Lancaster daily intelligencer. (Lancaster, Pa.) 1864-1928, March 26, 1885, Image 1

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Tlie luriy Careers mill ilMlngliliiUeri Man-
liiiu.l el ICUtrant .1. l'lielps Geerge. II.
l'cmlkteii nntl lteliert M. Mcl-niie.
Their Personal Appearance,
Talwaul J. Phelps was betn at Middle
bury, Vornient, sixty-ene j ears age. He Is a
son of llie late Samuel S. Phelps ; u J uilge et
thosupicnietouitoi Vornient, and :Unitcil
hlMc-i hcnater. Mr. I'livlps bccame a stu.
dent n Miuillebmy c'olltge, -Uiore be vas
grailiiatwl. Jlellicti ic.ul law anil win atl
uiltlcd te the bar. Ills earliest practlie wiw
In New Yetk city, from whence be rctnucil
in 1SG0 ti Hurlliigten, Vornient, and began
business In Hut city. He Boen built up a
largrf pniUlcc, .Wd u.wietegnlzed as oneor
the leading lnucrs in IiIsrIjiIe. He Is new
ceunsel for the l'.iiiain.i railroad company.
J or two sueiesshe toiuislie was piesidcnt
el theAnieileau 11 ir assoeiatien. In 1881 he
was clotted Kent prolc-ser or law In Yale
college. Ile is CMftillngly impnlar in the
In June, 18S0, Mr. l'helm was neiiiliiated
for go crnei of Vornient by the largest stale
Dtmocratie (oinciillen ever held in that
comnienw ealtli. H cry ote cast w as for the
man who would certainly bilng out the
largest pessible Ufiuecr.itiu ele. Asa mat
ter of leurhc, he was delcatcd lu the ensuing
tampaimi. I'lij Hicnlly Mr. I'bclps is a man
or line picxem.0, llve leet, eight Incites in
height, ami wcighingahouleuo bundled and
seicnly puimdH. Iniompleiou he is crv
dark; his ejes and hair me black anil
his complexion ii clear, dark elie. Mrs.
Pheltis sliares Ids fondness ler society,
but tbcli enjoyment et its recreations has
beenihechcd recently by the death et an
only heii. They haxe one datightcr,uew their
sole issue, who Is imurleU and lles in New
Yeik. Jli's, I'lielits iB a xeiv hamlsome
woman, ulltllu hee nicdlum bciglit. Her
Ibrlunoerthiity theusiind dellara was paid
te lici byoueotlici husband's cllenUt, wlie,
knowing Mr. 1'liclps' habit or Hicmling
meney peiliaps tee generously ler the in
, tciustaef the tainily, procured lcae from
the gcntlcinaii most concerned lnthotraiiHac lnthetraiiHac lnthotraiiHac
tien, te pay tlie large fee indicated te the
mere prudent member In the lenntiblal
Gcerge Hunt Vendloteu born in the
congressional distikt in Ohie, represented
by his father, in tlie jour 1KB. He receixtd
a HUiieriur education, which included attend attend
anceiit one of the Germ in liuherHitics. He
was maritcd in 18 10 te Allie Koy,daugbtcrel
J'rancis Key, tlie author el " Tlie htar Span
gled Han it or." The lady of his tholcewas
also a niete ol'ltedger H. Taney, chier justice
of the supreme com t of tlie United .States.
He was n member of tlie Hottse et Itopro Itepro Itopre
sentatixes let; eight .c.iih, ending with the
Tliiity-eightli Cenguss. Ills term in tlie
Ken.ite ended Match, lhw. It was the lull
teiutel siv jcars. When thewar for the
Union began, Mi. Pendleton was a memher
of the Heuse el Represenluties. InlSOllie iiemlnalrd let tlie ke presidency en the
ticket with (ienend McClellan. He a
delegate te tlie Philadelphia national cou ceu cou
cntien in lbUS. Three jeais later he .wau
unsusi.csiifuUmilidite ler the governorship
or Ohie. Ju IWi'.t, the Mlite jiur, he was
elected picsiilent el the Kentucky milre.ul
Lemp.iuy. He Is the lather el" the clil sor ser sor
lce relutin bill.
1 n pi rseu Mi. rendition is bomew liat tailor
iltau lhoaerage iiiau. His tigme Is stout;
Ids head laige and his neck slieit. Heis
ttlwajs well-dressed, and Is the pink of coi cei
rect depot tiiicut and KPntlenianly courtesy.
This h.iHiil.ia characterised him, and wen
ferliitii, twenty j ears age, tlie tltle "Gcntlo "Gcntle
in.ui Geerge," by which he Is Btill known.
He is distinguished among our publie men
ler gcnoreHs and elegant hospitality, both at
home lit Cincinnati and w lille In Washington,
Hubert Mllllgan McUiiiq w.u born at Wil
mington, Dolaware, en June !, ISIS, the
eldest son of Leuis MoLane, a tlistiiigulslieil
publie man who inlilstitne sen'ed in both
branches of Congress, as minister te Hup
land, Ecerttary of the treasury and secretary
of state. Tlie new ly-appointed minister was
ifdueateellu tlie Cutliolle religion, at Washing
ton college, in the district of Columbia, and
.hU Mary'a college, JJaltluiore. After tlie
completion of his coin he at cellege he weni
with his father te EureH), where be studfed
for two years at the Oollege Itourben, Tarls.
When he relumed home he was appointed a
cadet ut West Point, by General Jacksen. He
was grail nated Tretn that luslltullen In 18.17.
Huhseriucntly liOBervcd with the topographi
cal Hiineyln 1'ieridn, and, also as an army
onicerln llioRbeiokca country and in the
Norlhwest. In 1811 he was sent te Helland
te examine the j stem of dvkcsahd draitiage
practiced in that country. While In Kurene
atthattlmohe was married, in the city of
Purls, te MKsGoerglno Urquhnrt, a euiig
lady of Louisiana. In 1811 he loll the army
and began the prattlce of law. He was ad.
mittcd te the bar in Haiti mere.
Ilisoxperlonioai n legislator began with
his election te the Maryland legislature, or
w hlcli he was n member in 1815 undl8ia Iho
next year he was sent te Congress as a Dem
ocrat. He continued a member of the IIouse
of Hepresentatlesuntll 1851. In 1852 he was
a presidential clecler. President Picne sent
Hint te China hi 185.1, but he was recalled
seen, at hlseun request, and le.siimed the
prnciice ei law in isaiuniore. ins pecenil UII UII UII
Iomatleapmlntmciilwaslti 1W0, when Pres
ident lliiefiaiian sent him te Mexico. Whlle
thore he recognized Juarez as "prosklent
and negotiated a licaty with tlie neigh
boring republic, Ter the protection of the
lUcs mid prejKirly el clti70iis or the United
States. He icfslgned In l&iU, and air.ilu ro re
suincd piolessioiiiil weik, which he con
tinned, broken only by several trips te
Kuiope, until 1877, when be was elected a
state senator. In IRTRlin uils rli'rtnd in din
HouseiirKciiiostnUUxetfatVashjugtpn tn
. tiii-ii mi, na i u-uie-eie'ci l u 3 cam Hiujr. 110
declined a nomination ler tlie Forty-eighth
Cengrdss, and in 18S.1 was elected governor
or Mar laud, "is term Ijegan January 1,
1881, lca ing the greater pait or four years te
be tilled by another man. Mr. McLaue was
a delegate te the Uomee ratio national con
vention or 1870, and wasa i-oitimlsslener rer
Maryland at the last P. iris Hosilleu.
He is 11 member or the Catholic! church.
His considerable attainments Include e
thorough acquaintance viilli the French
language, which he sjieaks wjth llueney. He
Is an able speaker, adroit and ensy In his
uttcranee. In person he isu singularly well well
prcserved old man; his dark hair is but lit lit
tle tinged with giay and he possesses lg.
oreus health. He Is tall, but stoej s slightly,
ills eves aiu dark; his leatures behl and
Tlioalievo icpiesciitH tluee llrBt-cUssuils-sleim
or the government, thesalaiy attached
te each being fl7,500 a jimi.
