i v IT wf m as S9BE9E M Its.; Ml ur f I K &:km -'JC'J ; pr- tKu& 'tig" If 9 I: r Vw raiiw, J. mr jraSS?" - -1' A rr MULTj -- hutnry r ': V(7AT 0) ; By 8TUJi:jil,HMMMC. V SCLI01Hdn' BUILDING, 8. W. OtfMr Omtre Square. iJttlf CMfW X WMS, FlV &OLLAM A meirrrcirrsAi(mTH. FesTAsma. KT19EMKKTS neic tK te tittt cum a - i IEKLY " INTELLIGENCER," .(tHTrAM.) ' M tfcJi bed very Wednesday Mernlntf, lff TWO IKKLAMA1rll.lt 1MADVAHCI. IA.L Mtehdixc solicited from orery Pnrt of l Etc ana eenntry. correspondents nre ro re estcd te write legibly and en onesldeot paper only ana te sign tneir names, um niilles.Uen. bnt in nroef of Reed faith. jl anonymous letters will be censlirncd te 1 waste wwicei. I AULM-HM A TXtSOBAMS TO TIIE INTELLIGENCER, j , liAKOABTXS, VAl ancfl0tct Intelligence?1, LANCASTEIt, MARCH 23, 1885. Forcing the Issue. teaitlhiir the New Yerk nostefllce nennilv wnlUnfftrmnl New Yeik ISresrjondentef the Leaner says that" it ';iJIbt straining a point te assert that tlie : t Zs"r .. " i .. ... " rfjfiUre lxWy-ef iudenondciiie wha voted for 'vdPvtx. Cleveland in this city nnd Brooklyn i watching his actleu as an event which .'. . . . .. l.-H ., III 1! ijatO uetermine wiiemer mey win cunuiiuu ' V iMttehr adbcrence te him as a civil service re- ,$?iiBrmer. or whether they will have te cut $''' jrjese frem'him and see what virtue there is l?"?ta the formation of a new (third) party en sj ,gti R lnilCIKiluium. uasia, unu niuuiuuuiui- W&jM9wes in future that are net or tneir own jSySiwrtien. This is the view of such Infill- '1 rfsci.Hlliil inrn as Maver Lew and Rev. Mr. iaiigktSBw'clicr, in ihe city ever the river, and of ta,?'$r.(irlSclim-z.Asslalftnt'rrexsiiicr Acton. -n . l r i V"n ' ' Sf, "!,?ij,i9d such of the Republican journals as last A '' . 'lajSiiuinn worked against the election of Mr. line. tpVe can hanlly believe (his te le a true Rtement of the case. 1 1 w euld be highly ijf, .?jpBcreiiiiauie te me inuepeniicnt itcpuuu liJafflESims namcil If' It were correct. There is rfi-'-fiffce principle of ,4clvirserice reform," m A&iWthua far develeiel that imperatively calls r : " iii Mil reanneintment of Postmaster Pear- li t"l-eia j,,'"",,Mi"J' . tr 1..-1 im?ir 5L son when his tenffWWpSi."" - ;ii-ci- V Xil fC Si ....... ... -.-. r.i i r.,i"rvi i .4'' "nJ 1-r 4.f. 1..(e l'rnnlilnnf f nrfln' satJt. " iiJfJ l" """ ,V"J ". - lltlcal reasons, at a time when, as been shown, that f unctienary was engaged in yery low intrigue and double dealing regarding the New Yerk appointments. He has served his time and discharged the duties of his position without discredit or gpeclrWlistlnctien, nnd new at the end of hiM-Ruis3ien he standfreu a footing with hundreds bf ether citizens of Nw Yerk a:y nt Wlmm wrAlil innk'n Inst ns com! a nest- st.,rf - - . ..." . .? y"vj'Hsterandinanyertiiema belter, upon 3s. i .what principle is the president bound toie- i'a appoint him that would net have con strained him te keen Arthur's old cabinet ' 8 T6 let n man serve out a term is one tiling ; te'dlstlnguish him beyond all ethers by re- " appointing him is quite a different matter. - It has net yet been established as a prin ciple in this country, and we believe that it is net even seriously maintained by the professional reformers of the civil service, that a man who happens te be in ellicei te stay there. The president is just as free new te pick the fittest man for postmas ter of New Yerk, as if any ether man than Mr. Pearson held the office. He may reappoint him. We think he will net, Hut if he does, it will be becanse he is convinced that he is fitter than any l Democrat in New Yerk for tlie place. Jle ' has net demonstrated this. Experience In an office sometimes commends a man for i retention; sometimes it affords geed rcas- ens te put him out; sometimes it is no ar gument one way or another. We discredit the reported attitude of the Independents en this mJttcr. If it lie as stated, they are taking jhe very course te defeat their purpose. The president has shown that lie is net t.be bulldozed nor bullied by members of Ws own paity ; he will net likely stand " the peeple en tii fence. If thiv mne lVarsen's reap- g peintment i condition of their support V.l -k jtm.k uetter off without it. Ne president in id2ferfr.pleYeland'8 position can affeid te be ! T-SsSk gtlw-i coerced ; and he is the last man te lie '.f?tetiidatetl. A Reform Defeated. K'Wfii 'tjTbe Democrats in the New Yerk legis- . i.r .. , W Slature- h.e made an earnest effort te .. . j j:v --i. -j y. , iuangB me nine ei me iiiuiiicijiai uiectiens X ' -lk.NewYeikcily from fall te spilng,se "V Vj?;t&t their lesult will deiend ujien an k'bene8t expression of the popular will, and q ?iipen tlie deals and intrigues which -jf'grew out of the circumstance that the ' i .general and local elections occur en the "....MURedny. It Ls a notorious fact that most of the , .New Yerk iwliticians of all pai ties are mere interested In the fat pickings of city politics than In the -far larger issues of the federal contests. And yet the votes which they control determine the greater events and rule tlie country. It la an open secret new that the exiienditure e $70,000 in