"iPB "V WW .mi i ii I ii Jiirt ii-MlJJ , OLD SONGS INQUIRED "ATO. Ens. iNTnt-MOEHCEU! During the tlme tlmlMr. Ogle. from the Bomcrset district, was Iti Congress evor forty years age, a lady friend or his requested hint te obtain the au tograph of Jehn Qttlncy Adams, who was then In Congress, Jn rospenso te her re quest Mr. Adtilns wrote n Verj' pretty lltlle poem, entitled MTlie WanU of Man." It went the rounds of the newspapers at the tlme, but I have lest sight of It for many years. 1 can glve a few stanzas from memory, In the hepe that this may reach the oyes of soine or your nmnoreus readers who will rcproduce the whele peem. O, W If. QUAUtiYVIM.i:, March 23, 188B. MAVS WANTS. nv jeiih quiHcr aiuvs. "Man wants but little here bolen Ner w ants that ) Ittle lentr," 'Tin net with me exactly se, llut'tls seln till senc. My vrnnts are many, and If telil Would initHtpr many a score, Anil were o.ieh wish a mint et geld, j still should long for mere. 1 want, who does net want, a wife AITcclloimte and fair, Te solace all the woes of llfe And all Its Jeys te slinre. or temper sw ect, of yielding w 111, Of linn, yet placid mind, With nil my fault te love me still, With sentiment refined. And as tlme's car Incessant runs, And fortune Alls my store, I want of daughters and of soil", Frem eight te hilf a score. I want, alas 1 can mortal daie Such bliss nnarth te cru' e That all the Elrlsbe chaste and fair, The boys all wUe and brave? I want the souls of power and place The cmplre of command, Charged by the people's unbeugut grace, Te rnle my native land. Fer cren n nor sceplre w enld I ask, But by my country's will j lly day, by nlKht, te play the task, HcrcupefblUs te llll. NetK "lly," In the Mcend line of the lust terse, I hair think was " from ;" and I am net certain that "play," in the third line, should net be "ply." My friend Mr. J. M. Johnsten's well well knew n poetical tnste w ill nt onee suggest which Is correct. " Who Knows the Tune or Ibirbnra Allen ? Ees. lNrr.i.i.iriHNCKiu I think that Dr. Itatiiven, m he known overytlilng, seme years age reprinteil in the Intki.muf.nckh the words or the old and ence fuvoiite song "Barbara Allen." Can any of your roaders ropreduco the tune te .which U wps sung, or tell me where te get ItT And would it net pay Heme enterprising publlslier te republish the words and airs ofUie favorite ballad of a half century age thatBtill linger in the memory and affections of these who heard them in childhood T N. IjANCASTI'.ii, March 24. nrsvEitAnevs Tjsimemzisa a aeir.v. The Ooierner of North Carolina Called On te r Suppicss Tlielr Daring Outrages. A bad state or iiil'iiim exists at the pretty town of Highlands, Macen ceutny, N.C. The place is nettled by peeple Irem tlie New England Htates aiidjrem ethor yartH of North Carolina- As it is near the boriler of Ooergia, Tonnessee and Seuth Carolina, dosperadecs from theso states gathortlicre in the winter, tothe"greaCnnnoyaneoortlio quiet nnd law abiding lCNklenta. Theae disorderly poeplo rlde through the town, discharging ilrearms in regular cow-boy style. Most or tlte evil ovil ovil doers coine from Hast Tcnnosseo. Tliey have established illicit distillorles in the wild region around Highland, nnd peeple who hang around these distilleries nld in creatlng disorder. ... Tim iwonle of lllchlaiuls. finally becoming disgusted at tlie bad work tlone by tlie dis tilleries, gave inforinatien te tlie authorities or the location of the atills and the United States deputy collector and nosse made ar rests or n number or ringleaders and took them te Highlands. Tlie party wero all at a hetel, w hen suddenly tliore arrived a mob or mounted nien. who had ceme Trem Georgia, and attacked the deputy marshal. They were repulsed by the rovenue nien, who killed ene of thorn William Ilatnsey and ladly wounded two etiiers, who nre missing mid ero by many balloted te have loon killed. The attacking party afler their ropulse scat scat scat tored In all directions Since that tlniotliey and tlielr iriends Iiave made all Herts or threats against the people of Highlands. TIiev declare tliat tliey w ill kill tlie residents and bum tlielr heuses. Governer Scales has ordered Solicitor O. F. Fergusen, or that district, and Adjutant General Johnsten Jenes te go te Highlands and thoroughly investigate the cntire matter te ascertain if the civil olllers nre masters or tlie