W ! L "u w fr' ' L? - ,cvS A GHOST STORY. ltl. continued. Soen after this occurred I bad te nilfll an engagement at a house near Bosworth Field, In Leicestershire. 1 loll town en a Friday, having scut some plcltirtw that wcre tee large te tnke vv llh me by the luggage train a week iirovleuily, tu order that lliey might lwat tlmhoiiHeoii my arrival, and occasion me no lest of (line In uniting Ter theiii. On Rolling te Iho Iioube, hmvover, 1 leiiiiil that fliey had net been heard of, and, en Inquir ing at the Mat Ien, It win htateu that a case Minllnr (e the ene 1 ilesorllied had paused through and gene en te Lolesotor, whero It probably Mill was. It helng Friday, and rast the hour orthe imst, thore was no possi bility or getting a loiter te Leicester before Monday morning, as the luggage olllce would be closed there en .Sunday i consequently I reuld In no case expect the Arrival of the pictures bofero the Hiicccedlng Tuesday or Wednesday. Tholessofthrco days would no n Herieus ene ; therefore, te avoid It, I Biiggosted te my host that I should leave Im mediately te transact Bonie business In Beutli Hlaflbrdslilre, lis I should be obliged te at tend te it bofero my return U town, and if I could, sce about It In the vacant Intervals thus thrown upon my hands It would be Having me the anne amount of tltue after my Visit te his house was concluded. This ar rangement meeting with his ready assent, i nasicncu te uie Allier Allier Allier htone station en the Trent Valley rail way. By roferciice te Bradshaw 1 leund that my route lay through Mculleld, whero I Was te change carriages te 8 , In Htnllerd- shire. I was just in tltne Ter the train that Woltldputmedowiialljichlloldat 8 In the nvcnlng, and a train wasiiiinounced te start from Lichfield for 8 at 8:10, answering, as 1 concluded, te the train in which I wus about te travel. I thcreloie saw no reason te doubt hut that 1 should get te my Journ ey's end the kiiiie night ; but en my arriving at Lichfield 1 saw my plans entirely irus tratcd. The train arrived punctually and 1 get out. Intending tu wait en the platform for Iho arrival or the carriages for the otherlino. I found, hew ever, though the two lines crossed at Lichlield, they did net communi cate wltli each ether, the Lichlield station en the Trent Valley line I icing en ene side of the ten n and the Lichlield station en the Seuth 8ta(lordshlre line en the ether. I also found that thore was net tinie te get te the ether station se as te catch the tram the same even ing ; indeed, the train had Just that moment passed en a lower level beneath my feet, and te gel te the ether side orthe town, whero it would step ler two minutes only, was out of the question. Thore was, therefore, nothing for It but te put up ut the Swan hotel for the night. Iliuvenii cspeci.d dislike te passing an e enlng at a hotel in a country town. Dili nor at such places I uevcr lake, as I bad lather go without than hae such as I am likely te get. Beeks are never te be had ; the country newspapers de net inlerest me. The Tunes I Iiave stell through en my Journey. The society J am likely te meet hae few ideas in common -with myself. Under such circumstances I usually resort te a meat tea te while away the time, and when that is eer occupy myself in w riling. This amis Iho first tiine 1 had been in Lich field, mid whlle waiting for the tea It occur red te me hew, en two occasions within Iho past six mouths, 1 had been en the jiointef coming te that v cry place, at ene time te ox ex ox ecute a small commission for an old acquain tance, resident there, and another te get the materials for a picture 1 prejKwcd falullngef an incident in tliecaily life of Br. Jehnsen. I should haoceino en each of these occa sions had net oilier arrangements dh cried ltiypurpnse and caused me te postpone the jeurney indcllnilely. The thought, however, would occur te me : " liew strange 1 Here I am at Llchllcld, hy no intention of my own, though Ihae twice tried te get hcie and been balked." "When I had done tea 1 thought I inighlas well wrltoteau acquain tance I had known sonie years previously and who licd in the Catlioilral-ele.se, asking hint te come and pass an hour or two with me. .Aceeidingly 1 r.mgier thewaitiessand asked : "Dees Mr. Lulu Iho in Lichlield?" " Vex, sir." " Cathedral-close V" " Yes, sir." "Can 1 send a nole te liiui ?" "Yes, sir." 1 wrete the note, saying where I was and asking if he would come for an hour or two and talk ever old matters. The note was taken; in about twenty minute? it person of gentlemanly appearance, and w hat might be termed the advanced middle age, eutercd the room with my uote in his hand, saying that I had sent him a letter, he