sT -yRTL- "I. f .hK f ""ir. inv. .w. r rV ' 1 ImlhMMww It 7Ui 15 !U" t: e L.J lftT ISrfdR?( 3 2f Sv&l & Stf 7 Ifl I - lf . I'' I "5" if. w? abi-a1? m l h?W3 T ft. ,- E' fii. jute "- ta w ?V" fc ff. r ( i. 1 i. W R ' V H f it t, ?tj.!f!t " r 1 1 TUity Tiiftf TTfivvr.sp m.vMjniui AniuuuwunvuHi WSfcshed,Svry Settling In the Year T'L ! (teMnwwniB) ,.,$ jfer STMNMAN HENSEL. ilfeELLlGENOEB a BUILDING, iT&8. W. Cerew Cantre Square. irivm uxckvm, pa, , tm it: LT Tbh ctsTi a nt Fits Dettxns a - TuieRTlMT ctSTSAxentn, l'egTAQB vnsc. i'AteVKRTlSEMEf T3 from tbn te rirtf cxhti a 'J, Uim' ViT! WEEKLY " INTELLIGKNCER," (laHTA81t.) lfi ..ifttf rkiUtahMj Vamv TTfAi4Maf4Mr Mnrnlnff lii,j.X fu .wiueDu, "! jaS. .x IWObOtLAMATSAR IN ADVANCE. A?- .ftlMIMIn irtTHTl BOlleltf 3 front every part of the VMM ana country, uorreeponaonis are re- "I? -K VV tte paper only I "d te nlgn their nnnivit, net ,$?? rt publioatleni but In proer nr roeiI fnlth. S;C"Jf Uute haket "'',' ii ABMIII ITTTTTTtllll t TIP T1TT mil I'lfl TO f IS ri, TIIE INTELLIGEKCER, LANCABTEn, I'A. im Wfi nncestcr intelligencer. LAKCASTEIt, MARUU SO, le'.V Seme TV hist Flnjers. Aristocratic circles In New Yerk arc ex cited ever a disturbance in tlie Union club between two of the members of that collection of rich drones. A game of trtiist was being played and one of the players thought his opponent did net make a proper lead, ami se lie excitedly de nounced him as " a sneaking scoundrel." The ether party net relishing this epithet slapped the face of gentleman num ber one, aged fifty and then tlie by standers interfered. It is said tlie parties, who are both en the shady side of fifty, are going te fight a duel about It ; and as they- are both bachelors no ene will .? , care II they ue, nor if tliey gel Kiiieu. ifip Their lives of usefulness aie ever when they have nothing better te de in an afternoon than te spend it in their club at the card table ; especially when they can not de it in an amicable way. Tlie man who cannot play cards without losing his temper should abstain entirely from them ; and it te very remarkable hew many such men there-are and hew particularly they arc un covered in whist. It is a very common thing te find a display of instability in this game. It seems that persons who devotethemselve3 te it, and who attain what they consider te be a high degree of skill In it, acquire a corresponding degree of impatience with these whom they con- eive te have less skill and who play ier Btyle of game. Nothing could be ibsurd than for this Union club man ounce his opponent's play as that of a 8ncaklng5L'0UTidrel ; slnce a man may un doubtedly play his cards as he pleases. This irritable gentlpman simply undertook te say that his friend's play was that of a sneaking scoundrel, because it dil aetsuit his ideas of what it should have been. It offended agahigfome of his canons fer'Siic'. Unquestionably hlsjMBBf Twas that of a feel; jEEeugh he was net a feel when net play ing whist. We cannot explain why se many sensible men show themselves te be silly in this game, though they play it well, except en the supposition that it takes all the head they have te keep up their play, and they have no forces in reserve te keep their general demeanor up te the ordinary standard of decency. But, whatever the cause, the fact is net te be disputed that many whist players cease te be gentlemen, and are as irritable as old women, and de serve te be subjected te the penalties against common scolds, or the spankings earned by bawling children. The Reason of It. The exposition at New Orleans ceitainly drags, it has net been a financial success, thus far, in spite of the liberal aid advanced it by the government, net a penny of which will ever Ve returned. Its management lacked business expe rience, te begin with; and, having a very large amount of money in hand, at the outset, projected it en an unnecessarily large and expensive scale. This was the first great mistake. Then, again, the show has net a populous country from which te draw paying visitors ; and iti management did net seem te calcu late sufficiently upon this circumstance, in & the estimate of receipts te meet the cur rent expenses after the capital was ex hausted. Within a radius of a thousand e miles of New Orleans the population is net only sparse, but it is peer and very largely made up of ignorant blacks, who are of neither moral nor financial aid te the enter prise. With the Philadelphia Centennial it was quite otherwise ; the teeming millions within a half day's journey of our metrop metrep i oils could keep the show running with the patronage of these who could go te It In the morning and return home the same night: Back of the Centennial nnd a great aid te it was, first, the sentiment of Revolu tionary celebration, which appealed te the patriotism of the Whole country and which was reinforced in se many sections by ear lier local centennials. Without this fea ture the Philadelphia exposition would have fallen far short of the great success it attained. Besides it was a feast of recon recen recon ciliatlen, the occasion of the first great -meeting since the war of sections estranged by that unhappy event ; and as an expres sion of a union sentiment it was hailed and patronized by the Seuth, perhaps, as liberally as even the New Orleans expesi. .tlen itself has been- An observant