'.HrJT5? Rlc . k,A j-u fr.J ' v" - I T'i "TT it. TrT.,7. i ? t -' r V.; "iv: if. JiWV -As p vss tvvt..f m I'M m iPK' V7 (' (? &.J ? T g ,VM 77; "Tf ft. brtlwtlMl ! & ."' 'i'v.. i of the iw tWiifc ttt eVr, made m fimadaH. tttregi,"-Mld an officer et Mitiriilp :, TtttMm, which ftiTirea t erk en , MOMkur Am the "sermuaM, , inca me ewer; mming M tue iHirge A. geHttMnanjMMtvhls wlfb were r our ferty-ftre ffeweeiifrera who were at Barney Bltfiit'liace during the ne. He wm a Uelmn i slie wm evl- fr tin American. - Ww voyage mutt hare Bevere, or her. or elne she was in bad health for ehe could hardly t'dfvnrn 4tia vilatitr iAwm (hnktantiinvlA -st;ilBH't..t..t it. iuJ J . '"HKfW11 " "" uid pttsauiigure auu iii lb me Mtery. wncn we get te tne I offlce she 'looked like a ghost In the omeflhe annex a customs Inspector id tin te 'thorn and asked for the i-f.. L.iiil.liaH TLa UIIah nA AOAItr.. ,lm haughtily that It contained nothing et te auiy. uanaea it te mm. a no in- nr eDenea it. rnmatreu areunu wm- fading anything, and .was just going te I it again, when he found a small box ling ten pacicages ei Havana cigar feu jnst told me there was nothing tlutia n liore." said the lnsrjecter triumphantly, Iraii lmvn luann nrrm tmrn from Havana Mltcn, Sener It, net te Knew that the r allows n passenger te uring eniy jiw tics for nis own personal tiBoireooi " There ire 200 in that box. I tlen't ''what I shall de in this case, Kener. It Jalnly an evasion en your part of the '. rf Yen see the inspector ovidentlv had n . lifipulgG against the Cuban, probably because :, -jpt aever ' tipped' htm, and he wns Justtak- ( ji uu ........ .. -,..w. ,, u. .u v.""" nsome lace grew as uarn as a tnunuer fl, and i tneugnt no was going te striKO iPV UIOJ1, WH.JHO. .V ...M UI1II11U1IV .W ,...v, rhe'hau been standing beside them trotn tretn MnV wllh weakness, stenneil between them." kn. iMit lilttf nt flint nnt.tA.ti' tlii ivim ''''i.VnftM'The second one hundred are for my own -j A- !' air.'' she said, with the air of aaueen. "-i'ti'i.Thoiimadame cannot object te smoking xi J1 im,'.' said the Inspector, with an illy-cenceal' . -, IS A man. u . .- - . . w auw. v...rhi.Sfe" Certainly, I will mneke ene," said she, TterS' ptly, and sure enough, alie lld stand up JUXli ami nmeKU ene ei innsu airung A'f" JJkKaTanacicarcttcs. The cabman that dreve '&:. -i. v ..ia.- ' . A Ul mt couple up te St. James' hotel told afler ,4i ? IWIV.'-..! l..,l- ll,.l el.n . nll.1.r ulnl- in the T ,YIJ''i(w.-, KV uft ui nw nm wiliun niviv ... .w , ':W w' 'i,1! and that they had te. step at a doctor's "$.;.'4 WS-fer nearly an hour before they reached the &'s aSfSfc .. ...... !g&gin the early part of last month Charles g;-WMJLiwkv, agnu jcs, unu ouaauaie, agcu a, were Sr'2lvl?'M,,8 en tue Ncrth Brancli, thrce miles ipi s.,&aove liroeKvme, ra 'JVX deepest part of the if, v :ii en te Luck v's cea . v line sKaung ever stream, the boy held- t. the loe breke beneath J'Kfrwmn, and they both disappeared. Thelr IkhI y?M could net be recovercd. On Saturday last t s''!nk Connelly, a boy working en a tarm '1$WHX the place, went te the river te water a fr-?,iihne. The openlnii In the Ice where water afit,fmm euiaincu was irezen ever. " "j laurew a stene en the ice te brenK ic. rnrpugu !-V.iwholemade by the stone, and wlthtjie i.Vfo,efwntcrthacamo UP' through it, the '32m& "Oywas startieu te see a numan imnu mm Vl"7i . ft. ... 41. .im. Iimiun anil ;-w."5rv5 rr .:.'" tv. H.i''r " "" 1Sf lXOla hU emiieycr wiiai no nail imen. a " .. The former went down with uu axe. tnd. l!rZ ( T.T .. t i ... .- ... '.7jrj CHlUuginoiceaay, uniugiii. in inu sunare r"thobedy or a young man, whose right arm " -was tightly clasped about the body or a boy. The clothing was nearly all stripped from the oodles, and they wero badly bruised and tern. They were easily Identified as the bodies of young Lucky and Silas Gale. It is supposed tthat young Lucky had grasped the boy when they came together In the water alter break- , tog thre li, with the idea of making his way l-Vte thtMt'e-Vinlng, but, falling, hadnotrelin- flBtJBe !!, held in dOAtU A Sif" li!WJUtTEft T0 DIKSOOXAKTEJl WF.DD1SO (MCiA Yeung Wlfu Jumj Inte ie Allulaaippl Be ,i.'i9 caase Ilcr llutband DenerU Her. Annie Wade, nee Brown, married only a month, jumped from Cahokia bridge into the a river en the East St. Leuis side, with the In- entlen of drewnlug herself. She was only saved after an heroic effort fjhe lives in St. Leuis, and ene month age as married te .Frank. Wade, of East St. Leuis. The pair were considered n model couple, and te all outward appearance seemed te love each ether tenderly. ' - Twe weeks after the ceremony Wade do de serted his young wife and rolused te llve with her. Hlie called en him a number of times, begging him te ceme back, but with . out success. She went te East St. Leuis and was Informed that her husband did net de- v sire te see her any mera She wrote a num- ber of letters te Iter friends, and then jumped from the bridge. A young man named Blale Jumped in and rescued her. 1 TlUeIiig Operatlent. Tuesday night the harness nud whip man- .litfactery of Henry Beincr, situated en North Jbuke street near New, was breken into by r thieves who stele therefrem three or four sets of harness and about forty w hips. They gained an entrance te the shop by breaking .open ene of the window shutters and getting - 'in at the window. 