piesuincd, by mistake, a.s he did net knew my name. 8eeiiigiustautlytli.it he was net the person I intended te wrile te, 1 apologized, and asked whether thcie was nut another Mr. Lute living in Lichlield. ".Xe, thore as noue ether." " Certainly," I lojeined, "iny friend must have given me his right address, for I had written te him en ether occasions here. He was a fair young man; lie succeoded te an estate in coiihpiiuciice of his undo having been killed whlle hunting with the Queni hounds, ami he iiiniried about two years since a lady of the name of Fairbalrn." The sti.uiger ery composedly replied : "Yeu are scakiiig or Mr. t'lynej he did Iho in the Cathedral-close, but he has new gene away." The stranger was right, and in iny surprise I exclaimed : "Oh, dear! te be sure, Hut is Iho name; what could haui made me uddicss you In stead? 1 really beg your paideu; my writ ing te you and uuconscieuidy guessing your name is one of. the most extraordinary and unaccountable tilings levcrillii. I'ray par don me." He continued very quietly : "There Is no need of apology; it happens that you are the ery persen 1 most wished te see. Yeu are a painter and 1 want you te paint a portrait of my daughter. Can you come te my iiouse immediately for the pur pose 1" I was rather suiprlsed at finding myself known te him, and the turn matleishad taken was se entirely unexpected I did net at the moment feel inclined te undertake the business ; I therefore, explained hew I was situated, stating that 1 had only the next day and Monday at my disposal. He, hew ever, pressed me se earnestly that I arranged te de what I could for him In theso tw e days ; and having put up my liaggage and arranged ether matters laccemtiauicd him te his house During the walk home he scarcely speke a word, but his taciturnity seemed only a con tinuance of his quiet composure at the inn. On our at rival, he introduced me te his daughter Maria and then left the room. Maria l.ule was ;i fair and a de cidedly haudsonie girl of about lir teeu ; her manner was, however, in advauce of her years and ovinced that self possession and, in the faverable sense el the tei in, that wnuuHillurgs that. Is (inly seen at such an c.nly age in girls that iiave been left iiiethctless or fiem ethor causes thrown much en their own icseurccs. She had evidently net been informed orthe pui pese of my coining, and only knew that I was te stay theie for the night; she thiofeio excused horself for a few moments that she might ghe the roqulsite diicctieus te the servants as te tne prepaimg my room. When she letuincd, she told me that I should net sce lier father again that evening, the state efhls health having obliged him te icliiofertlio night; but she hoped that I should be uble te sce him some tuue en the morrow, hi the meantime, site hoped I would inake inysclf qulte at home and call for anything I wanted. She herself wits sitting in thu draw iug-roeui. but perhaps I should like te siuoke and take something ; If se, thore was a llre In the hotiBekoopor'8 room, and bhe w euld ceme and sit with me, us she wqicclt'il the medical attendant overj minute, and probably he would stay te smoke and take something. As the llttle lady seemed te loeomnicnd this course, I readily coniplled. I did net smeke or take anything but sat down by the fire, w hen she jnunodiatlely Joined me. She conversed well uml reuuiiy, ami wuu a ceiiiiiiuuu ei language singular in a iwrseii be young. Without lKiing dlfiagroeably Inquisitive, or putting any question te me, she seemed desirous of learning the business that had brought me te the house. I told her that her father wished me te paint either lier por trait, or that of a Bister of hers, if she had one. Ceutluilcd to-uieriow, llelntelu ami J(ru)i. f rem the New Yerk Sun. Brether Slngerly's llolslelu cow is net fmcli a peerless marvel after all. The story is !hat bhe gave 7- pounds of milk ene hatur lay, nml that was pretty fair for a single day. But Mrs. Shoemaker, of .Baltimore, owns it Jersey cow named Princess Second that gave Uil ene week VW," jsjuuds of milk, yielding Mii pound I'J'j ounces ul butter a wondrous i record indeed. Li comparison, Brether Shi Jgerly'a llelstein cow seeius te be nowhere. I It la net surprising that he did net thlnU best J te publish the amount of butter his cow could producelu seven days. Any way, the Helsteliw are uet equal te the Jersey, ex wpt for beef. "T. - SH ' MOWKS OK BMttW Where de they go, I v under, The clouds en cloudy day, When the shining sun comes peeping out And scatters thetn alt away f I knew I They keep them and cut them down for cress little girls who want a frown, Frowns and winkles mid pouts eh, tny I Hew many 'tweuld