situation, mid if net te use tlie troops tliat are at Ashovllle and Wnyncsvllle ready for duty. nlT.Cl.U. XOTIOCS. Iteet On All Sides lly nmlail I, hewshall we escaiie the dread Infec tion T Is the question which the denirens of lever und ague distilcts ask themselves. The answer remes fiem feriuer scitrerers who for 1 cars haMi escaped the visitations of the perl perl perl odle sceumge, tlnengh the pietectlng luiluence orilestettet's Stomach Hitlers. When the neccs ally for ler using pn-venthe measures arises, nse this means of prevention at once. It regu lates the lUer, r.icllltales digestion, and liber ates linpnillles irein the system, when such ov ev ist, by promoting healthful action of the bowels und kidneys. Act early. In nil regions where mlasmntle vapors brc ed dicease, it is absolutely necessary te be protected w 1th a safeguard, and this Is true, though a sojourn In such localities Is destined te be brief. Ne ene can afford te brcathemalai la tern short time. Thelllttcrs is a sovereign specific ferihcumatisui, debility and nervousness. Keep It en liand. inarl9-35 BUOWN'S H0USF.I10LD PANACEA. Is the mosteffectlveX'alnDcstreyerin the world. Will most surely quicken the bleed whether taken Internally or applied extenially, and thereby moie certainly IIEL11A K PAIN, whether chronle or acute, than any ether pain alleviator, nnd it Is warntnted donble the Htrencth of any similar prentratien. It ernes pain In the Si.le, ilaek or Bowels, Berp Threat. Itlieumatlsui, Toethaclio and ALL ACI1KH, and I The Oreat Believer of l'uln. " 111 OW'S HOUbEHOLD l'ANACKA "should be In every family. Atciwpoenfulofthel'unacoa lit it tumbler of hi t water sweetened, If pre ferred, taken tA, iiedllme, will BllKAk UP A COLD, a cents a bottle. llj31.lyaMW(8Jtw bKIN DISEAbKS.-8WAYNK,fl OINTMKNT.' "Himvne'l Ointment" cuies Teller, bait Ithenm, Itlngw erm. Beres, Vlmples, Lczcina. all htiriTne'',auer A0,7wg All Admire n Ilandsoine Face. Aliuie, clear skin ill make uny face hand. some. Manifestly unythlng which strengthens undonrlihestheblewl will dlrt-etly affect the iliele person. All eruptions of the skin dlsnp pear uen Jliinleek Jlloeil Jliltert an; employed. They are a egetuble remedy of luesf umbe value, l'orsnlebyll. B.Ceebmn, druggist, 1J7 rnd lai North Qucuu sticet, Ijmcaster. CeldkmM Liquid Beef Tonle will cure indlges. lien, and lierpetunte ledlly vigor. Slitj no ether. Ot druggists ingMwdeed&Mr Honesty the llest l'ellcy. liindeitlslngnmcdlclnett is best te be lien, csti deception will never de; the pepplnMen't stand It. Ut Iho tinthlie knew 11 that llurdeek Jlloetl lllttm euro scrofula, nnd all eruptions of the skin ThU rocdlctnehj sold overywhereby druBB "ts. 'or sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist. 13f iiiid I!W North 0,ueen gtieetUncaster. Hew my threat hurts I Then why don't ye me Hale's Heney of Horcheund ami Tar, I'lke Toothache Dreps cure In one "m; Uced 4w 1TCIIINU l'lLKS.-aYMl'TOM8 1 MOISTUBK i.iub Dorsnlratlen. intense itching, worse by Bcratchlug, most ut night, seems ir pin-wenns Ti. fW ' Umaune'i Ointment 'Utavlea$ if plu-werms janSS-MWFAw ant, mre cure, 1'estiiuwter Saui'l A. Hewitt, of Menteivy, Mich., delivers himself In this w Het "Fer cold, bums, sero threat, nnd rheu matism. 3'Aemat' AVifcrlc OH cannot be beaten I say Weepltuptothestandai-d. nnd It lll sal lsfy the people. 1 shall send for a new supply seen. 1'er sale by 11. B. Cochran, druggist, 137 and 133 North (jucenstreet, Lancaster. " ANANSWKUS WANTED. Can any one tiring us a case of Kidney or Liver Complaint lh.it Llectiie Bitters will net speedily euro t e ay they can net, as thousands of rases already permanently cured and who are .inn v recommending Electric Bitters, will prove. llrliiht's disease, Dtsbetes. Weak. Back, or any urinary complaint quickly cured, the bleed, tegulate the bowels, un They purify liuni; recti: nu act directly t tie guaranteed. iin th diseased parts. Every no Forjiatentfiec.abottlobyll. U. oeehrau. drug. Jut. Ne. 137 and 138 Aorta Queen street, Lancas ter.Pa. () 3j VjJHrtKsi ?A V Kyi--- Hilltll T On every hand we wen evidences that ltr ts breaking up, and wilt loon "have te yield te the advancing spring. It Is a most important quest Ien amongst scientific men what causes the general leellng or debility and lassitude se prevalent In this region. While seme regard It as the result of conflnemeutand