'J1 1 i -At neon trxlay Wm. IL Itellly teund in "' " front of the ticket olllce en the ground at jV, MeQrann'smrkalet et harness as fellows : ar One cellar, five halters, eleven whips, a let of j Whip ilaahes, ene bridle and n number of , straps. Tt is bclieved seme of the property j , of 'Mr. Reiner, abeve referred te, i In the V.. collection. Tue suspicious characters, leaf- i"j iqg about McGrann's park, are suspected as ? he thieves, and they will be arrested. MSI jjifThleycs also breke into tUJ earrlage heuse Qwr'eB Uie' premises of tJ late Jehn It. Me- jJsWQwritn.iUKt nerh or the city limits, and. . i& tteit two or three bull'ale robes. There is no vu i4rte the thiecs. ..-.i. . ta5w?tP' Vila 'uit- Ufr TAaAl.d .!... 1. iu 'tthwsk were completed last fall and were f . -' ,.... V ...U MtNVIIIUI. Wl H IIUWUU B Acevswds during the winter. Werk will be l KMUMd os seen as the weather will permit 1,-v.infrtalde of fhe oldeno.only the present steeple Atl 4HMaining which will be changed te conform ? jtivi uwwi. Jim liuw Cliuivii )ui uu uulll ljat ef.h church will be 159x05. It will have v.;mr Baves, an arched celling with columns 1 y' fiOtsiBately round and square, suppertinit the ,f .MUttUT anil mnf. A a asin (IB tlm unit, rtlutw.1. .jTte under reef the elil nilldcn will lm mnve,i. f jW 'ad the basement used ler n temporary The l"re(jrrs of Jeurnallmi. Frcm the Oxfera l'res. A copy of the Lancasler Intiilliuknckr dated Tuesday, August 2, 1603, has been handed us by James Hays, ofLIttle llrltain, Lancaster county. It Is In quarto form with uroelumstotlioiugo, printed from geed, clean type. The entire first page and part of the third and leiirth pages are taken up in describing new seme .Princeton boys UerkciI a New Jereey editor. "The editor and publisher or the Intulm- astei.8ttbat time was William Dicksen, ' ad oewUHirlng that diminutive sheet with " t, large and ably managed iNTKi.LieiiNcr.n ' f of, te-day we find that jeumalisn has kept slr at, with ether Industries in this age or . 'liprwasaenta. ?j"w;i . 'i-jlllM Cleieland 8UU a lUimbllcau. 'CI.TiCstlug discovery has been made v.fcattfc; president's hlsters are staunch Ito Ite VSpMsllDMis, and haye net abated n partlcle of VibeJfcHh since they came Inte thoWhlte AHnws;Thls lias prompted certain disap 'POkJte eiBce seekers te say that the prosl presl , dsirt is hiniseU anything but a Demecrat,aud .UtattSM m im leahen he lias jusssu uy tiicir i te MKe ntners who liave net earned V& ''fc.r Sllsht rire nt the J1U Or Monday ovening about 7 o'clock there 7 .' tba vallM OI BUOUl F'U were desirev XntH 1ewb bow tha fire originated. Tlieat- Iil - II.. .J lllft nil nl.l.l- .....AA1Ia.1 l.U W lui ttlBC Of n llnrr Lnnl 111 tlie Inll Thern f was Howe excitement among the prisoners ,. in-jf rHHIU tJHlViVW uunil WJIUII assured the fire was extlnguinued. Vine riclurn nn an ILfff. lller, the well known artist en eggs, mL work. Im Iim left enn i.' i Wlhfall llClmilin iitnlurAAOl tlin U'.lnH ,' DsmeewjHc presUIcuts : Buchanan and Clevo Cleve Uwd. ,TMP'nUu are first-class and could tie roeeawlaed anywliere. Jiba has orders , tc llter the state for hla work. '' Cruabea I'mler Iren Ore, Nicholas Schurmlski was killed and Jehn Onwrd severely Injured by the fall or several leaa'Qf Iren ero ut the Edgar Thomsen atel works at Brai!deck; Fennai i " - '"" it MM w4 Mm Xieirer tm mm- -- . r II -H. Cete'iaatlie most popular tiddler lnallthU neighborhood eyer Ibrty years age. He was ill, etralght, well-proportioned j black aa a raven's wing always full or fun and witty speeches and well suited for this business. Ne llax" pulling, spinning frolic, corn husking or oyenlng amusement was complete without Bill and hts fiddle. Fer some years he resided en land new owned by Benjamin Tlckerlng, East Nottingham. Whenever n party was held, and the most of them transpired at Mount Vernen and Hopewell, seme of the boys would harness un tbelrteam and in due time Bill would be in the midst of the merry makers. Ills fiddle and bow would fairly talk, as It were, and the lads and lasses would daiice te the old lunes of "Boegy-boo," "Up the read te Lancaster," "Strip tlie willow," "Virginia Six" and ethers. As tlme rolled by Bill grew elder and whlle playing he would get weary and often clese his eyes and seem te be asleep, but his arm and bow kept moving and the musle was just as aweet as when he was wlde awake. This would cause the general remark amongst the boys t " I bellove that old darkey's arm will net keep still when he gees te heaven." Cate was net shy about taking n drink of whisky. When given him his eyes would roll, n bread grin distribute Itself liberally ever his face whlle he oxclalmed : " Ah, boys, that'll make her run slick" referrlng te his old fiddle. He was a man net greatly addicted te drinking and by playing made "and saved seme money for a "rainy day." At length old age overtook Cate and he final ly " hung up de Ilddle and tie Ijew and went where de geed darkeys go." The Merit of Meilett-. Oencral (lerdnn's biographers ngree In describing lilin as a singularly modest man. One 'of them who