make ene cloudy sky 1 I think I should like It better A sunshiny day te take And cut ft down for dimples and smiles, What beautiful ones 'I would make I Kiienpli for nil the dear little girls With pretty bright eyes and waving curls, Te dtlve the scowls and frowns nwiiy, J list like the sun en a cloudy day. Syilnty Dayrc, in St. Xichelat. A Confidence Man Neatly nagged. A well-dressed, mlddlo-aged man, giving his name as Samuel V. Pollard, onleicd the jewclry stere or 0. U. Uechat, In Jersoy City, Thursday, asked whether a letter had ceme for him, and, lielng answored inthe negative, departed, saying he would return. On liis coming back the letter awaited him. 11 was from Washington, D. ('., and It con cen talupd a check for fl,530, drawn by Em Em eons it Smith, Jewelers, el Washington, to gether with directions as te buying lowelf) and a suggestion that It Would be well te buy of llechat. Pollard left the check with Bochart for collection, premising te rocclve the meney. Mcanwhlle Rochnrttelcgraphed te Washington and learned that the check was a forgery. When Pollard returned and whlle lie was examining Jowels,witli n view te purchase, an nfllcer came in and arrested him. At the police station lie gave ids name as Jehn Jehnsen, but he Is botieved te be Jack Strauss, the notorious New Yeik con fidence limn. ansa at. xeTivEt. fOUNO MKN t-ItKAITIII. Tn VoLTAiulei.TCe..orMarshttll, Mich., ener le wend their celebrated Klectiio-Veltaiu Hklt and ethor Kt-ECTRtuArrUAKCKSen tilal for thlity Any, te men (old or yemiK) ninlctcd with nervous debility, less of vllnllty and manhood, and nil kindled troubles. Alse for lhcuinntlsni, neural gia, pnralysli, and many ether kindred iIIrcjuics. Complete rcslomlleii tu Iicltli, vlner and man man man heed guaranteed. Netlsk Is Incurred as thirty days trial Is allewed. Wjlte thorn at once fur Illustrated paimihtetfiee. UccJlyilAw Hew my Huenl hulls! Then why don't Mm iihe llnlci'H Heney of ItoivheuiidHiid Tar. 1' Ike's loethnehe Dreps cme In one minute. mMwdeed&w "KOUtJll O.N COIt.VS." Ask for Wells' " Iteugli en Coins." 15c. Quick eoiupleteciiie. Itiuilorsullceins, wiiiIh, Iiiim Iiiim Iens. (1) UeuiKN'8 IJitild lleef Tiiulu will cute Indiges tion, and peipetunlu bodily vigor. Tukr no eicr. (II diugglsts. mllndi'edAw Ilreaklug Up. On uvciy hand we ace cvhlentua that winter Isbienkliigiiii, and will seen have te yield te thu advancing spiing. it Is nuiust impeitant ijucstlen uiiiengsl Hclculillu uivn what causes thugeuend fvullug of debility and lug?Uudese piYivulentln this legion. Whlle nemeirgardll ns thu rcsultorcenlliicmentnud I mictien, othetv suppose It tobeenuBed by the decay of vegeta bles and nnliiml debris which has accumulated during the winter. What If especially needed at this time, hew uv cr, Is something tu ev crceiun thesu Influences. 11 fs tee Inte te talk about thu tausca j what Is the cause? Thousands of per per per sonsnlluxertlinceuntiy who have given Kidney-eort a fallhlul tilul are icady te testify that no ether remedy iseiiul te It for cleansing the Hj stein, purirvlng the bleed, leguhitlug the bowels, Hint eurlug nil kidney mid Ih cr diseases. It is In fuel the king of all spiing medicines. Ilrlvrtltrsaud l'rltale Onicers Usually wear their badges of authority lonccal lenccal rd under their clelhliig. but Dr. J'Aemnj' A'c trch Ie Oil weiu-s Its budges In the form or print ed labels attached te eucli mid cvciy betlle, se Unit nil limy knew Its mission. It l given full nnd complete inittieilly te iiuest nil iiclicsiuid Iialns, mid docs Its duty every time. Kersule ly II. II. (,'echruu, drugglHt, 117 nnd IX) North (jiiveu stieet, Lancaster, NEVKltOlVKUP. If jeu am troubled wllh nervousei kk head ache, de net give up jour case us Inc uiable until jeu have tried l)r.1,esltu'sHcclnl I'lescilntluii. he the testimonials In another column. 1-J Iwd The Kind We I.Ike. 'J hemedli Ine we most like Is thai w tilth dm-1 Its weik qulckum! well, llurtleck litoeil Ititltrt are the quickest kind el a euro ter dyspepsia nud Uvcrund kidney affections. Fer Rale by If, 11. Cechuui.diugglst, 117 'nud 13U North (juecn Btieet, Luncasler. AV .VN8WEK8 WANTKh, Can any eunbilng us arasoef ICIdney or I. Her Complain I thul Klcctlle Illttcis will net speedily cure? We say they cun net, hs thousands of cnucsnlteady peiuinnently cmid nud who ale dally leceiumeiidliig Llettrle Hitters, will ptee. Ill lhl'u disease. Diabetes, Weak Ilaek, or any uiiiiiuy reuijilulnl iiulckly lined. They liurily Iho bleed, it-giilatetheliuut'ls mid net dfreclly en the dbi-usid parts. Every bettlegumantced. Fer sale a( Mv. u bottle by II. 11. C'echluu, drug. ter, I'a. (I) HUCKLK.VS AllNICA HALVE. The best Kill ve In the world for Cuts, Ilrulses, Reies, Uli en), Hull Itheuin, rover Hein, Tetter, Chnpped Hand, Chilblains, Coins, and all bkln Kruptlens, and positively cures files, or no pay required. Ills guaranteed tu give perfect satis faction, or money tcfunded. 