correspondent, however, note another lack at New Orleans, which "gees far te explain the embarrassment of the enterprise ; that is that the charm of novelty, se omnipresent at our Centennial, "deei net strongly characterize the Southern .fbew. " Until the first great Centennial tee majority of people were ignorant of BMnysuch things as the manufacture of cotton fabrics, the accomplishments of nr- tlattns who worked en weed and glass and the extraordinary perfection of machinery and mechanics." There has been of course, great improvements since 1870, but net wevgh te stock an exposition of world- -wide interest. The things that attracted most attention at Philadelphia became , 't popular. Artistic designs that hre then new have new come te adorn "alliien of households, and the marvels of machinery that entranced gaping threnr.a have leen carried into every workshop. It will take a new crcle of develeument end ft genwat'eri of forgetfulness before the country is j rapared for another world's UUr ,', V "jti i? Sf V ( - V i A ImtertMt Matter. ..The anil-discriminatien bill, which Sena ter Wallace has fathered in the legislature we hope will receive his guardian care te its successful passage. We nre sorry that the senator 1ms lieen obliged by his health te leave his scat for a while, but we trust he will be back in time te take a full hand in picssing te passage the very first bill limiting railroad charges. Ne mero Important measure has ever been intro duced into the legislature. We have waited ever since the adoption of the new consti tution te see its previsions carried Inte effect. Until new no nttempt hasbeen made te this end. We are living under a constitution which is wholly disregarded In its most important commands. The railroad companies nre the real legislature of the state in nil that relates te its inter nal economy. They determine what pco pce pco ple nnd what places shall prosper, nnd what shall be taxed te death, and the result is that Pcnnsylvnnians and Pennsylvania towns are theso that aic taxed, and outside pcople and places nre given advantages in the use of Pennsylvania raw materials by Pennsylvania railroads, which enable thorn te silence Pennsylvania Industries. Dees the legislature realize that Pennsyl vania oil and coal when carried te jwints outside of the state nra charged a less freight by Pennsylvania corporations than when carried te points inside the state V It is haul te rcalize that this is the fact, nnd that the lcglslatuie knows it nnd falls te step it. Pennsylvania oie is refined and stored out side the state, nnd of ceurse because it is done as cheaply or cheaper than It can be done in the state. Pennsylvania anthracite is cauied be yond the state for less chaiges than te its cltizens. And se it is with Pennsylvania bituminous coal.The Pennsj lvania railroad, whose directors but a few weeks age virtu ously declaicd that they would enter Inte no combination te lay an cmbaige en the uatural course of trade, deliberately and squarely lied ; since it is an undeniable fact that they have enteicd into a combination with the Baltimoie & Ohie read te keep up a forced price en bituminous coal ; and they beast that the bargain is te hedged about with penalties that it is solid fur a year at least. Under it they feibid a ten of coal of 2,210 pounds te be sold in Philadelphia for less than 2.90. But they carry a ten of coal tothepeit of Philadelphia for expeit for $1.10, which would make tlie cost of 2,240 iioundsef bituminous coal in tlie pert of Philadel phia for expert, te be $2.07, adisciimina adisciimina tien against Philadelphia of 8.1 cents. Dees tlie legislature think that fair? And docs it think that the Pennsylvania railroad directors and officers should usurp its functions as n legislature and regulate tlie costsef Pennsylvania's law tnulciinls ? "It's of Ne Consequence. "' ' " Seme of tha nuwsnancrs aie civiim projninence te the announcement that "f!ne Union League of America" has taken a new departure in politics, inas much as It declares that it will be no longer distinctively a Republican organi zation, but that it will open its arms te en fold within its embrace all protectionists. And in seme quarters the proclamation and puqiesc are serieuly commented upon as if they were of seme consequence. They are net of the least importance. Tlie Union Lcague of America is net, as some people may suppose, a central organi zation of the different associations in the cities which call themselves Union Leagues ; but is an iudejiendent, voluntary and meicly nominal combination of cranks ei old political hacks like Gen. James S. Negley, without constituency or claims te consideration. What it does or falls te de is a matter of no consequence whatever. WltCN the almond-eyed Chinaman Is in a cerntr he becomes a fighter; witness tlie French rout at Lang-Sen. The annual losses te the country by lira new exceed 1100,000,000. During tiie pas,t year they amounted te nearly twice the In terest en the public debt, and were about equal te ono-feurth of tlie wheat crop. By far the largest pat t of tliose losses occur in the cities, whero appliances for the extinguish ment of flre are a uecessary part of the local government ; but that tlie means of saving property and human llfe should be subjects of partisan strife is an irrational and absurd preposition. And new