'. . A GHOST STORY. ti. tcONTlNUlSD. My bewilderment at that moment almost deprived me or utterance. I knew of no rall rall vvay'er' ether incuiirf by which she could have come. I liad certainly lefl nor In a Londen train and, had seen It start, and the only con cen con celvable way In which nlie could have conie was by Reltii te Peterborough and then re turning by ii branch te A, u circuit of about ninety mile. As Boen iw my mirprlie ena bled me te speak, I Bnld I ivJdtctl 1 had ceme by the snme con oyanee at herself. Thntvvei.ltl imetiucii rather dllllcult," she rejoined. Al this moment the sen an t c.ime with the lamps mid Informed me that Ins liia'ter had Just arrived mid wuiild be down In a few minutes. The lady tool tip a book containing seme cngravlngis and haiiiK singled out one, (a portrait of uuly A , tasked me te leek at itwellntid tclllier whether I thought it llke her. I was engaged trying te get up an opinion when Mr. and Mrs. Klrklicck entered, and. shaking him heartily by thelmnd, apologized Ter net being at home te reeclvotne ; the gen tleman ended by requesting me te take Mrs. ICIrkbeik in te dinner. The lady of the honsehaviugltakcn my arm, we marched en. 1 certainly hesitated a moment te allow Mr. Kirbeck te pass enllrst wltb the mysterious lady in black, but Mrs. Klrkbeck net seeming te undei stand It, we jmsm.m.1 en at once. The dinner irty consist ing of us four only, w e foil Inte our rospectlve places at the table without dltllcultv, the mistress and master of the house at the lop and bottom, the lady In black and myself en each side. The dinner lnissed much as is usual en such occasions. I having te play the guest, directed my conversation prin cipally, if net exclusively, te my host and hostess, and I cannot call te mind that I or any one clfoenco addressed the lady opposite. Seeing this, and l cincmbcrlng something that looked llke a flight want of attention te her en coming into the dining-room, 1 at ence concluded that she was the governess. I observed, however, that she m.ule an excel lent dinner ; she seemed te appicciatobeth the beef and the Uut, as well as a glass of claret ufterv.nrds; probably she had had no luncheon or the Journey had given her an appctlte. The diuner ended, the ladies retired, and after the usual pert Mr. Klrkbeck and I Jellied them in the thawing room. By this time, hem c or, a much larger party had as sembled. Urethers and sisters-in-law had ceme in from their residences in the neigh liorheod, and hevcral children, with Miss Hnrdwlck, their governess, were also intro duced te me. I haw at otice that my sup position as te the lady In black being the gov erness was incorrect- After passing the tune necessarily occupied hi complimenting tiie children and haying something te the dinor diner iit p'crseus te whom I was Introduced, I leund myself nmiln engaged in conversation with the lady el the railway carriage, and as the topic of the evenlng had referred princi pally te portrait-painting, she continued the subject : "De you think you could paint my por trait?" the lady Inquiied. "Yes. 1 think 1 could, in had the oppor tunity." " 'ev, leek at my lace well ; de you think you should iccollect iny features 7" "Yes, I am suie I should never forget your features." " Ofceurf-c I might have excctud jeu te say that ; but de you think you could de me irem recollection?" "Well, if it be necessaiy, I will try; but can't you glve me any sittings ?" 'Se, quite impossible j it could net be. It Is said that the print I showed te you befoie dinner is llke me; de you think se?" ".Net much," J replied; "it has net your expression. 11 you cm kIve me only one sitting, it would be belter than none." ' Ne; I don't see hew it could be." The evening Ijcing by this time pietty lar advanced and the chamber candles being brought in, en the plea or being rather tired. bIie shook me heaitlly by the hand and wished me geed-night. My mysterious ac quaintance caused me no small pendcilng during the night. Iliad nover bceu intro duced te her, 1 had net seen her siicak te nnyone during the entire evenlng net even te wish them geed-night hew she get across the country was an inoxpllcable mystery. Then, why did she w Inh me te point her from meuieij-, and vvhv could she net glve me even ene sitting? Finding the dllllcuities of a solution te these questions rather In creased upon me. I lnade up my mind te defer further coniiclciatieuol them till break fast time, when 1 supmsed the matter would rcceive seme elucidation. The breakfast new came, but with it no lady in black. Tiie breaklastever, we went te church, came home te luncheon, and se en through the day, but btill no lady, neither uny refcrence te her. T then concluded that she must be seme relative who had geno away early In the morning te visit another member or the lamily living close by. I w as much puzlcd, however, by no reference whatever being nude te her, aud linding no opportunity of leading any turt or my con versation with the family towards the sub ject, I w out te lied the second ulght inoie nuzlud than ev er. On the bcrvaut coining in in the morning I ventured te ask him the nauie of the lady who dined at the table en the Saturday evening, te which he answored: "A lady, sir? Ne lady, only Sirs. Klrk beck, sir' "Yes, the lady thatboteppositome, dressed in black?" "Perhaps Miss Uardwick, the governess, sir?" "Ne, net Miss