1'ilce, a cents per box. Forsalebyll.il. Cochran, diugglst, Ne. 137 and IX) North Queen street Lancaster. I'a. FTlEhTi'ILES ! ll'lLEsI ! ! Huie cute ler Jlllud, lilecdliigand Itehlug Piles. One box has cuied the worst cases of 'Juj cms' standing. Ne one need suiter live minutes alter using VVIIllaui'a Indian l'ile Ointment. It nb nb seibs Illinois, nlluvs Itching, nets lis poultice, gives instant telief. 1'icpalcd only Kir Piles, Itching of the pillule parts, nothing else, bold by druggists and untiled uu receipt of pi Ice, $1. Rold by II. II. Cechiau, 137 and U'J North Queen street. (I) A LAWYER'S OI'INION OK INTEREST TO ALL. .1. A. Tiiwney, esi., a leading attorney of Win Win enu, Minn., wiltes: " After using it for nieie tlnin thiee J cms, I lake gicat pleasuie In stating thut 1 legurd ll r. King's New iHseevery for Con Cen Con sumptien, ns the best lenicdy In thu world for Coughs and Colds. It has never fulled te cure thuuioslsevcieceldu I have had, and luvailiibly icllcics the pain in I lie chest." Tilnl bottles of this sine eiim fei all Tin eat and Lung Dtseiiscs may linhnd Fiennt Cechmu's 111 ug Stele, Nes lJ7uiid 13!) North Quegu street, Lauciistur, Pa. Laigtisice, fl.uu. (1) DR. VRAZIER'S ROOT HITTERS. Frazlei's Reet Hitters ate uet it dram simp beveruge, but bio strictly medicinal In every sense. They act strongly upon the Llvernnd ltldiiejH, keep the bowels upon nun regular, l.tfiiifi.i llin IiIiumI II lid HVnll!lll flf rt f't V lllllllllltV. bold by druggists, i. bold by 11. II. Ceuhniu, U7 and 13U North Queen stieet. ('.') What Three Applications Did. "I was troubled veiy much with sole leet. Three application! of 3 hornets' JSclcclrla Oil on en tlicly cured them. Nothing belter in the mur. ket." Jacob Iliitlcr, Reading, I'a. Fer sale by II. II. Cechruii, diugglst, 137 and 1X1 Neith Queen street, Luniastcr. i.irrTEit rueM a feviali: riiYbiciAX. I'llfKCMMl AVKM'B. Nkw Yekk, Slay 1, lb3. My sn chilly Is diseases of women and chit diuu, 1 like Alueik's l'oueus l'LASTKiis becuuse they me se ijulck and elllelenl, nud never lul tutu or liiiuk the tenileiest skill I have found lliein met useful In inj- practice, and they lire teitalnly the best plasteis new made. Tolllus Telllus tratu: my seu of ten jeun of iige took a bad Celd and coughed Iniessaiiliy j no uicdiclne would lellevu him ; after sefiiu twelve heius I applied Allcock's 1'or.ecs l'LASTtn te hlw thwat unit upper chest. The cough ceabcd entirely in an hour, and the nextduy the boy was well. I told the case te a gentleman who suffeiedlii thesauie way ( he, tee, wus cured lu twenty-four hours of Ids cough by Ailcecx'b 1'okecb Plas ties. Anether patient suffered rreni uin tu the small of Iho buck Allcock's 1'orech 1'lastlb w as applied it t night, and next nieiiitiig thu pain hud ceased. Again, a young lady suffering fiem Ncuralgle I'.dns ureuiid the hem t, by my advlce used Allcock's I'ouei's l'LASTi.r.8, and was en tirely cured In tlnce days, rlually.n htdyciuiie te me with Celd Feet, ivblclicenstuntlyrccumd night and day this sometimes Is a symptom of Uterine Congestion I npplied un Allcock's l'onecs 1'labtkk te the sole or caclt loei, turn nor feet get and continued warm. She were the Plasters ever a week. Thus I have recently tiled Allcevk's Pereus l'LASTtus, and take great pleasure in beitilng witness te their remarkable curative power. JANE St. 1IAKKR, 31. D. " Allcock's" la the only aenulne l'oreus Plus tci'i buy no ether mid you will net be cheated. Causes Astonishment. ''Completely prostrated for days with Indi gestion nnd bilious fever. The clleeta of two bottles of tlurttecls if feed Jlltlen astonished me ( visible improvement right en"." Mr. Neah lkiles, Elmlra. N. Y. Fer sale by If. 11. Cochran, druggist, 137 and EiU North Queen street, Lan caster. "UUCIIU-I'AIIIA." OiiK-k. eeiniilctu uure. all Kidney, bladder and Military Dltuiies, M-aldlnir, luitiitien, hleue, Uravcl.Cntiirihuf the lilaihler 41. D) uggista. in tirlus. Pleasant, healthy grins am seen only uu the fuces of healthy persons. Thu dyspcptlu nnd debilitated can smile only In a halt-heart ed w-ny. Purity the bleed, tone the stomach, and strengthen the tlsium with Jt unlock tllund nit teri.it you with te laugh well and elten. Fer sale by ll. 1). Cochran, druggist, 137 und 1X1 North (Juecu street, Laucastvr, al i -". .t-jrjdWLt ? -.'