I OHCllVTilldile te riirlis.
'ihe IiOiiden lM Mull Gazelle publishes
an Intel view with Mr. Lewell, Fulled fatates
minister, In relet ence te the 'appointment of
Mr. Phelps, el Vermont, us his hucccssei.
Mi. Lewell said that I'lesidcnl Cleveland
was the hit man who would make an incen
siderate appointment, esjH'claliy tn such a
high otllee as of uiltilstcr'te the court
of St. James. Continuing, Mr. Lewell said :
"Mr. Phelps is a gentlemen el high character
and marked Independence, lie is most
agreeble in his maimers and has line social
qualities. 'Iho ehauge was unavoidable,
euiiig te the usee mlatii'ye'f a new pirty te
Kmcr. Ileth countries are te Ih con
gratulated ken Mr. Clevcluid's wtadem, as
shown in his scleet'eu erMr. Plieli as my
slice cvier."
A OUAStreim llufialu 1 lrr.
Music ball and and . St. Leuis Heiiiau Cath
elic church, hi Ilittlate, were destroyed by
tire Wednesday night. The tne started in
Music hall, sheitly hernia eight 'o'clock, a
dress My above the stage being ignited by a
ilclei tivegas buriici. The McCaulI opera
company w cie dressing pioparatery te the
production or " Talka," and had barely time
te escape, seme only p.ut Lilly dreascil. All
their wardrobes ter three epeias and most or
their trunks were lest. Few persons had
jet arrived lu the theatre, and all escaped
without intury, ht. Leuis church caught
nretrum the rear et the burning hall. A
citizen n. lined Green, who had gene
en the roer or the church te assist
the llrcincii, lest tlie presence et mind
and was overtaken by the Hames. He hung
fieni a corner of the building ler ten minutes,
all attempts te icacli him with a ladder being
prevented by e net-work or telegraph wires
surrounding the building. Finally he let go
bis held anel railing te the ground was killed.
The lire was cenlincd te Music hall and the
church. The north hall el the Music hall
remains ; et the church all above die first
fleer iidestieved. The Music hall was fin
ished in ISS-iata cost et about 175,0011. It
was innmcd for Sfio.ueu. 'Iho church was
the eldebt Human Catholic chinch in lSutlale.
It was begun in I Mil and completed about
twenty J cars age. It iestt75,000 and was
insured rer Jj2e,()m). About El.l.lKH) ww ex
pended ler extra decorations Ujn It during
the past j ear.
f 0011 M tr mi, i.essi-s.
Hu 1 ale, '. ., March 1M. Tlie body el
Fireman Goeign J. Ketli, was round this
morning in the rums of bt. Leuis' ilnirch.
'lite losses by the ttieate, en Musiuliall.fJUO,
000 ; Orpheus society, $50,000 ; McCaulI Opera
eempuiy, (lu,00i); Yeung Men's library, flo, fle,
H00; St. Leltischuich building, f 100,000, and
tlioieutcntH flP.ueii, and 810,000 or ?l'J,00()
miner lc-ses.
lWlLlUMi VEItllll.s.
Htgufi Tliut ImllcHle Clenrly lite Tnr Aruarh
ut Sprlnc.
Ah an indication of the extreme soxccltyel
the winter It may bq plated that only three
ferrules ler pi 1 ale livdtauts were lwtueil
from the in. lyoi'sellicsi Ireni Docember, 1SSI,
te March "11, 18S5, and only otte building
permit Ireill Nevembei te Match. Although
tlie frost In the ground Is lu seme places even
new' two leet deep, the matter or building is
beginning te 1 thought or and dining
March thu following permits liave been
granted :
Jehn L. Kadel. Strawberry and Peplai,
i!-steiy brick and back building. t
Alex. Hauls, lluke and fi t,i aw be iry,. tour
lUsteiy bricks. Yeung, Det wart .uid Liurel streets,
'1 steiy dwelling. '
Clias. W. Hoeltzel, North Qiioen and Duke,
Fliz.1 Abraham, Lmcaslcravouue, between
Lemen and James, ihe brick houses.
Ailellue Sprengor,Lei list and Lime, J-slery
Fred. Ledder, Fast Poplar between Filbeit
and hlrawberiy, -story buck,
Cenrad Zimmerman, Laurel and LaUyette,
il-steiy brick.
A lllsliTrllmte te tne AiluiiuUtialliiiu
i nun the l'lillaJelpIila Koceirt.
It is a high tribule te the admiuistiatieu of
Piesldent Clev eland that its Republican opiio epiio opiie
noiits In the nowsjKiper pi ess have been
able te And no object of attack but Hig
gins. Uieu HigghiH they seem roselvcd
te iimke a great political issue. Yet
Higgius is net a great man, nor is the
otltce of appointment ileik 0110 or much
impertauie. In fact, the appointment clerlc
Is liltle mero than 11 messenger for tlie
secretaiy of the tiaisuiy. He makes no ai ai
peliitinents, and has no power or iesx)iisl
bility. The chief requibltfts an) that he shall
Ik) Intelligent, attentive courteous te the num
erous persons seeking liilormatieii consider
in.," tlie condition of their applications for
olllie. It is net denied that Higgiu possessos
these qualifications. Ity all accounts Illg
gins Is net uvery eotlmableiltiaiii, but he
dcxrs net rise te the dignity el a giemtuatleiial
K)llticil Issue. Thoselecthiu el'au luUilllgeut
uiesseuger concerns the scHirelary or the
treasury 111010 highly than any 0110 else.
SecteUry Mauiilngiiuiybe trusted topreporly
decide tills question ter himself w itheui thu
w ell-meant udvice of the organs.
Tliliiliig Around Meniitvllle.
On Monday evening about nlne o'clock, .1
thler entered the barn or Jehn M. FroelIih,ef
MeuntviUc, as iswupposed, Ter the purisne
or stealing seme chop stmt. Heme et the
family heatd u nolse and went te the liaut.
The ttilef, upon lielug iuteiruptcd, let drop
.111 empty bag lu his llight.
The wiiue night thieves visited the premi
ses of Charles Sehepp, also et Meuuv ille, tuid
stele all or hla chickens. On Tnesday night
they returned und broke open the smeke
house, cvrryiii(; away a liirge quantity of
A (treat Slimvlnt;.
It Is worthy or mention that neither or the
Slugerlys father or son, with all their real
cstew and their leans en mertgage, ever foro fero fore
closcdMiapttgago, ever elUtresscd u tenant,
or ever pushed a Ueb,ler.
i.jsc.mrhit nmrr tx n nit tell ham
UX Et'KIDl 8tlK.
Tim Tiirtiplknn Tlmt C'nntre llore anil Hnlnu
Tlielr Ot)tiuctlniiAinmtliillgliiTrii.
TTIthln the CllyMinlt-Tne Cent
11 Mile TnlU ChnrRrd.
"H.H Hever occurred l) you," said a
prominent bualness man le a representative,
of the 1nti:i.i,hihnei:h tlie otlier day, "what
an obstruction te and an embargo en the
trade of Lmcaster are Imposed by tlie tell
gales iv hlcli new gu.ird neat lyevery entrance
te the city 7 Yeu cannot drlve into or out of
It any distance except te sneak out the back
read by Seheenborger'n Pink, tow aril Wn
bank unless you pay tell and the runners
and ether country pcople who Irade in the
city and keep up our business largely me
taxodery heavily en tlie reads they travel.