nnotlier caudidate for newspaper publicity in connection with Grant's illness turns up. He is Dr. frank Abbett, a New Yerk dentlst, who succeeds in getting a half column of Ills views en the general's sick ness Inte a preminent metropolitan Journal, the substance of which is a paper en "Tlie CasoefQon. Grant" te appear seen in the Independent Practitioner. He blames tlie cancer of the tengue, net en segars, but en neglected tcctii, and ruslies into a delightful explanation of his attondance en Grant's decaying molars ; hew he allowed a black taatar te accnmulate en them, nnd hew thelr Jagged edges must have been a continual seurce of irritation te thelr possessor. The whele concludes with this solemn attempt te boom dentlstry : " I hepe that tills case may be a solemn warning te all theso advancing In years against the toleranco of any rough surfaces (such as are hore described) in their mouths, by which the tengue or check may be kept In a state of constant irritation." It would be a joyful consummation if ene of these flne days tlie ailllctcd old seldier would rocevor sufficiently te drive out his meddlesonie practitioners with a club. Tnc new Domecratio heads of departments in Washington are reperted te be thoroughly examining the business methods et thelr prodecessors. This is probably with a view of doing It seme ethor way. Te the eldost inhabitant who through long acquaintance with stage ceaches bolievod thorn te represent the most luxurious klud of locomotion, the completely equlpped pas senger train of te-day with its splendid Pullman ceaches is a standing marveL What must bohlssurprlse te loam that the height of comfort In travelllng has net yet been roached, and that bay window parlor cars are te be Introduced en the Pennsylvania rail road en March SO. They are for the purpose of affording increased lighting surfaee as well as better facilities for observation. They are declared te be architecturally pretty within within terler appointments most haudsome. In stead of the ordinary flat windows, theso cars are fitted with a series of live bay win dows, each about be von feet and a trllle higher than usual. They are compesod of a central light about three feet wide, from which two less lights deflect in contrary di rections. There Is no projection boyeud the outer line of the car, but the central light falls within the Interior line of thj car's side, und the deflection of the wings being inward Uiere Is no extension beyond the limit of safety. Cleopatra's famous voyage up the Cydnus will seen be rivalled in magnificence by the mode; parlor car. 1 :,w. . REVIVING TH& OLD BitlADS. Editehs iNTBi.iiieKNcr.n. Your cones cenos cones pondent " N." would ,llke seme ene te ro-preduco, or reUvc, the tune te which was sung, in days lang-nyne, the old ballad ' Barbara Allen." Were 1 apt at musical notation I might reiullly de It, for the old air goon, at will, frolicking through the crannies of tny brain, even new i having effected a lodgment tlicre when I was a chlhl, and that is nearly throe-scoro nnd ten years age. I scud, howevcr, a vorslen of the old ballad which may amuse you and your readcrn published In Londen by Itlvlngtens In 1702 nearly a hundred years nge. Y Cel.UMMA, l'A., March 20, 1883. llAKMAKA ALt.KN-S CIIUKI.TV. In Scatlct tewnc, w here t wu borne, There was a falre mnld ilwcllln', Male evcry youth crye, well-away I Her iintnu was llnilmrn Allen. All In the merrye month of May, When (jreone buds, they were swclllu, Yeung Jctnmye Qrove en his death bud Isy, for love of ISarbara Allen. He pent lili man unto her then, Te the ten no where she was dwelllu' j Yeu must cemfa te my maiter dcare, Olrf your name be Uarbara Allen. Fer death Is printed en hlf face, And ero his liarte Is gtcnlln', Then liarte away, te comfort him 0 lovelje I'.ailninv Allen. Though death Is pi luted en his face, And ero his harte Is stcalln' Yet little botter shall he bce Ter bonny Barbara Allen. Se slowly, slowly she came up And slen ly she caine nye him i And all she sayd, when there she came, Yeung man, 1 think y' nte d Ing. He turned his face unto her sttalt, With deadlye sorrow sighing J Oh, le elye maid, ceme pity mec, 1'ine en my de ith-bed lying If en jeurdcjith-lied you de lye, What needs the tale jeu are tell In" ; 1 citinet keep you fietn your death ; l'aruui'll, Buyd Hat bum Allen. He turned hlsfice unto the wall, Ah deadlye p.ings lit) fell In ; Adieu t adieu ! adluu te you all, Adieu te IUrbara Allen. As she was walking oie the field, She hcaid the bells a knellln' I And every stieke did seem tes.ij e Unworthy Uarbara Allen. She tin ned hcrbodyeioti ud about, Andspy'd the corpse a coming ; T.hj e down, laye down the corpse, she say'd, That 1 may leek upon hi in. With scornful eye she looked tlen ne, Her diet ks with laughter Hwellln' ; Whilst all her friends cried out am line, Unworthy ll.iibaia Alltu. When he uas d&id and laid In giii e, Hvrhaite uaibtruek with borreuo ; O, mother, mother, maku my bul ! Fer I shall dye to-menowo. Hard hirtcd cieature, him te slight, Who le ed me se ilarlj e s O, that 1 had been mero kind te hint When he as alive, and neare mc t She, en hul death bed, as shu la) e, Ifc'tf'd te be burled by him. And sere lepented of the da)e That she did ere denvi him. Karen i II, she sad, ye liglns all And shun the fault I fell In, Henceforth take wanting by