.'' -X A VKlt'S UHElUiY PECTORAli. AN OLD SOLDIER'S ' BXPERIBNOB. Calvxrt, Texas, Stay 3, 1881 "1 wish toexpte.iBiity uppieelfttlen of the val uable qualities of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral AS A COUCJH REMEDY. Whlle .with Chtuchllt army, Just beferu the battle of Vlcksburg, I eentr.icleil u sovcieceld, which leruilnatcd In dangerous cough. I found no rellel'till en our inarch wucamoten country stere, where, en asking for some rem edy, I was urged te try Aylii's Ciikrbv Pecto ral. "Idid8e,nnd was rapidly cured. Since then 1 have kept the Pkciekal constantly by me, for family use, and 1 huve found It tu be an Invalu able remedy ler Tin eat and Lung Diseases. J, W. WHITLEY." Thousands of testimonials testify te the pieinpt cme of all llretiihlul and Lung Alfco Alfce Alfco llenmbylhe use of Avbii's CiiKnnr 1'kctehal. lielng very palatable, lhajeiingestchlldieii lake ltieadily. IRKrAllllll 11 V Dr. J. 0. Aycr & Ce., Lewell, Mak Held by nil Diugglsts. innni TTlDNKY-WOItT. DOES WONDERFUL CURES OF KIDNEY DISEASES -AND- LIVER COMPLAINTS. Rucanse It nelson the LIVER, IIOWELSnud KIDNEYS at the HAS1E Tl.ME. Ilecuusn 11 cleanses I he system of Ilia poisonous huineis that develops In Kidney nud Urlnaiy Dlseases, lllltleusiicss, Jniiudtce, (.'(insllpallen, Flics, or In Rheumatism, Ne ralgl.i, Nervous Dis order ami all Fciuale Complaints. WBOLID FROOF OF TIII8.-. 11 will Surely Cure CONSTIPATION, PILES and RHEUMATISM by causing FHKh ACTION of all thu organs nud functions thereby. CLEANSING THE BLOOD. Restoring the neiinid power te thiew oil dis ease. THOUSANDS OF CASES Of the. worst forms of tin-se lerilhle diseases huve beeuijulckly relieved, nud In n short lluie FERF1.CTLY CURED.; I'llee.tl. Lliiulder Dry, Sold by dtuggtsls. Diy can be scut by mall. WELLS, RICHARDSON A CO., Iliirllngleii, VI, Sciidulnmp ler Dally Alumnae of ISM. KIDNEY-WORT. Jau-2i-3uidcedA3inw T HOUHANDH OK UAHttS OF SICK IfeadacbeHie peiiiianenlly ciilml every j ear (as the hundreds of testimonials In my possession will testliy) by the use el IUt. LESLIE'S Special I'leseilpllen. This Remedy stands to day without a Ilia!, mid with sciri ely a com cem com iHMMer In tliii world. Thousands of I'hvsklans iliimiuheiil the country hum acknowledged their iunblllty te cine It, nnd nm new piescilb lug Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription lul all cases el Sick HEADACHE In cither its nervous, bllloiisertougesllvn lerui, nijstng fiomelistiiiclioii,ioiigestloiiorloiiidlty orthe liver. When 1 say that Dr. Lcolle's SPECIAL 1'iesi ilntluti will cine the inwl obstinate i"es of Sick Ilciidathd, 1 mean lust what I say, and that Is, that It uet merely iciiev tea but POSITIVELY eiurs, no matter hew long the case may have been standing. 1 have testimonials from persons who huve been afflicted for twenty chis, being con lined In bed two or tin- dajs at utlinn every two weeks. Hint have been permanently cured by two bottles el Dr. Leslie's Spci lat L'llESCIUFTION se that they have net had an attack for evr Ilv e vpats. If you bib troubled with Sick llend.ii he and wish te be CURED be sure and glve this irmed) atrial. I'mc, II l). S. II. ARCHER, Saiatega Springs, N.T. TOR BALE M DRUGGISTS. dljd Fer sale only at J. II. KAHFFMAN'S Drug Sloie.Ne. ftfl NeithOueen stieet, Lancaster. Fer colds, use Knurrman's Cough Sjiup, thelaigest and best for ' cents. TTKAUQUAHTKllS KOK T11K INDIAN MI.DICINK,-, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT- Lecher's Drug Stere, NO.!) EAST UINH bf.. IdinuUiler, I'a. M ANHOOl) HICSTOKKI). HEUKUr riiKK. A victim of veuthfut iiiiniiideiiiutaiisliiu l'nv matiiie Deuiy, Nervous Debility, Lest ManhisMl, Ac, Having tiled lu vnln every known lcineu w'u'l lias iliscevcicii a biinpiewii cine, wnu u uu v send FREE te his felleWBiilletcis. Addiuss, .). ll. ur.i.vr.r-, JlClyeedftlyw 43 Chatham St., New Yuik City uneci:nii:s. AT JJUILSIC'S. Easter CeiTces and Easter Cards. Wewillglvu fiem new until tiller Easter, a beautllul Easier Caul with each pound of Cof Cef Cue, and another design, a he veiy pietty, two cilliN, with each pound. We de this toalllllll tealllllll toalllllll Inte tnulii and make thtiehlldien happy. Yeu want geed Colleen, mid wu Iiuve them. Our Colleen cannot be beat. We buy the best, nnd id ways have theinliesh le.ulcd, also frcsli fzieund. OUR VAIIIETIES Old M.iudeliliiig and Po Pe dang Java, CheUu Jlecha, Lttguayru, Cesta Rice, Guatemala and UUh. Oura) cent Kle for a geed si long di Ink, cannot be ueat. Our Rie llleuded Is siiierb at 'ii cents, abe lower pilccd Collce. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. P. 8. Miinu goods sold and cards gi eu nl our branch, Chestnut and Mary streets', llelli steixis ceunecled with telephone uxchiuigc. T O TOH.VCCO UUYKKU AND I'ACKKHS. Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Sample Tags, ALL STYLESnud QUALITY of GAR1U10AUD STRING TAGS, AudullklndseflMtl.STINO used bv Leal Te buccu Ucalcrs, executed lu thu BEST STYLE and at the LOWEST PRICES. Call ""! Hen our sampled. jirmurtUy attentlctl ti. Otvleis by mall STEINMAM & rJEflSEL, IKTELLiaE.NCEU JIulldlug, Lancaster, Va. Ui-tM MraQDHHHI ..j-. .f--.. j.. ,fc--J..--. . BALK Fer Sale Cheap. ONE 25-Herse PewerEngine, with New Heller and Steam t'limp, nil com plete, Prlce, $700. One 10-Herso Power Engine And belter, complete. PRHJE, 475. TWO Ten-Herse Power Engines, without Hellers, 27flench, One 16-IIorse Power Engine and Beiler, tieal ly new, Canten Monitor make. ritlCE, 850. AH, aUAltAXTJJEP. Tln (Minder Ilnilprs ai ,K1 ,en' M Inehcs Iir 1U bjlilllicr DOIICrs, diameter, in geed elder. 1'RICE, IHO EACH, -ALSO, T1IE- Poerloso Portuble nnd Traotlen. En , glnea and Goiser'a Separaters. ALSO, iJfrHORSE I'OWi:il Engines and Boilers New. price, mm. Call and sen them, eraddiess Ezra F. Landis, Ne. M7 NORTH CI! Ell It) STREET, mlUljineudAw Lancaster, Pa. E NU1NK ANI HOil.KK WOKKU. BEST Steam Engine BOILER WORKS. ABWEUANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, HAVE NO AULVTS, CAN INSURE OUR PATRONS LOW I'HIUUS AND OOOD WORK. BOILERS. Veitlialiind lloll7enlal.Tnbilbil, Hiii'.Cyllndci, ilarlne, Deuble-Deck mid I'm table. FURNACE-WORKj ULAdT-l'JJ'KK. MACKS, TANKS fernValer, Acid nnd OIL ' HOISTtNOKNtllNEM. ENGINES. ci llc4il and Horizontal. Stall unary, irwui two le siity hoi su-pewer. I'oilHble l.iiKlnei, en Wheels and fills; Mx fcUes f, i, t; l, 14 nnd Jit hursu )ener. SW'MILLS. l'eny Jlllls aiiU;itrgn Mills. lUrk Mills and fa Cob Mills, I.culhet UelluraTiiiil'dekers. Trlpiilurticaifuz- al'orherso uewcr. r , V PUMPS. ftl' licit and Iicai id i.ear l'einls tJHIuliig;i'ninps pt'i blued I'uinpa and llrnters. w . CetilrltiigHl Pump, sfvaut PumrV.-rj Cem- p, steam ruirtpr - , IjiaihiL'. I'ullevs. Flv untcM, uiainii notes. UatiKers, Couplings, Cellars, Sl r HU-ji-innd Tiics, Pullev Plales. racking llexes, Mill Spindles, JIIII liuiihlngs, Ac. Ac, Ac. PIPES. Wieught Iniu, lurli.st),. Steam and Water, lien I'liH-H. Reller Tubes, Well Cnilliig. Cu.t FITTINGS. Fer Water nnd Sle.uu, Valves, Cocks, Steam Uau lies. liHiiau cocks, liinss nniri uauges. palely valves, vv msiies, uieim) vaives. Uevei iiem. I'aUut SJf-Fidliig Lu- bliiiilers, OIuss Oil Cups, (.lasa Tiila-s, Injectors or Reller Fcctlern. I'ACKINU Hemp, Asbestos, tium and Plum bago. JlEl1 1NU tium, Cotten and Leather. CA6TINO"5 Heavy nnd Light Iran mid Ilrass. Reller lien, Sheet lien, ll.ir Imn, and Steel. HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Scheel and Public lluildlugs. QTBAM HEATING, Estbnutes, Drawings and Pattern Werk fur nished at Reasonable Rates. r liepiilrliig ptuiuptly and caielully at at teudtdte. Adiltess, Jelin Best & Sen, NO. 333 EAST FULTON STREET, LANCASTER, PA. JuulS-lyd&w KAV1NH lIN.SOIA,i:i)'l,AIlTNKIl8mi' nud periiiniiuiilly ilesed the Chestnut Stieet Iren Weiks. I dcslie le Inform my old patrons nud the piiblle generally, that I am still In Iho bnslnets, being located lu the l'enn Iren Company's Weiks, .Ninth Plum stieet, where 1 ainmakfuc Iren and llruss Lastlnirs of every de scriptien, and will be pleased te solve all who may favor me with their pntienngn. Fiem 40 years experience lu the business and using the best material and einple) lug the best mechanics, I urn satisfied I eaiigiianiiitcociillre satisfaction. Castings Hindi) from n mixture of iron and steel which hie luiiie reliable for strength and dura bility than the b'st cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, mils mid lulling mill weik a spec ialty. Castings made of very etliruii,nndbnis castings of every description, t hnve ull thu paU tenia of the well and favorably known Jlewrer Cern and Cob Crusher, lcllttcd nnd Improved, also en hand. Mills completely tilted up or lu putts, te replace old ones which have been In usu ler veuis, guaranteeing thorn toglvesntlslucl Ien, It. V. McCULLEY. nug-11-Cind WAT.h VAVF.IS. -r ACK UUllTAINS, Te Clese Out. LACE CURTAINS Pair White, at.. I.!3s .7S s weie$ 1.75 a pair. " 1.25 " " 1.71 " m .,M .1 " l uu 1.01 " 2JM " 5 01) " " 8.00 " i l).ft) " SOU " a.5e " jl; .iJ; . 2M; i7.V, , 1.75; , 3.00; , 3.IK); , 1.00; . 