certain quarters of New Yeik . by the Republicans and the failure of that juaeuni te be forthcoming f i em the Dem- - eemis In 1SS0, was the great moral lever that' elected Garfield and defented Han- ' &$ P,eta aml counter-plet: vMi68eaeftheNew Yerk cit s and cress city tricksters ".fWi-IHauers are net untierstoetl by the rf ii'eiwtfymcii whose destinies they control, f" , itStfeey pught te be taken out of the fights ,,'Wch we are interested. It Is te the -- iditef the Democrats that they trial te t- -"--nr'nthis ilnnr It. was the llenullicnni nf " ni'j -. J m r - . ... ai New"Yerk Senate who have frustrated aVefnrm flint ivu,1f1 linVA lwvin lintlpil wllli V 6f, Jeyfrem AViimiiieg te Tauqia bay. ' : $' ' " ; ; , Slust 'Fill tfce Yecauey. The peer directors of whose number ip ,c. 1b absconded from the county, are ", med te be of the mind that they need ? mkJMI the vacancy ; and they justify their 1 Vt pnjpeeed failure te de se en the ground that Jhe county will thereby save the com- i piiiWitien that would have te be paid any . v; eiaciKted te the vacancy. l "MlBaay be true, but their iositlen Is nt"'iH accord with the law which they ; hwfe sworn te obey and are bound ,ful- flU.-. It? maudate is that when any ene of A Oielrsimber shall neglect te perform the i iNtea f his office the rf lealulug members J' r Ml his place lm an election. The 1euk4- Ja'entltled te tile judgment of six jne bi fjhHt beard $ and apw tliat it Is a mat- 0VMMM6 wNR Xt4MBMMMtwT MM.MOIWf M pi rtieuMle MM wltWut May. The Interesting ghost story, et which the iNTELLiaimcKnbeRHwpablicaUoiite-dny, had Itsnin In England many years nge,nnd it attraetetl the special attention or the late Mr. Charles JJlckcns niul ether literary and scientific gentle- rncn Interested In the observation and study et such phenomena. It has net been surpassed In Interest by nny later well au thenticated narrative of llke character, nor have the earlier writers of responsibility given us any mere remarkable ghost atery than this of Mr. Ileaphy. ' The account which we will print In suc cessive numbers Is that which was given by the gentleman In whose experience the incidents occurred , he was an artist of standing and n gentleman et unquestioned credibility, and his story was printed mainly in correction of distorted versions of the affair that had crept Inte the period icals. These who fellow it te the end will be ready te acknowledge that "there arc mere things In heaven nnd earth than aie dreamed of In our philosephy.1' Hunt the Rascals Denn. The nresiKJct of the recovery of Mr. Lin vllle, victim of the Salisbury outrage, docs net itunny way mitlimlG the offense of his assailants nor diminish the responsibility i i iii. i. i a ii.. resting upon ine auiiieriues ve num. mom down. It was due te no mercy en the part of these midnight marauders that his life may be spared ; and whliothemoro fortunate sequel of the tragedy, new reasonably hoped for, will abate public excitement, it does net weaken the obligation of the officers of the law. They must vindicate justice by hunting the rascals down. Se Hazen will only get a reprimand. turiunt mentet, etc. rar- OovKHNen McLanii'm nppolntment te be minister te France causes a semewhat curious complication regarding the oxccutlve bead oftltestato. Under the Maryland constitu tion in case of tlie dcatli or resignation of the governor, or liU removal from the state or ether disqualification, tlie legislature fills tlie vacancy, If in scislen. If that hotly Is net In session the president of the Honate disclinrgcs thodutlesoftho governor until nu olcclien by the legislature. Henry Lloyd, president of the Honate, by this law becomes acting gov ernor. Hut his term as senator expires Ne- rvjycinber 3, 18S5, wliile the legislature does net liaH T ... ..,,,11 Tnn,,n ! lOCil 'Plirt f1Iintt,nM arises vhethcr his gubernatorial jwwers de net cxplre with his senatorial term. Cer tainly he could net have become governor without being a senator, and the point is a orynlceono whether it is net nbsolntely necessary Ter tlie senatorial nnd gubernato rial pewers te be coexistent In him te make lilm alegal chief oxecutlve. Te cut tlie uor uer dian knot lie might summon the legislature in extra session before his senatorial career closes. This would be the simplest and best plan, besides it would gire lilm nn oppor tunity te be a candldate for re-election In his district, a position 'which Ite could nel con veniently take If he ronmlned governor, l'er supposing him defeated in his senatorIalam senaterIalam senatorIalam bltlen, while acting governor, would It be his senatorial or gubernatorial entity that had been rejected? Altogether there Is a very wlde field e'r conjecture opened In Ihls case by the imperfection of the Maryland law. Bismaiick Is a lwrdman te beat. Ills cuo cue mics rcfuse liiin a simple favor and new thn peeple nre piling up funds te give lilm n liandsome birthday present. Tin: curious anomaly Is presented in flreat Hritain or an Kugllsh liaren, Ferdinand de Rothschild, advising unemployed British workmen te oinlgntte te the British posses sions beyend the seas. Just nexess the I rish sea Patnell Is