Inaction, ethers supposed te be caused by the decay of vegeta bles and animal deurls which lias accumulated during the winter. What ts especially needed at this time, however, Is something te overcome these Influences. It Is tee late te talk about the causes t what Is the cause T Thousands of per sons all ever the country who have given Kidney-eort a falthrul trial are ready te testify that no ether remedy Is equal te It for cleansing the system, purifying tbe bleed, regulating the bowels, and curing all kidney and liver diseases. It Is In fact the king of all spring medicines. f OUNO MEN I-11KAD THIS. Tai Voltaic Bklt Ce., of Marshall, Mich., effer te send their celebrated Klictho-Veltaio IIklt and ether KtscTRie ArrMAxoiten trial for thirty day. te men (old or young) afflicted with nervous debility, less of vitality and manhood, and all kindred troubles. Alte for lhcumatlsm, neural gia, paralysis, and many ether kindred diseases. Complete restoration te health, vigor and man hood guaranteed. Ne risk is Incut red as thirty days trial Is allowed. Wrlte them at ence for illustrated pamuhlotrrce. decJO-lyd&w "UOUGllON ITCH." "Uotighen Itch" cures humors, eruptions, tins-worm, totter, salt rheum, frosted fee I, CIlll- uiains W I'KKTTV WOMKN. Ladles who wnnld retain freshness and vivac ity. Don't fail te tiy " Wells' Health Kcnower." 1 () Tliundcr It Down the Ages, That for lameness, lheuinntlsni, for aches, for patns.nnd ler sprains Dr. I7iemni' Jicleelrtc Oil Is a positive ana reliable remedy. Dr. Themnt' Jielcctrte Oil can be purchased of any druggist. KersalebyH. ll. Cechrcu, druggist, 137 nnd IK) North Queen street, Lancaster. NKVKK OIVK VV. If yen are troubled nflth nervous or sick head ache, de net glve up your ense its Incurable until yen have tried Dr. Leslie's Special Prescription. Se the testimonials in another column, dis-lwd BUCKLKN'H AUN1CA 8ALVK. The best Salve In the world for Cuts, Hrulses, Seres, Ulcers, Salt ltlicnm. Fever Seres, Tetter, Chapped Hand, Chllhlalns, Cerns, and all Skin Krupliens, and positively cures Flics, or no pay required, faction, or box. Fer sale 137 and 139 Can't Say I'.mtiigh. " I cannot siieak te highly of llurileck Jtloetl Ulleri: thev have been unreal blessing tome. Cured me of biliousness and dyspepsia from which I had sullercd for years." Mr. .1. Marsh, ltunk of Terente, Out. Fer sale liy II, it. Coch ran, druggist, 137 and l.S) North (upen sticet, Lancaster. " UOIHUI ON TOOTHACHE," Instant relief for Neuralgia, Toothache, Faeo- ache. Ask for "Itnugh en Toothache." 15c. and S5c. (3) A LAWYKU'S OPINION OF lNTEUKbT TO ALL. J. A. Tawney, esq., n leading attorney of Win ona, Minn., writes! "After using It for inore than three years, 1 take great pleasure In suiting that I regard Dr. King's New Discovery' for Con Cen Con sumptien, as the best remedy In the world for Coughs nnd Colds. It has never failed te cure the most ie ere colds 1 have had, und ln arlahly relieves the pain In the chest." Trial bottles of this euro euro ler nil Threit and Lung Diseases may he had Free at Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and!39 North Queen street, Lancaster, Pa, Large size, 11.00. ( 1 ) LIFK I'MKSKIIVKIL lfyeuaie losing your grip en life, try "Wells Health Itencwcr." does dli ect te weak spots, (3) MOTH KltS! MOTHK11SM MOTIIKI'.S !!! Are j-eu disturbed at night and broken of your rest by it sick child sutrerlng under Ing with the excruciating pain of cutting teeth T irse, go at ence and get a bottle of Mrs. WINSLOW'S SOOTHINU (JYItUF. It will relieve the peer lltlle suirercr Immediately depend upon It t thorn Is no tnistaka about it. There is net a mother en earth who has oteruRcd it, who will net tell you nt ence that it will regulale the bowels, und glve rest te the mother, and relief and health te the child, epcrutin;r llke magic. It is perfectly safe te nse In nil cnies, and pleasant te the tusle, and Is the prescription of ene of the eldest nnd best female physicians In the United States. Held everywhere. 