The ordinary rale is 2 cents a niile for ono eno one
Itorso Vohlcles, vvltllelteliS only a cents a
inlle for n lussenger le go by railroad, and lu
New Yorkstate thoiatels only 2 cents. I
doubt It any tow 11 lu the country Is se cut oil
from rree communication with the outlying
districts upon the palron.ige or which it se
largely depends." -
ThesiKjakerwusln e.irueU; and his atten
tion was dhectcdle the Tact th it the I.ntki. I.ntki.
i.ieii.NCKU hid frequently referred te the
subject that exclted him. When it was pn pn
pesed le soie the "old nnd," leading from
the cast end el the Herso Shoe tnrnplke le
nird-iu-Hand and Intercourse!, and te appro appre appro
ptiafeltror tlie purposes or u new tutiiplkp
ceiniuny, the exposme et the preject In the
columns of the 1nii:i.i.kii:m:i:u Iiustiated
Again and ag tin uyiutleu h.n bet 11 undo
el IhocemineiidablooK.implo ofetlier loilii leilii loilii
ticsamlceiiimuiilllosahiilishiugloll reads and
bridges and eiciiingTreOhigliw.iyHiiud ethor
facilities Ter tralUe'aiid travel, which murk
a highly Imiirevcd And piogreisive coinmii ceinmii
nlly. lu .lontgeinery county the exactions
of a bridge company, that owned ihe bridge
across the Schuylkill leading Ireui Ilridge Ilridge Ilridge
portte the county-scat, led the peeple te se
urgently demand the alwlilien efitN tell bar
andloeiicu It te travel vvithe-il pay, that the
iinoge was recently maue in-c, even at tlie
gieat cost te the county el flle,tn)H Hauls-
lltlfrv linu ItAi tt mvilnjiliiN lur u,wi ..,..l....i
the tell bridge bhb leals te it rrutn Cum."
eerianii county en tne oppesno siue or me
Susquehanna ; 'and all along the upiwr
branches of that river and the Juniata thore
Is persistent preteit against tlie tell hrkigea
that command the highways te county ivuU
and ether centres of travel.
It Isaserleus dravvlmcJt le Iincaater and
httumnn urtlm, tiflf
(ollaatetniifctoatilr't!U)ai tuthr limils nf
unrjilfitrtipeh nil their bars elwtruet all the
avenue thaUc.ut te the scat erjuslice.
HiDekllf 'Is allstel the turnpikes that
centre JnXaniaster or their capital stock;
the, par and market value of their sharei ;
theaverage rate or lolls charged; the prox
imity, of their gate Jothercltvtllmlt.s, and
tnrirciiict emeem.
It will be seen, as herein stated, tint
practically every lead into Jmcvster or out
et It Is barred ; that thu rates or loll are
heavy, and most et the lemuinics htve kit
tened iijmjii them, and that tills omhaige re
presents an Investment of lees than hall a
million dollars, te which every cneu who
drlv cs mte or out el the city must juy tribute.
Several el the turnpikes run ter soma dis
tance inside the city boundary, ily the pro pre
visions eftkeir charters they are ubliged te
keep In repair these iiertiens el their reads
within the city as well as these outside the
city limits.
On the CotiOHlega and Illg Springs plke the
tell-gato ia within the city limits. It has been
judicially decided that tne company h id the
right te elect the gate.
ItV the previsions el s)ctial lsw,pvssed by
the legislature prier le the adoption of the
new constitution, most et thelurnplke comiu cemiu
nlei .110 authorized te chatge tells fur (Kissing
ever any ortieu of their reails, even though
the teams de net pass through .1 tell gate.
Uy reason of this privilege the lirlckmiikers
whose j-ardsare adjaeenl te the Millersvllle
and Harrisbiirg pikes are clt uged at the rate
et two 1 ents per mile for every cart they
drive ever the ie.uK
a 1. 1, iieaiis L.1..VH 10 i.anc
'I lie Ii.mcaste'1 ami Williatiistewn turnpike
1, a section of the old Philadelphia and
Lancaster turnpike, Is II miles in length.
The capital sleck oraiJ,nei) Is all paid In. The
par value of hIi.iics is .'0. At the last sale or
stock it brought 8135 pei share. 'I he nearest
gatoisalieuthair.i utile beyond the tit II111
itsat the cast end of Witmcr's bridge. 'I he
tell for a ene horse team It about two cents
per mile. llcniyG. Leng is president ami
Win. P. lirhilen secretary el (he be.ird or
The Lancaster and New Helland ttirupiku
from Liucaster te 111 tie Hall, Is about H miles
long ; capital, 311,000 iild In. hh ires f 100
pat ; last sale 63. Fuvt gale hair mile out
side or the city ; tell two cents a mtlu for
single team; president, A. G. Sheibley ;
setrctaiy and treasuier, James Dlller.
Limeastei and Litilz. turnpike; 8 miles;
capital $J 1,000; par value el sli.uesf.L5; Lest
s.doel sleck ?7f per ; tell'J edits per
inlle ; llrst gate 11 hilt mile Ireni city; piesl
ilenlll. 0. Leng; sect etaiy and treasurer, 11.
II, Tshudy.
Millport and htrasbiirg tliiiipike;H miles;
capital fill, 175 paid ; par value el shares 25;
last S.1I0 21 ; nearest gate about thrte miles
iremclty; tell two 1 cuts a mile ; president
Oeoige Kjltcril ; Jehn F. Heed, sectclary.
uicaslcr and Willow street turnpike; 5
miles : capital fli,l-i; par value el shares J5;
last sale ?1S ; llrst gate about tltree-teurths of
n mile Ireui city; tell "cents permile ; presi
dent, Jehn Kettdig; set retaty and troasuiei",
Goe. K. Ileed.
HridgriMirtaiid Horsnshen tuinpike, heui
near Winner's bridge two miles down the
" old read ;" capital ?U,feo paid hi ; JU.50 per
share; par value fJ5; last sale $23; tell '2
cents per inlle; presideiit, A. M, I'ranlz;
beerctmy, A. K. Hew cry.
Couestoa und HigSjiriitgs tuinpike; urns
out Keeklaud stiect te Couestuga bridge,
about a inlle and a hill ; capital 0,000; par
value $Z"i; last fii) per shate; guteinsldu
the city limits ; tell 2 cents ; president,
Henry Carpenter; ticasiuer, Kebert A.
laueastci and New Diutvllle turnpike;
llve miles; capital 10,(HX); par value elsli it en
'J5; last sAle 7; gate hall-mlle fienirily;
tell tue( nts; tiee. Luviiu piesidcut ; A. M.
Fraulz sei retaiy and trcisuier.
Lancaster and Maitlicim liunplku ; 0 miles ;
capital ?ri,(KH)pald in, and ID additional teu
share assesseU ; iar alue?-; la.stn.lle Ml;
Hint gate hall-mlle beyond the city limits;
tell two cents ;i niile; Israel L. Liudls,
president ; 11. II. Gingrich, secrctary and
Liucaster and Fruitvllle lurnpike ; length
or read Tour miles; capital 20,000 ; par value
50; last sale Trfi ; gate within aimloei Iho
Hty; tell two cents n inlle; president,
Fmanuel P. Keller; secretary, mill Ircasui or,
Henjamlti Hutli.
Lancaster, LllJibethtewn and Middletown
lurnpike; length 1(1 miles; capital 77,500
lar value or shares 100; last sale TO: gale
near city limits j tell 2H ecnta a niile; presi
dent, II. G. Leng; secretary and treasurer.
Chas. I. Leng.
I-ancaster and Susquehanna (Celmnbia)
lurnpike ;length ten miles; capital 31,000 ;
par alue JOO per sliare 1 last sales 2s5 5 gate
two miles west or city; tell 2 cents a inlle ;
II. G. Leng prtsident f Win. P. Hrlnleu sce
rekiry and tieasuier.
Ijintitster and Marietta (uriiplku; thhteen
miles In length ; capital 75,000 ; par value
$25 ier share ; last kilo $J5; Heur,) Copen Cepen Copen
heflur piesidcut ; A. N. Cassell secretary uuil
treasurer; tell gate within two miles or the.
city ; tell 2 cents a mile.