submitted proof-sheets ie him for criticism had the mortification of see ing the pages fall ene by ene into the waste basket and or receiving n reproof for Indulg ing in adulation and hore-worshlp. Anether, warned by the sorry cxporlcnces of his pre decessors, wrete his book without consulting the subject of the memoirs, and excused him him seir in the prcface by explain inir that the work would have been ruined If it had con tained only whatUeneral Gorden was willing te have the public knew alwnt Ills lire' and character. Important II True. Frem tlie Uermantewn Telegraph. The administration at Washington seems te have determined, if ponslble, te nomlnate and elect ox-Spcaker Ilandall govenior of the state at the next gubernatorial election. This pnrpose Im plainly discernible in the appointment of Air. ltnndall's candidate, J. S. Miller, of West Virginia, as commissioner of internal revenue, mid also of Malcolm Hay, efl'lttsburg, as first assistant postmas ter general. New Landlord ntl-cmnan Place Hetel. Gee. Newton Worst, of Salisbury township, will take charge of the Leaman I'lace hotel, en the first of April next. Mrs Hannah Dillcr, who has charge of tlte property at present, will inove into her nowly-erected dwelling house at Intercourse. This is ene of the most prominent and convenient hotel stands In the county, along the Pennsylvania railroad, and Mr. Worst will have tlie cntlre heuse lefitted with new furniture.. Fin. In the l.'lshtli Ward. An alarm of fire was struck from box Ne. 51, en High street, at 1 o'clock this afternoon. The fire was en the premises of Cenrad Ottenderfier, 017 High htreet. Mr. Otlen Otlen Otlen dorffer was thawing the ice from a hogshead wheu tiie hogshead took fire and tlie Ilames spread'te a fence destroying several panels. Mr. Ottenderfier was severely burned en the face and hands In his ellerts te extinguish the Haines. The ItatltanAiiay With lIerTt-cth. A lady of Cecil county, Mil., en retiring lately placed her teeth In a glass of water en her bureau, and has net bcenable te find them since. The supposition is that they wero appropriated by sotne ambitious-young rat who wishes te intreduce dentistry among his tribe. OenetuOlil I'nlnt Comfert. General Simen Cameron, Cel. James Duffy and daughter, Samuel H. Koynelds and daughter, and Mrs. W. II. Petter, lsft this aflorneon in a special car for Old Point Com Com eort ltan Nearly Forty Allien for 810, Alfred Elsen, a pedestrian ran from Merlden te New Haven, Conn., and return, between thirty-eight and forty miles, in six hours and forty-five minutes fornwagerof $10. b ISrethcr K-itcliell Slaj With Un. Rev. J. T. Satchell, of the Duke street M. E. church has received n telegram Informing him erhls reappointment te this charge for the coming conference year. The IJall or the "Merry Three." The "Merry Thrce" gave their first annual lall at Rothweiler's liall en Monday night, and it was a great success. The attendance was large, geed erder was maintained nud all enjoyed themselves. m ii Re-Elect cil, The annual election or directors of Iho Pennsylvania railroad company was bold en Tuesday and 530,629 shares wero voted, all of them haying been cast for tlie old beard. Telephone Connection. D. II. tVenger A Urn'., flour and feed, SI North Prince, and I.evln It. ltetp, undertaker, 103 Seuth QueenBtiect, aie connected with the telephone exchange?. Amusement. "The filter King.' On Friday and Saturday evenings the play-gelngptibllc of Lancaster will be treated te ene or the most famous melo dramas of the d.iy, "The Sliver King," which hns been favorably received en both sides of the water. It will be presented heie by Harry MI. ner's eipeclally selected company, direct from thcPeople'a theatre, New Yerk. F. C.Jiangs, the well known actor, leads the cait of histrionic talent, w hlch Is very Btreng. ll'dr i Songs and'Tablcaur, On April 9, 10 and 11, Admiral ltcynelda Pest, Ne. 40S, O. A. it., will irlvft A irnlnd pnlprtiiltimeiil nf wn nnna n... ... c .... ...... .......... ,. , .. nviifji uim nihlcaux, at Fulton opera house. As the object inn worthy ene.lt will nndeuht lecelve the lib eral patronage of citizens. Vackage Varly and EittertalHiifit.Vtx.hng' ten Camp, Ne. 27, P. 0. 8. or A., will give a pack pack age party and entertainment en Saturday oven even lug, March S3, en third fleer new postelltce building. DEATHS. Uchhone. In thin city, en March 21, 18& lllanche 8., only daughter of Jacob und Sue JJuttheng, aged 0 months and 13 days. The relatives and friends of the family are i. spectfully invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of her parents, Ne. 4l0 West I.euien street, en Thursday afternoon m o'clock. In terment at Lancaster cemetery, m2t-2td Wittmxe. March 23. 1683, Martha Iluber, wife of Jacob II. Wlttuier, In thetathyearef her age. Funeral from her late icaldence In Maner township, Lancaster county, Pn en Thursday mernlngntll o'clock, Sen-Ices at JJethel church, Washington boveugh. Itclatlvrs and friends In. Invited. u Scgssxbett. March 21. 1SSS. In this city, Kllle S., daughter or the lute liev.il. c. and M. J. Sues Sues serett, in the 10th yearef herage. Funeral from thoresldence or her mother, Ne. B17 West Chestnut street, en Thursday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock. u McCabtv.