the fall Oictnt) II ir'cra Allen. er.n eiti.Miis is dead." Tlie author of the song about a geed old man named Grimes, whom we slmll never sce any mero, was Alberl O. Grccne, who was born in I're ldonce, Bbode Island, en tlie lOtli of February, 1802, tlie miiie year Harriet Martineau, Lydia Maria Child. Frcdrika Brcinerund Geergo 1. Merris ap peared en tills spbore. He was educated at Brown Unh orally, in 1'iovldence, nnd died, ntCloveland, en tlie ad eTJaiiuary, 1808. Tlie song which pcrpetuates his name has often been parodied, and lias been published in numerous orslens, but tills is tlie orig inal : Old (jilmeslsdcad, that geed old man We no'er shall see him mere ; He used te wear a long black coat All buttoned down before. His heart n as open as the day, Ills feelings all neie true; Hit hutr was seme Inclined te gray, Hen ere It In u queue. Whene'er he heard the voice of pain Ills brcust w lth pity burned , The large, round head upon his cann Krem Ivery was turned. Kind words he everhad ferall, He knew no base design ; His eyes were dark and rather small, His uoue was aquiline He lived at peace with all mankind, In friendship he was tmej His coat had pocket-holed behind, Ills pantaloons were blue. Unharmed, the sin which earth pollutes, He passed securely o'er. And never were a pair of beets Ker thirty years or mero. Uut geed old Grimes Is newatiest, Net fears misfortune's frown j He were a double-breasted vest, The stripes ran up and down. He modest merit sought te Und, And pay It Its desert ; He had no malice In bis mind, Noiufllcsen his shirt. His neighbors he did net nbuse, Was sociable and gay ; He woie large buckles en his shoes, And changed them overy day. Ills knewledge, hid from public gaze, He did net bring te view, Ner make a noise tow n-inecttug days, As many people de. His worldly goods he nover threw In trust te fortunes chances ; He lived (as all his brothers de), In easy circumstances. Thus, undisturbed by anxious cute His peaceful moments ran, And everybody said he was A Hue old gentleman. PEBSONAL. Caiwinai. vex ScuwAnzKNiiKiie, arch bishop of Pmgue, is dead, at the age et 75 years. Miss Jesephine W., daughter of Samuel Jesephs, the I'hilidelphla politician, is te be married April 7, te Mr. Lemuel H. Weddrep. Mary Andersen gives way te Medjeska nt the Lyceum thoatre, Londen, this week, as the former has bcruples against playing in Hely week. William W. reRTEit, ofthe Philadelphia bar, has prepared a pamphlet en '"the legal spenalbilltics et clorgymen who selemnize marriages in Pennsylvania." Paddy Uyan tolegraphs te Rieliard K. Fex s " I will be ia hew Yerk April 7, with Colonel Jehn P. Vidvard, te make arrange ments te light Sullivan te a finish." D. P. Marshall has figured eutthat there were 5,015 Smiths from Pennsylvania In tlie Union scrvlce durlhg the late war, besides hundreds or Schmidts, Smythes, Ac Jeff Davis has been sullering from a re turn or his rheumatism complicated with a breaking out of his old wound, which he ro re ro eelved In Mexice tlilrty-eight years age. " Sunbut" Cox will net leave for Turkey until June. He has contracted with his pub lishers te have his new book completod by that time under a forlelt or 50,000 Tern rail rail ure te de se. Rev. Jeiin Clark, an agent or the Amor Amer lean Blble society and a wolf-known minister or Northern Iowa, was drowned near Mao Mae Mao Ureger while trying te cress a stream which was swollen by the rocent frcsliet . Gen. McClellan, It is rumeicd, has do de do clined the mission te Russia ; It is under stood that J. B. lialrtl, Een-in-law or Senater Colquitt, of Goorgie, will shortly be ap pointed chief of the dead letter elllce. Senater Voeiuiki.h asked Mr. Lamar the ether day as a personal favor te take a map of tlie United States, seme loisure moment, leek at It carefully uud soe whether or net he could llnd upon it a place called Indiana. Henry F. Keenan, the suppesed author et " Tlie Meney-Makers," ana the avowed author or " Trajan," Is employed by Secre tary Whitney In examining and reporting upon naval matters needing investigation. General Grant iiosrecontly received a letter or sympathy from General FUzhugU Loe, of Virginia, who speke for the ex-Cen- ' . ' ,- ' I " f.V,. . ' ....,- . .., ' 'Sr5ri;vrr UlTTT.TVPIKIiaVMnVD UWH A V . UATJflTI OA IttOR - J .tvj.i :vj.i -e-.. a "uuivu w, iwu. 5C federate soldiery m such a kindly manner as te touch deeply the recipltt or the letter. Mrs. Garmkld is reported te be about te change her name. Tlie managers of the lan guishing Garfield hospital, Washington, finding that this lady Likes no apparent in terest in their tmtorprUe, are thinking of changing its name aim. President Ci.kvjii.ank, yesterday at tended church In Washington for tlie Ittst time. He went Id Dr. Sunderland's, l'res- byterian, ami the clergyman's text was: "Theu will koep blm In porfect peace whose mind Is stayed upon Thee, because he trustothlnTheo." BKACIl, who defeated Haitian at Sydney en Saturday. Is described as n geed-looking fellow, 0 root 1 inch tall, and weighing nbeut 185 pounds. He is net qulte 25 yenrs old ; has becn nn earhman slnce he was n boy, earning his living In that way around Mel bourne and Sydney. Sarah BEnsiiAitDT Is again In crypoer health. During her present porfennanco or Theodora at the Perte St. Martin theatie, Paris, she has mero than ence fainted en