Lancaster ami Kphnita tuinpike; seveu
miles .in length, runs te Oregon; capital
?li,000; par Mduoet shares. fA; lat Kile 847 ,
tlmt tell gate about a mile from city; tell 2
cents a mile; W. M. I'ranklln, piesident;
l'et4r ii Ilelst, trcasurer; Jehnsen Miller,
LaueusteruudMjuet (MillersvUle) turn.
i e-iic 11011 iien m" prcrwVB nurit 01 1110
rl bent county In ItoeehtryvvhlchKhould
certainly, MtfjwtTrt.ptibilirMl fit for
travel Utah ttjuuemn nf tlm veari-lli.c Hflr,i
pike; llve miles In lenuth ; cupllal 122,500$
Iar value orshai-es 50 ; last sale tl40 ; llrst
gale just beyend e.lty llmlU ; tell 2 centit
tier mile, for single teams ; 2 extra for double
loams ; tell charged for use of plke this slde
the gate at rate or 2 cents ; president, Jehn
Lliituer ; secretary and treasurer, J. W. Ik
Columbia and Uiieslniil Hill, ivar value,
frj last sale ?ia
Columbia and Waihliiglen borough, iar
20; last ule 21.05.
Hig Springs anil HeaTcr Valley, par till
last sale 10.
Columbia and Marietta, i'r (25 j last sale
vsi0 '
Mav low 11 and L'lfoabcthteiv 11, par ?25 ; hist
sale f 10. 2 4
Majteun t 2; Maiiclta, lnr25; hwlH.ile
00. ,
Marietta and Mount Jey, par $25; last sale
31. I
Lltllziuid Lexington, (new,)
Hphnituand Clay, (new.)
ixrAmitiATixu stkam heat.
K Ne.jr Letter Concerning the New Hj.lem
llnuiliigait It In In ve In neitliern
Tunnsjii the Hlnle.
Mes.sra. Geergo K. Heed and W. '.. Sencr
returned a Tew days age from a visit of In
spection el slcim-heatlng apparatus in the
northern put or the sLite. -Tlie rollewlug
letter from Mr. Keed 1elalllugvvliat seen
en the trip will be read with iulorest :
Klis. iNTKM.iriKNOfin As it Is gonerally
known that a inove has been made in our
city te introduce, steam le warm our hotises,
eisik our feed, wash and dry our clothes, run
our steam engines, collee mills, suvviui; Ina-
clilnes, etc; and leduce our tire risk ami
consequently the test of Insurance ; all el
tills and mero, I think, Is within tlie near
future, from what I have seen ami heard in
seme or our neighboring towns and cities.
In a many cities tlie holds, stores,
dwellings and publie buildings are hiiccoss hiiccess
fully heated by steam Ireni local boilers lu
their buildings. It la new premised le de
liver it slde by side willt water, gas and elec
tric; light. I have seen It in sues essful ope
ration mid would say that the day cannot be
far distant when eveiy city mid village will
utille this modern Invention.
Clearllcld. In litis state, Jim had It lu use
rer the last lliree years ; Fhillipsburg, Hollo Hello Holle
fonloand Williamstierl net ipiite se long a
lime, lu these places every opportunity was
given te examine the plant, and te every
question ttsked Mllsracloryaiiswcrwes given.
Itlilll(rtf;litirf-li.ici u tu.t,,,l ..I...I.I 1 rwvi
At first they had considerable trouble In.
incir neuses 011 account 01 tne constant
racket In their iJpoiaeil raftiatorsfrem thu
wnilodsatlen caused by detective Werk. That
has lioen ovcreoino by ceinN-tciil mecliatiUs
knowing their liiMiiuwH. they liave aljeut
te coijsuiiieM ; all, wltlieuU exception, Uiat
w e called uiKjii speke oftlVe system In the
highest forms, iiarliuularly t tie ladles, en at
count or its cleanliness, comiert and com en
lencc They were rejolecil trt get rlil or coal
bins and a-sh-barrcla. Sthoeljiouses vvhkli
they have always had trouble le heat, In fact
often finding It necessary U clese thnm en
account or the cold, ate b.T c.tilly lieaind,
und the same may be tuid of some of their
churches. A llre must le started 0110 and
two davs belore wrvice can be held. In
Philliiisburg, as ene gentleman said, tliey
turn the stmm oil nt the .ringing of the first
Ml and are glid teshut 11 down boferv the
cvfc'nliijfBcrvJce., Wir. n ,
Tin: weiikiMj 01 nfi: svsn.M.
These stteet mains .110 made or wrought
Iren listened together by screw joints.
FvcrylOO reel Is placed a junction box, or
varl der, which han Improvement ever tlie
junction bev, ateiind whltli a wall is built mi
that a person can get at it at all limes without
distuibing the street. Fr6m the variater at
tachments are inade te ceusumers en each
slde or the street The want of an arrange
ment of this kind was the cause or some trou
ble in New Yerk elly by the bursling or the
street mains, no prevision iiaving been made
for contraction and expansion. 'Iho calcula
tion Is that In every 100 fee their will be an
expansion or 2J inches. New te overcemo
this the variater,was utcnted. ltmlhtlMi
called a teloscejilc Joint, inade steam tight
by passing through a smiling be. Whlle
0110 end Is immovable, the ether has free
play Ter expansion orcentraellon.
'Iho street mains nre Liid with gieit euro
and muntaveld all moisture, for wlileli pur pur
jkse 11 drain pipe or tlay or terra cotta Islaid
undcriicath the main, which Is first sur
rounded with asliestes, then levered with
mauill.i uH.'r tied with strings, then lour
strllfir $-iiicli Ifeards rvtened with cepjicr
wire. Then it is put into a leg liered Iho
prejier size, the same as a pump-stock, te
at rest ladiatieu et the he it from the pipe, and
obi iate condensation as Tar 11s possible.
On a Hue or pipe one mile long there was
but2pouudsdlllerciicelu the pressure. At the
boiler house the gtuge indicated 20 eunds
and at the oxtrcme einl 18 lsiuuds, and as
surance was given by parlies living, a utile
and a hair away that thevdid net liave the trouble in heating their heu"cs. They
never carry nimti than 2 te I pounds, whlih
U regulated by a dUpbrum valve in the
icllar. With that pressure It Is Impossible Impossible
le have an oplesion,so all danger is ebv kited.
In Hollefoiiteand VIIII.viiisk)i t ovorycon evorycon overycon
sinner called iieii speke or it in the most fa
vorable terms declaring they would net
mider any ciiciiiusl.iuccH go baik te the old
way of stoves and het air furnaces. Nearly
all bulldingn seen wcre heated by direct ra
diation, seme low by Indirect I'ieiii the
quiiitlty orplpe used in seme or theso lingo
dvvclllnus. 1 could net hell) but think what 11
jelly tinie the plumber must seme day have.
G. K.
llrf.nn Drunk anil lUminlrrlj, Were Airi-ntril
mill Ceininlttril lu 1'rUun.
M. II. McCemsey, who has been keeping
the Limb hotel, 011 Seuth Queen street, for
seme months, gavondanee en Wednesday
evening, pioiiaralery te retiring from the
hotel hushioss.Tlie parly was largely attended
and among picsent wero Kate Gall
and Mlmiie Itcsli. who Imve figured occasion
ally as defendants in our police court", and
Prlvale Watchman P.uker. These threo lelt
the hotel at J o'clock this morning, and the
women wero se disorderly that OIlieerH
Slorinreltz and Itttehey ariestcd them and
locked them lipid the station house. Private
Watchman Paiker wanted Hitcliey le let his
frieiul Mlnnle Ucsli slip, but the otlleer could
net hce it In light. Parker fellow ed the
ollleers te the station lioime and bccame se
impudent whilotheio titat Chlof Haines or
dered him out.
Parker's beat as a private watchman is
principally in the Fitstweid, but it uppearu
that he mims till ev er the city. On Tuesday
night he was at the bait at ltethwcilcr's hall
the greater irt of the night, and last night
was at the Limb hotel. Mayer Kescnmlller
this morning sent word te Parker that he
wauled te see him at his olllee this afternoon,
and the probability is that his commission as
apilvate watchman will be withdrawn by
uie major.