Uardwick; she cainodewn afterwards." " Ne ludv as I see, sir." "Oh, dear me, yes; the lady dicssed in black that w as in the drawing-room when 1 arrlv eil, before Mr. Klrkbeck camoheuio?" The man looked at me with surprise as if he doubled my sanity, and only answered, " I never bee any lady, sir," and then lelt The mystery new appealed mero impene trable than ever. I thought it ever In every possible asicct, but could ceme te no a n n clusieu upon it. Urcastfast wits early that morning, in order te allow of my catching the morning train te Londen. The same r.iiisnnlKesliL'htIv hurried us and allowed no time for conversation beyond that having direct leroieuce tothe business that brought me there ; se, arterarraiiging te i etui n te paint the poi traits en that day thiee weeks, 1 made my adieus and took my dcpurlure for town. It is only necessary ler me te refer te my second visit te the house in order te state that I was assured most positively, 'both by Mr. and Mi-UCirkbeck, that no teurth person dined at the table en the Saturday evening in question. Their recollection was clear en the question, as they had dobated wholher they should as Miss Uardwick, the governess, te take the vacant seat, but had decided net te de be ; neither could they iccall te mind any Hiich iereii as 1 described in the whele cir cir cle et their acquaintance. Some weeks passed. It was clese upon Chriftmas. qiie light of n short winter day vv.isdn.vv lug tea close, and wasseated at iny table writing lettorafer the evening pest. My back was toward tiie folding-doers lead inir into the room in which my v isiters usu ally walted. I had been outraged seme mm mm utes in writing when, without hearing or seeing anything, I became aware that a ikh ikh sen had ceme through the folding-doers, and was standing lieside me. I turned and beheld the lady of the railway curlage, I hiippose that my manner Indicated that I was soino seino soine w hat startled, as the lady, after the usual salutation, said: "Parden me for disturbing you. Yen did net hear me come In." Her manner, though It was mero quiet and bubducd than I had known It bct'eie, was Hardly te be teiiiu.il graven, still less sorrow ful. There was a change, but it was that kind or chance only which may often be ebserved from the frank impulsiveness of an intnlllirnnt. vimiii? laclv te the compesuro aud soir-iessossion of that sumo young lady w hen she is either betrothed or has rocoiitly.bo recoiitly.bo roceiitly.bo coino a matron. She asked me if I hauuiade an attempt at n likcness of her. 1 was obliged te confess that I had net. She re gretted it much, as bhe wislied ene ler her lather, bhe had brought an engraving (u poi trait of LadyM. A.) with her that she thought would assist me. It was llke the me she had asked my opinion upon at the heuse in l.lncelnshlie. It had always been considered very like her, and she would leave it with me. Then (putting her hand Impressively en my arm) she added : "She really w euld bamest thankful and grateful te me if I would de it" and in recollect rightly bhe adiled "as much deponded en it." Seo See tug she was se much In earnest I took up my sketch-book, and by the dim light that was still remaining, Ijcgau te inakeu rapid pencil sketch or her. On observing my delug wi however. Instead or civiuu me what assistance bhe was able bhe turned away, tinder the pretense or loeMng at the pictures around the room, occa.sleu.dly passing from ' ene te another 90 as te enable me te catch a momentary gllmirte f her features. In till manner I made two hiinledbut rather ex pressive sketchea or her, which, being all that the declining light would allow roc te de, I shut my book uiuf she prepared te leave, i This time, histead or the usual ' Geed morn ' lug1 hIie vvlshed me tin impreselvcly pro nounced ' Geed-by,' firmly holding rather than Blinking my hand While she mid It, 1 ac companied her te the deer, outside et whtcb. she scented rather te fade Inte the darkness than te paw through it. But I reterrcd this lmprosslen te my own fancy. I immediately inquiied of the servant why she had net announced the visitor te me. She stated that she was net aware there had been one, and that any ene who had entered must have doneeo when she had left the stroet deer open about hair an hour previ ously, while she went across the read for a moment. Te be continued. HACK AGAIN I The chill snows lingered, the spring was late, It Bcumctl n weariful while te wait Fer warmth, ami Imgrance, nnd song, and flew- crm Aud balmy airs and delicious Mievrer. Jlnt we bided inirtliue, and with pntlpiit rye We watched the slew relenting skies, Till allaxlone Apill mernliiB ve woke -Te And we were rice or the n tutor's yoke, Andaman of wines tlireiiRh the nuhlnj rnlu Told us the birds were lmck again. A Joyous tumult we hcaid aloft Clcnr, ilppllng iniilc! mid lltitlcrlnjes soil. eelh;ht of hcaitaud se light of wing, All hope of summer, delight of spring, They seeiuedjle utlcr with voices sweet, Upberne en their airy pinions Meet. Dainty, delicate, lovely things I Would that my thoughts, like yen, had wings Te match your grace, yeul chaim, your cheer, Your flue, melodious atmosphere t Precious nnd bWiiillful girts or Oed, Scatlci ed through hcav en and earth nbi end 1 Who, ungrateful, would doyeuvroii,r, Cheek yeul night ami jour golden song? O friendly splills! O sweet, sweet blids! Would I could put