doing all In lilsipewcr lore strict emigration. It is an admission of weakness when the mother country feels called upon te tell her children that they must seek a new demicile for tlie reason (hat tliatthoyare crowded out of thelr old quar ters. The suggestion te go te British posses sions elsewhere will net strike very dcep, as there Is no assurance that the saine over crowded conditions may net again arise. It is llttle wonder that se many Kngllsliineu seek a refnge in this country from their over crowded natlve soil. ' Benn Republicans nre wondering wliere all this geed official material Is coining from; te these it may be said thatthe woedsuro full of the best of the saine kind of timber. AN interesting legal point has just been decided by the Kentucky supreme court with reference te the law's relations te con tracts m.ide by telephone. As the same state of affairs that brought about this suit is possi pessi possi Ule in every cily or village wliore Ike telo tele telo pheno is in general use, it may be oriuterest te reproduce its essential fiu-U. A eeutrnct was entered Inte by tclephoue by plaintiff' and defendant living in mljeiuiug towns. The plaintiff' had tlie oerater nt the olltce te sieak for him. The defendant, it wus alleged, made mi agreement for tlie breach of which he was sued. Tite defendant admitted holding tlie conver sation by telephone, but contredlctod the plaintiff as te what iiad been said. The operator was calied us a witnossile testifyas te what communications he hail sent and received, but wlille he remembered that the conversation had been held he had forgotten its particulars. Tlie trial court then per mitted the plaintiff' te preve by himself and two ether persons who were present at the tline what the operator said te defendant and what be reported as coming from defeudant Tiie court found for the plaintiff', holding tliatthe operator was in law nn Interpreter, whose communication might be proved by himself, or by persons present who heard tlie interpreter's remarks. A great deal of legal acumen will be bxercised before the status of the telopheno m contracts will be firmly fixed. t Murmena Differ Prem the Supreme Court. Tlie general sentiment nmenu intelligent Mormons regarding the decision of tlie United states supreme court in tlie election eases, in which tlie Utah commissioners are respondents, Is ene of disappointment While the test eatli prescribed by tlie commission la declared invalid, the Mormons say the court went out of its way te practically declare tlie Kdtnundaact valid, when the nolnt.wes net necessarily before it. The ruling iliat In habitants of Ilia territories are under tlie sov sev erlgn control of Congress is viewed with amazement and regret, and is generally con sidered as a position inore opposed te a Re publican form of government than any ever given since the nation was founded. The Mormons foci that iliey are being unjustly dealt with. Te Be Consecrated a Vicar Apostolic. Monsignor Glorieux, who, previous te the meeting of the plenary council, was ap pointed by the Tope vicar apostelio of Idaho, and who has been waiting In Baltimore ever Blnce for the reception or ills bulls has re ceived word that they aroenthe way. and he 'Will be consecrated in the cathedral there by Archbishop Gllubens en tlie second Sunday after Eer, A($i08k Cri 'ajti v v . s f I am a painter. Ohe inernhig Id May, ISM, ' I wm seated in iny.Mudle atmy usual occu pation, when a lady and'nentleman were aa nb'.inced Mr. and Mrs. Kirk beck. My new1 visitors were alrangers te nie. They had seen a portrait 1 had painted, and wished for likenesses or themselves nnu tneir children. The prlce I named did liet dcter them, and they asked te leek around the studio te select the style nnd slr.e they should prefer, The inspection proving satisfactory, they asked whelher I could paint tlie pictures nt their heuse in the country, nnd there being no difficulty en this point, an engagement wasinnde for the following autumn, fnibject te my writing te fix the tline when I might lie nole te loave town for the purpose. This being adjusted, the gentleman gave me his card nnd they left, Shortly nfterwards, en looking nt tlie card left by the strangers, I was semewhat disappointed te find that though it contained the names of Mr. and Mrs. KIrkbeck thore was no address, I tried te find it by looking at tlie court guide, but it contained no such name, se I put tlie card in my writing-desk nnd forget for n time the entire transaction. Autumn came, and with It a series of en gagements I had made in tlie north of Eng land. Towards the end of September, 1858, 1 was ene of a dinner party nt a country heuse at thn confines el Yorkshire and Lincoln shire The party was a numerous ene, and as the meal nppreaclied its termination and wasnoeui te buusiiie iiue ine ucsseru me conversation became general. I should here mention that mv lienrlnir Is dofectlve.at soine times mere se than at ethors. nnd en this par ticular evening I was extra deaf se much se that the conversation only rcachodme In tlie form of u continued din. At ene instant, howevor, I heard n word distinctly pro nounced, though It was uttered by n person at a cnnsidomble dlstance from me, and that word was KIrkbeck. In the business of tlie Londen season 1 had forgotten all nbnul the visitors of the spring who had left their card without the ad dress. Tlie word reaching ine under such circumstances arrested my attention and Immediately recalled the transaction te my remembrance. On the first opportunity that oliereti l asKcu n person wnem 1 was con versing wltli if u family of the naine in ques tion was resident In the nclghcorheod. 