Kate Gall and Mlnnle Rush worn nrmlirnedJCejOV ay and P. Loughlin, of Lewell, Mass.
bofero the maver this morning at 11 o'cieck7T"a3B5rcod le, clwr6 "' mlmlssleit or
.....1 tk .1- 1 -. 1 .J., ji : I uttil ll 1 en tirlruva (a unit llin tlliiinu H'l
... .. .. ..... t
and It was clearly proved that, they wero
untitle nun uiserueriy, aim 11.0 mayor coni ceni
mlttecl the llrst named ter thirty days, und
Mlnnle Hesh for ninety days. As
Mlnnle retired she said that II Parker did
net get her out el Jail, there would be tiou tieu
ble. 'this afternoon Parker's commission us
private watchman was taken from him by
Mayer Uo-scninilleraiulhe was ordered te
ttiiu ever the property, bolenglugo the city
which Is in his possession,
Illinois Srunlerstilp,
In the Joint assembly at Springfield, en
Wednesday, only the Republicans voted,
although Mr. Haines answered the roll-call.
Mr. Slttig said tliat he would, for 11 limited
time, vete alternately for Leguu unit Wash
luirne, and en the llrst ballet he veted for
AVushbume. Legan roceived ini en the llrst
b.illet and 100 en :he second. McMillan did
net vole,
l'iuirul or the lley bulclde.
'Flie runcral or AlUrt Gamble, the boy sul
eldi leek placi) en 'VoUnesdayIrom the rosl resl rosl
deiKH) efhlsCithei, hI Mountllle, anil was
ene it the largest ever seen in that village.
The religions fixerciscs were held nt the
DunUard church. Key. .Light preached a
serjnn In llie LngllsH language, and Rev.
Hrubakcr preached a Geruiau settuen.
A Itmli of lliuliicMiHtllie Clenliiclliitira uftlie
lleil- Olllfra Kleclcil Tlie Appoint-
incuts for Lnncnttrr County bin-
lleim The I'rpsliliii); Kliti-m,
In the At. 1 3. coiiferciuo en Wtdnesday the
Bccend disciplinary question, " Who are ad
mitted en trial ?" was taken up and resulted
In the presentation of the following candi
dates : Thursten P. New berry, James K.
Raymond, K M. Magcc, C. II. Jehnsen, At
rreil F. Tayler, Wm. 13. Smith, F. G. Coxsen,
Charles W. Uingley, Jr., Tliemas Ogle, Jr.,
II. 0. Kaudwin, Sain'l C. Curler, Andiew M.
Slrajhem, Geerge II, L0111I1, Jehn II. Held,
F. 1). Phrcaner, J. Wesloy Poikcnpine and
Osbern Congleteii. The last named candl candl
dute was vvllhdraw n, the remainder being
Rev. W. J.Paxsen read mcmolrsurilislieim
Slevens and Little, which wero approved.
The coinmitice en statlsllcs next piescntcd
Ibt report It Hhevvcd that .112 churches
and 118 iursenagc-, the former valued
at ,,82I,(R8 ami the latter at 120,150,
were In the (oitreretiee fenitery. There
wero during, the vear, 702 deaths
and 1,019 baiillstiis. The church in
deblediievstttpreseiitli M70,22:i. Thore are
WA Sunday iKhoels, ami libraries uiimbering
11l,07!veluincs. Thoaineiiiit cixpcndwl ler
church improvement was 20iU27; 011 old
t liurclt debts. 110,MJ7.
The committees en education ami teniiiei
01110 reerted. The legislattne was peti
tioned te eensldci Iho leiiiperaitce questleij
earefnlly. Cotistlliitietial prohllilllen was
advocated. The reports wcre approved.
MANAm:ns AM) lltUH-lUIW.
'Iho fellow lug wero elected manaccrset
the tomperatieo sex iely : Revs. Hetirv
Wheeler, J. F. Meredith, S. A. Garrison, ('.
Reads, N. H. Dun II, J. Kirkiratrlck, II. T.
Vincent, Geerge CuiiiiiiIiih, G. K. Merris, W.
C Hest, T. M, Grilllth, S. M. Vernen ; lav
men, James Hlack, Jehn Shallcress, W. H.
Shlck, Jehn Sent, Mis. O. H. Gauseand Mrs.
F. Hrub.iker.
The report el the treasurer, Rev. I)i. Mc Mc
Ciilletigh, was linxt lead and adopted. Col
lections w ere made during the year amount
ing te 0,1 IH. 17. Upen a liallet ler trustees of
llie. ttmforeiHV the following were elected :
RntJ. Wllllnm ciivlw.lelUT a -rr-.nnii r
M. Hhisen. J. Dlckorsen. William J. Pax-
. "- " ......... f W, ". ' .V""" "-., M.
ii. jiuinuii. j. uKiwrnm, William j. inx inx
Hen, Jeseph Wchh, J. II, McCiilleugh, W. J.
Pugh and Geerge Ilrendbcnt
inaricsrxxjtt ana Jehn senior wero elected
trutses of the Prraiher'n Aid fioclety. Tliq
election ermiuiagiirs orthe Philadelphia tract
society resullcilasrollevvs: Ilevs. J. Welsh,
T. C alnrphy, tl Cummins, W. Swindells,
W. Oevv ney and J. F. Mtredllh.
Afler various discussions en disciplinary
niatlctK, tlm closing 'lev otlenal exercises w ere
liCgun by ROV. lir, I'llglu Hilltop Vew Uien
anneuneed that ministerial apjxiintmeiitK
were In order. Hulell that Heme of the np np
Iieiutments would itesaihlv cause aflllctlen.
int, norfennlnK his duty tintmrtially, he
.hoped that till was ordained for tlie best in-
lercses or inn ciiurcu.
The presiding cldcrH are Ju-nh Welsh,
the Northwest Phlladepliia ilistriel; W
Swindells, for Seuth Philadelphia; J.
creucii, west I'lillaileiputa, ami tj.
Tfieuins, .Neitli I'lillailelpltii.
Tin; loe vi. vi'i'iiiMi i.s.
Following is a list of the assigiimcuU ter
this county and or seme clergymen well
known hire. 11 will be noticed that this
is net the " big j ear" ter changes in the con cen
lerenee. Graee chllieh, Geriiiantewu, R. W, Ilum
phnss, late or Columbi ; Park avenue, W.
J. Stovenseu, 1. !., late et Harrisbiirg ;
Twentieth street, J. H. Debbins, D. D. ; Nor Ner Nor
rlstew 11, First ehureh, S. II. C. Smith ; SI.
Paul's circuit, J. C. ;Gregg; Avendalo and
Chatham, S. W. Smith; Hainbridge, J. S.
McKinly ; Chester, Trinity, C F. Turner;
Columbia, 1 C. Grilllth ; ijuairvville, F. M.
Hrady; bale Harber, Samuel Paiieeast;
hileam, W. II. Smith ; Stceltun, G. A. Wolf;
Strasburg. D. Mclvee; AVivshingtett, W. I
Sinltli ; West Clu-ster, J, T. Swindells ; Iid Iid
dlctewii, Marls Graves; Millcrsv Hie, Themas
Ogle, Jr.;MouutlIepe, William Rink; Mount
Nebo, G. Read ; Mariners' lk-thel. Philadel
phla, II. A. Clevelaud; Salem, S. O. Garrison;
Hlrd-lii-iland, !. D. MeCliuteek ; Church
town mid Morganlewii, W. W. Coekmau ;
Ceatesville, A- L Wilsen ; Cornwall,'!'. M.
Jacksen; Dauphin, W. Parrlek ; Dovvniug Devvniug Dovvniug
tewn, G, P. llurleck ; Gcoigetewu ami Gap.