13 cents a bettle. may31-lydM,W,Sw "HOUUH ON FAIN." Cures colic, cramps, diarrheea; externally for uehes, pains, spmlns, headache, neuralgia, rheu matism. Fer man or beast, aoaud&ec. (2) A Wcwdef Caution.. Itailread lncn.lnechanlcs, commercial travel ers, base balllsts, farmers, and ethers who labor out of doers, are peculiarly liable te nceldent and Injury- X7iema' JiclecMc Oil for bruises, burns, bites and sprains, is ene of the finest ap plications yet devised. Fer koIe by II. II. Coch ran, druggist, 1.17 and 1SI North Queen street, Lancaster. DlLFHAVHEll'S BOOT BITTEltS. Fntzler's Heet Bitters are net a dram shop beverage, but nre strictly medicinal in ciery souhe. They net stiengly upon the Llvcrnnd Kidneys, keep the bowels open nnd regular, cleanse the bleed and system or ever Impurity. Sold by druggists, ft. Sold by H. II. Cochran, 137 und 13J North Queen sticet. li) LKTTL'll 1'ltOM A 1T.HALI: 1'IIYSICIAN. l'Jl8UCOM AVLSCK, New Yerk, May 1, is!. $ My specialty Is diseases of women und chil dren. Hike allcock'sPeuocs Blasters bccause they nre se quick and cfliclenl. und net er Irri tate or mark the tenderest skin I have found them nier-t uscrut In my pnictice, nnd they uie certainly the best plasters new made. Te illus trate : my son often jeurs of nge took n bad Celd and coughed Incessantly; no medicine would rcllove him; after seme twchoheursl applied Allcock's I'ouecs 1'lastkuIeIiIs threat and upier chest. The cough censed entirely In nu hour, and the next day the boy was well, I told the case ten gentleman who suffered In the same way j he, tee, was cm ed In twenty-four hours of his cough by Allcock's 1'uiievh I'las tebs. Anether patient suffered from pain In the small or the back Allcock's 1'okei h I'lasteii w ns applied at night, nnd next morning the pain had ceased. Agnlii.a j eung lady suffering from Neuralgic Pains mound the heart, by my advice used Allcock's l'onecs Plastics, und was en ilrtlv cured in threedajs. Flnally.n lady came tome with Celd Feet, whtehcenslantlyiecurred night and day this sometimes Is a symptom of Uterine Congestion I applied an Allcock's Pennua I'lastkii te the sole or each feet, and her feet get and continued warm. She worn the Plasters evera week. Thus 1 hat a recently tried Allcock's Porecs Plasters, and take great pleasure in bearing w Itness te their remarkable curative power. JANE M. BAKEK, M. I). ' Allcock's "U the enlj pfiiulne Pereus Plas ter ; buy no ether and t en w ill net be cheated. HATH AXIi CAVS. e LOTH HATS. LEE, the Hatter, IS 8KLL1SC1 CLOTH HATS AT $1.00 Ne. 23 North Queen Streot, marl -lyd LANCASTEIM'A. HATS I I1AT3 I LOOK AT BTAUFFKU JC CO'S., ai Cent Window TO-DAY. 31 ASSN. Queen St. - HVIWTACLES. QUPKUIOH SPECTACLES -AND- EYE-GLASSES. Mlcrosceiies, Field Glasses- llareinetcrs, Tele Tele scenes. Moiie Lanterns, 'lliermemeters. Draw. liig'Tistrmuents. I'hllosephlcal and cliemlcai Apeii-atus. LUt and Descriptions of our Ten Catalogues sent t'KEK en application. QUEEN& CO., NO.WtCHKSTNUTbT. PHILADKLVHIA warS-lydAw 'JUMrMfr' in,. "Ti r XiCADH ALU .HV ttt Ne ether bloed-purtfylng medtolne I yle. or has ever been prepared, which se completely meets the waits of physicians and the general pnblle as Ayer's Saimparilla. It lends thn list ns a lrlll v r sclen llfle nrepara- tlen for all bleed diseases. If there Is a lurl ennAMTt 1 flnlntnf Rrmfniit about vna. AY aiurni kins yeu.AYKH'i OVMflliljABAltSAI'AHlLLAwllldisledgeltand expel It from yenr system. . . . . Fer Constitutional or Scrofulous Cnlarrb, AYRIt'SSAUaAPARILLAis the true remedy. PlTinDU It has cured numberless cases. It bit lAlUin will step the nauseous catarrhal dis charges, and removethn sickening odor of the breath which are Indications of scrofulous origin. Htrrrit, Tex., Sept. 28, 1881 ULCEROUS MRESenVchflrnwaVTeM? aftllcted wlthrunnlngsorcsenlts face and neck. At the same tlme its eyes wero swellen, much Inflamed nnd Very sere, l'hyslclans told us that VftHV PVPfla powerful alternative medicine aVRIi Mia must be employed. They united In rccemmincndlng AYKlt'S SAKSAl'AItlLLA. A few doses prednced a perceptible Improvement, which, by an adherence te your directions, was continued te a cemplete nnd permanent cure. Ne evidence has slnce nppearcd of the oxlstcnce of any scrofulous tendencies t nnd no trcntment of any disorder was ever attended by mere prompt or ctllcctual results. Yours tnily, B. F.Jouksek." rncrARED nv Dr.J. 0. Ayer & Ce., Lewell, Mass. Sold by all Druggists. 1, six bottles ter 13. mlv-23 TTIDNEY-WOUT. DOES WONDKiiriJL CUUKS OF KIDNEY DISEASES AND- LIVER COMPLAINTS. Bccause it acts en the LIVKll, BOWELS and KIDNEYS at the SAME TIME. Bccause It cleanses the system of the poisonous humors that develops in Kidney nnd Urlnnry Diseases, Blllleusness, Jnnndlce, Constipation, Files, or in Bheumnttsm, Nuralgla, Nervous Dls Dls erders and all Female Complaints. 