the stage. It is generally bel!oed that she is breaking down, and that she W ill seen be coin polled te rotlre permanently from her profession. Sknater Si'oenkii, el Wisconsin, will be the Bmallest men physically who oer sat In that body, but his friends expect gruat things of hltn Intellectually. As an orator and law law yer he ranks among tlie llrst of the North west Asattorney for ene of the railroads el his state he has ler a long tune enjoyed an annual feo or 10,000. Justice Fielo having been accused of In terfering in foderal appolntinents In Cali fornia, has said that in the 22 years he had bceu en the bench or the supreme court he had only asked for twelve appointments te office, and the most of these were for necessi teus women, no repcaicu mat peiiucm mu mu niteon found no lodgment in his breast He would be 72 years old In 188S. which was an swer enough te any intimations te the con trary. Tutnr. is a wldospicadandKcileuspicvalcnce of disorders of the kidneys; and of various ills eases caused by the Imperfect operation of the kldncysuudllver. Accordlngtellobeits,! hoinp heinp hoinp sen and ether recognized authorities, kidney dlierdcrs nrd very common, but the obscurity of their poslllve symptoms Is se marked that many pcople, 111 and out of smts generally, hie really victims f kidney complaint, and the and their ph)slclau de net realize It. Uhetimatlc pains, Irregular appetite, fuquent headache, chills and rover," blues," hettnd drj skin, sour stomach, dyspepsia, Irregular action of the bowels, net veus Irritability, muscular soreness, crampc, languel, Impairment of ineinerj, Iesh efvlrlllty, are among the preliminary evidence of coming kidney and llcr derangements. As the dlscase develepi then fellow lame back, swelling ankles, pale, face, scalding sensations, the water sometimes being very light and abun dant, ut ethers scarce, dark-colored nnd fiethy, und abounding In Lcdliiient, and, under the ml croscepc, In ulbumen and tube casts. II thede ranged kidneys are net promptly attended te there Is danger of tht terrible might's Ulsune hitherto considered Incurable, which Is a con sumptien or destrni lien of the klilnejs the near oppreachof whl. halannlngdlsordersheuld awaken the liveliest concern, for It seen hunli-s one into the grave uliless piemptly checked Disordered kldncjs have the unfoituuate effect also of weakening the vigor of the liver, its Indicated If one his, besides the above symp toms, yellow spotted skin, fat coveted eje balls, frontal hcadacbe aft( r eating, burning and Itch Ing skin, cold extremities, het head, bad clicuhi tleu of bleed, sick headache, uautva, light colercdevatuatlon, constipation, piles, variable appetite and feeling, dizziness, blurred r)c slght, liver-cough, ague, chills, fevers, uakeful ness at night, drowsiness by day, etc These are seme of the cominencrsymptouis ns laid denn by leading medical authorities, and with them In view one ought net te have much tiuuble In ascertaining If lie Is suifcrlnfc from dlseidcrs of these great organs These observations have been called forth by n double-column article which appears In unet her place In this paper, bkeptlcal of some el the statements made therein, and at ether times by the sauie persons, we have been Udtemukca little study of the matter ourselves ltli the above result. Ibese dlsiascs prcvull amongst young and old everywhere, resulting In terrible and untimely deaths , they takoeir mere people than epidemics ; physicians repot t death as ec currlng from such diseases as apoplexy, paraly sls, convulsions, heart disease, pneumonia, fevers, etc., when In reality tbeue disorders are often secondary te Urlght's disease, und would seldom occur were the kldnevs In healthy work Ing condition. Hence, from personal knowledge, or from the trustneithy expcilente of ether Lompetcutjudges.webelleve there is no prepara tion equal te the remedy that Is se prominently mentioned clsevv here In this Issue, for prevent Ing and curing the dangerous disorders of which we have written, It has had an extraordinary ale, Is everywhere commended, the record of Its seems Indisputable, Its manufacturers are re puted te be men of the highest standing We held, therefore, that net te use It, If needed, would be u crime against one's supiemest In terests, especially at this time when, threaten) d by a fearful epidemic, It is et the highest 1m pertuuee, according te Dr. Kech, the celebrated Uerman cholera specialist, that wu keep the kidneys, liver and digestive organs In healthy action, If the scourge would be escaped mSOdiaTw Sl-ECIAL NOTICES. Yen a cough or sere threat, the best medicine Is Hale's Henoy of Horehound and Tar. Pike's Toothache Dreps cure In one minute mjoludeed&w Will It lteally Cure ItheumaUsm? Wounswer, honor bright, It w III euro rheuma tlm, and thu severest canes tee. Dr. Thomai' JCclectrla Oil was specially prepared ler the rheumatic and lame. Netice letters from the people relative te lt merits In nearly evety paper In tb country. Ker sale by II, II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 1SJ North Queen stieet, Lunias ter. Drspimc, nervous people, "out of sorts," Celdeu's Liquid Beef Tonic will cure. Atk or Celdtn'4. Ol druggists. inAVlwdeedAw Weak in the Knees. There are many people who feel like old street car horses, and would like te be allow id te lle down uud