1 was told in reply that a Mr. Kirkbcck lived at A , at tlie further end ofthe county. The next morning I wrote te this person, saying that I believed he called at my studio In the spring, and had made arrangement Willi ine which I was prevented lullilllng by there being neaddresi en his card; furthermore, that 1 should shortly be hi his neighborhood en my return from tlie north, but should I be mistaken in addressing him, I begged lie would net trouble himself te reply te my note. I gave as my address the postefflce, Yerk. On applying thore three cfavs nnor nner wards I recoived nnote from from Mr. Kirk bcck staling that he wan very glad he had heard from me and that If 1 would call en my return he would arrange about tlie pic tures ; he also told ine te write a day bolore I proposed coming. Unit he might net otlicr etlicr otlicr wise engage himself. It Mas ultimately ar ranged that I should go te Ills heuse the succeeding Saturday, stay till Monday morn ing, transact aflerwnrds -what matters I had te attend te in Londen mid return in n fort night te execute the commissions. The day having arrived Ter my visit, di rectly after breakfast I took my piace In the miming train from Yeik te Londen. The train would slop at Dencaster, and alter that at Retford Junction, wliere I should have te pet out In order te take the line through A , Thn day wnloeld, wet, foggy and every way as disagrcabfe as I have ever knew n n day te be In nn Knglish October. The carriage in Mhich I was scaled had no ether occupant than myself, but at Doncaster a lady get in. My piace wns linci te the eugine anil next te the deer. Ah that is considered the ladies' scat, I offered it te her ; she, however, very graciously declined it nnd took the corner opposite, saying, In fa very agreable voice, that she liked te feel the breeze en her check. The next few minutes were occupied in loca ting herself. Thore was the cloak te be spread under her, the skirts of the dress te be arranged, the gloves te be tightened, niul such olher trilling arrangements of pluuiage as ladles nre went te jnake before nettling themselves comfortably at church or clsewhere, tiie lat and most Important being the placing hack ever her hat the veil that concealed lier features. I could then see that the lady was young, certainly net inore than two or three and twenty j but being moderately tall, rather robust In make and decided in expression, she might have been two or three years younger. I suppose that her complexion would be termed a medium one: her hair being of a bright brown erntiburn, wlille her eyes nnd mther decidedly marked oyebrows were nearly black. Tlie color of her check was that pale transparent hue that sets oil" tesuch ad imtage large, oxpresslve oyes and uu equable, firm expression of mouth. On the whole, the ensemble was rather liandsome than beauti ful, her expression having that agreeable deptli and harmony nlxiut it that rendered her face and features, though net strictly regular, Infinitely moieiitlrnctlvo than iflliey had been medelled upon the strictest rules of symmetry. It Is no small ndvautage en n wet day mid a dull, long Journey te have mi agreeable cominuien ; ene whecan cenverse nnd whose conversation has sufficient suhstance In it te make ene forget the length nnd the dreari ness of the jeurney. In this respect I had no deficiency te complain of, the lady being decidedly mill ngieeably conversational. When she had settled herself te her satisfac tion she asked te le allowed te leek at my Ilr.ulsli.iw, mid net being a proficient in that difficult work, she requested my aid in as certaining nt what time the train passed through Retford ngain en its way back from Londen te Yerk. The conversation turned afterwards en general topics, and somewhat te my surprise she led It into such particular subjects as I might be supposed te be mere especially familiar with j indeed. I could net avoid remarking that her entire inauner, while it was anything hut forward, was that of ene who had either known me personally or by report. Thcrewas in her manner a kind of ceilfidcntlal rollance when she listened te ine that is net usually accorded te a stranger, and sometimes she nctually scorned te refer te different circumstances with which I had been connected In limes past. After about three-quarters of nn hour's conversation the train arrived at Retford, where I was te change carriages. On my alighting and wishing her geed morning, she made a slight movement or the hand, ns if she meant ine te shnke it, nnd en my doing se she said, by way of ndleu : "I dare sav we Bhall meet again j" te which f re plied: ''I liope we