENNHYIiVAN ULK. Tmlns Ioave Lnnci riilludelpULi 14) fell WESTWARD. Nmvs Ezpicsst Way Passenger) .... Jlufl train via Mt, Ji Ne. SMnll Train Nlai;nre Express.... (S.-OU ft. Bltf4iMMld i n wllb l'MbHlbl eluU SHM MM ! mnt lliftnettile J lrmcmt. . ti' I U slop only t'Cirn .., ... ;:. KAILROABSCH ' 't ' and leave tan rr Leate , "Le J hllmlclpskt .Lancvi 4Ma.m. ' 8 30 4 JO 7 00 )C IW " , f Vl l Celnm'Wi& frw 740a.m. fcM Wl It 1 1 line ver Acuein rnst Ilnef Hcdcrlck Accem... lAncaster Accem... Ilnnlsburg Accem Columbia Accem.... Ilnrrisbun; Express estcm Express . l'aclfle Expicsst .... EASTWARD. Mall Expi-cssf .... 1'hil'll. Express! ... fast Line; Ilnrrisbun; Kxpieg'. Iiiiciislcr Accem. u Columbia Accem... Hcnsliore Expiess... Johnstown Expiess Sunday Mall Day Express! . llnrrlsbuifr Accem, 'I be Marietta Aeci lila nt C ion. in. audi Uaes Celumblit at reaching Marlcttuut Ictta al 2.M p. in. nnd also, leaves ut 8TVhii 'lliu lerk Accemin T lnuiidnrrlcsat Lu wltb Ilnrrisbun; Ex 'this I tedeilck Aci luat LancaHtcr lll ui , will run through 'I be Krcdcrick Ac Columbia at 12 2S and p m. llaneer AcceimiK Lancaster wltb Mae run through te Ham hast Line, nest, ou slop at Downlnutew Mt .ley, Ellzabctbte t the only trains tlie Mall tnil u west l t Lein e dally excel !a. Cel urn'. "'W lt'10s.m. i;,lJ ia.f:eitim,.,rJ'6 la. Jit. J or; SUM Jllle in. ' twa I te " 8.10 me 1130 " Leave , -ant-aster. 101a.m. i-n , 8 10 het 2-Wp.IU. rx 212 ' 6-18 " 7:30 t in i ',llV, 7AlTiVt I'blbeGcl . aw 'i l 10 20 via. lit l ll'Ce .3.15 H 5(f. ''Ml BIS )?dtz nodatlen IcaVes tell ue Marietta at . A 5 a. in. nnd 2US p, land 25. leavM A ves at Oelnmbia elves at 8-43, i.. 'Ien leaves Marlntta '.l'i- at 8 00. cehu(jjU -iutfUO. uodatlen, west,x)nrii Mt LI no, trust, t 11 "lederlclr. modatlen. cost, ten cbe-j Lancaster at ' '- ion. west, eennccllr Ex press at (fcSO a. in. f eiauy, except eun in iday, wben naaaeft v, tes7ille, I'arkesbu and MldiJlclewti. h run dally. (OuBju by way of Celuxibl I ou day. 1 FVJ TVllX. D KU'HIiUR et t I VUM. THELAR SST STOCK it FURNITURE IN LANC STER OOUNTY WHICH WILL HE S0LDT1U-LU? Persons v il n i. I . TT ril. ......1k.. .... .... . ... III ueidef 1 unntuiv ill Hi, J iiiinraliu li Or - - .... . .. .... , . n .rnr.'Tiiiiu Kti nil i lni;ul "vt Nt. 27, mill 31 SoiitliQueni St. M. DEIQHLER, J- SOHA v i JHili-.1JuVKa.M l WALTICU A. xli;iNlTScBr- Furniture Wiwms. &: 4 28 SpS 5 East ving St, i LAN0SrrER, PA. 3tT" verteheaat s TOJtAVC J.Vi CIO Alia, U STKIIM A N A CO. . 1-1 H. s Oct- Fit -kg m& Holiday Presents.- MEERSCHAUM sMOKKHB WDl'IPES. lORKIbll I'll S, rRENCHgBUI VR? PIPES, CIGAR O UlUARETXB U 'L l'lElfJ, ClOAItt -ES.SMOKElPSSt 8 CIUARETTE Cj S, Abll RECElYJP'tS, MATCH CASES. .NEg,&U. Ailing ml Miriety and at v low pilces. 3" Cnll aud i liouble te show uilue our SHds. . in. "ffjfi'jr H. L STIL1 Ne. 110 N rtli 0ee stfcel. ,OAT-l 33. " MARTIN WUOL1 Ut XVD RKTAU.' Is of- Lumber akd Ceil Dealer ie All K a-YAnni Ne. It streets, abe u Lcm North IVaterinnd. Vrlnce i. Lancaster, rt ; u ltd H8ek JREVml DEALERS. rlhQueeh street, and Ne iiee street, nemt Rcadlur -nAUMQARDN COAL OrrieEa: Ne. 1-"J DClNoithPilneust Yabds; North Depot. ASTER, l'A. . auglMf' e OAU M. V. B. COO j OM NORTH WAT, I STUEET, I wuti f, J .. W1IULXSAM KDHT'tltil'l j-iuiUDiuj . ixi,-vnL'.4j. vrKKESBHr-i ,f iq MrwfN'0 1 ,tj.. Tj( li.kt tuiumUa UWACtl. , tjfitf ' ' , ii daily (MMf7ut.ri M a a. Kt.tMW- in ie yTi (natTaOn.iMEiia "nL hel'euDsylvBKJl .jlfyM itWAKD, rifipS K , 4 ie ut iJHm.,K$L t if r 1 .dl ' 't , ' te EW 4 ' m co. jw. ,Kx;vn'xlrMk CONMKCTIOM WITH TUB TWJWNW, ABU AKU OFFIt II NO. tt,tJ STREET. XJlt. TirAbltlRA A .nKIIKRlviSvLNKl ? 1VL'" I f -AT T-' "J 4 1 Reigart's Old? Wiue Stere, II, U.LAYWAU'Elt, A0M ,; e.KArKi!!', 'JUI Established 1T a. -3L """"TISB11 Of . U. d m v r i . H $ vk a M f m h " "i CJA. - f :&i 1-Jfi.U , vinl ' M I m u