die. These pcople might us will be made strong and well. Miss h fc. Little, of Jer Jer fersen, Me., writes : "I have found brown's lien Hitters very strengthening and most excellent for dyspepsia, nnd 1 have get ethers te trv it with geed results." Ne use or being weuk w hen this valuable medicine will make jeu strong A PERFECT MEDICINE CHEST. blKO Sise, f, V., Pest OrricK, Match 1'J, lb83. One wek age, while engaged lu my duties as assistant postmaster, I was taken with a violent pain or kink In my back ; It n as painful I could hurdly breathe, and I ached all evei my body. I Immediately sent for an Allcock's Poaers Plabteii and applied H ever theseut of pain; lu twenty minutes I was entirely relieved und cured. I have used Allcock's Plasters lu my family for evor twenty years, and have found them wonderfully effective In curing coughs, colds, and pulmonary difficulties. They uie a perfect medlclne chest ; they cure without the slightest pain or Inconvenience, never Itavlng a murk en the skin. TflOS. LEAHY rretidentej Village e Slny tiny. A". 1". When puichaslng a Forout I'lastci, be sure te get "Allcock's." All ether secalltd I'oieus Plasters are imitations. STOCKS. DOOR, WHITE & CO., SlBANKERS.K- PItlME IIAIUVAY BECUIUTIEB ALWAYS ON HAND FOB INVESTMENT. Minneapolis Ileal Estate 7 per cent, bends for gale at 101 and Interest. Proprietors of 'Teer's Manual of Hallways." Correspondence Invited. 45 Wall Street, New Yerk. octl-Iydeed FOR A GOOD INVESTMENT GO TO UECUTOLD'S, and secure 11 AUG A INS lu Ladles' and Gents' JTUIINISIIINU GOODS, which are selling, many of them at prices that will pay 20 te 23 per cent, te carry evor for next season. They must be Beld te maku room fur Hpiiiig Goods. New Is the time te save money. Please cull und be convinced. HENRY 1JECHTOLD, Ne. b'l North Queen Street. P. S. Choice Ilulldlnc Lets, Stene and Sand for sale. riHAMPAGNE. BOUCHE "SEC." THE FINEST CHAMPAGNE WINE NOW IMPOUTED. ATUEIGAUT'S OLD WINE 6TOUE, Ne. 2) East Kia Stbekt. 1I.E.SLAYMAKEK.A ,ct. EstuDiisnea, itbs. febl7-ffd NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS AND GUNNEKS. All persons are hereby for fer for bldden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall or Bneedwell (whites, in Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether Inclesed erunln- ing, as the law will be rigidly enforced at'iUiist alltrespasslng en said lands of the undersigned after this notice. WM. COLEMAN FBEEMAN, K. PEUCY ALDEN, KDWAKD C. FIIKEMAN, Attorney ler It. W. Colewaa'a heirs. OctUtfdAw & i . ,. "i " - 1' - f .s.A.-r w- MKDIOAt. jL, va. S6. -AiJwi rilON BITTKHa nnn ii n n it ii ii it it e xt w w It e e w w w w it linn nnn e e ww ww ii u imn u ii e i ww ww it oe w w II nnn oe !!. i ii k ri n ii e it H C iiiik i nnn ii n nn OO M MM a TTTT T11T FKB T T K T T KB T T K 1 T KKB Bsssa B8S8 B88S n inn Thls medicine, combining Iren with pure vogo vego voge tablo tonics, quickly and completely (JUItKS I)Y8I'K1'SIA, INIMUKbSION, MALARIA. WKAKNKSS. IMl'URB IILOOU, CHILLS and FKVKIl nnd NKUItALUIA. Ily rapid and thorough assimilation with the bleed It reaches every part of the system, puri ties and enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles nnd nerves, nnd tones and Invigorates UieBystem: A flne Appotlrer Hest tonle known. It will euro the worst case of llyspcpsle, re moving all distressing symptoms, such as Tast ing the reed, Ilclchliig, Heat in the Htemach, Heartburn, etc. . , . The only Iren medicine that will net blacken or Injure the teeth. It Is invaluable for diseases peculiar te women. nnd te all persons w he lead sedentary lives. An unfailing remedy for diseases of the Liver and Kidneys. Persons sulTerliig from the effect of overwork, nervous troubles, less of appetite, or debility, oxpeilence quick relief and renewed energy by Its use. It docs notcnuse Hoadache or produce Consti pation OTH Kit Iren medicines de. It Is the only preparation of Iren that causes no Injurious eflects. Physicians and druggists recommend It as the best Try It The genuine has Trade Mark and ciossed red lines en wrapper. Take no ether. Made only by HUOWN CHKM1CAL CO., lULTIKOKK, IlD, Bepi'j lyusiyw AK TKU ALL OTHF.BS FAIL, CONSULT DR. LOBB, NO. 31U North Fifteenth street, below Callow hill street, Philadelphia. Cities all becret Diseases nt'linlh uniex. Twentv Years Hxncrlciice. Cen. sulfatien by mall. XUKVOUB ANHSl'KCIAL IHSKASKS. New book Just out Send for It Price sue. Hours 11 till 2, and 7 te 10 p. in feb'teljd&w "v 118 HPKCIFIU MKDICINli Ul 'IhedreatKngllsh Remedy. An unfailing euro for linpetency and all Ulseases that fellow Uxs or Memery, Universal Lassitude, Pain In the Rack, Dimness of Vision, l'icmature Old Age, und many ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Premature Grave. Full pirtlculai-g In our pamphlet, which we de sire te send fi ee by mall te every one. 