49-SOLID 1'BOOF OF THIS.-C It will Surely Cnre CONSTIPATION. FILES and Kit KUMATIHM by causing FBEK ACTION ernll the organs and functions thereby. CLEANSING THE BLOOD. Iteslerlng the normal power te threw off dis ease. THOUSANDS OF CASES Of the worst forms of these tcnlbte diseases have been quickly relieved, nnd In a short time I'EUFECTLY CUBED.: l'rlcc.tl. Liquid or Dry. Sold by druggists. Pry can be sent by mall. WELLS, UICIIAIIDHON ft CO., v Burlington, VI. Send stump ter Dairy Almanac Of lts. KIDNEYWORT. Jan2Mmdced.t3mw IMIOUHANDS OK CASKS OF SICK Hendoche are permanently cured every year (as tlie hundreds of testimonials In my possession will tnstiry) by the nse of mi. LESLIE'S Special Prescription. This Bemcdy stands te day without a rltal, nnd with scarcely a tern petlterln the worm. ibnusands of I'hrslclans threu mil,. bout the country have acknowledged their Inability te euro It. nnd nre new prescrlb- LUIIIiy MI UIIIU ts l inn itn iMtn.iii Lc8llutf 8icciivl rreicTltlen ferull cases Inn Dr. of Sick HEADACHE In either Its nervous, bilious or congestive inrm, arising from ohstructlen.cnngeHtlon or torpidity or thellver. When 1 say that Dr. Leslie's SPECIAL Prescription wlllcurothemostobsllnato cases of blck Headache, I mean Inst what I say, aud that Is, that It net merely relieves but POSITIVELY cures, no matter hew long the case may have been standing. . v , I have testimonials from persons who have been afflicted for twenty years, being confined te bed two or three dajs at n tlme every two weeks. Hint have been permanently cured by two bottles or Dr. I.cslle't) Special PRESCRIPTION se tliat they have net liad an attack ler ever 11 ve years. iryeu ero troubled with Sick Headache nnd wish te be CURED be snre nnd glve thU remed y a trial. I'riiw, $1.00. B. B. AUCIIKlt, Saratoga Springs, N. T. rOUSAI.KBYDIHiaUlBTd. dJO-lyd Fer sale only ut .. It. KAUr'KMA.N'8 Drug Htnre, Ne. Sfl North Ouuen hlrcct, Lancaster, r'er colds, ue KuntnnanV Cough Hymp, ihe largest and best for 23 cents. TTKADQUAllTKllS KOK THH INDIAN MKIHCINBd, Ka-ten-ka and Medoc Indian Oil, -AT Lecher's Drug Stere, NO.il UAH r KINO BT.. Ijnieaater. l'a. MANHOOD ItllSTOItKD. BUKI)V rilKK. A victim of youthful lmpnidenee causing I'm mature Dccy, Nervous Debility, I.est Manhood, 4c, having tried In vain every known remedy. im discovered a Blmnle self cure, which he will gendFBKKtehls tefle' tiuuress, AKKVhB, .i. u. JlC-lyeedAlyw 41 Chatham Bt., New erk Ctty aUOCEMKS. AT HUHSK'a Easter Coffees and Easter Cards. We will glve from new until lifter Baster, a beautiful Easter Card Ith e.ich pound of Cof fee, and another design, nNe very pietly. two cards, with each pound. We de this testtmu. i.ifn tmiinnud liiiike tlie children luinnv. Veu want geed Coffees, and we have thorn. Our Coffees cannot be bent. We buy the best, nnd nlH ays have them fresh roasted, also fnwii BeBVl 'VABIKTIES Old Mandchllng find l'e daug Java, Chelee Mm hi, iJigitnyra.Cesta ltlce, (luatemala and Bies. Onr'.i) cent ltle feru geel strong drink, cannot be eent. Our ltle Blended Is mipeibntiS cents, also lower priced Coffee. BURSK'S, NO. 17 EAST KING STREET. V. H. Snme goods sold and cards given at our branch. Chestnut and Mary streets. Beth stores connected with telephone exchange. lievsKruJisisniNO aoens. T UK CHEAPEST PLACE te iiur AT LOW PRICES STOVES, HEATERS, RANGES, Geal Oil Lamps and Gas Fixtures. i j A P. Ne. U Seatk Qheh Street, feW-lyd LAXCXBTJCK, l'A. r-K, 'j--- - WTt . Air. U TMK xIAI Y?M MetWtw Mte Ves aatft q iMMy M son's capetae liMtw.'u. s. wsmiw, t UTK. JDW x e UTIOUIIA. DISFIGURING HUMORS. HUMILIATING ERUPTIONS Itchingand Burning Torta. I have tried forclevcn years te have mywlfe enred of a terrible skin disease. The Cuticcba IlKMiCDita (CCTietntA 1IESOI.VKMT, the new Bleed l'nritler, internally, nnd Ctrncmu, the sreat Skin euro, and CCTicvnA.HeAr.an exquisite Skin Bean tiller, externally) have done In six weeks what I have tried for cloven years te have done. Yen shall have the particulars as seen as U. can glve them te you, and as we are se well known lnlhls part of tbe country, II will benefit you, and the remedies will euro all Who use them. MA.YSVlt.tK, Kv. CHAS. II. WHITE. BLOTCHES CURED. I used your CmicunA Kkxidiks for Blotches, and am completely cured, te my