my welcome In wetd Fit for such singers as you te hear, Sky-born mlustieUaiid poets dear! Ctlht Tliiutir, in . A'trmlnt for April. at'VVlAT, XOT1VES. Hebeid thoceiniiicriirof nil kidney, liver, nnd urinary dUeases Hunt's "limcdy. uru cuic. bpecdv cure te all diseases of the kldnejs or urinary' organs by tiding Hunt's Itemcdy. What an appetite 11 ghesi hew restful It muktii my sleep, by using Ilnut's Itemcdy. in2l lwdeedAw Tlieuaiids Hastened teTlirlr (Iraves. lly telylng en testimonials wilttcn In vivid glowing language of some mlincuteus cures made by buuie largely paffed updectui or patent mcdfclne has hastened thousands In their graves; the leaders having almost lusaiiu fnltli that the same miracle w 111 be peireiuicd en thorn that these testimonial mention, whllu the so se called mcdletncs Is all the ttiuu lUHtcnlng them te their giave. Although we have TlifiiiMtnds Upen Ttiiiiisauds tt I Of testimonials of the most wonderful cuies, voluntarily sent us, we de net publish them, as they de net makolhe uutt. It Is 0111 medicine. Hep Hitters, tlmt inike tbn cures. It ha-never failed and never can. Wewillgive leleroueute any enefurany illspinn slmllur te their owiitfe desired, or will lefer Ilium te any uelghher, nsj there Is nnta neigiiiioiiieou in inuKiienn weiui lint can fheiv Its chips by Hep Itilti i. A lmlnir Jehu. , "A prominent physician or rittslmrg said teV a lady patient wheasi1uiplalnlng of Jtereen-i tinned Ill-health, nnd of his ltmlilllly tocuie her, I Jokingly saldi 'Try Hep Illtteis!' The Indy took It In earnest and used the lllttetn, from' which bhe obtained permanent health. She new laughed at the doctet for hi J0U0. but he is net se will pleaded with It, as It cost .hhnagoed patient. Keisef Iloiters. Tlicfcenf dnc lets at $3.(iOn vllt would tax a man fera jear, and in need of a dally visit, eter $l,nui)a j car for medical attiudaueu alone' And one single lroltle jI Hep hitters taken In lime would save the 1, aud all the juu'sslekiii-ss. Gltell Ui l the Hocteln, "Is it possible that Mr. Godfrey Is up and at w erk, and cured by se simple a remedy V "I assure you It Is true that he Is inttiely cured, and with nothing but Hep Hitters, anil only ten days nge his uoctew gave him up and euld he must die, fiem Kidney mid Liver tieuble !" a-Nenu genulue without a bunch et green Heps en the whllu label, bhun all the vile, poisonous stuff with " Hep " or " Heps" In their name. nr,K-!mTulTh,b&w " HOUGH ON COUGHS." Ask for " Heugh en Coughs," fei Coughs, Colds, fcore Tin eat, Heaicuets. Tiethcs, l5e Llriuld.me. (4) lleset On All bides Hy luahula, hew shall w 0 escape the diead Infec tion T Is thu question which the duiilicns of fever und ague dlstilets ask theuibclvcs. The ansner comes lrein leriuer siilferers who for yeais have escaped the visitations of the peri odic sceuragc, thieugh thu pietectlug lulluciiee of Husti'tler'B bleiuach llltlers. bun the neces sity for for using preventive measures urises, use this means of prevention at eucu. It regu lates thu liver, facilitates digestion, and liber ates impuilllcs f loin the system, when such ex ist, by promoting healthful action of the bowels aud kidneys. Ail rally. In all regions wheie miasmatlu vapors breed dleeaie, it Is absolutely necessary te be protected w Ith u safcguaid, and this Is true, though a sojourn In such localities lg destined te be bilef Ne 0110 can afford te bieatheiiialaila for unbolt time. The Hitlers is a sovereign speilllc for 1 lieu mutism, debility and nervousness. Keep II en hand. iiiurl9-!M CeLHF,'a Liquid lleef Tonic III c me llollgc llellgc llollgc tlen, and iicriiutunte bodily visor. Take no ether. Of drugKlel. m3 lVYdcuilAvv CATAKIUI OP THK HLADDKK. StlnalnB, lnltntlen, liiflainuiatleii, all Kidney and Uilniiry Ceiuiilalntu, cuicd by " Duchu l'alba." II. () llrcrtliluK U. On every hand home evidencus that winter IsbivaKlutr iii, and will bcieii have te yield te the udvantiUK Hliu. It ' a most luiinitant ijucstleii nmeuiisl fiicutlllc uicn what cuuhea thOKCiicrel Iccllnj? of debility und lassitude no liicvalcntlii this legion. Whllu noine lcgaul It iu. the icultorienllucincutaiid Inaction, ethcis mipiimu It te be caiiHi'd by the decay of v ccla bleu and nutnial debits which hau accuuiulatcd during the winter. What Is CKicrIidly needed at thlH time, hew ev er, Is bumi'thlng te ev ci ceme thet.0 lnllucnccrt. It In tee Inte In talk about the caiiDCi t vtliat Is lliecaiiKuT Thousands of per sons nil ever the country vvlie havu kIvcii Kid. ney-Weit a fulthful tilal aie icaily te testify that no ether icincdy Is ceual te It for clcaii9liiK thu syktcm, pinll)lli? the bleed, lcKUlatiug the bow els, and cm hit; all kidney and lit er diseases. It Is In fact the klnu of all spilncc medicines ' " HOUUIION TAIN" TLAfjTKlt. ToieiisaiidstlciiBlhenliiij, liupieved, the best for backache, palus lu chest and tide, thciiiiia. Usui, netiniliila. ie. Diut'ijUteriuall. (4) lOUNO MKN I-UKAD THIS. Tub Voltaic Belt Ce.,of JIarsliall, Mich., Hirer tosendthrlr celebnited ELECTno-VeLTAio Uelt and ether KLKOTiiioArrLiAKctiien trial ler tlility day, te uicn (old or v eung) afflicted vv 1th ncrv eus debility, less of vitality and tnnnhoed, and all kindred troubles. AI90 for theuiuntlsiu, neural Kin, iiaralyBls, and many ether kludtcd diseases. Complete restoration le health, vigor and man hood Kuarantced. Ne rUk is Inclined aa thirty days iilal Is allowed. Write them nt once for Illustrated ;aiuiihletfiet. dcciu-lydAw lli.iv liiv tluii.lL liiirts ! Then why don't you usu Hale's Heney of Hoicheuiid and Tar. nun Toethaulio Dieps cuixi lu ene liiluule. uil-lvdced,tv AN AN8WK1IS WANTED, Can any ene bi Inn us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint that Klettile Ulttcrs will net speedily euro t We say they can net, as thousands of cases alieady lieniiancntly cured and who are datlv vecemiuuiidlnir Llecli le Hitters, w 111 prove, lliight's disease, Dlubetcs, Weak ll.iek, or any urinary complaint quickly cuied. They nuilfy the bleed, lcuulate the bowels and act directly en the diseased pints. Every bottleiiuaranlccd. forsHiuaieuc-iv eciiiiu uy u. j. .iivih Fer s'lle at 50e. a bottle by II 11. 