-Iu this city, en the 23th Inst., liar net Mccarty, widow or Isaiah, McCarty, in the &W year of herage, The relatives and friends oflhe family arejre spectrally Invited teattend the funeral from her late residence. JS9 Seuth Duke street, Friday morning m u o'clock, interment at Christ church, Intercourse, Pa. 2t witxfTJrt'y" 0, lh0 2,lh lust.,Frede. Jl J,,V,S?2.2f,J'ircWck',l,a Careline Peffer, In the fourth month efhts age. The relatives and friends of the family aie re pectrully invited te attend the funeral, from the residence of his parents. Ne. 105 West Straw berry street, en Thuisday afternoon at 8 o'clock. Interment at Lancaster cemetery td XJUtKJETS. PhlUdelphU Market. " " ParLADBiraiA, March 23. Fleer market nntnt but easy t Snpcrttnc, r2 teuisix Extm w 3 60i Peun'a. limlly, f3 63?s Winter clears m i de straight. II 250174 J Minn, extmclear! loeaiBoido straights, aes ea, winter mt! ents, 4 736328 spring de. 0005 ij7","rP"1- Kyu flour at r te6'3 U2. Wheat excited and higher! Ne. a Western Ked.&iei Ne. 3 de. atSiflsfet SalrieJ 94)0 i Ne, 3 Uclaware. de, l3)ic ' ' 5 " 'n, vuifc:c uuu in lair , mixed, i(r50c Se. 3 de, SK9- Oats Arm, with geed demand i Ne. 1 White. M giecj Ne. S de, atSTKVdCei Ne. 8 de, 86 JHIHljB.HWTIWi 9! i s FafeWiw,! msjvmv t j Wav n U Erf- I . M t m&sm flMA. , . IU.i a scarre v fw ae. nulet ana nriees ' ste v i erk, Ml beef haws. 'HI i 80. t eftr sua ueei, Wr - '- - -r- r - .Macen, 8 Wee ) Smoked Bbeulden, OUet alt At ei smeked bams pickled de, T.A1-A atnn 'aide. WtJUO) I cny rennca, av 7Wc I loose butchers', 0H6ie ; prime steam, 17 w. iltmer nrni ier una gneus einers dull 1 .:.: :..- nwi .'t, . . v . .i 25e t Western dairy extras, 23e 1 de geed te Choice, llSAlSe. Kells at n)4lct packing butter, RglSc. Kggs market quiet and easier Kxtras, 17K0 lBCt nrsiern uu, v. Cheese dull and easy New Yerk Full Cream, 1212V0 1 Ohie Flats, choice, lieilUe t de fair te prime, eaioxe Pcnn'a part skims, 4 60 idofultde,lffi)io. ' Petroleum firm 1 llenncd, 7ic Whisky flrmerell 1 Maw Yerk Market. Nw YeMt,March23. Fleur State and Western rather mere steady, but quiet Southern firm. Wheat PKilc. higher, feverish and some what excited en war rumors, with a fair specu lative hnnlness 1 Nn. 1 White, nominal Ne. 2 Hed, April, wi;cfinwnt May, ilJi8$4J ;Junc, WflWiei July,l3KSle. "'' Cern HGKa hlghnr and fairly active t Mixed western spot, tuKwaiMp I "n juiures, ihhkc, Oats lfdc higher 1JN0. 2 March, 3BJJ9 37et April, i;e( May, 370) State, JSQIlei West- cm, .iiuiie, I.lve Bteck Prices. CiiiOAne. Cattle Kecclpts, 7.000 hcad( ship ments, 2,500 head; market slew and weak nnd 6lec lower, making 13623c deellne In two days ! 1,0V) tn 1,230 B.s steers, 4 235 00 1 1,230 te 1,3,3 Rs, 3 15f5 40 j cxtni, 3 Jogs HO j lmicher- stuckcrs,t$3 uel no 1 feeders, l nit rt) Tex- ing rieck, common, i wijioireou, sj intjtau; nnn,i w. IS, l UJ. Heirs Keeelnts. 14.WK1 liead ! shlnments. 7.000 : mnrknl nctlvent 5Q10e higher ; rough pack ing, IIH54 CO 1 packlngand shipping, 210 te 420 B.s, t OVil 80 ; light, 130 (0213 tta, $1 33&i 701 skips, 3 OOfll 23. Sheep Itccclpts, B,fi00 head t shipments, 2,0nO head; market actlve and strong; common, $3 03 M; medium, $3 .V)l ; geed, Wt 60; extra, 1 1 C04JS 1 one car or flne Lambs sold at . Kast I.tnxiiTV. llcnvcs There was very llttle doing In livestock te-day; the cattle market was dull, with prices unrnanged ; receipts, 245 head; shipments, 4,210 head. lings v ere slew and heavy; Phtladclphlas, .' 10 f5 15; Yorkers, $4 75Q4 M); receipts, l,7l head; shipments, S,.'!U0hcad. Sheep were slew nnd unchanged ; receipts, 4,u) head ; shipments, C.200 head. m Sleck Market. Qnotu'.lens by Itced, Mcdranu A Ce., Hankers, Lancasler, Pa. II A.M. 12 r. 3p m. Missouri Pacific , .... Michigan Central NoWlerkCentrnl.... sn)j lljM winter FHOTIMI M 3J 31 .... T liriji im" i'tU 13V? 03 031? ViJi 91 '.'. 23'f Mi 492 70 70k 31)? ...". any, 51 M Jft 7 7-10 i 1 '.'.'.'. 3J" my, hi nun i-muy .uiiliui Ohie Central Del. Ijick. A Western Denver A ltlollrande Krle Kansas A Texas Lake Shere Chicago X N. W com N. N.. Ont. A Western St. Paul A Omaha Pacllle Mall KechcsterA I'ltlsliurg,... St. Paul Texas Pncltle 32 w4i 11 4 es)i Union l'aritte.... 4!i Wabash Common, Wabash Preferred West'n Union Tclcpraph.. 5fl' Loulsvllle A Nashville..... a)3 N. Y., Chi. A St. h Iihlgh Valley I-hlgh Navigation Pennsvlvanla M Uendlug 7 9-10 P. T. A llufTaie.. Vti. Northern l'aclflc Cem.. Nerthern Pacific l'rcf.. llestenvtlle Philadelphia A Krle Northern Central., Underground Canada Southern en People's Passenger Jersuv Central 8$. MJ riilladelphla. Quotations by Axseclatrd Press. Stocks steady. Philadelphia A P.rle It. It is Heading Kail read l'ennslvanla ltallread tj. Jl Lehigh Valley Uallmad vjy. lr.ill.xl PMnt.ntilntt r.T l..w I.. .... .... Ir L ,. T- ., Wl-lUjr ,......,., ,111 nuiuiuin 1 iii-iiiu,... ....... Northern Pacllle Preferred., Northern Central Itallread.... lxihigh Navigation Company Norrlslewn lUliread Central Transportation Company Ilnlfale, New Yerk A Philadelphia LUtleSchuvlklll Italliead...... J. 40 110 IS New Yerk. Quotations by Associated Press. Stocks linn. Meneyeasy at le. New erk Central iew Krle llallread 131? Adams Kxprcss ,.,.132 Michigan Central llallread Hl Michigan Southern Itallread...,, 13 Illinois Central Itallread ,..; ., J-5 Cleveland A l'lttshurg Itullread.,, lit) Chicago A heck Island llallread... ..Ill riiisuurg x ten uayne Kuljeiid 154K Western Union Telegraph Company........ ipA Teledo A Wabash....".,,, aQ New Jersey Central New Yerk Ontario A Western p4j 31 Av;ir Aitrr.itTisr.3tt:sTX. KESTAUItAXT PIXTUItES POIISALE. .Apply te IIENllYNEAMF.lt, corner Water and Orungu streets. In22td irANTEU-A .SITUATION TO IJ General Housework. Apply nt efilce. ' ' ' DO this It 1710 H LADIES TO HEAD. 2 livery 'fair-minded woman Isgcttlng Smith's necensnry Improvement tn common sad Irons. ,,, .. S.O. SMITH, Solicitor. iu2l,1td Ne. U5 North Prlnce Street. PENNA. CIGARS FROM JL00 PER Hundred up, nt IIAKTMAN'S YELLOW FltONT CIUAIt STOKE. rnELL ME THE AMOUNT OF SOAP A X Natien uses and 1 will tell you the length and breadth of their morality and true refine ment. Spencer. UseMlLLEK'SFUllE JIOUAX SOAP. maiTHmd DANIEL STAUPPER, AN EXPERI enced auctioneer, Is prepared te call sale or Heal Kstate nnd Personal Property. Terms reasonable. Satlsractlen guaranteed. Can speak KiiL-llih nnd Oerinau. Leave orders at NO. C53SUUT1I QUEEN STItKET. It N" OTIOE. ' The Tieasurerer Lancaster City will en and after AI'KIL 1, 1895, pay at htsofllce. the principal and Interest 10 that date, of all Lau raster city bends bearing six per cent. Interest, that are due or payable en April 1, !'. 'Interest un Biuu ijuiius 111 rcae en mll 1. 18S5. C, F.MYEKd, CIlv Treasurer, uiUCtdAltw ESTATE OP ELIZAHETH MYERS, late of Lancaster City, deceased. Letters testamen tarj' en said estate having been gran ted te the undeislgned, all persons Indebted thereto nre leqtiested te make immediate payment, and theso having claims or demands against the sameulll present them without delay for settle ment te the undersigned, residing In Lancaster. ELLENFLMYKKS, .1.11. KAVrnitx, Executrix. Attorney. m25-0tdW DISSOLUTION OP PARTNERSHIP. .. .Netice Is hereby given that the partner ship lately subsisting between Ames S, Uiban nnd Henry Jlurger, of the City of Lancaster, nuder the Arm name of Urban A Ihirger. was this day (Wednesday, Maich 25, 1833,1 dissolved by mutual consent. The business will be continued by the said Henry Ilurgcr, tow horn all debts enlng te the Bald partnership aie te be paid, nnd all demands en said partnership are te be presented te him for payment. AMOS 8. UIII1AN, mlVJIdiltw HE.N'IIY UUitUEIt. T0!!? U ('USTOMEIlS ANI) THFJ PUU- THE-. SINGER SEWINQ MAOHINB 0?FICE, Vil.1iUV0iSim,nvea.,en lh0 MUST DAY OF APUIL, 1835, from Ne. SOHKast King stieet, te y10 i'!??.0,'.n,?!?ai01, ,l"a convenient office, Ne. 140 EAST KINO ST11EET, where we will be pleased te till nil orders for the Leading Genu ,n0 8J.nATSP.wl"K Machine. b , .TII.ESlNaElt MANUFATUKING CO., febM-lmd A. J. MITCHELL, Agent. F IOR RENT. -THE STABLE AND SMALL HOUSE Adjoining, of . I NO. 3. KOIIUEK, corner West Lcinpu and Market strecta. will be rented at public outcry te the highest bidder at his special b tlie Oil 8n?W!RwHtY AN, M0NI,AV. MARCH MA 30i "EnpA..0 INVESTMENT GO TO r! IlhClUOLD'S, and seenre 1IAUOAIN8 In Ladles'and Genu' FU1INISHINQ GOODS, which are 'Selling, many of them nt prices that wilt pay 20 te 25 per cent, te carry ever for next season. They iiutst be sold te make room for Spring Coeds. New is the time te save money. Please call und he convinced. "". HKN11Y MECHTOLD, f P.B.Cholee DunMiggQeBe'Sn8iTSta for sale, ' - REDUCl'ION IN OVERCOATS. In order te reduce our large stock et Fur Heavers. Meltons, Kerseys und Corkscrews for Overceatings, I will, forlhenextCO days, make up te your order, in nrst-class style, at greatly reduced prices. All garments are guaranteed te flt perfect and only the liest quality of trim mlug ere n30d. A. II. 1I03KNBTEIN. . , x 'O" Tallerijig. :tmw4mrmmrmmMmrt"'i rntlKf LAHaUST, 'M1SBT AND '1 JL.'eeaurttje assertsnent of Playing Ca tlM eMy rtein 5 eenti er rack nn at Most P.&A In the city ffem S cent per psck up at HARTM AN'S XCsVLOW'. FKONT OlO AR HOU8ANDS OP IMITATIONS IN TUP, market, wllh but ene Uennlne nrtlcle.whlch UMILLKKSPUKKIIOKAXSOAP, inar7-0md w ITHOUT EXCEPTION, TnE BEST Clsars In thn town, twn for Kn. n( IIAKTMAN'S YKIXOW FltONT ClUAU STORK. IiEANLlNESS IS AKIN TO OODW ness. NothlnglietterferTolleland Ijinndn work than MIM.EU'S PUHE 1IOHAX SOAP, martemd TEAPOT GIVEN AWAY. , with 23c. Werth of Tea or Coffee. O ran u- lated ISugar. eWe. a,, llaker'a Cem, 10c, Ucd oeni. ifu,, ur .1 ler -ix1, CLAUKE'S TF,A AND COFFEE 8TOKK, Ne, 38 West King Strcet, OSCOE MURPHY, , D. S., t 0AI)CAT OF The Pennsylvania Cellega of Dental Surgeri', WITH DK. It. 1). KNIGHT, . Ml North Queen street, Luncnstcr, l'n. Dentistry In all lis branches. mnrlI-7tdAW'AS3md PUIILIO SALE. ON THURSDAY, MAKCH2fl,lKtt,ntNe.l2 North Charlette street, corner Marien alley, ene Hair Cleth Par Par eor Suit, geed m new and fnshlenahln style, Ileds and llcddlng, hair dozen Itlnlng.ltoem Chairs, porreratcd seats, ene Bera, ene Lounge, covered with Ilrussels, enn Closed Washstand, Sewing Machine, Cleck, child's Crlli, Cooking Hange, Carpets. Tubs, lluckets, nnd household gmnls Hriiriiuiv. etiie ie ceiiiuieiii 11 ni. :n cierir. mmtdlt DAVID II. WVI.IK. CVECIAL SALli THE SPECIAL SALE OF .I.N'O. S. UOllltKlt'S HOUSEHOLD GOODS WILL COMMENCE AT 9 30 O'CLOCK, ON 8ATUKDAY AND MONDAY MOIININGS, NEXT. 11123 lwdll RESTORED LIKE NEW. BLACK CREPES AND LACES. IlyMUS. 