3110: . i.50i IUI; , ami: , 10.K); , 13.50 i Cicaiu, at. White, at.. Cream, at. Civain Swiss Al pliqiiu !).) " 12.U) la.iaj " 20.01) " Three, 3Jf niiil 4 yanl lenl. J'elea for lOe. Kleijunl fur MM. im te $i.U) unlcce. Wall Viipcr iii Great Variety of Every Description. FAN'CVunil PLAIN WIN'DOW SIIADIMJ lur ull tflylea of WludeiVH, PHAEES W. PRY, Ne. 67 NORTH QUEEN STREET. LANCASTER I'A. HAPI'Y THOUOUT AND IIKIUSCOA Tolmceei only 0 iiur iilujr, nt UAKTilA-VS VLLLOW F110M' C1UAU bTOUK. SAKE, KU11K AWU Nl'EEUY 0U11R Uvitvuk, V'AiuaicBi.Kiiiid brniAL iiihkariui efvlthurbux. Why bn Jiiiiuljut;uit by quueks, vihen yeiicun Hud In Dr. Wiljria Hie only Uxu. vlab PiiVBitiAM lu riilliidelphln who mnkus 11 r lxjeuilty of the above diseases nnd cuiuaj them T CVBiwauABAnTKiD. Aiivicb FBKK, day ana even, lntr. Stmnsers can lm li-ented and leturnheinn the game iluy. Olt!cii prtvnl. 1IIL W. II. WUK.IIT. Xe. 211 North Ninth street, above lfaie, 1'. O. llex OTJ. 1'hlladclphltt. JuaaMydAw .V.1 iiLJVWV.Ji' I'yJ V - ,' ' C 5 k ' ""- fS J, , , . .- rf - 1 THOU M2Kr ki&diC3EiBiQZuSBQ r. -,... $ ''mt&JvmtJyAltXti&Xlk ft rrAtlKR A JDKOTHJSIC; CLOTHING. - SBRING WOOLENS. SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS & SPRING OVERCOATINGS. Our Aasortment of STANDAUD AND NOVEL STYLES of Coat ings, Suitings, and Trouserlnga for Men and Beys' Spring Wear are new Oompleto and Iteacly Ter Inspection. . READY-MADE CLOTHING l.V Business Suits, Dress Suits, Beys' Suits and Chlldren'u Suits. SPIOTGr OVERCOATS. PUUNISHINa GOODS Leading New ShaiKJS or E.&W. Cellars and Cutis. Noveltios in Nockwear. Laundried and Unlaundrled Shirts, Etc. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. B OWKllS A 1IUKKT. BOWERS & HURST, Nes.26 and 28 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. WU OKr'L'll Special Prices in Bleached and Cream Table Linens. Having beiiiilit u LuikoLeI cunslilcmlily iiinlcr value, we Mull ellei thein veiy low. Bargains in TOWELS, just opened. TURKEY RED TABLE OLOTES, all sizes, very low. SHEETING and SHIRTING MUSLINS, all widths and best makes at Reduced Prices. QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, the best for the meney in the mar ket. Elegant Qualities at $1.00, $1.25, $1.50, $1.75, $2.00 and up " OO'MFORTS and BLANKETS, offered very low, te close out the Let. , ?A-r. .. -,,. . BOWERS & HURST, , Nes. 26 und 28 NORTH QUEEN STREETrLANOASTKR, PA. --- . V-vui( ts QllKAP bl-Ollli GARPETS FROH AUGITION. &: if i ... . 'z&tidtig&;, METZGER" -& 'HAUffiMAN, HAVE .MJII'OI'EK A LAKGK.MI lf.VJfl).riOMli AIllLTV Ol INGRAIN, HAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, 1IOUUI1 1' AT AUC110.N I UK OAbll ASH 'lO UEbOLlI ClIEAf 10U LAnll. Curpote Or.rpets Carpets Cariets Curiwtfl Carpets at )3 els. Canet8 at 30 cUi. Oariwla at CO els. letzger & Haughmaa's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. f ilelHten tin) Cernier lliuiaeunil Hurrel lloise Hetel. VIAWKS, HllllltOltM H. Z. KHOADa. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. The season is new at hand for refurnishing and restocking the Household with articles of use and necessity as well as ornament. When buying solid, sterling Silver there is satisfaction in the thought of its being able te be used for generations ; net only used new, but by your people that fellow after you. Our stock of plated Goods is very complete and we keep only the very best makes, in all the different grades. Knives, Ferks. Spoons, &c, are cheaper new than they have ever been. New is just the time te buy, bofero the Spring trade makes prices go up again. But you cannot tell en paper what can se much better de under stood by calling and seeing for yourself, and consequently being con vinced. H. Z. RHOADS, LAKOAbiKu, i'a. Ne. 4 West King Street. $$ Store closes at 0:00 o'clock, p. in., oxcept Saturdays. j i u Uiu:vvjixis S1 limit's UAUiurr ham CARPETS! KKOl'ENINU OV SHIRK'S CARPET HALL We mi) new prenannl te show thu tliule the Lniveat mill Heat Heletteil Line u hihlteilln thin city. WILTONS, VKLVKTS, nil the TnulliiK Jlttkes nf IIOIIY IIUUhSKLb.TIIKKH-rLY, AlLWiml mill Cotten Chnln KXTltA blU'HUH, nml nl OIlAlNOAlll'KTS. DAHASKunil VKNKT1AN OAltl'LTS. UAU nud CHAIN own uiiiuiifiietiiiuiisnet'liilllv. bnuelul Attention paid totheSIiiniifiieturoof (JU .Useulr'ull Line of OIL CLOTHS, KUG8, WINDOWSHAIJES.COVKULETS, Ac, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and TOHNIIAEIVSSONS. AGR.ICULTURAL fiLUAjilC FOR 1885. Will be Deut Postpaid en Itomittaneo of Eight Oenta for Slugle Ooplea, and Sixty Oenta for Twolve Copies. Address, '' JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA J UST OPGNKU A ijAUGn LTNK OV Finn Toilet Henps nt fc lw. and lAe. l'nlui, Heney, r, Turkish lun 11, Turkish Uatli, Ontmenl, l-.liler r lower, Hill! 4IUUl'aiU!llMl VU'II'V tlb it rt. . ...... ererine, ui iiujibikin iiiieuetiiiii,, 21 WesUUua KUteL E. JT.