11. Cochran, drug. ?;lst, .NO Or, Ta. ;lsl, no. 1J7 una ixi .miuu ij uceu btteet, l.aiicuu- t-1 DK. WILLIAM'S INDIAN TILE OINTMENT. L. (1. McCitlluiu, conductor en the 11. VV. It. K., bprlngileld, e.. Aug. se, lttei mysl " 1 have been a great sufferer v lib. I lie piles. 1 used nu merous remedies and employed many physic ians, but te nojiurpese. A filend leceuimeiidcd Dr. William's Indian Tile Ointincnt, which 1 am grateful te say has cured ine." Sold by II. ll, Cochran. 137 and IW Net tli Queen sti ect, (3) THE 1101'j: Ol" THU NATION, Children flew lu devoleniiient.iuiny, belli; and delicate, usu " Well's lltulth llciicwer," bcravv uy t A I.AWVKIH3 OPINION OK 1NTH11KST tO jI.L. .i a 'Ciiu iiiiv. itiui.. iiIeudiuiattoinevef Win- una. ill ii n.. wiltcsi ."After using It terinpruJ than three yearx, I taice uit'iu oieaiure in lining that 1 resraivl -r. Klna'sTfey UUepyer' ler Cen. sumptien. ni the bouiemcdy In the iroildfer CeugUs and Celd. It has never tailed te euro, the tnefct severe colds I liave had, cud lnv erltbly relieves the pain In the cheit." TruU bottles of IW Btire cur for all Threat und Lune Disease may be had Free ut Cochran's Drug Stoic. Nes. 137 aud 13U North Quceu street, LJUieastvr, I'a. Large Ue,.1.0D. (1J ' PNMTJMONIA.'" AVh.V Net Call It by Its Biglit Name? (New1 Yerk Telegram.) Many a strong well built man leaves home to day, before night he will havi chill, and In a low hours he will be dead I This U the way the dreaded pneumonia takes people off. The list ofnetabloincn who arc Its vietfins Is appalling I Dr. Dnmresch, the famous musician, Is Belted by a chill whlle conducting rchearnl ; next day his physicians lellns he Is (0I1117 utll. Next day he fs dead I . .... Thertcv. J. E. Latimer, D.D., S. T. T,( denn of Bosten university theological school, preaches eloquently ene morning, has a slight chilliness thereafter, reels unwell for n few days and un expectedly dies 1 A gentleman In Albany gees te his physician ene morning stating that he feels strangely uncomfortable, Is examined, ad vised at ence te settle tip his affairs, docs se and dies before night I Ercryone dreads Hits prevalent disorder. Its coming Is sudden, Us tei initiation usually speedy. What causes this tenlhle scout go 1 It Is nit" In the air" lntcctleus or conta gions. It results ftem exposure, changes of w eal her, pievalls mero among men than women, mera among Ihenpparcutly healthy than among the feeble. rneumenl". we arc told, Is Invited by a certain condition of the system, Indicated If une lmsnc casleual ihllls and Tet crs, a tendency te colds In thothieatnud lungs, rheumatic and neuralgic pains, extreme tired feelings, short breath and Iileurltlc Btltchcs In the side, less of appetite, inckachc, nervous tiniest, scalding sensations, or scant and dlsceIOicd fluids, heait Muttering', sour steiuaeh. distrusted leek, puffy eye sacs, het and dry skin, less or sticngth and virility, Thete Indications may nut appear together, they may come, disappear and icappear ter years, thopen,en nettcnllxlng that they ere na ture's warnings of a coming calamity. In othcrweida.lf pneumonia does net claim as a victim the petsens having such symptom, seme less pieuuunced but mero ratal malady certalnly will. A celebrated Xew "Verk physician told the lYibime, a year age, that pneumonia was n secondary dismdcr, the exposure and told being simply the agent which develops the disease, already deitnant In the system, because the kid tic) shave been but partially delug their duty. In short, pneumonia Is but mi early Indication of a brlght's diseased condition. This Impilrcd action may exist ler jcars without the patient suspfQltng it because 110 pain will be felt In the kidneys in thilr vicinity underien II can bodo bedo bode tecteil by chemleal and iulvroceplint examina tion. Nearly IVief the 740dealhs In New leik city the flrst wtek In Maieh nnd In six wieks 7el deaths wriocate-cd by pnuuiuenlat The disease is very ebstlnale, and Ifthoac Iftheac Ifthoac cempniiylug kidney dlseider Is very far ad vanced, iccevcry lsnnposslble, for the kidneys glvu out entirely, and the patient Is literally suffocated by water. The only safeguard against pneumonia Is te maintain n vigorous condition of the system, and thus pievent Its attacks, by using whatever will radically and effectually losteiclull vitality te thokldueys, lerlr they me net sound, pneu monia cannot be prev unfed. Ker this purpose, thcie Is nothing equal te Warnei's sale cure, a lumedy known te millions, used probably by hundreds or thousands and commended as a stnmlaid specific wherever knimnnnd used. It does netpielend locure an attack el pneumo nia, but ll docs and can teinove the lauue of and prevent that disease ir taken in Hum. Ne rea sonable man can doubt this if he regards the pet pet nenal experience or thoiitJiidserbononibUimen worthy his favor. When a physician says his patlcnlhas either blight's dlseaaoerjinciimoula, he confesses his Inability te etiie.and In a measure he confesses his lcspmulblllty ended. In many lustnucns. Indeed, persons bio reported as dying el pneu monia, hcatl disease, uMiplexy ana 11111 vulslens, rwbu4h9J(iid cause nt death ajid an known by ;thniivklelnn l ttifslcldiitsru.coR4iMiilleu.