shall all meet again," nnd se parted, she going en the line toward Londen and I through Lin colnshire te A - The remainder ofthe jeurney wns cold, wet nnd dreary. I missed the ogreCable conversation and tried te sup ply Its piace piace with a box I had brought with me from Yerk nnd the Time newspaper, which I iiad precurred nt Ret ford. Hut the! most dlsngrecable iourney comes te an end at last, and G:30 in the even ing found me at the termination or mine. A carriage was waiting for me at the station, whero Mr. KIrkbeck wns also expected by the same train, but as he did net appear ft was concluded he would ceme by tlie next halt an hour later; accordingly the carriage drove away 'Altli myself only. Tiie family bcinglrem home at the moment and the dinner hour being 7, 1 went atonce te my room te unpack and te dress. Having completed these operations I descended te the drawlng-roenu It probably wonted seme time te tlie dinner hour, us the lamps were lighted, but in their piace a large blaz ing flre threw a Heed of light into every corner of tlie room and inore especially ever a lady who, dressed in deep block, was standing by the clilmiioy-place warming n very liandsome feet en the edge of tlie fender. Her face being turned nway from the deer by which 1 Iiad entered 1 did net nt llrst see lier featurpf. On my ndvanelng Inte the mlddle or the room, hewever, the feet was Immediately withdrawn and she turned round te accost me, when, te my profound astonishment, I percived Unit it was nene ether than my companion in tlie railway carriage, She bctmyed no surprise at seeing me. On tlie contrary, with ene et these agreeable, Joyous expressions that marks the plainest women appear beautiful, she accost ed me with : " I safd we should meet again." Te be continued. Jee les, ths fiiglll.f Dead. Joe Gess, the famous pugilist, died in Bos Bes Bos eon lit ene o'clock Tuesday morning et Hright's disease. He passed away very eas ily, having been unconscious aince eight o'clock Monday morning. His wife, nlevv relatives, and his old bartender, Pan Cochran, wero present at the last, Gess wus born in England, and began fighting when thirteen years old. After many lights in his natlve land, lie uatne te this country in 1870 nnd fought Tem Alien, the latter being awarded the battle en a foul. His last light was with Paddy Ryan in ISSu, Ryan winning. (is ' lX- . "Th .BttAiWrmtttrW fund new ttMBte te PTBjMft. s - i ' 1. Db IrfiVKKORK, eretary te the banish laaMen at Berlin', turn been appointed in bl ister, from Denmark te the United States, OartkR U. Habhisen has been renomi renemi nated for mayor of Chicago by tlie Demo cratic city convention. IjKWiri Hri.VRNTKn. the iobacce dealer, of wis cuy,in.au open louerin me :roriirce ', anrues earnestly ler the repeal of nil the rev- .oniie taxes en tobacco. Ml.r.K. Nkvaua, at San Francisce en Mon day nlghLrecclved a purse of f2,000 in V geld fnoces. Buoscneeu uy nor em scnoei master ai he Mills seminary. GKonen W. Omt.ns, of Philadelphia, has sent Ills check for (100 ns n contribution te the fund being raised in Baltimore for tlie relief of needy Coufcderato sold lore. ' Katk SANnenK, who was te have been this woek the wlfe of the late Gorden W. Burnliam, the aged New Yerk millionaire, lias been bequeathed tne,000 under tlie terms or his will. TliKoneni: S. Haut, editor of the l'lttslen Gazelle, lias been erected representative in thoSeventh lcgislntlve district, ever Majer V. E. Whyte, Democratic nominee, by nlxwt 400 majority. . UAHLOTTArATTi Is suffering Irem a broken leg, which wns se badly set the first time that it una te no ronreiton in oruer te property join tlie bones. She is progressing favorably toward complete recovery. Jamkh RussRt.r. Lewiu.i,, tlie retiring United States minister, tuny be tempted te remain In Knglnnd by the eiler of a professor ship in Oxford Unlversily, which has nl ready conferred upon lilm tlie degree of D.C.U Amanda Ruhanic, of Oconee, (1:l, te whom David Dicksen willed t-100,000 nt his death a few days age, Is said te possess a beau tlful copper-colored skin and te be well edu cated, considering that she was born in slavery, She is 45 years of age. Rkv. J. li. Smith sued the Marietta &. Nertli Georgia railroad for services as preacher te the convict gang working en tlie read. The superior court has thrown the suit out or court en tlie gnmnd that the gospel Is free, and the preaching of it can form no ground for charges. BiiKwrrnu declines tlie dinner tendered hint by the 1'hlladelphla bar, saying : " I feel as lrit would better become me, wlille I thus acknewledge your goodness, le show inj' moderation und self-respect nud niyscnsoel regret ler ine suiicriug ei many w no nre new depressed by these calamitous days-" KNICIMA. Upen n spacious uicudeu- v tut AruBlicupIn thousands, wlille nssnmt, A we lielield tlicm there te-day Our fathers saw them Ions age. They ne'er grew old ; ficah life they draw Frem streams tluit'ncvcr.crase te Hew. A lovely shepherded Is thidrs. Who boa for crpek a silver hew. She leads them out te pastures fair Through KOlden Bates. She counts each ene j Ne ltimli of her w us ever lest, Hew oft nec'cr the way they've gene. A ram she has te go before, A bear for deg te yimrd them u ell. New can you guess the shepherdess, And whnt the sheep urn, can you tell ? , HVF.CIAL XUTlCri. Doiiietlratliig tlie Oslrkli. Twenty-four ostriches were recently shipped from Cane Tew n. Africa, te San Illenn. Cnl. 