J. W. llradley ; Liucaster, lluke street ami
Mission, J. T. SaUhell and N. II. Asprill,
and one te be supplied ; Lancaster, St Paul's,
Geerge Gaul ; Lebanon, G. D. Carrow ;
Mount Jey, 13. Tevvnsend; New Helland,
A. M. htr.iv horn ; Parkesburgimd Pomeioy,
J. F. Gray ; Western Philadelphia, W. U.
Robinson ; W.ijiicsburg, II. C. Wuigg ; Wil Wil
liamstewn, Jnhii O'Neill; Cumbria street,
Philadelphia. W. L. fJiay ; Cumla;rlaud
street, II. Wheeler; Fiqnt street, ticrman ticrman
lewu, J. Llndeni nth ; Marietta, T. W. Mac
lary. .Vlernilail .Vllssleiiarltii lining le Alaska.
On .Sunday evcuhigat Ilethlehciii William
II. Wcinland was outlined a deacon of the
Moravian church by Illshep L'dnjimd H.
Schvvchiltz, S. T. I).; Revs. M. W. Loiljert, J.
Moitimer Liveriugaiid Augustus .Schiillve
partk ijutltig In the serv ices.
At the satne lline faiawell set vices wero
held, Mr. Weiuland and wile being 011 llie
ove of their departure as missionaries te the
Moravian mission fold in Alaska. They will
be Joined by tlie Moravian missionaries, Rev.
Jehn II. Kilbuik and wife and HausTorgor HausTergor HausTorger
son, ut San Francisce, whence, en May 1,
they will embark for Alaska. Thcywilltike
Willi them the frame-work or a dwelling
house, tools, medicines, previsions and In
struments furnished by the United Stitcs
government. Revs. Weiuland and Kilbuik
ure graduates or the Moravian theological
seinlnary. Rev. Kilbuik is a Delaware In
dian ami a great-grandson et Gel 131 Fiitcud,
great chief of the Hx Nations, who was con
verted by the Moravian inisstenaiy, Zeisbor Zeisber
Tliclreukliles Again Initie l'luhl l'nrlliu Cam
paign el the lllnineiiil.
Tite fellow ing efliccrs wero elected at the
meeting of the Ironsides base ball club last
Presldent Jeseph Arneld.
Soeretary Charles Hroeme.
Treasurer Jacob Pent.
Manager William Zochet.
It wiisagieed loissue Boasen thkels giKid
ler thrce mouths for .I, begiimiug May 1st,
and 5 for the outlre season. The manager
renertcd h.iv inir simicd the fellow Inir elav-
- .. .. .. - ... .. -.. -.
j 01111 Hvvoiizei, et iJurrlsiJitrg, luciiaru
vi rrr.- : ...! , i. . .; ,...,. .,:. ...
and 15 cents, prices te suit the times. The
season w 111 begin 011 May 2d, or us near that
tluie us possible. Zocherand Swoitzer will
form ene buttery and Conway and Leughllti
the ethor. The manager w ill begin te arrange
games at ouee. When 0110 llaltery Is elf they
will play in ether positions en the nine.
The season tickets will be ready for sale by
the end el the week.
Three of the players tigued mew ell knew 11
liore. Manager echer is an excellent short
step and thore are few hotter catchers.
Svveltzer isn geed pitcher, strong third baso base
jnan and heavy hitler. He and Zecher played
with the Llttlestevvn club until It disbanded,
when Zecher joined tlie Ironsides. Dick
Conway, was the best pitcher the Yerk club
had lust year. He was a great favoiite In that
town mid with the players et the Fastern
League, 011 account et his i ery gentlemanly
conduct, both off and en the held. Laughllu
Is said te be u geed player.
Cemran'I"rliicly CcnereKlty.
V. W, Corcoran recenlly olfered te eoutrl eeutrl eoutrl
bute 10,000 towards the liquidation or the
debt of the Pretcst-nit Episcopal Church of
the Aseonslen in Wasliiitgten, previdevl the
congregation would raise oneugli te jiay the
remalnder nf the church's indebtedness
atieiit 13,500. Hnbscrlptlens thus far received
tall abort el that amount by only 1,000, and
it Is bolievod that the church will bu freu
from debt by Faster.
All Ingenlutt Apintii the Working et Which
Is Uutrllicil.
Gcerge (.Iressman, proprietor of the Mcrrl Mcrrl
jnae slables, North Prlnce street, has creeled
In his establishment an apparatus for brush
ing herses byslcatu. The 'contrivance lsn
very Ingenious one. A2-horse imwer cnglne
Is connected byshaning and Oounter shaft
ing, te the currying inaehlne which Is sus sus
pendeden cords passing ever rapidly revolv
ing pulilcs. tension lielng given te the cords
by a wclglit fastened le llie lower pulley,
llireugk an elastic tube seme six reet long
attaehed tfi tills nnllnu in ,i,-n.i
1 1 J, , --.... I'xiiuj -. I, IIUIIIIU
Bua.11. maue 01 cepier reisj and le this is
at(aliful n (.-... 1. ... ..,. ... .
. .. ..rf "."'." """"' "MUOOI Hiissiau
bristies. Tite hastier holds the In ush by the
handle, v.nlch an iron tulsi iiltielird te the
i.rtssn, which makes from l,5oe te 2,fi00 rev o e o
lutlens per miiiule,is applied le tlioliersaatiil
moved slowly all ever his body. All dan
driill and ether dht Is quickly removed and
the herse leeks sleek and glossy. When the
brush Is first applied the herse Is mther
shy, but In a low minutes he leains te
llke the oiKiratieu which Is mudi mero
pleasant than the hand brush. When ene
slde or the herse has lieeti curiled the
motion or Iho brush Is reversed and the
brush Is applied te the ether side. Mi. Gross Gress
man ways the biush in the hands or ene man
will clean mero horses in a given time titan
cm be clcaned by hair.i deeu hesIterH in the
ordinary way.
Ily a simple urr.uigimenl the brush can be
removed rrem the end el tlie lloxlble shall
and replaced by an emery wheel Ter sharpen
ing the knives et the Iced cutters, or the
calks erdull liorseshocs.
Ry inlrishieing the steam engine, Mr.
Gressman needs no steve in his eOlce, and
Irem the Iwller he gets a sulllclent quantity
orhet water te ink his reed. 'Iho cngine
alhofuriiMiesKiwcrtocuttho hay and leed
and le pump Irem the well in the sliible
water for watering and washing the horses,
el which there iiiogeiierally Irem lirty tea
hundred head in the stibles.
lleiljr of Carl laieilekliii;, of SI. I.011U,
Itriluceil le Allien.
'llie seicnth Incineration the
Lmcaster crematorium te-diy, when the
Isnly or Carl Lucdekltig, latoerst. Lulls,
was burned. lhcrewassoiiiemistiiiilci-,tmd
lug lu regard le the time the body would
arrive, owing le a mistake hi the telegram.
The management el the ciein ilerluiii ex-iHX-ted
Ihelssly at fiie josterday altcrnoeii,
but it did net reach Lineasler beloie this
meniing. It was aiceinpanied by Charles
and Heljcrt Lucdekmg, sons or Iho deceased.
. 0.J, Wilielini, eh St isuu'iA, ,!$ also in
lewn, having arrived here en Tuesday. As
it was net known last evening what limrj the
remains would arrive-, the flre In tholiirnaee
was bankeil. It was relighted this tnernim;
early, and the cremation took place at 1 1:30 th is
forenoon. Resides the friends or deceased,
members or the press and unicorn g the
society, about two dozen jmrsens vvtfe pres
ent when the teiIy was pl.-ued In raw retort
Ne sen Icen wero held. The ashes will Ixi
removed this evening.
The deccas'sl, who wa j cam or age, was
lrn h! nelBsen, fjccmaiiy. He graduated at
the academy at Fiefdlerg, auileame le this
country in lfttfl, settling Tn St Ieuis where
he wasa proresser in a school. Ilewtvs a ftee
thliikerand a firm advocate or cremation.