- tTheusmids of lieeple have It without., Vlienlnif ilnna twrwnet 11 iccaus inmrpnybiataiutwiii 'net tell Uicin the facta I the mtne fete await (every pne wlj,wll net exercUe his Judgment In such a matter nnd be true te himself, his family and te society. ma-ltdAw i HPMCtAh XVTMQXM. VW -r A &- -W - - ItTsmtilvwcn'rlfnjfr'tjndKesef nulherlty conceal ed-umler fhelr clothing, but Or. Themas' Kt Irrtrie Uit vicars lis badges In the form of pilot ed labels attached te each and every bottle, se that all may knew Its mission. It Is given full and complete authority tu arrest all aches and lalns, and d-as Its duty uverytlme. Knranle y IK II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and XX) North -Queen street, Lancaster, r Vkv'kT.'givkui'.'' ' - ' '?' If ou are tumbled -sllh nervous or tick head. uche. de net giv eup veiir eusc tut Incurable until jeu have tiled Dr. J.eslle'sccll 1'iuseilptleii. betlic testllneutals In unethui column. ilitld Tiie Kind We I.Ike. Ihc medletne no miHlllkulK that whlchdecs Its work qtilcknud well llurilvck Jlloed Hitter Mm the iiulekcst kind el a cure fin dyspepla nnd llvci nnd kidney affections. Fer sale by II. II. Cochran, ill ugglst, 117 nnd III North tluecn street, Lancaster IIUCKLUN'S AltNIOA HALVE. The best bid ve In the w erld for Cuts,- Uralses," Heles, Ulcers, bait Ithi-tim, fever bores, Tetter, ChapiM'd Hand, Chilblains, Cerns, and all bkln Ki upliens, nnd pesltlv ely cures 1'llw, or no pay ren Hired. ltlSKiiaranteed te glve is-rfectsatU- faction, or money lelunded. Itrtr. Kfil-finte liv II. II. COeh fiiettnn. ir lmini-v lluuded. 1 rice. !X) I centaper box. lorsale by II. II. Cochran, druggist, -Ne. 137 and 133 North (Jueen Btrcet Luucasier, I'a. MMHMw 1. Wlint Three .IpidieatleuUld. "I was troubled verv much with sole feet. Three apulientiens of Tlwnwt' Jtclcctrlc Oil en tlicly cured them. Nothing better In the mar ket." Jacob linllci. Heading, I'a. Forsaleby II. II. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 130 North Queen btrcet, Laiicuster. I.KTTKK lltO.VI A I'KVIALi: TlllSICIAN. I'd SrceND Avcm'k. t Nlw euk. May 1, luaJ. My specialty Is dleeicic of women andchll dlen. 1 llke AlxteiK'H Touevs Tlabtbiiu btcause they aie se ipilck and cMlclcnt, and never In 1 1 Uite or mark the tenderest skin I luve found them most useful In my practice, and they aie certainly the best platters new made. Te Illus trate: my son often "cars of age took a bad Celd and coughed incessantly ; no uicdlclne would relieve htui ; after soine twelve hours I applied Alu.eck'8 1'onecs l'LASTLn te his threat and upper diest. The cough ceased cntliflyln an hour, and the next day the boy was well. I told thcciif'O ten gentleman vihe sulTeicd lu the same way: he, tee, wascuicd Intwcnty-feur hours of his rough by Aixceck's I'oneus I'las teiis. Anether patient sulteied fiem paluln the small of thu back Allcock's Touecb Tlabtlb wasaiiplicdut ulght, and next ineiniiig the palu had teased. Agalu.a) eung lady suiTeilng fiem Neuiulgiu Tains around the heait, by my advice used Ailceck's Tobecs Tlabteus, and waa en en tliilyciucdlulUrcedajB. linnlly.a lady came te me with Celd Feet, whtchcenstantlyrccuned night and day tills sometimes is a symptom of Uteilnu Congestion I applied an Allcock's Toueis Tlasteii te the eelu of each loot, unci hei feet get und continued warm. She were the Tlaslcrs evera wtek. Thus 1 have leccutly tiled AiLtcKh'B l'eiiucs 1'i.VBTU.s, and lake great pleasuie lu bcailug wltnc'Stutheli leiiiaiknblii curative power. JANE M, HAICEIt, M. D. " AHcec-k's" Is tlmeiiffemifiic Teiutis This ter; buy noethei and veu will net bvi rheali d. Cannes Atenlnlimvut. "Cemplelely piestnitcd for dajs vllli Indi gestion and fillleus tever. The effecls of two bottles of JlurdecK Jltoed Jlttler astonished me : visible improvement right etr," Mr. Neah Hitcs, Elmlra, N. V. Forsale by II, II. Ceehmn, druggist, U7 anil ! jverin iuccu sucei, i.nu caster. OIL KKA7.IKU'BMAUI0Ol.VrMKNT. The givatest blessing that has been dlsceveied lu this generation. A sine cum fur Hulls, Huren, heies. uta, Hct-h Wounds, bout Nipples, Hnid andbefl tleius, Chapiied Lips and Hands, Tim lili'Hiind mulches. ViluiWK).beld by Diugglsts. Held by H.H. Ceehmn, 137 aud 1JU Neilh yueen tieet. (1 Ciiim. Tlcasunt, healthy gi Ins aie feen only en the hues et healthy persons. The dyspeptic and debilitated can smlle only iu a half-hearted way. Tuiify the bleed, tene the stomach, and Ltt.tiiirtln.it tlwi t latum with Hurtinck JllOOlt I fit' tert.ii veu vilsh te laugh well and elten. ter i.ale by ll. II. Cochran, dt ugglst, 137 nnd 1J9 Net th Queen ttivet, Lancaster. hi'j:vtaui.ks. CUI'l.KJOn SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Microscopes, Kleld Glasses, Uareiuetuis, Tole Tele Tole ecepesrMaglo Lanteins, Theimoiiieters. Ilmw lug Instruments, Thllcwepbical and Chcmieal Aiinarutus. List and Descriptions of our Tun Catalogues bent t'ltEE en application. queen"& CO., NO. Ml CHESTNUT ST. THILADELTlllA uiai'JlydAw s AINT-KAl'HAI.L WINK. INFORMATION. The SaliiHtapUael Wluoluuudelleleus lluveur and ta drunk In thu ptliittpal cities of ltusslu, tieiuianv. Nuith and Ueutu Amerlta, Ureal ltHiiiln. inill.i. iindse tin. 