'Hie ostrich Is n tough creatmn and can take Inte its stemachal) Hortsef Indlgestlhle things. An jet nobody ever heard of nn ostrich liavlng dyspep sia. A huuiaii being who trifles with his stom ach Is sure te have dyspepsia, and te need llrewn'ii Iren Ultters tONCt him right. Mr. Ve ncn, of 81. JeKeph, Jl e Is one of the mail) who writes thus : "llrewu's Iren Hitters cured mi- of dyspepsia, gav me n hearty nppctltu nud In creased my weight." r.n uva tiex u "T OOK AT Til ISt ami tiii;n km iiuauk i r. Boek-koeplnff, Commercial Law, Commercial ArlUimetlc, Business Correspondence, Practical Penrannshlp, Practical Qraminar, Drawing BusinosaTlecumonto, All forSU3fer.1 months, or VSO for C months, nt Lancaster Commercial College. AddrejH, H. O. WEIDLEB, Ne. VsX KAST KINO BIKKKT. l-uic.OHler, I'n Janl'J tfd WATCUf.S,JtV. yirATC'lIKS, CLOCKS AND JKWKI.RY. GREAT REDUCTION IN TRICKS OK VVATOHKS, CLOCKS ANI JKWKI.llV.Ht LOUIS WEBER'S, Ne. 159 1-2 North Queen Street, Opposite City Hetel, nenrl'a. It. R. Depot. Uetalllni; at Wholesale Prices. Repairing nt Ultra Lew Prices. Jy.tl-1) d WHEN ASKING TOR 110RAX SOAP, bCNiirote mentliin ihn naiim lIII.I.IMt, as thent many se-called ISOIIAX SOA PS that are net worth wrapping up and earr) lng home. niaiT-Cnid ONE CAKE OF PURE SOAP IS WORTH two and sometimes three cakes of adulter ated Seap, mid by buying MII.I.KIt'S l'UUK HOItAX&OAl' you get iiieru for jour money tlian by Mnlng any ether kind. mar74ind 61A rWriTi WORWI OKMITiTJNEUY fJJAJfJJJ Goods te be sold nt n very heavy reduction, en aceint of rumnrid te our new store, U) North Oueen street, (Strauns's Old Stand.) NKVV YOllIC AND l'AUIS Ml I.I.INKUV CO., Jans-lfd 'H West King SL, l.uucaslcr, l'e. TONT EAIli TO TRY THE CIGARS, the tjest In the town for the XJ Twe for 5e, money, nt 11 CICIAUSTOUK. HAKTMAN'S YKM.O1Y iUOT STORAGE nD COMMISSION WAREHOUSE, DANIKl. MAYKU, &&ei I yd lfi tVest Chestnut street. T RIS PAPER IS PRINTED WITH J. K. WRIGHT-& CO.'S INK, Foirneunt Ink Works, 2Glh ted lWa. Avenue lane-lrd " I'HII.ADKI.l'lllA, i'A s AINT-RAPIIAEIi WINE INFORMATION. The Salnt-UaphaelVVIuu has a delicious flaveur and Is drunk in tbn principal cities of lttusla, Ucrreany, North and Seuth America, (ircnt lliltatn, India, and se en. The (uantlty exported annually is sutllclent proof of Its stability and staylns pewers, while for the real eonnefeur there Is no wine that can be considered Its superior. 3-Tbe8alnt-UnphaelWim)Cempnny, Valence, Department of the Drome (l'nince,)( H. E. SLAYMAKER, - Ne. 29 KAST KINC STUKKT. ns-tfd T 10 TOBACCO RUYEHS AND PACKERS. Contract Beeks, Receipt Beeks, Sample Tags, A LI. B,TYLE8 and QUALITY or CAUDHOAUD STRING TAGS, And all kinds of VniNTINO used by Lcif Te Jacce Dealers, executed In the ,' BEST STYLE and at the LOWEST PRICES. Call and see our samples, promptly attended te. Orders by mall STEIflMAfl & HENSEL, IXTELUQEljCKU Building, Htf-Ud Lancaster, l'a. ,: r. .rROWjWMsm BROWN'S Tots medicine, combining Iren with pare retre table tonics, quickly anef completely CURES IlYSPKl'SIA, INDlUKSSIONT MALARIA. WKAivMABa, imi'ukk UlAjuu, utfibi-i ana rEVKItnnaNKUKALQlA. ' I)y rapid and thorough -sslmll-tlen with the bleed It reaches every nart of thn system, nurt lies and enriches the bleed, strengthens the muscles and nerve, nnd tonea and Invigorates the system: A nne Appetixer nest tonle known. It will euro the worst case of Uyinensta. re- mevtnBaJIdlstrcsslnir vmntems. nrh a. ful lng the reed, Ilelchflig, Heat In the Bteimuh, Heartburn, etc. The only Iren medlclne that will net blacken or Injure the teeth. It fa Invaluable for diseases peculiar te women, and te nit persons who lead sedentary lives. An unfailing remedy for diseases of the Liver and Kidneys. I'ersens suffering from the effect of orerwork, nervous troubles, less or appetite, or debility, experience quick relief and ronewed energy by Its use. It docs net canse Headache or produce Constt-patlen-OTHKK Iren medicines de. It Is the nnlv nrnnariLtlnn of Iren that causes nuiiijunuus onecis, ...i . ' .r ii;r ...--.. - -z -. .- l'hyslcUns and druggists Mfl Tnrlt. recommend It aa the best. The gcnulne has Trade Mark and crossed red lines en Wrapper. Take no ether. Made only by UIIUVV4S UUAD1UAII W., lULTliieia, Md. sopte lydftlyw KACtttHKRT. F OR SALIC, Fer Sale Cheap. O.VK 25-Herse PewerEngine, Ith Svw Heller nnd Steam l'linip, oil com plete, Price, 8760. One 10-Hersc Power Engine And Heller, complete. I'ltltiE, 70. TWO Ten-Herse Power Engines, without Hellers, S75encli. One 16-Herse Power Encirie and Beiler, nearly new, Canten Monitor make. TRICK, S,-,0. ALL GUARANTEED. Twe Cjlindtr Boilers, l'KICE, SO feet lone, 30 Inches tn diameter, In geed order. 