11. H. JOKES, or llaltlmeic. Easter Orders closed 31st Inst. E..I. D1LLEK, Ne. 10 East Orange Street. m?(-3t!t c ALL AT RKIOART'S OLD WINE STOKE -FOK MSTON'S EXTRACT OP 11KKF. riNKST IV THE WOULD. Estahllshed,1785. II. E. SLAYMAKEI1, AgL. reblMid Ne. 29 East King HI. AN UNCLEANLY OR UNHEALTHY kin, or clothing worn tee long without washing. Is ene or the i-ausci or Skin Diseases thatnrti-n develop Scrofula, lly the use or MIL LEU'S PU11H IIOKAX SOAP the body and clothing are kept perfectly sweet und clean, nnd Iho healing properties of thn llnrax prevent nnd cure Skin Diseases. innr7md TITADEIRA AND SHERRY WINES -AT Reigart's Old Wine Stere. II. E. SLAYMAKEIt, Aexst. Ne. fi Eat Kixn St. feblMfd Established 1783 CHAPPED HANDS, LIPS AND PACES nre vs-y common In March, but CREAM OF ROSES Always cures. Ne grcas, nn smarting. ONLY. Ie CENTS, at Druggists. Fer sale nt COCHRAN'S DRUG STORE, dcctMJmd 137 and It) North Queen street. URLIC SALE. AT NO. 117 NOKTII LIME bTUEKT, O.V Fill DAY, Jl AllCH 27, AT 1 O'CLOCK, 9?,'.5.i;n.tulA'",rtI,"'nt of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN HJItNlTUIIE-consistlngef Marble 'lop Walnut Chamber Stilts, Walnut Sefa, wllh claw reet. Piane, Walnut Extension Table, Cane t.eatand Windser Chairs, carpets and Matting, Ueddlng. Glass nnd Queenswnre. nrSKtll F. II. W1LHELM, Auctioneer. THE FOLLOWING ACCOUNTS WILL ..Ji" Presented for conrlrinatlen nisi, en MONDAY. APItlL 20. A, D., Is -. Martin Miller und file's assigned estate, Jes. Miller, assignee. Susan Coonley (new Swnugcr), assigned es tate, Dana Graham, assignre. Anna ltutter's trust estate, Jehn M, Hoever, committee. JOHN D. SKILE8, ProlhenoturV PnonieiOTAnv's Oyrica, March 21, A. I)., ISiV ni201tdWA3tw ' STATE OF MRS. ANN K. T'llLEIti latnef Manhelm township, dee'd. Letters testamentary en said estate having been granted te thn undersigned, nil persons Indebted thereto are requested te nuike immediate payment, nnd Uime having claims or demands agnlnst the same, will present them without delay for set tlement te the undersigned, residing In Man helm borough. SAMUEL UICE, A. V. KxmeEUL, Executer. Attorney. tniVr.tdeawW TUNE Havana Fillers and Sumatra Wrappers. IN LAKGE OR SMALL QUANTITIES. ALSO Old Havana Seed Leaf Constantly en hand nt moderate priori. LEWIS SYLVESTEIt A CO., Duke and'Chcstnut Streets, Lancaster tnar7-lmWAS G IRARD FIRE INSURANCE COM- PANY OF PHILADELPHIA. AtrD 8. Gillxtt, President. James 11. Alvebd, VIce Pre, nud Ticas. Edwin F. Mirrill, Secretary. Jcuca II. Allk.v, Asssltant Sccrctarj'. ASSETS-ONE MILLION. TWO HUNDRED AND FIFTY-NINE THOUSAND, NINE HUNDRED AND 8IXTV HEVEN DOLLARS AND rORTY NINE CENTS. All Invested In solid securities. l.ejses promptly settled and paid. RIPE & KAUFFMAN, Agents, NO. 19 EAST KINO STREET. ectWmdM.WASR OANSMAN ik RRO. Spring Opening, In Our Custom Tailoring Detriment, Suits te Meosure at 910. Suits te Measure at $12. Suits te Meaaure at 815. Suits te Measure at $18. Suits te Measure at $20. Suits te Measure at $25. Pants te Measure at $3.00, $3.50, $4.00, $5,00, $6.00, up te $0.OO. Children & Bey's Clothing OUR CHEAT SPECIALTY. CHILDREN'S SUITS at 1.M, !()!, .M, .00. M.00. 3.50. ROY'S SUITS at i.00. Hid, Ul, 1 W $5.00, up te 10.00. .., Yeu are dnuhtlessluteivsted In the pmchasnnt SPRING CLOTHING And want thn best quality for the least money. We are equally interested in securing your pa tronage, and have placed our large stock at prices within the reach of all. Our goods were never se low priced as new, while they ni e as desirable as ever, L. GAISMAI & BEO., Nes. 66-68 NORTH QUEEN ST., (Right en the Southwest Cor. of Orange Street,) LANCASTER, PA. -Xet connected with arty ether clothing house In the city, CONSUMPTION I HAVE A POSITIVE remedy for the abeve disease i by its use heusandd of cases of the worst kind and et long standing have been cured, indeed, se strong Is my faith in its etlicaey that I will send TWO DOTTLES FREE, together with a valuabln trca- uieuauuiaunue te any suirvrcr. Ulve ex press and P. (, address. m w a nrnmiir nUmiieiUmyr I8iParlt.lN,V. ?lT -- john. a arvLKR., O. F. KATHVON , , LINOS D' INDEfl. l'ialn, Checked and Striped NAINSOOKS. . Plain and Figured SWISS. , PERSIAN LAWN. MAZALIA. Cord and Figured PIQUE, lloekrold CAMIIRIC. hmhreldcred ROUES, s.ea upward, wllh - . .K.xtra Kmbroldertc te match. Choice Lines of Swiss, Nainsoek and Cambrle Lmhrolderlos In all widths, with INSERT- INOS te match, and Alovers Colored EMBROIDERIES and Alevcrs LACES, at Lewest Cash Prices. THREE BARGAINS In WHITE QUILTS. 