'IhuciiiHiititvexnerled --".I -". ::... r " t . - .. : -:r. ...i t a; is Slimcieuii proei ui iissiauiiiiy uuu tienern. whlle ler tlm real ebnuulsseur tluyluK them Is no wine that can be considered Its jWThoSalnt'ltapharlWIue Company, Valence, Department of the Drome (France. ) H. E. SLAYMAKER, BMW Ne. 3D K AST K1NQ STUEKT. MttBlAf - - )H.-II I!.. MHi-.iH -tAi'-fuvJ-l J e'M'i--iii--i,t" fi'li--'i'" ...yi A YE1VB CHEltnY PECTORAL. AN OLD SOLDIER'S EXPERIENCE. , CAlvxkr, Texas, May 3, 188J. " I wish te express my npptcclallen of the val uable qualities of Iyer's Cherry Pectoral A8 A COUGH itKMI.Ir. 'While with Churchill artny.Just before the buttle of Vtcksburg, I contracted a severe cold, which temiluated In a dangerous cough. I found no rcllel till en our ltinich we came te a country store, Vfherc en asking for seme rem edy, 1 was urged te try Atkr's CiiBRnr I'eoto I'eeto I'eote kai.. " I did se, and was nvpldly cured. Since then I have kept the Pkctebai. constantly by me, for family iisn.and 1 have found tt te be un lnvalu able remedy ler Threat and Lung Diseases. J. W. WHITLKY." Thousands or testimonials testify te the prompt une of all Ttreuehial and L,un(j AfTcc AfTcc tlensbythc use of Aykii's Chkhbt Pkctebal. Ilelng very palatable, the youngest children take llieadlty. rnr.i'AUBO by Dr. J. C. Ayer & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Beld by all Druggists. ni27 al -rriDNEY-WOKT. II0K8 WONDKltrUL CUKES Of KIDNEY DISEASES -AND- LIVER G0MPLA1NTS. llecausnlt aelsen Hit) Ll Villi. HOWKLSand KIDNKYBattheUAMBTlMK. Hcyiuse It cleanses thesystemef IhopeUonons humern tlial develops In Kidney niidUiinary Diseases, lllllleusness, Jaundlec, Coustlintlen, Piles, or In Itheumatlsui, Nuralgls, Nervous Dis orders nnd all Female Complaints. 4vhei.I1 moor erTius.-Ti It will Huiely Cure CONSTIPATION, TILES and HIIEUMAT1SM by causing FltKK ACTION of nil the organs and functions thereby. OLEANBINGr THE BLOOD. Itesterhig the net mal power te threw off dis ease. THOUSANDS OF CARES Of Iho weisl feims of these tetrlble dlfases have been ipiltkly lclleved, and In a short time TEKKECTLYCUHED.", Price, II. Mould or Dry. Sold by diugglsts. Dry can be sent by mull. WELLS, ItlCHARDRON A CO., Ilurllngten, VL Bund ataiup ler Dairy Almanac of 1W. KIDNEY-WORT. " UHvm30" nllOUSANDS OK OASES OK SICK Headache are jwrinaneiul j" "urea every yeu: (ae the hnndred-ef tetlraen will testify) by Un use of iu rny roMalen im. llie-s Rclal Tresellptlen. This llemedy fUnds to te day without a rival, and with ncarcfly noeuv pctllorluthe world. Thousands, of Tbynlclsu IhrougbeMt the country have jcktieirledgwl their inability tocurelLand are new prescrib ing Dr. Leslie's HpecUl Trcscrljitlen for all cases 'of 8lcli.. ' elL-jfi6, i HEADACHE lu clthri IU nervous, bilious orcengentlve lurui, aiitlng fiem obstruct Ien, tongestlen or torpidity el the liver. When I say tliat Dr. Leslie's SPECIAL Tiesctlptlen will cure the uiOHtebslInalecaes of Mck Ht-acLiche, 1 mean Inst what 1 bay, and that Is, that It net merely ltllevcs but POSITIVELY cures, no matter hew long the case may have been standing. . , . 1 have testimonials from persons who have been afflicted for twenty years, being confined te bed two or three days at a time every two weeks, that have been iwrmaneiitly cured by two bottles of Dr. Leslie's Secial PHESCHIPTION se that they have net had an attack for ever five If you are troubled with Sick llondaclie and wish Kibe CURED be sure and gtv e this remedy a trial. Tuns, 11.0). H. II. AltCHEIl, Saratoga Springs, N. T. roll BALE UY DUUGGlfaTS. dM-lvd Ter tale only at J. It. KAUFFMAN'8 Dnig Btera, Ne. .VI North Queen meet, Lancaster. Fer colds, usu ltautrnian's Cough Syrup, the largest and best for Scents. H1 ADIIUAKTKU.S KOUTIIK INDIAN MEDICINES, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT Lecher's Drug Stere, NO. U KAST KINO bl'.. Lancaster. I'a. MANHOOD ItHSTOHUI). RKMKiir rniut. A vlttluief J'outhfiilliupiudencecau-lng I'ln nutuie Decay, Nervous Debility, LostManheod, fte., having tiled In valu every known lemedy. han dlneeveied a Blmple nulf-ciirc, which he will send rUKi- 10 nis leiiewsuneiun. auuip.., J. Mi, i.r-n v ac, 43 Chatham SU, New Yerk City w a. IIL.t-.l'VU 10-l)eedaiyw iftTS AXU VAl'S. HATS 1 HATS I LOOK AT STAUFI'EU & CO1)., 25 Cent Window TO-DAY, 31 &UJN, Queen 6t. T 10 T0UACC0 UU YEHS AND l'ACKKUS. Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Sample Tags, ALL STYLES nnd QUALITY of CAItUBOAUD STRING TAGS, Aud all kinds or lMtlNTING iibcd by Leaf Te bacce Dealers, executed Iu tun BEST STYLE and at the LOWEST PRICES. Call und see our samples. Orders by uiall promptly uivcuuvu ve. STEINMAN & H.ENSEL, 1NTELLI0KNCEU llulldlng, uUd XaucwWr. I'a. tf-. -t ' ". ? . ", . iBli it Ijji iMinTlim iMltfii Iin.iliir.ir it, 1 1 wi -Hi". urn Wtmmm . - . . . . .. . . .. . . - . ." r. ,- .i-.