Inexpressible Jey, CirricmiA Beav is the best lhnvecver used, nnd te the profession II Is Invaluable for cleans ing tbe skin, thereby removing nil "cork," grease, paint, and nil the stuff used by them, leaving the skin pure and white nnd soft. My greatest pleasure Is In recommending such nu article. Ii. MACK, CAamnlen Oemiquc Heller Ukatert YouxasTeww, Ouie. SALT RHEUM. I have had the Salt Bhenm for about three years, and have spent tlme nnd money te have It cured. Without success, until I tried the Cirri cviia llKUKUiKs, which tire doing the work. U.J.YOUNU. MAnsnriKLD, C'oeb C'euntv, Obeoex. $200 forTnething. Having paid about fan te llrst-class doctors te euro by baby, w ltheiit success, I tried Cuticcba ItsMKMRS, which completely cured after using thrce bottles. W'M. (lOKDON, Ne. 87 Arlington Aw, Chnrlestewn, Mass. Beld everywhere. Prices! COTicrnA, Mc; Hoai', 2S cents ; Ukselvkxt, 1 1.00. 1'irrrmt I)uri and Ciikmicai. Ce, Ikitrreir. Hund for "Hew te Cure Skin Dlseases." e UTIOUIIA SOAP KOIl JIOUQII OIIAP- l'ED nnd KEDDKNED SKIN and HANDS. CATARRH. COMl'LETETItEATMENT, WITH lNUALK.lt, KOU EVEItY FOIIM OF CATAUIHI, tl. ASIC FOlt. SANFORDS RADICAL. CURE. Hi ad Colds, Watery ...I 1. . aa IMlu.li.rr V ft Discharges from the Nese nnd Ktes, Uluglng Noises In the Head, Nervous Headachu'aml Feter instantly relieved. Choking Mucus Dislodged, Mucus Dleleducd. Membrane Cleansed and Healed, Breath Sweetened, Smell, 'laste and Hearing iiesinrcii, ami uavages Checked. Cough, Bronchitis, Droppings into the Threat, 1'alns In the Chest, Dspepla, Wasting of Strength and Flesh, Less of bleep, etc, cured. One bettle Itadlcal Cure, ene lox Catarrhal HoUentnndonn Dr. Sanfiud's Inhaler, in ene package, of nil druggists, for ll.OU. Ask ter Sam reiiD's IIadical Cukb, it pure dlstlllntleii or tVltch-llazcl, Am. l'lne.C'a. Fir, Marigold, Clever Blessem, etc. Fettkb Dni'a amoCiikmieal Ce., Bosten. Cellins' Voltaic Electric Plasters. New Llte ter Shattered Nerves, Painful Mus cles and Wcnfcencd Organs. COLLINS' VOL TAIC ELECTKIC PLAbTEil Instantly affects the Nervous System and Banishes pain. Ner vousness and Debility. Apcrfcct Ualt anle Bat tery combined with a highly Medicinal Plaster !or'.Sc. All druggists. marl-W'.SAw G HEAT INDIAN MKDIUINK. KA-TON-KA. THE GREAT INDIAN MEDICINE -KOU THE UI.OOD, LIVKK, KIDNKVS AND STOMACH. It 14 Made by the Indians. Used by the Indians. bold by tbe Indians. It Is Biircly Vegetable It surely cures nil diseases of the btemnch, Liver, Beh els nnd Bleed. It Is almost specific for all forms of lthcumatlsni. It will euro dls dls e.iKe when all ether remedies have (ailed. l)lroe liens are plainly printed en every bettle. All tribca of Indians liuve their medicines, but KA-TON-KA Is a remedy of the Pacific Coast, nnd Is used by nil. It Is composed of roots, herbs und barks gathered nnd prepared by the WAUM Sl'ltlNU INDIANS OF OKKUUN. And Is favorably known nnd used In all parts of the world. Thu sick or ailing should net delay Its use. It Mill pi event as well us euro disease. 11m nrlen Is unu dollar Her bottle, or six bottles for live dellaw. Ask for it and see that jeu get it. It l-i for sale by all liriifrnii.H, ami nyine UKK AH Olll.UU.N 1MU.. Ceny, l'a. MKD1CINK COMl'ANY, Medoc Indian Oil, nu: GltKATKbT PAIN KAUTH. MBDIC1NK ON IT HAS NO EQUAL. MODOO INUIAN OII.ls certain tocuioTonth tecuioTonth tocuieTonth nebn In ene uilnute, lle.idaehe In llveinlnules, hnrachelnlcn minutes, Heru Th re-itln onenlght, Neuralgia In three te five minutes. MODOC INDIAN OIL Is used Inteniallyas well as externally. Kvery family should ha en bot tle within reach. HUadocter In thobeuso. 1-or sain by all Druggists. I'rlcoSSc.perbettle. iJirge size bottles, BOe.: INDIAN CO U (ill HY11U1' U n prompt speclfle for Ceuglis, Colds nnd Lung diseases, Sue. per bottle, ha ten ka, Mndec lmllan OH ami Indian Cough Hymp for sale (wholesale and retail) at Cochran's Drug Stere, Nes. 137 and IKl North Queen street, Lancaster, l'a. niTlydWAS&w FVlllflTUltK. w AJrrcn a. iieinitsu Furnitare Warerooms. 28 CD s EastKingSt, LANCASTER, PA. VERT CHEAP AT STOCKS, TOOH, WUlTKit CO., m BANKERS.! p"&TOIVSSBiii&TrAir,,OK Mtuneaiiells Heal Kstat7per cent, liends for aale at 101 and Interest. Proprietors of "Peers Manual et Ballways." Correspendenco invited. 45 Wall Street, octl-lydeed New Yerk. pOTR IH MAKING CABINET PHOTOGRAPHS AT V3.00 A PCZKM,; AT NO. 1W NOUTH QUKKN BTBKKT, Ituwra LaaeasUr, fa. 3C3 new SflfcuA.'i li; i y v,1. ..s-.