110 EACH. ALSO, THE Poerlooa Portable and Traction En En fflnefl and Qoiser's Soparatera. ALSO, IK HOUSE POWEK Engines and Boilers New. I'JtlCE, me. Cull and pen them', eraddrcus Ezra F. Landis, Ne. 537 NOltTH CIIEKIIY STItEET, inhlflmcedftw, Ijnicanter, l'a. I71NOINE AND HOILER WORKS. BEST ' Steam Engine AND- BOILER WOBKS. AS WE HANDLE OUR OWN GOODS, HAVE NO AGENTS, CAN INSUItE OUH PATltONS LOW 1'ltICES AND liOOD WOUK. BOILERS. Vertical und Horlzental.Tulmlar, Flue, Cylinder, Marine, Deuble-Deck nnd 1'eitublu. KUKNACEWOUK, HLAST-l'll'ES, STACKS, Ac., Ac. TANKS for Water, Acids und Oil. HOISTING. ENGINES. ENGINES. Vertical and Horizontal. Stationary, from two te sixty horse-power, l'ortable Engines, en Wheels and Sills ; Six Sizes 1,11, 8, 10, 15 and 'JO horse power. SAW MILLS. Peny Hills nnd .Large Mills. Hark Mills and cod anus. Leather Itellers, Tan Packers, Tilpple lieailng for horse peu cr. PUMPS. licit and Genr Pumps ; milling Pumps ; Com bined l'nuips and Ileuters. Centrifugal I'uinp, Steam l'n in p. Gearing, Pulleys, Fly Wheels, Clamp llexes, Hangers. Couplings, Cellars. Steel Steps and Tees, Pulley Plates, Packing llexes, Mill Spindles, Mill IlushlDgs, Ac, Ac, Ae. PIPES. Wrought Iren, ferGis, Steam and Water. Cast Iren Pipes. Heller Tubes, W'cll Casting. FITTINGS. Fer Water and Steam, Valves, Cocks, Steam Gauges, Gauge Cocks, Glass Water Gauges, Safety Yahes, Whistles, Globe Valves, Goerners, Patent Self-Feeding Lu lu lenters, Glass Oil Cups, Glass Tubes, In lectors or Heller Feeders. PACKING Hemp, Asbestos, Gum and Plum bago. 1IELT1NG Gum, Cotten and Leather. CASTINGS Heavy nnd Light Iren nnd brass. Heller It en, Sheet lien, liar Iren, and Steel. ' HEATERS Fer Dwellings, Schools nnd Public llnlldlngs. STEAM HEATING. Estimates, Drawings and Pattern Werlc fur. nlshed nt ltcnsonable Kates. S- llepatrlng tended te. Add: promptly and carefully nt- res, Jehn Best & Sen, NO. 333 EAST HILTON STREET, LANCASTEIt, PA. JanlJ-lydAw HAVING DISSOLVED PARTNERSHIP and permanently closed the Chestnut Street Iren Works, 1 desire te Inform my old patrons and the publics generally, that I am still In the business, uelng located In the l'enn Iren Company's Works, North l'luni stroet, where I am making Iren and brass Castings of every de scription, und will be pleased te sorve all who may fuver me with their patronage. Frem 40 yearn experience In the business and using the best material and employing the best mechanics, I am satisfied I can guarantee entire satisfaction. Castings made from a mixture of Iren and steel which are mere rellable for strength and dura bility than the beat cast Iren known. V teeth roll pinions, rolls and rolling mill work a spec ialty. Castings made of very sort Iren, and brass castings or every description. 1 have all the pat terns of the well and favorably known Mowrer Cern and Cob Crusher, refitted and Improved, also en hand. Mills completely fitted up or In parts, te replace old ones which have been In use fur years, guaranteeing them te give satisfaction. It. 0. MeCULLKY. auc-H-emd A FTER ALL OTHERS FAIL, CONSULT DR. LOBB, NO. SI9 North Fifteenth street, below Callewhlll h rirteer street. Phlludplnhia. - -.. .T . - . . .- - :. .. .. ... - : uures an secret uiseases , IRON BUTTERS or uetn sexes. 'I'tveniy ears experience, ton ten ton sulfatien by mall. NERVOUS ANDSI'ECIAL DISEASES. New boele Just out. 'Send for it, l'riee:iec Hours 11 till 2, and 7 te 10 p. m lebgg-IydAw AEOflUHV.' F01 GLOVES, Te keep the hands warm MITTENS, Te keep the hands warm, SOCKS, Te keep the feet warm. KAB MUFFS, Te keep the cars warm. MUFFLERS, Te keep the neck warm. UNDERWEAR, Te keep the body warm; Ge te ERISMAN'S, Ne. 17 WKST KINO STIIEKT. AROAINS. NO HUE I NO WATKIt! HUT 8LIOHTLY SMOKED I THE HALE Of DAMAGED CLOTHING ! Stilt continues. An enormous let of Clothing has been sold, yet thore remains many CHOICE BARGAINS. Before April 1st' Everything Must Be Disposed Of, A no Damaged iloeds will be retained after that date. Don't be Skeptical I Don't be Prejudiced I Don't have In your head the Idea that this Is only a sham safe that It ts only a "se-called" reduction. We have madn a reduction, nnd n big ene, tee, and everybody who needs Clothing can prent by It, MYERS & RATHFON, LEADING LANUABTElt CLOTHIEUU, NO. 12 BAST KINO STBEET, LANCAfiTEIt. PA. w IliTilAMSON & FOSTER. NEW CLOTHING. Children's Suits and Kilts, Our stock of Children's Kilts and Pleated Tunle Bulls excel anything of tlie kind In Lan caster, nnd Parents will And It comprises thn very new est styles and material at Prices that sound their own praises. The nt und workman, ship wc are satisfied Is correct In every particu lar. Beys' Bine Flannel Shirt Waists, Sen cd and button Fronts, full Nav v Cellars, 75c. te tiiiu. Calicos and Percales, 'ic. te 75c. : CAULK bRWED KID GLOVES, in New Colorings for Spring, fl.Ml per Pair. GENT'S FANCY HOSK, New Patterns !', STc, .Vic, nnd T5c. & . 