-rf' Yj 'JfttW mifyknjn its- iri-irir'rVV-iilriii,rt',it'-'rA-ri lrv vvV VJ swvyy fc B" 0WKK8 A BURST. BOWERS Nes. 26 and 28 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. WK errEll Special Prices in Bleached and Cream Table Linens. Having bought a Lai go Let considerably undervalue, wc shall eiler them very low. Bargains InTOWELS, just opened. TURKEY RED TABLE OLOTHS, all Blzes, very low. SHEETING and SHIRTING MUSLINS, all widths and best makes at Reduced Prices. QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, the best for the money in the mar ket. Elegant Qualities at $1.00, $1.25, $1.60, $1.76, $2.00 and up. COMFORTS and BLANKETS, offered very low, te close out the Let. BOWERS & HURST, Nes. 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. pUKAP BTOltti. GARPETS FROM AUGT10N. METZGER & HAUGHMAN, HAVK NOW Ol'KN A LAltOK AND HANDSOMK VAU1KTV Of INGRAIN, RAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, I10UGHT AT AUCTION FOH CASH AND TO UK BOLD CHEAT FOI. CASH. Carpeta at Carpeta at Carpste nt Carpeta at Carpote at AT Carpets at 16 ets. Carpeta at 30 ets. Carpets at CO cts. letzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. Hetwecn the Coeiier Heme nnd Sericl Horte Hetel. T-KXT DOOK 'IX) THK COUHT HOUSK. .IKKSKYS. JKItSBYH. ,1 EKHEi . RAHNESTOCK'S. -tJEUBEYH. 'jssfc?s;' jr.KSEYK .IKIIRKVR-' .fKKSkYr, JKKHKYH. JKKSEYH, JEK8BYW. JKII.SKYB. .IKItSKYH, JKBSETrt. JF.K8KY8. JKItSKYH. JEIISEY8. JKHHKYfl. JERSKYB. JKIlSKYh. JKHSETI. J KK8EY?. JE11SEY8. .ILKficVS. JKKSEY8. ?- f,M KAi - sH". r" ' Jersey Waists I Jersey Waists I LAKOE AND COMI'LETB LINK OF JERSEYS! ALL 6IZKS 10K LADIIX AND CIIILDItEN. LADIES' JERSEYb; 50 CEJ4TS"UP. 11U' NO JEItSKVS TILL rai'fiKE 0UU8. We'- . R. E. F AH Next Doer te the Court Heuse. "r. .?. tlAtFlTTlMI, JtV. tjilinn .t jihi:nj;man. FLINN & The Soaseu is uew at hand Ter furnlahing' and reflttiiiK Ilomee. Nothing adds mero le the fttrnlHhing of a heuse than handsome GAB FIXTURES. A short time age Elegant Ohandoliers were a luxury that only the wealthy could enjoy, new the prieea are be low that FINE GOODS are within the reach of all. In the way of Common Goods we have quite a stock of elegant Patterns, but net the prevailing style, for whleh we will net rofuse any reasonable effer. PLUMBING and GAS-FITTING promptly attended te. HEATING by Het Air or Steam. Estimates given en all kinds of work. FLINN & BRENEMAN'S GKCAT STOVC STOKE. Ne. 152 North Queen St.. CLOCKS, MIHIiOltS H. Z. KIIOAD.S. HOUSEHOLD GOODS. The season is new at hand for refurnishing and restocking the Household with articles of use and necessity as well as ornament. When buying solid, sterling Silver there is satisfaction in the thought of its being able te be used for generations ; net only used new, but by your people that fellow after you. Our stock of plated Goods is very complete and we keep only the very best makes, in all the dmerent grades. Knives, Ferks, Spoons, &c, are cheaper new than they have ever been. New is ju8t the time te buy, before the Spring trade makes prices go up again. But you cannot tell en paper what can se much better ee under stood by calling and seeing for yourself, and consequently being con vinced. H. Z. RHOADS, LANCASTEH, i'a. Ne. 4 West King Street. (5T Stere closes at 0:30 o'clock, p. u usxFUjtxis HAIiU S: UIIIK'S OAUPET CARPETS! UKOI'ENING OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, We nre new prepared tn show the trade the hlbltcd In tbU city. WILTONS, VKLVLT8. Ity. WILTONS, VJSLVLTS, 11UU8SKL&. THUEE.I'LY. AILWoel and Cotten flllAIN OAlll'KTb. DAMASK and VKNKT1AN own manufacture ii speciality, hjieclul Attention paid tothuMnnufactiueef CUbTOM CAKl'KTa AlaOll Ull Llue 01 OIL CLOTHS, 1(UU, WINDOW HllAUfcS, CO VtllLKTS, Ac, SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and TOIJN BAKU'S SONS. AGRICULTURAL ILMAW-C FOB 1885. Will be Bent Postpaid en Itorulttance of Eight Oenta for Bingle CopleB, and Sixty Cents for Twelve Copies. Address, JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 16 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA JUST OPHNED A liAUOH LINE OP Fine Toilet Soaps at Se., Ine. and 15c. Palm, Heney. Tuiklthlteth, Oatmeal, Klder flower, and TJTiniipareutUljeerliie, nt,. UUULUY'S DUUGfsTOKE. West K.ug btretjt. IiP L iBIBBVHU yt fcnSuLs-v & HURST, THIS WEEK 12 cts. 30 cte. P3 cp. 00 cts. 85 cts. Carpets at 25 cts. Carpeta at 40 cts. Carpeta at 75 ets. .IEIISEYS. JKICeEYH. JKItHF.YS. .IhltSKYS. JKUSEYH JKItHKYS. JKKAKYS. JKK5EYH. JEIWF.YR. JEHHEYS. L VI it sftfT-- JKK9EYJf JKItSEYH. . vlKIIAKYR. S .IKUSEYS. JEIUJKYS. .IKUBK.YS. .IEKSEYS. JEUSEYS. .1F.KSKY8. JhKSKYS. JKUSK18. JEKSKTW. JF.USEY8. JEH8EYS, JERSEYS ! ,im NE STOCK, Lancaster, Pa. BRENEMAN Lancaster, Pa. A XI t 1IHUXZ1:S. m., except Saturdays. tuxa a v evs. CARPETS! Largest and Vest Selected Line of Carpets ever er, all thu Trading Makes of 1IOUY ANU TAl'EbTllY all thu Tradln Chain KXTlt AbUl'KUS, mid all iiiinlltien of IN- UAItl'KTH. ItAli and CHAIN CAItl'KTSef our Water Sta., Lancaster, Pa. teL23-2uidAw JWOKS. IVVVMMVV J REM0YAI-, DIt.A.J.lliatU , 'Ha removed his oitlee from seutlivTrtt wirncr rriuce and chestnut streets, te. bin new resi dence, southwest ceruer OiiUige aud Mulberry stiwits. tifbarliud 'l'-ntArKtjsB K0Mt 5 - jnt wrtiiswTl.r.te ; v,H IMS JR., .".