'I his Spe cific midlclnn Is sold by nil druggists at II per package, or six packages for ts, or will busent Irto by mall en receipt of the money, by ad dressing the ngent, 11. II. COCHKAN, Druggist, bole Agent, Ne. 137 nnd 13!) North Queen stieet, Lancaster, I'd. On account et counterfeits, we hare adopted the ellew Wrapper j the only genuine. THE UllAY MEDICINE CO , Huffale. N. Y. M AN1IOOD RESTORED. ItFVKDV FREE A victim of veuturul liniirudencecuusliii; Pre mature Decay, Nervous Debility, Lest Manhood, Ac,, having tiled lu valnevery known remedy, bus discovered a simple stir cure, which he will send HIKE te his fellow sufferers. Address, .1. II. IlEEVKS, JW-loed,tlyw Chatham fat., New Yerk City CJA KeT SURl-rAND .SImTedVcUReT IJ ItunuKK, VAnitecEi-EandBrBciAi. Diseases of either hex. Wliybe humbugged by quueks, when veu can llndln Dr. Wright the only Keo Kee blab Phvbkiam In Philadelphia who makes u specialty of the above diseases and cckes them T Ct'HEMOUAiiAWTKEO. AnvitE FiiEE, day ana even ing, btningeis can be treated and return home the same day Offices pilvnle. IIIl. W II. WKIUIIT, Sn. Ill North Ninth street, abeve ltace, P O Het (.73. Philadelphia. limit lvd&w C ONSUMPTION 1 HAVE A POSITIVE lemedy fortheutiove disease : by Its use he usands of cases of the w erst kind uud of long standing have been cured, ipdicd, se strong Is my rilth III Its efficacy that 1 lll send TWO 1IOTI I.ES I ItEE, together with a valuable trial- tlse en this dlseaMi te any suucicr. Give ex press and P. O. address, DH.T. A.8I.OCUM, u?iiuideedA6iiiw 181 Pearl bu, N. Y. c HAPI'j:i) HANDS, MI'S AND FACES nie very common in jnaitn, out CREAM OF ROSES Always cures Ne grease, ue smarting. ONLY, III LEVIS, at Druggists. Fei sale at COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, decMJuid 137 and 113 Neith Queen street VD VCA Tl OXAL. u OOK AT THIS! AND THEN EMUIIACE IT. Boek-keoping, Commercial Law, Commercial Arithmetic, Busineas CorreependOQCo, Pructical Penmanship, Practical Grammar, Drawing Buaineea Documents, All for35fer3 months, or W30 for 0 months, at Lancaster Commercial College. Address, H. O. WEIDLER, Ne. 10K EAST KING STREET, Janl9-tld Lancaster, l'a WATCH 1C, SC. tyATCIIES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY. GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES OF WATCHES, CLOCKS AND JEWELRY, ut LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street, Opposite City Hetel, near Pa. R. R. Depot. Retailing nt Wholesale Prices. Repairing at Extra Lew Prices. J31-ld Jllfi CELLAXEO US. REMOVAL. DR A.J. HERR Has removed his oltice from south" est corner Prince and Chestnut stieets, te his new resi dence, seuthvv est corner Oruuge nnd Mulberry streets. febJUlmd STORAGE -MD- COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DANIEL MAYER, dec'J-lvd 16 West Chestnut street. OOTE IS MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT S3.00 A DOZEN,, AT NO. 100 NORTH QUEEN STREET, JaulBtfd Lancaster, Pa. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS OF TIIE Reading ,t Cheapeuke Ceal and Railway Company. A meeting of the stockholders will A meeting of the stockholders be held ut the office et the uiulcrsli;ucu. 41 East Giant street, Laneastei, en TUESDAY, APRIL 7, InO, between thoheuisof 2 and 4 p. in, for the purpose of electing u President and Directors ler the ensuing j ear. .1. W. . bvviFT, in'2l,iAa(i fcecrctnrj'. CALL AT 6TORE REIGART'S OLD WINE -FOR IISTON'S EXTRACT OP BEEP. FINEST tl TUB WORLD, Established, 1785. II. E. SLAYMAKER, Agt.. febl7-tld Ne. 2U East King St, T O OUR CUSTOMERS AND THE PUB LIC. ti IE SINGER SEWINQ MACHINE OFFICE, Will be removed en the FIRST DAY OF APRIL, 18t3, fiem Ne. 20J4 East King Btreet, te thu mere commodious nnd convenient office, Ne. HOEAbT KING STREET, where -e will be fileased te nil all orders ter the Leading Genu Genu ue Hnger bowing Machine THE bINGElf MANUFACTURING CO,. febM-lmd A. J. MITCHELL, Agent. T 10 TORACCO BUYERS rfND PACKERS. Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Sample Tags, ALL STYLESaud QUALITY el CARD110AR1) STRING TAGS, And all kinds of PRINTING used by Leaf TeJ bacce Dealers, ezecutcd in the BEST STYLE and at the LOWEST PRICES. Call and see our samples. Orders by mall promptly attended te. STEIJtMAN & HENSBL, INTELLIGENCER Building, niU-Ud Lancaster, Pa. " .8.S. Sn h 8 a Nnn h8S MM BBSa CLOCK, MJKHORS wk.j.iVv. H. 55. R.HOADS. SPRING, We have new epen te the Public a very large and carefully selected assortment of Watches of all grades and prices. Our stock of Olecks embraces every kind and style, the best makes and reliable timekeepers, at prices very low. Alse a full assortment of pretty novelties in Spring Jewelry, both in Silver and Geld. Everything new and stylish in the way of Silver Hair Ornaments and Bangles. Oeme and see for yourself and be convinced. H. Z. RHOADS, Lancaster, pa. Ne. 4 West King Street. ( Store epen until 8:00 overy evening. Saturdays, 0.00 o'elock. BOOKS. E ABTUK 1883. SOUVENIRS FOR THE EASTER SEASON Plain and Fringed Easter Cards, AT THE flOOKSTOHE OV JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER, PA CAIUtlAUES. S'1 TANDAKD CARRIAGE WORK. EDGERLEY & CO., (Carriage builders), MAItKKT STltEKT, HEAR OK POTOFriCE, LANCABTEK, PA. OUK LAItUK STOCK OK BUGGIES & OARBIA&ES Comprises the Latest Styles and the most Ele gantly i lnishcd, WHICrt WE OFFEU AT GltEATLY UEIIUCKD PKICL8. TheSUPEUIOIl QUALITY OF OUK WOHK Is no longer questioned. Our work is us fine as any made In the laiger cities, and SOLD AT HALF THE PltlCE. New is the tlme te order for spring. ENCOUUAOE FAIH DEALING And Honest Werk. AH Werk WAIIRANTED. KEPAIHING PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especially employed for that purpose. MW A few SLEIGHS left at Lew Figures. Glve us a call. nev3J-tfd&w B A HO A INS. AFTER THE SALE -AT- NORBEGK & MILEY'S, CORNER OP DUKE AND VINE STREETS, LANCAbTEK, PA , A LOT OF ' VERY CHOICE QflRRIIGE V0R.K LEFT, WHICH WILL RE SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE PRICES. DON'T 3I1SS A IiAIlGAlN. CALL AND EXAMINE THE QUALITY OF THE WORK. ILL WORK GUUWITEED. 