He was a man of ability and culture ami the
author Of several interesting werkn. Hi
dealh bsjk plae ut his residence, r.H F.lm
street, St. l,euis, last Sunday allonieou, the
cause being apoplexy. Sei vices were held
ever the body be 1 010 it wasshlipe,l J3asl.
The tlei eased leaves a wife and two son",
of the latter Hubert Isu ph sieian, and Charles
Is professor of chemistry In the Washington
University, St. Ijeuis. Mr. Wilhclmi,'.whe
cune te sce the cremation, Is architect el the
public sehoelsof St Leuis, and a ll lend of
the Lucdcklng f.inilh.
A Wenilerlnl Cleth.
F10111 the t.i I..111011 AUicrtl-er
Five -.ears age, when only sixteen jears
old, JueebA. Light lemeived the idea of
making a clock. Ile immediately i,ct te
weik and ever since helms put in almost
evcry spare moment at il. On many ecea
siousliewas greatly tllsceuraged, and felt
like abandoning tlie project, but vvituroii vvitureii vvituroii
slderahle pliti k be kept at the work, until
finally thu great 1 lock was completed, and
the result of hislive ve.iis' weik Ins turned
out te beawenderltil ami siiieisslul sue of
machinery. The clock is cm heed m a hand
some case, 7 feet ii im lies in height, and. T leet
Kquare. A ciicIumi clock ! In trout, and
prcciselyut every heui, when Iho cuckoo
rows, the maclihieiy el the gi eat clock
is set in operation' llie twelve apos
tles appear and w ilk aiuutid, us also
de Christ and Marv and Martha. As the
apostles pass the Master, they all turn
and bow, with the CMiptieu or Pftcr,
who turns his back, when a lock, who Is
perched 011 the top, crews Judas comes 1
last, afterwhirh Satan, who has been watch
ing tlie disciples liuiu abeve, and who comes
alter from tlie doers, dlsap?ars. Jusliie,
with her scales is also exhibited, while Time
and Death, Youth and Aire.move mound and
about After the apostle luve disappeared,
a musical box plays a sktchI melody.
Almest Canclil i' tliu Train.
I'ieiii the Mount Juj si.n,
J. C. Rcill, the egg ami poultry raisci, el
Mnnheim, while Mailing ler home, from
Geerge II. Dcleng'scggmaiket, Mount Jey,
last Saturday allot neon, whlle in tlie actor
ciesslng the rail lead al the steam mill, a
through train canto dashing along at a swift
rate and almost caught him. 'llie herse was
Justin the act of slopping en the (nek, when
thodrivei heard the cngine bell ling, the
herse was pulled back and the train rushed
by, only a few feet distant, at almost light
ning speed. Thete Is a watchman at the
crossing abeve and at the ene below, but
110110 here, and travelcis should always bear
this In mind, at least as long as no watchman
Is put here. It Is strongly urged by in my
that a watchman should also be this
Kletlleii of Ollkem.
Metimeia lube, Ne. 2, I. O. R. M., dected
the following chiefs last evening fei tlie en
suing term of six menths:
Saehein Wilten J. Tointiseii.
Sen. Sag. Samuel C. Wisegaiver.
Jt. Sag Will. A. Ilaiilhii-jht.
K. of W. Jehn Ciesbaugh.
C. of It Jehn M. MeCtilley,
A. O. of R Jehn II. llrewit.
Trustce Win. 11. htiullei.
Rei. Jno. M. McCulley.
Old Mclameiu Is new 111 u v ery flout ishing
condition, vv ith u geixl exchequci aud hav
ing leccntly hiiil a number et jmlo-lace
adoptions. She also cists oue of the hcav lest
past sachem votes in the jurisdiction of Penn
sylvania. arreir lniic.
This mottling a man with a milk wagon
inade a narrow creupe fiem death at the
Peiinsjlvunladopef. He eaine 1I9WU Chris
tian street and diove across tlie track at
Waltz's hotel Just as the News express was
appreuchhig. The ougineer kivv the team
and began giving short, sharp w histles, The
milk man whipped his herse up and Just
cleared the tiack as the engine swept by
Tobacco Netef.
A. G. Rrosey bought of Israel Uohrer, Sal
isbury township, tw uncus or Havana seed at
21c through.
M. II. Levvin, of this city, received four car
leads or tobacco rrem Wisconsin this week
und had it plaeed in his warehouse.
Letter Held.
Letters addressed te Rev. C. S. Geiluit,
603 North Ninth 8trcett Reading ; O. A.
Hew en, limekiln, Mass., and Jacob R. Wlt
iticr, Columbia, ure held at the Laucaster
postellleo rer postege, and 0110 addiossed te
II, A. Tiostle, 117 I'axteu street, Is held for
better directions.
Nominated Mayer After a Leng fetrussle.
Sr. Leuih, March 2ii. TJ10 Heniocratie
city convention, after an all night session, en
the IBOth ballet, nominated David It. Francis
for mayor.
Sdiiteueeri te Ueath.
Levvistevv, Pa., March 20, A motion
for a new trial for Curtln McCUIn, cenvlclesl
..e .....H.lnH -...a m A ,.iTiul lCilnv .iit.l iliA
IW U.U1UVI, ,liH m,..m,v -..mj, m,, .,w
prison or was scuteuced te deutli.
tmrt & j
uis itianrxe tiiemarila
The Attorney Oe limit of iheSUteeftiHl Opln. vj
Ien That Wlien McLnne QiuIMIw apui- C" M
Inter te France the Ouber
Omco Will lie Vacant. '
AKXArfil.ts. Mil.. Viiv.1. ea M.Tr.ln,rJ
artlved Here Unlay. Gov. McljfMf.?will f
. .. , .- ...,.v.. uhuvnKMIUJII
qualify te morrow as minister le FrwMB.
SilICO the abeve dlmrcleli mi uf''adini. aW
cutty lias aiiscn as te the right of .MrJSLleycl , i
... . . z.- .
le succeed le the gubernatorial of,. Tlie Aj
....I.1I...1 ..II, ........ . 1L.U-.1 ' .
Governer MoLane mia1irtni n mtntater n .
France, his olllie or governor of Kinykinil ,
twill fin tfiijiil rP.t. --,...- .m .1...l.. .?S
tlie situation.
XEII.S FltOir ItAltlllaBVXOl
Tlie IglUlur Itrrelieia Communication et
Tlianki for tlm ctrnut Itejoltitlenli.
ILviutisiiune, P.t, March '2U. In theUouse
a communication was read from l'redcjrkk
Grant, conveying the thanks ofGencralGianl
for compllinenhiry resolutions adopted by the
legislature 1 ccently. Among the billa favor
ably reported wcre the lollewlng: Approprl Appreprl
allng 50,000 te the llabiiciiian hespilal, Phil
adclphla; Hartishurg state lunatic asylum,
29,000 ; allowing llioclcrksel thoSenatoaud
IIouse who have been held le be payable by
the 3 ear pre rati comiensaUen for special or
extending sessions en tlie Ij.isls or the salar
ies new allowed thein for a regular session
or ene hundred ilajs. Tlie act would give
11 laigolncrc.ise. Fekcls, or Cumberland, In.
tiediiccd a bill Ilinltlngthe tlinotesixinontlis
in which suits may be brought Ter elandcsliiie
mirriages. Among the bills passsed second
reading was the ene appropriating 700,000 le
soldiers' orphans schools. Rills have passed
finally appropriating 10,000 le the Resen
llnl.l,. f..M r.lln.. .. 1
iiutfir, .iiiinui.iiUM.Ji,. JrtllUII WUII1C11, ailCl &
te print 15,00il copies orSmuU'shandbeok Ter vp y
the use or the members or the legislature. -P-P
Colbern'a bill icqulrlng all banks te mak9Vi$
report 10 me auuiier general was paaeJSU.Jv
finally. . j-if'''
In the Senate Lee Introduced bltUtpreltiblt- -, lu.