- tADlf&l 'll' cars ie-re Lancaster ler MHk h.iw hd iv.aa k. th., ana m nm. Cars learn Mlllersville for T- B.VS ass. met a. m. ana iw, 3.en, TJKNNSYLVANIA HAILROA JL ULK. Trains leave Lancaster and leaVa rhUadelpbta 14 follewa i i j t,i". lnv !L WK8TWAKD. ThlladelpliJf Way Passenger I t.n '."': MaQ train via Mt. Jey 7.0H J Ne. .Mall Train via. Celuta's Jliagnni AApivaD 1,1'IK.m. -jil Hanover Acceui.,....,.vla. Celutn'a.tl. Kant Line I. II:liin.an. .J", Frederick Acceui .via. Ceium'n. Itnncastcr Acceui via. Mt. Jey, Harrisburg Acceui '.:11p.m. Columbia Arcein 4 te ItarTlsburg Kxprcs,.. mq Western Expnisff i'.la " VacideEipivsat.. ll.-'jn Lenvn KABTWAIll). ltncttster. Aiau Kxprcsst ThITn. Express I Fast Ltnet Ilarrlnburg Express.. IincaJiler Accem. nr. CelumliiA Accem Honsbero Express...,, Johnstown Exnrca.il Bunday Mall 2.1. nay nxprcsst .i.is llnrriitliiiri Aet-jiin t IK The Marietta Accouiinedatlon leave tiiaaiti.fun. iii.niiiircatiiMtlarleltAats. lu.t.11. r..tllinl.ln n, tl.. .. . 1 M., HltTt-OVtlMllllllll. It. II 1, t. 111, IMUI .! f-, Ul.. leaching Mai Icltn at win and: 35. Leaves I I letla nliM p. tn. nnd arrives at Columbia ale,lcavcsat8..iaiidniiivcsal8:5. 'J The Yolk Accommodation Icavea Marie tin 7.10 mid arrives nt Umcatcr at tt.ue, cenuecllijg with Hal rlsbu.-g Express al8.10. The FicdcricK Acconuneihitluu, west, connect ing in iiimcwiur wiui -inn i, me, west, ad lue p. m , will run through te Ficdc rick. 'Iho Fiederlck Actointnedatloti, Columbia at 12.23 mid icathes Lanci cast, leaves alienator at 1U0 ' p. m. -i Hanover Accommodation, vtcst, connecting nt Lancaster with Magani Expiusaat.50a. te. will run Hi leugh te Hanover, dally, except Bunds y. Fast Line, west, en Hunday, whim nagged will step at Downlngtewn, Coalesvllle, Tarkesburg, Mt -ley, Ellzabethtenn and Mlddlclnwn. I Thuenly tinltiHWhicliiiin dally. On Sunday Urn Mall train west t tins by way of Columbia, i Leav u dally except Monday. COUNWAMi AND IjKIJANON A'N1 COLEIIKOOR VALLEY UA1LUOADS. RUUT1IWAI1D. Tnilns I earn Ibanen dally (except Sunday) at (. a. in., 12.30 and 7:3(1 p. iu. Aulvent Cornwall at (i.lea.m., 12.10 n.tn. and ".lu p. m. ; at Conowage at 7 JO a. in., la nnd 8.3) p. m., connecting with the Teuusyl van la Itallread ler points cast aud west. ueBTnwAnD. Trains lcavu Coiiewage al ?:3l a. ui.,8J)ana.3' B.-53 p. III. Airlvnal Cornwall ntFel a. m.,t:18nud9:Wp.' m,; at Lebanon nt S-i) a in., 4:.Jaiidw.Isp. m,. tenuectlng at Lebanon nlth Philadelphia and Kcadlng lt.illread for ik.ImI.i east and west, and Iho Lebanon aii'd Tixmeiit l;uuith for Jenes town, Tinrgi-eve nnd licuieut. . JfW TheCJiia. iu. train wlllstep only at Cornwall, Colcbreoknnd llcllalie ,,- '., SSL-IT TUHAVCU VJ ClflAUM? - vy-,-";.',r'c TT I HTKUMAK .t UO, iigyi :Ieliday im MKEItSCilAUMfMOKKKS. JdATlV luuaieii i ' rtJlt',v 'iik'iMJti TirEs.ciQAiiA.ai citt.OK'wr mm? , . PEIIS. CIC.AK CAKKu. HMOlE ll'IWW 7:00,.-: IX.' NnR''m-ti se Mtisvai s.uw, ' ;j mmw&; m tijBiBD. i m sdiiislitskt i' m MBBMVB - A JS -sssler. '.' m iSBBBte n A H it k J riitiisssii 1 1 V' i -'17 " S .i 5'si -j:: , - s H.M " vlaVK JTey. l u 1 9 no " IJWl1--11). "x& I.Vp.ui. ife-ui. 7,1 n mi1 BMtl tld .M Cafttie im ML Alie. "-T . 'rm i.-a rtfji 1 ll?i " 'tiffl . -j &' l K - ITT-&.., CUIAUK1TK OM Kb, ASU.1 MATCH CASES. CAN KS:jUV.Ai vn.rti.tv nod ttt'vOTirlfiWVtii'4itt ' ' !' rCnll and I'l.mlne our'geods. IIUUU1U IUBUOW lLt.111. - mi U. L STE1M CO. Ne. 110 Nouli Queen stired. IYA1. VAVr.lt AOK CUKTAi: Te Clese Out;, LACE CURTllNS 2 I'nli v hue, at., l " t J.S;,wt.re1.7aiatr. .1il yjg,!. " H Cii.un.iit. White, at " Cie.iin, at . '! CieauiSnls! plliut.... i Tlucce, 3) aud i . tlegiuit ler 00c. upti aid long., yiiea riWapleyuJW. miMW&vi ifghC ilsis.rret! . iSTMl 'IS W Ne Vik . riS J"''Vl St' 1; &9(.) ' , -.Wt'-Stlll " ten j 1'Sbs.'j ' 3.oe-m."JSs,c)u t.w ic'SlEis.t) " 3oei a)',5s3."e " 2.5v I JaJpsJO " -. JMia.w in en t4-Ki.vre ' Wall Taper iu Grcal arid) of Ever1)csrtlilie8; $ FANCY and 1'I.AIN WlNDOWfillADiNa Iv, f . . ,!i; Ul(!-tIl ei rtiuauws. PHASES WT, f iv Ne. 67 NOItT QUBEKatiTnEBT. inrmtm. U.il niAIV, A. A. 'UI. M.VfK i H KU1 & IvlAH'J -v , 4HW i r . uu ee nswrdrTO m m ...-. . um. .4s-sw wl m ..ss.' . nil CHINA HltiMl -m. m3 HilllSKKKI"l'i:itRl lOKTOYOUltlNr ftKiT.J.'?; M- . m .A 1NB 0F- White Granite am Decorated lSLW1t D jier. Tea aiOeilfl. SekX $ ' jm i"?2tw AT LOV cST PrtlCES, Our "urea aie car Ne Goods nilarcpi Woexchangenuy ully selected t -cntcd. ZW& i-tlUes net Mtistac w& High A 11 -&. w 'mjm IW&. NO. 10 HAIJT prNalEffBB-3T, LAN W8TUI.. PAJ ' r- vrar WV A WWV1 Vsij njmjgjfi u NDERTAKIl i, -fc A L. Keim UNDERTAKER Cor. SeQth ( (tea m L CIA9TKE, V ilUCU. I'euennl attrutlc irtvcritanM. thiiiKlu tueUndci iklliltlUHS Having becuiedt .fa ' chiiulc, 1 am iner ifdteui ulciluK nt very u detw tuiuiiuiu upuuisi ivai L. JaulU-ltd F rifiATC WOHKH. A All iirmennulilillifflfAS MATKL9.0Titny ether MMi1 l,, nlllnt nt .iiif nrkl t HAlu ledeatalbBue,,, ? J ..J-v-V7? ., . "'.'.T. 7.TBr-".;t . :"tt . ueiuur rreuuiiiu uwiw, vvi 'i 'iM'Vi r 1 p'iffl rwiyf ... . tMWrVcJBl Afl-rf !;;- J Wwt'hvd . 'vrt"LBI j.agrBt-c.'tsiiKftisi iw.cU(ii t'pJwSSisRl tviHMpy, AliutaMrc&IH "!?5TWlKIU'i .yt,sTI " r- :--. i s ViT MIV , WW. imt lJE.i'.' "vuBL't n f a r i ' - ftm ; ' mn nmJ.:;r3; .-os ''. ft tut M r.s V'. m Ma.., 4fifl m m ; '$m ,mm. mi i . .,--1 'f-j mm rrW-f rDTkiJ-T,r - A ?jl?:. jr.c7K.fli wKiHl I itl ; m . ra rf m -y&y .sr.f 'Cl-i-ii Hfrt T.'i1KV ,ii '. i: i 'mt'S W' i i ' l JJItftv'' c-ri . v i stb i ij tt!.- mtri ii,.KfBl i rc ,JL " ST-w - v x .: .j ' muz ' s-"'""r,? , S ' i , . t -'fti-rf..J 3 '.. ! ius t. vAi-O -J.i ti v j - t - s ., i .. PVL - g?.v-? a. wawi .. --. j