-,1'.'' . iitfA B8 MMWrnTtM - - K & BOWERS Nes. 26 and 28 North Queen St., Lancaster, Pa. WK OKFKlt Special Prices in Bleached Having bought a Large Let considerably under vnlne, we shall offer them very low. Bargains In TOWELS, just opened. TURKEY RED TABLE OLOTHS, all sizes, very low. SHKETINGr and SHIRTING MUSLINS, all widths and best makes at Reduced Prices. , QUILTS, COUNTERPANES, the best for the money in the mar ket. Elegant Qualities at $1.00, $1.25, $1.60, $1.75, $2.00 and up. COMPORTS and BLANKETS, offered very low, te clese out the Let. BOWERS & HURST, 26 and 28 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA. Nes. UEAP STORE. GARPETS FROM AUGTION. METZGER & HAUGHMAN, HAVK NOW Ol'KN A I.AItOK AND HANDSOME VAUIETV Of INGRAIN, RAG, HALL AND STAIR CARPETS, BOUOIIT AT AUCTION KOU CASH AND TO UK HOLD CIIKAP FOIl CASH. Oarpeta at Carpeta at Oarpets at Oarpets at Oarpets nt Oarpeta at 1G eta. Carpeta nt 30 eta. Oarpets nt GO ets. letzger & Haughman's Cheap Stere, 43 WEST KING ST., LANCASTER, PA. f Between the Coepor Heme and Serrel 1 lurse Hetol. N :xt neon te Tin: count house. niKRSKtlt.r I.1BVHU1 H !PA4H N ES jkK8KH. .'. tilKHHIS. ? rJieltir. MEItSKVH. .IKUSKYB. J KHM K I'M. .tKIWKYH. JKKHKYH. JKKSKYS, JKKSKY8, .1KUSKYS. .JKlWKYb. .1KKHKYS. , JKKHKYH. rJKKSKTS. JKltXKYH. Jersey Waistsl 1,AKCK AND'COll'tiliTE hlSSi OF , . 3ERSEYSI ! -4? '-. l sViuim and LADIES' 1ERSBYS. -JKHMK.Y8A SSSW?;. . ? v e".." ' 3 JKKSKVH.1 V"i U! NO .IKIfJK V R. E. FAHNESTOCK, Next Doer te the Court Heuse. Lancaster, Pa. OASl'lTTIXU, JtV. E LINN t IIURNHMAN. FLINN k BRENEMAN, Tbe Season Is new at band for furnishing and refitting Hemes. Nothing adds mero te tbe furnlshlnj? of a heuse than handseme GAS FIXTURES. A short tlme age Elegant Ohandollers wero a luxury that only the wealthy could enjey, new the rtfices are se low that FINE GOODS are within the reach of all. In the way of Common Goods we have qulte a stock of elegant Fatterns, but net the prevailing style, for which we will net rofuse any roasenablo eflbr. PLUMBING and GAS-FITTING promptly attended te. HEATING by Het Air or Steatn. Estimates given en all kinds of work. FLINN & BRENEMAN'S GREAT STOVE STORE. Hfew Ne. 1 52 North Queen St.. fc . l&ncastera;, CLOCKS, Ml llltO ELV 7. KIIOADH, HOUSEHOLD GOODS. The season is new at hand for refurnishing and restocking the Household with articles of use and necessity as well as ornament. When buying solid, sterling Silver there is satisfaction in the thought of its being able te be used for generations ; net only used new, but by your peeple that fellow after you. Our stock of plated Goods is very complete and we keep only the very best makes, in all the different grades. Knives, Ferks, Spoons, &c. are cheaper new than they have ever been. New is just the time te buy, before the Spring trade makes prices go up again. But you cannot tell en paper what can se much better ee under stood by calling and seeing for yourself, and consequently being con vinced. H. Z. RHOADS, lancaetku. pa. Ne. 4 West King Street. H3T Store closes at 6:30 o'elock, p. m., oxeopt Saturdays. llOVHKFVHNISMSll HOODS. S' milK'S OAKPET 1IALU CARPETS ! KKOl'ISNINU OF SHIRK'S CARPET HALL. We nre new nrenared te show the tnirte the Lnrccst aud Best Sclected Line of Carnets ever er, hlbitedln this city. WILTONS, VBLVKTS, BHUSSKLb. TllltKK-rLY, All-Weel and Cotten Chain KXTU llltAIN (lAUl'KTS. HAMASKluul VKNKT1AN CAUl'KTH. own manufacture a speciality, bpeclal Attention paid te the Manufacture of CUSTOM CABl'KTb, Alseat'llll Ltueef OIL CLOTHS, KUUS, WINDOW WllAUliS, CO YJSULUTS, a( AT SHIRK'S CARPET HALL, Oer. West King and JOHN BAKU'S SONS. BABR'S AGRICULTURAL JUMAJjfiC FOR 1885. kr Will be Bent Postpaid en Remittance of Eight Oenta for Single Copies, and Sixty Oents.fer Twelve Copies. Address, JOHN BAER'S SONS, NOS. 15 and 17 NORTH QUEEN STREET, LANCASTER, PA JUST OPENED A LAIiqK LINE Ol' Clpe Toilet Soaps at Ac., 10c, and 16c. rutin, Heney, Turkish Bath, Oatmeal, Elder Flower, end Transparent Uiicerine, et .... UUBLKY'S UBUG bTOUU, M West KlBit Htreet. h 1 &0 HURST, THIS WRKK and Cream Table Linens. 121 ets. 20 eta. 36 eta. 06 ets. 06 eta. Oarpets at 26 eta. Oarpets at 40 eta. Oarpets at 76 ets. ilKUSKS. W1S)!IP ...