83 All questions answered by Telephone, through thu Telephone Exchange, w lth which the establishment is connected. anecEJtiEs. AT BURSK'S. Easter Coffees and Easter Cards. Wu will glve from new until after Easter, a nenuiiiui tusieruaru wun eacu peunu ei uei- fee, and another design, ule very pictl curds, v lth each pound. We de this te ictly, two stimu late trade and make the children hatinv. Yeu want geed Cetlees, uud vvu have them. Our Cedecs cannot be beat. We buy the best, und always have them fresh toasted, also fresh gieund. OUR VARIETIES Old Maiidehllng und Fo Fe iling Java, Choice Mecha, Luguuyra, Cesta Rice, Guatemala and RIes. OurW cent Rie fera geed strong drink, cannot be peat. Our Rie Wended Is superb at 25 cents, also lower priced Coffee. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. P. S. Sume goods sold und cards given at our branch. Chestnut and Mary streets, both stores connected with telephone exchange.. VXDEJITAKINQ. -TTNDEETAKINU. UNDERTAKER, Cor. Seuth Qaeee and Vine Streets, LAMOASTXR, Pi. Personal attention given te all orders. Every thing In the Undertaking line furnished. Httvlmr secured the services of a llrst-cl a llrst-class me chanlc, I am prepured te de all kinds of Uphel as or uphol uphel All kinds of Bterlnir nt very moderate nrlcee, Furnlturu Upholstered. Give me a cull. R. ROTE. janlO-tfd SLATE AVORKS. All persons wlshlngMAKPLEIZED SLATE MANTELS, erany ethor Slate Weik, will de well by calling at our works or send for our Illustra ted catalogue. FRANK JANSON A URO., Cerner Frent and Locust St., Celutublu, Pa. marft-3md s AINT-RAFIIAEIj WINE. INFORMATION. The Saint-Raphael Wine has adellcleus flaveur and is arunic in me principal cities of Russia, North and Seuth America, Great ,URBIU. llennanv, llritnln, India, annue en. Tboqiiuutltyexportf d annually is sufficient proof of its stability and staying powers, vvhlle ler the real connoisseur llritnln, India, and se en, there there is no nluei that cuii be considered its nnnrlnr. i-Tbc Saint-Raphael Wlne Cerapany.Valcnce, Department of the Dremp (France. H. E. SLAYMAKER, n8-Ud .".Ne.) EAST JUNG STREET. JLXD JUIONBES. 1885 ! Easter Beeks. Easter Tokens. CLOTHING!. eN ACCOUNT OF UUILDINO, -THE- Entrance te Our Stere WILL BE On Centre Square for the Next Twe Weeks. OUR BUSINESS Will Net Be Interfered With, However. THE BEST -AND- Cheapest Clothing in the City ALWAYS AT HIR8H BRO, Cerner North Queen Street and Cen tre Square. -ViriliLIAMHON A FOSTER. BOY'S CLOTHING. Scheel Suits in Streng Reuch and Ready Ma- terlal that Is se needful I for the Average Scheel lteys's Suits that nre made with an cye te the jnniuui mey wui meet wiiu some reuan nana llnjf from their prospective owners the push und pull American school boy. Finer grade dim eds uuun .,i uv a llCBt onus 111 ICUV OllllSQ jheck" Casslmeie and Cerksciew. TRUNKS. Crystal Zinc, fitted up. Ladles Saratoga, $1.00. Leather Covered Full Sunt tegu, and Gents' Trav eling Styles, 13 ue. WHITE SHIRTS, 25c, 50c, 75c These prices Indicate that Ready-Made White Shirts can be puichased for less money than the material can be bought und thu shirts miide at heme.nnd this without salng anything for the perfection and cut, shape and fit, and neat and careful workmanship that marks our fine shirts as the best. TEE"B1GHMIB," fl.UO, OR $5.10 TER HALF DOZEN. NEW NECKTIES. The Neckneufef a Gentleman's 1)1 ess affords us an opportunity te Judge of his particular taste In lolers. A Gent's Necktie Is the centre around which the ether parts of his dress should tie made te harmeulee. All the New and Nevel Tics and Scarfs are new te be seen, and us ether new styles appear they will be added te our ns ns sertmeut. CABLE SEWED KID GLOVES, $1. Higher Grades In ull Vaiiety of Shades, $1.05, $1.75 and $ii. Cellars and Cuffs. E. & W. Bheit Bead Edge. The Fuverite Clown und Ancher llrnnds. Alse Celluloid, that ute se convenient te the traveler. Fancy llo lle sleiy, i5c Jlalbilgguns, 50e. FIHE SILK IATS IN THE NEWEST SPRING STYLES, BY TIIE REST AN1 MOST POPULAR MAKERS. FuT Stiff Hats, $1.50, 11.75 and $2.00. Hey's Stiff Dress Huts lu Illue, Ulack und brown, 60a, 73a nnd $1 00. Cleth HaU for Yeung Gents and La dles, 50c. Memle Cleth Lap Rebss, 75e te $3.50. LADIES' TURNS -OR- FINE DRESS SHOES. Theso attractive and useful shoes are made of the best Flench and Curacea Kid that will net turn red or purple. The gtvles are Common Nense, Square Tee and Opera, with French heel, They uregleve-nltlng, soft, pliable, comfortable te the feet, w itheut being se elostle us te lese theli shape. CHILDREN'S Spilug uud Wedge Heel Shoes In square or opera tee, of English Curacea and Freuch Kid, plain ei pebble goat. Williamson k Fester, 32, 34, 30 & 38 West King St., LANCASTER. PA. ONT FAIL TO TRY TIIE UlUAHsT Twe for 5e, the best in the town for the money, CIGAR at HAIITMAN'S YELLOW KONT STORE. Oft A rUVVVOKTHOFMILLINERY ipJtJJJ Goods te he sold at a very heavy redaction, en account of removal te our new steie, te North (Juccn street, (Strauss' Old Stand.) 7 NEW YORK AND PARIS MILLINERY CO , JmiB-tfd IB Wet King St., Laucaster, Fa. ,l,,i. f, ) I