-mA. IS J.TVV, "" : .".".. tit,, n - - iJiKi 7. - CLOTHING. '1IIIS WEEK ut 12) ets. at 20 ela. at 30 eta. at 05 cts. at 85 cts. Carixjts at 25 uts. Cnrpote at 40 ule. Carpels at 75 ets. -AT- ASl nilUSZES. uiKit a a eis. CARPETS! I Cm nets ever ex. AXUTArUbXUY AT- Water Sts., Lancaster, Pa. lebiK.'indAw JIOOKS. lfciftSVJSWMIV f" fiinrif REMOVATi. DILA.J.IIKltlt Has rome veil hU oillee freui seuthweat corner l'llncu und Chcslnut Btrcets, te his new nml. dcuce, oeutUwceteoruut-Oiviimo und Mulbciry nUvU. lvb'Jilud iiiBBHkwQR3k9HiP9nmfflp "v a . TPtM asr, :"RSrT .vi- 'f- ' ra 3Anf,jil. j. a- i i lit j T""' - ' ' 4m9MMira0i . . r vv. -. Trtwrvf,',-v IBAND Mil Ills . xaiii.v. . t liMMMIrr fnr HaiM jfltfi'1 rp.in;t' MillDriT n for 1.AJMM Hi. and nxi,a am aa ! n. m. , pKNNSYLVANIA KAILROAI rrrvf' tED- nun, p2aaassK,,,s!gji?;1rMhw' . lfiAvn lret TO w. JISiSD' i-hiMpiiAta. A ur. fa-m. MtivVimengcri ....... 4; mi Mali train via ML Jev 710 n yl Ne. SMall Train '.Via Uelnm'a. t$l NUwira Kxnre 7.10a. tn. Hanover Accein v In. celum'ft.- raat Llnef .... li:ie a.m. Krederlck Acoem Ma. celnm'a. lAneaaUjr Accem via. ML JeyT Ilarrlabnnr Aceem..... fi' IVilitmlil. A.jMin ...M'f. ' 4:10 Harriibunr Kxpreas.., Western Kxprceif .,. l'acinoKxpresst KASTWAUD. Kail Krprcjs) .. 1'hll'a. Kxprecal ....... Kitit Llnef ..i... HnrrlDburtr Expre... IjincRstnr Accein. nr.. Columbia Accem. ...1, Bens hore Bxpres ...... Johnstown Kxprcssi. SnuriRv Mali.........:.. 9.10 " H.-W ." Line&Uir. KX: i2i$&4mH9Pt W"mv Llr A rl "V ty 1 , K - ,4rtj a"iit in.t, j fcll IJ .. - l. .CO ' tUlli.1 Vv mJ- -31 Day Kxprcuf ;iuf , lllfIlali..t I11MM . uk .I .. M 45 dl UBS'll The Marietta Accenil lilaatfl.ln a. tn. ana twir iJIarleMad 1. m. sit leaves Columbia at 11: rcachlns Marietta nt 12.' ictln at ise p. m. and at also, lcave9 at 8 J5 and a The Yerk Accommedi 7:10 and arrives at Lane with Ilnrrlvhnrg Expre The Frederick Accein lng at Ijiii canter with F 111 , ti III run through te llie Frederick Acce Columbia at ViM and n p.m. Hanover Accommedu Lancflnler with Nlagani ran through te llnneve Fust Line, west, en 81 "top at DownliiRlewn, ( ML Jey, Kllznbcthtewr t The only trains vi hl the Mall train west run J Lcnve dally except 1 GORNWAMj an COLKUltOOK VA BOOT) Trulris leave Lcbnnei nt 6..10 a. 111 , 12.3(1 nnd 7i3 Arrive ut C'eniwiUl ni 7:10 p. m. ; at Cencwap ii.iii.,cenneclliif?wltht lur points cast und wes WORT Tnilns leave Ceuewi 8:i p. 111. Airlvent Cornwall a 111. ; nt Lebanon nt : eimnrctlni? nt Ilmne lte.ellii(r Ituiluiail for 1 the Lebanon nml Trci town, 1'lncgrove and 1 The CM 11. in. train wl Colcbreok and Ilellalre idM., j sntOelM iuftt-.aii..Jd n-leVM 1 net m'l It HO. ' w id itlntf . wm Line, west,. urncu Idatlea. 'cs L&neMt ll.WOl,C01 iprewav dlv. xi iv. when lesvllls, X 1 Middle 111 dally. tot LKnANQjriU irRAlLHOJUW., nn. tf'-s&H 1 ruiy (except.' (hmOii in. Vfgr)' . en. in., !:. ,). a i7.a)ivm., l.-anrt "vuntylvneMlhttlru it; aS'Li ' at 7.W a. Bi,f.'!5na) W n. iii..i::lfla(t:if', lu, 4JJ)andffter n, Tllh l'liIIlfiiv..J is rast and wW,eiul t lirnnth. ib;'Jit'e- Miul.a,. , ',5? top only ti Cofnvvei , .fT- , rusty w ALTKH A. HE tTSH. Furniture fareitms.'v a?; rigMeMm, m jftflff TBuciiffipjaa! TOIIAVCO LVD VISAMsTi, H. UBTKHMANJfcCO, Holiday Presents. MEEflSCUAUM HOEEn5STBn'Z8 1UHKI6U TIlH, FKEMCHBKIAR l'lI'KS.CiaAKAWO ClQAKBTTKHOL DE1CS, C1GA11 CAHLHgHMOKEK'g ST-Tf, C1GAUETTK CA' ES.VfiH UKCBXVEnS, MATCH CASES,tANE3,Ac.TAmu'atll variety ana at Yen low pncwaiS -Ciill and ii-MalneTj lioulile Ve dhow t i"in. Queens.ware AT- CHINA'HBLL HOUSEKKEl'EHS OK TO YOUKUvTKilEST -A INK.0K. White Granite an Decorated &m UOiaBnev mi .,.,Vry.a MS m "" "'"B - . fir, 14 -r ' ' Jfc S r4 jz? 't' Kiai en s Jsasc . jk :' J5bSa t -jjST pwhut IJJUU m , m anrTioeas. Ke & '' jHHl!i v'i; H. L. sii M Xe. 11U Ne hlQmmhrcrt. m -M . - .--lr gl . tn. bSjrAMX. y jiJ HIGH A MAlll N. ' WK. S HtfWajrt " Diner, Tea ulMkl Sets, M AT LOV ESJPRICES. 'T 1 fti OuriiniebUiuc.il Ne Goods inisicp We exchanee any ally dcci,L , Uieies uet nwrnci -&m High NO. 16 BA I P KIN; ' , 1 rf. LA p,WTK, uxnnnrAKj -rTJNiisTAKi 1 ""mm UNDERp Cor. Seu ta'jj Personal ntleiit! 1 lvc: tUllllll lllOUIllle 1 lluv ln sueurvd tluiulc, 1 am tire sleilnit at vel y 1 ' Fuiiiltuiu Uphuu , L. II 1 jaulO-Ud i . j; ii(i.r, , . 5. .Vt Jr .i ' CiT.ATE Wfllll A " 'TX5SI J3 All jM-rsenaviUhlnKMAHI M ANTKLS.ernnv ftthe m, ! f:M wmr-, 41 "igmn .fiiw a 3tJji .' ""? Kv a I -IF . -- BB1 Ml 1 X UmWMMi l.T W .itimrx- WmxA 1 1lBlSBiHVtt'I 'lift 'l iJMCMglVh'tf't'i'Ki'B li r.i.vsHi ,' .u-blalWk,wliialP ) ut ci'tenavr euvillt-y v (K JiANtex impyjv j ... u.t Nlttliiuiljlll. MIL. M . , by I'ulllnc ut our vnjker t..i1 entaUitrun. . - " .,,. . vir .1 A Kflev Cemer l'rOn't and Leviut sUiTJeluuibla, ) liuuS-Suiil tJ-u fi if 1 VJi T: &' M ,T.i' .'-.' I , 1 ,y : Bhl. wf . Yva; .' ft f 1 '1 f '.VI 'J&tiM ;sei X i-s i m r 1 ...Vl W-1 , j '&V mfiY. '- f , ' 1 i AP' - I -" "! v rx. 1 t