1 i MIDDLE WEIGHT UNDEKWEAK, I IiiWhlte.Gray or Fancy Colera,snc. 1 Silk Einislied Suspenders, TWENTY-FIVE CKNT& A very rlne Ehwtle Web Suspender, with hilk End-inud Attachments for Drawers, .Vic. T The GENUINE GUIOT SUSPKNDEItS.SOe, GOLD FltONT INITIAL PINS. $ - A Very Handsnme and Clean Cut Letter, 25c. The W. & P. Flexible Hat Is positively a self-conforming Hat. It wlllad Just Itself te the head Immediately It Is put en will net lese Its shape with wear, and Is net liable te break should It accidentally full nu tli-i Hat Hack. It Is very light in Height and a ery romfertaliln Hat. Styltsh Spring Shapes in Jllacknnd lirewn stltr Hati., ti.;s. - HOYS' DilESS STIFF HATS. 50c. te 75C ELEGANT NEW STYLES CHILDUEN'S TIIIUIANS, Light and Dark Celers, 60 and 7.V. HOVS' l'OLOS, All Celeis, 20c. te 10c. Over One Thousand Pairs of thn Latest Spring Style Shoes OF ALL KINDS. Fer Ladles, Mlsxes, Gents, Heys and Children have J 11st been added te our present large stock. Amnngs the frcMi nt rivals la a Gent's Dress Shee, $2.00. Geed and durable In Lncc, llutten or Cengicsf, full Londen Tee, I'lalnerCuppcd. Sole heveled edge. It Is the best fiefl Shoe ever offered te the public. 32, 34, 30 & 38 West King St., iAnOASTEU. I'A. VOAL. B B. MA11TIN, " WHOLtSALB AKD RKT4 IL Dealer ia All Kinds of Lumber and Ceal -Yard: Ne. 420 North Water and Prince streets, abeve Lemen, Lancaster, n3-lvd B AUMQABDNRUS A .1 EFKK1UKH, GOAL DEALERS. Orncis : Ne. 129 North Queen street, and Ne. B6t North l'rlnce street. Yards: North l'rlnce street, near Heading D0pOt LANCASTEIt, I'A. aiiKlS-tfd lOAIi. M. V. B. COHO, 330 NOUT11 WATEH STUEET, Lancaster, Pa., WH0LK8ALB AMP RKTAIL DKALKR IN LUMBER AND COAL. COKKBOTION WITH TUB TXLKrnOlllO EXClIADOB. Yabdamd OrlCBt Ne. 330 NOltTH WATEll BTKEET. feb28-lvd a J. HWAUU k CO., COL. OrrtOBt Ne. 20 Centra Square. Yabds: East Walnut und Marshall streets. (Stewart's Old Yard.) lieth Yard and tHUce connected with the Tele Tele Telo peono Exchange M-K1NDL1NU WOQDASl'EClAI.TY.-e ectlSmdM4FU SAFE, SURE AND SPEEDY CURE. rtDTTUM. Vamcecblb and SrxciAi. Duiasbs of either sex. ncrsex. ttnywi uuiiiuukcu vy quacKS, you can find In Dr. Wrlshtthe only IEbq- when you can Dtm PnvaieiAir in l'hlladelnhia who niakes a. specialty of the above diseases and cents them T Cubbs auABAkTBKP. Advicb viuu, day ana even. lag. Strangers can be treated and return home the same day, OClces private. ' II1L W. IL WH1G1IT. Ne. 211 North Ninth street, abeve Uace. ' Philadelphia. A , U. 1K1A Old. 1- na9-lydw V V Williamson & Fester, cLOTHtrra. rp ILORING. W. B. NELSON LiT e 1), It. WllrriRS, North Qijks SrMlrr. Lancaster, 1'a., Importing Tailor. NEW YOUK PAHLOUS t ESHLEMAN'S LAW BLOCK, North Duke Streot, Lnnoa3ter, Pa. ALL THE LATEST STYLES im foastek ard dev k8ti0 cloths feh 8 cits amd Tiieusirs. A PEItrECT FIT UUAUANTnED. I hnvejust opened at the abeve pnrlera with n flne line of Foreign nnd Domcstle Uoeds for the WlnterandSprlnKef 1SM1, nhcre I wilt be pleased te have my friends nnd the public call und see my stock, W. B. NELSON. B UROER A SUTTON. Bnrger & Sutten ) MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, NO. 24 CENTRE SQUARE. We Are Making te Order. Fancy Al Weel COUKSOltEW Suits, 13.00. Fancy All-Weel PLAID Suits, tfJO.OO. Fancy Silk-Mixed Pantaleon, Sstjles, flJIQ, Geed 11UBINESS Suits, 112.00. These nre noeld-stlo Goods, they nre all new nud desirable. Call and see our stock nnd be convinced that we are offering llargnlns. Our Ready-MMe Suits, AUE SELLING VKIEVFASTAT 1'ltICES FltOSt $7 te $15 Per SUIT. Call early and have the benefit of selecting from n full assortment or sires. We lmn Just rcrcl ved a large let of the celebrated DAYTON SHIRTS. Theystandnt the head, they arn the best fit ting, best wearing und easiest te de up. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, IN OltEAT VAItlETY, BURGER & SUTTON, MERCHANT TAILORS AND CLOTHIERS, Ne. 24 Centre Square, LANCASTER. I'A. s PECIAL NOTICE. REMOVAL. H. GERHARJ, MEECHANT TAILOR, HAS ItEMOVED FKOJI NO. 6 EAST KING STREET, TO HIS NEW PLACE OF BUSINESS, Ne. 43 North Queen St. (OPPOSITE THE I'OSTOFFICE.) eN ACCOUNT OK RUIhDIXG, -Ti IE- Entrance te Our Stere WILL BE On Centre Square for the Next Twe Weeks. OUR BUSINESS Will Net Be Interfered However. With, THE BEST -AND- Cheapest Clothing in the City ALWAYS AT HIR8H & BRO, Cern or North Queen Streot and Con Cen Con tre Square J. K. SMALING. GREAT SLAUGHTER -IN- EHE 0 VERCOATS. We etfer te-day a i eductien of 21 te SO per cent, below last mouth's prices. Croinhle's celebrated and popular Overceatings, THE 11 EST IN THE WOULD. In all the different shades and styles. Ely slans, Furs, Velours, Vicunas, l-alhipcls. Uu tfnas, Mentunak's, Astrachnus, etc. K ,t II. Ed Ed rcdens, Czarlnps, Duffel's and Patent Heavers, Iteyal Irish Frieze, Onrryewen, l'cterehams, Meltons and Kerseys. These goods can only he had at leading houses In large cities, and runge In prlce from $' tn tiw. u are selling them from tie te 150. A full line or Doiiiestto rubrics, ranging In prices from f 15 te $JO. SUITINGS OFEVHUYDESOItlPTION AT PUICE3 COll HESPOND1NU1.Y LOW, All colors are subjected te a tlioteugh chemi cal test. Our work Is of the best nnd highest style of art. Our long uxpeiience In business and close Inspection enables us tn bn thoroughly familiar lllar with all the best manufactures and latest styles In thematket. tllve us a trial and be convinced, -AT- Ne. ayWest Kins Street and Oontre Square Smaling's Tailor's Guild. marlMyfAS THE IIE8T thn City, at UAUTMAN'M Ce HAVANA OIOAIl IN YELLOW FUONT CIOAH bTOUE. -tt -i 4-