-,. viJK"W f '-aiHtr- rMOJKHHKTI -. - MKMKV Jersey Waists I JEKSKTl JKH.HIiVH JKKSKYtC . JJiltMKYU. JKK.SKYS. .IKKSKYD .IKUSEYtt. !'' JKK8KYS. r JKUHKYS. JKUHKY.H, 4 JERSEYS I fejtz. a r i . - citii.nKia.Xefe.- , ? v. ,4,,, 50 'GENTS' UP JKIihKa. .IKItSKYH, .1 lavuirVM '"5fy9 . -$ir & X TlXt YOITSEK QOIti. Jil'.HKYS.' I KHSK1 M. ItS AS II lUCONZES. . , CARPETS ! all the Trading Makes of BODY ANUTAl'K8Tll Hill-Kits, and all eualltlea of IN- It AU and CHAIN CAUl'KTH of our Water Sta., Lancaster, Pa. teb23-2mdAw BOOKS. REMOVAL. Dlt.A.J.llKltll una ramnvmi 1,1s ntUca from southwest corner l'rince aud Chestnut streetn, te bis new rcl. dence, southwest corner Orange and Mulberry street. ftbiWlmd wz$ '" nl ' JlgiMi$!PH iw tli tr r ,;. !! ij ' VMI ""ar .t I i l . 9 m "m KTpnm,. Hanover Aeeemj,. rMti.inat.ini.. rredcrtek Aeeem, IjttneMter Aeeem. IhtrrUbniY Aeeem ColntuhtAAeeemi. Mftrrliburv Jfxprc, Wettern JczpreM t VMtfleKiprcMt.. KA8TVTAHD. Mall Kzpremt.... 1'Ml'a.lCznrcMf .. rut Line t Ilarrlsbnrg JCspret LaneMter Aceenv celambla Aeeem.. Bebere IimmIm Johnstown Sxtirei Sunday Mall;,,,w. Day Kxpreaaf ...... HahUhnrx Aeeem The Marietta Ac blaate:Ma.Bi. and leave Olnmbla a reaching Marietta i lettaataOp. m.nr ale, leaves at 8'33 a The Yerk Accetm 7:10 and arrl Yea at i with HarrtiMmr El The Kredertcfc At Ing at Lancaster wl m. will run throng The Frederick j Colombia at 12.23 ni p.m. Hanover Acoemn Lancantcr with Nia rnn through te Uai Fat Line, west, c atop at Downlngtei Mt, Jey, Kllidbethl t The only train tbe Mall train west I Leave dally eze i m W ,"VJ I- IV f Va.J l i "A Mil I H , It 1 ,-H ? i'a 3 an XH i(l H SO' : r.4v 'mI UMimA : TMt, M1kU imetatl tl rant j. r: jinm k5S aehaa A WIeb, 1 1KIM ti n ir, daily, i . tiaiMky, m chrmi J4bvkl ulu Meafcw.'rfJ . ft' CORNWAIiIj COLKBUOOK c Trains leave Leb at C30 n. in., 12.30 an Arrive nt Cernwn 7.40 p. m. ; at Cene Ji.m.,cennccllngw orpelntaeastana i Trains leave Cen VD LKBi A 38. LLKT Hi . HWAKS. ,'S m n dallv f i ? . tin, m. ! t 8 40a.U'J frn. i te nt'ltmm.mu Ian nereiMMirf UU Vsn.mM ste M'i,tme-s 23 r. in. Arrlve at Cernwn m. t nt Lebanon at connecting at Lei Beading Kullroed U the Lebanon and ' town, l'lncgrove ai The 0J0 a. in. trail Colebreokand Belli 1 . 1I.JI1 n wH : rettits mnnt TretaeHV uiateix r MKRRSCIIAUU SHOKXRS KJ riVhl, TUBIumi I'lueS, VBKNOMitUlAU i, , I'H'KU, CIO Alt A'MD CI0ARHTK HOL. j Vkw, cicfAi:CAw,3s;eKii.plT3, MATCH CAO"u-vvij3(A,;.,Xittgi)kjt variety and at ry liy pri ( .MS Call nni i amine enr.ycwxlfi. LIUUUIU lUHUlin IIICIU , it' fj E L Ne. 110 North Qtm strtf T ACE OURTA Te CleselOut; LACE CURIAINS .- i'air White; at. .. .$ f.23 1 WIfc 1 71 ft mt nv H Cream, at. 2 "V 1. 'l' White, nt. a- tr'TBs . ,' w iiiiaHpH'rei t!7 MHllili I -;A ttJrMPfwrnuaii, JkM '- ! ywrn r 'ivi STEMS WAhh fAJfJKMJm ,NS' "-&4M i -ii"m3.. r I ... .73 5" , (I ,.., SACSAI 4i ... va;&r,t s i ,., 1.73 S" i.a ... 3aJl"i4 iiirt ,. 3.0ftr3R"F RW ,,. ,.etHI"j l t ,,. 3.1IJ1' Hw 'vvi?v!',Crcaui, nt! - 4y flii A Cream Swi AV 'fjyrip. (S.M2 900 ,. &W ;UJ;t lltfl . je.w t i..f,y.,,iMi f, l3XU;SjB-'ia).W Thrse? Kieiraut "ftj( MW'wt. 1,,awir FANCVttn4 VMlVt WrOCHlAri0 fetC' vpntfrr,, "sir"k . - . "rrrx . .! ' ttJ Jy ' PHASES WRY, r, m NO. 57 NOETH Q 1 UUIJIH'li .J-F . . KaiKa SdtJVM i .n.u -Ca,.! !.... fur iftt fcwaie. ni tNIiaBi.'j . ! 'Af$? HvF?t iSSflM!i& .f'tSl, iifirc 'Affwrf DestrinfidiA veii ' ' i?" nTRSBHftra: . fitti w LA,ASTKK,"r, jig m Queehffiral -A-c-wj&m j? , i' j'y'JwjW rI -nvfA GH1NMRKLIJ "l'W ...iui.iri.i,iiMii ftnirirn vuib tt!'i unvw .. J . i. LlKK 0S White Granite i .dDeceral tower, T&lWcjS AT LOWEST PRICED Our wares are c 'ereuy seietH; Ne Qoedt mlsn reientca.,' f. We exchange n ' articles' BtiMttJab High NO. 16 B .ST L, XOAUT TJNDERTA5 L UNDRfR Ger. Seul Qaeca ui im l'emnnsl alien tmiflv thing lu the Und 'takinj iiavtnirieciirej uiu Chanle, 1 am pt l" stdiinir at verir lii Vurnltnre Upla lei janlOttd CiIiATE WO) iKa KJ Aiipcrseiu 1' MANTKLS.ers i? bv caiunx ill et l leucuuuuBue 1 I ' ' IU Cerner Frent aad mai-Sma TW jr''fl --, J wimjs' , sw n em 4W s i pk- KnuaakKE'ru. :i.i 1ir2 . r Her' -el i' ) m i-mwm w j (iltu'li m m$mi Vii(rttti Jij ml", ' hS& MMVllKirtleiH. -KvsttltY mtMuii. -t; fHfHIBB.aiVPCiiiMM;n , i mAIH1K' All klnSTetu' I 7$m$ ' WS&TWi J IIUHK llSPIMMIil I I III II pilljpp . & 4MfP4t . ' 4twiy I ki k 3f. t ar.itiim aLOKASa-'M xxn T-mk t? m m Hvi a ?2 5Ss rm & Ms 1 iffc im m IV T m?- 7-V,1"' ..T IJ-'l n A .ii1 ' -j! !; -j-ii-' t V