11.15. I.S5. l.fie. w ONE EXTRA 1IARGA1N In Bleached TABLE LINEN,2pattcrns,ONLY 11.00, cheap at 11.37. ONE LOT TOWELS, ONLY 25c., worth 40c. JOHN S. GIVLER & $0., 25 EAST KING STREET, LANCASTER, PA. "XTHW Hl'RING Dress Goods AT THE- CASHMERES and CASHMERE IIEIOES, Deublo Feld, Ityie. a Yard. Srt-lnch FINE COLORED CASHMERES, 2.', n Yard, Usually Sold at S3c. COl'URE DRESS GOODS, fM-lnch Wide, 37Ke. a Yard. FINE ALL-WOOL CASHMERES New Spring Celers, 40 Inches Wide, SO Cents a Yard. ALL-WOOL SATINS, Winches Wide, New Celers, 75c. a Yard. IM CLOTH SUITINGS, All-Weel, 60c. a Yard. fit FINE CLOTH SUITINGS, All-Weel, 75c. a Yard. , C-t TRICOT CLOTHS, New Celers, 11.00 a Yard FINEFHEXCH ItEP SUPER, Spring Shades, tl.03a Yard. Special Bargain. WAMSUTTA TWILLED MUSLIN, in Cents n Yard, Regular Price, 15 Cents. WATT, SHAND & GO., 8 and 10 East King Street, LANCASTER, PA. J. " MARTIN A CO. OPEN TO-DAY. IMMENSE STOCK -OF COLORED & ECRU Madras, Bunting, LACE CURTAINS. Madras Curtains, In Full Lengths. All New and of Our Own Im-ioi-tatien, LOWER THAN EVER In price. The Mudras Curtain makes a handsomer curtain than the Nottingham and at less cost. The de signs w ere never equalled, CURTAIN POLES, IN WOOD OR BRASS. LiuiiHreqiiiiis, Vestibule Laces. NEW LINE OF TUROOMEN CURTAINS. S lambrequin. Drapery and Curlalu Werk done promptly by experienced mechanics. in (& Ce. Cor. West King and Prince Sts., LANCASTER, PA. rrrr J.'OK BALK OK JIEKT. TTOU8K FOE KENT. A Htl-ift-atnt-tr llt-lnb- llr.itu Jn Art tuA Chestnut street. mlS-tfd FOH SALE OH RENT. An excellent Dwelling en easy terms, situ ate Ne. 15 Shlppen street. mltt-trd II. FRANK ESHLEMAN, FOR RENT. The hall 30x50 feet en third story of Stein. mctz building, Ne. 33ti North Queen street, Ap Ap 1'lyte .1. L.8TEINMETZ. FOR RENT. First-Class Restaurant, also first-class Bar ber Shep, corner of Centra Square and North Unpen street, Beut locatle.t 1h the city. Apply te HIRSU A BRO?d. F OR HALE. A Farm, near the railroad, in Provhienei. tewiiBblp, of Gil Acres, well timbered and the land la Improved with a two-story Stene Heuse, Barn and ether suitable buUdlngs ; will be sold cheap and upon easy termserpaytuent. Inquire of II.U. I.ONll, mt-ltdW Lancaster, Pu, -pUIiEKl HAI.E. ON THURSDAY, MARCH 20, 13S5, M 111 be sold at 2)0 North Mary street, Beets and Shoes, Ijidlea' and Misses' Shoes. Ne shoddy goods will be offered all first-class goods. Sale te commence at 7 o'clock, p. in. unit 2td F. 11. WILHELM, Auctioneer. PUBLIC BALE. On THURSDAY AND FRIDAY, MARCH M and 27, will be sold at Ne, 210 North Prince street, a Large Assortment of HOUSEHOLD AND KITCHEN FURNITURE, Parler and Chamber Bulls, Brussels Carpets, China, Glass and Quccnsware, together with many articles or value, both antique and modern. Seles te commence at 9 o'clock a. m., when terms or sale will be made known. MRS. ELIZABETH LONUENECKER. II. SrrOBSBT, Auetleneer, II. L. Ffailev, Clerk. m?l-3tS,MW NOTICE TO TRESPASSERS AND GUNNERS. All persona are hereby for bidden te trespass en any of the lands of the Cornwall or Speedwell estates, In Lebanon and Lancaster counties, whether iuelosed orunin erunin orunin cleied, either for the purpose of sheeting or fUb Ing, as the law will he rigidly enforced against all trespassing en said lands of the undersigned after this notice. WM. COLEMAN FHEKMAN, K. PJROY ALDF.N, KUWAUD O, JWEKMAN, Attanf'rR.W.Oeleuau'Detra. eeUMMfcw White.Goeds and Embroideries. 1 NEW YORK SIM J. B. Mail "j. '' rIT AVrXMTIBKMKTfTft. JSv flS H AOER A IinOTIIEIL CLOTHING. - SPRING WOOLENS. SUITINGS, TROUSERINGS & SPRING OVERCOATINGS. Our Auaortment of STANDARD AND NOVEL STYLES of Coat ings, Suitings, and TrouseringB for Men and Beys' Spring Wear are new Complete and Ready for Inspection. READY-MADE CLOTHING Business Suits, Dress Suits, Beys Suits and Ohlldien'a Suits. SPRIUC, OVERCOATS. PURNIflHINa aOODS-Leadlng New Shapes of B. & W. Cellars and Oufls. Novelties in Noekwoar. Laundried and Unlaundried Shirts, Etc. HAGER & BROTHER, 25 WEST KING STREET. IXSVJIANCV. LIFK INSURANOE. The Fidelity Mutual Life Association, NO. 914 WALNUT STREET, PHILADELPHIA. INVOM'OUATED IK 1S7S. 4,000 MEM11E11S. l,000,000 lSUUAXUE. A Steady, Cnnscrvntlrn Growth from the lleglnnlng, with a Net Annnnl Increase or ever One and Otic-Half Millien iJellars Insnrance per year. INDEMNITY RESERVE, $200,000. CASH ASSETS, $50,000. J300,000 PAID IN LOSSKS-ALL LOSSK3 HAVK 1IEKN ANI ALWAYS WILL III: PAIII tt,JIii7l,itat,iV!ram,,,ra8,amm0V.cdl,JnMP,'r,1!ent-,e!l'nS. Preralninscellectrd 11 M?.!inS,c' ,le.1', commuted te Paid Up Cash Certificates after ftve years. KXl'KNSha JJUnm if,?,fl.a2.n?eUnl d.urs- The yearly liability or members l llmlied te the ordinary Icvrlprc nnum, but the actual cost Is mera t liana hairless. C. H. BARBER, Agent, STEVENS HOUSE, JCU.I-1U1UUU A3IVSKiir.XTS. "PULTON OPKItA IlOUSli' -TWO NUUITS.- KRIDAY AND SATURDAY, MARCH 27 AND 23. MR. HARRY MINER'S Superb Company In Herman A .lone' Slnnd Hpectacnbir Melodrama, Iho Silver King. Three jenrsatthe Princess Theslre, Londen, Knglnnd. Longest run en lecerd at Wallack's Tin ni re, New Yerk. r F. C. BANGS Am the Silver King. Urnnd Deuble Stage lie VohlngUecnleElfectH. Hercnlcen Complete becnes In Special Cars. ADMISSION ....., aeand 7SCKNTS. KKSKUVEDHKATS 75 CENTS. Ker Sale at Opera Heuse. mil 5t OAltKIAOXS. CTANDARn CARRIAdE WORK. EDGERLEY & CO., (Carriage Uutlders), HAKKKT STltKKT, UKAR OK i'OSTOl'FICE, LANCASTER, PA. OUU LAKUK STOCK OK BUGGIES & CARBIAG-ES Comprises the Lutest Styles and Iho most Ele gantly Finished, WHICH WK OKFElt AT OUKATLY REDUCED PRICES. The SUPERIOR QUALITY OK OUR WORK is no longer questioned. Onr work Is as line an any made in tbe larger cities, and SOLD AT HALF THE PRICE. New Is the tlme toerder for spring. ENCOURAGE FAIR DEAL1NO And Honest Werk. All Werk WARRANTED. REl'AIRINO PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO. One set of workmen especially employed for that pnrpose. A few SLKlOIISlcflatlw Klgures. (ilve us a call. nova) tfd&w B ARGAINS. AFTER THE SALE AT NORBECK & MILEY'S, CORNER OP DUKE AND VINE STREETS, LANCASTER, PA , A LOT OF VERY CHOICE QflRJUflGE WORK LEFT, WHICH WILL II K SOLD AT PUBLIC SALE PRICES. DON'T MISS A HAllfiAlN. CALL AND EXAMINE THE QUALITY OK Til K WORK. LL WORK GUARANTEED. 