"n . .... ., ... uw ,.vv;n tfjf iiiiuunu v..
njuiiMiucs; iireviiiiug ler 1110 incorieraiion- mi
ertiattiral gas cempanlK Tlw wU14m3fc ;
women te pracilcu law Xiaf'iilaced Op.the'S
calendar. Thocetigj-tsionnl sppWel'K;
bill vn rsscsl finally -yeas ix, iiayyfaiSI-'
iriet party vote, llllln wcre pduJiftd, rtSslry;'
iirevlilhig for the equalisatien efjeMMMftW,.
and llie favment of lienimfl. . wkwht,,- rli
authorizing (he bale or the 13aslern and u
v uHern exjiciiiDcmai i.tnns. s
- j'
Ilr l Cimilclril or llie Oittregn jm he V
It. ItRllretul. iVfet 1
W. E
Flkten, Mil., Manh 2U,lBrcei)it etu"i I
WntlneMitav nuiriilnfr Mr. J
spokeforthuilifcralritthntMBit'i truuer"' -iJ
train reblery cuse. ftrlteHi'Klraitral i -
isked for boeaiise Inn eviuwtcjrtrt failed te A&i
Impllcateliltti in tic aflair. 'ffttjis arituwl ,VS
that thore had ben. no ev idcnleSf ptev e that wYl
Iho robbery was e mutittwl InMiitjrylind, anrt 48?,l
inu uciiuuu 01 1 uimr was aaMKi jjii intxsiwb
ground. Mr. Al lander Evan eeuuselj
iui me 1.1111U.U1 ! iniiaiiy, nue isisiniinirurai
the proeccullon, 1 -ide the clealns addrcst.t'fifi
Tlie jury re
tired tout lKIQa. 11 1 . and WsH
verysiieilly retilinetl ai
retuii.eil and aikiml-l'iat tlni M&
biakcinau, Fduarn rarrlnbe!! and j
asked whether 1 had testified (hat thai
ollense was committed fit Murjlaud- Hq JKj
testillcd that he ha I but had 'le. admit tliaC ?
he did net knew e ti II- wl.ern Urn 1.1 ,ii llnf. -',i
liclwcen Pciinsj inli alulBliarjlaiHl ts. Ml
uuy 11110 tji
inU alulJMjvrjlainl ts. ,-lJ
i ,1. Thls'Imettitn.; Uby h
hi of gtullyjljwiuist WlltJSffi
I companienleni Gtff-,5&V:
ill Tralnerltestitied fhatW
1110 jury men ren
brought in a verdii
Ham Trainer. II ' companienlou Orif-I
fith, was acquit! il Tralnerjtestiticd fhat
Grilllth had no pa. in Iho-'robbery. He adjIM.
mittodhevvasguil partly, but he was Ii3lfvi6
dninkatthe time ft, J,
Tliefrcncli Attack
no CliUiMftfanit
Loe In Qai
llllle.f ..nil 1tni.i,a.l TirA1llNM.tMbC yV 1
-, ,- . ,! ,"??. " ," . Al
AUK, jiaicn
received Trem
Deng, Tncsdav
advanced Menda
-jVi UiSMKl 3 liVQn "f.j
C Ut.Ncgrlisr.ldatcl l)a vr,-.
, . mJiM,, witkir.iV9 . "X. W
ndcuptuxeel the Urt "tn-3 ihd,.
of forts defending deitcaJW$a. llaugbe. ?.
'leday icnewcil t fort wewl.wfule bv UBf5vy,l!
against Ihecueui . but tliBneSprevei dna-,r!j',A
s. niiiiir inn i.i.ui r, . fc-ii ii rinp itiiiin i i i nnr 7
. smk ii'ia rviviii'vii.ui wrtWWH uri nt- -viwi
ulillery auiniii
iiociamaiieii ;riuiBariut
Londen March . H-'lhe'ii
iiiiii iiem..'Ht;iiii;rier WHfllu.'lSr -uui . j
Ileryammimtlieti wm ejrjMiusted cuul we&( 1
irncd le Del,g beusS Ouv less )n killed " V
wounded nu, dri206.'Slf r' "& 1
ere iteUieiT..1 V5,
:. 1... ..,.' 23J&.
mcs.s.ige te P.uli iiisilUgutiLli Hii'lab;
sini II M3 HIH n,
reserves ami uri
serv ice.
Fall ure
. .. .. .. . ... 'z '- ' t.n( v
el I. jii.1 iiyfliaut , KM
I.e.NliOf, Maix 2&.1S
x ,.- CO., J
ineicli.iuts, of Cn Jiy (S
Odrn, Iiav?' -iSLil
1.1110(1. iney 11 1 ura
Peteisbing, Resi danil
KbS :
A Iliil4.iHM1fl
Loviien, Man liirJ
troll huiH-J d
laue v Islted the ou, bC0i
?? UfailueEitl Hit ?j- v.s!
leliriiary 2etli. triVcWi'
llubait uuil two I'rfii
"-: -"' Jii(
amcru wores,V.
wicekcd, sevcntcV ljel
t thou Uvet&'
and nmcli elaiu.iL' velitl
f WM
More I'm, iiilWi
te-day neiriinalci 'J simui
r.iai4.htifI-K. i.J
In Im 1 olle ter r 'uitAmal
VM1M .I' J-'""TWL
muun jyr wvn
district of Gcerg lci.
lii flitrfiiriit7
names ler posit
n iiersawTeJ it ji belilg-',
.(I usefil'iO'Mmatn, T;.-.
ia DSiiiyteibr.tiilunciUia 'i,.
William Gorden
Without trans.i OffSinV jtbr.tiilenciUia ' ,
Senale at 12.-05 w t lnlosWllve. sfiejtii
The Rcpublica icffatelij hjftanet' 01' vsiMf
i us uixin the Slit i.vil "reaeHWen 1 dative- e ,'
the vacation of e) tUdhlpu tylp$.hi-y, bttt :
there wcre man aentfl3aa Me mM1, 1
,0 nnl limiml.l 1 n VnlisX!.Sf?, u V " A
this nieiiiliiaut ! enyl
hi tiie Ohie penit titlary v1
contents vvtie en rely iei
1- ti
. -i
maehlueiy and -kr f l.l
Suv t hu
died anil lirty th wanu et,
in u , h tfcsry .
atite had an attai rnent of
,. ,, . .. vlw
I. ,v rq
slimed. The les ort clgara
6.t v, ?,
state w ill lese en He bull
JOUl 71V.V
vj - ,- ij.-.
.1 ,fefciC .'TI
Hllleit llli l( WHk
inltfii 4 ' n
Uut-A, N. V Maren,
(iinf.tlll rHiarln J.
tT . - - - ,
inent cillzen of iumfjli
and commaiidei
PestG.R.,!;) treubl
Gen, i
Chic ie, Mai
dled at 3 o'clock
th A shbtsu
r' y:T.n
,. 1 '
t ft-ff
,(srl FbtM, ti
(He W41 lli A
conscious for sev iilheprS
. ... .iAlj-
i -u vtm"t
and quietly pasa I awey
Tlie Hceih Aul anall
Viitminilte (Mint anv-.
sleek fll0OO, Avi' i ft
c 1
.. . ..w v..... y
llrAut fe l"k
Ni:w Yeith', M
inucU easwr till n
this afternoon.
Ht Jte
" 1.
WMATl tv'K
Washinbtej I
Fer tht
Attaitllfl states, lair
northern perttcu
wiunier, beuLUiJ
1 'r"w2
T I Mil
;, fan
ed liUwtifWi
w ere mm mm
Hen ftieawflHv
n mJcMBi
is mwmljJH
' Vtf.,
pimt f -ft?;
'-'MlBnHr . -
mw$xii'ii ! :
-WMWlratn :
mmm w,
Hy jMlnurau
WFT -"WIJ-14
" ' 'T7Lt"l
' .
V 'k
' -