9A1I questions answered by Telephone, through the Telephone Exchange, llh which the establishment Is connected. G RAY'S SPEfJlF'lO MEDICINE. The Great English Remedy. An unfailing cure for Impotency und all Dlbeases that fellow Ijms of Memery, Onlvemal Lassitude. Pain In the Hack-, Diinnes of Vlaien, Premature Old Age, and many ether diseases that lead te In sanity or Consumption and a Prematura (J rave. Full iiarllculara In our pamphlet, which we do de slra te scud free by man te everyone. This Spo Spe Spo cine mcdiclne U sold by all druggists at 1 per package, or six packages for t or will be sent free by mall en' receipt of the money, by ad dressing the agent, II.ll. COCHRAN, Druggist. Sela Agent, Nes. 137 and 1S9 North Queeu street, Lancaster, .Pa. "i On account ei counterfeits, wn hare adopted the Yellow Wrapper i tbe only genuine. THfc QUAY MEDICINE CO.. Slkle,N,Y, - - 'I , i i i . , 7 1 ,,,.., I -Art"iV y.m. - CLOTHING. LANCASTER, PA. CT.UT11IXO. ' - - v "i b SPRING OVERCOATS. XVe liare prepared, wilh great care, an unusually flne stock of lliese goods, in all grades ei' Cassimeics, Mellens, Kerseys and Worsteds. Yeu cannot fall te make a pleasing theicfl at satisfactory prices. Send for Samples. A. C. YATES & CO. 602, 604, 606 CHESTNUT ST., Philadelphia. m2-3md I.EUAI, XUTIOES. E STATU OF LOUISA KISLKY, LATE of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters ofad efad ofad ministratien en wild etale having been gmnted te the nnderslgncd, all persons Indebted thereto iire requested te make linmedlatn payment, and theso having claims or demnnds ngalnst the same, will present them without delay for set tlement te the undersigned, residing In the city or Lancaster. JOHN EISLEY. ., Adinlnlstraler. II. Krank i:riLKMAN, Atl'y. fohllMltdTiieaw ESTATE OP M3RNARI) MULHATTAN, late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letter testamentary en said estate hn lug bi en granted, te the undersigned, all persons Indebted thereto are reaueNtcd te make linmedlatn payment, and these, having claims or demands ngelnst the same, will present them without delay for net. tlemcnt te the undersigned, residing nn East Orange street, Lancaster city, l'n. l . KRANClSMcC'LAIN, Executer. PuiLir 1), Rakkii. Attorney, febK-fitdTnnaw STATE OF JACOH BUUKHOLDKH, latnef West Lampctcrlewnshlp, deceased. Lettcra of administration en said estate havinr been granted te the undersigned, nil persons In debtcd thciete nre requested (omake ImmedUtn payment, and theso having claims or demands against the same, will present them without delay ler settlement te the undersigned, lesld Ing in West Lampeter township. JOHN lllfltKIIOLDKIt, CHRISTIAN LEEEViat.Jn., Admlnlsiraters. H. C'AnntNTEn, Atl'y. mtltdeawWAStw STATE OF CHARLES KFi'INGUR, late of Ijmcaslcrclty.dcc'd. Lctlera of ad ministration en said estate having been granted te the iiudei-slgned, ull persons Indebted thereto are requested te inaL-e Immediate payment, and theso liavlng claluiH or demands ngalnst the same, will present thorn without deluy for sel-tlemonttethaundcrslgned,rcBldlngliifcnldclty-CATHARlNE Ktl'lNUKK, ml2-Cldeaw Aduilulstnitrlx. STATE OF ELIAI1ETII JIOSER, late of Lancaster city, deceased, I. otter testnmeutaryen said eatntu having been granted te tlie uuderhlgned, all persons Indebted therein nre requested lomakuliumedlate paymunt.nnd theso having claims or demands against the estate of UiedeccdentwIH make thus una known tn them without delay. CONRAD MOSKU, .. ., JOHN (I. MET.UElt, II. C, Kreadv, Exeruters. Altenicy, reltdeaw E STATE OF FREDERICK i'EUSCH, late of Lancaster city, deceased. Letters testamentary en said estatu having been granted te the undersigned, all penman Indebted thereto are requested te make immediate payment and these having claims or demands ngnlust the. estate of ttiu decedent wilt make Iho saum known te htm without delay. FRANK PFEIFFEII, Executer. It. C. Kr.KAnv, Attorney, inl5-0ldeaw INSTATE OF ANTHONY E. ROllER'i 1 lute of Ijincasler city, dce'd. Letters testaV. mentan'ensald estate having been granted la the undesigned, all pcivens Indebted thereto nie rceuestud te make immediate payment, nnd theso having claims or demands against the same will present them without delay forsottle fersottle forsettle menttn the undersigned, residing In Philadel phia, Pa., or their attorney at Ne. 23 North Duke street, Lancaster, Pa, ISAAC E. RORERTS, HENRI.' A. ROIIERT&, JOHNL.R01IERT8, Jean W, Arrst, Exeeutnrs. Atteniey. rXHdeaw lUAMPAGNE. BOUCHE "SEC." THE FINEST CHAMPAGNE WINE NOW IMPORTED. AT REIGART'S OLD WINU STORE, Ne. 29 East Kise finufitT. IL E. SiAYMAlCKK, Agt. KstahlUhed, 1769, fcblT-thV i ..v. j Vtf'' . 9. -fis:.. u. jf ,3, -KT ; "v .' r.